Electricity - Safety and Circuits! WebQuest Description: Students will investigate the electricity in the world around them and report back to the class in a presentation. This web quest takes students through the basics of electricity; safety; circuits; the sources of electricity and how Canadians use it. Grade Level: 6-8 Curriculum: Science Keywords: Electricity, Circuits, Parallel, Series, Alternative power, Electrical safety, electrical sources Published On: Last Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 WebQuest URL: http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=226834  Have you ever wondered how electricity is produced? How about how to be safe around electricity? Have you ever wanted to know about different types of electricity? This web quest will explore all these different areas and provide you with a way to investigate your world around you! In your group you will be assigned one of three domains to investigate and report back to the class these will be decided by your teacher. The topics for your group are: Series and Parallel Circuits; electrical safety; and production of electricity. Each group will be given ONE topic to investigate, these will be assigned and are non-negotiable. The task: Once you have been assigned to your groups you will have to search the suggested internet sites to find the answers to the questions you will be given. Each group needs to answer the questions provided in the handout for each area you are looking at. Each question requires four points of information and will be scored on a 1-4 rating scale. The more points you have the better your grade. Points will not be considered correct if they are not relevant to the topic or you appear to simply be trying to get something down on the page without thinking about it.  Step 1:As a group look at your topic and then at the work sheet attached to your specific area of interest. There is a work sheet to be completed by everyone in the group;your answers can be the same as each others. Find your specific topic and download and print the worksheet for each member of your groupStep 2:Look over the worksheet provided to you for your assigned topic and read and discuss the questions as a group. Next go to the list of websites provided for each topic and answer the questions as you go. This will require some deep thought and close examination of your assigned topic. All the answers are there, be sure to put four points down for each question. The websites sites are as follows for your specific topic.Web sites for safety:http://www.rpl.com/electricalsafety.phphttp://safeelectricity.orghttp://www.fortisbc.com/Electricity/ElectricalSafety/Pages/Electrical-safety-forkids.aspxhttp://www.school-for-champions.com/science/static_control.htmWebsites for circuits:http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_1/chpt_5/1.htmlhttp://www.ndted.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Electricity/seriesparallelcircuits.htmhttp://www.ndted.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Electricity/conductorsinsulators.htmhttp://amasci.com/miscon/voltage.htmlhttp://www.1728.co m/project2.htmhttp://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/elecur.htmlWebsites for power sources:http://safeelectricity.org/esw_v1_1/science/producing.htmlhttp://www.utilityfree.com/http://www.nucleartourist.com/basics/why. htmhttp://www.re-energy.ca/http://www.historyforkids.org/scienceforkids/physics/electricity/doing/electromagnet.htm Step 3:Answer all your questions by using the web sites and then discuss in your group what you have all found. You are welcome to divide the work up amongst your group but everyone should have some input into the answers. If you get stuck or feel like putting in some extra effort, try an internet search on the topic. By the end of the computer time you should have completed all the questions.Step 4:Your group will have to present what you have learned to the rest of the class on the next class day. Your group should identify all the key areas; make sure that everyone in your group has a good idea about the concepts presented; be sure that everyone has contributed to the final product. During your presentation you will need to divide up responsibility in any manner of your choosing. However, everyone in the group needs to contribute something to the discussion in class. You may wish to divide up the talking points, or you may wish create a poster or other graphic organizer to show your knowledge. Feel free to print off pictures that can show examples of what you have learned. Next class, each group will present their knowledge and teach the rest of the class what they have learned.   Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score  Work Sheet completion Has few or no answers for each question on the worksheet Answered at least 2 of the questions on the worksheet. Answered at least 3 of the questions on the worksheet. Answered all 4 of the questions on the worksheet.   Work Sheet Understanding Shows limited understanding of the answers to the questions on the worksheet, no elaboration or explanation. Elaborates on some of the work sheet points, but is unclear as to their real meaning or application. Elaborates clearly on most of the points on the worksheet, shows a good understanding of the topics. Elaborates on all the points on the worksheet. Clear understanding of the topic, answers concise and accurate.   Presentation Skills  Student did not contribute in any way to the presentation. Student spoke but in a limited manner. Spoke Quietly with little or no eye contact or had limited help with the other parts of the presentation: Graphic org etc. Student made good eye contact and spoke with a clear voice. Or student created a graphic organizer or poster that represented most of the points on the worksheet. Student made good eye contact, spoke with a clear voice and lots of energy. Or the student made an excellent graphic organizer or poster with all of the points from the worksheet.  Group work Did not contribute to the group work and was frequently off task. Contributed minimally to the overall work and seldom responded to others ideas. Contributed own ideas to each question answered. However had limited responses to others questions Student not only contributed own ideas but responded to other students ideas.   Category and Score Score Total Score  You have all done a great job in finding your information and soon we will come together as a class to share what we have learned on our web quest! I hope that it was as enjoyable for you to do as it was for me to create. Make sure that when you present that you each contribute in some way to the presentation, make this obvious. If one of you is very artistic and wants to create the poster for your information that is acceptable. Be sure to tell this to the teacher prior to presenting what your roles will be. Some good ideas are: The Master of ceremonies: You will introduce the topic and transition between speaker. Speaker A) could do a selection of questions. Speaker B) can do a selection of questions and Speaker C) may have created the poster or other graphic organizer to show your ideas. Concluding thoughts: Electricity is all around us and influences a huge part of each of our lives every day. Most of the time in our lives electricity is in the background of and we do not notice just how much better it makes our lives. Hopefully through this journey you have been able to look at how electricity is produced and make sure that you understand a variety of aspects of electricity. From the ways electricity is produced to the necessity of being safe around it. Next time you use an appliance ask yourself, what would I do if I did not have electricity? Think critically about how important it can be in your life! The Rubric is simple and easy to follow, this will allow you to asses your students work habits in the group as well as giving you some cross curicular integration with social responsibility. As far as other resources I have given an exhaustive list of them for each area being investigated, if they tell you they can't find anything, tell them to keep looking. I choose this as I beleieve that it will mesh with the science probe 6 teachers guide well. As you know 5 is about static electricity, 6 about circuits, 7 about heat, light and electricity and 8 about the sources of electricity. 3 out of 4 is pretty good, the reason I choose this is that I want to slip it in just after we finish unit 6. It will give them a chance to preview chapter 8 and consolodate chapters 5 and 6. Or this could be a great opening activity. Enjoy! This WebQuest is created and published by using zWebQuest (http://zunal.com) Copyright © 2003 - 2008 | All rights Reserved The WebQuest engine code and templates designed by zunal.com (Zafer Unal, PhD.) All WebQuests published with this tool are property of their creators. However, permission is granted for others to print/distribute,share,use and modify this WebQuest for educational, non-commercial purposes as long as the original authorship is credited.