The Star A Catholic School committed to the Lasallian Vision of Education Celebrating 60 Years TERM 3 WEEK 5 – 22 AUGUST 2014 – 1954 - 2014 ISSUE 26 / 14 Dear St Michael’s College Community, ‘TOG E THE R A ND BY A S S OCIA TI ON’ We often speak at St Michael’s College in Lasallian terms such as ‘Together and by Association’ and ‘The Lasallian Family’. They help focus us and tell a story of how, as Lasallians, we do not operate in isolation, but rather as one toward a shared Mission of “The human and Christian education of the young, especially the poor”. There are many examples of this occurring at any particular point in time and it is nice to reflect on our current Lasallian connections every once in a while. The Year 11 Retreat and Year 12 Seminar Day were held at the end of last week and were facilitated by the Lasallian Youth Ministry Team, which works out of Bankstown in Sydney. Our own Lasallian Youth Minister, Dom Ascoli, was joined by Philippe Dulawan (Lasallian Youth Coordinator) and LYM team-members, as well as a number of SMC Old Scholars. The Year 11 Retreat theme was “Making a difference - Service. Opportunity. Sacrifice”, while the aim of the Seminar Day was to provide an opportunity for self-reflection and to explore personal directions in post school life, in both a pastoral and spiritual sense. It was terrific to have the vibrant Lasallian Youth Ministry Team working with us at St Michael’s College. A number of our staff will be participating in two upcoming Lasallian gatherings interstate, where they will have the opportunity to reflect, share and learn with others from our Lasallian network. Mr Kym Clark and Mr John Lambert will be attending a workshop in Bankstown which will focus on De La Salle’s profound understanding of the importance of the teacher and how we can deepen the Lasallian experience for students in schools. Additionally, Ms Catherine Pearce and Mr Brent Parfrey will participate in a Brisbane workshop that will be focusing on Lasallian leadership in both the pastoral and curriculum domains. Each of these workshops will be facilitated by Lasallian Mission Services, whose ongoing work helps to enrich us in our educational mission. Finally, below is an excerpt from a letter sent by Br Ricky Laguda, recently appointed General Councillor for our (PARC) region which outlines the themes that will underline his ministry: Dear Brothers and Lasallian colleagues, I am honoured and pleased to assume the duties of General Councillor of PARC for the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. I wish to thank Br David Hawke FSC for the commitment and leadership he has shown in the Region in the past seven years. I hope to make good use of the wisdom and experience he represents. I also pray for his continued success in whatever plans God has for him. In a Region that has educational communities and ministries that serve diverse cultures, ethnicity and religions, we present a tagline that best describes who we are - "Lasallians without Limits". In the next 7 years, Lasallians are called to discern again and again how to be more faithful and responsive to the "signs of the times" and we hope that we truly become Lasallians without limits in whatever space we are called to be. Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever. Fraternally, Br Ricky fsc As we continue to focus on enlivening our Vision for St Michael’s College, we do so in the knowledge that we are part of a vibrant, interconnected Lasallian world which continues to live out its Mission ‘Together and by Association”. John Foley Principal SECONDARY CAMPUS | 15 Mitton Avenue Henley Beach SA 5022 | T 8356 5966 | F 8356 1092 PRIMARY CAMPUS | 78 East Avenue Beverley SA 5009 | T 8346 6548 | F 8346 9449 STUDENT ABSENTEE/LATE ARRIVAL LINES: | Primary: 8150 2397 | Secondary: 8150 2323 W: www.s mc .sa .edu .au | E: sm c@s mc . sa. edu .au | E: s mc pri mar y@ sm | @P rincipal SMC REST IN PEACE CALENDAR TERM 3 AUGUST 25 27 29 31 Yr 11 (2015) Counselling 9am-3pm No Yr 10 Classes Yr 8 Medieval History Presentation (Boys) Whole College Photo (P)&(S) @ Henley Yr 8 Medieval History Presentation (Girls) Sunday Family Mass Primary Campus SEPTEMBER 1 National Child Protection Week 2 Yr 12 (2015) Counselling 9am-8:30pm No Yr 11 classes 4 Yr 11 Formal Yr 11 & Yr 12 Class & Individual Photos 5 International Day of Charity Staff Professional Development NO CLASSES 7 Fathers Day 8 Special/Sport Photos (P) 10 Pulse VII – Music Night 12 Caica Cup 15-16 Yr 9 ZEST Camp 19 Yr 9 Forensic Science Incursion 21 Primary School Jubilee Fete 22-25 Catholic Schools Music Festival 24-26 Business Week (S) 25 Achilles Cup (S) 26 De La Salle Day Early Dismissal for all students ~ 12:45pm DIAMO ND JUBILEE EVENTS 21 Septe mber 7 De cembe r P ri mary S cho ol Fe te Ma ss & Reunion MASS Parents and parishioners are warmly invited to attend Mass at either Campus each week during school time. Please do not hesitate to contact the College with any queries. PRIMARY: Thursday at 9:05am SECONDARY: Wednesday 9:00am YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS To view the latest copy of Youth Ministry News, visit STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Friday 5 September Parents are advised that this Staff Professional Development Day is scheduled to allow staff the opportunity to work collectively as they enhance their Professional Development. S TU DE NTS DO NO T A T TE ND S C HO O L O N TH I S DA Y. Mr Keith White Brother of Mrs Margie Dolley (Staff) Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen S T M IC H A E L’ S C O L LE G E D IA M O ND JU B ILE E 1954 – 2014 WE REMEMBER … In the late ‘80s, early ‘90s, the Parents & Friends Association continued to fundraise for much needed items for the College. A Bush Dance and Quiz Night helped raise funds for air conditioners at Henley as well as the purchase of television sets, a video recorder and a photocopier at Beverley. It also spent $10,000 on the refurbishment of the Chapel at Henley so that all would be in readiness for the 30th anniversary the following year. The refurbishment included the provision of the crucifix, the stained glass window (pictured), new carpet, the tabernacle and sanctuary lamp. Additionally the P&F committed itself to the purchase of a 29 seater bus estimated to cost about $35,000. A garage was built to house the new acquisition and teachers at both campuses learnt to drive the bus in their spare time. The bus provided the freedom for staff and students to go on excursions far and wide, as well as being used for transport by sporting teams. In 1985 the ‘Uniform Shop’ was born and run under the close watch of Mrs Carmel Kay. (Mrs Kay is the much loved mother of old scholars Stephanie Hartshorne (1979), Andrew Kay (1982) and Matthew Kay (1986) and grandmother to old scholar Jordan Harris (2001). St Michael’s College came of age during this period. No longer was the College the newcomer to education. Old scholars returned to teach at the College, bringing with them knowledge of the past, sense of tradition and what one might call a ‘home grown’ Lasallian ethos. There had been previous old scholars such as Michael MacFarlane and Michael Shallow and later came Br Alf Zoanetti (brother to current Primary Campus teacher Mr Angelo Zoanetti), David Hine, Paul Hine, Lynn Martin, Peter Curran, Br Jim De George and Garry Griffin. Many of these teachers were the contemporaries of parents who had been old scholars and who were now sending their children to the College. Former lay teachers and now De La Salle Brothers, John Pill and Geoff Kennewell, also returned as staff members. Other old scholars, Kevin Horsell, Chris Chaplin, John Duigan and Terry Hannan returned after their ordination to say Mass for the SMC community and deepen that sense of a lengthening historical past. DE LA SALLE DAY Friday 26 September, 2014 Parents are advised that De La Salle Day is a whole College event (involving both Campuses) and will be held at the Henley Campus on the last day of Term 3 - September 26. The day will conclude at 12:30pm. Further, information will be forthcoming as the event approaches. PRAY THE WORD WITH MARY The Church honors Mary, the Mother of Jesus, for her inspiration and perpetual intercession for the motherhood of all women. Mary was a faithful virgin, spouse and mother who “heard the Word of God and kept it” (Luke 1:38). Mary gives us hope during our challenges and struggles of every day. We can see in the Bible she is capable of indicating the profound attitude of her soul: Acceptance, Consent, Abandonment, Praise (Magnificat). Acceptance: “Here is the handmaid of the Lord” (Luke: 1: 38) Mary stands before God. This is the sense of the word “here I am” she wants to be recollected and to be attentive to the loving presence of the Lord. To believe means to surrender oneself without any reserve to this design of God upon her. Consent: “Let it be done to me as you have said” (Luke: 1: 38) From the moment Mary became aware of God’s nearness, she no longer hesitated to open up herself completely to His Word. She teaches us so, to discern within us and in the exterior events, the true will of God. Abandonment: “They stood at the foot of Jesus” (John: 19:25) The yes of Mary in the annunciation has reached its fullness at the foot of the cross: it is the supreme act of obedience of faith. Magnificat: Praise “My soul magnifies the Lord” (Luke: 1: 46) For Mary, to give thanks does not mean only to say thank you but to give back to the Father all the gifts that He has given her. Mary is always presented as the model of faith, the first and most privileged disciple of Jesus. To be follower of Jesus we must hear the Word of God and live it fully as Mary did day by day. PRIMARY CAMP US FAMILY MASS The next Family Mass will be held on Sunday 31 August in the Beverley Chapel at 9:00am. Please consider attending. RSVP to is a must. WHOLE COLLEGE PHOTOGRAPH On Friday 29 August, Primary students will be transported by bus to the Henley Campus to enable a full College photograph to be taken as part of our Jubilee Celebration. Students will be dismissed at 3:20pm from the Henley Campus. Please refer to the information letter sent home for specific pick up locations. OSHC will be provided and parents wishing to utilise this service are asked to contact the OSHC Director as soon as possible. All students are expected to attend in full College uniform, ie no sports attire. BOOK OF SPECIAL INTENTIONS A book of “Special Intentions” has been prepared by Sister Jimsy for staff, students and all members of the College Community. All members of the Community are invited to write their special intentions in this book or contact the Primary Campus via to have special intentions included. This might include prayers and intentions for birthdays, wedding anniversaries, deaths, sicknesses, prayers for friends or relatives and any other personal intentions. The Special Intention book will be placed in the Chapel. Sister will ensure intentions are included through masses and prayer services offered during the week. Beginning 21 August , Sister Jimsy will have the Chapel open at recess for students who wish to spend time in quiet reflection. If you wish to have intentions offered in confidence, please forward in a sealed envelope marked attention “Sister Jimsy.” HATS Please note from Monday 1 September the first school day of spring, hats are required for all outdoor activities including PE lessons, recess and lunch. Spring into Spring and spring on a hat. CLASS ALLOCATION 2015 Parents are invited to forward a specific class allocation request for their son in 2015 for consideration by the College. This request can be forwarded in writing to Mr Damian Patton, Deputy Principal – Primary or via email: by the end of Week 8 – Friday 12 September. It should be noted that the invitation to forward a specific request does not imply the College can guarantee your request will be met, as many factors need to be considered. The allocation of students to classes remains the College’s right to review to meet the educational needs of all students. It is important to note that as determination of Class Lists is a complicated process no consideration can/will be given to requests received after the closing date. Mr Kym Clark, Director Lasallian Mission RECEPTION ART GALLERY EXCURSIONS Reception boys ventured out to the city last week to visit the Dorrit Black/Mortimer Menpes exhibitions and workshop at the Art Gallery of SA. The gallery had the two exhibits side by side but exhibiting two very different styles of art. Dorrit Black demonstrated cubist styles and the boys were quite taken by her painting of an unfinished Sydney Harbour Bridge. They described all the colours and wondered about her use of straight lines. Mortimer Menpes, on the other hand, took us on a journey to Japan and other places with his portraiture of Japanese people and their homes. Next, the boys were off to the workshop where it was time to show their portrait skills. They had a mirror, paper, pencil, thin black pen, thick black pen, glue and paper. The task was to draw a self-portrait (and not forget their ears), then decorate using a variety of coloured papers. The skills shown by the boys were quite impressive and for some, the likeness was uncanny! We rain-checked our lunch on the lawns because the temperature was continuing to drop and the rain was beginning to fall. The boys’ portraits will be framed and displayed at our School Fete on 21 September. A great day was had by all – and lunch back at school watching Octonauts (in the warmth) was a treat. Thanks to Ms T for her planning and expertise on the day. Ms Cathie Gaffney, Ms Amelia Talbot, Ms Kate Tyrwhitt and the Reception Boys YEAR 4 ART GALLERY EXCURSION On Tuesday the 5th August it was the Year 4 classes’ turn to attend the same exhibition at the Art Gallery of SA. The boys had already started a unit of work on Dorrit Black’s “Bridge” painting on Showbie and had commenced a painting in response to her artwork. They had also been shown the copper drypoint technique by Ms Tyrwhitt to appreciate the printmaking techniques of Mortimer Menpes. (Photo and article published in the e-news of the Art Gallery of SA). The Year 6 Lino Cut e-books made last term were a fantastic reference during the guided tour (by Ms T) and helped the boys’ understanding of the process behind Dorrit Black’s lino printing techniques. Michael Laudato 6KE’s book was an excellent reference-thanks Michael! Some amazing observations were made by the boys including Charlie Barnard’s comment when sitting in front of Dorrit Black’s Bridge “This reminds me of Picasso’s cubist style of painting”. Will Schubert’s comment on the two prints by Menpes that showed different inking of the same plate “This one is like seen through the eyes of a dog and this one is like a human- their visual acuity is different because of the placement of their eyes on their skull”. Wow! When we got back to school we made up bow ties for our art critic roles and made a reflection on the exhibition using the Comic Life app. Ms Kate Tyrwhitt and the Year 4 Teachers and Students BOOK WEEK The theme for 2014 is “Connect to Reading”. The Year 3-7 classes were enthralled with illustrator Marc McBride’s sessions with them last Tuesday and the Reception to Year 2 boys have been inspired by illustrator Andrew Joyner’s sessions with them this week on Monday. A reminder that there is no Book Week parade this year as we have them on alternate years. This Friday , 22 August is the day we will have a special Book Week literacy activity in classrooms followed by a shared buddy class lunch. Please remember to send a small plate of food for your son to share for lunch on Friday. Information about all these aspects of Book Week were on a notice that came home on 8 August. The notice is also loaded onto the school intranet if you have misplaced your copy. Mrs Linda Story, Primary Campus Teacher Librarian UPPER PRIMARY NEWS Semester 2 is now in full swing and it is great to see our students engage in the various learning activities across the Upper Primary classes. I have been particularly impressed with our YELP (Youth Environmental Leaders Program) Leaders with the leadership t hey have undertaken in the planning phase of the construction of our mini wetlands which is a component of our School Environment Management Plan. There are many challenges in a school week, some of which appear easy, others more challenging. Year 7s are learning the rigors of touch football, a game many thought was much easier than what it looks. Touch football is a great game not only for fitness but also for team work, hand-eye coordination skills and trying to “read the game.” If you were to walk down the walkways at certain times of the week you will see lots of Year 6 students busily creating their eco houses. The building of the house is only part of a unit on sustainability which also includes the use of various ipad apps to support student learning. Our Year 5 students can’t wait to visit Port Power. This is to complement their Unit of Investigation “How Wesley Works,” where they learn about the body and body systems. As part of our Book Week celebrations the library staff invited Marc McBride to speak and show his talents to the students. Marc is the illustrator for all the Deltora Quest novels, a series of books which are especially popular with boys. One thing that resonated with me was that Marc mentioned to the boys that he wasn’t a good artist at school, however he kept working on it, kept on painting a nd drawing and finally he got his big break. A good message for any student and the many challenges they face. Mr Angelo Zoanetti, Upper Primary Coordinator SECONDARY CAMPUS SECONDARY SUBJECT COUNSELLING INFORMATION Term 3 is when students and parents make important decisions regarding subject choices in preparation for future career pathways. These choices should be guided by student interest and success in preparatory subjects. Students in Year 10 have completed, or will be completing in Semester 2, the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) as the first stage of their SACE certificate. This is designed to assist students to identify possible career paths. Various parent information nights are designed to explain the subject selection process and SACE certificate requirements and I urge parents to attend these if at all possible. Mr Anthony Vizaniaris and Ms Rose Coorey are available for Careers Counselling and Mr Kevin Woolford is available for advice on VET courses. Appointments can be made by contacting Student Services. Critical dates for various stages of the subject selection process are listed below. Due dates for the return of various forms will be published on the forms. Your support in this important process is greatly appreciated and I can be contacted through Student Services to clarify any issues arising. YEAR 11 SCHEDULE Tuesday 2 September – Resource Centre (9:00am – 8:30pm) Subject Selection Counselling Day. No Year 11 lessons. Current Year 11 students and parents required to attend prearranged interviews. YEAR 10 SCHEDULE Monday 25 August – Resource Centre (9:00am – 8:30pm) Subject Selection Counselling Day. No Year 10 lessons. Current Year 10 students and parents required to attend prearranged interviews. YEAR 8 AND 9 SCHEDULE Wednesday 20 August (Pastoral Care) Student subject selection procedures assembly. Attendance compulsory: Current Year 8 and 9 students. Ms Bron Kemp, Director of Teaching & Learning STUDY SUPPORT FOR YEAR 12S As the year commences to enter its critical phase, we are pleased to announce some services which are intended to help support our current Year 12 students in their studies. Silent study will be available every WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY from 3:20 - 4:30pm in Room 1 from Week 4. ACE YOUR EXAMS SKILLS SESSION ~EXAM PREPARATION TECHNIQUES - FREE SESSION By ELEVATE EDUCATION ~ Thursday 18 September 2014 Presented by Elevate Education on 18 September in Mary MacKillop Centre from 9:15 - 10:45. This excellent session offers practical advice for exam preparation strategies and was extremely well received by students last year. Students will be issued with a registration form in the near future. Recent Testimonials "The best exam preparation session I have seen in 30 years of teaching. This should be compulsory for all year levels undertaking end of year exams." Teacher Yarra Valley Grammar – Melbourne "It wasn't boring like most seminars. For once I think I might actually go home and try this stuff instead of just throwing it away!" North Sydney Boys High – Sydney "It was really great. I really felt that I needed to learn how to study for year 12 and this program was really helpful...Thankyou! It will help me a lot this year." "Really useful tips. Unlike stuff we done with other people, this seems practical and actually useful." Shelford Girls' College – Melbourne "The actual direct application of these rules means that the whole program is rewarding almost instantaneously, it's actually motivational, as well as majorly 'self help." Presbyterian Ladies' College – Perth "Ten out of ten. I believe these techniques are absolutely essential to all students." Christian Brothers' College – Adelaide Find out more at Please contact Year 12 Year Level Director, Students will receive registration forms via their pastoral teacher. Mr Sam Kitschke via email or telephone if you have any enquiries. Mr Sam Kitschke – Year 12 Level Director MUSIC ~ SMC MUSIC DEPARTMENT SHOWCASE 2014 “PULSE 7” Wednesday 10 September Yes that’s right, it’s back! The 2014 Pulse Music Showcase absolutely promises to be the best yet. Featuring a huge array of talent, and this year over 200 student musicians from SMC Henley, along with our guests from SMC Beverley and Star of the Sea School. This year we have some new ensembles, most notably our new 45 piece Concert Band (wind ensemble) and flute ensemble. And our regular performers, Big Band 1, Big Band 2, the 2014 award-winning SMC Choir, Guitar Band, Motown Band, Jazz Band, Chamber Group and lots more. Also keep your eyes peeled for a combined performance of Beverley’s Stage Band playing with Henley’s Big Band 1 – that will be fun! Format is Cabaret style – BYO food/nibbles and drinks (Venue is licensed for BYO alcohol). Seating is in 2 formats – at tables (you can book part or a whole table of 10), or just individual seats (rear of Founder’s Hall). There is no charge, however seats and tables MUST be pre-booked. Bookings through or on 8356 5966 (ask for the Music Office). *Book early – last year sold out. Bring your family and friends! We look forward to seeing you on the night. ABODA SA BAND AND ORCHESTRA FESTIVAL – FRIDAY 22 AUGUST Good luck to SMC’s Big Band 1 and Big Band 2 who are competing in the ABODA Band Festival on Friday at Westminster College. This is Big Band 2’s first ever attempt in a band competition. We wish them the best of luck. Big Band 2 is on stage at 2:20pm and Big Band 2 is on stage at 3:30pm in the Westminster’s auditorium. Parents and friends are all welcome to attend – no entry charge. Go SMC! Mr Tim Donovan, Director of Music AURECON BRIDGE BUILDING COMPETITION Earlier this term interested students were asked to apply to be a part of an exciting competition, the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition, which was judged at The Adelaide Convention Centre on North Terrace last week. The aim of this competition was to provide students with an insight into the design and construction of engineering structures. There were approximately 50 tea ms having their bridges judged on the day; a total of 225 students. Three Teams were selected in a Gifted and Talented in itiative to represent St Michael’s College: TEAM Gold: Marco Romano (8AM), Jye Paladino (8AM), Yianni Kaponias (8CA) TEAM Maroon: Benjamin Fitzgerald (9SP), Kenny Cao (9FA), Sebastian Fortuna (9BE) TEAM Blue: Thomas Black (8CA), Jake Condelli (8CA), Thomas Zito (8CA) The students’ brief was to design and construct a bridge using only balsa wood, a cardboard tube, a tube of epoxy glue and 1 piece of 5m string. This bridge building project involved research, planning, teamwork, decision making, problem solving, creative thinking and innovation with the result being an efficient design. I am pleased to report that St Michael’s College was more than ready for the challenge that awaited them with Team Blue finishing 4 th, Team Maroon finishing 5th and Team Gold finishing 6th on the day. All the bridges were evaluated according to the maximum load supported, the aesthetics, the workmanship and creativity of the design. Team Gold’s bridge was able to withstand 28.6 kg, while the bridge built by Team Maroon held an impressive 34 kg. A lot was riding on the outcome of the bridge built by Team Blue and although their bridge was able to carry an incredible weight of 41 kgs – beating last year’s school record of 28.2 kg - sadly it was just one kilogram short of taking out 3rd prize. All of the students were thrilled with the winning result and had a fun time. This is evident in the reflections of the event, below: I really enjoyed the bridge building competition as it was a great experience and it was a lot of fun making the bridge. My team was very unfortunate because we lost out on 3rd prize by 1 kilogram. It was a very fun day as we got to watch bridges be weighed to destruction. I enjoyed the experience with my team and I am excited about doing it again next year and improving on our first design. Thomas Zito (8CA) Last Wednesday, three Bridge Building groups were invited to the Adelaide Convention Centre to test how much weight their bridge could hold. Firstly, when we arrived, we had to register our teams. In my group was Marco Romano, Yianni Kaponias and I. Our bridge ended up carrying a weight of 28.6 kilograms. I considered this as a weight to be proud of. After lunch the winners were announced with our three teams coming in 4th, 5th and 6th. Team Blue missed out on 3rd place by 1kg. Overall it was a very successful day and I can’t wait to be a part of this program again in the coming years. Jye Paladino (8AM) The Aurecon bridge building competition was a very challenging and fun competition. We were set the task to build a bridge out of the materials given. It took a while to construct them but we finally completed them. The day was awesome, we went to the convention centre and tested our bridges competing against other schools. My group (Jye Paladino, Yianni Kaponias) did a good job reaching about 30 kg’s. The two other St Michael’s Team Bridges were able to carry a load of 30Kg and 40kg. Overall it was a brilliant day and we nearly got all St Michael's groups in the top 5. Marco Romano (8AM) STUDEN T SERVICES Please be aware that many of these articles have extra information that can be accessed on the Student Services Intranet page: http://intranet/secondary/student_services/latest_news/current.pdf# THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPITAL OPEN DAY Saturday 23 August 2014, 11:00am -3:00pm. UNISA INFORMATION SESSIONS THIS COMING WEEK Career Start: Business & Law Courses at City West Campus Tuesday 26 August 5-7pm: See Twilight at Magill Campus Wednesday 27 August 4-8.30pm Find out more about our education, social work, psychology, human services, history, Indigenous cultures and communication and media programs at Magill @ Twilight. Built Environment Preview Session City East Campus Thursday 28 August 5.30-7.30pm See 2015 SUBJECT SELECTION Year 11 into Year 12 2015 forms are due this coming Wednesday and we are expecting a few last minute appointments leading up to this deadline. When students hand up their form we ask that all sections are completed, VET form is included (if VET has been chosen) and most importantly some indication of a desired pathway beyond Year 12. This helps the staff on the Subject Selection panel to review subject choices and check for solid pathways. If this information is not included it means limited feedback can be offered with regard to the career pathway planning on Subject Counselling day. If students need help with this we remind them to make an appointment as soon as possible. The process to get an appointment requires a trip to Student Services at recess or lunch. Students then get an Appointment Preparation Sheet that they complete and bring to the Career Counselling appointment. YEAR 12 SATAC UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS In most cases as long as a student has a preference on the SATAC system by 30 September, they can add, delete and change the order at no extra cost or penalty right through until 5 January 2015. There are a handful of courses that cannot be added aft er 30 September so students need to be aware of these. The key to months of flexibility is to submit an application and have a SATAC registration number by 30 September. Students interested in Music must submit their application for audition by Friday 29 August 2014. See More on TAFE applications in September. UPDATE FROM UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE New Engineering (Honours) Pathway The Faculty of ECMS is excited to announce that the new Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Flexible Entry will be offered to prospective students for the first time in 2015. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Flexible Entry is a 1 year entry pathway designed for students who want to be an engineer but aren't sure what type of engineering degree to study. More information is available at this link: New Program: Applied Biology The Bachelor of Applied Biology at the University of Adelaide offers a unique combination of theoretical learning and profess ional practice in the discipline of applied biology. Offering a unique student experience, the program includes the opportunity for a full semester of overseas study at a University of Adelaide strategic partner institution and a semester of placement within a relevant industry, government or research context. More information can be found on ‘Degree Finder’: IEDUCATE SCHOLARSHIP Students interested in courses on offer at IEducate may wish to visit their Website and apply for the opportunity to win a Scholarship to cover a Diploma level course. Applications close 13th October 2014. See: Note they have an Open Day on 2 September 2014. They offer a broad range of Diploma Courses, from Logistics to Nursing. CAREER IN TEACHING ADVICE DINNER Last call: If you would like to find out more about a Career in Teaching the final Western Futures Career Advice Dinner for 2014 is in this area. This will be your last opportunity to enjoy a free 2 course dinner at The Lakes Resort and hear from the course providers, University SA, employers and those in the profession. It will be held Tuesday 9 September 6:00pm- 9:00pm, please RSVP by August 24 to Kirsty Wilding at Western Futures, call 8354 4214 or email: 2015 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICAL & PARTS APPRENTICESHIPS We have received information from Vantage Automotive inviting students to apply for their 2015 Apprenticeship programs. Whilst there are positions in Adelaide, students are flown to Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane for state of the art training. Vantage Automotives specialise in the following brands: Audi, Jaguar Volvo Renault, Land Rover, Mazda etc. Please visit for details. DEFENCE FORCE ADFA OPEN DAY SATURDAY 31 AUGUST IN CANBERRA From Website: “Open Day at the Australian Defence Force Academy” (ADFA) is an ideal opportunity for you to experience first-hand this unique, world class training and educational facility. If you are interested in combining a challenging and exciting car eer in the Australian Defence Force with a degree then you should come along and find out more.” See link: REGENCY TAFE OPEN DAY Thursday 28 August 2014 1pm – 6pm An exciting program of demonstrations, information sessions and campus tours. If you are considering studying at TAFE SA visit our Regency Campus. During your time at TAFE SA Regency Campus you can: explore the campus, attend information sessions on specific courses, obtain information about alternative pathways and tour the new state-of-the-art $38.3 million Mining, Engineering and Transport Centre. The Centre will be home to the latest technologies including the latest hi-tech dyno facilities for light and heavy vehicles, automotive spray painting and spot repair booths, mining training practice drill rig and drill pad, land information systems survey equipment and computer software, advanced manufacturing 3D scanning and printing facilities and CNC controlled mills, guillotines and plasma cutters. Talk to specialised staff about specific courses and subjects. Lecturers and staff will be available at our all information booths, they will be positioned around the campus and highlighted on the map. GILLES PLAINS TAFE OPEN DAY Friday 29 August 2014 9am - 3pm An exciting program of demonstrations, information sessions and campus tours. If you are considering studying at TAFE SA visit our Gilles Plains Campus. During your time at TAFE SA Gilles Plains Campus you can: explore the campus, attend information sessions on specific courses, obtain information about alternative pathways, talk to specialised staff about specific courses and subjects. Information Booths, Lecturers and staff will be available at our all information booths, they will be positioned around the campus and highlighted on the map. Location: 33 Blacks Road, Gilles Plains. For more information about the Open Day contact: iCentral Courtyard – talk to our staff iCentral Courtyard is a place you can: decide on what information sessions to attend, find the right people to talk to throughout the day, get maps and programs. Ask questions: Look for staff and students wearing red polo shirts, they’ll be on hand to answer your questions and help you find your way around. Ms Rose Coorey - Career Counsellor, Mr Anthony Vizaniaris - Career & Personal Counsellor & Mr Kevin Woolford - VET Coordinator OLD SCHOLARS WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Davis Teakle ~ Class of 2012 We were delighted to receive contact from Davis when he updated his details recently via the website. Davis wrote … “After leaving St Michael's in 2012 I enlisted into the Australian Army on the 7th of January 2013. On completion of my Recruit training at Kapooka in Wagga Wagga I was later posted to my initial employment training at the School of Infantry in Singleton NSW. After I successfully marched out of Singleton, I was then posted to the 3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment in Townsville as a part of 3rd Brigade Lavarack Barracks. Since my time in the Battalion started, I have been part of many major exercises such as Talismansaber 2013 and exercise Hamel 2014. These exercises are the only ones in Australia where various other countries take part, ie New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States. I was lucky enough to get my first support course in 3RAR so early on in my career which qualified me as an Assault Pioneer, giving me a wide range of skills and knowledge of demolitions, water insertions, booby trapping and field engineering. I also successfully completed a 3 week drivers course which awarded me my Defence Force Driver’s licence. My Battalion is currently the Ready Battle Group (RBG) of the Army and Alpha Company, the Company I am currently with, is the Ready Combat Team (RCT). The RBG is on a 7 day notice to move to react to anything that happens across the world and the RCT is on 48 hours notice to move. This ensures that every soldier is always ready and can always be counted on to move anywhere in less than 3 days. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Army and 3RAR thus far. I have made life-long friends all over Australia and also members that have joined the ADF from overseas. I thank the Staff of St Michael's College for helping me achieve my goal of becoming an Australian Soldier and will be forever in the school’s debt.” We wish Davis well as he continues his Army career and will keep him and other members of the armed forces in our prayers. ARE YOU AN OLD SCHOLAR and have an interesting story to tell? Send through your details to COMMUNITY NE WS STELLA MARIS PARISH SCHOOL FETE Sunday 31 August 2014. 1 Syme Avenue, Seacombe Gardens 10:00am- 3:00pm. FREE PARENTING SEMINAR – SLEEP & YOUR TEENAGER Tuesday 9 and Tuesday 16 September 2014. Presented by Parenting SA. For more details and to book go to: http:/ or phone 83031600. 2014 WINTER FESTIVAL OF LEARNING Presented by the Charles Sturt Library for the month of August including local and international guests, Children’s Book Week, National Science Week and other family programs. For further details call 8408 1333. YOUTH MASS Saturday 6 September 2014 6:00pm. All young people are invited to attend Vigil Mass on the first weekend of each month at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 420 Seaview Road, Henley Beach. All welcome. ST JOSEPH'S OLD SCHOLARS DINNER WEDNESDAY 8 OCTOBER 2014. Adelaide Royal Coach, 24 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town, 6:30pm for 7:00pm START. Sensational smorgasbord at $37 per head. Guest Speaker: Jenny Brinkworth, Director of Catholic Communications and Editor of THE SOUTHERN CROSS. Door Prizes. Invitation for all former students/teachers (male and female) from any Josephite Schools/Colleges, here or Interstate, to attend. Bookings (name/s and phone number/s) by Thursday 2 October with Josie (8295 3667) or Margaret (8264 0780). CONGRATULATIONS Joshua Dawkins 9CO who has been selected in the U/16 state water polo team travelling to Hobart to compete in October. If your son or daughter has been selected in a sporting representative team or has sporting achievements that you would like to share with the SMC community please email or CO-CURRICULAR NE WS VENUES/TIMETABLES Please follow the link below to access times and venues (no password required!). Details have also been emailed to students. WINTER SPORT TRAINING TIMES All fixtures are emailed to teams weekly. They can also be found on the College sport noticeboard as well as on the intranet and the College website Parents are advised that they do not require a password or login to access the fixtures online. UNIFORMS Available at Sports Centre, 142 Port Road, Hindmarsh. Further information is available via the website: or IMPORTANT SPORT DATES Thursday 11 September: Summer Sport teams finalized (all students who played T1 must play T4. See Miss Fanto/Mrs Nicholson if you would like to be included in a team) Friday 12 September: Caica Cup Sunday 21 September: City 2 Bay Thursday 25 September: Achilles Cup (final boys athletics carnival) Saturday 18 October: Summer Sport commences NETBALL All senior netball players and their parents are invited to attend the 2014 St Michael’s College Senior Girls Netball Presentation evening. It will be held at the college in the Mary Mackillop centre on Thursday 11 th September from 6.30 – 9.30pm. We will acknowledge the involvement and achievement of all senior netball teams with awards being presented throughout the night. Consent forms can b e collected from the Co-curricular office and I ask that they are returned with payment to the front office by no later than Monday 25 August. Miss Jessica Fanto, Boys Co-curricular Coordinator & Mrs Sally Nicholson, Girls Co-curricular Coordinator SPORT RESULTS PRIMARY CAMPUS BASKETBALL U10 SMC v Grange Blue 18/12; Goals: L Waye 10, P Choimes 2, A Chin 2, A Charles 2, T Richards 2 Football Primary A SMC 9.7 v SC 6.4; Goals: Kennewell 2, Jarman 2, McCann 1, Liambis 1, Foley 1, Dorian 1, Smith 1; Best: Mudronja, Laudato, Liambis, Vassallo, Dorian, J McCann Primary B SMC 0.0 v BPS 17.6; Best: Barry, Trevaskis, Sheldon Yr 4/5 SMC 1.1 v BPS 10.11; Goals: Chartier; Best: Dunstan, Higham, Muller Soccer Primary A Opposition forfeit Primary B SMC 3 v SHC 0; Goals: Holmes, Moore Year 4/5 SMC 2 v CBC 3 SECONDARY CAMPUS - BOYS BASKETBALL SENIOR A SMC 49 v MHS 43; Best: AJ Mudronja, S Darling SENIOR B SMC 33 v MHS 49; Best: D Zanardo, J James JUNIOR C FOOTBALL 1st XVIII 17.20.v SMC 8.6; Best: D Cardone, T Pillion, D Greig, D Ginever, J Calabro 2nd XVIII SMC 4.4 v SPSC 15.9; Best: Deluca, Hammond, Lindsay, Passaniti 10A SMC 7.4 v IC 14.6; Best; C Gaffney, L Zanelli, S McKay 9A SMC 12.11 v IC 11.3 ; Best: C McLeod, A Martin, J Zille; Goals: C McLeod 5, J Zille 3, S Yiannicou 2, A Martin 1, B Kozned 1 9B No Game 8A SMC 11.8 v CBC 7.9; Best players: J Camacho, L Firns, E Marchioro, A Schultz, D Passaniti; Goals: E Marchioro 2, J Camacho 2, L Firns 2, M Hambly, L Ridley 1, G Basille 1, R Adami 1 (Special mention to little H Nikoleaff for playing) 8B SMC 0.0 v NAZ 33.21; Best Players: B Hawson J Mansell L Clarke SOCCER 1st XI SMC 4 v IMC 2; Goals: C Kayumba 4; Best Players: C Kayumba, A Tropiano, J Steer 2nd XI SMC 0 v NAZ 10 10 Gold SMC 6 v IC 1; Best Players: S Taylor, J Gorcilov, J Bigham; Goals: J Gorcilov 1, J Bigham 1, C Dally 1, R Johnston 1, L Bragagnolo 1, S Taylor 1 9 Gold SMC 13 v SHCM 1; Best Players: F Fidelis, E Hauptman, N Caruso, Goals: J Panuccio 7, N Caruso 2, N Medic 2, N Stavridis 1, S Abadia 1 9 Blue SMC 5 v NAZ 5; Best Players: S Fortuna, J Salvemini, R Adamopolous Goals: T Holmes 2, R Adamopolous 1, G Guttilla 1, A Zanardo 1 9 Maroon SMC 0 v MERC 1; Best Players: N Bevan, H Day, J Mitroussidis 8 Gold SMC 2 v MHS 1; Best Players: L Cubelic, J Cremasco, T Sleczka Goals: M Borges-Rodriguez 1, T Sleczka 1 8 Navy Blue SMC 2 v CBC 3; Best players: J Cremasco, M Lubicic, D Bendo; Goals: M Lubicic , M Borges-Rodrigues 8 Royal Blue SMC 1 v BPS 2; Best Players: R Manning, S Noon, M Perrotta. Goals: M Perrotta 1 8 Maroon SMC 16 v CC 1 TABLE TENNIS SENIOR B(1) BYE SENIOR B(2) BYE JUNIORS SMC 12 v Woodcroft 0 SECONDARY CAMPUS - GIRLS BADMINTON Year 8 SMC 5(13) v SAC 0(3) NETBALL OPEN A1 SMC 37 v LOR 35 OPEN A2(1) BYE OPEN A2(2) Forfeit OPEN B2 SMC 39 v NAZ 15 OPEN C1(1) SMC 34 v NAZ 16 OPEN C1(2) SMC 35 v NAZ 19 OPEN C2 SMC 26 v SIG 10; Best Players: C Duval, C Adami, M Ware 10A1 SMC 40 v SHC 15; Best Player: S Morgan 10A2 SMC 24 v CAB 37 10B2 SMC 29 v MMK 17 10C1 SMC 40 v KILD 13 9A1 SMC 34 v LOR 13; Best Players: C Dinning, O Watts, G Watts, A Jenko, G May 9A2 SMC 28 v LOR 23; Best Players: L Daly, A Armiento, E Anic-Kaliger 9B2 SMC 23 v KILD 9 9C1 SMC 7 v NAZ 17; Best Players: A Patton, M Tarzia, N Fazzari, G Rees, L Black, H Ottrey 8A1 SMC 37 v SIG 20 8A2 SMC 17 V GLE 27 8B1 SMC 37 v SIG 7; Best Player: M Schubert 8C1 SMC 24 v NAZ 9; Best Players: A Smith, L Burgess, N Carroll 8C2 SMC 3 v CAB 31 SOCCER Junior 8/9 SMC 0 v PEM 1 COLLEGE INFOR MATION SCHOOL IMMUNISATION DATES Visit 5 Thursday 23 October 2014 Visit 6 Thursday 27 November 2014 All Year 8s: HPV (3) Year 9 Boys: HPV (3) UNIFORMS: DOBSONS UNIFORM SHOP 1 Lawrie Street, Henley Beach 8150 2306 Normal Trading Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00am – 4:15pm Specials to all new and existing students are on offer until the end of October. Parents are invited to take advantage of these specials. The Shop will be opened the first week of the School Holidays and on the first day of Term 4. Please contact Mary or Margaret on 8150 2306 to arrange an appointment. SPORTS CENTRE SCHOOL WEAR For supplies of co-curricular uniforms. 142 Port Road, Hindmarsh SECOND HAND UNIFORMS: ONLINE SELLING & BUYING Please refer to the College website for information relating to the sale of second hand uniform items. For further assistance telephone: 8346 3411 STUDENT TRANSPORT SCHOOL BUS SERVICE CHANGES PRIMARY: SECONDARY: ADELAIDE METRO BUS ROUTES & TIMETABLES 286 Henley Beach to City 287 Henley Beach to City 288 West Lakes Centre Interchange to City H22 Henley Beach South to Wattle Park H32 Henley Beach South to City GRANGE TRAIN