TOLNET GSFC JPL ESRL UAH LaRC Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) Research Program Update C. Senff, M. Newchurch (TOLNet PI), J. Al-Saadi, R. Alvarez, J. Burris, W. Carrion, G. Chen, R. DeYoung, G. Kirgis, W. Koshak, S. Kuang, A. Langford, T. Leblanc, T. McGee, D. Pliutau, A. Pszenny, J. Sullivan, G. Sumnicht, L. Twigg, D. Walsh, L. Wang Western Air Quality Modeling Workshop, 13 May 2015 TOLNET TOLNet Background GSFC JPL ESRL UAH TOLNet: A Research Initiative for Ground-based Lidar Profiling of Tropospheric Ozone Interagency initiative started by NASA in July 2011. NASA provides funding to modify existing instruments, acquire and archive data, and facilitate data usage. NASA support is augmented by other funding sources (NOAA, EPA, state/local agencies, industry) for field campaign deployments and data analysis. Currently 5 TOLNet stations: NASA/JPL, NOAA/ESRL, UAH, NASA/GSFC, NASA/LaRC. Possible future TOLNet additions: University of Houston, TX; Environment Canada, Toronto, ON. Annual TOLNet Workshop (this year: Boulder, CO, 16-18 June). LaRC TOLNET TOLNet Objectives GSFC JPL ESRL UAH LaRC 1. Provide coordinated high-resolution, time-height measurements of ozone from near-surface to upper troposphere on a long-term basis for air-quality/chemical/transport model improvement and satellite retrieval validation. 2. Exploit synergies with EVS-1 DISCOVER-AQ, EVI-1 TEMPO, GEO-CAPE studies, and existing routine observations to advance understanding of processes controlling regional air quality and chemistry. 3. Develop recommendations for lowering the cost and improving the robustness of ozone lidar systems to better enable their capability for addressing the needs of NASA, NOAA, EPA, and state/local AQ agencies. Ozone Lidar 101 Lidar = Light Detection and Ranging O3 absorption cross section in near UV TOLNet O3 lidar wavelength range TOLNET TOLNet O3 Lidar Configurations GSFC JPL ESRL UAH LaRC Station Characteristics Strengths Weaknesses Altitude range (AGL) Ancillary Measurements NearSurface Detection Start Date NASA JPL TMF Quadruple YAG pumped Raman laser, 2-λ, 5receiver including near-field Reliable tech, long term, full troposphere UTLS DIAL pair (1223 km) Fixed location, limited daytime measurements 0.1 - 23 km Strat DIAL (O3: 15-50 km, T: 1580 km, Aero: 15-50 km), H2O (320 km, with aerosol 355 nm), Sfc O3&met, ozone sondes, GPS total water, FTUVS, WVMS, CIMEL 6/2012 NOAA ESRL (mobile) Nd:YLF pumped Ce:LiCAF tunable 3-λ, 2-receiver, scanning, mobile Mobile, tunable λ, dual-DIAL, scanning (near-surface and horizontal measurements) Limited upper altitude 0 - 3 km Weekly ozone sondes, Doppler wind lidar 1/2012 University Alabama Huntsville (mobile in 2016) Quadruple YAG pumped Raman laser, 3-λ,3receiver including near field UV dual-DIAL for removing aerosol effect Fixed location 0.1 - 12 km Weekly ozone sondes, physical profilers (T, U, ceilometer), Doppler wind lidar 5/2012 NASA GSFC (mobile) Quadruple YAG pumped Raman laser, 2-λ, 8channel receiver, including 4 near field Reliable tech, transportable, almost full troposphere during daytime Large trailer 0.2 - 12 km MPL Aerosol lidar, sun photometer, PANDORA, ozone sondes (Beltsville, FAA approval for launch at GSFC being sought) 5/2013 NASA LaRC (mobile) Nd:YLF pumped Ce:LiCAF tunable 2-UV λ,1-aerosol λ Mobile, tunable wavelengths Limited upper altitude 0.1 - 4 km CAPABLE site: ozone sondes, PANDORAs, aerosol lidar, ceilometer, surface NOx, NO2, O3, CO, SO2, PM2.5 5/2013 TOLNET TOLNet Station Operation GSFC JPL ESRL UAH LaRC Routine O3 profile measurements 2-3 days/week at home location Intensive campaign observations (multiple TOLNet lidars when feasible) ESRL, GSFC, LaRC currently mobile, UAH in 2016 Site Total Local + Campaign Operations (days/hours) 2012 2013 2014 (thru 13 Aug) Campaign-Only Operations (days/hrs) UBWOS JanFeb, 2012 JanFeb, 2013 14/62 22/230 LVOS (MayJun, 2013) SENEX/SEAC 4RS (Jun-Sep, 2013) DISCOVER-AQ Texas (Sep, 2013) Colorado (Jul-13 Aug, 2014) 17/143 24/216 JPL 76/176 67/150 82/160 ESRL 26/114 70/587 39/278 UAH 38/313 58/488 22/170 GSFC N/A a 16/60 51/421 25/211 LaRC N/A 18/115 30/162 23/118 229/1400 224/1191 All a 140/603 593 days / 3194 hours 26/200 38/371 a Under development TOLNET Public Data Access GSFC JPL ESRL UAH LaRC • User-friendly data format (based on NDACC & ICARTT formats) to better engage potential data users and improve reporting of the data quality. • Format complies with current international standards for lidar data and will be considered as a new NASA standard data format. Intercomparisons UAH vs O3 sonde ESRL vs GSFC LaRC vs GSFC ESRL vs profiling O3 CRDS ESRL vs EPA FRM TOLNet lidars agree with ozone sonde free flights, tether flights, with CRDS on the BAO carriage, in situ surface O3 sensors, and with each other on average to better than 5% over a wide variety of conditions. JPL/TMF tropospheric ozone DIAL (TMTOL) Tracking stratospheric intrusions from the lower stratosphere to the ground Multiple lidars for multiple species Upper intrusion in tropopause fold 4/9-4/12 Added 2 near-field mini receivers to extend range down to ~ 100 m AGL Intrusion residual “touched down” on 4/12 TOLNet: Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network NOAA/ESRL TOPAZ Ozone Lidar (TOPAZ = Tunable Optical Profiler for Aerosol and oZone) Uintah Basin Winter O3 Study: 14/15 Feb 2013 90° 20° 6° 2° • High O3 concentrations were confined to a 400-m deep cold pool layer. • NOx from the Bonanza power plant did not mix down to the surface. • No indication of long-range or stratosphere-to-troposphere transport of high O3. UAH Ozone Lidar (RO3QET) UAH O3 DIAL, UW HSRL, and LaRC HSRL measurements during 2013 SEAC4RS 8/30 NASA GSFC TROPOZ Ozone Lidar NASA P3 Photo Courtesy: L. Twigg TROPOZ lidar at Fort Collins during DiscoverAQ Lasers and telescope inside TROPOZ trailer Upper tropospheric O3 intrusion observed with TROPOZ on 6 August 2014 during Discover-AQ Colorado (top) and resolved by the RAQMS model (B. Pierce, bottom). Langley Mobile Ozone Lidar (LMOL) LMOL schematic Operational lidar in NASA Langley laboratory LMOL O3 time‐height cross section observed on 16 July 2014 at BAO, Erie, CO. O3 sonde data data are overlaid. LMOL - sonde comparison: LMOL trailer at the Table Mountain in Golden during Discover‐AQ Colorado LMOL mean = 52.6 ppbv, r.s.s.=4.6 ppbv O3 sonde mean = 50.5 ppbv, r.s.s.=1.5 ppbv Joint GSFC, ESRL, and LaRC O3 lidar observations during Discover AQ Ozone Colorado on 22 July 2014, 18:30 – 4:00 UTC Lidar GSFC TROPOZ – Ft. Collins, Analyses CO TROPOZ TOPAZ LMOL ALTITUDE [m ASL] 5000 1 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 3500 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 2000 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 Study O3 variability on local scales Assess the impact of mountain slope flows and mixing layer height variations on O3 distribution [ppbv] [ppbv] 04:00 1 5 0 NOAA ESRL TOPAZ – BAO Tower 1 2 5 1 0 0 3500 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 2000 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 TIME [UTC] ALTITUDE [m ASL] Ongoing analysis ALTITUDE [m ASL] 5000 5000 LaRC LMOL – Golden, CO [ppbv] [ppbv] 04:00 1 5 0 1 2 5 1 0 0 8 0 3500 6 0 4 0 2 0 2000 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 TIME [UTC] 14 [ppbv] [ppbv] :00 TOLNET TOLNet Future Activites ESRL Future Activities JPL • GSFC UAH LaRC Engage modelers and state and local AQ stake holders and make them aware of TOLNet’s capabilities to a) encourage AQ model evaluations, including regional (CMAQ, WRF, RAQMS) and LES models, b) explore TOLNet lidar deployment opportunities to address open AQ science questions. • Update and continue populating the TOLNet data archive, including reporting of measurement uncertainties, to enhance broader data usage. • Use TOLNet lidar data to assess how well column observations from satellites (e.g., TEMPO/GEO-CAPE) represent surface O3 concentrations (strong synergy with Discover-AQ objectives). • Possible trans-boundary O3 transport and mixing study in California in spring/summer 2016.