REPORT ON CLEANING for Acrylic based Sound Absorbing and Diffusing Panel Products 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAMES: (AS LABELED) MANUFACTURER’s OR DISTRIBUTOR’s NAME: Clearsorber® Deamp Diviewsor™ Formedffusor™ Harmonix™ K Modviewsor™ Omniviewsor® RPG DIFFUSOR SYSTEMS, INC. ADDRESS: 651C COMMERCE DR. UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774 PHONE NUMBER: (301)-249-0044 2. SUMMARY Field and laboratory tests of the cleaning of acrylic based sound absorbers and diffusers were performed. The panels can be cleaned by wiping with a damp, micro-fiber cloth. Clear acrylic panels gave excellent cleaning results in all cases, while frosted acrylic panels were discolored after soiling with Arizona test dust. Dust accumulation in the micro-slits of the Clearsorber® Deamp was visible, but slit width was not noticeably reduced. 200 cycles of cleaning did not give any recognizable wear, though some slight change in gloss was measured. Microorganisms were not detectable on the surface after 4 months exposure in a public bath on the Clearsorber® Deamp panels. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Abrasion Testing Materials were cut to size 18” x 7”, and cleaning with dry or moist microfibre cloths were performed in a washability apparatus (Erichsen Waschbarkeits- und Scheuerprüfgerät). 200 cycles of cleaning were performed on each material, with microfibre cloths attached to a 2088g weights. Gloss was measured on 20 areas of each panel before and after the cleaning test with a micro-TRI-gloss reflectometer (BYK Gardner GmBH, Geretsried, Germany). Electrostatic charge was measured before and RPG DIFFUSOR SYSTEMS, INC. 651-C Commerce Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Phone 301-249-0044 Fax 301-390-3602 after each test with ACL Model 200 Electrostatic Locator (ACL International Inc, Elk Grove, Illinois). B. Cleanability Testing Dust coverage percentage was measured according to INSTA 800 before and after cleaning by use of BM Dustdetector (BM Environmental Engineering). Three different procedures for cleaning were employed: Wiping with dry micro-fiber cloth. Polyester/polyamide micro-fiber cloths were washed at 60ºC in a domestic type washing machine, and dried in a tumbledryer. Wiping with micro-fiber cloths as described in procedure 1, but used after spin drying (1100 rpm). Spraying with a 0,5 % solution of commercial detergent (Nilfisk Grovrent Extra, Nilfisk, Advance, Oslo) with 5-10 % nonionic tensides as main active ingredient, pH 10,9 in the diluted solution), and then wiping with damp cloths as described in procedure 2. Between cleaning, the panels were exposed in three different ways: Horizontally, examined face upwards, for 4-6 weeks in an office or a photocopying / printing room in Forskningsveien 3 B, Oslo. Three panels of each material were used. 12 sets of handprints were artificially imposed on the surface, and incubated for 7 days before cleaning. Four panels of each material were used, Arizona test dust (ISO 12103-1) was spread over the surface to a coverage of 10-20 % with the aid of a Swiffer disposable cloth, following internal standard procedure of National Institute of Technology (Lekanger, pers. corr. 2008) (fig 10-11). Three of the panels previously used for handprints were used. C. Field Testing Aluminum frames were adapted to acrylic panels, and attached to window sills in Risenga public bath with clamps. After 4 months exposure, surfaces were sampled for microorganisms by pressing TTC Agar Dip slides (Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, UK) against the surface. Microbial contamination in the slits was examined with a similar procedure after cutting out 50 mm long pieces of the ribs between slits. After cleaning with damp, clean micro-fiber cloths, another set of samples were taken. Slides were incubated for 5 days at 25 ºC before visual evaluation of growth. RPG DIFFUSOR SYSTEMS, INC. 651-C Commerce Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Phone 301-249-0044 Fax 301-390-3602 4. RESULTS A. Abrasion Test Results are given in tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. Gloss is reported as average and standard deviation (s.d.) of 20 measurements. Only very slight changes in gloss and visual appearance were measured. Acrylic panels were electrostatically charged when the protecting layer was removed before the test, and this charge increased during cleaning with dry cloth, while the panels in most cases was discharged during cleaning with damp cloth. Table 4.1.1. Results from wiping with dry micro-fiber cloth. Panel Materia Static Static Gloss, Gloss, Gloss change l (In charge, charge, before after before after = loss)th i F1-1 Frosted 150 1000 18,7 20,3 1,6 plastic F1-2 Frosted 150 2000 20,1 26,3 6,2 plastic K1-1 Clear 500 2000 107,5 107,2 (0,3) plastic K1-2 Clear 500 2000 105,1 107,0 1,9 plastic Table 4.1.2. Results from wiping with damp micro-fiber cloth. Panel Materia Static Static Gloss Gloss Gloss charge charge , , after change (In l parenthesis = loss) Frosted before after 300 50 plastic 21,2 (7,2) F2-1 28,4 Frosted plastic F2-2 0 19,9 16,4 (3,5) -50 Clear plastic K2-1 500 1000 101,7 104 2,3 Clear plastic K2-2 750 500 105,25 107,5 2,2 s.d. Visual appearan 2,0 3,0 1,4 1,4 Unchange d Unchange d Unchange d Unchange d s.d. Visual appearanc 2,7 very slight 2,2 very slight 0,8 unchanged 1 unchanged B. Cleanability Test I. Office dust Visually satisfactory results were achieved with both dry and damp cloths on all three tested materials. Dry wiping resulted in some static charge in the winter period when relative air humidity is very low. Dust removal as measured with BM Dust Detector was satisfactory, and summarized in table 4.2.1 RPG DIFFUSOR SYSTEMS, INC. 651-C Commerce Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Phone 301-249-0044 Fax 301-390-3602 Table 4.2.1. Results from panels in offices. Average of 3 paralles and 3 repeats. Material Cleaning Average Average Visual appearance after cleaning method % dust % dust (before) (after) Clear acrylic Dry 1,2 0,2 Clean, no visible wear Clear acrylic Damp 1,0 0,3 Clean, no visible wear Frosted Acrylic Dry 1,1 0,5 Clean, no visible wear Frosted Acryli Damp 1,8 0,1 Clean, no visible wear II. Fingerprints Visually excellent results were achieved with both cleaning methods on clear acrylic panels (fig 7). Results were visually satisfactory for frosted panels; however, some residues were visible when viewing from some angles. Observations are given in table 4.2.2. Table 4.2.2. Results from laboratory testing with hand prints. Average of 4 paralles before and after 3 repeats. Material Cleaning Visual appearance after cleaning method Clear acrylic Dry Clean, no visible wear Clear acrylic Damp Clean, no visible wear Frosted Acrylic Dry Some residues visible Frosted Acrylic Damp Some residues visible III. Arizona Test Visually excellent results were achieved with both cleaning methods on clear acrylic panels. Some disfigurement was clearly visible after cleaning with both cleaning procedures on frosted acrylic panels, even if no dust could be detected with BM Dust detector. Table 4.2.2. Results from laboratory testing with Arizona dust- . Average of 4 parallels before and after 3 repeats. Material Cleaning Average Average Visual appearance after cleaning method % dust % dust (before) (after) Clear acrylic Damp Surface clean, no visible wear. Visible 15,2 0,1 Clear acrylic Rinse Clean, no visible wear. & Marked coloration of 0,6 12,8 i lit Frosted Acrylic Damp Heavy discoloration of surfaces. 18,7 3,1 Frosted Acrylic Rinse & Heavy discoloration of surfaces. wipe 21,5 1,5 Visual inspection of the gel-tape (Dustlifters) showed that some residual dust could be collected from the slits, but not from the disfigured surfaces . RPG DIFFUSOR SYSTEMS, INC. 651-C Commerce Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Phone 301-249-0044 Fax 301-390-3602 Examination of the micro-slits in Clearsorber® Deamp clearly showed deposition of dust. For acrylic panels cleaned without detergent, particles were deposited near the top surface, while panels cleaned with detergent showed more even distribution of particles. When micro-slits were examined microscopically, it was not possible to measure any decrease in slit width by this dust deposition. IV. Field Test All microbiological test were negative (< 1 cfu /cm²) after 4 months of exposure in the public bath, both before and after cleaning. The atmosphere was sufficiently moist and corrosive to give heavy surface corrosion of the items such as metal clamps, but no disfigurement was visible in test or reference panels. A few particles were visible on the surface and in the slits after 4 months. 5. DISCUSSION It has previously been shown (e.g. Nilsen & al. 2002) that hard surfaces can be cleaned efficiently with micro-fiber cloths. This study shows that similar results were achieved with the acrylic panels. In normal environments, the panels can be cleaned with satisfactory results without detergents. For hydrophobic soling such as prints from greasy fingers or traffic dust, commercial detergents will aid the cleaning of the frosted acrylic panels, but heavy soiling with Arizona dust left these materials visually unsatisfactory. The clear acrylic panels could be cleaned with excellent results with a moist microfibre cloth after all the tested contaminants. 6. REFERENCES INSTA 800: Cleaning quality - System for the establishment and assessment of cleaning quality. 2. ed. Standard Norway. 2006. ISO 12103-1:1997 Road vehicles -- Test dust for filter evaluation -- Part 1: Arizona test dust; International Organization for Standardization, 1997. Lekanger, R. 2008: National Institute of Technology, Oslo (personal communication). Nilsen, S.K., I. Dahl, O. Jørgensen & T. Schneider, 2002. Micro-fiber and ultra-micro-fiber cloths, their physical characteristics, cleaning effect, abrasion on surfaces, friction, and wear resistance. Building and Environment, 37: 1373-137. RPG DIFFUSOR SYSTEMS, INC. 651-C Commerce Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Phone 301-249-0044 Fax 301-390-3602