Instructions to Candidates

Instructions to Candidates
The purpose of the Section II Theory Examination is to test the Candidate’s theoretical
application of the Rules, and knowledge of umpiring procedures and protocols. The Rules
referenced in this paper came into effect on 1 January, 2012.
All candidates must sit the Section II Theory Examination under examination conditions.
Candidates indicate at the time of sitting the Section II Theory Examination whether it is to be
considered for National Accreditation or used as an Education and/or experience paper.
Prior to the commencement of the Exam, the Exam Supervisor will verify the total number of
pages for the Exam Paper. Check carefully to ensure that none of the pages are blank,
misprinted or missing. Pages should be printed on one side only.
Please write your candidate number on the top of each page.
You will have ten (10) minutes reading time and two (2) hours to complete the Exam Paper.
No question is worth more than three marks;
Part and half marks will not be awarded;
The Pass mark is 90%.
The Exam Paper must be completed in black or blue pen only.
Write each answer in the space provided. If additional space is required please use the reverse
side of the page and clearly indicate that you have done so.
Abbreviations may only be used for playing positions. Team colours must be written in full e.g.
Red WD, Blue GD. You cannot write “Opposing Team” in your answer.
The types of questions that may be used throughout the exam paper include:
Multiple Choice – the Candidate is required to indicate the correct procedure, ruling,
action or decision from a list of options.
Short Answer — the Candidate is required to write the correct procedure, ruling, action
or decision.
A description of what is required for each type of Short Answer question is provided on the
next page.
The Section II Theory Examination contains questions related to Umpiring the game of Netball.
Please ensure you use the information in this guide to answer what is asked in each question.
Only give the information required. If you add extra information and it is incorrect you will not receive
the marks for the question.
Selection of Responses
Indicate which of the following
procedures the Umpires would apply in
this instance?
Answers must include:
Option A
Option B
Option C
Short Answer Questions
Name the infringement and all
points relevant to awarding the
What action, if any, should the
Umpire take?
Is there an infringement? If so,
by whom?
Given the following information,
what is the correct action for the
Umpire to take? Why?
Justify your answer.
This is not a stand-alone question.
It can be added to “B” or “C” type
Other specific questions which
relate to how the Umpire would
restart play after a stoppage or
what must a player to when
penalised for a major
You can do this by writing the corresponding letter
for each statement you want to include in your
answer in the space provided.
Answers must include:
An indication of the full range of statements which
you believe accurately describes the given decision
and/or situation.
You may be required to indicate more than one
option in your answer.
The infringement
The penalty awarded
Where the penalty would be awarded
The player(s) and team(s) involved.
A statement or list of correct action(s) to explain
what the Umpire should do in this instance in
accordance with the Rules of Netball which relate
to this situation.
If a penalty is awarded answers must include all
points relevant to the awarding of the penalty:
 The infringement
 The penalty awarded
 Where the penalty would be awarded
 The player(s) and team(s) involved.
Yes or No
The player/official who infringed.
A statement or list of correct action(s) for the
Umpire to take related to this situation.
Reason: Justification for this decision supported by
the Rules of Netball (i.e. The “Why?” bit of this
Reason: A statement or statements that provide
support for your answer from the Rules of Netball,
which relate to this decision and/or situation.
A statement which directly answers the specific
question asked in accordance with the Rules of
Hints to answering Short Answer Questions:
These questions are designed to make you think about the infringement in the scenario.
There will always be an infringement in this type of question – the challenge is to identify what it
is and include the penalty, where it would be awarded and to whom it would be awarded.
Red Wing Attack catches the ball and lands
with feet astride the Goal Circle.
Name the infringement and all points
relevant to awarding the penalty.
These questions are designed to make you think about scenario and if an infringement has
There may not always be an infringement in this type of question – the challenge is to identify if
there is one and include the action the umpire needs to take.
Then include the penalty, where it would be awarded and to whom it would be awarded as you
have done in “A” type questions.
Free Pass
In the Goal Circle where the infringement occurred.
To be taken by any player in the Blue team allowed in
the area.
If there is no infringement – you should write in your answer – “No action – play continues”.
Red Wing Attack catches the ball and lands
at the top of the Goal Circle. Red Wing
Attack overbalances leans on the ball in
the Goal Circle before regaining balance
and releasing the ball within three
What action, if any, should the Umpire
No action – play continues.
Red Wing Attack catches the ball and lands
at the top of the Goal Circle. Red Wing
Attack overbalances leans on the ball and
on her knee in the Goal Circle before
regaining balance and releasing the ball.
What action, if any, should the Umpire
Penalise Red Wing Attack for offside
Award a Free Pass
In the Goal Circle where the infringement occurred.
To be taken by any player in the Blue team allowed in
the area.
These questions are designed to make you think about scenario then decide if an infringement
occurred and which player(s) or official was involved.
There may not always be an infringement in this type of question – the challenge is to identify if
there is one and which player(s) or official was involved.
You are not required to detail the penalty as in “A” and “B” type questions.
Instead you are required to state if there was an infringement (Yes or No) and the player(s) or
official who infringed.
Only give the information required. If you add extra information and it is incorrect you will not
receive the marks for the question.
Red Wing Attack catches the ball and lands
at the top of the Goal Circle. Blue Wing
Defence defends from within 0.9 m to the
nearer foot of Red Wing Attack.
Is there an infringement? If so, by whom?
Blue Wing Defence
These questions are the same as “C” type but require you to justify your answer by providing the
specific reference to Rules of Netball for this scenario.
You are not required to detail the penalty as in “A” and “B” type questions.
The reasoning type questions are the ones that show the examiners you can interpret the
scenarios and know the specific rules to which they relate.
Again, only give the information required. If you add extra information and it is incorrect you will
not receive the marks for the question.
Red Wing Attack catches the ball and lands
at the top of the Goal Circle. Red Wing
Attack overbalances leans on the ball in
the Goal Circle before regaining balance
and releasing the ball within three
Is there an infringement? If so, by whom?
Justify your answer.
Reason: A player may lean on the ball to
prevent going offside.
These questions are designed to make you think about scenario and if an infringement has
There may not always be an infringement in this type of question – the challenge is to identify if
there is one and require you to justify your answer by providing the specific reference to Rules of
Netball for this scenario.
If there is no infringement – you should write in your answer – “play continues” and then state
the reason by providing the specific reference to Rules of Netball for this scenario.
The reasoning type questions are the ones that show the examiners you can interpret the
scenarios and know the specific rules to which they relate.
Again, only give the information required. If you add extra information and it is incorrect you will
not receive the marks for the question.
Given the following information, what is
the correct action for the Umpire to take?
Red Wing Attack catches the ball and lands
with feet astride the Goal Circle.
Penalise Red Wing Attack for offside.
Reason: A player with or without the ball shall be
offside if the player enters any area other than the
playing area for the designated position.
These questions are designed to make you think about scenario and answer the specific question
asked. Examples include:
Using Rule Book terminology, explain in detail what a player must do when penalised for a
major infringement of the Rules.
What action should the Umpire take to manage this Stoppage? From where shall play continue?
What action should the Umpire take to restart play?
1. As a way of preparing to sit the Section II Theory Examination, apply each of the different
question types to the following scenarios.
Red Goal Attack is standing “out of play” while Blue Goal Defence is taking a Penalty Pass
in the Goal Circle. Prior to the release of the ball, Red Goal Attack calls to Red Goal
Shooter to defend Blue Goal Keeper.
Red Centre catches the ball in the Centre Third, landing on the right foot. Blue Wing
Defence is defending the pass from a legal distance. Red Centre steps backwards onto
the left foot and lifts the right foot. Blue Wing Defence steps forward to defend.
Blue Goal Shooter is attempting a shot at goal. Red Goal Keeper, defending from the
correct distance, jumps forward to defend and lands immediately in front of the Blue
Goal Shooter just as the ball is released on three seconds.
At a Throw In from behind the Goal Line in the area bounded by the Goal Circle, Blue
Goal Shooter releases the ball which rebounds from the Goalpost. Blue Goal Shooter
steps onto Court and regains possession of the ball.
(N.B. This question will not work for “A” type questions. Do you know why?)
2. Check your answers against the sample answers on the previous pages to see if you have
used the correct format for each of the answers.
3. See if you made any of the following common errors in your answers:
In “A” type questions:
a. Did you name the infringement correctly?
b. Did you include the correct Penalty? See Rule 18 for options.
c. Did you include where the penalty would be awarded? You will know this from the
Penalty type. See Rules 18.2, 18.3, 18.4 and 18.5. You should also include something
from the question e.g. in Question (ii) the answer would be: “In the Centre Third
where the infringer (Blue WD) was standing”.
d. Did you include the player(s) and team(s) involved? Again see Rules 18.2, 18.3, 18.4
and 18.5. Make sure you check you have the correct team! It can only be “Red” or
“Blue” not “opposing team”.
In “B” type questions:
a. Did you start your answer with the correct action the Umpire would need to
b. Did you include all the information from “A” type questions (if needed)?
In “C” type questions:
a. Did you over answer the question? That is – did you carried away and write more
information than required? You should only have a Yes or No and the player(s) or
officials who infringed (if indeed there was an infringement).
In “D” and “E” type questions:
a. Did you start your answer with an action the Umpire would need to undertake?
b. Does your Reason relate to the Rules of Netball? In other words do you know the
specific rules and can you write them as answers?
c. Did you include all the information from “A type” questions? If so, you have overanswered the question! Save time – only write what you need to answer the
Remember the “D” and “E” type question are the higher level questions. If you can
master these types of questions, you will be well on your way to passing the
Section II Theory Examination.