5th grade newsletter Date: 9/7/15 Math with Mrs. Love Science with Ms. Broussard This week in Science…. This week we will cover: Lessons 2-1-- 2-4 Homework will be the part of the lesson that you do not complete at school. Shape of the Week: Parallelogram Measurement of the week: Pint Fraction of the week: ⅛ Tuesday-- Topic 1 TEST Thursday-Multiplication Timed Test 4’s Quiz 2 Reading/History with Mrs. Butler This week in Reading… We will be discussing how to use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words. We will review plot. QUIZ ON THURSDAY!!! Key Words to discuss at home: context clues multiple-meaning plot This week in History… Students will learn about the American Indians of North America. We will practice our map skills by locating states in the U.S. and following moving patterns of Indian cultures. QUIZ ON FRIDAY!!! Key Words & Vocabulary: adapt southwest bison hunter-gatherer economy culture plains compare/contrast We will be using tools, our powers of observation, and the scientific method to record and track temperature, organize and analyze data, and draw conclusions. Chapter 1 Vocabulary words: research observation model control group data evidence dependent variable independent variable hypothesis experiment variable procedure inference Writing/ELA with Mrs. Popham At the beginning of every class we will begin with Poppers. Poppers are quick 5-10 minute activities that are focused around specific concepts. These concepts will be practiced on other activities and spelling activities throughout the week. Popper topics for the week: Analogies: change daily Idiom: Walking on eggshells Homophones: knew, new, gnu Spelling Rule: Change y to i and add an ending Punctuation Rule: Apostrophes in contractions Sparkle Word: furious We will work on narrative composition writing, practice cursive handwriting, letter writing, and poetry. *Spelling Contract due on Thursday. Contract must turned in on Thursday before the spelling test in order to receive credit. Spelling City link: www.spellingcity/dpopham/ *Spelling Test on Thursday