Updated 2014 Aug 23 Sat PHYS 432 Thermal Physics -- Fall 2014 Location: MP-408 Time: MWF 10:30 - 11:45pm Prerequisites: PHYS 309 Required preparation (mathematical): Ability to master Appendix B of Schroeder Recommended review (quantum physics): Appendix A on Quantum Mechanics in Schroeder Students who have received credit for PHYS 432 may not enroll in PHYS 532. Required text: An Introduction to Thermal Physics by Daniel Schroeder, 1st edition • Author's corrections to the 1st edition URL: http://physics.boisestate.edu/hanna/courses/phys432/ Instructor: Dr. Hanna channa@boisestate.edu (208) 426-3775 MP-425 Office Hours: MW 4:00-5:00pm in MP-425, or by appointment Week Mon date Topics Part 1: Temperature, Heat, and Work (Exam 1 on Wed Sep 17) 1. 8/25 2. 9/1 3. 9/8 4. 9/15 Temperature, heat, and work; Compression work; Ideal gas reading: 1.1 (1-5), 1.4 (17-19), 1.7a (37-39); 1.5a (20-22); 1.2 (6-13) H1 due 9/3: 1.4, 1.8, 1.28, 1.57; 1.33, 1.34; 1.16 (Labor Day); Equipartition of energy; Heat capacities reading: (Labor Day); 1.3 (14-17), 1.5b ( ); 1.6 (37-44) H2 due 9/8: 1.23, 1.24, 1.36, 1.38; 1.42, 1.45, 1.47, 1.51 Entropy and heat; Heat engines; Refrigerators and throttling reading: 3.2b,c (93-97); 4.1 (122-53); 4.2 (127-129), 4.4b,c (139-143) H3 due 9/15: 3.10, 3.16; 4.1, 4.2; 4.10, 4.15, 4.33 Review; Exam 1 (Wed Sep 17); Two-state systems reading: (Review readings); (Exam 1); 2.1 (49-53) H4 due 9/24: 2.1, 2.2; 1.12, 1.32, 1.56, 1.61 Part 2: Multiplicities and the Second Law (Exam 2 on Fri Oct 17) 5. 9/22 6. 9/29 Einstein solid; Interacting systems; Large systems reading: 2.2 (53-55); 2.3 (56-59); 2.4 (60-66) H5 due 9/29: Ideal-gas multiplicity; Interacting ideal gases; 2nd Law and entropy reading: 2.5a (68-72); 2.5b (72-74); 2.6a,b (74-78) H6 due 10/6: 1 7. 10/6 8. 10/13 Mixing entropy; Temperature from entropy; Paramagnetism reading: 2.6c,d (79-83); 3.1, 3.2a (85-93); 3.3 (98-107) H7 due 10/13: Extra Credit: Pressure and Thermodynamic Identity; Review; Exam 2 (Wed Oct 17) reading: 3.4 (122-126); (Review readings); (Exam 2) H8 due 10/22: Extra Credit: Part 3: Free energies and phase transformations (Exam 3 on Fri Nov 7) 9. 10/20 10. 10/27 11. 11/3 Chemical potential; Thermodynamic potentials; Free energy reading: 3.5 (115-119), 3.6 (120-121); 5.1 (149-158); 5.2 (161-165) H9 due 10/27: Phase transformations; van der Waals fluid; Maxwell construction reading: 5.3a,b,c (166-174); 5.3d1 (180-181); 5.3d2 (182-185) H10 due 11/3: Mixtures; Review; Exam 3 (Fri Nov 7) reading: 5.4a (186-191); (Review readings); (Exam 3) H11 due 11/12: Part 4: Statistical Mechanics (Final Exam on Wed Dec 17) 12. 11/10 13. 11/17 Boltzmann factor; Average values; Equipartition and Maxwell distribution reading: 6.1 (220-227); 6.2 (229-236); 6.3-6.4 (238-246) H12 due 11/17: Extra Credit: Extra Credit for H12 Partition functions; Ideal gas; Gibbs factor reading: 6.5-6.6 (247-251); 6.7 (251-255); 7.1 (257-260) H13 due 12/1: 11/24-28 Thanksgiving Break 14. 12/1 15. 12/8 Quantum statistics; Fermi gas; Density of states reading: 7.2 (262-269); 7.3a,b (271-278); 7.3c (279-282) H14 due 12/8: Extra Credit: Extra Credit for H14 or H15 Blackbody radiation; Planck spectrum; Bose-Einstein condensation reading: 7.4a-h (288-296); 7.4i-k (300-306); 7.6 (315-323) H15 due 12/17: 7.58, 7.60, 7.66 Extra Credit: 7.67, 7.68 2 *** FINAL EXAM on Wed Dec 17 from 12:00pm-2:00pm *** GOALS: To obtain a basic understanding of the key concepts of thermal physics, especially the use and basic applications of equilibrium statistical mechanics and elementary thermodynamics in problems of pedagogical and practical importance. The course objectives will be accomplished through lecture and discussion of selected topics in class and by students working through the assigned parts of text, including all assigned homework problems. Assessment will come from exams and assigned homework. SYLLABUS: The syllabus describes the intended progression of the course. The syllabus and homework assignments will be revised as needed. Changes to the syllabus and the homework assignments will be posted on the course web page, http://physics.boisestate.edu/hanna/courses/phys432/, which should be checked frequently for updates. TEXTBOOK: Please bring your copy of the course textbook to every class, except on exam days. The textbook is central to this course, including the examinations, homework, and topics covered in and out of class. The textbook pages that are covered in each class meeting are listed in the syllabus. Please read those pages before the class meeting, ask questions and take notes in class, and re-read those pages after class. It is recommended that you prepare study notes defining all boldface terms in the textbook readings, and that you know their meaning and significance, especially those terms that are set apart for emphasis in the textbook (such as the fundamental assumption of statistical mechanics, etc.). EXAMS: 70% of the PHYS 432 grade* is based on the exams. The exams are based on the textbook readings, the numbered examples in the text, the homework, and the class lectures and activities. ALL EXAMS WILL BE COUNTED, AND NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. There will be three in-class exams (15% of course grade) and a two-hour final exam (25% of). Only simple scientific calculators allowed during exams: no calculators that are capable of graphing, integration, differentiation, or symbolic algebra are allowed. FORMULA SHEETS: Each exam will include an instructor-prepared cumulative formula sheet containing selected numbered formulas from those sections of the chapters that are covered on the exam. It is recommended that you review the formula sheet in advance of the exam and study every formula carefully. It is your responsibility to know the meaning of every symbol on the formula sheet, and to understand the meaning, applicability, and use of every equation it contains. HOMEWORK: 20% of the PHYS 432 grade* is based on the homework. Hand in what you have on the due date, at the beginning of class. NO LATE HOMEWORK ACCEPTED. Homework problems will form the basis for many of the exam problems. You are encouraged to work with your classmates on the homework assignments, but you must write up your homework yourself, and not copy the work of others (either classmates or other sources, including the Web). Look over your graded homework carefully and make sure you can work and understand every assigned homework problem. You are strongly encouraged to talk to the instructor about any 3 homework problems that you do not understand. The last homework assignment counts as extra credit; however, all homework problems, including extra-credit homework assignments, may be used as a basis for exam questions. You are responsible for being able to correctly solve all assigned and extra-credit homework problems, even those that you do not hand in. LECTURES & ASSIGNED READINGS: Class lectures and activities relate closely to the assigned readings in the text. Students are expected to attend all lectures and participate actively in class. Consult the syllabus and read the assigned pages before the material is covered in class. Carefully work through all calculations presented in the assigned reading. As you read, write down any questions you have about the reading and the numbered examples, and ask questions in class. WARM-UP EXERCISES: 10% of the PHYS 432 grade* is based on answering the warm-up exercises over the assigned reading. You must answer every warm-up question yourself, and not use answers from anyone else (including the Web). Answer the questions after doing the associated readings, as best as you are able. Answers will be graded primarily on effort, rather than exactness, and are generally due 18 hours before the start of the class that discusses the assigned reading. EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit problems that are an integral part of the textbook readings may be given from time to time in class. They should be handed in at the due date of the earliest upcoming homework assignment with that homework assignment. In addition, the first person who emails the instructor with an accurate finding (and proposed correction) of an error in the text that has not already been listed in the Author’s Corrections (see the web links near the beginning of the syllabus) will also receive extra credit. Note that the total possible amount of extra credit is very small, so students should only attempt extra credit if it enhances their learning and does not interfere with their course assignments and responsibilities. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Although you are encouraged to discuss the class lectures, readings, and assignments with your classmates, all the work that you turn in must be your own. NO CHEATING OR PLAGIARISM (PRESENTING OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK AS IF IT WERE YOUR OWN) WILL BE TOLERATED, INCLUDING ANY USE OF HOMEWORK SOLUTIONS FOUND ON THE WEB. If you make use of sources besides the class lectures or textbooks, you must provide explicit written references to the sources you use and specify where they were used, including any use of hints provided by the instructor. Failure to follow this rule or any others listed in the Student Code of Conduct could have drastic consequences, including (but not limited to) ejection from the course with a failing grade. * Note: The instructor reserves the right to change the grading weights listed above for the homework and exams for all students, if evidence of sufficiently widespread academic dishonesty is discovered. GRADING: A- to A+ = 90 - 100, B- to B+ = 75 - 90, C- to C+ = 60 - 75, D- to D+ = 45 - 60 4