arXiv:1403.7688v1 [math.DS] 30 Mar 2014 Integrability of holonomy cocycle for singular holomorphic foliations Viêt-Anh Nguyên April 1, 2014 Abstract We study the holonomy cocycle associated with a holomorphic Riemann surface foliation with a finite number of linearizable singularities. By accelerating the leafwise Poincaré metric near the singularities, we show that the holonomy cocycle is integrable with respect to each harmonic probability measure directed by the foliation. As an application we establish the existence of Lyapunov exponents as well as an Oseledec decomposition for this cocycle. Classification AMS 2010: Primary: 37A30, 57R30; Secondary: 58J35, 58J65, 60J65. Keywords: holomorphic foliation, linearizable singularity, Poincaré metric, holonomy cocycle, harmonic measure, Lyapunov exponents. 1 Introduction The dynamical and geometrical theory of holomorphic foliations has received much attention in the past few years. The holonomy cocycle (or equivalently, the normal derivative cocycle) of a foliation is a very important object which reflects dynamical, topological as well as geometrical and analytic aspects of the foliation. Exploring this object allows us to understand more about the foliation itself. In this paper we investigate the holonomy cocycle of a singular holomorphic foliation F by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces in a Hermitian compact complex manifold of arbitrary dimension. Under some reasonable assumption on F and by accelerating the leafwise Poincaré metric near the singularities while keeping the metric complete and of bounded geometry, we show that the holonomy cocycle is integrable with respect to each harmonic probability measure directed by the foliation. We also show an evidence that this acceleration is necessary to 1 ensure the integrability. As a by-product we establish the existence of Lyapunov exponents as well as an Oseledec decomposition for this cocycle. There are two main sources of examples of holomorphic foliations by Riemann surfaces. The first one consists of holomorphic foliations by curves in the complex projective space Pk (in which case there are always singularities) or in algebraic manifolds. The foliations of the second source are those obtained by the process of suspension. For a recent account on the subject as well as numerous illuminating examples the reader is invited to consult the survey articles by Fornæss-Sibony [15], Ghys [19], Hurder [20] and textbooks [5, 6, 29]. In the subsequent subsections we lay out the set-up of our problem. This preparation enable us to state the main result at the end of this section. 1.1 Foliations, singularities and Poincaré metric Let M be a complex manifold of dimension k. A holomorphic foliation by Riemann surfaces (M, F ) on M is the data of a foliation atlas with charts Φi : Ui → Bi × Ti . Here, Ti is a domain in Ck−1 , Bi is a domain in C, Ui is a domain in M, and Φi is biholomorphic, and all the changes of coordinates Φi ◦ Φ−1 j are of the form (x, t) 7→ (x′ , t′ ), x′ = Ψ(x, t), t′ = Λ(t). The open set Ui is called a flow box and the Riemann surface Φ−1 i {t = c} in Ui with c ∈ Ti is a plaque. The property of the above coordinate changes insures that the plaques in different flow boxes are compatible in the intersection of the boxes. Two plaques are adjacent if they have non-empty intersection. A leaf L is a minimal connected subset of M such that if L intersects a plaque, it contains that plaque. So a leaf L is a Riemann surface immersed in M which is a union of plaques. A leaf through a point x of this foliation is often denoted by Lx . A transversal is a complex submanifold of X which is transverse to the leaves of F . A holomorphic foliation by Riemann surfaces with singularities is the data (M, F , E), where M is a complex manifold, E a closed subset of M and (M \ E, F ) is a holomorphic foliation by Riemann surfaces. Each point in E is said to be a singular point, and E is said to be the set of singularities of the foliation. We always assume that M \ E = M, see e.g. [11, 14] for more details. If M is compact, then we say that the foliation (M, F , E) is compact. Let (M, F , E) be a foliation. We denote by CF the sheaf of functions f defined and compactly supported on M \ E which are leafwise smooth and transversally continuous, that is, which are smooth along the leaves and all whose leafwise ∂ α+β f derivatives ∂x α ∂ x̄β in foliation charts are continuous in (x, t). 2 We say that a vector field F on Ck is generic linear if it can be written as F (z) = k X λj zj j=1 ∂ ∂zj where λj are non-zero complex numbers. The integral curves of F define a foliation on Ck . The condition λj 6= 0 implies that the foliation has an isolated singularity at 0. Consider a foliation (M, F , E) with a discrete set of singularities E. We say that a singular point e ∈ E is linearizable if there is a (local) holomorphic coordinates system of M on an open neighborhood Ue of e on which the leaves of (M, F , E) are integral curves of a generic linear vector field. Such neighborhood Ue is called a singular flow box of e. For the sake of simplicity, we adopt the following terminology throughout the article: A foliation means exactly a holomorphic foliation (M, F , E) in a Hermitian compact complex manifold (M, gM ) with a finite set E of (linearizable) singularities. Throughout the article let D denote the unit disc in C and let gP be the Poincaré metric on D, defined by gP (ζ) := 2 idζ ∧ dζ, (1 − |ζ|2)2 ζ ∈ D. A leaf L of the foliation is said to be hyperbolic if it is a hyperbolic Riemann surface, i.e., it is uniformized by D. For a hyperbolic leaf Lx , let φx : D → Lx be a universal covering map with φx (0) = x. Note that φx is unique up to a rotation around 0 ∈ D. Then, the Poincaré metric gP on D induces, via φx , the Poincaré metric on Lx which depends only on the leaf. The latter metric is given by a positive (1, 1)-form on Lx that we also denote by gP . The foliation is said to be hyperbolic if its leaves are all hyperbolic. Consider the function η : M \ E → [0, ∞] defined by η(x) := sup {kDφ(0)k : φ : D → Lx holomorphic such that φ(0) = x} . Here, for the norm of the differential Dφ we use the Poincaré metric on the Hermitian metric gM on Lx . Following a recent joint-work with Dinh and Sibony [13], the foliation to be Brody hyperbolic if there is a constant c0 > 0 such that η(x) ≤ c0 x ∈ M \ E. For simplicity we still denote by gM the Hermitian metric on leaves foliation (M \ E, F ) induced by the ambient Hermitian metric gM . We the following relation between gM and the Poincaré metric gP on leaves gM = η 2 gP . 3 D and is said for all of the record (1) It is clear that if the foliation is Brody hyperbolic then it is hyperbolic. Conversely, the Brody hyperbolicity is a consequence of the non-existence of holomorphic non-constant maps C → M such that out of E the image of C is locally contained in leaves, see [15, Theorem 15]. Moreover, Lins Neto proves in [22] that for every holomorphic foliation of degree larger than 1 in Pk , with nondegenerate singularities, there is a smooth metric with negative curvature on its tangent bundle, see also Glutsyuk [18]. Hence, these foliations are Brody hyperbolic. On the other hand, thanks to Lins Neto et Soares [25] we know that a generic holomorphic foliations in Pk with a given degree d is with non-degenerate singularities. Consequently, holomorphic foliations in Pk with a given degree d > 1 are generically Brody hyperbolic. 1.2 Leafwise metrics and harmonic measures Let (M, F , E) be a hyperbolic foliation in a Hermitian complex manifold (M, gM ). A leafwise metric is a tensor metric defined on all leaves of the foliation which depends measurably on plaques in each flow box. We say that a leafwise metric g is complete and of bounded geometry if the universal cover of each leaf of F is complete and of uniformly bounded geometry with respect to g. The assumption of uniformly bounded geometry means that there are real numbers c, r > 0, such ex that for every point x ∈ M \ E, the injectivity radius of the universal cover L (of the leaf Lx ) is ≥ r and the Gaussian curvature of the leaf Lx at x belongs to the interval [−c, c]. Let g be a leafwise metric which is complete and of bounded geometry. g induces the corresponding g-Laplacian ∆ = ∆g on leaves. A positive finite Borel measure m on M is said to be g-harmonic if Z ∆udm = 0 M for all functions u ∈ CF . A subset X ⊂ M \ E is said to be leafwise saturated if x ∈ X implies that the whole leaf Lx is contained in X. 1.3 Accelerating metrics Let (M, F , E) be a foliation in a Hermitian compact complex manifold (M, gM ). Assume that E ⊂ M is an (eventually empty) finite set. To each leafwise metric g we associate a unique function ξ : M \ E → (0, ∞) such that g = ξ 2 gP on leaves, where gP is as usual the leafwise Poincaré metric. Definition 1.1. We say that a leafwise metric g = ξ 2 gP is accelerating if the following conditions are satisfied: (i) ξ is a continuous function. 4 (ii) g is complete and of bounded geometry. (iii) for every e ∈ E, there exist an open neighborhood U = Ue of e with U ∩ E = {e}, a function ρ = ρe : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) and a constant c = ce > 0 such that: (iii-a) c−1 ρ(dist(x, e)) ≤ ξ(x) ≤ cρ(dist(x, e)) for each x ∈ U; ′ c ≤ −r log for all r > 0 small enough; (iii-b) |ρρ2(r)| (r) r (iii-c) the following integrability conditions are satisfied: Z 1 2 Z 1 ρ (r)dr dr <∞ and < ∞. 2 2 0 r(log r) 0 ρ (r)r log r Roughly speaking, an accelerating metric has two behaviors. Far from the singularities it behaves like the Poincaré metric, whereas near the singularities it “accelerates” in comparison with the latter one (that is, ξ(x) → ∞ as x → E), and this acceleration is controlled. Each function ρ of type ρ(r) := (− log r)δ for r > 0 small enough, where δ is any number in (0, 1/2), satisfies the growth conditions (iii-b) and (iii-c). Using this observation we will construct in Subsection 2.1 below a large class of accelerating metrics. 1.4 Sample-path spaces and holonomy cocycle Let (M, F , E) be a hyperbolic foliation, where (M, gM ) is a Hermitian complex manifold of dimension k. Let g be a leafwise metric which is complete and of bounded geometry. Let Ω := Ω(M, F , E) be the space consisting of all continuous paths ω : [0, ∞) → M with image fully contained in a single leaf. This space is called the sample-path space associated to (M, F , E). Observe that Ω can be thought of as the set of all possible paths that a Brownian particle, located at ω(0) at time t = 0, might follow as time progresses. For each x ∈ M \ E, let Ωx = Ωx (M, F , E) be the space of all continuous leafwise paths starting at x in (M, F , E), that is, Ωx := {ω ∈ Ω : ω(0) = x} . The theory of Brownian motion allows us to construct a natural probability measure Wx on Ωx , using that Lx is endowed with the metric g|Lx . This is the Wiener measure at x. A measure theory on Ω will be discussed thoroughly in Subsection 2.3 below. In particular, to each harmonic probability measure µ on M \ E, we associate a canonical probability measure µ̄ on Ω using formula (8) below. Now we define the holonomy cocycle of the foliation (M, F , E). Let T (F ) be the tangent bundle to the leaves of the foliation, i.e., each fiber Tx (F ) is the tangent space Tx (Lx ) for each point x ∈ M \ E. The normal bundle N(F ) is, by definition, the quotient of T (M) by T (F ), that is, the fiber Nx (F ) is the quotient Tx (M)/Tx (F ) for each x ∈ M \ E. Observe that the metric gM on M induces a metric (still denoted by gM ) on N(F ). For every transversal S at 5 a point x ∈ M, the tangent space Tx (S) is canonically identified with Nx (F ) through the composition Tx (S) ֒→ Tx (M) → Tx (M)/Tx (F ). For every x ∈ M \ E and ω ∈ Ωx and t ∈ R+ , let holω,t be the holonomy map along the path ω|[0,t] from a fixed transversal S0 at ω(0) to a fixed transversal St at ω(t). Using the above identification, the derivative Dholω,t : Tω(0) (S0 ) → Tω(t) (St ) induces the so-called holonomy cocycle H(ω, t) : Nω(0) (F ) → Nω(t) (F ). The last map depends only on the path ω|[0,t] , in fact, it depends only on the homotopy class of this path. In particular, it is independent of the choice of transversals S0 and St . 1.5 Statement of the main result Now we are in the position to state our main result. Main Theorem. Let (M, F , E) be a holomorphic Brody hyperbolic foliation with a finite number of linearizable singularities in a Hermitian compact complex manifold (M, gM ). Let H be the holonomy cocycle of the foliation. Let g be an accelerating leafwise metric. Let µ be a g-harmonic probability measure. Consider the function F : Ω → R+ defined by F (ω) := sup max{| log kH(ω, t)k|, | log kH−1 (ω, t)k|}, ω ∈ Ω. t∈[0,1] Then F is µ̄-integrable. Some remarks are in order. As mentioned in Subsection 1.3 above, accelerating metrics exist in abundance. On the other hand, Theorem 2.3 below exhibits a one-to-one correspondence between the convex cone of positive g-harmonic finite measures µ and the convex cone of positive harmonic currents T on M. Note that the latter cone is independent of the choice of a metric g and that it is always nonempty. This, combined with the discussion concluding Subsection 1.1, implies that the the Main Theorem applies to every generic foliation in Pk with a given degree d > 1. The article is organized as follows. In Section 2 below we introduce a large family of accelerating metrics. A quick discussion on the heat diffusions as well as the measure theory on sample-path spaces will also be given in that section. This preparation serves as the background for what follows. Section 3 below is devoted to an analytic study on the holonomy cocycle. The proof of the main result will be provided in Section 4 below. A remark showing that the acceleration of the leafwise Poincaré metric is necessary concludes that section. As an application of the main result, we present, in the last section, an Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theorem for the holonomy cocycle. In particular, we define Lyapunov exponents of this cocycle. Acknowledgement. The author would like to thank Nessim Sibony (University of Paris 11) and Tien-Cuong Dinh (University of Paris 6) for interesting 6 discussions. The paper was partially prepared during the visit of the author at the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn. He would like to express his gratitude to these organizations for hospitality and for financial support. 2 2.1 Preparatory results Accelerating metrics: examples First we give a description of the local model for linearizable singularities. Consider the foliation (Dk , F , {0}) which is the restriction to Dk of the foliation associated to the vector field F (z) = k X j=1 λj zj ∂ ∂zj with λj ∈ C∗ . The foliation is singular at the origin. We use here the Euclidean metric on Dk . Write λj = sj + itj with sj , tj ∈ R. For x = (x1 , . . . , xk ) ∈ Dk \ {0}, define the holomorphic map ϕx : C → Ck \ {0} by λ1 ζ λk ζ for ζ ∈ C. ϕx (ζ) := x1 e , . . . , xk e It is easy to see that ϕx (C) is the integral curve of F which contains ϕx (0) = x. k Write ζ = u + iv with u, v ∈ R. The domain Πx := ϕ−1 x (D ) in C is defined by the inequalities sj u − tj v < − log |xj | for j = 1, . . . , k. So, Πx is a convex polygon which is not necessarily bounded. It contains 0 since bx := ϕx (Πx ). ϕx (0) = x. The leaf of F through x contains the Riemann surface L In particular, the leaves in a singular flow box are parametrized in a canonical way using holomorphic maps ϕx : Πx → Lx , where Πx is as above C. Now let (M, F , E) be a Brody hyperbolic foliation on a Hermitian compact complex manifold (M, gM ). Assume as usual that E is finite and all points of E are linearizable. Let dist be the distance on M induced by the ambient metric gM . We only consider flow boxes which are biholomorphic to Dk . For regular flow boxes, i.e., flow boxes outside the singularities, the plaques are identified with the discs parallel to the first coordinate axis. Singular flow boxes are identified to their models as described above. For each singular point e ∈ E, we fix a singular flow box Ue such that 2Ue ∩ 2Ue′ = ∅ if e 6= e′ . We also cover M \ ∪e∈E Ue by regular flow boxes Ui which are fine enough. In particular, each Ui is contained in a larger regular flow box 2Ui with 2Ui ∩ E = ∅. In this section we suppose that the ambient metric gM coincides with the standard Euclidean metric on each singular flow box 2Ue ≃ 2Dk . For x = (x1 , . . . , xk ) ∈ Ck , let kxk be the standard Euclidean norm of x. 7 We record here following crucial result which gives a precise estimate on the function η introduced in (1). Lemma 2.1. Under the above hypotheses and notation, there exists a constant c > 1 such that η ≤ c on M, η ≥ c−1 outside the singular flow boxes 41 Ue and c−1 s log⋆ s ≤ η(x) ≤ cs log⋆ s for x ∈ M \ E and s := dist(x, E). Here log⋆ (·) := 1 + | log(·)| is a log-type function. This result has been proved in Proposition 3.3 in [13]. Given a leafwise metric g, there exists a unique function ξ : M \ E → (0, ∞) such that g(x) = ξ 2 (x)gP (x), x ∈ M \ E. (2) The next theorem exhibits an explicit family of accelerating metrics. Theorem 2.2. Let ξ : M \ E → (0, ∞) be a continuous and leafwise smooth function. Assume that for each e ∈ E, there exists a singular flow box Ue such that (Ue , e) ≃ (Dk , 0) and that ξ(x) = (− log kxk)δ , x ∈ Ue , for some 0 < δ = δe < 1/2. Then the leafwise metric g defined by (2) is accelerating. Proof. It is straightforward to check condition (i) and (iii) of Definition 1.1. Therefore, it remains to check condition (ii) of this definition. Since there is a constant c > 0 such that g ≥ cgP , the completeness of all leaves follows. Next, we will show that the Gaussian curvature of all leaves in singular flow boxes are uniformly bounded. Clearly, we only need to this check this for points near the singularities. To this end fix a point x ∈ Dk \ {0}. Consider the locally biholomorphic map ϕx : Πx → Lx defined as above. Note that Πx is a convex domain containing 0. We want to estimate the Gaussian curvatures of the leaf Lx near the point x using ϕx . For ζ in a small neighborhood of 0 in C, write (ϕ∗x g)(ζ) = ξ 2 (ϕx (ζ)) · (ϕ∗x gP )(ζ) ≡ ξ 2(ϕx (ζ)) · τ 2 (ζ). By pulling g back, via ϕx to an open neighborhood of 0 in C The Gaussian curvature of (Lx , g) at a point ϕx (ζ) for ζ small enough is −i∂∂ log (ξ 2 (ϕx (ζ)) −i∂∂ log (τ 2 (ζ)) −i∂∂ log (ξ 2(ϕx (ζ))τ 2 (ζ)) = + 2 . ξ 2 (ϕx (ζ)τ 2 (ζ) ξ 2 (ϕx (ζ)τ 2 (ζ) ξ (ϕx (ζ)τ 2(ζ) Since the Gaussian curvature of (Lx , gP ) is −1 and ϕ∗x gP = τ 2 , we infer that − i∂∂ log τ 2 (ζ) = −1. τ 2 (ζ) 8 (3) On the other hand, using the explicit expression of ϕx and applying Lemma 2.1 we obtain that 1 · (ϕ∗x gM )(ζ) η(ϕx (ζ)) 1 1 1 · kϕx (ζ)k ≈ ≈ . ≈ − log kxk kϕx (ζ)k log kϕx (ζ)k log kϕx (ζ)k τ (ζ) = Using that (ξ ◦ ϕx )(ζ) = − log k(x1 eλ1 ζ , . . . , xk eλk ζ )k δ δ ≈ − log kxk , a straightforward computation gives that i∂∂ log(ξ ◦ ϕx )2 (ζ) ≈ (− log kϕx (ζ)k)−2 ≈ (− log kxk)−2 . Inserting the last three estimates into (3), we infer that the curvature of (Lx , g) at a point ϕx (ζ) for ζ small enough tends to 0 uniformly as kxk → 0. Next, we will show that the injectivity radius of each leaf is uniformly bounded from below by a constant r0 > 0. Recall that the leaves of the foliations are complete and of uniformly bounded geometry with respect to g. Therefore, by a result of Cheeger, Gromov and Taylor [9] we only need to show that there are some constants c0 , r0 > 0 such that for every x ∈ M \ E, Volg (Dg (x, r0 )) > c0 , (4) where Dg (x, r) is the disc centered at x with g-radius r on Lx , and Volg is the g-volume measure on Lx . Clearly, we only need to check this for points x near the singularities. To this end fix a point x ∈ Dk \ {0}. Consider the locally biholomorphic map ϕx : Πx → Lx defined as above. Note that Πx is a convex domain containing 0 and that the Euclidean distance from 0 to ∂Πx is of order − log kxk. Using the approximation for τ and ξ ◦ ϕx given above, we can show that there are constants c1 , c2 , r > 0 such that ϕx D(c1 (− log kxk)1−δ ) ⊂ Dg (x, r0 ) ⊂ ϕx D(c2 (− log kxk)1−δ ) , where ∆(ρ) denotes the disc (in C) centered at 0 with radius ρ. Moreover, we can even show that, for ζ ∈ D(c(− log kxk)δ ) for any fixed c > 0, (ϕ∗x g)(ζ) = ξ 2 (ϕx (ζ)) · τ 2 (ζ) ≈ (− log kxk)−2+2δ . Consequently, there is a constant c > 0 such that Z 1−δ Volϕ∗x g D(c1 (− log kxk) ) ≥ (− log kxk)−2+2δ idζ ∧ dζ̄ ≥ c, |ζ|≤c1 (− log kxk)1−δ proving (4). Hence, the proof is thereby completed. 9 2.2 Heat diffusions and harmonic currents versus harmonic measures Let (M, F , E) be a hyperbolic foliation (M, F , E) in a Hermitian compact complex manifold (M, gM ). Consider a leafwise metric g which is complete and of bounded geometry. For every point x ∈ M \ E consider the heat equation on Lx ∂p(x, y, t) = ∆y p(x, y, t), ∂t lim p(x, y, t) = δx (y), t→0 y ∈ Lx , t ∈ R+ . Here δx denotes the Dirac mass at x, ∆y denotes the g-Laplacian ∆g with respect to the variable y, and the limit is taken in the sense of distribution, that is, Z p(x, y, t)φ(y)dVolx (y) = φ(x) lim t→0+ Lx for every smooth function φ compactly supported in Lx , where Volx denotes the volume form on Lx induced by g|Lx . The smallest positive solution of the above equation, denoted by p(x, y, t), is called the heat kernel. Such a solution exists because Lx is complete and of bounded geometry (see, for example, [8, 6]). The heat kernel gives rise to a one parameter family {Dt : t ≥ 0} of diffusion operators defined on bounded functions on M \ E : Z p(x, y, t)f (y)dVolx (y), x ∈ M \ E. (5) Dt f (x) := Lx We record here the semi-group property of this family: D0 = id and Dt+s = Dt ◦ Ds for t, s ≥ 0. Let CF1 denote the space of forms of bidegree (1, 1) defined on leaves of the foliations and compactly supported on M \ E which are leafwise smooth and transversally continuous. A form α ∈ CF1 is said to be positive if its restriction to every plaque is a positive (1, 1)-form in the usual sense. A positive harmonic current T on the foliation is a linear continuous form on CF1 which verifies ∂∂T = 0 in the weak sense (namely T (∂∂f ) = 0 for all f ∈ CF ), and which is positive (namely, T (α) ≥ 0 for all positive forms α ∈ CF1 ). The existence of such a current has been established by Berndtsson-Sibony [1] and Fornæss-Sibony [15]. The extension of T by zero through E, still denoted by T, is a positive ∂∂-closed current on M. The total mass of the measure T ∧ gM is always finite. For any leafwise metric g, the g-mass of a positive harmonic current T is, by definition, the total mass of the measure T ∧ g. A positive finite measure µ on the σ-algebra of Borel sets in M is said to be ergodic if for every leafwise saturated measurable set Z ⊂ M, µ(Z) is equal to either µ(M) or 0. A positive harmonic currents T is said to be extremal if it is an extremal point in the convex cone of positive harmonic currents. The class of accelerating metrics enjoys the following important properties. 10 Theorem 2.3. Let (M, F , E) be a hyperbolic foliation and g an accelerating (leafwise) metric. 1) Then, for each positive harmonic current T, the g-mass of T is finite. 2) The relation µ = T ∧g is a one-to-one correspondence between the convex cone of (resp. extremal) positive harmonic currents T and the convex cone of (resp. ergodic) positive harmonic finite measures µ. 3) All positive harmonic finite measures µ are Dt -invariant, i.e, Z Z Dt f dµ = f dµ, f ∈ L1 (M, µ). M M Proof. In an arbitrarily fixed singular flow box Ue ≃ (2D)k , the metric gM coin2 cides with the standard Kähler metric i∂∂kzk2 . Recall that g = ηξ 2 gM on leaves in Dk \ {0}. Moreover, by Lemma 2.1, η(a) & kak| log kak|. Let T be a positive ∂∂-closed current on (2D)k such that µ = T ∧ g. We only have to show that the integral on the the ball B1/2 , with respect to the measure T ∧Ri∂∂kzk2 , of the radial function β(r) := r −2 | log r|−2 ρ(r)2 is finite. Let m(r) := Br T ∧ i∂∂kzk2 . Since the Lelong number of T at 0 exists and is finite, we have m(r) . r 2 (see Lemma 2.4 in [11]). Using an integration by parts, the considered integral is equal, up to finite constants, to Z 1 − m(r)β ′ (r)dr. 0 Using an integration by part again, we can check that the last integral is finite R 1 ρ(r)2 dr < ∞. But this condition is always satisfied according to the first when 0 r(log r)2 integrability condition (iii-c) of the accelerating metric g. This proves assertion 1). Using assertion 1) and arguing as in the proof of Proposition 5.1 in [11], assertion 2) follows. Let T be the unique harmonic current, given by assertion 2), such that µ = T ∧ g. Since ξ is continuous outside E and ξ(x) → ∞ as x → E, there is a constant c > 0 such that g ≥ cgP . Hence, T is g-regular in the sense of [11, p. 361]. This, together with the fact that µ is finite, allows us to apply Theorem 6.4 in [11]. Hence, assertion 3) follows. 2.3 Measure theory on sample-path spaces In this subsection we follow the expositions given in Subsection 2.2, 2.4 and 2.5 in [23] (see also [6]). Recall first the following terminology. A σ-algebra A on a set Ω is a family of subsets of Ω such that Ω ∈ A , and X \ AT ∈ A for each A ∈ A , and that A is stable under countable intersections, i.e., ∞ n=1 An ∈ A for any ∞ sequence (An )n=1 ⊂ A . The σ-algebra generated by a family S of subsets of Ω is, by definition, the smallest σ-algebra containing S . 11 Let (M, F , E) be a hyperbolic foliation endow with a accelerating (leafwise) metric g. Let Ω := Ω(M, F , E) be the associated sample-path space. The first goal of this subsection is to introduce a σ-algebra A on Ω and to construct, for each point x ∈ M \ E, the so-called Wiener probability measure Wx on Ω. A cylinder set (in Ω) is a set of the form C = C({ti , Bi } : 1 ≤ i ≤ m) := {ω ∈ Ω : ω(ti ) ∈ Bi , 1 ≤ i ≤ m} . where m is a positive integer and the Bi are Borel subsets of M \ E, and 0 ≤ t1 < t2 < · · · < tm is a set of increasing times. In other words, C consists of all paths ω ∈ Ω which can be found within Bi at time ti . For each point x ∈ M \ E, let (6) Wx (C) := Dt1 (χB1 Dt2 −t1 (χB2 · · · χBm−1 Dtm −tm−1 (χBm ) · · · ) (x), where C := C({ti , Bi } : 1 ≤ i ≤ m) as above, χBi is the characteristic function of Bi and Dt is the diffusion operator given by (5). Let Af= Af(M, F , E) be the σ-algebra generated by all cylinder sets. It can be proved that Wx extends to a probability measure on Af. Summarizing what has been done so far, we have constructed, for each x ∈ M \ E, a probability measure Wx on the measure space (Ω, Af). f) of a foliation (M, F , E) is, in some sense, its f, F The covering foliation (M universal cover. We give here its construction. For every leaf L of (M, F , E) and every point x ∈ L, let π1 (L, x) denotes as usual the first fundamental group of all continuous closed paths γ : [0, 1] → L based at x, i.e. γ(0) = γ(1) = x. Let [γ] ∈ π1 (L, x) be the class of a closed path γ based at x. Then the pair (x, [γ]) f). Thus the set of points of M f, F f is well-defined. The represents a point in (M e passing through a given point (x, [γ]) ∈ M f, is by definition, the set leaf L e := {(y, [δ]) : y ∈ Lx , [δ] ∈ π1 (L, y)} , L which is the universal cover of Lx . We put the following topological structure on f by describing a basis of open sets. Such a basis consists of all sets N (U, α), M U being an open subset of M \ E and α : U × [0, 1] → M being a continuous function such that αx := α(x, ·) is a closed path in Lx based at x for each x ∈ U, and N (U, α) := {(x, [αx ]) : x ∈ U} . f → M \ E is defined by π(x, [γ]) := x. It is clear that π is The projection π : M locally homeomorphic and is a leafwise map. By pulling-back the foliation atlas of (M, F , E) as well as the metric g via π, we obtain a natural foliation atlas for f) endowed with the leafwise metric π ∗ g. Denote by Ω f). f, F e the space Ω(M f, F (M f. Recall that Ωx Let x ∈ M \ E and x̃ an arbitrary point in π −1 (x) ⊂ M is the space of all paths ω in Ω starting at x, i.e., ω(0) = x. Analogously, let 12 f) be the space of all paths in Ω e x̃ = Ωx̃ (M f, F e starting at x̃. Every path ω ∈ Ωx Ω e x̃ in the sense that π(ω̃) = ω. In what follows this lifts uniquely to a path ω̃ ∈ Ω e x̃ . So π(π −1 (ω)) = ω, ω ∈ Ωx . bijective lifting is denoted by πx̃−1 : Ωx → Ω x̃ Definition 2.4. Let A = A (M, F , E) be the σ-algebra generated by all sets of following family n o e π ◦ à : cylinder set à in Ω , where π ◦ à := {π ◦ ω̃ : ω̃ ∈ Ã}. Observe that Af⊂ A and that the equality holds if every leaf of the foliation is homeomorphic to the disc D. Now we construct a family {Wx }x∈M \E of probability Wiener measures on (Ω, A ). Let x ∈ M \ E and C an element of A . Then we define the so-called Wiener measure Wx (C) := Wx̃ (πx̃−1 C), (7) where x̃ is an arbitrary point in π −1 (x), and πx̃−1 (C) := πx̃−1 ω : ω ∈ C ∩ Ωx . Given a probability measure µ on M \ E, consider the measure µ̄ on (Ω, A ) defined by Z Z dWx dµ(x), B ∈A. (8) µ̄(B) := X ω∈B∩Ωx The measure µ̄ is called the Wiener measure with initial distribution µ. The following result has been proved in Proposition 2.12 in [23]. Proposition 2.5. We keep the above hypotheses and notation. (i) The value of Wx (C) defined in (7) is independent of the choice of x̃. Moreover, Wx is a probability measure on (Ω, A ). (ii) µ̄ given in (8) is a probability measure on (Ω, A ). 3 Holonomy cocycles Observe that the validity of the Main Theorem does not depend on the choice of ′ an ambient metric gM . Indeed, given another ambient metric gM , the compactness −1 ′ of M implies the existence of a constant c > 0 such that c gM ≤ gM ≤ gM . Consequently, we can show that there is a constant c > 0 such that |F (ω) − F ′ (ω)| < c, ω ∈ Ω, where F (resp. F ′ ) denotes the function F defined in the Main Theorem with ′ respect to the metric gM (resp. gM ). Hence, by Theorem 2.3, F is µ̄-integrable if 13 and only if F ′ is µ̄-integrable, proving our previous assertion. Therefore, we may suppose without loss of generality that the ambient metric gM coincides with the standard Euclidean metric on each singular flow box 2Ue ≃ 2Dk . By the same reason, we also assume that the function ξ is radial near each singular point, that is, ξ(x) = ρ(dist(x, e)), x ∈ Ue , for each e ∈ E. For every x ∈ M \ E let Tx be a codimension 1 (complex) submanifold of M that is orthogonal to the leaf Lx at x. When x in a singular flow box Ue ≃ Dk , we may choose Tx as the hyperplane which is gM -orthogonal to the tangent space of Lx at x, that is, Tx := x + u : u ∈ Ck , hu, λxi = 0 . Here, for x = (x1 , . . . , xk ) and y = (y1 , . . . , yk ) ∈ Ck , we write λx := (λ1 x1 , . . . , λk xk ) and hx, yi := k X xj ȳj . j=1 For every x ∈ M \ E and y in a small simply connected plaque P passing through x, let holx,y be the holonomy map holω,t where ω ∈ Ω is a path starting at x such that ω|[0,t] ⊂ P and ω(t) = y. Since P is simply connected, holx,y does not depend on the choice of any ω and t. So Dholx,y : Nx (F ) → Ny (F ). For every x ∈ M \ E, let D log H(x, ·)u := lim y→x, y∈Lx 1 kDholx,y (u)k log , dist(y, x) kuk u ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0}, and kD log H(x, ·)k := sup |D log H(x, ·)u|, u∈Nx (F )\{0} where k · k denotes as usual the gM -norm. We have the following result. Lemma 3.1. There exists a constant c > 0 such that for every x ∈ M \ E, kD log H(x, ·)k ≤ c . dist(x, E) Proof. The proof is based on the following homothetic property Dholtx,ty (tu) = tDholx,y (u), u ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0}, (9) where x, y ∈ Dk \ {0}, y in a simply connected small plaque passing through x, t > 0 such that tx, ty ∈ Dk . Taking for granted identity (9), we will complete the proof of the lemma as follows. First observe that there is a constant c > 0 such that [ kD log H(x, ·)k ≤ c, x∈M\ 1/2Ue . (10) e∈E 14 Indeed, (10)Sholds since holx,y is smooth with respect to the parameters (x, y) and the set M \ e∈E 1/2Ue is compact. So (10) implies the lemma since dist(x, E) ≥ 1/2 when x is in this set. Therefore, it remains to us to consider the case where x ∈ 1/2Ue ≃ (1/2D)k 1 . Applying identity (9) and noting that y ∈ Lx if for some e ∈ E. Set t := 2kxk and only if ty ∈ Ltx , we infer that 1 kDholtx,ty (tu)k log y→x, y∈Lx kty − txk ktuk kDholx,y (u)k 1 1 1 lim log = D log H(x, ·)u. = y→x, y∈L t kuk t x dist(y, x) D log H(tx, ·)tu = lim Hence, 1 D log H(tx, ·)tu. (11) 2kxk S Since ktxk = 1/2, it follows that tx 6∈ M \ e∈E 1/2Ue . Consequently, by (10) we get that |D log A (tx, ·)tu| ≤ c. This, combined with equality (11), implies the lemma in this last case. To complete the lemma it suffices to show identity (9). Let x, y ∈ Dk \ {0} and t > 0 as in identity (9). There exists ǫ > 0 such that holx,y is well-defined and holomorphic on {u ∈ u ∈ Ck : kuk < ǫ/2 and x + u ∈ Tx }. Observe that D log H(x, ·)u = holtx,ty (tx + tsu) = tholx,y (x + su), s ∈ D, since holx,y (x + su) ∈ Ty implies that tx + tsu and tholx,y (x + su) are in the same leaf and that tholx,y (x + su) ∈ Tty . Consequently, for u ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0} we obtain that 1 Dholtx,ty (tu) = lim kholtx,ty (tx + tsu) − holtx,ty (tx)k s→0 s 1 = t · lim kholx,y (x + su) − holx,y (x)k = tDholx,y (u), s→0 s which proves (9). In the remaining part of the section we investigate the holonomy cocycle when we travel along geodesics with respect to the leafwise metric g. For every x ∈ M \E, fix an arbitrary (locally) geodesic ωx : [0, ∞) → Lx which is parameterized by their length with respect to g and which starts at x, i.e. ω(0) = x. Consider the function fx : R+ × Nx (F ) \ {0} → R given by fx (t, v) := log kH(ωx , t)vk , kvk t ∈ R+ , v ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0}. The following lemmas give us optimal estimate on the transverse expansion rate while traveling along g-geodesics. 15 Lemma 3.2. There exists a constant c > 1 independent of x ∈ M \ E and of the choice of a geodesic ωx such that log⋆ dist(ωx (t), E)) ∂fx (t, v) ≤c , ∂t ξ(ωx (t)) t ∈ R+ , v ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0}. Proof. It suffices to show that log⋆ dist(x, E) ∂fx (t, v) ≤ c , ∂t t=0 ξ(x) v ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0}, (12) for a constant c > 1 independent of x ∈ M \ E. Consider two cases. Case 1: x is contained in a regular flow box Ui . Using that the map fx (t, v) is smooth with respect to the variables (t, v) as well as the parameter x and using that the compact set Ui does not meet E, we can show that ∂fx (t, v) ≤ c, v ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0}, ∂t t=0 for a constant c > 1 independent of x. This, combined with the estimate dist(x, E) ≥ 1/2 and ξ(x) ≥ c′ for x ∈ Ui , implies (12) in this case. Case 2: x is contained in a singular flow box Ue . 2 Recall that g = ξ 2 gP and gM = η 2 gP , it follows that gM = ηξ2 g. Consequently, using that ωx (0) = x, we obtain that ∂fx (t, v) kωx (t) − ωx (0)k η(x) = lim · D log H(x, ·)v. = · D log H(x, ·)v. ∂t t=0 t→0 t ξ(x) Applying Lemma 2.1 and Lemma 3.1, the absolute value of the last expression is is dominated by a constant times kxk| log kxk| 1 | log kxk| · = , ξ(x) kxk ξ(x) which proves the lemma. Lemma 3.3. There is a constant c > 0 independent of x and ωx such that log⋆ dist(x, E)et ∂fx (t, v) ≤c , ∂t ξ(x) t ∈ R+ , v ∈ Nx (F ) \ {0}. Proof. By Lemma 3.2 it suffices to show that log⋆ dist(ωx (t), E) log⋆ dist(x, E)et ≤c , ξ(ωx (t)) ξ(x) t ∈ R+ . (13) Fix a t > 0. We divide [0, t] into a finite number of interval [tj , tj+1] with 0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1 such that t0 = 0, tn = t and that each [tj , tj+1 ] is contained in a (singular 16 or regular) flow box. By an induction argument on n, it is sufficient to show that if (13) holds for tn−1 , then it also holds for t = tn . We consider two cases. Case 1: x is contained in a regular flow box Ui . Since ξ(y) ≥ c for all y ∈ M \ E for some constant c and y 7→ log⋆ dist(y, E) and y 7→ ξ(y) are both bounded on Ui , it follows that log⋆ dist(ωx (t), E) ≤ c and ξ(ωx (t)) log⋆ dist(x, E)et 1 ≥ , ξ(x) c proving (13) in this case. Case 2: x is contained in a singular flow box Ue ≃ Dk \ {0}. Suppose without loss of generality that ωx (tn−1 ) is contained in a (2D)k \ {0}. In (13) we may replace log⋆ dist(ωx (τ ), E) by kωx (τ )k and ξ(ωx (τ )) by ρ(kωx (τ )k) for all τ ∈ [tn−1 , tn ]. Consequently, (13) is reduced to log kωx (tn−1 )ket log kωx (τ )k ≤c , ρ(kωx (τ )k) ρ(kωx (tn−1 )k) τ ∈ [tn−1 , tn ]. Taking the logarithm of both members, the last estimate is equivalent to the existence of c > 0 such that d log kωx (τ )k ≤ c, τ ∈ [tn−1 , tn ]. dτ ρ(kωx (τ )k) 2 2 Recall that gM = ηξ2 g ≈ ηρ2 g on leaves in Dk \ {0} and that η(x) ≈ −kxk log kxk for x ∈ (1/2D)k \ {0} according to Lemma 2.1. Using this and making the change of variable r := kωx (τ )k, the previous condition becomes d r log r (log log r − log ρ(r)) · < c. dr ρ(r) 1 c d ( ρ(r) )| ≤ −r log for all 0 < r < r0 with some This is equivalent to the condition | dr r r0 > 0, which follows, in turn, from Definition 1.1 (iii-b) and the assumption that g is accelerating. So (13) is proved in this last case. 4 Proof of the main result In what follows we denote by distg the distance induced by the metric g on leaves of the foliation (M, F , E). We need the following two preparatory results. Lemma 4.1. There is a finite constant c0 > 0 such that for all x ∈ M \ E and all s ≥ 1, ( ) Wx ω ∈ Ω : sup distg (ω(0), ω(t)) > s t∈[0,1] 17 2 < c0 e−s . Proof. Let φx : D → Lx be a universal covering map with φx (0) = x. We have to show that ( ) W0 ω ∈ Ω(D) : sup distϕ∗x g (ω(0), ω(t)) > s < c0 e−s 2 t∈[0,1] where W0 is the Wiener measure at 0 of the disc D endowed with the metric ϕ∗x g. Since the metric g is accelerating, (D, ϕ∗x g) is complete and of uniformly bounded geometry. Consequently, the last assertion follows by combining Lemma 8.16 and Corollary 8.8 in [4]. Here is the second preparatory result. Proposition 4.2. There are constants c1 , c2 > 0 such that ⋆ log kA±1(ω, t)k ≤ c1 log dist(ω(0), E) · ec2 distP (ω(t),ω(0)) , ω ∈ Ω, t ∈ R+ . ξ(ω(0)) Proof. We only give the estimate for log kA(ω, t)k since the estimate for log kA−1 (ω, t)k can be proved similarly. Let ω ∈ Ω and t ∈ R+ . Put x := ω(0) and y := ω(t). Let ωx be a geodesic starting at x and passing through y such that the segment of ωx delimited by x and y is homotopic with the curve ω|[0,t] on the leaf Lx . So there is a unique s ∈ R+ such that ωx (s) = y. By Lemma 3.3, we have that Z Z s log⋆ dist(x, E) s t log⋆ dist(x, E) c2 s ∂fx (t, v) dt ≤ c4 e dt = c4 e . fx (s, v) = ∂t ξ(x) ξ(x) 0 0 Since distg (ω(t), ω(0)) = distg (x, y) = s, this completes the proof. Now we arrive at the End of the proof of the Main Theorem. By Proposition 4.2, we have that ⋆ log kA±1 (ω, t)k ≤ c1 log dist(ω(0), E) · ec2 distg (ω(t),ω(0)) , ξ(ω(0)) ω ∈ Ω, t ∈ R+ . Therefore, Z Z log⋆ dist(ω(0), E) c2 ·supt∈[0,1] distg (ω(0),ω(t)) e dµ̄(ω). F (ω)dµ̄(ω) ≤ c1 ξ(ω(0)) Ω Ω By formula (8) we may rewrite the integral on the right hand side as Z Z log⋆ dist(x, E) c2 ·supt∈[0,1] distg (ω(0),ω(t)) e dWx (ω) dµ(x). · ξ(x) X Ωx (14) Next, we will show that there is a constant c3 > 0 independent of x such that the inner integral is uniformly bounded by c3 , that is, Z ec2 ·supt∈[0,1] distg (ω(0),ω(t)) dWx (ω) < c3 . (15) Ωx 18 To this end we focus on a single L passing through a given point x. Observe that Z ∞ Z c2 ·supt∈[0,1] distg (ω(0),ω(1)) e dWx (ω) = Wx {ω ∈ Ωx : ec2 ·supt∈[0,1] distg (ω(0),ω(t)) > s}ds. 0 Ωx The integrand on the right-hand side is equal to Wx {ω ∈ Ωx : sup distg (ω(0), ω(t)) > log s/c2 }. t∈[0,1] For 0 ≤ s ≤ ec2 , this quantity is clearly ≤ 1. For s ≥R ec2 , this quantity is 2 2 2 2 ∞ dominated, thanks to Lemma 4.1, by c0 e−(log s) /c2 . Since ec2 e−(log s) /c2 ds < ∞, we deduce that Z ec2 ·distg (ω(0),ω(t)) dWx (ω) Ωx is bounded from above by a constant independent of x. This proves (15). Using (15) the integral in (14) is dominated by a constant times Z log⋆ dist(x, E) dµ(x). ξ(x) X ⋆ is locally bounded. Therefore, Observe that the function x ∋ M \E 7→ log dist(x,E) ξ(x) in order to show that the last integral is finite, it is sufficient to show that it is finite in a singular flow box Ue ≃ (2D)k \ {0}. Note that the metric gM coincides 2 2 with the standard Kähler metric i∂∂kzk2 in (2D)k . Recall that gM = ηξ2 g ≈ ηρ2 g on leaves in Dk \{0} and that η(x) ≈ −kxk log kxk for x ∈ (1/2D)k \{0} according to Lemma 2.1. Let T be a positive ∂∂-closed current on Dk such that µ = T ∧ g. We only have to show that the integral on the the ball B1/2 , with respect to the 2 measure T ∧ i∂∂kzk , of the radial function γ(r) := r −2 | log r|−1 ρ(r)−2 is finite. R Let m(r) := Br T ∧ i∂∂kzk2 . Since the Lelong number of T at 0 exists and is finite, we have m(r) . r 2 (see Lemma 2.4 in [11]). Using an integration by parts, the considered integral is equal, up to finite constants, to Z 1 Z 1 1 2 ′ − r e γ (r)dr = −2 rγ(r)dr − −r 2 γ(r) 0 . 0 0 Since g is accelerating, it follows from the second integrability condition in Definition 1.1 (iii-c) that the integral on the right hand side is finite. By Definition 1.1 (iii-b) the last term on the right hand side is also finite. Hence, F is µ̄-integrable. Remark 4.3. Now let g = gP , that is, ξ ≡ 1. For each gP -harmonic probability measure µ let T be a positive ∂∂-closed current on M such that µ = T ∧ gP . Fix a singular flow box Ue of a singular point e ∈ E, and identifies (Ue , e) with (Dk , 0). Suppose that the numbers λ1 , . . . , λk ∈ C \ {0} are “generic”, for example, they 19 are pairwise non R-linear. Suppose also that the Lelong number of T at 0 is > 0. The last assumption seems reasonable since it is usually expected that the mass of T concentrates near E. We will show that Z log kA(ω, 1)kdµ̄(ω) = ∞. (16) Ω This is an evidence showing that an acceleration of the Poincaré metric is possibly unavoidable. Indeed, let D be endowed with the Poincaré metric gP , and consider the following subspace of Ω0 (D) : A := {ω ∈ Ω0 (D) : 1 < distgP (0, ω(1)) < 2} . By (5) and (6), W0 (A) > 0. Since λ1 , . . . , λk are generic, we argue as in Section 3 for ξ ≡ 1. Therefore, we can show that there is 0 < c < 1 such that log kA(ω, 1)k ≈ − log kxk for each 0 < kxk < c and ω ∈ φx ◦ A. Consequently, the integral in (16) is greater than a positive constant times W0 (A) > 0 times Z − log kxkdµ(x). 0<kxk<c Since the Lelong number of T at 0 is > 0, we get that m(r) ≈ r 2 . Hence, arguing as the end of the proof of the Main Theorem, the last integral is Z c dr = ∞. − 0 r log r This proves (16). 5 Lyapunov exponents and Oseledec decomposition Let (M, F , E) be a foliation in a Hermitian complex manifold (M, gM ) of dimension k. Recall from the definition of the holonomy cocycle that given any path ω ∈ Ω and any time t ≥ 0, H(ω, t) is a C-linear isomorphism from Nω(0) (F ) onto Nω(t) (F ). In the literature there are several versions of a Lyapunov exponent of H. The most geometric way is to characterize the Lyapunov exponent as the maximal transverse expansion rate along geodesics (see, for example, Hurder’s survey article [20] for a systematic exposition). On the other hand, in the case where dim(M) = 2 and E = ∅, Candel and Deroin [4, 10] define the (unique) Lyapunov exponent of H as the transverse expansion rate along a leawise Brownian path. We generalize the last authors’ approach to the higher dimension. Note, moreover, that in the next work [24] we will give geometric interpretations of our Lyapunov exponents. 20 Definition 5.1. The transverse expansion rate along a path ω ∈ Ω in the direction v ∈ Nω(0) (F ) \ {0} at time t > 0 is E (ω, t, v) := 1 kH(ω, t)vk log . t kvk The transverse expansion rate along a path ω ∈ Ω at time t > 0 is E (ω, t) := 1 log kH(ω, t)k = sup E (ω, t, v). t v∈Nω(0) (F )\{0} Here k · k denotes the gM -norm. The angle between two complex (resp. real) subspaces V, W of Nx (F ) for each point x ∈ M \ E, is, by definition, ∡ V, W := min {arccoshv, wi : v ∈ V, w ∈ W, kvk = kwk = 1} , where h·, ·i is the gM -Hermitian inner product. Theorem 5.2. We keep the hypotheses of Main Theorem. Assume in addition that the g-harmonic probability measure µ is ergodic. Then there exists a leafwise saturated Borel subset X of M with µ(X) = 1 and a number m ∈ N and m integers d1 , . . . , dm ∈ N such that the following properties hold: (i) For each x ∈ X there exists a decomposition of Nx (F ) as a direct sum of complex linear subspaces Nx (F ) = ⊕m i=1 Hi (x), such that dim Hi (x) = di and that the following holonomy invariant property holds: H(ω, t)Hi (x) = Hi (ω(t)) for all ω ∈ Ωx and t ∈ R+ . Moreover, x 7→ Hi (x) is a measurable map from X into the Grassmannian of Nx (F ). Moreover, there are real numbers χm < χm−1 < · · · < χ2 < χ1 such that lim E (ω, t, v) = χi , t→∞ uniformly on v ∈ Hi (x) \ {0}, for Wx -almost every ω ∈ Ωx . The numbers χm < χm−1 < · · · < χ2 < χ1 are called the Lyapunov exponents of the foliation. (ii) The maximal Lyapunov exponent χ1 may be characterized by the following formula: χ1 = lim E (ω, t) t→∞ for Wx -almost every ω ∈ Ωx and for every x ∈ X. (iii) For S ⊂ N := {1, . . . , m} let HS (x) := ⊕i∈S Hi (x). Then 1 log sin ∡ HS (ω(t)), HN \S (ω(t)) = 0 t→∞ t lim for Wx -almost every ω ∈ Ωx . 21 Some remarks are in order. m(x) • The decomposition of Nx (F ) as a direct sum of complex subspaces ⊕i=1 Hi (x), given in (i) is said to be the Oseledec decomposition at a point x ∈ Y. • Following assertion (ii) the Lyapunov exponents measures, in some sense, the growth rate of the derivative of the holonomy map along a generic Brownian leafwise path. Theorem 5.2 gives us a full characterization of of Lyapunov exponents of a foliation. When k > 2, there are, in general, several Lyapunov exponents. Observe that both the source space and the target space of the C-linear invertible transformation H(ω, t) may vary as ω|[0,t] varies. In order to apply our previous work [23], we need to work with a conjugate A of H such that all isomorphisms A(ω, t) have Ck−1 as their source spaces and target spaces, namely, A(ω, t) ∈ GL(k − 1, C). This consideration leads us to the following notion. An identifier τ is a suitable smooth map which associates to each point x ∈ M \ E a C-linear isometry τ (x) : Nx (F ) → Ck−1 , that is, τ (x) is a C-linear morphism such that kτ (x)vk = kvk, v ∈ Nx (F ), x ∈ M \ E. (17) Here we have used the Euclidean norm in Ck−1 on the left-hand side and the induced gM -norm on the right hand side. We identify every fiber Nx (F ) with Ck−1 via τ. Using a partition of unity of M, we can show that there always exists an identifier. The holonomy cocycle A of (M, F , E) with respect to the identifier τ is defined by A(ω, t) := τ (ω(t)) ◦ H(ω, t) ◦ τ −1 (ω(0)), ω ∈ Ω, t ∈ R+ . (18) By Proposition 3.3 in [23], A is a (multiplicative) cocycle in the sense of this cited work. We deduce from the above discussion the following relation between the transverse expansion rate functions given in Definition 5.1 and the cocycle A : 1 kA(ω, t)(τ (ω(0))v)k log , t kτ (ω(0))vk (19) 1 E (ω, t) = log kA(ω, t)(τ (ω(0))v)k. t for every path ω ∈ Ω and v ∈ Nω(0) (F ), v 6= 0, and time t > 0. End of the proof of Theorem 5.2. Using equalities (17) and (18) the integrability of F given by the the Main Theorem implies that the function E (ω, t, v) = Ω ∋ ω 7→ sup max{| log kA(ω, t)k|, | log kA−1 (ω, t)k|} t∈[0,1] is µ̄-integrable. Therefore, we are in the position to apply Corollary 3.6 in [23]. Consequently, we obtain the characterization of Lyapunov exponents as well as the corresponding Oseledec decomposition of the cocycle A. This, combined with the two identities in (19) and equalities (17)-(18) implies the desired conclusions of the theorem. 22 References [1] Berndtsson, Bo; Sibony, Nessim. The ∂-equation on a positive current. Invent. Math. 147 (2002), no. 2, 371-428. 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