SIPLACE SX – Environmental Product Declaration Page 1 Status May 2012 ASM AS headquarters in Munich The company ASM Assembly Systems (ASM AS) GmbH & Co. KG produces and distributes systems and technologies for SMT electronics production. Additional information is available at Environmental and Quality Management ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG has been certified by TÜV Süd Management Services GmbH in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality standard and the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems. SIPLACE: The Brand For more than 25 years, the name SIPLACE has stood for top quality and performance in SMT technology. In addition, SIPLACE has traditionally placed great emphasis on environmental protection and the responsible use of natural resources. SIPLACE machines are “green by design” – they combine optimum customer benefits with maximum environmental compatibility across their entire lifecycle. Corporate principles and product design Environmental protection does not start at home or with products we buy as consumers – it starts with how each and every one of us behaves, whether at home or on the job. It also applies to the way we develop, purchase, distribute or dispose of a product. Through our commitment in our everyday work we can all make a significant contribution to environmental protection to keep our planet liveable for subsequent generations. For us, sustainable protection of the environment means conserving natural resources and minimizing the use of hazardous substances. We take the potential impact of our products and processes on the environment into account in everything we do, starting with their development. Our goal is to avoid or minimize potential harm to the environment wherever possible and beyond what is legally required. ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG complies with all existing legal regulations regarding its products, in some cases significantly exceeding these requirements. We conduct all our new developments under aspects of restrictions placed on the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic devices (Directive 2002/95/EG “RoHS”), although machines in our category are currently not subject to the RoHS directive. Page 2 In terms of product-related environmental protection, we improve our products across their entire lifecycle in all aspects over which we have influence. This is particularly important, because with many electrical products the manufacturing process accounts for only a small fragment of their environmental impact. The vast majority of their impact on the environment is generated during their usage phase, but this does not mean that good product planning and development cannot make a significant difference. For example, although we have managed to steadily increase the performance of our placement machines, we have also succeeded in reducing their energy consumption per component placed – a significant contribution of more energy efficiency. In addition, the POE (pre-owned equipment) department of ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG refurbishes used SIPLACE machines – from the basic chassis to feeders and placement heads. This gives old machines another chance and a productive second life on the used equipment market. It also enables ASM AS to exceed the requirements of the European Union’s Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/EG (“WEEE”).. Page 3 SIPLACE SX: Product description Environmental protection across the entire lifecycle High-quality placement machine for electronics production Quality and durability Environmentally compatible by design The SIPLACE SX is a fully automatic placement machine for modern electronics manufacturing. It is a high-performance system that sets new standards in terms of placement speed and quality. It is typically used by large electronics manufacturers for the “in-line” highvolume production of sophisticated electronic modules for products such as mobile telephones and notebook PCs. Because of its flexibility, however, the SIPLACE SX is equally suitable as a standalone machine e. g. for smaller, mediumsized producers or for relatively simple products. To meet the strict requirements of a wide range of production environments over the long term, the SIPLACE team adhered to high quality standards already during the development and design phases – as it does for all SIPLACE machines. The machine production phase is subject to equally demanding specifications, and the results are worth the effort: all SIPLACE machines are considered by their users to be especially reliable and – most importantly – durable. The SIPLACE SX will continue this tradition. Environmental protection starts with the selection of materials – both for the product itself and for the resources being employed in the product’s manufacture. The SIPLACE SX features a nominal placement speed of up to 60,000 components per hour and setup capacity for up to 120 different component types – all in a unit that is only 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) long. In many cases, the development of complex technical components is characterized by the pursuit of technical perfection. This frequently leads to the selection of expensive and multi-layered composite materials which are harder on the environment and more difficult to recycle. When we develop our SIPLACE machines, we take care to design them with the most homogeneous and readily available materials. For the customer, this means investment protection, while the environment benefits from the machines’ long life and lower resource consumption over their operational “lifecycle output”. Wherever possible, we replace potentially hazardous raw materials. We contribute to the advancement of technology and environmental protection by constantly trying out new technologies and implementing the findings in our regular production. Thanks to the design of its SIPLACE heads, the SIPLACE SX achieves a real placement performance that is only slightly below its nominal benchmark ratings – unlike most competitors’ solutions. Reusability is an important criterion, starting with the material selection. At SIPLACE, we pay close attention to using the most homogeneous and recyclable materials possible. This is essential for the machine’s environmental efficiency, because the overall consumption of energy and other resources is always a function of a machine’s actual performance on the factory floor and not of frequently sugarcoated “catalog ratings”. Page 4 Page 5 Usage Production For example, the SIPLACE SX sets an environmental milestone by using a chassis of cast mineral. Cast mineral consists mostly of natural materials. Compared with traditional cast iron, cast mineral requires 20 to 40 percent less energy in its production and up to 80 percent less energy in its recycling. We also optimized the logistics within our production plants and designed exceptionally compact assembly lines to minimize long transport routes and make the production floor infrastructure (water, electricity, lighting, air conditioning) as efficient as possible. SX SIPLACE SIPLACE SX - Material mix Material mix Plastic; 207 kg Mineral Cast; 785 kg Copper; 95 kg Aluminium; 151 kg Head Camera; 6 kg; 0,2% Steel; 910 kg Stainless Steel; 125 kg Cast Iron; 276 kg Electronics; 262 kg; 10,2% Transport Module; 103 kg; 4,0% Component Feeding; 284 kg; 11,1% SIPLACE Speed Increase versus Power consumption SIPLACE SX Mass Distribution by Assembly Units Top Frame; 1026 kg; 40,1% Real placement speed and energy consumption per placement 100000 0,200 75000 0,150 50000 0,100 25000 0,050 0,000 0 Maschinentyp Markteinführung 2 x S20* 1995 HS 50 1999 HS 60 2002 Components placed in one hour. Base Frame; 879 kg; 34,3% Average power intake per component placed X4 2005 X4i 2007 2x SX2 * 2009 Average Energy Consumption per component [VAs] For this reason, ASM AS has established a comprehensive environmental, health and safety (EH&S) management system. One of its major objectives involves raising recognizable synergies with regards to resource optimization and environmental protection. Other M aterials (Glas, etc); 68 kg The energy consumption of a placement machine over its economic lifecycle is governed by its overall operating hours and its production volume. That’s why comparing two systems based on their energy consumption alone is not informative. Real Placement Speed [comp. per hour] When we select materials, technologies and production processes, we always pay close attention to their environmental compatibility. We minimize our impact on the air, the water and the ground. *At the dual gantry machines S20 and SX2, tw o machines are considered in order to represent the speed development consistently. This has no impact on energy consumption per placed component. Total energy consumption SIPLACE SX (Average life time10 years) When evaluating a placement machine, you must therefore pay close attention to its energy efficiency, i.e. the average power consumption per component placed. It is also important to Energieverbrauch use the machine’s real placement performance as a reference point and not its artificial benchmark rating. From the beginning, SIPLACE machines have stood out in terms of energy efficiency and placement performance. And what is good for the customer is also good for the environment, because SIPLACE machines produce more with fewer resources. The SIPLACE SX continues this tradition with new best-in-class specifications. 200000 150000 We furthermore employ reusable and returnable packaging for the shipments from our suppliers in order to drastically reduce waste and save costs and resources. kWh 100000 50000 0 Assembly / Logistics Operations Recycling -50000 Scenario 1: "24/7" Scenario 2: "Single Shift" Operational consumption figure includes energy for compressed air, light, A/C, …) Operational energy consumption was calculated including energy used to compress air, A/C, light, etc. based on two scenarios that span the bandwidth of applications: Scenario 1: “24/7”: 2 shifts 11,5h each, 350 days per year. Scenario 2: “Single Shift”: 7h per day, 260 days per year Further details are available upon request. Page 6 Page 7 Oriented towards the future: “Becoming a little better every day” Refurbishment and disposal Refurbishment before recycling: SIPLACE POE Full reusability of all materials SIPLACE machines have always been known for their long life expectancy. The high quality standards in the production of our machines are reflected in their long lifecycles and the great demand for used SIPLACE equipment on the pre-owned equipment market. In terms of environmental compatibility, a longer machine lifecycle represents a significant advantage, because the use of energy and resources during the machine’s manufacture will be spread over a larger total output volume. Once a SIPLACE machine actually reaches the end of its useful life, however, it sets standards for the last time. Thanks to its design, it can be taken apart quickly and efficiently, and its parts can be easily separated into recyclable and non-recyclable but easily disposable components. Of course we also help customers with any recycling-related questions they may have. With their average operating life of ten years even in high-volume environments operating with three shifts, SIPLACE machines are the most durable in the industry. But that’s not all. By refurbishing them from the ground up, the used-machine experts in SIPLACE’s POE department are able to almost double the useful life of these machines. SIPLACE POE: Longer Lifetime and Better Efficiency SIPLACE SX placement machines are designed in such a way that they can be easily taken apart with standard tools at the end of their useful life. Their parts are easily sortable for costeffective recycling or disposal. We work with highly qualified disposal experts. Steel, cast iron, aluminum and all other metals are 100-percent recyclable. The same applies to the copper contained in the electronics (lead-free) and cables (PVC-free). Plastic tapes, reels and housings are shredded and processed into new plastic products. Other materials such as glass, magnets, etc. are also reused wherever possible. After the metal reinforcements have been removed, the machine bases made of cast mineral can be crushed and reused in road construction or as back-fill. A SIPLACE SX machine is 100percent recyclable at the end of its useful life. 3 The same applies to all transport packaging (boxes of previously recycled plywood, PE film, metal strips, etc.). 2 The green roadmap of SIPLACE Our environmental commitment is governed by the same principle as our products: No matter how good we are – we want to become better. We want to continuously improve the operational benefits of our products for the customer as well as the environmental compatibility of all our activities. That’s why we always strive to advance our products and processes. The green roadmap of SIPLACE documents our progress and our ambitious objectives in this endeavor. 1 0 5 10 15 20 Average Lifetime (years) Average Lifetime of a SIPLACE machine WITHOUT refurbishment Average Extension of Lifetime after refurbishment by third party Average Lifetime Extension after Refurbishment by SIPLACE POE Average value competition Page 8 Page 9 At SIPLACE, the sustained operational success of our products’ users and environmental protection will never stand in the way of each other. Additional environmental information Additional environmental information Operator’s responsibilities The SIPLACE service concept SIPLACE is green Some storage and processor boards in SIPLACE placement machines are equipped with lithium memory backup batteries that are common in computer technology. The SIPLACE team maintains a worldwide service network to ensure that in key countries technicians are available in close proximity to the customer. SIPLACE headquarters in Munich is home to our global sales, service, marketing, development, manufacturing and other activities in the value chain in a single location. This alone minimizes our operations’ environmental impact and resource usage. The same applies to the disposal of PCBs equipped with backup batteries. Make sure that you remove the battery and store or dispose it in accordance with your country’s applicable regulations. It also minimizes the need for resource-intensive travel. That way, our decentralized service network serves our SIPLACE customers all over the world quickly and efficiently while making an active contribution to the reduction of global CO2 emissions. The building itself was designed and constructed in accordance with environmental principles in order to minimize its energy consumption. For example, our air conditioning operates with cooling ceilings using tap water. It does not require any additional coolants and uses a minimum of energy. SMT Surface Mount Technology. The production of electronic modules with components which are placed on the surface of a printed circuit board. . Placement performance The performance of an SMT placement system is measured in terms of components placed per time unit. Most machine specifications list a value that can only be achieved under very specific and restrictive conditions (for example, with special benchmarking PCBs). Real performance The real placement performance, i.e. the speed which can be obtained with real products and in a real production environment, is generally significantly lower than the “official” placement performance (with some equipment manufacturers by up to 50 percent). With SIPLACE systems, the realistic performance comes much closer to the benchmark performance thanks in part to the technical characteristics of the placement head (“revolver principle”). SIPLACE POE POE stands for pre-owned equipment, i.e. used equipment. Machines which have been refurbished by SIPLACE’s POE experts are almost as good as new. RoHS Directive regarding the Restriction of (the use of certain) Hazardous Substances WEEE Directive regarding Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Partly green roofs and ecological parking lot surfaces provide additional environmental benefits. Keyword: Carbon footprint Carbon Footprint (10 years) (Tons CO2 Equivalent) The “carbon footprint” of a product describes its contribution to global warming resulting from the emission of greenhouse gases caused by its production and usage. It comprises all phases from raw material production to disposal and/or recycling and uses the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide causing the same greenhouse effect as a reference value. 120000 100000 80000 [t] CO2 Equivalent When you replace such batteries, please make sure that you follow the regulations regarding the storage and disposal of used batteries applicable in your particular country. This has the advantage that our customers can quickly receive competent on-site support and service. Glossary: Electronics industry terminology 60000 40000 20000 0 Materials Assembly / Logistics Operation Recycling -20000 Scenario 1: "24/7/360" Scenario 2: "Single Shift" Page 10 Operational consumption figure includes energy for compressed air, light, A/C, …) Page 11 Since SIPLACE machines consume electrical energy and compressed air, much more energy is being consumed during their usage phase than during their production and recycling phases. This means that their carbon footprint depends primarily on the operator’s electricity mix (e.g., renewable energy, nuclear energy or fossil energy sources). Sources and Contributors Data collection and analysis including the environmental evaluation of the consumption and material information were executed in cooperation with the Corporate Technology Division of Siemens AG and the Management Engineering Department of the Technical University of Denmark (Prof. Dr. Michael Z. Hauschild). ASM Assembly Systems: Quality management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001 since February 1996 Environmental management system certified by TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH in accordance with EN ISO 14001 since July 2010 ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG Rupert-Mayer-Strasse 44 81379 Munich Germany Tel.: +49 89 20800-27819 Fax: +49 89 20800-36692 e-mail: SIPLACE South West Europe ASM Assembly Systems SAS ZAC Parc Gustave Eiffel 6 avenue Gutenberg 77600 Bussy Saint Georges France Tel.: +33 1 4922-9510 Fax: +33 1 4922-9501 e-mail: SIPLACE Asia ASM Assembly Systems Pte Ltd Corporation Road #01-03 Corporation Place Singapore 618494 Tel.: +65 6866-7070 Fax: +65 6866-7071 e-mail: SIPLACE Central Eastern Europe ASM Assembly Systems GmbH&Co KG Kürschnergasse 6 1210 Vienna Austria Tel.: +43 51707-25660 Fax: +43 51707-55660 e-mail: SIPLACE China ASM Assembly Systems Ltd 138, Pu Dong Avenue, Pu Dong New Area 200120 Shanghai China Tel.: +86 21 5887-3030 Fax: +86 21 5887-6100 e-mail: SIPLACE North West Europe ASM Assembly Systems AB Sofielundsvägen 2 19147 Sollentuna Sweden Tel.: +46 8 703-3500 Fax: +46 8 703-3501 e-mail: SIPLACE Headquarters SIPLACE Americas ASM Assembly Systems, LLC 3975 Lakefield Court Suite 106 Suwanee, GA 30024 Tel.: +1 770 797-3000 Fax: +1 770 797-3457 e-mail: All product designations may be trademarks or product names of ASM AS GmbH & Co KG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the owners. The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance; actual products may not always be exactly as described herein or may change as a result of further product develop-ments. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed to in the contract terms. Issued May 2012 Subject to alterations. For environmental reasons, this document is not available in printed format but for download only ( Page 12 © 2012 ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG