Dear Parents/Guardians, We will be starting our Spelling Program this week. Spelling Tests will be every Friday unless there is no school that day and then the test will be on Thursdays. I will be giving the students their weekly spelling words a week ahead of time so that they can practice at home. We will also be practicing at school throughout the week in our spelling books. Please see your son/daughters agenda for the weekly spelling words! Next week (Sept 9-14) we will be working on Lesson 1. Our spelling test will be on Thursday Sept 13 since we have no school on Friday the 14. Weekly spelling tests will be marked and then sent home to be signed and RETURNED. I will also be posting our weekly spelling words online! This website will help the students to learn and practice their spelling words each week. It is called Every week I will preload the weekly spelling lists onto this site and then the students can access it from home to play and do interactive games and activities with these words. You can even print off worksheets and do practice tests! It is not mandatory for students to go onto this site but I thought it would be a new, different and interesting way to practice weekly spelling words! To get to the website and play, please do the following: 1. (this is the homepage for our class that I have created) You should then see the page come up that says: Corene Thesen’s Spelling and Vocabulary Online Resources. 2. Next, scroll down the page until you see the box that says: “Spelling and Vocabulary Lists” 3. You should see the lesson for that week of words that we are studying. (This week we are on Lesson 1) 4. Beside the lesson that you pick, you will see options to “teach” “test” or “games” Students can click on “teach” to learn the words. If they want to do a test to see how well they can score, they may click “test”. If students would like to study and practice, they may click on “games” and there are many neat games they can play that will give them lots of practice with their spelling words! This is new and exciting way to study weekly spelling words and the kids love it!!! If you have any questions, please let me know! Thanks! Mrs. Thesen