SYLLABUS ECE-4330/5330 Embedded System Design UCCS, Fall 2014 Course Description: Introduction to embedded systems including real time fault-tolerant significance. Study the hardware and software techniques to designing embedded system, including study of various embedded operating systems, embedded controllers and digital signal processing hardware. Study existing embedded systems. Instructor: Dr. Darshika G. Perera Contact Information: Email : Office : ENGR-222 Class Time: Monday 8.00AM – 10.40AM Class Rooms: CMB-322 for lectures, ENGR-229 for labs Office Hours: Monday 11.00AM – 12.00PM; Thursday 1.30 – 2.30 PM Text Book: Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR, by Barnett, Cox, & O’Cull, Thomson Delmar Learning, 2007 Prerequisites: ECE 3430, CS 1450, or consent of the instructor. Meets with ECE 5330. Grading ECE4330 Lab demo and Lab report (equally weighted): 70%* Final Exam: 30% (mandatory to pass the course) ECE5330 Lab demo and Lab report (equally weighted): 50%* Project demo and report: 20% (mandatory to pass the course) Final Exam: 30% (mandatory to pass the course) * All the lab demos and reports should be completed in professional manner and on time. Do consult me if you can not attend the labs or can not submit the reports on time. Late lab demos and/or reports, without prior consultations, will result in significant loss of your grade: 20% loss for one week delay; 50% loss for 2 weeks delay; and 0 after that. Note: Check the Blackboard regularly for announcements, updates, and new material. Total marks are calculated as follows: For Undergrads: = (0.7 * (hw 1 to 8) / 8) + (0.3 * final exam) For Grads: = (0.5 * (hw 1 to 8) / 8) + (0.2 * final project) + (0.3 * final exam) The grades are as follows: A =94-100 A=90-93 B+ =87-89 B =84-86 B=80-83 C+ C CD+ D DF =77-79 =74-76 =70-73 =67-69 =64-66 =60-63 =below 60 Course Schedule Week Date Planned Activities 1 08/25 Overview of Embedded Systems & Introduction to Atmel AVR (CMB-322) 2 09/01 Labor day holiday (school closed) 3 09/08 Atmega 16 Architecture & Peripherals (CMB-322) 4 09/15 Part 1 – Embedded C Programming Part 2 – Lecture on Lab 1, 2, 3 (CMB-322) 5 09/22 Lab 1 – Introduction (ENGR-229) 6 09/29 Lab 2 – A/D Converter (ENGR-229) 7 10/06 Lab 3 – Optical Sensor (ENGR-229) 8 10/13 Lecture on Lab 4, 5 (CMB-322) 9 10/20 Lab 4 – D/A Converter (ENGR-229) 10 10/27 Lab 5 – Controls & Feedback (ENGR-229) Due Before and During Before: Read chapter 1 & STK500 user guide, read lab 1 manual & complete prelab 1 questions During: Hand in pre-lab 1, demo lab 1, check out the lab kit including STK500 board Before: Read chapter 2, Atmega16 & STK500 user guides; read lab 2 manual & complete pre-lab 2 questions During: Hand in Lab 1 report & pre-lab 2, demo lab 2 Before: Read chapter 2 & data sheet for NTE3100, read lab 3 manual & complete pre-lab 3 questions During: Hand in Lab 2 report & pre-lab 3, demo lab 3 During: Hand in Lab 3 report Before: Read chapter 2 & Atmega16 user guide, read lab 4 manual & complete prelab 4 questions During: Hand in pre-lab 4, demo lab 4 Before: Read lab 5 manual & complete pre-lab 5 questions 11 11/03 Complete Lab 5 & start Lab 6 – Open Loop Controller (ENGR-229) 12 11/10 Complete Lab 6 & start Lab 7 – Simple Feedback Controller (ENGR-229) 13 11/17 Complete Lab 7 & start Lab 8 – Proportional Feedback Controller (ENGR-229) 14 11/24 Complete Lab 8 (ENGR-229) 15 12/01 Lecture – Review for final exam (CMB-322) 16 12/08 Lecture – Graduate student project presentations/demos 17 12/15 Final Exam: Open lab report (CMB-322) During: Hand in Lab 4 report & pre-lab 5, demo lab 5 Before: Those who completed Lab 5, read the article “PID without a PhD” on Blackboard, read lab 6 (part 1 of lab manual_6_7_8) & complete pre-lab questions at the end of lab_6_7_8 manual. During: Demo lab 5 and 6; Hand in Lab 5 report and pre-lab questions either this week or next week. Before: Those who completed Lab 6, read the article “PID without a PhD” on Blackboard, read lab 7 (part 2 of lab manual_6_7_8) & complete pre-lab questions at the end of lab_6_7_8 manual. During: Demo lab 6 and 7; Hand in Lab 6 report either this week or next week. Before: Those who completed Lab 7, read lab 8 (part 3 of lab manual_6_7_8) During: Demo lab 7 and 8, Hand in Lab 7 report this week or next week. Before: Read lab 8 (part 3 of lab manual_6_7_8) During: Demo lab 8, Hand in Lab 8 report this week or next week. During: Hand in Lab 8 report Before or During: Hand in Graduate Project reports Academic Dishonesty: defines plagiarism and cheating as: Plagiarism is the use of distinctive ideas or words belonging to another person, without adequately acknowledging that person’s contribution. Regardless of the means of appropriation, incorporating another’s work into one’s own requires adequate identification and acknowledgement, unless the material used is considered common knowledge. Plagiarism is doubly unethical because it deprives the true author of the rightful credit and gives that credit to someone who has not earned it. When the source is not noted, the following would constitute plagiarism: Word-for-word copying; The mosaic (to intersperse a few words of one’s own here and there while, in essence, copying another’s work); The paraphrase (the rewriting of another’s work, but still using the same fundamental idea or theory); Fabrication (inventing or counterfeiting sources); Ghost-written material (submitting another’s effort as one’s own) Cheating involves intentionally possessing, communicating, using (or attempting to use) unauthorized (by the instructor) materials, information, notes, study aids, or other devices, in any academic exercise, or the communication with any other person during such an exercise. Examples: Copying from another’s paper or receiving unauthorized assistance from another during an academic exercise or in the submission of academic material. Using a calculator when the use has been specifically disallowed. Collaborating with another student or students during an academic exercise without the consent of the instructor. Bottom Line: You are not authorized to use another student’s solutions to the homework, labs, or projects to create your solutions. You may discuss solutions but the final work must be your own. Academic Dishonesty will result in an F in the course. Military Policy: If you are a military student with the potential of being called to military service and/or training during the course of the semester, you are encouraged to contact your UCCS Course Instructor no later than the first week of class to discuss the class attendance policy. You are also strongly encouraged to schedule a one-on-one conversation with the Instructor so that special accommodations can be made. Disability Services: If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact and register with the Disability Services Office, and provide them with documentation of your disability, so they can determine what accommodations are appropriate for your situation. To avoid any delay in the receipt of accommodations, you should contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that disability accommodations cannot provided until an accommodation letter has been given to Disability Services. Please contact Disability Services for more information about receiving accommodations at Main Hall room 105, 719-255-3354 or Testing Center: The University Testing Center is available to all students; however, students with certified disabilities get first priority. The Testing Center requires 24-hrs advanced notice to schedule a testing time. Students are not always guaranteed the testing day and time of their choice and students without certified disabilities pay a testing fee.