4326 Copyright Reprinted from the_Journal of the American Chemical Society, tgg4, 116. O 1994 by the American Chemical Society and reprinted by pe"-issib" of ihe copyright owner. Self-Assemblythrough Hydrogen Bonding: Peripheral Crowding-A New Strategy for the Preparationof Stable Supramolecular Aggregates Basedon Parallel,Connected CAl.Ml Rosettes JohnP. Mathias,Eric E. Simanek,and GeorgeM. Whitesides' Contributionfrom the Department of Chemistry, Haruard (Jniuersity, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02 I 38 ReceiuedSeptember 29, 1993. Reoised Manuscript ReceiuedFebruary 27, 19948 Abstract: The self-assemblyof two new typesof stable hydrogen-bondedsupramolecularaggregates-bisrosettes-that are based on parallel, connected CA3.M3 rosettes is reported. The minimization of intermolecular steric hindrance-peripheral crowding within the aggregate-is proposedas the structural feature responsiblefor selecting the cyclic CA3'M3 rosetteover competing linear hydrogen-bondednetworksavailableto the precursors. One series of aggregates-3bis(M)2:6(CA)-is composedof 3 equiv of a bulky bismelamine-bis(M)2-and 6 equiv of a bulky isocyanurate(CA). Thesecondseriesofaggregates-3bis(CA)2:6(M)-iscomposedof3equivofabisisocyanurate-bis(CA)2-and 6 equiv of a melamine (M) bearing two bulky substituents. The nine particles in theseaggregatesare stabilizedby 36 hydrogen bonds in two connectedCA3.M3 rosettes. Each aggregatehas been characterizedby rH NMR spectroscopy,gel permeationchromatography,and vapor pressureosmometry. Correlationsbetweenthe size of the substituentsand the preorganizationof the precursorsand the stability of the aggregatesderivedfrom them are discussed.Observationsfrom tH NMR spectroscopyand gel permeationchromatographyindicate that aggregates comprisingtwo connectedCA3'M3 rosettesare more stablethan thosestabilizedby a singleCA3.M3 rosette,for similar extentsof peripheral crowding in the rosettes. Introduction phenyl)melamine(2) forcethesemoleculesto associateusingthe hydrogen-bonded network that places these groups far apart. This paper describesa strategy for the preparationof stable This criterion is satisfied by the self-assemblyof the CAl.Mr hydrogen-bonded self-assernblingaggregates in which steric *rosette' (3) (Scheme I ). The crystalstructureof the rosette(3) hindrance is used to select for the formation of one particular formed on crystallization from a solution of equimolar portions network of hydrogenbondsover many alternatives. The motif of I and 2 in toluene/isopropylalcohol (l:1, v/v) is shown in we wish to favor is the cyclic CA3.M3 *rosette'comprisingthree Figure 2.r0 Although this aggregatedisplays a surprisinglyhigh melamines(M) and three isocyanurates(CA) (Scheme l).ra degreeof stability in solution (consideringthat six particles are Two additional cyclic hydrogen-bondedmotifs haverecently been stabilized in a single aggregateby only l8 hydrogen bonds), it demonstratedas the basis for supramolecular aggregates.5,6 is the leaststablesupramolecularaggregate comprisingmelamines Peripheral crowding is the strategy we utilize here for assisting/ and isocyanuratesthat we have characterizedto date.ll directing the assembly of supermolecular aggregatesbased on Our objective in this study was to develop the principle of the CA3:M3 roSette.T peripheral crowding observedin the solid state into a general In previouspublications,we havedescribedthe self-assembly strategy for the self-assemblyof stable hydrogen-bonded agof hydrogen-bonded supramolecularaggregatesin which a *hub gregatesin solution. Our strategy was to assemblea new series and spoke" architecturewas used to preorganizethe melamine of aggregates-bisrosettes-based on two parallel, connected and isocyanuratecomponentsfor the formation of stableCAl.Ml CA3.M3 rosettes. The qualitative basisfor this approach was to rosettes(Figure l; neohex(CA) = naohexylisocyanurate).2'8,e increase the difference between the favorable enthalpy of Intermolecular steric hindrance between substituents in the association(a value correlatedwith the number of hydrogenbond hydrogen-bondednetwork can also be used to select the cyclic stabilizing the aggregate) and the unfavorable entropy of *rosette' CA3.M3 in preferenceto competing linear motifs, in association(related to the number of particles associatedin the both the solid and solutionstates(Scheme1).7 The presenceof final aggregate).r2 The progression from supramolecular aglarge substituentson barbital (l) and {N,-bis( -tert-butylgregatesbasedon singleCA3.M3 rosettestoag$egatescomprising two connectedCA3.M3 rosettesis illustrated in Scheme 2. The e Abstracrpublishedin AduanceACS Absnacls,April l,1994. *bisrosette'6 comprises3 equiv of the bismelamine4 and 6 equiv ( I ) Whitesides. G. M.; Mathias,J. P; Seto,C.T. Science1991.254.t312r3 1 9 . of the bulky isocyanurate5. The nine particlesin 6 are stabilized (2) Seto,C. T.; Whitesides, G. M. J. Am. Chem.Soc.1993.I I 5.905-916. by 36 hydrogen bonds. By contrast, the six particles in 3 were (3) Seto,C. T.; Mathias,J. P.;Whitesides, G. M. "I.Am. Chem.Soc.1993. stabilized by only l8 hydrogen bonds. We predicted, therefore, I t 5, t32t-t329. (4) Seto. C. T.; Whitesides,G. M. J. Am. Chem.Soc. 1993,tIS. t33C_ that 6 would be more stable than 3. I 340. (5) Zimmerman,S. C.; Duerr,B. F. Org. Chem.1992,57, ZZts-Z2tj . "r. (6) Geib, S. J.; Vicent,C.; Fan, E.; Hamilton, A. D. Angew.Chem.Int. E d . E n g l . 1 9 9 3 ,3 2 , l l 9 - 1 2 1 . (7) Mathias,J. P.:Simanek,E. E.; Zerkowski,J. A.; Seto,C. T.; Whitesides, G. M. "I. Am. Chem.Soc. Submitted for publication. (8) Mathias,J. P.;Seto.C. T.: Simanef,e. g.; Whitesidcs.G.M. J. Am. Chem.Soc.1994.116. l'725-1736. (9) Mathias,J. P.;Simanek,E. E.; Seto,C. T.;Whitesides,G. M. Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. Engl. In press. (10) Zerkowski,J. A.; Seto,C. T.; Whitesides, G. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992.r r4. 5473-5475. (l l) tH NMR exchangeexperimentsindicatethat the ground-statefree energyfor the CA3.M3rosette3 is greater than 3 kcal/mol highcr (it is tess stable) than that for the supramolecularaggregatehub(M)3:3barbital-an (Figure l). analogof hub(M)3:3neohex(CA) ( 12) The correlation of the stability of an aggregateto the number of hydrogcnbondsstabilizingit and thc numberofparticlesassociated hasbeen presentedon a qualitative level in ref 8. 0002-786319411516-4326$04.50/0 0 1994American ChemicalSocietv J. Am. Chem.Soc.,Vol. l16, No. 10, 1994 4327 Self- Assembly through Hydrogen Bonding SchemeI Linear Tape CA 3.M3 Rosette h h I - *-a-"-a ^ l l "l .- -, ll: lA t - Crinkled Tape hub(MM)3z6neohex(CA) of two typesof supramolecular Figure l. Schematicrepresentations for self-assembly that preorganized aggregates basedonCA:-Ml rosettes througha 'hub and spoke"architecture. In additionto determiningwhetherthe progressionfrom single rosettesto bisrosettesis accompaniedby an increasein stability, we also hoped to (i) examine the effects of changesin the steric bulk and preorganization of the componentson the formation and stability of the supramolecularaggregatesand (ii) compare and contrast the stability and structural integrity of aggregates obtainedby peripheralcrowdingto thosewe haveobtainedusing covalentpreorganizationto assistself-assembly.We expected that the potential for intermolecular steric hindrance between neighborswould increaseasthe sizeof the peripheral substituents increased,and predictedthat the formation of the cyclic CA3.M3 rosettewould, therefore, becomeincreasingly favorable, relative melamine(N{t I oA"A '-"-n I hub(M) 3z3neohex(CA) i "- " cyanuric acid ( C A i to the other linear hydrogen-bondedmotifs rSchenc . r j *Preorganization"of the bismelamines(such as {. S;ne:re l refers to the extent to which the relativegeometr\ oi lhe I'ro matchtherrgeor:e:rr melaminesin the uncomplexedcomponents Asthe substituen:t s q . ;-P: r inthefully-assembledaggregate.ta on the m-xylyl linker in structuressuchas 4 increases:: s:ze.ti:e melaminesshouldbe forcedto point away from the l:nke: rr tl"e geometryrequiredby the CAl.Ms rosette:thel'should.:he:efore. of tne agg:eg3tc be increasinglybetterorganizedfor self-assemblv This featureshouldpromoteformationof the rosettein nreference to other hydrogen-bondednetworks. In this paper, we report the synthesis of a series of bismelamines-bis(M)z-G and 7-10) that bear substituents with differentstericbuik on the melaminesand the nr-rr lr : linkers. Three equivalentsof these bismelaminederivativesundergo r,i'ithsix equivalentsof 3.3.3self-assemblv hydrogen-bonded (Ph3Pr(CA): 5) in chloroform to triphenylpropylisocyanurate afford five new supramolecularaggregatesof composition3bisare shown (M)z:6Ph:Pr(CA) (6 and ll-14). Theseaggregates in Scheme3. Likewise,3 equivof a bisisocyanurate-benz(CA)z supramolecular aggregatesof 15 or furan(CA)2 l6-form compositionbis(CA)z:6(l-BuPh)2M(17 and 18, respectively)on mixing with 6 equivof N,N'-bis(4-lerr-butylphenyl)melamine(r-BuPh)zM-(2). These aggregatesare shown in Scheme4. Results Designand Synthesisof the Components. Two strategieshave beenusedfor the synthesisof the bismelaminederivatives4 and 7-10. The stepwisesynthesisof the bismelamine4 is shown in Scheme5. The other symmetricalbisrnelaminederivatives7-10 were synthesizedusing the more direct strategy shown for 7 in Scheme6. The synthesesof 2,25,815,3and 163havebeenreported previously. The structures of the bismelamines are easily modified by synthesis. The feature has allowed specific hypothesesrelating (13) Zerkowski,J. A.; Seto,C. T.; Wierda,D. A.; Whitesides,G. M. J. Am. Chem.^Soc.1993, In press. (14) Cram, D. J. Angew.Chem.,Int. Ed. Engl. 1986,25, 1039-1057. 4328 J. Am. Chem.Soc.,Vol. I16, No. 10, 1994 o Hydrogen o Carbon o e Mathias et al. Nitrogen Oxygen tigure 2. X-ray crystal struciure of thc CAr.Mr rooctteformcd on mixing .quimolar portions of barbital and ,VJv.bis(+ten-butylphcnyl)melaminc in a solutionof toluenc/isopropyl alc.hol (l:l v:v). to the steric bulk of the substituentson the melamines and preorganizationof the componentsto be tested. Linking two melamines(as in 4 and 7-10) doesnot constrainthem to lie over eachother (eclipsed)or away from each other (staggered);they are free to rotate freely relativeto eachother. This featurecreates the potentialfor conformationalisomerismin the self-assembled aggregates. The bisisocyanurates 15 and 16are more difficult to synthesize in structurallymodified forms than are the bismelamines.These compoundsalsoexhibit low solubilitiesin chloroform(<0.1 mM). Using bisisocyanuratesas the basis of a strategy for the selfassembly of aggregatesis, therefore, less practical than using bismelamines. Both 15 or 16 bear isopropyl groups that may contribute to the self-assemblyof CA3.M3 rosettesby peripheral crowding. Design and Preparation of Supramolecular Aggregates. We have developed two closely related strategies to prepare selfassembledaggregatesthat are basedon peripheral crowding and are stabilizedby two parallel,connectedCA3.M3rosettes. In the first approach, 3 equiv of the bismelamines 4 and 7-10 were mixed with 6 equiv of the monomericisocyanurate5 in chloroform to afford aggregates of composition 3bis(M)2:6Ph3Pr(CA) (Scheme 3). Although the solubility of the uncomplexed bismelamine and isocyanuratecomponentsin chloroform is low (<2 mM in all cases),the supramolecularaggregates6 and lll4 were obtained as homogeneoussolutions after sonicating the components(-15 s) and heatingto reflux (-20 s).15 In the secondapproach, 3 equiv of the bisisocyanurates15 or 16 were mixed with 6 equiv of the melamine 2 in MeOH/CHCI3 (l:9 v/v) to give aggregatesof composition3bis(CA)2:6(l-Buph)zM (Scheme4). The suspensionwas heated to reflux (-15 s) to afford a homogeneoussolution. Removal of the solventin vacuo gave the aggregatesl7 and 18, respectively,as white solids that were soluble in chloroform alone. Although the solubilities of the aggregatesbasedon bisrnelamines6 and ll-14 in chloroform were higher than thosebasedon the bisisocyanuratesl7 and lE, both of these new types of aggregates exhibited the lowest solubilitiesof any aggregatesthat we have studiedto date (< I 5 mM in chloroform in all cases). The solubility of the rosette3 (Scheme2) in chloroform was )80 mM. Characterization of the Supramolecular Aggregates. We have described previously the characterization of hydrogen-bonded aggregatesusing rH/r3C NMR spectroscopy(local structure), gel permeationchromatography(molecularsize,dispersity,and relative stability), and vapor pressureosmometry (molecular weight and concentration-dependent behaviorin solution). Data obtained from these three techniques are presented for the aggregates6 (Scheme 3) and 18 (Scheme 4) to illustrate the structural features, size, and stability of these aggregates. The emphasisof this section,however,is to compare and contrast the behavior/structure of these new *bisrosettes' aggregateswith those of single rosettesTand aggregates based on connected CA3.M3 rosettesobtainedusing covalentpreorganizationto direct self-assemblY.z'l'a (i) rH NMR Spectroscopy. Figure 3 shows the rH NMR spectraof the aggregates6and 18. Thesespectracan be assigned to the structures shown for 6 and IE using COSY, NOESY, and l-D NOE measurements(Figure 4). Resonancesin the spectra of the uncomplexedcomponents4 and 16 in CDCI3 and DMSOd6are significantly lesswell-definedthan thosefor the aggregates, as a consequenceof self-associationand hindered rotation. Both 6 and l8 exhibit two resonancesfor the isocyanurate protons, 11t'z (see Figure 4 for labeling), with chemical shifts between6 14 and 16 ppm in CDCIi (Figure 3). The low-field chemicalshifts of thesesignalsareconsistentwith the involvement of the isocyanurate protons in a strong hydrogen-bonded network.16The observationof two resonanc€s for the isocyanurate protonsin 6 suggeststhat the two parallel CA3.M3 rosettesin this aggregate are related by symmetry and that rotation of the isocyanuratesaround their 2-fold axesis slow on the NMR time scale. The unsymmetrical substitution of the melamines in 6 imparts two different environmentsto the isocyanurateprotons, J. Am. Chem.Soc.,Yol. l16, No. i,0,1994 4329 Self- Assembly through Hydrogen Bonding Scheme2. Strategy for Increasingthe Stability of AggregatesObtained by PeripheralCrowding Involvesthe Progressionfrom SrructuresCompriiing a Single CAs.Ms Rosetti (f) toagisrosettes" Such As 6 in Which the Two RosettesAre Connected through Covalent Linkers betweenMelamine or Isocyanurate(Not Shown) Derivatives ^ J N^N ^/-.^^ "/\" ts++ + 6 l,-*x**t;- -X a tl ? -\i;\H ln +3 Q.d -r-r- ofF**" u o *t*4 i;**il1e+ ) II 4 V 3 Scheme3. 18 hydrogenbonds 36 hydrogenbonds 6 particles 9 particles 6 andll-14 3bis(M)z:6PhrPr(CA) Self-Assemblyof SupramolecularAggregatesof Composition 6 Oc+e-O ll :>*:^ o; H.^' i;-*XI|'1{H-'ta, ;>n;" R' / (} ,, ":*-/-\* X;-*.{{:,>_ H'- P h s P ( C A )5 R \__l R' lso-Pr ted-Bu H iso-Pr Me ferf-Bu H tert-Bu Me such that Ht + H2 in each CA3'M3 rosette. One isocyanurate proton (Ht) is adjacent to the z-xylyl group and the second isocyanurateproton (H2) is adjacent to the p'tert-butylphenyl substituent(Figure 4). Figure 5 showstwopossibleconformations that would allow the adjacentrosettesto be related by at least 2-fold symmetry. These conformations are (i) an eclipsed conformation,in which melaminesand isocyanuratesin adjacent rosetteslie in registry with each other-the two rosetteswould then be relatedby a mirror planeof symmetry;top = bottom-and (ii) the staggeredconformation,in which the melaminesin one rosette lie over isocyanuratesin the connected rosette and visa versa-the two rosetteswould then be related by a rotation of the rso-Pr terl-Bu H iso-Pr terf-Bu Me tert-Bu H HMe14 6 11 12 13 4 7 I I 10 aggregateby 180o about an axis running through the atoms k and I in the linker (labels shown in Figure 4)' The staggered conformationis obtainedfrom the eclipsedby a rotation of l80o about one of the melamineNH-xylyl bonds.rT The observationof two resonancesfor the isocyanurateprotons for all other protonsin the CA3'M3 rosette H1'2in l8 (resonances are also doubled) suggeststhe two rosetteslie staggeredrelative to each other, with the melaminesover the cyanurates,rather (15) The formation of these aggregatesas homogeneoussolutions tn chloroform from their insolubleprecursorsis a commonfeaturein thesesystems. (16) Theseprotonsappearat 6 11.2in the free isocyanuratedissolvedin DMSO-d6. 4330 J. Am. Chem.Soc.,Vol. I16, No. 10, 1994 Mathias et al. Scheme 4. Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Aggregates l7 and l8 of Composition 3bis(CA)z:6(t-BuPh)zM ! ".N l:*-*l-<* (ferf-BuPh)2M 2 ? 3,- + 6aO-------+ _\rJ L I I I t I JnF F#" lxF 17 3furan(CA)2:6(tert'BuPh)2M 18 :>'{-^ hq" b e n z (C A )2 15 Scheme5. 3benz(CA)z :6(terf-BuPh) 2M fu ra n ( C A )216 Synthesisof the BismelamineDerivative 4 a cl Tt' -T- + *4, ruAN r-rr',Ar.rA cl -> ,,A*A", ,\ Y T 21 20 NHr (c) _--=_-> r'rAr.r w NHI ill 19 cl cl (a) -A; ,*A*A*, (d) # "*,,tBoc (e,f) (g) 24 than directly in registry,with melaminesover each other and a horizontalplaneof symmetry. The staggered/tiltedconformation of the parallel CA3.M3rosettesin l8 suggeststhat there must be a driving force for the rings not to lie eclipsed. We suggestthat the origin of this effect is to avoid steric crowding between the /erl-butylphenylgroupsin adjacentCA3.M3rosettes.The tilting of the furanyl linker introducesan asymmetryto l8 that is similar to that observedfor 6. One isocyanurateproton (Ht) lies away from the directionin which the linker is "tilting" and the second isocyanurateproton (H2) lies toward the direction in which the linker is *tilting" (Figure 4). The upper and lower (CA).(M) (f 7) We believethat the actual structure of 6 is, in fact, the staggered conformationshownin Scheme2. This conformationreducesunfavorable stericcrowdingbetweenthe threetriphenylpropyl and thre* p-tert-butylphenyl groupson the periphcryof eachadjacentCA:.Mr rosetteby allowing them to intcrdigitate more effectivelyaround the edge of the hydrogen-bonded network. The staggeredconformationmay alsoallow matchingof the partial chargesin the'stacked" hetrocyclicisocyanurateand melamines. tBoc HN/ 22 ery HruA*A** Tt' "*,,tBoc T*' ruAru ruAr1 +w+ +rr+ HruAruAnrH ,*A*A* 4 units shown for 18 in Figure 4 are,therefore, related by a C2axis of rotation. The observationof two distinct sets of resonances for l8 suggeststhat interconversionbetweenthe two enantiomers l8a and l8b (Figure 6) must be slow on the NMR time scale. The appearanceof two resonancesfor the furanyl protons H5 and H5'of 18 is also compatible with a chiral aggregate. Two setsof the resonances(H6"7')for the isopropyl methyl groupsare hidden by a large signal for the p-tertbutylphenylgroupson the melamines. Strong NOE interactionsbetweenprotonsconfirm thegeometry of the hydrogen-bondedCA3.M3 rosettesin 6 and 18. These interactionsare tabulatedin Figure 4. There are no significant changesin chemicalshift,line width/shape,relativeproportions by integration, or number of resonancesfor either 6 or 18 as the temperature is decreasedfrom 298 to 233 K. tH NMR spectra from the titration of 2 equiv of the isocyanurate5 into I equiv of the bismelamine4 in CDCI3 are J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Vol.I16, No.10,/,9944331 Self- Assembly through Hydrogen Bonding Scheme6. o Synthesis of the Bismelamine Derivative 7 cl NHz 25 + r.rAr.,r crAruAcr cl cl (a) ----+ ct r.,Ar,r ruAru Hr.rAr.rAruH nr.rAlrAr.r* NAr.r nruA*Ac, 20 27 NHr NHr -A; -A; H*Ar.rAr.rH HruAnrAr.rH 7 alsoshownin Figure 3. At a stoichiometryof I :2 for 4:5, asingle is visiblethat can be assignedto the aggregate set of resonances 6 (Figure 4). At stoichiometrieslessthan I '.2for 4;5, resonances for the fully assembled aggregate 6 and the uncomplexed bismelamine4 are visible. An additional set of resonances(.; Figure3) can alsobe seenat this stoichiometry.The sharpnature of the additional resonancesand the presenceof two resonances around d 15 ppm leads us to suggestthat the origin of these signalsmay be anaggre9atein which only a singleCA3.M3 rosette hasassembled.r8This type of aggregatewould be a direct analog of the rosettesformed between3 equiv of bulky melamines and isocyanurateswe have reported previously.T for the complexed The observationof separatesetsof resonances and uncomplexedstatesduring the titration of 5 into 4 indicates that exchangebetween these states is slow on the time scale of NMR spectroscopy. This stability toward exchangecontrasts with the instability of rosettes formed between monomeric melamines and barbiturates; in these cases,exchangebetween the assembledand uncomplexed states was rapid on the NMR time scale.T The progressionfrom aggregatesbasedon a single CAl.Ml rosette to those comprising two parallel, connected CAl.Ml rosettesis, therefore, accompaniedby a decreasedrate of dynamic exchangeat 298 K. Dilution of solutions of the aggregatesin chloroform from 3 to 0.05 mM did not result in any dissociationof the aggregates, asjudged by tH NMR spectroscopy. We observedno changein the chemical shifts of the hydrogen-bondedprotons on dilution. This feature again contrasts to the behavior observed for aggregatescomprising a single CA3.M3 rosette.T In thesecases, dilution of the aggregatesin chloroform below 3.5 mM resulted in large upfield shifts of the hydrogen-bonded protons and suggesteda reduction in the degreeof hydrogen bonding as the concentration was decreased. (ii) Gel Permeation Chromatography. Figure 7 shows traces for 6 and 18 from gel permeation chromatography (GPC) using chloroform or rnethylenechloride as the eluent. In eachcase,the aggregatesgive well-definedpeaksby GPC. The relatively sharp leading edges (to shorter retention time) and moderate tailing exhibited by 6 and 18 contrast to observationsmade by GPC for aggregatessuch as 3 that are basedon a single CA3.M3 rosette. The stability of 3 was too low for it to elute intact from the GPC column; no peaks were observed. We infer that 3 dissociated completelyduring the time required for analysis (7-9 min).re in rH NMR spectros@py (18) We do not usually seedefinedresonances from "irregular" or more random H-bondedolio/polymers. The observationof well-definedpeakswith retention times in the range 8-9 min for 6 and 18 is consistentwith data obtainedfor other stable hydrogen-bonded aggregates we have described previously. These results for 6 and 18 are, therefore, another indication that the progressionfrom aggregatesstabilizedby single CAI.M: rosettesto aggregatesstabilizedby two connectedCA3'M3 rosettes-whether the constitutionis 3(CA)z:6(M) or 3(M)z: 6(CA)-is accompaniedby a substantialincreasein stability. The peak shapesfor 6 and 18 suggestthat the stability'of these aggregatesis comparableto hub(MM),:6neohex(CA)8and greaterthan hub(M\:3neohex(Ce;2. Tracesfor theseaggregates are also shown in Figure 7 for comparison. (iii) Vapor PressureOsmometr-v.Molecular *'eightsfor 6 and 18 have been determined by vapor pressure osmometry in chloroformsolution (Figure 8a). Plotsof AV/concn vs concn from which the molecular weightswere obtainedare illustrated in Figure 8b.20 The data for 6 (r. solid line) display a modest positiveslope. Thosefor 18 (., dashedline), however,display a negative slope.2l The latter observation is consistent with associationof this aggregate.22Nonconcentration-dependent specific associationof l8 would explain why the valuesobtained for the molecular weight of this aggregate in solution are consistentlyhigher than the expectedvalue. Aggregate Formed betweenComplementaryBismelaminesand Bisisocyanurates. Mixing equimoiar portions of the bisisocyanurate 15 with the bismelamine4 doesnot afford an aggregate in which 3 equiv of each component combine in two parallel CA3.M3 rosettes(Scheme7). Although the mixture affords a homogeneoussolution in chloroform, lH NMR spectroscopydoes not reveal the presenceof a well-defined aggregate,such as 29. Instead, the resonancesare poorly defined, broad, and many. This feature is illustrated clearly by the many separateresonances observedfor the isocyanurateprotons shown in Figure 9a. The structural complexity evident from this portion of the tH NMR spectrum of the aggregate is also seenin the remainder of the spectrum. The result of mixing 4 and 15 appears,therefore, to be an extended hydrogen-bonded structure containing many ( I 9) A discussionof the correlationbetweenstability of an aggregateand its peak shapein GPC is presentedin ref 8. (ZO)VpO requirescalibrationagainsta standardof knownrnolecularweightThe standardand the new aggregateof unknownweight are then relatedby = MWorgrr*,"limc--oIAVlc"ss.$"|.Theratio MWr1",,6"r6limg-aflVfctwd^ro] l,Vlc (in thc limit as c * 0) is determinedby VPO (c = concentration,A/ is proportionalto the changein vapor pressuremeasuredby VPO). (21) An ideal solutewould give a straightline with zero slopein a plot of AVlconcn vs concn. (22)We have discussedthis feature in refs 2 and 4. 4332 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. I16, No. 10, 1994 Mathias et al. aggregare l8 --L a g g r e g a t6 e ,l' (bismelanr t\--h-iL T2 lt ll b i s m e i a m i n- el + i e c u i v5 b i s m e i a m i n4e 16 15 1.1 It 10 PPM Figure 3. IH NMR spc.lm of thc supramolccnlaraggrcgatcs6 and l8 (CDClr 500 MHz). Annotationsrcfc! to Figurc 4. Th. r.sonanccsindicatcd by . ara Fopos€d !o bclong to a partly formed atgregat. containirg onc rosettc; s€cthc tcrt for discussion. different structural subelements. One possibility may be a range 'vernier-type" polymers, of different such as that representedby 30 (Scheme7). The multiplicity in this spectrumis not an artifact of the kinetics of assembly: there is not change in the spectrum of the mixture on heating the solutionat 45 oC for 7 days. We note that benz(CA)z 15 doesform an aggregate(17; Scheme4) of composition3benz(CA)z:6(t-BuPh)2Mwith the melamine2. The steric requirementsfor assemblyof CA3.M3 rosetteswith 15 should, therefore, be satisfied by the bismelamine 4. One explanationfor the failure of 4 and l5 to yield a discreteaggregate may be the inability of the conformationally rigid bisisocyanurate to satisfy the staggeredarrangementthat we believeto be favored by the bismelamine4 in the aggregates6 and ll-14. Aggregates Formed by Unsymmetrical Bismelamines. Mixing 3 equiv of the unsymmetrical bismelamine3l with 6 equiv of the isocyanurate5 in chloroform does not afford a single aggregate (for example, 32) in which the three melamines adopt the same 'orientation" (Scheme 8). Instead, in this instance tH NMR spectroscopyreveals the presenceof multiple resonancesand suggeststhe formation of severaldifferent hydrogen-bondedstates. There doesnot appear to be any preferencefor the bismelamine components to orient themselvesin a discrete a9gregate (32) with thep-/erl-butylphenyl substituentin one CA3.M rosetteand theneohexylsubstituentsin theother CA3-M3rosotte. A mixture of the isomers32 and 33, however,could, in principle, generate many local environmentsfor the isocyanurateprotons. No change occurs in this spectrum on heating the solution at 50 oC for 5 days. Discussion Changing the steric bulk and preorganization of the components has a significant effect on the self-assembly of supramolecular aggregatesbasedon peripheral crowding. We have examined the effectsof four different aspectsof the structure of the uncomplexed components on the structural integrity and stability of supramolecularaggregatesderived from them. They J. Am. Chem.Soc.,Vol. 116, No. 10. 1994 4333 Self- Assembly through Hydrogen Bonding (a) Ph -5 'h^-en 3,3' *5-*1 -'';kG 4'Ph -F;7,n0 "6H:.,'\i-i: ";*-< ftf:a ui N nl 6 nOe Intensity H1+Hg H1+ H1 H1+H1 H 2-+ H 6 18o/" H2+ Hs H6+ H2 H6+ H6 Hg+ Hs H n - +H g 11o/o H.+ H2 Hr-+ Hr 1SYo 10% 7% 18% 18o/" 19% 16% 14% 19o/" (b) nOe H1+ H6 H1+ Ha H 2 - +H g H 2-+ H 1 H 6-+ H 1 18 Hn+ H2 H 1-+ H 2 H3+H1 Intensity 15% 11o/o 21% 17% 16"/" 19% 15o/" 13% Figure 4. Assignmentof resonancesand selc.lcd NOE interactionsin thc rH NMR sp€ctraof the aggr€gates6 (a) and lt (b). hbcls rcfcl to thc peak shown in Figure 3. NOE interactionswith intensitiasbelow 5% are not includcd -(a --o - OE_ 'Staggered' ---O 'Eclipsed' Figure5. Schematicrepresentation of two extremeconformations that are possiblefor aggregates basedon bismelamine derivatives. are the role of (i) the steric bulk of the substituent(the group R' in Table 1) on the melaminesin aggregatesbasedon bismelamines, (ii) the steric bulk of the isocyanurateor barbiturate in aggregates basedon bismelamines,(iii) the preorganizationof the melamines in the bismelaminesfor assemblyof the CAI-M: rosette,i.e.,size of the group R in Table 1,and (iv) the stericbulk of the melamines in aggregatesbased on bisisocyanurates. These aspectswill be discussedin turn. The outcomeof mixing 3 equivof the bismelamines4 and 7-10 with 6 equiv of the isocyanurates5 or 34 or with the barbiturates I or 35 is illustratedin Table l. Successfulformation of a stable *bisrosette" aggregate (as judged by tH NMR spectroscopy)is indicated by ++. Failure of the 3 equiv of the bismelamineto solubilize6 equiv of the isocyanurate/barbiturateis denotedby The soluble portion obtained by filtering these suspensions did not contain any well-defined aggregates. Instead, the resonances in the tH NMR spectrawere poorly definedand broad. The marker * denotesthe formation of an ^ggregate from which the original homogeneoussolution exhibits slow, but significant, precipitation over tirne (>24 h). 4334 J. Am. Chem.Soc.,Vol. II6. No. 10. 1994 Mathias et al. slow ---+ 18a 18b Figure 6. Interconversionof the two enantiomersl8a and l8b is slow on the NMR time scale. EIuent 18 CHtCI z cHCt3 6 18 cHCl 3 c}Izct 2 hub(M) l3neohex(CA; c}tzct2 hub(MM) s6neohex(CA) 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 Retention time(min) filrue 7. Tracesfrom Grc for thc aggrcSatcs6 and lE with chloroform and methylcncchlorideasthc clu€m. Traccsfor two sclf-assemblcdaggrcgates basedon covalentprcorganizadon,bub(M)3:3teohex(CA) and hub(MM)3:6r"ohcr(CA), arc includcd for comparisonof thc pcak s[ap6 and rctcntion timcs. Mcthylcne chloridc rvasthc clucnt in thcsccases,and p xylcnc (darkcncd) wasi;clud.d as an internal rcfcrcncc. (Th; diffcrcncc in rhc widths oJ thc Pcakdu. to p'xylcnc is due to thc agin€ of thc cohrmn.) The lack of tailing for 6 and lt is not a rcflection on reiative stability but rathcr on thc insolubility of thcsc aSSregatcsupon thc lo6sof onc or morc componcnts, ThJ hub aggrcgatesarc significantly morc solubleupon lo6sof onc or more mokcul€s of CA. The changefrom 4 (R'= tBu) to 7 (R, = H) reducesthe steric bulk associated with the melamines. This feature should. therefore, reduce the extent of peripheral crowding involved in the association of these components with isocyanurates. We J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Vol. ll6, No. 10, 1994 1335 Self-AssemblythroughHydrogen Bonding (a) a substituentson the m-xylyl linker in the bismeiamine4 inhibi: rotation about the bondslinking the melaminesto the linker and, therefore, hold them preorganizedin the geometry required ior formation of the bisrosette.We preparedthe threebismelamines 4, (R = ,Pr),8 (R = Me), and 9 (R = H), to examinethe effects of altering the degreeof preorganizationon the self-assembly'oi CA3.M rosettes(Table 1). We expectedthat reducingthe size of thesubstituentR would reducethe degreeto which thegeometry of the two melamines in the uncomplexedstate matchesthat in the aggregateand, therefore,reducethe ability of the components to assemblesuccessfullyinto bisrosettes.Again, mixing 3 equiv of the bismelamines4, 8, and 9 with 6 equiv of the bulky isocyanurate5 affords a self-assembledaggregateof composition 3bis(M)z:6Ph(CA)3(Table I ). Thestability of theseaggregates as discretestructural entitiesover time (96 h), however,appears to differ, as judged by their tendencyto precipitate. s.o o0 - rr 4.0 qJ q, ll z 3.0 Aggregate 18 Aggregate 6 (b) '.\ b Fl )< C) I q) !) 2.0 1.5 l0 r5 20 25 30 conc(ilL) Figure8. (a) Estimationof the molecularweightsin solutionby vapor pressure of the aggregates 6 and lE. Calculatedmolecular osmometry weightsfor eachaggregate aregivenin eachcolumnby solidhorizontal weremade numbers.In eachcase.measurements barsandtheassociated againstfourdifferentstandards: N,N.bis-'Boc-gramicidin S (MW 1342) (av MW 5050, (.), sucrose (MW 679) (O), polystyrene octaacetate (MW 3321)(tr). polydispersity 1.05)(r), andperbenzoyl-B-cyclodextrin of measurements Error barsrepresent standarddeviations on aggregate weremadein chloroformat 233 K with andstandards.Measurements concentrations in the range0.5-6 mM. (b) Plot of LVf concnvs concn showingthe differencein the concentration-dependence of data from VPOfor 6 and 18(AZis thechangein voltagerequiredto maintainthe thermistorat constanttemperature). Lines representleast-squares analysis of thesedata. expect,therefore,that the driving force selectingfor the formation of the CA3.M3 rosetteover competing linear hydrogen-bonded networkswould be lower in 7 than in 4. Both 4 and 7 form stable aggregates of composition3bis(M)2:6Ph3Pr(CA)on mixing with 5 (Table l). As the steric requirementof the isocyanuratewas reduced (35 < 34 < I ( 5), however, the effects on the selfassemblyof CAI.M: rosettesbecomeapparent with 7 before 4. For example, while 4 forms a stable aggregate on mixing with neohexylisocyanurate 34,7 doesnot. Theseobseruatioruindicate that reducingthestericbulk of the substituentsonthe melamines and those on the isocyanuratesand barbiturates decreasesthe stability of aggregatesbasedon CAE M s rosettes. The proclivity ofthe bulky isocyanurate5 to form aggregatesbasedon connected CAI.M: rosettes,even in the absenceof sterically demanding substituentson the melamines,reinforcesthe suggestion-indicated by studieson aggregatescomprisinga singleCA3.M3 rosetteT-that this particular isocyanurate provides a strong driving force selectingfor the self-assemblyof CA3.M3 rosettes. These data demonstratethe importanceof the size of the substituentR on the melamines in biasing self-assemblyin favor of aggregates basedon CAI.M3 rosettes. We have also useda secondlevel of steric hindrance to assist/ select for the self-assemblyof these aggregates. The isopropyl Precipitationoccursfrom solutionsof the aggregatesformed betweenPhrPr(CA) 5 and the bismelamines8 or 9 on standing. The suspensionsformed over time in thesecasescan be solubilized by adding methanoland additionalchloroform,concentratingin vacuo, and redissolvingin chloroform alone. Spectra of these solutions from lH NMR show that the aggregateshave reassembled,before precipitation occursonce again. Precipitation (from the initially homogeneoussolution) occurs in the order 9 (much precipitation) > 8 (slight precipitation) > 4 (no precipitation). We note that precipitation (9 > 8 ) 4) from these aggregatescorrelateswith the reductionin preorganization(4 ) 8 > 9). The progressiue reduction in preorganization from 4 through 8 to 9 correlates with the failure of the componentsto self- assemb I e and affor d t her mody namic a I Iy st abI e aggr egat es basedonconnectedCAyM jrosettes. Threeplausibleexplanations for this precipitationare (i) the aggregateis dissociatinginto its constituentmolecules,which are then precipitatingfrom solution, (ii) the aggregateis dissociatingslowly and the free components oligo/polymer,or reassociatinginto a random hydrogen-bonded (iii) the aggregateis associatinginto larger assemblies. The correlation betweenthe preorganization of the componentsand the degreeof precipitationsuggeststhat either (i) or (ii) is the most likely causeof precipitation. As preorganizationis related, the discrete aggregateappearsto becomea metastablestate (the rather than a thermodynamically kinetic productof self-assembly), stable hydrogen-bondedstate. The bismelamine l0 (R' = M€, R = H) demonstratesthe effect of reducing both the steric bulk of the substituentson the melaminesand the preorganizationof the two melaminesfor self-assembly.This componentis the leastsuccessfulat forming of composition3bis(M)z:6(CA)on mixing with 6 equiv aggregates of isocyanuratesor barbiturates. This result supports the conclusionsthat both stericbulk at the peripheryof the aggregate and preorganization of the componentsplay a significant role in selecting for/directing the self-assemblyof CA3.M3 rosettes. Mixing 3 equiv of the bisisocyanurate,15 or 16, with 6 equiv of the melamine derivatives36-38 that are substituted by groups smaller than p-tert-butylphenyl (as in 2) does not affford welldefined bisrosettes(Table 2). Homogenous solutions of the componentsin CHCI3 are not obtained on mixing the molecules in chloroform, even after sonication and heating. tH NMR spectroscopyon the soluble portions of these mixtures do not reveal the presenceof any well-defined aggregates. The steric bulk of the two p-tert-butylphenyl groups appears,therefore, to be responsible for selecting for the formation of the CA3.M3 rosettesin thesecases. Reducing the steric bul k of t he substituent s on the melamines decreasesthe stability of CAyMj rosettes. This observationcorrelatesstrongly with thosernadeon aggregates comprising a single CAr.Ml rosette in the previous paper. The self-assemblyof CA3.M3 rosettesbetweenbarbital (l) and N,N'substituted phenylmelamineswas equally sensitiveto the steric bulk of the substituent of the phenyl rings. Derivatives of r994 Scheme7. Mathias et al. Atternpted Self-Assembly of an AggregatebetweenComplementaryBismelamineand BisisocyanurateDerivatives 3 3 + X \: ilt 29 \ bF" .((-, 'a H Fx'f" 15 Scheme8. Attempted Self-Assemblyof an Aggregatefrom an Unsymmetrical BismelamineDerivative + 6: Il 3 ill 32 \nrt hq" 31 33 melamine bearing two phenyl, adamantyl (37), or p-tolyl (38) substituentsdid not form CA3.M3 rosetteswith barbital. Isocyanurate protons are useful structural markers in the characterization of self-assembled aggregates based on CATM j rosettes. The full characterization of these self-assembled aggregatesby tH NMR spectroscopyis important. We have found the region between 6 13 and 17 ppm in the tH NMR spectrum particularly useful in assessingthe fundamental structural features of new supramolecular aggregatesbasedon CA3.M3 rosettes;other regions of the NMR spectrum can be SeU-Assemblythrough Hybogen Bonding J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 116, No. 10, 1994 4337 Trble l. Outcamcof Self-Asscmbly of VariousBismclaminc 4 and7-10, with Diffdcnt Isocyanurates andBarbituratesc Derivativcs, T", NHr -A; ,*A*A A \? lR R' increasing stericbulk of R' o Hr., A*.t H ruAru A#*, )^a A \? ll .-\r'<, Rl R' increasingpreorganization (sizeof R) 7 R'=H R=iPr 4 R'=tBu R=iPr R'= tBu R- Me ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ E 9 R ' = tBu R- H Me H ra o\Ao I \ Ph--Ph Ph 34 o ,-*An, o{)<fo ++ H- - rJ ' ++ lndicatcs succcssfulformation of a stable aggrcgatc. + Indicatasformation of the aggregatcas a homogcncoussolutionin chloroforrn fiom which prccipitation occursover 2,1-96 b. - Indicatcs tbar a wcll-defined aggregatcis no1formcd on mixing thc componcnts. complicated by overlap of different resonances. This low-field region of the spectrum contains only the resonancesof the hydrogen-bonded protons on the isocyanurates (Figure 9). Overlap between different types of protons is, therefore, not a problem. Furthermore, the isocyanurate protons are involved directly in the hydrogen-bondedCA3.M3 rosette;their resonances are, therefore, sensitive to the degree of hydrogen bonding, concentration, temperature, environment, syrnmetry of the hydrogen-bondednetwork, and exchangebetweenassociatedand dissociatedstates. In summary,the resonancesfrom theseprotons providea wealthof information about the global and local structure of new self-assembledaggregates. The utility of these resonancesin the characterizationof aggregateshas been demonstrated by the assignmentof the relationshipsbetweenadjacentCA3.M3 rosettesin 6 and 18. The resonancesofthe isocyanurateprotons from theseaggregatesare shown in Figure 9b,c, respectively. Once the symmetry of the hydrogen-bondednetwork has been ascertained,the complete assignmentof the resonancesto the aggregatescan be relatively straightforward. The cornplexityof the region in the rH NMR spectrumbetween d 13 and 17 ppm in Figure 9a mirrors the irregularity of the aggregates formed on mixing 4 and 15 (Scheme 7). This complexity is not consistent with the formation of the desired 4338 J. Am. Chem.Soc.,Vol. 116, No. 10. 1994 Table 2. Mathias et al. Outcome of Self-Assembly of Two BisisocyanurateDerivatives, l5 and 16. with Different Melamine Derivativeso .ao ----,> 3- € NH^ t\; ,A*A*, hh YV ++ ) z liF FF 1dF#" <\b#" L-ro ^ 15 ++ 16 ++ T*, rvAru ,A*A** n'f". N'A'N ,A*A*" 0o hs AA NH^ t\; ,A* * aa 36 a ** Indicates successfulformation of a stable aggregate. - Indicates that a well-defined ag1regateis not formed on mixing the components. The relative size of the substituents on 37 (compared with others in the series) is unclear. The adamantyl groups may be too large. single aggregates29 and 32. The aggregate formed on mixing 3 equivof the bismelamine4 with 6 equivof niohexylisocyanurate 34 in chloroform provides another example of the information provided by the resonancesof the isocyanurate protons. This aggregatedisplays four resonances(the middle resonanceis the superpositionof two singlets)for the isocyanurateprotons(Figure 9d). It hasa structure,therefore,in which both CA3.M3 rosettes display two resonancesfor the isocyanurateprotons, and the two rosettes,themselves,are not relatedby a mirror planeof symmetry or by rotation through l80o about an axis parallel to that of the isocyanurates. This feature contrasts to the aggregate6 formed between4 and 5 in which the two adjacent rosettesare related by suchsymmetry. Variable-temperaturelH NMR spectroscopy is consistentwith the hypothesisthat all four resonancesin the aggregatebetween4and 34arederived from as ingleconformation of a single aggregate (Figure 9d,e). No changes in relative proportion (by integration),chemicalshift, peakshape,or number of peaks occur on cooling the sample from 298 to 233 K that would indicate any exchangebetween conformations or associated/dissociatedstatesis occurring. Although the grossstructures (i.e., composition) of the aggregateformed between 4 and 5 or 34 are the same-3bis(M)2:6R(CA)-the reduction in steric demand on the change from 5 to 34 is accompaniedby changes in the local structure of the aggregate. This feature indicates, once again, that steric interactions ot the periphery of the aggregatesdo play a significant role in determining the outcome of the association betweenthese components. Aggregates based on trto connectedCA1M j rosettes are more stable than those based on a single CAyMj rosette. Both lH NMR spectroscopyand gel permeationchromatographyindicate that aggregatescomprising two connectedCA3.M3 rosettesand showing peripheralcrowding are more stable than those based on a single CA3.M3 rosette. The presenceof resonancesfor the fully assembledaggregateof composition3bis(M)2:6ph:pr(CA) in the tH NMR spectrum before addition of a full 2 equiv of PhrPr(CA) to bis(M)2 (Scheme3) alongsiderhoseof uncomplexed componentsand intermediatesalong the assemblypathway (see Figure 3) indicates that the rates of interchangeof bisrosettesis slower than those for aggregate comprising a single CA3.M3 rosette. The absenceof concentration-dependentdissociationof 6 and l8 on dilution of their solutionsreinforcesthis conclusion. The observationof peaksfor the aggregates6 and 18 in GpC that are relatively sharp also suggests that the stability of these bisrosettesis greater than that of aggregatesbasedon a single CA3.M3 rosette. These observationscorrelate with those made on aggregates that compriseincreasingnumbersof parallel, connectedCA3.M3 rosettesin the seriesbasedon covalent preorganization,such as Self-AssemblythroughHydrogen Bonding (a)aggregare 29R0 tu J. Am. Chem. Soc.. Yol. l16, No. 10, 1994 4339 preorganization for the formation of supramolecular aggregates stabilized by CA3.M3 rosettes. The "rules/observations" that were inferred to govern the a s s e m b l y o f a g g r e g a t e s c o m p r i s i n g a s i n g l e C A r . M 3 r o s e t t e Tb y peripheral crowding are paralleled by those for the aggregates based on connected CA3.M3 rosett€S. Most importantl)', the stability of CA3.M3 rosettes does decrease as the size of the substituents on the melamines and isocvanurates is reduced. (b) aggregate 6 18 (c) aggregate Experimental Section General Methods. NMR experimentswere performed with a Bruker AM 500 or 400 instrument. THF wasdistilledfrom sodium bcnzophenone ketyl. Methylene chloride and triethylamine were distilled from calcium hydride. Dimethylformamidewas dried and storedover 4 A molecular sieves. The compounds that have a triazine unit in their chemical in their lH and l3C NMR structuresshow doublingof severalresonances spectra due to slow exchangeof conformers around the NHR-triazine bonds" Reagents were purchasedfrom Aldrich-Sigma and were used without further purification. Abbreviations are used as follows: tri(DIPEA). Ammonium fluoroaceticacid (TFA). diisopropylethylamine hydroxide (NHTOH) was used as a 30Voaqueoussolution. NOE Specna. The NOE spectraof thesesupramolecularaggregates were recordedat 2 5 oC. u ith an evolutionperiodof 3.0 s and a relaxation d e l a . 'o" f 6 . 0 s . T h e c o m p i e rt 5 . 0p m o l ) w a s d i s s o l v eidn 0 . 7 m L o f C D C I 3 , wrth five freeze-pump-thaw cycles. and the sampleswas ciegassed (d) bismelamine 4 + neohex(CA)273K (e) bismelamine 4 + rreohex(CA)233K 16 15 14 1.3 t Figure9. Portionsof the H N MR spectraof theself-assembled aggregates showing with thehydrogen-bonded theresonances associated isocyanurate protons(CDCI3,500MHz). hub(M)3:3zeohex(CA)and hub(MM)3:6neohex(CA)shownin Figure l. In this case,the latter is more stablethan the former.s In both of the series-one basedon peripheralcrowdingand the other basedon covalentpreorganizationof melamines-we believe that the increasein stability of the aggregatesbasedon parallel CA3.M3rosettesrelativeto thosebasedon singleCAI.Ml rosette is a consequenceof the extra preorganization imparted to each CA3.M3 rosetteby the neighboringCA3.M3 rosette. It is also reflectedin the ratio of hydrogen bondsstabilizing the aggregate (enthalpy) to the number of particles involved in the ^ggregate (entropy). Conclusions Supramolecular aggregatesbasedon two connectedCA3.M3 rosettes-bisrosettes 6 and l8-are more stablethan aggregates basedon single CA3-M3 rosette 3. Indeed, bisrosettesbasedon connectedCA3.M3units obtainedby peripheralcrowdingdisplay a surprisinglyhigh degreeof stability. The structuresdescribed in this paper illustrate that 36 hydrogen bonds can stabilize supramolecularaggregatescomposedof nineparticles. The ability to preparestableself-assembled aggregatesby peripheralcrowding rendersthis strategy a useful addition to that basedon covalent Gel Permeation Chromatography. Gel permeation chromatography was performedusinga Waters 600E HPLC with a Waters 484 UV detector and Waters analytical gel permeationcolumn (Ultrastyragel, 1000 A pore size). Elutions were performed at room temperature using HPLC grade CH2Clz or CHCII (containing 3.0 mM p-xylene as an internal reference)as the eluentat a flow rate of 1.0mL/min. The sampleswere prepared at concentrations of the complexesof I mM. The injection volume was 20 pL. Molecular Weight Determinations by Vapor Pressure Osmometry. Molecular weight determinationswere made with a Wescan Model 233 vapor pressureosmomet€roperated at 35 oc. The molecular weight of the complexeswere measuredin HPLC grade, glass-distilledchloroform at concentrationsof approxirnately0.5, l,2,4, and 6 mM. At each concentration, 3-5 measurementswere taken. Calibration curves wer€ generated using four molecular weight standards: sucroseoctaacetate (MW 679), perbenzoyl p-cyclodextrin (MW 3321), polystyrene (MW 5050, polydispersity= 1.05),and a derivativeof gramacidinS in which the two ornithine amino groups had been converted to their rertbutylcarbamates (MW 1342).2 ( l, ldimethylethyl)phenylpmino] Carbamic Aci4 [[S[[[+AminoG[[4 l,3,9triazin-2-yllanrinolnethyl||4bis(l-methylethyl)phylJnethylll,ldimethylethylEster (241. A 100-mL, three-necked,round-bottomedflask was chargedwith cyanuricchloride(362 mg,l.96 mmol), THF (30 mL), and DIPEA (l mL), and the solution was cooled to 0 oC under an atmosphere of nitrogen. To the solution was added p-tert-butylaniline (0.31 mL,0.29 mg,l.96 mmol) in three portionsover l0 rnin. After I h, the reaction mixture was warmed to room temperature, and the amine 22 (629 mg, 1.96 mmol)2 was added. This mixture was stirred at 30 oC for 2 h. The reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature and concentratedin vacuo. The residuewas partitioned betweenEtOAc ( I 25 mL) and brine (75 mL). The organic extract was washed with further brine (75 mL), dried over MgSOr, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford the monochloro triazine 23. This material was dissolved in 1,4-dioxane( I I mL) and 30VoaqueousNH4OH (7 mL). The solution was sealed in a Parr vesseland heated at 95 oC for 8 h. The mixture was cooled to room temperature, depressurized,and concentrated in vacuo. The residuewas partitioned betweenEtOAc (175 mL) and brine (125 mL). The organic extract was washedwith further brine (100 mL), dried over MgSOa, filtered, and concentratedin vacuo. The residuewas purified by column chromatographyon silica gel using a solution of NHrOH/McOH (l 119:vlv) in CHzClz Q ll9:v lv) to afford the product as a white crystallinematerial (868 mg, 1.54mmol, 86Vo): tH NMR (500 MHz, DMSO-d6) 6 8.68 (br app d, I H), 7.61 (br s, I H), 7.54 (br s, I H), 7.3O-7.10(br m, 6 H), 6.30-6.10 (br app d, 2 H), 4.5G-4.40(br a p p d , 2 H ) , 4 . 0 9 ( b r s , 2 H ) , 3 . 2 0 - 3 . 1 0( 2 x m , 2 X I H ) , 1 . 3 5( s , 9 H ) , 1 . 2 2( s , 9 H ) , a n d l . l 5 ( m , 1 2 H ) ; r 3 C N M R ( 1 2 5 M H z , D M S O - d 6 ) 6 1 6 4 . 3 9 ,t 4 4 . 5 5 , t 3 3 . 3 2 , t 2 4 . 6 5 . t 2 t . 2 9 , 1 1 9 . 4 0 ,7 7 . 5 5 , 4 0 . 9 1 . 3 3 . ' 1 5 , 4340 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. I16, No. 10, 1994 3 1 . 2 2 , 2 8 . 2 1 , 2 7 . 7 4 , 3 7 . 6 7 , a n d , 2 3 .H7R 4 :M S - F A B ( M + H ) + c a l c df o r CrzH*NzOz 562.3869,found 562.3868. N,N"'-lI4,GBis( l -methylethyl)- 1,3-phenylenepis(methylene)lbis[N'[4-( I, I -dimethylethyl) phenyl]f l,3,ltriazine.2,4,Gtriamine (4). A solution of 9 (800 mg, 1.43 mmol) in CH:Clz (50 mL) was cooled to 0 "C. TFA (4 mL) was added dropwise over 10 min, and the mixture was stirred for 2 h, under an atmosphereof nitrogen. The reaction mixture wasdiluted with toluene( 50 mL ) and concentratedin vacuo. The residue waspartitionedbetneenEtOAc (100 mL) and I N NaOH (75 mL). The organicextract was washedwith brine (2 x 50 mL), dried over MgSOa, filtered, and concentratedin vacuo to unprotectedamine. This material was added to a solutionof 2l (424 mg, 1.43 mmol) (preparedin situ) in THF (100 mL) and DIPEA (10 mL), and the solutionwas stirred at 30 oC for 5 h. The reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature and concentratedin vacuo. The residuewas dissolvedin 1,4-dioxane( 15 mL) and 307oaQueousNHrOH (10 mL). The solutionwas sealedin a Parr vesseland heatedat 105 oC for l2 h. The mixture was cooled to room temperature,depresurized, and concentratedin vacuo. The residue was partitioned between EtOAc (300 mL) and brine (200 mL). The organic extract was washed with further brine (200 mL), dried over MgSOa, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The residue was purified by column chromatography on silica gel using a solution of NHaOH/ MeOH ( I /9:v/v) in CHzClz ( I / 19:v/v) to afford the product as a white c r y s t a l l i n em a t e r i a l( 6 1 2 m g , 0 . 8 7 m m o l , 6 I V o ) : t H N M R ( 5 0 0 M H z , D M S O - d e ) 6 8 . 7 5 - 8 . 6 2( b r m , 2 H ) , ' 7 . 6 1 - 7 . 5 2( b r m , 2 H ) , 7 . 2 5 - 7 . 0 5 (br m, l0 H), 6.3H.13 (br m, 4 H),4.494.40 (br m, 4 H), 3.22-3.15 ( b r m , 2 H ) , a n d 1 . 2 8 - 1 . 1 0( b r m , 3 0 H ) ; r 3 CN M R ( 1 2 5 M H z , D M S O , 4 3 . 5 1 ,1 3 7 . 8 6 . t 2 5 . 4 4 , 1 2 4 . 8 3 , 1 2 1 . 4 9 , 1 1 9 . 5 0 , d 6 ) 6 1 6 6 . 6 5 ,1 6 5 . 8 3 1 1 1 3 . 8 43, 3 . 9 1 ,3 3 , 8 9 ,3 1 . 5 7 ,3 1 . 3 3 ,2 7 . 9 4 ,a n d 2 3 . 8 4 ;H R M S - F A B ( M + H)+ calcd for CmHssNrz703.4672,found 703.4689. N,N''-[[4,GBis( I -methylethyl) - 1,3-phenylene]bis(methylene)lbis[N'pheny[- I J,$triszine'2,4,6triamine ( 7). A I @-mL, three-necked,roundbottomedflask was chargedwith cyanuric chloride (303 mg, I .65 mmol), THF (20 mL), and DIPEA (1.5 mL), and the solutionwas cooledto 0 oCunderanatmosphereofnitrogen. Aniline (25) (0.15mL, L65 mmol) was added to the solution in two portions over 5 min. After 45 min the reaction mixture was warmed to room temperature,and the bisamine 27 (182 mg, 0.825 mmol)3 was added. This mixture was stirred at25 "C for 6 h. The reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature and concentrated in vacuo. This material was dissolvedin 1,4-dioxane (13 mL) and 307oaqueousNHrOH (9 mL). The solution was sealed in a Parr vesseland heated at I 15 oC for 28 h. The mixture was cooled to room temperature, depressurized,and concentrated in vacuo. The residue was washed with cold water and filtered, and the solid residue was recrystallized from MeOH to afford the product as a cream solid (311 mg,0.528 mmol, 64Vo): tH NMR (500 MHz, DMSO-d6) , 8.98-8.74 ( b r m , 2 H \ , - 1 . 7 8 - 7 . 6 4( b r m , 2 H ) , ' 1 . 2 1 - 4 . 8 1 ( b rm , 1 2 H ) , 6 . 3 7 ( b r s , 4 H ) , 4 . 5 0 * 4 . 3 8( b r m , 4 H ) , 3 . 2 4 - 3 . 1 5( b r s , 2 H ) , a n d l . l 6 ( b r s , l 2 H ) ; t : 6 N M R ( 1 2 5 M H z , D M S O - d 6 )6 1 6 5 . 8 0 ,1 6 4 . 1 2 , 1 4 5 . 1 2 , 1 3 3 . 0 8 . 1 2 8 . 1 4 ,1 2 1 . 4 4 ,I 1 9 . 4 3 ,I 1 6 . 0 8 ,4 1 . 0 3 ,2 7 . 8 6 ,a n d 2 6 . 7 3 :H R M S - F A B (M + H)+ calcd for C32H3eN12 591.3420,found 591.3426. Mathias et al. .rv,N"'-[(4,GDimethyl1,3-phenylene)bis(methylene) lbis[N'-[4-(I, l dimethylethyl)phenyll|1,3,$triazine'2,4,6triamine(t). t H NMR (500 MHz, DMSO-d6)6 8.72-8.60(br m, 2H),7.6U7.50(br m, 3 H), 7.23(br m, 4 H), 4.36(br 7.15(br m, 4 H), 7.054.92(br s, 3 H), 6.28-6.15 s , 4 H ) , 2 . 2 1( s , 6H ) , a n d1 . 2 0( s ,l 8 H ) ; 1 3 CN M R ( 1 2 5M H z ,D M S O 135.02, 143.28,137.84, 164.37, 145.41, d6) d 167.10, 166.79,165.9'1, I I 9.4l, 43.26,33.66,3l .l'7,and I 8.I 4; 131.42,124.61, I 24.58,119.52, HRMS-FAB (M + H)+ calcdfor CreHczNn647.4046,found647.4040. ( I' I -dimethylethyl) pheNJy''-[ l,]Phenyhnebb(methylene)JbislN'-l4(9). 'H NMR (500MHz, DMSO-d6) nyll-1,3,5-trinine-?n4,Gtriamine (br m, 8 H), (br m,4 H), 7.30-7.11 (br m, 2H),'7.65-7.52 d 8.77-8.65 (br m, 4 H), 4.47(br s, 4 H), and 1.22(s, l8 H); r3CNMR 6.36-6.15 140.40, l3-1.82, (125MHz, DMSO-d6) 164.43,143.36. d 166.83, 166.16, 1 2 1. 8 4 . 1 2 5 . 5152, 5 . 1 4 , 1 2 4 . 6119, 1. 5 5I ,1 9 . 4 34, 3 . 2 0 , 3 3 . 6a7n,d3 1 . 1 7 ; found619.3748. HRMS-FAB (M + H)+ calcdfor CrH+:N n619.3733, 1,3,5.^Y,N''-[1,]Phenylenebis(methylene) lbis[Nr (4-methylphenyl)](10). tH NMR (500MHz, DMSO-d6)6 8.7'7triazine'2,4,Gtriamine 8 . 6 7( b r m , 2 H ) , 7 . 6 5 - 7 . 5(4b r m , 4 H ) , 7 . 2 7 - 7 . 1(8b r m , 4 H ) , 7 . 1 2 (br s, 2 H), 6.96(br s, 2 H), 6.46-6.17(br m, 4H),4.43 (b, "/"u= 6.8 6 166.81, Ha4H),and2.l9 (s,6 H); r3CNMR (125MHz, DMSO-d6) I ,1I 1 9 . 5 2 , 1 6 6t.5 , 1 6 4 . 4 2 , 1 4 0 .15318, . 2 31,2 9 . 7, 7 1 2 8 . 5 61,2 7. 9 1 , 1 2 5 . 5 43.i l, and20.3l; HRMS-FAB (M + H)+ calcdforCzaHlN n535.2794, found535.2789. fY-[5-[[4-Amino-G[( 3,3dimethylbutyl)amino]I 3,$triazin- 2-yllaminolnethyll-2,4bis(l-methylethyl)pharyllnethyll-N'-[#(l,ldinethyl)pbe(31). 'H NMR (500 MHz, DMSOnyfl-1,3,$trisnne-2,4,,Gtriamine (br m, 2 H), 7.64-'1.53 (br m, 2H),7.21-7.17(br m, dr) 6 8.75-8.60 (br m, 4 H), 4.404.32(br m, (br m, 2 H), 6.60-5.58 4 H), 7.01-6.80 4 H ) , 3 . 2 0 - 3 . 1(0b r r n ,2 H ) , 2 . 1 9( s ,6 H ) , l . 4 l - 1 . 3 2( b r m , 2 H ) , 1 . 2 2 (s,9 H), and0.95-O.78 (br s, 9 H); r3CNMR (125MHz, DMSO-d6) 133.42, I 3I .40,124.59, 7 I 64.35.I 45.I 6, 135.24, I I 65.64, 6 I 66.7 . 65.95, l l 9 . 4 l , 4 2 . 8 63, 6 . 3 3 3, 3 . 6 73, 1 . 1 82, 9 . 4 12, 9 . 2 4a, n d 1 8 . 1 4H; R M S found 599.4036. FAB (M + H)* calcdfor CrzFLrNrz599.4046, Acknowledgment. This work was supportedby The National Science Foundation (Grants CHE-91-22331 to G.M.W. and DMR-89-20490 to the Harvard University Materials Research Laboratory). NMR instrumentation was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant CHE-88-14019 and the National Institutes of Health Grant I Sl0 RR4870. Mass spectrometry was performed by Dr. A. Tyler. The Harvard University Mass Spectrometry Facility was supported by The National Science Foundation Grant CHE-90-20043 and The National Institutesof Health Grant I Sl0 RR06716-01. We thank Professor Robert Cohen (MIT, Chemical Engineering) for the loan of his vapor pressureosmometer. J.P.M. was an SERC/NATO PostdoctoralFellow. l99l-1993.