Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using

Chapter 12
Simulation Framework of Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN) Using
Qutaiba I. Ali
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
A wireless sensor network consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to
cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound,
vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants. The development of wireless sensor networks was
motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance. They are now used in
many industrial and civilian application areas, including industrial process monitoring and
control, machine health monitoring, environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare
applications, home automation, and traffic control [1-2].
A smart sensor node is a combination of sensing, processing and communication
technologies. Figure 1 shows the basic architectural components of a sensor node. The
sensing unit senses the change of parameters, signal conditioning circuitry prepares the
electrical signals to convert to the digital domain, the sensed analog signal is converted and
is used as the input to the application algorithms or processing unit, the memory helps
processing of tasks and the transceiver is used for communicating with other sensors or the
base stations or sinks in WSN[3], see figure 1.
Sensors can monitor temperature, pressure, humidity, soil makeup, vehicular movement,
noise levels, lighting conditions, the presence or absence of certain kinds of objects or
substances, mechanical stress levels on attached objects, and other properties. Their
mechanism may be seismic, magnetic, thermal, visual, infrared, acoustic, or radar. A smart
sensor is also capable of self-identification and self-diagnosis. The mechanisms of smart
sensors work in one of three ways: by a line of sight to the target (such as visual sensors), by
proximity to target (such as seismic sensors), and by propagation like a wave with possible
bending (such as acoustic sensors)[4,5].
© 2012 Ali, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
264 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
Figure 1. Basic architectural components of a smart sensor
2. Review of existing simulation environments for WSNs
In this section, a selection of existing simulation environments for WSNs is discussed.
Basically, the investigated simulation environments can be divided into two major types:
adaptive development and new development. The adaptive development covers simulation
environments that already existed before the idea of WSNs emerged. These simulation
environments were then extended to support wireless functionality and were then adapted
for the use with WSNs. In contrast, new developments cover new simulators, which
were created solely for simulating WSNs, considering sensor specific characteristics from
the beginning. Both types have advantages and disadvantages, but basically it can be stated
that while the evolutionary adaptation has some advantages in reusing well-tested ideas
and source code as well as the bigger user and developer basis, the new developments have
their advantages in focusing on the special characteristics and the functioning of sensor
GloMoSim [6] is a scalable simulation environment for wireless and wired network systems,
which uses the parallel discrete-event simulation capability provided by Parsec [7], a cbased simulation language for sequential and parallel execution of discrete-event simulation
models. Both, GloMoSim as well as Parsec, were developed by the Parallel Computing Lab.
at UCLA. GloMoSim offers basic functionality to simulate wireless networks, even for ad
hoc networks (e.g. AODV, DSR). However, the current version of GloMoSim does not offer
any sensor network specific features in the default package so that without any further
efforts no WSNs can be simulated meaningfully. In 2000 QualNet [6], [7], a commercial
derivate of GloMoSim, was created and with GloMoSim 2.0, the last version of GloMoSim,
was released under an academic license. From this point in time, no further improvements
to GloMoSim were made, whereas the development of QualNet expedited. In October 2009,
version 5.0 of QualNet was released including enhancements such as a new sensor network
library for ZigBee, new network security library, parallel updates, new models (e.g. battery
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 265
and energy), updates to current models as well as performance improvements. Furthermore,
a new QT based GUI was added providing a scenario designer, a visualizer to view network
scenarios (2D and 3D), a packet tracer for debugging, an analyzer for statistics and a file
editor to edit the scenarios directly.
OPNET Modeler Wireless Suite
OPNET Modeler Wireless Suite [8]–[10] is a commercial modeling and simulation
tool for various types of wireless networks. It is developed by developed by OPNET
Technologies, Inc. and based on the well-known product OPNET Modeler. The simulation
environment uses a fast discrete event simulation engine operating with a 32-bit/ 64-bit
fully parallel simulation kernel, which is available for Windows and Linux. The OPNET
Modeler provides an object-oriented modeling approach and a hierarchical modeling
environment. Although there are no special routing protocols for wireless sensor network
available, at least different propagation and modulation techniques as well as a
ZigBee (802.15.4) MAC layer are provided. Additional modules have to be customized or
developed from the scratch. The simulations of wireless networks can be run as discrete
event, hybrid or analytical, encompassing terrain, mobility and path-loss models. Due
to the open interface external object files, libraries as well as other simulators can
be integrated to the OPNET Modeler. Optional a System-in-the-Loop is available to interface
simulations with live systems. Furthermore, the OPNET Modeler Wireless Suite
provides grid computing support so that simulations can be executed in a distributed
TOSSIM (TinyOS mote simulator) [12]–[15] is a discrete event simulator for TinyOS sensor
networks that is part of the official TinyOS package. TOSSIM takes advantage of the
component based architecture of TinyOS by integrating it transparently by providing a new
hardware resource abstraction layer that simulates the TinyOS network stack at the bit level
for normal PCs. Due to this approach low-level protocols up to top-level applications can be
simulated with TOSSIM. TOSSIM has an external communication system so that transmitted
packets can be monitored and even new packets can be injected to network. Furthermore,
the configuration of the debug options is fine grained providing the desired debug output at
runtime. TOSSIM offers three network connectivity models: simple connectivity, static
connectivity and space connectivity. The running simulations can be visualized and
controlled by the Java-based GUI TinyViz[16].
OMNeT++ [17]–[20] is an object-oriented discrete network simulation framework. The
architecture is rather generic so that various problem domains can be simulated such as
protocol modeling, validation of hardware architectures and modeling of wired and
wireless communication networks. OMNeT++ is not a simulator, but it rather provides a
framework and tools to write simulations. It is highly portable so that it can be run on the
most common operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. There are a couple
266 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
of simulation frameworks that enable OMNeT++ to be used for wireless sensor
networks[21]. The most common of these frameworks are discussed in the following
Mobility Framework: The Mobility Framework [22]–[24], developed in the
Telecommunication Networks Group (TKN) at the Technical University of Berlin, provides
only basic support for mobile and wireless networks. It includes some basic layers such as
MAC layers (Aloha, CSMA) and network layers (flooding) as well as some basic mobility
functionality and some basic application layer.
MiXiM: MiXiM [25], [26] is a merger of several OMNeT++ frameworks to support mobile
and wireless simulations. It uses the mobility support, the connection management, and the
general structure from the Mobility Framework (MF); the radio propagation models from
the CHannel SIMulator (ChSim); and the protocol library from the MAC simulator, the
Positif frame- work [27], and the Mobility Framework.
Castalia: Castalia [28], [29] is a simulator for WSNs (WSN), body area networks (BAN) and
generally networks of low-power embedded devices that is based on OMNeT++. It is
developed at the National ICT Australia since 2006 and made public as open source under
the Academic Public License in 2007.
INET Framework: The INET Framework [30], [31] is a framework for OMNeT++ that
contains various implementations of common protocols, such as IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP etc.,
as well as several application models. The INET Framework is not specialized on mobile
and wireless networks, but has some support for it.
NesCT: NesCT [32] is not a real framework, but rather a translator from the programming
language NesC to C++ classes for OMNet++.
NS (the Network Simulator) [33], [34] is an object-oriented discrete event simulator targeting
at networking research. NS-2 is written in C++ and OTcl, an object-oriented version of Tcl. A
huge amount of contributed protocol source codes can be found on the website Code. among them there are also some
for WSNs interesting wireless protocols such as different variations of 802.11, 802.16, IRUWB, BlueTooth and 802.15.4. Despite the great number of contributing researchers the
support for wireless sensor network specific protocols is rather low. As special wireless
sensor network framework the Mannasim Framework [36] should be highlighted that
provides sensor network specific protocols such as LEACH and Directed Diffusion. Also the
extension NS2-MIUN [37] provides some wireless sensor network specific contributions
with the focus on intrusion detection. SensorSim: SensorSim [38]–[40] is a simulation
framework for modeling sensor networks that built up on NS-2. It provides additional
features for modeling sensor networks such as sensor channel models, power models
(battery and radio), lightweight protocol stacks for wireless micro-sensors, scenario
generation and hybrid simulation.
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 267
Avrora [41]–[43] is a set of simulation and analysis tools for programs written for
AVR micro-controllers. It has support for different sensor platforms, such as Mica2 and
MicaZ, allowing wireless network simulation, dynamic instrumentation and static analysis.
Since 2004, Avrora is developed in a research project of the UCLA compiler group. The
special characteristic of Avrora is that it operates on the instruction-level, i.e. actual
microcontroller programs can be run in the simulator, instead of just simulating software
J-Sim [44]–[46] is a component-based compositional simulation environment based on the
autonomous component architecture (ACA). The basic entities of ACA are components,
which communicated with each other by sending and receiving data using their ports.
Application specific models can be defined by sub-classing the specified classes of the WSN
simulation framework and adapting them to the desired behavior. At the moment, 802.11 is
used as MAC Layer and AODV is provided as routing protocol.
ATEMU [47], [48] is one of the first instruction-level software emulators for AVR based
systems. Additionally peripheral devices of the MICA2 sensor node platform such as radio
is supported. Although at the moment only the MICA2 hardware is supported, ATEMU can
be easily extended to support other sensor node platforms. Although ATEMU is the most
accurate instruction-level emulator for wireless sensor network research, it lacks from
simulation speed, being 30 times slower than TOSSIM, for example.
EmStar [49]–[51] is an environment for WSNs built from Linux-class devices, so called
micro servers. In comparison to motes, micro servers are much less constrained in
computational power and data storage size so that they can handle more complex tasks such
as image and audio processing. EmStar consists of simulation and emulation tools, which
utilize a modular, but not strictly layered, architecture. EmStar provides different simulation
modes: a pure simulation mode, an emulation mode, a real mode and a hybrid mode.
EmStar provides various services that are used and combined to provide network
functionality for wireless embedded systems. This includes link drivers for the lowest-layer
interfaces to network resources, pass-through modules that implement various types of
filter and passive processing, and routing modules such as Flooding, DSR, Sink, StateSync
and Centroute.
SENS [52], [53] is an application-oriented simulator for WSNs. It has a modular, layered
architecture so that components for applications, network communication and the physical
environment can be easily interchanged and extended. Due to different component
268 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
implementations, which varies in the degree of realism, application-specific environments
can be created and simulated. Due to the chosen approach, SENS enables application
portability because the same source code can be run with in a simulation or deployed on
actual sensor nodes.
SENSE (Sensor Network Simulator and Emulator) [54], [55] is a simulator for WSNs that is
based on a novel component-oriented simulation methodology, which promotes
extensibility and reusability. At the same time, the simulation efficiency and the scalability
was considered. In the component repository of SENSE there are already different
components available from the application to the physical layer including IEEE 802.11,
AODV, DSR, SSR, SHR as well as Battery Models and a Power Model. At the moment, there
does not seem to be any further tools included in SENSE so that, for example, a visualization
tool to analyze the network behavior graphically is missing.
Shawn [56]–[58] is customizable sensor network simulator based on an algorithmic
approach. The primary design goals of Shawn are: simulate the effect caused by a
phenomenon, scalability and support for extremely large networks and free choice of the
implementation model. Models are the interfaces that are used by Shawn to control the
simulation without knowing the exact implementation. Each implementation of a model
specifies the actual behavior. Currently there are several implementations for the
transmission model provided such as Pure CSMA & CSMA/CA, (Slotted) Aloha,
Random Drop etc. Additionally to the three core models, there are several other models
provided by Shawn for random variables, distance estimation and mobility. The simulation
environment provides a sort of virtual world in which the different parts of the simulation
are located. The simulated nodes are located in a single world instance and the nodes
themselves are containers for processors. The application logic is implemented as instances
of processors.
In this chapter, Simulink MATLAB was adopted to be the simulation tool of wireless sensor
network (WSN). The main advantage of the suggested method is to determine the effect of
the different channel parameters (i.e., Signal to Noise ratio, Attenuation and Interference) on
the system behavior.
3. The proposed WSN simulation methodology
The environment in which we build our simulation model was MATLAB. The name
MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. MATLAB, developed by MathWorks Inc., is a
software package for high performance numerical computation and visualization. The
combination of analysis capabilities, flexibility, reliability, and powerful graphics makes
MATLAB the premier software package for scientific researchers. MATLAB provides an
interactive environment with hundreds of reliable and accurate built-in mathematical
functions. These functions provide solutions to a broad range of mathematical problems
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 269
including matrix algebra, complex arithmetic, linear systems, differential equations, signal
processing, optimization, nonlinear systems, and many other types of scientific
computations. The most important feature of MATLAB is its programming capability, which
is very easy to learn and to use, and which allows user-developed functions. It also allows
access to Fortran algorithms and C codes by means of external interfaces. There are several
optional toolboxes written for special applications such as signal processing, control systems
design, system identification, statistics, neural networks, fuzzy logic, symbolic
computations, and others. MATLAB has been enhanced by the very powerful Simulink
Simulink is a software package for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamical
systems. It supports linear and nonlinear systems, modeled in continuous time, sampled
time, or a hybrid of the two. Systems can also be multi-rate, i.e., have different parts that
are sampled or updated at different rates. For modeling, Simulink provides a graphical
user interface (GUI) for building models as block diagrams, using click-and-drag
mouse operations. With this interface, you can draw the models just as you would
with pencil and paper (or as most textbooks depict them). Simulink includes a
comprehensive block library of sinks, sources, linear and nonlinear components, and
connectors. You can also customize and create your own blocks Models are hierarchical.
This approach provides insight into how a model is organized and how its parts
interact. After you define a model, you can simulate it, using a choice of integration
methods, either from the Simulink menus or by entering commands in MATLAB's
command window. The menus are particularly convenient for interactive work, while the
command-line approach is very useful for running a batch of simulations (for example, if
you are doing Monte Carlo simulations or want to sweep a parameter across a range of
values). Using scopes and other display blocks, you can see the simulation results while the
simulation is running. In addition, you can change parameters and immediately see what
happens, for "what if" exploration. The simulation results can be put in the MATLAB
workspace for post processing and visualization. And because MATLAB and Simulink are
integrated, you can simulate, analyze, and revise your models in either environment at any
point. [59].
3.1. Simulating a simple WSN in Simulink MATLAB
In order to demonstrate the concepts of the suggested simulation methodology, a simple
WSN model was built as shown in figure 2[60]. This network consisted of three sensors
(slaves) sending their measured data samples to a master node. In this chapter, MATLAB
Simulink communication block set was used to build a complete WSN system. Simulation
procedure includes building the hardware architecture of the transmitting nodes, modeling
both the communication channel and the receiving master node architecture. Bluetooth was
chosen to undertake the physical layer communication with respect to different channel
parameters (i.e., Signal to Noise ratio, Attenuation and Interference). The simulation model
was examined using different topologies under various conditions and numerous results
were collected.
270 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
Figure 2. Simple WSN model
The architecture of the system could be explained as follows:
The transmitter
This system was based on Bluetooth technology that is considered as the backbone of
transmission operation. Bluetooth is a short-range radio link technology that operates in the
2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band[60]. In this system we modulated the
signal using Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK) over a radio channel with maximum
capacity of 1 Mbps. The transmitter consists of the following blocks:
Sensor signal stage: It is represented by a sensor to sense the physical signals such as
temperature, pressure…etc, then transducing them into an electrical signal. In addition,
this stage includes the A/D convertor which converts the signal from Analog to Digital
using 256 quantization level.
Up-sampling to 64ksamples/s: Up-samples the input to a higher rate by inserting zeros
between samples.
Payload FEC encode: Encodes the data to enable error correction(an FEC encoder may
include a binary convolutional encoder followed by a puncturing device).
Bluetooth Clock: Each Bluetooth device has a free-running 28-bit Bluetooth clock. The clock
ticks 3,200 times per second or once every 312.5 µsec, representing a clock rate of 3.2 KHz.
Hop Sequence Generator: For devices to communicate with each other, they must
transmit and receive on the same frequency at the same time. The hop sequence
generator generates a sequence of hop frequencies in the range 0 to 78. It can generate
either the connection state hop sequence, a random white sequence, or be fixed.
Encoder and modulator: The 366 data bits are transmitted at 1 Mbps and modulated using
Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK). GFSK effectively transmits +150 kHz signal
relative to the carrier for a 1bit, and a 150 kHz signal for a 0 bit. The carrier signal is
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 271
generated in the Simulink model by a baseband MFSK block set to 79 symbols and a
separation of 1MHz. If a hop frequency value 0 is input, a -39MHz complex sinusoid is
generated. If a 1 is entered, a -38 MHz complex sinusoid is generated and so on. In the
model, the hop sequences are generated by a simple random number generator, not using
the actual method specified in the standard. The transmitter is turned off after 366 bits
using a Gain block to multiply the frame with a mask of 36600 ones and 26500 zeros.
The medium which consists of the following blocks
AWGN Channel: The AWGN Channel block adds white Gaussian noise to a real or
complex input signal. When the input signal is real, this block adds real Gaussian noise
and produces a real output signal. When the input signal is complex, this block adds
complex Gaussian noise and produces a complex output signal.
Path Loss: This block reduces the amplitude of the input signal by an amount specified.
The loss can be specified directly using the “Decibels” mode, or indirectly using the
“Distance and Frequency” mode. The reciprocal of the loss is applied as a gain, e.g., a loss
of +20 dB, which reduces the signal by a factor of 10 corresponds to a gain value of 0.1.
802.11b interferer: This block adds signals that have the same frequency of the data
signal to make interference between the data signal and other signals( i.e. a Wireless
Local Area Network (WLAN) transmission).
Multiport Switch: In order to simulate the multiple access and multiplexing functions of
the channel, this block was used. It chooses between a number of inputs. The first input
is called the control input, while the rest of the inputs are called data inputs. The value
of the control input determines which data input is passed through to the output port.
The receiver consists of the following blocks:
Hop Sequence Generator: same as mentioned earlier.
Demodulation and decoding: This block is used to extract the original information-bearing
signal from a modulated carrier wave, and to recover the information contends in it.
Zero-Order Hold: This block samples and holds its input for the specified sample
period. The block accepts one input and generates one output, both of which can be
scalar or vector. If the input is a vector, all elements of the vector are held for the same
sample period.
Un-buffer: This block un-buffers an Mi-by-N frame-based input into a 1-by-N samplebased output. That is, inputs are un-buffered row-wise so that each matrix row becomes
an independent time-sample in the output. The rate at which the block receives inputs
is generally less than the rate at which the block produces outputs.
Down-sampling to 8ksamples/s: This block down-samples the input to a lower rate by
deleting the repeating samples.
Scope RX: It was used to display the received signal and compare it with the original
signal to discover the system behavior.
As known, a piconet can includes up to seven slaves and one master. In this example three
signals were sent from three sensors (slaves) to the receiving component (master)
representing one piconet , the information obtained by the sensors are used to estimate the
272 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
Bluetooth performance as well as to study the media effect. Noise and interference are
added to the signals in order to simulate the channel effect and measure Bit Error Rate (BER)
and Frame Error Rate (FER). The following figures shows the system performance under
different working conditions.
Figure 3. Signals sent from the three sensors
(a) SNR=20dB
(c) SNR=12dB
Figure 4. Received signals with different SNR
(b) SNR=15dB
(d) SNR=10dB
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 273
(b) SNR & FER
(a) SNR & BER
Figure 5. Relationship between SNR & (BER, FER)
(a) Average Rate=6
(c) Average Rate=25
(b) Average Rate=12
(d) Average Rate=50
Figure 6. Received signals with different rate of interference
(e)Average Rate=100
274 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
(a) SNR=15dB, Average Rate=6
(b) SNR=12dB, Average Rate=25
Figure 7. Received signals with different rate of interference & different SNR
(a) Interference & BER
(b) Interference & FER
Figure 8. Relationship between interference & (BER, FER)
3.2. More complex example
As known from Blutooth operation, each piconet consists of one master and seven slaves
and each master of a specific piconet may acts as a slave for another piconet which means
the ability to expand the network to respond to more than seven sensors.
In this example two piconets are connected, so that the first piconet consists of three
sensors connected to the master, and the later is connected as a slave to the second
piconet. The second piconet consists of two slaves and one master as shown in Figure 9
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 275
Figure 9. WSN model with masters & slaves
The following figures shows the system performance under different working conditions.
276 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
(a) SNR=20dB
(a) SNR=20dB
(a) SNR=20dB
(a) SNR=20dB
Figure 10. Received signals with different Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
(a) SNR & BER
Figure 11. Relationship between SNR & (BER, FER)
(b) SNR & FER
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 277
(a) Average Rate=6
(b) Average Rate=12
(c) Average Rate=25
(d) Average Rate=50
Figure 12. Received signals with different rate of interference
(a) Interference & BER
(b) Interference & FER
Figure 13. Relationship between interference & (BER, FER)
From the above results, it is obvious that the behavior of the system was successfully
described using the suggested simulation methodology. It is also important to mention that
this simulation method provides the ability to change the different system parameters to
create new environment and hence, new simulation scenarios. This new simulation
278 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
methodology proves the ability of the Simulink MATLAB to be a useful and flexible
approach to study the effect of different physical layer parameters on the performance of
wireless sensor networks.
Table (1) below, summarize the features of the different simulation methods of WSN
including the suggested one in this chapter, MATLAB SIMULINK.
OPNET Mod-eler
Wireless Suite
TOSSIM (part of
WSN support
C and Parsec
GloMoSim: basic mobility and radio
propagation models; 802.11; QualNet:
additionally battery and energy model;
ZigBee → GloMoSim seems to be outdated;
QualNet seems to be more up-to-date, but
configuration by
GUI; internals C++
Different propagation models; 802.11,
ZigBee; some MANET protocols, but no
special WSN support → powerful tool with a
nice GUI, but expensive
All TinyOS-based WSN protocols can be
simulated with TOSSIM without
modifications → good ap-proach especially if
implementation should also be used with
TinyOS-based nodes
basic modules C++;
larger structures
Several frameworks that add WSN
functionality to OMNet++ such as MiXiM,
Castalia, etc. → active project with a huge user
base; Eclipse-based IDE for development
C++; configu-ration
Huge amount of protocols
available contributed by NS-2 users →
complex configuration; unclear
situa-tion due to large number
of different user contributed
AVR microcontroller binaries
Particularly for programs written for AVR
micro-controller with support for support for
Mica2 and Mi-caZ → very special application
area; project seems to be still active -still
changes in CVS
Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software 279
Java; configuration
Includes sensor network package containing
models such as propagation, battery, radio
model and sen-sor protocol stack including
AODV and 802.11 → project seems to be
AVR microcontroller binaries
Complete emulation of the AVR instruction
set with partial Mica2 support; TinyOS based
code can be run → very special application
area; slow simulation speed; project seems to
be abandoned
Provides network functionality for
wireless embedded systems; EmTOS
can be used to run TinyOS applications
as EmStar module → project seems
be abandoned (download links broken)
Provides very basic network and physical
layer sup-port. Source can be compiled for
TinyOS. → project does not seem to be
developed any further
Includes battery and power models,
MAC layers (802.11) as well as
network protocols (AODV, DSR,
SSR, SHR) → does not seem to be
developed any further
Algorithmic approach that concentrates on
lower layers, no special WSN protocols →
very active project -lot of recent changes in
C , Java
Detailed simulation of the end nodes and
their architecture, Physical layer
parameters, different modulation &
encoding techniques, communication
channel modeling(SNR, effect of different
Noise schemes, Interference, distance,
etc..), various methods to monitor
and record results, making use
of the rich library of
Table 1. The features of the different simulation methods of WSN
280 MATLAB – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
4. Conclusions
In this chapter, a new simulation methodology of wireless sensor networks (WSN) was
presented. MATLAB/Simulink was used as the tool to build the simulation environment.
The strength of this simulation method falls in the ability to study the effect of
different physical layer parameters (channel noise and interference, Signal to noise
ratio…etc.) on the system behavior. The other advantage of this method is its
flexibility in building the end nodes and sensors. This simulation methodology could
be used to build different WSN types and opens the doors to use the MATLAB in this
new field.
Author details
Qutaiba I. Ali
Mosul University, Computer Engineering Department, Iraq
Many thanks to my students Akram & Hussien for their assistance.
5. References
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