P&C Executive Meeting
YOH Fest (Dance)
Y12 Sea Trek (1)
Y11/12 Spring Fling
SEP 12
Y11 Maths 2AB Ex P1-3
Photography Excursion
Student Council Meeting
7:30 Y12 Maths Test
Whole School Athletics
2 0 1 1
Sarah Martin – for being selected in the WA Acrobatic Gymnastics State Team for 2011.
They will be held in October at Geelong Arena, Victoria.
Kirsty McRobert – for being selected for the Under 16 Girl’s State Football team to
represent WA in the CFA Titles being held in Newcastle 24-29 September.
Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members,
SEP 16
Y11 Geography Excursion
Once again we have a newsletter full of many great events. Four recent events have been in
collaboration with surrounding primary schools. The Japanese language hub continues to
thrive. Keen Japanese language students from primary schools attend our school after hours
for some fun and extension activities. Our recent Leeming School Spectacular had high school
and primary schools working together. Last week being science week saw primary students
here using our labs and running experiments. Once again our Leeming Literacy Soirée was a
great success with well over 100 primary and secondary students and parents attending. The
event involves students reading their work and a presentation from a published author.
SEP 19
Y8-9 Language
Assessment Week
Upcoming events include our athletics carnival and straight six running race. The athletics
carnival is the first in a few years and will by self nomination this year. Hopefully for next year’s
event we will have factions and a whole school event.
SEP 20
7:30 Y12 Maths Test
Course counselling for year 11 in 2012 has been completed. Currently we are finalising
classes and looking at some of the very large and small classes. Year 9 and 10 choice subject
selections for 2012 have also been completed. By combining year 9 and 10 students for some
choice classes we have been able to offer a much wider selection of subjects for students to
choose from.
SEP 14
P&C General Meeting
Y12 Sea Trek (2)
SEP 15
Y11 Maths 2AB Ex P1-3
SEP 22
Y12 Geography Excursion
Red Cross
SEP 23
Student Council Free
Chess Tournament
Red Cross
The feedback from year 10 exams has been very positive with both staff and students learning
a lot. A second round of year 10 exams will be held in term 4. Dates and further information will
be sent home soon.
Brendon Wallwork
SEP 26
Student Council Meeting
Y11 OED Camp
SEP 27
7:30 Y12 Maths Test
SEP 28
Y11 Holocaust Excursion
SEP 29
Y12 PES Touch
Moderation P3-5
SEP 30
Last Day for Students
Leeming Senior High School
Aulberry Parade
Leeming WA 6149
Phone: (08) 9310 1300
Fax: (08 ) 9310 4559
web: www.leeming.wa.edu.au
Literacy Soiree
UWA hosted sixteen of our Year 10 students along with students from all over the state. Special presentations were given by
Lyn Beasley our Chief Scientist and Nobel Laureate Dr Barry Marshall. The Students were then given the opportunity to talk
with Scientists working in a wide range of fields.
As part of National Science Week activities we had the opportunity to work with students at Leeming Primary School.
Seventeen of our Year 8 STA students demonstrated a range of ‘fun’ Science experiments to 3 classes of Year4/5 students.
Our students enjoyed the chance to show-off their new skills and the Year 4/5’s were very impressed by their efforts.
The Year 6/7 students came to our school and participated in hands-on chemistry experiments followed by a presentation on
what to expect when coming to high school.
Five students managed to complete their projects in time to submit their entries by the end of August. Unfortunately others ran
out of time; these students are encouraged to keep working on their projects and have them completed in plenty of time for next
year’s competition. Results will be available soon.
Year 12 students recently attended the second round of after school study in their Science subjects. Thankyou to Mr Jarvis, Mr
Lovatt and Mr Quakernaat for their efforts.
Welcome to our new tutors who are working with our students –Andrew Campbell (Physics/Maths) and Ashlyn Chan
On Friday September 2 the Year 12
Human Biology students, all fifty
seven of them went to Perth Zoo,
(despite the threat of rain and hail),
to study primates and evolution.
The day started with an audio visual
pres en ta tion from the Z oo
Education Branch. They covered
the characteristics of primates and
how similar humans are to our
closest relative, the ape.
This interesting and informative
presentation was followed by
dividing our students up into groups
and hunting out all the relevant
primates scattered around the zoo
After making detailed and careful
observations all the gathered
information was recorded by filling
out their booklets. Observations
about behaviours, characteristics
and habitats of many different
primates was noted. The students
had to compare and contrast them
to humans and understand how
humans have evolved.
It was a very enjoyable and
rewarding day for everyone and we
are sure all the students benefited
from this excursion and learnt a lot
about human evolution, thus
enhancing the work done in class
on this part of their course.
We would like to thank all for a job
well done and commend them for
their diligence and excellent
Mr Quakernaat and Mr Jarvis
Science and Engineering Challenge in Week 8
Chemistry Show at Murdoch University in Week 10
Crystal Growing competition due early Term 4
Graeme Roberts, Graeme Nicholls
(STA Co-ordinator)
Australian Mathematics Competition
The AMC was conducted on Thursday 4 August and more than 170 Mathematics students from our school participated.
As soon as the results (and awards) are returned to the school, high achieving students will be presented with their
certificates at an assembly.
Year 11 Excursion to RAAF Base PEARCE
During Thursday 25 August, Ms Molina’s Year 11 MAS 3AB class toured the facilities at
RAAF Base PEARCE (BULLSBROOK). They witnessed skilled Air Traffic Controllers in
action and were provided detailed briefs on how aircraft were tagged and tracked on the
sophisticated radar/navigation systems. Students saw how
vectors were applied to aircraft movements (distance, speed,
altitude and interception projections), further enhancing course
objectives and adding contextual flavour into a highly theoretical
program of study. As a bonus, they toured the Search &
Research Helicopter and two trainer (PC-9 and Hawk) aircraft, and were provided further
evidence of how velocity vectors were affected by other forces of nature (such as wind). A
successful school excursion that added value to the academic program!
World of Maths Roadshow
Since 1990 the World of Maths Roadshow has been travelling to schools with
fun, educational hands-on workshops for students. The Mathematics Learning
Area arranged for the company to visit the school on Thursday 11 August.
Approximately 90 students from years 8-10 were invited to attend the 90 minute
workshop and most (apart from a few students who wilfully sullied the school’s
good reputation through inappropriate behaviour) thought the event was
The students worked in groups of 3 or 4 and rotated around 30 different real-life
based activities designed to promote problem solving attitudes and stimulate
their enquiring minds.
Amendments to Year 12 Assessment Schedules
Parents and students are advised that some Year 12 Mathematics courses (Stages 1, 2 & 3) have amended dates for
final assessments or the return of Projects for assessment purposes. Students have been given ample notification of
any changes.
Preparation for Year 12 Exams
All Stage 2/3 WACE Mathematics students should be well underway in their preparation for their Semester II (Mock)
Exams during the school holidays. All Mathematics candidates are permitted two pages (both sides) of unfolded notes
and these should be developed for the individual needs of students – some students like to include worked examples
whilst others need reminding of formulae or calculator usage. Indeed, as students plough through past Exam papers
and revision questions, they will quickly identify issues of concern that should be included on their pages of notes. If in
doubt, ask your teacher!
It is NEVER too late to get studying and revising those topics covered eight months ago. Few students have natural
ability alone to get through the rigours of the external WACE Exams. Remember, nothing will change if you change
nothing!! Make TODAY the first day in your plan to be better prepared for the Exams. Engage a tutor if necessary!
The Mathematics Learning Area is ‘manned’ by very capable staff daily (M-F) from 0700 – 1700 (generally). If students
are in need of assistance, then arrange a suitable time to meet a teacher. Good luck to all our Mathematics students. The Mathematics Learning Area is ‘manned’ by very capable staff daily (M-F) from 0700 – 1700 (generally). If students
are in need of assistance, then arrange a suitable time to meet a teacher.
Good luck to all our Mathematics students.
Murray Daws
The Mathematics Learning Area is ‘manned’ by very capable staff daily (M-F) from 0700 – 1700 (generally). If students
are in need of assistance, then arrange a suitable time to meet a teacher.
Good luck to all our Mathematics students.
Did You Know - Where is the Deepest Part of the Ocean?
Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest point in Earth's oceans. The bottom there is 10,924 meters
below sea level. If Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, were to be placed at this location it would be covered
by over 1.6 km of water. The Challenger Deep is named after the British survey ship Challenger II, which discovered
this deepest location in 1951.
Map of the Mariana Trench - Deepest Point in Earth's Oceans - Image by CIA
The Mariana Trench is located at a convergent plate boundary. Here two converging lithospheric plates collide with one
another. At this collision point, one of the plates descends into the mantle. At the line of contact between the two plates
the downward flexure forms a trough known as an ocean trench. An example of an ocean trench is shown in the
diagram below.
USGS Image.
Murray Daws
Bonjour, tout le monde! Hello, everybody!
For a whole four weeks, we – Zahra and Emily – participated in a French exchange
program, staying with our host families in Reunion Island, along with sixty other Perth
students learning French. Reunion and its neighbours Mauritius and Madagascar, are off
the south-east coast of Africa. We learnt a lot about the French and Creole culture, food,
and way of life. The island itself is also very interesting as there are rainforests, waterfalls,
sunny beaches, mountains and they even have a volcano. Their behaviour is quite
different to us as they are very friendly and even though we didn’t know them very well
they were welcoming. It was a great experience that neither of us will forget. We made lifetime friends and we highly recommend that people consider going to Reunion Island as
you will have fun and improve your French!
If anyone would like information on the exchange program that we went on, please contact
Mrs Nankoo or Mrs Carroll.
Au Revoir
Emily Wan and Zahra Loot Yr 11
French Sticker Competition
Congratulations– to Olivia Gregan and Milica Romanic in Year 8 who were successful with their entries in the
recent competition, held by the Teachers of French Association. Milica’s entry was highly commended and Olivia
received a $20 Voucher and has her winning sticker in print.
Bien fait les filles!
WA Japanese Speech Contest
18 August 2011
Our spectacular results were:
Junior Section
Senior Section
2nd place Ernest Low
2nd Place Jacqueline Vost
3rd place Sarah Morrison
We have learnt a lot from our speech contestants Alex
Jennings, Ernest Low, Sarah Morrison and Jacqueline
Vost. We learnt about the unlimited power within us. To
achieve at our potential we not only need to make a
consistent commitment but we also need to recognise the
power we have over ourselves.
During the intensive weeks of preparation and practice
leading up to the DAY, we worked on self belief, we overcame Ernest Low, Sarah Morrison, Jacqueline Vost and
Alex Jennings
our personal phobias and fears and we searched for our
personal optimum potential. What we achieved is something we will keep in our hearts forever, i.e. the belief that
everyone has the power to cause a positive impact to reach our personal best. Congratulations TEAM!
We thank parents, teachers and students for their encouragement and positive input.
Annie Mayes and Natsuki Kokusho
Year 12 Accounting Student Challenge
The Institute of Charted Accountants in Australia (ICAA) recently hosted the Year 12 Accounting Student Challenge.
This is only the second year the challenge has been run and the first time students from Leeming SHS have
Each school was asked to select three of their top
students to compete in the challenge – but the
competition was a friendly one. Representing
Leeming SHS was Daniel Sutton, Emma Walkey
and Chelsea Hedges. The challenge was not to
find a “winner” but rather for each student to be
individually challenged in a case study reflecting
how Accounting is an extremely important part of
Schools were allocated one of five case studies
from the following topics:
1. Ratio Analysis
2. Cost-Volume-Profit
3. Capital Investment
4. Cost Accounting, and Ethics.
L to R Emma Walkey,Chelsea Hedges and Daniel Sutton
The students representing Leeming were allocated the Cost Accounting case study – this one was a real challenge,
with the time limit not allowing any of the students to complete the case study in full. Morning tea was a welcome
relief as it signalled the end of the time for working on the case study.
Following this break, students were then presented with some tips to help them prepare for their upcoming WACE
exams and also heard from Deborah Ambrosini, Charted Accountant, about how a career in Accounting has
provided her with many varied, exciting and rewarding opportunities in her life so far.
The ICAA is a great supporter of all students considering business/commerce as a career pathway and this free
event, as well as many others they sponsor, demonstrates this. They are also the sponsor for the Most Outstanding
Accounting Student award, which will be presented at the Valedictory ceremony next term.
Gabriella Raggio
TIC – Business and Information Technology
It is imperative if your student is unwell or feeling sick that they are kept at home until they
are free of symptoms and fit to return to school.
The impact on the school community especially leading up to exams can be significant.
In the event that parents or guardians need to be contacted, accurate contact details need to
to be held at school. Please advise the School Front Office in writing if there are any
changes to your students’ personal or emergency contact details.
Our school nurse is in attendance on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated.
Interschool Touch
This year, for the first time, Leeming participated in the School Sports Touch Rugby Carnival. The Year 12 Physical
Education Studies students have been playing Touch during their practical lessons this semester and were keen to
represent the school in an Interschool Competition. The students from Physical Education Studies were also joined
by some other talented players from Years 10, 11 and 12. All players are to be congratulated on their impressive
attitude, their excellent teamwork and for being great ambassadors for our school.
Senior Boys A Team
Liam Chellin, Jared Lamatoa, Steven Kenney, Denholm Burford, Tommy Foster,
Daniel Farrar,Josh Bruinsma, Robbie MacDonald, Mr Nelson, Ethan Foulkes and Will Beddoes
The Year 12 Boys A Team displayed impressive skills and teamwork to finish 2nd in their pool. The team performed
particularly well in attack, scoring many exciting Try’s during the competition. The boys defeated Marte Dei in the
Cross Over before progressing to the Quarter Final against Seton. The game ended in a 3-3 draw and play
continued into extra time, with Leeming being defeated 4-3. The Year 12’s can be very proud of their excellent
efforts and of finishing in the top 8 teams of the 32 team competition. Congratulations to the boys and to their coach,
Mr Nelson. Thank-you also to Mr Nelson for his enthusiasm, expertise and support in promoting the sport of Touch
at our school.
Senior Boys B Team
Nathan Neale, Cameron Thornton-Weyrich, Alan Ah Siu, Chris Parker, Paul Haynes,
Zach Stewart, Hazael Mailata, Adam Smith, Shane Bowser, Aaron Pita.
Interschool Touch
The Year 10, 11 and 12 Boys B Team demonstrated a high level of skill and sportsmanship throughout the days’
competition. All members of the team displayed an excellent work ethic, giving their best at all times. The boys had
a particularly exciting game in the Cross Over Final finishing with a 1-1 draw on the siren. Play continued into extra
time and Leeming were defeated by Perth Modern 2-1. Overall the boys finished in the top half of the competition,
which is an excellent result for our first year of participation. Congratulations to the boys and to the coaches, Mr
Welsh and Mr Atthowe.
Senior Girls Team
Melissa Vojdani, Emmily Campain, Emma Walkey, Tara Percival, Georgia Hancock,
Emily Lassila, Sharee Black, Yuka Suzuki, Leona O’Kane,
Sophie Sanders and Kiera Hyde.
The Year 12 girls from Mrs Chester’s and Mr Atthowe’s Physical Education Studies classes combined to form one
team for the Interschool Competition. With only 8 girls they needed to recruit some of their friends to complete the
team. The School Sports Touch Carnival provided a great opportunity for the girls to play together in a Girls
Competition against some talented teams. Leeming came up against Lakelands, Lumen Christie, Applecross,
Tranby College and Perth Modern. Although the girls only had a short time to train together before the competition,
they quickly came together as a team. The girls are to be congratulated on their excellent sportsmanship as well as
for the way they encouraged and supported each other throughout the competition. Thank-you to Emma Walkey,
our captain, for the outstanding contribution she made to the team. Emma provided great leadership and
experience out on the field. The girls had a lot of fun on the day, scored some impressive Try’s and ended up
winning 2 exciting games. Congratulations girls!!
Karen Chester
Physical Education
As part of the Chic program that is run in the school with girls in Year 8 and 9, we look at heroes and our decision
making, and I ask the girls to say who their hero or favourite character is. Some say funny ones like Sponge Bob,
others say movie stars or a movie character.
The main point of this is to actually define the qualities that they most like in these characters. So I ask you, who
is your favourite character/ Hero? And what qualities do you admire in this character?
I then ask the girls what are their best 5 qualities? They may respond by saying such things as being loyal,
sporty, responsible, kind, outgoing, positive attitude, loving, proud, healthy, understanding, creative, funny,
reliable, sharing, inclusive, trustworthy.
Can I ask you what are your 5 best qualities?
I then ask who has role modelled these qualities to you in your life time. The recognising of these good qualities
in ours and others behaviour is so important, we need to take the time to mention them in our daily life, to
celebrate the good.
All Government Schools have National Values for Schools– They include such things as Care and Compassion,
Doing Your Best, Fair Go, Freedom, Honesty and Trustworthiness, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility,
Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion. All of us at Leeming Senior High School are directing our efforts in these
areas. Lets keep growing the good and be the people others can look up to, and that we can be proud of.
If one person can make a difference in this world, imagine how much we at Leeming Senior High School can
change our world both individually and in the collective sense.
The Act Belong Commit Program which is being launched in this school next year will help us to make a
Bettina Carter
Rhys Marjoram of year 10 will be selling tickets for a quiz night to raise funds to help him go to Cambodia and work
with the OAKTREE Foundation in a local schools program. Tickets cost $10 and are available from the Leeming
Senior High School front office or Kate Palmer via the Leeming Ed Support Centre. Please, Please support this worthy
Friday 23rd September 7pm in the staffroom at Leeming Senior High School.
Fill tables with all your friends and family. ( 8 people per table) Lots of prizes, bar and sausage sizzle available on the
Any donations of prizes would be greatfully accepted and can be left at the Front office of Leeming Senior High
Support your teen in today’s world
Information evening for parents of teens.
Do you base your parenting style on your own teenage experiences?
Today’s teenagers face very different challenges than those experienced by their parents. Being an aware/informed
parent can help you to respond to and support a young person through this challenging stage of their life.
Listen to speakers from the national youth mental health foundation headspace and a representative from the Public
Transport Authority.
Topics include:
How to communicate effectively with your teen.
Supporting young people
Mental health and young people
Practical tips to feel safer on trains and buses
Safety features on trains and buses
What the PTA (Public Transport Authority) does to keep you safe
Date: Wednesday 28th September
Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Venue: City of Melville, Civic Centre Conference Room, 10 Almondbury Road Booragoon
Cost: Free
Refreshments will be provided. All parents that attend will receive a free personal panic alarm for their teen.
RSVP essential as places are limited. RSVP by Monday 26th September on 1300 635 845 or visit
Community Safety Month – Kadidjiny Park
The City of Melville in partnership with the Injury Control Council of WA (ICCWA) is hosting a community event at
Kadidjiny Park as part of Community Safety Month. Enjoy an afternoon out with the family at this unique park which
includes a whimsical tree with a hand-carved face, musical instruments, embankment slides, and sand play equipment. Enjoy a free sausage sizzle and pick up some safety tips from the information stalls on display while the kids
enjoy the undulating playscape. For the older children and young teens there will also be an artist running a free
workshop where young people can design and spray their own caps, plus a host of sporting equipment from the
City’s sports trailer will be available for use.
Date: Friday 14 October 2011
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Venue: Kadidjiny Park, Corner of Kitchener and Curtis Roads, Melville.
Cost: Free
For more information on the event please visit www.melvillecity.com.au/safermelville or contact 1300 635 845.
Leeming Senior High School
Parents & Citizens Association Inc
Aulberry Parade, Leeming WA 6149
Telephone: 9310 1300
P & C Post
Please come to the uniform shop to order uniforms by
September 16 2011 to ensure supply in December. Most
uniforms take 8-10 weeks to arrive and we cannot guarantee availability of stock after this date.
P&C Meeting
Please put this date in your Diary.
Students currently in Year 10 and 11 are also invited to
order their Upper School Polos for 2012.
We still have jumpers size 20, 22 and 24 for only $45.00
and track pants all sized also $45.00.
We accept cash, cheques (payable to Leeming Senior
High School P&C) and eftpos. The uniform shop is open
Tues, Wed and Fri 10:15am to 1:45pm.
September 14 2011
7.30pm in Staffroom
Everyone welcome please join us and find out more
about what is happening in your school.
All Upper School students are reminded that after your
exams you are welcome to bring your text books to the
Uniform Shop for sale.
Community Notices
Study skills and WACE subject courses for years 11 and 12 students.
Excellent exam preparation.
Small groups, expert teachers and individual help.
Now at FOUR venues in Perth north and south of the river
For more information contact Denise Mathews
ACADEMIC TASK FORCE - Phone 93174421
For more information and enrolment contact ACADEMIC TASK FORCE
Ph: 93174421, email: learn@academictaskforce.com.au, visit :www.academictaskforce.com.au
BHP Billiton Ramble
The Ramble is a cross between the Amazing Race and a
treasure hunt. Teams of 2-6 decipher clues hidden around
City leading them to secret locations.
Held on October 9 and all funds raised will benefit
Telethon and Australian Rotary Health.
The price is $89 for families (for up to 6 team members).
More information can be found on our website at
Willetton SHS (Oct 3-7) & CanningVale (Oct 10-14)
Yr 12 & 11 All Math, Chemistry & Physics
Year 7-10 Maths & English
Master Mind Australia will be conducting revision programs
in the October school holidays for all Year 10 students and
Year 11 and 12 WACE students. The classes are subjectspecific teaching programs that focus solely on the syllabus
and reinforce the work students do at school. Class sizes
are small and aimed at improving the individual’s academic
performance. They offer students a structured learning
environment that will prepare them for success in
For more information contact Dr Robert Hallam on
9486 1377
Small class & individualised programs, Exam techniques &
Also taking enrolments for Term 4
Yr 10 (7 wks), Yr 11 (5 wks) & WACE (3 wks) All Math,
Chemistry & Physics
Call 9455 6808 or 0410 121 509
Visit www.scholasticexcellence.com.au