Reset Form ARKANSAS Vision or Mission Statement Elimination of sexual violence in Arkansas achieved through comprehensive and sustainable primary prevention strategies that ensure cultural awareness and promote societal norms of sexual responsibility and respect. Priority Populations Selected Population(s): List up to three Selected Populations: People with disabilities College Students Universal Population(s): List up to two Universal Populations: Youth in funded areas Teachers in funded areas Strategic Plan Goals List up to five goals: • Decrease social norms that promote tolerance of sexual violence in RPE funded areas of Arkansas. • Decrease cultural norms on college campuses supportive of sexual violence. • To promote social norms within state agencies and programs that are supportive of primary prevention • Increase cultural competence among sexual violence primary prevention partners. • To increase available resources and support for sexual violence primary prevention in Arkansas. Save Form Next Page Previous Page ARKANSAS continued Major Strategies List up to 5 primary strategies: Media Awareness Network Lesson Plans Mentors in Violence Prevention Men of Strength Social Norm Campaign Peacezone Social Literacy Program Implementation Partners/Organizations (up to 10) List up to 10 new or innovative organizations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Partners for Inclusive Communities University of Arkansas RESPECT program Ozark Rape Crisis Southwest Domestic Violence Center Crisis Intervention Center 6. African American Women's Council 7. Crisis Center of South Arkansas 8. White County Domestic Violence Center 9. 10. Include one or two significant changes or benefits as a result of the strategic planning effort: We feel that we have a better understanding of the problem of sexual violence in Arkansas, as well as the assets to prevent sexual violence. We believe that as a result of this comprehensive planning process, Arkansas violence prevention educators will be able to implement strategies that reach the community and societal levels. Sexual Violence Prevention Planning Members (List organizations) Arkansas Attorney General's Office Episcopal Diocese of Little Rock Ozark Rape Crisis Arkansas Commission on Abuse Center for Youths and Families Southwest Domestic Violence Center Arkansas Department of Health Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault Partners for Inclusive Communities U of A Respect Program State Health Department & Other Contact Information Include the Health Department’s name on line 1, contact’s name and title on line 2, phone number on line 3 and website address on line 4. State Health Department Contact Info 1. Sharon Ashcraft 2. Principle Investigato 3. 501-661-2480 4. Other Contact Info 1. Lori Gardner 2. Rape Project Coordinator 3. 501-661-7975 4. Print Save Form