A Parent’s Guide to 2nd Grade Common Core Standards Reading Foundations Reading Literature long & short vowels ▪ spelling vowel teams ▪ two asking and answering questions about a text ▪ syllable words with long vowels ▪ prefixes, suffixes, fables ▪ & root words ▪ irregularly spelled words ▪ reading moral ▪ with purpose ▪ reading accuracy, rate, & folktales ▪ central message, lesson, & character response to events & challenges rhythm provided by words and phrases ▪ ▪ expression ▪ self correcting while reading structure ▪ point of view ▪ gaining information from words and illustrations ▪ contrasting two stories ▪ Language Reading Informational Text irregular verbs ▪ adjectives ▪ adverbs ▪ simple & apostrophes ▪ spelling patterns ▪ formal vs. informal English ▪ compound words ▪ dictionaries ▪ asking and answering questions about a text ▪ topic ▪ context clues ▪ real life connections of words ▪ shades of meaning of words comparing & reading & comprehending grades 2&3 literary text nouns ▪ irregular plural nouns ▪ pronouns ▪ compound sentences ▪ proper nouns ▪ commas ▪ story main making connections between historical events, scientific ideas, and steps in a procedure ▪ word meaning in grade 2 text ▪ using text features to locate facts or information ▪ using images to clarify text ▪ Writing authors use to support text ▪ contrasting two texts ▪ opinion ▪ informative/ explanatory ▪ narratives ▪ main purpose ▪ describe reasons comparing & reading & comprehending grades 2&3 informational text revising & editing ▪ produce & publish writing ▪ shared research & writing Speaking & Listening Numbers & Operations in Base Ten follow rules for discussion ▪ build on others’ three digit numbers ▪ skip counting by 5’s, 10’s and conversations ▪ ask for clarification in conversation ▪ recount key ideas orally ▪ ask and answer questions to clarify comprehension ▪ 100’s ▪ reading and writing numbers ▪ expanded form of numbers ▪ greater than/less than ▪ adding speak audibly in coherent sentences ▪ create and subtracting within 1,000 ▪ mentally adding and audio recordings of stories or poems ▪ produce complete sentences Operations & Algebraic Thinking addition & subtraction to 100 to solve 1 and 2 step word problems ▪ mental strategies to fluently add and subtract within 20 ▪ even and odd to 20 ▪ rectangular arrays subtracting 10 or 100 ▪ adding 4 2-digit numbers ▪ explain why addition and subtraction strategies work Geometry Measurement & Data recognize and draw measuring length ▪ comparing length using shapes ▪ partition various units of measurement ▪ word rectangles into rows & problems involving length ▪ adding and columns to find total ▪ subtracting using a number line ▪ telling time to rectangles into 2, 3, or money ▪ make line plots using measurement partition circles and 4 equal shares five minutes ▪ solve word problems involving data ▪ bar graphs ▪ picture graphs