Guide to Completing and Uploading UMP Marksheets

Pre-SEC ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Downloading a marksheet ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Completing the marksheet header ......................................................................................................................... 3
Weighting: ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Marks out of: ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Recommendation:..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Header information: ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Populating your Marksheet .................................................................................................................................... 5
Deleting students: ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Adding Students: ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Student number, name, and subject/course codes:................................................................................................. 5
Non-submission/Late submission: ............................................................................................................................ 5
Technical resit and Technical fail: ............................................................................................................................. 5
ACO Referrals and DD grades: .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Marks and Grades ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Mitigating Circumstances: ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Rounding: .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Grades: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Resit Marksheets..................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Saving the Spreadsheet........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Uploading your marksheet...................................................................................................................................... 8
2 At SEC ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
3 Archiving ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Marksheet FAQ’s ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Please read the following instructions before completing a module marksheet. If you have any queries or need
advice please contact Student Central on ext. 3455.
1.1 Downloading a marksheet
Log onto PIP
Click on Course/Student Management tab
Step 1: Select the ‘Assessment’ tab on your PIP page.
Step 2: Click on the Class List Download link located on this page.
Step 3: Enter the Module number of the marksheet you would like to download in the ‘Module Code’ cell. Click
outside of the box.
Step 4: Select the run of the module that you would like to download from the drop down menu.
Step 5: Enter the number of assessment points that there are on the module.
Step 6: Press the ‘Submit’ button – this will create your marksheet as .csv file.
Step 7: Save the downloaded .csv file in an .xlsx format on your computer, taking a note of where you saved it – you
may need to delete the [1] at the end of the module number.
Step 8: Open the file to check it is what you are expecting.
1.2 Completing the marksheet header
Step 9: Decide how you wish to structure your marksheet, this will depend on whether you are marking in
percentages or ‘marks out of’ and on the weighting of each piece of assessment.
Enter weightings for each piece of coursework, ie 40% etc
NB: Overall percentage must add up to 100.
If you are marking out of 100 for each piece of coursework and the courseworks are weighted differently then you
can adjust the weight to suit your needs. For example if there are 4 pieces of coursework and the first piece of
coursework is worth 40% of the marks for the total coursework and the rest are worth 20% each then you should set
the weight of the first to ‘40’ and the rest to ‘20’ as below.
However, if all courseworks are marked out of 100 and weighted equally then you can leave the weight for each as
Enter marks as percentages where you are marking out of 100.
Marks out of:
If you are marking out of something other than 100 for each piece of coursework then you can change each ‘mark
out of’ to the relevant number.
For instance, if you are marking out of 25 for each coursework, then simply change the ‘mark out of’ value from 100
to 25.
It is also possible to change the ‘Total CW’ mark out of and ‘Total mark out of’, should you wish to do this. For
example, if you have marked out of 10 over 4 pieces of assessment then put 40 where it asks for ‘marks out of’.
It is recommended that you test your use of ‘Weight’ and ‘Marks out of’ with some ‘pretend marks’ against the first
student to make sure that the spreadsheet calculates the final mark as you would expect.
CW1, CW2 etc:
This diagram relates to the point about testing the weightings.
You can, if you wish, change these titles to something more appropriate. For instance, if the first piece of
assessment relates to a Class Test and the second to a Presentation then you can change CW1 to Class Test and CW2
to Presentation.
Header information:
Enter dates of coursework submissions in the cell immediately above each coursework column (the first of these
should be cell H2).
1.3 Populating your Marksheet
Step 10: You can now begin entering mark and grade information for the students in your spreadsheet.
Do not change the date in cell B1 – it should remain as end date of semester.
Where you are awarding a resit grade you must specify either RC (resit coursework), RE (resit exam) or RB
(resit both) in the grade column
If a student has not attempted any assessment, leave the mark and grade column blank but include 0 in the
overall column
If a student’s work has been sent to an ACO then do not put numbers in any of the columns but put DD in
the grade column.
Deleting students:
*Do not delete any candidate names from the marksheet even if that student did not attend your module*
See section on non-submission to learn how to handle these.
Adding Students:
If a student does not appear on the spreadsheet you can add their details at the bottom of the spreadsheet, though
you should note that you will have to copy the relevant formulae (e.g. from the student above) to ensure that the
final mark is calculated correctly.
Student number, name, and subject/course codes:
Data is automatically entered into these columns from information held on eCSIS (electronic Course and Student
Information System - the central student database). Unless you are adding students to the list you do not need to
enter data.
Non-submission/Late submission:
It is vital to ensure that if a student does not submit a piece of coursework or fails to attend an exam that you leave
the relevant cell blank and do not enter a 0. The ‘overall’ final mark achieved by the student should still be entered.
The same applies if a student has not been awarded any marks because of late submission of coursework. This will
allow the University to be able to distinguish non- attendance/non-submission from poor performance.
Please be aware that when dealing with resit marksheets; if a student fails to attempt the resit, the overall mark
should be blank (not 0) and the grade entered as R. This will ensure that the original mark stands and the correct
final grade is applied. IE 36 FW.
Technical resit and Technical fail:
The mark of 39% is reserved for cases where a ‘technical’ resit is recommended.
A technical resit is used for a student who has achieved a total mark of at least 40% but has failed to meet all
approved module requirements and therefore cannot pass the module, but is eligible for a resit.
The mark of 29% is reserved for cases where a ‘technical’ fail is recommended. A technical fail is used for a student
who has achieved a total mark of at least 30% but has not attempted/passed compulsory demands of a module
when it is a requirement of the module that they do so.
ACO Referrals and DD grades:
If a student’s work has been sent to an Academic Conduct Officer the Module Leader does not need to insert any
marks in any of the columns but put DD in the grade column.
1.4 Marks and Grades
Mitigating Circumstances:
No mitigating circumstances grades should be inputted prior to SEC.
The spreadsheet will round all final marks. ( i.e. .4 and below will be rounded down and .5 and above will be rounded
The spreadsheet will automatically add one of the following grades; A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D or F, FR on the
marksheet in the Grade Column, when the marksheet is uploaded (grade will depend on whether the student is on
the GPA grading scheme or not).
The only time you need to enter a grade is where one of the following grades is required:Grade
(Pass/Fail modules)
Guidance for use
Only used for students with overall marks between 30 to 39%
To indicate resit coursework/resit exam or resit both.
This grade is to be used only for modules assessed on a Pass/Fail
basis to indicate a satisfactory ungraded pass. i.e. teaching
practice, taster courses, or on industrial placement.
Record 00 if student has failed the module.
Record 30RC mark and grade to show that a student should resit
the assessment.
Deferred grade may only be used after consultation with Student
Central (please see page 10).
This grade may only be used if a student is under a formal
disciplinary process and therefore a mark cannot be entered into
the marksheet until the outcome of the disciplinary process has
been decided.
A mark must not be added to the marksheet for a DD grade. This
should be added later once the outcome of the disciplinary is
You must therefore leave column 8 blank and enter DD in
column 9.
* This must be moderated via an M3D form*
This grade is used on a Resit mark sheet ONLY to record that a
student has passed their capped resit .
This grade is used on a Resit mark sheet ONLY to record that a
student was absent from the resit examination and/or didn’t
submit the resit coursework. No mark should be added, only R in
grade column. The system will retain the original mark.
Administrative Extension: a grade showing that the final
Examination Committee for a taken module has been unable to
finalise the grade/mark for technical/procedural reasons,
including problems with placement providers. This grade is not
used in relation to mitigating circumstances. The subsequent
take of the module will stand and this take will not count toward
the requirements of an award. No mark should be added, only
EXT in grade column. Please note this grade may only be used
after consultation with Student Central.
Administrative Extension Resit: a temporary grade showing that
the first Examination Committee has been unable to finalise the
grade/mark for technical/procedural reasons, including problems
with placement providers. This grade is not used in relation to
mitigating circumstances. This grade will allow students extra
time to complete the requirements for a module up until the
resit submission deadlines. No mark should be added, only EXR
in grade column. Please note this grade may only be used after
consultation with Student Central.
Resit through approved changed assessment arrangements of
coursework and examination: the mark obtained at resit will be
Resit through approved changed assessment arrangements of
examination only: the mark obtained at resit will be un-capped.
Resit through approved changed assessment arrangements of
coursework only: the mark obtained at resit will be un-capped.
Module take disregarded through approved changed assessment
arrangements: a grade showing that the subsequent take of the
module will stand and this take will not count toward the
requirements of an award.
The grade column should be left blank unless one of the above grades needs to be entered.
Grading Scheme link:
1.5 Resit Marksheets
The resit marksheet does not automatically calculate the overall mark for the student where other assessments,
previously taken, need to be included.
Module Leaders need to ensure that the highest mark is given for each piece of assessment. If a lower mark was
achieved on the resit piece of assessment, then the original mark stands and should be included in the overall uncapped calculation.
If the student did not attend the resit
Enter capital R in the grade column and leave the total
mark column blank.
If the student had a RC, RE or RB and has now passed
Enter 40 in total mark column and capital P in grade
If the student had a DC, DE or DB
Enter a mark of between 0-99 in the total mark column
with the grade column left blank.
If the student failed the resit i.e. achieved a mark Enter the mark in Total (0-39) mark and an FR grade will
between 0-39
be awarded automatically in the grade column to
indicate “Fail at resit”. The student will be awarded the
higher of the 2 failed marks.
If the module is an S rated module and the student has Enter capital S in the grade column with the total mark
now passed
If the module is an S rated module and the student has Enter 30 in total column and leave the grade column
now failed
blank, this will update to FR.
If the student has other module marks that need to be Module Leaders will need to calculate this (there will be
included for an un-capped resit
an * against the student name indicating that they have
an uncapped resit).
For each individual piece of assessment the highest mark
achieved must be given. Module Leaders should
calculate one overall resit mark using the best mark
achieved on each piece of assessment.
If the mark achieved was lower than the original mark
If the mark achieved was lower than the original mark
the system will default to the higher mark.
1.6 Saving the Spreadsheet
Step 11: You can save the spreadsheet in .xlsx format (*not a .csv*) until you are ready to upload the marksheet as
once the file is saved as a .csv the formula will no longer be present.
NB: When ready to upload marks this needs to be a .csv file but always keep an .xlsx copy.
After each coursework assessment point you can save a file in .csv format and you can upload the marks via PIP.
Each time you upload the data you will notice new information added will be in yellow and changed data in blue.
1.7 Uploading your marksheet
You need to do a final upload of the marks in a .csv format, before the marksheet deadline and print a copy of the
marksheet(s) ready for submitting to the SEC for moderation.
This must be done before the marksheet deadline. Any marks received late will not appear on student record
printouts. This may delay the Conferment of Awards for potential graduates and will prolong SEC and MEC
Step 12: Go to the ‘Assessment’ tab on PIP and select the ‘Marksheet Upload’ link (this page can take a while to
Step 13: Select the ‘Choose File’ button on the page.
Step 14: Go to the location on your computer where your .csv file is located and select this. Then press the ‘Submit‘
Please note, in the example above we have used a number of pretend students that do not exist and, therefore, the
system is raising this as an issue so is marking them in RED but all marks have been accepted by the system and
these are, therefore, shown in yellow.
If you have any issues indicated by the system you will need to resolve these and then resubmit. If you need advice
please call:
Step 15: If you are uploading an interim marksheet you will then need to click the ‘Save’ button on this page.
However, if you are uploading at the end of the semester press the ‘Save and Finalise for SEC.’
This will indicate to Student Central that all final marks have been submitted and, therefore, we should not expect
any further marks for this module. If you don’t press ‘Save and Finalise’ for SEC then the marks will not be uploaded
and will not appear on the student record printouts.
Step 16: Once you have pressed the ‘Save and Finalise’ button the system will create a marksheet for you which
should be printed and taken to your SEC for any necessary moderations.
2 At SEC
Moderated Marksheets:
Step 17: Module Leaders must take a copy of the unmoderated marksheet to the SEC.
Only columns ‘Moderated Mark’ and ‘Moderated Grade’ are used for purposes of moderation.
The ‘Moderated Mark’ column is used to record marks that differ from the total in column ‘Total Mark’. If no
moderation is necessary leave column ‘Moderated Mark’ clear.
Column Moderated Grade can be used to carry over or input grades for the first time.
If a mark is moderated but the grade remains the same it must still be entered in column ‘Moderated Grade’.
Please note:
The grade DF can only be used with the agreement of Alex Lewis, Gavin Barber or a member of the Programme
Support Team within Student Central:Alex Lewis – 01865 483035 -
Gavin Barber – 01865 483431 –
Programme Support – 01865 482879 –
The grades P and R (non-attendance) are only used for resit undergraduate modular marksheets .
The only marks and grades that will be processed on a moderated marksheet are those found in column ‘Moderated
Mark’ and ‘Moderated Grade’. Do not, under any circumstances, alter any marks and grades in the other columns as
these will not be recognised as moderated marks and therefore not processed.
DB, DC, DE – for Deferred Medical Resit Grades
These grades may only be used in column ‘Moderated Grade’ when a resit through mitigation is being awarded by
the SEC.
NB: These grades will be awarded by the Examination Committee where a claim for re-assessment under
mitigating circumstances has been successful and approved by the MCP.
The student is entitled to assessment or reassessment through mitigation without retaking the module. All marks
obtained will be awarded.
DB – resit through mitigation for both examination and coursework
DC – resit through mitigation for coursework only
DE – resit through mitigation for examination only
DR - Disregard through Mitigation
The DR grade is used to show that there is evidence of mitigating circumstances for the duration of the module and
resit period. The module will not count towards the requirements of an award. The grade will show that the student
has been allowed to retake the module.
MS - Medical Satisfactory Grade
An ungraded pass (ie a grade that carries no marks) arising from mitigating circumstances. This grade can only be
awarded by an Examination Committee in the final semester of a student’s programme where the Examination
Committee is satisfied that the student has achieved a pass in the learning outcomes. There is a limit on the number
of MS grades allowed. See University Regulations B2.12.ii
NB: MS grades must be agreed with Alex Lewis, Gavin Barber or the Programme Support Team.
The SEC Chair must sign and date the marksheet regardless of whether any changes were made at the SEC when
moderating the marksheet. This confirms that the marksheet is the final moderated copy.
All marksheets (now moderated) must be submitted to Student Central immediately after the SEC.
3 Archiving
The marksheet is an important University document that records the individual module marks for students and will
be scanned and archived therefore please avoid the following:
• Inappropriate marking (e.g. doodling, question marks, comments etc.) on the marksheet
• Using pencil, colour pens (other than black ink) on the marksheet
• Crossing out student names entered on the marksheet
• Gaps where marks/grades should be
Marksheet FAQ’s
Q: What do I put if I know the outcome of a student’s mitigating circumstances application?
A: The mitigating circumstances grades are DC, DE, DB and DR. These grades can only be allocated by an exam
committee, after approval by the Mitigating Circumstances Panel. Module Leaders should upload the mark that the
student has achieved, even if they believe a student’s mitigating circumstances application has been accepted. The
relevant Mitigating circumstances grade will then be indicated on the moderated marksheet at the exam committee.
On a resit marksheet, a student who has been awarded a mitigating circumstances resit grade (DC,DE,DB ), will be
indicated on the marksheet with an *, so that you know to award an uncapped resit mark.
Q: When is a DF grade appropriate?
A: Please refer all potential DF grades to the Clerk of the MEC (Alex Lewis) as this grade can only be used with prior
Q: What do I put when a student hasn’t attended their exam or submitted their coursework?
A: Leave the assessment mark blank and enter a zero in the overall mark column. If a student hasn’t attempted a
resit assessment, then leave the assessment mark blank and enter an “R” in the ‘grade’ column.
Q: What do I put if a student attempted an exam or coursework but got zero?
A: Please indicate a zero in the mark column.
Q: Why are there students on my marksheet who left the module a while ago?
A: The snapshot that creates the student list on the marksheet is taken at any early point in the semester. If a
student subsequently deletes the module they will still appear on the marksheet. Please leave these students on
your marksheet and leave the mark and grade columns blank. Do not delete these students!
Q: Why isn’t my marksheet showing on PIP?
A: There may be several reasons for this:
Are you the named Module Leader on PIP? If not, please contact the Course and Student Administration Team to
update this for you.
If you are the named Module Leader, it may be that the marksheets have not yet been released for download.
There may be other technical reasons why a marksheet is not available so if you are expecting one and it isn’t there
please contact Student Central.
Q: What should I do if I am unable to upload my marksheet on time?
A: Please contact the Student Records Team in Student Central as a matter of urgency and in all cases prior to the
marksheet deadline.
Q: What do I put if a student is being investigated for a disciplinary?
A: Please leave the mark blank and put a DD in the grade column. Please note that a DD grade cannot be resolved on
a moderated marksheet. An M3d form must be submitted to resolve a DD grade.
Q: What do I do if a student doesn’t appear on a marksheet?
A: The student can be added to the bottom of the marksheet. Please note you must copy the formula from the
overall mark and total mark columns.
Q: My marksheet won’t upload and I am getting the error “marked assessments must be dated”
A: This is because you have not inserted a date in cell H2.
Q: Where can I find the deadline for marksheet submission?
A: Please see the Examination Committee Schedules at the following link:
Q: What do I put when a student had a mitigating circumstances resit on both pieces of coursework, but did better
in one and worse in the other?
A: The higher mark will stand in both cases and the Module Leaders would input this on the resit marksheet.
Last updated: July 2016