A NEW ANALOGY BETWEEN ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL AND SYSTEMS :ByF. A. Frv•s•o• Universityof Michigan By considering eachmassin a linear mechanicalsystemashaving two terminals, onefixedin the massandonefixedto theframeof reference, everylinearmechanical systemis reducedto a multiplicityof closedmechanicalcircuitsto whichforce and velocityrelationssimilar to Kirchhoff'slaws, may be applied. The conventional mechanical-electrical analogyis derivedfrom the similarityof the equationsv--f/z andl--E/Z. It is incomplete in the followingrespects whichlead to difficultyin its application. which I. There indicates is aa lack fundamental of analogy difference in the use in the of nature the words of the Uthrough" analogous and quantities• •across" for instance,forcethroughand e.m.L across. II. Mechanicalelementsin seriesmustbe represented by electricalelementsin parallel,and viceversa. III. Mechanicalimpedances in seriesmustbe combinedas the reciprocalof the sum of the reciprocalswhile electricalimpedancesin seriesare additive. IV. There is an incompleteness in the mechanicalanaloguesof Kirchhoff'slaws. The new analogyis derivedfrom the similarity of the followingequations: v--f• andE-- IZ where• is the reciprocalof the mechanicalimpedance asusuallydefreed.This newanalogyis completein all of the above-mentioned respectsin which the old analogyfailed.It leadsto analogous relationsof a simplesortand permitsan equivalent electrical circuitto be drawnin an easyir•tuitivemanner. INTRODUCTION If a groupof physicalconceptsor quantitiesare related to eachother in a certain manner, as by equationsof a certain form, and another group of conceptsor quantities are interrelated in a similar manner, then an analogymay be said to existbetweenthe conceptsof the one groupand thoseof the othergroup.The essentialelementoœan analogy is a similaritybetweenthe relationswithin onegroupand the relations within the other group.Two groupsof conceptsmay be analogousin somerespectsand not analogous in otherrespects. An analogyis valuableto the extent that it permitsa knowledgeoœ one field to be applied in another field. Sincemuch more is known of the characteristics of electrical circuits than of certain kinds of mechani- cal systems,it is often valuableto discussa mechanicalsystemin terms of its electricalanalogue.It will be shownthat the conventionalmechanical-electrical analogy is incompletein certain important par- ticularswhichmake it difficultto apply in practice.A new kind of mechanical-electrical analogyis setforth belowwhichis morecomplete than the old and permitsan equivalentelectricalcircuit to be drawnin 249 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 250 JOUP. NALO1•THEACOUSTICAL SOCIETY [January, a muchmorestraightforwardand common-sense manner,not requiring suchcarefulreasoningat eachstep. We have all learned at school that inductance in an electrical circuit playsa part similar to massin a mechanicalsystem.• In substantiation of thisviewpointit is mentionedthat the energystoredin the magnetic field of the, inductanceis « LI •' and the kinetic energy of a massis « m•; that the inductancetends to prevent a changeof current by generating a backe.m.f.of magnitudeLdI/dT just asa masstendsto prevent a changeof velocity by producinga reactingforce of magnitude md•/dt. But onemight say with equaltruth that capacityplays the r51eof electricalmassbecausethe energystoredin the electrostatic fieldof a condenser,« CE•, corresponds to the kinetic energyof a mass, • m•; and alsothat the condensertendsto prevent a changeof e.m.f. by absorbinga currentof magnitudeCdF./dtjust as a masstendsto prevent a changeof velocity by producinga reacting force of magnitudemd•/di. Similarly we have been told that capacity in an electricalcircuit plays a part similar to the compliancec of a spring in a mechanical system.And it is pointedout that the energystoredin the electrostatic field of the condenseris « CE• corresponding to the energy« cf•'stored in a springby a forcef; that a condenserwill hold a charge,CE, proportionalto the e.m.f. while a springundergoesa displacement,cf, proportionalto the appliedforce.But it may be saidwith equalreasonthat inductanceplays the part of electrical stiffnessbecausethe energy stored in the magnetic field of the inductance, « LI •, correspondsto the energy stored by a spring,« cf•; and also that an inductancewill storea voltageimpulse(fEdt) of magnitudeLI proportionalto the currentwhile a springundergoes a displacement,cf, proportionalto the appliedforce? It is, therefore,evidentthat a new analogyis possiblein which force is identifiedwith current rather than with e.m.f. as in the old analogy. In what follows,it will be shownthat the new analogy is more complete and moreusefulthan the old. THE MECHANICAL ELEMENTS We will confine our attention to the consideration of those mechanical systemswhereinall the forcesand the resultingvelocitiesare essentially • For instance,Starling,ElectricityandMagnetisdn, p. 307. a In Liven's, TtteoryofElectricity,p. 416, it is said uIt must,however,be particularlyemphasizedthat we have no definiteproofthat this (magnetic)energyis kinetic,it is merelya matter of convenientchoiceso to regardit. • Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 1933] F.A. FIRESTONE 251 in oneline. Many vibrating systems,includingtorsionalsystems,can be very simply reducedto sucha linear problem.The elementsof a mechanical systemareassumed to be of threekinds,springs,resistances andmasses,althoughpracticallyit may be difficultto realizeany oneof themin its pureform. We may assumethat all of the elementslie in one horizontalline and that the positive direction along this line is from left to right.In orderto understand theanalogyin detail,it isnecessary to look carefully at the nature of eachkind of mechanicalelement and to be surethat we havea clearconceptionof the meaningof the quantities whichmay be usedin describingits state. A springhas two terminalsto which forcemay be applied,and since the forceis the samein all parts of the springwe will speakof the "forcethroughthe spring."The forcethroughthe springmay be assumedto be positivewhenthe springis undertension,and the fact that a springis undertensionmay be indicatedby an arrowin the positive -•v - Fro. 1. Spring. -I-¾ -- Fro. 2. Re,sistanc•. Fxo. 3. Mass. direction(to the right) asshownin Fig. 1. Thisis merelya convention which must be remembered.There will always be a positive force througha springwhenit is longerthan its unstrainedlength. •If the left terminalof a springthroughwhichthereis a positiveforce(tension)is attachedto someobject,then the springlieson the positivesideof the objectand the objectwill be subjectedto a forcein the positivedirection. If the right terminalof the springis attachedto the object,then the springlieson the negativesideof the object,and the positiveforce throughthe springwill pull the objectin the negativedirection. The relative velocity of the terminalswill be calledthe "velocity difference across"the springor simplythe "velocityacross."The velocitydifference is countedpositiveat a giventerminalif in imagining that terminal as fixed, the other terminal is movingin the positive direction.This may be indicatedby + and - signsasin Fig. 1. Thus if westandat the left endof the springandimagineit asfixed,the plus signby our side will indicate that the other terminal is moving in the positivedirection(to the rightin the figure)or awayfromus.Similarly, the negativeat the right end indicatesthat if the right end is fixed, theleftendwillbemovingin thenegative direction (to theleft). Conse- Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 252 JOURNAL O1'THEACOUSTICAL SOCXET¾ [January, quently, a plus sign at the left terminal of a springindicatesthat the springis growinglonger,and viceversa.(In a torsionalspringthereis no essentialdistinction between the two possibledirectionsof twist analogousto lengtheningand shorteningin a linear spring. One may merely assume arbitrarily that a counterclockwisevelocity of the nearer terminal relative to the farther is a positive angular velocity difference across the spring; and likewise that a counterclockwise torque on the nearer terminal sends a positive torque through the spring.) A mechanicalresistancemay be visualizedas two massless concentric tubes with a layer of viscousoil between. It also has two terminals. With the sameconventionsas in the previousparagraphand as indi- catedin Fig. 2, a resistance will have a positiveforcethroughit (tension)when the velocitydifferenceacrossit is positiveat the left terminal (resistance growinglonger). It is not obviousthat a masshas two terminals.One cannotapply a forceto a springor to a resistance without graspingit at two points,but forcecan appa•ntly be appliedto a massby contactingit at onepoint only. But a force is itself a two-terminal element sinceaction and reaction are ,qual and opposite;it is impossibleto pushor pull without standingon something.Thus in order that a forcemay act on a mass, the force must react againstanother mass,which may be the earth. The accelerationproducedon a mass by a given force is the same whether that force reactsagainst a small massor againstthe earth. Sincewe measurethe velocityof the massrelative to the earth,• and sinceany impressedforcemust in effect react againstthe earth, it is helpful to assumethat every masshas two terminals,one of which is somearbitrary point of the mass,the other beinga point near the mass, whichis fixed to the earth, as shownin Fig. 3. Here againthe velocity differenceacrossthe mass(relative velocity) of its terminalsis consideredpositiveat the left terminal when the right terminalis moving to the right. (Whilein ordinarylanguage we speakof thevelocityofthe massinsteadof the velocitydifferenceacrossthe mass,this is similarto the caseof any two terminal electricalelement,one side of which is grounded,wherein the potential of the high side is the same as the potential differenceacrossthe element.) If we impresson a massan externalpositiveforcef' as shownin Fig. 4, the masswill receivean acceleration whichwill be positiveat the left terminal andwhichwill call forth a reactive tensile force between the terminals of the mass • Anyunaccelerated frameof reference woulddoequallywell. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 F. A. FIRESTONE '/ / I I • ,•' [ / / / 253 / / FIG. 4. A tensile force tending to pull these terminals together. A compressiveforce tending to push these terminals apart. - A springin tension.The displacementdifferences must therefore be positive at the left terminal, meaning that as seen from the left terminal the right terminal must have moved in the positive direction. Springlengthened. r A spring in compression. The displacementdif- ference is therefore negative at theleft terminal. Springshortened. _• r: must Resistance inhave tension. therefore the The signvelocity shown, difference resistance - v q-" - growinglonger. r - Resistancein compression, growingshorter. /•7• ..... Mass with acceleration difference of signs shown m must be in tension.The fight terminal is accelerating toward the right. must be in tension.The left terminal is accelerating to the left. Fro. 5. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 254 Jovs•x•.OrTHEACOUSTICAL SOCIETY [January, A andB, ofmagnitude f--ma. Thusthetensile force ft hasproduced a tensileforcethroughthe massto the earth.4It is asif the earth4did not liketo seemasses accelerated andactedon themwitha restraining force.Assuming as beforethat a tensileforcethroughan elementis positive, that is, theelement is tryingto pullits terminals together, thereis a positiveforcethrougha masswhenthereis an acceleration acrossit whichis positiveat the left terminal. Similar conventionscan beworked outfora moment ofinertiain a torsional system. The aboveconventions aresummarized andexemplified in Fig. 5. Mechanical elements willbeassumed to beconnected mechanically in series whentheyarejoinedendto endasshown in Fig.6. In suchan arrangement isit obvious thattheforcethrough alltheelements isequal; if oneelement isin tension theyareallin tension. Likewise thevelocity difference across a series ofelements isthealgebraic sumofthevelocity Fro. 6. differencesacrosseachelement. When a number of mechanicalelements areconnected to twocommon junctionpoints,asshownin Fig. 7, they maybesaidto beconnected in parallel.Theconnecting barontheright isassumed to remainvertical.It isobvious thatin suchanarrangement the velocity differenceacrossall of the elementsis the same.Further- morethe total forcethroughthe combination is the algebraicsumof the separateforcesthroughthe elements. Springsand resistancesmay be connectedeither in seriesor in parallelbut a numberof masses canbe connected in parallelonly,as oneterminalof eachmassis connected to the earth.Two masses only maybe connected in seriesthroughotherelements asshownin Fig.6, but if theywereconnected directlytogether,theywouldin effectbe in parallel.Of course, springs andresistances may be connected eitherin seriesor in parallelwith masses. We may statetwo additionalrelationswhichhold for any linear mechanical system,the forcelaw and the velocitylaw. According to theforcelaw,thealgebraic sumof all theforces actingonanyjunction 4 Or other frame of reference. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 1933] F.A. F•tv.s•o•v. 255 of mechanical elementsis zero. For instance if we considerthe central junctionin Fig.7 andassume thata forcewhose arrowisawayfromthe junctionshouldbe countedpositive,then f--f•--f•--f•--f4=O. The velocitylaw statesthat the algebraicsumof the velocitydifferencesaroundany closedmechanicalcircuitis zero.It is necessary to take as the signof eachvelocitydifference the first signwhichis seen onapproaching theelement in goingaroundthecircuit.Thusin Fig.6 if the signsof the velocities areassumed asshown, v• - v• + va - v4 = 0. Alsoin Fig. 10thevelocitylawappliedaroundthecentralcircuitwould give v•+v4+v•-v•=O. Fro. 7. We follow the usual conventionin definingmechanicalimpedance asthecomplex quotientof theforcethroughandthevelocitydifference across an element or combination of elements. (This definitionwasoriginallychosenwith the conventional analogy in mind.) In a seriesof mechanical elements havingindividualimpedancesof •, z•, zs,etc., the impedance of the combination wouldbe f • + ,• + • + + 1 • • 1 • /+7+7++ 1 1 1 -+-+-++ Thus mechanicalimpedances in seriesadd as the reciprocalof the sumof the reciprocals asdo electricalimpedances in parallel.Similarly if we have a numberof mechanicalimpedances in parallel,the impedance of the combination is So mechanicalimpedances in parallel are additive like electricalimpedances in series. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 256 JOURNAL O1•THEACOUSTICAL SOCIETY [January, In the above descriptionof the mechanicalelementsand the mechanicalcircuit no detailedassumptionhasbeenmade as to the nature of any analogywith the electricaldrcuit which may be noted later, although someof the conventionswere suggestedby analogy. By consideringeach massas having one terminal fixed to the frame of reference, every mechanicalsystemis reducedto a multiplicity of dosed mechanicalcircuits,thereby preparing•he way for the applicationof electricalanalogies. THE CONVENTIONAL ANALOGY The conventional mechanical-electricalanalogy may be derived from the fact that for most mechanicalsystems,an electrical system can be invented of sucha sort that the differential equation• of motion in the two systems,as expressedin termsof displacementand charge, respectively,will be of the sameform. If impedancesare definedas in the followingvectorial equations = f/z (mechanical) I = E/Z (electrical) the form of the impedances as derivedfrom the differentialequations will be similar and will justify the following conventionalanalogy. THE CONVENTIONAL ANALOGY Electrical Mechanical Forcethrough=f (dynes) Velocityacross--v (cm/sec.) Displacement across--s (cm) Impulsethrough--p (dynesec.) Impedance = • (ohms)* Resistance = r (ohms) Reactance• x (ohms) Mass--m (grams) Compliance-½(cm/dyne) Power=f • (ergs/sec.) • of resistor--r (ohms) • of mass=io.n (ohms) z of spring=-i/o,½ (ohms) Impedancesin series e.m.f. across--E (volts) Currentthrough--/(amperes) Chargethrough=Q (coulombs) Voltage impulse=fEAt (voltsec.) Impedance=Z(ohms) Resistance = R (ohms) Reactsnee = X (ohms) Inductance--L (henries) Capacity=C (farads) Power= E1 (watts) Z of resistor--R (ohms) Z of inductance=i•oL(ohms) Z of condenser=-i/•oC (ohms) Impedancein series 1 11zt+ 11z,+ 11z8+ Impedancesin parallel Z = Z• + Z, + Z, + Impedancesin parallel 1 Z- 1/& + i/z, + i/z, + Kirchhoff's laws Forceand velocity laws Sum of velocity differencesaround closed Sum oI currentsto a •unction is zero circuit is zero' Sumof forcesto a junctionis zero Sum of e.m.f.'s around a mesh is zero * Mechanicalohm=dyne/kine. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 1933] F.A. Fmv.s•o•v. 257 Thus in the familiar problemof the forcedvibration of an elastically boundmasswith friction, and its analogouscircuit, shownin Fig. 8, the differential equationsare mdas rds cs = feio' t Ld•Q RdQ Q Eei'ø dta + dt C at' +•-+ +--= " The steady state solutionsof thesein vector forms are f r + i f E corn R + i E col Therefore the velocity acrossthe mass due to the impressedforce is the same as the current through the inductance due to the e.m.f.E. _/ Conventionalanalogue Mechanicalsystem FIG. 8. However, while the mechanicalelementsare connectedin parallel, the analogouselectricalelementsmustbe connectedin series.This must alwaysbe the casewith this analogysincemechanicalelementsin parallelhave a commonvelocitydifferenceacrossthem and electrical elementsin serieshave a commoncurrent through them. In general, mechanicalelementsin seriesare representedby electricalelementsin parallel, and viceversa,so that in a complicatedmechanicalsystem the analogouselectricalelementsmust be placed in a manner quite contraryto intuition. A mass,which always has one terminal on the earth, will usually be representedby an inductancein the high side of the line, and a springwhichis in serieswith the mechanicalcircuit and must transmit all the force from one part of the mechanicalsystemto another will be shown as a condenser across the line with one side grounded,while a springwhichconnectspart of the mechanicalsystem to the earth will be representedby a condenserin serieswith the high wire. This is shownin Fig. 12. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 258 JOU•,NAI. O• •HE ACOUS•C^•. SOCiEtY [January, The difficultyis alsoindicatedin the useof the words"thr.ough" and "across" in the tableof analogous quantitiesabove.Forcehasa "through"character like current;the forcethrougheachof a series of mechanical elements is thesame,justasthe currentthrougheachof a series of electrical elements is thesame.Also,velocitydifference hasan "across" characterlike potentialdifference; the velocity difference acrosseachof a numberof mechanical elementsin parallelis equal, just as the potentialdifferences acrosselectricalelements in parallel are equal. It is in ignoring these fundamental characteristicsof the analogous quantitiesandplacing"forcethrough"analogous to "e.m.f. across" that the conventional analogy becomes unnecessarily difficult of application. Furthermore it is noted in the table that the laws for the addition of impedances are not analogous, and alsothat thereis a lack of accurate correspondencebetween Kirchhoff's laws and their mechanical analogues. THE NEW ANALOGY The analogyhereproposed may be derivedfromthe similarityof the equations v=f• E= IZ where• is the bar impedance,the reciprocalof the mechanical im- pedance. The realpart of • is the bar resistance •, andits imaginary part, the bar reactance •. Sincethe bar impedance of a springof compliancec is icocand the impedance of an inductance L is icoL,the impedanceof an inductance L =c is at all frequencies equalto the bar impedance of the spring.Similarlythe far impedanceof a mass m is -i/cornand the impedance of a condenser is -i/coc sothat the impedance of a capacityC =m will at all frequencies be equalto the bar impedance of the mass.The bar impedance of a mechanical resistance r ohmsis 1/r andis thereforeequalto the impedance of an electrical resistance R = 1/r ohms.In thiswaythe following analogyis established. THE NEW ANALOGY Mechanical Forcethrough=f (dynes) Velocityacross=v(cm/sec.) Displacement across--s (cm) Impulsethrough-p (dynesec.) ßBar impedance-- • (ohms)* Electrical Current through--I (amperes) e.m.f. across-E (volts) Voltageimpulseacross=fEdt(voltsec.) Chargethrough--Q (coulombs) Impedance= Z (ohms) Bar impedance--velocity across/force through. ohms -- barohms--kines/dyne. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 F. A. FIRESTONE 259 Tax N•.w ANALOGY (Coni'd) Electrical Mechanical bBarresistance= • (o-h--•ms) øBarreactance=• (ohms) Mass=m (grams) Compliance = ½(cm/dyne) Power=fv (ergs/sec.) • of resistor=• oh•) • of mass=-i/o•m (ohms) • of spring=io•c(ohms) Bar impedancesin series Resistance = R (ohms) Reactance= X (ohms) Capacity= C (farads) Inductance= L (henries) Power= IE (watts) Z of resistor=R (ohms) Z of condenser=-i/o•C (ohms) Z of inductance=io•œ(ohms) Impedancesin series Z = Zx + Z• + Z3 + Bar impedancesin parallel Impedancesin parallel 1 1 Z- 1/Z• .-I-l/Z, .-I-1/Z, .-I- 1/• + 1/•, + 1/•3 + Force and velocity laws Sum of forces to a junction is zero Sum of velocity differences around closed Kirchhoff's laws Sum of currents to a junction is zero Sum of e.m.f.'s around a mesh is zero circuit is zero Bar resistance=real part of bar impedance. Bar reactance= imaginarypart of bar impedance. It has seemedadvisableto introduce a new term, bar impedance, whichis equalto velocityacross/force through.It is natural that the old analogists,having arrived on the ground first, should have chosento define impedanceas force/velocitysince that fitted in with the other assumptionsthey had made. But in the author's opinion, all of their assumptionswere unwise and led to the left-handed result that while electricalimpedancesin seriesare additive, mechanicalimpedancesin seriesmust be added as the reciprocalof the sum of the reciprocalsas was shownabove. It would have been better if this new analogy had beenthought of first, for in that casethe quantity which we have been forcedto call "bar impedance"wouldhavebeencalled"impedance"and wouldhave beensubjectto the samelaws of addition as are found in the electricalcircuit. It is now too late to changesuddenlythe unfortunate definitionof impedancewhich has beenso much usedin the past, soit is recommendedthat the term "bar impedance"be used. Then if the new analogyshouldprovepopular,the time may comewhen the old definitionof impedancewill have fallen into disuse,at which time the "bar impedance"may be shortenedto "impedance"with the new deftnition. • • Of course,bar impedanceis the same as mechanicaladmittance as usually defined, but to use the latter term would spoil the analogyand causeconfusion. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 260 JOURNAL O•'TIlE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY [January, This nomenclaturetherefore prepares the way for an evolutionary changeof definition.In the meant•ime• will indicatethat this quantity is z below the line, that is, the reciprocalof z as ordinarily defined.It shouldbe noted,however,that s is the real part of • andis equalto r/z •, being the reciprocalof r only when z--r, a pure resistance;similarly for •. The unit in which bar impedanceis measuredis the bar ohm (ohm) which is one kine per dyne. In time the bar might be droppedthereby constitutinga changeof definition. In a seriesmechanicalsystem,the bar impedanceof the combination is the sumof the bar impedancesof the elements. v• + v•. + v• + • = ... =•+•.+•a+''' ß f Similarly for a parallel mechanicalsystem v f• + f•. + fa + ''' 1 1/• + 1/•. + 1/•a + ... Thus the bar impedancefollowsthe samelawsof addition as electrical impedance. The new electricalanaloguefor displacementis the voltageimpulse,ø (fEdt) thisbeingthe electricalquantitywhichis measured by a ballistic galvanometer.It was given this name by the old analogistsbecauseto them it was analogousto mechanicalimpulse.The lack of correspondenceat this point in the new analogyis again a mere matter of definition. In any problemwherea simpleharmonicdisplacementamplitude is specified,it is convenientin the new analogyto convertit to velocity by multiplying by ico. In both analogies,mechanicalpowerand electricalpower are analogous. It will be notedthat in this analogythe words"through"and "across" are analogouslyused.In the old analogyit was appealingto have force and electromotive force be analoguesbecauseof the similar sound of the words which, when looselyused, appear to have a similarity of meaning; but when one analyzes the casemore closelyand finds that force throughis analogousto electromotive force across,some of the attractivenessis lost. One may also favor the old analogyif he thinks of e.m.f. as causeand current as effect, of forceas causeand velocity as • Bennet and Crothers,IntroductoryElectrodynamics for Engineers,p. 470. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 1933] F.A. Fm•.s•o•. 261 effect.However,in • serieselectricMcircuitit is moreconvenientto considerthe currentthrough•n element•s the c•use•nd the e.m.f. •crossthe element•s the effect,•nd in • seriesmech•nicMsystem,of forcethrough•n element•s c•use•nd velocity•crossthe element•s effect,therebyin that c•sef•voringthenew•nMogy. With this •nMogyMso,the differentiMequations of motionin the •nMogous systems will be of the s•meformif writtenin •ppropri•te v•ri•bles.For instance,consider the problemin Fig. 9 where• velocity ! / ! '/ ! I ! / I ! FIG. 9. ve• is impressed in serieswith a resistance, spring,andmassandwe wish to find the resultingforcethroughthe system.Applyingthe velocitylaw aroundthe mechanical circuitand usingthe impulse p--ffdt as dependent variablewe get the followingdifferential equations' c• d•'p 4-----p •'ø• -• • dp = ve• ; Ld•Q + RdQ + •Q= Ee ß dt•' '• m dt•' dt C Sincef=dp/dt andE =dQ/dt the steadystatesolutions of theseequations in vectorial form are v v -- 1loom) f= • 4-i(coc - • ; I =R + E E - ß i(ooL-- 1/ooc) Z The velocityacross any elementcanbe foundby multiplyingthe abovevalueoff by the bar impedance of the element. In the abovedifferential equations andtheirsolutions theanalogyas set forth in the above table is obvious.In the seriesmechanicalcircuit shown,the impulse througheachelement is the samewhilethe displacements across themaredifferent, consequently it ismoreconvenient to writethe differential equation with impulseasdependent variable, thandisplacement. Wemaytherefore saythatif thefounders ofvibrationtheoryhadhappened to consider theforcedvibrationproblem of the seriesmechanical system with impressed velocity,insteadof the parallel system withimpressed force,theanalogy herepresented isthe Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 262 Joussaz or Tar. ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY [January, one which they would have noted as being the most obviousand appealing. EXAMPLES The abovedifferentialequationshave beenpresentedfor the benefit of thosewho feel that an analogyshouldcome from a similarity of differentialequations.However, when one wishesto find the steady state e.m.f.'s and currentsin a given electricalcircuit he doesnot write down any differential equations.He finds the impedancesof the elements at the given frequencyby well-knownformulae,appliesKirchhoff's first law to the currentsenteringthe junction points, applies Kirchhoff'ssecondlaw to the voltagesaroundeachmesh,and solvesthe simultaneousequations thus derived for the unknown currents and voltages. It is, therefore, desirablethat one should not have to write the differentialequationsfor either the mechanicalor the electricalsystem in findingthe electricalanalogueof a givenmechanicalsystem. In the new analogy, the equivalent electrical circuit is drawn to resemblethe originalmechanicalsystem,rememberingthat one terminal of eachmassis connectedto earth. Each springis representedby an inductanceL=c; each massis representedby a capacity C=m one sideof which is connectedto ground;eachmechanicalresistanceof bar resistance• is replacedby an electricalresistanceR =•. Mechanical elements in series are representedby electrical elements in series; parallel mechanicalelementsby parallel electricalelements.If there is any questionas to the validity of the equivalent circuit, Kirchhoff's laws may be applied to the junctions and meshesof the circuit and theseshouldyield equationswhichare equivalentto thosewhichwill be obtained on applying the force law and the velocity law to the mechanicalsystem.Kirchhoff'sfirst law for the currentsflowingto any junctionis quite analogousto the forcelaw for the forcesactingon any junction; Kirchhoff's secondlaw for the e.m.f.'s around a mesh is analogousto the velocity law for the velocitiesaround a closedmechanical circuit. Having arrived at this much of an understandingof the mechanical problemwe might considerabandoningthe analogy and working the mechanicalproblemdirectly by an applicationof the forceand velocity laws.In caseit is necessaryto write downKirchhoff'sequationsfor the electrical circuit and to solve them, little is gained by drawing the equivalent circuit; the analogousequationscan be written down at oncefor the mechanicalsystem.Many well-knownelectricallaws as, for instance,the reciprocaltheoremand Thevenin'stheorem,can be Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 1933] F.A. FIRESTONE 263 convertedby the analogyinto equivalentmechanicallaws and used directly. In this manner, the electrical techniquefor the solutionof problemscan be usedwithout convertingthe problemto an electrical circuit. In casethe propertiesof the analogouselectricalcircuit have alreadybeenworkedout sothat no equationsneedbe written or solved, then there is a decidedadvantagein working with the electricalanalogue. v o00-c' ?, Fro. 10. M•chanical system. FIo. 11. N• an•ogu,. La•ma FIo. 12. Conv,ntionalandogu,. As an exampleconsiderthe linear mechanicalsystemshownin Fig. 10 in which an impressedvelocity is operatingand we might wish to know the velocity across(or of) mo.The new analogue,derivedas explainedabove,is shownin Fig. 11, and the electricalcircuitlooksmuch like the mechanicalsystem. The e.m.f. acrosscowill be the desired velocity acrossmo.The conventionalanalogueis shownin Fig. 12 and the circuit is just the oppositeof what onewould at first glanceexpect. C• and R• mustbe connectedin parallelbecausec• and • havethe same forcethroughthem. Lamustbe in serieswith the highwire eventhough mahas one terminal to earth becausethe forcethrough mais the differ- Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 264 Jo•J•• o• •a•. Acovs•c^• Soc•.• [January, encebetweenthe forcesthroughc4and c•. The currentthroughLo is the desiredvelocity acrossmo. Or suppose wewishto solvethewell-known problemof the forced vibrationof a mass,spring,andresistance in parallel,asshownin Fig. 13,wishingto findthevelocityacross themass.Thenewanalogue is a 1• F L c New analogue Mechanical system FIG. 13. constantcurrentgeneratorparalleledby a resistance, inductanceand capacity,and our analogous problemis to find the e.m.f. acrossthe condenser C. 1 E =IZ =I I = + ß + i(ooC- Now putting in the mechanicalvaluesof the analogous electricalquantities we have 1/• q- i(o.,m- 1/•c) which is recognizedas being the correct result when we remember that i is the reciprocalof the mechanicalresistanceas usually defined. THE NEW ANXLOGUE OF ELECT•O•ECHANICXL DEWCES In treating electromechanical devices,suchas microphonesand loudspeakers,by convertingtheir mechanicalparts to analogouselectrical structureswhichare to be suitablycoupledto the electricalsystem,it must be rememberedthat in the analogiesset forth above, the c.g.s. unitswereusedon the mechanicalsidewhilepracticalunitswereused on the electricalside. This resultsin power in ergsper secondbeing analogousto power in watts, thus differingby a factor of 10•. As long as we deal in analogiesonly, thereis no harm in having the powersin the analogous electricalcircuitbe 10• timesthe powersin the mechanical system;but when an electricalcircuit is coupledto an analogue circuit, the energyleavingthe electricalcircuit must equalthe energy Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 1933] F.A. Fm•.s•o•. 265 entering the analogue circuit. One way to resolve this difficulty is to useasour unit of force(10')•/• dynes,analogous to oneampere;and as our unit of velocity (10')•/• kines, analogousto one volt. The use of theselarge units will not changethe magnitudesof our mechanicalimpedances,which involve the ratio of force and velocity, but will cause the power,whichis the productof forceand velocity,to be expressed in watts. Considerfor example a generator connectedto a telephonereceiver whose diaphragm may be idealized as a mass connected through a spring to the receivercasewhich, for simplicity, is consideredas stationary. There is a two-way interaction between the electrical circuit and this mechanicalsystem:a current through the magnet producesa forceon the diaphragm,whoseamount in dynesper ampereis assumed known; also any motion of the diaphragm generatesan e.rn.f. in the magnet circuit, whoseamount in volts per kine need not be known. This couplingbetween the electrical circuit and the analoguecircuit can be representedby an ideal transformerwhoseprimary is in series with the electricalcircuit and whosesecondaryis in parallel with the condenserand inductancewhich representthe effectivemassand complianceof the diaphragm.The ratio of primary to secondaryturns is the forcefactor of the magnetsystemas expressed in large dynes((107)•/•' dynes)per ampere.The resultingcircuit may be solvedin the usual manner to find the voltage acrossthe condenser;this will be the velocity of the diaphragmexpressed in largekines ((10') •/• kines). If the electromechanical couplingis electrostaticinstead of electromagnetic,then voltage in the electricalcircuit resultsin a force on the mechanicalsystem,that is, it resultsin a currentin the analoguecircuit. Also the velocityof the mechanicalsystemgeneratesa currentin the electrical circuit. This calls for an inverse transformer to couple the electricalcircuit and the analoguecircuit of sucha nature that the current throughthe secondaryis a constanttimes the voltage acrossthe primarywhilethe currentthroughthe primaryis a constanttimesthe voltageacrossthe secondary.This is not a familiar devicebut it can be replaced by an ideal transformer if either the circuit connectedto its primaryor to its secondary be replacedby an inversenetworkwith respectto oneohm.* Changinga newanalogueto its inversenetworkwith respectto one ohm is equivalentto a changeto the old analogue.In this problemof electrostatic coupling,the old analogyis advantageous ?SeeShea,Transmission Networks and WaveFilters,p. 311, or Johnson, Transmission Circuits for Telephonic Communication, p. 230. Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 266 JOURNAL Or TIlE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY [January, to the extent that it permits an ideal transformerto be usedin coupling the electricalcircuit to the analoguecircuit. TI•E ACOVS•ICA•.-E•.EC•ICA•. ANALOGY Acoustical transmissionsystemsare not analogousto mechanical systemsin quite such a simple manner as one might at first thought suppose.In such an acousticaltransmissionsystemas an acoustical filter, eachmain conductingtube has as its electricalanalogue,an electrical line (two wire) havingtwo input and two output terminals.s If a tube is used as a side branch with either a dosed or an open end, it is as if the input terminalsof the equivalent line were connectedto the main conductingline while the output terminalswere open circuited or short circuited. The two variablesusually'usedin the discussion of an acoustical transmissionsystemare the soundpressurep at a surfaceand the volume velocity V through the surface.The acousticimpedance,Za, on a givensurface,is definedas the complexquotientof p and V. Thus from the similarityof the followingequationsthe conventionalacoustical-electricalanalogymay be derived. v=•/z• t=•/z. However, by definingthe acousticalbar impedanceas V divided by p we could also write V=p•a E=IZ therebyobtaininga new analogy. Between the two mechanical-electricalanalogiespreviously mentioned, it was possibleto make a choiceas to the one which was most complete.This was possiblebecauseit is easy to tell when mechanical elementsare in seriesand when in parallel; also a strict analogueto the Kirchhoff relationswas found with the one analogyonly. But if a number of acousticaltransmissiontubes terminate or originate in a commonjunction point, there is no a priori criterion as to whether they are connectedin seriesor in parallel within the junction. The case is similar to a number of electric lines entering a commonjunction box; they may be connectedeither in seriesor in parallelwithin the box. If onefirst assumes the conventionalanalogy,then he will say that the tubesare in parallel within the junction becausethey are subjectto a commonsoundpressure;but if he assumesthe new analogy, he will s W. P. Mason, B.S.T.J. 6, 258 (1927). Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15 1933] F.A. FIRESTONE 267 say that they are in series,for the samereason.There is somejustification for a preferenceof the conventionalacoustical-electricalanalogy in that the sum of the volume displacementsto any junction is zero analogousto Kirchhoff'ssecondlaw for the e.m.f.'s arounda mesh.On the other hand, the new analogyseemsmore rational in that with it, a tube having an openend is representedby an opencircuitedline, while a tube with a closedend is representedby a short circuitedline; in the old analogy theserelationsare reversed. Thus for acousticalsystems,the two analogiesseemabout equally good. CONCLUSION The conventionalmechanical-electrical analogyis incompletein the followingrespects' I. There is'a lack of analogyin the useof the words"through"and "across" which indicates a fundamental difference in the nature of the analogousquantities, for instance,force through and e.m.f. across. II. Mechanical elementsin seriesmust be representedby electrical elementsin parallelr•nd viceversa. III. Mechanical impedancesin seriesmust be combinedas the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocalswhile electrical impedances in series are additive. IV. There is an incompletenessin the mechanical analoguesof Kirchhoff's laws. The new analogyis free from the above difficulties,which makesit much easierto apply and understand.By consideringeach mass as having one terminal fixed to the frame of reference,every mechanical systemis reducedto a multiplicity of closedmechanicalcircuitsthereby preparingthe way for the applicationof the electricalanalogy.In the new analogy, the equivalentelectricalcircuit can be drawn with ease. Even thosewho have never usedany analogy and never intend to do so,will be adverselyaffectedby the fact that the old analogyhasbeen usedin making the definitionof mechanicalimpedance.This unfortunate choiceof definitionwill retard the developmentof vibration theory and make it all the more necessaryto reply on electricalcircuit theory by analogy. The author nominates for oblivion the conventional left-handed me- chanical-electricalanalogy. I wish to thank Mr. L. D. Montgomeryand Mr. Earl Burnsfor their valuable suggestions. September12, 1932 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:56:15