August 2015 Scott Jonathan Wood, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Psychology Azusa Pacific University 901 E. Alosta Ave.; Azusa, CA 91702-7000 Email:, Ph: 626.815.6000 x2411 ACTIVE RESEARCH GRANTS NASA NRA08-0013, 7/1/2009 - 9/30/2016, Role: Co-PI (Moore, Mt Sinai Medical School, NY) Effect of sensorimotor adaptation following long-duration spaceflight on perception and control of vehicular motion. The major goal of this project will be to correlate adaptive changes in sensorimotor function and motion perception with the ability to control vehicular motion following long duration space flight. NASA / ESA NRA09, 7/1/2011 - 9/30/2018, Role: Co-PI (Clément, ISU, France) Straight-ahead in microgravity. The purpose of this joint NASA-European ISS and parabolic flight study is to identify adaptive changes in the spatial reference frames using both ocular and perceptual tasks, and the evaluation of vibrotactile feedback as a sensory aid. NASA NRA10, 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2018, Role: Co-I (Seidler, U Michigan) Spaceflight effects on neurocognitive performance: Extent, longevity, and neural bases The purpose of this ISS study is to identify the relationship between changes in crewmember neurocognitive function and neural structural alterations using fMRI following long duration spaceflight and following a ground-based deconditioning analog using long duration bedrest. NASA Directed Study, 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2020, Role: Co-I (Reschke, NASA) Recovery of functional performance following long duration space flight The primary goal of this joint NASA-Russian is to determine of functional performance in long duration space flight crews as soon after landing as possible, and to establish a sensorimotor and cardiovascular recovery time constant of functional performance. NASA / ESA NRA14, 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2021, Role: Co-PI (Clément, ISU, France) Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in microgravity. The purpose of this joint NASAEuropean study is to identify adaptive changes in otolith function during and after long-duration missions to the International Space Station. DoD, 4/1/2014 - 3/31/2018, Role: Co-I (Serrador, NJ VA) Treatment of vestibular dysfunction using a portable stimulator The purpose of this grant is to test the efficacy of a miniature, galvanic stimulator device in improving vestibular dizziness and balance function in veterans with traumatic brain injury. NSBRI, 6/1/2014 – 5/31/2017, Role: Co-I (Mulavara, USRA) Developing Personalized Countermeasures for Sensorimotor Adaptability: A Bedrest Study. The purpose of this project are to identify and characterize a set of behavioral, imaging and genotype predictive measures for sensorimotor adaptation to altered gravity environments. DoD, 8/1/2014 - 7/31/2016, Role: Co-I (Serrador, NJ VA) Use of a Portable Stimulator to Treat Gulf War Illness (GWI). The purpose of this study is to examine if subsensory galvanic stimulation can reduce symptoms of GWI. NIH K08 DC011540, 7/1/2012-6/30/2017, Role: Senior Mentor Vestibular function analysis in mice The purpose of this career development award is to determine the molecular events leading to altered auditory and vestibular phenotype and behavior in mutant mice, and to correlate these with human inner ear disease. Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. EDUCATION: Ph.D. 1994 - 2000 Post-Baccalaureate 1981 - 1993 1982 - 1987 1980 - 1981 B.S. 1977 - 1979 1976 - 1977 Dept of Otolaryngology (Audiology & Bioacoustics) Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, Texas Thesis: Binocular responses during and following off-vertical axis rotation: Evidence for how ambiguous tilt and translational information is resolved Behavioral Sciences and Computer Engineering University of Houston at Clear Lake City; Houston, Texas University of Houston, University Park; Houston, Texas Texas A&M University; College Station, Texas Cum Laude, Biological Sciences (Botany) Texas A&M University; College Station, Texas Houston Baptist University; Houston, Texas PROFESSIONAL AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 8/13– Present Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa CA 7/06 – Present Adjunct Faculty, Department of Otorhinolaryngology; University of Texas Medical School, Galveston, TX 7/12 – 8/13 Neuroscientist, ISS Medical Project Increment Scientist, Human Health & Performance Division, NASA JSC, Houston TX 7/04 – 6/12 Senior Scientist, USRA, NASA, Houston, TX 7/02 – 6/04 Research Physiologist, Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory; Pensacola, FL 10/00 – 9/08 Associate Scientist, Neurotology Research Legacy Health System (LHS); Portland, OR 7/00 – 9/00 Assistant Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, TX 9/98 – 9/00 Visiting Scientist, National Space Biomedical Institute Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, TX 11/82 – 9/98 Neurosciences Laboratory; Wyle / KRUG Life Sciences / Technology Incorporated; Houston, Texas; Senior Neuroscientist (11/93 – 9/98), Laboratory Supervisor (7/88 - 10/93), Experiment Support Scientist (6/84 - 7/88), Research Scientist (11/82 - 6/84) MEMBERSHIP IN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES (*elected) Association for Psychological Science, Bárány Society*, Aerospace Medical Association; Society for Neuroscience; Association for Research in Otolaryngology HONORS: Faculty Award for Distinguished Research, Azusa Pacific University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2014-2015. Outstanding Mentor, NASA JSC Office of Education, Spring 2011 Legacy Health System Research Advisory Committee Grant Award, 2001 Astronauts Personal Achievement Award (Silver Snoopy); NASA; 1993 Space Act Award; NASA's Inventions and Contributions Board; 1992. New Technology Award; NASA's Inventions and Contributions Board; 1987. Young Investigator of the Year Award; Aerospace Medical Association; 1986. 2 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. PUBLICATIONS: A. ARTICLES IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS: Wood SJ, Paloski WH, Clark JB. Assessing sensorimotor function after long-duration spaceflight with computerized dynamic posturography. Aviat Space Environ Med; in press; 2015. Armstrong PA, Wood SJ, Shimizu N, Kuster K, Perachio A, Makishima T. Preserved otolith organ function in caspase-3-deficient mice with impaired horizontal semicircular canal function. Exp Brain Res, 233(6), 1825-1835, 2015. Shimizu N, Wood SJ. Kushiro K, Yanai S, Perachio A, Makishima T. Dynamic characteristics of otolith ocular response during counter rotation about dual yaw axes in mice. Neurosci, 285, 204-214, 2015. Strzalkowski ND, Lowrey CR, Perry SD, Williams DR, Wood SJ, Bent LR. Selective weighting of cutaneous receptor feedback and associated balance impairments following short duration space flight. Neurosci Lett, 592, 94-98, 2015. Wackym PA, Wood SJ., Siker DA, Carter DM. Otic capsule dehiscence syndrome: Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome with no radiographically visible dehiscence Ear Nose Throat J, 98(9), 2015. Clement G, Wood SJ. Rocking or rolling--perception of ambiguous motion after returning from space. PLoS One, 9(10), 2014. Woodard, D., Knox, G., Wood SJ, & DiBase, C. Off-vertical axis rotational assessment of transdermal scopolamine for motion sickness prophylaxis. Gravitational Space Research, 2(2), 13-20, 2014. Lowrey, C. R., Perry, S. D., Strzalkowski, N. D., Williams, D. R., Wood SJ., & Bent, L. R. (2014). Selective skin sensitivity changes and sensory re-weighting following short duration space flight. J Appl Physiol. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01200.2013 Koppelmans, V., Erdeniz, B., De Dios, Y. E., Wood SJ., Reuter-Lorenz, P. A., Kofman, I., . . . Seidler, R. D. (2013). Study protocol to examine the effects of spaceflight and a spaceflight analog on neurocognitive performance: extent, longevity, and neural bases. BMC Neurol, 13, 205. doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-13-205 Clement G, Wood SJ. Eye movements and motion perception during off-vertical axis rotation after spaceflight. J Vestib Res. 23:13-22, 2013. Wood SJ, Reschke MF, Black FO. Continuous equilibrium scores: Factoring in the time before a fall. Gait & Posture, 36:487-9, 2012. Makishima T, Hochman L, Armstrong P, Rosenberger E, Ridley R, Woo M, Perachio A, Wood SJ. Inner ear dysfunction in caspase-3 deficient mice. BMC Neurosci, 12:102, 2011. Wood SJ, Loehr JA, Guilliams ME. Sensorimotor reconditioning during and after spaceflight. J NeuroRehab, 29:185-95. 2011. Mulavara AP, Fiedler MJ, Kofman IS, Wood SJ, Serrador JM, Peters B, et al. Improving balance function using vestibular stochastic resonance: optimizing stimulus characteristics. Exp Brain Res 210:303-12, 2011 Jain V, Wood SJ, Feiveson AH, Black FO, Paloski WH. Diagnostic accuracy of dynamic posturography testing after short-duration space flight. Aviat Space Environ Med 81:625-63, 2010. Holly JE, Wood SJ, McCollum G. Phase-linking and the perceived motion during off-vertical axis rotation. Biol Cybern, 102:9-29, 2009. Serrador JM, Lipsitz LA, Gopalakrishnan GS, Black FO, Wood SJ. Loss of otolith function with age is associated with increased postural sway measures. Neurosci Lett, 465:10-5, 2009. 3 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. Serrador JM, Schlegel TT, Black FO, Wood SJ. Vestibular effects on cerebral blood flow. BMC Neurosci, 10:119, 2009. Paloski WH, Oman CM, Bloomberg JJ, Reschke MF, Wood SJ, et al. Risk of sensorymotor performance failures affecting vehicle control during space missions: A review of the evidence. J Gravitational Physiol, 15:1-29, 2008. Wood SJ, Black FO, MacDougall HG, Moore ST. Electrotactile feedback of sway position improves postural performance during galvanic vestibular stimulation. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1164:492–498, 2009. Wood SJ, Black FO, Reschke MF, Kaufman GD, Paloski WH. Effects of eccentric rotation on the human vertical and vergence vestibulo-ocular reflex. Acta OtoLaryngol 129:521-526, 2009. Clément G., Denise P, Reschke MF, Wood SJ. Human ocular counter-rolling and roll tilt perception during off-vertical axis rotation after spaceflight. J Vestib Res 17:209-15, 2007. Wood SJ, Reschke MF, Sarmiento LA, and Clément G. Tilt and translation motion perception during off-vertical axis rotation. Exp Brain Res 182:365-77, 2007. Park S, Gianna-Poulin C, Black FO, Wood SJ, Merfeld DM. Roll rotation cues influence human perception of roll tilt. J Neurophysiol 96:486-91, 2006. Paloski WH, Wood SJ, Feiveson AH, Black FO, Hwang EY, Reschke MF. Destabilization of human balance control by static and dynamic head tilts. Gait Posture 2006; 23:315-23. Merfeld DM, Park S, Gianna-Poulin C, Black FO, Wood SJ. “Vestibular perception and action employ qualitatively different mechanisms: I. Frequency response of VOR and perceptual responses during translation and tilt. J Neurophysiol 2005, 94: 186-98. Merfeld DM, Park S, Gianna-Poulin C, Black FO, Wood SJ. Vestibular perception and action employ qualitatively different mechanisms: II. VOR and perceptual responses during combined tilt and translation. J Neurophysiol 2005, 94: 199-205. Clément G, Reschke MF, Wood SJ. Neurovestibular and sensorimotor studies in space and earth benefits. Cur Pharm Biotech 2005, 6: 267-83. Serrador JM, Wood SJ. Vasopressin: neurohumoral link between nausea and motion sickness: a response. Aviat Space Environ Med, 76(8): 805-806, 2005. Serrador JM, Schlegel TT, Black FO, Wood SJ. Cerebral hypoperfusion precedes nausea during centrifugation. Aviat Space Environ Med 2005; 76: 91-96. Gianna-Poulin C, Wood SJ, Brock M, Black FO. Dynamic posturography in humans imagining a fixed spatial reference. Acta Otolaryngol 2004; 124: 1-4. Schlegel TT, Wood SJ, Brown TE, Harm DL, Rupert AH. Effect of 30-min +3Gz centrifugation on vestibular and autonomic cardiovascular function. Aviat Space Environ Med 2003; 74: 717-724. Wood SJ. Human otolith-ocular reflexes during off-vertical axis rotation: Effect of frequency on tilt-translation ambiguity and motion sickness. Neurosci Lett 2002; 323: 41-44. Black FO, Gianna-Poulin C, Wood SJ. Influence of imaginary target on "dumping" of vestibulo-ocular reflexes and postural control. J Gravit Physiol 2002, 9:P17-18. Serrador JM, Wood SJ, Picot PA, Stein F, Kassam MS, Bondar RL, Rupert AH, Schlegel TT. Effect of acute exposure to hypergravity (Gx vs. Gz) on dynamic cerebral autoregulation. J Appl Physiol 2002; 91: 1986-94. Kaufman GD, Wood SJ, Gianna CC, Black FO, Paloski WH. Spatial orientation and balance control changes induced by altered gravito-inertial force vectors. Exp Brain Res 2001; 137: 397-410. 4 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. Schlegel TT, Brown TE, Wood SJ, Benavides EW, Bondar RL, Stein F, Moradshahi P, Harm DL, Low PA. Orthostatic intolerance and motion sickness after parabolic flight. J Appl Physiol 2001; 90: 67-82. Wood SJ, Ramsdell CD, Mullen TJ, Oman CM, Harm DL, Paloski WH. Transient cardiorespiratory responses to visually-induced virtual tilts. Brain Res Bull 2000; 53: 25-31. Clément G, Wood SJ, Lathan CE, Peterka RJ, Reschke MF. Effects of body orientation and rotation axis on pitch visual- vestibular interaction. J Vestib Res 1999; 9: 1-11. Clément G, Wood SJ, Reschke MF, Berthoz A, Igarashi M. Effects of weightlessness on yaw and pitch visual-vestibular interaction. J Vestib Res 1999; 9: 207-220. Wood SJ, Paloski WH, Reschke MF. Spatial coding of eye movements relative to perceived head and earth orientations during static roll-tilt. Exp Brain Res 1998; 121: 51-58. Satake H, Becker WJ, Wood SJ, Matsunami K, Reschke MF. Cardiovascular responses to KC-135 hyper-gravity. Acta Astronaut. 1994; 33: 77-87. Clement G, Wood SJ, Reschke MF. Effects of microgravity on the interaction of vestibular and optokinetic nystagmus in the vertical plane. Aviat Space Environ Med 1992; 63: 778-84. Clément G, Reschke MF, Verrett CM, Wood SJ. Effects of gravitoinertial force variations on optokinetic nystagmus and on perception of visual stimulus orientation. Aviation Space & Environmental Medicine 1992; 63: 771-7. B. CHAPTERS: Harm DL, Reschke MF, Wood SJ. Spatial orientation and motion perception in microgravity. In: Szalma JL, Scerbo M, Parasuraman R, Hancock PA, Hoffman RR (eds) The Handbook of Applied Perception Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K, in press, 2015 Reschke, M. F., Wood SJ., Harm, D. L., Bloomberg, J. J., Paloski, W. H., Schlegel, T. T., Clément, G. R. (2013) Neurovestibular / Sensorimotor System. In: Biomedical Results of the Space Shuttle Program. NASA/SP-2013-607, Washington DC, p 171-214. Reschke MF, Wood SJ, Harm DL, Bloomberg JJ, Paloski WH, Schlegel TT, Clément G Neuroscience. In: Biomedical Results of Shuttle. NASA, Houston TX, in press, 2013 Clément G. and S. J. Wood. Space physiology. Eds: Robertson D., I. Biaggioni, G. Burnstock, P. A. Low, J. F. R. Paton, Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System, 3rd ED, Oxford, Academic Press: 283-286, 2012. Somers JT, Reschke MF, Feiveson AH, Leigh RJ, Wood SJ, Paloski WH, and Kornilova L. Studies of the ability to hold the eye in eccentric gaze: Measurements in normal subjects with the head erect. In: Eds. Leigh RJ and Devereaux M. Advances in Understanding Mechanisms and Treatment of Infantile Forms of Nystagmus. Oxford University Press, New York, 2008. Denise P, Normand H, Wood SJ. Intersystem dependencies and effects: Vestibular and autonomic/bone system In: Artificial Gravity for Space Missions. Clément G., A. Bulkey (eds), Springer: New-York, 2007. C. ABSTRACTS: Beltran, E. J., Wood, S. J., & Moore, S. T. (2015). Assessment of proficiency during simulated rover operations following long-duration spaceflight. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. 5 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. Bloomberg, J. J., Batson, C. D., Buxton, R. E., Feiveson, A. H., Kofman, I. S., Laurie, S. S., . . . Wood, S. J (2015a). In-flight treadmill exercise can serve as a multidisciplinary countermeasure system. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Bloomberg, J. J., Batson, C. D., Buxton, R. E., Feiveson, A. H., Kofman, I. S., Laurie, S. S., . . . Wood, S. J (2015b). Treadmill exercise with increased body loading enhances postflight functional performance. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Cassady, K. E., Koppelmans, V., Yuan, P., Cooke, K., De Dios, Y. E., Stepanyan, V., . . . Seidler, R. D. (2015). The effects of long duration bed rest as a spaceflight analogue on resting state sensorimotor network functional connectivity and neurocognitive performance. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural COntrol of Movement, Charleston, SC. Clément, G., Reschke, M. F., & Wood, S. J (2015). Subjective straight ahead orientation in microgravity. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Goel, R., Kofman, I., De Dios, Y. E., Jeevarajan, J., Stepanyan, V., Nair, M., . . . Mulavara, A. P. (2015). Estimation of optimal stimulus amplitude for using vestibular stochastic stimulation to improve balance function. Aviat Space Environ Med, 86(3), 310. Haber, Y., Fox, A. A., Samy, B., Mosadoluwa, O., Chandler, H., Wood, S. J, & Serrador, J. M. (2015). Prolonged slow phase velocity decay time constant is associated with worse canal function in veterans with PTSD. Paper presented at the Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs, Baltimore, MD. Koppelmans, V., Ploutz-Snyder, L. L., De Dios, Y. E., Stepanyan, V., Szecsy, D. L., Gadd, N. E., . . . Seidler, R. D. (2015). Exercise effects on mobility and the course of gray matter changes over 70 days of bed rest. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Lopez, B., Pereira, M. A., & Wood, S. J (2015). Visual feedback compensates for vestibular impairment during roll tilt. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Miranda, B., Appelbaum, M. L., Reschke, M. F., & Wood, S. J (2015). Increasing character size and length of presentation improves both accuracy and reaction time of a dynamic visual acuity task. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Moore, S. T., Macdougall, H., Beltran, E. J., & Wood, S. J (2015). Assessment of operator proficiency following long-duration spaceflight. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Mulavara, A. P., Kofman, I. S., De Dios, Y. E., Galvan, R., Goel, R., Miller, C., . . . Bloomberg, J. J. (2015). Improving sensorimotor adaptation following long-duration spaceflight by enhancing vestibular information transfer. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Mulavara, A. P., Seidler, R. D., Feiveson, A. F., Oddsson, L., Zanello, S. B., Oman, C. M., . . . Bloomberg, J. J. (2015). Physiological observations and omics to develop personalized sensorimotor adaptability countermeasures using bed rest and spaceflight data. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. 6 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. Noohibezanjani, F., Kinnaird, C., Wood, S. J., Bloomberg, J. J., Mulavara, A. P., & Seidler, R. D. (2014). Functional imaging of human vestibular cortex activity elicited by skull tap and auditory tone burst. Paper presented at the Neuroscience 2014, Washington, DC. Orabona, C., Bloomberg, J. J., Mulavara, A. P., Lopez, B., Lee, S., Kim, Y. E., . . . Wood, S. J. (2015). Characterizing inter-subject variability in adapting to visual distortion lenses. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY. Reschke, M. F., Kozlovskaia, I. B., Kofman, I. S., Tomilovskaya, E. S., Cerisano, J. M., Bloomberg, J. J., . . . Fisher, E. A. (2015). Pilot sensorimotor and cardiovascular results from the joint Russian/U.S. Field Test. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Seidler, R. D., Mulavara, A. P., Koppelmans, V., Kofman, I. S., De Dios, Y. E., Szecsy, D. L., . . . Bloomberg, J. J. (2015a). The effects of long duration head down tilt bed rest on neurocognitive performance: Extent, longevity, and neural bases. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Seidler, R. D., Mulavara, A. P., Koppelmans, V., Kofman, I. S., De Dios, Y. E., Szecsy, D. L., . . . Bloomberg, J. J. (2015b). The effects of spaceflight on neurocognitive performance: Extent, longevity, and neural bases. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop: Integrated Pathways to Mars, Galveston, TX. Shimizu, H., Tamura, A., Cook, R., Wood, S. J., Perachio, A., & Makishima, T. (2015). Otolith organ structures and functions in caspase-3-deficient mice. Paper presented at the Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs, Baltimore, MD. Shimizu, N., Wood, S. J, Perachio, A., Cook, R., & Makishima, T. (2014). Central neural processes in mouse vestibular system. Paper presented at the Neuroscience 2014, Washington, DC. Woodard, D. L., Knox, G. W., Wood, S. J, & DiBase, C. (2015). Off-vertical axis rotational assessment of motion sickness susceptibility. Paper presented at the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), Boston, MA. Yuan, P., Koppelmans, V., Cassady, K. E., Cooke, K., De Dios, Y. E., Stepanyan, V., . . . Seidler, R. D. (2015). Increased brain activation for foot movement during 70-day 6° head-down bed rest (HDBR): evidence from fMRI. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement, Charleston, SC. Shimizu, N., Wood, S. J., Perachio, A., & Makishima, T. (2014). Detection of velocity storage mechanism in C57BL6 mice, Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. Vol 37, Abs.: 113. Pereira, M. A., Paloski, W. H., & Wood, S. J. (2014). Head and trunk stability during roll motion with galvanic vestibular stimulation, Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. Vol 37, Abs.: 398. Wood, S. J., Vanya, R. D., & Clément, G. (2014). Straight Ahead in Microgravity. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Bloomberg, J. J., Peters, B. T., Mulavara, A. P., Miller, C. A., Batson, C. D., Wood, S. J., Guined, J. R., Cohen, H. S., Buccello-Stout, R., De Dios, Y. E., Kofman, I. S., Szecsy, D. L., Erdeniz, B., Koppelmans, V., & Seidler, R. D. (2014). Customizing countermeasure prescriptions using predictive measures of sensorimotor adaptability. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Mulavara, A. P., Kofman, I., DeDios, Y. E., Galvan, R., Miller, C., Peters, B., Cohen, H., Jeevarajan, J., Reschke, M., Wood, S. J., & Bloomberg, J. J. (2014). Improving early adaptation following long duration spaceflight by enhancing vestibular information. 7 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Reschke, M. F., Kozlovskaya, I. B., Tomilovskaya, E. S., Bloomberg, J. J., Platts, S. H., Rukavishuikov, I. V., Fomina, E. V., Stenger, M. B., Lee, S. M. C., Wood, S. J., Mulavara, A. P., Feiveson, A. H., Cerisano, J. M., Kofman, I. S., & Fisher, E. A. (2014). Preliminary sensorimotor and cardiovascular results from the joint russian and u.s. pilot field test with planning for the full field test beginning with the year long international space station mission. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Bloomberg, J. J., Ballard, K. L., Batson, C. D., Buxton, R. E., Feiveson, A. H., Kofman, I. S., Lee, S. M. C., Miller, C. A., Mulavara, A. P., Peters, B. T., Phillips, T., Platts, S. H., Ploutz-Snyder, L. L., Reschke, M. F., Ryder, J. W., Stenger, M. B., Taylor, L. C., & Wood S. J. (2014). Body unloading associated with space flight and bed-rest impacts functional performance. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Moore, S. T., Dilda, V., Morris, T. R., MacDougall, H. G., & Wood, S. J. (2014). Assessment of operator proficiency after long duration spaceflight. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Seidler, R. D., Mulavara, A. P., Koppelmans, V., Erdeniz, B., Kofman, I. S., De Dios, Y. E., Szecsy, D. L., Riascos, R. F., Wood, S. J., & Bloomberg, J. J. (2014). The effects of spaceflight and a spaceflight analog on neurocognitive performance: Extent, longevity, and neural bases. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Bloomberg, J. J., Ballard, K. L., Batson, C. D., Buxton, R. E., Feiveson, A. H., Kofman, I. S., Lee, S. M. C., Miller, C. A., Mulavara, A. P., Peters, B. T., Phillips, T., Platts, S. H., Ploutz-Snyder, L. L., Reschke, M. F., Ryder, J. W., Stenger, M. B., Taylor, L. C., & Wood, S. J. (2014). Body unloading associated with space flight and bed-rest impacts functional performance. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Seidler, R. D., Mulavara, A. P., Koppelmans, V., Erdeniz, B., Kofman, I. S., De Dios, Y. E., Szecsy, D. L., Riascos, R. F., Wood, S. J., & Bloomberg, J. J. (2014). The effects of long duration head down tilt bed rest on neurocognitive performance: The effects of exercise interventions. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Koppelmans, V., Erdeniz, B., De Dios, Y. E., Wood, S. J., Reuter-Lorenz, P. A., Kofman, I., Bloomberg, J. J., Mulavara, A. P., & Seidler, R. D. (2014). Focal gray matter plasticity as a function of long duration head-down tilt bed rest: Preliminary results. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Erdeniz, B., Koppelmans, V., Bloomberg, J. J., Kofman, I. S., De Dios, Y. E., RiascosCastaneda, R. F., Wood, S. J., Mulavara, A. P., & Seidler, R. D. (2014). The effects of long duration bed rest on functional mobility and balance: Relationship to resting state motor cortex connectivity. Paper presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX. Makishima, T., Cook, R., Moline, M., Kuster, K., Armstrong, P., Perachio, A., & Wood, S. J. (2013). Vestibular ocular response in Casp3 deficient mice. Program No. 164.15. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience. Online. Seidler, R. D., Koppelmans, V., Erdeniz, B., De Dios, Y. E., Wood, S. J., Reuter-Lorenz, P. A., Kofman, I. S., Bloomberg, J. J. & Mulavara, A. P. (2014). Focal gray matter 8 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. plasticity as a function of long duration bed rest: Preliminary results. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 23, 2014. Jeevarajan JA, Fiedler MJ, Duda KR, Oman CM, Young LR, Wood SJ. Maintaining control of tilt and translation position with and without visual feedback. Aerospace Medical Assoc 84th Annual Scientific Meeting; May 12-16, 2013; Chicago, IL: Aviat Space Environ Med; 2013. Bloomberg JJ, Mulavara AP, Peters BT, Wood SJ, Reschke MF. Sensorimotor countermeasures: Improving performance during gravitational transitions. Aerospace Medical Assoc 84th Annual Scientific Meeting; May 12-16, 2013; Chicago, IL: Aviat Space Environ Med; 2013. Wood SJ, J. Jeevarajan and JE Holly. Perceived tilt and translation during periodic versus non-predictable motion. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter meeting, Baltimore MD, Feb 16-20, 2013. Serrador JE, M Blatt, A. Acosta, B Ghobreal and SJ Wood. Blast exposure is associated with unilateral vestibular damage in US Veterans. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter meeting, Baltimore MD, Feb 16-20, 2013. Mulavara AP, Fiedler MJ, De Dios YE, Brady R, Miller CA, Peters BT, Wood SJ, Cohen HS, Bloomberg JJ Enhancement of postural, locomotor and perceptual function using vestibular stochastic resonance. In: 42nd Annual Society for Neuroscience Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 13-17, 2012 Wood SJ, Reschke MF, Harm DL, Paloski WH, Bloomberg JJ. Which way is up? Lessons learned from space shuttle sensorimotor research. Aerospace Medical Assoc 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting Atlanta, GA, Aviat Space Environ Med. 83: 263, 2012 Fiedler MJ, De Dios YE, Esteves JT, Galvan R, Wood SJ, Bloomberg JJ, Mulavara AP. Enhancement of otolith specific ocular responses using vestibular stochastic resonance. Aerospace Medical Assoc 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting Atlanta, GA, Aviat Space Environ Med. 83: 243, 2012 Dean SL, De Dios YE, Wood SJ, Moore ST, MacDougall HG. Acquisition of skill proficiency over multiple sessions of a novel rover simulation. Aerospace Medical Assoc 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting Atlanta, GA, Aviat Space Environ Med. 83: 229, 2012 Clarke AH, Schönfeld U, Wood SJ. Modification of otolith reflex asymmetries following space flight. 35th MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. San Diego, CA, Assoc Res Otolaryngol Abs. 35: 23, 2012 [106 others prior to 2011) INVITED LECTURES: Wood, S. J. (2015). Sensorimotor adaptation following G-transitions using sensory supplementation aids. Paper presented at the Towards Integrated Countermeasures for Deep Space Exploration: Vestibular Function for Balance and Beyond, Houston, TX. Wood, S. J. (2013). Assessing changes in postural and manual control following spaceflight: Implications for managing clinical status evaluations. Presented at the National Space Biomedical Research Institute Symposium: Towards Integrated Countermeasures, Houston, TX. Wood, S. J. (2013). Sensory supplementation to enhance adaptation following Gtransitions and traumatic brain injury. Presented at the National Space Biomedical Research Institute Symposium: Towards Integrated Countermeasures, Houston, TX. 9 Scott J. Wood, Ph.D. Wood SJ. Potential examples of utilizing the Virtual Reality System for assessing spatial orientation awareness during sensorimotor adaptation to gravity transitions. Enhanced Virtual Reality Stimulator Workshop. Brussels, Belgium, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Jan 2012. Wood SJ. Slow rotating rooms and spaceflight: Similarities in time course of adaptation and readaptation. Festshrift for Fred Guedry, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Pensacola FL, November 19-20, 2010. Gaza R, Wood SJ. Preparing for suborbital biomedical research: personal perspectives from the NASTAR training course. DSLS USRA, May 2010. Danielson RW, Wood SJ. Auditory and vestibular issues related to human spaceflight. Audiology NOW!, San Diego, CA, April 2010. Wood SJ. Sensorimotor recovery following space flight: Implications for crew return to duty. Invited talk to the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center, New Jersey Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs, East Orange, NJ, March 8, 2010. 10