Title Operation and Control of HVDC-Connected Offshor e Wind Farm Author(s) Muyeen, S.M., Takahashi, R., Murata, T., Tamura , J. Citation IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 1(1): 3 0-37 Issue Date URL Rights Type Text Version 2010-04 http://hdl.handle.net/10213/1840 © 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is p ermitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future med ia, including reprinting/republishing this mater ial for advertising or promotional purposes, cre ating new collec Journal Article author Additional information http://kitir.lib.kitami-it.ac.jp/dspace/ 1 Operation and Control of HVDC-connected Offshore Wind Farm S.M. Muyeen, Member, IEEE, R. Takahashi, Member, IEEE, T.Murata, and J. Tamura, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— This paper presents operation and control strategies of offshore wind farm interconnected to a high-voltage DC (HVDC) system. The offshore wind farm composed of variable speed wind turbines driving permanent magnet synchronous generators is considered in this study, based on DC-bus concept. The HVDC transmission system based on three-level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) voltage source converter (VSC) is used for the interconnection between offshore wind farm and onshore grid. Detailed modeling and control strategies are developed for the individual component of the overall system. A simple fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is adopted in offshore VSC station, which is one of the salient features of this study. Real wind speed data is used in the simulation study to obtain realistic response. Both dynamic and transient analyses of the proposed system are carried out using laboratory standard power system software package, PSCAD/EMTDC. Index Terms— fuzzy logic controller (FLC), high voltage DC (HVDC), offshore wind farm, permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), transient stability, variable speed wind turbine (VSWT), and voltage source converter (VSC). T I. INTRODUCTION HE conventional energy sources such as oil, natural gas, coal, or nuclear are finite and generate pollution. Alternatively, the renewable energy sources like wind, fuel cell, solar, biogas/biomass, tidal, geothermal, etc. are clean and abundantly available in nature. Among those the wind energy has the huge potential of becoming a major source of renewable energy for this modern world. In 2008, 27 GW wind power has been installed all over the world, bringing world-wide installed capacity to 120.8 GW. This is an increase of 36% compared with the 2007 market, and represents an overall increase in the global installed capacity of about 28.8% [1]. As well as the onshore trend, offshore wind farms have also been continuing its growth rapidly. Some leading countries in wind energy arena are focusing more on offshore technology. The main reasons for adopting offshore are lack of the suitable onshore sites and much better wind conditions of offshore sites (wind is much stronger and more constant). By 2007, the industry had developed 25 projects with a total capacity of Manuscript received March 30, 2009. S. M. Muyeen, R. Takahashi, T. Murata, and J. Tamura are with the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Kitami Institute of Technology, 165 Koen-Cho, Kitami, Hokkaido, 090-8507, Japan (e-mail: muyeen@pullout.elec.kitami-it.ac.jp). around 1,100 MW in five countries in Europe [2], many of which are large-scale and fully commercial. The offshore wind farm is located, in general, far away from onshore grid point of common coupling (PCC). If the distance is long or if the grid to which the offshore wind farm is connected is weak, high voltage DC (HVDC) transmission system might be a suitable and feasible solution than the high voltage AC transmission. This paper focuses on HVDC system for offshore wind farm interconnection with the onshore grid, where the distance between the two systems is assumed to be 100 km. Two types of HVDC transmission topologies, i.e., HVDC with voltage source converter using IGBTs (VSC-HVDC) and line-commutated converter HVDC (LCC-HVDC) are used nowadays for offshore wind farm connectivity [3-11]. However, in this study, VSC based HVDC transmission system is considered for offshore wind farm connectivity to the grid. The HVDC transmission using VSC came in service for the first time in Sweden in 1997 as a trial 3 MW scheme [12]. At the present hundred MW class VSC based HVDC systems are in service. They have become possible due to the synchronized development in a number of technical areas, including semiconductor switches, DC transmission lines (especially the DC cables), main circuit of converter station, and system controls [13]. The use of VSC-HVDC for offshore wind farm connectivity has been reported already in some literatures [6-11]. In [6-8], the wind farms considered are composed of fixed speed induction generators. In [9], synchronous generators are used in the offshore wind farm. Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is chosen as wind generator for offshore wind farm in [10]. However, PMSG is becoming very popular nowadays as variable speed wind generator. In PMSG, the excitation is provided by permanent magnets instead of field winding. Permanent magnet machines are characterized as having large air gaps, which reduce flux linkage even in machines with multi magnetic poles [14, 15]. As a result, low rotational speed generators can be manufactured with relatively small sizes with respect to its power rating. Moreover, gearbox can be omitted due to low rotational speed in PMSG wind generation system, resulting in low cost. In a recent survey, gearbox is found to be the most critical component, since its downtime per failure is high in comparison with other components in a wind turbine generator system (WTGS) [16]. 2 Therefore, in our previous work [11], we reported VSWT-PMSG as offshore wind generator, where each PMSG is connected to the AC-bus using frequency converter composed of AC-DC converter, DC-link, and DC-AC inverter. Time averaged model is considered therein for the frequency converter used in VSWT-PMSG. Moreover, hydrogen generation scheme is emphasized therein instead of controller designing for the individual component of HVDC interconnected offshore wind farm. In this study, the focus is given to develop the suitable control strategy for the individual component of HVDC connected offshore wind farm during normal and grid fault conditions. In this study, each VSWT-PMSG of the wind farm is connected to the common DC-bus through an AC-DC converter. The DC-bus is connected to the wind farm AC-bus through only one DC-AC inverter system. In this way, the number of DC-AC inverters and transformers necessary for AC-bus connected wind farm explained in [11] can be decreased and as a result the cost of overall system can also be reduced. The DC-AC converter of each VSWT-PMSG ensures the maximum power transfer to the DC-bus by using maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller. The DC voltage of the DC-bus is converted to AC voltage of the wind farm AC-bus using a DC-AC inverter. In both offshore and onshore HVDC stations, three-level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) VSCs are considered. Suitable control strategies are developed for both offshore and onshore VSC stations. A simple fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is adopted for the offshore VSC station control which is one of the salient features of this study. This reduces the intricacy of the control for offshore VSC station. For dynamic analysis real wind speed data measured in Hokkaido Island, Japan, is used in the simulation analyses to obtain the realistic responses. Moreover, transient stability analysis is also performed considering severe line to ground fault, in this study. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed HVDC interconnected offshore wind farm is dynamically and transiently stable under the developed control schemes. II. MODEL SYSTEM The single line diagram of the proposed system composed of offshore wind farm, two 3L VSC-HVDC stations, and two DC cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cables is shown in Fig. 1. The offshore wind farm is composed of VSWTs driving PMSGs. Each VSWT-PMSG is connected to DC-bus through AC-DC 3L-Offshore VSC Offshore Wind Farm (300 MW) AC/DC DC-bus DC/AC AC-bus Sw1 converter and then DC voltage of the DC-bus is converted to AC voltage using only one DC-AC inverter. To speed up the simulation aggregated model of wind farm is considered in the simulation analyses, where several small size wind generators are represented with a large capacity wind generator. Therefore, though offshore wind farm power capacity is assumed as 300 MW, two 150 MW wind generators are considered to be connected to the DC-bus, in this study. The parameters of PMSG are shown in Table. I. Rated Power Rated Voltage Frequency Number of Poles H III. WIND TURBINE MODELING The mathematical relation for the mechanical power extraction from the wind can be expressed as follows [17]: PM = 0.5 ρ C p ( λ , β ) π R 2VW3 (1) [W ] Where, PM is the extracted power from the wind, ρ is the air density [kg/m3], R is the blade radius [m], Vw is the wind speed [m/s], and Cp is the power coefficient which is a function of both tip speed ratio, λ, and blade pitch angle, β [deg]. Cp is expressed in the next equations [18]. C p ( λ , β ) = 0.5 ( Γ − 0.02 β 2 − 5.6 ) e −0.17 Γ (2) λ= ωm R VW , Γ = R 3600 ⋅ λ 1609 (3) ωm_opt=0.0775Vw [pu] (4) Where ωm is the rotational speed [rad/s]. (300 MW ±150 kV, 1000 A 3L-Onshore VSC Sw1 Main Network (500 kV, 50 Hz) DC Cable Sw2 Sw2 V0 DC Cable Fig. 1. Single line diagram of the proposed system CB CB Sw3 HFF HFF Sw4 0.01[pu] 1.0[pu] 0.7[pu] 1.4[pu] The proposed system is connected to the main grid through transmission lines. Hence, the active power from the offshore wind farm is transmitted to the main grid via two DC XLPE cables. The cable model available in PSCAD software is used in the simulation. The ABB 150 kV XLPE cable parameters shown in the Appendix are used in this study. The cable length is considered as 100 km. A high-pass filter (HFF) is connected at both offshore and onshore VSC stations to absorb the well-defined harmonics for three-level converter/inverter systems. The individual component modeling is demonstrated below. Sw3 VSWT-PMSG TABLE I PARAMETERS OF PMSG 150 [MW] Stator Resistance 3.0 [kV] d-axis Reactance 20 [Hz] q-axis Reactance 150 Field Flux 3.0 [sec] Sw4 F 3 Fig. 3. Block diagram for MPPT controller Turbine Input Power[pu] When the rotor speed ωr goes beyond the rated speed of PMSG, then the pitch controller presented in [19] is considered to control the rotational speed. Therefore, output power will not exceed the rated power of the PMSG. Locus of maximum captured power 1.4 1.2 13m/s 1.0 0.8 12m/s 0.6 11m/s 10m/s 9m/s 8m/s 0.4 0.2 0.0 7m/s 6m/s 0.6 0.8 1.0 Rotor Speed[pu] 0.4 IV. MODELING AND CONTROL STRATEGY OF WIND FARM Detailed switching model is considered in this study instead of time averaged model described as follows. A. Generator Side AC-DC Converter Connected to DC-bus In this study, the direct drive VSWT-PMSG connected to the wind farm DC-bus through an AC-DC converter is considered. In the simulation analyses, PMSG model available in the package software PSCAD/EMTDC [20] is used. The electrical scheme of the VSWT-PMSG adopted in the study is shown in Fig. 4. 1.2 Fig. 2. Wind turbine characteristics for variable speed operation Pref_1=0.197Vw-1.451 [pu] Pref_2=0.127Vw-0.749 [pu] Pref_3=0.068Vw-0.282 [pu] (5A) (5B) (5C) Generator-Side Converter The characteristic of Cp changes depending on the wind speed. Eq.(4) is a relation between the optimal rotational speed, ωm_opt, corresponding to the optimum power coefficient Cp_opt, and the wind speed, VW. This expression is obtained by differentiating Cp with respect to ωm, assuming that β equals zero. Fig. 2 shows characteristics between the wind turbine power PM and the rotor speed ωm for various wind speed, in which the locus of the maximum output power Pmax is shown by a dashed line. The Pmax is chosen as the reference power, Pref, for AC-DC converter for each VSWT-PMSG, so that maximum power can be transferred to the common DC-Bus and it is calculated using maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller as shown in Fig. 3. The MPPT controller is designed based on linear functions as expressed in Eq.(5). At the same time, wind turbine should be operated at ωm_opt as expressed in Eq.(4) to achieve the power capture corresponding to Pref. In addition, it is ensured that the rotor speed ωr does not go below 0.4 pu during the low wind speed, which is considered the minimum speed, in this study. Eq. (5A) Eq. (5B) Vw Pref_1 1 Pref_2 0 1 0 Vw>10Î1 8<Vw<10Î0 10 8 + S6n + 0 Vw>8Î1 Vw<8Î0 Pref 0.9 Q 8 Eq. (1) 1 > ωopt ωr + PI 0 * pmsg_n + Qpmsg_n+ - S5n S4n >0.9Î1 <0.9Î0 1 Pref (Normal operation) 0 Pref×Vonshore_grid (Fault condition) 1+0.01s I*q PI-1 Kp=0.15 Ti=0.15 + Iq - * d I PI-3 - Kp=0.15 Ti=0.15 × 0.01 0.01 Id + 1+0.002s 1+0.01s 1+0.002s Id Iq 6.0 Ipmsg a,b,c +100 -100 C Each converter is a standard 3-phase two-level unit, composed of six IGBTs and antiparallel diodes. The well-known cascaded control technique shown in Fig. 5 is adopted in this study for VSWT-PMSG operation. As the converter is directly connected to the PMSG, its q-axis current is proportional to the active power. The active power reference, Pref, is determined in such a way to provide the maximum power to the DC-bus with the help of MPPT controller as shown in Fig. 3. However, when a network disturbance occurs, Pref set-point is changed according to the command signal from onshore VSC station determined from the onshore grid terminal voltage as Pref_n Ppmsg_n Pref_3 PPMSG-DC Fig. 4. Electrical scheme of VSWT-PMSG + Eq. (5C) 0.4 1 S1n Vdc Vonshore_grid + S2n S3n DC-bus wr ∫ dq abc PI-2 Vd* Kp=2.0 Ti=0.025 PI-4 Vq* Kp=2.0 Ti=0.025 S1n * a,b,c abc V dq θr Vd* Vq* . . . S6n Carrier Signal 4 Fig. 5. Control block for generator side AC-DC converter shown in Fig. 5. It gives excellent transient performance as demonstrated in Sect. VI.B. On the other hand, the d-axis stator current is proportional to the reactive power. The reactive power reference is set to zero to perform unity power factor operation. In Fig. 5, the superscript n represents the individual number for each wind generator. B. DC-AC Inverter Connected to Wind Farm AC-bus The well-known cascaded control scheme shown in Fig. 6 is used as a control methodology for the grid side inverter of wind farm. The grid side voltage phasor is synchronized with the controller reference frame by using the phase locked loop (PLL) as shown in Fig. 7 [21]. The d-axis current can control the DC voltage of the DC-bus. On the other hand, the q-axis current can control the reactive power of wind farm AC-bus and hence the terminal voltage at high voltage side of the transformer can be kept constant at desired reference level. V*cq V*DC-bus TABLE II THE SWITCHING TABLE +Vdc 0 -Vdc V0 SW1 1 0 0 SW2 1 1 0 SW3 0 1 1 SW4 0 0 1 C V*a,b,c dq A. Onshore VSC Station The objective of the onshore 3L NPC VSC station is to maintain constant voltages at HVDC line and onshore grid. The insulated gate bi-polar transistor (IGBT) switching table for 3L NPC based onshore VSC station is shown in Table II. The gate signals generation scheme for the IGBT devices used in onshore VSC station is shown in Fig. 8. The cascaded control scheme explained in Sect. IV.B is considered for the onshore VSC station, which is used in the control block shown in Fig. 8 by the doted line. The onshore grid voltage and HVDC line DC voltage are the control inputs for the cascaded control of VSC. However, in this case, the reference signals are compared with double carrier wave signal to generate the switching signals for 3L NPC VSC according to the switching rule shown in Table II. VSC + − PI-1 V DC-bus − G1 I*d + 1+T1s PI-2 1+T2s Id PI-3 + + Q WF_Grid + − PI-4 − G2 Carrier Wave 1+T3s − PI-5 jX 1+T4s θe Iq abc V WF_Grid dq Va,b,c Ia,b,c 3φ Vα Wind Farm AC Grid ( ) cos Vb Vc 2φ × ε + + Vβ -cosθ ω0 PI + + ω Double Carrier Wave Generated Switching Reference Switching Pattern Pulse Generation Fig. 8. Gate signal generation scheme Fig. 6 Control block diagram for wind farm DC-AC inverter Va V*a,b,c PLL V*WF_Grid sinθ Controller R V*cd I*q Q* WF_Grid abc 1/s θ × sin Fig. 7. Block diagram of PLL V. MODELING AND CONTROL OF HVDC STATIONS Multi-level converter/inverter topology is more suitable to high voltage application considering the factors of better harmonic performance and capability to withstand high phase currents. Three-level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) VSC is preferred in this study, both for offshore and onshore stations. The one pole structure of three-level NPC based IGBT converter is shown in Fig. 1.The detailed control strategies for offshore and onshore stations are presented in the following section. B. Off Onshore VSC Station In the proposed scheme, the wind farm DC-AC inverter can maintain constant voltage and frequency of the AC-grid side. Therefore, the intricacy of vector control can be avoided in offshore VSC station adopting a simple control strategy based on modulation control. The offshore VSC is controlled and operated as a voltage source with constant AC frequency and phase angle. Control strategy including the modulation index, M, used in this study is shown in Fig. 9 where a simple fuzzy logic controller is adopted. This gives excellent transient and dynamic performances as shown in Sec. VI. The modulated angle, θ′, which equals zero, is applied to the PWM reference generator in phase A as shown in Fig. 9. The angles for phases B and C will be shifted by 120 and 240 degrees, respectively. The insulated gate bi-polar transistor (IGBT) switching table shown in Table II is also considered for 3L offshore VSC station. Double triangular carrier signal is used to generate gate C forCIGBT switches. pulses Gate Signals to the Offshore VSC Station e Vref =1.0 + en Ke - Vt + Z-1 PWM - Δen Δe KΔe Fuzzy Logic Controller f Reference Generator θ′ Μ δn Κδ + Z-1 + 5 Fig. 9. Control block for FLC controlled offshore VSC station The proposed FLC shown in Fig. 9 is used to determine the modulation index, M. The FLC is explained in the following: 1) Fuzzification To design the proposed FLC, the error signal, e(k), and change of error signal, Δe(k), are considered as the controller inputs. M is considered as the controller output, which is actually modulated index. For convenience, the inputs and output of the FLC are scaled with coefficients Ke, KΔe, and KΜ respectively. These scaling factors can be constants or variables and play an important role for FLC design in order to achieve a good response in both transient and steady states. In this work, these scaling factors are considered as constant for the simplicity of controller design, and are selected by trial-and-error in order to obtain the best system performance. In Fig. 9, Z-1 represents one sampling time delay. The triangular membership functions with overlap used for the input and output fuzzy sets are shown in Fig. 10 in which the linguistic variables are represented by NB (Negative Big), NS (Negative Small), Z (Zero), PS (Positive Small), and PB (Positive Big). The grade of input membership functions can be obtained from the following equation [22]. μ(x ) = [w − 2 x − m ]/w (6) Where, μ (x) is the value of grade of membership, w is the width, m is the coordinate of the point at which the grade of membership is 1, and x is the value of the input variable. 2) Rule Base The fuzzy mapping of the input variables to the output is represented by IF-THEN rules of the following forms: IF <en is NB> and <Δen is NB> THEN < Mn is NB> IF <en is PB> and <Δen is PB> THEN < Mn is PB> NB NS PS ZO PB NB NS Z PS PB 1.0 1.0 3) Inference & Defuzzification In this work, for the inference mechanism, Mamdani’s max-min (or sum-product) [22] method is used. The center of gravity method [22] is used for defuzzification to obtain Mn, which is given by the following equation: N N M n = ∑ μiCi / ∑ μi i=1 i=1 Where, N is the total number of rules, μi is the membership grade for i-th rule and Ci is the coordinate corresponding to the respective output or consequent membership function [Ci∈ {-0.1,-0.01,0,0.01,0.1}. The actual modulated index, M, can be found by multiplying Mn by the scaling factor KM. VI. SIMULATION RESULTS In this study, detailed switching models are used for all converter/inverter models instead of time averaged one. Both dynamic and transient characteristics are analyzed using the proposed system. The simulation time step is chosen as 0.00002 sec. The simulation time for dynamic and transient analyses are chosen as 600 sec and 10 sec, respectively. A. Dynamic Characteristics Analysis The real wind speed data used in the simulation are shown in Fig. 11, which were measured in Hokkaido Island, Japan. The MPPT controller determines the reference power set-point using wind and rotor speeds. The responses of reference powers and rotor speeds for the two wind turbine generator systems are shown in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. The DC-AC inverter of the wind farm can maintain the wind farm DC-bus and AC-bus voltages at constant level as shown in Figs. 14 and 15, respectively. The DC-bus topology based wind farm makes the system less costly as explained in Sect. I. On the other hand, the simple fuzzy logic controlled offshore VSC station can transfer the wind farm real power efficiently to the onshore grid as shown in Fig. 16. The onshore VSC-station can maintain U s e d in V S W T - P M S G :1 U s e d in V S W T - P M S G :2 -0.1 -0.01 0 0.01 0.25 0.5 Input (en, Δen) 0.1 Output (Mn) Fig. 10. Fuzzy sets and their corresponding membership functions The entire rule base is given in Table III. There are total 25 rules to achieve desired index, M. Wind Speed [m/sec] 16 -0.5 -0.25 0 TABLE III 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 FUZZY RULE TABLE 100 NB NS NB NB NB NS ZO PS PB NB NS NS ZO NS NS ZO PS ZO 200 300 400 500 600 T im e [ s e c ] NS PB NS PS ZO NS ZO PS PS ZO PS PS PB PS PS PB PB Fig. 11. Wind speeds used in the variable speed wind turbines 1 .2 Reference Powers [pu] en 0 Δen Mn (7) V S W T - P M S G :1 V S W T - P M S G :2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 0 100 200 300 400 T im e [ s e c ] 500 600 6 voltages at the HVDC line and onshore grid constant as shown in Figs. 17 and 18, respectively. Therefore, it is seen that the developed control strategies are well suitable for the normal operation of wind farm under randomly varying wind conditions. P M S G :1 P M S G :2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Fig. 17. DC voltage at the onshore VSC station 0 .2 100 200 300 400 500 600 T im e [ s e c ] Fig. 13. Rotor speeds of PMSGs DC Voltage at DC-bus [kV] 250 0 .4 0 8 6 4 2 1 .2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 T im e [ s e c ] Fig. 18. AC voltage at onshore grid 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 T im e [ s e c ] Fig. 14. DC-bus voltage of offshore wind farm Wind Farm Terminal Voltage [pu] 300 T im e [ s e c ] 0 .0 1 .2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 T im e [ s e c ] Fig. 15. AC-bus voltage of Wind farm AC terminal 350 B. Transient Characteristics Analysis For transient stability analysis, the most severe symmetrical three-line-to-ground fault (3LG) is considered as a network disturbance, which occurs at the grid side of the onshore VSC station (fault points F in Fig. 1). The fault occurs at 0.1 sec, the circuit breakers (CB) on the faulted lines are opened at 0.2 sec, and at 1.0 sec the circuit breakers are reclosed. In this analysis, it is assumed that wind speed is constant and equivalent to the rated speed for the wind turbines. This is because it may be considered that wind speed does not change dramatically during the short time interval of the transient stability simulation. When the onshore grid voltage goes lower than a certain value during network disturbance (in this study 0.9 pu), the wind farm power command signal is varied according to the grid voltage at the onshore grid as shown in Fig. 5. The responses of AC voltages at both VSC stations are shown together in Fig. 19. 1 .2 A t W in d F a r m A C - b u s A t O n s h o r e G r id AC RMS Voltage[pu] Real Powers [MW] T o ta l V o lt a g e A c r o s s T w o C a p a c ito r s V o lt a g e A c r o s s U p p e r L e g V o lt a g e A c r o s s L o w e r L e g 350 AC voltage at Onshore Grid[pu] Rotor Speeds [pu] 1 .2 Fig. 16. Real powers at offshore wind farm and onshore grid DC Voltage at the Onshore VSC Station [kV] Fig. 12. Reference powers for AC-DC converters used in VSWT-PMSGs 300 250 200 150 100 A t O n s h o r e S ta t io n A t W in d F a r m T e r m in a l 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 50 0 100 200 300 400 T im e [ s e c ] 500 600 0 2 4 6 T im e [ s e c ] 8 10 7 Fig. 23. DC voltage at the offshore VSC station (3LG) The reference powers used in wind farm AC-DC converters are shown in Fig. 20. The real and reactive power responses at onshore grid are shown in Fig. 21. The pitch controller controls the mechanical power of wind turbine in order for the PMSG to become stable. Therefore, the PMSG rotor speeds become Reference Powers [pu] 1 .2 V S W T - P M S G :1 V S W T - P M S G :2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 T im e [ s e c ] 0 .4 Fig. 24. DC voltage at the onshore VSC station (3LG) 0 .2 stable as shown in Fig. 22. The DC voltage at both offshore and onshore VSC stations are shown in Figs. 23 and 24, respectively. Simulation results clearly show that the proposed system can overcome severe 3LG fault under the developed control strategies. 0 .0 0 2 4 6 8 10 T im e [ s e c ] Fig. 20. Reference power commands used in offshore AC-DC converters Real and Reactive Powers at Onshore Station [MW] 350 Real P ow er R e a c t iv e P o w e r 300 VII. CONCLUSIONS 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 0 2 4 6 8 10 T im e [ s e c ] Fig. 21. Real and reactive powers at onshore VSC station (3LG) 1 .2 Rotor Speeds [pu] 350 DC Voltage at the Onshore VSC Station [kV] Fig. 19. AC-side voltages at offshore and onshore VSC stations (3LG) P M S G :1 P M S G :2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 0 2 4 6 8 10 T im e [ s e c ] In this paper, the operation and control of DC-bus based offshore wind farm topology is investigated which is connected with a HVDC system through the 3L NPC based VSC stations and XLPE cables. The maximum power is transferred from variable speed wind turbine generator systems to the DC-bus through the AC-DC converters due to the MPPT controllers. Only one DC-AC inverter converts the DC-bus voltage to a suitable AC voltage of wind farm AC-bus. It is seen that the FLC controlled offshore 3L-NPC VSC station can transfer the real power of offshore wind farm to the onshore grid successfully and efficiently. The onshore 3L VSC station can ensures the constant HVDC line voltage as well as supplies necessary reactive power to the onshore grid. As a result, the onshore grid voltage can be maintained constant even in the case of network disturbance. The control strategies developed for the HVDC connected DC-bus based offshore wind farm are verified by both dynamic and transient characteristics analyses. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed system performs sufficiently well for HVDC interconnected DC-bus based offshore wind farm under both normal and network fault conditions. DC Voltage at the Offshore VSC Station [kV] Fig. 22. Rotor speed of PMSG (3LG) 350 VIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT 300 This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The authors also acknowledge contributions from Thomas Ackermann and Stephan Meier for providing some valuable technical data. 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 T im e [ s e c ] 8 10 8 IX. APPENDIX The ABB 150 kV XLPE cable parameters are shown below [23]. 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