Residential Permit Application (New Construction / Remodel / Addition) Permit #: Valuation: CITY OF DECATUR, TEXAS $ Permit Fee: $ 1601 S. State Street Phone 940-393-0250 Inspections Line 940-393-0259 * Fax 940-626-4629 (To be completed by City Staff) THIS APPLICATION IS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OR RENOVATION OF ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS. Incomplete application and/or submittal will delay the review process. Five (5) full sets of plans and an electronic .pdf. formatted disk is required to be submitted with application. If electronic version is not provided, a $5.00 per page archiving fee will be assessed. *Note: All property must be properly platted, zoned, and all required public improvements either installed or addressed prior to issuance of a building permit. Note that an engineer, when required by the Texas Engineering Practice Act, must seal plans. Single Family Detached Duplex New Construction Interior Remodel Townhome Exterior Remodel / Addition Job Address: Valuation of work: Subdivision: Lot: Block: Lot Size: Zoning: Flood Zone: # Bedrooms: # Bathrooms: Description of work: # Dwellings: # Stories: Overall Height of Building (ft): Exterior Building Material: Total Sq Ft of Building: Sq Ft per floor: Garage Sq Ft: Patio/Porch Sq Ft: % Masonry: st nd 1 2 % of building coverage on lot: 3rd Remodel Sq Ft: Foundation Type: Slab (rebar) Slab (cable) Pier and beam Type of Garage Entry: Front Side Rear Alley Type of Bearing Wall Construction: Wood Frame Structural Steel Concrete/Masonry Type of Framing: Conventional Truss Primary Contact Contractor Property Owner Contractor Company Name Office Phone General Contractor Cell Phone E-mail Property Owner Name Address Phone City State Zip Electrician (MUST SIGN Signature line provided if applicable) Company Name Office Phone Master Electrician Cell Phone Master Electrician Signature Date Plumber (MUST SIGN Signature line provided if applicable) Company Name Office Phone Master Plumber Cell Phone Master Plumber Signature Date Mechanical (MUST SIGN Signature line provided if applicable) Company Name Office Phone A/C & Refrig. Contractor Cell Phone A/C & Refrig. Signature Revised 04/2012 Date COMPLETE BACK SIDE OF APPLICATION Utilities: A. Water: City of Decatur** Meter Size Requested: B. Sewer: City of Decatur** Tap Size Requested: Private Well (existing only) Septic, Leach Field (existing only) Other: Septic, Aerobic System (existing only) **First time customers must pay meter, water and sewer impact fees. **First time customers must pay meter along with water and sewer impact fees. Applicant Statement: Energy Code Compliance Information: ALL PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION (NEW AND REMODEL) MUST COMPLY WITH THE 2006 IECC. Use this table for compliance using the simplified prescriptive approach. INSULATION REQUIREMENTS (Including COG amendments) Ceiling R-30 Ceiling abutting roof R-22 Walls R-13 Floor over unconditioned space R-19 Floor over outside air R-30 I hereby certify that I have the authority to make the necessary application; that all information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the most recently adopted International Building Codes and all other applicable state and local laws, ordinances, or regulations. I understand that I must notify the Building Inspections Department of any changes in the approved plans and specifications for the project in which I am applying for. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS (Including COG amendments) U-factor .65 or below Solar Heat Gain Coefficient .40 or below Applicant/Contractor Printed Name HVAC SYSTEM (Including COG amendments) 0-15% Glazing- Requires Minimum 10 SEER unit 15-20% Glazing-Requires Minimum 12 SEER unit Applicant/Contractor Signature BATHROOM Choose the method of compliance used for plan: Simplified Prescriptive Approach Component Performance Approach (attach report) Performance Testing Participation in an approved Energy Program. Name of Program:_________________________(attach copy of report) LAUNDRY KITCHEN OUTSIDE Date Residential Water Meter Size Calculator Fixture Type of Fixture # of Fixtures Value Full-Bath Group 3.6 x (toilet, sink, shower or tub) Half-Bath Group (toilet & sink) 2.6 x Toilet - Tank Type 2.2 x 2 x Bidet Urinal - Pedestal Flush Valve 3 x Urinal - Wall Flush Valve 5 x Shower stall (shower only, no tub) 1.4 x Bathtub (with or without 1.4 x overhead shower head) Lavatory (bathroom sink) 0.7 x 2.5 x Laundry Group (washer & sink) Laundry Sink 1.4 x Washing Machine (8 lb) 1.4 x Kitchen Group (dishwasher & sink) 2.5 x Kitchen Sink 1.4 x Dishwasher 1.4 x Hose Bibb (Outside faucets) 2.5 x TOTAL Maximum Developed Length in feet from meter to furthest plumbing fixture? Total = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = See table P2903.7 in the 2006 IRC. Meter Size Requested? Distribution Pipe Size Applicant Acknowledgement: I hereby certify by my signature below that: 1) I understand that I am the person responsible for inspections and all related fees and charges. 2) I agree to abide by all laws and ordinance governing this type of work whether specified herein or not 3) Where no work has been started within 180 days after the issuance of a permit or when more than 180 days lapses between approval of required inspections, such permit shall be void, and 4) I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. Applicant / Contractor Name (PRINT) Applicant / Contractor Signature Revised 05/2011 Date ___________________________________ Building Inspections Plan Submittal Checklist Project #: The following is a checklist of items that must be provided on building plans. A complete set of plans will include all the details indicated below for the specific permit you are requesting. While we have attempted to include the majority of items, it is not an allexhaustive list and does not take the place of the 2006 International Building or Residential Codes. This is simply information typically reviewed on plans submitted for a permit. Checking your set of plans against this list of commonly reviewed items will help expedite the plan review process. A complete submission will include the following: A completed building permit application a certificate of occupancy application required on all commercial permit submittals A signed copy of this checklist Nonrefundable plan review fee Five (5) complete sets of plans (building and civil), six (6) sets of plans required if proposing a food establishment, day care, school or public pool facility (plans must be in 24” x 36” landscaped format) If Civil plans were previously approved, i.e. with plat application, submit four (4) sets of approved Civil plans (one (1) 24” x 36” and three (3) 11” x 17”) An electronic “pdf” version of all submitted plans (digital copy of the plans should be submitted as a “pdf” binder) A $5.00 per page archiving fee will be charged at submission if an electronic copy of the plans is not submitted Plans must show all of the following information noted with an “X” for the type of project being permitted: NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family ALTER /ADD-ON /ACCESS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family COVERSHEET INFORMATION: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) Zoning on Property X X X X Use Information ‐ Type of Use / Occupancy ‐ Square footage per type per floor ‐ Square footage of Commercial Kitchen Design Load Information (i.e. roof, dead) Total square footage of building Maximum Occupant Load for: Each Floor Each Occupancy Type Each Tenant Space divided by a Fire Wall or Fire Barrier Allowable Height & Area (Table 503) Proposed Height & Area for each floor Fire Sprinkler and/or Alarm Information: Designed by what standard If proposed or not proposed Location of Fire Alarms Type of Construction (I, II, III, IV or V / A or B) Number of Stories (Existing & Proposed) Valid Street Address – obtain and/or Confirm from 911 Addressing Coordinator Legal Description (Lot, Block, Subdivision) Primary person the city can contact regarding questions about the project and their phone and email address Architect’s Name, Email, Address and Phone Engineer’s Name, Email, Address and Phone Owner’s Name, Email, Address and Phone Each Contractor’s Name, Address and Phone X X X X X X (Label new area only) (Label new area only) X X (If structural work proposed) (If structural work proposed) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (If applicable) X (Label new area only) Revised: 11/2012 Page 1 of 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family ALTER /ADD-ON /ACCESS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family COVERSHEET INFORMATION: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) List any special Inspections that will be performed by a 3rd party company (i.e. elevator, tilt wall, steel elements, welding, etc.) Description of Work to be performed Explain what is proposed Plan Number Identify # of bathrooms proposed Identify # of bedrooms proposed Certificate of Occupancy Information: Business Name Tax ID Number Water Meter Size and Quantity Requested for: Domestic Line(s) Irrigation Line(s) Fire Line(s) Fire Hydrant(s) Clearly Identify new versus existing meters X (If applicable) X X X X X (If applicable) (If applicable) X X X X X X X X SITE PLAN INFORMATION: (Provide 5 copies) ** Site/Lot/Plot plan must be drawn on the recorded plat** Recorded Plat reflecting Easements: Location Size Purpose (i.e. drainage, utility, etc.) Valid Street Address X X X X (If applicable) (If applicable) (If applicable) (If applicable) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Front, side and rear yard setbacks X X Street names fronting property If fencing is proposed, clearly identify the location the fence will be erected along with the location of any existing fencing. Drainage/Grading Plan Utility Plan showing location of the following: Existing and proposed utility lines Existing and proposed utility poles Pad mounted transformers Curb Inlets Water meter locations HVAC Location Dumpster Location, Pad Size & Screening X X X Legal Description (Lot, Block, Subdivision) Floodplain / Flood Zone Information If existing, include the minimum Finished Floor Elevation proposed Lot Size (in square feet) Lot Coverage: Maximum Allowable Maximum Amount Proposed Identify property lines and their dimensions (in feet) Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Building and driveway locations (identify existing and proposed) X X (If addition only) (If addition only) X X X X X X X (If addition only) (If addition only) X X X X X X X X X X X X X (If changes planned for the exterior) (If changes planned for the exterior) Revised: 11/2012 Page 2 of 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family ALTER /ADD-ON /ACCESS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family SITE PLAN INFORMATION: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) Parking / Driveway or Drive Aisles Show driveway Show parking spaces Show Fire Lanes and Drive Lanes Identify the Number Required Identify the Number Provided Location/Size of Handicapped Spaces Identify existing trees on protected tree list (See Design Standards, Section 108.) Identify proposed trees (species) with size caliper of each tree. North arrow and scale X X X X (If changes planned for the exterior) X X (If changes planned for the exterior) X X X X (If addition only) X BUILDING FLOOR PLAN: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) X X Plans must be stamped and signed by an Architect To be determined by X (If structural changes (If structural changes licensed in Texas Building Official proposed) Rooms - Dimensions Overall room square footage Identify room use (kitchen, etc) Floor layout with proposed equipment (Commercial only) X X X X X X X X X X Location of means of egress systems & their components (corridors, stairs, doors, etc.) Number and width of exits required & number and width of exits provided X X X X Exterior and Interior Lighting and Outlet Locations X X Exterior and Interior Plumbing Fixture Locations (water heater, meter, faucets, etc) X X Windows Location and square footage Distance from floor to sill plate Doors Location and width Restrooms Identify ADA requirements are met Identify if provided with windows or artificial ventilation Occupancies Separation Areas Type of occupancy in room and in adjoining suites Occupancy load per room Wall and Ceiling Material Detail (Flame Retardant Information – Section 803 IBC) X Floor Detail X Complete door & window schedules with hardware schedule Wall Schedule that identifies walls to be demolished, new/existing, bearing/non-bearing, and different height walls X X X X Identify fire barriers and fire walls X X X (For new area only) proposed) X (Entire area with new area clearly identified) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X (New area only) X (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X (New area only) X (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) Revised: 11/2012 Page 3 of 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Residential Commercial or MultiFamily ALTER /ADD-ON /ACCESS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family BUILDING ELEVATIONS: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) Exterior grade levels and height from finished floor level to peak of roof X X Elevation of all sides clearly labeled X X Location and height of chimneys and rooftop mounted equipment X X Exterior material and percentage of masonry (This shows the elevations that are identified on the coversheet) X X X (For new area only) X (For new area only) X (For new area only) X (For new area only) X (Entire area with new area clearly identified) X (Entire area with new area clearly identified) X (Entire area with new area clearly identified) X (Entire area with new area clearly identified) STRUCTURAL PLANS & DETAILS: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) X Plans must be stamped and signed by an Engineer X X X (If altering exterior of licensed in Texas (New area only) main structure) Details of provisions for lateral bracing X X Type, thickness & rating of floor, roof & structural wall sheathing X X Details of stairs, handrails & guardrails X X Locations & dimensions of exterior decks, stairs & canopies X X Dimensioned floor framing plans & details X X Dimensioned roof framing plans & details X X Details & certifications for manufactured trusses & joists X X Details of bearing wall construction X X X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) X X (For new area only) (New area only) MECHANICAL PLAN: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) Plans must be stamped and signed by a Mechanical Engineer licensed in Texas Location and size of combustion air ducts and/or openings Details and equipment information on product conveying ventilation systems X X X X Location of ventilation systems X X Location and rating of fire dampers in ductwork and other openings Location, size and material of air-distribution ducts and exhaust air ducts Details and equipment information on commercial kitchen exhaust hood systems X X (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X X X (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) PLUMBING / MED GAS PLAN: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) Plans must be stamped and signed by a Civil X X Engineer licensed in Texas Location and size of all plumbing fixtures and drains X X Drain, waste, and vent sizing isometrics X X (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) Revised: 11/2012 Page 4 of 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family ALTER /ADD-ON /ACCESS Residential Commercial or Multi-Family PLUMBING / MED GAS PLAN: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) X X Water pipe and meter sizing calculations X X (New area only) Location and type of backflow devices (as required) Location and input rating of all fuel-fired appliances X X X X Specify size and material of all piping X X Identify location of proposed and existing water meter(s) with sizes noted X X Layout and material of hydronic piping systems X X Boiler, furnace, and fan room layouts X X Location and elevation information of all water heaters Location and details on grease traps, sand/oil interceptors, ejectors, etc. X X X X Layout of roof drainage X X (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) ELECTRICAL PLAN: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) Plans must be stamped and signed by an Electrical Engineer licensed in Texas Power floor plan showing receptacles, switches, outlets, etc. (identify if new, existing, relocated) Lighting floor plan including fixture types and wattage X Show panel location X X Exit lighting location X X Label all rooms and areas on floor plans X X X X X (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) X X (New area only) (New area only) FIRE-RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION PLANS & DETAILS: (Provide 5 copies; 6 copies required if establishment is health code related) X Details of fire-resistive wall, floor/ceiling & roof/ceiling assemblies (If applicable) Details of fire-resistive protection assemblies for structural frame members Details of fire-resistive exit corridor & stairway enclosure construction X (If applicable) X (If applicable) X Details of fire-resistive shaft enclosure construction (If applicable) Specify materials & reference applicable listing designation for assemblies (If applicable) Details of penetration and through penetration firestop assemblies (If applicable) X X X X (New area only – if applicable) X (New area only – if applicable) X (New area only – if applicable) X (New area only – if applicable) X (New area only – if applicable) X (New area only – if applicable) X X X X X X (New area only) X (New area only) X (New area only) X (New area only) X (New area only) X (New area only) Revised: 11/2012 Page 5 of 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Residential ALTER /ADD-ON /ACCESS Commercial or Multi-Family Residential Commercial or Multi-Family ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: (Continued -Provide 2 copies unless noted otherwise) X X X X (If demolishing an existing structure) (If demolishing an existing structure) (If demolishing an existing structure) (If demolishing an existing structure) Energy Compliance Reports (and worksheets) Accessibility (TAS) Review Number (If project costs $50,000 or more) X X X X X X Geotechnical Report (Soils Report) X X (If additional foundation work proposed) Water Meter Calculation Sheet X X X X (If additional plumbing proposed) (If additional plumbing proposed) Stamped Engineered foundation plan with letter X X (If addition to main structure or greater than 400 sq. ft.) Asbestos Survey Report X X (Depends on level of renovation) X Grease Trap (Manufacturer’s Information) with plan showing location proposed. Erosion Control Plan Landscape Plan showing: Existing trees and sizes All proposed landscaping Proposed and existing irrigation X X (If addition to primary structure) X X (if food establishment) (if food establishment) X X X (if additional landscaping is required) Definitions: Addition means any construction that increases the size of a structure in lot coverage, height, length, width, or gross floor area. Alteration means any changes to the interior of a building or structure involving: a) Structural members such as load and non-load bearing walls, columns, beams, joists, rafters, or girders; or b) Relocation, replacement or repair of mechanical, electrical or plumbing fixtures. Alteration does not mean a change in any portion of the building exterior. I have reviewed the checklist and have provided the required information for completeness and accuracy of my submittal. Signature Date Printed Name Contractor’s Business Name (if applicable) Revised: 11/2012 Page 6 of 6 Residential Construction Information Packet CITY OF DECATUR, TEXAS General Information and Guidelines 05/2012 i TABLE OF CONTENTS General Inspection Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Inclement Weather Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Residential Inspections Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Inspection Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Temporary Power Pole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Plumbing Rough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Exterior Sheathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Metal Duct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gypsum Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Approach / Sidewalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Utility Final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Building Final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Contacts and Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Residential Energy Code Compliance Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 No Lead Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ii iii The City of Decatur is currently under the following Codes: • 2006 International Building Code • 2006 International Plumbing Code • 2006 International Mechanical Code • 2006 International Energy Code • 2006 International Fuel Gas Code • 2006 International Fire Code • 2005 Edition of the National Electric Code • 2006 International Residential Code (For One‐ and Tow Family Dwellings) iv Residential Construction Information Packet **Any noted fees, please reference the current Fee Schedule GENERAL INSPECTION INFORMATION 1. Working Hours – Allowable working hours are sun up to sun down. 2. Portable Toilets – Construction worker toilet facilities of non‐sewer type shall conform to ANSI Z4.3 and be located on the lot. 3. Posting of Address – Building addresses must be posted at a location that is conspicuous from the street on each lot at all times. 4. Maintenance of the Construction Site – Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection, and such work shall remain accessible and exposed for such purposes until approved. Before any inspection is approved, an address shall be posted and must be visible from the street; the permit shall be posted including all approved plans; and all rights‐of way, streets, and alleys shall be clean and clear of mud, sand, concrete, and building materials. All trash, construction debris, and construction material on site shall be contained in a minimum size 8’X8’X4’ with no more than a 2” gap and placed one per lot. Effective erosion control must be in place at all times and must be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances. 5. After‐Hours Inspection Request – After‐hours inspection requests must be submitted to the office the day of the desired inspection and prior to 12:00 pm (noon) and must be approved by the Chief Building Inspector (prior approval is needed to assure that an inspector will be available and that the request is warranted). An additional fee is required upon approval and must be paid in advance. 6. Location of Permit Packets and Inspection Tickets – In order to allow for uniformity and the most efficient use of time, permit packets should be on the construction site at the location specified below. Inspection tickets will be placed inside the permit packet by the inspector once the inspection is completed. The city‐approved building plans must be available on the job site when all inspections are conducted. a. T‐Pole/Plumbing Rough & Foundation – The permit packet should be located at the address side on the front portion of the lot conspicuous from the street. b. 2nds to Building Final – The permit packet should be taped to the inside of the window closest to the front door that is facing the street. c. Approach / Sidewalk – The permit packet must be located in the approach area. 7. Office hours for inspectors are from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Technical questions and questions regarding inspection items or corrections must be directed to the inspectors or Building Official during the above listed office hours. If you are unable to resolve an issue with your inspector, you may contact the Building Official or the Planning Director. For general questions and for permit information, you may call the office at (940) 393‐0250. 8. All inspections must be requested by contacting the inspection department. Requests for inspections made before 9:00 A.M. will be conducted between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. the same day. Requests for inspections made after 9:00 A.M. may not be conducted until the following business day before Noon. Any requests for times outside of normal inspection hours will be made with and approved by the Building Official. 9. Temporary Power – Because of serious safety considerations, citations will be issued to the job superintendent, electrician, and/or an officer of the general contractor or electrical contractor if temporary power is tied directly into the permanent breaker box. Electricians are permitted to 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. test house circuits provided that a licensed electrician is on site at all times while power is connected to the house. Any temporary wiring that does not meet these conditions may be cause for confiscation of wire and disconnect of power. If power is disconnected, a permit must be obtained and an inspection must be approved to release power. Re‐inspection Fees – A re‐inspection fee will be assessed and no inspection performed when any of the following conditions apply: a. Inspection called for is not ready (this could include a first‐time inspection where a history has developed for deficient items on a continual or repeated basis). b. The temporary electrical pole does not have the address posted. c. No building address posted as specified in #3 above. d. City‐approved plans are not on the job site and located as specified in #6 above. e. Trash on the lot. f. House is locked, or work to be inspected is not accessible. g. An inspection is disapproved twice for the same item. h. The water or sewer tap is not connected when the plumbing rough is inspected. i. No form board survey is on the job when a plumbing rough inspection is requested. j. A safety fence is not installed around sewer tap excavations that are four feet deep or more. k. At all times the water meter box must be in place and not damaged. l. Previous inspection tickets have been removed from the packet. m. Construction materials are located within the right‐of‐way. (See item #4 above.) n. Panel cover is not removed for utility final inspection or is off at the building final. o. Any deviation from the original approved plans that requires a permit and does not have approval. p. Portable toilet installed as specified in #2 above. q. Erosion control is not in place. Re‐inspection fees: All re‐inspection fees must be paid prior to the request of any further inspections. If a re‐inspection fee is due on a project and has not yet been paid, the inspection will be cancelled. Re‐submittal – Any changes in the approved plans are required to be resubmitted and approved before an inspection is scheduled. (Please refer to the current fee schedule for the required re‐ submittal fee.) Do not schedule an inspection if the re‐submittal is not approved and available for the inspector in the permit packet. Failure to comply will result in a re‐inspection fee, and no inspection will be conducted. Engineering Letters and Other Required Documents – Whenever an engineering letter or other document is required, the original letter/document must be placed inside the permit packet on the construction site. This will allow the inspector to refer to the letter/document with an engineer’s seal in order to verify compliance with the requirements of the engineer. Safety Compliance – For the purpose of providing safety on the construction site, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines shall be followed (see their website at Expiration – Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site is commenced within 180 days after its issuance. In addition, every permit issued shall become invalid if work authorized on site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the time the work is commenced. Page 2 INCLEMENT WEATHER (During inclement weather, it is the responsibility of the contractor to reschedule all inspections.) No concrete/foundation, plumbing rough or underground inspections will be made if it has been determined that it is too wet by the Chief Building Inspector. Plumbing rough inspections may be conducted in wet conditions provided that an approved test is in place. When the inspection is requested, the Plumbing Rough air test must be requested. No concrete/foundation or plumbing rough inspections will be made unless the temperature is at least 38 degrees and rising. You may call (940) 393‐0250 between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. the morning of the inspection to verify if an inspection has been cancelled due to weather. RESIDENTIAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED Each of the following inspections must be requested in the listed order. If an inspection is requested before a prior required inspection has been approved, no inspection will be conducted. Inspections required are: 1. Temporary Power Pole 2. Pier – in lieu of scheduling this inspection, an original engineering letter of approval stating that the design is approved in accordance with the approved plans submitted to the City of Decatur will be accepted. 3. Plumbing Rough – 5’ head water test required (must be approved prior to Foundation the form board survey is required at this inspection). 4. Foundation – must have an approved Plumbing Rough. 5. Exterior Sheathing – (if applicable) – must be approved prior to covering exterior sheathing and before scheduling Seconds inspection. 6. Metal Duct – (if applicable) – this inspection must be approved before insulating ducts and before scheduling Seconds inspection. 7. Approach / Sidewalk (Flatwork) – can be scheduled at any time prior to utility final unless a culvert is needed. 8. Seconds – (Framing, Electrical Rough, Plumbing Top‐Out and Mechanical) – must have an approved Foundation inspection. 9. Insulation – must have an approved Seconds inspection. 10. Gypsum Board – must have an approved Insulation inspection. 11. Utility Final – must have an approved Flatwork and Sheetrock inspection. 12. All Finals – all inspections above that apply must be approved. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS These are code requirements and/or commonly missed items. For a complete list of requirements, refer to the current Codes as adopted by the City of Decatur. 1. TEMPORARY POWER POLE a. Pole is to be braced with a minimum of two (2) braces, secure, and stable. Page 3 b. The licensed electrician can test house circuits using the power source from the temporary power pole to prepare for utility final and/or all final inspections only and provided all circuits are disconnected prior to the licensed electrician’s leaving the site. c. Citations will be issued to anyone energizing power from the T‐pole without proper connectors on each end of the cord and if that person is not authorized to make such connections. d. Address must be posted on the temporary power pole. 2. PLUMBING ROUGH An original form board survey stamped by a licensed surveyor must be located on the construction site and inside the permit packet at the time of inspection. The survey must verify that all property line setback requirements are met. a. Water Lines i. One hose bibb with a non‐removable vacuum breaker must be installed in the water line to check the pressure on the copper. ii. Copper lines must be sleeved or taped; painting will be not accepted. iii. All hot water lines must be insulated with ½” insulation. iv. An approved test. b. Sanitary Sewer i. Five‐foot (5’) head of water measured at the last stack in the house. The measurement will be taken from ground level. Stacks that are too high are subject to receiving a disapproval tag. The water test must include the sewer yard line. A screw‐type test ball must be installed at the sewer tap. ii. The sewer tap must be exposed two feet (2’) from either side of sewer connection. Do not disturb the City provided 4” SDR clean‐out. (This means that two feet (2’) of the City’s green lateral line adjacent to the tie‐in must be exposed at the time of inspection.) iii. Sewer must be connected to the City’s sanitary sewer system. iv. An approved air test can be supplemented in lieu of a water test. An approved test does not have any water in the lines. 3. FOUNDATION (All foundation plans must be stamped by a structural engineer) You must have an approved plumbing rough inspection prior to scheduling a foundation inspection. a. All work must conform with the engineered plans with no additions or subtractions to the approved plans. (If changes are made, they must be re‐engineered and re‐submitted for City approval – a re‐stamp fee will apply.) b. All copper must be sleeved or taped; painting will not be accepted c. Cable ends must be a minimum of six inches (6”) below the top of the forms. d. Cable ends must be a minimum of six inches (6”) from the corners. e. Cable insulation must cover the cable to within three inches (3”) of the cable ends. f. Cables that must be re‐routed to avoid plumbing fixtures must be done with long sweeping curves of the cable. g. Electrical conduit located in the foundation must be installed. h. When required, air ducts must be installed. Page 4 i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. When gas lines are approved to be installed in areas of the foundation, they must be properly sleeved. When required, original finished floor elevation surveys and engineering letters verifying required piers were installed according to the design must be on the job site at this inspection. No changes can be made to the foundation after inspection approval without a plan re‐ stamp and requesting another foundation inspection. Poly must cover all pad areas only. Poly is to be cut if installed in beams. A water test using City pressure or other approved test with a hose bibb provided with a non removable vacuum breaker must be maintained on the water supply lines. All tub boxes must be installed. Sewer and water lines must run at 90‐degree angles to grade beams. Water heater temperature and pressure relief lines cannot be composed of PVC material and cannot be installed in the foundation. A concrete encased grounding electrode and conductor must be installed. 4. EXTERIOR SHEATHING If applicable, sheathing must be attached per Code, and electrical, plumbing and mechanical located in exterior wall must be installed. This inspection is to be used before an application is to be applied over the sheathing (before the exterior house wrap material is installed). 5. METAL DUCT If applicable, metal ducts shall be screwed, taped, and inspected before insulating. 6. SECONDS (You must have an approved foundation inspection prior to scheduling a second’s inspection.) a. Plumbing Top‐Out i. Water a. All copper lines must be braced. b. All water lines in unheated areas must be insulated with a minimum of ¾” pipe insulation. c. Hot water lines (100‐180 degrees F) must have ½” insulation unless in attic, which requires ¾” insulation d. Frost‐proof hose bibbs with integral vacuum breakers must be installed. e. The City’s water pressure or other approved means must be applied to potable water pipes. ii. Drain Lines A top‐out water test is required for all plumbing, drain piping and pressure test. All drain piping must be water tested with a 5 foot head pressure at the Seconds inspection, test ball must be installed in front building C/O, and the entire drain system is required to be tested. iii. Gas Lines – Diaphragm type gauges are required, gauge scale must be appropriate for test pressure required for piping installed. Page 5 a. Black Pipe Gas Lines: There must be an approved test installed, and the test must be located outside of the house at the utility meter connection. Except for immediate termination at the utility meter connection, gas lines located between exterior veneer and outside sheathing must be factory mill wrapped. b. CSST Gas Lines: All CSST piping must be installed in accordance to manufacturer requirements. Approved tests must be installed. When medium pressure is provided by the utility provider, the test from the utility gas meter connection to the regulator must be installed on the outside of the house at the utility gas meter connection (to test the medium pressure side), and from the regulator, another test must be located at the fireplace (to test the low pressure side). If the CSST gas piping system is installed with all low pressure provided by the utility provider, the test must be installed on the outside of the house at the utility gas meter connection. You must verify with the utility provider for information pertaining to the pressures supplied. b. Electrical Rough i. Service entrance conductors cannot exceed 3’ from the meter connection to the first means of disconnect. ii. Type AC cable (BX) is not allowed within the City. iii. Aluminum or copper‐clad conductors are permitted only on #2 or larger. c. Mechanical Rough i. If applicable, metal ducts shall be insulated (metal ducts shall be properly sealed and inspected prior to installing duct insulation). ii. Air conditioning (AC) duct insulation must be a minimum of R‐8. R‐6 may be used if the efficiency of the cooling equipment is upgraded to one SEER point above the NAECA (National Appliance Energy Conservation Act) Standard. iii. AC duct joints and seams must be sealed by approved mastic or tape with a (UL181A or 181B) listing. Duct tape is not approved. iv. All AC lines (fluid temp. range 40‐55 degrees F) must have ¾” insulation. v. AC ducts inside the building but outside conditioned areas require a vapor retardant of 0.05 perm or aluminum foil of 2 mils. vi. All exhaust fan ducts must extend to the outside to an approved location. vii. Where a water closet is separated from the shower area by a door, an exhaust fan is required in both the water closet area and the main bath area if there is not an operational window. viii. Dryer vents are limited to a maximum length of twenty‐five feet (25’). The twenty‐five foot (25’) length includes two (2) ninety‐degree (90o) fittings. Additional fittings over and above the two (2) allowed would reduce the maximum length of the vent by two feet (2’) for every ninety‐degree (90o) fitting (or combination of fittings that total 90o). Dryer vent connections must be taped and not screwed. d. Framing i. Exterior bottom plates must be secured to the foundation by L‐bolts (washers and nuts must be tight) or other approved ICC methods. Page 6 ii. Joists over four feet (4’) in length must be pressure blocked on one side only with nails driven from the joist into the pressure block – or a joist hanger must be used. iii. All lumber must be grade‐stamped. Unstamped lumber is unacceptable as a structural framing member. iv. Where air handling units and water heaters are supported by ceiling joists, those joists will be calculated as floor joists. Where air handling units and water heaters are supported by rafters, those rafters will be calculated as rafters supporting a drywall ceiling. v. Stairway treads are to be at least six inches (6”) at the inside of each winder. Twelve inches out from the inside winder, a full run equal to the step run of the straight stairs is required. All narrow sides of winding stairs must be on the same side. vi. A structural engineer’s design is required when wood members are used to permanently support masonry. Gables that cantilever in excess of six feet (6’) over a roofline also require a structural engineer’s design. Equipment such as water heaters, HVAC equipment, etc. must be approved by a structural engineer when supported on a truss system. vii. Masonry fireplaces must be completed to a point one foot (1’) above the damper. viii. All penetrations in top plates must be sealed. Small penetrations may be poly‐ sealed. ix. Caulk or seal top and bottom plates, brick opening, and windows, etc. x. Seal all floor/ceiling penetrations (e.g., tub trap openings at second floor). xi. Covered porches and patios must be inspected to verify proper structural framing prior to installing fascia material. xii. All brick wall ties must be installed. xiii. Check all fenestration for labeling of SHGC/NFRC, and labeling must remain intact for the inspection. All fenestration must be NFRC (National Fenestration Council) ‐ certified. xiv. All recessed lighting must be rated airtight or be enclosed within a sealed box constructed from ½ ‐inch gypsum board or other airtight assembly. xv. A system must be in place to ensure a one‐inch air space between all ceiling/roof assemblies. xvi. Use the span header chart in the current IRC as adopted by the City for ceiling joists used to support the roof load. 7. INSULATION You must have an approved seconds/framing inspection prior to scheduling an insulation inspection, and the approved “Residential Energy Code Review Sheet” must be in the packet for an inspection. Failure to have the approved “Residential Energy Code Review Sheet” at the time of inspection will result in a re‐inspection fee. a. All penetrations in top and bottom plate and penetrations in the exterior weather barrier must be sealed to prevent any unwanted transfer of air. b. Insulation R‐values must be equal to or greater than the R‐values indicated on the approved plans and must fit properly with no voids or missing pieces. c. Vapor barriers are exempted in this area. d. Insulation at roof/ceiling assemblies requires one‐inch cross ventilation. e. Insulation must be installed under all walkways and floored areas. Page 7 8. GYPSUM BOARD (You must have an approved insulation inspection prior to scheduling a gypsum board inspection and prior to tape & bed inspection.) a. 5/8” type‐X fire rock must be installed underneath stairs and garage ceilings adjacent to living areas. b. All green rock or other approved material must be installed in wet or damp areas. c. All lighting outlets, switches, and plugs must be sealed airtight. d. All plumbing and mechanical penetrations must be sealed airtight. e. Nail patterns must match Code requirements. f. All gaps in sheetrock must be of a size Code allows. g. All firecaulk, fire resistive construction, etc. in place. 9. APPROACH / SIDEWALK See Engineering guidelines in the City’s Design Standards 10. UTILITY FINAL (You must have an approved approach, sidewalk and sheetrock inspection prior to scheduling a utility inspection.) a. All electrical devices, fixtures, outlets, etc. must be installed/connected. In the event of special order devices all wires must be capped and covered. b. The cover must be off of the breaker box. c. The meter base must be bonded to the main panel box. d. Diaphragm type gauges are required; gauge scale must be appropriate for test pressure required for piping installed. i. Black Pipe Gas Lines: There must be an approved test installed, and the test must be located outside of the house at the utility meter connection. ii. CSST Gas Lines: All CSST piping must be installed in accordance to manufacturer requirements. Approved tests must be installed. When medium pressure is provided by the utility provider, the test from the utility gas meter connection to the regulator must be installed on the outside of the house at the utility gas meter connection (to test the medium pressure side), and from the regulator, another test must be located at the fireplace (to test the low pressure side). If the CSST gas piping system is installed with all low pressure provided by the utility provider, the test must be installed on the outside of the house at the utility gas meter connection. You must verify with the utility provider for information pertaining to the pressures supplied. e. Gas stops at each appliance must be properly secured. f. All gas lines must be connected. Gas stops and caps must be installed on any gas line for future use. g. All light fixtures located within thirty‐six inches (36”) horizontally and within eight feet (8’) vertically of the lip of a bathtub or shower must be waterproof. h. All masonry must be complete before requesting a Utility Final, structure securable / lockable. i. The required whirlpool access panel must be removed for inspection and readily accessible after installation. Page 8 11. BUILDING FINAL (All Finals) (You must have a Utility Final inspection and utility meters must be installed prior to scheduling an all finals inspection.) a. General i. Electrical and gas meters must be installed ii. All work is to be complete. No contractors should be on the site working at the time of the inspection. iii. If an Energy Star home option is chosen, an address‐specific certificate must be inside packet at the All Finals Inspection. b. Plumbing i. Any drain or water line that is installed for future use or expansion must have permanent caps. ii. Sewer clean‐outs must be cut to grade and installed with an approved threaded cap. iii. Sewer clean‐out at property line must have an approved two bolt cast iron cover. iv. Roof top PVC vents must be painted. c. Electrical Panel is to be permanent and specifically labeled and electrical is to be complete. d. Mechanical i. Where a water closet is separated from the shower area by a door, an exhaust fan is required in both the water closet area and the main bath area. ii. Thermostatic controls shall be capable of being set locally or remotely. The minimum temperature range shall be 55‐85 degrees F. iii. All air conditioning and heating equipment must reflect the correct size and rating per the approved plans. e. Building i. A solid core door must be installed between the garage and living area. ii. Weather‐stripping must be installed on all doors, windows, and attic access. iii. Attic access door, hatch, or pull‐down stair must be insulated. iv. Attic insulation must have correct R‐value (blown insulation requires a certification label by the installer and depth markers every 300 square feet). These labels must face the attic access. v. Yard must be clear of debris and final grade completed including sod and trees planted (2.5” caliper minimum.) vi. A permanent address must be installed and visible from the street and alley. The address numbers must be a minimum of four inches (4”) in height and contrasting. vii. All construction debris must be removed and disposed of or relocated to an approved site. viii. Street, alley, and all flatwork must be clean and clear of mud and debris. Page 9 CONTACTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION These requirements are only a general list of building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical Code regulations and/or commonly missed items. To view current Ordinances and Amendments adopted by the City of Decatur, refer to the city’s website at Development Services Fire Department 1601 S. State Street, Building C Deroy Bennett Decatur, Texas 76234 Fire Marshal/Deputy Chief of Prevention 940.393.0250 (phone) 940.626.4629 (fax) Dedra Denée Ragland, AICP Planning Director 940.393.0250 Jackie Miller Building Official 940.393.0255 Office 940.393.0259 Inspection Line Perry Robinson Sanitarian / Code Enforcement Officer 940.393-0256 1705 S State Street 940.393-0230 Police Department Rex Hoskins Chief of Police 1601 S. State Street, Building A & B 940.393.0300 Solid Waste Services Chris Henderson IESI Division Manager 415 Topeka P.O. Box 249 Justin TX 76247 1.800.909.9061 Earl Smith, PE Public Works Director 940.393.0262 Greg Hall Construction Services Manager 940.210.6511 Gary Lasater Construction Inspector 940.210-6508 Page 10