+Innovative Economical Safe

Schneider Electric
The Newsletter of
Schneider Electric
New Zealand
April 2010
The new Altistart 22 is the optimised soft start
soft stop solution for all standard applications.
>> Schneider Electric’s Highbrook Office Opening
>> New Vijeo Historian software available
>> Magelis new small panels
Make the most
of your energy
Save your
money and
become an energy
efficiency champion
Welcome to Schneider Electric Energy University –
a website developed to educate and train users on
energy efficiency solutions.
Schneider Electric’s commitment
World energy consumption has risen 45% since 1980 and it is projected to be 70% higher by 2030! At the heart of our strategy is a simple and
powerful idea: using natural resources much more productively – efficiently – is both profitable and better for the environment.
Energy University
Energy University by Schneider Electric offers all users an e-learning website which provides the latest information and professional training
on Energy Efficiency concepts and best practices. In one place – on one site – free of charge!
The Energy University website helps you learn how to formulate new solutions and better designs for efficiency through our flexible,
quality training. Using an online resource allows you to gain access to information as you need it, and at a time most convenient for you
to learn. By providing access to a wide range of resources and materials, you can gain insights and advantages for yourself and
your company.
The Energy University website provides:
>> Online courses from energy efficiency fundamentals to the economics of energy efficiency
>> Course surveys
>> Downloadable white papers
>> Knowledge checkpoints and quizzes
>> Additional tools and resources
Become a student of Schneider Electric Energy University. Simply visit myenergyuniversity.com and register.
Enrol in Energy University today!
Schneider Electric News April 2010 3
Cover Story
Bypass the stress
of your applications!
Altistart 22
Soft starters for 3-phase AC motors up to 315kW
Incorporating advanced protection and motor control
features into a compact design with internal bypass, the
all-new Altistart 22 is the truly cost-effective soft start/
stop solution. Altistart 22 is designed for all standard
applications for asynchronous motors up to 315kW
(400V supply), including pumps, fans, conveyors,
compressors etc. It stands out as a mid-range starter by
bringing features normally expected in high-end starters
into a very competitive package.
Optimum use of energy with internal
bypass function:
Integrated bypass contacts ensure you are installing an
energy efficient motor starter solution. Heat dissipation
by the starter is kept to a minimum, thus reducing
running costs compared to a starter without bypass.
Further benefits include reduced wiring, number of
components, and cabinet space. The starter itself
remains very compact, so you can optimise the size
of the electrical enclosure.
Protect your installations:
By minimising jolts and shocks, Altistart 22 reduces
mechanical and electrical stresses on your machines,
thus increasing their service life. Advanced protection
features are included to monitor the motor, the electrical
installation and your machine. Protection features include
configurable motor thermal protection, integrated PTC
input, monitoring of the duration and number of starts,
detection of phase sequence and loss, under and over
load (electronic shear-pin) protection etc.
Motor control:
Unlike most low-end starters, the Altistart 22 manages
all three motor phases so it has full control and
monitoring of the motor at all times. The torque ramp
feature ensures smooth acceleration and deceleration
of the load, especially in pumping applications where
water hammer is to be avoided. Current limit, initial
voltage and boost functions allow precise tuning of the
motor response.
4 Schneider Electric News April 2010
Simplified start up and operation:
There are no fiddly switches or dials on the Altistart 22.
It has a built in keypad and digital display allowing the
user to quickly and permanently set up the starter for the
application. From factory only a few parameters need to
be set for most applications, while the user can activate
the advanced parameter menus for more demanding
applications. Four LEDs show the status of the starter
at a glance, while fault information is displayed in case
of a trip.
> Reduce costs with
integrated bypass and
protection features!
Cover Story
Optimised for your applications:
The Altistart 22 is optimised for standard class 10
motor protection applications. An increased number of
starts can be achieved with the optional heat sink fan
module for starters up to 170A. The starter can also be
re-rated for 6-wire (inside delta) connection. Integrated
application-specific functions optimise the control of your
Centrifugal pump
>> Soft stop with torque ramp reduces water hammer
>> Cavitation protection (under-load detection)
>> Phase reversal protection
>> Detection of under/over load
>> Torque ramp function for smooth start/stop
Screw compressor
>> Phase reversal protection
>> Output to signal automatic draining when stopped
>> Over-load monitoring to detect a blockage
>> Under-load monitoring to detect a broken
>> Boost function to overcome static torque on start up
>> Current display to estimate density of the material
>> Boost function on start up
Communication for integration:
The Altistart 22 has a built-in Modbus interface for
monitoring and control from an automation system. The
port can also be used to connect the starter to SoMove
Lite PC software, or connect to the optional remote
keypad display panel.
Optimised for most standard applications, the Altistart 22
ticks all the boxes when it comes to simplicity, protection
features, and performance, all in a compact package.
Sizes up to 170A (90kW) will be available from April.
Larger sizes will be available soon after.
Refer to the back page of this newsletter for
the order code for the Altistart 22 Brochure.
Contact our Customer Care Centre on
0800 652 999 to order the brochure.
Configure and monitor with
SoMove software
Schneider Electric News April 2010 5
Application Article
powered by
Electric NZ
data solutions
Rangitoto College on
Auckland’s North Shore
is New Zealand’s largest
and most diverse college
with 3200 pupils including
foreign language students
accommodated on a
31 hectare campus.
In September 2009, the New Zealand Ministry of Education included
Rangitoto College in its School Network Upgrade Program (SNUP3),
a government initiative to vastly improve network and data solutions
throughout New Zealand schools.
Senior Ministry ICT consultant Douglas Harré says the Rangitoto College
data and network infrastructure upgrade represents a significant $1 million
investment and provides a benchmark for future network upgrades across
the school sector.
He says the nature of the project meant the solutions adopted and the
outcomes achieved will help determine and shape the scope of future
network upgrades at other New Zealand schools.
“It was critical, therefore, that the Ministry’s network designers specify
future-proof network and data solutions that would not just meet school
requirements today but well into the foreseeable future.”
This called for data and network technologies with backwards compatibility,
seamless integration with existing services, ample headroom and robust
quality components and engineering suitable for the challenging school
Schneider Electric Titanium top of class
When structured cabling specialist Cablenet NZ was awarded the
Rangitoto College contract it had a choice of eight ministry-approved
technology providers with appropriate solutions but specified just one –
Titanium from Schneider Electric NZ.
Cablenet NZ director Terry Powell says ministry requirements for seamless
integration and project-wide systems compatibility were able to be
delivered by a Schneider Electric Titanium solution.
He says the scale of the project and the tight nine-week timeframe to
complete it meant Cablenet NZ required absolute supply certainty from its
technology provider in order to meet its own contractual obligations.
“Schneider Electric’s commitment to our electrical wholesaler to meet the
specification and put in place contingencies to secure additional product if
required cemented our decision to rely on Schneider Electric and Titanium
Moreover, Cablenet NZ’s familiarity with Schneider Electric Titanium and the
advantages Titanium Category 6 Modular Jacks, patchpanels and C2000
wall plates bring to a large structured cabling project are significant in terms
of installation speed and ease.
Terry says it was also important as a showcase data installation that
Cablenet NZ deliver a solution that delivered both form and function.
“From a purely aesthetic viewpoint Schneider Electric Titanium solutions
allowed us to achieve a consistent look throughout the school with
matching data and electrical wall plates for a stylish and professional look.”
6 Schneider Electric News April 2010
Application Article
Burning the midnight oil
Rangitoto College network systems architects and project managers
Torque IP says the project was particularly challenging for the contractor
because of the tight timeframe and network infrastructure requirements.
Project manager Phil Earl says “the specification called for 90 kilometres of
Category 6 UTP cable, 3.3 kilometres of fibre optic backbone, 1854 data
outlets and 79 network switches.
The project commenced in mid-November 2009 and was completed on
time and on budget on January 31, 2010.
Phil says “the successful outcome reflects the professionalism of Cablenet
and its ability to work constructively and cooperatively with the College
to minimise any impact the project may have had on senior student
“Supply delays due to the economic recession meant some suppliers had
reduced stock levels of critical items which meant the work plan needed
constant adjustment.”
“This resulted in Cablenet having to work seven days a week and night
shifts to meet the deadline and have the College’s network systems
functioning normally for the start of the 2010 school year.”
“Good communication between the project managers, the College and the
contractors meant these challenges could be overcome without impacting
on the daily operation of the College.”
Business as usual
Rangitoto College Associate Principal Don Hastie says that from a school
end-user perspective project success is measured first by the functionality
of existing network and data systems within the school.
“This is essential at the start of a new school year and, anecdotally, I can
say our data and network services are functioning faster, more reliably and
in more places around the school.”
Don says the new infrastructure will provide much greater E learning
opportunities for students and the wider community through the school’s
continuing education facilities.
“Wireless internet, VoIP, school roll and attendance applications and
password-protected parent access to the school’s central data library are
just a handful of the applications now possible.”
Don says any infrastructure project of this magnitude carries end-user risk
and credits the successful outcome to effective communications between
the Ministry of Education, project management team, the contractor and
the solution providers.
“It’s an awesome result achieved in a challenging environment and very
tight timeframe. We couldn’t be happier.”
Schneider Electric Business Development Manager Graeme
Thomas says: “We are pleased to have worked with our
customers Ideal Electrical, CableNet, TorqueIP and the M.O.E.
to deliver our award winning Titanium data solution into New
Zealand’s largest school. The large scale and difficult nature of the
project allowed Schneider Electric NZ to demonstrate its capability
of supplying a best of breed power and data bundled solution for
a future-proofed infrastructure that will keep pace with end-user
demand for years to come.”
Schneider Electric Solutions
>> 90 kilometres of Category 6 4-pair Titanium cable
>> 80 x 24 port Titanium patch panels
>> 1854 Titanium cat6 jacks
>> 1854 C2000 Series wall plates
>> 1650 C2000 Series dual powerpoints
Schneider Electric News April 2010 7
Simply smarter homes
from Schneider Electric NZ
When the lead electrical contractor on a multi-million dollar
residential project on Auckland’s North Shore sat down with
the owners and asked what level of automation they wanted
in their new home you could have heard a pin drop.
“The owners had little concept of home automation and to avoid losing them in
technical detail I showed them a recent installation at the Sentinel in Takapuna and let
them discover for themselves the power and simplicity of a C-Bus home automation
“They were sold on the look of the C-Bus colour touch screen controller and the
functionality of Dynamic Labelling Technology (DLT) and the aesthetics of colourmatched Saturn 250V wiring accessories.”
With an ‘open’ brief for a complete whole-home C-Bus solution to manage every
aspect of lighting, heating and distributed home audio Jon brought in approved C-bus
installer Adam While from Lloyd Electrical to plan, install and program the C-Bus
Spread over two levels with formal dining and family rooms downstairs and five large
bedrooms with ensuites upstairs, a pool house and multiple garaging the project called
for not one C-Bus network, but three.
Adam says the more the owners discovered about the capability of C-Bus the wider
and more varied their automation requirements became. This, he says, necessitated
three separate C-Bus networks.
Form and function
Almost one kilometre of Cat 5 C-Bus cabling and more than 30 hours of programming
has delivered a C-Bus solution that has exceeded client expectations for a whole-home
solution with form and function.
Adam says the real measure of an effective home automation solution is how
comfortable end-users are with it.
“An automated solution can have all the intelligence in the world but it’s useless if
owners aren’t comfortable using it. This is where C-Bus excels. The intuitive touch
screen controller and DLT network switches makes scene selection as simple as
pushing a button.”
Simplicity through design
At the heart of the C-Bus installation is the central 6.4 inch wall-mounted Colour Touch
Screen that displays menus in a variety of formats from sliders, images and buttons
that perform C-Bus functions when pressed.
From the controller end-users simply scroll through the onboard menu and select the
function they require and touch the touch-sensitive screen. Pre-programmed lighting
and audio scenes give end-users the ability to select the lighting and or audio function
and settings to suit any occasion.
8 Schneider Electric News April 2010
Adam says lighting scenes range from formal entertainment to inside
and alfresco dining, family relaxing and home theatre, welcome home,
all-off, all-on and area and security lighting options.
“Technical and product support is also extremely important on an
installation of this size and Schneider Electric’s C-Bus product and
technical support team have been behind us every step of the way.
It is a great outcome and the owners are rapt.”
With a simple touch of the screen C-Bus automatically switches
and dims lighting appropriate to the selected scene and maintains
pre-programmed light levels until switched off. The controller then
automatically resets C-Bus to resume normal lighting.
The controller also includes a built-in real time clock for automatic
scheduling of switching whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
And because C-Touch is programmed with Windows-compatible
software C-Touch can be programmed for any number ‘of custom
C-Bus functionality and simplicity is further enhanced throughout the
home with 18 Dynamic Labelling Technology (DLT) switches, each with
eight programmable buttons for convenient C-Bus group/scene control.
The DLTs impact-resistant glass cover plates ensure seamless and
aesthetic compatibility with more than 150 Saturn 250V glass facia
power outlets and wiring accessories fitted throughout the home.
Adam says these have been configured according to their location in the
home but give the owners the ability to switch, for example, all lights on
or off from their bedroom and switch outside area and security lighting.
“They also have a one-touch switch option that will turn on and dim
orientation lighting upstairs so they can move around without disturbing
guests. This level of functionality extends to heating with a one-touch
option to remotely switch any one of six heated towel rails in the
upstairs bathrooms.
“C-Bus also interfaces with the under-floor hot water heating system
and allows pre-programmed control according to seasonal variations.
C-Bus application further extends to the pool house where pool lighting,
spa lighting, blower and RGB LED lighting is switched and dimmed via
He says eight C-Bus enabled stereo amplifiers distribute audio
throughout the home giving owners total audio management including
volume control from the outside pool house.
“Again, selecting from DVD, CD, home theatre, i-Pod or radio (and
station selection) is as simple as scrolling through the menu and
pushing a button.”
Jon King says C-Bus functionality also delivers a high-level of energy
efficiency with the integration of 22 C-Bus multi-sensors with built-in
occupancy and light-level sensors.
“While functionality and scene control was the key driver on this project,
the C-Bus solution will achieve significant energy savings because all
but two of the home’s 525 light fittings are integrated into the C-Bus
“From the driveway and garden lighting to the garage and entrance
lighting all controlled by sensors the owners don’t have to worry about
switching lights off behind them. It’s all taken care of.”
Jon says from a contractor perspective C-Bus is both a reliable and
robust set and forget solution that even reboots and restores settings
in the event of power failure.
>> O
ther Schneider Electric products
were also used in this electrical solution:
– Prisma switchboards
6 Prisma switchboards were incorporated
2 each side by side for each of the three networks
– Multi 9 breakers
Included in each Prisma board
– Saturn 250V wiring devices
High-end residential
Automation Solution Provider:
C-Bus home automation suite from Schneider Electric (NZ)
Schneider Electric NZ support: Glenn Newman
(Project Manager ISC)
Tony Wilson
(Sales Representative ISC)
Electrical Contractor:
Jon King Electrical (Jon King)
C-Bus Integrator:
Lloyd Electrical (Adam While)
Schneider Electric News April 2010 9
Schneider Electric’s
new energy efficient
officially opens
12 February 2010 marked the official opening of Schneider Electric
NZ’s brand new facility – a building designed to optimise energy.
Mr Michel Legras, France’s ambassador to NZ, David
Gardner, Country President for Schneider Electric NZ and
the Honorable Gerry Brownlee, Minister of Energy and
Resources officially open Schneider Electric’s Highbrook
10 Schneider Electric News April 2010
The opening ceremony was held in a large marquee erected at the
entrance of the building, and guests were treated to a scrumptious
morning tea and live guitar music. Distinguished guests included the
Honorable Gerry Brownlee – Minister of Energy and resources and
France’s ambassador to New Zealand, Mr Michel Legras who spoke
during the event. Schneider Electric NZ’s Country President –
David Gardner and the Power Business Unit General Manager –
Mike Heron, also spoke at the opening.
The Honorable Gerry Brownlee officially opened the new
Schneider Electric facility by cutting the ceremonial ribbon.
The event was attended by many of Schneider Electric’s valued
customers and partners who were treated to a traditional Maori
welcome followed by an awe-inspiring Haka. Following the wonderful
welcome and official formalities of the opening, guests were invited to
take part in tours of the new Highbrook facility to see what can actually
be achieved in the area of energy efficiency and sustainability
Schneider Electric would like to thank all those who attended the event
and who were involved in the development of this new facility.
The new headquarters and distribution centre at 38 Business Parade
South, Highbrook, East Tamaki in Auckland was designed from the
ground up to deliver world leading energy efficiencies. Energy
management, lighting control, building management systems, critical
power and cooling, power distribution and HVAC are just some of the
technologies used at Highbrook to provide the most energy efficient
solution. Many of the innovative products and solutions used at the new
Schneider Electric facility can also be retrofitted into existing buildings.
David Gardner, Country President, Schneider Electric NZ Ltd.
“We have been able to establish from our old foot print to where we are
today with this building, 50% savings in our energy efficiency, so its
real, its possible... you will when you look through the building, see the
energy management systems in place, critical power in cooling, data
management. We worked with consultants, architects, contractors,
switch board builders, electrical wholesalers, it couldn’t be possible to
deliver a product like this without their collaboration and of all of those
people to get the results we have today.”
The official opening also gave Schneider Electric the opportunity
to announce the One Energy Awards program.
The One Energy Awards seek to provide the energy industry with
innovative and creative projects that help our customers and the
community make the most of their energy.
The vision of the awards are to provide an opportunity for young,
talented New Zealanders in tertiary education to partner with industry,
in providing innovative and creative energy efficiency solutions today,
for tomorrow.
Schneider Electric is making available up to 5 awards to the value
of $10,000 each, for projects undertaken by individuals or groups at
tertiary institutions in New Zealand to fund tuition fees and equipment
costs. For further information on the One Energy Awards please visit
Steven Gallagher – General Manager of Automation and Eugune Bennett – Product Manager of Automation, taking people on a tour of the new
Highbrook head office building.
We welcome you to come and visit us and learn how Schneider Electric solutions can
help your business reduce its energy spend and improve financial performance – contact
us on 0800 652 999 or email sales@nz.schneider-electric.com to view the new facility.
Schneider Electric News April 2010 11
Running a Historian
can be child’s play
Vijeo Historian
a SoCollaborative software
Vijeo Historian
a SoCollaborative software
Vijeo Historian
a SoCollaborative software
ri c
Due to possible changes in standards and equipment, the features
described in this document in the form of text and images are
subject to confirmation by Schneider Electric.
Publication & Design: Schneider Electric 01/2010
* Please refer to our end user license agreement for terms and conditions.
Running a historian can
be child's play.
ht 2
For more information, please contact us at
or www.citect.com.
Schneider Electric Industries SAS
Running a historian can be
child’s play.
up ts r!*
al oin ve
Tri p re
10 fo
to REE
Discover how Vijeo Historian can seamlessly
connect your production and business systems,
thereby optimising efficiency.
Vijeo Historian utilises standard protocols, bridging the
gap between production and business systems.
Vijeo Historian
a SoCollaborative software
Play around with our Mini Historian.
With the new release of Vijeo Historian v4.2,
the Mini Historian allows the user to trial up to
10 points FREE forever.
The Historian collects data from your SCADA
system and other data sources using industry
standard protocols such as OPC, SQL, Oracle, and
stores the data in an MSSQL database, providing
long term storage.
Reports and trends can be published using standard
Microsoft Reporting tools, allowing for analysis of
production efficiencies and reporting of regulatory
requirements within your industry.
For a copy of the Mini Historian, please email marketing@nz.schneider-electric.com.
Or for further information, contact our Customer Care Centre on 0800 652 999.
12 Schneider Electric News April 2010
Make smarter decisions
Vijeo Historian provides true
process visibility for better
real-time decisions.
> Universal connectivity to bridge your
production and business systems.
> Plant-wide historian to collect critical data and
maximise its value for faster, better decision-making.
> An enterprise-wide reporting and data analysis tool
to transform raw data into usable information and
help you meet regulatory requirements.
> An industry-standard solution that reduces the
costs of interoperability, maximises asset
utilisation and increases productivity.
Vijeo Historian
a SoCollaborative software
Schneider Electric News April 2010 13
Schneider Electric
is introducing
an extension to
Push-Button mechanisms.
The 30PBI is the Intermediate Push-Button
alternative for the 30 Series rocker mechanisms,
and can be fitted into any 30 Series aperture.
Catalogue Numbers
The 60PBI is suitable for the Saturn 250V Series
4060 range of plates.
Saturn 250V Intermediate mech
Please note these intermediate mechanisms are
not available with an LED option.
Impress Intermediate mech
(available in white only)
even more versatile
The New C-Bus range of 30 Mechanism includes the latest firmware core and offers all of the features found on the
latest C-Bus switches, including dual-colour LEDs (blue and/or orange) as well as scene control.
The C-Bus 30 Mechanism offers the ability to install C-Bus in any style of switchplate, grid or enclosure that currently
accommodates 30 series mechanisms.
14 Schneider Electric News April 2010
Innovate with Small
Panels, configured
by Vijeo Designer
Magelis STO & Magelis STU
Graphic terminals with touch screen display
The new 3.4" STO and 3.5" STU are big on innovations but low on price. The STO is the
smallest ever touch screen terminal with all the features of Vijeo Designer V5.1. The STU
has a revolutionary modular design as well as a 65k colour screen and an embedded
Ethernet connection for more extensive communication.
More open, more compact, and offering greater communication capabilities, Magelis STO
and STU panels are ideal for machine manufacturer solutions.
Schneider Electric News April 2010 15
Take another look inside…
Certified Infrared Thermography from
Schneider Electric Services
>> Identify and locate problems before they happen
>> Reduce downtime, save time & money
>> Expert Analysis of data
>> Professional, Comprehensive Report by ITC Certified Thermographer
Call 0800 472 463 and book yours today.
16 Schneider Electric News April 2010
Monitoring and
protecting your network
Distribution network
management and
automation system is
the quickest and most
economical way to
improve SAIDI and SAIFI
Eth M / P
ern ST
et N
Ensuring power availability
at any time
Enhancing your network
Power supply interruption is unacceptable
especially in critical applications, an
automatic system is required for medium
voltage source transfer.
By choosing Sepam 10 Protection Relays,
you add communication to protection
benefitting from the high reliability of a
device that provides:
For peace of mind, RM6 enables automatic
control and management of power sources
in your medium voltage distribution network
with a short transfer time (less than 10
seconds), guaranteeing high reliability of
your installation.
>>very sensitive earth fault protection,
>>specific protection (thermal overload:
>>load monitoring.
Easergy L500
Manage your network
within a few clicks.
Focus investment on
network instrumentation:
Preconfigured SCADA,
for Easergy devices, basic
SCADA with just enough
functions to manage
Easergy devices data,
not more.
Smart kiosk
Combining our kiosks with remote
monitoring and control from the Easergy
range, will help you to reduce outage times
and significantly improve your service quality
and continuity of energy supply. Modern
communication infrastructure ensures that
your network management system can
be set up step-by-step according to your
investment plan, gaining benefits from the
start. Well planned and designed loop
automation systems ensure that the majority
of your customers can be reconnected to
the network during the first minute after an
outage occurs.
KPX with remote control and monitoring
Schneider Electric News April 2010 17
is changing to >
LexCom Home Premium
Packaging Changes
>> Same product, different branding and packaging.
New green and white packaging.
>> New Schneider Electric labels will also appear on the new
packaging. This includes a new reference number VDIR*****.
(For a LexCom Home Premium reference conversion list please
email: marketing@nz.schneider-electric.com).
Range Changes
>> Two products codes from the current range will be deleted
in line with the changeover to the new branding, however
replacement options are available, these are:
>> LCHPCP110 – PC Player. Refer to the LexCom Audio range
for adding audio to your home network.
>> LCHS100 4 port + 1 uplink data switch. The replacement
module for this is the VDIR62301G, also a 4 port + 1 uplink
data switch which offers higher data transmission speeds up
to 1000mbps.
Changes are effective from April 2010
is changing to
Schneider Electric
The same great product
features under a new name
> Aesthetic, contemporary design
> Universal colour coding for 568A
and 568B standards
> IDC termination using a Clipsal
Gigapro or Krone tool
> Fully compliant to As/nzs 3080:2003,
Iso/IEC 11801 Edition 2 2002
and AnsI/TIA/EIA-568-B series
Connecting Hardware standards
18 Schneider Electric News April 2010
Coming soon from
Schneider Electric Actassi
10G solution
smart patching
Fibre solution
Ergo-Aesthetic Terminals
Schneider Electric
NZ Proudly sponsors
Alan Yardley and
‘Mephisto’ in 2010
This year, Schneider Electric is proud to announce our
sponsorship of ‘Mephisto’, the racing yacht of staff
member Alan Yardley.
Alan, newly appointed National Sales Manager of the Installation
Systems and Control Technology team, has been sailing his yacht
‘Mephisto’ since 1993, and is taking part in two major races in 2010. As
skipper of ‘Mephisto’, Alan sails both solo and with a crew and enjoys
the challenges involved in sailing.
“I first brought ‘Mephisto’ over from the UK. That trip took about eight
months, and was quite an adventure. ‘Mephisto’ has certainly had her
fair share of excitement. It’s all a bit of fun really,” says Skipper, Alan.
‘Mephisto’ is a 12.6m cutter rigged sloop yacht built in 1983 specifically
for racing and fitted out in the USA. It is a pedigree vessel with a proud
history and has won over 20 high profile races in her lifetime.
Alan, with the support of Schneider Electric, will sail ‘Mephisto’ solo
across the Tasman Sea in the 2010 Solo Tasman yacht race on the 4th
of April. The race takes approximately 7 to 10 days and will cross 1283
nautical miles.
Alan and his crew will then go on to compete in the famous 2010
Sydney to Hobart yacht race on the 26th of December which takes
approximately 5 days and crosses 630 nautical miles.
“The Solo Tasman race is the only single handed race of its kind in
the Southern Hemisphere, and I’ll be facing 24 competitors. I’m really
prepared this time around and am looking to beat my placing from last
year,” said Alan.
‘Mephisto’ will be made available for corporate hospitality
day adventures. Please contact Alan Yardley at alan.yardley@
nz.schneider-electric.co.nz or on 021 225 8754 or for further details
and bookings. Please note that dates may be limited.
On behalf of the team at Schneider Electric NZ, we wish
Alan and his crew the best of luck for both races in 2010.
Schneider Electric News April 2010 19
New catalogues available
User-friendly and
Altivar 312
Variable speed drives for
three-phase asynchronous motors,
0.18 to 15 kW at up to 600 V
Altistart 22 Catalogue
Order Code:
Altivar 312 Brochure
Order Code:
Altivar 21 Brochure
Order Code:
Altivar Energy
Order Code:
Altivar 61 Plus /Altivar 71
Order Code:
To order your copy, please contact Customer Care on 0800 652 999
The Schneider Electric training schedule
for 2010 is now available.
Training by Schneider Electric
Making you more competitive
Training Schedule
Courses schedule 2010
March–December 2010
Course Schedule
1/2 Day
Nil if Regist
LexCom Home Network *
1/2 Day
1 Day
Datacomms Structured Cabling
2 Days
Datacomms UTP Testing Workshop *
1 Day
Datacomms Fibre Optic Testing Workshop *
1 Day
DOL Motor Starters
1/2 Day
My Ecodial L Design Software
1/2 Day
Power Factor
1/2 Day
Speed Drives and Soft Starters
2 Days
52 999
1 Day
(GST exc.)
LexCom Multi-Room Audio
Drives - Pumping Applications *
No. of Days
See course description overleaf
Zelio Logic
1 Day
2 Days
Twido PLC - Advanced
1 Day
Unity Pro PLC Programming
2 Days
Unity Pro PLC Programming - Advanced
1 Day
Vijeo Designer
2 Days
Vijeo Citect Configuration
3 Days
Vijeo Citect Networking and Architecture *
2 Days
Vijeo Citect Customisation and Design *
3 Days
Vijeo Citect Cicode Programming *
2 Days
Vijeo Citect Historian *
3 Days
Vijeo Citect Upgrade *
1 Day
Vijeo Citect Facilities Configuration *
3 Days
Medium Voltage Indoor / Outdoor Switchgear *
2 Days
Medium Voltage Protection Relays *
2 Days
* Courses are on request only. Please contact your local Schneider Electric
representative. Terms and conditions apply.
See coloured box on grid for actual course dates.
Twido PLC
© 2009 Schneider Electric
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These courses are offered throughout NZ, please review the schedule for dates of when these courses are in your area.
Please visit our website www.schneider-electric.co.nz to review the schedule and to register on our courses.
Contact Customer Care on 0800 652 999 for copies of the schedule.
© 2010 Schneider Electric. As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, always ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.
Schneider Electric (NZ) Ltd.
38 Business Parade South,
East Tamaki, Manukau 2013
PO Box 15355, New Lynn, Waitakere 0640
Tel: +64 9 829 0490 Fax:+64 9 829 0491
Customer Care: 0800 652 999
After Hours Service Hotline: 0800 735 435
Email: sales@nz.schneider-electric.com