DR. CH V V S BHASKARA REDDY Personal Information: : Dr. Ch V V S Bhaskara Reddy. Name Address for Correspondence : Dr. Ch V V S Bhaskara Reddy, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, A U College of Engineering, VISAKHAPATNAM – 530003. Andhra Pradesh, India. email: bhaskara.ee@auvsp.edu.in Academic Qualifications: Qualification Specialisation SSC State syllabus Diploma Electrical & Electronics Engg. Electrical & Electronics Engg. B.E. M. Tech. Ph.D. Power Systems Engineering Electrical Engineering College/University Govt. Model High School for Boys, Rajahmundry. Govt. Polytechnic, Visakhapatnam Andhra University, Visakhapatnam REC, Warangal (Now. NIT Warangal) Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Class Year of Passing First Class Mar.1989 First Class Dec. 1993 First Class with Distinction Mar. 1997 First Class Jun. 2000 -- Nov. 2014 Professional Experience: 1. Worked as Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, S R K R Engineering College, Bhimavaram-534204, from 20-10-1997 to 10-10-2000. 2. Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada-533003, from 10-10-2000 to 09-10-2005. 3. Worked as Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada-533003, from 10-10-2005 to 30-10-2006. 4. Working as Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, A U College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam-530003, from 31st October, 2006 onwards. Administrative Experience: 1. Worked as Officer In-charge of Campus Electrical Maintenance at J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada-533003, from 01-08-2001 to 08-03-2004. 2. Worked as Officer In-charge of Examinations, Nodal Centre, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada-533003, from 08-03-2004 to 13-10-2005. 3. Worked as Deputy Warden Hostels, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada-533003, from 13-10-2005 to 30-10-2006. 4. Worked as Co-ordinator, Electrical Engineering, School of Distance Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, during 5. Worked as Chief Superintendent, IV/IV and IV/V B.E./B.Tech. II Semester Examinations, A U College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam-530003, Mar.-2010. 6. Worked as Chief Teacher Associate, IV/IV and IV/V B.E./B.Tech. II Semester Examinations, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, Apr./May-2010. 7. Worked as Chief Superintendent, B.E./B.Tech. Instant Examination, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-53003, Jun.-2010. 8. Worked as Chief Teacher Associate, B.E./B.Tech. Instant Examinations, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, Jun-2010. 9. Worked as Chief Superintendent, B.E./B.Tech./B.Tech+M.Tech. II Year I Semester Examinations, A U College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam-530003, Dec.-2014. 10. Chief Teacher Associate, B.E./B.Tech./B.Tech+M.Tech. II Year I Semester Examinations, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530003, Jan.-2014. Other Experiences: 1. Worked as ‘Sergeant’, ‘Junior Under Officer’, and ‘Senior Under Officer’ during NCC ‘A’ (May1988), ‘B’ (April-1991), and ‘C’ (June-1992) certificates respectively. 2. Worked with ABB, Vadodara, from 12-05-1999 to 06-07-1999 for 8-week industrial training. 3. Worked with ABB, Vadodara, from 23-08-1999 to 10-01-2000 for M.Tech. thesis work. 4. Worked as Joint Secretary, Teachers Association, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada533003, from Jan., 2001 to Dec., 2002. 5. Worked as Secretary, Teachers Association, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada-533003, from Jan., 2003 to Oct., 2006. 6. Member, Confidential team, EAMCET-2006 and 2010. 7. Participated and volunteered 95th Indian Science Congress, held at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, during January 3-7, 2008. Workshops Organized: 1. Co-ordinator, 2-day national workshop on “Real Time Power Systems”, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada, 2006. 2. Co-ordinator, 2-day workshop on “Synchrophasor Applications to Power Systems (SAPS2014”, Electrical Engineering Department, A U College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam, during 30th June – 1st July 2014. Workshops Attended: 1. “Advanced Digital Controllers for Power Electronic Systems”, A U College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, January 27-28, 2007. 2. “Power System Optimization Techniques in the Presence of FACTS Devices”, A U College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, February 8-10, 2007. 3. “Advanced Theory of Control Systems”, A U College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, March 9-11, 2007. 4. “Power Quality”, University College of Engineering (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad, September 28-29, 2007. 5. “Wide Area Monitoring and Control of Power Systems using Synchrophasor Technology”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, April 13-14, 2012. 6. “R & D Conclave”, Organized by CPRI and CEA, Mavalankar Auditorium, New Delhi, October 19-20, 2012. 7. “Grid disturbances including protection and control measures”, CBIP, New Delhi, February 19-20, 2013. Short Term Training Programmes (STTP) attended: 1. Refresher course on “Energy Systems”, UGC-ASC, J N T University, Hyderabad, from 01-082001 to 21-08-2001. 2. AICTE-ISTE short term training programme on “Real Time Energy Management Systems”, NIT Warangal, December 15-27, 2003. 3. Refresher course on “Environmental Management”, UGC-ASC, J N T University, Hyderabad, Conducted by Dept. of Civil Engineering, J N T U College of Engineering, Kakinada, from 1711-2004 to 07-12-2004. 4. DST-SERC school on “Electric Power Quality: Monitoring, Analysis and Mitigation”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, April 7-11, 2008. 5. QIP, MHRD, New Delhi sponsored short term course on “Intelligent System Applications to the Smart Electric Grid Solutions”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, November 15-19, 2010. 6. Training course on “RTDS Simulator Introductory training course”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, July 18-22, 2011. 7. CDTE, IITK sponsored short term course on “Operation and Management of Emerging Power Systems”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, November 21-25, 2011. 8. CDTE, IITK sponsored short term course on “Power Markets: Economics and Management”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, October 29 – November 02, 2012. 9. CDTE, IITK sponsored short term course on “Power System Economics”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, July 26-30, 2013. 10. DST-SERB school on “Smart Transmission Grid using Synchrophasor Technology”, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, December 10-14, 2013. Memberships of the Professional Bodies: 1. The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Life Member (M149769), 2002. 2. The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Life Member (LM 38469), 2003. 3. Instrument Society of India (ISI), Life Member (LM No. 1615), 2008. 4. Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA, Member (91078238).