Rehana Juna - Riverside Primary School`s Website

Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you for your interest in our school.
Education is a partnership between home and school and we place a great deal
of emphasis on our partnership with parents. We believe that children learn best
when home and school work together for their benefit. When your child starts
school, it is not where your job ends and ours begins. It is where our job begins
and yours continues.
Children coming into the school bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding
about the world around them. It is our aim to build on this knowledge and promote
a willingness and enthusiasm to learn more.
The school governors, staff and I look forward to working with your child and you.
Yours sincerely
Rehana Juna
Rehana Juna
Head teacher
School Information
Cookham Road
01628 621741
01628 673155
Pupils on roll:
224 in school (YR-Y6) and 52 in Nursery
Type and age range:
3-11 year olds Nursery to Y6
Head teacher:
Mrs Rehana Juna
Chair of Governors:
Mr Simon Dudley
School Hours:
08.45 - 11.45
08.45 - 12.05
08.45 - 12.15
Afternoon 12.15 - 15.15
13.05 - 15.15
(Nursery and FS1)
(FS2 and KS1)
(KS1and KS2)
School Mission
At Riverside we are proud to be an
inclusive school providing a high
quality, creative and challenging
education within a secure, caring and
happy learning environment, where
every child experiences a sense of
enjoyment and achieves their full
School Aims
To provide a happy, healthy, safe and stimulating environment where our children are encouraged to develop in a variety of ways to become autonomous and
creative learners.
To develop lively, enquiring minds, by providing the widest variety of enrichment
activities which nurture creative thinking skills and develop the child’s awareness
of how their learning takes place.
To achieve excellence where children have high expectations of themselves
through a broad, balanced and creative curriculum which maximises each child’s
potential regardless of ability or background.
To develop a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, where everyone is encouraged to
make informed decisions about the choices open to them.
To help each child to develop and learn the social and academic skills, knowledge and attitudes needed in school which will provide a firm foundation for future citizenship and lifelong learning.
To continue to work in partnership with parents and carers in order to share the
high expectations that we all have for their children by providing high quality information which will help to overcome some barriers to learning.
About Our School
Situated in the heart of Maidenhead, Riverside Primary School and Nursery serves
a large part of the Maidenhead community.
School Accommodation and Grounds
Our community ethos is a significant part of our strength and we endeavour to
ensure that all within the school are valued for their personal skills and the
contribution they make.
The school is accommodated in a well-appointed single storey building that is set
around an attractive outdoor play area.
In addition to the classrooms, which feature lively displays of the children’s work, the
school has many additional facilities:
two well-resourced libraries for all children
a fully-equipped music room
a spacious school hall for assemblies and physical education
a separate dining hall
large playing fields surrounded by mature trees
an enclosed open-air swimming pool
an enclosed playground with climbing frame and play equipment.
The school has created additional paths to encourage children and families to walk
to school and ensure that they can do so safely.
The school has a crossing patrol every morning and afternoon.
For safety reasons we ask that parents and carers do not drive in the car park.
Speech and Language (SPAL) Resource
The Speech and Language Resource is part of the school. It is the only resource
within The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead for nursery and primary
aged children who have speech and language difficulties.
At present it caters for 15 children. Most of these children arrive by taxi.
These children work in the classroom alongside their peers and receive specialist
support from the speech and language teachers, nursery nurse, teaching assistants,
speech and language therapists and language therapist assistant.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Inclusion
Riverside is an inclusive school. We believe all children have the right to equal access to education and are committed to the removal of all barriers for all pupils,
including those with disabilities.
The school’s Equality and Diversity Policy and Plan is available from the school
As the school is a single storey building it allows ease of access to the grounds and
buildings. Modifications have been made, for example, ramps and widening of
We understand that many children will have individual special needs at some time
during their school life and this applies to children from all abilities, from the less
able to those of high ability or with special gifts and talents.
The school makes good use of external support services and resources to meet the
needs of children with additional needs.
The school’s Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Policy is available from the
school office.
Class Organisation
Year Group
Foundation Stage 1 (FS1) 3-4 years old
Maple Class
Reception (FS2)
4-5 years old
Mulberry Class
Year 1 (Y1)
5-6 years old
Chestnut Class
Year 1 (Y1)
5-6 years old
Beech Class
Year 2 (Y2)
6-7 years old
Oak Class
Year 3 (Y3)
7-8 years old
Peepal Class
Year 4 (Y4)
8-9 years old
Willow Class
Year 5 (Y5)
9-10 years old
Chestnut Class
Year 6 (Y6)
10-11 years old
Classroom doors opens at 8.45am
All classes have early morning work before registration at 8.55am. Therefore,
all children must be in class at 8.45am.
Your Child’s Learning
High expectations, high achievements
The broad and balanced curriculum will stimulate your child to acquire knowledge
and develop individual skills.
Children’s achievements are celebrated and everyone enjoys success and praise
regularly during their time in school. We encourage children to become independent
and confident in both their work and social development.
The children are taught by their own class teacher in mixed ability classes with
children of approximately the same age. There is one class per year group that
takes up to 30 children. The staffing complement for each class in KS1 is a fully
qualified teacher and at least one trained teaching assistant.
Every classroom is fully furnished and equipped with the highest quality learning
resources which include an interactive whiteboard.
The class teacher will get to know your child very well and will be pleased to involve
you in their life at school. Children make progress at their own rates and in their own
ways. It is important to value them as individuals and to provide learning
opportunities that will build on their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.
The curriculum is broad and balanced and provides for the academic, moral, physical, creative and personal and social development of every child. In our school we
recognise that learning consists of:
• acquiring knowledge;
• understanding ideas;
• perfecting skills; and
• developing good attitudes.
In order for this to take place the children must:
• become involved with things that interest them;
• be active in their learning;
• be encouraged to work with each other;
• make progress and be challenged in each area of learning; and
• be encouraged to think and act for themselves and become independent.
All children between the ages of 5 and 11 study the National Curriculum as well as
the school's own curriculum.
Y1 and Y2 follow the Key Stage 1 Programmes of Study, and Y3, 4, 5 and 6 follow
the Key Stage 2 Programmes of Study. The younger children follow the Foundation
Stage Programme of Study
Lunchtime is from 12.05pm to 1.05pm for KS1 and from 12.15pm to 1.05pm for
The school has a separate Dining Hall and the food is cooked on site by the school
cook. The menus are carefully planned and reviewed. They are available from the
main school office.
Two main meal choices are available (vegetarian and non-vegetarian) as well as a
range of drinks, dessert and salad. Children purchase their meals daily and pay in
the classroom at morning registration.
Money should be brought in a named purse or envelope. Free school meals are
available for children whose parents receive Income Support. Application forms are
available from the school office.
All new parents are encouraged to come and have a ‘taster meal’ free of charge and
the school encourages children to have school dinners.
Packed lunches are also eaten in the Dining Hall. The school asks that they are
healthy and contain no sweets, fizzy drinks or nuts.
Children who go home for lunch must be signed out before they leave school by
their Class Teacher and sign in on return no earlier than 13.05pm
However, we do prefer our children to stay at school during lunchtime so that they
can take part in lunchtime clubs and activities.
Foundation Stage (FS)
The Foundation Stage makes a crucial contribution to children’s early development
and learning.
We provide children with a rich variety of teaching and learning experiences that are
appropriate to their needs. The Foundation Stage is about developing key learning
skills such as engagement, motivation and thinking.
The seven areas of learning that make up the Foundation Stage curriculum are:
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Communication and Language
Specific Areas
Understanding of the World
Expressive Arts and Design
The outdoor environment is integral part to the Foundation Stage curriculum. As
such it is carefully planned for and available each day.
The teaching to achieve these areas of learning and development will be through
first hand experience and structured play. The teachers and the Foundation Team
will observe and keep records on children’s experiences and attainments. Assessments of development and learning needs will be ongoing throughout the school
During the first two weeks in FS1 the Foundation Stage team will carry out a baseline assessment for every child. This will establish where they are in aspects of their
learning and development and help future planning. The results of this early assessment will be shared with parents immediately, and at least termly thereafter. By the
end of the year the teachers will have built up an accurate profile of each child’s development.
Reading and writing is taught through a structured programme supplemented
with a wide range of resources. Books are organised in a structured, graded way to
allow children many opportunities for consolidation of key vocabulary. We encourage parents to work with their child at home by hearing them read on a daily basis.
Reading workshops for parents are run regularly and we are always pleased to discuss ways in which they can help their child at each stage of their reading development.
Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2)
Key Stage 1 (ages 5-7 years) and 2 (ages 8-11 years)
The core curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 comprises:
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Children also study the subjects below as part of the National Curriculum. These are
called foundation subjects.
Art and Design
Design Technology (DT)
Physical Education
Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Children are also taught Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHE)
Religious Education
Non-denominational Religious Education is provided for all children as part of the
curriculum and is in accordance with the local agreed County Religious Education
Assembly is an important part of the school day when we meet together as a
community. It is a time when we place emphasis on the development of values and
attitudes towards each other and the world around us. Assemblies are nondenominational and due consideration is given to the multicultural society in which
we live.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and
collective worship should they so wish. If parents do not wish their child to be taught
the agreed syllabus or take part in short acts of collective worship then they should
inform us in writing. Their child can then be excused and suitable alternative
arrangements made.
Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
At Key Stages 1 and 2, SRE is not taught as a separate subject. It is delivered
through science, PSHE, and religious education. In the Early Years Foundation
Stage, pupils are taught elements of SRE relevant to their age and maturity.
Older children have single sex SRE lessons on some aspects of SRE. These aspects are discussed and agreed with parents. Parents have the right to withdraw
their child from SRE lessons and the school must be informed in writing. The SRE
Policy is available from the school office.
We have a Behaviour Policy which is consistently applied by all adults who work in
school and is outlined below:
Aims and Objectives
We aim to create an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure. We
do this by:
promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn.
having high expectations of all children to behave in a considerate way towards others within the school and outside.
rewarding good behaviour to develop an ethos of kindness and co-operation.
providing a safe and secure learning environment so that children become
positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school
expecting parents and carers to support the school to help establish and maintain high levels of behaviour at all times.
Our school Golden Rules are:
* We are gentle
* We are kind and helpful
* We listen
* We are honest
* We work hard
* We look after property
Following the Golden Rules earns children Golden Time on Friday at 2.40pm.
Dealing with inappropriate behaviour
All staff are expected to convey calmness at all times by:
creating an atmosphere within which repeated misbehaviours by a child can be
addressed calmly.
following the Behaviour Ladder clearly displayed in each class which tracks individual children’s behaviour.
The Behaviour Ladder clearly shows:
how much Golden Time should be missed and whether any can be earned back.
what action needs to be taken.
whether the child needs to be referred to a senior member of staff.
if parents need to be contacted.
We will always try to work with parents. Good behaviour is the result of a partnership between home and school and standards set at home and school should complement each other.
The school has an Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy. There is zero-tolerance on
bullying, racist and harassment behaviour. These policies are available from the
school office.
School Community
Our school community is made up of children, parents, teachers, support staff and
Everyone has their part to play and this brings with it certain responsibilities. These
responsibilities form The Home-School Agreement.
Home School Partnership
We welcome parents and carers into Riverside Primary School and Nursery
believing you are partners in the education of your children. We encourage this
through our open door policy.
There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the work of the
school and to gain a greater understanding of its work. Parents’ time is greatly
valued. Expertise can be used in many ways such as:
listening to children read;
helpinq in the classroom;
working in the school library; and
assisting in off-site activities.
Police checks and DBS checks are carried out on all adults helping in school.
If you are able to help, especially on a regular basis, please contact your child’s
Caring For Children
The health and welfare of your child is our first priority. We will always contact you if
we have any concerns.
First Aid
Minor injuries, such as cuts and bruises, are treated in school by the first aiders.
Children taken ill at school are looked after by one of the support staff until parents
can be contacted. In the case of more serious injury or illness a child may be taken
to hospital and every effort will be made to contact the parents. Therefore, it is important that the school is informed immediately of any changes of address, telephone number or workplace contact.
Medical Care
Once your child reaches five, his or her weight, height, hearing and sight are
checked by the school nurse and their general health is discussed with you.
If it is essential for your child to have non-prescribed medicine during the school
day, we will ask you to come to school at the required time to administer this yourself. School staff are not permitted to administer non-prescribed drugs.
Inhalers for pupils with asthma are kept in their classrooms and are available whenever needed. Inhalers are taken with the children during activities such as outdoor
sports visits.
If your child needs to take any prescribed medication, an authorisation form must be
completed and this will be kept in the School Office. Office staff are trained First
Aiders and are permitted to administer prescribed medication.
Emergency contact information
Please ensure that your contact details are correct, and that the school is told about
any health matters, especially allergies, relating to your child. You will need to
ensure that these are kept up to date.
Nursery & KS1 children are provided with fruit or vegetables everyday.
Water is provided throughout the day.
We encourage KS2 children to bring a mid-morning snack. We welcome fruit and
vegetables or a light sandwich.
No sweets, chocolate, crisps or nuts are permitted.
Partnership with Parents
You are your child’s first and most important educator. At Riverside Primary School
we value and appreciate the important role you have to play in supporting your child
and developing a positive attitude to school and learning.
Research has shown that children learn best when home and school work in partnership. At Riverside we offer a wide range of opportunities for parents to actively
participate in supporting their children in school.
School Assemblies – Parents and carers have an open invitation to whole school
assemblies on Mondays and Fridays. Special invitations are sent out for
celebration assemblies throughout the school year.
Parent/teacher consultation evenings – a chance to find out how your child is
doing in school. There are consultation evenings in the Autumn and Spring Terms
and an opportunity to celebrate your child’s work and school report in the Summer
Open mornings – in September parents are invited into school to meet the
teacher and to have a good look around their child’s classroom.
School newsletter – we distribute a school newsletter with all the latest news and
information at least monthly.
Curriculum meetings – there are opportunities to attend workshops where areas
of the school curriculum are discussed and explained in detail.
Curriculum workshops – opportunities for you to come and find out more about a
specific curricular area and do some simple ‘hands on’ activities with your child.
Coffee mornings – held at least once a term to which all parents are welcome.
Come to lunch – parents are invited to have a school lunch with their child.
School events – parents and carers are invited to come and enjoy events such as
Sports Day and Creative Week Showcase.
Teachers are in the classroom at the start and end of every day and can discuss
any immediate concerns with parents on an informal basis. Parents and carers can
also make an appointment to meet the teacher at a mutually convenient date and
time to discuss any matter in detail.
Homework is an important way to establish good learning habits and to reinforce the
work covered in school. Children throughout the school are encouraged to read at
home for at least 10 minutes on a daily basis. It is also expected that parents and
staff will write comments in their reading diary when a child is heard reading. Our
parents and carers are expected to take an active interest in their children’s learning
as one way of working in support of the school. All children are set homework every
week as a natural extension of their work in class. This must be completed and
returned on time.
KS2 SATs Results 2013
English Reading
English Writing
Combined English & Maths
Total number of children in the cohort:
Total number and percentage of children with Special Educational Needs:
Total number of children with a statement for Special Educational Needs:
Total number of children in the Speech and Language Resource:
The arrangements for the admission of children into the reception year are made by
the admissions section in the Local Authority. All children are admitted in the
academic year of their fifth birthday.
The Admissions Procedure to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
schools is clearly explained in the ‘Primary School Admissions Guide’ that is published each year by the Local Authority and is available on-line.
Preparation for school
During the summer term before your child starts, you will have the opportunity to an
Open Morning in school where you and your child will meet the teacher and other
new parents and children.
Uniform is worn at Riverside to develop a sense of pride in being a member of the
Riverside school community.
School Uniform
Navy cardigan with school logo*
White shirt
Navy/red tie*
Grey skirt or trousers
Plain black shoes (no heels)
Navy jumper with school logo*
White shirt
Navy/red tie*
Grey trousers/shorts
Plain black shoes (no trainers)
PE Uniform
White T-shirt
Black shorts or jogging pants
Black plimsolls or trainers
Items marked * are available from Goyals in Maidenhead. In addition, all children will need
a book bag and a PE bag, also from Goyals. All clothing should be clearly labelled.
No jewellery must be worn in school. If your child has pierced ears, small studs are
permitted. Hair longer than shoulder-length must be tied back.
School Council
School Council
Riverside Primary School recognises the importance of the pupil voice and making them
part of the decision making process.
The school has an elected School Council. KS2 pupils at the school are given a chance to
vote for a boy and girl from their year group after reading their Manifesto. Y2 children join
the School Council in the Summer Term in preparation for the following school year. All
classes have class councils.
The Council represents the pupils and puts forward new ideas, suggestions and ways of
solving problems.
Over the last year the School Council have managed to make a number of changes to help
improve the school and have recently started a Healthy Eating Tuck Shop.
Transfer to Secondary School
When children enter Year 6 their parents receive details of secondary education in
Maidenhead from the Local Education Authority and they are asked to indicate their
preferred school.
Each secondary school arranges sessions when prospective parents may visit the schools
and have any questions answered.
Full details of these open afternoons and evenings held during the Autumn Term are sent to
all parents. We strongly encourage parents to take advantage of these opportunities.
Riverside School encourages regular attendance in the following ways:
by providing a caring and welcoming learning environment and learning that is
such fun that children will not want to miss it;
by responding promptly to a child’s or parent’s concerns about the school or other
marking registers accurately and punctually during morning and afternoon registration. If pupils arrive at school after the close of the register (9.00 a.m.) without a
written explanation, a late mark will be recorded. If a child arrives late after 9.30
a.m. it will be recorded as late absence and counted as an unauthorised absence.
The pupil’s name recorded in the late book in case of a fire drill.
publishing and displaying attendance statistics;
celebrating good and improved attendance;
monitoring pupils, informing parents/carers in writing of irregular attendance, arranging meetings with them if necessary and referring the family to Education
Welfare (EW) if the irregular attendance continues.
We expect that you will:
ALWAYS encourage regular school attendance and be aware of your legal responsibilities;
ALWAYS ensure that your child arrives at school punctually and fully prepared for
the school day;
ensure that you contact the school whenever your child is unwell and unable to
attend school;
contact the school by 9.00am on the first day of the child’s absence and telephone every day thereafter unless your child has a doctors certificate.
contact us promptly whenever any problem occurs that may keep your child away
from school.
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2013
Tuesday 3rd September to Friday 20th December
Half term from Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November (inclusive)
Spring Term 2014
Monday 6th January to Friday 4th April
Half term from Monday 17th to Friday 21st February (inclusive)
Summer Term 2014
Tuesday 22nd April to Wednesday 23rd July
Half term from Monday 26th to Friday 30th May (inclusive)
There will be 5 in-service training days during the 2013/2014 academic year. On
these days teachers will either be in school or meeting at another local school. The
days are spent on training in new initiatives or working alongside colleagues to formulate or review school policy, as well as a myriad of other tasks that the school
day does not always allow us to do!
Tuesday 3rd September 2013
Tuesday 19th November 2013
Wednesday 4th December 2013
Monday 6th January 2014
Monday 10th February 2014
School Staff
Mrs Rehana Juna
Mrs Helen Porter
Mr Ben Robinson
Y6 Teacher
KS2 Team Leader
Mrs Sue Brockwell
Mrs Sandy Johnstone
Mrs Tonie Pottage
Speech & Language (SPAL)
Mrs Janet Fitzgibbon
Mrs Jenny Scott
Miss Christine Copley
Mrs Vicci-Lee Pearson
Miss Jessica Wilding
Mrs Cindy Dawson
Y5 Teacher
Y5 Teacher
Y4 Teacher
Y3 Teacher
YR Teacher
Nursery Teacher
Helen Borland
Maggie Dunwell
Neeley Davies
Sofia Asghar
Angela Ashton
Helen Brunton
Zamurd Butt
Sonia Cerini
Sandra Evans
Karen Faul
Magdalena Giret
Emily Hughes
Ghazala Hussain
Christine Iddon
Nafeesa Iqbal
Khalida Parvez
Shamma Parvez
Jabeen Razaq
Holly Shepherd
Sarah Smith
Jo Williams
Learning Mentor
Higher Level Teaching Asst
Nursery Nurse/Teaching Asst
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Bi-Lingual Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Bi-Lingual Support Assistant
Nursery Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Nursery Nurse
Teaching Assistant
Cheryl Cutting
Debbie Burroughs
Dawn Dhillon
Sarah Fleming
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Verona Rusted
Miss Gillian Parkhouse
Mrs Sally Black
Mrs Julia Norris
Mrs Sue Varley
Mrs Freda Myall
Mrs Elizabeth Prowse
Assistant Headteacher,
KS1 Team Leader &
Y2 Teacher
Special Educational Needs
Y1 Teacher
Y1 Teacher
Y1 Teacher
PPA Cover
EAL Teacher
Reading Recovery Support
Gina Walter
Office Administrator
Michaela Sloan
Office Administrator
Kathryn Protopapadakis
School Business Manager
Maxine Guillfoyle
Finance Officer
Alan Floyd
Val Stevens
Fyaz Hussain
Nasim Ahmed
Anunciacao Gonsalves
Site Controller
Zamurd Butt
Angela Ashton
Wendy Fenton
Nafeesa Iqbal
Khujista Khan
Sarah Fleming
Karen Stringer
Jabeen Razaq
Lunchtime Supervisor
Lunchtime Controller
Lunchtime Controller
Lunchtime Controller
Lunchtime Controller
Lunchtime Controller
Lunchtime Controller
Lunchtime Controller
Sarah Kenneth
Lisa Smith
Sarah Smith
Jill Taylor
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Higher Level Teaching
School Governors
The Governing Body of the school is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds.
Some of the Governors are parents. The school governors comprise of a group of
individuals, who are elected, nominated or co-opted and are representative of parents and
teachers, the LA and the local community.
School governors work with the Headteacher and are responsible for setting the strategic
direction of the school. Meetings are held at least once each term and committees meet in
addition to main body meetings.
The present members of the Governing Body are as follows:
LEA Appointed Governors
Cllr Simon Dudley (Chair)
Mrs Jenny Spear (Vice-Chair)
Mrs Rehana Juna
Teacher Governor
Mrs Sue Brockwell
Co-opted Governors
Cllr Andrew Jenner
Ms Naheed Majid
Mrs Helen Story
Mrs Lisa Targowska
Parent Governors
Cllr Adam Smith
Mr Sajid Khan
Clerk to the Governors
Mrs Gina Walter
Any complaint about the school should be referred to the Headteacher in the first instance,
by letter, e-mail, telephone or personal visit.
If the matter in question cannot be resolved at this informal stage, parents may take the
matter up with the Governors. Details of the procedures are available from the school.
For correspondence with the Department of Education write to:
The Director of Children’s Services
Education Directorate
Town Hall
St Ives Road
We are committed to safeguarding children and have a duty to refer any suspected cases
of neglect or harm to the appropriate agencies. The school complies with the local authorities policy on safeguarding and an information booklet is available for parents.
The Child Protection Policy aims are:
To provide an environment where all children feel safe, valued and respected and know
who to go to for help.
To make sure all staff understand their duty and responsibility in safeguarding all children.
To provide a system of monitoring all children especially those known or thought to be at
All staff in school follow the correct procedures in cases of suspected abuse.
To ensure all adults who are in regular contact with children in school have been
checked to make sure they are suitable to work with children. This includes other community users of our school.
This policy is available from the school office.
School Trips and Visits
Visits and extra activities do incur extra costs for the school. Parents may, therefore, be
asked for a voluntary contribution towards the costs and the continuation of such activities
depends upon the number of parents making voluntary contributions.
The Governors reserve the right to levy a charge in any circumstances permissible
under the Education Act 2002. Any charges made will take account of any funds
made available to the school by the Local Education Authority for specific purposes