Voltage Three-Level Converters Electrical and Computer Engineering

Submarine Cable Power Transmission using DC HighVoltage Three-Level Converters
João Luís Prata Antunes
Dissertation submitted to obtain the Master degree in
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Prof. Paulo José da Costa Branco
Prof. José Fernando Alves da Silva
Prof. João José Esteves Santana
Prof. Sónia Maria Nunes dos Santos Paulo Ferreira Pinto
April 2009
À minha mãe
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all people who gave me their help and encouragement
during the work described in this dissertation and all previous work along my graduation. It is a great
pleasure to me to acknowledge them.
From start, I would like to thank my Supervisor, Prof. José Fernando Alves da Silva for the subject of
study and confidence in assigning the work, his guidance, dedicated help, support, sympathy and
seek for enlightening advises with quotidian examples.
To all my friends, oldest to youngest, for all the laughs, fellowship and comfort when they were most
needed. I thank for all the strength, support, dedication, concern and time since I know them.
To my family, whom I deprived from my attention, time and affection during several times, in particular
my father, my grandparents and my cousins.
This MSc dissertation presents the behaviour of diode-clamped converters, with three, five and sevenlevels sets, operated as a three-level converter for a possible submarine cable power transmission in
a high voltage direct current system. The converter works as the inverter placed in the end of the
direct current link with 500
supplying an inductive and monophasic load. For five and seven-level
converters is shown the importance of a clamping diodes network in the semiconductors voltage
The active semiconductors chosen are insulated gate bipolar transistors and are forced to short-circuit
separately to demonstrate the influence of such faults in the operation of the converter. The
advantages of higher level topologies for these systems in short-circuit conditions are demonstrated
also as some difficulties created by the high density of semiconductors. Estimated values of shortcircuit currents are calculated and a general equation for such current in
-level converters is
All results presented arise from simulations executed in Matlab/Simulink environment for several
situations being discussed and analyzed as so for all options taken during this study.
Multilevel Converters; Diode-Clamped Converters; Three-level converters; HVDC systems; shortcircuit faults;
Esta dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre estuda o comportamento de conversores com
díodos ligados ao ponto de neutro, com arquitecturas de três, cinco e sete níveis, controlados por três
níveis para transmissão de energia por cabo submarino num sistema de alta tensão com corrente
contínua. O conversor é estudado na sua situação de inversor, situado numa extremidade da ligação
de corrente contínua com 500
alimentando uma carga monofásica e indutiva. Nas arquitecturas de
cinco e sete níveis é mostrada a importância da ligação em rede dos díodos ligados ao ponto neutro
para o equilíbrio das tensões nos semicondutores.
A escolha dos semicondutores comandados cai nos transístores bipolares de porta isolada, que são
forçados separadamente a um curto-circuito, para demonstrar a influência dessas falhas na operação
do conversor. As possíveis vantagens de arquitecturas com maior número de níveis para um
funcionamento em curto-circuito são expostas assim como os problemas criados pela existência de
uma grande densidade de semicondutores. Valores estimados de curto-circuito e uma expressão
geral para o cálculo destas correntes em conversores de -níveis são apresentados.
Todos os resultados apresentados surgem de simulações efectuadas em Matlab/Simulink para
diversas condições, sendo discutidos e analisados assim como todas as opções tomados ao longo do
Conversores Multi-nível; Conversores com Díodos ligados ao ponto neutro; Conversores de três
níveis; Sistemas HVDC; Falhas de curto-circuito
Table of Contents
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................... xii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... xvi
List of Acronyms ............................................................................................................................. xviii
List of Symbols ................................................................................................................................. xx
Chapter 1 – Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope of the work......................................................................................................................1
1.2 Motivation..................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives .................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Dissertation Outline ...................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2 – Multilevel Converters .......................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................5
2.2 The Concept of Multilevel Conversion........................................................................................5
2.3 Diode-Clamped Converter .........................................................................................................7
2.4 Pulse Width Modulation Strategies .......................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 – Operation of Diode-Clamped Three-Level Converters .................................................... 15
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Three-level Diode-Clamped Converter ..................................................................................... 16
3.3 Five-level Diode-Clamped Converter ....................................................................................... 22
3.4 Seven-Level Diode-Clamped Converter ................................................................................... 30
Chapter 4 – Short-circuit Faults in Diode-Clamped Three-Level Converters ....................................... 33
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 33
4.2 Three-level Diode-Clamped Converter ..................................................................................... 33
4.2.1 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 1 ............................................................................................... 33
4.2.2 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 2 ............................................................................................... 39
4.2.3 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 3 ............................................................................................... 44
4.2.4 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 4 ............................................................................................... 46
4.3 Five-Level Diode-Clamped Converter ...................................................................................... 48
4.3.1 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 1 ............................................................................................... 49
4.3.2 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 2 ............................................................................................... 52
4.3.3 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 3 ............................................................................................... 58
4.3.4 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 4 ............................................................................................... 61
4.3.5 Short-circuit faults in the lower IGBTs ............................................................................... 67
4.4 Seven-Level Diode-Clamped Converter ................................................................................... 70
4.5 -Level Diode-Clamped Converter........................................................................................... 71
Chapter 5 – Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 75
5.1 General Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 75
5.2 Future Works........................................................................................................................... 76
References ....................................................................................................................................... 77
Annex A ............................................................................................................................................ 79
Annex B ............................................................................................................................................ 85
B.1 Operation of Seven-Level Converter ....................................................................................... 85
B.2 Five-Level Converter – Short-Circuit faults in lower IGBTs....................................................... 86
B.3 Seven-Level Converter – Short-Circuit Faults .......................................................................... 92
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 – Different types of overhead transmission lines studied for Three Gorges – Shangai
(modified from [1]). ..............................................................................................................................2
Figure 1.2 – CSC technology in an HVDC system (modified from [2]). .................................................2
Figure 1.3 – VSC technology in an HVDC system (modified from [2]). .................................................3
Figure 2.1 – General multilevel converters schematics (modified from [7]). ..........................................6
Figure 2.2 – Two-level converter with synchronized switches. .............................................................8
Figure 2.3 – Three-level diode-clamped converter. ..............................................................................8
Figure 2.4 – Positive directions in neutral point. ................................................................................. 10
Figure 2.5 – Generic multilevel diode-clamped converter. .................................................................. 11
Figure 2.6 – Five-level diode-clamped converter. .............................................................................. 12
Figure 2.7 – Three-level SPWM strategy. .......................................................................................... 14
Figure 3.1 – Load voltage and current in three-level converter. .......................................................... 17
Figure 3.2 – Capacitors and load currents in three-level converter. .................................................... 17
Figure 3.3 – Three-level converter in state 1...................................................................................... 18
Figure 3.4 – Voltage sharing in lower semiconductors in state 1. ....................................................... 19
Figure 3.5 – Three-level converter in state 2...................................................................................... 21
Figure 3.6 – Three-level converter in state 3...................................................................................... 22
Figure 3.7 – Five-level diode-clamped converter. .............................................................................. 23
Figure 3.8 – Five-level converter in state 1. ....................................................................................... 24
Figure 3.9 – Five-level converter in state 3. ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 3.10 – Capacitors currents in five-level converter. ................................................................... 25
Figure 3.11 – Voltage in diode network in five-level converter. ........................................................... 27
Figure 3.12 – Current in diode network in five-level converter. ........................................................... 27
Figure 3.13 – Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter........................................................................ 28
Figure 3.14 – Voltage distribution in capacitors in five-level converter. ............................................... 29
Figure 3.15 – Evolution of voltage in capacitors in five-level converter. .............................................. 29
Figure 3.16 – Voltage distribution in capacitors in five-level converter with different values of
resistance. ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 4.1 – Capacitors and load voltages in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. ... 34
Figure 4.2 – Load Current in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. ............................ 34
Figure 4.3 – Discharging loop of
in three-level converter. .............................................................. 36
Figure 4.4 – Short-circuit current peak in three-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT1. ................. 36
Figure 4.5 – Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. .................. 37
Figure 4.6 – Voltage and current in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. ... 38
Figure 4.7 – Voltage and current in clamping diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in
IGBT1. .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 4.8 – Currents in capacitors in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. .............. 39
Figure 4.9 – Load and capacitors voltage in three-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT2. ............ 40
Figure 4.10 – Short-circuit current peak in three-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT2. ............... 41
Figure 4.11 – Discharging loop of
in three-level converter. ............................................................ 41
Figure 4.12 – Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. ................ 42
Figure 4.13 – Voltage and current in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. . 42
Figure 4.14 – Voltage and current in clamping diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in
IGBT2. .............................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 4.15 - Capacitors and load current in three-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT2. . 43
Figure 4.16 - Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3.. ................ 44
Figure 4.17 - Voltage and current in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3. .. 45
Figure 4.18 - Voltage and current in clamping diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in
IGBT3. .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 4.19 - Capacitors and load current in three-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT3. . 46
Figure 4.20 - Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. ................. 47
Figure 4.21 - Voltage and currents in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4 . 47
Figure 4.22 - Voltage and currents in diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. 48
Figure 4.23 - Capacitors and load current in three-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT4. . 48
Figure 4.24 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. ........... 50
Figure 4.25 - Current in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1............. 51
Figure 4.26 - Voltage sharing in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. ........... 51
Figure 4.27 - Load and capacitors voltage in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. ...... 52
Figure 4.28 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. ........... 53
Figure 4.29 - Voltage sharing in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. ........... 54
Figure 4.30 - Discharging loop of
in five-level converter. ............................................................... 54
Figure 4.31 - Short-circuit current peak in five-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT2. .................. 55
Figure 4.32 - Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. .......... 56
Figure 4.33 - Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2....................... 57
Figure 4.34 - Currents in the capacitors in five-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT2. ....... 57
Figure 4.35 - Load voltage and current in five-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT2. ........ 58
Figure 4.36 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3. ........... 59
Figure 4.37 - Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3. ....................... 60
Figure 4.38 - Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3. .......... 61
Figure 4.39 - Load and capacitors voltage evolution in five-level converter with fault in IGBT4. .......... 62
Figure 4.40 - Voltage in diode network with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. ............................................. 62
Figure 4.41 - Voltage sharing in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. ........... 63
Figure 4.42 - Discharging loop of
in five-level converter. ............................................................... 64
Figure 4.43 - Capacitors current in major discharge in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in
IGBT4. .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Figure 4.44 - Currents in the diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. .... 65
Figure 4.45 - Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4....................... 66
Figure 4.46 – Currents in the capacitors in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. ......... 66
Figure 4.47 – Load Voltage and Current in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. ......... 67
Figure 4.48 – Load and capacitors voltage evolution in five-level converter with fault in IGBT5. ......... 68
Figure 4.49 – Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT6............ 69
Figure A.1 – PWM command signals. ................................................................................................ 79
Figure A.2 – Three-level converter model. ......................................................................................... 80
Figure A.3 – Subsystem IGBT with anti-parallel diode. ...................................................................... 80
Figure A.4 – Short-circuit fault and fuse. ............................................................................................ 81
Figure A.5 – Five level converter model............................................................................................. 81
Figure A.6 – Series connection of upper IGBTs. ................................................................................ 82
Figure A.7 – Column of diode network. .............................................................................................. 83
Figure A.8 – Seven-level converter model. ........................................................................................ 84
Figure B.1 – Voltage in diode network in seven-level converter. ........................................................ 85
Figure B.2 – Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter. .................................................................... 86
Figure B.3 – Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT5............ 86
Figure B.4 – Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT5. ............ 87
Figure B.5 – Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT5. ...................... 87
Figure B.6 – Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT6 ............. 88
Figure B.7 – Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT6 ......................... 88
Figure B.8 – Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7............ 89
Figure B.9 – Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7. ............ 89
Figure B.10 – Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7. .................... 90
Figure B.11 – Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7. ...................... 90
Figure B.12 – Voltage in diode network in five-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT8 .............. 91
Figure B.13 – Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT8. ...................... 91
Figure B.14 – Load and capacitors voltage in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3. . 92
Figure B.15 – Voltage in diode network in seven-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. ......... 92
Figure B.16 – Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. .................. 93
Figure B.17 – Voltage in diode network in seven-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. ......... 93
Figure B.18 – Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2. .................. 94
Figure B.19 – Voltage in diode network in seven-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. ......... 94
Figure B.20 – Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4. .................. 95
List of Tables
Table 2.1 – Two-level converter command signals. .............................................................................8
Table 2.2 - Command signals for the three-level diode-clamped converter...........................................9
Table 2.3 – Command signals for the five-level diode-clamped converter. ......................................... 13
Table 3.1 - Three-level command signal. ........................................................................................... 16
Table 3.2 - Voltage sharing in state 1. ............................................................................................... 19
Table 3.3 - Voltage sharing in state 2. ............................................................................................... 21
Table 3.4 - Voltage sharing in state 3. ............................................................................................... 22
Table 3.5 - Voltage sharing in three-level converter. .......................................................................... 22
Table 3.6 – Three-level command signal for five-level converter. ....................................................... 23
Table 3.7 - Voltage distribution in five-level converter. ....................................................................... 26
Table 3.8 - Voltage distribution in five-level converter IGBTs. ............................................................ 28
Table 3.9 - Three-level command signal for seven-level converter. .................................................... 30
Table 3.10 – Voltage distribution in diode network in seven-level converter. ...................................... 31
Table 4.1 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT1. ...... 33
Table 4.2 - Voltage sharing in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1. .......................... 37
Table 4.3 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT2. ...... 39
Table 4.4 - Voltage sharing in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT 2. ......................... 42
Table 4.5 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT3. ...... 44
Table 4.6 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT4. ...... 46
Table 4.7 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT1. ........ 49
Table 4.8 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT2. ........ 52
Table 4.9 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT3. ........ 58
Table 4.10 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT4. ...... 61
Table 4.11 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT5. ...... 67
Table 4.12 – Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT6. ...... 69
Table 4.13 - Command signals with all possible short-circuits creating a discharge in seven-level
converter........................................................................................................................................... 70
List of Acronyms
Alternate Current
Direct Current
High Voltage Direct Current
Current Source Converter
Voltage Source Converter
Gate Turn-Off Thyristor
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems
Pulse Width Modulation
Neutral Point Clamped
Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation
Space Vector Modulation
Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation
Fast Fourier Transform
Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
List of Symbols
Latin Symbols:
Maximum voltage from the DC link
Voltage in capacitor
Voltage in a general semiconductor
General number of levels
General derivative of voltage
Voltage output referenced to zero
Semiconductor IGBT number
Semiconductor Diode number
Capacitor number
Voltage applied to load
Neutral current
Current in the capacitor
General voltage difference between anode and cathode in the diode
Conduction resistance in semiconductors
Parasitic resistance in capacitors
Voltage applied to semiconductor IGBT
Voltage applied to semiconductor Diode
Voltage drop in the parasitic resistance of capacitor
Current flowing in load
Greek Symbols:
Discrete variable concerning load voltage referenced to zero and phase
Chapter 1
1.1 Scope of the work
The transmission of electrical energy is mainly made using alternate current (AC) networks at high
voltage levels in power systems. These networks are usually reliable and well designed, respecting
safety and human/industrial needs. Also distribution grids work with AC and all the connections
established between different voltage levels are adequate. Therefore these networks are a successful
way to conduct electrical energy from generation to all distribution points. However power
transmission could be enhanced reducing costs, losses and being more environmental friendly in
some specific applications. So a new technology was developed, meeting that special requirements,
based in direct current (DC) which is identified as high voltage direct current (HVDC) technology. It is
mostly applied to power transmission through long distance in overhead lines, to submarine cables
and to interconnect separated power systems. HVDC systems obviously interact with AC networks;
hence at least two converter stations, AC to DC and DC to AC, are needed and represent an
important part of these systems, together with a DC cable link. The technology late development was
also due to the necessity of reliable and economic power electronic devices (since valves to
semiconductors) working with high voltages and is now wide spreading facing the opportunities where
it can compete with AC.
One power system could be represented as all the electrical network of one country and the
interconnection with other countries is useful to reinforce both systems, assuring more balance with
power transmission between them. This interconnection is manageable to be made in AC but for
example in South America bordering countries present 50 and 60
networks not allowing a direct
connection between the two systems. And even in Europe, where all countries have the same 50
nominal frequency, with slightly difference lower than ±0,1
between power systems, it turns also
impossible to establish the connection with AC [1].
The overhead transmission lines in HVDC are competitive for long distances (approximately 600
more) due to a reduced cost when compared with AC transmission. A positive feature is the use of
only two main conductors in DC systems differing from AC with three main conductors. The
conducting losses are smaller and even land is saved as it is illustrated in Figure 1.1 with a
comparison between the two 3000
Shangai and the five 500
DC transmission lines actually installed in Three Gorges at
AC lines that would be needed instead [1]. On the other hand converter
stations built to HVDC systems are quite expensive, so the cost of these stations needs to be saved in
the power lines and their infrastructures and that is the reason for the use of DC transmission lines
only for long distances. In opposition to overhead lines for long distances exists the possibility of some
underground cables, or even submarine and undersea cables which face special purposes [1]. For
example islands very often are isolated from the continent having a local grid implying all generation to
be produced locally. It is not easy to build power plants to constantly face load growing and it is even
more difficult to build them when land is more limited, so interconnecting islands to the continents is a
valid option. Using submarine or undersea cables allows a connection between island and continent.
Before HVDC, the use of AC underground or undersea cables existed but was limited to small
distances due to the time variant inherent characteristics of AC sinusoidal sources.
Figure 1.1 – Different types of overhead transmission lines studied for Three Gorges – Shangai
(modified from [1]).
The HVDC systems are now widespread around the world with more than 92 projects transmitting
more than 75
employing two different technologies [2]. The first one to appear is based in line-
commutated current source converters (CSCs) using thyristors, shown in Figure 1.2, while the second
one uses forced-commutated voltage source converters (VSCs) with gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs) or
insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) represented in Figure 1.3. They are named as HVDC
Classic and Light respectively, where HVDC Light as the youngest technology, offers improvements in
stability, reactive power control and even has black start capability [3].
Figure 1.2 – CSC technology in an HVDC system (modified from [2]).
A VSC set can be built using different multi-level converter topologies once it respects all the voltage
input and output concerns which are a feature of VSCs in opposition to CSCs with concerns related
with current.
Figure 1.3 – VSC technology in an HVDC system (modified from [2]).
1.2 Motivation
The growing concern about energy quality and needs of industrial facilities encouraged the
development in power electronics area which also allowed the posterior innovation in HVDC systems
with the Light technology. VSC were initially used for industrial purposes with the substitution of
thyristors by semiconductors with on and off control. As it brought advantages to industrial drives its
application and adaptation to transmission systems was seen as feasible. The constant study and
regular use of VSC, together with semiconductors development, is a demonstration of potential in the
technology that can still be improved.
When working with high voltages, semiconductors do not have capability by themselves to withstand
those voltages, so they usually are distributed along a series connection, to divide the voltage, being
controlled as a group. Multilevel converters can reduce the voltage applied to a single semiconductor
as the number of levels increases due to the specific built of multilevel topologies. So assuming the
interest in VSCs used in HVDC systems for submarine cables, with the requisite of power
semiconductors withstanding very high voltage, the study of multilevel converters is appropriate.
Within multilevel converters, which are identified with several topologies, the diode-clamped converter
is chosen to represent the VSC.
The use of semiconductors, despite being the major contributor for the evolution in power electronics
area, is not immune to faults as it can suffer short circuits or can even fail to respond at command
signals not working properly. The behaviour in such conditions and the influences in the overall
working system/converter is an important study and the work should be an extra for the existing
knowledge of multilevel power converters.
1.3 Objectives
The main objective of this dissertation is to study the behaviour of -level diode-clamped converters,
controlled as a three-level converter, working in fault situations. The study is made in converters with
an odd and lower number of levels, which trend to increase, and is intended to extend the behaviour to
-level cases. The faults created simulate a short-circuit situation where the semiconductor is forced to
conduct during all the time since the occurrence of the anomaly.
The work is based in computer simulation using models and tools of SimPowerSystems inherent to
Matlab/Simulink program. This Toolbox offers a variety of power electronics devices and the
Matlab/Simulink provides interesting potentialities in processing and post-processing simulation data
The simulation results are verified, discussed and analyzed to assure solid conclusions in the work
and managing of diode-clamped converters.
1.4 Dissertation Outline
This dissertation is divided in five chapters where the first one introduces the thesis subject providing
the reader the information about alternatives to common AC energy transmission systems and the
importance of power electronics and multilevel converters in these different solutions to enhance their
potential. Motivation, study objectives and outline are also presented in this chapter.
The second chapter presents the concept of multilevel converters and the state of art in diodeclamped converters. In addition is also presented a brief topic about the converter three-level control.
In the third chapter is studied the operation of the converter in all three architectures presenting
voltages applied and currents through the semiconductors resultant from simulations performed
assuming non ideal electrical components. The clamping diodes behaviour is analyzed and discussed
writing several Kirchhoff’s Voltage Laws (KVLs).
The fourth chapter studies the same converter architectures behaviour with short-circuit faults created.
The causes of discharge are verified, short-circuit currents are calculated and simulation results are
presented and analyzed. A possible extension in the number of levels of the converter is evaluated
concerning the advantages to reduce short-circuit values together with some parallel solutions
In the fifth chapter are presented conclusions about this study and possible future developments are
pointed out.
In Annex are placed the simulation models and some redundant simulation results presenting
symmetric behaviours.
Chapter 2
Multilevel Converters
2.1 Introduction
The development of multilevel converters has been motivated by the increasing industry needs of
higher power equipments, namely in the last three decades. In fact, these types of converters may
respond adequately to the problems raised by medium voltage motor drives and utility applications
that require medium or high voltage and megawatt power levels, simultaneously respecting both the
energy quality and the economic patterns.
The direct clamping of a single power semiconductor switch to a medium or high voltage grid can be
problematic, so multilevel converters appear as an alternative in high power and higher voltage
situations, being also a useful element which enables the use of renewable energy sources, quite
important in current environmental issues.
The development observed in the area of power electronics, namely new concepts of electronic
conversion, new command and control systems and new power semiconductors allow multilevel
converters to work with high voltage (
) and high currents (
These converters are also currently used in high velocity traction, in equipments to improve energy
quality, in flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS), in HVDC transmission systems,
and in electrical energy storage with superconductors or flywheels [4], [5], [6].
Following it will be presented the main concept of multilevel conversion, a review of diode-clamped
converters and also a simple Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control which is used.
2.2 The Concept of Multilevel Conversion
Multilevel converters are based in a system with an arrangement of power semiconductors which
interconnect adjacent circuits. Working as a VSC type and as an inverter, the switches interact with
several lower voltage DC sources to perform the power conversion by synthesizing a staircase voltage
waveform. Switches work in a commutation mode, blocking or conducting, at
frequencies while
DC sources are allowed to be capacitors, batteries or renewable energy voltage sources. The
commutation of switches allows the addition of the multiple DC voltage sources reaching a high output
voltage, while semiconductors withstand only small voltages (specifically the rating of the DC source
to which they are connected). Also this commutation is controlled externally according to the output
desired changing conducting times for each semiconductor.
An example of general circuits of multilevel converters is presented in Figure 2.1, where
represents the voltage drop between the highest and the lowest point (the maximum voltage available
in DC side) and the number of levels is the number of possible inputs which are accessible to the
converter. It is noticed that the number of capacitors placed in series is shorter than the number of
levels in one unit and that their terminals represent the number of levels. Obviously the inner point
between two adjacent capacitors only represents one output level.
Figure 2.1 – General multilevel converters schematics (modified from [7]).
The series connected capacitors are assumed, primarily, to be any kind of voltage sources presenting
the same value and the voltage at their terminals is then
⁄( − 1) ,
is a nearly constant voltage which is the maximum voltage drop in the DC side;
number of levels in the converter; and
is the
the number of the source. So the power semiconductors are
arranged in the multilevel converter in such a way to enable each of them to withstand a voltage which
is described the same manner by
⁄( − 1).
Equation (2.1) also represents the magnitude difference of each level because the difference between
two adjacent levels is the voltage supplied by the source. So considering
as the highest voltage
point and zero (0) as the lowest, the evolution of output voltage referenced to zero is described by a
discrete variable,
of the
, where
assumes any possible phase identification. This variable presents one
values in {0, 1⁄( − 1) , 2⁄( − 1) , … , ( − 2)⁄( − 1) , 1} [4].
A multilevel converter is only called as multilevel for
> 2, but starting as an example, the simplest
two-level converter, which allows only two output values (0 or
), is considered, so it can be verified
a growing performance of converter increasing the number of levels. With two levels of operation the
rated voltage needed in semiconductors is equal to all the voltage available in DC, (2.3). In industrial
applications using medium or high voltage, semiconductors are placed in series working as a single
switch, trying to divide equally the voltage applied along them.
When the output possibilities of the two-level converter are compared against those from an -level
converter, and (2.2) against (2.3), there are some advantages of multilevel converters, namely [4]:
a larger number of states can be obtained to transfer energy;
output voltages present
harmonic distortion as
steps (or levels) in the waveform allowing the reduction of the total
increases, avoiding, therefore, the use of filters.
The increase of
allows the semiconductors to withstand lower voltages, using the same
The use of semiconductors with the same capacity to withstand voltage allows the feeding
voltage of the -level converter to be ( − 1) times higher.
As seen, a two-level converter has only two operating levels: 0 or
(the sum of all
, and this implies a severe
of every switch in the series) stress between the states, which could be a
problem bearing in mind the electromagnetic compatibility. In fact, if electromagnetic compatibility is
not observed, it may cause errors in the surrounding lower power circuits and insulation problems in
electric machines windings. Thus, this kind of problem results in another advantage for a multilevel set
is ( − 1) times smaller for the same commutation times and feeding voltage. This
advantage becomes crucial when respecting international standards to electromagnetic noise.
However, multilevel converters present some disadvantages: more levels in the converter imply a
more complex working system, as more dc sources and more power semiconductors switches are
needed, each switch requiring a related gate drive circuit (command and control system). This causes
the overall system to be more expensive and more complex. In addition, the increase of levels also
introduces voltage imbalance problems.
2.3 Diode-Clamped Converter
Among the many multilevel converter topologies devised during the last decades, there are three wellestablished ones [4], [5], [8]: the diode-clamped, the capacitor-clamped [9],[10] and the cascaded
multicell with separate DC sources [11], [12]. Besides these three well-established topologies, there
are also some new emerging ones: mixed-level hybrid multilevel cells, asymmetric hybrid multilevel
cells and soft-switched multilevel inverters [8].
From the three major topologies referenced, the diode-clamped converter was introduced first by
Nabae et al in 1981 [13]. This inverter appears as a sequence of a two-level inverter where
semiconductors are placed in series to support higher voltages, as shown in Figure 2.2. This is a
= 2 converter where
and 0 are the possible voltage outputs referenced to zero,
, if working
with a synchronous command system applied to switches.
Figure 2.2 - Two-level converter with synchronized switches.
The command system for this two-level inverter is represented in Table 2.1, where
= 0 means it is open,
semiconductor device in its current working state (
represents the
= 1 means it is closed).
Table 2.1 – Two-level converter command signals.
To obtain a balanced voltage distribution in the semiconductors it is necessary to upgrade this twolevel converter with two additional diodes and two capacitors, as shown in Figure 2.3. This will limit the
maximum voltage change applied in the semiconductors to
balances the voltage sharing of
/2. When the output voltage is set
blocking the voltage across
Figure 2.3 - Three-level diode-clamped converter.
For this same structure, changing the command signals in the semiconductors it is possible to achieve
a third voltage output level. This change implies to stop the synchronous working plan and make
conduct simultaneously. So Table 2.2 is built for this purpose and it is noticed that the last
combination does not correspond to a valid operating state. The middle point between the two
capacitors is defined as the neutral point, and the two diodes connected to the neutral point allow the
current to flow in this new working state (level). This is called the Neutral Point Clamped (NPC)
Table 2.2 - Command signals for the three-level diode-clamped converter.
Non defined
Among a lot of different switch combination possibilities, only a few of them have a practical interest
because the load, usually inductive, cannot be interrupted or the common dc source cannot be shortcircuited. Hence, despite of the complementary pairs observed in Table 2.2,
, the
= 1, 0, 0, 1 is not allowed. Also to avoid some commands to act
simultaneously, and to correctly balance the voltage along the semiconductors, there should only
exists transitions between adjacent levels [4].
Observing the neutral point and using the Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) some considerations can be
made. So assuming as positive the currents charging the capacitors and the neutral current entering
the node, as in Figure 2.4, it is written
A KVL is also useful to write
disregarding parasite resistors in capacitors and the source impedance. Using the derivative it can be
extended to
With a simple analysis at the capacitors, it is written the current dependence from the voltage across
their terminals:
and using (2.6), (2.7) and (2.8) results
Substituting (2.9) in (2.4), the neutral current becomes
= −2
meaning that current flows only when the capacitors are charging or discharging, and never in a
stand-by situation. Also
are only equal when they are zero.
Figure 2.4 - Positive directions in neutral point.
Extending the converter to
levels allows the inverter to have an -level output phase voltage and a
(2 − 1)-level output voltage between two phases. If a three-phase load is connected in wye, the
number of steps in the phase voltage is 2 × (2 − 1) − 1. The extension to
levels requires the
implementation of ( − 1) capacitors and 2 × ( − 1) active switches [7]. To assure bidirectional
behaviour in current and to withstand direct voltage, allowing inductive loads to work properly, each
is arranged together with an anti-parallel diode as shown in Figure 2.5.
The different level ratings in the output voltage are achieved using the ( − 1) capacitors to divide the
in several steps given by
where = 0, 1, … , − 1.
Figure 2.5 - Generic multilevel diode-clamped converter.
Also for this same structure presented, although the commanded switching devices require only a
blocking voltage level, (2.2), the clamping diodes need different ratings for reverse voltage blocking.
Notice as an example the five-level diode-clamped inverter presented in Figure 2.6 with the
corresponding command signals combination in Table 2.3.
Figure 2.6 - Five-level diode-clamped converter.
When all lower switches ( − ) are turned on, corresponding to
must block 2 ⁄4 and
must block
= 0,
must block 3
Table 2.3 – Command signals for the five-level diode-clamped converter.
To balance the reverse voltage rating between all diodes, series connections are needed but the
number of the diodes rises in quadratic ratio. The number of clamping diodes, for each phase, will
be ( − 1) × ( − 2).
It is also noticed that exists an unequal conduction duty between all the switches. For example the
only conducts in one working state,
, while
conducts in all the cycle except
= 0. So the current ratings in switching devices must be different, otherwise if the inverter is
designed considering the average duty for all the switches then the inner switches may be undersized
and the outer switches may be oversized. When considering the worst case each phase will have
2 × ( − 2) outer devices oversized [5].
2.4 Pulse Width Modulation Strategies
The control of voltage output in the converters is made through the command signals distributed in the
active semiconductors. There are different techniques used to enhance all the features in every
converter but three PWM strategies are most common, namely: sinusoidal pulse width modulation
(SPWM) ,[14] [15], space vector modulation (SVM) [16] and selective harmonic elimination
(SHEPWM) [16].
Here is presented the easiest design, SPWM, which uses several triangle carrier signals (according to
the number of output levels,
− 1 carriers) and one reference signal representing the output desired.
Usually is desired a sinusoidal output wave in the converter, hence the designation SPWM. So for a
three-level control is presented Figure 2.7 where two triangle carriers and the reference signal are
identified. The comparison between the reference and the carriers creates the solution for the output
desired in the converter. When the reference is bigger than the carriers
⁄2 is applied to load, while
on the other hand when is smaller than the carries the voltage applied is −
⁄2. The zero level is
achieved when the reference signal is placed between both carriers. The frequency ratio chosen is 13
and the carriers start their evolution already in a descendent orientation once it eliminates the even
order harmonics due to the half wave symmetry created.
Figure 2.7 - Three-level SPWM strategy.
One of the major problems in diode-clamped converters is the balancing of capacitors and also PWM
techniques can be helpful trying to reduce this problem. Some solutions to improve this problem are
discussed in [17]. In this dissertation the study is during few periods of operation where this unbalance
is not of major importance despite being clearly identified.
Chapter 3
Operation of Diode-Clamped ThreeLevel Converters
3.1 Introduction
Many considerations for several different technologies are nowadays made possible by the use of
powerful simulation tools instead of construct real prototypes. Obviously simulation results are not as
accurate as experimental ones because of the non ideal characteristics of all the elements and the
differences in between the same type of elements, but they are reliable. To simulate a more realistic
environment non ideal features are introduced to semiconductors, namely: forward voltage, current tail
time, current 10% fall time and snubbers, equal to all of them. To introduce differences between the
same type of semiconductors resistances are placed in parallel with every single one of them with
randomly selected values. All these resistances present the same magnitude order of
Ω. The
software used is Simulink, available in Matlab. Simulink is a powerful tool used in simulation and
analysis of dynamic systems of several different fields, gathering different solvers and solving methods
either for linear and non-linear systems. Concerning power electronics, Simulink presents a toolbox
identified as SimPowerSystems with several models of elements from electronics area.
The schematics elaborated for simulation are the three-level, the five-level, and the seven-level diodeclamped converters, therefore a different number of capacitors and semiconductors are used for each
scheme. For all the converters, every each one of them is controlled as working only with three levels,
so a PWM control for only three levels of operation is made. This consideration is made not only
because of the complexity of logical systems in higher levels but also because a major concern is
related with reverse and direct voltages applied. So, as described, multilevel structures allow not only
an output waveform with several output levels but also a lower voltage through all semiconductors as
the number of levels increases and even a five-level control as inherent to himself the three-level
operating points desired. Another reason lies in the unequal conducting duty of semiconductors using
higher number of levels while on the other end with the use of three-level control it is necessary to
group a number of switches as related to the operating point. The five and seven-level converters
present groups of two and three semiconductors respectively and as the number of levels increase the
same pattern is followed for the number of switches in the groups. These groups represent the same
manner the single semiconductors in the three-level converter.
There are several semiconductors available nowadays and in continuous development every single
one of them, but currently, the most commonly used for high voltage situations are the Gate Turn-Off
thyristor (GTO) and the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). With wider choice options it is
natural then the existence of a trade-off between power devices and the current trends indicates the
switching frequency (higher in IGBT) and voltage-blocking capability (higher in GTO) as the
differences. So despite the greater capability of GTOs to work with higher voltages and currents, its
switching frequency is not as good as the one shown by an IGBT [17]. Since the withstanding voltages
decrease with
in multilevel converters, and therefore assuming the differences of the
semiconductors voltage-blocking capability as less important, the option lies in the use of IGBTs. Also
the control system for a GTO is more complex, expensive and more power needs to be available.
So using the Matlab/Simulink environment the converters designed present a common DC bus, which
is represented by a DC source with 500
), capacitors with 10 000
and 0,1 Ω parasitic
resistance each. The source simulates the ideal voltage immediately established after the rectification
in a converter station between the positive and the negative cable in a bipolar connection. The cable is
represented only by a resistance with 6 Ω which follows a DC reactor [19], usually placed to smooth
the current, with 500
H. The load is an inductive branch,
, with
= 10 Ω and
= 100
H to
illustrate the reversibility in the converter. All converter models designed are presented in Annex A
together with important and non-redundant subsystems and control signals.
3.2 Three-level Diode-Clamped Converter
The three-level converter is the basic cell of diode-clamped converters and as already been initially
described in 1.4. A basic schematic and a command signal table were presented, respectively in
Figure 2.3 and Table 2.2. Substituting the generic
value, an updated command signal table is
presented in Table 3.1, where State ID represents an identification of each working state.
Table 3.1 - Three-level command signal.
State ID
The output voltage, obviously, presents the three distinct levels supplied to load (250
and −250
, 0
) and the resultant current follows, almost, the desired sinusoidal evolution with a peak
value of 6,056
. This value is not extremely important once load impedance can be higher reducing
it or if the semiconductors are not able to conduct such magnitude several can be displaced in parallel
to divide it. In Figure 3.1 is presented precisely the voltage and current in the load during 0,1 . The
voltage evolution respects the PWM control designed with a working frequency of 50
( = 0,02 ),
where the firsts 0,01
correspond to a positive half cycle and the following 0,01
to a negative half
Figure 3.1 - Load voltage and current in three-level converter.
Despite what is described in (2.9) the current in the capacitors is not symmetric. That is only achieved
assuring equal capacitors, with equal parasite resistors, as specified for the simulations, and with no
impedance in the common DC bus. Since the converter can be part of a HVDC system, such
impedance exists and is supposed to represent the DC cable supplying a nearly constant current. So
the current contribution of each capacitor to the load is represented in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2 - Capacitors and load currents in three-level converter.
The higher peaks in capacitors currents correspond to a positive or negative state, while the intervals
between happen for the zero voltage state. In state 1 and state 3, the load current, either positive or
negative, is related with currents
, respectively. In state 2 is noticed a positive current always
circulating in the capacitors, capacitors are charging, which is equal in both and is totally supplied by
the source through the cable.
In the first state, the converter uses the upper semiconductors, connecting the first terminal of the load
to the highest voltage level (
) while the other terminal is always connected to the neutral point. As
the neutral point corresponds to the middle point between the two capacitors, its voltage is, ideally,
⁄2. So the load voltage in this state is described as the difference between the highest voltage
level and the neutral point. This description also represents the voltage across
, which means they
are in parallel and the voltage existing in the capacitor is the same in the load. This state is
represented in Figure 3.3 with the most important currents flowing in the circuit. The load current
influences the direction of the currents in the converter, and affects the charging and discharging
dynamics of capacitor
. When positive,
discharges and obviously
charges for a negative load
current. The anti-parallel diodes in the semiconductors are essential here, allowing the negative
current to flow adequately. It is noticed that load current corresponds to neutral current and in
flows the same current supplied by the common dc bus.
Figure 3.3 - Three-level converter in state 1.
The voltage distribution along all the semiconductors is different according to state ID, but all
respecting some limits inherent to multilevel converters theory. So for state 1, the voltage sharing is
presented in
Table 3.2, where in
positions is represented the voltage across IGBT , and the respective diode in
anti-parallel withstands a symmetric voltage. The assumption is made to simplify the table and to
respect the usual
orientation in diodes.
are conducting, is ideally considered that no voltage is applied across the
semiconductors terminals, but despite the consideration being acceptable, the real voltage those
semiconductors withstand is dependent of their internal conducting impedance and load current.
is turned ON, diode
is considered as arranged in anti-parallel with
situation no current flows through
and within that
. To verify, KVL is written.
as the smaller terms, the reverse voltage in diode is approximately
Table 3.2 - Voltage sharing in state 1.
≈ 250
≈ 250
≈ −250
The series of the lower semiconductor is exposed to all the voltage available, 500
, which is divided
. With the connection of the clamping diodes such division should be balanced.
Looking to Figure 3.4, which represents the working conditions of state 1, is possible to describe the
voltage sharing along the lower semiconductors bearing in mind some voltage loops.
Figure 3.4 - Voltage sharing in lower semiconductors in state 1.
In this state the voltage in
is applied to load so two loop can be written:
So if
the diode is off and the voltage across both IGBTs should be approximately equal
if the leakage currents, also in both transistors, are approximately equal.
On the other hand if
>0 ∧
the diode conducts the leakage currents until
The second state, which corresponds to zero voltage applied to load, uses the clamping diodes to
assure the current circulation in the converter due to the load inductive nature. The diodes do not
conduct simultaneously; it depends on the load current orientation. For positive load current it is
that works, while for negative current the circulation is assured by
. With this arrangement of
semiconductors the middle point is connected directly to the other load terminal, no voltage being
supplied by any source. The voltage really applied to load is due to conduction, considered, ideally,
In Table 3.3 is presented the voltage distribution where fewer semiconductors withstand larger
voltages. In this state only two switches present great voltage at their terminals, while on state 1 high
voltages are present in three.
Figure 3.5 – Three-level converter in state 2.
Table 3.3 - Voltage sharing in state 2.
≈ 250
≈ 250
The two clamping diodes and the inner IGBTs naturally present only a small voltage drop which is
dependent on their internal conducting impedance and the load current. Despite the loops not being
simultaneous, when
are conducting,
see a voltage due to that conduction and
they will present a voltage drop along them also as the load. On the other hand to
a direct voltage of approximate 250
established by
each, corresponding
is applied
due to the connection
, where middle point voltage is seen in the other load terminal. The
capacitors, now, present the same current, totally supplied through the cable, charging them.
Finally the third state, where −
are supplied to load, semiconductors
are ON and
are turned OFF. This state is similar to the first one where the highest voltage point were connected
directly to load, but instead, now, the load is directly connected the lowest voltage point,
Once again the load voltage is the difference between zero and the middle point which allows
achieving the negative output value. Now is the voltage in
that is seen by the load. The currents
arrangement is represented in Figure 3.6 for the separated situations with positive and negative load
current and also influences the capacitors charge and discharge.
As this state is symmetrical from state 1, the voltage across semiconductors is precisely the opposite,
now the upper switches and
parallel with
withstand the high voltages. The diode becomes arranged in anti-
and no current passes through it.
Figure 3.6 - Three-level converter in state 3.
Table 3.4 - Voltage sharing in state 3.
≈ 250
≈ 250
≈ −250
To abridge the voltage distribution along all semiconductors in all the three different states, is
presented Table 3.5 where is indicated the relation with each capacitor.
Table 3.5 - Voltage sharing in three-level converter.
3.3 Five-level Diode-Clamped Converter
The five-level converter appears as the following converter with a smaller and odd number of levels.
The number of semiconductors increases now to eight IGBTs with eight anti-parallel diodes and
twelve clamping diodes. The clamping diodes are connected as a network [19] as a completion to their
series connection limiting and balancing the voltages of the different clamping diodes. Such is due to
the different maximum reverse voltages each diode really withstands according to its tolerance rate.
Also four capacitors are needed instead of only two and the 500
divided in 125
supplied by the DC source are
for each capacitor. So the five-level converter is presented in Figure 3.7 with a diode
network with the respective command signals applied to active semiconductors described in Table 3.6.
Figure 3.7 - Five-level diode-clamped converter.
Three alignments of diodes can be identified which are specifically numbered to an easier
interpretation when needed.
Table 3.6 – Three-level command signal for five-level converter.
State ID
The voltage output is the same as the three-level converter due to the same control and grouping of
semiconductors but now the voltage from DC bus is equally distributed between four capacitors which
are connected to load as described
≈ 250
≈ −250
Load current is consequently also the same. The connections established in the three different states
can be described the same manner as for the three-level converter. In state 1 semiconductors
connect one load terminal to the highest voltage level while the other terminal is connected to the
neutral point which is now placed between
. The same way, state 3 connects the load,
through the bottom semiconductors, to the lowest voltage level and state 2 uses the clamping diodes
to assure current circulation when no voltage is applied to load. Such circulation is made using the
second column of diodes,
for positive load current and
for a negative one.
This column mirrors the clamping diodes in the three-level converter because they are the ones
clamping the neutral point. A converter with this formulation, five-level topology working as a threelevel converter, only uses the second column of clamping diodes to conduct current while the rest of
such network is only useful to improve the voltage distribution in all semiconductors.
The current circulation in states 1 and 3 is also similar to the previous converter and is presented in
Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9 respectively, where the only significant characteristic is, ideally, the equal
behaviour noticed for the capacitors in pairs demonstrated by the result simulation in Figure 3.10.
Figure 3.8 – Five-level converter in state 1.
A first approach to state 1 demonstrates that
; and
stated for state 3 where
share with
shares the voltage with
is in parallel with
share with
. On the other way around the same can be
; and
Figure 3.9 – Five-level converter in state 3.
Figure 3.10 – Capacitors currents in five-level converter.
Some other inner loops can be written helping to prove voltage distribution created in the diode
network, specifically
The same manner that in the three-level converter when state 1 is activated the second diode is
considered to withstand a zero voltage, in the five-level converter diodes
also can be considered as withstanding zero voltage in state 1. Symmetrically in state 3 the diodes
are the ones in those conditions. This assumption is not entirely truth
and easy to satisfy because as the number of capacitors is higher its balancing becomes also more
complicated, as so for the number of semiconductors which are all interconnected establishing even
more loops that can be analyzed. Also this problem with capacitors and the difficulty to control their
voltage keeping it the most approximate as possible is noticed for the maximum voltage in all
semiconductors obviously. So the maximum voltage along each diode on the three states is presented
in Table 3.7, complemented by the period of simulation results in Figure 3.11 where each column with
results represents a column of diodes.
Table 3.7 - Voltage distribution in five-level converter.
With the use of this diode network is seen a better balanced voltage distribution along the clamping
diodes which could not be possible using only the series connection. Some perturbations are noticed
due to great complexity in the system with switching behaviour, parasitic capacitances in
semiconductors and different equivalent resistances placed, but the maximum reverse voltage each
diode withstands rounds 125
as desired.
Figure 3.11 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter.
In state 2, the zero voltage state, the inductive load needs a loop where current can circulate freely. As
said, the second column of diodes manages such concern with no other column involved in current
circulation either for this or any other of the states. To attest that statement is presented, in Figure
3.12, for the same period of time as before, the currents circulating in those diodes.
Figure 3.12 - Current in diode network in five-level converter.
Is easily noticed the great magnitude difference between second and other columns where only small
perturbations exist which never have a reasonable influence in the currents circulating so they can be
Also for the active semiconductors, is presented Table 3.8 with the voltage along them in all three
states. A simulation result for voltage across IGBTs is presented in Figure 3.13. Not to forget is the
existence of anti-parallel diodes which are considered to have a symmetric voltage from the one in
Table 3.8 - Voltage distribution in five-level converter IGBTs.
State ID
The major difference in all the voltages withstand by the semiconductors are the ones applied in
when on state 3. It also can be seen that their voltages are complemented by each other,
during their evolution, where when the voltage in
decreases, it increases in
Figure 3.13 – Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter.
The IGBTs in the left correspond to the sequence
, upper IGBTs, while the right side represents
. In this converter is complicated to establish a direct connection between the direct voltages
applied to semiconductors and the respective capacitors as it was presented in the previous one.
Theoretically and ideally was expected, for each state, that the IGBTs turned OFF were related with
the capacitors by the order they are arranged in the converter. For example in state 2,
were supposed to represent the voltage in
respectively. Also for the diode network
the diodes are related with the capacitors directly through its number,
is related with
the number of the column in the network. A voltage distribution in the capacitors for the same period of
time always used is presented in Figure 3.14.
Figure 3.14 - Voltage distribution in capacitors in five-level converter.
In this case the second capacitor presents the smaller voltage but it is important to state that the mean
voltage in all capacitors suffer a constant change along the simulation, specifically the voltage in
as seen in Figure 3.15 for this case. This is the already known problem with the voltage
unbalance in diode-clamped converters which is also a consequence of the different parallel
resistances placed. If other random values of resistance are selected a better result can be achieved
during more time as seen in Figure 3.16 but the continuous evolution trends to the same behaviour as
Figure 3.15 - Evolution of voltage in capacitors in five-level converter.
Figure 3.16 - Voltage distribution in capacitors in five-level converter with different values of
3.4 Seven-Level Diode-Clamped Converter
The seven-level converter is the following in the chain of converters with an odd and lower number of
levels. The number of active semiconductors increases to twelve IGBTs with twelve anti-parallel
diodes and thirty clamping diodes which represents a high density rate of semiconductors in one
converter. The clamping diodes are obviously also arranged in a network, distributed in five columns
with six diodes each, to improve voltage balance among them. The converter also presents six
capacitors ideally charged with approximately 83,3
each to perform the 500
from the DC bus. All
this creates more inner loops which follow the same pattern as for five-level converter.
The command signals are presented in Table 3.9 where is noticed the groups of three semiconductors
needed to work as a three-level converter.
Table 3.9 - Three-level command signal for seven-level converter.
State ID
The current distribution is the same as for the other converters, where the upper IGBTs conduct for
state 1 and the lower IGBTs for state 3, taking into account also the anti-parallel diodes. State 2 uses
the network diode and the similitude between the seven-level and the five-level converter is great in
the diode network once the number of columns is also odd. This way the only diodes who conduct are
the ones in the third column which clamp the middle point where load is connected. All the rest of
diodes only conduct some leakage current and their main purpose is to balance voltage in the
converter which is more complicated than in the five-level converter due to a higher density of
semiconductors. Ideally they withstand only the maximum reverse voltage, which is 83,3
Table 3.10 describes the ideal voltage sharing where
, or zero so
represents the maximum reverse voltage
Table 3.10 – Voltage distribution in diode network in seven-level converter.
The behaviour is identical as the one seen for the five-level converter only with more columns. If the
columns 1 and 5 are removed, as also diodes 1 and 6 from each column, the same result as in the
five-level converter appears. With this voltages in the clamping diodes, is expected the same ideal
behaviour in IGBTs with a maximum direct voltage applied of 83,3
. All voltages and currents are
presented in Annex B once the results are ideally very similar.
In simulation results is proven the voltage balancing problems with a voltage trade-off between the
diodes much more evident than for the five-level case. The elevated number of switching devices
complicates this task but in any case the use of the diodes network creates some boundaries to
maximum voltages applied, once no semiconductor withstands more than 100
in the worst cases
which are few. Without the network arrangement the voltage differences between semiconductors is
worse and can round more than 100
in adjacent diodes.
The problem with the unbalance of capacitors also still persists for this architecture even if not
pronounced so actively as for the five-level case where
parallel resistances values also influence this unbalance.
rapidly trade their voltages. The
Chapter 4
Short-Circuit Faults in Diode-Clamped
Three-Level Converters
4.1 Introduction
The option taken for fault situations is to create a fault separately in each IGBT and simply one fault
per study, i.e. only one IGBT is short-circuited for simulation. As the number of levels pretended is
three, this means that for every single fault the analysis must observe the behaviour of the converter in
the three working levels.
4.2 Three-level Diode-Clamped Converter
4.2.1 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 1
In the faults, the first simulation is made for a short-circuit in the first semiconductor,
, and this can
= 1 in the table of command signals. So from the moment short-
be represented as a permanent
circuit happens, the “new” signals are presented in Table 4.1, where State ID is, again, the
identification for each working state.
Table 4.1 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT1.
State ID
This way the converter presents one operating point using the same semiconductors, another
operating point placing three IGBTs in series and a last operating point where the IGBT short-circuited
is alone. In these working conditions is rapidly seen the capacitor
discharging and necessarily
assuming entirely the voltage difference achieving a new steady state. So, the voltage mean value in
is in a much smaller magnitude order than before,
the voltage in the common dc bus,
≈ 500
≈ 0, and the voltage mean value in
is all
, approximately as seen in Figure 4.1. It is not totally
exact due to the cable impedance which now is travelled by a larger steady state current and even
is never absolutely zero. During the evolution until the new steady state, the discharge happens more
suddenly than the charge in the complementary capacitor due to the behaviour of the current through
DC cable.
Considering the load voltage compound by two different levels, 0 and −500
, this implies a negative
mean value applied, therefore a negative dc component is also found in the load current as shown in
Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.1 – Capacitors and load voltages in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
Figure 4.2 - Load Current in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
Besides the dc component, load current also presents a significant distortion in its evolution. Running
the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Analysis provided in Powergui interface for SimPowerSystems
models, it can be noticed the existence of a second harmonic rounding 20% relative to fundamental
The precise instant when short-circuit occurs in Figure 4.1, represents a negative working level
⁄2) but the discharge of
only happens when the transition to zero state is done. So state 2,
now presenting the series of three IGBTs conducting, natural
and short-circuited
, is
responsible for the discharge. Another possible instant for the occurrence of the discharge, is in state
1 but since no differences from a regular situation are created in the predisposition of the
semiconductors, it is assumed state 2 and the series of three IGBTs as the cause of discharge in
. So in state 2 a new loop is created, with smaller impedance than usual being seen by the
capacitor and that is the cause of discharge. Using KVL it is written the equation of such loop
= 0.
To calculate such current, at least its highest peak which is an important reference, the superposition
theorem could be used assuming the capacitors work as dc voltage sources. But since the cable
impedance is much bigger than the other ones where currents circulate and also semiconductor
OFF offering a big impedance not allowing a closed circulation to
, the loop in (4.1) is enough to
calculate the short-circuit current. The conducting impedance in the semiconductors is assumed to be
only a resistor and equal for all of them,
= 0,1 Ω, the same of the capacitor parasite resistance. The
reactor placed in series with the cable (500
) is useful to limit great current changes in the cable
and in this situation short-circuit current that flows through semiconductors is practically supplied by
the discharging capacitor. So assuming in the exact instant immediately before the short-circuit a
voltage of 250
, and re-writing (4.1) with all resistances and dependence on current
It is then expected a current peak of 500
= 500
flowing in semiconductors
in the first
transition to state 2. Such current peak obviously causes the destruction of the switches and also the
sudden decrease in the voltage observed in the capacitor. In Figure 4.4 is presented the simulation
result describing the evolution of capacitors current in the first instants. It is possible to see the first
peak current from capacitor
rounding 500
as expected while
maintains a more regular
A load current positive in malfunction is almost only observed in a small portion of time and while
still naturally discharging until a new steady state is achieved. Anyway, the discharge with its high
current peak is not felt directly by load due to its inductive nature.
Figure 4.3 – Discharging loop of
in three-level converter.
Figure 4.4 – Short-circuit current peak in three-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT1.
It was already stated that a major discharge occurs in the first passage in state 2, but afterwards a
new steady state is achieved. Each state is analyzed, showing the currents flowing and voltages
withstand by each semiconductor in the precise instant. So with IGBT 1 short-circuited,
first diode,
, is always directly exposed to
= 0, the
and withstands its voltage, if parasite resistance is
. Despite the capacitor discharges, it never presents a negative voltage, not
even presents zero voltage through its terminals, so this diode is no longer available for conducting.
The voltage sharing for all the other semiconductors, in all three working states, is presented in Table
4.2 together with evolution in capacitors. The evolution marked is a cause of a negative load current in
steady state.
Table 4.2 - Voltage sharing in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
To be more accurate, the values related with
, such as the voltages applied to
and even
can vary according to its current since the voltage magnitude order is now much different from normal
operation and current levels are higher. So the parasite resistance and the conducting resistance with
current orientation are important to obtain a more accurate result.
In Figure 4.5 is presented the most important currents flowing in the converter in each one of the three
different states after the steady state is achieved where load current is always negative. No
differences exist primarily from the functional three-level converter for states 1 and 3 in the currents
distribution for a negative load current. Obviously current values are different and the voltages applied
to semiconductors are not balanced anymore due to the voltage difference in the capacitors.
Figure 4.5 - Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
To confirm current circulations and voltages applied, the results of simulation for all semiconductors
during a single period are presented in Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 as well as the currents in capacitors
and load current in Figure 4.8.
Figure 4.6 - Voltage and current in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
Since load current is negative, the upper IGBTs when in state 1 do not present current through
themselves because such conduction is assured by the anti-parallel diodes. For state 2 conduction
exists in semiconductors
discharging current in
. In this state the current in
and the current supplied by the DC bus while in
current. In state 3 is visible the conduction of load current in semiconductors
is the sum of the
is also summed load
Figure 4.7 - Voltage and current in clamping diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in
In the clamping diodes analysis only
conducts current as expected and always in state 2. Such
current is equal to the one circulating in
in the same state. All high voltages applied to the
semiconductors are related with the voltage available in capacitors.
Figure 4.8 - Currents in capacitors in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
Observing the evolution of the currents in Figure 4.8 is easily identified the charging of
in state 1
due to load current and DC bus, its discharge in state 2, and again charging in state 3 only due to the
DC bus.
4.2.2 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 2
After verifying the behaviour in the converter with the first semiconductor,
presented the results for a fault in
short-circuit is made with
, short-circuited, now is
. The same way as before the command signal representing
= 1 permanently and all the command signals are presented in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT2.
State ID
This time states 1 and 2 present no changes because
is a semiconductor with a larger conduction
duty. The only difference exists in the transition to state 3 introducing once again a series connection
of three IGBTs. In this working conditions the discharge of
happens, with a respective voltage
compensation by the other capacitor. So the voltage mean value in
≈ 0 and
assumes the voltage in the DC bus,
≈ 500
is reduced to nearly zero,
. In Figure 4.9 is presented the
voltage applied to load and the one available in the capacitors being noticed the referred discharge.
Figure 4.9 - Load and capacitors voltage in three-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT2.
In this case is clear the existence of a positive voltage mean value applied to load and consequently a
positive dc component will be observed in current.
The cause of discharge can be considered as symmetric from the one motivated by the fault in
because also
sees now a much lower impedance characterized by the loop
= 0.
Assuming once again that the contribution from the DC bus to the short-circuit current is negligible,
being fed only by the capacitor presenting a voltage of 250
current which has the same value as in (4.2), 500
, is calculated the highest peak in the
. It happens because the number of
semiconductors travelled by the current is the same and they all have the same conducting resistance.
A simulation result with the behaviour of the currents in the capacitors in the time interval
corresponding to the highest current peak is presented in Figure 4.10 while the discharge loop is
represented in Figure 4.11.
Since the discharge loop only happens in state 3, which has a smaller frequency of use, the
discharging of
in this situation takes more time and for such reason, in Figure 4.10 exists a gap of
time where the converter operates regularly. It corresponds to the positive half cycle in the PWM
With short-circuit in
none of the clamping diodes withstands a direct voltage from any capacitor,
therefore both are able to conduct if needed. So as only
presents a previously defined voltage
applied, Table 4.4 is presented with the voltage distribution in all the other semiconductors.
Figure 4.10 - Short-circuit current peak in three-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT2.
Figure 4.11 – Discharging loop of
What was written about the values related with
values related with
in three-level converter.
in the other case are now again important for these
Table 4.4 - Voltage sharing in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT 2.
In Figure 4.12 is presented the currents circulation in the converter separated for the three states
when on steady state. In this working conditions is represented the load current as always positive.
The first two states present a regular circulation for a positive current which is demonstrated by the
result simulations in Figure 4.13 and Figure 4.14.
Figure 4.12 - Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
Figure 4.13 – Voltage and current in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
The first IGBT only works on state 1 conducting the positive load current simultaneously with
second state, since load current has an always positive evolution,
. In the
continues to conduct but now
together with
. When the converter operates in state 3, the short-circuit loop is active where
conduct. The current circulates through
PWM, being bigger than in
during the entire negative half cycle of
, specifically in state 3. This difference is related with the
conduction also of load current.
Figure 4.14 – Voltage and current in clamping diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in
The second diode conducts some leakage current, in state 1, because
> 0.
This way the diode conducts until the voltage in the capacitor equals the voltage through the
The load current and the currents charging and discharging the capacitors are presented in Figure
4.15. The charging of both capacitors is only made through the DC bus during state 2 and state 3 for
and during state 2 and state 1 for
Figure 4.15 - Capacitors and load current in three-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
4.2.3 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 3
This third semiconductor is part of the branded lower IGBTs of the converter and a short-circuit fault
created on it results in the same series connection of three IGBTs as for the fault in
, as
demonstrated in Table 4.5, but now happening when the converter is in state 1 instead of state 2.
Table 4.5 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT3.
State ID
On state 1 the series set of the three IGBTs origins the same type of short-circuit through the loop
described in (4.1) discharging
, charging
and creating a negative load mean voltage. Also short-
circuit highest peak is equal to both cases before. However two differences from the fault in
stated: no clamping diode is directly connected to a capacitor being unable to conduct as
can be
was; and
the great loop is associated with a minor conducting duty state. The converter operates the regular
way when on state 2 and 3 once again due to a larger conduction duty. These features are related to
the inner diodes because a short-circuit fault in IGBT 2 creates the same conditions. So the results
obtained for short-circuit in IGBT 3 are symmetric from those caused by a fault in IGBT 2. In Figure
4.19 is presented the currents circulation in the converter in all the three states with a short-circuit fault
in IGBT 3.
The symmetry with the fault in IGBT 2 is obvious and the simulation results presented in Figure 4.17,
Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.19 prove such fact.
Figure 4.16 - Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3.
Figure 4.17 - Voltage and current in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3.
Figure 4.18 - Voltage and current in clamping diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in
Figure 4.19 - Capacitors and load current in three-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT3.
4.2.4 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 4
With the symmetry in the converter it is expected that this fault origins the same work conditions seen
short-circuited. The same way a fault in IGBT 1 connects
conduction, a fault in IGBT 4 connects
directly to
disabling its
, and the series connection of three IGBTs happens
again in state 2. The command signals described in Table 4.6 represent the behaviour of active
semiconductors with a fault in
Table 4.6 - Command signals in three-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT4.
State ID
Regarding the symmetry, the currents behaviour in the converter are presented in Figure 4.20 where
load current achieves an always negative value.
Figure 4.20 - Currents circulation in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
The result simulations are presented in Figure 4.21, Figure 4.22 and Figure 4.23 which when
compared against those resultant from the short-circuit fault in IGBT 1 is visible the symmetry.
Figure 4.21 - Voltage and currents in IGBTs in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
Figure 4.22 - Voltage and currents in clamping diodes in three-level converter with short-circuit fault in
Figure 4.23 - Capacitors and load current in three-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
4.3 Five-Level Diode-Clamped Converter
The five-level converter is expected to have its short-circuit fault behaviours different than the threelevel converter due to the higher number of semiconductors and capacitors. Despite the groups of
semiconductors arranged with the command signals, the switches are short-circuited independently to
study such influence in the converter. If the entire group is forced to malfunction instead of a single
semiconductor, probably representing a problem in the primary command signal, the results obtained
are similar to a three-level converter where the group in the five-level converter represents a single
semiconductor in the three-level one. In this converter, the usual number of active semiconductors
turned ON is four.
4.3.1 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 1
= 1 to represent a permanent short-circuit in
Maintaining the same identification as before, using
semiconductor , a fault in IGBT 1 in a five-level converter influences the command signals in the
manner represented in Table 4.7.
Table 4.7 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT1.
State ID
Making a parallel between this fault and in first semiconductor in the three-level converter is noticed
the non existence of a special series arrangement of semiconductors, five in this case, here. State 1
remains unchanged, conducting current along the upper IGBTs or the respective anti-parallel diodes
according to the load current value. In the following states the only difference they provoke is the
immediate arrangement of
in parallel with
disabling its conduction. Since this diode is not used
for any significant conduction in the regular operation, only some leakage current flows, no major
problem assaults the current circulation in the converter changing its behaviour. All the rest of the
diodes in the network withstand the usual voltages (≈ −125
) and no discharge of any capacitor
happens. But despite no differences in the currents being observed, short-circuit of
, which
represents a difference for states 2 and 3, implies a voltage trade-off with other semiconductor,
necessarily IGBT, to respect some KVLs. With this short-circuit the upper terminal of semiconductor
is connected to the highest voltage point in the converter while its lower terminal is still clamped by the
second column of diodes. So it is expected that this semiconductor withstands the extra voltage in the
semiconductors resultant from short-circuit.
Re-writing (3.14) for each state, concerning the IGBTs turned on, appears in the correct sequence
and substituting the ideal zero voltages in the respective diodes for each state results
Since the voltage in the rest of the diode network is not affected in any state, only
3, (4.8) is equal for a normal operation and
corresponds to the voltage in
withstands the symmetric voltage of
. For (4.9), the loop for state 2, where
active semiconductor needs to withstand the same voltage as
to 250
existing between
in states 2 and
. In this equation
is OFF, is noticed that the
which ideally corresponds
is the odd factor who forces
to withstand
a bigger voltage.
The third state equation, (4.10), presents a bigger group of semiconductors to share the voltage but
since the upper terminal of
is clamped through column 3, its voltage ideally reflects
clamped between the second and the third column reflects
with a total of 250
. Once again is the voltage across
and necessarily
, as
needs to reflect
who perturbs the loop.
Simulation results for all semiconductors are presented in Figure 4.24, Figure 4.25 and Figure 4.26,
respectively for the voltage in the diode network, their current and voltage across IGBTs.
Figure 4.24 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
The first diode in the network,
, withstands along all period the voltage existing in
as expected,
which is the only difference among the diodes when compared against the regular operation. Also for
their currents, the second column is still the only to conduct load current while the other diodes only
conduct leakage current.
Figure 4.25 - Current in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
The voltage across IGBTs demonstrates
semiconductors by short-circuit. Also, obviously
withstanding the surplus voltage created in these
presents no voltage across its terminals and all the
rest of IGBTs withstand the usual voltage, due to no discharge, for the usual states of operation.
Figure 4.26 - Voltage sharing in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
4.3.2 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 2
A short-circuit fault in the second active switch presents immediately a difference from first one
because it creates a series connection of five IGBTs in state 2, the largest conduction duty, as
demonstrated by Table 4.8. It was previously noticed that such arrangement of semiconductors is the
cause of short-circuit current flowing in the converter and the same happens for this case.
Table 4.8 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT2.
State ID
A simulation result in discharge with load voltage and the voltage in the capacitors is presented in
Figure 4.27 where is noticed the discharge of
while the rest of them starts to assume the voltage
difference. Instead of only two output levels as seen for the three-level converter (0 and ±500
according to which capacitor discharges), in this case three output levels exist. They exist due to the
number of capacitors in this topology,
responsible for the negative one. Since only
exists the contribution of
directly to
are used for the positive level while
is affected by a sudden discharge, in state 1 there still
. State 2 with the series arrangement of the IGBTs connects the load
, initially presents a non-zero value but when discharged is ideally zero, and state 3
presents the usual connection to load terminals throughout
Figure 4.27 - Load and capacitors voltage in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
It is also observed the evolution in the other capacitors initially raising their voltage but after a while
they start to trend to specific values. Ideally the first capacitor evolves to 250
usual voltage added with the usual voltage in
, and both
, corresponding to its
ideally trend to the usual 125
This way the load suffers initially a perturbation in its behaviour and as the voltage in the capacitors
evolves it regains the regular behaviour. Using a longer simulation time and after a common trend,
becomes visible the slowly evolution towards the unbalance of voltages in capacitors
. The
same phenomenon was already observed for the regular behaviour of five-level converters.
The simulation results for the voltage applied to semiconductors are presented in Figure 4.28 and
Figure 4.29 respectively for diode network and IGBTs. The period of simulation presented
corresponds to a period where the voltage in the capacitors is still evolving towards the initial trend but
anyway it is understood the influence of capacitor
in the diodes
as ideally desired
in the topology set. As the rest of capacitors present a very similar result is not identifiable their
influence in the respective diodes directly.
Figure 4.28 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
The same described for the diode network is valid to IGBTs where
sees the voltage in
short-circuit of
. As
see the voltage in
is the short-circuited such identification is not manageable but in fact
resulted in the discharge of
The discharge of
happens because with
for this case.
short-circuited and in state 2, the capacitor sees a
smaller impedance path to discharge through. Such path is described with KVL as
and the behaviour in the major discharge is represented in Figure 4.30.
Figure 4.29 - Voltage sharing in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
Figure 4.30 - Discharging loop of
in five-level converter.
To calculate the maximum short-circuit current peak the same ponderings are used disregarding the
contribution from the DC bus and other capacitors because they are connected to the loop involved
presenting large impedance. So assuming a balanced voltage in
with 125
and the same value
for all conducting resistance in the semiconductors as also for the parasite resistance in the capacitor
= 0,1 Ω), the short-circuit current is described by
≈ 139
Compared (4.2) against the resultant peak in the three-level converter, (4.2), the maximum peak for
the five-level converter is 3,6 times smaller. This difference exists primarily due to the voltage in the
capacitor which is reduced in half and also because in (4.2) the loop contains one diode and three
IGBTs (4
) while in this converter the current sees three diodes and five IGBTs (8
), disregarding
the parasite resistance in the capacitors. If the calculations are made without a parasite resistance, the
currents in both converters present a higher value but they necessarily have a higher difference.
= 625
≈ 156
The maximum short-circuit peak is presented in Figure 4.31 for
where it presents a value smaller
than expected. This difference is greater than the ones in the three-level case and is explained by the
less balanced voltage in the capacitors because in the instant causing the discharge the voltage in
rounds 119
instead of 125
Figure 4.31 - Short-circuit current peak in five-level converter with short-circuit in IGBT2.
The simulation results for currents circulating in the semiconductors are presented in Figure 4.32 and
Figure 4.33 for the same period of time as presented for voltages. According to the discharging loop,
the current in state 2 was supposed to travel through
only, but is visible, also only in
state 2, the existence of important values of current circulating also in
despite not being simultaneously. So initially the discharge is made through the loop described but as
long as the capacitor discharges and consequently the rest of them charge new working conditions
are offered to the semiconductors enabling their conduction.
Figure 4.32 - Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
All this currents, disregarding the ones in the third column, flow equally along some groups of diodes
and within each column they flow in separated instants but always on state 2. Specifically, while
are quietly waiting for their turn and when they conduct they all present the
same current through them. This behaviour also happens for the second column where
conduct the same current while
are waiting and vice-versa. A major association with this
current distribution is made with the orientation of load current where the upper diodes conduct for a
positive value and the bottom ones conduct for a negative value. But this is not entirely valid for every
instant in state 2 because the voltage felt by the load is not absolutely zero. This little differences
influence which diodes conduct and those who don’t conduct during some intervals.
Another possible occurrence happens when the voltage in
of conduction to
is really small enhancing the possibility
, inclusively creating a negative voltage through the terminals of the
capacitor when they do.
Figure 4.33 - Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
The current seen in IGBTs reflects the analysis made to the conduction in the diodes once it
demonstrates the differences in the current between some adjacent semiconductors. For example
are different when
conduct because the diodes are connected to the IGBTs inner
point. This is also noticed for the current circulating in
created by the conduction on
where the difference between them is
The current in the capacitors for the same period of time is represented in Figure 4.34 where is
noticed the change in the current of
when the converter operates in state 2.
Figure 4.34 - Currents in the capacitors in five-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
The load voltage and current is presented in Figure 4.35 for the same period of time as the simulations
before where the trending of the voltage in the capacitors does not balance the voltage in the load yet.
Figure 4.35 - Load voltage and current in five-level converter with a short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
4.3.3 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 3
Following the same general representation idea, the semiconductors are arranged according to Table
4.9 and the same way the case of IGBT 1, it is not established any series connection between the
short-circuited semiconductor and the rest of the regular operating semiconductors. This assumption
implies a lack of change in the currents circulation through all the converter and necessarily also
amends the voltage distribution in at least one semiconductor.
Table 4.9 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT3.
State ID
Another observation can be made respecting the conduction duty where, since
is one of the inner
IGBTs, the possible voltage unbalanced seen only happens in state 3 which is a smaller conducting
duty state.
This short-circuit involves directly the loop described by
and if for states 1 and 2 (IGBT 3 is usually ON) is
that always withstands the voltage in the
capacitor, now in state 3 the voltage difference created by the short-circuit needs to be balanced
through the diodes. Since the diodes cannot withstand direct voltages so high, they would conduct a
large current supplied by
voltage is distributed by
which is not feasible in this case, so
are discarded and the
but not necessarily balanced between them. The distribution
is related not only with the blocking capability of each one, but also with the adjacent loops where they
are inserted.
Another influence in the converter exists, and according to (3.14), (3.15) and (3.16), is expected that
the voltage trade-off among the IGBTs is made with
already knowing that in state 3
applied in
only forces
withstanding 250
. Just looking to (3.16) and
withstand extra voltage, is easily identified the voltage
. These are the first direct observations that can be made, but while the fault in IGBT 1
, now, for example, with
affected other diodes, are automatically also affected due
to the clamping between themselves where one case is described by
and consequently other diodes are also involved through other loops. So the simulation results for the
voltage in all semiconductors, IGBTs and diodes along the network, are presented in Figure 4.36 and
Figure 4.37.
Figure 4.36 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3.
In the third column is visible a reverse voltage applied to
in state 3 but not applied to
when in fact the equivalent resistance in the blocking state for this diode is bigger than for the other
two. Also the one used for
is bigger than the one applied to
and its voltage is smaller. This
proves the voltage distribution is dependent on all the loops along the network. In this case the
voltages across the diodes from the second column do not present any reasonable change but if the
values of the equivalent resistances are different somehow alterations can be found. For example in a
situation where
sees a reverse voltage in state 3, consequently
reducing it, due to (3.13) which consequently forces
withstand the voltage from
changes its reverse voltage,
to a higher reverse voltage because both
. The same is visible for
withstands a smaller voltage than usual necessarily compensated by
is a consequence from
. The voltage reduction in
. In this trade-off of voltage among the network the maximum reverse
voltage in a semiconductor is never higher, in module, than approximately −250
reverse voltage is −125
previously withstanding 125
where the first
because the usual
and the unbalance is created through the short-circuit in a semiconductor
Figure 4.37 - Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3.
As expected the active semiconductors maintain their behaviour exception made for
withstanding the additional voltage resultant from the short-circuit in
With all the changes seen in the diodes is presented Figure 4.38 as a verification that the currents
circulating is still the same where only the second column of diodes conducts the load current and
when on state 2.
Figure 4.38 - Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3.
4.3.4 Short-circuit fault in IGBT 4
The fourth IGBT is also one of the inner active semiconductors in the converter as IGBT 3 and
consequently is expected that short-circuit through its terminals creates the perturbations during a
smaller conduction duty. In Table 4.10 is identified a series arrangement of the semiconductors in the
third state specifically implying a discharge.
Table 4.10 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT4.
State ID
Such discharge is presented in Figure 4.39 through the simulation result for the voltage applied to load
and voltage in capacitors. So the fourth capacitor,
, presents descendent voltage in the negative half
cycle, specifically due to state 3. The load sees three output levels, as in the case of IGBT 2 shortcircuited but now with a zero output always levelled. The evolution of the other capacitors is also
similar to that case where now is
amends trend to the usual 125
that trends to a 250
voltage while
after some
Figure 4.39 - Load and capacitors voltage evolution in five-level converter with fault in IGBT4.
Once again short-circuit creates a perturbation felt by load which is compensated after awhile through
the increase of voltage in the adjacent capacitor that contributes to the same output level.
The voltages applied to the diodes network and IGBTs are presented in Figure 4.40 and Figure 4.41
where, as for the short-circuit fault in IGBT 2, is possible to establish a direct link between some
diodes and capacitors. In this situation is visible the relation between
presenting no reverse voltage. Also for
, which is discharged, and
exists a direct relation with the voltage in
Figure 4.40 - Voltage in diode network with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
With IGBTs the same happens, with
short-circuit of
created, again, a discharge of
presenting a voltage value related with
. Also the
Figure 4.41 - Voltage sharing in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
The reasons of discharge are always related to smaller impedance seen by the capacitor which in this
case is described by
and represented in Figure 4.42.
Figure 4.42 - Discharging loop of
in five-level converter.
Since the loop contains the same number of diodes and semiconductors, including the parasite
resistance from the capacitor the maximum peak achieved by the short-circuit current is ideally the
same that in (4.2). The result simulation is presented in Figure 4.43 where the first peak rounds
which implies about 4
of difference resultant mostly from the real voltage in
in that
instant. The same reason as before explains these differences once the voltage in the capacitor is not
exactly 125
in the precise instant of short-circuit.
Figure 4.43 - Capacitors current in major discharge in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in
The circulation of currents in the semiconductors is presented in Figure 4.44 and Figure 4.45 where
now the diodes from the second column conduct load current in state 2 as usual with no interference
from any discharge because it happens in state 3.
Figure 4.44 - Currents in the diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
The third column diodes conduct the current according to the major discharging loop but not for every
state 3 instant. It is noticed a gap in their conduction in the last quarter of the period in opposition to
some small peaks seen in
indicating an attempt to conduct in this intervals.
Figure 4.45 - Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
The current in IGBTs together with the currents in the capacitors presented in Figure 4.46 helps to
notice that the current in the third column of the diode network, is not necessarily or only resultant from
a discharge in
. For example in the first interval representing state 3 in this period, the first one after
simulation time 0,99 , the diodes present a high value of current through them while
is slightly
charging. It also demonstrates that such current in the diodes do not necessarily travels entirely
through the major discharging loop described as it also makes part of a loop containing the load and
Figure 4.46 - Currents in the capacitors in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
The load voltage and current is presented in Figure 4.47 for the same period of time as the simulations
Figure 4.47 - Load Voltage and Current in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
4.3.5 Short-circuit faults in the lower IGBTs
The fifth active semiconductor is part of the bottom switches and due to symmetry in the converter is
expected that the behaviour for a short-circuit fault in IGBT 5 mirrors the short-circuit fault in IGBT 4
in state 1. In Table 4.11 is found the series connection causer of a discharge
established for that state.
Table 4.11 - Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT5.
State ID
The load voltage evolution and the voltage existing in the capacitors is presented in Figure 4.48 where
is easily identified the characteristics of a state with a smaller conduction duty and the discharge of
This match with expected as it was already seen for the short-circuit faults in the bottom
semiconductors of the three-level converter.
Figure 4.48 – Load and capacitors voltage evolution in five-level converter with fault in IGBT5.
So the voltages and currents distributed along all semiconductors are expected to present some
symmetry from the short-circuit fault in IGBT 4 case. In the IGBTs such symmetry is easy to predict
since they are all connected in series from highest to lowest voltage point but the five-level converter
presents not only two clamping diodes but instead a whole diode network. In any case symmetry
between columns 1 and 3 exists since short-circuit now creates a discharging loop described by
where the first three diodes from the third column are replaced by the last three diodes from the first
column, disregarding the IGBTs. This is a difference from the three-level case where only two loops
served the four short-circuits of all IGBTs but a similitude is found once each capacitor has its only
discharging loop.
Until now were presented three loops in the five-level converter and the missing one which affects
and presents a symmetric behaviour from a short-circuit fault in IGBT 2 is described by
. Also the loop ends through
while the other case uses
precisely the first and last diodes of columns one and three respectively. This is caused with a shortcircuit in
Assuming all the voltages in the capacitors as ideally distributed and since only four IGBTs can create
discharges allowing diodes from other columns than the second one to conduct, the currents
circulation is symmetric between the upper and the lower IGBTs short-circuit fault cases. This
assumption for the voltage distribution in all the semiconductors is also valid exception made for the
symmetry between IGBT 3 and IGBT 6. A short-circuit fault in IGBT 6 is represented with the
command signals of Table 4.12 where in state 1 the semiconductor is placed alone not establishing
any possibility of conduction as the IGBT 3 case for state 3. In that point it was seen a voltage
distribution through several diodes in the network which consequently affected some adjacent diodes.
This same distribution is not possible to achieve symmetrically because it depends on each diode
characteristics to divide the voltage.
Table 4.12 – Command signals in five-level diode-clamped converter with short-circuit in IGBT6.
State ID
The voltage distribution in the diode network for a short-circuit fault in IGBT 6 is presented in Figure
4.49 where the symmetry with Figure 4.36 is nonexistent.
Figure 4.49 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT6.
It is visible that
short-circuited forces
to withstand some high voltage in state 1 when
previously withstand zero. Consequently due to the inner clamping of the diode network this affects
the reverse voltage applied in other diodes as it can also be seen for
Simulation results for voltages and currents in diodes and IGBTs, for short-circuit faults in
creating a discharge, are presented in Annex B.
4.4 Seven-Level Diode-Clamped Converter
The seven-level converter offers a more number of semiconductors to be tested but only the ones
adjacent with a usual connection create a discharge. The number of semiconductors turned ON in the
regular operation is six so short-circuit occurs with a series of seven IGBTs. In the previous converters
four short-circuits happens in both, specifically for all the switches in the three-level converter and for
its switches
in the five-level converter. So is expected for the seven-level converter that
create a discharge in one of the capacitors as demonstrated by Table
Table 4.13 - Command signals with all possible short-circuits creating a discharge in seven-level
State ID
Since the converter presents six capacitors and only four loops can be described, only four capacitors
discharge, remaining two that will never discharge no matter which semiconductor presents a fault.
The loops created by faults in this switches are
respectively for
Now the number of semiconductors composing the loop increases to twelve, specifically seven IGBTs
and five diodes. So assuming an ideal voltage of 83,3
in the capacitor, the short-circuit current
presents an approximate value of
≈ 64,08
which is more than 2 times smaller than the five-level case and almost 8 times smaller than the threelevel case but yet is still a really huge value. With the already known unbalance of capacitors is
expected that simulation results present different values of current peak, some with higher and others
with smaller values. Also with the increase of semiconductors in the path, the load impedance
difference becomes smaller and attention is needed when disregarding its value in the short-circuit
peak calculus.
Looking to other IGBTs, there are now eight that force the clamping diodes to withstand extra voltage
in their usual OFF states or even when it is supposed to withstand ideally zero. The simplest to
analyze are
once they are on the upper and lower edges of the converter. These
semiconductors short-circuited establish the direct connection of
in parallel with
respectively, being unable to conduct for all states. While in the five-level converter the short-circuit of
edge IGBTs only provokes change in the specific diode, in this case some other small voltage tradeoffs exists initially in the adjacent
. Consequently with all inner loops in the
diode network these small perturbations are spread by some of other diodes. Concerning IGBTs,
since no discharge occurs, the voltage from
he is inserted, specifically
) is now divided through the rest of the group where
). This is better than the previous case because not
only the voltage is smaller as also the voltage difference is divided between more semiconductors.
All the rest of the six IGBTs have an identical behaviour once they force the semiconductors in the
group and also diodes in the network. But based on simulation results, only the first ones shortcircuited in each group, as
, assure a more balanced distribution in the rest of IGBTs from
the same group. Some simulation results are then presented in Annex B.
4.5 -Level Diode-Clamped Converter
The extensions of converter architectures to
levels do not interferes with the number of IGBTs that
create a discharge in one of the capacitors and also reduces short-circuit current peak values. This
reduction is related with the increasing number of semiconductors in the path, which represent higher
impedance, and also with the smaller voltage in the capacitor. From previous analysis is noticed that
semiconductors short-circuited must be adjacent to the usual series of a level of operation in order to
create the new path with smaller impedance. With this condition in an -level converter with an odd
number of levels and operated as three, only four IGBTs cause discharges being easily identified from
the start as also the capacitor they discharge. So in the upper IGBTs, from
adjacent switches are
discharging respectively
during state 3, while for the lower IGBTs are
, those
during state 2 and
during state 1 and
during state 2. So the more external semiconductors cause the discharge of the middle capacitors and
the inner semiconductors discharge the edge capacitors.
For a common DC bus with a voltage
and using only the conduction resistance of all
semiconductors, assumed as equal, in the path, short-circuit current for an
-level converter is
described as
⁄( − 1)
2( − 1)
2( − 1)
So it decreases with the relation ( − 1) for paths presenting much smaller impedance than load.
When this assumption is no longer acceptable, short-circuit current needs to be calculated using load
impedance in parallel with the respective half of the path and obviously creating differences between
current flowing through the path and current effectively discharged by the capacitor. The current is
then bigger and described as
( − 1)
⁄( − 1)
( − 1) )⁄(
+ ( − 1)
where half of the path is in parallel with load and the other half is common to both in series. This
expression is valid for discharges in state 2 because for other states needs to be added the
contribution from other capacitors which now matter. In the seven-level case, with the characteristics
used in simulation, this phenomenon is slightly noticed since a small part of the entire current
discharged by the capacitor does not entirely flows through the new path created. But obviously if
conduction impedances of semiconductors start to be higher than load impedance the greater amount
of power transferred is lost on them and probably the converter is not sized properly.
Short-circuit currents are extremely elevated for cases simulated but concerning just load voltage
applied, the higher number of capacitors for each level allow a more steady output voltage in the
converter. Even with one capacitor discharged, is seen the trend of the other capacitors in same level
charging the voltage difference. This way load voltage is only slightly perturbed.
Assuming one semiconductor can conduct 6
, as the load current used in simulations, with the
for semiconductors, in a converter with an impedance much greater than a possible
discharging path, the number of levels needed in such converter to stop semiconductors to be
destroyed is
2( − 1)
For standard value of current rating of IGBTs, 1
> 21 .
, the number of levels needed is
2( − 1)
= 51 .
Architecture like this needs 100 IGBTs with 100 anti-parallel diodes, 50 capacitors and 2450 clamping
diodes with maximum voltage ratings rounding 10
. Despite the great reduction this voltage is still
currently difficult to be applied to single semiconductors once the highest ratings available usually
round 6,5
. To respect this value using a single semiconductor in each specific position the number
of levels in the converter is bigger than 77.
Assuming a short-circuit current able to be eliminated by a fuse in the semiconductor short-circuited,
opening the circuit, turns impossible positive load current circulation if the fuse acts in one of upper
IGBTs or negative load current for a lower IGBT. So only the anti-parallel diode conducts current in the
opposite direction. This solution is not effective to maintain acceptable converter output behaviour. A
possible solution, concerning load, consists also in interrupting short-circuit current but instead of
acting in the semiconductor, a circuit breaker is placed in the connection between specific capacitors
and diode network, except in the connection to neutral point. This breaker offers the possibility to
maintain load current behaviour without short-circuit currents flowing in the converter and without
discharging all the voltage in the specific capacitor, but is not a solution for voltage unbalance in
semiconductors. Also the breaker interrupts one important connection in topology that initially helps
voltage sharing and induces new voltage sharing features in some diodes, not necessarily better.
The other IGBTs do not provoke a discharge and only force other semiconductors to some extra
voltage. In worst cases semiconductors are forced to withstand twice the ideal voltage. It is seen for
five and seven-level sets that the IGBTs affected in these cases are the ones in the same group of the
short-circuited one and they divide the voltage difference between them. So two benefits arise for
higher number of levels sets because the voltage is smaller an also it is divided along more IGBTs. A
converter with 81 levels, respecting previous 6,5
rate of semiconductors, has 6,25
in the
capacitors and groups with 40 switches. Being this voltage ideally divided by the 39 corresponding
switches, only 0,16
are added to voltage applied to IGBTs. Obviously ideal distribution does not
occur and in the seven-level case, with three semiconductors in the group, is more evident the voltage
being distributed by semiconductors beneath the short-circuited one, but if manageable the IGBTs still
work without over-voltage problem.
The voltage unbalance in diodes is difficult to predict for short-circuit faults in active semiconductors. If
a short-circuit current takes place discharging all voltage in one capacitor, then the voltage in diodes
is approximately the same in capacitor
. If the IGBT short-circuited does not create any
discharge, is expected some voltage trade-off with some diodes previously withstanding almost zero.
With the existing connections linking columns to each other, this first trade-off consequently forces
more diodes in other columns to withstand more voltage. The worst condition possible for a diode is to
withstand twice the voltage it is expected.
Chapter 5
5.1 General Conclusions
The current thesis intended to demonstrate the influence of short-circuit events, in a single active
semiconductor, during the operation of diode-clamped converters with different number of levels sets
and controlled as three-level converters in high voltage conditions. It is possible to conclude that with
architectures designed for higher number of levels, the short-circuit currents created are smaller and
always only 4 IGBTs can cause such anomalies no matter the number of levels. The other IGBTs
when short-circuited force other semiconductors, diodes and IGBTs, to withstand some extra voltage
in worst cases but never more than the double they ideally withstand. Also a trade-off exists when
voltage in diode network is changed due to all inner connections between columns, so when some
diodes withstand more voltage, others necessarily withstand less.
Concerning the load, also with higher number of levels in the topology, it benefits from the higher
number of capacitors used to perform each level when a discharge occurs once it never completely
loses the three voltage levels. This way the load voltage difference created is smaller and load current
is less perturbed. Inclusively the rest of the capacitors charge such voltage difference allowing the
voltage applied to load to regain a regular behaviour after awhile but attention is required to the
common voltage unbalance in capacitors. Load is not also affected at all when one of other IGBTs
than the specific 4 presents a short-circuit fault despite the change of voltage sharing in some
The voltage balancing in the semiconductors appears to be more complicated to control with the
increase of levels. The clamping diodes network with high density of semiconductors does not create
the ideal balanced voltage across them, and consequently also IGBTs present some voltage
fluctuations through their terminals, but its use achieves much better results once, for cases tested,
the maximum voltage in the semiconductors have mainly acceptable differences with few worse
To abridge conclusions, the converter with high number of levels architecture, operated as a threelevel converter, working with short-circuit faults in a single semiconductor, provides better and
acceptable answers to load than a three-level converter, usual NPC. Short-circuit currents can be very
high and destructive but are reduced increasing the number of levels. To eliminate short-circuit
currents in adequate time and keeping load in acceptable working conditions, a circuit breaker in the
connection between diode network and capacitors should be placed, except in neutral point. The
major problems for every case arise from voltage distribution in semiconductors once in the worst
case is possible to one semiconductor to withstand twice the voltage ideally designed. This is a
problem because is not expected to use semiconductors with twice the voltage rating than necessary
to operate the converter. Also no more series connection of semiconductors then the ones in the
architecture is desired once the study is focused on an -level converter.
5.2 Future Works
In the development of every work new approaches, new solutions and new possible studies appear
and some are presented in order to complete this thesis. An extension of levels can be made using
the same diode network to study voltage sharing for a higher number of levels, study open-circuit
situations in semiconductors that do not create a short-circuit current to identify problems and
solutions in the operation of the converter and study some approaches to face the voltage unbalance
in capacitors. Also another PWM control can be used and short-circuit situations for three-phase
cases can be study. At last interconnect two converters trough a DC cable and them to respective AC
networks to simulate a more complete HVDC system.
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Annex A
Simulation models
In this annex are presented simulation models built and simulation parameters in order to perform the
study. Due to several repeating series connection of semiconductors in subsystems, only the first ones
are presented once the only difference presented in others is the number of semiconductors or the
internal change of some input and output flags.
Figure A.1 – PWM command signals.
Figure A.2 – Three-level converter model.
Figure A.3 – Subsystem IGBT with anti-parallel diode.
Figure A.4 – Short-circuit fault and fuse.
Figure A.5 – Five level converter model.
Figure A.6 – Series connection of upper IGBTs.
Figure A.7 – Column of diode network.
Figure A.8 – Seven-level converter model.
Annex B
Simulation results
In this annex are presented some extra simulation results for currents and voltages which exhibit
symmetric and similar behaviours.
B.1 Operation of Seven-Level Converter
Figure B.1 - Voltage in diode network in seven-level converter.
Figure B.2 - Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter.
B.2 Five-Level Converter – Short-Circuit faults in lower IGBTs
Figure B.3 - Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT5.
Figure B.4 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT5.
Figure B.5 - Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT5.
Figure B.6 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT6
Figure B.7 - Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT6
Figure B.8 - Currents in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7.
Figure B.9 - Voltage in diode network in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7.
Figure B.10 - Currents in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7.
Figure B.11 - Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT7.
Figure B.12 - Voltage in diode network in five-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT8
Figure B.13 - Voltage in IGBTs in five-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT8.
B.3 Seven-Level Converter – Short-Circuit Faults
Figure B.14 – Load and capacitors voltage in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT3.
Figure B.15 - Voltage in diode network in seven-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
Figure B.16 - Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT1.
Figure B.17 - Voltage in diode network in seven-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
Figure B.18 - Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT2.
Figure B.19 - Voltage in diode network in seven-level convert with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.
Figure B.20 - Voltage in IGBTs in seven-level converter with short-circuit fault in IGBT4.