Tet4d i DCPARIE'TT (F EOUCATIOT{ Regidr X- t{athem Iriit& Mtoa oJ llltl.trol'I PuroL 6 arg. C6i3a& City olr,hhfuhr 088-3lqXD1, rldsie: tulqrn!9lltD-gj*pql Eot.lh {uj .r"ddk- Aptll 07 ,2076 DIVISION T.IEMORANDUM ro. l[9 To: s. zoro D.ped,MAl-AyEAIAy CITV DlvtStON RELEASED APR O I rimr::*l.Q--- ChlefEducatoDsupeFlsoEEtdon Ptl8raB SFrrisors PEblt Sctoob lrffiWsors E€ocoEry atrd Setodary School Heads AI OltCIs CoDcemed L OPIEIARIA CESO vI n Superintendent From: D.pm }lenorardrD o, 56, s 2016 Rr: AITDmOI{AL SmDPmXEllOR I{DtlX O,,ts,S. 2016 (Co@#itbld6c2016 tu ory hDbB tud Mire CoDDflE ed Tdrid r,rya@]t d AfuiDittubD ad 6c Cbirpe$ d yarb,Lt l,Izq@@t Wo*W C0DDI@ DISSE|IIIATIOI{ OF PROVISIO 1. For the iDformation ard guidaDce ofall concemed, this Offce hereby disseminates the hercin DepEd Memorandum l{o. 56 s 2016 E: ADDITIOI{AL PROWSIONS TO DEPED i{EMORANDAM NO. 15 S. 2016 (Cornp6itioD of the 2016 Palamng PambarM Natio^al Execative CommilEe atd Techoial MaoageoEnt and Admioisazdot and the ChairFtsoas of yario.6 lraDageneDt WoddDg hmn 2. itlEes), content of which is s€lf-explaratory. For lmmediate diss€mination Encl.: As stated. ,,dffi,+", q-UrF fuflttir c rt lrilini!.J Doertnerrof G.turdton O 1 APR ZOIE DeDEd MEMORANDLTM 20 16 No. 56 s. ADDFIOTTL PROYIAIOIiS TO DEPED T ORATDI'f, TO. 45, A. 20T6 (Composition of the 2016 Palarong Panbatsa National Executive CoEmittee and Techaical ManateEent and Admkristration ald the Chailp€rsong of Various Management Workiag ComEittees) To Undersecrctaries AEsistant Secretaies Regional Sccretary, ARMM Re8ional Directors Bureau and Servic€ Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads All Others Con@rncd l. The compoaition of the 2O16 Polarong kmbalsd National Executive CoEo.ittee and Technical MaDagem€nt and AdminieEation EMA) ard th€ ChairpersonB of various MsnageEent Working CoEmitteee was a!trounced through DepEd Memorandum No. 45, s. 2016. In view of this, the following additional information/ provisiorrs are he.rby issued: a. As orrc of the activities prior to the opening of 2016 Palarong tumtunsa. a Conc€lebrated MaEs will be hcld at Albay Cathedral at 8:0O a.m. on Aprll 1O, 2016. All regional delcgations a.re enjoined to Bend at least 50 represcntatives to attend the Eags. b. The [6t of members of the Natioaal Executive CoEmittce and the Chairpersons of the various Earragel!fit working comoittees r:.trder ! TM is provided in Encloeure No. 1, ard ti" U"t of t""t rriL officials of tie dillerent sports eventa is listea in Enctosure No. i. -c Registration of TMA ofrcials a.rld officiatiag offcials (Enclosure No. 2: of Technical oftcials oI ttre pifi".."t eolGi ,; t Sp".t" m their reapective bilering schools (Enclosire llo. Siii'"t Schools). However, ottreimeabers' oi ,h; TMA shall register at Albay Sports srd Touri"- Co.pfo, ust ;t"H oiB;i;; ;";b;;;;;il"j: gi&i;;o;;: "d;,#*#l thg ioltowine d;;."i;--;' t docuEcalta shsll bc a Sround Ior non-acceptaace . Autlority to Travel Documerrts: 1:o^*_::1:" Failure retlstratton. -o{ to sub@it the H3"il%H::'Jffi - ;Ti#'"l.H' authoritv durv For National Sports Association lettcr fronr the Associatior [NSA) members _ officiel or secretary Gencra.l authorizing ,rr", o*i.lX"Tfl*t DcDEd CoEDIa. Mc..lco Av6u.. pa&r cjtv t6OO F oU-r*,U""-rrr"r*-r"", * un*ru,ur,.r* ll - For thoec coming from Host Local Govemmerrt Unit (I,oU) - letter endorseEent from the Loc5.l Chief Exesutive or City/Provincial Administrator or authorized o6cial in charge of 2O I 6 Palarong Paabelsa . . For Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) eEployees - official travcl order from tlre PSC Executive DL€ctor recent 2'r2" ID pictures; and Medical certificate from government physician certifying that helohe is physically fit and able to serve durilg t]re TWo Palarc, d. School ofiqiale and teachers wtro will serve ri lhe 2016 Polamng Pamlar8a as accredited tectmical oficiating ofrcia.ls or members of the different TMA working cot!-roittees shal be gre,rted &Ntbn lcooe credr'ts purauant to the provisions of DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2OO3 e^6rled Udated Guidelincs on Granl of Va@tion *ruie cHjts to Tead]Ers. e The host LGU arrd Regionsl/Divieion OfficeB V will provide 618 nrat elF€a to every rcgioDal delegation, hence, regions are required to bring rEatreases for tfle excess meEbers of theii delegation. Regions are alao accountable fo! the pal.menta of water afld el€c-Eic consumption during thet Btay at their assigned billeting school. f. Enclosure No. 3 coatains the aport bo8t hcfqdflg Tcctalc.I Guldclllci of ti6 Dlficrcat D.EoE trrtlo! Epstr rsd 6D.clrl G.aaa, which ohall take efiect in this ]€ar's Palarong funbqnsa a,fd, ther.after, u,rlces otherwis€ revis€d, rescinded, or amended. Enclosure No. 4 contains details of thc playing venues. g. The OtyEptc fad.l Sr.tcE sha.[ be applied for t]ris year's Polaroag Pambansa to deterEine the genera.l cha.EpioEship. Hence, ranking shall be based on thc total number of gold, silver arld bronzc Eedals to be contested by thc sporta €vent as provided in Enclosure No. 6, h. The Palaro medalist qrinaers and new recprd holdere in regulai sports events, and Clean and Green winners shall be given cash incentives, subject to the avai.lability of tunds. C.th tnccltlvaa Eay be suppleEcnted ftom the proceeds of the soucitation froE various spoasors for Palaro Gold wioners, Clean erd Green Winnera, coaches, technical officisls a'rd other pcrsonnel who served in tlre conduct of tl1e 2016 Palarong Pombonsa. j. A.I regions Eust adh€Ee to the provisions of DepFd Order No. 40, s. 2012 entided DepM ChiA Proteclion Policg. As such, all regional deleSation ofEcids shall be held responsible for tlte protection, welfare, and safety of their pupil/student-atl ctes. ln addition, eqch of the DepEd regions.l ofrces shall provide Eedic€l insuranc! coverage for its respective detegation. k Consistent with DepEd's existing policies and guidelinee in resolving F9tcat o lrDa t chdc.IltlE of any sports .rrnt, and Fotc.t o cllt6dfty, complaints slrcutd be in writtm form, duly signed by the coadr and noted \r the head of the delegation. A coEplaiat ehall be accompanied hy affdavib of wibresscs and/c evidcnce to support the sa.Ee ..ad .ha[ concerned team. 2. b nhd bfr(r t]. .trrt of ttc $c6d !rD. The following additional information of the in comection with the different Eportg eventa are also h€reby iosued: a. Football shall coE-(oence on At dl 9, 2016; b. *pokTabaut Girls sha-ll rcmain as deEonatratiotr eveatt; c. Walkathon shall be included as deEonstration cvent in Atl etica; d. Oood.y Co.chlD! scEl8a, o[ ToEGh h!!y shall be conducted during the Palaro. Regions are enjoin€d to seod at least two repres€ntatives prefcrably PE teachers to atteDd the seEinar; arld e. Thrcc{ry Co.ohha goEl8rr oE gurhu-IlElo shall bc conducted in conjuction with Palarong t g. 3. Pa,mbarrs,a- Regiono a.re cnjoined to send at least two coaches or PE teachers to attcnd the seoinar. ThEGd.y CorchlrS &Dllrs oa l€tobic Gyor..ttct shs.ll be conductcd by the qlEnastics of the Philippires (GAB. Schedule and venue shall be announced during the Sotidarity Meeting. Regions are enjoined to scnd at least two coaches or PE tcachers to aftend the seminar, The Regional Sport8 Oficers ate adviscd to send the list of their participants to the abovementioned tluee scainars to the School Sports Division eaail addreaa: schoolsports_sseau@rahoo.com not later than ADr[ 6, 2016. The foltrowing docrrments are enclos€d for reference: a. Encloaure No. b. Enclosure No. 2 - c. Enclosure No. 3 - d. e. Enclosure No. 4 Enclosurc No. 5 Enclosure No, 6 - f. I - List of Membcra of the Technicsl Management ard AdEiniEtration GMA) Com.Eittees; List of Technical Oftcials of the Different Sportg Events; Guidellres of the Different Sports Evente iacluding DeEon8Eation Sports and Special OarDes; List of Playing Venues; List of Bileting Schools; a,!Id Nurober of Medals to be contcsted by Sports Event. 4 Other provisions of the said MemoranduE still reDain in effect. 5 IEEediate diss€rDination of this MeEoraldu-E is BR.AEIXA Encls.: As stated References: DepFd Memorandum (No. 45, s. 2016) D€?Ed Order (Nos. ztO, E. 2012 and 53, s. 2OO3) To be indicated in the PerEtual lodex under the following subjects: CHANGE COMMITTEES scHoors l,.n: DM SPORTS STRAND: Govemance ard Operations Addhi6.r Edidops to DM 45 ! ml6 V?2s-Mat.lr n l23, 2016 FSC (Enclosure No. 1 to DepH Memorandum No. 56, s. 2016) ORGAITIZATIOI| AL STRU TURE 2016 PALII.ROXG PAXBAITSA April l0-16,2016 Nrtlold Ercctruvc CoEDlttoc Chairmar Undersecretary Rizalino D. Rivera Un de rsecreta.ry Alberto T. Muyot Un dersecreta.ry Rel.naldo D. Laguda Undersecretary Dina S. OcamPo Assistant Secretary Tonisito M.C. Uma.li, Esq. Commissioner Jose Luis R. Gomez - PSC Director Ponciano A. Mcnguito - OIC, BLSS Asst. Dir. Ella Cecilia G. Naliponguit - BLSS Director Rarnon Fiel A. Abcede - Reg, v Asst. Diicctor Tolentino G. Aquino - Re8. V Superintendent Bibiaoo [, Sentillas - Albay Province Olc,Superintendent Cecille L. Rivera ' L.gasPi City Atty. Guillermo lroy, Jr. - PSC Vice Chairmen Members Technical Adviaer Tcchrlc.l f .!r!eD.Et .!d AdDlaLltrtlo! Secletary-Gencral Deputy Secrctary- General Executive Assistant i : i Asec. Tonisito MC. Umali, Esq Mr. Cesar S. Abalon Atty. Gene Da.rryl R. Santok T'E brruntttq, l. Tcchltcd fsnrlencnt Colleltt . chairmarl Vice Chaiiman Operation Offlcer Executive Secletary Liaiaon/ Coordinator POC/NSA M!. cesar S. Abalon Ms. Marivic B. Tolitot Mr. Jason R. Razal Ms. Ma. Liza B, Lloren SSD SSD SSD SSD Ms. Estrella Z- Decano PSC 2. T.chnlcd AdvLo8r CoDDltteG Over-all Coordirator Chairmar Members Ms. Ma.rivic B. Tolitol Ens. Ronald C. Asis ssD Dr. Irrenzo C. Agustin Dr. Joselito L. Naraq Mr. Sammy P. Sampang Ms. Pacita O. Lungcay Mr. Esmeraldo G. Lalo Dr. Julieta P. Braga Dr. Luz C. Jandayan Dr, Cesar P. Verunque Mr. Danny B. Cordova Dr. Raymund S. Antolo Dr. ceorle N. Wong Mr. Macdaleno C. Duhilas, Dr. Taya K. Apla.l Mr, Ma.nuel O. Caberte Dr. AEustin B. Gumuwang Jr Resion V Resion I Resion lI Resion ltl Resion IV-A Resion IV-B Reson VI Region vll Resion VIII Resion Ix Region X Region XI Region xII ARMM CARAGA CAR Dr. Jocelyn V. Marcia.I Mr. Romeo C. Sison Jr NCR Mr. JasoD R. Razr.l M6. Mildred M. De kon Mr. Al G. Pelgone Mr. Vireilio P. Padilla Mr. Jason R. Razal Mr- Giselo E. tnep Mr. Edilberto R. Abalos Mr. Maximo D. Abalos Ms. Carina Picson Mr. James G, Infiesto Mr. Rufino B, Arellano SSD Res. Iv-A-PANNA Resion V Region I SSD Region I Recion I NCR-ABAP ABAP NCFP, Davao City Resion V Mr. Julius A. Arandia Ms. Amelia Borgonia Ms. Cleofe E. Oliveroa Mr. Lolito A. MakiraEdam Mr. Paulo M. Tabirara Mr. DoEingo S€th C. Botalon Mr. Alfredo A.M. cahacho llt Mr. Mario M. Frici]lana Mt. Apolina.rio R. Aldama Mr. Nestor L. Bello GAP-Res. v GAP- Rec- II GAP-Rep. NCR Resion IV-A NCR Region V TATAP-Reg. IV-B Region IV-B Rec. III PVF-Res. NCR Mr. Jofran Nyl G, Tupas Mr. Porferio J. Barlas Jr Mr. Victor A. Pinlac Ms. Dani Kei D. Basilio Mr. Dennis G. Esta Resion MR Recion vI NCR ReEion VI PHILSPADA Ms. Rhodora C. Arsenio Mr. Amaio F. Galvez Mr. Ronaldo B. Cleofc Mr, Allan Bedaia Mr. ElEer Ariate Mr. John Mark O.Nicolas Mr. Nicolas Cullarnat Mr. Roberto Macasil Mr. Joselito Asi Local Representative Ms. Ailene Grace D. Sartos Mr, RarEon Tina local Representative Mr, Esteban D. Boncan Mr. Eric U. Iabre !4r, Randy Lactaoen Mr. Robertson M. Ttrliao Jr. Mr. Eduard M. Orti[o SSD OURO MR 3. ToutnaDcrt falagcltolt Tounarnatat q'nacctli Resul$ Swrts Over-all Supervisor Archcry Amis AthleUcs Badminton Baseball Basketball Boxing Chea8 Football GYmnastics MAG WAG RG Sepak Takraw Softball SwiD,ninc Table Tennis Taekrr,ondo Tennis Volleyball Ded@n str"tio']- SDotls BilUard Futsal Wrestling wushu Paracarnes Ioano.rr?E^t *cralt4,,is: Rewlo.r Sports: Over-a.ll Supervisor Archery Arnis Atl etics Badrninton Baseball Basketball BoxinE Chess Football Gvmnastica Sepa* Takraw Softball Swimming Table Tends Taekwondo Tenrris Volleyball EDPIIAF Accounting Division NCR EDPITAF Accounting Divisio! L€paI Division BLR Reg. IU Accounting Division Accounting Division IMCS Records Division Ass€t Management Div Accounting Division Denon-str@lton Spotls Billiad Wrestling Wushu Mr. Mark MaRtibay Mr, Nelson Bugais Mr. Allan M. MalinR M8. Jaynelyn D, Florcs BLR Asset Management Div GSD Budspt Div 4. Fln..!cG ChaiEa, Asec. Armando C- Ruiz A8€c for Finance Ms. Rhunna L. Catalan Mr. Selwwr C. Briones Ms. Sonia R. De [.eon Ms. Molyn Dionela Ms. Cholita F. Tions Ms. Maiy Ann Cherry P. Silla ME. Elizabeth dela Cruz Ms. Maiia Eliza R. Rivera Ms, Aurora Vargas Ms. Belen D. Demonteverde Ms. Irene D. MiUo Ms. Peachy C. Ara.6ez Mr, Gene Pat :ick G. Morales Accounting Division Budget Division cash Division Accounting Division Accounting Division Accounting Division Accounting Division Accountinc Division AccountinR Division Budset Division Cash Division Cash Division Cash Divieion Futsa.l Co-Chairs Accountarlts Budset Olncer Disbursing OlEcers 5. CoDEudC.Uor .ad fGdL hforDauor Chairman Members Video /Carnera Operators Marketing & Sponaorshio Dii. Rizalino Jose Rosales MB, Mercedes Maiikit Fegeras Mo. Blarquita Dolores Bautista Mr. Emie Talaro Public Aflairs Service ConEultant CD-PAS CD-PAS CD-PAS OSEC Mr. Lawrence Cruz Mr. Cht'istian Taduran Ms. A.lona Quintos Mr. Pio D. A.lcartara Mr. Paul M. Laurenciano Mr. Ricardo Jose Santilhn nI Ms. Kimberly L. Manlapaz PSC PD.PAS PD.PAS OSEC Asec for Legal & IJsislative Dir. Aida N, Carpentero Ms. Ma. Teresa S. Fulsar Mr. Mark l€ster V. Taca BAC BAC 6. ProcurgEcnt Chairma.rr Members Procurement Sereic€ 7. 8st dlo3 rld EqutEclt coadttcc Chairman Co-Chairoan Equipm€nt Group Supply Group Insp€ctorate Dir. Robert M. Agustin Ms, Ma.ritess L. Ablay Mr. Albert C. Alano Mr. Ron Ma.rk T. Flores Mr. Dennis Allan B. Cruz Mr. John Clark P. Tasuinod Ms. Shirley D. Guiang Ms. Conchita P. Bermillo MB. Cristina C. Raposa Ms. Leslie Rose S. Lontok Ms. Susan D. Ortillo Admin. Service Div Asset Malageoent Div Assct ManageEent Div. Asset MarageEent Div. A89et Management Div. Aas€t Management Div, Aaset Mana(ement Div osEc osEc AdmLristrative Division Accounting Division 8. GrEoa Rarolt!, CoEEE crtloa ud DoclEcntrtlon Chairman Mr. DeoEracias B. Genito Jr Mr. Edmon G. Prado Mr. Christopher T. Frusa Mr. John Gregory Jabido Mr. Ronie Almia Mr. Edwlo Gomez Mr. John Dispo Mr. lEmuel c. Valles Mr. Roy Soldevila Mr. Michael Apuhin Ms. lprelie Ramos M8. Marlyn Erasmo Mr. CeEar Gonza.les Mr, Rolardo Azue Ms. Cristina Cay Ms. Evelyn Relor Ms. Jennifer Ja]ova Mr. Carlito C. Barit Mr. Raymond C. Owit Mr, Arnel T. Gurrobat Co-Chairman Web Pogting Of,icers validators Records Omcers Reproducuon DBMU SSD Div. Of South Cot Div. Of Koronadal CiW Div. Of Cotabato City Cash Division EMIS PD.PAS Iloilo Iloi.lo NCR NCR NCR Iloilo Plarnine Div Planrinq Div FMS PD-PAS PD.PAS PD-PAS 9. Prncaac. Coordh.ttlr CoEaltt.. Ms. Jessica Eizabeth S. Bril]qntes Chairman TM and ScreeEing Mr. Mr, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Records, Documentation and Results Dcnnis G. Esta Octavio Gonzales Alfredo Rey Estacion Antonio Onp Jo€l Deriada Criaanto Santos Anselito Torres SSD PHII.SPADA _NPC PHILSPADA fBocce) PHILSPADA {Goal Ball) PHILSPADA (Swirnmincl PHIISPADA lAthletics) ReE. III (Athletics) Res. III Mr. IGrlo M. Medina DeTid AC Ms. Micheue Dionisio Mr. Gerald Jasper L. Abalon Asec for Finance & Admin NCR-Marikina lO. trrtlotr.l 8crccdlg ..!d Accssdltatlon CoDEIttcG Chairman Members 77 nqlo^al RcarGs€' dtw, Atty. Comelio A. Pacala Dr. Rainerio U. Reyes Dr, Rene S. Surio Mr. Fidel E. Salosaccol Mr. Jamaica G. Ransiris Investipation Division Resion W Region VIII EWBD Legal Division Atty. Liwawa D. Siapno Mr. Denis M. Agbayani Mr. Emerito C. Nicdao Ms. Jocelyn B. Buclig Dr, Jean€tte V. Martinez Resion I Resion tr Rcsion III Recion tV-A Resion IV-B Resion V Region VI Reqion VII Region VIII ReEion Ix Resio! X Dr. Ma- Rosalia Vivien Maninang Dr. Donato G. Delqado Dr. Adeline C. Luarez Mr. Ruben E. Paylado Ms. Sheila Rose B. Apiag Mr. Roselio C. Evangelista Records/Documentation Mr. Antonio R. Pasquito, Jr Mr. RoEelio P. Radez€ Mr. Demosthenes J. Quinal Mr. Cresencio Gamay Mr. Ainel L. Asanc Mr. Buddy Arcaflsel Dr, Roselyn C. L€ruza Mr. Jeremiah D. Gumboc Mr. Jo€l M. Faustino Mr. Loreto P. Virco, Jr Mr. Dante L. Raposa, Jr 11. AilElaLttrtlvc SEDDort rad Scr9lcer Chairman Ms. Jessica Elizahh S. Brilantes Co-Chair Ms. Rhodola C. Arsenio Members M9. Carissa Sumulat Mr. Celestino Espeion M8. Ma- Angela C. Ruales MB. Milagros Agihap Mr. Rolafldo lrbo Resion xI ReRion XII CARAGA CAR ARMM NCR NIR Planning Division OUPELSp€cial Events Accountinc Division OSEC SSD SSD Asec for AEec lor laml & Lesislati!€ Lf,al & L€gislative AdEin. Service GSD NETRC Rcdrtr.tlo!/A.coEDodauoa Tea.Er kader gIPr/A.etts Team Leader Members U.dlcrl f'ru,n4tortatlo Tea.m kader Members Awards qnd @rtmoalcs Team L€ader Members Announcers Ms. Gloria Juvy B. Besa Ms. Emerita G. Peralta Ms. C€cil R. MendioLa Mr. Pepe V. Jazmit osEc Accountins Divisioir SPAPO OSEC Mr. Timothy Jamcs C. Mateo Ms. Eugenia B. Mendoza Mr. Jan l,evi M. Nopoy Ms. Natividad P. Danao M!. Da[ilo Parel Dr. Ma. Corazon Dumlao Ms. Girlie Azurin Local Representative OURO OURO As€c for Lgal & Legislative Mr. Nilo G. Sabandal Mr. Gerardo C. Dominso Mr. Joae Rivera Mr. Rodrigo A. Maur Mr. Felix S. Calsao Mr. Exequiel dela Cruz Mr. Rica.rdo Balbuena Mr. Neetor Diaz OSEC GSD GSD Ms. Rhodora C. Arsenio Mr. Ca.rmelito D. Novicio Dr. Yolarda M. Gonzales Ms. Agtes T. Canlas Ms. E<litha C. Hemandez Ms. JeDnilyn C. DominRo Ms. Veroldca C. Belles Ms. Amelita S. Buce Ms. Ma. Bella Caballa Mr. Arturo D. TLrazon osEc OSEC SHD SHD Res. v osEc OSEC OSEC osEc osEc SSD BLSS Res. III Reg. m Budget Div Peraonnel OPS osEc coA Technical Services [.ca.l Representative PMS Reg. V Ms. Victoria L. Abdlon Personnel Division Mr. Eart Ryan L.sito Ms. Glenda Granadosin Mr. Mateo N. Carnpos Mr. Rolito C. Tavco BHROD Ircal Representative Albay Proeince Ms. Ca.rolina Rivera Athletes Incentives/GSIS lnsurance Security Team lrader Members Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. PSC Counterpart BtUclT^a d d Pbrrtna V.[ue Carlos G. Bacay, Jr Edwin Bscalante Gil Galupo Honorato Mondejar Norberto C. Dinglasan Wairen R. Gabriel Ferdinand O. Ra.iada kvi Monterona A.rch. Noel Elnar Engr. Pedro Pineda vrD GSD GSD N CR-Marikina City LaRuna ssD GSD PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC Mr. Gcrry Maneclalg ,Irtrl of ADBqls Chairman Members Ee,h.&lo aid. Cbqr., Atty. DolIringo B, Alidon Dr. Vivian G. Ginete Mr. Philip Santoo Dr. Noemi M. Bellosilo Dr. Atlene R. dela Vega Dr. Eli BoDtisao Dr. Basi.lio Mana-ay Lecsl Division Resion vII Resion It NCR Resion IV-B ReE, v Res. XI G,c€n, Oraortl'€.d aad EcoFtl4,,dk Ms. Ma. Liz.a B. Iloren Ove!-all Coordinator Pala.rong Pambansa Evaluation Teara Chairman Dr. EuRenio B. Penales Members Ms. Eugrnia B. Mcndoza Ms. Maiivic Abcede Ms, I(ristine P. Cinco Ms. Edna M. Bulan Mr. Ttestan Jay Ebare Ms. Sonia T. valdcrosa Ms. Milagros Rebato Clean, Green, Organized and Eco-Friendly Team Dir. Etla Cecilia G. Naliponguit Chairr!an Mr. Ferdinand M. Nuiez Members Ms. Ann P. Quizon Ms. Alma D. Apanay Ms. Shkley T. Laurel Ms. Elizabeth Bermoy Mr. Francisco Competente Mr. Recinald E. Lizon&a Ircal ReDresentatives (31 SSD Region lx OURO BCD SSD BCD DRRMO OURO BLR BLSS SHD SHD Records Div SHD I*sal Division SHD Ascc for L€sl & L€sislative Albay Province (Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorardum No. 56, s. 2016) Republic oJ the Philiwines ,rrt&." rG DEPANIIUET{T ()f CDUCATIOT{ PAI.ARONG PAMBANSA 2016 LetarpiCity, Albay April10'16, 2016 ,dD ^*-*rh- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIALS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NAME MILDRED M, DE I.EON NESTOR A, BULOSAN AMARO A. GALVEZ JOSELITO G. SUIMINIG ADEL D. FLORES LITO M. BICALDO HERACI.EO V. PATRIMONIO ROMEO D. DOROMAL MARK AI.DRIN ANTONIO 10 FEDERICO M. ALMENDARES 11 DENNIS B. TORRE 12 ALLY J, PACENO 13 SANTIAGO G. FABUTAJR. 14 JOSEPH M. UIRANI JR. 15 GENEROSE E. CUYOM 15 ROSETYN L. DARDO 17 REX Z. ENDRINO 18 IUNARD E. YUSON 19 RYAN R. RAGUERO 20 MARLON EPE 21 RUBY SALVO 22 MONIR TUNGAO 23 RONATD ESPIRITU 24 ANDY V. VILLAMOR 25 JAYSON CRUZ 26 BERNARD EUGENIO 27 CALIXTO VII.LANUEVA 28 MYRA SALODARIO 29 ROBERT STA. ROSA 30 GREGORIO RETUMBAN DEStGtrtATlOt{ REGTOT{/t{SA Tournament Manage. Asst. Tournament ManaSer Tournament S€cretary Asst. Tournament S€cretary Charrman-Judge Commission Member - Judge Commission Member - Judge Commission Member - Judge commission Member - ludge Commisslon Member - lud8e Commission Oiredor of Shootlng (DOS) Announce/DJ Asst. DOS/timel Chief - Scores Committee chief Encodet Encoder Encodel Encoder ChiefTabulator Tabulator Tabulator Tabulator Chief - Leader Board Score. Leader Board Scorer Leade, Board Scorer Chief- Ground Credscore Card Handler Ground Crew/Score Ca.d Handler Ground Crew/Score Card Handler Venue ManaSer Event Coordinator IV-A NCR co tIV.A NIR lll I NCR NIR v t tx IV.A x I CTRAGA v x ARMM tv-B CAR tv-B xt I v t 1 Republic ol the Philippines DEPARTMEII OF EDUCATIO PATARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Letazpl City, Albay April 1G16, 2015 .(b ^J;6h- I.IST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIAl.s NAME DESIGNANON 1 AL PELGONE 2 HADJI TBADA Tournament Mana8er Asst, Tournament Manager 3 SOLOMON PADIS JR. Tournament Consultant Arnis Phil. 4 RONATD CLEOFE co 5 REYNALDO P. OROPESA 5 MARIVEL VARGAS 7 8 MANOLO BORROMEO AMADO MACAYAN 9 JESSIE BACUYAG 10 77 72 13 14 MARILOU TUGADE Tournament Secretary Chlef Judge/Referee Chief Records Chief Equipments Judge/Referee Judge/Refe.ee J u d8elReferee Judge/Referee Judte/Referee Judge/Referee JudBe/Referee .,ud8e/Referee lud8e/Referee JudBe/Referee ludge/Referee I udge/Referee Judte,/Referee Judge/Referee J udge/Referee Judge/Referee Judge/Referee Judge/Referee lud8e/Referee Judge/Referee JudBe/Refer€e ludge/Referee Judge/Referee Judte/Referee Judge/Referee Judte/Referee ARI.ENE REYES ARDIE CORDERO VICTOR SERENADOR MARIO PERNIA 15 NEI.SON BATATLER 15 ZEUS ESPITOY t7 RUBY DUMATAOG 18 NOEL DACUTAN 19 20 GERARD JUDE GERUDIAZ 2t DANILO ANTICAMARA 22 MARGARITA DIMALIGAUG 23 24 EFREN BUTLIG 25 ELISEO CESAR SEDA 26 27 2a ROSTUM ACOPANDA 29 30 31 RISSA BANANA 32 33 FARZHANA APELUDIN PEDRO CIBATANA FERMIA BELTRAN LEO CARINO TENG SUMAPAI. AI.IAIN SEIANI IKE VItI-AFLORES JIMAR AUSTRIA REGroia/r{sA V.DEAAP NCR NCR I flt IV.A IV-B vl v vIt tx x xl xt xll xlr CARAGA CARAGA CAR CAR ARMM NCR NIR 2 Republk ol the Philiwines O€PARIIYIE]{T OF EOUCANO PATARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Legarpi Clty, Albay April 10-16, 2015 .o ^,#;trI\-. LIST OT OFFICIATING OFFICIALs 1 VIRGILIO P. PADILLA 2 ALTAN G. BEDANA Toumament Manager Tournament Secretary 3 ROMEO SOTTO 4 CTARO PE|-LOSIS 5 RENATO UNSO 5 BIENVENIDO CONTAPAY 7 ROBINAVENTURINA 8 MANUEL LOPEZ 9 JESUS TUBOG 10 JEANETTE OSIENA 11 WLLIAM ORTIZ 12 ELENITA PUNELAS 13 BENJAMIN JUMANGIT 14 MANNY VITLANUEVA 15 TONY SIA 15 VII.MA R. BACANI 17 MANNY FRIGILI.ANA 18 SAMUEL C. ROSARIO 19 T|TO C. OR|-ANDO 20 GERARDO Z, DORIA 21 REMIGIO S. CASINGAL 22 RUFINO C. BIBAT 23 MARCELO S. SAI.AZAR 24 EDGARDO L. AGUINAI.DO 25 ROMM€L P. EUGENIO 26 EDGARDO C. UY 27 JONEL FRANCISCO 28 IULITO S. MARTINEZ JR 29 OTIVER T. BEHASA 30 EFREN F.BONO 31 SILVANO |LAO 32 ROSERTO TOMAGAN 33 NOEL N. MORON 34 WALDEN M, CERVANTES 35 OLAN LISTANCO 35 GIt BUENAFE 37 ERNESTO ATBASON 38 I.OURDESITA G. SIGAMATA 39 ARTURO W. PUNAY I co PATAFA PATAFA PATAFA NCR t PATAFA PATAFA PATAFA PATAFA PATAfA PATATA PATAFA PATAFA Wind Sauge Operator I t t tv-A IV.B IV-B VI vl vlr vI /TO REYNALDO P. RENOMERON vlll 41 ENRIQUE T. ENCISO 42 WII.fREDO SERNA vIl tx 3 43 ALAIN CATIS 44 RICO V. SUMASTRE 45 MARIA PAZ A. PAMA 46 ANGELITO AMARO 47 BERNAEE M. ALICAYA 48 GRACE t. COMPLETO 49 JUDE B. CORRALES 50 SHAFFA L. GUIANI 51 ROMEO PALLARCON 52 DANILO N. BNAO 53 ERLINDA T. ESTELLORE 54 EMERSON B. HADSAN 55 ROSEMARIE B. LAEONETE 56 JENNIFER C. PINI.AC 57 SALVADOR DOMOCMAT 58 JOSE Wt-uAM ORT|Z 59 GARAM S. ARAD.IE 60 ABULCAIR M. MACMOD 51 HEINRCH E. HETROSA 52 PAUL JONAS SIBUTA 63 EVANGELINE NAVARRO 64 RONY C, QUICOY 65 ELMER RIVERA 65 I.YMUEL SEGUILLA tx x x xt xt xt xl x xI CARAGA CARAGA CAR c.AR CAR NCR NCR ARMM ARMM NIR NIR xl Electronic Timing Operator Electronic l'iming Operator PSC PSC 4 Republic oJ the Philiwines DEPARTMEI{T OF EOUCANO .(D PATARONG PAMBAI{SA 2016 Letazpi Gty, Albay April 10-16,2016 ^ *-;rh- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIAI.S Tournament ManaSer Consultant Asst. Tournament ManaSer sso/Brss xl ETMER ARIATE IR, Asst. Tournarnent Mana8er Toumamerit S€cretary JUDITH BROSUTA NSA Repreaentatlv€/Assessor P8A ANTONIO PESCADERA Tournammt Referee oeputy Referee NCR JASON R. RAZAI. OR. MA. JAI{ELYN T. FUNOAL ROLANDO SELGA MA. RIzzAQUICOY VENERANDO ESPIRIIU DANII.O YUMANGJR, MR NCR NCR NCR RONALD CAPILI Match control Offcer NCR ROWENA MENESES Match control Officer Match Control O4tirer rx JOSEPHINE CAVAN MARY AVEMIENA AAUNSTA MERCY MACARANAS counOfiicial court offioal I I SHERWlN SIMANGAN Court Offfci.l Court Offlcial I I REMEGIO ANTALAN CourtOfficial Ir AI{DRES DIONISIO Coun Oflicial €DUAROO OE TEON JR. Court Offfcial ROMMEI-CUENTO Court Offfcial NILO PEREZ courtOfflcial EONACABUHAT SOPHIAFANUGA court offlcial c6urt official DIOOELJEsURA court oflldal FAMA Court Official IOET DANAO REY v,B NIR oflici.l ROSANEE REFAMONTE Coun MELANIE TEcsON JEANIAflSTON CounOfficial Court ofncial JANE ROSANES Court Of6cial RANDY DARCERA CourtOfficial lx CourtOfficial Court official x coun Orficial Court Ofikial xt ANGELITO PAGARAN ENRIQUE AMARO REHUEI- PABILLAR REU GASENOO MA TXERESA YANSON cou( Offioal v xt xI xI ACHIUESASID Court Ollicial CHLOE JOYCE BUYAYO CAR JOSEPHINE I.UMANGCAS court Of,icral court Offioal Court offfcial JESSIE LYXDIE MANLUCTAO Court Offidal CARAGA AIAN I.INDOGAN Courtofficial NCR ALEX 8€RTIZ Court Official ARIELRAMIREZ Court Official ROI.ANDO BARRAMEDA Coun Official RAMIL PALACIO Coi/rt Off cial/Coordinator MITCHIE JOY PANAGAN CAR CARAGA 5 Republic ol the Philippines ,f+34 DEPARTI,IE T OF EDUCANOI{ su? PATARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Le8azpi City, Albay April 1G16,2016 .(A ^.:-rh- I.IST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIATS 1 GISELO ULEP 2 IOSEFINO B. VIRAY 3 EDGARDO OCAMPO 4 MARK NICOI.AS 5 AI.ICE BOR'A 5 ARIEL OYALES 7 QUIRICO 8. OLAGUER JR 8 ALEXANDER ORDANZA 9 TED OPINIANO 10 IESSIE CECIT MUNAR 11 ETWINITO PATAGUAN 12 EFREN SANTIAGO 13 WALTER C. ESTABILLO 14 ERNESTO DUPITAS 15 NOEI. MARQUEZ 16 CEI.ZO R. BAGUNO 17 MARINO 5. FRANCISCO 18 JOSELITO TINGA 19 JERRY BOY MADIA 20 GLECERIO BINAOHAN 21 JOHNIT F. REALUBTT 22 ROMEO ORIGINAL 23 ROBERTO ANSINO 24 CHRISTOPHER GUDIA 25 RICHARD CABALLES 26 ROMMELABETO 27 DATMACIO VALTE 28 JESUS G. FRANCISCO 29 JOENEL CANENCIA 30 MARCEI. TAGALOGON 31 TEONEL JOSE 32 RENE BOY ROXAS 33 JUI"IUS PASTRANA 34 ALVIN TAN 35 ROTAND COLOMA 36 JOSE JUDE CAI.TADO 37 RONALD VISAYA 38 NOEL TIZADO 39 REX P. ACEI.AR 40 IEON MARTINEZ 41 LARRY C. PAYOSALAN 42 ABDUI. WAHAB I. HUSIN Tournament Mana8er Asst. Tou]nament Manager Asst. Tournament Manatet Tournament Secretary Chief Scorer/Recorder coordinator - Elem Coordinator - Sec I NCR IV-A co NCR I I I I t lI llt IV-A IV-B IV.B VI VI vlr vll vlll vlll tx tx x lll x xl xl xl xll xI xll xll CARAGA CARAGA ARMM 6 43 TONY K. ASANJI 44 SAMUET EGSAEN 45 rAC(soN CAYAOS 45 SAI.VADOR JUNIO 47 ALBERT IAN CASUGA 48 RAMIL ABLAT 49 JENEVAN JADOC 50 VIRGIL ETABAG ARMM CAR CAR NCR NCR v t NIR NIR 7 Republic ol the Philipplnes DEPARIMETTOF EDUCANOf, PAIARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Legazpi Gty, Albay April 1G16, 2016 ,dD ^#-:rh- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIATS 1 DR. EDILBERTO R. AEAIOS 2 JOSELITO ORBASE 3 MARIO MONTIEI. 4 GLENN CORNELIO 5 DR. REYNANTE HUFAiIA 6 AI.FREDO JULIO 7 OSCAR SALVADOR 8 9 DR. DOMINGO TAUD RITO MAITEM 10 Nlcor-As cor.r.AMAT 11 WALTER LUMAGUE 12 RONALD CELINO 13 JAY MONICO ATICANDO 14 JOSEPH I.AVADIA 15 TELESFORO MILTADO, JR. 16 CHRISTIAN DELA CRUZ 17 HENRY DE GUZMAN 18 BOBBY FESALSON 19 ANTONIO EVASCO,IR. 20 CARI.OS BARAL 21 IOEL ARROYO 22 JUTIETO DELA TORRE 23 EsTANISI.AO IOY RIU 24 DENNIS DE LEMIOS 25 rOSE BONA, TR. 26 TEOPOLDO SO|-AS 27 SUNNY PARDICO 28 PEDRO SEPRADO JR. 29 AUREIIO ESTANAN JR. 30 BRYAN COLILIHAN 31 RECRES SEVILI.ANO 32 JOEI SAAVEDRA 33 JESSIE CAYASAN 34 JAYPHEE RALPH JUMAMOY 35 RAUL TUENTES 36 MYRA ESTHER MARISSA DUCO 37 ALEX BATGOS 38 EI.YSON ELEM 39 RICHARD ENDOY 40 JOSE DE GUZMAN 41 ROI.AN UGMAD 42 VAL SHERWIN LIWA Tournament ManaSer Event Coordlnator Referee Superviso, FIBA lnternational Referee FIBA lnternational Referee Asst. Tournament ManaSer - Girls Asst. Tournament Manaer - Boys fust. Tou.nament Manage. - Elem & 3 X 3 fu st. tournament Manage.Aecretary v Asst. Tournament Secretary co Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee I Referee Referee IV-B Referee Referee Reteree Referee Referee I NCR SBP SBP xt I I I It t IV.B IV.A Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Rcferee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee v v v v t tx tx x x xl xt xI xll CARAGA CARAGA VI 8 43 AI.IAN PASITENG 44 JOSE NOEL ROBLES 45 ROTER GATAY 46 BIN.AUF JALILUL 47 ASRAHAM JATANI 48 CHRISTOPHER LOFRANCO 49 tro CERALBO 50 MELCHOR BUENO 51 RITCHEI.L RADA 52 ARIEL BERMEO 53 ALI,AN RONCESVALI.ES 54 DANIEL AMEASING 5S SANTIAGO MANIQUEZ, IR 56 LEOMAR GINES Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee cR Referee Releree Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee NIR NCR NCR ARMM ARMM NIR NCR SBP cR I I 9 Republic ol the Philippinet DEPARIME TOF EDUCATIO PAI.ARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Le8azpi City, Albay April 10-16.2016 .({D ",;:lx LIST OT OFFICIATING OFFICIAts ABAP I,UDY CERIAI."ES Executive Director ITO Supervisor Tournament Director Asst. Tournament Manager Asst. Tournament Manager Computer Director Evaluator 8 DENNIS fABIANA Referee/udge I 9 AI.EX MAMARIL 10 11 ARSENIO CASTRO t OUVER SAYDOKEN l 72 JERWIN ARPIA 13 GARRY MUNTIAGUDO rv-B 14 HAYDEE SARMIENTO IV.B 15 16 HENRY NERVEZA 1 EDGAR PICSON 2 CARINA PICSON 3 MAXIMO ABALOS 4 CELDO EVASCO 5 JONATHAN JIMENEZ 6 RAFAEL REYES 7 ABAP NCR ASAP AEAP ABAP AEAP I 77 EARI EORROMEO ANGELO BAGUIN 18 MARTIN SUNIDO vl 19 SEVERINO CTBALUNA VI 20 27 BENIAMIN TIONGSON NATANIEL TARADIO v 22 23 24 25 26 27 ALVIN AZUCENA vlll REY PIEDAD NE6ON EYAI.AS tx tx CELso PAGUTON NATI{ANIET BALTERDA x xl JERRY LUMPINGAN xI 2A ARNET ANTIPORDA x 29 ACCAD VALERIANO CAR 30 LEONORE OUIBAN CARAGA 31 KRISTINE MORAI.ES NCR 32 ROSVIC ABETO NIR 33 34 35 35 ANTHONY CORTEZ NIR MAULA C, KAMAG CAMAR AMPAO ARMM ARMM JUANITO PAREDES NCR vI 10 Republic ol the Philippines Df PARTMEI{T OF EDUCANOI{ PAI.ARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Le8azpi City, Albay April 10-16,2016 ^.;dt LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIALS 2 tAlFtJAMES TNFTESTO ROMEO G. ESPIRITU JR. 3 tA,/Dl 4 IA,/FI WITFREDO NERI 5 FA PATRICK R. LEE 6 IA GENEROSO POI.IARCO 7 ROMER M. VATENCIA 8 JED S. JERMINA L I -ANN PEREZ JOSELITO ASI 10 ROGETIO VALDEZJR. 11 RICIRDO REYES ROMUI.O P. GERON 72 13 ROGER G. RAMOS 74 15 BENNY 8. BADUA l5 GEYLYN D. DE CASTRO L7 HERARDO F. MANAHAN 18 BIENVENIDO G, DAYANDANTE JR 19 FEDERICO ESPINAS 20 CEZAR T. MEDIODIA 21 MEDAN RHEE PUNSALAN 22 SERAPIA L. JALA 23 FA FEI-IX C. POLOYAPOYJR. 24 25 26 27 EULISER CANO NETSON R. UMALI AMER E. TANDONG wlLLIAM ALMODIEI. GREG F. MAGSAYO 2A FETIMON TAYABAS 29 JOSE BARBA 30 31 32 33 34 35 JUN T. UKA RoLANDo Mt[ozA RAUL C. CRUZ MARVIN R. VICTORIO ISNAJI S. SIRALI FREDERICK C. DAO-AY Tournament Manater Asst Tournament ManaSer ChiefArbiter Evaluator-A,biter Swiss Manager Programmer/Arbiter Technical consuhant Asn. Chief Arbiter - Elem. Asst. Chief Arbiter - Sec. Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter A.biter Arbiterrcoo.dinator Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbitet Arbiter Arbiter Arblter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter Arbiter FIDE/NCFP It FtoE/NCtP FIDE/NCFP FIDE/NCFP FIDE/NCFP NIR co I I I I l tv-A IV-A tv- B VI vI vll vlll lx tx x xl xl xll CARAGA NCR NCR ARMM CAR 11 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTME TOF EDUCINO PAIARONG PAMBANSA 2015 Lega2pi City, Albay April 10-16, 2015 LIST OF OFFICIATING OFfICIATS FERNANDO J, FLORES Tournament Manat€r Consultant PFF 3 DENNIS A. ESTANIEL fusesior NIR 4 5 FRAEL U. AOUINO Assl. Tou.nament Manater CAR AI.LEN P. GAGARA ARMM 1 RUFINO 8. AREII.ANO 2 6 7 MANUEI,GUTTEM 'lR. 8 GERRY PAET 9 AUONSO DULATRE 10 FROILAN CLIFF SERRA 11 DIONICIO VICENTE I. CASAUAY L2 LORENZO DIAMZON 13 RENATO FTORO E. ESPIRITU 74 REYNATDO CONACO 15 ROMANDIE M. GUIVESES 16 IOMMEI. ROMERO fust, Tournament Manater Toumament S€cretary Event Coordinator Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Officlal TechnicalOfficial Techni.al official Technica I Official Tech n ical Offkia Techni.al Ofticial 77 ENGLEBERT MANGILIT Technica I Official 18 DIOBE B. ARELLANO Techn ica I Of{icial 19 VIRGILIO 20 ARIET S. SALVADORA LEONAROO EGALAI{ I. IMPERIAL CAR I I I lt flt I tv-8 lv-B Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official 27 RANDY REGUTAR 22 JUI.IUS RTBAYA Techni.al Official 23 JIFFEREYVELE2 Technical Official Technical Offichl NIR T.chnical Officlal Technical Official Technical Official Technacal Official vI 24 LEO G. DAYOT 25 JUAI{ 26 27 FRAI{CIS B. RAMIR€Z 2A LEODEGARIOS. TINOC,IR. 29 30 EAYANI JOSE AAAD ANG€LTTO LAURON 31 ERIC R, LIM S. TORREGOSA RUBEN D, TEJANO l2 IAN GAEOT 33 ERYAI'I S. SENEG|Ai{ 34 ROEERTA. RA6A 35 SAMMY DESI.ATE 35 JOSE E. LOZADA 37 38 ROMUATDO TIDEN EIMER A. AUTOR 39 40 SRENDA F. GAYAGOY GI.EN L GUARDI,AII'O 4t MARK TAN 42 STEVE SUpRESEIOA 43 TDUARDO V. MESA JIMVIM MANCII.LA 44 TeclnicalOf{icial Technical Official Technical Official Technical Ofriciel Technkal Officiel TechnicalOfliciat Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Ofricial TechnicalOffrcial TechnicalOfficial Techntcal Official Technkal Orficial EVENT COORDII{ATOR EVENT COORDINATOR NIR vll vlr v t tx tx x x xt xl xll x CAR CANAGA f{cR NCn VI 12 Republic of the Philipptnes ffi OEPARII,] Ellr OF EDUCAIO PATARONG PAMBANSA 2016 LegazpiClty, Albay April 1G1O 2016 ,.(o ^,::rh-. LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIALS 2 ALEXANDER TOLENTINO MAG T. Manager MAG Asst. TM GAP 3 CEISO MAYOT- MAG Core Judte vll 1 JULIUS ARANDIA 4 MAG Judge I 5 JAYSON MALINAO MAG Judge IV.A 5 ALFREDO PASAYLO 7 CHARLIE PESCADERO MAG Judte MAG Jud8e vI t MAG Judge ERIC VIERNES DUQUE CAGUINDANGAN lx x xl xll 9 VENANCIO I.UMEN 10 RICARTE DUMANGAs 11 RODOIfO MANUEI. 12 EDWIN ABUL MAG ,ud8e MAG JudSe CAR 13 JOEMARIE ROSEL MAG Judte GAP 14 MARLIVEL ZANO MAG Tabulator MAG Judge vlll 15 ATFREDO GUTAY 16 RUBEN SRETAfiA 17 AMEI.IA BERGONIA 18 CATHERINE JOY VILLAREAL 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ROSELLE REYES VANETTE ESPEJON IOAN CERNA ARACELINIMER EI.ISA VILI.AMOR MAITE HUYO ADOLFO MARITA DY SORILI.A THELMA CAGAIS ESTERIA WAGA MAG Judge MAG Judge Equipment in CharSe WAG T. Manager wAG Asst. TM WAG Jud8e wAG Core Judge WAG Judte wAG Judge WAG Judge wAG Judge wAG Judge wAG Judge wAG Judge NCR GAP ll GAP u CARAGA vl I IV-B vl lx 28 JENNY INNOCENCIO WAG Jud8e x x 29 EERNARDITA PUTAD WAG Judge NCR 30 FLORATETIAO 31 MA. ELENITA BAITON 32 GINA BUENA 33 CLEOFE E. OLIVEROS 34 VILMA TRIPOLI 35 ERNIDA TOLENTINO 36 ROMANA VILI.EGAS wAG Judte wAG Tabulator wAG Judte RG T. Manager Asst. Toumament Managel RG Core Jud8e CAR 37 ELIZA LAYUGAN 38 39 40 41 RG Judge RG Jud8e CYNTHIA MONTAftEZ RG Judge MARIA DEE ANN CARMEN RG 42 THEA RUETO IV-A NCR xll GAP RG Jud8e MELIZA REGATDO RHONA BRETANIA NCR tv-A tv-B ludge RG Jud8e VI RG Judge vlt NIR 13 43 VIVIAN VATERIANO .I4 JOCELYN ORETA RG Judge v RG Judge tx 45 AURORA VITLASTIQUE 45 MARIA JADE JABON 47 DORIE DE CASTRO RG Judge x RG Judge xt RG Judge NCR 4t JOCELYN RIVERA RG Judge CAR 49 RUSETL RONQUI-|-O 50 MAY C.ASTILLO RG Judge 51 OANICA SOPHIA OLIVEROS 52 ADELUISA PATRICIA CAMILON 53 HERMAN OUVEROS 54 AIIEEN GRACE SANTOS 55 MARY GRACE EORELA 56 ANA LOU CARREON t RG Judge GAP Tabulator Recorder RG Music Custodian/Equip. Aest. Toumament Secretary Aeroblcs Aerobics GAP RG NCR-NSA NCR GAP GAP L4 Repudk oI tll€ Philiryines DEPARTMEI{T OF EDUCANO]{ PATARONG PAMBAI{SA 2016 Legazpi 6ty, Albay April1G16, 2016 .(A ^:-/a- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIALS 1 LOLITO A. MAKIRAMOAM 2 DR. SEVERO 3 RAMON TINA 4 5 ERWIN P. ACORDA SATURNINO DUMTAO 5 NILDA SEBELTANO 7 MANNY ADANIEL 8 CHARLES SARNE 9 ORI.ANDO TAN 10 11 72 13 14 15 15 L7 18 FRANKI,IN VIAIEDOR t, MIL Touanament Manaer Technical Consultant Tournament secretary Aist. Tournament Manager - Elem Asst. Tournament Mana8er - Sec-Boys Chief Referee Court A - Sec-Gils Chief Referee - Court A -Secondary Chief Referee - Court B - S€condary Chief Referee - court C - Secondary IV-A I co lI xl x I vlll vlll JOEI SASADO Chief Referee- court B -Elementary Chief Referee -Court C - Elementary DEpEd National Referee DEpED National Referee DepED National Referee DepED National Referee DepED National Referee DEpEd NationalReferee DEpED National Referee 19 20 RACQUEL YUSON DepED NationalReferee RAMSIE FERNANDO DepED NationalReferee IV-A 2t JESUS ALASCO IV-A 22 23 24 25 RANDOLT BADILTO DepED NationalReferee DEpEd National Referee ELMER CAYAS DEpED National Referee MERCEDES LUCERO DepED National Referee MARLON FRANCISCO TITO ALCUERA DepED National Referee RONALD ENCISO DEpEd ationalReferee 2A JOSE NOEL ALCOBILLA DEpED National Referee VI 29 30 31 EDWIN SUBONG DepED National Referee NIR ARNEL ARIOTA NIR MARLON GICAIN DepEd National Referee DepED National Referee 12 MARI.ON BATAGTAS DepED National Referee vll 33 34 MARIO SENIT DepED National Referee ROLANDO DEI-A TORRE DepED NatlonalReferee 35 EPIFANIO PAGAYON OepED National Referee lx tx x 36 CENANDO BODANO DEpEd NationalRefer€e 37 38 39 40 47 42 RUEL VIOI.AN DEpED National Referee JULIUS CONDEZ DepED National Refe,ee TERESITO ABRASALDO DepED National Referee DEpEd Natlonal Referc€ xll DEpED NationalReferee NCR DepED National Referee NCR 26 27 WILFREDO LOCSIN JEFFREY MUNOZ BERNARD DE GUZMAN PEPE ADAME ,IMMY PERALTA DOMINAOOR SORIANO FLORANTE SORIANO JOSELITO MANABAT DONATO SANTOS ROGELIO CABANTING I I I I I l tv-A tv-A tv-B IV.B DepED National Referee x xl xl NCR 15 43 ANDIAS KIMBONGAN 44 PABTITO DUMAPE 45 ANALITO YURONG 45 ISMAEL MANSUR 47 DATU MUHAMAD AtI WAGAS 48 NESTOR AQUINO 49 JOLLY LABOY DepED National Referee clR DepED Natlonal Referee DepED National Referee CARAGA DepED National Referee DepED National Referee ARMM ARMM PASTA Referee PASTA PNTA Referee PASTA CARAGA L6 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENY OF EDUCANO PATARONG PAMBA'{s4 2016 LeSazpi City, Albay April 1G16, 2016 .(A ^.-r-rh- TIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIAlS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PAULO M. TABIRARA Tournam€nt Manage, NCR ISMAEL VEIOSO III ASAPHII. ANTHONY DIOSDASO U. ARCEO VELARDE MATASAN A5APHIL RICARDO OCUMIN I EOUAROO MACARAEG I I FRANXLIN AGEAYANI RICKY CAPERI.AC RANDY CONCEPCION 10 NOLI SANJUAN 11 EMILY CAREON 12 MAC JOHN 8. MERCADO 13 KAREN M, GAPIIANGO 14 ROBERTO M. MACABENTA 15 CELITO V. SAYSON 16 RYDUM LEGARDA 17 ERWIN BEATINGO 18 ROSALINDA BUTCON 19 TUCIA CIHANAP 20 RUDOIfO FTORES 21 IRENEO LAPORE 22 RODITO BADIAN 23 ROIANDO OIRA or NETSON DOHINOG 24 ALFRED DESCALI.AR 25 SHARON KAHAL YU 26 DIONISIO,SALAMANGCA 27 URBANO TINACO 28 RoSEMARTE CAFE 29 MARICEI.JAMERO 30 WALTER C. CASTILTON 31 MARIANO VICENTE 32 LEMUEL DEI.A VEGA 33 MERCO I.OREN 34 MAHII.AN S. USMAN 35 40 MANSURA E.ISBA 35 EDUARDO BALUC.trS 37 JOHNSON BOTENGAN 38 THELMA ANDOI.A 39 BERNARD GONZALES 40 JEROME HERMOGENO 41 OELIA ACUNA 42 MARK ERNEST REYES t It IV-A IV-A IV.B tv-B vll vlr vIt vlll NIR NIR tx lx x x xt xl x xlr CARAGA CARAGA ARMM ARMM CAR CAR NCR NCR IV-A NCR t7 43 VERGII.IO CRUZ 44 HASMIN BONGAS 45 FRANCIS TTUNADO 46 HERMOGENES MAGDASOC 47 B|GC S W|L|-SON 48 ARVIN FORTES 49 ACE SRYAN P. DIAZ 50 REX CINLAS NCR NCR NCR NCR m 18 Republic ol the Philippines OEPARTMENT OF EOUCAflO PATARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Legazpi City, Albay April 10-15, 2016 .(h ";--rh- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIATS 7 2 DOMINGO SETH C, SOTAI.ON RICHARD LUNA 4 ESIEBAN BONCAN ENRIQUE VINLUAN 5 IUAQUIN REYES 5 CARI.O RENOS 7 8 9 10 JESUS DE LUNA 11 ROSE ESTIVA 72 13 MAII.ON AGUTAYA 3 EI.MER VIDAS MA. LOURDES MANDAPAT FELOMINA BENDANA JOSELITO LUMANGI-AS 14 15 16 77 18 GIT MITANTE 19 EVAI.YN FERNANDEZ 20 ROSANNA WOOTON 21. YASHIER SUSUTAN 22 MYRNA BAI.ANG 23 CHITA PARAGUYA 24 25 JERRY 26 27 28 NETYN TAN 29 BERNARDO DE CASTRO EDGAR ORELI.ANA ANGETO TANOY ARTEMIO PALMA PAQUITO LUCES MAG(IDONG ROSS CHITO PALO EDMUND GUTAM DONALD MALIPE 30 LEO ANGELO SANCHEZ 31 AHMA}IAN 32 33 34 35 35 MARYANN MACALDO 37 38 39 40 47 42 ASALI PORTUNATO PANTALEON JR. JOSE CONLU NUNITUN MORENO RUSSBERG BANTIGUE ROSALIE ROXAS EDWIN SOTTO ARISTEO ADOR PERPETUA LUNA IRMA ADOR EDDIE RANGEI. Tournament Manager Tournament Consuhant Toumament Secretary Technical Official Technical Official Technlcal Official Technical Official Technical Oflicial Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Offlcial t"tni."l Offi"i"t Technical Of{icial Technical Official Technical Ofllcial Technical Of{icial Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Ofticial Technical official Technical Official Technical official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Ofticial Technical Official Technical Official Technical Official Technical official Technical Offlcial TecJlnicil Official Technical Official Technical Offfcial Technical Official Technical official Technical Official Technical Official Technical Offfcial Technical Official PSt co I I ll lll Il IV-A tv-A IV-B IV-B VI vI vt vl tx tx x x xt xt x x CAR CAR ARMM ARMM CARAGA CARAGA NCR NCR NIR NIR PSt PSt PSr PSI L9 vI ANALEA LUNA Technlcal Official Technical Official Technical Official JOSEPH AGBON Technicalfficial PSr JOHN MICHAELVINCENT TICSON PSI IVAN JASTELTE OCAMPO Technical official Technical Official SILVANY DELIGHT GASTANES TechnkalOfficial PSt VIRGIL REYES Technical Official l 51 DERICO TAGUA 52 TEOFILO RAMOS JR. Technicalfficial Technlcal official 53 54 55 56 ALNASIt SAID 43 SENEN PAULIN 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TEONISA ADOR WALTER DELGADO MARIO TOBIAS ADELFO CARANDANG T€chnical Official Touch Pad Operator Touch Pad Operator Touch Pad Operato. P5r PSr PSr ll ARMM LGU TGU LGU 20 Repudtc oI the Philipines DEPARIMET{T OF EDUCINO PAI.ARONG PAMBANSA 2016 LetazpiCity, Albay Ap,ll 1G16,2016 .(A ";-/A- I.IST OF OFFICANNG OFFICIATS 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 ALf REDO A. M. CAMACHO III CHARISMAPAREDE9ANINO €RIC LABRE VENERANDO ROqUETA WIDMAR( BALMORES SRIAN NILO JHUN BAUTISTA FIDEL PALMA JUANCHO VALBUENA 10 ALONASAMSON 11 ',OSEPH REYES 12 JOSEPH OCAMPO 13 RAMON NOVICIO 14 DENNIS HINTAY 15 ROMMEI JABAL 16 NORIEL RODEJO 17 CARLO LEGASPI 18 SHANE ANN ETANCA 19 EOGAR MALANO 20 DAN MALANO 21 RITCHIE qUIDATO 22 NERIO TACAN 23 GIDEON DELA TORRE 24 JOSEPH LINCUNA 25 EPIFANIA MELCHOR 26 REY ESPIRITU 27 FTORENCIO BORDADO 28 HAZEL LECIAS 29 REX SAYSON 30 JEREMY SEMIC 31 ERIC AMISTAD 32 WLHEM SALES 33 VICTOR ODTOHAN 34 IUNIE GALLENERO 35 ARSENIO LUPISAN 36 ROMEO PIGOH 37 MOCTAR PANDACA 38 MICHAEL YANOS Tournament Manater Asst. Tournament Manager Tournament Secretary Umplre Umpire Umpire Umpire Umplre Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umplre Umpire Umpire Umpi.e Umpire Umpire Tournament Coordinator Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umplre Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire Umpire tv-B CIRAGA co I I I I t It l IV.A tv-A IV-B IV.B VI vl vllr v vlll tx x xl xl xl xt x CARAGA CARAGA NCR cIR ARMM NIR 2L Republic ol the Philiryines OEPANIMEI{TOF EOUCANO PAI.ARONG PAMBANSA 2016 LeSazpiCity, Albay April 1q15, 2016 .(b ^.;-rh- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIALS 1 MARIO M. FRIGILI.ANA 2 3 IGOR MELTA 4 RICKY SANTIAGO IAIME P. ROBIANES 5 RANI ORTEGA 6 MARIA ATETA A. FRIGILI.ANA RAUL DAN F. DOMINGO 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 !4 15 16 77 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 RANOY I.ACTAOEN RUFINO LI,AMANZARES JR. ADORACION MACAOAY RICHARD VILI-ANUEVA' HAROLD HARRIS PETAGIO ARNEL GAMATA CHARMAIGNE GAY CAI.ATONG GENEVIEVE YU SHIRLEY CASTILLO ANGEUTO CABUNGCAL HOMER CELESTE TIRSO JABAL NELSON GOMEZ ARSENIO OCSING AURODORA TABAT HARNY TABUADA EDSEL URSAL VIGIL LANGUINO NILO BALDELOBAR NONITO SALUDARIO Tournament Manager (Kyuro8l) Tournament Manater (Poomsae) ChieI of Referees Referee/Judge Referee/ Judge PSs- Technical Assistant PSs- Technical Assistant Tournament Secr€tary Event Coordinator Refereerudge Refereeludte Referee/udge Referee/udge Refereerudge Referee/udge Refereerudte Referee/ud8e Refereerudgc/Emcee Refereerudge Referee/udge Referee/udBe Refe reel udge Asst. Tournament Manager (Poomsae) Referee/udge Referee/ud8e PTA PTA PTA PTA PTA PTA PTA co t t IV.A IV.A rv-B vt NIR vI vI Refe.ee/udte Refereerudge v EMMANUET FLORES Assistant Tournament Manager (Kyurogi) ROBERT FLORES Referee/udge Referee/ udge Reteree/ud8e Referee/udge Referee/udge Refereeludte Refereerudte Referee/udge Referee/udge Referee/udge Referee/udge Referee/udge Referee/ud8e Referee/ udSe Referee/udge tx tx CRISANTO ROLDAN STARA MAE TIONGCO LEO ASILO DANTE PAGUYOD BARTOLOME ARRADAZA PORFERIO TRIPOLI ROWENA SANCHEZ JONATHAN ARCUINO HUSIN ABDULKADIL AMINA SULIMAN ABELOU BERAY ANDREW TUTIC NOREEN MATEOS REUEL ROSARIO v t x x xt xr xI xI CARAGA CARAGA ARMM ARMM CIR CAR NCR NCR 22 Republic ol the Philippi.Es OEPARTME T OF EDUCATIOI{ PAIARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Letazpi City, Albay April 10-15,2016 .(D ^J*-h- LIST OF OfFICIATING OFFICIALS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 APOLINARIO ALDAMA TOMAS FALCIS JONAIHAN PINON MAXIMO RAZALIR. CAESAR FIRMALO ADNDUL ADJAD BOBBY CAERERA ULDARICO LUAREZ ROBERTSON TUI.IAO 10 AMADEO CORPUZ 11 REYMUND ALVAREZ 12 DEAN OCAMPO 13 NORMAN NICASIO 14 BILLIE EDRA 15 ANGETITO I.ICUP 15 JOSE GUANZON 17 MA.LEAH DALANGIN 18 ROMELITO LUGTU 19 ANTHONY BUMAGAT 20 ASEL VILIANUEVA 21 ISAIAS PARAISO JR. 22 JOHN BEE CABOS 23 RICARDO DAVID III 24 DENNIS MANGAYA 25 JERICO MANALO 26 JAYSON COMBATE 27 ROI.DAN BUI,AI.ACAO 28 RODERICX AGUITAR 29 JULIUS GONZALES 30 REYNALDO SUMAYI.O 31 PATRICX JOHN MESA 32 ROLLIE MUARES 33 NOEL ARCENAL 34 JULIE DALUMPINES 35 RENE BORGONIA 36 MARTIN TAVERA 37 SHERWIN BALICAT 38 FELIXSARO BORATA 39 ROMMEL ROMANO 40 ALBERT VIIIANUEVA 41 DENNIS YAPE 42 MAITA AKUT Tournament Manager Consultant Assistant Toumament Manager As5istant Tournament Manater Referee Referee Referee Referee Tournam€nt Secretary Chair/Line Umpire chair/Line Umplre Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire chair/Line Umplre Chai,/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire chair/Une Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umplre Chair/Line Umpire chair/Ljne Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Une Umplre Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire chair/tine Umpire Chair/Line Umplre chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Llne Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chalr/Line Umpire Chair/Llne Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpi.e chair/Line Umpire Il PHITTA tv-A NCR ARMM I CARAGA co It t t l l IV.A IV.A IV.A tv-A rv.s rv.8 NIR NIR NIR VI VI vll vlt VIII vlll tx tx tx x 21 43 RANILO GAMUTAN /T4 MARYJEAN LABOR 45 RAHYAN PUGOSA 46 EDGAR CTBUENAS 47 MARISTEI.A SAEZ '|8 MAR( SEAN QUINONES 49 NELSON BAUTISTA 50 RENE PACOLOR 51 MARIO ORENDAIN 52 JONATHANCUADRILI.ERO 53 MARICHU CAMPOS 54 PEDRO VII,TASTIQUI 55 REX MABIASEN 56 MICHAEL DINSUAT 57 KERWIN ASID 58 JUANITO PUCAN 59 IOHN JOSEPH LUMAAD 50 LUIS NACION 61 JASMIN JAY MADIS 52 LEO BUEI.A 63 Aw|N F|-ORES Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Une Umpire Chai./Line Umpire Chair/Llne Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chai/Line Umpirc Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line umpire Chair/Line Umpire Chair/Line Umpir€ Chair/Une Umpire Chair/Llne Umpire Chair/Line Umplre Chair/Line Umpire Event Coordinator Event Coordlnator x xt xt xt xll xI xI CARAGA CARAGA CARAGA CAR CAR ARMM ARMM t{cR NCR xI 24 Repuuic of the Philiwines DEPARTME T OF EDUCAIIO PATARONG PAMBAiISA 2016 LeAazpi Ciry, Albay April 10-16, 2016 ,(o ^.#-:fA- UST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIALS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NESTOR L BELLO YUL BENOSA JOSE GARY JAMILI MAR( ANTHONY MAGTIBAY ALFREDO NIEVA ATBERTO MACARANAS Toulnament Manater A.T.M. Sec. A.T.M. {Elem.} Tournament Secretary Coordinator NCR NCR co I ROMEO VALERIO I EDUARDO TAGMAY II I VAL MENARD BASILIO I HENER FERNANDEZ CONRAD MARISTEI.A l NESTOR ANGELES ENRIQUE ZABAT t CHARTIE GAMSOA MELCHOR DE GUZMAN 15 MERLITA A. DECHAVEZ 17 GTORIA JOY DESEMERANA 18 REYNAIDO COLIMA 19 20 21 22 MAXIMIANO I.IMBO FERDINAND TAGRADA DENNIS DIMANARIG tv-B ROBERTO VILLERO 23 GERARDO GOJAR 24 NOELALVAREZ 25 GERARDO FII.HAN SALINET 26 MATHIAS EUGENIO PIOSCA 27 JUVY PAI.ANGRE 28 RUEL E. DIONG 29 JONATHAN GOYENECHE 30 FRANCISCO LOFRANCO 31 NOEL I., BAYNO 32 JANUS DUMARAN 33 ADEI.fA JUAN 34 OFELIA ALCOBER 35 GERARDO JATOSJOS 35 BASRISALIH 37 ARNEL HAJAN 38 REY TONZO 39 FEROINAND RAMOS 40 IV.B DroNrsto cAstNAREs 41 REGGIE EUGENIO 42 EDWIN ROMA IV-B vt VI v v NIR NIR v v t t tx tx lx x x x xt xt 25 JESRET CONSTANTINO xl xtl x xll MARLON VILLARIN CARAGA DANILO DEVARAS CARAGA ROHENSON ,IAHANG BAKIL ALIH ARMM ARMM ARMM DANILO EDUARDO CAR ALTREDO BUtAJO.IR. CAR DANILO CONG-O CAR 43 44 MICHAEI, BINGHAY 45 46 47 ARNOLD D. GAMAO 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 CHINITA APOSTOL NCR 55 57 58 59 60 61 52 MARY ANN ABAIGAR NCR ERUNDO EUSEBIO NCR DEI.SA ANGELES SHAMIRA DAIS BONIFACIO L ABUG NCR SUSAN SUTAN NCR JEFFREY I.OPEZ IV.A PVt MARVIN H. TRINIDAD ALEXANDER T. ADEVA x 26 Repu k of the Philippines DEPARTMEI{T OF EOUCANO PAI.ARONG PAMBAIISA 2016 Letazpi City, Albay April 10-16, 2016 ,(D "./;a- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIAI,S NIR ARTURO R. CATAGO Tournament Manager Asst. Team Manager 3 JOHN PAULCIRDET{AS Consuhant NSA 4 MANUEL DE LEOS NSA 5 7 MARX MAGTIBAY FLORO A. SAYANGDA NINO A. MEDINA consultant Tournament Secretary 8 ERNES]O B, CABIGAS 9 10 JOSELITO D. MAUN t MICHELLE V. SERRANO t 11 12 RONALD MENOIOLA ANDREW DAGOHOY l5 JUVIT C. COMPETENTE t4 ROWELL TJ DURA 15 CRESPIN S. ADAYO JR. 16 DENNIS I.AMBERT G. ZABAT t7 OMAR YI-ANAN v 18 SOCRATES MARMITA v 79 DANILO S, SILVANO x 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 GIZEI.IE MAY C. GORNEZ RUSTICO S. PELONIO xt xt x JOANN V. RODRIGUEZ xI NtcorAs s. oRtAs CARAGA NASSER E. PASANOATAN ARMM ROGELIO MADRID NCR 27 BA6ON CABATO CAR 2a 29 HERMES DEIA CRUZ NIR SHERWIN ELNAR NIR 1 JOFRAN NYL C. TUPAS 2 6 ANGETO A. DELGADO tx co I I tv-8 t 27 nepublk ol the Philiwines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIO 1t3tu PATARONG PAMBANSA 2016 '{tD? Le8arpi City, Albay Ap.il 1G15, 2016 -(A ^;-rh- LIST OT OFFICIATING OFFICIA|.S 1 PORFERIO J. BARLAS JR. 2 HENRYS. OPEflA 3 NELSON BUGAIS 4 ERSON PAUI.O BALANGUE 5 FAUSTINO TAGUIAM 5 JOET BARCELO 7 ROBERT GUIILERGAN 8 9 10 HAROLO CRISOSTOMO 11 JUNALALVAREZ NERI GODII-ANO 12 IOURDAN ISAAC TANALEON MAMERTO PATRICK DEI-A TORRE 13 IOSE DINDO PUGOY L4 RODERICK RAOI 15 WALTER GATARROZA 16 CHRISTOPHER BENEGIAN ROMMEL MADIS 18 ELMER CATALUNA 19 20 2L 22 23 24 VALDAZAN CAPUYAN IOSEPH GERARD MATAYA JONIVER SALDIVAR CATALINO VALDERRAMA ALVIN YATUNG ALLEN LUNA Tournament Manager Asst TM Tournament Secretary Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee Rcferee Referee Referee Referee Referee Referee PFF co I l vt VI VI v vIt tx x xt x CARAGA CAR IV-B NCR NIR lll ARMM 2a Repuuic oJ the Philippines ffi. (.\UE DEPARIMETIT OF EOUCANO PAIARONG PAMBANSA 2016 Legazpi Gty, Albay Ap 110-16,2016 ,d, ^;*h-- LIST OF OFFICIATING OFFICIATS 1 VICTOR A. PINTAC Toumament ManaBer NCR 2 GEMMA SILVERIO 3 ROEI. PACIONAL 4 IIMMY J, ANGANA Asst. Tournament Mana8er NCR lnternational Referee Chairperson Jury Tournament Secretary Mat Chairman Mat ludge Mat Chairman Mat Judge lury/Referee Jury/Referee Documentation Pairing Committee Documentation Jury/Referee Pairing Committee Scorer Jury/Referee Timer Jury/Referee Scorer Timer Games Comptroller Games comptroller Coo.dinator videographer NCR 5 AI-AN MATIG 5 DOMINIC AIERO 7 ONOFRE TONOLETE 8 ADRIORITO ABETA 9 ARNELJURADA 10 OELIA FERMAN 11 NOEL I.ABANIEGO 12 PATROCENIO CAPAI.AR I3 GEORGE CAUITAN 14 EOLIE ARTICULO 15 MARY FE ESPINO 15 MARILYN BUNOTNA 17 ANTONIO ESCUAORA 18 EUGENE LAMASOK 19 IEAN COQUILTA 20 RECHILLO BENITO 21 NESMMAR JOHN ARIZOI.A 22 HENRY EUENAFE 23 ROY TEDESMA 24 JAIMIE DOMINGO 25 JUVY GALLINERO 26 FEDERICO FETICITAS NCR co CARAGA ARMM NRI VI v t vl I ll xl CAR NRI CIR CARAGA xt NCR ARMM NCR I 29 Republk of the Philiwines ,ffi TXPARIMENT OF EDUCANO PAI.ARONG PAMEANSA 2016 .dr, ",t:fh-. Letazpi City, Albay April 10-16, 2016 UST OF OFFICIATING OTFICIALS I DAI{I KEI BASILIO Toumament Manager 2 ,AYNETYN FLORES Toumament Secretary 3 SAMSON CO 4 TONG OUING HAI co lury: Asst.lury WFP Referee: WFP 5 MARK ROBERT ROSALES 6 7 8 MAJING WEI WILLY WANG Asst. Head Judte 9 NELLJONE ASTUOILLO III 10 11 12 13 74 15 16 77 18 19 20 JESSIE ALIGAGA Platform Referee Platform Referee ERNTSTO VERGARAJR, Platform Referee vI CIiRISTOPHER L€NSIG Platform Refe,ee VI JOAsH DAYUCOS SidelineJudSe xl ANDREWTUMONOT{G Sideline Judte NIR JOSE RYAN BATERNA Sideline Judte v RINO DUCE Sideline Judge ARMM SHYI.ACAWEI{G Sideline Judte CAR R€Y'.IAI-DO NOqUERA Sk eline Judte vIt ROLDAN AMANTE Sideline Judge ANGEI.OU DELOGUINES SidelineJudge 2t CHRISTIAN FALI-ARME Chief Retistrar 22 23 24 25 26 27 VICEI{tE NATIVIDAD Registrat fl MICHAEL Al'IGELO AGUItA DANILO AMANTE Retistrar Retbtrar v AILENE MORENO Registrar tv-A MA. GENE TURA Retistrar tx ROMELYN OAIA4ACIA Retistrar ll 2A JOHN ACTOPEN Reaordea CAR 29 SIMPLICIO MACALAM Timekeep€. xt 30 31 32 33 SHIETA MARAVITTA Announcer BOBBY HON6TIANGYI fust. Refe.ee Head ludge LILIA MILLARES Chief Scheduler BENEDICIO DISIERTO Asn. Scheduler CASIO MARTIL Equipment Custodlen WFP t WFP I WFP 30 (EEcloaurc IIo. 3 to lr.pEd fcEora.ldue I{o. 55, .. 20151 TRCIIERY I. ET'E!IT3 fd ul l. l. Er.tq rlot r 2. €Or €ter dirtErce 9() tnel6! 3. dirtaDco 80 tneter 3. aO 4. dista&e 30 meter dirtanco ?0 2. dietanca 80 4. 5. mAtourd E E t TIIOEI rlCEI GIII! BOIB 5. 122 d.t 122 qt dirtane 80 qm met€r dirfsrE€ 30 nret€r 80 7. (60 Te6m EYent G0 7. meter!) 8. Mir€dTeam (60 8, lrot€tr U. MEI'II.8 3() EE # 30 or rniowi/ErD/ lEr altow! = 6 arlq! per end 38 lrrowg = 6 arra,w! per 6Dd 3€ artowr = € arror! pe! erd 36 lrtqw8 = 6 arror! pe! end rolud l it metelr) 122 Te.tn Ev6nt (60 moler!) Mired T6!ln (60 mel6E l afiowa - aglIt€gate lcorqS 6. OlFnpicnound 6. OtynpicRourd (70 tlatets) dr didanc€ FITA eve[tt: Iave-f shdf co!r!i!t of th€ the 122 122 qt qn ai 3 arrofiE p€r 6 endr - 6 lst Doinb S€t rystem - 2 arrow! per S€t Sysleln std arEher a endr - I Set Syatem aIches - t€t pointr - 2 arro$B a en&-6sotpointt trIf,INDED Medds at ltale in tho tourtranent !t€ ar follotss: EDII! E}EI'III 60 Metd Dirlance fo[ 70 Met6r Distance io( 80 Motd Diltan6 ro( ITEEDED places I !€t placss ld, 2M, 36 I tet Girb BoF ld, Girls Boyr tr, 2d, gd 2:d, 3d lIEDtr! gou Girl! I I 40 80 30 30 Met€s Distance ,o( EoyE ld,2d, 3d Dlac€! I let td, 2d. 3d placeg I ret tn,2d, 3d placed I !.t I I Sinqb mA nourd tu Gnb Sittqb ITTA Round fq BoT! Olympis Rd IndiYidu.t Ch6mpion Girls Otympic Rd. LdiYidual Champion lr.2d.3dplacer I let I Morq D{8t nc! fq Mqter Distlrce ror Girb MetE Diltrrco ,oE Boys M6tsr Dislaltca fo[ Gidr Boy8 Tean Champion - Girb Tean Champion - Boys Mired Team EYent IOllI. U.d.b f..it ld,2d,3dplaces I .6t la. - AM. SH DlacEB I !€t ld,2d,3dpbces I !€t placeg { 3.t8 places 4 !et! lr, 2E,3dplac.s 2r9tr d./.f X.to UEL Boy! I I I I l',2d,3dplac€s I lat ld, 2d, 3d ln,2d, 3d tr I lrlEr I !€t lr, 2d, 3d placer I let 0O pet I I I I I I 8 8 UI.TOUTI{IMEI{' IUI.EI A B. The late.t edition of th6 WoEld ArEhery (tonErly fl.ltr) rule! fos outdoo, target uclrery Bha[ be ur6d to goyBrn lhe conduct of the rounenrGrrt. (dEfed lptil I, 2015). Ihe t€rult! oI th. Sbtl. ffttr, lo[!.l sh6ll be usd .s th€ b€lei ,or raDling the individuel comp€tiloE in the Girlr and Boys Divlgiotu. B€led on their tE s, th9 qrqlr8tr to th€ Olyrnpic Rorlld to d€terr ine the Ovar.lt lrdlYfdld Ch.rqrlolr lor Glr!..!rl laF Dlvld@r. Blrall Oler! tr roc.ed C. Competition in lhe Otynpic Rould !h6ll bo sr !olory8: l. Ar EtlEdrdc! norrd i! which tlle top 72 otclErr (s.ed€d accosding to their each division droot a lefbd of matclle! to quanqflalists. detetlninE tlle Each rnEtch rhdl clr|sirt or Eve (8) sgt of thrc€ (3) artowE 6hot at lh€ l2Z crrr t6rg6t face placed at the 60 tn€tet dinsnc€ 16 grid8 ard 70 moler diatrnca for boyr, lae rot ly!!e!r of rcoiry dall b€ u!€d. REIe! lo E'rIA s6t rydem rutrB. rar* in the Single FITA Rouid) in 2. A Flltlr l4!rl in which tha Bmainirg quai€s turli8E (top 8 ardlelE in eadr diviEion) shoot a siBr of Ealch€s, ondinE f,ilh the Ciold l[€dd Mstdle6, Each matc.h alEll cqrsilt up to five (5) sgts of three (3) .rtoer rhot at the 122 cm rarger face placed at tlre 60 tn€ter dirlarco io! girl! alrd 70 tnetq distanco fd boyr. Th6 8d synem d lcorhg sh6ll be Ered. R€ er to rTTA let t r|em nr186. 3. The scor€. in th€ $!gf. rTlI RouDd ol the top thEe arclro!! tom 6ach te6m lhdt b€ th€ Divisiotrb aggrsgato 5co!e. ul Regdol|al Team rcs€. shsll b€ calcullted in 6 simihr ma ter 8ltd e4h R.giotBl Terrn dEI b€ ran&€d frotE I to 18 in the GirL ard BoyE Divirioos. HorqveE, 6!y metBber of a tesn Eho Bhot in the Singtre ITTA Roqd may be 6eld6d in OE Team Event provided th€ frlal cotBporitiol must be sublnitted to the tournamanf rGdbtEry b€rore th6 arnourd desdlhe fot th6 te-cotnFXatiotr of team rggregate .cde. All teams triU thoot in the Olympic Round Team Event which couirtr of: Larn Ellrrlrd@ nf,la in rhich the seye e€lr (18) t€.tE! in each dniion shoot a s.rie. o{ elimilatiotr matdroE to determi!€ the top tEamr ir each clas, Each match Bhs[ consist of bur (4) on& of.ir (6) aEow8 Et the l22qn tllget lace placed al tlre ofuletet didartce io( Eirl! aid ?O!n6ter loE boys. E ch.rdrer lhdl shoot tuo (2) lrrowr per end- . The let lFteE of acotring d|r[ b€ !s€d. R€ner to T1r€ mA sat syEtem nrler. l..!tr Ttre DtD.It nord in whkh tD6lop €ight (8) tesns in eadr clars slEot a series of malch€s endilg Eith th€ Tealn cotd Medal Matche!. Each tllalch shall conBirt of four (4) en& of dir (6) attoiyr rhot at rlro 122dn rarg€t race pl,lc€d at the 6otr6ler dislEnce girL ard 70 rr€t€!! fo[ boF (fltemste lhooting wiU apply on the BMM* qnd GMM*), Eech atEher dull lhoot t-o (2) .rtow! per end. Tb6 let system of lccirg Bhlll be used. R&r to mA let sy8tam ru!e!.) r[ 4 Rqnd d the roFrarled boy ardl6r ard top-rE*ed girl atclrs &om each tesm shall be th6 Regdqraf MUED TEAM'! lggregate .core. A.u Miled Tesm scoles trill be calculated in a similar trrlrtngr atd each RsgiotEl lrlired Te.m wiU b€ rad<€d tom l-18. .f,ll teamr Eill lhoot in th€ Olympic ltoutrd Mired Tlre scoes in th6 Single tTfA Team Evert which co[airt ot: e . fcm Ettmted@ Edld in wftich the elghteen (lg) tgams in 6ach divbion shoot I .€des of eliminafi.n matclEr to aetermina Ore top !e.trrs. Eacfr matqh.lhal consi.t of follr (4) etds o, iotrr (4) arrorr ar the tazen targa,ace plas€d at the 60 meter distarce, Elrch srclErsital Bhoot trro lZfarrowr '- pet ena. Ttle se_t 8ylterrr oI lcqing shall be u!ed. nder to me *t th€ MlI.d t.la Elr.b noEr.f ir Ehirr Ure top eight "ya-"ii'rrf*. c s€rio of rnatche! €nding rrith rh€ Mlled T€€m cold il"d"I dr;r "froor il;;. E;-.i* t co-.sist of four (4) ends o, iour ({) aror! rhor "t at tzzcrn targei f;oi.in ,f," Sorretar dirtanca (AXdlEre ,h;otiDg ?iU apply on ths BMM and CiArD. n." g"t Eyrtetn of lcoring .hau bo ussd. Reror to Fm;f*r -"-"r' ,ya.i The Mlxed "rf.r.-'- 2 tv. PtlIIcIPrxTt v. L A rcgiond delagafions srchary teatn rlEU corEitt ofa Boys Tea.Er 6nd s Girlr Tean. A team shell b€ cotEp66d of not mote than lou, (,[) but not l€!! than three (3) arclroE an{t a team coach. Teatn chapdonaB mly eccomparry llre girl'. teamr but they rhsU not be sllorved to coach. T6.E Eaitrels, orcherrB penoaal seaclE , parettt! rd delegafrqr toan ofEcids Eill not be allotf,ed is lhe €rclEr'r srea rnd 6eld of play during the tournqnsnf. B. D€PED nrle{ on elbibility shall apply EltrFonffi A All Br€tllb€ts of the te6.tn induditrs Ore coacher mult rrB.r lhe salno uniform dudttg th€ Team EV€DI- B, Th. srchois ,smily n.me followed by th€ ini6r.l ot hi! Ersl tEme (e,9. DEIrA CRI,Z, A), should b€ pdr 6d on rhe rppq back pdtion of th€ !hin. Llette! height i! ftotn 6qn. h block lgtletE. LU shirts worn during tt€ townamenl tnult bgar the 6rchd's na$e aa dsaqribe sboye..f,ride toEr rh€ o6cial delegation unifoDn a le.rn may re.r 6n 6lt6rttate qniform Ehich lhould dlo hlys th€ arclr€!'s latng! printed at rhe back. All 6rch.rs mult w€.r tubber !troe.. Slipper!, Croc!, sand.l8 and similrr lgotired Bhdl not bo 6llowed. RubbE booE ard rain g€ar mrry fr€ aUowEd if th6 tnsath6s.rd 6.Id corditidlr rarr.tlt their u!e. C. Arch€ss Eust alsgays w€ar their targef alsigiment m.rmb€ls on their arrow quivqs when lhootit€ in ft€ toEnam€rt, dudng th€ ofcirl lEactice dsy and during the o6cial tttpecdon ol equipnrelt, NurBbet! mult be propdly pirn€d on the arche$' qnivq!. D. Te6m uflilorltE .is rcqlited io be wotn durirg tD€ o6cjrl practice &y. vt. ttgEB!:EolrlElE L lol of oquipnent whidl rhodd co o.m to FrTA RscrriE Bor lt,adfictdoo!. It is th€ arc.hd! rcspotrdbilily lo uE €quiptne Ehich Each arclEr thonld have hir/her own clrrplis! with the lule8, It in doubt lh€ 6rch€r b€fore using il in competitionr. should lhoie hi8 equipment to th€ Judge(!) Any archor fourd to be usirq equipment cgntravonirg th8 rulg! may hsve hi! or h€tr s€qe8 djlquaDfr.d OuULred belo!f, are th€ g6tlsal rcgulatiou ihat apply to th€ high lchool boys .nd girb divirioB in .[ the utagss of the Palarorg Prrp€arElan Eom ttr€ lorrEt m€st! to th€ ratioEl champioMhiF. l. Por tho L Lc,lrt lo? th€ ,oUo*irg itell! ate allowed I A bow of any type provid€d it sub.cribo3 to lh€ accepted principlg End oelnirrg of the rosd Do- 6r us6d in trrggt archery, that i!, rtr iDstrunent consistirg of 8 handlo (gtip), a dsel (no ilDot-through type) atld two f,arible Enbs each etding h e dp with ring nocJL bow ir bsaoed for !!e by a liagle rEiry attlchcd direcrty b€to€on tlre two sEitrg noclr, and in op€ration i! held in one hard by if! h8rdlg (grip) Ehile th€ Engters of rhe oth€r hand draw, hold bacl and Etrearo the 6Eing. a lt Ilre ljrnDs of the bow shdl b€ of raod€lr Ed./or Eb€lglaE asuo[_jalDCn corrtsuction I .2 Muti-colored bow ri!€su and trademarb located on the inaide d the upper rnd loEe! litnbB arq p€lrnitl9d, 1 I 2. .3 Ri!€rr including a broce 6re pemitled t,tovid€d the br..e do€! not cottliltantly touch th6 archerl hard or wrist. d rtry nutnber of rEands lrray b€ of any Erareri6l 6rd rp€cinc.tion; trEy be of difuent colorr. h may heve a ce er serviDg lo acco$unodale rh. draEing frrg€r!, a noclitq poilt to which mry b€ added B6!iing(.) to [t tho arrw noc] 6r nooe.ssry rnd, to lEsl6 thi! point; otre or trg nck locatqs rnay be pGition€d. ,llr gach etrd of rhe borEEing th€tE i! a loop stich i! placed in rhe stdtrg troctr of lh€ bw eh€n bsac€d, Lr addition orE attachmenl i! permitt€d on tlre sting to srve a! liP or Bm nr!*. The sering on rh€ sEing mud not etrd sithin th€ .rctrat'! vision at hI drEE. ft€ boi'atring mulr n i! .!tr way .!!i!t aiBing dEough rhe Er. of a peephola, marLing, qt sny otlrE A boe!tring tneana 3. Th6 6rtow te!t. which csn be adiurtable, 3.1 Any mov€bl,E pr€rsurs bunon, prErsurs poitrt or arow pl,ats m8y b€ us6d on th6 bow provid€d thgy 6re trot olectsic c etrectotric a&d do not o66t sly sdditional 8id in aiming, nre ptelsiltE point tnay not be plac6d qry furfhq bacL thrn 4€tl (in8id€) tom th€ throst ot the handle Givot poinl) ot rhe bote. 4. A dratr chasl Lndlc.lor, audibl€ or visual, may be used provided it i! not elocEic or elec'lronic, ftiB device win giye only one indiGtion ol dratf, t ng(h. 5. A bou alght lor dtning ir p€Endtted, bul at no timg tnay tEore thrn or€ luch d€vic€ be d€vics, lsveling, u!ed, Il tnult not incorpoEte a prilrn, let|s o[ any olhq eleqtic oa elecEonic d6Tices nor urilt it ptrrside fot more than one sighting Poi . The ov6lqll lBligtr of the Birhl (tururgl, tube, st htirg pir ard oE oth.r co(tespqdirrg €n€tded conrponetrt) lrill not erEeed 26n in the li[e of vision oI the archer. A.ight tnay b€ atGc.h€d to the botr tor th€ purpo!€ ot aitrdhg aBd wti,ch may allow fot windage adju!tsiolrt a! w€U ar an elryction !€ttiDg. It is rubject to the foUodng provisiols: 5. I q bot' ,ighl €rletuion is pormited; 3.2 e pl,at6 os tlp€ wirh dilt .trco rnarting may b€ Eounl€d on thE bo- a! I guid6 ,o[ mrrking, bul tnErl not in any Eay ofiar alry addt'tion l aid: 8.3 Ore E{rht point mEy be may be a Eber optic .igN pdtl. Tfr€ total l€n$tr o, th€ nb€s optic pin tnsy €ac€€d zdn, Fovid€d that orc end is an&h€d outlide Oa arclr€t's line of yiEiqr af full draE, srhile the plrt w hin the arche/! line ot viliotr do€a nol e&e€d 26n in E stssiglrl line belon€ bqrdirg. It ca! otUy provide oD6 illuminat€d riming !po( 8l full draw. 6. St bilir€E rnd foqu€ light cotnpenralorB o|r the bo- are pelmitt€d Ilrey mry not: 6.1 s€rve a! I lEing guide; 6.2 touch rtlylhirlg bur ote bow 6.3 r€pte8ent 6tly dangE o( ob.tnrction to oth6r athletes on the Bhootitrg line. 7. Irror9r of ury typ€ may be u!6d. ?,I An 8rtow qouist! oI a ahaft and a trp @oin0, rccLs, tletching and il derirsd, G€sting. fhE marimum diametet o, arEow Ehafrs shrll not exce€d 9.3tM. llre tip! ,or thi! 8rrow may have a marimun c 9.4tNE- A]l aEows of ey€ry athlgte lhs.ll bo marLBd with the aU ets'a n ne or initial oD lhe shiff. Ill srrow! in lny end shdl be idglrtical lnd sh!.U qarry the same panernE and colos! of 0.ldrlry, nocl! ard cletting!. 8. Finger protec{ion in thg fo[m ol lirEerr siatls or tips, gloves, or slEotitrg t!,b or tap€ Olqter) lo draw, hold bscl .nd releasa Ure lrring is pemitt6d, provided they do no incorporate arry &eic6 thaf Eitl arsilt th. arche.r to lDld, draE and rel€.le tho string. A sopuato! b€lwE n fhs 6ngd8 fo prseet{ pirchilg tlre .rrow ruy b€ E!ed. An uchor plate o! rimiLr d.,vice qltaci€d to the 6nger ptotection (tab) for th6 pupoe oI ar-horing 4 i! p€rnitted, On the boE h6&d .n ordinary gloe€, mitien muat not bE atlach€d to the gdp on the b@. 9. d similsr item m.y b€ worn but Pigld glarse3, tef€scopes ard othe! virual aida uay bo uled for lpottirg arrow! 9.1 Prqyidsd lhay do nol reprelent lny obsEuction to othq lrchdt dl the Bhootitug line. 9.2 In the Olylnpic biDocubrr. roud team event tlre co€ch in th€ coacht bor ma, uo h8d-h€ld 9.3 PresEiption lpectEcles, lhoottrq A€ctacl€s lnd lurglas€aa tnay be u!€d. }{one of these may b€ fitted wilh mico holE trerses, or rimilar de'ttic6., not tnay they be mad.ed ir any Bay thd c.n alsist in aitniry, 9.4 Th€ !p€d!cf6 ghss ot &s non-sigtuing patci may be us€d. eF may be frl}y clvEr€d @ taPed, or 6n eF lO. Acc€ssorie! lre pernitd. including bracetE (arm guads), drs!! ahield, b@ tling, b€h or gound qEiv€! ard la!.€I, Foot trr6 L€8s trlay nol prclrsde norg than 16l froB th. grotrtrd trllo Frmitted ar6 liEb s8veta, a lripod lor a .col,6 (*hich tnsy b6 lef, on rhe lhooting line plovided it doer nol q€ate an obltactre folr any othrt archat). Wind indicatoG (non+l,Eckic o[ non-elecEonic) may b€ snach€d lo th€ €quipment uled on tlre lhootitg lin€ (6.3. liShl dbbonr). electronic witd indicatot! msy be ured b.hind th6 wa hs line, VII. tE,IIf, CTPIIII{T' DIEEIDIG A. A te6m captainr me€ting wilt be h€ld dEing Ore Soudadty r.ssi@ ot th€ Palarong P.rnbaEa to dilculs lh6 sdedul6, uriioEm rcquiretn@t!, tratest rule. or rule trodiEcation!, medalr to D9 aw8rded 8rd otlre! impqtrnt lDattert. YIII, OfflCrrT. PR.ICTICE D.T An oftdal practice dry rltall b. h€ld otr€ dly bedo@ the.lai of tholotEtEnE otr the actual touname vEtNr€ to faniliarize rhe dchat! with th. pt€vailitrg cotrditiont al tlro lounenent !ite. The to[rtranent 6eld mult b€ laid out End dl vgnue equipment ftoold be in pl8ce, th. o6icial prdctico !h.[ be controlled by the Directo, ot SlDoting and th6 Oficial Tim€r. IL INSPESIIOIT Of EOUIP EIII Ini[.] insrp€ctiq ol arcllqs' €qdptnenl rriu be conduc't€d by the Judg€s Comfidtt€. dqing the O6sial Practice Day. Hor€t €r, rubs€quant insp€crtionr may b6 done during lhe courE€ ot the tourtrarnont to ensurs sdhersnc! to €quiptent fltres, provided th.t th6!e will not afu the setttE! of the bo$ in quGstion. Ialet violatiotE, drell lourd, w f b€ Fnalized according to flTA ruL6, I. PnICITGE rI,CII,EIES A- A ptarrice ibld mud b€ nade .yailrble at l6.rt two (2) dlyr berorc tho Op€ltjry C€t6mony otfhe P.Iaftng P.Ebarta. B. Ihe tqurnanetrt 6eld ured by th€ comp€tito8! for pnctica on a[ th9 drys of the competition al tirneB aEang€d by the tournanent m{!ager. Horrpvet, all prqctice mult ceale 6ft6€n (13) ninulo! beiote fhe stafl d competition. tEAy b€ 5 TRNIS I. COMPEIITIOIT IIIIE: Tha Intettldion l rulE! 6td Urg D€p€d groutrd Rr er in trrnit Competxion rhall goeern the conduct of this firtlr in ths Pafarotrg PambanlE includiDg oth€! D+ED sPoDlot€d cotDP€ddon in the lovlq[ lervel, II.Pll ICIPIIIII: EAM COMPOSffiION Elemetrlary lerrEl > EoyE: 3 PlarBtr and f Coach Gidg: 3 Players, I Coach and I Chap€lon ! S€condary IalEl > B.ys: > Gid!: FIJI,I, 5 Pla)etB ard I Coqch 5 PLyetB, I Coach and I Chapqul COMACT: paniqipantr disttibuted Evenfy in th€ dii€Igtt ql€igltl dit'ilioru fq bolh S€cqdary Boy! lttd Girb in lhe ltnis l\ll Cottlct. As a matt€8 of ptGdEte' each Egiotytean is dlc,sed otty one (l) etrlry in eoch oI the Elre (8) wBiglll caregory T1r6te shall be a tuaiitnum oI five (6) (s.cond!ty) EUIT COITTTCI SECOIIDATY I,E1IEI, -WEG}TT DIVISION PinwEight GIRI,S 37 Lgs up to ,lO &nromweight FeathenEight ErEa EJhlreight Ifal' Lightweight Ovsr 52 LgB up to 58 kgB BC'YS ,13 LgE up to 47 hgl8 Oes 4? Lg! rp to 5l hgr Oals 3l kg! up to 5lt hgg OcEr eA k9! up to 60 tgB Ov€t 60 hgr up to 65 Lg! [I. foLL COtattct ootEErEtotf L9! Ogt! lO tgs up to 44 kgs Ot er 44 kgr up to 4a kgB O!r$ ,fg Igs up to sil Lg : P.rddlnd rr. rodrted fo r..s tL. dlDd.d llrrcrm L 2. 3. While pl,rin flhin (athleteh n6me, sclboyclub togo, divilion ard t€gdon may appear otr providod that it doer nol domiDEte tho c,Ei-a.U .ppernnce of th€ rhirl. Plain ted pa ! (ldooyclub logo tnay appaar on th. p€r6). Rubb€s soled 5hoes. Ir ci.. oIDEIW th. d.clas.doD of ?lrr.r.LdI I . 2. 3. D. b.rGd ou tle bllorlng csttarlo: Supqiority or aggre€Eivsre.! d the ptarE; Msior adeance teclu*Iu6; ard Irt'rdic d€lively. I le! Ir csse ol iniury cau!€d by eccidet(61 blc,w Erd the m€dical docfot decider/suggestr to gfur the iniuEd pfcFr a Uflf€ dme to test beforc he/slE can contirue the gare, th€ decision as st t€d ghall be rugpelded for a while. Howecer, the tE t p€riod rhall rot b€ tnose th!! tm (2) Erinuteg 6 aftes which th€ nedic.l doclor 6hsll doclsre dilconthu. the gEtle. lt€ nttfls of th€ itljutEd PlsFr to cdrtinue or Codincl of th.Iurr.tn Ef The c!trduct of Ore competitiqr sball be on a t'ocd-d-titoc rhould b€ h.ld fe a maimu.Er.d tE (2) minure! ,q the !€cotrdEry to[!d ,trf.!fl. Each bEl. toud PLFE! ar6 tEquitBd to sho!f, rrtiltic arni! moyElrentr unilre to their styl8 16 at l€lst tht€€ (3) socolr& whsn the !e €[€e .Eyr 'HANDA". Failur to do thi! - First Ofietue rha.ll be gieen BABAITA or warning. Seclnd lld succeediDg ofisnt€! lhdl be consid€r€d ar PtrGLABAG or foul. A SCORE !h.ll noan a rEile wilh 8 paddad sticl ulitg on€ h.nd o!ut, defiteEd to a rpecifc bodf point strd is count€d rpon conlirnatiol bt tF (2) ot at le..l one (l) of th. judgEs, simultaneou.sty !€coEd€d otr the lcoleboard. I lBgitirnatg dril.e i! gigen a point if it is deliy€!"d lo E lpeciEc in with pows, right tining, wirh 6n, dinancs ard intent. Hy poi[t in cqt€ct foErn, that clrib b encounter 0r ong dlowed, but tha iudgE can oily gitE nuritEnm thrt€ pointB pel (l) point 0€gitiEate ltrib) ps €ErclunteL ir a$iect for $ound rules if hqr many lEgitimab pohts slrltl be ar.tded per 6rclut eE, upon oolsoltetiolr .nd agrEed by dl coach€. duting re Eolidarity tne€thg. Tlrir itsrn IV.ITIrlIIrlI) OOMEEI! OlI: conuortltoa: ffre (5)n8F!!/Particip.Irt! sha.ll come tom the Teatn mettlb€E in Or€ fu[ cltrtact event Eho quslify in th6 w6igh-in in fho racondory l,a,el hh b.trl gitlr and thrE6 (3) plaF(! Efio qualfy in the IfsAC 8gE EquiEmenl! for bool boy! 6td gid. eleti€nlary level IibFile, the coaeh ud cfEperon siU bo lh€ latne as in lElI cotrtact. INrcCOMPEIIIION EletrGntary (Boylcitls Cut€gory) A. Indiyiduaf Lilhr .f,ltto Sitqle Weapon Category B, Ldividuaf Lif.ha lrryo DoEbIE W€poll Csiogort C. Individual l,iklra Atryo ESPADAY DAGA D.1tE6Irl (Syn lrotriEd MiDd) EldaAryo Doubl€ llr€apdl Cat€gory (SynclEonizod) l,ihr &ryo Singla llhapon Crtegory IbBm E, F, lbam (SFchlonir€d) Lith8 AnF Doubl,e W€8pc[r CategpEy G.1b8m (tFchtotdred) Lilha IryD Elpada y Dagr - I phlBr par individual c8t€gary - I plaFr per ildividual cal€gort - I pLFr p€r iDdividud cat€gory -l boy & I gLl per te.m cet€gory. - 3 pl6yela per le6tlr category. - 3 plEFrs p€r tqam Btegary - 3 playerE catggory Fr S€condary (Barys and GidE catego[y) tr- Individual Lilha Aiyo Eingleweapon - I player per indiyid[al category B. Individu6l Lilha Anyo Double Weapotl - I player ps indieidud cat€gpry C. Itdividual LiLfE ESPIDAY - I pfaFr I,€r individu8l category (Syncluonired) D, lbaln ldaa Art,o SitEle llb.pon Category - 3 plaFrs pd teattr categpry E 'Ib{tl (Synchq[rod) U]fia .f,ryo Doublelibspon CategEy - 3 pIEFt! Fr telrtl category C.Ib6m (rFclEoEized) Idkha Atryo Elpada y - 3 plgt€ss p€r cafegory DAGA Category Category D.ga fbt fte Attyo Cotnpetition. n i! !€quited that the psdcipariry ngions murt ure the 9+++ D.t..rdo8 Edft[ttr or th€ Arni! uriform (dftc t.rlfi rod red prlfr) W.To.: A plaFr tnqy hsee the option to choe 6try of the fotlEitrg reapon! (with a tEhisrrun lesgth o ea itEh6s lnd a marimun lenglh or 36 incfB!.) 7 l. Wood.n SticlvYenloL - TIre car€ (Etick) lnlde of sood or r.ltsn drould nelr|rrE not Iess fhan 80dn. (24 indl6r) snd not mot€ lhan gocnL (36 incltes.) 2. Wooder Raplica of a Bladed Wbapon - nre $6dei eplica sllould mea'tsB [ot !e!g than 60q1. (24 inch€!) 6rd not moIg thrn SO6L (36 inclre.) in fu'll lelr$h qtd $ould be ethnic Fitipino in origirt 3. Melallic Unbladcd Refirs oI a Blad€d bapon - Tho sretalic Eplira rhould t!€.!urs not lals tlEn 6ocrn, (24 inches) 6nd not tnose lh€n Socn. (36 incher) in n lBngrh and lhould b€ elhnic Filipino in ori.rin. 4. Me{.ltic UBblrd€d of a Replica oI a Bladed Srosd and 8 Daggq- ft€ netallic tsplica of the ssord shorld meartEE6 trot less lhan 80 ctn. ard not moft UEI gO clrl. in lsEth sld tbe drgge! Ehould trro.arE not less than 20 qtl. ard not moE tha! 3l (rn. .nd lhould be Filipino in origin. 5. Dele[mining lhe WituGr in trrvo Competitiolu I'IteIB slrrl be ri.D (7) ,Edga. and tlre tolal sco@ of fhe seoea CD ]rdge! lhdl b€ .dd€d to determine the !co[e obtained by the pertoEm6! rhich.hdl b€ add€d togethq to g6t fh€ araragr rcot!. 6. Tie * I! c.t of tl.r the blgl.d .d th. lo!.c scote d Ore a€vtn G) ,udg€. sh![ be elininated, h€nce, ttr€ scoE. the Emainitg rire (8) jdger shdl b€ det€rmin€d lo b[86] th. tie. * * b d.roti.r tle, the hlglerr Ed tLe lcred scds of the (S) Iudg€s rhrll b€ elimirated, h€Dce, the scole of the GuEining mueg (3) judge! dralt be datetmined to bDaL the tie. s.ro h c.r..loaLar tte: REp.ef perlqnanca r ft6 ranbnC of p€rticipanls ir bored totn the laa rcota obtsin€d which i. determin d try deduc'ting a[ identi66d point doduction/s colunitted il arly in accardance with the rules. CddEGf of lL. loEt!..nrdf : l. The conduct dthe comp€titirm lhaI be ole (l) tgurd Secotrdary snd Etremontary tE Bl (boylgirlB) 2. EEch 3. lr !o FrtorEsrce tor bdh pedoffiEtrce slratl haye a minimum ot ona (l) tdnute gnd a msrimuln ti!n6 limit of (2) trc minute!" Tbe oficirl ti&e shdl rt.rt rten th€ plrFr/tealn give! tho St ratlrd courtelt (Pugay) and it 8hE[ o6cialty ended Flletr the pl,aFr,/teaau gire! the etding clurresy (PWay). l1re Lifha Aryo pedornance both in Bcondary lrd afdn6trlsrt IcrEl.he[ be locorod on Arnis skills. 4. No Asobadc/fglt(ry movemq{ (6uch E8; turnbling, b€cL flip,.omeflault, cuirhgel ard otlEs corDrtirB '.i@trrirs skilb eiU be incdp@at9d during the perfqmance of lii}lla Atryo. 5. Scorc in the UIha .A'rro comp€tition shdl h^ws a nun€rical ralue ilr(rement ot 0,28 End€r the Evo cdterion- 6. Drhtirlg ol any kind of liquni dudng Ore actud matdles frotr l-10 with en i! srrictly ptobibit€d 8 PEIIILTIEI II{D YIOItrfi Olft (nd..) l. Violation of tLne lLnit slEll c.use th€ pdticipary6 d.duc-tio[r ol poirb. t deduction ol2 pointr should be given ir sltorl of ths minimm one (l) minute titrg litnit oE in ercess ot the marimum of two (2) minute tim6 litnit. . 2. Stspping and,/or going out ot the boundary lines will csus€ the pgrformer/s a deduction oftrrD (2) pointB r€gsrdl€ls ofNunb€r of d@ping violation. 3. Pe8fqme!! who accidot rly !ore. grip of the reapoly! should bo giv6n a deduction o, five (8) point for €y6ry viol,Elron. l. tltUapon gelr desEoyed q har ary appa.Dnt danage to ary pst ofthe Esapon rr-U caus the p€ otmErs a deduction oflilre (5) pointr p€r violation and p6r pl,ayer in 8 tean. 3. IliluE to sEcnlg the (6) pointb d€duction 6. dltrdad pugey at th€ st rvetrd .d FrIo(nlrEe wou.ld nean a five Judgfient calls caMot be protdfed V.(,lEEnMlllEnt! l. Et&dbility ol coaches, usirtert coach, and cllapelon murt adhere to th€ Ruler grd Guidelin€d for tha National Ac€Ddilation asd S€seojrrs of Afhlete! and coacho6, srEist.r( coach and Chap€ron tq lh€ PaLrgng Psebanra. (ArIl Cot[act eeq ) 2. Oficirl coached./.Eilt nt coach and cfiaFlon! lilted on the galtrery ate allorBd to ail otr the coadre. desigrated chair foE coading, wtr€n his,/ hq athleter whele plsying Bimufhn€ously in t0o (2) difi€rEnt ooEt du*rg lho conrpetitiorl 3, Oficial coadrag/asdstant coach and chaFtolt! mun b6 in their D.Lgalion Uniforrn wftile on coschirg, No short par$!, sando .rd Blipp€t! will b€ slow€d lor the coaclr€/dDperotu during th. comp€tition. 4, Otricisl coaclEs,/aEirt6nt coach and chapelolrs mult obq€rve p&per decorurE during ths comtr 6titiqr. S. Tllo TeclBical Comnitt€e Ground rulg!. e. Bha.U decide ou .I other qrErie/iesus! lrot mentiolled in th. Additional of 6! arsista coadr bo{h elemgntary 6td !€condary b<ry! /girfg YI: GENEIIL TCEEDULE: l. Arrival of ofisi,ating ofiii,ciafs ad regirEation - .f,pril8,6,3016 2. Raie.llor CorEs€ lo8 all oficiating ofricialr - AprU 7-8,8016 3. Solid6rity ConteEnce - Apd9,20l6 (8r(xhm 4. Weigh - In and DEwing ot LotB and 3. 6. 7. to I l:ooam) Chocf.ing of Equipment /Musb - April0,20l6 (f:@pm to g:oopm) Genorof Opening Cdetnony/Parado - Apdf 10,2016 (1:0OPM) frnir Op€ijrlg PtogrEnt/Adual Comp€tition - April ll-f8,2016 Championship gamer/Awa:ding C6!€tEony - April l5,20t6 9 ATHI,ENCS I. GUIDEIJNES IND GNOIIND BT'I.ES IN f,TEIErICS shd! be applied. B. Ar athlete Bh.ll be allc,w,ed to compete three (3) individual event and two (2) rclay! only C. A teem mey ont6t two (2) atNetes only p€r individu€l wEnt. D.EnEy fo8m shoutd b€ Fspared by radq according to faat€at to slc,wert, indicating No. I ar the fadest and No.2 as the aecond, in four (4) copi$ beforE 8ttending the soliderity meating. This fqm shall be submitted to the lournarBent manager or hi8 duly Euthorired EpBsentative atter the Solidarity me6ting. E..Bll competitors shall w€ar their delegaton identity unilorm arrd assigrred atlUetss' nunb€r when reporting at the roll call area urd durinE the competition proper. F. No co.ches ot any party identitied with an ethlete ia allc,wed within the visinity of the ptisying ar3a (with the (gord contsol ,€nce/PRESS bor). ll the rul€ sheu be viotated, a warning card (yeucrw) is shc,wn to the coach or atry psrty with ar athlete, and the second time, a red card shall be 8hc,wn ard the athlote shall be disqualifi€d ot the comp€tition. G,Using of eterting block is a "Bu!t" in Bprint and hurdle qent8. H. Attdoto who will not perform / participate in his enteEd or qualified sa€nts c{urot play srrymorE in his/her sucreeding events oaf, o, succession) I. In relaya, qualiier can clEnge rulners a marimum of trp (2) J. Ll c8!€ of.n inclement weather and an 6vE camot be sefelly competed, the coach6s Ehall be consulted prior to the postpon€ment or csnc€lletion of the schedule by the Technicsl Management bEsed on the flle of the majority. K In case o, unfnished fuirls, due to typhoon, rar cing ahall be based on the rcsult of the time Eial or 8emifinal. L. No poinB for unplayEd ar€nts. A- IAAF Rulea M, Stan ol the game iE 6:00 am- ln the afternoon game slarts at 3:OO am. N.Awarding of medEls will be done the n€at day arter the competition haa be€n concluded in coordination Eith th6 awards committee. All aw'€rde€8 shall be in decent delegation uniform and shoes. O.The rtrrtirg height oI the bar in high iunp and pole lrault shsll be a! follow8 : l.ASm EG = sG = l.lgm 1.30m EB = SB = l.4om Polevault = (starhg height for gids)z.oom (then the succeeding thEe (3) raising of the bar wiu be try 20 cm. thereafrer followed by l0 cm. onwud) boad placemeBt in Eiple jumps ltipla junp Ta&e-otline P. TaLe off EG SG 7,8,9, 7,8,9 = = : EB = SE = ?,8,9 0, !0, t I o Elrrn€nfr,f Girls BoF Shotput 3kg skg DiBcurs .75 kS 1.80 kS Javolin 300 lmplement g {00 g Sccoadg, Women 4.0 kS kg 600 g 1.0 Metr 6.0 kS kg 7@g 1.75 l0 R. lleight ofthe Hurdle6: El€m.ert Girls IOOM}IH .762rrl ll OMHH 4OOM}IH Boys Seco8&ry Women 8il8m 9l4m .762m 838m Men .994m ?62m .914m DemoEEation c'vent ir htoducedz,oooM wa& lor SG snd SB. if,€ddr will be aw.ded to Eirtrers but no{ includ€d in tho medrl count! fd oeer e.ll champiorL th. tl B.EDMINTON I. DI,IU II|D Y'E I'EI ta. 20f6 P.fa!69 Punbarla hdmrntor bf.rpl Clty from AD.tl tGlC 2016, IoEt! mad rllf ba bafd .t Alb.y Astnrdome, Il. nulEs: L B. C. D. sha.U be held itr acc.otd.nce rilh the currenl Lr?s atrd Regdationr of the Badminfon Wodd Fgderatiotr (EWI). HoFslEr, h matters not covEed by th€re n la! .td regulatiotE, d€ci8ion shall relt with tho Tournament M.nag6r. lhe T€€hnical Comrnitlee,/Toufiament Manag€r rhall be rglponsiblo fgr th9 technical organirltioB of touEamod. TIl€ declrion ot tho comt[itls€ i! all lluttsls tbe cotnpetifion shau be fnal Or[y coache8 are dlowsd to appro€ch the M.itdr ConEol,/trorete€ wifh rcgsr& to questionr snd inquii€B during the match, Only tha Ofici.f Coqcvchaperon/ alsirf! coacly'tsain€r lilt€d on th. galery rlrall be dlowed to sil on the clache. ch8ir and rpproa4h tt€ playe!! durhg itrt€rvals, (Mndnutn ol2 porsoDr dlo,trsd) nre compotitiol ti. III.IOUIIIIMEI{T FONM''I: A It6 tortn t of the c.tnpetitiron .hall be run qr a !Lq!a eliminatioD oE hrd-out rlrtem ,or ..ll sv€nts CIe.m Tre artd Ldividud) in €Ianrentrry .nd r€condary level both boys and girlr. rv. E9Etf?s: tr" Teatn Tro Cornpettion (Elenrentsry,/S€cotrdrry) Boy! end Girh B, Lrdividurt Comp€tition (Eleeqlsry/S€conddy) BoF 6nd Gi l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Y. r Boy8's Sitgl€€ (BS) * GLl"s SingIE! (GS) * Boy's Doubl,er (BD) * Girl'B Double'r (GD) * Mired Double! (MXD) (Trro (2) ('ftro (2) (One ( l) (One (l) (One (l) r ontries/a€gdon) entde./A€gion) entry/ReEiotr) enEy/Region) 6nEy/XogioE) IEI COMPOSIIION IIID EEI.DING OT PIATEiI: I" A teatryrcgioB 8h.ll h.ve a tiarimum o, four (4) plsyerB (mlnddqy i€ldittg oI four (4) plrFt! p€r tea$ ti. i. rcquh€d). B, Each tb sllau con8ist of two (2) sugles 8nd one (l) doubles. C. ftre order of play sll![ be a! followsr Singles-Doublet-Singlar (SDS) D. Fifteotl ( 16) minute! be6ore th€ colnlnencetnqrl of play of each ti6, the coach shElt rubmif OE compqition oI hilrrer team to the Match Contol/Rebfe€ and to th€ oppGitg coacll No substitutidr shall be allowed under any cirsumatances dq the tie hr! coNnenced. E. In csse s team wilu trco (2) svents (ongles, douDlEs) 6nd the tig har alrcady been P, d€cid6d, the remaining mate-h .lr.I not be played, In qalg a tean ,aib fo sEbmit their Erlding iorm in tiEe, th. uao th€ leatn's 66lditrg falogy in th6 prEeious rourd. Tqrn ln€nt MaDgss will VI. SEEDNTG/RITEING: l" vu. elstn 6ry and Econd8ry l€vels for both bot! and gids i! dl evests drrll be don by draw lotr eEopt lor th€ !66ded plar€!8/rogd,oB ol lart ygar'E Palarolrg Panbarua hetd in sta Cn z,I€guna (Seed 14) Pairing! lor DRIWU|(,OEIIyTS: t2 A. Dratrirg of lo& sllall be dorE durirg Ole Sotidarity li{eetirq oI the 3016 P.IErotq Pambarua or qre (l) day b€IoE the actual competitiolr. (EecEotric draw bts rhsll be irnptrEme Ed) B. Coaches o( repre!8[rtativ€d tha[ b6 th6 otr6 to ma]s the drate to deterErine uEir opPonent!. C. Coach/trep,le!€litativg'r right to quediotr th9 toEnemant proo€edingr or tschtrical guidelines lhdt b€ wrived if h6/she faib to attelrd the Solid€rity Meetittg. VIU. EXfiYOTD!. TEI8'INDINDI'& COMPEII'IOI{$I A. Coadlos drall rubtnit their etrtsi€s lor Siagles, DoubIeB erd Mirod Doub!6! competition dEing the Soudadty Meeting betore th€ start of rhe dnwing of lotr on e pt€.sibed enEy baln to b€ pt@id€d by rhe manageme[r. B. Th€ €ntries !h!ll be dufy ligErod by tho coich./tesm matug6r. C. Upon submilsion of the ontsier (duly sigrrod by th€ coacvtosm mrnag€r), no ru.bltilution .h.[ be alowed gsp€cialy rier tba drarr. E.sCORll|G: L lhe BWF scoring syrtetn of l-21 poirtr! (rEltt poitro bdt of thls€ games drdl +ply. Ir becon€s zGall, the playor/pat who gaitr! rn adTalrtage d tEo (2) pointr witt! the gqrc (2G22, 2921). If the score bec.omEs 2$.4I, the pl,iy€lpaL who scoro the SOth point siD! th€ glrue. c€ae the scot€ I. UItrI.E.OVEN,: A. A 6isqr (lE) minul€ grace poriod olr th. rchedulAd tielnatch rhdt be gi?en, ofhenris€ tha tse.tr/pl,ayes slElt be declrred to.er via BalL-oyer. II.EEIIBEi ar6 rcquircd ro ulo Ol€ir pl,rying uniiclr (rsgrionaf co!.Es) G lhall b€ on . prclqibed bldminton uri6onn. B. Courl o6cid! shall wEor coll8red T-shirt , blacL/blue p€nts (rlaclr), black lsatlor shoes ard blacyblue Eocb shen o,6.irrirg. C. Co€cheB at€ r€quird to wBar lxot 6 altirc dtEilrg the comFtition. We.ritg of A. All pl,.ys. uleevelesr shirt and llippetB irhen coaching Bhslt be a.llosed. lII. A ProrEsr: Proted on eligibiUty lhdl be Comrdttee. B. settl€d at tlre trovel of the Otgatlizing Protg.l on fecfBica&y shall be sdfled at tlrg trEeel ad ot th€ Sq€€nhS TouEalr€nt Reiet€€/Tourn&nent MarEget. IItr. BESIBICIIOT'S ITOB COUNT OIrICllIc I{D CO.ISEES: A. Courl offciaL sill not be allowed to o6ciste in q match it he/she i! undet ttr6 ilrluonce oI liquor (alcoholic beveEges). B. StnoliEg i! !tsic'tl, prohibited t'ilhh the plEyiDg 6rea - let us tnele badminton a snokehee cornpetition, ITV. 8!fFOtrSEENEOE! T: A. nre d€cision of lhe Rererce on llry di!put6. during the competition lha.ll b€ frEt. B. Ihe ongoiry ties,hslch€s wilf be impossible to cfltiBuo; such tisvmatcher Eill be colrtinued l, €t Aotn the point wiele it wl! l3 EtrSEBTI,L (EI,EMENTARY ADID SECOIIDARY) TOURNTMEITTGI'IDEI,IIIESAIID GROTII{D RT'I,ES OEdsl D...lrrr ltrLr .ha.[ be foU.@d in aU tbe g.ttr€s. In additioG lourtr.tr.ll GE doulsr lld itrlo. will be adopred; The I. the fotlowing Eom€ntary/S€condary Bsloball shall be played in Ir'! (9 lDrlatr duting th€ €lininition, quai€r 6nafr, coEolstion, Emifirlll and rrru f, &rrrfE in th€ d.,mpiduhip $I!e (G38) only. Arlf teatn h!! tha opdan ,o concrda. II. fhe ,O-ftr &r. shdt b€ appli.d h ell ths gBmes. ess€pt in the cllatnpiorddp gane (botlom of 3d o[ rlry titne a.ier the 3d a! th€ c.re mrf bo. lI. mr6t€ rha.U be ,ourrcr! (ra, Frrorr on the b€nch of each bas€b6U te!.m fq ths duratiol ol the gqnr€, to wir, lcrrr (rr) p,.,lc,s, a. (I) ud .Dd oDa (l).,'&i.aa co.&. Note lry violation. It6ttr No 3 would tn€6n Or. foUctring; B. Fillt oEotue - rudDgr b. S€cond ofieDse - aobtn dc ,t,no'al d tha ,rt@ar frqn ia rroEld (lor the defetlse only) c. U thet F dr!.!at ,lorab aht lbr,,t,ltu g€me shlu b€ tbrHffi in favor of th6 oppoEing team. Iv. Orty fie ofrd., f,cad oo.c[ .rd ..rsrrr.r , @.cttr.brlgn G., I,,.F totn the cficial lirEup of ure !gi!l cln diEct play during th€ ptog:tEss of the Eem6. Tlrey lhould be of Ora sam€ unitorm .r tbe oth6r memDer! oI lhe teern (.hois/pgntr .nd lando 619 nol ollc,wBd).1b6ttrr with .thletes hauing moEB thrlt one (l) let o, urito8ns rhall hsrt ,&rdca, D.cl ,E[6cr.. Tta bact nomb€r shq d b€ ftom l-12 ot[y, V. lll€ IAW OF IMMDIRE SITCCESSION SEAU BE O,SERVED. Only the E d gtrrl. I! ,1. monlt gr 8rd the fir, gn[ra lD Oa a/tarloorl .haU be Eiven 6Ed sclrodul€d time. G.mes tlBt folLrw lhdl don immedi{ely aftq the end of oac.h pEceding gB.tns. Iilp€ction ol each athletos' gallery muat bo dona b€foE€ th€ Etarl of ary gam€. Vl. A Gn CE DE&IOD oI ffi.n (rS) ldrntc& b6so tom the time rha ptscodiag g ne har etrded Bhall b€ qbrer'trBd in doclaring afty gaft6(r) 8s fodoited or default. CoachEs atc tequ€ded to rubmif their contrd nuEber(r) to the msnrg€tngnl to facililate iniormrtion dilsetnitrstiqr. lt i! Ulewis€ ulg€d to aract !trl[d thc TTIME to enrut€ pulctuality and ptomptsrolE. V[.In Etiementsry Boleb€I , t DIfiIDAIORr RE PERIOD (E EOA,]' shdl be inposod ,o clED.rr rio hrtrc pt@Gd h ttOOR (1) OR MORE INNINGS IN U GElrE. b DOADE EEEDE 5,. MAtlDAIttEyONE (l) CLME nE flhaU b€ impo8od. VE.tt ir lt{flVllllllof,f fq all competing teams io Frorid. lh.tr rc,fDq,lra DEgarry cg/alll!.ent Eectr as; ,r.rn rr,,r lt. Shin guads Cdct€s's natk (p!€ieEDly with helmet ..rd thrcet pDt€c-tor) Gtoin gusd (lor catchqr, irfeldels rrd pitdles!) CatclEis Hy ptotectq IX. The X. rule on Il,O nE-EIItf,Y (Rule 3.03) shaI b6 impossd. Thet€ lhdl be lro l)c'dgn xt. tMrNDAioRt Dr,tY b., Ei'aa, (Dq in Elementrry Be!€'bdl ILtl,. IIn TvuEr,vE (12) ptlAyERs, ENERED AS OmCnL MEMEERS I4 lE[,I[ PIAY IN I!{ SCHEDI'LED GAME (TI{E TITREE ST'ESIMTES/AI,IERNATES MUST BE PIEI,DED FOR AT I,EAST IN INNING, IIrREE (3) DEFENSTVE OU|S OR ONE (t) TIME AT BAT. OF TI{E 1EAM MUST BE FIEIDED EVERYIIME TTIE No(a: h c... r! tdury ccrr or . DLFr L dltqr.lli.dt rt r., dl r.ff.Db tnbrdtulat Era lrLErt.d, tha corch of th. oth.r ta.ttr thrll ba glv.a lha rlgh to ..lact Aom fiG iElrF!! o ti. b.oA' (Dlrta loa . dfqu.m.d/.r.ct dlthror! cEl d.F ), I vloLtio d rhr- gdd.U!./Eb .ldl b. 18 ouarlgh brrttEro dth6 gLtm tl trcr dlle qpodlg l.un. I! c.!. d.n TTIDEDUIEF GI E, ti Dt t r! ls ti ddd llra rio dL Lor plt itrn. rurt D. hclqtcd h fi. .t rdlt lr!.-trEr'Ard g pl.tttt o,f rL. loall l! tl9l, lad lc,L€ddo gltlrg (ltnh€drate lrrccaadtlt getn ). Eur .r tt|lcL .r pordbL dl ptrFt| .h.ff b. lhfe b Efry rnLf! Fltl (5) b!hg! d PL7 f,lE/l'Iou", in i, a t€gulstion gam€ if thte (3) intdngE nre bs€n conlPlgled (EEftjnltion, Qrrrt€a Fina.lr, Somi Fiufs, Battl,s for 3d Placa) and fsIe (5) irudngs in the Chlrnpioluhip Gane orUy. XI.lt a Game !fotc: i! c6led due to 1nOf,CiE rrrlrEURE c... ti. g.!r. L.r FogE $.d(C.[.d bcf"!(t Fotr5. lDr,lg b[,hsad baaa Gonrlrrc,ad, tho gl.m. thrll b. . Gur.".lh6 rlrrcr af,.llba ,i. laar Ia a,,t $otad ,tota ,aD.l, tha ,.rl @npraaal, t alDg. In 6ry c6r€, wh€n .L. ra.ahc, @ndldoo A.ll no l@gt, ,o Da fir&f,cd, the foUorring maasutEg EhaI be adopt6d; XIII lnnaludlott Ac &|Iraa,rtcoa > tl at Ftaco cr Llth.r rrlt haa b€al .dahl!t[r.], ltra ttmatd!, pf.c.r/ta!f. rlll b€ cqrldarqf, Ladca, dErad chrllDidrLfD (codrnDfolt) .b[ b. d.cLr.d. NIY.Dr..Uag fia. b a,.c as foUo$rr (in otd€r). Elffi.alo6 tua.rr. fll Tier in the ElimiEtion RoEnd lhdl b€ settlEd ..|*o-aV rlc r,D Ow rbrll a,/a olhar. Tll.e 1t9a$ that won li3 be given Olo higlE tar dpositiol. gatn€(!) b€twsqr teams ti6d b.ffrpb nc > ltG,rl rsrr .[o!vsd in th€ grame playcd betw€€n tearu ti€d. > MorG ,a[t .@rtd itr thg gdlrte played b€trrq€n t66lrr tied. >Drftrt8cr tL o@br or ruo.t tor ard tr,,ttbct d tan tg../e.A in >A XW. dl the games plared by Ule blms tisd. (# ol tuDt for - * ol rra.nt.g.h.O ecob EAp" h the evenl that a Coach b ircapacitsted, a subdtilute i3 dlc,vred ptr,yided, th€ Iouoring doctrm€nt! .lEU b€ lubmitted to tho cotnmin6e in chalg€ (NSAC) b€dqe th€ rtan of the Ibatn'r nen gdne. A. Notice ol subdtifitior tom th6 head of delegBtio!./PEE Chiel E. Deaignatiot of the lubstihtre cosdr Arom Ol€ Hoad olt ,lal.galio'n/PEs8 Chief C, Medicd C€rtuicate i$ued by a gursEtu[ent ptiy6ici6n D. C€rtiricate ot€nplqnerysppoilnnent (ar r D€DEd Employ€q) E. Feironal Data Sheet. Note: LD ca!. o[ €ltelgEtrsT r€sulting to itllta.Et iDEbiuty ol a claci to pdfdm hisa€r duty.s sudr, tlr6 te.n csptri! Bha[ a$E.rrre lead€tdrip ot the te.m dudng tlre Emainiry inning oI th€ gane. XvlPircfrhg dirrErce ihdl b€ Ffftt (60) le€t, b8E dilt nca rh.[ b6 rsvsnt, CrO) ie€t. t5 XVII.IDDmONAL GROIr!|D X[,1,ES IN BASETAII (ELm. & Sec.) tr- All scheduled g6meB .hrI stan at zioo atfr B. Tlle "I6w ofllunodiate Succesrion" shr[ b€ oblqved with foUcEing conditioEs, to Eit; lbtltatirB time rchedule Eiu b€ 7, g, I I aat 8nd I €rd 3 pm RorP€ctt BIY Z. Itth€ ftlr gsme beconre abhn€vial€d, the recond garne dtould be 8,,.Eied ao, c.rnct ,t n OltO AM, 3. II in th6 umpiEs judgmd the weather i! !o hot at l0 o'dock in lhe lnqttitrg. g8m€ !ha[ be ad drrted at 2 Pii th€ rame d!y. 'tlrperd€d C, Selredd€d lbamr she.ll o er th6 rcsEicted 6r. ont shen crI€d ard advico by lh€ I . ttew'drd (an UmpL€). foUowEts at€ tkicuy prohibited tg .t y eirhin 6rt Ettiqted E!€a in tha 6eld. E. loitering and Littedry at€ lEictty pEohibn€d in the Eeld 6td imm€diate vicinitie!, Coachg! are EspoiBiblo in maintahing clsat in€6s ltd olderliness in th6ir tElpectivs "DUGOUTS:/"BE CH" dEiing the gEme srd bdoEe leavingF. A long hit thar goee b$nd eBtsblirhed narkot lhdl b6 8 f,otrr tuD (EU. G. L the bs.U bounca and toU haide a lair t6rritory il is . IJ't D.r, o! prat H. L E b.ll bourEe! itEide and oEr tho €rta.blilh€d tnatbr, it shdl be a fF O, D.rG Ir, oDrf. I. l,ong hit q thc,wn bell thet go93 up and dou,rr a dopo irEide I f8ir t€sritory, ,[c DaIl l, D. SFqtatq!/Iba& ItG.nd b J. C.l Tlre all@abfe B6asut€metrts ol the b6s€b6ll bat de ar tolLmr: E€Eentlry - rot gr€ater tban 32" Iosq, a x,eight d€ductiqr oi not EroE th6r - 12 and e mlri[run barrbl oI2 I/4". Secondary - not g1€at6 lhan 34" long, a ti,Bight deduclion of not moE tlEn - 5 and e marimnn brrDl of Z 3/4" / 2 E/A. E. A bat drould not codain 6lry additioDd psrt thst ployide! 8 bafiq ema bgtting pctrar. Note: Il coftpodie bal will be av-aila.ble aa toui[ament bat (to be procur6d by the paldo rEnagerrent) such bat Bhall be marLed d ForAem: BPF (batting pe ormancs tactor) of l.l5 or lest Fo! Sec: BBCOR (Batted Ball Coeffici,eBt ol Restitution) IJ. flie u!€ ot nr€lll cleafr dE[ b6 sEictly ptohibited. M. UtBsc€trary appaFl lhould nol be @rn by ary o6ci.l tnemb€r ot th€ tesm during Ore g3me. N. Otr HP8. relEoed of th. pitdE! .h.[ b6 itnpos6d EtEn: l. ll in the iudgrnetit oflhe unpLe fh€ hit wa! inlertolal €yrn il il {a! oDIy the ,ir!t tim6 that he hit ttre battgr. 2. U foE pE€\r€ntive maasure! the umpiD may as& th€ coa{:h to t€placa the pitde{ in ord€t to Ercid 6ry fttrther utll.rr.td inqide . 3. [the pitclEr hits three (3) bandr in an inning he EhaU be traidert€d ro anothd polition and shall osly !€turn in th€ rucce€ding i$Ungs. Bul i, he hiE FiE (5) batt€ra in a gane h€ shdl be removEd Aom tho glltle atrd drall tsturn only to t€tun ir theL nelt garn6 O. SPEED.UP RI.II,E: l. 2. 3. lbilrrr ar6 sllowgd to delenEire cot{sglrco in a! inning. TgEmr ar9 Suowjgd one offsrsive sgnferance in an itudng. A.frq th€ lecotd codeEnca eadl aft.equsnt Eip to th€ mound d|all cruls the rpmovd of the pitclre! Aom the pitchitq positio!. Note: trnt violatior o thir n E, on tha Iitlt ofierue, the coach 8IrrI be the sac6d o69t|re, th. croach shatl be gj€cl1gd. P, ArrEdingdle.!-code: Ill plaFl! aod coachfl art ,EquitEd to Ear E rned wtrib on their oEicial unifqnr wngr srdrdnrg of medrl! 6trd sp€cial aw'{dr ale tnsde. t6 BASIIETBAI,I, COMPttffION GIIIDELINES (a'lE Irrternstional E€8I€tbaI Federation (FIBA) Rules - valid .r of NovEtt$€r, 2016 including tho latest amelrdments shall govern the Easketball competitions ercept lot tlre apptqrred sp€cial Guidelines and Ground Ru]es ,o! the Eletnentary level). I, PI'RPOSEI It i3 a g.me specialy de8igEred to build a rEong foudEtion in dev€loping basketball atrreness among children. It ebo airu to develop the b6ric rLiUr a.Ed character arnoltg young boyr a.Ed gXlE, prgvicling uEique expeience fot hn, enjoymenl and eyentuely leding lhe say to a long lem inroryemelr, in the sporG. II. OBIEGTTYES .[- Of TXE GtrME tlEotr th€ bdl illto the ptraFnate. ber]er End to prevenf the playeB of the othet team Eom securing fh€ brll or scoritrg based on fair play and Eithin the lpirit ard intenl of the rule8. T116 geln6s rhaU be DEyEifOPME fA, in nature and approacll B. To erhEnce dameredeie, godwil, spottsrnar,,dnip, discipline, aeamworr. a,Id other lile skills values inherent in the pracrice ard participation in 6po8tr. To m,TEf,Il[ (PLver3, coeche! aad otl6r tearn o6ciahl A. Eligibiuty l. Based on the Palarorg Psr$ar6a Guidelitres B. Team Cotrtrogition l. A team shall be comporod of not tnoEe thaa l2 team metnbeE and a coach, rrhile th€ Girls Team may include a chaperon (when thg coach ir male). C. Coach l. A tean shall be hoaded by a respoDsibtre Coach sE requircd by the PElarong Pembansa Rules ard Guidelines. 2. OnIy the Coach (and Chsperon) shs[ be alotred to rtay wilhin the t6am bench during ofiicial gameB. D. Team Unirorm I . A player who ia not tf,e&ing th6 tean's complet6 unifdm nrary not be alowed to playi ard there sbEI b6 playing firtnb€rs (0, m to 99) ard the assigned detregation colof EhaI b€ folowed (dominarrt/secondary co!ors), rV. EOIIIPMENI/MI,TURITI.S I. BAIII l.l The SEE ofthe BALtrrrot the S€condary Secondary BoF shall use size 7. ci r snd Etremeltary t€vel rhrl] be 9!293, 1.2 Ttre V, TIMINGNECI'ITI,IIONS .6- For EX,EMENTASY: l. The g6ms rhall cotrsist of 4 p€riods, fhe first t]Eee periodr rhall bs played in € minures drd I0 ndnutes nor the 46 period aad 5 minures fot er€ry ertra period. B. Por SECONDARY: l. The oficial FIEA Z0l5 Rule6 shall apply with Ure latost amelrdnents. C. Fot both: l. nre inlervals b€trpeen period., iB one (l) rninute whitre intewal befireen halv6 is fve (5) minutea. t1 9I. PLITENS' PI,IYING BE('I'I.ITIOI{S A- For ELEMEMtrRY Only: ,. All play€E of the teatn shall be ielded beiore tho end of the znd p€tiod or wilhin the f llall. FAIHIRE o! the Coach to freld a pleyer in tte tc Halr shatt b p€nali'r,d wiah a ?eclr/alcol Fout (l fr+ 8D charged to the Coach. 2. All pl8Frt sldl pra7 at le€6t one (l) rErid BUT not mq€ lhan tis€e (3) p€dods ad sllrll be rested ior one (l) perod. f a Coech freldod a Ca}rer lot more than lhtce (3) peida it shall be penalid wilh a Teclnical Fo,Jl (l FI+BP) chargd to lhe Coei. 3. ,Vorrra, srDsriturrron proc€dures sh.[ apply in all periodr. (Ercapl thsn ce ain rule doe. lot appfy). A pLye! may ont6r in a EEtne a, a Eubstituie ..5 many lines E! poslible rithin that period and consideted as having ptaFd otUy in th8t p€riod/Cuartq, 4. On6 (l) tifi*out lot ovEry period .hau be gre ed to each team iot th€ 6rst tlEee (3) p€riodr ard t-o (?) itne-oulr BhaI be gr.nted h tha ,ordh (4th) pedo4 ard one (J) tinreout fd evary erEa period. Irnuied aimeouts sh6ll trot b€ catried @6r to ihe n€lt period. In lhe first tlEeo lrerio& th6 Tirneoul. drdlaither be u!€d or iorreit€d 5. I! csse a learn hr' an ircomplote liro-Ep durhg th. ldtadul€d gsne TIl. llt Friod shall 6lr8ys dan wfth 5 phy6!! while the olh€r p€riod! may be plaFd with the t€mahing mettlb€rs of tho tean. S.2A te.m rrith ONLY leeen (?) plEyers Ghyricdly pre.6nt) st the d8n oI rlle 5.1 game shdl b€ dec.larcd IOSER by FORFET. BITERPREIAT'IONS of Rlrl,E W. EIEMPIIOMI: 8) IN CASE OF INJIJRY/DEQUIUHCINON: - (in the lrlzd Period) - an iDiur6d play€r Edy be rubltitur6d by 6try pl,.t€r, and ar such .aid sub€tittrte player and inilrtqd plsyBr" ahEI b€ cgnEideled a! having playsd in thlt particufar podod, ' - TIro "injoEd pLy€d' upon recovery may re,entet in the s6me pedod or may in qy period foUotring Sec, I . Rule IV. IMPORIAIIT Rordnder: TIVHENEVER tuSflBlE AND E nE WIL A WM] ETVE RUIES EVERY PERIOD SIIAT,L BE PIAYED AIJWAYS phy AW (5) PIAYEBS. B. For SECONDARY l. Itre oficial (Boyr.rd G FIBA Rule6 rhall r) apply. !II. Ir cttE or Dllourl,IrlcrtloN -tr" AthroEtr out playrs must trEave the cotlEller ofthe playing 6te& B. VIII. A pl,ryEr/co6ch lrho i8 disqualiied as a tsult ol a dilquslifying fouy Eghting G the Uk6, subiect shaU be Th€ trulnbe! oI gqmqs of surpeilion rhiu be determircd by the Technic6f Corunitt€€ End ,ill be blsed on the gavify ot the .ct. autorEaliqsUy BI'LEs Of CONDI'CT f Fotls l. TECHMCAL FOIJIS - ary PLAYER./COACH rho djsplEIs Enrportauntih/dkelpectjnl sct sEch 6s .lEhing of neck. rhosil!g of dirty 6119€18, pointitg ol .ccusing frrger and talh tltkingAlbuting b8d rrodr/ioul t8 langusge, contslting c!ll]8, lrguing with O16 officilt! ltd ofh€lr, A WARNING maybe givqn q a IECHMCAL lolrl .hall b€ d8pped. B. 2. PERSOXAL TOUIS - E playd causing cotuact with sr oppositg Playmate, which givg! an ultaL advantage end such contact .re neithq intetrtiontl not oaglant. 3. FLAGRAIIT FOIJIrS - E play€! caulirtE ercslrive contact which mry cauae or hlve cau!6d iniury to sn opponent, sudl s!: s) escelrit € srf,irging of elbo[; b) tlEowing a piurrdu c) Eipping; ald d) intentional conrading/pulhing Ut€ bacl qf a plsy€r going !.8 a basH .hrll be iudged to b€ 6ith6! an Uruportqnenlika/Dilqu.fifyirg Pouf. PIAYERS',/COACHES' Conduct: l. Any playor/coaqh, who is rlapp€d with a Disqualiryiry Foul and ejected becau8e ot Fla$a ly Urlspo smanlil(o Aqtion/Conduct , shall b€ penalized accordingly PLIrS ar additiola.l lgame 8ulpension/ lot.l dirqu.Iification oE banned tom fufiher participation, dgpending on the gavity of the oftetE€. (L 2. may b€ d€termh€d by the l€chnical cor nittee) Unering/shouting oI ob.cene/lool l,angr.gElbad yrotdr or verbsl abu5€ tom pl,eyots/coachos to oppone s/o6cials or leernmato! rh6ll not be toleratod. Such act shrll be dealr lf, h a $arning or 6 T6chnical Foul. ?he Coac] stall be rEporaib)c lot the DBCIPUNE end BEHAWOW ot the lollowers, sttppor,€,s and biends oI the teem. 3. T68lii! .ha[ keep ard leav€ rheir bench at€ias clean ard ord€rly. NoncornpliErEe 8ha[ b6 dealt with 8 Watnitrg ,or the 6tsl o6ensg, IECHMCAL FOt L fot the sec.td o6aEe. 4. Coaches slrs.U always con.6rm their nen sclreddo ot galrre vrith the Tournaiielrl M..trag€r BEFORE leevLrg th6 playing vEtrua/ oE after their game. 5. A teom lhal rf,a&s out of their g.me Btrall b€ p€nalired with a Disguatifc8tion tsotn the cotnpotitiovPdEro and likewise lhe Coach .h6ll be BANNED. 6, Any iitsction cotEnitted of th6 COVENtrIIT PENALEED with a rcprhrand and or sarning ot C. by any player/tearn MAYIE a Technica.l Foul. GAMES DtrSRI'PIION: Games whiclr .re cancelled/diEupled,/stopp€d due b "rcRCE M4E7,RE" or lor any yalid reason, shall be Eeated in the fouotEing malltrer L REMATCH - iI the disruption of the garne took plEce during the first h6lf periods), game shau b€ reptrayed. B. REST C. RESEiI (lrt and 2nd MPIION - if the dis8uption of the Eame took place during th6 s€coId and 4th periods), the gan6 Bha]l be resumed with the remaining gatlre time. - if a schedufod game ws! cancslled lotr a vslid tsaso& re€ch€dule the getne .t th€ bottotn of aU the Echgdules. D. DIJRAnON OP WAmNG - in ha.If (3rd Are management Ehall (rair caBe of a porr€r failure ot ary hcident or darloGEs) that may afiect the progr6.5 of the garne, the IENGffl oI time to wait for th6 r€storation oI normdcy i6 30 minutes or aa rnay be auolred by t9 BOXING I. lrr.h CLrrlicdo[r ud C.t.oorLl.rrr dDltttr/ht dddc lld Ig! L School BoF Classificstions HgbCdcglort f.LlfuMoqEfiordgu 2. Mo.qlrlo relgtl 3. B. 38{8 fglt. a0 r9r aw LEfi pq,es',all,b Ie.r o{Dlnh Eor! 2002-20G1 EosD 2002-200:l Bor! 2002-2003 rg.t l&la Fert old l&la F.tt old llta F.r! ol{l Junior Boys Clssitrcation gbigfu C{egE, a. Pf! udgtl C. t'9dgtu{, W.igtt {t L.rdBlnl ,lt-10 lgt Bor! 20OG20ol &p. l$10 F.rt old Youlh BqB CLlsi6cation Wetghr Cat 5. gort Iigi, Fl t.rghl U. NulrLr dnaE d! ad WetgLt+ le.r o(Itrlt {6-al Lgt lor! lt9&r9t0 &lcldora. or CmDUL@r ,g.r lr-18 F.r. cld Colt l&nlt SECOIIDIRY A. fth@l Boy! Chrsilhation ( Light Mo6quilcneight 38 kgr., Mo6quilc,Feight 40 Lg!. And Light PiF eig'ht 42 hg8.) 3 tourls of I l/2 mirrulg €ach and I mitu 6 E6t pdiod b6htr6€n rcundr. nr. bcmt i'ill autonr.tic.ty *op if arry or both of th€ b@rr ir counted 2 timgr due to hrccLdown in ary roud ard 3 times in the shotre duEtion of ih€ bout. B<,y! Clarsiiicstion ( Pin*eighl {446 kg!.) 3 roun& of 2 tninuto! €ecrh and I minute8 tgst period b€tEeen rculds. TIte bout lhsll autonatically rtop if any or both of th. b@t! i! count€d 2 tines dua to brocldowtr ir ary rpurd ard or 3 tiner in the wlrole duratioD d fh€ bout. B. Juniq C. Youth Boyr Cl,Essilication ( Light Ffyreight 4e{9 Er6.) - 3 tous& o( 3 minut€! €ech and I minr erE t Fdod bcdrBen r@nd.s. Ttre boulsha[ autorraticalty lfop if dty ot both of th€ b.aErr is counted 2 ti$eB dug to hrod.dqwn in stry tound 6nd o[ 3 tinr€s in the durdion of the bout . A "down" ot count cluled by .Ity loEl rtrall trof b€ itEhrded in tho cotnpulldy Count Lhn. lII. loulllt EtlT FIOI trT: trnoc] Out Syrrom IY. TOU IIMEIE nllEgi Palsrotg P8rBb.rBa Getrerd GuideliD€s 6nd htertlationll trmaleltt Boxing l6socistion (IIBA) Tednical and Cornp€tition Rules shs.ll b€ folwed.Hc,rever, iI Pslqorrg Pamba.Dla G€netal Guideline! aad AIBI RuleE ate not applicablo or inruficieDt a groutrd tul€/. tnay b€ toatEulltod. Y. t ltrfon t 20 .A- ComlEtitoE rhrll bor h r lighl bo& or.ho€r (E/o lpikes os fEaf.) Soc&!, (not to esce€d l.tr€e lengtlr), 6rd a v€st covering Ole Chest .nd bact. B, shoft Fca qll.f,BtrP spptoyd 6vEni th€ borsls lhall werr Ed/blue v€ll depending on their arri$Ed coErlq and Eullk ol any color, rrhich dr.ll be lh.ir oEr relpolrribitity. Where antnk end vrsa arc ol the sane color, the !€,ta line shall be cleaiy indicated usi/i,g 6- t 0 dn, wid. el56,ic eaistband. C. A$ard€es shall wEar tr.ir te6nr unitortn dEing the aE rding csremotry. Slippgt! and 8.ndd! 6so not slloEsd, D. Coachedsecordr Blrall 1166r theL Team o6ciet urdfom o[ jogging pant 6nd jsd.et Wsarirg of rlipFts. s6ndrls, maong p.nls ard calual attirer drrll not be dL,rEd. Yt. I€c.!d Eool: Ev6ry Dorar mult hay€ a R€cord/M€dicEl BooL (Red Book), prop€lty 6lH-up without any aller.tion or gralute/s snd afir hi8 2s2 LD,, (l8t€d pictEr. wifh ndne tag) iEide thg tont page c!v€! th€tieoi fte boler shall prerotrf hi! rEcord./tn6dic6l book during genetEl r€igh-ir.nd medical ch€cI-up snd tlr€seaft€r iI th. bord is due to bor (No red booL No bor snd Rad Boot is Non T:6Ddsrable), Ihis tule !ha[ lppry Aom fte lowest trovel of conp€tition up to th€ palarcng p6mbsrua. YIl. uED.r o( Co.chadlacoDdr: i! two (2) CoachB./S€con& who .h.I be g@€fned by the toUowing rufe: Onty tne two (3) Co.ch€/Secotdr lhdl tnsunt th. apron oI the ring and ot y orc tnay etrter the ring. Eadl Borer entitl€d d Ym R.(ct .r.rd rldgerl Nrffo.f lccr.dft€d n foro.r r&i Judgc. t! cood 8t ldrrg uo allowed to oEciate in tr6 tournameit. UndelstEndiry ard pr.ctice of ths AIBA Code ot Conduct i8 mendalory, G€eesh.! CoErle on AIBA RuIe ir Eln tatory).R€Iets€,fu lrd Judge/. qho were euap€Dded or Eith a iery poor poriorBunce dudng th6 ptEcedtq Pelro rh![ not be eligibtre to o6cirle in the lorthcfiritg Pafaro, HoPer6r, it th. R&/. i! tha num.b€r one in the order of list of R&J/s r€cotrunanded by the PEES Chief, the mU hr! rhe powar to deny th€ r€comrn€nd€d R&J/s ard selecl Ore R&I/. fiotn the llrt lubmitt€d by the PESS Clrief, Howevar, to mahtain neuEality IBAP/AIBA R&I/E 6nd fTO OD4uri6s/Drsw CoBmirrion) may alaigm by tlle TM to o6ciatE. Olty f D€DED lllg Pltnd.!: mre ring doctor shall be a Doctor of M€dreino atd conhg Aom DepEd. BotretE[, local doctq/s rnd nurEor trray b€ slowsd to as8ist the Ofidrf Ring Doctc, during g€n€tal tf,oigfi'in 6nd m6dical checl-up ard d.ily ureigh-itl 2l CIIESS t. lrotrut ENT rt r.Es roura.rront 6ll!I b€ govslltod b, FIDE gtourd n eE: The L lrr! ot Ch€.! ouly 2014) .ltd lhe ioUowirg lhaI be played as a te6h ard irdividual onpetition in both standad srd bliE, One(l) te.m for the Boys ard otE(l) te6m lot tlr6 Girls ir th6 ELm.nt8ry Lv€l Ono(l) tearn ior thc Boys and o[e(l) teah fo! tha Gid! in Ole Secondary l6vsl Each te6m shEI be comlrosed of two play€E and a coach Ch6ss l. 2. 3. B. TIle hdlvldu.l I . lrllt Sttten (Z rou.!dr) ulth lb.m n .ultr lhaU b€ sdopt€d. Tfie slrils Matrag€l Pating Prcgran sh6[ ba used, PatiDg accoding lo startanL 2, nr€ rumbe! of g6nE p€r day lhall be 2-2"2-l for th. .tandard.nd s€Ystt (7) tounda for lh€ bli& on tho !"r day, [otcr Protca( h t ddrg th.ll Dol be .ltcttalrad. E. Ihe initial r.r&ing of players wiu be b.ssd pfeyerr riU be nnle<l dphabetic.lly. D. Ch€sscloc&: U!€ ol clr€ls clocL l. F. on the l8tsrt NCPP t8ting En, i! cor pdsory. Th€!€ lhall be rep.rqte dlampiodlhip. ror the girls l. Ilerm: STtrNDARD Secotdary - Bcrys Bnd GitL Elementary - Bo!'! ard GirlB q.Dd boF in eac.h Individud: SIANDfiD Secondlry - Bc,y! .nd Girb elementary - Bop ad GLte * divi.iotr BI,IP s€condEry - B.,y! E.nd GirI! Elesnentary- Bot! and Girlr * Tearh Chainpionship - Total rc.orea ol2 pl8yela in Ore R€gion. *A Regi,oD.rTeam with oDe playEr csn pl.y ,ot indieidual eyenr quatify in the T6stn E"ent. 2. tfiated orly .nd sbrll not DITTZ Secoid8y - BoF lnd OirL Elsmenrrrl-Eoyr and Gi . Indiyidu8t Charpioship - The standing of th€ plEF(s compotition ard tio brBsLs. afis the end ol the G. Pl,ayet! shalt b€ lequrrEd to pters lheir p6t6ro IDb b€rd€ the darr of erch !,ound. lrlE OF U!|!!IOIU lEl,tL DE MII{DIIOI! ll{ tlE rlf, lltD trtll tOUltD. H. PIaFrB, c.oaches and spac-tators lre not allored to ma.b post game aralysi!, pl8y againrt othor coach6, lpeqtatoE, ptsyetE q di.cu!5 fini.hed or urfrilh€d g6tnes within lhe playi[g area, fnilhed their games rhould loave the pLying arss immediErsly aiet s[bmitting thek lcots dh€€t. J. PlsyetE who have K. PIEIEIa mult ob!€rt ploper dreg3 clde while pfaying. " TIle ,ou.,wtulg alD poiibited: !- U.. B. Urht tlcsa o(sutrD.tr hrlt/llrdo! 22 II. ntrLE3lND IEGln I. tttolfs srrlvDtnD cEEst l. Tims cqlEot lhall be (f) hoEr Ehrt (30) locoidr hcrrm.Dl per 2. 3. tnc,tE to finitlt the ganr6 using Ol. digital clock, Rocolding of mqv€6 ir afg€bEic notatiq ir lradatory ttEeugbout tlre grne. Violstiotr of thi! rule shall bo cqsid€lsd as EitroE cdetEe: Ulegrl tnoves Major Otreru€r: wrong movemont Minor 4. Ofien8r: atfack; epturing the oppon6tub Litlg; and nonreplrcetned ol pi€ce afiet prwn Eomotion. lEing tro hsrds in tnrtins a h.r!,e; dilplacen ot of piece/8 ql the ci.ss board; ule of torcq in pEsslrg the ch€!6 clocL ard ngtr recotding of mocas. Fendties Mrjq Ofienro. lr ofienoe 2d offenr Minof Ofi6!!€! plu! 2 tro8s otth€ game mi Et€8 to the oppoosnt rsrlriDg ln offe[ce 2d ofienre plur 2 hinures to the opponent loss oftho galtte 3d odense 5. of pi€ce: otpo8ing tho king to en I'he detauXing titrr6 is 30 minutes angr the oftcid d€rl ol eacli to8rd.lhe t,gll clGL in6i<le th€ playilg ar€a lball b€ oGcial clock durilg lh€ tourrarn€lt. B. ,,"ElZ CEE ' l. Tim€ contpl Ehdl b€ (3) tt!.a rds[t. pfrr (2) ..c@d. b6.rEd morr Id e.c.b plaFr to tinbh the Eam€ usiDg rtra digital cl@L. 2. Potrdtier for illsgd mocEs 2. I p.r Maio[ Ofietu€! ie, wrong movettrent .f pieco: osposing $a kilg to .r atta.* capturitg tha oppdentb tiig;6nd non-I€plEcem4t ol pi€co after p.wn ppmotion" shau be peElirsd by iftunodide lo6s of tlr6 game. 2.3 Minor OfrenEr i,e, udlg t-o hard! in utrting a tBove; dilptracement of piace/r olr tho cb€!. M, u8g of force in pGlEng rh6 dreso clocL, fidl b€ p€nalirgd by 6al lrunirtg on th€ 6r8t ofi€trle and loor oi the garna on the second ofq|se. c. Grra8Porv?t scon A D. plsFr is c sl,:ttEDt crsd ed f potrt for. d!, .S fcr . drrrr .!d O br r lc.!. IIE'iEIE 1lr€ loUaing Tre btBal !Ft6m! (in d€lconding osder ofipriqity shdl b€ .dopted to detetmin€ the EnaI ranting. I. IIIDTVIDUTL RESI'LTS Dit€cr hcourter 1.2 Bucrhholz Syltem MedisI Buchholz 1.4 S.B. Syst€m l.l f.3 1.5 Moie tIrmb.r ofwins (Forrait CoEr ed) 23 2.IEAM RESIJI,|IS of the menh.rs oi Ore lle-atn. 2.2 Cotnbirred Median BuchlFlz Tre B!9aI! of th€ rrl€mb€t! of the 2.3 CoiEbir6d S.B Tte E[e6b ot the metlbets of Ot€ lban 2.{ Combinad Nurtrb€r! oIWinE o[ the Memb€r8 of lhe Todn 2.3 ScoEB of th6 phFr trith th. hiEhelt nutr$er ofPoinr!. 2. I Combine<t BuchfpL TL BEa.b I66m 3. A 8udd6n de.th mdctr (armagedon) lhall be b€ plaFd to Elolve the tie tier stiU occnrB afi€s applying dl the tie bleatr. ttr. if 3OI'nI{IITIEIIT OPrlCIl!! TIID IPPEIIIS COMIIEIEE A- Th€ Torttrsngnt Mllragr€[ .llal b€ IWDI Jane. hliBsto snd the Tourrurlent Chial Irbiler dlall be IA natlr Fecr. B. nre deciEion of th€ Chioflrbiter otr a Poinl o( I€w ir Finsl C. A.ry Appeal or Pror€d on th6 decilion o tlre Chiol Arbiter on I poit( oI flct BlEll be submitr€d duv signed by the plsl'Er, the teanr Co.ch and R€giond fthool SPqtr RepGr€ntatiys (afhl6ti,c manager) in rriting not mot€ than 30 mi rtes (tf6tdetd) ard l0 minuf€s (blik) Eter the coaclurion of th. gE de in Ouestion. D. Eretnberr of th. appeab conmittoe Ior th3 boy! divili4 aD rhq cooc.h€r of thg top Eye (E) tsrk tsetnr of tho girl! divirion b€foE lhe start oI the lourd in question T1r€ ald Yice re!!a. E- II a cltMdtte€ t[€ttrber is iom tho same tegion oI tant .hsll faJ.s hir place, and !o on. F. AIl dgubdatiors of th€ appeal8 cgftunitt€€ shal be pt€Eid€d by NSA R€pEs€trtative a.nd ltournrmgnr Mrnagat of who 6hall haE no yotitrS pdsr. G. ltE deeilion IY of tho tpF.lr th. irEf!€d party the nelt teatn in Cotntlitte€ on s point of rasl iB EraL INIE'GEIIIEIEI II|D PEMI/IIEI A Mobile phon . ard oth.! m6ans d el€ctsonic cotnmurietionr are 8Eicuy ptaNbit€d inBids thg playinq 6rea. A pl,ayor wlro qill viol,ate thir rule shdl lose tri!./he! game. B. A te.m whose tn€lDq is givlng unso&: ed advicg o! .!8irt!tlce to hi! t€alunate wtrilg the gatn€s at€ in progtEss shatl lo6e Oreir natch. Y. COIIIiTI.I.!' A- trIl other tnattor8 not c.,c!ed in this rlr]€5 rhdl be decided by the Otganiret ( Che83 lburuamenf Cor dttee) t€sert€s the right to as€rd ot alfe[ a8y provi8ion of the above mentioned hrlas and R€guladotr! fos tho succEss lnd int€@st of the touraanr€trl- 24 I. fOOTBILL D.ITEINDYEITIE nle 2016 Palerong P.mbenra Footbdl conDetitionr roUdadty nE€titlg rhdl be h6ld o8r ApEil 8, 2016 at 9:0O.f,.M. Bt the Bicol Unit eldty Grardltard, l]ra Errt day of the compotitiorE will dan on trpril9, ZO 16 st roor (4) playuE venu.r, rtad b€lotf,; Footbdl Elotnentlry: Pitch t - BU M.in Canpur flbay Pilch 2 - BUCIF, Guircbatqr Csmput Foofboll Socondlrt: Pitch ! - Albay Provincial Sportr Comptrer, Ttsvedr, Gutobatsn Pitdl 2 - BU Mair Campus Sport! Comples II. co DEfttro nEr.Et f, the comFtidon !h!ll b€ held in accqd.ncg Eilh th€ surre hlortrstional Footbal Irsociatioa Board lpptwed FIFA Iarf,8. Howsler, in maltet! not coeeled by tlEro rule6 ard rcgulatidlr, d€ciri,on BhaU rEr w h tls Touiialnetrt M.nrgq. B.The T€chnicd Coltrmitt€e/to(Itnam€ Managet Bhall be r66potlrib!6 lor the l€chrdcal osganiratiotr of Oe tourtEment. lto dsiairon of rh€ commifr€o in all tu.tletr regldirg the co!flp€tition shal b€ 6ll!l. C.Oficial coach€! 8lr!I ob.arve propq decgmrn dErirE the cotupetitbn. D. Only cocches qr€ oltrosed to approach thg nralch Contsoytr€fet€e with r€glrds to qudti@!.td inquiri,es dt[irrg the tr6lc[L E, only lh6 ofqid coach lisM on the glll€ry d|all be .lowed to sit on the bench ard approach the plsy€n dEring inferyal!. f. phyer8 atd cosclEr shall alwayE conduct thdDlelvos in E tnanner whidl sh.ll reo€cf rqrqably upo[ ttro game ot rootbal srd thefilolves as a tstI€ gelrtlemelr. G. plEy€(s, coaches ircluding identrfied teanr supportq, pointing dirty 6ngeE!, ulo of pro&n€ lalgrrlge or any dercgatory reBrarb eddrscsed to the oiEcirating o6ciab shau be watnod Eld rcp€tition oI Ore larnq ofietue rlEontt ranctiqr. III. I(X'IITI EIE FOilIl'I Tlle 2016 PElarotrg P8rrb6nsa lhou adopt the SiDgle R.und Robin, Cro3s-Oysr 6rd IhocL-Out System ot tournsment honc€, thete slrrll bo groupitrg of ieams: GN,OIDIIIG DN,OGEDUNE: I. the eighteen OE regiotu shall b€ divid€d into iour (4) grouf's, A"B,C & D. hro (2) gtoupr Eill hev6 fou (l) iermr each snd tro (Z) group! EiU havo 6ve (E) tsstn!. It slEI alro draE a lol to which group will it b€long prior to th6 game. th€ groups slEll hqve at lEast one (l) teqlr &otn Luro!, Vilayar, and Mlrdsnao. T6.m! in eaEh group .h.[ fr,8y a linglo rocrd robin and ahall be ranle<t accordingly. GROI'P"A" MvlMft_ GAOI'PB" ?nd M UM L IJ bt B. top tro o$<ver GAOIJP 3rd _ 6tl_ Mftvt, "C' GROIJP _ _ vft_ Irh "D' srh MIL v (2) teaEs itr each group will advat|a6 to the quarterErEL and play on llre aFtesr, Raapectivg rinn€ls wiU advane to the Emi-fsal8. to66!r totn the 25 ptray ior 3rd and atlh Ptlce. telp€ctivEly the chltrpion8hip (lst & znd place.). semi-i$lr wilt rhils th€ *inne!. will Play io[ ourrlErnrus(a orlrEt) QFI AI QIz M OF:} BI OP' BA lE rflNrts(z Gr c, D2 vs vs Wituer OF{ VS \rS c2 cl wim.t QPil 3td & 4rlh Placas l.t & ztd Place! Loset Stz Winner SF trrut crrtttEtctrro - oF Te6tn wintre! GP DI Ei) Winner QFI WiruEr Ofz ftllM Ls€r $l Winner SFI_ vs vs vs vs Dtaw L6et GA GD GF Totd IY. IREIIIITG Of TIEI l- Y. Shoot-oul &om lho potdry taarL and rudden death ptocedure sha.ll applt to b'reat the fre dudtrg qu.ttedMls, seni-inak lrd 6nal!. DUT.fIIOIT OF MItrCI 'IBE tr, Pleying time lor elonentsry lovel rhal b€ two (3) priods of thirty (3O) tEinlrl6 each, with an itrtereal of ten (10) ninutes, while in th€ sacfldsry le"el, tro (2) poriods of fotty ({O) minutos eqctr' rilh an int€red of Ev€ (5) miNtes. YL XUUtr,Of DIIr.Ett tr. Maritrum of fifteen (15) players for eaqh teanr, with One (l) coach, o6cial. D. A match i. phyed by fwo (2) tearu, each c.otrsirting of not mose tlran eleestr (11) playoD includiDg the go.l Le€pq. A atch shall not stan it eith€r team har le6r fhan seven CO players. (lS minutos $ace !'.dod appliiE), VII. PLIYETIEOEIPI{EIIII I. Players aro rcquiEd to cEar their conplete uniform end in cot omity rf,ith FIFA rulos: . Rggionaf cobr (.potrlots unilorm ue not aloqed). Tflg playedE nuln.b€t t-18, on th€ urUfoEttr legiltored on th€ oEcial lisf th8[ aLo be th€ Battro on the sl6rtiq, lilt and tlre rstne nusl.b€r rhrll b€ uled by th9 playd throughout the Palarolg Panbansa game duration. . Oficial ierrey Bhirf with 6leerror alrd shods olRegion repses€nted. . long rocb . shh Surd! . foorbal Bho€s (baEfoot athtret€a will not be a.ll@Ed to play) 26 . . B, Endoryllrne ! rhoEld b€ orthe rane col6 wirh lh6 deett.td.hott p dt t8pe8/bands should bo the ssme color with th€ sockr It€ caprain of the team i! lequirsd to w€€r an arm band around hir th€ refereg to diltinguisll him &om the rgst of ti€ team. Lll arm to eltable Y!II. cou)rt Th€ two teqm! mtrst wssr colo[8 rbi dirtirEuish ftom gsch olha! 6rd 8l!o tho rcrqe€r End th€ 8!.irtant r€ferg€s. E. Each t6atn 6lra.ll ir€6r itr ofEdd 6r!t ou6t rs declargd in the 6ral tegirEatigtr fosm duftg th€ sotidsrity trreeting. C. It q teatrr thould lrlve a sprre^€cotd outEt (colos8 conEasting with lhq€e of their ftd ou6t), thi! Bhotrld lik€rire b€ declared. Teattr! ate obliged to pdqitize the us€ of th. o6ci.Yfr3t irE e.ll itr natcls. D. Itl tednr are oblig€d to bri.ttg along their ofiqiruErEt ou6l and .pde/ffind oudt to 6rr€ry matclL If in the opi[iqr ot the Tournament Mlt|lger .ad th6 r.6er€o!, fh€ colo( o, th€ tro (2) oppodirtg t€am! clallL the ou6ls mult be clung€d. ?herqin th6 rpare/recond outfr may b6 u!6d fd th6 .ucceodnq mstche of th€ tvhole tourtEltro[t or in cg&bina6on. E. In th. ev.nI thrt both tglltl! do not harE lpat€ /s€cotd otrfr, on€ (l) of the testrr Bh.[ be obliged to ,eq a ve6t. A tors superYired by the t6fe!€e, shall d€t€rmiro who wiU $Ear th€ Yest. f. nt€ Goalke€Eer mud r9o.r a iq!., thlt ha! a cold dift[enf toln the tsrt of th6 toun colot!. (II thg goa&e€por is ut6d as 8 Eeld player, he Bhou]d sllo w6ar th6 r6me unilorm 6r thlt of the fiold playo!! a.[d th. nutnbar should b€ th. same 6s lhat of hb beitg a godhe€pd jerEdy), C. nre playd'B arsign6d nurnDeE must be of contErtitg cotro$ &otn th. idsey atd rhould b6 eithgr E !w or prinisd. f,. Pbyer lhdl play udrrg hir iefis€y beadng the diginatry regirtsed turttDet. Under no cirquEtances wiU play6[E be slow€d to play with nunbeta trot prcperly 6ew or pdnied on th€ i€rloy. A player may not ur€ . nuEber difier€nl ftom hi! origindly rcgLte!€d on6. troy toanr lourd guilty of ilebgitg th€s€ rul€s.tdl be Eubjec{ to dildpliiary action, L E ltrr!(r I. l. C. D. E. f. G, - up muri b€ the rame er th€ o6ciallf appoegd rolter by ths Pstarqlg Psnbeisa S(r6e$,mg Coluni(ee. Prior lo tho ltart o, the matclL the iounh ofEcial !ha.U diseibrle the t66m lirs,up ,orm! to the re.psctiYe tes$s. nro ,otm6 murt be prop€t}t accomplislEd ard besr the Eigrrture ot the heed coqch b€lde it i! rehrrnad to fhe iourth official. No mole thatr lour (4) plEFrB mry bo anbdtrtgd during a tlatch ftom the te6erv6 pbFrs who must be regilteted befde the datl of each match. Ib€ suhtitution form mult be lccotrplilhed 8nd si$r€d by the h..d coach before ..!y lubstitstion d a plsygr could be tud€. Ihe incotning plaFr must thetr submil this ioIm to the fouth o6cirl of th€ narch before h6 i! allored to elter in ths f,.ld ofplay. ftry pl8y.r Eho lubstihtted cannd te-€ntet ir thq sams match. Te6tn Lin€ I. P[IIEi3 I. nE('Utrttlotts C,II'I|IOIIED OI DIIIf,ISSED ETOU FIELDI OF PLI' 'l1 play€s who raceirr€6 two (2) qaufrons (FUow c6rd) rhall EutonBticEly b€ Bulpend€d Aom th. m.tch follocing th€ Eatch in which he tecaivpd rhe secotrd caution card. l. A player €ry€U€d G€d Cad) &om the neu oI play by the ralerce lhaU be rulp€rd€d ,o( th6 trelt Earch. 27 C. Dilciplinary mecunes such as q'.ution, elputsion of ptrayelE and otqial! rhall bo ce.rriEd to the championdrip gane. D. trftot.ereing a sulpetEion imposed on a player, he is allowed to pl,ay in the succeoding march, Horev€r, if the Playsi teceivea a yellou, card in a match, he wiU b6 susperded io( th6 nert match due to ths previous t€d card sanction. Moreover iI the player recoivq two (2) yellow or red card in the malch, the Playen wiU ttol be alowed to patticipate itr tlre whole duration of th€ competition. lL i!,EITItIITESIEIICA./tECEM(:ILIIEI [. III Or y the ioUoqring duly acq€dited peEona are eulhofized to sit on the subrtitute'8 bench: . Marimum of ,our (4) rubstitutgs pl,aye$; . a rutpended plryers is allowEd to sit on tlre bsich; and . e coach WINMING-I'P EETORE IIYD DI'RI!|G tEE MII',CE l. D€pending on the roeather 6nd the condition of the hEf (to be decided on by the ToEnanenf Mana$r), the teams will be allor€d to warm-q) on tlre haf of the pitctr clos€Et to their rerpoctit E team b€nch, E. during actual pl,By: . a marimum of four (4) plaler Eom each tearn rnay warm-uP at lhe 6ame titne, without the ba[; . otUy the Soalbepe[ ir dlot €d ro warm-uP with ball; . not more than tFo (2) techniciar.B are alowsd to accompary the four (4) plal,ers duritrg the warm-up. ,IIL MEDICAL I. TBEf,I ENI Or PIIYEnS O tXE OEP[lf if a gosl keeper needr n€dical tseatnent on the fiold ofplay during rhe fouor'ring prccedueE mu.st b€ obserYedr . qron s signal from the tefetee, tlre tean docto( sld hiB arsi8tent tnay attend to lhe injuEd go.I keeper . Only Ore go€l beper c6n be tseated iEide the Eeld olptay. XIII. IIIOI'ID IIITITE l. EIEI,L DUnIITG TAE COI'RSE OF PI.IY Because Ole bd.nq€ of watet in Ore body iB e8sentiel for hedlfh, FIFI actiy6ly enclurage pla]Ids to drint tiquid the match nla foUg\ring rutreB mult b€ obssttEd ro as to avoid dirddediness in th€ Eeld and possibl€ to injEy to th6 athlete: . botttred glass and any dritl.king mat€rial thal can cause-danger to both lsam8 ale . . ptoNbited; liquid rhay be tahltr during the play 6nd stoppage of pl,ay; drinb must be contaitEd in plastic bottles a.trd handed to the pl,ayetl8 at the toudr litrs, one (l) meGr ayray (no coleman) IIY. WIIJf,-(}9ER/IEII'DOITMENT f,. vralk-ov€r l. A 6fte€n (15) minutes gEaco period on the Bcheduled match 8hall be giveJt othemis€ the team shall be d€clarBd trorer via walk-over. B. abardonme of mddles L a tnarch hir to be suspanded aB a result otarttl insident (walk out by team, lact oforde! fiom sp€ctator/r who ftlrade the Eeld ofpfay), the Tournanent Manage! muBt d€cide, leithin twanty-four (24) hours of inqident to determine the aqtion to be tabn. l such 2a ?.8lrqrld n be u€€!.rty to !r.td a m.Gh to otE teaD" dle (l) poinf dta[ b€ swlrdod with a scd€ of l4 or hirher depending on Ore Bcolg al th€ tine of ttopPsgE rhoEed a gr.at6r nuEber otgo6lr for th€ teatn to bq d€clsrEd wirurer, IY. I'T888 OODE POT COI(:EEI L part! or joggilg palts E t-rbirrr sith or Bithout coUar C. lE ther or ruDbqr shos !yI. I|OITTIPDEITIITCE OF IEE TETM A. E. Team lhould be al tlt€ venug at l6ad thirty (30) mLluter befoEe th€ lch€du.ted tittre and lhould b€ ahesdy w8rmod up E e(5) minutes beforc the time wtrilo €quipmetrt to b€ ulod Ete beilg intp€cted. A grlca Fdod olffteen (16) ttdnrxs shall b€ giyen lo the no8-app€lring team afl€E thq !('iedul6d playiDg tinE. N6-apP.aErco of tgam an€r ths 9tao6 period wiu automatiadly fodeit it golrre with a lcots ol l{ (3 poinb) rrd Tourtram€nt Com.tninoc wiU m€€t i$rediately to d€cids on fElher lanctioE. Ilre Law ol inun€diatg Euccas8ion shall be ob.eived. Only tha ftBr gane in th€ tnqrning 6nd 6r!t g8.me in thg aftqtroon lhatt be given fred lchedulgd time. lh€ garne that ,oUow shall dan isun€diately aft€r the end of each pre€editrg garme. Insp€cdon ot 6.ch alhleteb Eall€ly mult be don6 bolore rh6 d.n od any gllne. ITII. DI(}IE ' .f,. AIl protest shodd be in writton fo(m dufy rigm€d by rhe coach lnd noted by rh6 Regionrl Spotu OEcs and must be hsnded o!r€[ to ute Tonflramenl Manag€r wifhin two (Z) hou$ after rho trlltch. E. No prot6.t will be ent€lrAined regaiding oligibility ofplayeE. C. Ng prot€st wiu bo onrqhin€d rcgErding iudgtnent catk oI Ur€ t€iele€. Otuy technicatli.r ofth€ g8ttr mry b€ prot€at€d. IYIIL I'I|FOIIEEIY E9'EI{T I. Iho d€ciriotr of th€ Bfers€ on rny dilputes during competition sharl be Erral. B. It a pa$ieipqting tean rrithdrew! o! a matdl cNnot be playsd or i! &qrdolr€d €a a tesull ol iotse maieuro, tlr6 t€chnical matrag'emetrt cqnmittee thdl decide on tho nrat!€s al it! lole dilirotion 6td tatre whateve! sqtion ir d€n€d necq.lary. C.Frrrtlor to the above lrEovision, in the ca.ss of E Eatdl beitlg ab$don€d a8 a t€dull ol Iorce nr.i6ue after it has alrcady bcked on, th. fouosing principl@ will apply: l. nt€ tnatch lhall tBcotnar3nc€ at the rnitute at which play wa! inferrupted ratlEs thrn bsing replayed in full, arrd with the same lcora line: 2. Tlre mltch .hall rqcotnmgncE with the lslne playG|t! on th€ pitch lnd substitute6 at,eih.btrg q! when the match war abandoned. .GAMES DXmUPIIONT g.m6 which are cs@tl€d/dimptedrtop!€d due to nnOXCE ,/IIEORE lor lny lrslid rcaro& lhall b€ Eealed in th€ iolloriry manner: D. RESEI -'trtOA'ION'q it s &lEdrrled game rr.! ca8cell€d ior a valid reasotL th. tnatllgolretrr shrll re-sch.dule the g6rne at tho bonoEr oftlre rclEdutre6. E, IAOIIoIIG INTERRUmONS: Intorrupled EElcll€s, e?sn il ercaeds the lour horur and played in another venue, match lhall continu6 with th€ sarlle sc!rcs and plEyeB. E. A! rggartt th6 sp€cinc item! not eqrresBly for66€en in thir rul€6 be decidqd by fhg orgEnirer. T'lro TourrtErrlctrt MrrEg€r rer.rer the right to amelrd or alter rtry proeiaioo of th€ aboyo lnention€d tule! lnd rcgolatiotE for lh. suc688 and inteE l of th€ torEralresl. G. ln any clre ot a "hee los aI'Eh€t6 rh€ re6er€€ cannot id€trtily tho plsyars rho darr€d the fight, thir rutre !h!I t..he th€ e6ect: 6hr.ll 29 l. Ant Eulch concarnd; both tclrn! will l6e tho game and wiU b6 b.nned &oln participadng Io! the tert of tlr€ tournanent. IIL TIIOSE NOT COVERED BY TTIE TOURIiIf,MEM RI'I,ES, FIFA I,AWS W[& IPPI,Y 30 GI.UINf,STIGS I. hLr Gtorld o[.rLa 1. Veriicltiou 2. 3, {. of sco!€. nu.ct be done by tho Head Coadr in Eritirg and rubmitted righl sftat the ltl.trourrce!trent of th. gymrrtl'r scolB.lti! .Irould be sddEdsed otty to Ore llounanretf Mrnrggt of th6 @ncerned dndplirc. Inquiry .bout the Dl, Scorc i! 6[o{red hf not the EEcutiqr Scqe. Submil8ion ol Comptraints (lyritten) rhodd b€ within hdf 6n hopr righl Efter the rcote is flarlrad. Compsriloa d scg!€!, dorE upotr vedfcatiosr triu rEEs bo qrte[taiDd . Judg€r' deciEion i! fral ( bs!€d on th6 FIG - RG COP ) If. Et .frn|r 5. FIG Rules of tlg-bt€r.king !hr[ b€ applied Dt.r[Dafu! D€DrYtor 6, 7. A colch wto i. found guilty of hErasdtq ot cauing undue tlouble &Eing the cotnpatition thall be i!5u€d a R€d Crtd.nd wiU be e'cott€d out o the cotnpetitidl tr$ue, iomgdiafoty. Tlre uls d flash wlron faEng pictErE. ir NOT allarsed- G?mlan Partla EatL[ a. No gryruan c6n comp€te in E@E thrn dre ditcipline (MIG, WAG, RG ). It e 74 ylo gytursl choo6 to cotEp€le in CIElte! 2, he q she rlral be €,yahtlH 6rd rEr*Bd accqding to Ur€ rules otUle raid Cstogory (Clurq 2) . But. l0 - 12 y/o gynuEti csnnol compete in Cluater l. L DtrEitlg of lotE to detormino th€ orld€r of Psrlo[lmBnce ir doD€ during th6 Matrcon Mseting 8nd lhall jusf bo rwisEd du'ing Ole Solid.rity M€eting. 10. Mulb ol gytqrast in Chrder 2 ltld 3 ,or WAG, hult b€ at.bmiti€d (in CD fottnat & psop€try lEb€l€d) ao th€ SErneme M!n8ge( duing the Solidrdty Me€ting q st l€alt 3{ horE8 belo!€ the cltnpetitioi. 11. Diftculty formB fof RG shdl b€ lu.bmitted to the RG Totlrtlllnenf M.tEgEr as early as tlle Solid8rity Meedtrg ard not lilor thrn 24 hou! beforE the competition. Ind h.lAlrrwd .All t6anr m6trrbers BIE.ll b€ lhdt be rarf.Ed. nr6 gyrntull gsrrcriDg the higherl totel scole in all q,tsnb th. Indiyi.lusl lf by d.nca a award€d gold, Lr ca8e8 of tig. AU - Around ChalnpiolL Medab will bo giEn to Coqche! abo. Egion places fu, seotd and thid in the a[ Eround scolE, th6 t€gion !ha[ be silE fq and bfotE6 med6ls. all thDe dol!, tlc RufeB lor ti+.breaking ohall be observEd. /lP,E'.',. r'h,al, Eight frulinr, per 6rsrt rhsll mrb it to Competition UI or th€ Apparatus Finrl8 with q mrrimum of fwo gyrrura ts ftotn each te.m. TrD a.lleanals! ( ninth atd tgnth place ) rh.[ rfandby in care 6ry of tho lop eight becomes injErEd or sicl and shatl be unlblg to c.omp€te. 3t Su.hslraulion.' Thi! sltall b€ doD€ 2a hour prior to OE Compdirion iI dry oI the lop eight.ha[ not be able to plly duo to injury (rlpp6rdttrt Firals), by intotming lhe TournarEnt Marager oI the conc€rn€d diEcipltlg, bn ,l.rn tur frrAC &*lG Clarle, 3: ScoBs of 3 gFnnrstr elull be faliect an<l nn]ed p€r Tgom- Top 3 lbams giver medd!, Cosdres and Treine$, qtitic6t€.. Audd 2! Bosl 2 gyttuBsts' tf,iU be scor€6 Aqm each t€am slEll be tlro bari8 for computing the T€am Scde. Alr,r,r t tt a r€gutrr Cat€gory h 2018, GytnJrad! .hall b€ Eiyllr m€drlr lloEr lr tilt 3d, and additional cqti6c8t6 tor ah, 5d atrd 5ft pl€ce3, M€da]lecipia r slrrll haee ro Da.rhg to th€ over-dl rcgionsl danding. To l)€lennine the Teern Score )n Ele,,ienteq, A4AG & WAGI I For Clust€r 2, thre6 (3) playet8 can plsy but only the bell two scoEieE shr.U be reditqd for the Team ( od, br f,egiorE f,ho vete nol able lo corrtply wih the 2014 Guiderin6). II. Wom.!'. trrtkdc Gytnnartlc. Tacbrtcal Gutdcltra! ClutLt I Coorqr.tttLd Srrctu!. &. lDDadu. Exctdl' nontlla A96! ?€ Sitgls Bar VruIt Chder f EG lge Group ELEEI'.IIIT CompulEory Clustet I FIG Age Group- FloG EerdE Balan€ Eeam Dcano SEosl Pasdcttlrllco rd.. for I-9 y/oi r.r!r lo P.g! 2 Ager l0 Single Bar t2 Floor E6tci6e Batance Eeam lflltrllas cf .EthLlcr I ot aoEG CotDpulrdy I, lt.!n Do. 8 on Gymlrrt PddclDdfod. Z FIG AgE Group Clulbr CotrrpuJlory ClusGr 2 FIG Age Group Opdonal 2or3 V.EII Ages l3 3 l8 Single Bar'ECOI|DITI Clals 2 FIG Ag€ Group- - Floofi Erercira Balanca Beam Cotnpubory FIG Jusiot 3 Vault ('EI'EII!. NECEI.IIIOI|I Itltcle l. ComD.ttttdr . &o! nle gye|last's age efigdbility w f be bared on howold.h€ L b€giuitlg laluary year d comp€titi,or. &tch 2. grrD.uE rld on the .trrdr.lc. 32 flre competitom wil b€ given at least gG.minutgr of genera] wlrm-uP prioE to lhe comp€tition but no one touch (or 3&.ocoud) in rdsqnoe o, th. cohPetitiotl '".r!l-up / Co.Gh Ir r.qut .d tor Singtre BsI ev€nt IoE aI Clurter!, A iElEglgLOLl wiU be pqafit€d Eotu the Fin I Scots on Sirgle B.t iI th. Spottar/Coach lacved durittS Ore A SDott.r perlomarca ol the compuLory routitre. Son !! ety nrats (6, 10, 20 6n) sre pertEitled on all sppsratur vitllout p€nalty ercePt Floor E6tci!€, A deductio oL30 Eom rh. Fi.!..I Scde it a gt[lra8t u!€s lofi nrlr otr noor. A .afety<.lbr mult b€ u!€d lq roundd 6trEy eaElts iD Cllrte( 3. FailEe to ule it wiu reBult in a zqo vault rcq€ fc said vau]t. ( Appatatus Chair rllEll not allow the gymnast to b€gin tu[il a larety coltsr i! preeot. ) llre ure ot sry ndFp.stnitted sEpptremgnt6ry €quiptnent shdl hrre I cdr€8p@ding deduction of 0.3. ltttute G.D.r.l Fdgtu, 3. ht . 2. Unl6. othorwiso rtated Eithin thi! doqunet[. elecrrtio8 €!so!! lor poor tecfhiquo, poor body poaitiotl elc. ere cwBluded according to the clrEetrt 2013 FIG Code of Points. 3. Deduqtioris of a ApparatE! Jury. dileipliEry trature are trketr Aotn the Finsl Sco(6 by fhe Chait of ur. 4. fhe vs.tue! lnd d€ductiorE otr all compulsory routines wiU b€ baled in th€ FIG Ago Group hograrn MqBuaI. SDECIIIC RE6I'II?IOIIT Irdcfe a, qEdic tsdgflt Aadet, : fulr'.t, D-rcosa lt ton nd.r btd',lt.d lor tuor. br lere br CllrtG, 2 & 3. Sirgle Berl 10. i. A gymnart m.y r6p€at qn sl9tnent for v6lue foltroEing a frll or !top. ii. l1re omissiotr ol en elom€rt will t€glrI itl the 1,065 ofrdlue of that olotne . iii. Ttre addition of an element Eill t€6u.X in th€ dedustion of 0.8 iom lhe D-.score. E loorE A ta.lro ftorn 10. tlrril fo, erl,€cled ertots per Clr,lcr ltls 2 & eyont is avaitr ble in the FIG Age Grcup Manurl. l: (M@d Errt,r., hr V.srt. ,.et .pd E oor D-8coro (itt BE & EX) i! calcutuied by adding: a. The v8lu6s of lbe diEculigll q high€st I sLill! E €n ir the et6!qi.e i&fudilg Dianount b. Each Etrem.nt Group R€quuement (EGR) fulilled in the exetqise will be giv€n 0.8 c) Bonu Connoction points ,ot coluEctsd slrilr 33 Th6 Escor6 d€ductiotu : Stnall Etcr 0.t Clurtas 2 Clrrtt r 3 Lrgr ModlErrr Etrot 0.2 0.3 0.1 EEor 0.3 0.5 t1r€ Pind Scotjg iB delermilEd by additrg tho D$corje lo the Escore. noD.dtl@: Ol,srer ,, Opnonel &ercisas may repeat one skill ol8 or C ya,lue in Floo[ ard Beatr gv€[t8. lrdclo 3. Elom.nt Yah.r.rd Dl.irrr[m NEtnb.! olElcal.d. Mariltrum I-part Nullbsr 'tralue B-pen Yalu€ C-p€rr vdrr6 0.2 0.3 fos (D Ydue Elen darT Chlt 12: .rd highe! not p€ntdttGd ) OI Eletn€nts 0.1 8 IrtlcL 0. E rlEdor olSon llo. of ELmada M!r. Ercora Er.rc{re! 6r ClE (or loog) t s2 8-10 7 I 3 4 3 2 I t0.0 s.0 8.0 8.0 {.0 3.0 2.O 1.0 ttUcl. l. Ernur.rT dtp.dlc n gutdo[!.Dd CoBEr!.cs, Ecrct ar CLITITEI' I (El6|.[t ry: Corqru!.oly VT FIG Age Group Cl,.rs EPt l. ftotn 2 E tdr.r lcs .gtr l-0) I Choic.s: rutr. hudtro onto !/ar t board 6nd jump Aom 2 ,eet to hards with fiaight body and b[ to back . sofr tnat of 80 crn heiqllt. o tx DB llrgfo fP! EPI FIG Age Gtoup Cl,ar5 A 3nd lttetnpt it permined, but trith 0.8 deduction 2- S.lro fqirard.EefclEd fron c vaulting bo6rd I l. Junp % trE! to sEaddle beam, lwitq l€g! to tucL lit m to mo[l nrary V, €nd bac,& to mome 6ry tuck sit FIG Ago Gtoup I. IPI Clal5 I 23 rtepr p€rtillly pibd lrr o[ rtretclred dive FIG Age Group Cla8r I l. Stafiing tom h.tq, lift to ddtr up poEition and pullover to ftont roll ruppod 2. Carttoh€et 2, Cart to horizontal to it nedi,ate bacl hip circle to 2. Swing leg8 baclffard to forward roU to ltard with orre leg in Eo!l, rtep tort,fard to arch 3. Bachrard wslkc,ver IoMard to staight jump lo l,urd in hltrge with on€ foot in front, 14 turn foflrard 6rd then futl tum 3, itnmodiate under b6r cast absve il. Cat leep {5o) and long herg sring 5. Lift leg high to st€p 3- Srep bacltrard {. Swirq fo8wErd 8nd rwing bacLlrlrd 3, Swhg forwatd and swing 6, Splil treap ftom a run {. ltre9 nnning st6pr, step fo(w6rd, !tgf, ,or$!rd, 7. Step to hdidstBnd bacl(Eard 8. SEing forwud ond sf,ing l4 hold I Ec ard ltep kicL tg mom€ntary hardsturd 6nd rtep down bacJ.Erd down to stand folrrrrd ard swing ba('Iward to purh ofi dirlroult (o! 8th backward lwittg) 7. Swing chllle fdBard, 2 rtep. ,onrtrd, N turD in squat porition 7. 2-3 steps hudle to RoErd 06 Strsighr jump 8. Jrurp w{re to stand, foEw8rd lo de"elope' 6. Body and lEDd on tnat! ltep Iqrud, dep to .trab€rqu€ (hold for 2 Eac ) 7. Step 8. l3 w.lkirlg rtep6 fo[ward to lound off dirmounl CEUtttn 2 : FoE (Iges lGlz Etetn€ttary - Optionalor \II, yf l/l marimutn Io[ D !cqr6 EPI EEI FIG Age Group 8 ski[]8 Cla$ 3 tnErimum lot D- lcoag flG,nge Group CI!!! I l. Stryting tom hang, lift to chin up podlion 6td pulloE to totrt luppott Marimum a can b6 ! l. Tso comested darce elemolrta 2. Minimuri irll ttEr on I foot 3. One A(rc OiEhr I palsagq rrith three dance elernentr 2. AEiobatic elenont l- element {. Dirrnount SingL Eot ) Lr EI IB EP3 Group ClaE 3 Aqo elenot iq Yluch€[Lo ftct = 2.7 YurclElrto Ttck t/l = 2.9 Yschento Pib = 2.9 YwclEr*o StEight = 3. I HaDd8pring ftonf nlcL = 2,? Handrpring Frot( Tuck |^ = 2.9 H.ndlpting Eotrt PiL6 = 2.9 HardsFing Eont Pils % = 3. I 8.kiL Compullory %onl/l&=2,8 = 2.E Hardrpnngl%=2.7 lge oDd Y. o\= 2.O Y. o1% &=2,2 Handlpturg = 2.0 Handspring FIG EI A znd attempt is permitted, but Eith 0.6 deductiolr FIG Age Group clr!! 3 TPI BB, Iot-rrd 3. 2. Crlt ro €9 a. Swing iorrqd ard rwilg bacl*lrd {. Disrnoud E. b.r cast sbova and long hang swiDg badrverd 3. inm€di,ate undss Arobalic eLme bac}rad hqisolrtal to imrnedistg bscl hip circle ro 6Eing iorwErd 8. SEitrg ad swing backesrd fqwad ord Bwtg bactE rd 7. SwinS foErerd and swiDg to push oE dismounr (on 5th bachrard bacl<rrJ lwing) and l,and on tnat! 35 CLl,lIlEI, S( s.cod.rt: ,rrlor ftc FtG IUMOR 20r3 . In the Qr.Ilf'lrg colnD.drfoD (CD: I1l€ gvtnnast who wilhs to qudift Ior the &p.rdE Dlr.l mutl pottaam tEo vaultr a! par ruleg th€ lpDardu! below. fb.b LpD.r.tu! Ehalt (cur): Gymult 2013 br Vl, lD, EI.rd CoDpolort: lirgL E r ) FIG IT MOR 2013 FIG IIINIOR 20I3 I Whest skils (Dv) includry Drna I M.riDum I Aqo MininlElr 3 Dance M.ritnum 4 Aso Mhimum 3 D€rce L One coruEction of at tresd 2 dlfirrast dqrce l. A d8rce pr!!!g€ compodod highed stjJb (DV) including Drttt diftsonl, lBaps oE hopE, (Aom the Cod€) conn€c,ted oI two €lements, I beiEg a leap, jutnp or hop Eilh 180' splil (6o3s or side), directly or indirccuy (rian ,urrdng sreps, srarr reqps, ,qps, classC, cnsind trrrns), qr€ of tt€m sith l80p6o./side rplit d rEaddle podtion tnust pertorm two difisBtrr Yautr! (ltEybe tom th. or.traddle poritior !!.Ere group, but Eith difierEnt trum.b{r). 2. T\n (Gr. 3) 3. One a6o !€aig!, mi[ oI . trigtrt* etetngntr I b€ing a sa.lto (ererfler,s may be lhe ssme) 2 A(I0 €letnent! in di&rent dir€ctiotE 4. (H/s,,(, en<, . M) 5. Dilxnount No/Admt- jrunp! q turnB 6re bocaule tlley ar€ statioisry. Chain6 turtls (% hr r on tso !6€t) arc allos€d b€crule tlEy are travelitrg !t€p8. Lsp. 8nd hop. musf lsrd on one l€g i, parroEmed ar tbe l.l elet!6 ilr the dance No pdmitd P.4age. award 0.00 B dfit - aEBrd 0.3O C dlnt - aEud o.EO D q hiJhe! di$ou OIIIIOWED 2 . Salto frf,d.tuwd & 3 . Sa.lto with - 4 . S€lto brd IA turn (nin. 360) ?ilh doubla BA 5 . Di$rount No/Admt- arlrd 0.m B drnt - as,ard 0.30 C &rt - awqrd 0.50 D or highgr di.tnour( - NOT TI,IOWED 36 alf a B.r I. Ig€ Gtoup Clals 2, Conpubory FIG tlom heng, alighr dch ryilS backrard End quic}Iy bring toes to rhe bar strd drerch trorward to 2. Bac.L uprile ro suppod 3. IrntEsdiate bacL hjp circlg to undar bar cast €atead body forq ard f. Ssitrg b€cktmsdr, sr"ilg ,qtrard 3. Sring backrudr, stitrg iorrard 6. Eip to luppoll 7. UDdBrrwitrg dilmoort (6Dy t€chniqlr3 - ftee hip circlo: ttsaddle on, rtoop on) k WAG Guidelinas lor this yeat's Palaro is based oi the 2013 HG lunior iBg and the 2012 FIG Age Grcll,p DerE'loflna hogam. Moying lo,'ard, tqethet! tIL M.E'r lrttrdc - Gytrur.rdct C6rE ttdoa GuLiali!.s Co[rlratftloE $rrrct[rc CInd!, E rdr. troqth. It,p.r.t!. lgG IfnDD€s o( Pf.r€rt EI,EMENTITT t Ager ?-9 Roor Eetcbe Age GrcupCornpdto!':f HP Z FIG Pomm€l Hotle (MulEoom) VaultndTable ,os ?.0 t/o; ltder to P.ge P.rdcfEdo rd'' Floor 2 Ages lO t2 - Ee, VaultincT.ble Pottl.rrol HoEe HP I FtG .f,ge I or r6a GrouF Compulrory I, n€m !o, E o Otru.rt PuddEdo[. 196 Gtoup Optiond HP I tIGIge GrcuP. Compulsgry HP 3 FIG 2ot3 SECO!'DTT' 3 Ag€s 13 t8 - Floor Ere, V8ultindlsble FIG Potnmel Holae HP 2 FIG .Ege lunior 3 Group CoErDukdy GE ED,II. TECI'LT OIf3 Inich l. Compettttoa .fger I . .IrltcL Ihe gFuEd'u .ge eliJibility riU be b€sed on h.,F old he ia b€giEntug Jsuary ygar ol coEpetition. 2. of the Y.rEr"Ep ara &ddrDcG fhe competitotr Bhdl be givetr at le6rt gGminute! of getr€ral wafii-up ptior to Or€ cotnFtitigti bul no ore toudt (or 3Gse@rd) rarm-up in adva,rca of tbo conp€titiorl lDa dl.ll llo of,.cfr r.Idy mal! on vault i! alloEed but on Ooot er€scise 6nd pommgl hor.€ ,€anlt in 0.3 drdrndo &otlr tlre 6n!I !cqe. 37 Ite &tfcfo 3. . ut€ of any noh-permited lupplsirent$y cquiPnent !h!Il bo d€duc-t€d 0.3. rt hf.. GG.r.f Irdg Ut els oth€rtris€ ltated within thir d@ument, €lecl{ion eEota for Poor tecludque' Poot bod, positi,on, erc. ere evaluatd aclo(ditrg to lh€ cttrtetrl FIG Codo ot Pointr. . D€duc-tionr of a dilciplirrlry natu€ arE lal.str totrr Or. FirEf Scoro by th€ Chait ol th€ Ippalalus Jury. .Itcv6hesandd€duc'tionsofallcotnpulrGyroutinosrhdlbsbelodinFIGtrgoGrouP Progrlln ManuEl. IPECIFTC IEGI'I,f,TIOIIS {. lpodfc &dcro rEdg|lg krL. Ttre evq.luation of optionat ea€rcire! in Elenentary Clultor 2 .hall be b€lsd on the syltetn of tlre 2013 FIG Code of Poinlr. nreEe are tf,a ev-a.luation faqtors in this sylem; e Dificdty Score (Dscqe) 8td an &ecutiqr Scor€ (E-!core) D.'pOnC Th6 D-rcoEe is calculated bar€d on adding the ,oUoEirg 3 alp€st! o, a !'atformlnce; . TIta valus of the di6cultigs pseaenrod in the er€lcile up to u rpociE€d matimum nuE&q. Each Ite EGR flled ealues oI any in rh. orercise 6hr.ll b€ giv€n 0.5 gligibb Bonu! Cotur.crtiotr point! thlt rq€ Fdormed. i! calq lted acoolding to the folowing laquenoo: D€temine tha t-aluo of the dimourt. If . grltrnarl door rct perrdmed I r€cogttized diEnount h6 lhrll lulomrtically be p6n8fiz.d by trot Eceiving th6 0.3 fd lhat rcR. Dolelmine iI the rem.ining EGR IlaVE b€6n psiontEd and aw8rd 0.5 for 6ach one nret (plus the value of the oletn€ it6ou). ftri! apptied atto to A-pai ad B-p.n dianountr. (NoG: Mult include the woEd tltg...clericrl erld) Add the value ol tlre temrining most difiorlt rccogt|ized 6letnot(r up to the mrrinlur nunb€t of eletneDf! perrnifted. Add stiy comection bonu! tirt appli6s (Ftoor Erercile onfy) Tho D'.corq . . . . . E-rora The E.corg d€ductiotE lot optiond €lercisss and wh€n not sp€cit'€d loE CompulEory detsis€s ars as ioll,owr; lsnall arror M.dlEs.Eor targc olror f.U ClE.t 12 0.t o.2 0.3 0.5 Clrrlcr o.r 0.3 0.5 I.0 3 rl!.Iscqrl Ite 6n!l Scde ard Eacore. fq compubory r.trd ,ot Optional Erarsils is detesmined by sddilg lhe D-rcoce 36 DeYelopmontal Psns Gylrnast! may use th6 idontilied olem€ntt in th€ de!,eLptne sl p6n lo nr€el diflculty t€qunenent!, EGR etrd po.siblE CotuEction Botru! poinrs. R€p€tilion Ilr elem€ntary clurtet 2-may repgat otrg skiU of B or C value h elemsnt.ry clElter l: may tep€al 6n e!6ment lor vdue foUqi g a hll or lrop The otni.lion oI an elsmqnt siU relnl in th. tross of vslua oi that ele|rrerf. TIre addition of 6n elenront eiU Esult in lh€ doduc-tion o10,8 ftom the D-€core. &ttcle 5. ELe.d Yd!.. .!d Mrdm[D ltrmlar d ElcEadr fo. E!G|tr.d.rt ClEd.r 2i MarimuE Nutrbe! of A-port value B-pqrt vrlte C-pan vrtrl8 ELmd 8 0.1 (D IdtcL 6. E bdco d 0.3 o,2 iElue End highs! nol permitt.d) lDorl (oE ldg) B.srit€. lior Chd.r 2 No. of Etr6ttrent3 &10 7 6 6 1 3 2 I Mar. 10.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 4.0 3.0 2 1.0 B ac!(!rB 0 39 tnfch ?. !umtr.r, ofSE adfE fagufitlo[' .rd ComPrttot, Eotott ! GLUltEf f (ComDrf.o8t E r|rf..!) ET Flc Age Groqp HP z MudEooln(PlD FIG Ag€ Group HP I l)2.3 rleF to &o har.lspring, rEsight junp and tb€n r€bourd to 8tt€tcled -s lag ditcler l'ith 2 point ead\ total vdue of lO.0 VT FIG A96 Group HP 2 div€ roU cltfol 2) FiniA wirh itr sEaddtre rpEt 2 rec Pre$ 60 h8ndrtlnd with b€ol artlr and .Eaddled !6ga to momentsry hold and loN-ard rou ard junp rith 7r turn lo lacs side 3. deductiott!: sm6ll=.1 mediun=.z larye=.3 Fatl=.5 I Choice!: l.Frot[ run, hurdle ot$o boEtd 8td iuup fiom two ieet to h.Il& with fiaight body and fuI to back on s soft mat ol80 qn heqh. z.S.Xoffi3ffi.dEoma vaulirlg board -B.s th€ d€duction &oEl FIG .ge Group Proglan -a 2d attompt iB permitled , but ltith 0.8 deduction {. Step to lcissor LicL to 2 cdrtwh.elt 8. Pik6 dounr and bsckE8rd roll Eilh rt8ight artrE and sEeight !Eg! to rtand 6. ttont rc6le or y scafo (2 E6c) 7. g stepr hurdle to rourd oE bactdradrpdng tEsight iutnp and backard roll tucJ.ed to stand Floot Pafteul 40 CLUAtET 2 ET FIG Age Gtoup HP 3 Dfig[fttV.h.r& n qds.d fo. o[ Efsractt 8 I € Lg qitdes with 2 poirt eac.b, total Yatrc ol lO.0 dedEctioor: anEI=. I lredium=.2 Lrge=.3 Fa[=.s Difiiculty A=. 1 B=.2 C=.3 skilr mar. tor D gco(e D€v.lopnlDirl ald SlrppLlnotrf &Dr l)Round oi or Canwheel=A prrt Etretnent Grcup a and in the .6tne boa z)Dacl orterEion to hardltatrd=A p6n, ELtrr€nt Group 3 3)1lre v.lu6 of 6ll circlo, flair and Rusi.n *iU! at€ inqe6t.d by or9 iElue over lh€ FIG Code ECt (0.5 !rch) . No6acro elsment . Aso. . tO -s.rt|e chrater I - nG Age Grorp D.rmtrt.d Yoftr Yal[er E rdrprfllEz.o el tA t=2.2 -ll Nt=2.7 el lllt=a-B E rd{,dlg t@r t8cirz.? wt %=Z.g E rd.Edlg Aol Daftsz.0 sl *=3.1 ltulrlr.ltcl=z.? lrutrlara Elh=2.9 l.ltalrr. f.root=3,1 YEtslaDlo ltcl=z,z furctanto tcl l/l=2.0 Yurdcdo PtL=2.0 IE d.olo !t lgb{,f -!u IrrcL.DG! GroEt) Ll' tla ..Ea val[. r(l tdaLn Gr@I> -Dour lbr 2e2,5=.1 dtlucr nd Etronent IolgLt=1.15!rFl.33r! Aso. bwd Dimou nt HP 3 |!d Dllculty >2.$.'hr=.2 >3tn=,3 Etrsttr€rt . w Muduootn(PH) FIG Age Croup HP (2d aneEpt ir pertlitted , but with 0.5 deduqtion) Iddl{loD.l n gul.ltou No time limit Connec'tion BotuE(!.fto! ody) A or B +C ot vico v€tr!8=.1 C+C=.2 May reporf on€ s&iu ofB ot C ?.1u. IoE djficu.hy 4t cLt ET ttEt S VT FIG IUMOR 2013 MUSTIROOM(PH) FtGITMOR 2013 nG Rergt to clde ofpoints 20t3 fg. GsoEfr EP 2 Cotnprdtory EGrd..! l.Doubl,e l€g Circlo 2.Doubl6 I€g Cirlcle 3. 1/2 spindls(unliudled Rebr to code of poitrts 2013 ctcfe) 4.Double leg ctde circlo 8. Double lag circl6-/ l8O tutr in I circle(.ny technique) 7. Dotrble bg cLcle & tuiBh in staDd 5. Double l€g Total Value = 10.0 (fG elemeot rElues and deductioDr teder to FIG Age Group M6nu6l) fldr Gunde.lirc8 is based oi the 20 I 3 FIG ,mior Rding and the 2OI2 Ediaion FIG Age Group Dewlop,rnent Prqranl IY. iilltrmk Ovnl,rdfc. oEr{Eu. xr.Es The Foderacion lnternationale de C,frlnastique (Flc) Code of Pohls tor RHYTHMC GIMIIASIICS ml3-2018, shall b€ ulad in the PelErotE P6rrb€as& T1r€ Elen€rtary l€vef wiu adh€re to the hternational Ag€ Group fules & neg'u.latiotE lnd the GFEEstics Alssocjation of the Phiuppin€s (GAP) Rhythstic GyEurasticr 6 lge-Grorp PtogtBm 201$ 2016, ke-Juniot Lovol 6- while the S€condary I€vel chall ob8arvs th6 FIC ftnior L*ernationaf fuf€8 & R€gufaticrE. coMPEfrflor plocrr TIro progtaltr fot ula ELlnadary Fon rrDrgrDutr tE trlrllc Grul{lsflcl individud g7trlllb lhatl cotrsirl of four (4) esercire! ror eidl trevel : Lt.l: mt3 TTEETIIIID BAI,I, ?,ot1 FREEXIAIID ROPE 20t5 20t6 FREE}IAND ROPE FREEHIND RIDBON BAIIJ CLI'ES HOOP HOOP CLI'DS HOOP AAII CIT'BS RIBBON ROPE HOOP BIJ,L CLT'ES CI,IJBS CIJT'EII RIBBON 8.co[d.tr L.[.1: 2013-2014 2018 - 2016 42 GEIIEI.trLIIIEi L btglt oIEE/dj,! . . s€cs.nd a Brarimun ot9o aecc (l:15-l:3()) the rtopratclr will b€.taned a! soor es the gysrnEst b€gitt! to move and rlEll be stopped er soon a! tlre gytruErt ir totr.Uy nrotiotUsss. Eech erdci!9 rhrll rur * at troalt 75 Penalty:(turdii.lq ludge) mirshg/addiliond 0.05 poinl shalt be de<hrcld br every sec. B. Mrldc . . gytItlslt 8hall psovide oia (l) calsane/CD for 68ch individual 6rsEire. Music could be oi one or !€vsrd inrEutn€nts including voice as insEutretrt, wilv without wo8& (wtich i. dlowed itr otUy I er€sqile), qcapt rhen the FIG Tecltricsf Colunitlee dirallows it use. m9 qossh mult indicate Eh€ther the er€lqir€ ia uled rlfl ttr[dc, wtrt volca/ Ftdr gn th6 D Iorm. E!a:h kn lty: (DilEdity Ju<fge) 0.50 point deducliodi iI more wilh musb uilh wice end eor& ' . . r i otmdion: Tlre calrettg tape/ CD rhould be marLed with iouowing Nartt6 ol gyronari Ittee-!6tt6! initials or nunb€r of th€ tean'8 disticvdiyirion/lggion - SFnbo! reptes ingtlE apparah8 IL' o ID It @ ROPE HOOP Bf,IT CIN'BS RIEDON I FREE IIIND ltr€ tnulb. qr made I Eide of th. tap€ al the b€gilnirg ol rh€ CD b€ only on lti!pomitl€dtorscordaloundsignalattheb€giuingof Tlle tEcotrdilg !h.I * P.jna,,, (C@dinatol. ]aclge) 0.50 p,ra dcduclion w abve is noa meL . . . ererqire.ir used ahan orlF- t be e.md it any d the iaents C. It aal Arlrc olorE.D.[l I€otard/ unit rd nurt be in lon-Eartparent materia]s. Dr€ !€c}tin€ of th€ ftot ard back ot th6 leotErd rtult nd ba further th!! hru of tha rtqnurn and no flrrthd th.n the low€s lino of th€ drouldet bledes. L€o{ardr tray b€ wifh d tilhout 8lecftEr, bul dance leotad! silh Darrow rlggves ar€ not alloEed. .ltEcutofthelEobrdatthetopatrhelegrmDstlotgob€yolrdtheioldoiOre(rotcll. . Isot rd must b€ d<itr tight to eEbtre th€ iudger to eflsluate the cctgct pditiott of every pefi ol tbe body. I Pendttr (Cootdinrlot ludgg) 0.30 point ctectuction iI eny ol the above is violated. 11r€ D. ,.PPINAII,S dim.tt8iql! ret by ut€ lppantus wifh 'tardad FedeEtion lnternetionale de GytnEltique GIG), the Cyttnsrtica llsociation ot the Philippine. (GIP) Tecthical Committe€, and Ulo DepEd P.l,rlodg Partbala, in comideratiron of the glnnastr' plrysicd 6nd psychornotot le\rd o, dE'lrqlopment, rculd a.llcrr gymiast! to uE app€ratu! with Ol€ foll.rEing dimotlliotE in El,UEtltlll l€vBl &hough gylr|lrarts gre oncouraged to uEe competidons: . . . . Rope langlh - baaed oa tfto gtmnrrts'lEighf Hoop dim€nsioi! - 700 - &)O n dilrEt6r,30o g tdnimum D.ll dilEnaiotl! - 180 nur di6lreter. SOO g miaimu.Er Club! dimeasionr - ,!00 - 5o0 ltlrn (8enid ltardltd dimeEiotts) t 43 o o o o Weight 150 g. min. Shape: Botde ehape Diameter of tlre head: m mm mar. Elementary Grrc-junior/elemet*ary) gtrtnnast8 are allotted to uso Emaller than jmior Bired clrJbs(4OGsOO trlm) Ribbon length - 4 trlohes in length, with I mette lold al the end attsclEd to the Btid.. For SDgOI{DItrf brot competition8, the u5e of appar.tu! thal complies with t}re stardard dimensiotrs r€t by tlE FIG in lu.Eior htetnational competitio[s i8 ltquired, including lhe ribbor lang h (which needr to be.5-Ec@long ac$lding to FIG Junio( Regdatrons). * + Penetttr (Coordinalor Judge) 0.50 pE lot the t,s,e ol non-con,o,1,rnir,g aparatusIpp.rdur rn[!t b. GIP.ptEored for Elem.Dluy & rIG q,t,r@.d for S€cold.ry E. ENTRY A- Each te6rn rhall compore ol thiee gymra6t8 repre8enting the er ire leeel (eg. Elemenrary/ Secotdery) A, Each gymnart har to perfo[m the four ({) apparatur nahe}y: HOOP, EALL, CLT BS and RIBBON in th6 secondary level while FREEHAtrID, ROPE, clJlrBs ard HOOP in Ote eletnentary trev€l c, coMpErllloN nE9IrInEMENtS I . FON frOR TZE I DTYIDUIL ETRCI'ES ELEMEIITI|I:r IEgEI/ DIYISION IN'IERIIANONAI, AGE GROI'P RIJI,ES AND REGIJI,AIIONS IECHNICAL REQI'IREMENIS APPARAII'S DIMCIJLTIES Di6cUlty(D) max. 2.0 pointE l. Eody diEqulty (O.l lo 0.8) .. ulr,.rA, r 6 b. 2. t} 3. J t Teach Min, 3; Msr. 6 D "{ minimum I *"--r , 4. M tlo limit f .f . DnflCULTI (D) - ?.0 polO rnadmurn DlEcrrlty iom each $oup of body tnovemenl Bhdl b6 pGrlotmed througbout Ure elersise (Minimum l, rn^.ximuh 3 ftorn each group): Ju.rnp n rp,s ,f Jcea ,n" 6 * 44 + fte Dificulty et€sretq6pgfff,{ap o. o6d.l Dil[cdty (D) iorm in the .trder ot dreir €lecntion. All th. Dificalti€s doclr$d on tho Oficial D fqm mult adheE to th€ marimutn stal€d r.bove. Each Body DiEculty ir cou €d, ot y once (either irolEtod 08 ar a Mir€d Difiictdty) a[d nlay not b€ rcp€ated. Fos Difculti€o Eith Rotation (Pivots), the y.lue poir( iE r€ached. E cI! Diiienlty to p€rEltig., of pirt ofa Mdtiple Dificdty or th. Di6g1dty i! c.fcrrlated udil tha maimum qc..dhg ff,. 1.0 poirf rrl dlBrtn tt ldl (0.00 pol ) and wiu tlot b€ t[bjest * I bo.iy .Ufic[fl' lhdl b. !r.ctr.d wftL r mtrlmtn o( o. (f ) hrd.trsd.l l.c}lfsrf E!.n Dl rlr.dic to..chrtD.rrtur or.!.t !ll.8t dclh.s f.ctltc.l lpp.rdEt gtrouDr d[tflg 6. froh..! drlEcdtt or dE hf crcl comD@.d dr dtlDto load@ Dl6crltt.ld L.dDr,Esolft PfiE rt l{l0R lt {cl 5- 6l lndvidu.l$ truc lhnd .YeE,Hqqtfql#rir.ei;..ai: ;;!ri-: : tre,-"_ri"h.'-: ;l,r-.r.+"r;.r:{r,n 164 Dtfio*y Drla St ?t CotntiDton D s_: Min.3 andm.|'6 V.lu!: 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0I0, Min. (lAr. V.ltx Fr D 0.10 ol Arm eo .) oF.ii. S.n trb uidr !.dt E rr.* ,lhn fdlictr{r..d.li llmil f M I Cordhdedwlth nh. 0.50, '::--:f--- -F -r-.":]'-.1:,.- ilo $nn o{ I r.t llotlonr Ydue:0.30 V.lue: Ol edh R Am Mar.2 Y&e: 0.10 e..h i€l Trunk mdbr 3 dfl. J.ts mh. motlrn: wav€r: th6 3 3 elemeit: 3 leb mln. lds min. dlff, diff. diff. s€tr mio. TraYclli[ movgrldtts: 3 dff. !€tt mh. l.l.l. nod!. f'ItEOlr? lDPllf,"rrl FIEETIXD BODYMOVEMEM Arm Motiion T:unI Morenent . Include dircstiotyplanewirhinthe par€nth€si! Wave€ n@, sle$ent SYIEOIrs C' I'(dlr.dfo) I 45 Tlave]Iirlg (D - lo.mDa. t.2. M.r -J Artigtic Faults I .2. f Technical Faults . rREEIIND GEIIEILCyIICE (Pr. Ilrtot/ELtn !t.rt Ietl): 1.2.2. Ir!! MoatoEt: I Sel of Erm motion conlidr of: * 3 difie!€ul tnediultr (min 2) to full arn tnodotl! * pottorEed bolh dms (.lt€rtElely, sepllafev or Bimultareously) 1.2.3. D.rce $Gpr Cd!blr.rt6: r Aminimum of I r6t of Arm Motior Ehall b€ perfofin€d * Shc,w chataclgr of the muic * With pefiial or complets E{rtling 1.2.,1. Uort8|.dt o(tl€ lrull: IdrgE rrln.k movemert! .ha[ be pesforsred ir atry plane. 1.2.9. lodt SLv.r: Murt be porrcEred at lgrst haI of Ure body. Tturl m@etnenta..t€ not counl€d ar wavea. 1.2.6. El.tneDtl oo tLc nocs: Dtfiisultigs and,/or pre aqob.tic !&iUr p€rfoEEEd o! palsing oB th€ Ooor 6rE not oou.Eled a! gldnelts olr th€ ltroot f.2.I. Dt!.Elc Eldrdf. rffi f.trfid (PtG lrtobdc E dr) (l)! 1,2.7.1. Marifiufrr of 2 dlfirrlot p!r-.c!obdc €l.lnadl (r.4.) mey be induded in an eEtcise, |,2,7.2. A t€l rud Lrt€ a rrt& ol2 tot lt@+.ryItn a. o[3 toldolt on arry ais .nd i! cotlsideled ht nI.G- as RG pEE- aarcbatic elenenls., Eadr EsG..t$dic .fdtr.d coufd ol' bc Ft osm.d oc., thougD I difieDnt tedurique may be employ€d Eith th€ lame prFsqoba6c element which Bpuld r€rd€r it difielant gnd v'dlid. 1,2.7.4. <<Dive - Split leap - forE rd rcll >> ir colsid€t€d ar 2 olgment! of totation, rubiect to PI.G. rule.. 1.2.7,5. Iu the crotrditions (E es ruled upon by GAP 1g) €otab&fted hf the nI.G.-RG lbchnicsl Comrnittee, pottin nf to Dy!6mb Element! rEl Rotetion shall apply 1.3. Drstrr .llrD crrrctlrtroN oF tconEs The 6nd lcorc tor either ol ths ege goutr. in fhe elomontary l,gvel ahq d not etced a ttr nrE i o( U.0 Eoddt Ehbh i! cafcuhted by additg th. ioUoytirEl: o DiEculty (D) r si€rage ol 2 tniddle scotes of 4 judg€! = 7.0 prE.mrr. o Erecutiotl (E): av€rage of tlre 3 middle sccer oflhe 6 judger = 10.00 pts, m!r. mo 2. FOA 2. I . IECOTT'III I.EgEII/ DIII3IOIT DlfftclElr (D) - 8.00 Firt Errrdnurr 46 IrllEq t, Aotn each body group mult b6 polrofin€d in the €s€rciBe (Minimuru l. martautn 3 Aom eech group of body trocen rt!):Iump 6 n tF ,gT- ,n Velue oI e6€h Body DiEculty l8oLted, Multiplo or Mireo: f ,m Fd.!a declaratiotu tDurt adhere to thiE cap.) All di6c1 tiss riu b€ eedud€d st I .00 pa tn dt o m (All tn dntlttr 2.2. EECoIIOX(D-ro.(lortuM.x Eloqutio ol the lrrdiyltual e!€tqis65 corsilf of Aniiti. 2.i, Technical Fauht Faults DU|tIIEIIIOI{ II{D C,IICULIIIOT rcONEI fh€ 6nal loqe - 18.0 point marimum i! calculsd by sdding the loUorirg: Dificdty (D): aiErag€ of the 2 middte .qe! o f jurdge. = 8.m pl!. t ai OP Erecution (E): avsago of the 3 middle lcote! of th€ 6 iudg68 = lo.m point ttErisunr G6enI lfote!! Itrt tc.DL ro[ boaL Ef.m.Dlryy.ld lccorLsy La,trcfr EacI gymn d mult subtrtrit in rdv$ce (durtrg tL. to&Lrift nadrg o[ af fcan Za tourt D.lo!. comFdtloo) tha o6cial Di6cufty foEm ioE each erercils, wherg the Oifcufty lD, S?, 1,,{\"lr,e'r,r" lhEll be rritrqn in Ure order of rheir er.cdion. Othsrile, lhe gyrturrst cla stiU participala in the c.ornpetition but Eill autotnielly tn€lit 0.00p{s loE Dificulty obmit 6 copie. o th€ Eeclrtiotr tctrr (ror eacfl g6tr€r.l Di6cr ty norms for itdividual lenior er6qi!e! Ere dco valid individud elerciE!. fq iunior Each gylonalt rmsl 6rdqi!r6). T116 Judg€6' 47 SEPTTTtrNN.f,W l. OrlEIlOlnXtlEE (IEI}! CiOUlEIrllOr) IITLES Th€ tot[n.m€nt lhall be run in accordance hd€lution (ISIAD cur|ently et o{ced f,ih fh€ ru!.6 of ths Intenetional S€p€L Trbaw Aly u.irotBre€n inqide s not c.,\r.Ed by th€ n e! shrll be de6]t Eilh as follows: l. Cate of general DatuE rhsll be l€ olv€d in accotdance with the PalEotrE Punbanra G6mE5 ruler. shaU be rEfort€d to 6rd tEsolvEd by Ole lbdudcd Cotrunifiee. In c6ss of ptobletn8 not cov€Ed by thg €silting [}TIF ruler, the 6trrl decilion 8ha[ rcst with the llournaruent Managq. 2. Iscludcd quertiotE 3. l- MODE Of COMPEtttrOrf l. lta touDanenf eanagBr thall p[q)aE th€ rulg ot th€ tourna8ent. 2, Ilre tournanent stal b€ plE ed in Sfigla Roud Robin Syslem gEauDed into rout A B, C, .nd D fq the eliEflitioE- TlE lbp two (2) le!.Eu in o.ch group .ha[ adsarce to dre qo...rv€t quarlerfuab ulinS th€ hocf. out srstgn, th6 !o.€! in the .cnedulsd 6rst gllne lhdl b6 OE 6ighl (8) plrcer and .o on. 3, Ilr.re ahall ba quartedela, settd-IiMlr 6nd fuab ir lhir trratdr. Wirner itr each group .hall plrt t,ilh ffte 6rBt ruu€r-up in tlr6 oUls groiup ar follow: Mnn€s Winner Winn€r Wimar 4 Runn€r-Up Group C Gloup A "s. GDup B Ys. Runner-Up Gtoup D Gtoup C w. Ruuor-Up Gtoup A Gtoup D !rE. Rurcr-Up Group B TEo (3) points shall be $f,a.tided fo! th€ riitt .nd ,E[o (0) ,or I !o3r. lf tq,o (2) or tnols terrtE obtain and equal !n,|rnbq of pointr .i.r the elirnitEtion, the loU.rwilg flLs rhdl be appli€d. {.1 Ir c€ae oI tie, Eitr over the oth€r ahlll b€ spplied, whe!€ in the FintEg b€higen Ure tEo (2) tea.E! during thet elimitdioa gane !h.Il be declatEd Einnq. calg h d Eiple ti6, tho set dif6rence betrwr ttre lotal .cdE "ro8' and "sgaitEt" slEtl be decisiy€. Thi5 lhaU be obrrinsd by dedEtirg th€ pointt ".gah,st" Eotn the pqi[t3 "rot''. {.3 TIr€ scds ditrelence of the tnalch€! plaFd by eac.h ot the teamr rhall b€ decisive. 4.4 L Orere Elternative 6E Ell lolrnd to b€ the $tne, th€n a d€cision trften by th6 tor! oI the c.oin shall be d6qisitr€. ,1,2 L COFOtIIIOII l. 2, 3. Of trETEtM lhdl be comprile ot niDe (9) plFt! lrd three (3) teserv€ plsFcs. No ptraFr plal, in mole thar one tcg1l. Eadr regu lhrll be decided olr a b€81 of tttr€9 (3) Eet!. The rols! w€E baled on the Pdllqlg PqnD€rsa learB cornpocitioo whiclr compoles of tsrslve (12) plaFrs, Undst the new rutre, a coach may tsgid€r ttio (2) t€seFE plaFrs i! each Egu but may ulo only oae Bu.b6titule per rBgr!. Subltihrtion ol pl8Fr iB allowed on Equaat ot the oficiat coacfi to th€ oEqial EIele€ A te€In nly when th€ bdl i5 not h play. 4E L E ch ,egu shlll be EIciEd to md.e Eubstitstion fos itrjlsy prryi.lsd s lubltihrtion h8r nol be@ m.de e6rli€r. It robltitution har b€€n alt€ady nade, rhe Egu shdl nof bo .[c,wsd to contiDre End be cooli.tercd as hlt'ing lo.t. ky trgu having l€ls thsn tir€€ (3) pllyer! lhdl not b€ aUo*ed to continue 0lo gern€ ard EiU be cotilddeled as hsving l6t (urla6s a peMfty ..trd 06, fhe Egu Ehall continu. with ts,o (2) plslBr3 without 6ny .ub6titutiotl) 5. C. ElT DS EnEi€s o( each Dgion! murt be rubnitt€d acc.ording to tha r€gulatioG impoled by tlte Otgadfug Cotrulittoe of th€ PalrloIg Pamboua nnea. Rule of arcc€lsion i! applied. FinE€tr (13) miruted gace p{iod EiU be giystr to tha tearn !fte! th€ lrlt q conc{uriotr od the last mafch followirtg their gatE6 lclEdule- NoE-qpp€atEnc€ oI the t66n afiq the grac6 p€rio<l giy€n rin ttree! fdfsifire d rho Eene in f.eor ol lh€ oppCing tsr$. D. TEE TEIIT Of PL T .IIID TETVICE I . 2. 3. E. rhidr sellE first .h.Il .ewa fitEl for thr€€ (3) conracutiyq !erico!, touof,ing Etridl Ore o0r3r .ide shall also .dre for the lat thE6 (3) poiDrr rggardlos of rtrich ride win! a poiIt. A deuce (dl{ both !id€. teadr€s zo.m) &. .ervice dlrll alt€lnala o! eyEy poitrt. Ihe site Ehich r€cgilres EEt in erry set.hdl s€rE itrt in the rublaqudtl !6t. The sid€ tcoillfc ttltEtr l. E€ctr ser ir rrotr bt rhe side ,hic.h 3c.Dr twBtrty one (21) poirf! rith e mrrinurn lead 2. 3. of hro (2) points. Irr OF sy€trl o, e 2&AO trs, lhe iet drall be ran bt Ule rnte Etnfi gEt! I b5d d tro (2) point! or tEt!€n a side Eache6 tmnty Ec (26) point! (rDfUcfr€lE ocsu€d Erst) mr€n th. raqe ir tied up 2G20. th6 trErch EleEe Blrall rourco ".etting up to 23 a pointa". F. gEttrxo l. oru rBotE orrEctot{tl oorct Particip8ling teanu atrd coach€! should wear tha colo, oI thet ElEigr€d to thom during thet lchadule galrla.. E Fctivr togionr 2. PlsFrr nof rsadng thoir prop€! unilofln dudng wtridl their tea$ o! rBgu is lchedul€d to play !h![ Dol be slt(*d to pby. 3, PlEyeE must wear tlEir jerrey urdf@m with perminsnt ru8$et al Ule bac& oI Oreir !hin, tlltmbedng I to G. MIIOOIIDUCT 12, OTTE! OTTICIITIE Dilciplinary action shrll be ta.bn ageinst'Ieam Oftci!.ls or theL telm fG ary miscordust or distrEb€nces colnmitt€d by the o6ciof q tglrlr dtEilg a tor[rEttr€nt rhetre( itr or outride thg coun. E. GEI{EIII, In fho 69nt of atry queltion or aIIy tnalt* airing out oI any poi , Ettich ir nof eq,tE6sly pEovid€d tq in ary irl€s of lha garne, the d€ci8ion of the Of,iqial Raferee .tEll be frEl. M.M'LEE OFTTETOE IIMEIII(EIIE&NEGI' COMPEtIIIOID lur in sccodarce Eith the rulgs of lhe L otrationEl Sepat Fedelation (XS.IA[) co e t etrforced. Itry unlorBeen incidsd! not colretBd by the !ul6! shall deqlt with e! Iolloss: 1,. T'lre tournment Eill be B. f.h 49 l. 2, C€lo oI g€ietlf nafuE drall be rasoleed in accoldrnce l,ith the P.Irtong Panbsnsa Bord rslE6. Tecludcal quostionr .haI be t€tert€d to and tesolvgd by lodulical 3. corrlliftee. In c!!e o{ problasr d€ciliotr rhall rBrt !d rith cgver€d by th€ esirtiDg ISTAF tule., the th6 Tecludcal Sub- Couutitte6' nral c. coM?(xmol{ of IIEGU Each tegu (tesn) dE]l cotnpolo of tluE€ (3) playetr erd b€ d€cid€d on tha balt ofrh€s (3) ret , tm (2) ter€tlre. Each tnatch lhdl D. MODE OFCO PTII'IOI| l. 2, 3. The tcilrlamenr EratrrgEr shall pEpare the rutrs! of the loulllatEetrt. fte int6r-r€gu/be{f tEgu cotnp€tition lball be plaFd on a .ingle oliElirrafion trrode of compstition. The betl rcgu thall comt ele ir a two out oI thloe 2/3 sets cotqretition. Cosu,otit@! qD t€queC€d to tEport to th€ ^|fi^i.l tde!€6 .nd mull be on the coui ard t€sdy to plsy -ithin fve (E) mitrrr€s oI the lclEdul€d time o, th9 tnatch. Fiva (8) Eiinuls! !€sl rhall be allcmed at OE erd ot tb6 !€ootd set in the eeant oI "one rel a[". nre o6cial tEf€!€o at hb dilsetio! dstault the legu who taiL to rcru.ne tlro tNrd Eel Efier th€ 6re(5)-miturle tE l €lpites. E. EI'IIIE EnEior of erch rcgion shall be submitt6d according to tho reguhdon! irnpored by th6 Orguridg CorEmitteQ of tha Palarong Patnban!8 lule!. Rule o[ luccasion is applied. Filigen (16) trrinufBs gracs period !h!I be gitDn to each lean- Non appoarane of the team after lhe graco peliod given wil] mesn forreituG ot th€ game in f8vo[ ot rhe oppoBing tgatrl. E. tIE !fIT' l. 2, 3. The aide which rerve 6rst Bhsll roreE 6rst ror thl€e (3) cotu.cutiva ser"irq, follotring ,ldcn Ole othar sido lhlll atlo !€r'trer fq the led ftuBe (3) coDrocutiy€ larrice6. Sdvice lhrI .Ilertr te thd€.i€r etresy thr€e (3) poilts Eglrdl6ss of rrytUdl sidg lrinr 8 point. A, d6u@ (Elr8n both lides rerdres 2G2O) tb€ !€rvi€ lhdl al€atrate oD EEry poirf. TIte ride which G. SCOnII{G l. 2, 3. Of PLITIID SEBYICE t€ceiEr 6r8t in .Iry !€t Bhall sortE tirlt in the rub6equ€nt set. IltTTM Eaci let ir rron by rhq 8ide which scot€r t €nty one (21) pointr $ith a tEinimEttr lead of rm (2) points. In tha event ot a 2G20 tie, the let 6ha[ b€ wotl by tha Bide rlridl g9t3 I lead of two (2) pointr or when a side rcaclro! trenty fivr (28) poit r (rhichecB! occurred Erst). Wh€n th. sco!€ i. tiad at 2G20, OE tEafdr Efe!€o ah.[ annoutrce 'lettitlg up to trBnty (26) poinrs". E. tBOtESf, l. Ary ptategt .hdl be lodg6d with the Chatm6,l ot rhe lory olAppeal not later tha! on (l) hour affer the conclulion ol th€ Inatdl in quortiolr. Ptot€li slEll 50 2. be su.btrlilled to th€ TborBr$€nr Manag€r with the ligrBtEre o, tlrg Coach and the tlead of D.legstion. ltc lury gf App€d Ehdl m€€t .ad givs it5 deciaion aE loon ar possibl6. flle decilion of ttlo Jury dlpp€al EIIEI be 6r'f and condugivE r. wErir c of ur{rlrotllE on nEcroltlL l. 2. 3. croLon Pqrticipating rsamr .nd coaches slEuld rE i lhe color oI thet rE p€ctir€ Egiors algigrred to th€tn during theit lch.duled g.me!. PIaFtr not lrBarirg thsir ploper uniform dudtrE Etdch ureir tesn or rs$r ia scheduled to play lhau not b6 dlowed to play. Pbry€t! shr[ tirar thEir j€s8q unilorm Eilh pe[nr6D6trf t|trmDq at the baql ofth€ir lhi , nurllbedalg I to5. J. EOONDUCT O[ttrrr Ot.rrcrls Dissiplinaty action .h.n be trbn egsinst lb8tn O6ciaL d lh6ir telftr fq .!y milconduct q disturbances conEittgd by the o6cisl o[ bstlr durilg th. tourlalr9tlt tlr.rhet inside or outoid6 the coun. X. GE!'ERIII In the elvest d ary qrstiois oa ary mattera adsirrg out ol aly poirt, riich i! llot in 8try rules of the galre, the d€ciEion d tho O6cilt R€fetBe sh6ll b6 .rfF8sly ptevidpd 6.!af. L. .lE:lIDI Prizgr drrll b6 awErd€d in accordarEo Eilh tho Pala.long Pambonsa Gam€ Rnle!. IY.ITII.EI Of TEDIOETXIETI (IEIM OO PEIITIOIT>8EPf,T l. l. TtIlIS 'A nre tourtrattrent rh.[ bo lun in accosdocg Eilh ths rul€c ol the hteuratiotraf S.!p* Talraw Heration (['IAI) curtErtly ettlorred. .Ary u o!€s.€n incided! not covered by the ru.le6 shall b6 dealt with.! tollowsi l. 2. 3. CEse of gEnorEl natue rhall be rerolvsd in accosdrtrce w h rh. Pal€tong Pdnbatrla Grme! rulgs, Tgchnical qu64iotrr sfrrl be l€lerl€d io ald telolysd bt tlt6 lbctE icnl Cotnminee. In care of pnobletn8 lot coyBred !,y th€ ei8titrg EmF rEle!. the fDal dccisiol rhau tErt with ths Touria$ent Managet C. ItrODE OF CIOIITPEIIIIOT l. nre to[trrs.Etent ma[age! lhall F€pat€ lhs rul€. of the tqrrDatlr9nf. tounErnetrt rhrn b€ plsFd in SirglB Round Robin System grotrped into 2. Tlie four, tr, B, C, a&d D for tlt€ efimination. Tlre t,bp two (2) teamr in €ach group lha.ll 3. adearce to th€ clooloier quarresftEL usitlg th€ hocl oul sylten\ UE l6sr itr the sclEduled firat gstre dlall b€ rhe aigtrt (8) plac.€r srd ro otl" fheE yeill be qu.rtErfnab, lami-Enab dd frab in thir trEidl. WinDer in esch gtoup rh6[ plsy Eilh rhe ErEt luurer-up in the other grcup !! IoUow!: Wil|rror GlDup A Ys, Ruuer-Up GDup C Witln.! Group B vr. Runnot-Up Gtorp D WituEr Gloup C rt. hftrer-Up Group A Winrer Gtoup D vr. Rurnet-Up Gloup B JI {. fwo (2) poinE !h.ll b€ stttd6d lor the win ard zdo (O) lor a lo€s. Il two (2) or more teanu obtain Erd equal mrfiber of point8 aft6r th6 alimination, the folc'wing ruler ehall be applied: {.1 ln case ot ti9, si! .rrer the olhs shall b€ applied, ivheG in th€ lrinrer b€tE€n ths tro (2) tearu drEirrg th€n ellnfuEtioD gatrro sh![ be declarsd Einne!. {.4 h cale ot triple tie. t}r. .cot€ difierence oI tha matc.h€s plcFd by eeh of re tesm lhrll be decirfir9, ,1.3 The scorE dlfie!€nce b6twBen the iotal .coE "for" alrd "agaiNt" shrll be decirive. {.4 If th6se alt€stt tire are 6U ,gu!d to be tlro ..tng, th€ar a dccilion i..]etr bt th€ t65 o, the coitr shall b6 docisiv€. D. CODIPOIEIOT Of l. 2. 3. 4, 5. tEtETM A tg.m sldt be comprilod ot thrEe (3) playeE end tiro (2) tesaav6 plaF B. Esdl ttlalch !h.I b€ d€cid€d ql a h ot thE€ (3) rers. Undor th. tr6r rEl9,. coach Eay r€ginor two (2) Ererve pliFrs ir 6ach Eratch. Esch ter[r is alLrEed to nrab tso (2) subltit[tiotr5 in each !et, the plaFs Eno ha8 b€€ll sub.tituled sh.I b€ .[.,red to r€-ent€! itr the same set. Subrtitution of pl,aFr shdl be all.,w,.d otr rcqE€6t of the o6cial coach lo Ore oEicial tEfseo when th€ br.ll i! not iI pliy. Eadt tq.rn shall be altowed to nral(a rubGblution fd iniury Fovid€d a.ubstihnion has ro( b6e!i trlade e€rlier. It 8ubldrutioD h8s aheady n8{ie, UE tgam shatl trot be dlowBd to co inue .nd .hdl b. corEirietBd rt h8ving l6f. Ary term having f€!! fhan thse (3) phFl' lhall not b€ dlorrd to cotrth[e the gam6 snd Blrsll be cfllidded as h$ring lo6t urU66s a p€ulty send 06, the l€gu lhall contirrE irith tEo (2) plaFt. rtrilhoul ary substitution. E. EIITIIE! E r!e! d e.ch rcgion.hall be Bubmitl€d €ccqding to th. r€gur.tiou impored by th€ Ocgdtdttg CoBunitleo of lhe hl6tong PrrnbsiBa n 6a. RuI6 o, rucc668io!r i! opplied Fifio.n (15) minutes gEce Fdod.hall be given to tha teatn afi€t tlre lsat or conc.h8iotr of th6lalt maich folowing th€ir gane sclEdu.le. Non-app€lrarco of the tean sft6r tlre gEace priod givsn sha.ll m66n rorreituE of fh€ gamo iD Iat ot ofth€ opposilg tootrL P. If,E l. 2. 3. IiIIll OT PLITII.D IEII'ICE ttl€ side Etich shdl rerve 6tEt fot thrre (3) coirecutivE services, toUc'Eing w ich th6 oth€! ride shall alro r€rve for the tr€rt thr€€ (3) pointr Egardle6s o which Bide wins a Point. A deuce (wnen both si.!6s teaches 2G20) the E€wic6 shll dterrate otr @ry point. Tha side rticb receivgs 6rst ir afiy !€t shaI8{ve 6rBf in th€ subsequ€nt oet. G. SCOrlfO SrStE l. 2. 3. E. Each ret is rf,otr by the side wlddr scocs tiDenty one (21) pointr with e mlrimBm laad oftwo (2) points. Itr th€ 6renr o, a 2G20 tie, Ore set shdl b€ lron by the .idq whi:h g,ets a lead ol tso (2) poinb or yrhen a lide leacfres tr{B t nva (25) poinlr (EtddrEy€t occur ltcf) Wh.n the rco[g i. tiad up 2G20, tho m.tch id€rc€ ahaU elrnoutr "sett ng up to tmnty EcE(zIt) poin6". WEI l. lvc OF I'NITONMI OR IEGIOI|U. COIOR, Psdicipatiry ter.m! 6nd coaclra. droiuld {ear the co!o( oI fhei r..pgqtitra rggionr a!8igtrGd io th€[l duriry thair 5dr€dul€d garEs. 52 2. Plrygrs nof Ereatlng fhoir ploper lanfortrr duing ,ttidl fhei! tean or regu i. 3. t. rcheduled to play rhal nor be a[.'wed to plry. Pl8yerr tnuri rEar theit jglEsy rudform with p€lmrnent numb€t at the bacl o, their !hin, nulrlb€drrg I to 5. Ottzltn OrFlcrtrt MIIOOTIIDUC! Dilciplinary Ection Bha[ b6 t!b$ Egeinst Terln O6sia]s or thqit teqn f.E 8tty mirconducf or dilttablllces corrtmitted by the o6cid oE telm duiing a tor8rEm. wheUret in ot oul8id6lh6 court. ,. GEXEITI, Itr llre EeBnt of &ry ptovided for in ary v. que.tion or any matter ariaing out of a.Ey poir( whidl is ttot splesdy nrls o[ the gams, the decilion of the Oficial Rderce EhaI be lhsl. E[r.Et oF trE routl{rMDltT (DoEEr]ETtErw)-EEPItrlanIwI* I. OETEnII. l. 2. TIre tollrtraanert sfEu be pl.Fd in accordallce with tho rule! oI the Intqnationaf Sepa} IbksF fdesation (XSTtrI) c,urEntly sfqcod. Ary udot.seen incident! not coveEd by UE!. ruler dllll d€dl with ae folLt!: 3. I C.!€8 of g€no!-dl rEfirre 8h!ll b€ Elolrrd in Bccddlnce with th6 gEtratal rules ret folth by the Palraolrg Pamb6Dsa Msug€ment. 2.2 lbcluicaf qu€ttiao! BhEll be tefelled lo atrd tBlo]red bt tha l€chrical cotlmineo. 2.3In qrse of plpbLtn! nol corEE€d by tbe ondtg FrAF rufe+ UE 6ral decisiqr stral E6t Eith th€ lburnane Manrges. 3, ft6 DepEd Eig$ilny ruIss rhlll b€ fictly obrqued. 4. Ihs lburnslrent MaDag€r shall !nrn6g'e std dall ta]E chalge of Ure Fop€r 5. 0. ?. 8. conducl g6tner p[obLln! of th€ and rhlll havB 6nrl d€cirion in alt dilputed and lriring ftotn th€ tournam€nt upon conrultation rith the lbcluUcal Comnitt6€. Olrfy th. 6dal coadl lhall D6 ell.rrcd tg coach hi!/ h€r tgam duritE the gsrisr. OEcial corch t[urt obaalrrd ptEp€r dscqum. Violation of 8ry ol lhele ruled will me.n fqteihus of thg righb of a coach os manages of hi/h€r !e|m. TlEre Double TsEaw Elomgnfrry gEwnd lufes and t€gtufation shall f6!n pan ol tho Palarolrg Pdrrblr|la nret until such time it rDar tevobd G ametded by th6 Pafa& Managqnenl, Only tha coaqh atd hi!,/har pbFt! lhall be dlowed to stay in th€ oEa Fovidsd for th6m b,y tha Tounasreit Manag€msnt. B. MODE OECOMPEIEIOX L nro Double frhaw lha.ll be plsFd in u hroc]out sy8tetn. on the ptaying arnue at lBast ffteen (lg) minufes befote the lclr€dulE of ga.rneB. Rutre oI tuccasliron ahallbe applied 2. fh6 psnicipatiry t6rrn !h..ll bs C. IEE I[II' OD PLf,t .lND IEIVICE l. nr6 side wtrich shdl serve 6rat for tht€e (g) couecufiv€s rarvio€s, folkEitq Efdch the orher .ide wiU alao gerrle lor the nert ilrre (3t ;;fi*Gi* S€ryice EiU dr.tnar€ dretErfior €v.rl, rnne.(3) poi a reg€d; ,f ,ldiif"ii* p.irr. 2 At deuca (wh€n bottr gidig r€sctt€;Zozo) o,; *r"i". il;te oo " po*. 3. Tlre sida which receive! frsr in llty r€t lhall ",r"ny t a "h"il . O. *t. D. nEiotlEIIrIOX OF Pr.trERs "** ^ffi*rt 53 EBch D. participairq tegion i! entitled gEtrtllc L 2. oP t to tEgister four (4) pl,iFts fos the dou.ble t8baw. ttElotttt on nlGIoUIII cotpl Partidpatilg tearns qrd coadl€r should wsrr the color ol their lrrpectiv6 t€gior|! Ersigtrd lo UEtn durtg fhoir s.lEduled g!E€s. PIsystB nol s€stirg theit ptops uniform during stich their tgsm o( lggu i! Bchedulgd to play ah8[ !d be alorired to plry. PlsFt! shau {,€ar th€ir jqssy unitqm Eith pefinanent nuEber al lh3 bacl of their Ehirt, tumbering I to 4. F. UII.BOgEI Ary tean Ehich has failed to play agaiDst the opponent tean becaule of default or -alln er,lhe g..Bre rhau be Meiled in,svo! of the opponenl toamG. PB(}TEIf, l. Iry 2. 3. E. prctest Bllall be rubm fed in xiting snd rhdt b€ €ccotnpardod by a6davit, willr€ls and ot evidetrce8 th€teot to be entsrt8inod by the m.nag€rnent duly sigBod by fh€ tea[r co6ch end the Head of D6l€gati6. Ptorod .halt be Eubmitted Eithin ono (l) hour 6fte! th€ gam€. Protort rhall bo regola,ed judiqiourly by the lbclrnical Committo€ headod by th€ fburnanent Manag€r. UNT'ONSEEN EgENI' Tt€ decirion of the o6cid tEfe!€e on eEy qustior! of Ore Ia, of rhe game ol Doubl,e Takaie during the tournameif 8h6ll b€ 6na!. All mEt6r not prwided ,or in th6ro Rules .hall be dealt Bith the lbchnical CotEmitlee, YI. nI,LEI ODTIE 11OInI[IDIEIE - IEPIr r. rur.El of l. 2. TIEIW CIII! (D.ftrord@ rrEtolrnlltff t (rxtEl rE(,u oo PErEror) nre tournaEont Bhdl be run in acco8darEe Eith th€ rules of the Intqnationaf S€p6t Tabar Ed6sti@ (lSlII1}) cutrBu$y 6trfo[cad. trIry u o[6se6n incid.nts nof covercd by th€ rules sh8ll be deaft Eith Er foltrow!: 2.1CeE d. g€o€tal netEre lhall be PSmbansa Gsme! rules. rE ohtsd in amdgace wilh ths Palarcng 2.2l!6chnicd queEtioE sllsll b€ telelr€d to 6nd te8olrEd by tl!€ lbcluucd Cotlltnittoe. 2.3 In care of problsm. no{ coversd by the erbting shell rs.l with th€ TourrEment M6n!ger. I. DIODE OT l. 8. 3, SEort) XSTAF rufeE, tho ftial d€cision COIEETIIIOT nr€ tournam€nt tE6tEger.t![ pEp€IE th6 rule ofth€ townsnell, mle touinam€nt sllrll be playBd in Sirqle Roond Robitr Systetn gDuped into lour (4), I, B, C, .nd D for the elimitBtion. nle lbp two (2) testls in 6ach group rrill .dvance to the so.loyEr quarleffral3 usitrg ttE hocL o[t syltem, the looet ir th€ sclEdule ftli gan -ill tEceive eighr G) placer ard io otL (II Ore nutrDer of team! Eaclr€! trelE (12) or mor6). Th€ls Bhall be quadednalr, B6mi-6llsl! 8nd Et|8L h thi! lnaldL WiDn ! in eadl gtoup shall pliy sith the 6r!l.unner-up in tlrg olh.r gloup Ir foUor: 54 wllllls Group A v8. R[nner-Up Grcup C Witud Gtoup E Yr. Rutrtret-Up Group D WintE Gloup C vr. RunneE-Up Gtpup A WirIE Gtoup D vs. hn[er-Up Gtoup B {, fD3c lhall qfy be tto (2) S!ouP!, Gtpup A and Gtonp B ald onfy !otni-6ll,t! 8rd finab shall b€ competed trpon sfrer tho elimination. ltrhele: It tho n$er of toam! ir oDly t€s (lO) 6rd belq WituEr Gpup A v8, RruuEr-Up Gtoup D. Winner Goup- B vr. Rrr i€r-Up Gtoup A g. ftro t (2) points slBtl be awar&d for the win lnd z€lo (0) lo! a !068.If o (3) ormorc t€atns obtain sld equal nunber oI point! lisr th€ eliminatio& the foUo-ing nn€! 8h!.ll be applied: I In cale ol ti,e, rrin .,ve! the oth€t lhall bo 8ppli€d, sh€!€ ir the trinn€t botsoon th6 tm (r) te.E dEnng thoL €lirritution galn6 lhdl be dedarEd winlrer. 8.2 In cale o{ Etipla ti€, th€ scole dif,€Dtrca of th. Erstdl.s pldy€d by ea:.h ot lh€ t€En dt.ll be decisiea8.3 Thg .c.E diEeretrc€ b6tw€.n th€ to{!l !c@'td" ard "agsinst" sha[ b€ 8. d€cidlre. 8.a It th6.e.Ie[rative alg 6[ fot[rd to b€ tha.atne, tlEm d th6 coir shall b€ d€ci.ivo. a d€cision tabn l,y ths ro8! c. coirPloElllol|t oPtrEtEtllt . Bhall be comFire of ttrEe (3) plilErs rnd two (2) t€s€rye plaFr!. Each match shdl be decided on a h oI tht6€ (3) r6t . 2. Unds th€ rew tule, a coach may lFgilt€t t o (2) tEBeEve pl8Fr8 in eoch matcll" Each lerm BIlaU b€ all.Ired to mafte trro (2) lubrtitution in €6ch set, the plsysr !?Iro h!! be€n lubltitutcd shau be allow€d to te€ntq in the rrlne sel. 3. Eubrtitudon o, player 8ha[ be alowEd on lrqu€lt of the oEcial coach to the oficirl rrterg€ lrhon the ball i! not in pl8y. ,1, Eadr tgam sh.Il bo allq€d to m.Ia lu.brtitutioo fe injury povi<Ied a arDstitutiqr has not b€€tr made earlie( U r[b6tifirtion hra a,Leldy tnad., thE team rhall tlot b€ auo{rsd to continuc ard shall b€ colsidercd .! hngitg lat. S. Afiy teafi hEyirg 16 lias tlne€ (3) ptlFs! rill lot be au(r€d lo codinua lh€ glrle l A to.ri and continue with D. as havitrg ldt utrlola q p€Ddty r€|rd otr, the t€gu (2) pfaF!8 without atry ruD.tifdion. lhdl be c@sid€Ed tro !h!ll EIIIIIEI ErEie! oI each rcgions sh.Il be suDEdttgd Ecclrding to the Eqrlatioir hpoBed by Ore Oryani'iry Committee of the Palarcng Parnbarua rules, futle of succesaion ir .pplied. Ffioon (18) minuter gtace poriod llrau b€ gitr€n to tlre te6m .fisr th6 bst th6 concluliolr of ths l4t match ioUowing th€ir ga.me sclr€dutre. Non-spp€€rance of the team !ft6r tlle gtace p€riod given shE.ll Elearr forfeituE of thg g8ms in ferror of the opposing te.n. E. tE !trIlil OT PI|I'II|D IDIIgICE l. 1116.ide rhich rhall Ene fu,qOlrE olh.t 3. side will sbo saraE ros the rcn (3) cotEeqrtir€ !6!vice6, foU ing Eticlr the tfus€ (3) poilf! rEgsrdless of rtich side 8 ri!! point. A dquce (rd€!r borh side! I€rch€! 2G20) lhs !€lTice thlU.ltqnalo o! €,vsry poirl. 55 3. fhe side stdctr t€ceiv€! th in arry set !h6ll isca 6tri in th€ rubsoquenl let E. SCOIIf,G 8'ETEM l. 2. 3. Each rot is don by ttr€ Eide which lcq€r twEnty otr. (21) poinlr with e rng*imum l,Ead oI tro (2) poilts. ln th€ ev€nr of a 2G20 tb, the set !h.[ be lson by the 8ide wltich g€t! a l,gad ot tEo (2) poidr or Etr6r a.id6 t€adE two t fiit (25) pointt (sliichEr6t ocqlrr 6t!t) When tI€ !co[e ir ti€d E 2G20, th€ match r€t€feo Eill annotnce "setting uP to 25 point!". G. gEttrxc l. 2. 3. oF umFors or nEotorr. cou)t Pldieipating tesm! .Irqld EEar th. color of rheir t€lp€c{iv€ t€gioot arli(Jnod to them durirg the& rchedule galne!. PLEF!r not wEari.ng theh t,toper udform duting *ttich th€ir team or Egu i5 lcheduled to pl6y sllal uot be allord to play. PlayeE 8lEll Eear thoir ielr€y udroEm with p€nnsDer$ ntrm.botr at Ore brcl of their .hitt, nuibering I to 5. E. MI3COITDUST Of t'ET OrIICIII'8 Dilciplinary action dull be tabn agairut lbarn O6cia.ls q theL team fq y misconduc-t or dilturb€nrea qommittd by the ofiicial or teatE duriry a tourtErnant rrhetl€r in ot outaide or€ coErt. I. GEI{EIII. In th. ecEtrt of lry qudtion or arf rnrtt€r arising oul ot ary poirt, which i! Dot €sptElsv prwided tof in lIIy ruf€s of the gatn6, the &cirion of rhe O6sial Rej€rre rhdl bo fiIral, YIt. GTOUIID NtrI.ElI ET DOUILE ITEIU - SEPITIIIIIE GIRI! f,.GETTII, l. 2, The tounanent dra.ll be plsyed in accsdince with the lul€s o[ tho Intgrnation6l S€pak Tlb.s, Ebdetatio|r (lSlIfD cuEEtrtly etrlorced. Any u o[gleen ircid€nt! tlot cow!€d by tholo rule. slEll derlt rPith as rgllcrr!: Z.l Ca!€s of gensal trat rE rhdl b€ t€rolt/sd itr accordErca w h rhe gBnor.l rElesr€ttoEth by Ure Palarong Parnbansa ManagE$er . 2,zlecludcBl qu€rtiotE slu]l b€ tef.rred to and lEsolved by the tecludcel 3. {. 5. 8. 7. 8. cfimin€€ case of prcblemr trol cor€ted bt Ure etirting EfAf n h Es. rhe fin€,I dacition tha.ll t€6t Eilh ths TolEramenl Mlnagq. Tte DepEd Eigibility lufor lhdl bo sEic'tly ob.qved The lbErtrame M.ragE[ dlall managE and ahall t.b cfErgE oI the ptoper conduct oI the g ne. and shall haE 6rtal decirion in a[ dilputes ard ptobLtn! ariling tom th€ touna.Era upor couulation Eilh the TBc,hlic8l cotulitt€o. Onfy ure otrici6l cosch shall b€ allotped to coach hi/ h.r team durhg th€ games. O6chl coach slrall oblqrEd pro,per decoEutE. ViotrEtbn .t arrt of th€se ru!e! will rnean foE eituE of the right ofa coach or manig€r oftheir tean. Th6e DoEble Tahaw Eotnsntary g'lound rules snd r€gd,afi@ shrll fGm Fn of tfie Pslarong ParLbatlsa In€ot until guch ti.nre it r{a! Brrokgd os anrended by the Palarc ManagEEenl. Only the coach 8trd hir/her pL],€rs rhall bs allow9d to stay in O|€ 6rss prcridGd for theh by th. Ibun rrant Maragement. 2.3 E.UODE Or OOUPETEIOT 56 I . plrysd in I hochout ty8tem. teatn rlEll b€ ql the playiDg rtaue 6t b6rt liftee! (16) minuteg befolo th€ lclEdrle o ganes. Ruta o( ruoces6io !h!ll be appliqt. ltre Doubtra Tabaw shall be 2. mo pqticipatiry C.IEE SIIII Of PLIT lIfD TTVICE l. ftre sidg whidl BhaI lqve first for thEe (3) cotrlErti9es .€!vicg!r, IoUowing which the o E side Bhall alro sdve fo[ the trert thEe (3) coisecrrtivs lsryice. Sqrbe wiU alternale rharedd€rary thEe (3) Fit[rregatdles olwlridl rideriru apoi . 2. Af deuco (wtEn bofh aider teache! 2G20) the rorf,ice !be[ Elfemate on eeEry point, 3, Tlre 8id5 which receivEr 6rEt in atry !€t 8ha[ seEs ir8t in the 8ublaquent s€t. D. TEGISTIIIIOT OE PItrTEN' Eadr parucipding Egioti i! ontitled to Fgiste! four ({) E. WEIIIT'C l. OT U IIONDI! pleFr! fo( the doublo trhry. OR NEGIOI{III COLOI, hnticipatirg teans lhoEld se.r ths cotd of their t€rpectivr rggioDs aEign d to them during their sch€dule gams!. 2. nayers nol Eearing lheit prop€t unifqttr during which thgit leam o[ t€giu 3. i]s rdlodul€d to pl,ay will Dot be aUowEd to pLy. PIarE! !h6.lt rear tb€ir ietEey uniform rith p€lmlDent nurD€r at lhe bacl of their shid, mlmb€Eing I to 4. r. wllrogEt Atry teanr rtrictr bas feiliBd to ptay agBitrlt lh6 opp@elrt team becalrle oI detEult Or sall.,rter. th€ gane rh![ b€ forfeited in iEsa ot ths opponent ie€m. G. PX}TEIE l. 2. 3. plol€lt uhdl b€ $btnitted in Eititrg and Bh.[ be accoEpanied by r.nd'vit, !f,ihtor! alrd c €!vide!c€! thereof to be e-nte{tsin€d by tb managEnetu duly ligned bt the tearr coad atd lho Head ol DolegEliotL Proteat ttEst be submifi€d silhin ono (l) horr.figr th6 ga.Ee. Plote.t shall be ra6o\r€d judicioudy by the lbcludcel Committea h6.d€d by the Tburnarient ManagE AU I.UIIIIONEEXE9Enl T.lr€ desision of the ofiicid tEfere€ on ary quertion ol the Law of th6 ganre ol Double Takaw during th9 tou-nafnent shall be 6IrEL I[ tnatl€8 trot ptovid€d $all be d.6lr w h rhe lbc.hrtrl Colnmittee. fq in rh6!e Rules 57 SOEIBTI.L l. Nlre OD COMPSIIIIOI{ - me Biggost tpoEting event in lh€ region thall be hlon ar PAIAROI{G PIMBANSA 2016 . It wiU be oEganired by th. Depafitrent oi Educstiotl tl will sew€ 6! lhe cuJtninating aE'lMty Ior the P.E. ProEr.rn and aims to diEv6r pof€dial aitlof€.. 2. DllE lltD lBlIrE- lt€ tournanenr tEitl b6 held ott .f,Pril hort€d by L.gaspi City, kovincs of [bay. 3. lcl?, 2016 6nd sill b€ .IOIEILITI Of P[lf.En3 lltD CO.I,CEEI - T'll€ pEniqipant's eligibiuty totaly lie. Eithin lh€ judgEner of sqening cot nitt€€ segarding elbibility oI studentE 6thlel6! .nd coaclr6. {. RtrIrEl tlll IILL (X)Y'EII{ tEE IOITII{I EIE- Ihe n ]o. .nd tagutstiois thar Ei[ govsrtr the t@rtlrlrent lriU b€ rhe 2014-2017 InErdiolul Sofrbdl Federation ( XSF ) furIE Book. Wifi solns modificdionr stad i8 thi! gEound ntl98. 5. lfE OIME: A" Secddery and Elemenlary Dieision a, SetEn CI) iDrirgr ld th. elimination rcund up to the dal|npio8stsip game6 Eitlt tho ryplicatih of th. N 201+2017 Ru.tr! Ih€.d tuls- (Metqy Rde). A ru! 6head 'M€sqy fufe' shEll b€ uled in ths tourtrlmeni 16 Rrar afrer the 3 inttingr, 10 ai€! fha 4 innirgr aid ? sid I iiningB. b. T}6 tio br6aLet luL will be Epplied afts th€ lottl(h (7) itudng! glm€. IUCCESaIOII SEII& lE OBIEIYED. Only th€ 6rBt game in the tnorning 6nd afteEnoon lhdl be given fred time. Ga!n€! thal lollow shal stan shodly aiq the end d th€ ptecsding g.Ee. 6. nIrLE Of IMMEDIIIE ?. DEFIITLI- Au te.tns *a[ be giver a En6en (13] Erinule graco p€siod befde being d6cl6r.d .l€fauft. L COMPOIIIIOr Of IEI}I- Each patticipating t€€m Bhall consiltB of 12 playqs, I hred coach, 2 assirt c'oadE.. trI oI which drall b6 6llo-ed to diloct snd coach the playeE durirq the progr€B ol the game bur only the head coach wiU b6 giveu the 8016 authoritt lo reprclont lhe teem! during epperL or dirc1r!8ion. Tll.y trurt a'I.o submit nscescary dElnn6nt! rcquit€d by tbo Eo€trirg coEeitt€e a. Ii Ofietrre- Waning b. 2d Ofrnre- Electiol ofth6 PitclEr ftotn tha PitcJring Pocition. c. 3d ofie$e- tbsfeituts or ahe gane in favo( of tlr€ opt otretrt. Iolc: Only tlre oficial coEch ard .Bistrnt coqclE ttray act ar b.r€ coaches. Player wi[ not b€ auowBd to act a! bas€ coacl|eB du€ to larBty realon. Colche! Bhoutd be rgrfing the same uriiorm Es lhe ptrayers oE rstng u.niiorm as tlr€ othd claclEs. 0- IIIXDXIOII PLfl IULE shdl be apptisd in this tounarostrt. .f,ll pLytls mult be giv.l the oppqtudty ro pl,Ey gr€ry garne slrodul€d lor the t6arr. Minimum ol one al bat end 3 d€tensiye oub it requLed each pl.yg! on a c.mpled geme and I tine at bat or 3 delgtEive orsr on a shcten game dus to tnetcy rule or du€ to darhre s and call ot nature. Failurg of the tesm to comply with the rule slrall b€ p€nalized with foEloitur€ of lhs g.Ine in frvgr of the oppoging teEltl if proven. TIr€ rcot6 rheet shall bo th6 oEci,.l b€sis ol lhi! nde. ote: if illr6sr, iniury or tho ejElion d a plEyd preyeuts the t6..Br ftotn Gerding dna (g) plEyest, a playet ptsyiously ured in tb€ lineup trray be itl!€lred, bur ot y if rhEe st€ no eligrible cub'rtiturgr rvailable. fre oppodng tesm Ma.rag€t4lesd Coadl sh.ll 5t !€lecr Ur€ player to r€-€nter the lircup. A Pl,ayet eiected ftotn the gane eligible fq r6€nEy, lo. tollo*'llfc/ EIrcEtItGElG of uI{IFoI shall i! nd lryMy NoI b€ E[.,Ed cEughl uring anoth€r'B number duri$g thg progrers of the gatne lhall bs put out end be sjec{€d from th6 ga&e. ll. cotffEErcEt a. DErEIIEIT'E CEInGE COIffEnEIfCE thre€ (3) cdlr to contur duratioo of the gsn€ rlrich the coach may olt,i6d to ure in rn innilg. Penalty: Romoral of ths pitclEr tom the pifching poGition. ir th€ whotro b. OIIEI|BIYE CEIiOE COI{TEE CE ooly oE (l) c.Il to conbr ir evEty inning shal be alloresd. PeDalty: Ejstioa d th€ clach or tbe pbyet8 wno irrid€d rhe conteBrce. f 2. IUXD PITCE 20f+201? pitching rules riU b€ enldE€d. JssgPitcb i! lagal. 13. ItllElallollll. t4. wllf,-lrP 15, Btrl} 16. t the pirclrE desires to s..l} a bitter inl€Dti@Elft ir ruEcienl to noufy th€ plate umpiE of the inlotrt 80 a6 not to go through tho notion of pitching. In lhi! caro, th. bdl is d6ad asd lulleta carurot ade.oca url6.! f6ced. WILE- PrITCEEL in the first iBing or whetr th€ pirct€c r€liev€. anolh€r, ro dglivgt not firote than 5 wrrm up pitdre!. ln each lubd€qua ilnings, pitchar8 wilf bc EivEn 3 EEtrn up pitclr... onty tll9 xSF c6ttif3d bat lhall be dlcrwed. Playirg vanu4 EiU be provided with lsF c€(tified B.t! that csr be u!€d by tha petticipstinE teamE. EELMEI8 are mandstory on oferrte ior banelE, on d€cl batlers, batter rulrtrets rnd , nI[Er!. lt ir .dvlEd thaf teaEl! us€d the Face M I wilh a buill in hco gutrd. DELIEERAE REMOVA.L OF TI{E BAT}]NG HELMET of any rutnc during a liyE ball play lhall carlrg the rirblor to b€ declattd out imm.diatety. Itre baU resraiE alive, Errsl rBar prcpeE g€a q al b.!i the CtlclEr's meak. No coach alul! be allowed to warm up tlre pitchd during thg gEtne wilhorx prop€t g€.r. Co.ctre. ue Dl dlmd to rilrm rrp th€ pitshEr on the mound d[ring lhe, g!IE. fte team murt asaign a wErrn up cqtdrer if n€€ded. 17. WII 18. tf,E 8lfElt EISE ITD CIICIEI$ oE Ule DOUDIE ltc SlllEM Il flns?- nre ratety bare or the ,ltetn .h.ll be u6ed in th€ toumam.nt 6, Frl d th€ EF initiativ€ to doublE b8g E pre"gnt possiblE injurie. due to colliaion at 6r8t b6re. The coacher shEU b€ bliated !69adiDg ahir dudng the Solida,riry Lfedirg. 19.lEroHmoIof tEL s, ftro (2) rf,ay tie- win orer lhe other- r.me group. b. lllree (3) ,qyt!+. rds ro th€ rule book ( &ticle 8-O2 a, b, c.ndd) 20, DttPlrtID GlLb rhelr the s co6ch or a playe! d 6iths teem qE6dioD. tha judgn€nr of unpit9: a. A rarning lhrll be giEn td th. 6rEt daile. b- Shall b€ ejected totn Ore g6me on the second ofenso with an additional one game fl5p€nrion o! the n6n s.h€dulsd game as p{rs}ty. the prop€r sly oI makirg appeal rtrtl b€ obrer'lrEd. Shoffilg al tbe urpire rlEll NOf be lllow€d. q- W.tldrg shatl b€ givglId ttle 6r!t Bhouting o6enre. b. Ejection ton th. gatue for the !€cotd drouting ofigBle. zI.IPPEII' 59 22. 33. PEOTEII- All protest mult b s€ttled otl the on th€ ptraying fr€ld. No prot6st wi[ b€ clnrid€lod dtet tlre conpletion of th6 game oE on tlt6 iudgment call, tElM PnICTICE toltnr lc.hodqled to play wilt be giver on tha 2,1. dienotd IITIII{G otUy before thq Errt rUYE f- nve tninut€s io, p8actico gune, tnust b€ submitt€d al leart 30 mitrures beiore th6 rdedu.led tirtt€. 60 SWIMMING I. COIPETT O Rt IrEt L lntenatiotraf &vlrudng & .r of the F€delation InG(trarionala de Nalstiolr (f f,) wIl b€ Eppli6d. Grould rd€s which have been agre6d upon dlall b€ lnptremetrted. l. In m.lt6!! Dot Irrovided lq, decisionr rh.ll rest Eith the Tectuical drd,/or the OrgEizing CotEmittee. C. OnE rtan rub. sha.ll b. in wiU b€at 3:30 P.M. D. Comp€tidon Hest snd Fitrab ,oEnst. ttreat !ha[ .tan at &30 tr M. and 6ral8 lrim 6v€ (6) indiyidurf et'6ntr and tm (2) EIay ev€lrts, participate IlowEver, a .wimtr€l may only h thrc€ (3) event! per day, inclusivE of relsy svEntt. P. Each delegatio ir dlorir€d to enter tu g (2) EEit netr p.t individual evat$ 9nd one (l) rsl,By teanr in the relay evsntr. G. A rwimmq who ,rilr to sEim an qyent d|all aor b€ sllored to rrim hi! arce€ding eygtrt! ,or that s€ssiqr unLla iot m€dical rsaron, thsl rEitEtrE sEbmi6 a nr€dic.I repod tom the Pslarong P8m.blnra OEciaI M€dicel PliylidanI. 4O0 MeteE [Yeatyle for El,am€t .ry arrd &)0 liieret rto€rtyle ror S€condary Bhdt be in Tim€d Finatr fornal rith th€ ercepti@ d th€ last b6at to b€ bld drnry th€ Final E. Esch rritntn€s is 8lL,wed to l. Or y Bthletos, coaclrd atd Del€gstion OGciaL with o6cial identiicatiott .[o'ed ar .rear d.lbtrat€d lor delegdss. Rolrd. taEB Eha[ be Il. IElrf,I EIftIr Rohy tealr eEEie. .!d a6trl6s of spi8ln€rr i! qdq of tf,irn (iDcludiDg tto (2) altenales fot tMyle Rel8y .rd lour (,1) .ltqrEies ,ot the Medley R€Ly) .hall be Ellbtrritted in t]re tn stet list of entsier. B. Lndbate qds of lwim bt nuDbedng rwittlrn€lE (lJ) in rh€ official otrtry loEr. Swimrneq murf sEitn in OE ocd.r inwhii tt t de to ttim. C. Relsy sn irulrerr pardcipating in th6 heaa .hdl be th€ satrre irrinun€lE who shdl participafe in the 6n ls. Otd€! lirt of lwitrun€lE &ay be chang€d thity (30) minutes L beIoEe lhe Btlrt of6aEh le.siorL III.IUUUEEB L mo rwimr€or (sBitrrrrit, cap dd goggles) of dI colnp€titoe lhdl be in good tnora] tart6 6nd $itabtrE lsr the individual rpons dilciplin€! rlld not to carry any sFnbol Ehidr nray be considared o6er8ive. D. AI lwimsuitr sha]l b€ non t uparent. C. nre coEpetitq mud wear !!f,i&sdl in on€ (t) G two (2) piecs!. Fot mon, the Ewimtuit shall not etteld above lhe nlvsl not below rh. bre€ and fot wom6o, thall not cover th6 neck, €nend p€rt tlre .lroulder. nor eiend below th€ lan€€. Att .Eitrlluit Bhdl b€ Ead€ Aom Ertile naledalr. No additioul itelrr, lile lrm b.!d! o[ leg bsr& .nau be regsd€d €r par6 o, a .winuuit. D. Ihe hr! the authority to erclude 8ny comp€titq who€e body rymbols do not comply wilh thir RuIe, re6eree of a cotnpotition swlnw€ar d E. Composition/other iterB: Man's gwiNuits are in one pi6ce. Subj€cl to decettcy rufe and obraarance of lilritatidr in rltrrEcs covelsd, Wo!trgtr'r srimadtr may bo in ona ot twp piece!. Other if€su cot€ling tho body ad not parl of ths lEimsuil are prohibifed. 6l IY. Ei(}IEIT l- kole'rts are porsible I . iI the rul€! and r€gulatiou lor th€ cqrduct of the competition Ete trot obr3rrred, 2. iI otI€|r c@rlitiotE erdarqer the cornpetitiou r.rd./@ cqrUr€tilorr, ot 3. sgainst d€cisions of the r&tEe: horEver, no protelt drsll be alowed.gaind decieiolls of iact, E. hol6d lrurt be .ubmitted l. To the r€iE ee 2. In Eiring 3. By the rorpoEible Team L6de( / Coech ot y 4, TogEth€s sith a depGit d one hundred (lO0) Swirs ttencs oi it! equivalent 5, within th hfy (30) minures foltrowing the sonclusion of rh€ relp€ctiye deent Y."I II{c tr In tlE care of an elecEonic timing tylteru maftEcfion, rEimmAt shlll be detdEiD€d a! blloEs: B. It in the cs!€ o6cid tneru€.l tim€ oI a i! gaater than ths tims oI the sscotd cwiErn€r8 involygd lhall te the o6cbl tiDo of both that th€ lime of the firsl srrimarer .wirrrtr€tr, sverag€ tinE 8gitn6€18, d C. O6eid plrcing wiU deidqd by the rergree bared on fe.1r and a r€dEres'r (RD) 6tEtt b€ itrdicated at th€ deqiEion oficief rscults. !yI.utIIEDE.f,qItr! I. A compe{ild q tealn not rirhirg to tr.he pafi iD the f.u6l rotnd in wtich qualiEcstiql wa! eErned !h€.ll dthdraw within thirty (ilo) minutor iousrnq th€ plelimitEries of the e?gtrt in which th. qudiEcetiotr took plac€. Eho withd.r8x! iom tlre heats / preliminary.outd! thirty (30) minrnes preliminaries of th€ evsnt ir which qu.liication w.s e6rn€d, slEll pEy without 6rcure to tha Managotn€nt Co[llnittoe the ssm o( one thousand pe.os (P t,0o0.oo): in cala oI a t€lay. tlro sum sha.ll be ffio rhorrrand Fld (z,(m.m), E. Any clEu,etito, a.fter th6 vu. tEtM couDoittlolr I. Number of rwinune!! p6r del€gadon Eill be Eletnqntaly - l0 Male erd l0 Fomrle SecoDdlry - lO Male and l0 Fe$ale .! follosB: YUI.SIIBUIISIOf, OF EITIIIES I- trll 6ntsies muat be @ ofici.l €lrtsy forrE, of enties must indicate the lrtest H thre of eadr rsimmer in each ev€It fo[ reeding plrlpor.g atrd lane 8lsigrun6ntr. C. De6dlirr6 ,6 the lubmiBiotr od enEiei wiU b€ !t 8d)O P.M. ,oUowing ths cond8ion of tho Co6ch.!' Meetirg. E. Subnilsion 62 TTBI,E TENNIS r. EgEltt l.l.Te&r Etent t .2. tl. Individual Ev€tft 1.2,1Doubles I .2,2 Mlx€d dcEbles 1.2.3 Singlgs E lBrEs 2.f . fiour (4) boyr 8nd lour ({) girls- hh in Elementary and Sscondary tErelr. III. TOU IIMET.I nOIMIII 3.1. IEIItr EgEl{t: 3.1.1 Modi6ed Corbi[otr Cup syEtem (2 Bitlgle! and I doublet) Firlr M ch Secotd Mrtc[l Tl|id Mardr DOIJBI,ES 3.1.2. A teEtr !h6[ consilr of 4 pLyess l'rsingtrB. -A vs x 2!i Sing!€6 -B vs rUlacaaaary Y 3. t .3 3. I .4. A teem tviu 6eld four ({) playetD p€r mrtch. Tt€ coadr hi! th6 option to The te.m matdt syBrem !hr[ be plrFd u8itg the Modfied Cotbillion CEP, in the b€d.of-g &atdl€. (2 !ing!e.6!d I doubl3s). realsign plrFr! in ssgEy rn 3.1.3. A play€r c6n orty 3.1.0. It€ $!gf. pl,ay a lci. tnrrimurn ol two irdi?idual trBtches p€r match. EurtdD|tfoo fo8tnat EiU be utiliz€d and !€eding t,ill b€ b.!€d palro taen cotnpgtition tesuhs. on the prEviou! terrn 3.1.7. All nEtch6! rhetl b€ played in the besr-of-Eve g6rEs Eoll the 6rst srage to 6n lB. 3.2. trltct.E8 3.2.1. tha coqch hr! th€ 6oL dilqetion to chooao tso (2) be.t ptayd8 in tho team to b€ €tri€led in OE Slngla! daf . 3.2.3. flre 6rd slrge wiu ba plsyed in a goup IBBguo rydem (tound-robin) usitrg tro cbd€!!: A and B each Eifh folE bE cL€tt. lte fop ,our (4) !€€d! autotnatically be sgparated in Ore bracLetr trherqin th€ ErBt 8€ed goe8 to Gtoup l, rhe s€cond seed to GroEp 2, the lhid le€d to Group 3 and th€ Iounh !€ed to Grcup {. Onry th€ top teatn per bracbl will adsance ro qusrterfurals sill It€ 3,4,3- quene.Emf lrage trill b€ play€d in a hocl-out tyrteB wifh tn€ foltrolritg pEiriDg: lop team of Group I vErus top tg.m of Group ,l atrd top tesn ot Grgup 2 vEsus top team of Group 3 irr bEac&Et! A rnd B. llte wintdng teatr! tril play in the eni-tnala in which wi!!e(! rill play in th€ Chlnrpiordrip tourd whilE th. lo6ing team! wiU plEy lor 3d placs. 3.3.a. Ill ringles narch.. EiU b€ plsyed in th€ begl-or-iv€ g.nEs ircludirq the tuds. 63 3.3. DOUIIEI/MIIED DOI'EI,ES 3,3.t. Elch Delegarion c6n E ld two (l) enEie6 Pe! leGl. 3,3.2. The sLtgla elimination fo(mal til be utilized. 3.3.3. T.lre comFtittg Peits lhould ltBEr an upper uniform with the satne colow 8nd derign, 3.3.{. All doubler/mixed doubl€8 ln8tdles !t ill be Pl8ysd in t}re bert-of-five garB€s includltg the 6nal!. tv. urtrIlfc: The relult of tDa Pdrrong Pambsrs8 2Ol8 lot .ll lesel6 std gede!! shall be rhe b.!ir in Ure r*ring o, tearf doubles ald siDglE 'eiEtu particip.nf8 etc€pt,ot th. mired doubles ecet rhich EiU b6 lhru a l.afery. v lolrllfiDlErat tEt6ror: Venue: Ligao cym, Ligao Albay Date ol Conp€titiotu lpdf Mdring Ifi€rlooo GRACE PERIOD IS 5 Titnq PERIOD MIE MATCH 1G15, mf € 8:mAM l:d)PM l2:0OPM 6:,lsPtt IIIUIDS IIIE OT.FICHIJ MATCH CII'I' AFIER TIIIS 'FIER IS A XIEIX.OVER OR DEFAI'LT. wlII, BE CONSDERED II. GII.I.ITE& A Ca[ Arqa will bs !€t up. nre purpode d th6 Call trte-a is to minimira rhe irsp€ction .td checLhg rnad€ by the Eratch unpir6 in the plsyirlg court ard to solc€ i!au6 or probtrgtn!, ite.Ey, b€fot€ e eling tha ptaying cou( th€lsby et3utitg Or8t Oro nr.ilch siU b€ pla]cd gn time 8nd Eithord d9tay. fll tea.Ers 8nd pllyq! .re tequircd to rcpql to the Cdl Area berce their rnatch ,O mirurtea ior the Team €,Ent.!!d 20 milul@ rd the Sirqle6 erent. 6. t To be colrducted in the Ca[ Area arg the ,otlc,wing: a. b. c. Conducl ths drsr fd the ream mstch Ch€c& th€ playsrr' idantification ChecL the teqrE/playeE' clothing d. R.clet iup€ction v[. cL(]IErf,G/lrrror$ 7.t 7.2. VIII. or.fttrLEtE : ErEy tgattr lhsl bo tequircd to wesr llrejr delEmated R€gioDat unitbrtn as providod including th6 coachss fo8 prop€r ideodfication or a shii similar to tlr€ir resp€ctive coloru for the nelt galrres. fhe lulo! on playing ctothing in 016 ITIT Hsndbook .hall t.L6 etu. Ihe hterrationel T.blg Tet|!i! Federation GfTD luler and rs$rlati,oD5 rhall gorem the coduct o tha comp€titiotr rr.d€$ modii'ed snd by gpund rul€. agt€€d rpon by dl coacha ard Gchnical o6ciafB duriDg the soUdarity neettg. E. Othet uDforaoe! ocaEtence rhich is nol c@g.gd by fhe ITrT rulE! fiall b€ d€alt upon by the IECHMCAL MANIGEMETTT COMMITIEE Eho.e decidon lhdl be fnal. I. Of,jicial coaches ,rom other l€vel cBn ba simultangous pl,By t.l6 the place o, each deBignat6d coach il th6tE witl u 'I. trPPEII.t: Appeab mulf be lubmitt€d to lhe Tournament Managet/R€fier€€ in lrri6rrg within thtty (30) mitiutq on€r the 6rtE€, duly rd$€d by cotulitut d dalegBtioB Erthodtias, atd Ehall be de6lt with in lclqdarca Bith the ITIF Rulg.. IIl. PII CIPllIOtf: For thi. toqnam€ a plEyer is a.llor€d to egenrE only, p.rttipale in I teur Evgd and tsa iDdividEal 65 TTEKIIIO![DO I. E OII (iI (qt rrlnt! EgDllf T. GITEIoOTIEI FOI EIJEDIEIEIBT EOTS I D GItIl8! l. EIIEMEllIllf, loll .rd ELEMEUIRI GIBL EdsU Groqr I 120 qn. to 128 @r. Ovs 128 sn. to 138 cln, Over 136 qn. to l4a crn. Ov€r l{{.m, to lsil (m. OcEr 192 ctn. to 160 cGr. Ovss l8O qn. lo 188 qtr. Gt@D 2 GrouD 3 GroEp a Gtoill, 3 Gr@p a E. CIIEGOAEI TON SECOI{DIRT t. lEoorDltr Bor.t Fi Eeighl Ftyneight Ba amweight Feathenrcight Lighhr€ight Welteri€ight Light lli.rdbreighr Middletf,qight Lighr Heary w€ight HeaYIe€ight llnid.t. otr .,t rfter Janu.ry I, Onos BfrerJatrusy l, On or €.fr€r ranuary I, On or after January l, On or after January l, On or rfi€t Jatruary l, 2004 2004 2003 2003 20Og zffi EOI' TXI' GITI.! ol esceeditrg 18 Lg. Oves {8 Lg. & Ed 6rc€eding Over {8 kg. & not €rc€€dtug OYer 6l Lg, & not €lc€€dirlg Oe€! 65 Lg. & nol ercseding O"s 3S kg. & rct orc€€ding Ovsr oil Lg & not eee€ding Oeer 88kg & not ercaeding OYet 73 Lg & not esce€ding Oesr 78 kg ag lq. El hg. 55 l!9, BS kg, 83 h9. 68 kg 73 kg 78 hg 2. iE@I.DTit GIII' Fitrweight Flyseighl B6rdrllpdght Feath€lw€ig,ht LightriElght Welre$reight Lighr Middlewebht Middlorerghl Lighl lig vyweighl HesvyaBight Not erc€eding 42 kg. Or.r {2 kg .& not esc€ding Ov6r 14 hg- & lrol 6rc€€din9 Over {8 tS & not €tc€€ding Ovar,tg & not 6tc€€dit!, Ov€r 32 kS & not orc€eding Oeer 85 IS & not orcoeding OYE! 59 rS & not orc66ditlg 0"6! 8:l & Eot esceedtlg OY6r 68 LS lq lq f{ hg f6 tg {S 82 8tl 80 6i, 68 hg. Lg. Lg. kg h9 hg C. EYONUGI COMITtrIIOII GNOUI{D ll'I,ES: l. Ikbd ot Cqvpdd@.'TAe cohpetitidr rh.ll b€ irdieidual drgb elinitution. 2- No d fupltbtr' Each delegetion may Eeld only otre comp€titq in eEdr of the categolier. 3, Ia$f ol M.lchcr.' Mrtche8 shall bo tso (2) rour& of tieo (2) urinutes pgt rourd with I minute rest betre€n roud!, {. fc&D-br Weigh-in lhrll be cotrducted two days prior to Or€ cquFrliotr. I pretintury weigh-in lhall be dlowed Ho(€ the oEcial and 6nrl saigh-in. Only ong coach per plsy€r shall be €Ilor,ed h ttr€ coach's ch.L durirg tI6 tnalcheg. E. Coacicr.' shall b€.Eicttyet onEd. 6 . C@tlr.arlro8 D,lct: Pot 8I olhsr trrtl6!! Dor ptovided ior h th.!a goqnd rule!, th€ euE€! wfT fyqugi Cotnpottiotr Rules ard hrerptetation ard lhe Pabrong PaEbars. guidelinss !h.ll .p,ply, 8. @d,l@ lr,, ot,E: Co&potitoE ![rU wear tbe psesGib€d lbet oBdo VneL uniigrm (dobul) during ths comp€titiorL S- funtE,l'ttu Ha: III pLFtr who .re lrot btracl(bei! rhell tEar tho clalpatifion b€lt p(e.cibed by IrtA (blu€/bhck ombingd colcr) 7 TaeMo the Neao[lE,l Tearn and ior lho'€ who }ave reprEseiled lrle coundy intemaaional coJml)eli ions. Olh.,lr/A,e, such w€ge is sdiclly prohibitc<l- h lO. c,o8,pcdtlo, $rfplon i Onfy brln f. apptqued by rhe lTl ard/ot WIT !h!ll be apFovsd foi tre, ftre cont€ltrntr ahell wE6r comptrete prclectq! du'iry thg nlatch (head protedd, body gotector, arm and rbin guad!, groh guar4 hard glov€!, .nd nourh gusd)). I l. .itolt,[ @.rd'nle use of rhs mouth gurrd rhaU be teqEircd frr th. cl,JdtQu" dHrron, the mourh gusrd !h!I b€ tsqtdrcd ,oE beightr of 128 Brl.(Gtoup 3) aBd tdler. la. Coacf,cr'Ildr!. CoadEs sh6ll ,Ear tho prop€! afiire duitg tha Slr.Els .nd Blilrpeds are not 6lloEed. cflFtitiorL D, IWInDE FOI, tZE EY()IUGI t9ENrr l. Il. POOEIE Wiming contestantr in tlr6 Lldit'idltd fyorugi Gtegorigs stra]l be awstdod th€ folloEitlg tEedsls: FirBtPlace Gofd M€d.f Second Pl,ac.6 Silwr Medet 1\'o (2) ltitd Plaoe Bronre M6daI (DorrE l Egll{l ContEltantt in t[€ Poom8ae (Fo!tn8) Gparrhg) Eeert. I. CTTEGOIIES FOI Ey€ !h!llb€t EI'EUEI{II.II IOTI .I{D GIII|E I lI{DIYIDlrlIr P(X)EIE E9EIE I . I E!6mentar'!, Botr Group Athe IEn iotB OE coE!6darr! in tha fyqugd 0!16 (l l conl€stenl .elected ftom Grotrp I to Groqr 3 of !t erring comp€tition. Bovs Group B- one ( l\ c. aslant se]6d€d Aom GrorqD { lo Grcup I of lh€ E aEing conDetition. 1.3 Element5rv GirlE Gtjoup A- ona (l) conteltafi relecled iotn Groutr I to Groqp 3 o[ t]re slc6rtilg conp€tition. l.{ ELmenta$ GirL Group B on6 1l) cont6ltant rEle'led ftom Groulr a lo Group 6 of tlre slrsrring cotElEtirionI .2 Eldrrdllaty 2. IEIID(X)EIE EgTIlr El€sta!*aryBoF Te6m- compo€€d of thrB€ (3) cotrtestaDtr lalect d from Group I lo Gloqp 6 of the rpaling compalitioil2,2 ElEatelrt.rt Girls ltealF comfro!€d of tlEe€ (3) co ert nfs doloct€d tot|r Grctrp I to Gtoup 6 of the lpqr/ng competition. 2.1 E. GTTEGOIIEI FON SGGONDIIIT T. EOrl IIID GIII.' IITDTVIDUIIJ P(X)MIIE TgEIIT 67 l.t Secoldary Boys Group A- one (l) contegt6nt g€lected &om Enw€ight to Irightweight of the lparring competition, t.2 Secotdary Boys Group B - one (l) conteEtarrt Eeloded Eom Wolteideighl lo HeavFyeighf ot the rparing comp€tition. 1.3 SecondarycirlBcroupA- one (l) cont€danr relecled from Finf,eighl to Iighfr.iglt o, tfre Eperring cotnpetition. 1.4 Sesotdary Gidr Group B - one (l) cot edalrt Belec{6d ftom Welteteeighr to Heavyreight of O€ sparring competition. 2. TEI f POOMEIE E EIIT .l E€c@dary Eoyr Taart- compored d tlEee (3) playglE f .2 s€l,ecr€d Itom Finw€ight to WelteEweiglrl of lhe Eparring c.ompetition. SecddarT Glrl! Ioem- cornposed of thrge (3) playeE .elected ftom Finwsight to Welte eight ofthe Bp6rring competition, 3. MIIED PIIN FOOMIE SO'EIIT CoElpo.ed of one (l) cdt€stanl each &om s€cotrdEry boys a.[g girlB Belected lrom FintFeiEhf lo Heavyueight. POOffiIE IO IE PEnfOn[ED C. TIELE OF TEQUINED cl*e r- s'lE*. s-.. . Elen !f.t7Boy!.!d Gt ! IlrdividuEl and Tetln Scco[drr,l Borr aryl Glrlr Lrdividual and Tqa.tr PET GITEGONT .. .'. ',.:'5ic: i, +ffMii lrci!ffi$ , Taegeul 4,8,6 :rr ; Taegeut 7, I, Eoryo, Eeungatrg Taegeuk 4,5,6,7 Taegeuk 8, folyo, Eeutngang, Taebeel D. FOOMSIE COMPETIIION GROI'ND RI'I,ES l. Method of ConUrc(ldo!: IIle cut{E rystom shall be applied in this campe6tio(L It BhaI comprise oI the lollowing .tages: l.l Eutrrlratloar! Contertanfs shsll pedorm tiro (2) of th6 cornpuLory pooruae for th6 elimination rourd chos€n in the Drawing of IptE ard eight (8) conteotantr slBU b€ s€trected lor fhe setni-fnd roud b6sed on their poht ranlingr. 1.2 S€rd-f!.!: Cotue8lEr r shall perrorm two fhe !€quired poomsao fq th6 !eni-6ra.l round ond lour (4) conlestant8 rha]l be s€lected to! the fi.uEl rouhd baled on lheir point 1.3 r.nlingr, fiE l: Co estants shdl pedorln the two (2) tequired poomrae not seked in the semifinal rorurd atd they shaU be alr€rded bar6d dr their point Erking8. 2, Itu[afroD ofcqbst: Tlre time limit ,or the p€Ilornarce o, thg required Pootnsae in ell ev€tlls (tndividral and Team) rhall be one (l) minute and thirty (3O) sec.nds. 3. cotqxldtto! Codct The of Co[duct: PTI Competition Codgs of Colduct Eh.I b6 sEictly et orc€d, 68 a. ItD ortat: fh. cqll€6t r 8lla.U lse odly the approyod TEITon fo uniio(m (dobul) with lhe tTA q WfT apprqv€d seal d the .ppsov€d T!€t wgruto Poomsae UnibEnL 5. Co,lryra tu tulc.: For all othor matts8 aot proeided in th€!6 compotitior gr@nd rules, tha curtEtu WIT Pootruas Competition Rule! & IntorprstEtion atr(l th€ Palatotg Panb.tEa GuidolinoB Bhlll apply. E. TWIIDI DON TEE POOIIISIE A.Iudrddt t EgElII Poo,.nt'c,: Witutirycot,Ertrnt!intheIndividuefPoornraacategorie! ioUoEing nr€dab: Place Ptacc 11drd Plrce Filll S<qd - slall be awarded the Gold Medd Sil"er M€dd Brctl'a Iu6dsl t. r.aE &onNta.t WiEiDg contestar s iu the Team Poonrea c6togorie! rbslt b€ ar-drd€d the ,o[oting madrlr: Pint P|re C'old Medr.l SecoldPlace Silv6r !,lsdd lAidPLce BtonE l\t6dal C.Mlnd E,orn,f.., Witurhg conteBtants in th€ Mired-Pfil-Pglolla cat€goriEs slBll be awErdod tI€ iouowing medalr: FirrtPlEce SecondPlace TtirdPl6ce - GoldM€dd SiIY€r M€daf Bron € 69 TENNIS L '{)Un![I EIT AOTMII I" Singla! Comp€titiot\ Double. Comp€tition .rd Te.sr Competlti@ lhall cotrstihrte ths tennisTgurnsme . B.Siryle Efhitrrtion lqEat.[all be implenand itrSiDglE, Double! andTe.tE CotnPotition. C. ftyo Bittgle. nratcl€s and a Do{.ble. match !h!ll compo.e the lBcrn Competition. In cale th6 tesult rrt dirEi,but€d dnong coErp€ting tsr&! ! Single! slEll bo plsf€d to d€cide tDe winner ol the Tre. (SINGLEE - DOITBIES - DECIDING SINGLE9S€ediag! in Sitgl€r, Doublg! and ft.In CoBrp€tition !h6[ b€ ba!€d on tho tE-sult ot thg Lrt Pal.tqtg Parllbar!.a s&liniltetBd ty DcrpEd. Drawing of trots thall do Ole pairing of playorsrlbamo. E. Atl match€s !ha[ b€ pl8yod in ei{rht (8) Game ho set Which mosl|r r plaFr or team wllo scqE! eighl (8) 96!16 Ein th€ ret 8rd ntElcll' ptoeidad ha t itt! by E qlsjonq of t!@(2) genres. lI a let.cotE ir ti,od rt &8 dl, it shaU be decided by a sse€n (?) poi n bEeaL Gsme. During Ti€blEd. G.ms a plaFr or t€att tto s@tt ! !scs[ (D poht wint the Trabteaf Cetne snd M8tch p(ovid6d h€ wiD! by a ftnjqitt ol two (2) poitrlr. D. II. NT' BEI Of ElInIE A. Eadl lblm lhsll hsre s maimum of ,qlr ({) plrFt!. B. Fach Regiol ir enti Ed to tlro (2) entries in Singl€s Comp€titiotr (sLrglE.A & B), srd one (l) entrt in Doubt€s CotnfEtitlou and one (l) €ntrt in lbam Comp€titiotr (Si!gl6-Dorrbl6sDociding Sing!e.). C. h Individul Cornp66tion (Singler & DouDf6!) " f.Dd" entsies dr.[ pEvail, ichich meatlr enEiea in Singl€i €te not alowed to play in Doubl@-vica rre!.6. Entia! in BEcLEt A are not a[.,tiEd to pbry in Btacb E vice t rEr!.D. In Ts.[r Comp€tition "blind" entri6. lhell pl€n,a4 which m6anr suery time a rrarch o( tio was lchadulgd tha lleam Cqptah shrU b€ pEoridedtrilh an ontry fortn .td hirr pLFr! .E aU8€d to plry in .try one (l) of Siryler A & B or i! Doubl€!. (Mrldarqy Fielding of four (4) Pl4rstr) III.ICEEDI'LE OP GTEI trI tnorning ard afisrtroon tnaiches shsll be plsFd brs€d on EvBila.bility of court, but not befdE the dErigrat€d tine. (Pleale s€€ Daily Otder of Pby). IT. OOEIll DIICIEI.II(E L In dl TBini! mafch€! iltaction otr the rulq ol bchavior, uiryodstnsnlib clnduct, bdl and taclEt abrue lhsll be penalizrd. A fhEe .tagE point penalty lEhadule slE[ be appli6d. B. Cqduct ot Coadr€! b€fo@, duritg 6nd aner th€ mrtdl .hdl be €ErnplEry, Lnpropgr bghavio. by th€ Coacll,/Tesm Capt in and Plqrlq! dir€ctod to megt oficids are lisbtre to ri.,.iflin"y actionr. lt mry b€ in forE of glme rusFnsi@, surpeDlion totn th€ lEst of th€ tourrEmgBt ot rs the cas€ may be, it can b€ a liletitne su4onsion Aotn Etry lournanent qdnintat€Gd b, DepEl, ln casg oi plrtricel abule or gtEE mircordwt the Tournamenf M6rag€r, Reforee or the Chat Umpite h6! fho ghl for inun€diatg tBmo!61 of co.ches. Violatiotu of th6 R6grdatioE tegrding th€ Cosctt/C8ptriru' E€haviollr (Tbam Cottrpetitioir) ahall be in accodance with the foUowing: First Ofi9nsa Second OEetue - lrwhrning - ZdWarning ndtd Ofietlse - R.tnovd 70 v. t laFrrfrrrED G.ltIEl rL tn c€lo oi ircletDent s?dtrer or fortuitor! sy€nt tnatchg! !ha[ be p6tPoned .td murt trschsdul€d. Ir Ery sale of postpomfianl, rtanding rcqe thall bo c!rri.!d h the . game5 ard @uparcy of fhs cryt shall b€ foUatwsd tr ro happen lucc66diDg rcfiedu]g d 9..Er€6 shall b€ qdjultcd aocqdiryV B. l, th€!9 is lto altemativs lr€tluo ard no{ etrorgh tiBe to acclonplirh th€ totsrl$6nt, in consultation rrith Ore Chairtnan of the lbcludcsl ManagEto€nt and G6ttr3! Adniniltation Commifte€ (TI GA) the fo[owitrg optlotE Bh.I be agre€d upon by the IolEtume Mltrsger alrd Coacher invoH: !. On€ (l) S€t, SEaight Sir (6), No Treh€ak G6m6, No-adcadage Scr 2.On€ (l) set, straigl bllr ({), No Treb!€6.k G6me, No6dvl tage set 3, SuFr TiebtEal, T6! (10) Pointg 4, t ttilt, arryotl€ of th€ optioru ab<,ve .l€ nor nrficietlt "Shared Rstldtg" rhlll b€ loUoEd to de{ermiE th€ e!r€r-!ll champiotrlhip, The totd points oI the top lir (6) terft! rhr[ be added ald diyidsd gqudfy b atl tgam, coDcertrod. Yr. PAl,tESta ([ tec,hiicalities lhall b€ in wrdirq 6trd be submitd to tho neld€6, .igtt€d by lh€ H€ld of D€lsgdio! and CoaA silhin oDe (l) hour after lhe conclu8ion o, the garne in Ppt€rt prdd. YII. CODA OP OOI{DUGI A. It rhalt bo tho E€ponsibifity of the colch rnd plaFrE to Erow hivlrer BclEdnlo of games. B. PIaFr! who pttgs€trt thetrrsolter in acc€ptlbl€ temir aftitg aside totn tll. o6cial colgr of teom! Eh.D be accepted. C. Cocchs! ord plaFt8 must pF.€nt thair ID catdr for propel identiicatior bolo@ th6 glmsr rtrtt!. fbilu.E to do so nr.y caulg gamg IoEfeituE D. Tha chair Umpile is the oficial tilnq of th€ tnstclL A ptEFr/team not Eady lo pl,ry within 6tu€tl (lS) tuinures ir liable for delault. E, PlrFt! 6Dd coaches shall 6lg'ay! cotdEct th.tnEfE in a m.nEt ,hidt rh.ll t€ll€c-f flygraebty upoi lhe game of tendt rnd fh.ttualv€s Er a tsue g€loetnan- YIt. C/OTCIE{G L In th€m Comp6tition (S,rgleE-Doubl,es-Decidntg Sitqles) coachirE i! elloEd on d€ligmrted a!€ar ofthe coErt and may corch onfy during the ninot (90) lscond! clErElg ondr. B. In Individual Coinpetitior (Sing!B! & Doublg!) coachirg is not dlcrw€d. Co6ching is cotrlideled to be ary coiununicatio& advicq of Erry kind audibl,e or visible to r plaFr. C. No Cheering/Hecgirg- Co€clres du[ nor clEerlead. A simptre "Good !hot" or a polite clap it not oonsider€d aE cheet leading. D. Coschg! !hE[ not in any EE]r diltrrct oE ltulot oGcialing ofiiciaL and the opposing pEyer. E. .f, Coad! .lEll not itrifiate concrratiq and algue with the opposiry odidatfuE oficials duing tll€ maldl, plsFr! and ILCrrf,OEt/ ODIfIGttI(,I{i In con8ult tion rith tlE Ch.irman of lhchnical Malag€trcfit and Gstnd A<tninLtation all CoaclEs ard O6dstirlg Otfrid! lhrll be notif€d immediatefy and b€ l€quiEd to a6r th€ir signatuE in corlormity of sE trgc€lsery ameldrnetts ol the aloprnentiorred Grcuntl fufes (TNTCA), 7t VOIJ,ETBA],I t. GENEN,IIT NULES: AThis vouBybdl coEtr €titions rha.U bo held in accodanc€ with the rul63 of LrteflEtional voltrsybal Federation GM) 2ol&20f6 E.lition ard ar modifbd by and./or Eupptremented by Ure guidelireo stafed hereun<ler B. hr case of any dispute on lhe tert, I'he Englidr version of the lateBl FTyB Rules sha[ PrevaU. C. Any utl,o(es€€n ev€nt not covered by the rules slral be dea]t with ar ,ollows: Case! of g€nstal nature 6hall be rerolyed in accotdance $ith the guidefines of DepEd Palarong ParnbEnEa 2. TecludcEl que6tioE rha[ be rcsoleed ir accordaica rrith the Technic€l GuideltEs, Efes A Regul,atiottr of VoUeybal 3. Question on EligibiUty 8ha[ be resolved in accoEd{Ee with th6 rcreening and elbibiUty gnridelineB oI DepEd Palaro. l. II. SPECIFIC RUI.EI: I. PrtlIcIPtIlTS The DepEd PElarong Pornbansa voltreybau Chalnpiqlghip shall b6 participared by the Elenrentary Eoys and Gnb and High School BoF ard Gnb bam(s) to a total ot seventeen (17) Regionr in each IeY6l. E. ELIGTEI.EY M'LES nre DepEd Palarotrg P6rnbansa eligibility rule€ shall be adopted in th€ Elenentary aid Secondary BoyE and Girlr leams. C.EIITIIES IND IIIII DfIlOnUf, ONr Each region is ertitled to send elEies in two (2) divi8ioDs ard two leverlr Elementart Boys & Girl6 ard Sccondaly Boys and Girb divi.ioDs. I. - the COMPOSXNON OP A IEAIU: A teem shall be compo6ed of the follor,eing: inctuding one (l) or (2) IJBEROS I Head Coadr f Arst. CoacllrTrainet I Chaperon in case of girl's tean 12 Player8 A tearn may have tlEee (3) ot more teart oEqials (the coach, the clrapero& tsainer, and m€dical doctor) to be abtre to assist their team during the tiarmup session, provided they are in the o6cial list of tlreir respective tesm. Only the tiretee (12) playeB shalt be alowed to take warm-up in the courl, As tlre gane starts, the coach, aJrd the chaperctr ar the caEe may b€, shall be the otUy tsaft oficids l€ft on ths player's b€nclL D. SPOIIS SOLIDInlrY MEEII G Coachos and t€am captairu of all participatilg le€ms .ro oblig€d to attend SportE Solidarity meeting ot rhe Genoral Tochfcal M€€ting to be able lo clarify los to be applied/adopted. Faihre to attend waive iE right to 6l€ neithGr proH tror complaint .gain8t ary matter discused and agreed during the neeting. It ie alo in thia meeting that tlr€ coadr of each padi,cipating team sha.ll l. Submit their entries to tlr6 VgUeyball ToufiE$ent Management to con irm 't2 olEcialy it! panicipadon foUowiry the tnodlt d,/.implti€d O'2 VB Form with twelve (12) playe!'E idurlirg tho IIBERO .nd rhree (3) or tnore o6cidr - the Coach atd th. chaporon (in cars oI gitl'E fg€m entsy), lrrireE, ard tnedical doslor. 2. Atterd lh€ "Pisutrinary irquity' in the .6id E€eting End submit loE inrpeuon the tpo (2) t6snr c.ptain'! uniiorm atd th.l of lhe LIDERO3. Psnicipste in th6 "drawing r lot" Etddr lhdl irunsdi,atsly iollqs 8fr6! tho bri€Grg to be ab!. to detemine tho tealu to plry on the ld day. cryt d one h.lt day .clEdule of garn€. to be pby€d on tha 6rsl day. On tho lEme day, all yol!6yball teatn coBclre! tha[ b€ furni8h€d the Ehole .ch€dulg d gdne. fiom the lr to Or€ lalt dry of lha D€pEd Pllaro. {. B€ fttrDislr€d E. EOlr !O WEf 8 r IE!/MIICE l. AIl gsme! for the elatn€atary boyr end gid! rhdt be plsy€d otr a z-out ol-3 sett io[oEing Ole Rdl, Potd Siyrret!. A loatr which lco(€a rretrtt-Eve (25) pointr Eith a ig minimum lead of two (2) poiIts witt6 a !€t. Ir cose of a 2+2{ ti€, play cortinued urtil a two-poiDt lerd i! achi.ved ie., 2e-21i 2t- i ak, rlpir,Jd tllose b€ 3'd G dociding r€t, the dr8nge sid€. of court sh.ll b€ at score tlrirteotr (13) and the tearn which scoser 28 pointr or with e tninimum l6ad oI t o (2) poirt , EiD! a 6el. 2, A.ll gEtn6. fot tlr6 SocoldEsy boys .!d girL dEring thg prclitninary rounds shrll be played on a 2{d-of3 !ct! touoring the Rally Poi Sys[eE. A te..e which lcores 25 poinrr with a minimum leqd of two (2) point!, tirins a set. In case of s 2+2,1 tie. ptr8y is continu€d urUil r tEo-point lead b achieved i.e., 2&2,1; 2?-25: €tc- $rould theE be 3"t d deciditrg !€f, th€ change sidgs of coll't !h.ll be at lcor€ 13 6rd th. team rhich .coEe. 28 poiltr q Eith a minimun lead of firo (2) poi !, wins a tat. In tho Chlmpiotultip Malch. garn€s -iU b. ptlyrd on a $out-ot-s retr. ShoEld th6re be 6fth (59 oE deqiding !et, team! clrang€ 8ider of the courl at scoEo eight (8) and a tearn Ehl:h .cose! Elte€n (15) points o! eith s mirimum !.ad ot t-o (A) poilts, shr th€ !et. E. COIVDUCI OT COHTEITIIO!. t. Tte First Refereo Bhrll not permit any discusion about his h€r deqili,ors. Rut6 23.2.4. Ralere€. ocdEdiled by DspED llrd o6ciatly endqsed by that teqGctiv. r€gi,ot! siU b€ tapped to o6ciate the yoDeyball game!, 3. I1r€ fulo d Succe{ioE in 3c}redulirg gElr . in .[ lEvelr lhall apPly. Hetrco, teotnr rhall be Eithin the yiqinity of th6 coun fdty iye (49 min) to onshour ane8d oI tlr€L Ech€dufod titne of pl,.y. Fifioen miruta Fior to th6 rtart of ths milclf th. ln and th6 2d tsfqE6s shaff conduqf lhe torr coitr .rd g.me ptocooditqE. Game. rhall start a! 2, Ech€dufad. Pl,ayeE, coach€!, irEluding idantifi.d teaE !EpI,o[te!. poitrfilg dirqtfrlg'€r8, rlte d prohne llngulge os Eny detogatory retnasb addreasd to tle oEsiating o6cials, 8h.[ be rarnod and t€petition d th6 trme &tl!6 ratr.nt !€nctio!. fhe tearn rhall be $nc{ioned by fols cf lervic6 c point agsir8t it if the lpecl8tor i! idelrtiEed tg be tho tqa.B tuppoEter. E. Al the end of the Eatch, t€6ru captai rbalt con$atolafe 6nd rlElg han& wifh ttl€ Roierees (a g€lture of Eponsmauhip), si{F t}re .cote .t€€t to r.tily th€ rssult of th6 {. mach. (Rule.3.l.3.l) rhaJ] be regulrl inspection oych.ddrq of payer's ID beiore the 6. I'tt€te game. G. PIIIICIPIIEII !t.d of th€ OONDUCT . Participanrs mult ht@ the "ofiicilf yollsyball ruleB" and !bid9 by thom, 2, Participant! nurl accept Refurg€'. dscisi@ rith spoftllllrllih coaduct, sithout .rirputing them; l 73 3. Particip8rt! must r€&.in tom actiotE ot rttitudE sim€d al hf,uenqhg tlre ds6iaion ol tho rciorees oE cov€rirg up the fault! conunitfed by their t6.m. 4. PErticip€nts murt behsvg respeclftIy and courlgoualy in the lpirit of r.i! play not otrry l.muds the rcess€ buf also torudr the o6cial!, the oppole , teatnlnlfes and l) E. OErICrrrr YO!.IE Btllt rt 8pectatoE. (Rul€ 20,2. LES, Ur{IElOnI}I rlrD lttrT EETGET l, lte cotnpqtidon rhall bo played in .ccqdarEe -ilh Ule FM htlea 201]2016 ednion. ]lX u€caery id€spe{ati.m! Eill b€ tna.ie be6oE th. compotitiot\ i,e,, dudrg th€ Generaf T€c.hrdcal lrleeting ot Coad€! asd n€derE6r. 2. A tean tnult ofieially rBgister .nd d€cl€r6 one (l) or two (2) UBm.OS priq toits first gEtn€ or dudng tha Tschnicaf Me€titrg. 3. I:EE[ItEn(} me coa.tr bsr the option to Eeld i! any oI the LIBEROS. Repb€€ttient of Liberc !ha[ be u ilrit6d amqEn therL No rrry tlEt tha tEo lihere drell b. ielded al th6 r..Ee tine h the sarr6 !el. 4. PLAYING ONIFOn,W,IIo playing unirom trrult be in conlormity Eirh the r€gionrl coloE and of the ETi/B Gensal Regutations, The ptrrFr'E nu$ber l-18 rcgiltered otr the O-2, thi. ,o(m uldl b€ the !atr6 numbd o! th€ urifo(m atrd rlEll be tho lame nuDber to b€ us€d by Ore pfaye! throughoEl fh€ Prlarug Perbalsa galre duation. nre udro(m of the IIDERO musl be in cof.sl rith tesm'! co!o[, (hrle: 4.3.1; 19.2). Nunbor must be a minimun cd l6cm in heighf on clre t and a minimurn of 206n in heighf on fho bach thg itrip€ fotturg the nunrb€E shau be zqn in lridtlr T€am cafnain must haye on hi/hes je$€y a fiiF of Itlz ql urd€tthirg Ule num.b€t on the ctr€d. g. GOACIES ArlD lE arrlTcltl'S lrNIFOntr ft€ o6cisls dr the plays'! b€nc.h must wBat polo Bhid C T-Ehifi with collar. Tesm dcidr who 6re in !ho!l p€nts aid,/or in dipperB will not be allowqd to partiqipate dudng lhE ieattn-up. Team! lf,iolout a r€girlered t€lrlt o6cial belde tlre sfafl ol thei! lch.dlled gErre wil lo3e the gena by de{..|r. "No Coach No Play rule lltra.ll apply. ln caD a tean c!6ch iB throsn-out due to unq,qlErlat ito cgtdoc-t, the chlpero! may acl ar a co.ch rrpon request ol the team captai[ A "thrown-ort" q "p€nalizd cosch" hcflrsvd Etill holds that rccponribility to t8le care ol his/her te.m after the gsme. 8. EEGEA NET "ETZE Helrr€ntaryIcvel SecoDd.ry Lt,sL I. BoF: Boy!: 2.15 2.43 metet! Girls: Eetet! Gib: 2.10 met€nE 2.2{ sr€teE8 MODE/FOIUIT OF TOETrl EIII PallbitEe <h.ll rdopt Ore Sitlgla Round Robitr, Ct6s-O"€r atd f,roc}-od q/dem d t@rrrment h e[ lsy€L/divi8ioo, hsnce, thse Bhatl be greuping fhe 2016 Pdarong of tea&a: A GROI'PING PXOCEDI'RE Ih€ s€venl€en (l7) rsgioDsneanr shall b€ diyid€d into four ({) groups, A,B,C, & D. nE€e (3) groups wiu have four ({) tea&r each.Dd one group triU have Eve (5) leans. Il lhall al8o drsw lot to which grDup Fill it beldrg prior to th€ grm6. Thele gtouDs must have .l !Ea!t ons (l) tqam e.ch iotu hr@, Vi!!Fs, ard MirdsrEo. Teams in each accoEdingly. GROT'P'A'' lst _ M $oup EhaI play a GROI'P "B" 2rD M vfwt) UM L L EitlglE rourd robin and sh6ll b€ lanled GROI'P "C" 3D_ 6rr MtL_VlL vft_ MlL GROUP d,_ "D" STrl W' 74 Top two (2) terln! h Group t&D will advuc€ to the Qlrart6! Firrlt and play on Or€ cros€over ali€fi\. Relpocrive witul€tr slEll adeance to the Bemi-6naL. I.o.€lB wiU plsy foE cotBoLtion tould (optional) on a qo€s ovef but lqroc&-out grlEe. I'o€erE ftotn lh€ Setui-Finaf! lha.ll pfsy tor 3d Erd 46 Ptraceo r6Pectivety th€ rinnq! wiu play loE the Chalpionship (ld & 2'd PIac€6.) QAARTER QFI QFil tT 9Fi] QF{ rr.s (a GEMA) AlA2- -vE- D2 B -w-vl- DI c2 A2 -1rl- sa'/rl.Ett SO Wimer wituE! G,,,,lrlr) QF QIZ- ENA',S L ct L6or SF Witur€! sFr -Ya- Wituror -va WiNer -vr- I..el -vE- Winrld QF{- Qm_ S2 sEz 3! qrd {6 lr.nd 2d Ct rltrFrclrtoI or rEtxs Classifcation oITe&r.hrll be cotEid€r€d in the tolloring - ord€rs: A. Nutrrbet of Ytclorios; mre teatir slEll be nrrtnbet of matches wotr. B. h lte Care of Equal M.rclrd Wotl flr€ fouailg poi[ts !h.I Malchwolr MatchwoB b€ 2-O oI Equal 3 2 pointr 0 poht O point (254:26-0) poitrls I point 2"1 Mrfch blt Gz Match Fodeited clE in do.cendi8t order by lhe aradad p€r match to esch tgatnl Matchlost l-2 C. In chtsif€d Foirb l. S€r quotielrt- Itr U€ care of €quality in the tutrDa olmatcho Fn by two (2) Or rerjemf temr, thry slEll b€ clr.i6.d in d6c€ndirg oEdcr by the quotiet[ Esulting from the division of lh€ nEtnbs of dl lelr rf,etr by the numh€r of all !€tE loat. 2. Pointr Quoti€nt- If the tie persirt! as pqr the let qtrot'rent(2.1o.3.I) lh€ Point Quotigt Eill be dalsified itl de.catdittg oid€s !y th€ quoti€sf Blu.Eing eotl the diviliot! od qU points scoEd bt the totd of poinB ldt during dl let 3. It tie coatinue! .r p6r the pohfs quotied (2,10.3,3) botre€tr tEo tettDr, th€ priqity will b€ girrEtr to the te8rr wliidr ron lhe hrt El8tch b€tueen tlEtn, i[ point quo{i€nt i. botEeen th€a or mote t€!Jr!, a ret cla$iEcation d th€ro tearDr i! tgaru of l, 2 lnd 3 tf,iU be Ead€ tafitrg info consid6tation onlt natch€. in sfrich th€y rg€ oppo.6d to €.ch dh€r. When lhg tie ,. rwfiDt A- TAOPHIES fiID MEDf,Is: ltophieB .nd coEr€sponding nr€dd! rhall bo ardd€d by the mythicd 8ir (8) atd fhe Eituling cgac.h o[ tha chanpion t6.8. rlr€ {u ptacq lhatl allo b6 8rard€d tha CeltiEcal,e as the tarted toam ftom .morg the leygnt€en (l?) rsgioE 75 puticipathg. Othet P.rticipertr drsll elto ba awarded the Ce!trcrle c P6nicipa6on by tbe DepEd as thg Pallrorg Panbansa Otg.niret, I{OIEl AIl Voueybal Players must wEar th.ir oficial unifum by rcgi@ in receiring th€ medal!, tsophiEs 8rd cettiEcale of plrddpstidt dEirrg th€ vousrba[ stadirg !!d cloling celenonies which will buow hnedislely aftet the champioEhiP mrtch. Faihre to apped during lhe aFarding snd clocing cetotnort r fdieit! thoit awgrd. Itr. MIICELITIITAOUS PNOVIflOT': A PROIW/COMPUINIS: Protert on oligibility sh..ll b€ addrgssed to ths Sqeening/Eigiiblity Cornmitt€e whila proto.l on T€chn&Elity Elrall be ad&e.sed to the T€clEical Maieg€s. Such protott mulr be submitted/prq€ €d is writllg w hin U&ty (30) mift[es pedod afr€! th. g.tn€ i[ quertion duly signed by th€ t€un crPtEin 8!d coach acco@panied Eilh th6 proo, ot eviderce. 118 b!rd.!r oI proof li€! qr thg lrfotsster. F.ilure to submil il trilhin 30 rdr[le rqrld meai non-ht€rd oq the parf oI the Foleltitrg party to pusue the c.re; helce, il slEll b€ coD5ideEd s Eilaoce psdest. IB whlch ca!o, lha te.tn lodgdng arc.h nui! Ee Ptotdt rhrll b€ gii€s ttsn '-arning. In care the l,Eo.est i8 prssued ltld th. c@c.rnsd plafe! has ba ,ou!d tg b€ ineligdble, ths leam felding in€Iigdble phls thal! bc pqraJired by ffieititE .U the grrnes wh€re the ineligdble pfryq lut ptay€d i! Iqvor of the oppond rilhout Eejudice to punitiy€ sanction Euch !r Elp€Daion or disqualiEcation tom corchisg. B, CONDUCI DI'NNG @MPETMON AND CORRESrcNDIIJG I. PIAYER AT{D COACHES PENALNES ATIM'DE DI'RING GIMES Particip$t! tnust re6ein from actioDs or attihrd€s sitned af h,luencins the d€cilion G,f the reIeree., othswise, th. playsr/te6rL/coach .hau bq irdEd wantjrg. Repetiti@r of the 8aII€ &t|!e waraDlr petBlty. 2. I' DER TIIE vqbd INFII'ENCE OP UQUOR Atr, tn€mb€r oflbe teatrr Ioud lo b€ lndas not b6 ellowed to sit on tho b6ndl, Ure itrflu6lca of Uquor e &ugt lhall 3. SII{CIIONS: lqru o, misconduct duing conp€tition dE[ b9 8ubieqt to sarctiotr in accotdance with the sanction with the llncdon scrfe. Gule 22.3.) AI {. DEFAULT: A t68m rhat dosr rot appear EfiE€tr (18) rninutes €.fret thescheduled titne of fh€ir gallre ahall b€ declarcd in deirul ir tavor of the opposing teaE. 6. DEFTTI,T/TORFEM'REAI'AE.OUT: it grnE ir d66.ulf, ,lrolurtary lqne Ee atrd/c r.lb-out b€lot€ or doting th6 tnatch lhall b€ given rerc (O) point. Chalce. u€, it tnqhr enEil €lchtsion frotn lhe neat qultifriDg/ rerting round. fhi6 rule applbs from the pseliuriDEy up to th€ cha,tnpionlhip toutd. All matchec previoualy plsfd wiu A tesm thal d€darc 16 b€ d6clet9d torieited with lcore: Gz: (G25: G28 for two our oI U|ree (3) G23; G25: G26 lor tluee out ot fiv€ r6tr.) 6. }BAIIL lstr End SYSTEM To avoid d€lay oI g!!r€| aad ro b€ able to 6ridr E garne rithin th. pcElqib€d p€liod, thr€e ball Eyst6ttE Bhall be applied. T€ltnr sre advirod to tap the ba.ll to the ball reuievs'a cide. C. MEDICf,L SERVICVXIT ir lec@m€nded thal dl p€rti,cipatitg tsaru tuu, provid6 thenEelv€d "Medical" teittr q a "M€dicrl FlEi Aid Eit". It Iv. IwllD3 (troPErE, rrIEDIr' WLUr€8E d tho Eaicho! Champion ld Runaer-up 2d nrnnar-up 3d nrnnet-up & CElrlrtclrEl) i! !€rpective cafegey/divirion tlrall be arard€d the lollowing: - la Gold Medal! phtr 14 pca. C€lrifcare dAchigvemd{ - la Sitver M6dab pht, lil pca. CertiEcate of.f,chisveme - la Brcnze MedrlB pluE la pc!. Certitrqte ofAchisrenenl - NoM.dEL Ot y l{ pca. C€ltifrcale oflchigrEtnotu fot tnetrthlr Sp*ial CediEcare; For men|b6ts or lhe mythical .ir (6) p€E leveydivilion V. IICIOXY CEIEMOME!! Victorycslqnoni.s!hE[lolowim$ediately 6fi€rth.concluliotrdthetoumAtlle . Cosch.s of top thr99 (3) teunr nulf adyira their playsrs to be in fuI voDeybslt lldform psticularly th6e who sha[ bo rocoivulg tlEir sxard!. vr. DtoIooor,! Cdrredsdiotr (AVC) protocol dEll be ad.pt€d drEirg the FelimiDery and World round! th€ Grsnd kir (WGP) ptatocol during the chsmpiotrlhip match.r. AII tesmr and pl,ryslr mud be eithin the vicinity of rhe yonsyb6ll col[l lGty (aB) Ednute! prior to th€ir sclrsduled g.|tre. Fne€n (18) rlinqte. pdor to th€ mdch. the Fir8t R&!ee snd the S€coEd R€{olee wiU conducl tD€ to6s coin and lho oths gamo Fooeeditrgs. Gstr€s slrlll st rl 8i Bchodulod. Al Ure €!d ofthe lrratcfl' team captEiE thit*E th6 Raiet€€s, a8 a g€8tute of lpod.tnrnship, and sig[ tlE lcors sh€et to Etiry the relull od th6 tnatch (hrle Th6 A8irrr voUgybs[ YII. PTOIOIO I tEN PIIOT3: Lrl€rupled matclr€!, even if it ercee& the four hous and played in another volrus, match lha.ll cqtirue with the tlme !co8s!, pLy€tr, ana poaition. I e!rupted sot Elqll continue nomaty, E h fhe Bcd€s of cotBpl,eted !eU6 kgpt a8 plryqd. VII. UNfOtlEE{ IIEM Ar t6gard, th€ spod6c it€er @r erpreBsly ,o[€€66n in thi! t€grulAtiot\ tho Tecluucrl M ager Eill d6cide in conr lation with the G€neEl Rulgs and Guideline8 c.ntEined in the Fl- and ltrs Plfrtatrg Par$rns. Ru]e! .nd ReguladoDs. 7t DEMONSTRS,TION SPORTS WUSHU CO PEIIIION GX)I'IfD ItrLEI I. DAIE.f,ND PI. CE: TIre 2016 Pslllottg Pam.banla- Wulhu Comptiti,on Hotel St. EUio! l,€gazpi Cit ,Ifbsy. rill b€ hald ioln Apd f 116, A016 at tr. COMPIImON VENUE: Competition Veae: Holel St. EUbt l,tgapi City, Llbay Itr. COMPEIflION EVEN]S: Group A- Who werc bom b€tiI!€s JanuEy 01, 1998 to D€cember 31, 2mO Mrre : 48lq; E2Lg: 56119 Female : aglg;gz}Et Group B - Who were born b€,to€en January 0l, 2O0l to Decen$et 31, 200i1 Mde F€lr8le : : {zlg; aSLg; 4\t *A$ {8I!9 IV. PtrRNCIPIITTS: ODl, s.condart School Stud.nta Eho pas! the Palarong Parnbaila Sseering psocedue. V. PTRfl CIPAT'ION MEIIIODS: e. Hcallh cefii6c8te g) day! prior tothe comp€tition, PuL€ and ltrood keallto. b. Watvor of Liab€litie6 c. Esch Teatr may compoG ot 2 Co6c.h, I Chapson lor th€ girlr 8Dd l0 Alhl€tes a- Thae dlould b€ ona (l) athlere per wsqht cat€gGy VI. COMPEImOlt METHODS: a. rli6 ComFtilion sldl be iidieidurl cornpetition b. Knoclout system lriU b€ adopted. c. Silqle round-rcbin wiU be rdapted if numbor oi competilotr Ls! thln { d. TL Cottrpetition viU b6 conduc'ted in acqlEd.rca with Ore Ruler of lnt€national Wushu Federatiotr (IWUF) e. Fatsl Lic}(s) to tlre head a! rsll as gussiys/continuous punch€a to tha head are nol Fttnitted. f. 1t6 Competiltion tit!. t minute 6!d 30.€cond! Eith I minue iatsesl fd gach tourtd. g. tr winner will be declals ls be.t of2 out of3 rourdr in each bout. VII.COSflJME filD EQUIPMEM: .. Comp€tiioE shaU wBer codu.rne and ptotectivB gr.t! in complience rith the "Rul6r for InrefiBtioEl Slnda Conpetitiotr" Tlro (2) lct otcod[,rrla; l-Ed atrd l-black b. c. GuIn .hi.l4 ir.&.p and hrnd-Eep m8t b. Fovidrd by cotnpetildi th€oslves. VIII.PI,ACII{G OE AWA.RDS: Top thr€€ (3) men ard wotnen will be arErded resp€qdvely wilh Medrfr snd Celtiicat€r. IX. ENItrIES: a. b. Fitrd ErE wilh ore €sBnL.nd runea ofcompotitoEl mu, rcech tba TournarEt$ b, tnail oE dnril not l,.lcr th.n Apdl l. 2016. lJo Chllrg€s 6 additionsl enEie! will be aqccopted ai€! the deadlin€. Ma ger 78 x. CoNTACTPERSOI{: Addte.si D.ni fei D. Brsilio c/o Jalardoni }lernori6l Nationd High S€hool Iba Ia Sl,I€puz noilo City TcEu No. 3il7-E&24 Erlri} ba.silio I E 2o@yahoo.con.ph Toumrnent Ma$g€E; D6rri Eei D. Barilio C€Ibhona No. @38749007 XI. IECHMCAI, MATIERS: Techiic.l Meedry ofcosches wiU b€ olr April 10, 2016 d Hotol Sl, EUiB l,€gazpi City, trIbay title lO:00 Lii. Malt6 of the comFtition -iU b€ disculs etch team Elay r€od 2 reprBlontaliye. XI.OIIIER MATIERS: a- Erdr leam !h!I rtid.ly abide by the tu18s d DepEd and the Otgarhry Commin€e. b. ftose Eho siu violate lh€ Rule! rnd rsgn Ltiotr will be dqalth with a@ding to the rc$rlation olDepEd. c. Testrs mry bdrg vid€o csfirera! [oa tba docu.u€ atiotr oI th6 bout(!). 79 WRESTLING welgln ch!r.!. A spott to be conte3ted in the high school divirio& l) the age cl6!s shal be from 13 to l? yeaE old (come the nationals); 3) etith ody five weqhr divi8ioru tq boys (in kilogranB -{2, -46, -50, -54 and -58) .nd uLewile for girlB (-iu), -44,4, -Az std -56); atld the remaining rule6 ard tegulations shau be in acco(d.nce with the Olympic cadet Myle rules. A otre kilognam slordnce (+f kg) sha.tl be obsettr€d, ro discouagc drastic teight cutting anEng I. lg. ..Dd our young ParticiPanlr. U. CotnpettttoD ryltem. Rourd-robin for 6ve (5) competitorr oE le3s ia a welrht class (l brcrlze medal), ard dircct elimitEtion flith rcpechage for eir (6) or more in a seight clars (2 brolrze nedalB). Itr. Illegal Loldr. Wrestle{s are forbidden to: A. Pu[ the hair, earr, genitals, pinch the Bkin, bite, twi5t fingels or toeg, etc. and goneraly, to pertorm actiols, gerturer or hotd! trith the irrt6ntion of toduring the oppoEent or Era.king him EufiBr to rotce him to withdraw. B. Kick, head-butt, stsangle, pusll apply holdr that may endangq the opponent'B life or cause a fiiacture or djslocation of litnbs, tsead on the feet of the oppotrent or touch his 6ace betweqt the eyebrors and tlre line of the mouth. C. IlEurt the elbow oE kree into the opponeilb a.bdomen or stort|adr, carry out any twisting aqtiotr whidl iB liLely to caure $!fieritq, o! hold Ore oppotEBt by hir singlet. D. Cling to or graE, the taal. E. Tatk duting lhe bout. F. Seize the sole of the opponent'E foot (only seizing ihe upp6r pa of the loot or the heel is pemifted). G. Agree wilh the match re$ t between thenEelver. codra drroalrlg cotip.ftfo! ttthe nattood cn mpi@ ip, For tlre 2015 Palarong Pamballsa National CharnpidEhip, in oder to lirnit the participatiott ccts o[ our teams, the athletes sha.tl be dlorDed on the ioUowilg It substitute for ure o6cial Olympic-wrestling sta[dard uniiom: l) Bardo-and-eyclingshorls combo per atNet€, accdding to their rcgional team colors, 3) a pair oI t€d and blue wrirt bands, ard 2) etemption ftom Bearing wraEtling shoe3, by having thern Y. UnIIbm eld 2015 compete barefooted. VI. Conrpoltti@ o fechricd ofrd.lr. Ihe tecluridl officials slrall have fifteen (15) metnbeB: on6 (l) toumltr€nt directon, orre (l) .rgtstant tournamorrt dircdoE, oBe (l) mat iudge, .Ere (l) maf cllaifilan, two (2) jury of appeal mefi.bers, bur (4) rederees, htro(z) scoserr, two (2) pai ng coftmittee ttremberB, two (2) tLne!8, and one (t) video recorder. 80 rUTSf,I, I. Itl.mc oflqr! D.ol: Palarong Panb.ri. 3015 Uf 8 Gidr FIIIEILIoITRIiIAMEM tr. Typo otlbur.D.lr: A liearl5 rhall b€ group€d by OEs€ (3) oE four (a) in a bra&t, deperditg on th€ nunb€t of entrie! playiig 6ngla Round Robin in th6 olimination toutds. B. lbp tn g (2) te3tn! of Ee€ry br|cl8t wiu qualify h Ule nast rcud pleying so6t- over singte elimiiation. C,Te.m! that winr in th6 quafl€!fitral tourdr advrnces to th€ !4ri6nal toutd. tos[,d aDd t ,ha'd D.IfdtE[ 6ri!t 6ftd th8 duration of th6 tnatch in bc qaat,t4 '!,,fi,t-fual detarmitr€ tD€ wiNr€t of th€ .rd lri pr.c.m.!!, u€e (3) kich tom fig pqdty nrtk lrill match draw eaist aft6r the dEration of the tnstch i frDal malbt, a Ara (5) t frr.!, cdcnslo, pcr h'Jfttll b. .,14tl,Cd. If a drBw stiU erirtr, 3 kicks Aom rho p€nalty ma* will be uled lo det€smine th€ winr€r. F, D€termining th. Iat|litlgs: E. TI l.Win - 3 pointr 2.Drsw- I point 3.Ilose - O G. Lu case ol tie itr th. l8nlingr, the fo[owiry litlfgr alral spplyr l. God difeEnce GrEalor number of go8lr 3.Win olrer the otlEr {.Ib.r coitr 2. m.IfEtnD.r dPITFtt: A Marimun of tElve ( l2) ptayol' on a team (5 fi€ld plaFrr gor&s€D{;7 .uhitute!) B. Madmutn of 7 substitEte catr b€ us6d in a gane C. Flying substitufiol shrll sppy D. & ohe of whom dull be I FeEors qr the bench (tscludcal aEa): 2 teaal o6cial! aIld 7 lY. DE don LTm rubslit €! dth. G.rtr. (3) haflB! cquislirg of trBnty (40) tninutes p6r halt (rururing tiEe) wilh 6ve (6) mitrut.s inf€rral botre€n halr te.tn iB dlc[Ed to hrltE q one (l ) minute time out only ONCE p€l h€[. Ttir time oul cannot be carried @r in th9 nell haII if ur ursd B. Each Y. PLFrr EqulEn Et.rdqdftsm L naFr! I€!!et Nutnber must only be tsom l-15 plEFrs on the b€trch m[at rEar bib6 of difigtrnt cobr Aom thek r.Erifo[tn drd B. fll opponent! lI. lll oti.r rd.! Dot !o to their !!r!do.d fr li... gdd.tfr.t IIIA rrlr qpfr. 8t BII,I,IERD I. I{IIf,E ca.tl€d "Ihe Pslarong Pambsnsr Billiads Compstitiol (D€no d6sm€<l by the Palrrong P.Dbansa adninistsafion, nre Toulnlnent .hall be Spo r)" or.! II.PIn?ICIPII|IS Padicipa r fq th6 6vEnt dEIl be stud€nfs in ih€ lecotdrry priyafe a.d public lchoolr Pdtisip.r ! lhoqld ps!! the atNde! eligibility bas€d on NSAC Guideliner ot DepEd. The IU.MEDIIA ModrL lhall be aE rdad to th. ChEnpiosr. ld hraner up and 2d Rlltrtrer up in each dirciplirc kvohred in the eYenl. Y.PLTTET NE9UINEMEI|IS A. Each plEyer EhEll be t€quir€d to brirq AT IEAST th. lotlowitq eqEipme during the eeetrt, tronding or boirolrirrg of Buch equipmert i! .trictly prohibited; l. Broa.L 2. Cu€ l. Jump Cue Cue Stict B. Eachplryerare a.llow6dtobringtheloUro*ing optionalequipme, t€ndhgo, oquipm€ during s match i! prohibit€d: 2. Ch6u./GIoY€. C. Player Dtes€ Cods BqF Girlr - Colarcd PoIo - Cl6e Colsi€d Polo Psrt. Panlr Elac:L Sho6B with !u.bb€! sole! Blac} Shoer Eith rubber sotros vI.ltoDE of coMPErrtror Disciplin€r lhat Bha[ be played wiU be nin€ (S)-bdl singleE end eighr (8)-bdl singl6.. fhe nur$er of rqc!.s ard tyF o br.ct!6t syrtsm to b6 E!€d sh6ll b€ &cid.d dopetdirE on the number c frsrtiqifrants provided by the regrorc. Optonr would b€ eiths .hgle elitninetn n o[ do[bl€ €limination. nre num.bgr of tachs rhall in(teale dep€ndirxg oE thg lqngtth dorirgd by the enenf organizer of Palerong Parhbaris. lI or Eh€lr the nEmb€r qf particrp![E doo! not El th€ braced by-or , a! slimination phrle shall b€ h€ld plior to rhe event proper, p€rticip.ntr of which are picked by the u8e of eitlre! d!8w q re€diig decidad by th€ Touflrament Direclo[, VII.LIWIOI IIEG.I E s€t by th6 World Pool Association .hEI b6 fouow6d. I fttrnilhed rulo booL covering th6!6 mattetB .lrsll b6 dilEibuted to tha coaclEr belorc th. €lrBnt prolrsr. Ihe genersf n hg E2 ''Ill.tErEtEEt OnIy BSCP qcq€dited rc6ore6 Bhdl be appoint€d to rcfrteo in the ec€trt I" R€fesee Equipnsrl White Clorh Gloves l. 2. Bdl Marker 3. Titn r B. DreE! Codg l. Poto Shtur 2. Slacl! 3. Blar} I8ath9t She. E.IIITETITEIITION OF RUI.ET IIIID MITIEiS I{(}I PiOVIDED FOi nre tournament directd holdr the 6nal d€cirioos s€garding dl Eattels 8trd rula! i! cotrlultetiotr with the BOCP on intdFet8tio! of rul€6 atd dl manels not provided for. I. TOUnIIITEIII OTEICIII.8 I. fcErn m.d lxr.cto, M.n!ge!rhs$hotreerr€lrtandholdrth.ftrald6ciliononslltnaltetrregrrdingthsgve. Ma.kitlg sut€ thar B. eE 'lhirg goes accotdingly 6od srroolhly. &dd.d loEr!.ln rl Dir.ctor Ilsilt ths rorEr.nrqrt direc{d to p(operty marlage llre er,Ent C. Lcratsrhr Malra and k€€p! ot.i.! recosd! s€gadirg tha svet tonr r€gilEatidr, scde teopirrg, 9.trd 6Ent plogtrig6s. (Mry abo h.ndle Evstrt C@[dhrl(E R.spoEBibilitier iI u$ietgtafied) D. Er.d Cootdlrator Xe€pr Ore contrct irf.mstion o( a[ Egirl6t€d ptayd8 duritrg tlre eyelt, Ei[ b6 tespotEiblo d irfdmittg th6 partidp. r beiorc tnafdr.. keepirg FacL ol malch scheduler, and whele rhe p8rticipants sre accomhodaH. (h€ler8bly provided os hired localy lo enrur6 fatniliEity to the dent vanu€) E. n€dlre. People aoq€dired by the BSCP to rcdese€ on tlre Evenr. Etch rable drould bo ptovid€d E t€leree of itr oEtL Will be handlins the scot€bosrd and reportirg d e€Eh matcli- Each trbl€ r€quites one re-lere€ but if 30 d€€med 6t @ if rclerEer arc Fovided rith alsiltsntr, tEo (2) tabld crn b€ hadled by on€ (l) rs&!6e. F. &.t t.!t nr{rreo (to bo providod by DepED it deatned lit by DepED P8larong Pambanla adminirEstiotr) Sha[ b€ accBsad ard provided ior by DepED euurirg BSCP thar tley bare .naaded ths E€ninErs held ir pr.peration of Pa.l,lrong PElnba[la and hold rhe proper bac&groutd in otciating 6po[titg ov€trf8. Tho Bini.rd! Derno Tourtr6mgnt sft.I proyidg !! actual lrsttilg $ourdr ,o[ lhera p€optre, as lrrcll' thsy Ehall alEirt tha rc6ete (rhidr ia t3 ptovidad b, ECP s! t€clBic.l oficialB ,or t6ielee pet reblg. Ore said eEnt). lllerg shall be on .!.bt nt Aa per any BSCP ranctioned evEnt, the torsnarEn/ovsnf y€nue Ehsll be iDsl:Ected by the TourtEnent Directq 8trd.A&istatrt Tounatne Ditsclo[ to ensure llop€r iulal8tion snd equiFnenl rD€cii€atiou not late! thar one (1) ws€k prior to the event prop€!. Changes, modiEcatiou rnd implsmentatiors that thg Tournqn€t{ DirectoE !6€6 6t rhall be honored. The tournament ditEctc !h!.U 8bo c!Uec,t, if DepED d*idEr to have .raistatt !9i9re€! (o6ciating ofici.Ii in Eliring) to be pdt of th€ d€tno evssf. ECP requirE fhom to submil lhe bUowit|g al the lame time as the vetur€ iDrpac{ion i! hel4 . ltl lD Piclure . Teclrnical Oficilf . Birth Celtificate R€gdntation Potm (proridGd hasdn) u SPEGIAL GtrMES t. E .Iotlrr,Er P.larqrg PalBb.rla 2015 Spedd G6rlo rha.U only b€ p.nicipEted in by pupilBttud€nt8 with bre[ectual Dirabiffty @), Vilu8lly Ilrprirod (VI) ard frhop6dicalry Hrrdicapped (OH) in-ich6l dbfd6. C. Elch rcgiotr i! allowgd to 6eld in a Erarimur of 6fty (80) dofegrter cotnpo8ittg ol sthteles E. fte and coaclE!. D. Ige cat€gory: Visudy Inpaircd {F€!r caregory Out, up to 25 y/o only) Int6tledu!,l}y Dirabled -15 y/o !.nd bol,or, -16ylolo t/o onl! Soce/Swiluniry - ODo csregqy (but. up to 26ylo qty) Ortho/Ampure€ - Op6n cEtegory (bur, up to 26ylo only) tI. E'.IOEII.ET DOCT'IIIEI{TT Jl Athle(6! R€clEd (ARI) B. Modicdc€Itiicare C. Prycho-Educdiotd.kserstrant - (!or Intel€ctu€It Dirabbd (ID) - IQ IEt sl - 70 rnd befoE) (iot ViBudly ImpaiEd (Tot6llyBlind ot low Vilion - visual lcuit ) D. NliO cGrlficate E. Csti6csto o, EtEolnent stEtirg Ore school year fhq child 6r!t ertolled I,t6ent/cottDlsdotr - up to F. Photo Gal€ry G. P.r€d!'/Guadiar'3 Cqller H. { pc.. 1.5 r 1.5 ideEtical picture3 with na[rE tag (sunrame, ntBi ttsruo altd middlie iniUd) L Ph.lo cogt of qistiDg rclDol recqds of th6 lped.l alNcde (t Ie note of llre subjecdskilb tfrst are arpposed lo be incltrded ir th€ compet€nqie! for th€ ID't) III.COMPEIT OITGITT(X'nIES t. rt raE sraa{vt Athlotes A1IIIEIICS l00M Slanditg long iurnp Shot put Gorl Bdl D. rotrrr Ifo.d E9IIII Eryt gtrb 3 3 Coaclr€a I 3 Alhlet€o will b€ lelecd ftom arnong plaved in .thleticr thde who Irf.[ect!.If, D|r.bLd (D) EgEXI rttlEnct l00M 200M 400M 4Xr00M Rurutnq bEg jrttnp Shot Put Irhf!.!! Doyr rofll. o.d qlsL 5 6 (lsyE. old & belot) (l8yrs. old & beloE 5 s (16 to 25 (16 to 26 y/o on y) vlo Cc.cDar 2 tz 2 t2 85 only) Bocle/Bocsia (!ingl6 double, team) {(zboF&2gi r) 5 Mrte & FomEIo Cstegory I{O IGE Dll'Crl SWME|G 2 2 2 6 B.clrto&e Hecltyle 5OM EEartohe sOM sOM C. OttLoE Gdlcall, lrrirlc-FE d.[q{r.... (OE) > IDdc-hro .Dfdd@ (dlglG or doubl€) > B.lf,-Ln o .nrFr.do[ (dntla or doDt ) E9'EIf' boF .ITELErIG3 Shot Art EUIII! II{G SOM BaclstoLe SOM Fr€€stylo 8OM &erstrohe Xolo: IOIIl. tfo. of trthlet 2 . qfrlt 2 Corcha. 2 6 l! rlhLt. tr dlow.d lo Dl.t tlr.. €) tafAarl rtqrit .ry! oa. (f) taartr d,ol. Er.[ prrffdpdlg t.]h c..D .d.r ooty r trddtlrlrr dt o (2) rtletrt .rd . mldrnEm dthrao (3) .tfc{cr h e.ct e".!t. lfo cro.rhg of.v.at. (!o crotc apod) IY. E9UIDMEI|I I|EEDED A- Bocc. Ealb (!et) B. God Bdl t6 lEflclosure No. 4 to DepEd Memorandum No. 56 s, 2016) Republic ol the Philiryihet r DIPARIMETfI OT EIruCINO PATARONG PAMBAT{SA 2016 Legazpi Gty, Albay April 10-16, 2016 AL&IY PH PLAYING VENUES EVEIITS ARCHERY DlsIAIl(f, (xrt.) 11,5 VE UES Provincial Entlneerint Office, Salutan,camali& Albay 2 Divine wo.d High School Gymnasiurn, Lrtazpi Gty Albay Sports and Tourism Compler, Eicol Universlty BADMINTON 0 0.5 SASEEAU 10 Mayon Rivle.a Subdivision, Udon& Sto. DomanSo, Albay Boys - Elem 3 Boys - Sec. 2 Girls - Sec. 1.5 Sat,ada Familia Gymnasium, BoSlon& Legazpi City lbalong Centrum for Recreation, LegazpiGty Sunshine lnternational School, Tagas, oaraga, Albay Sto. Domin3o Basketball Court, Sto. Domlnto, Albiy Pe .randa Pa.I, Albay Di5trict, Le8aspi Gty Aquinas University Student Pavilion, Rawis, LegazpiCity ARtllS ATHLETICS Albay Astrodome, Legazpi City BASKETEALL Court 4 80xtNG 0.5 CHESS 2.5 11 FOOTBAI.L Bicol University Football Field Secondary 2 0 0 Elementary 1 15.S Elementary 2 16 BUCAF Eootball Field, Guinobatan, Albay 1.S St. A8nes Academy Secondary 1 GYMNASTICS Albay Sports and Tou,ism Complex FootballField Albay Provincjal Spon5 Center, T,avesia, Guinobatan Hotel St. Ellis, Le8azpi City SEPAKTAKRAW Junio. secondary oemo - Girls SOFTBALT 2 1.5 Darata CoYered Court, Darata Albay 1.5 Darata Covered Court, Da.a8a Albay Mayon Reviera Subdivision, Lidon& Sto. Dominto Albay Sports and Tourism Complex, Bicol University titao City Gymnasium, Albay Aquinas University Domc, Rawis, Legaspi City Albav Lignon HillTennis Court, Eogtong, LegaspiCity 10 SWIMMING 0 TA8I.E TENNIS L2 TAEKWOI,IOO 2.5 TENNIS VOLTEYBALI. BILLIARD5 BaSombayan Covered Court, OaraSa, Albay 2 & RE DPWH Tenois cou.t Oh La La Paradis€, Muhdbucad Grande Guinobatan,Albay 0.5 Gmp 1.5 DENR Gvmnasium 1.5 Bicol Collete Gymnasiurn/ SUCEf G Gymnasium 2 Ola Tennis Court / 1sl Enginee,lng Ofrice Gymnasium Ayala Mall, Letazpi City FUTSAT 16.5 Guinobatan Covered Cou.t, Guinobatan, Albay WRESTTING 16.5 A.andurugan Hall, Guinobatan, Albay Embarcade.o Mall, LeSaspi City Divine Word Hith School Ground, LeSazplCity Albay Spons rnd Tourism Complex, Bicol University WUSHU 2 SPECIAL EYENTS 0 (Enclosure No. 5 to DepEd Memorandum No. 56, s. 2016) Repubh t o[ the Philippi[es DEPARIMII{' O+ TDUCAITO PAIXONG PAMIAI{SA 2016 L€pzpi City, Albay I I april1G16,2016 I.Chllkal Offlcl.lr llll.tln! sdloot Ilo. llurniG sol()ors o of offrcrA15 EVETT ^ R@US loc not I$EDCO r.bh Tennls scl(xrt I|EAD Ma. Th.rer. N. Naserao 21 1 & #i, t+- 26 3 38 6 88 !o 00rvr cI t{o, 09204041142 3 2 crb.qan !o Elem. S.hool Totl 3 sto. DominSo N.t'lHtsh School L4.rpi ciry Hrgh B.s€ball softbatt tchool 4 t@ L 33 '15 Borinr Tot.l ch€st 5 30 50 5o 5 t6 Td 224 54 6 33 3 a7 9 Coll€te Suilding SpeoalGam6 Bicol EUCI lts El€m B.wis LEaaapi, Cty Rawls Lera.pl, Clty O.o Site t€rarol, CIw Oro She L4rzpl, City I Lesapi CltY 49 a t€razgigtY 25 ! teSazpiClty 25 53 3 8 8 55 to , Torc GNAI{D ISTAI lt d und.rfur.d-trrdrEnd und.rlur Cllln rc Ch.qE ad.d.rloi Olfic. .id Doll'+ Dct d R.thn v iElI frohrho.y _-EU M.dldnc lulldl.! Old 9276166a31 sazDi, Oty Leraz9i, CitY Lemzpi, Citv 09175217259 Chonnon 6 Univertty Collete of Seort! CdDC.r a{ev Gr.nd t NationalTWG Supph & 25 BUCE 0926t7!7794 092759114412 6 8 3 7 29 79 s.hool OldGrandstand 5 6 36 55 totrl 7 sto. OomlrEo, Albay 35 0illi.rd 8.sk tb.ll Orc-Sit€ HiSt 0!t07841553 7 1!4 42 62 6 7 C.arBlE Alb.y I M. alelo San '8.d4ua3 LPEarpi Citv 324 971 Io h€ u3a lor hooth for 3€curity, Medica t€am and w.iting ar€a lor atht€tics offtEle atlon l TWG tupply & Transport tlon Committee a.d olhe. personrEl t{.tion l TwG off{. & blll€trE - 75 pclsons D€ped NationalTWG Blll.tlng cent r - 100 perrons Medla, clerl of coursr, rcrl Comhunicatlon, MedicalUnit ll ItOllAT. OTEOAT G OEFCTATs 6rAX0 rorAr -: 1,1/6 (Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. 56, s. 2016) Aeo.lblk ol the Pht frinll OEPAiII'EIYT OF EOgCITlo PA CAitlA 20$ 'ATAROMi L.pospi, Alboy Apdl ,0-76, mr5 warYt s 3 PtaYEi/s G s I 1 I PIAYEryS G sahr ITAYER/5 PTAYTR/S B 1 G 5 B G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1, I 1 1 1 1 t B rv I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I ,..D (synO@nh.d) &m {$ldreni.dl ooubL w..po. w..rn sinak 7 1 1 7 1 l..n {Syrdro,iad Mn.dl Dortb W..!loi Te.m lsvnchronked) Ukhr Anvo E3o.d. v o.ra I I I ..r..lr Y O.E 0ndiv!r.l, !..m {syncn@nhd) Doub{. w..Eon 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 b 6Os t I 618 1 1 2 2 2 2 {9yr.h.o.iEd) sfuh waDon r..m l5yn.lrre.iad) Urna A,r. EiD.d. 6ant - atl8 ut hwd - ro r.arh€.w.idr . @. up ro s5rq up H.[ [ghtetrtht - otr 6l,k tp .thr - l7k u.3r 5!k 51kg ro 55ra tnr. Chrrlialfi . @r Ptn y a7t8 @. 4rre qD to I I to B..Emweilir 'Oka l. netu Itr - mr a.ra t I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 2 up lo 4rl*E 1 I 2 ix}l3 1 ao*a - over 1 1 Ien tinYe€ht I 1 I to Enn kntwEht - 4r a8t3 up to t2la fiar lighh.igtt - @r s2l8 up to 561e *,1 lgra-.., ;."*$1,jffil I Fqrit 1 E::5 :,6 I I I :{li E-FEF..EEFI Is- i]tr 2 2 2 ;r8 A'CHIIY *@tDarY tcltl Oltnmi. nord OI|tIoi iMd - - ldivru.l hd'r|.lu.l II III IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII r:' III II II I I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 8r ,tlB ,t at' 1 I' alHrEtt5 IIIIIII I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I L 1 2@i lhth I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I II II I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I II II II II II IT II II II II II II II II II II IIIIII I I 1 I 1 IIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I II II rIIIIIIIIIII I v'. ffi i-Egl,.'.:il:ff 'n 'sn [:i 'ui P!'r: 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I L 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 c, JT riE -nii. ijj.; !6i 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 2 I 1 2 1 I I I 2 1 1 2 rffi E;C I 2 I 1 2 3 friA 4 :t-,' 1 1 IE: ! 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';.tf;.Eiir,.ffi;, II IIIIII IIII I Ir -1s.-:i F-iri +r -'s 5] ;'::;L III i.i t olrss ItllEfr iY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I IIIIIII I 1 1 IIIIII ITIIII sE@ioaiY ffi if IITIII II II I II II f#i$.ffi:::illk#.ffi ffi iifl r.* IIIIII IIIII 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 P#,i;E :11 fii -rh rf! , I 1 I rl tr; 1 1 I TM t@Tlau I 1 staoi6AiY 5lrE[t a lr ,- !n, / +jF i r l;4 i ji]ir 1 +t ffi I ,e 1 1 1 ,1* ,E 1 .:l IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 IIIIII III II 3 MEDAVS PtaYt& PTAYER/5 6 s III II B I rI trl ffig r,,9 tsbl oEt 2ll4l2E Smrh nolrll 0r lsbl -E .f' E*,l. 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