Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 6 (1964), 37?46 Reciprocals of Inverse Factorial Series By W. A. HARRIS, Jr.* and H. L. TURRITTIN (University of Minnesota) 1. Introduction relating to the manipulation of convergent power series, asymptotic series and convergent factorial series run quite parallel up to a certain stage and then gaps appear in the theory relating to factorial series. For instance let the function defined by a power The $¥mathrm{d}¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{t}¥mathrm{a}¥dot{¥mathrm{i}}¥mathrm{l}¥mathrm{s}$ $¥dot{¥mathrm{i}}¥mathrm{n}¥mathrm{v}¥mathrm{e}¥mathrm{r}¥mathrm{s}¥mathrm{e}$ $G¥mathrm{b}.¥mathrm{e}$ series (1) $G(t)=¥sum_{v=0}^{¥infty}g_{v}t^{v}$ absolutely convergent in a disk $|t|¥leq r$ , $r>1$ . Let the function represented either by a convergent or asymptotic series of the form (2) $F(z)=¥sum_{v=1}^{¥infty}¥beta_{v}z^{-v}$ $F$ be , then it is known that $H(z)=G(F(z))-g_{0}$ can also be represented by a convergent or asymptotic series of type (2). However, if (3) $F$ is defined by the factorial series $F(z)=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥overline{z(z+1}^{¥frac{!}{)}}s.a_{s}.¥cdot(z¥overline{+s)}$ convergent in a half-plane $ Re(z)>¥lambda$ , it appears not to have been shown that $H(z)$ has a factorial series representation of type (3) convergent in some right half-plane. In this paper we shall fill some of these gaps and show in particular that $H(z)$ does possess a convergent factorial series representation. To obtain our results the concept of termwise dominance of a factorial series is introduced. This concept, so useful in the treatment of power series, does not appear to have been applied (to the best of our knowledge) to factorial series. This termwise dominance is also used to prove an implicit function theorem for factorial series. Background information may be found in the treatises by MilneThompson [4] and Norlund [6]. $*$ Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant $¥mathrm{G}$ -18918. 38 W. A. HARRIS, Jr. & H. L. TURRITTIN The results of this paper are of interest in their own right and should be particularly useful in the theory of difference equations, see Harris [3] and [4], where factorial series play a role analogous to power series in the theory of differential equations. 2. Termwise dominance Nielsen [5] has proved the following Theorem 1. If two functions $F$ and are represented by factorial series and abscissa of convergence and coefficients of type (3), with coefficients and abscissa convergence respectively; then the product $F(z)F_{2}(z)$ has factorial series representation of type (3) convergent in the half-plane $Re(z)>$ with coefficien , where $F_{2}$ $¥lambda$ $a_{s}$ $b_{s}$ $a$ $¥lambda_{2}$ $¥max¥{0, ¥lambda,¥lambda_{2}¥}$ $ts$ $c_{s}$ $c_{n+1}=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}(n-1)!b_{n-s}c_{n-s,s}/(n+1)1$ and $C_{r,s}=¥sum_{p=0}^{s}$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}¥mathrm{r}-p¥¥p¥end{array}¥right)$ $a_{s-p}$ and $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}¥mathrm{r}¥¥p¥end{array}¥right)=¥Gamma(¥mathrm{r}+1)/¥Gamma(p+1)¥Gamma(r-p+1)$ . Note that, if the coefficients and were all positive, the coefficients of the product would also be positive. Theorem 1 implies that $F(z)$ and all its powers , can be represented as factorial series $a_{s}$ $b_{s}$ $c_{s}$ $F^{2}(t),F^{¥theta}(t)$ (4) $ F^{¥mathrm{V}}(z)=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}b_{vs}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots$ ; $¥nu=1,2$ , $¥cdots$ $¥cdots$ ; convergent in a common half-plane $Re(z)>maz¥{0, ¥lambda¥}$ . Furthermore, if the coefficients are positive, then all the are positive. Let us formally replace in (1) by series (4) and rearrange the order of the terms to obtain a new formal series $a_{s}=b_{1S}$ $b_{vs}$ $t^{v}$ (5) $ G(F(z))=g_{0}+¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}ds}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots$ where . (6) $d_{s}=¥sum_{v=1}^{¥infty}g_{¥gamma}b_{vs}^{*}$ We would like to prove that series (5) converges by the technique of dominant series. Consider series (3) where is the abscissa of convergence. Let a $=$ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ and select an and set $w=$ a . By hypothesis series (3) converges when $=w$ and so the individual terms in the series must $¥lambda$ $ max {0, $¥epsilon>0$ lambda }$ $+¥epsilon$ $z$ * This is really a finite sum since $b_{vs}=0$ for $¥nu>s+¥mathrm{t}$ . Reciprocals approach zero as . equal to be value absolute $ s¥rightarrow¥infty$ 39 of Inverse Factorial Series This means there is a largest term; let its $M/w$ . Then for all $s$ $|a_{s}|¥leq M¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+s¥¥s¥end{array}¥right)$ . The series $L(z)$ which is to dominate the series for takes the form termwise now $F(z)$ $ L(z)=^{M}¥overline{z-}w-1--=¥frac{M}{z}+¥frac{M(w+1)}{z(z+1)}+¥frac{M(w+1)(w+2)}{z(z+1)(z+2)}+¥cdots$ $=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!d_{s}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots$ ’ where $d_{s}=M¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+s¥¥s¥end{array}¥right)$ , and this series converges absolutely if $Re(z)>w+1$ . important features; the .coefficient dominance There are two $d_{Jl}¥geq|a_{n}|$ and the analiticity of $w+1$ ) in the neighborhood of infinity; . $¥mathrm{i}$ $L_{¥backslash }^{(}z$ . $¥mathrm{e}.$ , for , $|z|¥backslash $ It follows at once that all the series $ L^{¥gamma}(z)=¥frac{M^{v}}{(z-w-1)^{¥gamma}}=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}d_{¥mathrm{V}S}}{z(z+1^{¥backslash /}¥backslash z+s)},¥cdots$ have positive coefficients $d_{vs}>|b_{vs}|$ and converge absolutely if $Re(z)>w+1$ . so that $¥sigma>w+1+M/r$ ; then Let $ Re(z)=¥sigma$ and restrict $¥sigma$ $L^{¥gamma}(¥sigma)=(¥frac{M}{¥sigma-w-1})^{v}=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!d_{¥mathrm{v}s}}{¥sigma(¥sigma+1)(¥sigma+s)}¥cdots<¥mathrm{r}^{¥gamma}$ Since by hypothesis $¥sum_{v=0}^{¥infty}g_{v}r^{v}$ . converges, the double series of positive terms $¥sum_{¥mathrm{v}=0}^{¥infty}¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!|g_{v}|d_{v}}{¥sigma(¥sigma+1)(}¥cdots¥sigma s¥overline{+s)}$ converges and dominates term by term the double series $¥gamma¥sum_{=0}^{¥infty}¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!g_{v}b_{¥gamma}}{z(z+1)(}¥cdots s¥overline{z+s)}$ . Any desired rearrangement of terms in this latter series is therefore admissible and convergence is preserved. Hence series (5) converges if $Re(z)>w+1+M/r$ . This proves Theorem 2. If $G(t)$ is analytic in a neighborhood of the origin and $F(z)$ can be represented by an inverse factorial series convergent in a right halfplane, then $¥{G(F(z))-G(0)¥}$ also has a factorial series representation in some right half-plane. 40 W. A. HARRIS, Jr. & H. L. TURRITTIN We have as a If Corollary. $H(z)-H(¥infty)$ , then is analytic in the neighborhood of can be represented by an inverse factorial series convergent in some $ z=¥infty$ $H(z)=¥sum_{¥mathrm{v}=0}^{¥infty}gz^{-¥mathrm{V}}$ right half-plane. Proof. Take 3. $G(t)=H(1/t)$ and . $F(z,¥$=¥frac{1}{z}$ The inverse of transformation $(z, z+m)$ Again consider the function ) and its factorial series representation with an abscissa of convergence and let $m$ be a given positive integer. (4) It is known, see [1] or [2], that a certain transformation $(z, z+m)$ will yield a new representation of function $F(z)$ , namely $F^{/}¥backslash z$ $¥lambda$ (7) $ F(z)=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}f_{ms}}{(z+m)(z+m+1)(z+m+s)}¥cdots$ ’ where the constants (8) $f_{ms}=¥sum_{v=0}^{s}$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}m+¥nu-1¥¥¥nu¥end{array}¥right)$ $a_{s-v}$ . It is also known that the abscissa of convergence of the new series (7) does not exceed if . However, if , the situation is more obscure. Milne-Thompson ([1], p. 293), states that in general” (meaning sometimes), . No upper bound appears to have been given for when . Indeed in this case, as we shall show, is never larger than zero and can even be minus infinity. , assume temporarily that $m=1$ . Then in To obtain this bound on $f_{1S}=a_{0}+a_{1}+ ¥ cdots+a_{s}$ this special case . Let $¥lambda_{m}$ $¥lambda$ $¥lambda<0$ $¥lambda¥geq 0$ “ $¥lambda_{m}¥geq 0$ $¥lambda<0$ $¥lambda_{m}$ $¥lambda_{m}$ $¥lambda_{m}$ $¥lambda_{m}$ a $=¥lim_{n¥rightarrow¥infty}¥sup¥log|¥sum_{s=0}^{n}a_{s_{1}}|/¥log n$ . It is known and a $=0$ if a if . Set $w=$ a , where is any chosen positive number. Corresponding to there exists a positive $M$ that we have the weak number such dominance $¥lambda=$ $¥lambda<0$ $¥lambda¥geq 0$ $+¥epsilon$ $¥epsilon$ $¥epsilon$ $|f_{1n}|=|¥sum_{s=0}^{n}a_{s}|<M$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+n¥¥n¥end{array}¥right)$ for all $n$ . Hence $|¥sum_{s=0}^{n}f_{1S}|<M¥sum_{s=0}^{n}$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+s¥¥s¥end{array}¥right)=M¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+n+1¥¥n¥end{array}¥right)¥sim¥frac{Mn^{w+1}}{¥Gamma(w+2)}$ asymptotically as , one . Using the $¥lim¥sup$ formula applied to $m=1$ convergence finds that the abscissa of for series (7) when can not , , and exceed $w$ . But in the case under consideration . Since 8 is arbitrary, does not exceed zero. This argument can be repeated when $m=2$ , $m=3$ , etc., and so we have proved $ n¥rightarrow¥infty$ $f_{1s}$ $¥lambda_{1}$ $¥lambda<0$ $¥lambda_{1}$ $¥alpha=0$ $w=¥mathcal{E}$ Reciprocals of Inverse Factorial Series 41 Theorem 3. If $m$ is a positive integer and the abscissa of convergence for series (3) is negative, the abscissa of convergence for series (7) does not . exceed zero; . , For example, if $¥lambda$ $¥lambda_{m}¥leq 0$ $¥mathrm{i}$ $¥mathrm{e}.$ $F(z)=¥underline{1}-¥underline{1}$ $z$ and then and $m=1$ , $¥lambda=-¥infty$ $¥lambda=¥lambda_{1}=-¥infty$ $¥lambda_{1}=0$ . $z(z+1)$ Norlund, [2, p. 196], gives an example where . For present purposes we need to consider the inverse of transformation $(z, z+m)$ ; . , suppose series (7) is given and the abscissa of convergence is any finite number or . Then formally compute the unique associated series (3). Does this associated series (3) have a half-plane of convergence ? To answer this question begin again by taking $m=1$ . Let a $ 1=¥max$ and select and set . Series (7) converges when $z=w_{1}$ . be the largest of the quantities Let $¥mathrm{i}$ $¥mathrm{e}.$ $-¥infty$ $¥lambda_{m}$ $¥epsilon>0$ $¥{0,¥lambda_{1}+1¥}$ $ w_{1}=¥alpha_{1}+¥epsilon$ $M_{1}/w_{1}$ $s!|f_{1s}|/w_{1}(w_{1}+1)¥cdots(w_{1}+s)$ so that for all , $s$ $|f_{1s}|¥leq M_{1}$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w_{1}+s¥¥s¥end{array}¥right)$ . Thus $|¥sum_{s=0}^{n}a_{s}|=|f_{1n}|¥leq M_{1}$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w_{1}+n¥¥n¥end{array}¥right)¥sim M_{1}n^{w_{1}}/¥Gamma(w_{1}+1)¥vee$ It follows that the formal series (3) converges if . Therefore series (3) converges if $Re(z)>¥max¥{0, ¥lambda_{1}+1¥}$ . Repeating this analysis $m$ times one obtains $Re(z)>w_{1}=¥mathrm{a}_{1}+¥mathcal{E}$ , for every $¥epsilon>0$ Theorem 4. If series (7), when $m$ is a positive integer, is used to define the analytic function $F(z)$ and series (7) has an abscissa of convergence , then $F(z)$ can also be represented by a unique series (3) which is convergent in at least the half-plane $¥lambda_{m}$ $Re(z)>¥max¥{m-1, ¥lambda_{m}+m¥}$ . 4. Reciprocals of factorial series Let a convergent factorial seris of type (3) be given; but suppose that some of the lead coefficients vanish so that for the case on hand (9) $F(z)=¥sum_{s=m}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}a_{s}}{z(z+1)¥cdot¥cdot,(z+s)}$ ; $a_{n},¥neq 0$ ; $ Re(z)>¥lambda$ . W. A. HARRIS, Jr. & H. L. TURRITTIN 42 Write $1/F(z)=z^{m+2}P(z)/Q(z)$ where , $P(z)=¥frac{1}{z}(1+¥frac{1}{z})(1+¥frac{2}{z})¥cdots(1+¥frac{m}{z})$ and $ Q(z)=m!a_{m}+¥sum_{s=m+1}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!a_{s}}{(z+m+1)(z+m+2)(z+s)}¥cdots$ . The product $P(z)$ is analytic at infinity and consequently has a convergent factorial series representation. The convergent series in $Q(z)$ can be replaced by a convergent factorial series of type (3) by virtue of Theorem 4. Once this has been done an application of Theorem 2 with $G(t)=1/(m!a_{m}+t)$ shows that, if we define the function $S(z)$ by the equation $S(z)=(1/Q(z))-1/m!a_{m}$ , $S(z)$ also can be represented by a convergent factorial series. then Finally noting by Theorem 1 that a product of two convergent factorial series is a convergent factorial ries and recalling the fact that a constant times a convergent factorial series is again a convergent series and that the sum of two such series is also a convergent factorial series, we have demonstrated Theorem 5. If $F(s)$ is a convergent inverse factorial series of type (9) then $¥mathrm{s}¥dot{¥mathrm{e}}$ $J(z)=1/z^{m+2}F(z)$ is representable as a convergent inverse factorial series in some right half-plane. 5. An implicit function theorem Consider a function of the form (10) where $F(z, u)=G_{0}(z)+¥sum_{v=1}^{¥infty}$ $a_{v}$ are constants; $¥alpha_{1}¥neq 0$ (a $v+G_{¥gamma}(z)$ ) $u^{¥mathrm{v}}$ , ; and the series $¥sum_{v=1}^{¥infty}¥alpha_{v}u^{v}$ converges for $|u|¥leq r$ , $r>0$ . Also suppose the series $ G_{¥mathrm{v}}(z)=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!g_{¥mathrm{V}S}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots$ ’ $¥nu=1,2$ , $¥cdots$ , , } and select an all converge in the half-plane $ Re(z)>¥lambda$ . Let . Set $w=$ a . Then, as has been indicated, there exists a sequence , , such that of positive constants $¥alpha=¥max¥langle 0$ $¥epsilon>0$ $+¥epsilon$ $M_{0}$ $M_{1}$ $¥cdots$ $|g_{vs}|<M_{v}$ $¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+s¥¥s¥end{array}¥right)$ $¥lambda$ Reciprocals and the respective series (11) $G_{¥gamma}(z)$ 43 of Inverse Factorial Series are dominated termwise by the series $L_{¥nu}(z)=¥frac{M_{v}}{z-w-1}=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}d_{v}}{z(z+1)}¥ldots s¥overline{(z+s)}$ and these series are absolutely convergent when $Re(z)>w+1$ . each . We also presume that the series Moreover $d_{¥mathcal{V}S}¥geq|g_{¥mathcal{V}¥mathrm{S}}|$ $ M_{0}+M_{1}u+¥cdots+M_{v}u^{v}+¥cdots$ is small enough, say Let $Re(z)=¥sigma>w+1$ ; then converges if $|u|¥leq r$ $u$ . $|G_{v}(z)|¥leq¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}|g_{vs}|}{|z||z+1||z+s|}¥cdots¥leq¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!d_{¥mathrm{v}s}}{¥sigma(¥sigma+1)(¥sigma+s)}¥cdots=¥frac{M_{¥nu}}{¥sigma-w-1}$ and $|F(z,u)|¥leq|G_{0}(z)|+¥sum_{¥mathrm{v}=1}^{¥infty}$ $( | ¥mathrm{a}_{¥gamma}|+|G_{¥nu}(z)|)$ $|u|^{¥gamma}$ $¥leq¥frac{1}{¥sigma-w-1}¥sum_{¥mathrm{v}=0}^{¥infty}M_{v}|u|^{¥gamma}+¥sum_{v=1}^{¥infty}|¥mathrm{a}_{¥gamma}||u|^{v}$ . and $Re(z)>w+1$ , series (10) converges and defines a Hence, if function $F(z, u)$ . We seek a solution $u=S(z)$ of the equation $F(z, u)=0$ of the form $|u|¥leq ¥mathrm{r}$ (12) , $u=S(z)=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!h_{1}}{z(z+1)}¥ldots s(¥overline{z+s)}$ which is convergent in some right half-plane. At first let us proceed formally setting $ S^{v}(z)=¥sum_{s=v-1}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!h_{vs}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots$ $=¥sum_{s=v-1}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!h_{m¥mathrm{v}s}}{(z+m)(z+m+1)(z+¥mathrm{n}¥iota+s)}¥cdots$ ’ and axe computed as though the series for were known where to be convergent in a right half-plane. Set and $h_{mv0}=h_{mv1}=¥cdots=h_{m,¥mathrm{v}.v2}¥_=0$ (13) and $m=1,2$ , . It follows at once from the formulas in for $¥nu=2,3$ , , , that if Theorem 1, from (13), and an easy induction on are all non-negative, then all the coefficients ; $n=1,2$ , for $¥nu=1,2$ , , , (14) $S$ $h_{mvs}$ $h_{vs}$ $h_{¥gamma 0}=h_{¥gamma 1}=¥cdots=h_{¥mathcal{V},¥mathrm{V}-2}=0$ $¥cdots$ $¥cdots$ $¥nu$ $h_{¥gamma,¥gamma_{¥_}1},h_{vv}$ $¥cdots$ $h_{¥gamma,n+v-2}¥geq 0$ $¥cdots$ $h_{10},h_{11}$ $¥cdots$ $ h_{1,,¥iota 1}¥_$ $¥cdots$ and, by virtue of (8) (15) $h_{m,v,v-1}$ , $h_{m¥mathrm{v}v}$ , $¥cdots$ , $h_{m,v,n+¥mathcal{V}-2}¥geq 0$ ; $¥nu=1,2$ , and $n=1,2$ , In order to compute formally the equation $F(z,u)=0$ , for $m=1,2$ , $¥cdots$ $¥cdots$ $¥cdots$ $h_{1S}$ . substitute series (12) into the W. A. HARRIS, Jr. & H. L. IURRIT IN 44 (16) $¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!g_{0s}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots+¥sum_{¥mathrm{v}=0}^{¥infty}¥alpha_{v}¥sum_{s=v_{-}1}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!h_{vs}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots$ $+¥sum_{n=1}^{¥infty}¥sum_{s=1}^{¥infty}¥frac{s!g_{ns}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots¥sum_{v=n-1}^{¥infty}¥frac{¥nu!h_{s+1,n,¥mathrm{v}}}{(z+s+1)(z+s+2)(z+s+1+¥nu)}¥cdots$ $=0$ . Setting the sum of the coefficients of one finds $1/z(z+1)¥cdots(z+s)$ $¥alpha_{1}h_{10}+g_{00}=0$ $¥mathrm{a}_{1}h_{11}+g_{01}+g_{10}h_{10}+¥mathrm{a}_{2}h_{21}=0$ , equal to zero, , where $h_{21}=h_{10}^{2}$ ; and in general (17) s† $¥alpha_{1}h_{1S}+s!g_{0s}+¥sum_{¥mathrm{v}=2}^{s+1}s!¥alpha_{v}h_{vs}$ $+¥gamma¥sum_{=1}^{s}¥sum_{¥eta=0}^{s-¥nu}¥eta!g_{¥gamma¥eta}(s-1-¥eta)!h_{¥eta+1,¥mathrm{V},S-1-¥eta}=0$ . , and that for $¥nu=2,3$ , As a special case suppose that a $1>0$ ; non-negative and that is for all and ; then it is clear that $s=2,3$ , , is also the non-negative , terms. Indeed is the sum of sum of only non-negative terms, as can be verified from (17), (14) and (15) by induction on These facts suggest that we should consider the dominant equation $¥cdots$ $¥alpha¥simeq^{¥prime}0$ $g_{vs}¥leq 0$ $h_{10}$ $s$ $¥nu$ $¥cdots$ $h_{1s}$ $h_{11}$ $s_{¥sim}$ (18) and let (19) $K(z,u)=( | ¥mathrm{a}_{1}|-L_{1}(z))u-L_{0}(z)-¥sum_{v=2}^{¥infty}(| ¥mathrm{a}_{v}|+L_{v}(z))$ $u^{v}=0$ $z=1/t$ and $K(1/t,u)=N(t,u)$ to obtain a new equation $N(t,u)=¥frac{M_{0}t}{(w+1)t-1}+(|a_{1}|+¥frac{M_{1}t}{(w+1)t-1})¥mathrm{u}$ ? $¥sum_{v=2}^{¥infty}|a_{v}|u^{v}+¥sum_{v=2}^{¥infty}¥frac{M_{¥mathrm{v}}tu^{v}}{(w+1)t-1}=0$ . Note the indicated series here are absolutely convergent if $|t|<1/(w+1)$ and $|u|¥leq r$ . The standard implicit function theorem, see Bieberbach [1], guarantees the existence of a solution $u=Q(t)$ of equation (19), analytic in a neighborhood of $t=0$ , such that $Q(0)=0$ . Hence $u=Q(1/z)=T(z)$ is a solution of our dominant equation (18) analytic in the neighborhood of infinity and such that $T(¥infty)=0$ . Furthermore by a previous corollary $T(z)$ has a convergent inverse factorial series representation (20) $ T(z)=¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s^{1}e_{s}}{z(z+1)(z+s)}¥cdots$ in some right half-plane. This series for $T(z)$ could be determined by substituting the factorial series (11) and (20) into (18). When this is done Reciprocals 45 of Inverse Factorial Series , , can then be computed in turn from a system of analogous equations to (17). The dominance has been so chosen that ¥ for all . Hence the formal factorial series given in (12) does converge absolutely and represent an analytic function $S(z)$ in at least the same half-plane in which $T(z)$ converges absolutely. If $Re¥{z$) is sufficiently large, not only is the series representing $S(z)$ absolutely convergent; but also the single, double, and triple series in the left member of equation (16) are all absolutely convergent and rearrangewere ment of terms is therefore permissible. Since originally the chosen to formally make $F(z, S(z))¥equiv 0$, it is now clear that rigorously the coefficients $e_{s} geq|h_{1S}|$ $e_{1}$ $e_{¥mathrm{z}}$ $¥cdots$ $s$ $h_{s}$ $F(z, S(z))¥equiv 0$ . This yields our final , $(¥nu=0,1, ¥cdots)$ , of inverse factorial series Theorem 6. Let a sequence and a $=¥max$ be given and all convergent in a half-plane $ Re(z)>¥lambda$ . Let be $M_{v}/(z-¥alpha-¥mathcal{E}-1)$ . Let . Let the termwise dominant function of $G_{¥gamma}(z)$ $¥epsilon>0$ $G_{¥gamma}(z)$ $¥{0,¥lambda¥}$ , verges $¥mathrm{a}_{1},¥alpha_{2}$ $¥cdots$ for be a given sequence of constants, a $|u|¥leq r$ , $r>0$ and suppose that , such that also converges when converges for $|u|¥leq r$ and $1¥neq 0$ $¥sum_{v=1}^{¥infty}|¥alpha_{v}|u^{V}$ con- $|u|¥leq ¥mathrm{r}$ $¥sum_{v=0}^{¥infty}M_{¥nu}¥mathrm{u}^{¥nu}$ . ¥ ¥ $Re(z)$ Then the series $>$ a which can . The equation $F(z,u)=0$ has an analytic solution be represented by a convergent inverse factorial series in some right half-plane. $F(z,u)=G_{0}(z)+ sum_{v=1}^{ infty}$ $(¥mathrm{a}_{¥gamma}+G_{¥mathcal{Y}}(z))¥mathrm{u}^{¥nu}$ $¥mathrm{u}=S(z)$ $+¥mathcal{E}+1$ Remark. As pointed out by Y. Sibuya, $F(z,u)=0$ would also have a solution representable as a convergent factorial series if $F$ had the form $ F(z,u)=¥sum_{¥mathcal{Y}=1}^{¥infty}¥alpha_{¥gamma}u^{¥mathrm{v}}+¥sum_{s=0}^{¥infty}¥frac{s¥dagger g_{s}(u)}{z(z+1)(z¥dashv- s)}¥cdots$ where each uniformly for the form $g_{s}(u)$ is analytic for $|u|¥leq r$ , $ Re(z)>¥lambda$ . $|g_{s}(u)|<M¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+s¥¥s¥end{array}¥right)$ ’ $¥mathrm{a}_{1}¥neq 0$ , and the indicated series converged In this case there would exist bounds of $|u|¥leq r$ and $|g_{v¥mathrm{s}}|<M¥left(¥begin{array}{l}w+s¥¥s¥end{array}¥right)/¥mathrm{r}^{v}$ and Theorem 6 is applicable. References [1] L. Bieberbach, Lehrbuch der Funktionentheorie, B. G. Teubner, Leipzig und Berlin, 1 (1930), pp. 197. [2] W. A. Harris, Jr., Linear systems of difference equations, Contributions to Differential Equations, 1 (1963), p. 489-518. [3] W. A. Harris, Jr., Equivalent classes of difference equations, Contributions to Differential Equations, (to appear). W. A. HARRIS, Jr. & H. L. TURRITTIN [4] L. M. Milne-Thompson, The calculus of finite differences, Chap. 10, MacMillan and Co., London, 1951. [5] N. Nielsen, Sur la multiplication de deux series de factorielles, Rendiconti della R. Ace. dei Lincei (5), 13 (1904), p. 517-524. [6] N. E. Norlund, Legons sur les series d’interpolation, Chap. 6, Gauthiers-Villars et Cie, Paris, 1926. (Ricevita la 22-an de augusto, 1963)