Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis and Dissertation Collection 1988-09 Parametric analysis of airland combat model in high resolution. Lee, Jae Yeong sons •^' ^ : NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California — I PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS OF AIRLAND COMBAT MODEL IN HIGH RESOLUTION by Jae Yeong Lee J i 1 September 1988 Thesis Advisor Samuel H. Parry Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited, T242Q35 Unclassified secuniv classificaiion of this page REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE :a 2a SecuniN Classification Autnorii> 4 Performing 6a 3 Distribution Availability of Approved Downgrading Schedule 2b Declassification Organization Report Number(s) Naval Postgraduate School oc Address Iclry. state, Monterev. 8a Name CA 5 6b Office Symbol of Performing Organization Name (if applicable) unlimited. is Name of Monitoring Organization Naval Postgraduate School and ZIP code) 7b Address (dn, Monterey, Orgamzauon Repoit for public release; distribution Vlonitormg Organization Report Number(s) 7a 55 93943-5000 of Funding Sponsoring Markinas lb Restrictive Report Security ClassiHcation Unclassified 8b Office Symbol state, CA and ZIP code) 93943-5000 9 Procurement Instrument Identification Number (if applicable) 8c Address (city, state, 11 Title and ZIP code) 10 Source of Funding Numbers Program Element No Project No Task No PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS OF AIRLAND COMBAT MODEL (Include security classification) Work L nit IN Accession No HIGH RESOL- UTION 12 Personal Author(s"i Jae '^'eon2 Lee. 13a Type of Report 13b Time Covered Master's Thesis From 16 The views expressed Supplementary .Notation sition 14 Date of Report (year, month, day) To in this thesis are those of the Code< Group Field IS Subject Subgroup 5 author and do not Pase Count 131 reflect the official pohcy or po- Government. of the Department of Defense or the U.S. 1" Cosati 1 September 19S8 Terms i continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Lanchester and Helmbold Equations, Utility and Game Theory, Weiss parameter. Lethality of Firing Theory continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) high resolution deterministic combat model is analyzed in this thesis. Actual Republic of Korea (ROK) terrain data is employed in the model. The goal of the thesis is to anahze key parameters which are routineh used in high resolution combat models. These parameters are attrition rate coefficients, force size, courses of action, and the Weiss parameter (in the equation for Helmbold type combat). The model's scenario divides the battlefield mto three regions: indirect fire, minefields, and direct fu-e. Lethality of Firing Theor>' and Lanchester type differential equations are used to compute unit casualties and unit speed in a discrete time increment. The models output (unit casualties and survivors, duration of battle, loss exchange 19 Abstract ( A termed of Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs), winch are analyzed by Utility Theor\- and Game Theor\ methodolis applied to each battle option to determine how changes to one or more input parameters aflect the model's output. Additionally, the model operates in an interactive mode using network attribute data. The model can easily be expanded or modified to satisfy a user's requirements by adding submodels or changing input data. rate) are ogies. Sensitivity analysis 20 Distribution Availability of Abstract [S unclassified unlimited D Name of Responsible Samuel H. Parrv Individual 22a )D FOR.M 1473.84 .MAR same 21 Abstract Security Classification as report D DTIC Unclassified users 22b Telephone (include Area code) (408) 64683 APR edition may 2779 be used until exhausted 22c Office Symbol 55Py securi'.y classification of this page All other editions are obsolete Unclassified Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Combat Model in High Resolution Parametric Analysis of Airland by Yeong Major, Republic Of Korea Army B.S., Korea Military Academy, 1980 Lee, Submitted Jae in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1988 ABSTRACT A high resolution deterministic combat model Republic of Korea is (ROK) terrain data to analyze key parameters These parameters are Weiss parameter divides the employed analyzed in this which are routinely used (in the in high resolution Lethality of Firing Theor\' three regions; indirect and Lanchester type pute unit casualties and unit speed in a discrete and survivors, duration of fire, exchange Measures of EiTectiveness (MOEs), which are analyzed by Theor>' methodologies. how the Sensitivity analysis is and direct fire. equations are used to com- time increment. loss combat models. of action, and the minefields, differential battle, Actual The model's scenario equation for Helmbold type combat). into thesis. model. The goal of the thesis in the attrition rate coefTicients, force size, courses battlefield (unit casualties is is Utility The model's output rate) are termed of Theory and Game applied to each battle option to determine changes to one or more input parameters affect the models output. Additionally, model operates easily be in an interactive mode using network attribute data. The model can expanded or modified to satisfy a user's requirements changing input data. in by adding submodels or TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. A. B. C. 1 BACKGROUND PURPOSE AND GOAL METHODOLOGY 1 1 2 MODEL DEVELOPMENT IL A. B. 3 SCENARIO 3 L General 3 2. Assumptions 3 ALGORITHM 7 1. Basic model 2. Units casualties 3. 4. 7 10 a. Indirect fire 10 b. Minefield packages 13 c. Direct 13 fire Unit speed 19 a. Indirect b. Direct fire and Minefields 19 20 fire Advanced model 21 MODEL OUTPUT ANALYSIS HI. A. B. C. D. E. 25 OVERVIEW MEASURES OF EFFECTIVENESS (MOES) COMPARISON BETWEEN BATTLE AND BATTLE2 UTILITY THEORY 1 25 28 31 35 1. General 35 2. Application 35 a. Linear Utility 35 b. Squared 36 c. Square root Utility 37 Utility GAME THEORY 38 IV I.^. 1. General 38 2. Application 39 a. b. c. F. casualties) 39 MOE-2 (Blue survivors) MOE-3 and MOE-4 41 USEOFUTILITYVS GAME THEORY FOR THE ANALYST SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IV. 41 43 44 A. GENER.AL 44 B. FORCE 44 C. ATTRITION RATE COEFFICIENTS D. E. F. V. MOE-1 (Red SIZE 1. Sensitivity for attrition rate coelTicients 2. ANalysis OfVAriance (ANOVA) 46 49 WEISS PAR^^METER 54 COUNTERMEASURES MODEL ENRICHMENT 59 SUMMARY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS A. SUMMARY B. 46 FUTURE DIRECTIONS 64 68 68 69 APPENDIX A. MODELS INPUT DATA APPENDIX B. BASIC APPENDIX C. EXEC FOR BASIC MODEL 86 APPENDIX D. ADVANCED MODEL 87 APPENDIX E. EXEC FOR ADVANCED MODEL LIST MODEL OF REFERENCES BIBLIOGR^^PHY 70 71 114 115 116 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 117 VI LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table Table Table FORCE ELEMENTS THE MATRIX OF RED AND BLUE OPTIONS THE RELATIVE LETHAL AREAS FOR A 155MM HOWITZER COMPARISON OF MOES BETWEEN BATTLE! AND BATTLE2 SENSITIVITIES OF MOES FOR ATTRITION RATE COEFFIINITIAL 3 9 . . . . 12 31 48 7. CIENTS RESULTS OF ONE-WAY ANOVA TEST WHEN THE MAXIMUM ATTRITION R.ATE COEFFICIENTS ARE CHANGED RESULTS OF ONE-WAY ANOVA TEST WHEN THE WEISS PA- 57 8. RAMETER BLUE ENGAGING RED ARE CHANGED PAYOFF MATRIX FOR RED AND BLUE COURSE OF ACTIONS (MOE-I MOE-2) 61 6. vu 54 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Map Figure 2. Network representation of the Figure 3. Flow chart of computer program Figure 4. The output of Figure 5. Relation between the defender's casualty rate and the attacker defender of area used in the the Basic 4 scenario battle area 5 for the basic model 8 model (BATTLE2 case) 10 14 force ratio Figure 6. Relation between the attacker's casualty rate and the attacker defender force ratio 15 17 Figure 7. Relationship between range and attrition coefficient Figure 8. Battle case Fiszure 9. Speed of attacking force versus when a Blue threatcd from two directions is IS 20 their attrition coefficient Figure Flow chart of the advanced model 22 Figure The output of the advanced model 24 F'igurc Red and Blue 26 Figure The Red Figure Distance between Red and Blue forces o^er time 28 Figure Speed of Red force on each avenue over time 29 Figure The Figure Ratio of Figure Figure MOEs MOEs Figure 20 Three different Figure 21 \\'eighted utility \alues for each function Figure 22 Initial Figure 23 Solution for Value of the Ficure 24 Red and Blue force sizes over time by different types of Blue weapons casualties MOE values for each options of MOHs in B.XTTLEl 27 Red and Blue (B.ATTLE2) 30 BATTLE2 32 types based on type for each options of Red and Blue (BATTLEl with Avenuc-21) for each options of Red and Blue (B.ATTLEl with Avenue-22) utilit> 41 42 (.\10E-1) when the Blue ambush point is rein- 45 forced Figure 25. Comparison of Figure 26. Change of ficients, Oq 34 38 matrix and reduced matrix for .\10E-1 force sizes over time . 33 36 distribution functions Game . MOEs when .MOE and 46 the Blue forces are reinforced values based on different maximum attrition rate coef- 47 bo Fieure 27. Ratio of change for MOE values based on different vm a^ and bo 47 Figure 28. Fitting the Red casualties Normal Figure 30. MOE to 50 Distribution Figure 29. Fitting the Blue survivors Normal (MOE-1) of the Advanced model output (MOE-2) of the Advanced model output to Distribution 51 outputs for both battle cases; original battle, and both Oq and bo increased by 10 percent 52 Figure 31. Change of Basic model output (MOE-1 and MOE-2) based on Weiss parameter for Blue engaging Red 55 Figure 32. Change of Basic model output (Red to Blue casualty ratio and force ratio) based on Weiss parameter for Blue engaging Red Figure 33. Change of the Basic model output 55 (MOE-1 and MOE-2) when Weiss parameters for both Red and Blue approach the same value Figure 34. Change of Red Blue casuahy and force ratio in Basic 56 model when Weiss parameters for both Red and Blue approach the same value Figure 35. 3-Dimensional view of payoff matrix for Red 56 casualties 62 Figure 36. 3-Dimensional view of payoff matrix for Blue survivors 62 Figure 37. 3-Dimensional view of payolT matrix for the Red to Blue casualty ratio. Figure 3S. 3-Diniensional view of payoff matrix for the Red to Blue force ratio. Figure 39. Two different functions for Figure 40. Comparison of RED BLUE minimum . speed casualty ratio 63 . 63 65 {MOE-3) between Basic and Enriched model 66 Figure 41. Comparison of duration of battle model {MOE-4) between Basic and Enriched 66 IX ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For their significant contributions lowing people • toward this thesis, I would like to thank the fol- : Professor Samuel H. Parr\' for his tolerance, professional assistance, and thorough re\iew. • • U.S. Army LTC. Bard Mansager Most especially, tience, my for his wife. In-Sook, and earnest support. and encouragement and guidance. my daughter, Jin-Ho for their prayers, pa- INTRODUCTION I. BACKGROUND A. Since the Korean significant War (1950-1953), the Republic of Korea amount of money to defend against the threat developed, it has become necessar\- for the has invested a posed by North Korea and to As maintain a peaceful atmosphere on the Korean Peninsula. omy have (ROK) ROK and the econ- industr>' Department of Defense to apply more efficient methods to operate and control the huge defense system. Army, one major source of defense expenditure has been simulation models which can be used in Atlantic Treaty Organization geographically having it many (NATO) Therefore, cisely and concept, when the ROK hoped that terrain, the Unlike the North Korean peninsula hills, and comple.x ver\' is reservoirs. This means enemy's avenues of approach when they attack. develops an airland combat simulation model, realistically describes the it is developing different combat terrain conditions. small streams, mountains, relatively easy to channalize the is ROK's in For the Korean geography than other models. this thesis will be an useful addition it more Based on prethis develop better in helping to combat simulation models. PURPOSE AND GOAL B. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the parameters As high resolution airland combat models. common scenario is which are heavily used the deterministic used to approach this goal. model In this scenario. is of different routing options. It is developed, a Red (enemy attacks Blue (friendly force) through an arbitran." terrain network giving in Red a force) number assumed that Red can take limited avenues of ap- proach since the maneuverability of Red is restricted to certain arcs (routes) due to de- stroyed bridges or a strong probabihty of ambush. Specifically, the goal of this thesis Blue commander based upon strate several decision to suggest the best courses of action for the various types of airland battle situations and to methods from an analytic viewpoint. can be easily modified and applied to terrain data. is test demon- The model developed here other battle situations if one has more precise METHODOLOGY C. To (DMZ) was near the Demilitarized Zone se- and a network was developed having several possible paths for Red forces based lected upon ROK build a scenario, an area in the road conditions of that actual terrain area. Generally. Red attempts to attack Blue's fortified positions through the shortest distance path or shortest time path. There are several methodologies available to find these paths. rate methodologies previously explored 1] and McLaughlin [Ref from a high resolution tributes terrain data base Regard each intersection of the roads as an arc. round battle. is was de- The determination of network at- to model terrain was developed by Choi [Ref 3 : p. 27]. node and the road between the nodes as to be used as inputs for the models. lethality of Firing Theor>' Lanchester's Law Linear equations are used for direct also a 2]. at the and add the speed, distance, and width to estimate the trafficabihty of each This information single (ALARM) by the AirLand Rearch Model Xaval Postgraduate School. The use of network methodology veloped by Craig [Ref This effort will incorpo- fire is is adopted for In this deterministic model, artillen." fire in rate coefficient In other words, Reds speed This will is a function to derive the dilTcrent outputs. If the the output can be desciibed by an compared and analyzed. M Red by M Chapter options and Blue has N 2. changed options, These matrices could be Red casualties, Blue survivors, time Because these values are significant factors of the battle, they are defined as the values of very- Measures Of Efiec- (MOEs). After generating the required matrices of MOEs, they were analyzed using the techniques of Utility Theor>' and analysis in matrix of each specific value which can be of the battle, or the ratio of Red and Blue casualties. liveness decrease as they side, the battle situations are force has N of Blue's attrition will be explained in more detail Based on the several options available to each It is their attrition rate coefficient on Red. since the niauvcrability of the Red force get closer to the Blue positions. Hembold dependency and ambush attack. assumed that the speed of the Red force depends on caused by the Blue force. the beginning of the used for casualties in the minefields. as well as range arc. was Game also conducted for selected parameters. Theor>'. Additionally, sensitivity MODEL DEVELOPMENT II. SCENARIO A. General 1. The Red regiment has three infantr\' battalions and one reserve company and the Blue battalion has three infantr>' companies and one reconnaissance platoon. commander can employ its reconnaissance platoon for a special mission. the reconnaissance platoon of Blue will approach and Blue Figure 2). The Only nodes. will battle will terminate if Red unit The is 1. : 1500 150 1650 3 1 companies recon. pltn. 510 40 550 : : battle area in this scenario This area is is taken from one of the relatively flat except for ROK Army one large mountain. located in the west central part of the battle area. One Cheon. which flows from the northwest to the southeast, poses no to the Red force when this terrain area is arcs and nodes 2. Initial infantr\-man. assigned sectors. San, which Table of the model. Blue force reserve co.: = in force Total • shown in the initial runs FORCE ELEMENTS 3 battalions 1 the most important avenue of one of the Red forces reaches either of these two were considered infantn.- forces INITIAL 1. In the model, defend from two well fortified positions (Node-27, Node-28 in force elements of both sides are Table ambush Red on Blue is attacking with either shown shown in Figure in Figure 1 mounted divisions' Geumhag small river, Daegyo significant problem or dismounted units. and a representation of the network The map of in terms of 2. Assumptions The assumptions and description of the scenario are as follows: 1. There are three major avenues of approach for the Red force. 2. The Red force on the second avenue (center) will be divided at node- 14, with two equal forces and attack to nodes 27 and 28, respectively (This assumption could ^ t-^.'^rIIHM ^i^T^ ^iP^ .^^^^^ A HwbjiSoti;'- ^'^ D .- t^ \ -Ut$«na>oR. !Pr» i&;CfeA' A i- iJVda oo« e •^44- Ipyaong .4t' '^Ait i<iJ.; rV*.--- Bi »dio1lo«r |Fp>i \ SK ^H^ _ iH«n^',(»^ 1*99" ^-*>/ 1 'If^ ^B^: 1 o»iif£gti: -Aro* OrifTvi WM- k\ r64> t5 i9 uh«a^ :^f-.i^ Doag't .4ip7*ong .01 M yr^ S IPYEDWG Rr ^oa ]^ =?. '^-'^C M S^.' 8-' 0o41* 0^ ft -.^^-^'5 ^ ,^.,! Co*^ :l£t» vT^^^^Xi^ !\ '^t-^r/.s l^ong .« l\i/ i Inltr^ounoiJOueiXii^' -1'. ) -2101 Ef -Oyon '\S!nhuDg«dona - '— ' . >^ —* . _ Fiavi^D^ ,Pong 2K '>TA *9 C\(V. ?K ^-^' f. "4/ Figure 1. Map •^ wi V<J- '?i\fiCN:i 5; CokW 0«n g •--fe'-.-- '-TV' ~^, of area used in the scenario a«KDi STTTN N AVENUE-3 30 49 72 (/3. JS) 16] C24) 2a>-(«) 25) 23 20) 42 Figure 2. Network representation of tiie battle area — Seleaed Arcs — Unselected Arcs be changed so that the Red force on the second avenue will attack only one of two Blue positions as described in Chapter 3). Therefore, denote Avenue-21 used by Red attacking to node-28 and Avenue-22 used by Red attacking to node-27. 3. Red force initiates maneuver from their boundarv at the same time (from nodes 1.2,3). 4. Red force has four options to allocate their units (battalions) for each avenue of approach, where attacker (Red) actions are treated as states of nature, as follows: Option 1 3. A. 5. Fort-l(node 27) Co. 2 Co. 1. 1 2. 1 1 Bn. Bn. 2Bn. OBn. Fort-2(node 28) 2 Co. Co. 1 Blue force has four options for how to allocate the three scatterable mine packages they currently possess. Those options are as follows: Optioii 1. Avenue- Avenue-2 Pk2. Pke. 2 Pke. 1 Pke. 3 Pke. 1 J. OPks. OPkc. 4. OPkiZ. 2. 7. 1 Blue force has two options to allocate their units (companies) for each fortified defense positions as follows: Option 6. Bn. 2 Bn. 1 Bn. 3 Bn. Bn. OBn. OBn. OBn. 2. A venue- Avenue-2 Avenue- 1. A venue-3 Pke. Pke. 2 Pke. 1 1 1 OPkc. units (battalions) affect the speed of attacking Red forces on This implies that Red moves with reduced speed when there are multiple units on one of the avenues of approach. The Red forces also become more dense in a given area when multiple units are on one avenue. The number of Red each avenue. 8. Whenever the Red force reaches a minefield, it takes more time to bypass than to break through. Therefore, the Red force will choose to break through. 9. The only artillery weapon system that supports the Blue force howitzer (towed). is the 155 millimeter 10. Red 11. Blue has two types of minefield packages: preinstalled and scatterable. 12. The maximum range 13. indirect fire weapons are not represented. for infantry direct-fire There are no Close Air Support (CAS) this scenario. weapons aircraft or is 1.1 km (M60 machine gun). chemical weapons employed in As Red has described above. four options and Blue has eight options. Therefore, there are 32 battle cases in this scenario. ALGORITHM B. Basic model 1. The rule for representing the battle clock will begin nodes and 2, 1, when Red the is force attacks based on discrete time from their original locations, network representation of Figure 3 in the The steps. 2. The time battle which are step interval is one minute. The basic model is only one of the possible battle cases in this scenario, that is, one option for Red and one option for Blue which represent one element out of the 4 by These options may be entered 8 matrix. interactively. The basic model steps are described below: • Input Characteristics of the network terrain model which include source node (tail node), sink node (head node), arc number, distance and speed on each arc. location of minefield, and amount of time for indirect fire. An example of input format is included in Appendix A. • Output Characteristics of battle results which include casualties and survivors for both sides, the length of battle, proportion of casualties based on weapon types (indirect fire, minefield, direct fire), avenues of approach, and positions (nodes) of : : the the Blue forces. : Read Step 2 : Set the battle clock to the next time step Step 3 : Detect the Step 4 : Compute Step 5 : Step I the input data : initialize the forces, time, location etc.. type such as indirect the casualties and survivors fire, minefield and direct for each fire. weapon type based on Step 3. Determine the speed of the attacking force and compute the distance it moved during that time step. It is assumed that the speed of Red forces is afiected by indirect Step 6 weapon and fire, minefields, and direct fire. Consider battle termination conditions and decide whether the battle will continue or not. If the battle does not terminate, go to Step 2. If the battle terminates, print the output. All these steps occur independently The flowchart of the basic and simultaneously on each avenue. model nitions apply: IF = Indirect Fire battle MF = Minefield acquisition is given in Figure 3, and the following defi- read data set initial conditions ±* time = time + dt detectlF. MF. DF yes call IDFIRE yes callMFIELD <. yes callDRFIRE adjust speed based on S = F( IF, MF, DF update location of RED units battle terminate ! end Figure 3. Flo\> chart of computer program for the basic model ) DF = Direct Fire battle IDFIRE = M FIELD subroutine for computing the casualties by indirect = subroutine DRFIRE = The Table for computing the casualties by minefield. subroutine for computing the casualties by direct table for fire. Red and Blue options can be represented fire. as a 4 by 8 matrix (see 2). Table 2. THE MATRIX OF RED AND BLUE OPTIONS Red's unit allocation on each avenue Options 1 Blues Scatterable mine unit al- cation on each ave- location (1 2) (» nue mine unit al- allo- 1 (2 1) in Table On o„ 2 1 0:, 0:2 Or. 0:. 1 2 Om 0,2 0,y 0,. 0.: 0.2 0., 0^ 1 0., Or. 0,y O.M 1 Ch, 0,2 0,3 0.. 2 0-, 0-2 0-y 0-a 0,2 0.3 o« 1 Ov. 2. the Red force has four options based and the Blue force has eight options which represent all Based on the Blue commander's geographical situations, the O,, (option-2 for tactical on its unit allo- possible combinations of unit allocation with scatterable mine allocation (see assumptions ously discussed). 3 0.2 3 As presented 2 On 1 nue 1 1 02 cation on each ave- location 1 1 3 Scatterable Blue's cation, 1 allo- 02 I 1 4, 5. and 6 previ- viewpoint and considering the Red and option-2 for Blue) battle case could be expected to occur in a real battle situation with higher probability than the other cases. Thus, O^j case was executed as an example output of the basic model and the results are shown in Figure 4. In Figure 4, the numeric values corresponding to the the number of troop units or minefield packages avenue of approach or position. interactively. (i.e., are Bn, Co, Pkg) each allocates to each These values remind the user of what he has entered In fact, this output shows precisely the results are for each Blue position. vided in Appendix B. Red and Blue options A how the battle terminated and computer program of the basic model is what pro- RED OPTION ==> 2 1 BLUE OPTION '> SCATERABLE MINEFIELD 2 1 (LOCATED ON ARCS) ===> 30 34 42 '^ => FORCE ALLOCATION 1 2 => RED FORCE IN AVE,-'^22 TOOK BLUE POSITION7i2 225 MINUTES) (BATTLE TIME => <« RED CASUALTIES BY EACH TYPE OF BLUE FORCE INDIRECT-FIRE AVENUE// AVENUE// 21 AVENUE/i22 AVENUE/i3 MINE-FIELD 0. <« <« 2. 588. 6 19.4 SURVIVORS 55.7 134. 3 173. 3 TOTAL CASUALTIES AND SURVIVORS 751. 7 550. 242.4 The output >» CASUALTIES 1650.0 of the Basic model >» SURVIVORS 898.3 307.6 (BATTLE2 case) Units casualties a. Indirect fire Casualties caused by indirect lethalty 116. 3 186. 7 RED BLUE 4. 0. 163. 406. 2 CASUALTIES INITIAL FORCE >» 47. 1 47. 22. 2 BLUE FORCE CASUALTIES FOR EACH POSITION POSITION-1 POSITION-2 ! DIRECT-FIRE 0.0 0. 23.4 23.4 46.8 Figure BATTLE END : and weapon firing rates. fire weapons Target density 10 is are computed using single round a major factor in computing casualties and decreases as Red allocates more than one unit (battalion) to one avenue. words, the number of Red infantrymen in a given area the targets are represented as is could consist of tillery' such consideration computed many will increase. A air. In other Also, in this model, two dimensional, which means that an represented as detonating on the ground, not in the Ai The dispersion between troops defined as the distance between adjacent soldiers. is artiller}' projectile target under attack by ar- personnel performing various functions of combat, and taken into acount in the computation of lethality. Lethal areas are is for single conditions such as The prone personnel. definition of lethal area given by equation (2.1). is +OC /•+00 H) dxdy J— oo J where p(x,y|H) is (2.1) — oo the conditional probability that a hit on a target element located at the point (x.y) on the ground results in an incapacitation for given height of burst in this model) [Ref 4 : p. H (H = 14-9]. Using the Gaussian Lethality Function p(x,ylH) = e"*"^*^^''^"" forming into polar coordinates, equation (2.1) becomes equation , and trans- (2.2). ^+oo ^+oo -(x* + Al = — oo v-)/2a' dxdy »/— oo ^2- ^+oo '^ e rdrdd = 2na Red infantr\man Thus, the probabihty of kill is is assumed to be killed The = P{hit) Prop(lethal) lethal = if he I \J 2 x +y i (2.2) is is within the lethal area. the probability of hitting the lethal area multiplied by the proportion of lethal area of the entire target area, given P{kill) 2 r I where J Jo A '^^ in equation (2.3). X Prop{leihal) calculated (2.3) by dividing the total area of the Red force by the total area per unit time from equation (2.4), and P(hit) dimensional target by equation (2.5). 11 is computed for a two- R,-xA, = Propileihaf) (2.4) Row^^ X Col^^ X RF^ where Rf rate of fire per unit time : Ai_ lethal area : Row,. Col,^ RF, : : row spacing of each unit (infantr\Tnen) column spacing of each current : of each round Red unit (infantr>'men) force size 2 2 P{hii) = exp + [[a^ a'^) {a^ + 2m a;)] 1/2 '' -i« )^ 2 , 2 + (2.5) ( a -\- o. where a lethahty constant for each round type (where : /J, : ^1, : (7, : a^ : mean distance of deflection error mean distance of range error Table by indirect fire per unit time (/f"„,) are Weapon and Caliber Ml 09 A 155-mm The source in Table computed by (2.5). P{kllf)xRF, THE RELATl\ 3. 2na-) standard deviation of range error equation (2.6) based on equations (2.3) through = = standard deviation of dellcction error Finally, the casualties IF,,, Total Ai (2.6) E LETHAL AREAS FOR A 155MM HOWITZER Area for Personnel : m^) M107 M4S3 M549 Standing Prone Foxhole 103 42.5 70.8 22.3 6.67 2.0 981 580 508; 308 14.2'9.5 100 44.8 82.2 26.0 1.500.83 for 155 milimeter howitzer lethaity data 3 for a (Open Woods Projectile range of 14km. is [Ref 4 For example, the value of a 12 : p. 43-9] single which round is shown lethal area, 70.8m-, is used when the Red force is prone position and in the subjected to Blue in- is direct fire attack in the open. Minefield packages. b. It assumed is that the Blue force has five preinstalled minefield packages; one on Avenue- 1, three on Avenue-2, and one on Avenue-3. packages are also employed by the Blue commander. The area "Lanchester Linear Law" are generally appHed to indirect Scatterable minefield fire fire assumptions of the patterns of artillery. Minefields also exhibit these same patterns, and therefore the Lanchester Linear Law equations are appropriate for assuming minefield attrition. The equation for preinstalled minefield casualties PMF,,, = given in equation (2.7). X a;,, X .V?,,„, X Tp P,,,f The equation is (2.7) for scatterable minefield casualties is shown in equation (2.8). where PMF,,; : SMF,,, : number of casualties by preinstalled minefield number of casualties by scatterable minefield : attrition coefficient S„,, : attrition coefTicient of scatterable minefield A'P„,„ A'S„„, F^ F, : : A'„^ : : number of mines in one preinstalled minefield number of mines in one scatterable minefield time to traverse a preinstalled minefield time to traverse a scatterable minefield : number of infantrymen The time moves on an the of preinstalled minefield P„,, traversing the minefield to traverse each minefield is a constant value. arc that has a minefield, Red's traversing time amount of time needed decreases based upon to traverse the minefield. When on that arc is the Red force increased by However, Red's speed on that arc the time to traverse the minefield, which will be discussed in detail in section 3. c. Direct fire Based on consideration of historical combat data, Helmbold has proposed a modification of Lanchester's equation for "modern warfare" 13 to account for inefficien- UJ / *"* ^r l^s 0.03 •"-1- K 2 3 UJ — / X DEFENDS AND Y ATTACKS y/^ y^ ^r\. ' ' ^-' y ^ N. 0.02 bd ^1 < 3 S C Ll. UJ Q wTo ^^i:^ (THE NAL 1 1 \^. V^ \ ^ (LOGARITHMIC LAW) ^^'<^^ y'^^y'''^/ o K X o _ < £ O q: u. ^\ZJi>^ ^^ -V X X/ / // // y^ 1/ 1 u. V ' If \ \ \ 2.0 3.0 4.0 \ 1.0 J FORCE RATIO. A/0 1 Figure Relation bet>^een the defender's casualty rate and the attacker/defender 5. force ratio. level and cies to D [NOTE: denotes that of of scale for the larger force modify the when fire rates of ^= and A denotes the attacker "\' Helmbold considered the power function. a is s force defender]. relative force attrition (or fire efiectiveness) capability elTectiveness modification factor X tlie figure. force sizes are grossly unequal. factor depending on only the force ratio. the above In the by His basic idea is a multiplicative special case in which In this case, the casualty are )'-">• with x(0) = .ro (2.9) 7-=-h{i){^)'-'^x with y(0) =>o (2.10) -a(0( J dy_ di where w is called the ^yciss parameter, and equations equations for Helmbold type combat. 14 (2.9) and (2.10) are called the UJ .1. >- ''" n4 W (LOGARITHMIC LAW) • 0.03 VOv^^^ W Q. y \ ^Sw W a: 5 \ ^ 0.02 -J —— 1/2 • ^ ^X^ILINEAR \ LESS LAW) • USE /of W » 1 ^^sfSQUARE LAW) > / ' / DErENDER'S liJ X EFFICIENT - -.-„.___^ ^"^^^^ N. " i 1/4 • — 0.01 " ^.^, FIREPOWER / ^^---^ o X ATTACKS AND Y DEFENDS < ^ 1 1 t \ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4 .0 A/0 FORCE RATIO, Figure Relation bet>\een the attacker's casualty rate and the attacker/defender 6. force ratio. These equations are particularly significant because a simple generalization of them gives a much better fit m to casualty rate curves used temporary large scale combat models than does Lanchester's warfare. As for the case of constant attrition rate coefTicients several important con- classic (i.e., model of modern "a(t)" and "b(t)" from equations (2.9) and (2.10) become "a" and "b"), the equations for Helmbold type combat yield the Law when w = Square Law when w = 1, the Linear Law when w = 12, and the Logarithmic 0. Figure 5 shows the relation between the defender's casualty rate (expressed as a fraction of his current force level, x(t)) model dx/dt = — a(a:/j')'"" y with X and the defending. attacker, defender force ratio for the Figure 5 is X's fractional casualties plotted per unit time versus the force ratio y;x (denoted in the figure as in which Y attacks and X's casuahy rate is X defends. In Figure proportional only to the 15 5, w= 1 AD) for the case corresponds to the case number of enemy firers, and in which (in the sym- metric case in which Y's casualty rate has the same functional form) consequently the corresponding attrition model serve that in this case w= (i.e.. we for force ratios fire w= see that AD vi\ = 1) corresponds to a more y x > 1 than does effectiveness modification factor for w= Wj when yx > 1 [Ref 5 : We equation. ob- X's fractional casualties per unit time are directly AD when V attacks and X defends. proportional to the force ratio (2.9), Law given by Lanchester's Square is p. 299]. w- w=vv, of the attacker's firepower efficient use Wj v.hen 1 > The following is > Wi (jt/j)'""! (i.e., Refering to equation ) Wj, since is the attacker's greater than that for a numerical example for Figure 5. <EXAMPLE> Let a = 0. 010 b = 0. 020 X = 10 (defender force size) y = 30 (attacker force size) =3.0 hence, attacker to defender force ratio A/D = y/x Using equation (2.9), fractional casualties per unit time for X (the defender) are as follows: w=l w=l/4 w=l/2 w=0 dx/dt 0. 300 0. 173 0. (l/x)(dx/dt) 0.030 0. 0173 0.0132 Figure 6 shows the same type of plot defender. when X is 0. 100 0. 010 Note, the smaller the value is made when w (0 <w< less efTicient attacker to defender force ratio However, the reverse phenomenon occurs when The strength of incorporates either area 1), fire the equations for or aimed fire 16 AD is less Y the attacker and In this case, the casualty-rate curve corresponding to the Square hyperbola. firepower 132 (AD) than is is Law the is a use of defender's greater than 1.0. 1.0. Helmbold type combat is that with the Weiss parameter, "w". it easily These Figure Relationship bet>>een range and attrition coefficient 7. equations are based on the perception that limitations target in space, terrain engagement opportunities prevent a large force from using deterministic fortified firepower. This for direct fire from its full model uses these Helmbold type combat equations Blue positions (node 27 and 2S). and the Lanchester's Mixed special case of Helmbold type combat where ambushes on arc- 19 of the second is utilized for is determined by the Blue commander. forces reach the Blue w= ambush point, I for one side and masking and w= Law (which 1 2 for is the the other) avenue of approach. The ambush point The ambushes and Blue survivors will terminate when the will retreat to join their Red main forces at node-27 or node-28. The range dependency the ambush the Red point). and considered for both cases (at nodes 27 and 28, and This implies that attrition rate coefficients for each side increase as force approaches the Blue position. how function of range shows weapon is Plotting attrition rate coefficients as a different values types) affect battle outcomes. of ^ (power factor based on different Figure 7 shows the relationship between range attrition coefficients. A common tactic that proaching a Blue position is is employed to counter multiple Red forces ap- discussed next. 17 Each Blue position has two possible ave- Boundary of Direct-fire Blue position Figure Battle case >\hen a Blue 8. nucs of approach: Avenue- 1 If a Blue position proach within its forces threated from t^o directions and Avenuc-21 for node-27. Red is is for nodc-2S. and Avenue-22 and Avenue-3 threaied simultaneously from both avenues of ap- direct fire region. Blue allocates firepower on that avenue of approach. are given by equation based on the proportion of The number of Blue forces firing on Avenue-a (2. 11 RF. ''^=''^^ RF^RF. The number of Blue BF^ = (2.11) forces firing on Avcnue-b are given by equation (2.12) RF, BFq X RF, -r (2.12) RF, where BF, BFi, RF^ RF^ : : : : Blue forces firing into Avenue-a Blue forces firing into Avenue-b Red forces attacking from Avenue-a Red forces attacking from Avenue-b 18 BFq Once Blue forces at the : the Blue force allocates its moment two Red firepower, it forces engage a Blue position. continues at a steady rate until battle Figure 8 depicts a Blue position being attacked by mination. Red units ter- on two avenues of approach. The following equations used model represent both in this deterministic range dependency and the Weiss parameter. ^ = -a,{\--^r>ifr-y (2.13) = -bo{^-T^r'iir)'~'^'^ 4al 'max (2-14) y 'max at -^ where X y Red : Blue force : Oo : bo : r, force size size maximum attrition rate coefficient to maximum attrition rate current range between : ^max • maximum Red from Blue coefUciem to Blue from Red Red force and Blue force range between the Red force and the Blue force (l.I Km by assumption). l^y H, : : ca, : CO, : Equation (2.13) ties power factor, based on Blue weapon types power factor, based on Red weapon types measure of efficiency which the Blue force engages the Red force. measure of efficiency which the Red force engages the Blue force. is used for Red casualties while equation (2.14) during a specific time step. Red and 3. Note that different values of fx is used for Blue casual- and w are used for the the Blue force. Unit speed a. Indirect fire When Red and Minefields forces move over they are delayed for a specified updated speed is the arcs which have indirect amount of time. computed by equation (2.15). 19 If the delay time is fire or minefields, denoted by DT, the Figure 9. Speed of attacking force versus their attrition coefficient [S vs a(r)]. /)/.<^Tiarc) I = a. b, c (2.15) where DIST(arc,) TIME(arc DT, b. : ) is : amount of time to transit arc, delay time on arc, arc^ : arcs which are being subjected arcj : arcs which have preinstallcd minefields arc, : arcs which have scatterable minefields to indirect fire Direct fire To update (2.16) distance of arc, : Red the location of the force in the direct fire region, equation used to calculate the Red force speed dunng each time step. shows that unit speed decreases as the range no smaller than a specified minimum speed The equation between opposing forces decreases, but gets (S„,„). 20 where V power : S„^ S^ij S^,n a, : Oq : Equation (2.16) in Chapter factor, based on difTerent weapon types updated speed of attacking force : speed of attacking force for past time step : : minimum speed for the attacking force current attrition coefficient maximum is attrition coefficient portrayed graphically in Figure 9. Actual model results are discussed 3. Advanced model 4. To obtain the required data for analysis, the basic model is expanded. The ad- vanced model uses the basic model as a submodel and produces two output matrices (see Figure The upper portion of the 11). values for use in Table MOE. MOE-1 battle, and Red 2. which is a 4 figure by S is the output matrix of four selected matrix for the Red and Blue options for each through .MOE-4 represent Red casualties. Blue survivors, duration of to Blue casualty ratio, respectively. The lower part of the figure con- tains utiUty values for three different utility functions (Linear, Squared, Root) versus Blue options for MOE-2 values (Blue survivors). The based upon the way the Blue commander weighs the Red options. of each utility The one of the Blue positions vanced model 10, is listed in and the following BATTLE = 1 BATTLE2 = at node- 14 (BATTLE! (BATTLE2 case). values are characteristics function and weighted utility values are discussed in Chapter through Avenue-2 are equally divided and Square utility In the advanced model, the user can decide whether the attacking to only MOE 3. Red forces case), or continue to attack The computer program of the ad- Appendix D. The How chart of the advanced model is in Figure definitions apply: basic model which has three avenues of approach (Red force on Avenue-2 will choose only one of two objectives to attack). model which with three avenues of approach but divides force on Avenue-2 will be divided equally at node- 14 and attacks toward each objective, respectively. basic starts into four because the Red 21 start read data Do lOi = 1,4 Do 20 i =1,8: : RED options select select BLUE options callBATTLEI callBATTLE2 20 continue i 10 continue print MOE. UTILITY matrix i end Figure 10. Flou chart of the advanced model 22 WAVE2 = numeric value user : to but Red \VAVE2= will all 12. it or 12) which I, it Avenue-2 attack case, These outputs (1. 2, irWAVE2= will be will node-2S ; lorces be a is shown in Fisure is 1 1. 23 supposed to be given by the model case, and all Red forces on BATTLLl il\\AVE2= on m 2. Avenue-2 BATTLE2 be analyzed in more detail of the advanced model a it will also attack to be a BATTLE node-27 ; 1 if case. the next chapter. The example output « MOE VALUES BASED ON THE RED AND BLUE OPTIONS RED 3 4 949.2 219.9 828.5 225.0 2.95 290. 229.0 2.59 751. 7 307. 6 951. 3 783. 220.0 290.0 268.9 229.0 88 2. 79 817. 1 1 2 1 759.6 802.3 1 349. 9 278. 1 215.0 3.80 795.2 » BLUE 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 321. 4 4 4 4 1 225.0 786. 9 321. 7 795.4 278.4 223.0 3.45 771.0 345.5 225. 241.6 283.0 2.93 752.0 923.0 768.6 336. 3 215. 7 3.60 813.9 316.5 224.0 3.49 803.5 7 305. 7 223.0 7 29 773. 9 6 6 7 10 2. 3. 14 280.0 2. 747. 8 298. 7 225. 1 297.5 290.0 2.98 639. 9 346. 3 21 808. 9 297. 9 225.0 290.0 14 21 847. 3 307. 1 283. 3. 1O^ 299. 1 215.0 225. 3.05 79 229.0 2.57 3.49 251.4 229.0 2.42 1 44. 56 2 3 48.47 4 44. 05 48. 10 5 6 47.63 7 47.51 62.09 8 Figure 61. 69 u. The ouipui 631. 3 308.0 229.0 2.61 3. 16 S'G MOE -2 >> SQ uARE ROOT U(X) 69.87 73.32 69.90 72.67 24 19 14 14 17 72. 70 37.05 28.00 77.92 72.62 77.86 36. 87 of ihe 1 7 SQUARED U(X) 24. 29. 24. 28. 28. 722. 300.4 280.0 << WEIGHTED UTILITY VALUES US LINEAR U(X) 305. 3. 787. MOE-1 MOE -2 MOE -3 <—== MOE -4 <= < 229.0 2.45 630.5 3. / <== 229. 2. 82 733. 7 251. 1 83 810. 1 230.4 229.0 2.56 787.0 271.0 224. 4 98 3-^5. 5 3. 2. 967. 3 297. 3 225. 225.0 2. 94 632.4 3A2.3 3. 8 8 8 8 3. 230. 2.88 224.0 3.47 215. 3. 77 5 5 5 5 6 6 1 advanced model 24 MODEL OUTPUT ANALYSIS III. A. OVERVIEW As mentioned in Chapter of air-land combat models in 1, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the key variables high resolution and provide some analytical methodologies. This chapter focuses on several methods of analysis of model output while the following chapter explores various sensitivity analyses. Since this model is sequenced by time steps, the user can easily visuahze the battle For example, situation as the battle progresses. the Blue force places a certain size if minefield on a certain arc of the network terrain model, the output will minefield affects the casualties and speed of the 12-15) provide more Red force. displays of battle situations which occur 12-15 are created based on sample output of the basic Red In this battle case, the force is assumed is assumed to figures (Figure on each avenue. model no Figures in the previous chapter. to take option-2 (allocation of ions on Avenue-2. one batthon on Avenue-3, and Blue force The next four show how the unit allocation two battal- The on Avenue- 1). employ option-2, which locates one company on position- (node-28) and two companies on position-2 (node-27), etc. (see 0^2 of Table 2 in Chapter 2). Figure 12 shows Note Red that the how the Red and Blue forces attacking on approximately one third of the serve Red company (150 initial infantrymen). force sizes are decreasing on each avenue. Avenue-22 are severely forces even The attrited and end up with though they were reinforced by unit reinforcement is supposed to occur a reif the forces are less than the Blue forces after they are engaged in the direct fire battle. On Avenue-22 of Figure 12, Red on that avenue appears to be the beginning of the direct of the initial caused by the indirect that the Red of approach. combat on forces in fire casualties is fire battle. position-2. reinforced at battle time 160 which The Blue force lost more than half The approximate number of and ambush attack can also be observed. Note, casualties in Figure 12, on Avenue-22 are much more than those on the other avenues In other words, the intensity of the battle between Avenue-22 and Blue force on position-2 was ver>' high. Red forces on There are no forces on Avenue- because the Red force did not allocate any forces there. Figure 13 depicts the size or proportion of employed by the Blue Red casualties in relation to each force, such as indirect fire, mines, 25 and direct fire. weapon For example. RED rORCCREON 004 MOfUC uxratKEazEQN DCM rvmrm 1 > MIOME.-3 . i: -^- - ,, • <i B B a IX ito n • m • IB IB BB nctMMnQ Figure Red and Blue 12. on Avenue-22. item depicted a high is force sizes over time proportion of the Red casualties were due to direct that the time slope of the curve (i.e.. when the Red force engaged in direct fire. fire is the point that the slope of curve changes abruptly). Another based on the An ambush attack occurred from approximately 55 to 90 on the battle clock (for 35 minutes) on Avenue-2 (actually Avenue-22 at this happened before the Red was divided onto Avenue-21 and The Red node- 14). about 205 battle clock time, and Avenue-3. directions force at on Avenue-21 entered the direct fire region at about 160 on Avenue-22, and at about 210 on So, after 210 minutes, the Blue position-2 started to be threatened from two which were from Avenue-22 and Avenue-3. Avenue-21 (9.45Km equaled 0) was : much initial distance between Red and Blue force when shorter than that of Avenue-3 (13.55Km), the Avenue-21 and Avenue-3 were engaged attrited the battle clock Red forces on in direct fire with the Blue force for a shorter period of time (between 205 and 210 minutes). Avenue-21 were Note, even though the range of more by Blue forces Avenue-3. 26 That was because the Red forces on and their obstacles than those on RED CASUALTIES ON EACH AVENUES MeA£-22 /MENUE-21 B TOTAL S h RECT-nUE I I IDIRECT-FIRE ttlWRECT-FFE 1M 100 10O la TiKEOflNurq AVD4UE-3 100 lao 71M£<UINUrp Figure 13. The Red casualties by different types of Blue The Blue commander may want to know where and the distance from which they are attacking. battle terminates but also who reached one of the from Avenue-22 took the Blue position first in this the that time, ambush to 130 battle clock time Red forces are at certain times Figure 14 shows not only Blue positions battle case. of each curve represents the speed of the Red forces. constant speed from neapons first. when The Red the force In Figure 14, the slope For example, Avenue-3 has a which means there is no attrition during and Avenue-21 and Avenue-22 have very small slopes (low speed) during an attack by Blue forces (from 55 to 90 battle clock time). The speed of Red responses. force is another important factor which can cause different Blue Sometimes, the Blue forces need to 27 know when the Red forces will reach their RANCE BErmEEN RED AND BLUE FORCE 13.55 1S0 100 nME(MlNUTE3 Figure Distance betneen Red and Blue forces over time. 14. positions in order to prepare and decide on an effective course of action. speed of the attacker can he calculated from Figure Figure 15 also shows is reduced by indirect nue. In the direct fire fire, how fast the Red by exponential shaped curve. Note forje and the minefields, region, the Red 14. moves and how their maneuverability direct fire of the Blue force forces are forced to slow their how The average on each ave- movement the curve changes during the ambush depicted battle (at 55-90 battle dock). MEASURES OF EFFECTIVENESS (MOES) B. After considering the battle situations, four how MOE they changed in each of the time steps. The four • MOE-1 • MOE-2 number • MOE-3 • MOE-4 : number of Red : : : values were selected to estimate MOEs are as follows: casualties of Blue survivors duration of battle ratio of Red and Blue casualties (Loss 28 exchange rates) SPEED OF RED FORCE ON EACH AVENUE lAj ^eo 100 lao TIMQlflNUn) ISB thiecmmuti) AVENUE-3 K 100 leo TMECkllNUTp Figure 15. Larger the MOE MOEs' and Blue, Speed of Red force on each avenue over time. values are better for the Blue forces in for this scenario are Table 2 in Chapter refer to For MOE-1, shown on Figure if the Red chose all cases. The characteristics of For the particular option of Red 16. 2. option-2, then the Blue force should select option- because the Blue force wants to maximize Red casualties (MOE-1). difierences among its options for Red option- 1. approximately the same tendency and there is pend on some how relation between long the battle all this also Note happens MOE-1 and MOE-3. lasts. 29 that for Blue has no large Red options MOE- 3. In other words, 1, 2 and 4 show This implies that Red casualties de- U.O.E-URQ CASUALTISQ MA£-2(BLUE SURVMXe) • RO OPTION-I a RED OPnON-2 V RED OPTlON-3 4 RED 14* BLUEOPnONS M.0.E-3(a«,TTU i mjJC * : LUEOPixna BLueoPTote Figure 16. MOE The OTUNS MA.E-4<CASUM.T1E5 RATICQ TIklE) t values for each options of Red and Blue (BATTLE2) For MOE-2. the Blue forces are affected hy the Red options through 5 but they are not severely alTected in Blue option 6. 7, option 2 and 4 of implies that the MOE-2 show Red artm-* and in Blue option 8. Note that 1 Red MOE-l. This casualties have a negative correlation with the Blue survivors which almost reverse trends against those of agrees with the theoretical battle concept. For MOE-3, Red option-3 has a longer reason this occurs is that over the Avenue-3 which the Red Red is s main battle time than any other options. The forces (two battahons) attack to the Blue positions the longest forces choose option 2 or 4, among the three major avenues of approach. If MOE-3 has constant values of 225 and 229, re- 30 In other words, spectively. ions) when Red the on Avenue-2, the duration of battle MOE-4 force allocates more than two units (battal- be same regardless of Blue's options. will seems to have some relationship with .VlOE-2, but the relationship entirely clear except for the relationship between To summarize Red them such the MOEs, benefitial for all MOEs Blue's decision maker wants option- would require more It 1. is not analysis to verify the as a coefficient of correlation (p). it is pick the best option which difficult to for the Blue force. The course of action is is most the strongly based on how to drive the battle according to his tactical courses of action. COMPARISON BETWEEN BATTLE AND BATTLE2 C. 1 This section will BATTLE2. BATTLE 1 discuss between differences same battle Table refer to the last part of which was discussed The option). For in Chapter the AND BATTLE2 to first? Red BATTLE2 with Avenue-22 763.3 609.3 751.7 15S.6 242.S 307.6 264.0 228.0 225.0 1.05 1.9S 3.10 Red on Avenue-22 to Node 27 Red on Avenue-22 Red on Avenue-3 reaches the B.4TTLE1 BATTLEl MOE-1 MOE-2 MOE-3 MOE-4 From and differences are given in Table 4. with Avenue-2 Where 1 Chapter 2 (Red's second option with Blue's second value names Who BATTLE a description of The output of BATTLEl came from 2. COMPARISON OF MOES BETWEEN 4. BATTLE! and of results has two approaches which the Red force can take on Avenue-2. So, in total, three battle types are compared. BATTLE2. the Node 27 force's viewpoint, it is better to choose to Node 27 Avenue-22 over Avenue-2 based on Red casualties (MOE-1) and duration of battle (MOE-3) since 609.3 < 763.3 and 228 < 264 [Note, the smaller with BATTLE2, casualties and minutes. The kill if the Red more Blue Red Blue MOE values force chooses forces, is better for the Avenue-22 in Red force]. BATTLEl, it Compared can reduce its even though the duration of battle increases by three casualty ratio (MOE-4) 31 is indifferent as to whether the Red force chooses Avenue-21 or Avenue-:: is much in BATTLE and (1.95 1 BATTLE:, MOE-4 In 1.98). larger. Red \\'hen the creases to its force chooses Avenue-:i greatest value, because the Red if the duration of battle in- forces attacking through the longest path (Avenue-3) reached the Blue position (node-:?) Blue's viewpoint, BATTLEI. in first and battle From was terminated. the Blue force attempts to prolong the battle, attempt to will it on Avenue-: into Avenue-21 (because the duration of battle channelize Red BATTLEI with Avenue-21 forces the highest: 264 minutes in Table 4). is Installing for more mines and obstacles or conducting ambushes on Avenue-2 should be considered by the Blue force. in As shown BATTLEI based on amonc (i.e., Figure 17, Blue in way the best BATTLE2 for Red). battle type, the three battle types. is at a if Red chooses Avenue-22 Since Figure 17 was drawn with shows the clearly it disadvantage MOE ratios proportion of changes relative Figure 17 also shows that the attacking force usually has the advantage in concentrating its forces on one objective, which is a well-known tactical concept of war. A21 2.0 A22 A2 D ^-^ : : BATTL£1 WrTH AVENUE-21 BAHLEI WITH AVENU£-22 BAHI F? - g A21 A21 o UJ : 1-0 k22A2 A2 A2 1 A2 1 1 ! k22 A22! A21A2J H /k21 ics - MOE-1 Figure 17. Ratio of Figure 18 describes are on alties MOEs how MOE-3 MOE-2 all in BATTLEI types based on the battle case ratio of Red to Blue casualties 32 BATTLE2 MOE's change when Avenue-2 choose Avenue-21. Compared with (.MOE-l) and the MOE-4 BATTLE2 (MOE-4) type. the Red (Figure 16), forces that Red casu- are relatively small, and M.OX-URED y.0£-2(BUJE SUirVNDRS) CASUALT1ES0 RED OPnON-1 • RED OFnON-2 ? RED OFTION-3 L RED 0PT1ON-4 1 • * mEOPTOfS LUEOPnONS M^J-4<CASUALT1ES BLUE oimoie MOEs Figure 18. for BLUE OPTX)»G each options of Red and Blue the variance of Blue survivors (MOE-2) based on (MOE-3) ualties decrease rate of killing per time number of is 1 is battle types. v>ith Avenue-2I) large. is Generally, decreased). cas- This fact imphes that the BATTLE on Avenue-21 1 BATTLE2. In other words, the troop density in how MOEs BATTLE 1 is on small. Figure 19 shows Avenue-22. 1 on Avenue-21, though Red units (infantr\men) engaging in direct fire in smaller than that of Avenue-21 increases in (BATTLE Red options the BATTLE the duration of battle (i.e., IUT10) all In this battle. battle Red For MOE-1, there case has a reverse shape from change when Red forces on Avenue-2 choose casualties is (MOE-1) a interesting all other are the smallest phenomena which Red option 33 is among that all three Red option- cases with respect to the Blue W.0X-1(RED CASUALTIESQ • y.0£-2(BUUE SUIMM9RS} RED OPTTON-I RO OPTlON-2 V RED OPnON-3 A RED OmON-4 BLUE OJEOPmNS aiTOS M-CE-MCASUALTIES U.0.E-3(B»,TTLE TIME) RATIO) f! pi i Bli BLUE Figure 19. options. cause Red for all All battle \IOE-3 values 32 battle cases (four forces aux opvots each options of Red and Blue For the duration of options. Red MOEs CnKtS (MOE-3). on Avenue-22. Therefore, (MOE-2) and constant for each In ratio of Red large difTerences its among the battle time, be- by the potions for more than 4 hours. (MOE-4), values Blue are relatively options. will choose to consider other courses of action against Red. 34 Avenue-22) model shows that the Blue force summary, the assumption that the Red force Avenue-22 forces Blue >vith eight Blue options) are terminated to Blue casualties Red option based on Blue no 1 and 235 minutes of this deterministic needs other courses of actions in order to hold survivors there are are between 205 Red options with (BATTLE BATTLE 1 on THEORY UTILITY D. 1. General among Individuals (or Decision Makers) frequently must choose that difTer. subjected. ual among The who buys sum other things, in the degree of risk to which the individual will be clearest premium) (the insurance much larger loss (the value of the house) and a combination of a small chance of a large chance of An individual subjecting himself to a large chance of losing a small both risks. He is choosing uncertainty In order to develop a means in sub-MOE's. subjective and judgemental aspects of outcomes (i.e., the hierarchy in which each decision 2. an overall risk factors) into maker must MOE function. is a lotter>' ticket in preference to avoiding [Ref 6 which figures of merits or he is, (the price of lottery to rank probability distributions way That loss. who buys in preference to certainty. This provides a consistent the theor>- of "Utility". no amount chance of winning a large amount (a prize) ticket) plus a small individ- acceping the certain loss of a small is in preference to the choosing certainty in preference to uncertainty. is An examples are provided by insurance and gambling. insurance on a house he owns fire alternatives to : p. 234]. we must resort to combine different factors, and probabihstic appropriate for the level in [Ref 7 : p. 9]. Application Three diflerent utility by using MOE-2. which is the functions are proposed to number of Blue survivors. compare each These utility battle situation functions are re- presented as linear, squared, and square root, and are depicted in Figure 20. The utility curves reflect the decision maker's judgement. a. Linear Utility Using the fact that the utility functions are arbitrar>' transformation, for convenience U(550 L( As survivors, survivors, a Blue decision maker, than 340, which is i.e., we it is to a positive linear define: no i.e., all up losses) losses) = 100 = assumed that the size of two companies if the (i.e., if number of survivors decrease they lost one company out of three), the utility value of the Blue force drops with a 10 percent step change. function for linear utiUty is given by equation (3.1). 35 to less The appropriate UTILITY rUNCTI0NS(3 TYPES) 80UME UOO UNEAR UpO Br Figure 20. Three U(x) = different utility distribution functions. ^r-x , -7T-X+10, x< 340 ;c>340 5:> , b. Squared This sion. is otherwise (3.1) Utility concave upward function which The appropriate function for squared utility 36 is will result in a risk prefering deci- given by equation (3.2). ^'W= -3025" -"^^ •"' ' oiherwise , Square root c. This averse case; most utility (3.2) Utility curve concave downward. is It most individuals and organizations generally The appropriate function decisions. generally represent the risk are risk averse with respect to for square root utility is given by equation (3.3). U{x)= 4.264 ^'F , , If is it .v>0 oiherwise (3.3) assumed that Red's options are weighted as w,, w^, Wj. U4 for each option, then weighted utility values can be calculated by equation (3.4). L'(.r) = W] L\{x) + u-2 L'jix) + + u-3 ^'3(^1:) W4 L\{x) (3.4) where U(x) w, : : weighted utility value proportion of weight for L',{x) : utility value of i-th Red As an example, with given utility values for each function are acteristics of MOE-2 large weight (0.70) for the greater than 340 shown (i.e., 8 are option. option, i well, = < w, < 1 i = 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 w, (0.05, 0.70, 0.05, 0.20), in Figure 21. Red option-2 and Red values of on the Red option-2 Utility case, Blue options 6 i-th the weighted This figure represent the char- because the Blue decision maker puts (see Figure 16 for MOE-2). Note, emphasized because their in the MOE-2 Linear values are Blue survives with more than two companies) while the others are not. 37 DIFFERESrr VALUE OF U(X) Sn SQUARE ROOT U(X) 8UNEAR U(X) g 5- SQUARE UCX) 8- BLUE OPTIONS Figure 21. E. Weighted utility values for each function. GAME THEORY 1. General In game complete rule theory, the for decision values consist of a 4 by word "strategy" has a very definite meaning, namely, "a making". [Ref. S : By the assumptions, matrix and the values for each S output of the advanced model (Figure Chapter II in option paired with a particular Red option. ties p. 2]. 2). MOE A all initial MOE matrix come from the strategy is a particular Blue In order to study the characteristic proper- of games of strategy and find an optimal strategy for the two players (Red and Blue), the 4 by 8 "Rectangular value of the game. Theorem Game" [Ref 9 1. : : p. is utilized. 34 and Two theorems 39J. Let Mn A = ^m\ 38 are also used to compute the m rows be any matrix, with X= l|.v, .... x„ II Y= and n columns, and |Lvi .... let the expectation function E(X,Y). for any members of S„ and vj| that are S„, respectively, be de- fined as follows: m E{X,Y) n = Y,Y.''^m (^-^^ i=\ j=\ Then the expressions max min E{X,Y) (3.6) min max (3.7) and exist S^ : : close subset of whole space (£„) which have elements, close subset of whole space (£J which have elements. Theorem let V Where; and are equal. S„ £(A',}') 2. : Let E be the expectation function for an be a real number, and let A" and }" be necessary and sufficient condition that optimal strategies for P^ and v members of S„ and m jc,, ...., x„. ,y^. }\ x w rectangular game, S„, respectively. Then be the value of the game and that A" and P^, respectively, is that, for < < m and i ] V a be <J< n. 1 E{iy)<v<E{XJ). 2. Application a. MOE-1 (Red casualties) The initial 4 by 8 matrix Mixed Strategyi solution Column Row 3 3 is reduced to a (see Figure 22). dominate column 4 dominate row 4 The by 5 matrix which results relations of = = = > = = = > 3 dominance are as eliminate eliminate column in a follows: 3 row 4 1 Rectangular game whose matrix has no saddle point, that is, Red could determine optimal way with probabilities P^P-^..., P^ for each column of matrix, and Blue could determine optimal wav with probabilities P, P^ ..., P, for each row of matrix. For more explanation in detail, refer [Ref 9: p. 21). 39 By Theorem and V which Row 3 dominate row 5 = = = > eliminate row 5 Row 7 dominate row = = = > eliminate row 8 2, S the reduced matrix suffices to find numbers + JC^ + j:4 = J-. 1 0<;r„>;,<l i= and ]= 1,2.4 1,2,3,6,7 759.6;f, + 802.3^:2 + S28.5;c, < v 195.2X, + ISl.lx, + 783.0X, < v 786.9.V, + 795.AX, + 817.1.V, < v S13.9.r, + 639. 9a% + 630.5.V, < v 803. 5.V, + 737.4.V, + 722. Lv, < v 759. 6r, + 795. 2v, + 7S6.9v, + 813.9v, + 803. 5v- > v 802. 3>-, + 751.7i% -f 795.41-3 + 639.9j, + 737.4j-- > v S2S.5v, + 7S3.0r, + + 630.5v, + 722. Ir- > v From Theorem 1. we know SH.lvj Linear Program to find the and results). V. If the objective optimum equation if there is is set to find a (LINDO) [Ref 10] which solution (see Figure 23 for the equations In this solution, the objective equation Note, that These conditions that there exists a solution to the system. were solved by using Linear. INteractive, Discrete Optimizer same. Vi, jj, y'y j^. satisfy the following conditions: ATj utilizes a x^X2, x^, is minimum set to find a value of maximum value of the result will be the v. a negative element in the matrix of .Mixed Strategy, the Linear Program method can not be used. Based on the solution game is to choose options 1, 2. and Figure 23, an optimal and 4 with respective an optimal way for Blue to play probabilities 0, 0, 0.89, 0. in is 0.11. value of the for Red probabilities 0, 0.78, to choose options The way 1. game 2, 3. 6, is and 788.8; i.e.. to play this and 0.22; and 7 with respective Red can play in such a way as to make sure of not losing more than 788.8 Red casualties, and Blue can play in such a way as to make certain that Red 40 will lose at least 788.8. << Initial matrix (4 2 1 759.6 2 3 795. 2 786. 9 802. 3 751. 7 4 7 771.0 768.6 813.9 803.5 8 773. 9 5 6 « X 1 8) >> 795.4 752. 747.8 639. 9 737.4 632.4 Reduced matrix (3 4 3 949. 951. 967. 923. 810. 808. 847. 787. X 5) 2 828.5 3 783. 817. 3 1 733. 9 630.5 722. 7 631.3 4 2 3 6 759.6 795.2 786.9 802. 3 751. 7 813. 9 639. 9 7 803.5 737.4 828. 5 783. 817. 1 630. 5 722. 1 795.4 matrix and reduced matrix for Initial MOE-2 b. A 1 » 2 Figure 22. 7 3 1 1 1 787.0 MOE-1 (Blue survivors) similar method as the .MOE-1 case was used for VIOE-2. After elimi- nating the redundant rows and columns by relations of dominance, the following 2 by 2 .Mixed Strategy matrix Red Blue 4 3 7 307.1 251.4 8 300.4 30S.0 This implies that the 8. is left. Red Since a 2 by 2 matrix favors is its option 3 and 4, and the Blue favors An 0.8811; and the value of the game optimal startegy for Red is is ||0.89, 0.1 1||, an optimal strategy for Blue 301.2 Blue survivors. companies (340 infantry men) may survive during the So, not is i|0.12, more than two Blue battle. MOE-S and MOE-4 .MOE-3 and MOE-4 do not have a mixed strategy, but have a unique strategy which can be easily found by inspection. Red option- 1 option option- 1. option 7 and simple to solve, familiar methods of elementary algebra were used. c. its is dominated by its Thus, an optimal strategy is 2,3, that 41 For MOE-3 (duration of battle), the and 4 so that the Red Red choose its will choose its option- 1 with probability 1 « » EQUATIONS FOR LINEAR PROGRAM MAX V SUBJECT TO X2 X4 Y2 Y3 759.6 XI 795. 2 XI 786. 9 XI 813. 9 XI 803. 5 XI 759.6 Yl 802. 3 Yl 828.5 Yl XI Yl 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) V V V V V V V V 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 1 Y6 + Y7 = 802. 3 X2 751. 7 X2 795.4 X2 639.9 X2 737.4 X2 795. Y2 751. Y2 783. Y2 1 <= <= <= <= <= + 813. + 639. + 630. 828.5 X4 783. X4 817. X4 630. X4 722. X4 786. Y3 795.4 Y3 817. 1 Y3 Y6 Y6 Y6 Y7 >= Y7 >= Y7 >= 803 737 722 END « OUTPUT OF LINEAR PROGRAM LP OPTIMUM FOUND » AT STEP 12 OBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE 788. 791260 1) VARIABLE VALUE REDUCED COST 788. 791260 V XI X2 0. 777479 0. 222521 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.689911 3.271210 0. X4 Yl Y2 Y3 Y6 0. 0. 0.886059 0. 610260 0.0 13. 0. Y7 0. 113941 Solution for ^alue of the Figure 23. and Blue choose its Game (MOE-1) option-6 with probabiUty which means that the Blue forces can hold utes. From if For nated by its The value of the game their positions at least 3 a tactical viewpoint, the Blue forces of battle time 1. is 224 minutes hours and 44 min- have to be reinforced before 224 minutes Blue does not want to lose their positions. MOE-4 option Red/Blue casualty 1, 2, ratio. (ratio of and 3 Red and Blue so that the Red casualties), the will Thus, an optimal strategy 42 choose is that its Red option-4 is domi- option-4 to minimize the Red choose its option-4 with probability 2. Red 82 Red 1 and Blue choose its option-4 with probability casualties per Blue casualty 1. The value of the game which means that one Blue force unit can kill 2.82 units in the battle. USE OF UTILITY VS GAME THEORY FOR THE ANALYST F. The choice of technique depends on how For the Utihty approach, the assigned by the analyst. states For Game theor\-, of nature the analyst desires to view the , enemy we (i.e., unit force. with appropriate probabilities, would be If inteUigence reports are available, these could be termine the most likely Red option used to de- mix on various avenues). are assuming that both Red and Blue forces are using the same payoff matrix, and that Red and Blue are making strategy decisions according the as is max(min) and min(max) an intelligent player as criteria, respectively. opposed In the analyses, to states of nature. Red is being treated Results from this analysis can be used to determine the frequency with which Red will choose his various options. 43 to SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IV. GENERAL A. The previous chapters have considered, using analysis based size on a given scenario. and a given tivity of set In all the deterministic cases, the analysis model and was based on weapon parameters. This chapter examines its output, a fixed force the numerical sensi- of the methodologies and the efleci on the model output interpretation as tains to Red and Blue options. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Some t-Test are applied to support the sensitivity analysis. and it per- Two Sample introductor>' analytical techniques to evaluate countermeasures are also covered, and an example of model enrichment The may considered. deterministic model developed in this thesis has used possibly be changed based on real battle situations. coefficients strict If is may be affected if Red uses the firepower of opposing forces. Red uses a "Mine-plow" when it "Smoke" while they in the minefield or increasing the amount of indirect force. results showing large may smoke attack, since the Blue force's viewpoint, installing fire These key parameters are varied may more mines in turn to determine their effects httle or no be treated as constants and the model simplified accordingly. sensitivity will re- be used as countermeasures on outputs of the model. Those parameters which are shown to have on the attrition rate traverses the minefield, attrition rate coefficients for From Red For example, This would also occur in the night battle case. mines should also be decreased. against the many parameters which should be examined in detail, since these will affect effect Those model per- formance to the greatest degree. B. FORCE SIZE The the force size Blue forces infantr>'men). is one of the major factor to are considered Two methods to be affect the battle output. reinforced In this section, by one additional platoon (40 of reinforcement are compared with the basic battle case which has no reinforcement, and the basic battle also has Blue option-2 and Red option-2 (refered to as O^^ of Table 2 in Chapter discussed in detail in Figure 12-15 in Chapter 2). 3 as These battle cases' when more platoon. Compared with Figure 44 have been an example of the basic model output. Figure 24 shows Red and Blue force sizes over time reinforced with one results the Blue ambush point 12 in Chapter 3, is the rate of RES FORCE sat ON EACH »KMUt BLUE FORCE BOE ON EACH PO«TX>N B 5 I POSmON— AWENUE-21 SS posmoN-1 AVENUE' ' IK 100 B aoo IB TIWE (MIMUTQ Red and Blue Figure 24. la TIME (kONUIQ force sizes over time >vhen the Blue ambush point is rein- forced. decreasing Red minutes). Since the (about time 70), forces is ver>' sleep at the Red force posed to occur on Avenue-22 this implies that the as that of the Blue force based if the Red ambush Red is battle region (for battle time 55-90 reinforced during the force size on Avenue-22 compared with Figure of the curve during the ambush battle region 12 in The shape of Chapter is somewhat if the Blue 3 battle reduced to the same on the model assumption (the unit reinforcement forces are less than the Blue forces). force size curve looks similar is ambush is sup- the Blue except that the slope steeper than those in Figure 12. Figure 25 provides significant information difTerence depending at the when main the on whether he reinforces a given platoon forces areas ambush Blue survivors commander wants point on node 27 and is 28. The Red reinforced while there (MOE-2) between is no casualties at the ambush (MOE-1) know the point or are the highest large difference with respect to the the two reinforcement methods (Rl and 45 to R2 in Figure 2.0 p RO: NO REINFORCED^ENT R1: REINFORCEMENT TO MAIN FORCES(NODE 27 AND 28) R2: REINFORCEMENT TO AMBUSH POINT R2 1.5 R2 R1 R2 R1 R1 RO RO 1.0 RO 0.5 MOE-2 MOE-1 25). in MOEs Comparison of Figure 25. The Red to Blue casualiiy ratio Based on Figure Figure 25. MOE-4 >vhen the Blue forces are reinforced. {MOE-4) linearly increases 25. reinforcing a platoon at the from the RO ambush to R2 case point appears to be a better course of action for the Blue conunander. However, the following conditions should be considered before the fmal decision of whether a Blue platoon at the • main forces areas or ambush is reinforced point. Availability of well-fortified battle space for one more platoon to fight at the am- increased (i.e., bush point. • Probability of being detected by the C. more force size is ATTRITION RATE COEFFICIENTS Sensitivity for attrition rate coefficients. 1. The model. The (2.14) in attrition rate coefficients are maximum Chapter 2, "bQ or the in attriled equation (2.14) number of Blue another important factor attrition rate coefficients, can be varied. which Red forces are The Red when Blue ambush forces there are, the easier they are to be detected). is The "a^' in which are given by equations (2.13) and equation (2.13) is by Blue, or the number of Red forces the maximum rate at forces lost per unit of time. 46 in the deterministic the maximum lost per unit which Blue forces are attrited rate at of time. by Red, LEFT BAR RED CASUALTIES (MOE-1) RIGHT BAR BLUE SURVIVORS (MOE-2) MAX. AHRmON RATE COEFFICIENTS C : : : 805.5 BOO ^7^^ 751.7 — 722.6 B91.8 UJ Kl t/i uj600 ^ s u m400 33 6.5 32 1.4 307.6 5 B 294.6 283.2 ^200 0.9XC O.BxC Figure 26. Change of ficients, Oo MOE and I.OxC 1,1 xC 1.2xC values based on different maximum attrition rate coef- Z>o • V D r 2 : : RED CASUALTIES (MOE-1) BLUE SURVIVORS (MOE-2) : RED TO BLUE CASUALTY RATIO (MOE-4) Nv ^^^^^ ^Cn. B o h ^^^^^^^^5s<ci!r^^ "^ "^^^^ " ^^^^^ i -» ^^^^-^ s a* OS V/iWAnON OF ATTRfnON Figure 27. Ratio of change for 1.0 W!Z u 1/4 COET. ("MAX. OOEFJ MOE values based on different a^ and 47 /><, Figure 26 cussed in a previous section, are changed to between ualties and (MOE-l) MOE created with the is 80*^/0 outputs of the basic model, which were when both maximum and 120°o of attrition rate coefficients increase linearly while Blue survivors (MOE-2) and (Cf, Red original values in the basic model. disb^) cas- decrease linearly as Oo bo increase. Figure 27 is MOE values with decreased or increased attriton MOE outputs with no changes of attrition rate the plotted ratio of rate coefficients to the basic model's In this figure, unlike Figure 26, attrition rate coefficients (oq and coefficients. tered between 50% and 150°o of original values. are al- ^o) Figure 27 shows that the ratio of change for Red casualties (MOE-l) increases with a weak concave downward shape curve, which means The rate coefficients get larger. and MOE-4 change decreases with a concave for Blue survivors change for upward shape, which implies (MOE-2) and Red to Blue casualty ratio In other words, as a^ that the rates of (MOE-4) and MOE-2 b^ decrease increase, fire- effectiveness (or loss rate exchange) of the Blue force will be gradually reduced. At is slightly decreases as the attrition figure also depicts that the ratio of as the attrition rate coefficients increases. power MOE-l that the rate of change for this time, maxmum only one of the changed and compared. The attrition rate coefficients, either Gq or differences are given in Table in parentheses represent the percentage of MOE 5. value change ^o. The numerical values when compared with those of the basic case (no changes of attrition rate coefficient';) Table 5. SENSITIVITIES OF CIENTS. U.9 X a, fin MOE-l MOE-: Based on Table When Oo (a^) 5, o, (100%) X c7p 3()2.4 (98. 3" o) 307.6 (100°o) 313.0(101.8%) hn 0.9 X b, X b. 790.S (105.2'-''o) 740.9 (98.6%) 751.7(100%) 762.6 ( 101. S'^/o) 289.2(94.0%) 307.6(100%) 326.4 ( 106. l°o) when decreases by increases 10" 1.1 a. 751.' 1.1 MOE-l MOE-2 COEFFI- 712.4 (Q4.S%) b. Blue forces MOES FOR ATTRITION RATE the constant rate at which Red forces are attrited by 10%, MOE-l decreases 5.2% and .MOE-2 decreases 1.7%. MOE-l increases 5.2% and MOE-2 constant rate at which Blue forces are attrited by Red forces 48 increases 1.8%. (^o), when b^ For the increases by MOE-1 10°/o, MOE-1 MOE-2 decreases 6.0%, and when b^ MOE-2 increases 6.1%. Ifthe same amount decreases \.4% and increases 1.5% and are required to either increase creasing On more is Of) efficient for the contrary, decreasing b^ than increasing 2. 10% by fl^ more ofefTort or cost by 10° o for the Blue force, in- Oq. (ANOVA). considered. known The use of ANOVA as the analysis of variance, abbreviated some requires basic assumptions, such as; the observations that are obtained are independent and normally distributed; mean of each observations have the same variance; and the unknown ented as a linear combination of certain One-way Layout (One-way It is trix ANOVA) will eight observations (based on casualties is With (MOE-1) and Blue figure, all four Chapter 2) is survivors normal probability also verified that Red (MOE-2) plot, To apply an 1.1, creased by 10%). AVOVA the test, respectively The problem and result, Red opAd- how Red the normal distribution. fit [Note: is maximum both (i.e., Red options between option has eight independent 2 ma- In each all third dis- verify that 32 observations are within the graph (MOE-4) fits in Figures 28 and 29)]. the normal distribution MOE-1 and MOE-2. attrition rate coefficients, Aq maximum and b^, are attrition rate coefficients are in- MOE output for the two battle cases; original outputs of the Advanced compare the mean values of each to model without any changes, and when both results for an independent battle and normal likelihood surface) to Blue casualty ratio by using the same methods for the different (a cell of the output Figure 28 and 29 show distribution. K-S bound- on norma! probability plot (the multiphed by The p. 644]. be discussed here. these observations are normally distributed. It is : graphs (histogram and normal density function, normal cumulative tribution function, 95*^0 11 these assumptions, the actual output of the normal fitted to the [Ref parameters. Blue options) on each column (based on each 8 have the same variances. vanced model in the all observation can be repres- assumed that the output of each Basic model run produced by the Advanced model tion) b^. improving Blue survivors (MOE-2) efficient for In this section, an analysis tool is bo 10°/'o, improving Red casuahies (MOE-1) than decreasing is ANalysis Of VAriance ANOVA, or decrease decreases MOE and bg are multiphed by 1.1. Each Red outputs based on eight different Blue options. both battle cases are given Kolmogorov-SmirnoY bound [Ref Oq 1 1 in Figure 30. : p. 552). 49 The NORMAL DENSmr FUNCTION. M-32 NOIBML CUMULATIVE DSTnBUTKM FUNCTION. »^32 :S|- ^-Ti I i WO TOO yoE-1 NOmML LKEUHOOO SJIVACt (mO*') N-92 Figure 28. Red Fitting the Normal casualties (MOE-1) of the Advanced model output to Distribution. ROW In Figure 30, represents the eight difTerent Blue options, columns 1 through 12 (CI -CI 2) represent the original Advanced model outputs without any modifications, and columns outputs with increased Red for option- 1, Red maximum C2 and C22 option-4, etc. through 32 (C21-C32) represent modified Advanced model 21 for The the value of F- Ratio for the MINITAB output for the difference between attrition rate coefficients. Red option-2, MINITAB One-Way One-Way C3 and C23 Also, CI and C21 represent for Red computer software [Ref AVOVA test. ANOVA test. CI and C21. 50 12] option-3, was used C4 and C24 to compute The following example shows the The example compares the mean NOIOML DENSmr FUNCTION. M-32 NORMAL CUMULATVE OtSTKIBUnON FUNCTION. N-32 yx-2 NOniAL UKOJHOOD SURFACE (olO^ N-32 NORMAL PROaABIUTY PLOT, N-32 i • ^^ p^ :|:;:::::|;:;::::{::::::l::::::y: J { .\ •' i k^ Figure 29. ,k::::I^' ; i S±;t i j * i ::::: Fitting the Blue survivors Normal (MOE-2) Distribution. 51 of the Advanced model output to A. ROW 1 2 3 RED CASUALTIES (MOE-1) CI C2 C3 C4 759. 6 802. 3 949. 2 828.5 795. 2 751. 7 951.3 783.0 786.9 795.4 967.3 817. 1 752.0 747.8 639.9 737.4 632.4 923.0 787.0 8 771.0 768.6 813.9 803.5 773.9 B. BLUE SURVIVORS (MOE-2) 4 5 6 7 ROW 1 2 3 C5 C6 810. 1 733. 7 808. 9 630.5 847. 3 722. 1 787. 7 631.3 C7 C8 349. 9 278. 1 219. 9 230. 1 321. 1 307.6 220. 268.9 321. 7 278.4 241.6 230.4 C21 769.3 832. 8 1 779.3 798.2 825.8 782.3 779.9 791.7 775. 7 839.8 660. 8 828.4 765.4 798.2 652.5 807. C25 8 B. RED TO BLUE CASUALTIES (MOE-4) 5 6 7 ROW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C9 3.80 3.47 3.45 3.77 3.60 3.49 3.29 3.79 Figure 30. CIO 2.95 3.10 2.93 2.98 2.98 3.14 2.94 3.05 MOE Cll C12 C29 88 88 2. 59 3. 2. 2. 79 3. 3. 14 2.56 3. 82 2.45 2.57 2.42 3. 2. 2.83 3. 3. 21 21 3.49 3. 16 2. 2. 61 C26 C23 69 38 36 67 3.51 3.42 3. 3. 22 71 C30 959.9 977.4 936.0 814.2 810.6 846.3 814.4 756.0 814. 7 646.4 845.6 744.4 791.9 646.8 C27 C31 91 2. 3.05 2. 89 93 3. 2.92 3.06 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 88 2.97 C24 961. 9 857.7 341.5 263.5 206.9 311.4 294.8 207. 1 312. 1 263. 8 228.3 336.6 283.6 211.2 324. 7 284.0 293.0 304. 8 334.3 293. 3 292. 7 284.4 300. 7 335. 330.2 295. 3 345.5 297.3 224.4 271.0 336. 3 298. 7 297.5 251. 1 316.5 346.3 297.9 305.0 305. 7 299. 1 307. 1 251.4 345.5 342. 3 300.4 308. 4 C22 2. 80 80 04 76 17 3. 17 3. 39 3. 11 C28 212. 1 253.3 212.4 255.6 234. 2 291.5 234.5 294. 7 C32 2.54 2. 73 2.51 2. 77 2.39 2.50 2. 36 2.53 outputs for both battle cases; original battle, and both a^ and b^ increased by 10 percent. 52 < EXAMPLE > ANOVA- ONEWAY on CI C21 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE DF SS MS F FACTOR 1 1267 1267 2.84 ERROR 14 6256 447 TOTAL 15 7523 INDIVIDUAL 95 PCT Cl'S FOR MEAN BASED ON POOLED STDEV LEVEL N MEAN STDEV --+ + CI 8 784.07 18.94 ( 'V C21 8 801. 87 23.13 POOLED STDEV = The example compares column casualties this (MOE-l) of Red example, of freedom 1 is 14). and column table value for the If the significant level, a, Consequently, because the value of F-Ratio 2.84 < 4.60), the difference for tween above two battle cases All results for the given in Table 6. is ) * 784 21 (CI option- 1 for both battle cases. compared with the and 1 mean of Red is is Fi_,4 and C21). which are Red The value of F- Ratio 2.84, in (F-Distribution with degrees 0.05, the table value for f^^^ less than the table value for casualties ANOVA test ) 812 798 (MOE-l) on Red not significant at the 0.05 significance One-Way + ( 770 21. 14 + is 4.60. F, ,j ( option- 1 be- level. between CI -CI 2 and C21-C32 are Like the example, no results are significant with a significance level of 0.05. This implies that increasing both a^ and b^ by 10% do not make any differences at 0.05 significance level for all possible battle cases in this given scenario. 53 RESULTS OF ONE-WAY ANOVA TEST WHEN THE MAXIMUM ATTRITION RATE COEFFICIENTS ARE CHANGED. Red options MOE-1 MOE-2 MOE-4 Table 6. Red option- 2.84 1.55 0.92 Red option-2 0.66 1.07 2.40 Red option-3 0.03 0.18 0.39 Red option-4 0.35 1.06 0.70 WEISS PARAMETER D. In Chapter 2, the Weiss how parameter was discussed by showing the attacker's (or defender's) casualty rate per time changes by attacker to defender force ratio (see Figures and 6 5 in Chapter At 2). that time, it was casualty rate per time changes difierent In this section, 1.0. two approaches also shown how the attacker's (or defender's) when w (Weiss parameter) for sensitivity analysis of vv changed from is will to be applied. only w^ (Weiss parameter Blue engaging Red) varies from 1.0 to 0.6. which First, implies that the type of fire for the Blue force changes to area-fire from aimed-fire. Red Figure 31 shows that both as vv^ decreases. casualties (MOE-1) and Blue survivors (MOE-2) Red In other words, fractional casualties per unit time for increase (attacker) increase as w^ decreases, and fractional casualties per unit time for Blue (defender) in- This fact can be verified from Figures 5 and 6 in Chapter crease as u; decreases. [NOTE Red : ure 32 while (when vv = 0, 6 in Chapter that of to Blue force size ratio 1 4, 1,2, 2]. MOE-2. Figure 32 from varies \v^ and w^, 1.0) consistently varies In other words. for Red Red varies. This w, (Weiss parameter the type of the Red fire between 2.92 and 2.66 between 2.92 and 2.66 casualties are is more to Blue casualty ratio from in Fig- for each and in Figures 5 MOE-1 is vv greater than sensitive to the parameter, w^. and Red to Blue force 1.0 to 0.6, while Red ratio. Red to Blue force ratio a reasonable tendency in theoretical battle situations. Second, outcomes are analyzed as and is and fractional casualties per unit time to Blue casualty ratio increases as w^ varies decreases as Blue) Figure 31 also depicts that the increasing rate of compared is 1.0 to 0.6, (A,D= Red 2. if the w^ (Weiss parameter Blue engaging Red) Red engaging Blue) approach for the Blue force turns to area-fire force turns to aimed-fire from area-fire. 54 the same value. In other words, from aimed-fire, and type of Figure 33 shows that Red fire for casualties 1.2 W r : WEISS PARAMETER BLUE ENGAGES TO RED LEFT BAR : RIGHT BAR : RED CASUALTIES (WOE-1) BLUE SURVrvORS (MOE-2) 1.1 B16.8 800.3 784.0 7B7.B 751.7 312.9 311.6 310.3 309.0 307.6 1.0 O.B W-1.0 Figure 31. Change of Basic parameter for W-O.B W-0.9 W-D.7 W-0.5 (MOE-1 and MOE-2) model output based on Weiss Blue engaging Red. W 4.0 r : WEISS PARAMETER BLUE ENGAGES TO RED LEFT BAR RED TO BLUE CASUALTY RATIO : RIGHT BAR : RED TO BLUE FORCE RATIO 3.5 - 3.45 3.36 3.27 |— 3.19 |— 3.10 3.0 2.92 2.85 2.80 2.73 2.66 2.5 - 2.0 W=1.0 Figure 32. Change W=0.9 W=0.8 W=0.7 W=0.6 of Basic model output (Red to Blue casualty ratio and force ratio) based on Weiss parameter for Blue engaging Red. 55 WB WR 1.2 r : : WEISS PARAMETER BLUE ENGAGES TO RED WEISS PARAMETER RED ENGAGES TO BLUE RED CASUALTIES (MOE-1) LEFT BAR RIGHT BAR 1.1 : : BLUE SURVIVORS (MOE-2) - 1.0 7B4.4 777.6 Q 77n 7'°^ 764.4 (— L751. 7^7.6 ^r^«3^3^gn 299.6 295.4 291.1 286.6 0.9 C.B W5-'. WR = .5 Figure 33. Change W3=.95 W3=.9 WR=.55 WR=.5 WB = .3 WR=.7 WB-.85 WR=.65 of the Basic niodel output W3-.75 WR=.75 (MOE-1 and MOE-2) >>hen Weiss parameters for both Red and Blue approach the same value. Wa WR WEISS PARAMETER BLUE ENGAGES TO RED ; : WE!SS PARAMETER RED ENGAGES TO BLUE RED TO BLUE CASUALTY RATIO LEH- BAR : R.GHT BAR 3*h : RED TO BLUE FORCE RATiO 3.2 - 3.1 ^^ 3.05 3.0 .94 2.92 2.96 3.03 3.0 2.98 3.02 2.9B 2.1197 2.B - 2.6 W3=-. WR=.5 Figure 34. Change WB=.95 WR=.55 WB=.9 WR=.6 W3=.S5 WR=.65 WB=.B WR=.7 WB=.75 WR=.75 of Red/Blue casualty and force ratio in Basic model parameters for both Red and Blue approach the same value. 56 nhen Weiss (\10E-I) increase linearly as The Red ratio. other, while Red when is \v^ comes greater than the casualty case above. first One-Way The test 0.8 and ANOVA Table to Blue force ratio be- of the model output and the output when original basic changed to is 0.9 from All value of F- Ratio 1.0. 7. 4. '9 0.12 0.31 Red option-2 0.36 0.01 5.60 Red option-3 0.6S 0.05 0.29 Red option-4 0.6^ 0.02 3.SS PA- are compared values (MOE-1. MOE-2, and MOE-4) and the number of observasame as those Table 7 (4.79 and option-2. shown ,4 5.60). is in 4.60. 1 the previous and 14) There which are This implies that the eight observations) with is e.xist MOE-1 section (see utilized. Red in Red To confirm these results. can be employed because it Two Sample t- Test^ was assumed and option-1 and Red verified that 57 (F, is MOE-4 in Red if w^ {Weiss parameter for both cases. comparing two : MOE 8 The values) (Second Edition) t-Test observations in the previous section. Staiisiics mean of option-2. have same variances and each observation (each battle output 3 Page 506. Morris H. DeGroot, Probability and Wesley Publishing Company, inc. 19S6. ,4 larger than 4.60 result occurs for the was applied sample from a normal distribution as explained , casualties of eight Blue options The same to Blue casualty ratio of eight Blue options with f If the significant level, a option-1 changes significantly 0.9. Figure 30). two values which are mean number of Red Blue engaging Red) decreases from 1.0 to dom and force Red option- 0.05. the table value for F, Red to Blue casualty and the Red each w, get closer to RESULTS OF ONE-WAY ANOVA TEST WHEN THE WEISS RAMETER BLUE ENGAGLNG RED ARE CHANGED. Red option^; MGE-l MOE-2 MOE-4 Distribution with degree of freedom (i.e.. 0.7, is Red and 7. Since the in w, that to Blue casualty ratio test is also applied in the sensitivity analysis compares the results for the test are given in tions Note (MOE-2) ratio thereafter. Weiss parameter for Blue engaging Red Table Red to Blue casualty ratio decreases as n\ to Blue force ratio increases. ratio are almost equal Finally, the n\ get closer in value, while Blue survivors Figure 34 depicts the diflerences between decrease linearly. and force and w^ , is a ran- The above by Addison- two The following examples show significant cases are tested as examples. of the two sample the results with null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis in case of the t-test two-tail test. Example (Case Let A' 1 mean number of Red be the casualties of eight Blue options with Red casualties of eight Blue options with Red option- 1 in original Basic model output. }' Let mean number of Red be the option- 1 after changing v.\ from LO. to 0.9 Test the following hypothesis with a significant level a H, Let SI- : A' = = 0.05. }• and S\ be the sums of squares as n n: Sl = > follows: (A-, - Xj = ) Sl ( }', - yS' (4.1) ;=U Also let the statistic U be defined by the following relation: Since the alternative hypothesis U< c, or l'> c. Pr(L'<c,) , is two-sided, the test procedure would reject where the constants + ?t{U>C:) = is 2.18. degrees of freedom (m+n-2), of the statistic U is c, and c. are chosen so that when Hq is either true, a. In this example, the sample sizes are defined by equation (4.2) Ci //q if m=8 and n=8, and the value of the Also, by use of a table of the and c^ are -2.145 greater than 2.145 given specified level of significance, a = (U > 0.05. 58 c,). and 2.145, t statistic U distribution with 14 respectively. the null hypothesis is Since the value rejected for the Example (Case 2) Let .V be the mean Red Red to Blue casualty ratio of eight Blue options with option-2 in original Basic model output. Y be Let the mean Red option-2 after changing w-\ Blue casualty ratio of eight Blue options with Red to to 0.9 from In this example, the sample sizes are defined by equation (4.2) V statistic is specified level of significance, a These examples in Table 8. = {U > and n=8, and the value of the statistic U C2), the null hypothesis is rejected for the given 0.05. verify the results from Table Recall, m=8 Also, as in the previous example, since the value of the 2.37. greater than 2.145 is 1.0. from the One-Way there were only 8. which were greater than 4.60 (table value two ANOVA test which significant cases (4.79 is shown and 5.60) for F-distribution with degree of freedom 1 and 14). E. COUNTERMEASURES The practicing eral principles weapon systems analyst must be well aquainted with the of countermeasures. for his task of proposed countermeasures. there is While it is often that of evaluating the potential Also, countermeasures are Indeed, the battle survivability, especially for defenders. advantages. is usually impossible to anticipate a rather satisfactory or useful mode more gen- is often likely to improve often based on "see-sawing" enemy reactions to an initiative, of approach to this problem. The tank was the countermeasure to the machinegun. while antitank mines and shaped charge war- heads are countermeasures to the tank threat. In this model, two Blue courses of action are considered against two of action. firing It is assumed that the Blue force can increase time of the Blue minefield, while the artillery Red and may also use smoke also force weapons and can may mine density for restricting the firepower of the Blue force's direct The quantitative amounts of is also increase by expanding the in a given use a mine-plow to break through a Blue minefield assumed that Red smoke does not which course of action indirect fire Red courses affect its own It is direct fire. effects for the different parameters, employed, are defined as follows: 59 fire. depending on If the • Red forces use mine-plows decrease by : 70*^/0 the attrition rate coefficient for minefields. • If the force Red forces use smoke from Blue force. : decrease by 10° • If the Blue forces increase indirect minutes from lu minutes. • If the Blue forces increase mine density minefield bv lOO^/o. Table fire o expand : time of Blue firing increase the ; Red the attrition rate coefficient to to 20 artillen." number of mines in a given provides payoff matrices for Red and Blue courses of action, which shows S both Red casualties and Blue survivors {MOE-1 and MOE-2). Based on Table 8, if Blue force can use only one of two courses of action, increasing is (MOE-l than increasing mine density Red forces use the mine-plows. Blue force. : 316.4 > 313.1 ). number of mines Blue will From in a Red and Blue for the Blue force lire the above facts, the Blue minefield do not have may need another that if : course of action to employ forces much : 822.6 commander can effect > 774.4, better is MOE-2 on Red's mine-plows, so that Red mine-plows. Table attrite the perceive that the S also then available courses of action, the all how Red casualties change based on each course of action. selects Its when S. MOE-1 : shows Red force 71S.S< 751.7, 305.0 < 307.6). Figures 35 and 36 depict ference in ) better values are better for the (MOE-1 ha\e larger advantages than the Blue force (see Table MOE-2 305. 9> 303.1 : MOE Recall thai the larger indirect fire However, when the Red forces use smoke, increasing mine density than increasing indirect for Blue 722. S> 705.1. .\10n-2 : its the Red For example, casualties for Blue courses of action 2 course of action difference of (MOE-1) and Blue MOE 3 or 4 Figure 35, there in and (R3 or R4). Fhese two survivors 3 (B2 and B3) figures also if show is (MOE-2) a small dif- the Red force a quantitative values for each course of action, so the reader can easily tell the dif- ferences by the height of each pillar. Figures 37 and 38 show how Red to Blue casualty ratio on Red and Blue's respective course of the trend of the change of Red Blue courses of action. action. From to Blue casualty ratio and force ratio change based these figures, the reader can see and force ratio for each Red and Figure 38 has almost the reverse shape of that of Figure 37, which implies that the Red to Blue casualty ratio nciiative correlation. 60 and the Red to Blue force ratio have Table 8. PAYOFF MATRIX FOR RED AND BLUE COURSE OF ACTIONS (MOE-l/MOE-2). RED Force use Mine-plow Courses c use Smoke increase Indirect increase fire density Force do not increase Indirect Mine increase Mine density use NO YES BLUI do not use Mine-plow r action Smoke NO YES YES 718.8 305.0 758.1 310.3 888.3330.0 927.5 336.6 NO 683. 5 300.7 722.8;305.9 774.4 313.1 813.7 318. YES 655.9 298.3 705.1 303.1 S22.6 316.4 862.0 322.2 NO 631.6,296.3 670.2/300.4 712.4/302.4 751.7 307.6 fire In Figures 35 and 36, the following abbreviations apply: Rl = Red force uses both .Mine-plow and Smoke. R2 = Red force uses only Mine-plow. R3 = Red force uses only R4 = Red force does Smoke. NOT use either Mine-plow or Smoke. Bl = Blue force increases both Indirect-fire and Mine density. B2 = Blue force increases only Indirect-fire. B3 = Blue force increases only Mine density. B4 = Blue force does NOT increase either Indirect-fire or In Figures 37 and 38, the following abbreviations apply: 1 on Red courses of action = Rl in Figures 35 and 36 Red courses of action = R2 in Figures 35 and 36 on Red courses of action = R3 in Figures 35 and 36 2 on 3 4 on Red courses of action = R4 in Figures 35 and 36 1 on Blue courses of action Bl in Figures 35 and 36 2 on Blue courses of action B2 in Figures 35 and 36 3 on Blue courses of action B3 in 4 on Blue courses of action = B4 Figures 35 and 36 in Figures 35 61 and 36 Mine density, RE3 CASJALTIES (M0E-1J rc:^ Figure 35. 3-Dimensional view of pa\off matrix for Red casualties. BLL'E SURV\aDRS (MOE-2) fP^ .tc'^HS^^^"*^ Figure 36. 3-Dimensional vie^ of payoff matrix for Blue survivors. 62 RED TO BLUE CASUALTY RATIO (MOE-3) Bourses OP Figure 37. ^0^ 3-Dimensional vien of payoff matrix for the Red to Blue casualty ratio. RED TO BLUE FORCE RATIO 3.2 ^loO^SES Figure 38. 3-Dimensional vie>v of OF «n>OS payoff matrix for the Red to Blue force ratio. 63 F. MODEL ENRICHMENT The important question answered performing chapter To support reasonable fashion?" in a in this is better for the it Red force to large versus when the "yes" for this question then "How are they related ?" Blue force ratio is Is (i.e., ration of battle is (MOE-4) ?" Red arise size ratio affect the at- move to Blue force ratio These questions provide this question, this section will answers to the following questions, "Can a Red and Blue force tacking force's speed?" model "Is this deterministic is fast when If the small?). and "How^ does Red the it to answer affect the du- because the duration of battle in the Basic model did not van.- by changing any o[ the parameters during the sensitivity analyses in previous sections. In order to solve these problems, equation (2.16) in by equation Sr.e^. = Chapter was modified 2 as given (4.3). ^old ^ " ^^ ~ ^ ) ^^-/'^^''^^ -^mm -^min = 0.3 X ( -j^ (4.3) ) where V power : S,,,, a^ flo speed of attacking force for previous time step : S,,,,„ based on different \\'capon types updated speed o[ attacking force : S-^^ factor, : minimum speed for the attacking force current attrition coelllcient : maximum : RF^ BF, : : attrition coelTicient Red current force size current Blue force size In equation (4.3), it is assumed of Red (attacker) force. to the ratio is Red value. to Blue force ratio affects the In other words, the maneuver The at least The hnear function The function shown minimum Red Red to Blue force ratio {S^,^ocRFJBF,). greater than one. force can that speed is 0.3 It is also minimum speed is assumed the Red speed proportional to Blue force a constant value under the assumption that the 0.3km per hour for the in right is force's minimum minimum regardless of the speed is shown Red not a linear function of Red Blue force 64 to Blue force ratio in left portion portion of Figure 39 represents the case ratio. Red when of Figure 39. the attacker's In this chapter, the MMAMI •tZD-OiMr/IV) taatiM sPQi>>ax{ir/W) m- « ^ . a ^ ^ i^ is -^^"'^^ • •^,,.''-^'''''^ a 3 ' • 9 ^^.^-^^^^ ga is . ^^.^ • LO 14 j> Two Figure 39. U 1 u different functions for 1 a 1 1 1 minimum ^^^^ 1 xt IB \» XD speed. linear function case, given in left portion of Figure 39, is applied to the basic model and analyzed in Figures 40 and 41. (MOE-3) between the speed) and the Enriched model (which re- Figure 40 shows differences of the Red to Blue casualty ratio Basic model (which has constant minimum gards the attacker's each parameter is minimum speed as a linear function of Red Blue force ratio) when altered as follows: NO CHANGE no parameters are changed t MD Blue increases the Mine density. : : f IF Blue increases the Indirect : USE MP Red : USE SM : fire. uses Mine-plow. Red uses Smoke. Figure 40 illustrates that as the mine density and indirect so do Red Blue casualty ratios. Even though there increase for both models When mine-plow and smoke models, Red Blue casualty ratios decrease. standpoint. fire exist These somewhat 65 are employed results are reasonable for both from a mihtary differences in increasing or decreasing LEFT BAR 5 4 MODEL OUTPUT BASIC : RIGHT BAR : ENRICHED MODEL OUTPUT — o - 1 1 Z 3 2 - — -n - 1 - NO CHANGE Figure 40. Comparison of t M3 t RED/BLUE USE MP IF USE SM casualty ratio (MOE-3) between Basic and Enridied model. LEFT 3AR : RIGHT BAR 232 BASIC MODEL OUTPUT : ENRICHED MODEL OLnPUT - W • 5, ^228 % o z o - 1 - 1 — I 1 - - NO CHANGE Figure 41. Comparison of duration 1 MD of battle model. 66 t IF USE MP (MOE-4) between JSE I SM Basic and Enriched Red Blue casualty ratio a similar tendency based between Basic and Advanced model, both models change with on alteration of each parameter. Figure 41 shows difTerences of duration of battle and the Enriched model. density or indirect fire, As and expected, battle time battle time is shorter is (MOE-4) between longer when Red when Blue uses its the Basic model increases its mine mine-plow or smoke. Based on the above analysis with both Figures 40 and 41, the Enriched model appears to produce more reasonable results than the Basic model. 67 SUMMARY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS V. SUMMARY A. This thesis has developed a deterministic air-land combat model using network attribute terrain data. regiments, it may Even though the model utilized terrain data for battalions (personnel, minefields, indirect fire, military planner with information The priman' focus of the hi this respect, the m Chapters and 3 volatile to change. model Re- for the at- forth), the model outputs (MOEs) provide the on preparing better defensive plans. thesis parameters produced reasonable were most and so in the in the Based on the disposition of the forces tacking force to reach the defending force. was performed an assigned battle area Three avenues of approach were employed public of Korea. model outputs, The model was run under accept terrain data for larged sized forces. a given scenario of specific battle conditions using and was to demonstrate various methods model provided 4. for analyzing sufficient data for analysis, which In Chapter 4, sensitivity analysis varying specific results, and also determined those parameters The important results from which sensitivity analyses are as follows: 1. If Blue has proper conditions (discussed ing an additional platoon at the in Chapter 4) on ambush points, reinforcis better than at the main force ambush point areas. 2. As both maximum attrition rate coefficients {a^ ti\eness (or loss rate exchange) of Blue force 3. is and b^ ) increase, firepower efTcc- gradually reduced. Both Red casualties and Blue survivors hicrease as iv^ (Weiss parameter for Blue engaging Redt decrease, but Red casualties are more sensitive to w^ than Blue survi\ors. 4. When Weiss parameters for both Red and Blue approach the same value, both Red and Blue casualties decrease and the Red Blue casualty ratio also decreases, which implies that firepower effectiveness of R.ed force increases. 5. The number of mines in Blue minefields do not have much effect on Red's mine- plows. 6. If Red uses smoke, increasing the increasing Blue indirect number of mines in Blue minefields is better than fire. In addition to the above results, the model pointed out that Blue needs to consider courses of action for attrition to Red on Avenue-22 68 in the BATTLE 1 new case which was C discussed in section of Chapter The model was enriched by using 3. modified a equation for computing the attacking units' speed. B. FUTURE DIRECTIONS The model developed deterministic The author focused model. is methodologies, not covered in this model cient for each is how weapon neither a complete nor perfect needed for improving the model. Other analytical thesis, to specify is on analyzing the model outputs with various his efibrts methodologies. Additional research deterministic in this thesis and determine more limitation of this realistic attrition rate coeffi- system, to be used in Lanchester's Linear and Square law. However, simulation methods may be a possible approach to tion rate coefficients for A should be explored. weapon find more accurate systems. There are numerous factors which affect a battalion or regimental Therefore, the model developed in this thesis can be expanded by adding types such as Close Air Support inclusion of these factors outputs. istic As If the battle area and so to be changed. required. used to model more complicated, yet allows the different has weapon more combat systems. The more real- for many types in Figure 7 of Chapter 2) could be used. terrain features (such as small some hills, streams, bridges, attrition rate coefficients Simulations may may need help to obtain data outputs for comparison to real world and evaluation with combat plans or recommanded historical data is necessary before this model model be that the deterministic nature of the outcomes traceable to is scenarios. specific input parameters. gested that stochastic variables be treated by a is to generate In other w^ords, it is Monte Carlo rameters are varied for different runs to maintain audit retained, as op- model posed to applying stochastic processes, because the purpose of battle battle. In order to deal with these factors, different analytical approaches are test actual It is makes forth) in small battle areas, Verification data. (CAS) and other newly developed weapon size one way of dealing with new weapon systems, different value of m for {power factor based on reseviors. attri- trail this process. not sug- Rather, the pa- control for the purposes of analysis. Finally, because only model as an initial run, dismounted units mounted (infantry^ forces) units (vehicles such as tanks, should be considered for future runs. were considered APCs, and in this trucks) also This requires some modifications to the model to incorporate different parameters based on vehicle types. 69 APPENDIX This a IS formation of the input data for both models (Basic and Advanced) for dismounted (Infantrv) unit Arc No. 1 1 1 5 6 7 2 2 3 4 4 31. 5 2. 1 0.006 4. 67.5 16.5 4.5 0. 4, 1. 1 0. 356 506 4 15. 33 0.358 9 41. 32. 28. 40. 60. 15 2. 75 1.9 0. 5 11 5 7 9 5 6 6 11 7 12 13 10 19 11 15 15 16 17 18 19 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 42 43 44 25 26 27 Speed 2 6 3 8 10 11 12 13 14 cases. Passing Distance Nodes Width (tail -head) time(min) 2 3 4 MODELS INPUT DATA A. 7 8 20 14 15 13 14 25 16 17 16 18 17 18 23 24 21 20 21 28 22 23 27 27 25 26 26 25 57 67 29 1. 2. 15 2. 35 0. 0.558 0. 004 0. 3. 21.43 31.5 1. Oil 254 112 0.554 25 0. 2. 1 106 1.45 004 006 0. 002 0. 026 0. 002 0. 002 0. 002 0. 098 0. 054 0. 154 0. 049 0.406 0. 066 0. 258 1. 3 0. 0. 9 0. 4. 4.5 4. 3.5 4. 5 3. 5 3. 3.5 4. 15. 71 33. 75 25. 15 0. 3.5 2.25 0. 4. 54.0 3. 6 65. 75. 3.25 1. 1. 25 75 5. 35 3. 107.0 18. 67 34. 29 19. 71 1.4 2.0 1. 15 27.43 52.5 1. 6 11. 25 19. 33 26. 15. 43 17. 14 14.25 8. 67 86 10.5 51. 43 12. 21. 75 3. 5 0. 75 75 0. 7 3.0 1.45 13.5 18. 86 9. 43 0. 9 12. 0. 7 8. 67 27 8.57 12. 86 8.0 8.0 28 33. 75 204 0. 084 0.076 0. 328 0. 354 0. 256 0. 049 0. 176 0.506 0. 224 0. 704 0.454 0. 678 0.574 0.274 0. 328 0.408 0. 066 1.0 0. 95 0. 65 0. 1. 1 0.55 0.65 0.5 0. 75 0.6 0.6 2. 152 25 70 3. 4. 3. 3. 3. 4.5 3.5 3. 5 3.5 4. 4. 4. 5 3. 3. 5 3.5 4. 4.5 3.5 4. 3.5 4. 4. 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 4. APPENDIX This is a BASIC B. computer program using Fortran-77 --< BASIC MODEL >--- MODEL for the basic model. LEE, JAE YEONG (1988.2.6) --- MADE BY INTEGER NA, NN, NOA, NOP, RBN, RRESER, BOO, PLTN PARAMETER (NA=44, NN=28, N0A=3, N0P=2 PLTN=40) PARAMETER (RBN=500, RRESER=150, BCO=170) REDAVE(NOA) ,SMAVE(NOA) ,PMAVE(NOA) INTEGER ARC(NA) ,TAIL(NA) ,HEAD(NA) ,TAVE(NOA) INTEGER INTEGER PMARC(5),SMARC(3),IDARC(4,0: 1001) INTEGER IFA(4, 1000), MFA(4, 1000), DFA(4, 1000) P0IF,BLUEP1,BLUEP2,ANS1,ANS2,ANS3,ANS4 INTEGER INTEGER INPUT, OUTPUT, TP1,TP2,DIF,DPMF,DSMF,INCRE,WID IFANS,MFANS,DFANS,TEND INTEGER REAL DIST(NA) ,WIDTH(NA) ,TIME(NA) REAL SPEED(NA) ,OSPEED(NA) ,ADSP(NA) BREAKP(4),BREAKT(4) REAL REAL RF(4,0: 1001 ) ,BF( 4,0: 1001) ,WHERE( 4,0: 1001) ,SP( 4,0: 1001) REAL IFC(4,0: 1001) ,MFC(4,0: 1001) ,RDFC(4,0: 1001), , IMDC(4,0: 1001), BDFC(4,0: 1001) RBP(4) ,IFSUM(4) ,MFSUM(4) ,RDFSUM(4) ,BDFSUM(4) IFCAS MFCAS DFCAS BLEFTl BLEFT2 WHOLD CLOCK, RANGE, BRDI ST, AR,RB 1 REAL REAL REAL , DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DIF,DPMF,DSMF PMAVE PMARC RANGE DATA DATA DATA DATA REDAVE POIF SMAVE BLUE PI, BLUER RB , , , , /10,20,15/ 71,3,1/ 715,19,23,25,32/ /l.l/ /O.O/ 70,2,1/ 72/ 70,2,1/ /1, 2/ INPUT = 12 OUTPUT = 13 •OPEN OUTPUT FILES •FILE 'TSTEP' HAS RED AND BLUE FORCE SIZES ON EACH AVENUE •FILE 'REDCAS' HAS RED CASUALTIES ON EACH AVENUE OPEN ( UNIT = OUTPUT, FILE = TSTEP ) OPEN ( UNIT =21, FILE = REDCAS ) ! ' ' ' ' WRITE(6,9) DO 10 I = 1, NA READ( INPUT, 11) ARC(I),TAIL(I),HEADCI),TIME(I),DIST(I),WIDTH(I), 1 SPEED(I) WRITE( 6,11) ARC( I ) ,TAIL( I ) ,HEAD( I ) ,TIME( I ) ,DIST( I ) ,WIDTH( I ) 71 SPEED(I) CONTINUE FORMAT(lX,50('-'),/2X,'ARC TAIL-HEAD TIME DIST 1 SPEED' ,/lX,50('-')) F0RMAT(3X,I2,2(3X,I2) ,2X,F6. 2,6X,F4. 2,4X,F5. 3,3X,F5. 3) 1 10 9 WIDTH ' 11 OPTION (NA,N0A,REDAVE,P0IF,SMAVE,BLUEP1,BLUEP2, SPEED, DIST, TIME, PMARC,SMARC, ANSI, ANS2,ANS3) IF(ANS1 .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 IF(ANS2 .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 IF(ANS3 .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 CALL 1 DO 19 I = 1,NA CALL ASPEED ( I ,NA, ANSI SPEED, ADSP) SPEED(I) = ADSP(I) OSPEED(I) = SPEED(I) , 19 WRITEC 13 25 )REDAVE( 1 ) ,REDAVE( 2) ,REDAVE( 3) SMAVE( 1) SMAVE( 2) SMAVE(3) ,SMARC( 1) ,SMARC(2) ,SMARC(3) BLUER 1 ,BLUEP2 WRITEC 6 25 ) REDAVEC 1 ) REDAVEf 2 ) REDAVE( 3 ) SMAVE( 1 ) SMAVE( 2 ) 1 SMAVEC 3 ) SMARCC 1 j S.MARC( 2 ) SMARC( 3 ) BLUEPl BLUEP2 F0RMAT(//1X,'RED OPTION ===> \3I3 ,/lX, BLUE OPTION', SCATERABLE MI.NEFIELD ===>', 313, 1/^X, (LOCATED ARCS) ==>',3I3, 1/4X,' 1/4X,'^^ FORCE ALLOCATION =====>' ,213,//) , , , , , 25 , . , ' NNN = I USED = NEQ12 = NEQ34 = I = 1,4 IFSUM(i) = 0. MFSUM(I) = 0. RDFSUM(I) = 0. BDFSUM(I) =0.0 CONTINUE DO 5 C-- -DEFINE INITIAL FORCE LEVEL AND LOCATION RF(1,0) = REDAVE(l)-"-RBN RF(2,0) = (REDAVE(2)-RBN)/2 RF(3,0) = (REDAVEC 2 )^'-RBN)/2 RF(4,0) = REDAVEC 3 )-"-RBN DO 28 I = 1,4 WHERE(I,0) = 0. IFCd.O) = 0. MFC(I,0) = 0. RDFCd.O) = 0. IMDC(I,0) = 0. BDFC(I,0) = 0. RBP(I) = RB^'--RF(I,0) 28 BF(1,0) = ELU-EPr-'-'BCO + PLTN/2 BF(2,0) = BLUEPl--'-BCO + PLTN/2 BF(3,0) = BLUEP2^--BC0 -f PLTN/2 BF(4,0) = BLUEP2--'-BC0 + PLTN/2 NOC = 72 , , , '•••- 5 , , 1 ! , INCRE = 1 DO 9999 IT = 1,500, INCRE CLOCK = IT DO 30 lA = 1,4 BREAKP(IA) = 0. BREAKT(IA) = 0. IFC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT-1) MFC(IA,IT) = MFC(IA,IT-1) RDFC(IA,IT) = RDFC(IA,IT-1) IMDC(IA,IT) = IMDC(IA,IT-1) BDFC(IA,IT) = BDFC(IA,IT-1) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT-1) BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT-1) WHOLD = VHERE(IA,IT-1) CALL DETECT ( I A, IT, INCRE, WHOLD, WID) IF(WID .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 IDARC(IA,IT) = WID BRDIST = 9999. SP(IA,IT) = SPEED(WID) TS = (SPEED(WID)/60)^'-INCRE WHERE(IA,IT) = WHOLD + TS C---IS THERE INDIRECT FIRE ? OR MINEFIELD ? OR DIRECT FIRE CALL IDFIND ( lA CLOCK, POIF, IFANS) CALL MFFIND ( PMARC SMARC ,WID ,MFANS) CALL DRFIND ( I A, WHOLD, RANGE, BRDIST, DFANS) ? , , IFA(IA,IT) = IFANS MFA(IA,IT) = MFANS DFA(IA,IT) = DFANS IF( IFANS. EQ.O .AND. MFANS. EQ. .AND. DFANS. EQ.O) GOTO C-- -COMPUTE THE CASUALTY OF INDIRECT-FIRE IF( IFANS .EQ. 1) THEN CALL IDFIRE ( lA, IT,RF,REDAVE,POIF, IFCAS) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - IFCAS IFSUM(IA) = IFCAS + IFSUM(IA) IFC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT) + IFCAS ! END IF C---COMPUTE THE CASUALTY BY MINE-FIELD IFCMFANS.EQ. 1 .OR. MFANS. EQ. 2) THEN CALL MFIELD ( lA, IT,MFANS INCRE,NA,WID,TIME,RF,MFCAS) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - MFCAS MFSUM(IA) = MFCAS + MFSUM(IA) MFC(IA,IT) = MFC(IA,IT) + MFCAS END IF ! , C-- -COMPUTE THE CASUALTY BY DIRECT-FIRE 1 1 IF(DFANS .EQ. 1 .OR. IF( RF(IA,IT) .LT. lUSED EQ. RF(IA,0) .GT. ! DFANS EQ. BF(IA,IT) . . 2) THEN .AND. AND. . 0. ) 73 THEN 30 RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) + RRESER I USED = 1 END IF CALL DRFIRE (DFANS ,DFA,BRDIST, lA, IT,RF,BF, AR,RDFCAS BDFCAS PLTN, RANGE, NNN, AGO, AMO) , 1 RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - RDFCAS BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT) - BDFCAS RDFSUM(IA) = RDFCAS + RDFSUM(IA) BDFSUM(IA) = BDFCAS + BDFSUM(IA) RDFC(IA,IT) = RDFC(IA,IT) + RDFCAS BDFC(IA,IT) = BDFC(IA,IT) + BDFCAS ENT) IF .AND. IF(RF(IA,0) .GT. 0. RF(IA,IT) LE. RBP(IA)) THEN CALL BREAK ( lA, IT,NOC,WHOLD,RF,BF,RRESER,BREAKP,BREAKT) EN^ IF . C---COMPLTE THE REDUCED SPEED DUE TO THE INDIRECT FIRE OR MINEFIELD OR UNDER THE DIRECT FIRE BASED ON THE RANGE OF TVs'O FORCES C ! CALL RSPEED ( 1 lA IT, NA, SPEED, TIME ,DIST,WID, RANGE ,AR,RF, IFANS,MFANS, DFANS, OSPEED,ACO,AMO) . SP(IA,IT) = SPEEDfWID) TS = (SPEED(WID)/60)--'--INCRE WHERE(IA,IT) = WHOLD + TS IMDC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT) + MFC(IA,IT) + RDFC(IA,IT) 30 36 37 CONTINUE IF(NEQ12 .NE. 0) GO TO 36 BF(1,IT) = MIN( BF(1,IT) ,EF(2,IT) EF(2,IT) = MIN( BF(1,IT) ,BFC2,IT) IF(NEQ34 .NE. 0) GO TO 37 BF(3,IT) = MIN( BF(3,IT) ,BF(4,IT) BF(4,IT) = MIN( BF(3,IT) ,BF(4,IT) IF(NEQ12 .NE. 0) GO TO 38 IF(DFA(1,IT) EQ. 2 AND. DFAf2,IT) .EQ. 2 .AND. RF(2,IT) .GT. 0. ) THEN RF(1,IT) .GT. 0. .AND. 1 BF(1,IT) = (RF(1,IT) / (RF(1,IT)+RF(2,IT))) • BF(1,IT) BF(2,IT) = (RF(2,IT) / (RF(1,IT)+RF(2,IT))) * BF(2,IT) NEQ12 = IT END IF IF(NEQ34 .NE 0) GO TO 39 IF(DFA(3,IT) .EQ. 2 DFA(4,IT) .EQ. 2 .AND. AND. THEN 1 RF(3,IT) GT. 0. AND. RFC 4, IT) .GT. 0. ) (RF(3,IT)+RF(4,IT))) ^ BF(3,IT) BF(3,IT) = (RF(3,IT) (RF(3,IT)+RF(4,IT))) * BF(4,IT) BF(4,IT) = (RF(4,IT) NEQ34 = IT END IF WRITE (OUTPUT, 40) IT,RF(1,IT),RF(2,IT),RF(3,IT),RF(4,IT) WRITE( OUTPUT, 40) IT BF( 1 0) -( BDFC( 1 IT)+BDFC( 2 IT) ) BF( 2 0) -( BDFC( 1 IT)+BDFC( 2 IT) ) 1 ) -( BDFC( 3 IT)+BDFC( 4 IT) ) BF( 3 1 BF(4,0)-(BDFC(3,IT)+BDFC(4,IT)) 1 . 38 . . 39 , , , , , , , , , , 74 VRITE(OUTPUT, 42) IT, VHERE( 1 IT) ,WHERE( 2 IT) ,WHERE( 3 IT) VHERE(4 IT) WRITE( OUTPUT, 42) IT, SP( 1 IT) ,SP( 2 IT) ,SP( 3 IT) SP(4, IT) , , , , , , , , , 40 41 42 WRITE(21,40) IT,IFC(1,IT),IFC(2,IT),IFC(3,IT),IFC(4,IT) WRITE(21,40) IT,MFC(1,IT),MFC(2,IT),MFC(3,IT),MFC(4,IT) WRITE(21,40) IT,RDFC(1,IT),RDFC(2,IT),RDFC(3,IT),RDFC(4,IT) WRITE(21,40) IT,IMDC(1,IT),IMDC(2,IT),IMDC(3,IT),IMDC(4,IT) VRITE(21,40) IT,BDFC(1,IT),BDFC(2,IT),BDFC(3,IT),BDFC(4,IT) F0RMAT(1X,I6,4(3X,F6. D) F0RMAT(1X,I6,4(3X,I6)) F0RMAT(1X,I6,4(3X,F6.3)) 9999 CONTINUE CALL 999 1 C C C PRINT (RBN,BC0,BLUEP1 ,BLUEP2,RRESER,PLTN,NA, OUTPUT, IFSUM,MFSUM,RDFSUM,BDFSUM) PRINT FOR CHECKING THE INPUT DATA VRITE(6,9) DO 998 I = 1, NA WRITE(6,11) ARC( I) ,TAIL( I) ,HEAD( I) ,TIME( I) ,DIST( I) ,WIDTH(I) 1 SPEED(I) WRITE(6 '(//)') STOP THANK YOU 'this MODEL IS COMPLETE END 998 ' ! * ! SUBROUTINE FOR SELECTING THE RED AND BLUE OPTIONS 1. L JU ^. ^. .*« ^. ^. ^. J. >t. SUBROUTINE OPTION (NA,NOA,REDAVE ,POIF,SMAVE ,BLUEP1 ,BLUEP2 SPEED, DIST, TIME, PMARC,SMARC, ANSI, ANS2,ANS3) , 1 INTEGER INTEGER REAL 1002 REDAVEC NOA) POIF SMAVE( NOA) BLUEPl BLUEP2 , , , , PMARC(5),SMARC(3),ANS1,ANS2,ANS3,ANS4 SPEED(NA) ,DIST(NA) ,TIME(NA) WRITE(6, '(///)') PRINT HOW DO RED FORCE ALLOCATE THEIR UNIT ON EACH AVENUE PRINT (CHOOSE THE NUMBER OF OPTION 1,2,3 OR 4)' PRINT ^S * PRINT ^'S OPTION AVE-//1 AVE-|'/2 AVE-//3 * * PRINT *, 1. 1 BN 1 BN 1 BN " * PRINT" ^S 2. BN 2 BN 1 BN ^ * PRINT ''% 3. BN 1 BN 2 BN * * PRINT *, 4. BN 3 BN BN * PRINT *, 0. EXIT THE RPOGRAM PRINT ^^ READ(5,*) ANSI GO TO (1011,1012,1013,1014) ANSI REDAVE(l) = 1 REDAVE(2) = 1 REDAVE(3) = 1 GO TO 1010 REDAVE(l) = ••-, -•'•-, ''•- ! 1011 1012 75 ? 1013 1014 REDAVE(2) = REDAVEO) = GO TO 1010 REDAVE(l) = REDAVE(2) = 2 REDAVEO) = 2 1 1 GO TO 1010 REDAVE(l) = REDAVE(2) = 3 REDAVE(3) = GO TO 1010 IF(ANS1 EQ. 0) THEN GO TO 1999 ELSE => TRY AGAIN PRINT^>, ERROR >> ENTER THE NUMBER 1-4 OR GO TO 1002 END IF WRITE (6 (///)) PRINT 'HOW DO BLUE FORCE ALLOCATE THE SCATTERABLE MINES ? PRINT (CHOOSE THE NUMBER OF OPTION 1,2,3 OR 4)' PRINT PRINT * OPTION AVE-fil AVE -,-'^2 AVE-,^r'3 1. PRINT PKG 1 PKG 1 PKG PRINT 2. PKG 2 PKG 1 PKG 3. PRINT PKG 1 PKG 2 PKG 4. PRINT 'PKG 3 PKG PKG 0. PRINT '> EXIT THE PROGRAM VfVrVrV.-VrvVVrVrVf'!Vyr'!ViVVriVVrVrVrVfVriVVfVriVVrVfVfVrVr'!V-'-VrVr';VVr'5'rVfVr'!V'5V'A'')V'>V'5V^V PRINT READ(5,->) ANS2 GO TO (1031,1032,1033 1034) ANS2 SMAVE(l) = 1 SMAVE(2) = 1 SMAVE(3) = 1 GO TO 1025 SMAVE(l) = S:1AVE(2) = 2 SMAVE(3) = 1 GO TO 1025 SMAVE(l) = SMAVE(2) = 1 SMAVE(3) = 2 GO TO 1025 SMAVE(l) = SMAVE(2) = 3 SMAVE(3) = GO TO 1025 IF(ANS3 EQ. 0) THEN GO TO 1999 ELSE => TRY AGAIN PRINT'^ ERROR >> ENTER THE NUMBER 1-4 OR GO TO 1010 END IF « 1010 ! ^•>- -••- ' ''- '"' ^••- '"' -,v ! '' 1031 1032 1033 1034 « 1025 WRITE(6, '(///)') PRINT *, 'WHICH ARC WILL HAVE SCATTERABLE MINES ? PRINT ^'^ ENTER THE THREE INDEX NUMBER OF ARCS FROM ( ! ' ' 76 1 TO 44)' (SMARC(I), 1=1,3) READ(5,*) IF(SMARC(1).GT. 44 .OR. SMARC( 2) GT. 44 OR. SMARC( 3) GT. 44) THEN '« ERROR INPUTS MUST BE LESS THAN 44=>TRY AGAIN PRINT--'-, GO TO 1025 ELSE WRITE(6,1026) (SMARC(I), 1=1,3) SCATTERABLE MINES WILL BE ON ', 1026 F0RMAT(1X,'« NOTE 112,' ,' ,12,' ,' ,12,' ARCS') END IF . » » 1020 . . : ' ! : WRITE(6, '(///)') PRINT*, 'HOW DO BLUE FORCE ALLOCATE THEIR UNIT ON EACH POSITION ?' (CHOOSE THE NUMBER OF OPTION 1 OR 2)' PRINT *, PRINT *, * OPTION P0SITI0Wn(N0DE28) PRINT *, POSITION#2(NODE27) *' *• * 1. 2 CO 1 CO PRINT *, * *' 2. 1 CO 2 CO PRINT *, *' 'V 0. EXIT THE RPOGRAM PRINT *, PRINT '% READ(5,'"^) ANS3 IF(ANS3 .EQ. 1) THEN BLUER 1 = 2 BLUEP2 = 1 GO TO 1999 ELSE IF(ANS3 EQ. 2) THEN BLUEPl = 1 BLUEP2 = 2 GO TO 1999 ELSE IF(ANS3 EQ. 0) THEN GO TO 1999 ELSE PRINT'^ '« ERROR ENTER THE NUMBER 1,2 OR TRY AGAIN GO TO 1020 END IF RETURN ! . . » 1999 => : ' ! E.ND >'' 2. SUBROUTINE FOR DETECTION WHICH ARC THE RED FORCES ARE SUBROUTINE INTEGER REAL DATA DATA DATA DATA 3011 DETECT ( lA, IT, INCRE,WHOLD,WID) INCRE,WID AU4),A21(8),A22(6),A3(6),WH0LD Al A21 A22 A3 72.75,6.35,9.35,10.25/ /I. 15,3. 3,4. 7,5.45,6.4,7. 1,8.55,9.45/ /I. 15 ,3. 3,4. 7 ,6. 15 ,6. 8, 7. 45/ /4. 5,6. 6,8. 85,12. 35,12. 95,13. 55/ GO TO (3011,3012,3013,3014) lA IF(WHOLD .LE. Al(l)) THEN WID = 5 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. Al(l) .AND. WID = 15 GO TO 1390 77 WHOLD. LE. Al(2)) THEN ? ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT. Al(2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. Al( 3) ) THEN WID = 33 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.AK 3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. Al(4) ) THEN WID = 35 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD GT. A1C4)) THEN WRITEC13,1380) IT-1 F0RMATC1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE#1 TOOK BLL^ POSITIOW/1 BATTLE END ',14,' MINUTE)") 1/5X,'C BATTLE TIME PRINT -'s 'RED FORCE IN AVE^.'l TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N7/1 BATTLE ENT) PRINT '-, 'BATTLE TIME =',IT-1,' MINUTE' GO TO 1399 END IF IFCWHOLD LE. A21C1)) THEN WID = 4 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A21C1) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21C 2)) THEN WID = 7 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A21C2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21C 3) ) THEN WID = 19 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A21C 3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21C4) ) THEN WID = 1^ GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A21C4) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21C5) ) THEN WID = 29 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A21C 5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21C 6) ) THEN WID = 32 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A21C 6) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21C 7 ) ) THEN WID = 34 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A21C 7) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21C 8) ) THEN WID = 35 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD GT. A21C8)) THEN WRITEC 13,1381) IT-1 BATTLE ', F0RMATC1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE,^i21 TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N//1 ',14,' I'END MLNUTE)') ,/5X,'CBAlTLE TIME BATTLE END PRINT -^ 'RED FORCE IN AVE.>'21 TOOK BLUE POSITIONy/1 PRINT -^ 'BATTLE TIME =',IT-1,' MINUTE' GO TO 1399 END IF IFCWHOLD LE. A22C1)) THEN WID = 4 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A22C1) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(2) ) THEN WID = 7 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A22C2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(3)) THEN WID = 19 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A22C 3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22C4) ) THEN . 1380 => : 3012 ' ! : ' ! . . 1381 => ' ! , 3013 : : . 78 ' ! WID = 25 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT. A22(4) .AND. VHOLD. LE. A22(5) ) THEN WID = 30 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT. A22(5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(6) ) THEN WID = 39 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD GT. A22(6)) THEN IT-1 WRITE(13,1382) F0RMAT(1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE^^22 TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N?',f2 BATTLE 1 END !' ,/5X,' (BATTLE TIME ',14,' MINUTE)') BATTLE END PRINT *, 'RED FORCE IN AVE//22 TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N#2 PRINT *, 'BATTLE TIME =',IT-1,' MINUTE' GO TO 1399 END IF IFCWHOLD LE. A3(l)) THEN WID = 2 GO TO 1390 AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C2)) THEN ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3(1) WID = 11 GO TO 1390 AND. WHOLD. LE. A3(3)) THEN ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C 2) WID = 13 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3( 3) AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C4)) THEN WID = 23 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C4) AND. WHOLD. LE.A3C5)) THEN WID = 42 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C 5) AND. WHOLD. LE. A3(6)) THEN WID = 43 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD GT. A3C6)) THEN IT-1 WRITEC13,1383) F0RMATC1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE#3 TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N#2 BATTLE 1' END !' ,/5X,'C BATTLE TIME ==> ',14,' MINUTE)') PRINT ^', 'RED FORCE IN AVE#3 TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N//2 BATTLE END PRINT '"s 'BATTLE TIME =',IT-1,' MINUTE' GO TO 1399 END IF RETURN WID = RETURN END . 1382 ' 3014 ' => , ' ! . . 1383 1390 1399 * 3. ' SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE INDIRECT-FIRE ! SUBROUTINE IDFIND ( IA,CLOCK,POIF, IFANS) INTEGER POIF, IFANS REAL CLOCK, STIF.FTIF DATA STIF,FTIF /5. 0,15.0/ IFCCLOCK .GE. STIF .AND. IFCPOIF .EQ. 2) THEN CLOCK 79 . LT. FTIF) THEN , ' ! IFCIA.EQ. 2 .OR. I FANS = 1 GO TO 1444 THEN ELSE IFANS = GO TO 1444 END IF ELSE IFCPOIF .EQ. 3) THEN IF(IA .EQ. 4) THEN IFANS = 1 GO TO 1444 ELSE IFANS = GO TO 1444 END IF END IF ELSE IFANS = END IF RETURN END 1444 '^ lA. EQ. 3) SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYI.N'G THE MINE -FIELD 4. ! SUBROUTINE MFFIND ( PMARC SMARCWID, MEANS) INTEGER MFANS,WID,PMARC(5) ,SMARC(3) . DO 1510 I = 1,5 IF(WID .EQ. PMARC(I)) THEN MFANS = 1 GO TO 1599 END IF CONTINUE DO 1520 J = 1,3 IF(WID .EQ. SMARC(J)) THEN MFANS = 2 GO TO 1599 END IF CONTINUE MFANS = RETURN END 510 1511 3 1520 1521 1599 * SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE DIRECT-FIRE 5. SUBROUTINE 1 1 DRFIND ( IA,WHOLD,RANGE,BRDIST,DFANS) INTEGER REAL IC,IA,DFANS WH0LD,PATH(4) ,RAxNGE,BRDIST,AMBUSH DATA DATA PATH AMBUSH / 10. 25 ,9. 45 ,7, 45 , 13. 55/ /4. 0/ IF(WHOLD.GE. AMBUSH-RANGE/2. WHOLD LT. AMBUSH . (IA.EQ.2. .OR. ! .AND. AND. . THEN lA. EQ. 3)) 80 DFANS = 1 BRDIST = AMBUSH - WHOLD GO TO 1699 ELSE IF( WHOLD GE. PATH( lA) -RANGE .AND. THEN WHOLD .LT. PATH(IA) 1 ) DFANS = 2 BRDIST = PATH(IA) - WHOLD GO TO 1699 END IF 1600 CONTINUE DFANS = 1699 RETURN END . * SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY INDIRECT-FIRE 6. SUBROUTINE IDFIRE(IA,IT,RF,REDAVE,POIF,IFCAS) INTEGER NR0UND,IA,IT,REDAVE(3),P0IF LETHAL, R0WSP,C0LSP, MUX, MUY,RHOX,RHOY, RATIO, PKILL REAL REAL RF(4,0: 1001),IFCAS DATA DATA DATA NROUND LETHAL MUX,MUY RHOX,RHOY 18, 70. 8/ /15. ,10./ /15. ,10./ / , IF(REDAVE(POIF) EQ. ROWSP =12. COLSP = 12. GO TO 1669 ELSE IF(REDAVE(POIF) ROWSP =10. COLSP = 10. GO TO 1669 ELSE IF(REDAVE(POIF) ROWSP = 8. COLSP = 8. GO TO 1669 END IF . 1 EQ. 2) THEN EQ. 3) THEN RATIO = (NROUND'> LETHAL) PHI = 3. 141592654 1669 THEN ) / (ROWSP'<COLSP*RF( lA, IT) A = ((LETHAL-"-NR0UND)/(2''^PHI))*'V. 5 PKILL = RATIO (A''^A/((A-"-A+RH0X''">2)*(A'>A+RH0Y**2))**. 5) * EXP(-.5*((MUX*'V2)/(A'^A+RH0X''f*2) + (MUY**2)/( A'^A+RH0Y**2) 1 IFCAS = PKILL * RF(IA,IT) / 2. --'^ RETURN END * SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY MINEFIELDS 7. SUBROUTINE MFIELD ' ( lA, IT,MFANS INCRE,NA,WID,TIME,RF,MFCAS) , INTEGER REAL MFANS,INCRE,NA,NOPM,NOSM,WID TIME(NA),RF(4,0: 1001) ,PCOEF,SCOEF,MFCAS,TPM,TSM DATA NORM ,NOSM /300,200/ 81 ) ) DATA DATA TPM ,TSM PCOEF.SCOEF /20. 0,15.0/ 00020, 00015/ /. . IFCMFANS .EQ. 1) THEN MFCAS = (PCOEF-->RF(IA,IT)*NOPM'KTPM/60. ELSE IFCMFANS EQ. 2) THEN MFCAS = (SCOEF'>RF(IA,IT)'^NOSM'KTSM/60. END IF RETURN END )) / (TIME(WID)/INCRE) )) / (TIME(WID)/INCRE) . ^'eirit•>T•>\^)\•^!•;r•:r-;trk•>xh•>'r•:f•}eiririr>'r>^>^irir•>^^(•^c•>'rir•hir•>^>^iTic•^^^ >'' SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY DIRECT FIRE 8. SUBROUTINE DRF IRE ( DFANS DFA BRD I ST I A IT RF BF AR RDFCAS BDFCAS PLTN, RANGE, NNN,ACO,AMO) INTEGER DFANS,DFA(4,1000),FLTN RF(4,0: 1001) BF(4, 0: 1001) ,PLBP,FBF(0: 1001) REAL BRDIST,RANGE,RED,BLU,RDFCAS,BDFCAS,AR,BR,MU,PL REAL , 1 , , , , , , , , , DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA PLBP AOMEGA,BOMEGA AC,BC AM,BM / MU /l.O/ 0. 0/ /O. 50,1. 00/ /O. 0380 ,0. 0160/ /O. 23 0. 00010/ , ACO = AC AMD = AM IF(NNN .GT. 0) GO TO 1810 PL = PLTN 1810 FBF(IT) = PL C---FIND ENGAGED FORCES OF BOTH SIDES ON DIRECT FIRE BATTLE RED = RF(IA,IT) BLU = BF(IA,IT) .' C---CASE-,^il (MIXED LAW) BLUE FORCE AMBUSHES THE RED FORCE IF( DFANS .EQ. 1) THEN AR = AM '^ (1. 0- BRD I ST/RANGE )--'"''^MU BR = BM (1. 0-BRDIST/RANGE)^'^'--MU : --^ ELU = FBFCIT) IF(BLU .LT. PLBP) THEN RDFCAS = 0.0 BLU = 0.0 ELSE RDFCAS = AR BLU END IF BDFCAS = BR * BLU ^^ red FBF(IT) = BLU - BDFCAS PL = FBF(IT) NNN = NNN + 1 GO TO 1900 ''• . C---CASE-#2 (HEMBOLT EQUTION) ELSE IFCDFANS EQ. 2) THEN IF(RED .LE. 0. .OR. BLU BDFCAS = 0. RDFCAS = 0. ! . . LE. 82 0.) THEN ! ! GO TO 1900 END IF AR = AC '^ (1.0-BRD I ST/RANGE )''"^MU BR = BC '' (1. 0-BRDIST/RANGE)''"'«-MU RDFCAS = AR-->((RED/BLU)-'"K1. 0-BOMEGA))*BLU BDFCAS = BR--K(BLU/RED)''"''(1.0-AOMEGA))''^RED 1900 END IF RETURN END * SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING THE ADJUSTED SPEED 9. SUBROUTINE ASPEED ( I ! ,NA, ANSI SPEED, ADSP) , INTEGER REAL ANS1,A0A1(4),A0A2(3),A0A3(6) SPEED(NA),ADSP(NA) DATA DATA DATA AOAl A0A2 A0A3 75,15,33,35/ /4,7,19/ /2 11 13,23,42,43/ , , ANSI GO TO (201,202,203,204) ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2011 J = 1,3 IF(I .EQ. A0A2(J)) ADSP(I) = 0.9*SPEED(I) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2012 J = 1,6 IF(I .EQ. A0A3(J)) ADSP(I) = 0.9^SPEED(I) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2013 J = 1,3 IF(I .EQ. A0A2(J)) ADSP(I) = 0. S-SPEEDC I) 201 202 2011 203 2012 204 2013 2010 RETURN END * 10. SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING THE REDUCED SPEED SUBROUTINE RSPEED ( ! lA, IT, NA, SPEED, TIME ,DIST,WID, RANGE ,AR,RF, IFANS,MFANS,DFANS,OSPEED,ACO,AMO) 1 INTEGER REAL REAL NA,WID,IFANS,MFANS,DFANS AR,DIST(NA),SPEED(NA),TIME(NA),MINSPD,RF(4,0: 1001) OSPEED(NA) DATA MINSPD /O. 500/ IFdFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)'''60./(TIME(WID)+10. END IF IF( MEANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)->-60. /(TIME(WID)+20. END IF 83 ) ) IF(MFAKS .EQ. 2) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)*60. /(TIME(WID)+15. ) END IF IF(DFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = SPEED(WID) * ( 1. 0-AR/AMO) + MINSPD IF(SPEED(WID) .GT. OSPEED(WID)) SPEED(WID) = OSPEED(WID) END IF IF(DFANS .EQ. 2) THEN IF(RF(IA,IT) .EQ. 0. ) THEN SPEED(WID) = 0. ELSE SPEED(VID) = S?EED(WID) * (1.0-AR/ACO) + MINSPD IF(SPEED(WID) .GT. OSPEED(WID)) SPEED(WID) = OSPEED(WID) ENT) ENT) IF IF RETURN END * 11. TO FIND THE TIME AND LOCATION WHEN RED FORCE REACH BREAK -POINT vVAVfVciVVcVrV.-VfVrVrrVVrVfVrVrVf'sVVrVf^ViVVrVrVr^V-VyfVrVrV.-V.-V.-VrV-VrVr^VVTyrV.-Vr-.ViVV.-VriVV^^ SUBROUTINE BREAK ( lA IT,NOC ,\s'HOLD,RF,BF,RRESER,BREAKP,BREAKT) , INTEGER RRESER BREAKP(4),BREAKT(4),WH0LD,RF(4,0: 1001) ,BF(4 ,0: 1001) REAL RF(IA,IT) = 0. BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT-1") IF(NOC .EQ. 0) THEN RFfIA,IT) = RF(.IA.IT-1) + RRESER BREAKP(IA) = WHOLD BREAKT(IA) = IT END IF NOC = NOC + 1 RETURN END C 1111 VfVfVrVf'5VVrVrV.-V.-Vr^VVrVrVrVf^VVriV'5VVrVrVfVr:VV,-^VVr;VVrVfVfVrV,-VfVfVrV,-VTVrVfiVVfVf:fciV'^ '•' TO PRINT THE CASUALTIES AND SURVIVORS FOR BOTH SIDES 12. SUBROUTINE PRINT 1 ( ! RBN BCO BLUER 1 BLUEP2 RRESER PLTN NA OUTPUT IFSUM MFSUM RDFSUM BDFSUM) , , , , , , , , , , RBN BCO BLUEPl BLUEP2 NA RRESER PLTN OUTPUT IFSUM(4) ,MFSUM(4) ,RDFSUM(4) ,BDFSUM(4) TIFSUM,TMFSUM,TRDF,TBDF CHARACTER--^9 AVENUE ( 4 3 1 AVENUE//22 AVENUE// DATA AVENUE / AVENUE?^ 1 AVENUE,-'/2 /4*0. 0/ DATA TIFSUM,TMFSUM,TRDF,TBDF INTEGER REAL REAL , , , , ' ' 100 , ' , , ' , ' , ' , ' ' / WRITE(OUTPLT, '(//)') WRITE (OUTPUT, 100) F0RMAT(5X,'«< RED CASUALTIES BY EACH TYPE OF BLUE FORCES >»', l/60('-'), 1/15X, INDIRECT-FIRE' ,4X, 'MINE -FIELD' ,4X, 'DIRECT-FIRE' ,/60( -' )) DO 101 lA = 1,4 TIFSUM = IFSUM(IA) + TIFSUM TMFSUM = MFSUMCIA) + TMFSUM ' ' 84 ! TRDF = RDFSUM(IA) + TRDF TBDF = BDFSUM(IA) + TBDF WRITE( OUTPUT, 102) AVENUE( lA) IFSUM( lA) ,MFSUM( lA) ,RDFSUM( lA) CONTINUE VRITE( OUTPUT, 103) TIFSUM,TMFSUM,TRDF FORMAT(3X,A9,5X,F6. 1,10X,F6. 1,9X,F6. 1) F0RMAT(60( '-'),/ 17X,F6. 1,10X,F6. 1,9X,F6. 1) + RRESER TRF = RBN'>3. + PLTN TBF = BC0*3. TRCAS = TIFSUM + TMFSUM + TRDF TRSUR = TRF - TRCAS TBCAS = TBDF TBSUR = TBF - TBCAS BFCASl = BDFSUM(l) + BDFSUM(2) BFCAS2 = BDFSUM(3) + BDFSUM(4) BFSURl = BLUEPl'^BCO + PLTN/2 - BFCASl BFSUR2 = BLUEP2''^BC0 + PLTN/2 - BFCAS2 , 101 102 103 WRITE(0LTPUT, '(//)') WRITE( OUTPUT 105 ) BFCAS 1 BFSURl BFCAS2 BFSUR2 F0RMAT(5X,'«< BLUE FORCE CASUALTIES FOR EACH FORT >»' l/60( '-') ,/15X, 'CASUALTIES' ,5X, SURVIVORS' ,/60( -' ) ,/3X, 'F0RT//1' , 105 , , , ' ' 15X,F6. 1,10X,F6. l,/3X, 'F0RT,^/2' ,5X,F6. 1,10X,F6. 1,/60( WRITE(OUTPUT, '(//)') WRITE( OUTPUT, 106) TRF, TRCAS TRSUR, TBF, TBCAS TBSUR , 106 ' -' )) , F0RMAT(5X,'«< TOTAL CASUALTIES AND SURVIVORS >»' l/60('-'),/13X,' INITIAL FORCE' ,5X, CASUALTIES ,6X, I'SURVIVORS' ,/60( -• ) ,/5X, 'RED' ,9X,F6. 1,10X,F6. 1,10X,F6. 1/5X,'BLUE' ,8X,F6. 1,10X,F6. 1,10X,F6. l,/60('-')) ' ' ' RETURN END 85 1, , APPENDIX This is C. EXEC FOR BASIC MODEL a execution code of Foriran-77 for the basic FILEDEF 12 DISK THESIS DATA EXEC WF77 BASIC (NOEXT NOWAR 86 model in Appendix B. APPENDIX This is a ADVANCED MODEL D. computer program using Fortran-77 --< ADVANCED MODEL >--- MADE BY for the advanced model. LEE, JAE YEONG (1988.2.6) INTEGER MR, MB PARAMETER (MR=4, MB=8) REAL RED(MR,MB) ,BLUE(MR,MB) ,BATIME(MR,MB) ,ROB(MR,MB) INTEGER ANSWER, REDAVE(3),P0IF,SMAVE(3),BLUEP1,BLUEP2,SMARC(3) INTEGER OUTPUT, TEND, WAVE2 INTEGER ARC(44) ,TAIL(44) ,HEAD(44) REAL DIST(44) ,WIDTH(44) ,SPEED(44) ,TIME(44) ,0SPEED(44) ,ADSP( 44) REAL TRCAS,TBSUR,TBCAS,VALUE(4) REAL LINE ( MB ) SQUA( MB ) ROOT( MB ) LIN SQU ROO WRITE(6, '(///)•) PRINT -"-, 'HOW DO RED FORCES ON AVENUE -2 ATTACK ?' , 777 , . , .'. .'. .*. .•. ^*. iJ. .*. ^. m>^ .J. ij. .y i-*. .«. , , y . .*. .u y. y. i^t. .1. y . y , .'. y . y. ^. y. ^ y* j^ y* J. j^ y^ y . y^ ^^ .J. < EXPLANATION > PRINT ^S <OPTION> PRINT ^'S 1 ALL FORCES ATTACK TO THE NODE 28 PRINT ^S 2 ALL FORCES ATTACK TO THE NODE 27 PRINT ''-, 3 DIVIDE EQUALLY AND ATTACK TO NODE 27 AND PRINT ^^ NODE 28, RESPECTIVELY PRINT '•, EXIT THE PROGRAM — PRINT READ(5,'0 ANSWER IF (ANSWER .EQ. 0) GO TO 888 IF (ANSWER. NE.l .AND. ANSWER. NE. 2 .AND. ANSWER. NE. 3 .AND. ANSWER. NE. GO TO 777 ) ! •--'----».-—*--•--•—» •••-, L 55 56 57 58 j^ y . GO TO (55,56,57) WAVE 2 = 1 GO TO WAVE 2 = 2 GO TO WAVE 2 = 12 GO TO •.-,j-»'-j.-'.,,.t,j.^',j.^t,^,j-jt.»t.. ANSWER INPUT = 12 OUTPUT = 24 OUTPUT FILES 'M0ES2' HAS ALL MOE VALUES FOR EACH RED AND BLUE OPTIONS. 'UTIL2' HAS UTILITY VALUES FOR EACH UTILITY FUNCTION. •FILE 'WH0W2' REPRESENTS HOW THE BATTLE TERMINATES! OPEN ( UNIT = OUTPUT, FILE = 'M0ES2' ) OPEN ( UNIT = 25 FILE = •UTIL2' ) OPEN ( UNIT = 26 FILE = 'WH0W2' ) C-- •OPEN C-- •FILE C-- FILE ! , , DO 1 IB = 1,MB CALL BDATA ( IB,WAVE2 ,P0IF,SMAVE,BLUEP1 ,BLUEP2 ,SMARC) 87 , DO 2 IR = 1,MR CALL RDATA (IR,REDAVE) DO 10 I = 1, 44 READ( INPUT, 11) ARC( I) ,TAIL( I) ,HEAD( I) ,TIME( I) ,DIST( I) WIDTH(I),SPEED(I) 1 CALL ASPEDl (WAVE2 I IR,SPEED, ADSP) IF(WAVE2 .EQ. 12) CALL ASPED2 ( I ,IR, SPEED, ADSP) SPEED(I) = ADSP(I) OSPEED(I) = SPEED(I) CONTINUE F0RMAT(3X,I2,2(3X,I2),2X,F6.2,6X,F4. 2,4X,F5.3,3X,F3. , , 10 11 C--- READ THE ORIGINAL DATA AGAIN REWIND INPUT 1) ! C IF(WAVE2 .EQ. 1 .OR. WAVE2 EQ. 2) THEN CALL BATLEl (WAVE2 ,TRCAS ,TBSUR ,TEND ,TBCAS IB IR REDAVE POIF SMAVE BLUEPl BLUEP2 SMARC ARC, TAIL, HEAD, TIME, DIST, WIDTH, SPEED, OSPEED) ELSE IF(WAVE2 EQ. 12^ THEN CALL BATLE2 (TRCAS ,TBSUR,TEND,TBCAS, IB IR REDAVE POI F SMAVE BLUEPl BLUEP2 SMARC ARC, TAIL, HEAD, TIME, DIST, WIDTH, SPEED, OSPEED) END IF . 1 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , . 1 1 , , j^ RED(IR,IB) = TRCAS BLUE(IR,IB) = TBSUR BATIME(IR,IB) = TEND ROB(IR,IB) = TRCAS/TBCAS DO 4 I = 1,44 SPEED(I) = OSPEED(I) 4 CONTINUE 2 IB ,RED( 1 IB) ,RED( 2 IB) ,RED( 3 IB) ,RED(4, IB) WRITEC OUTPUT, 900) IB BLUE( 1 IB ) BLU£( 2 IB ) BLUE( 3 IB ) BLUE( 4 IB ) IB,BATIME(1,IB),BATIME(2,IB),BATIME(3,IB),BATIME(4,IB), 1 1 IB,R0B(1,IB),R0B(2,IB),R0B(3,IB),R0B(4,IB) F0RMAT( 3X, 13 ,4( 3X,F6. 1) ,/3X,I3,4( 3X,F6. 1) ,/3X, I3,4(3X,F6. 1), /3X,I3,4(3X,F6. 2) ) 1 , 1 900 905 , , , , , , , , , , DO 905 J = 1,4 VALUE(J) = BLUE(J,IB) C-- -COMPUTE DESIRED VALUES FOR DIFERRENT UTILITY FUT^CTIONS CALL UTIL (MR,MB,IB,VALUE,LIN,SQU,ROO) LINE(IB) = LIN SQUA(IB) = SQU ROOT(IB) = ROO ! 910 IB ,LINE( IB) ,SQUA( IB) ,ROOT( IB) WRITEC 25 ,910) FORMATC 3X, I3,3(3X,F6. 2) ) 1 CONTINUE 888 STOP END * I. 'THIS MODEL IS COMPLETE ' THANK YOU ! ! SUBROUTINE FOR DEFINING RED OPTIONS. SUBROUTINE RDATA (IR,REDAVE) INTEGER IR,REDAVE(3) 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 GO TO (1151,1152,1153,1154) REDAVE(l) = 1 REDAVE(2) = 1 REDAVE(3) = 1 GO TO 1155 REDAVE(l) = REDAVE(2) = 2 REDAVE(3) = 1 GO TO 1155 REDAVE(l) = REDAVE(2) = 1 REDAVE(3) = 2 GO TO 1155 REDAVE(l) = REDAVE(2) = 3 REDAVE(3) = GO TO 1155 IR RETURN END ji. ..u^.. w*. j^ .•.. .1* .*. .'. .'« .*. .*. ^. .*. >•< .t« ^^ .*.. jm ^^ .*. j^ -"^ ^. ^. ^. .*« ji. ^. m^^ mf. >'. ^. ^^ ^« ^*. mf* j^ JL. >*. .*. k*« ^. •). y. »*^ ^^ .J' '•- II. ^ ^ "V*^' *^' "V rV Vt^ Vf Vc V' Vt V' V? Vc SUBROUTINE FOR DEFINING BLUE OPTIONS. SUBROUTINE BDATA ( IB ,WAVE2 POIF SMAVE BLUEPl BLUEP2 SMARC) , , , , , INTEGER IB,WAVE2,P0IF,SMAVE(3),BLUEP1,BLUEP2,SMARC(3) IIB = IB IF(IB .LE. 4) THEN BLUEPl = 1 BLUEP2 = 2 GO TO 1250 ELSE BLUEPl = 2 BLUEP2 = 1 IB = IB - 4 END IF 1250 1251 ^ Vt *V V* V' GO TO (1251,1252,1253,1254) POIF = 2 SMAVE(l) = 1 SMAVE(2) = 1 SMAVE(3) = 1 SMARC(l) = 30 IB 89 '^' V' V' 1252 SMARC(2) = 35 SMARC(3) = 42 IF(WAVE2 .EQ. SMARC(l) = SMARC(2) = SMARC(3) = ELSE IF(WAVE2 SMARC(l) = SMARC(2) = SMARC(3) = END IF GO TO 1267 POIF = 2 SMAVE(l) = SMAVE(2) = 2 SMAVE(3) = 1 SMARC(l) = 30 SMARC(2) = 34 THEN 1) 30 34 42 .EQ . THEN 2) 35 39 42 SMARCO) = 42 1253 IF(WAVE2 .EQ. SMARCCl) = SMARC(2) = SMARCC3) = ELSE IF(WAVE2 SMARCCl ) = SMARC(2) = SMARC(3) = END IF GO TO 1267 POIF = 2 1) THEN 34 35 42 .EQ 30 . THEN 2) 39 42 SMAVECn = SMAVE(2) = 1 SMAVE(3) = 2 SMARCCl ) =30 SMARCC2) = 42 SMARCC3) = 43 IF C WAVE 2 .EQ. SMARCCl) = SMARCC2) = SMARCC3") = ELSE IFCWAVE2 SMARCCl) = SMARCC2) = SMARCC3) = 1) THEN 35 42 43 .EQL 42 43 IF GO TO 1267 POIF = 2 SMAVECl) = ENT) 1254 THEN 2) 39 - - """ SMAVEC2) = 3 SMAVEC3) = SMARCCl) = 30 SMARCC2) = 34 SMARCC3) = 35 IFCWAVE2 .EQ. 1) THEN SMARCCl) = 32 SMARCC2) = 34 90 SMARCO) = 35 ELSE IF(WAVE2 .EQ SMARC(l) = 25 SMARC(2) = 30 SMARCO) = 2) THEN 39 END IF GO TO 1267 IB = IIB 1267 RETURN END **************************************************************** * III. SUBROUTINE TO EXECUTE THE "BATTLE l" TYPE BATTLE ***********************'>'{*********************************************** ! THIS PROGRAM DEAL WITH THE BATTLE CASE THAT HAS 3 AVENUES OF APPROACH FOR RED FORCES CONTINUEOUSLY. (I.E. RED FORCES ON AVENUE-2 ATTACK TO JUST ONE OF TWO BLUE POSITIONS). , BATLEl (WAVE2 ,TRCAS,TBSUR,TEND,TBCAS I B IR REDAVE POIF SMAVE BLUER 1 BLUEP2 SMARC 1 ARC, TAIL, HEAD, TIME, DIST, WIDTH, SPEED, OSPEED) INTEGER NA, NN, NOA, NOP, RBN, RRESER, BCO, PLTN PARAMETER (NA=44, NN=28, N0A=3, N0P=2 PLTN=40) PARAMETER (RBN=500, RRESER=150, BCO=170) INTEGER REDAVE(NOA) ,SMAVE(NOA) ,PMAVE(NOA) ARC(NA) ,TAIL(NA) ,HEAD(NA) INTEGER PMARC(5),SMARC(3),IDARC(3,0: 1001) INTEGER INTEGER IFA(3, 1000), MFA(3, 1000), DFA(3, 1000) INTEGER P0IF,BLUEP1,BLUEP2,ANS1,ANS2,ANS3,ANS4 INPUT, OUTPUT, TP1,TP2,DIF,DPMF,DSMF,INCRE,WID INTEGER INTEGER IFANS MEANS ,DFANS TEND, WAVE2 REAL DIST(NA) ,WIDTH(NA) ,TIME(NA) ,SPEED(NA) ,OSPEED(NA) REAL BREAKP(3),BREAKT(3),RBP(3) REAL RF(3,0: 1001) ,EF( 3 0: 1001) ,WHERE( 3 0: 1001) SP( 3 ,0: 1001) IFC(3,0: 1001) ,MFC( 3 0: 1001) ,RDFC( 3 ,0: 1001), REAL IMDC(3,0: 1001), BDFC(3,0: 1001) 1 REAL IFSUM(3),MFSUM(3),RDFSUM(3),BDFSUM(3) REAL IFCAS ,MFCAS DFCAS BLEFTl BLEFT2 WHOLD REAL CLOCK, RANGE, BRDIST,AR,RB SUBROUTINE 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DIF,DPMF,DSMF PMAVE PMARC RANGE , , , 710,20,15/ 71,3,1/ /15, 19, 23, 25, 32/ 11.11 KB ANSI = IR NNN = lUSED = NEQ12 = NEQ23 = C---DEFIN1: INITIAL FORCE LEVEL AND LOCATION 27 DO 28 I = 1,N0A RF(I,0) = REDAVE(I)"-RBN 91 ! , , 28 WHERE(I,0) = 0. IFC(I,0) = 0. MFC(I,0) = 0. RDFC(I,0) = 0. IMDC(I,0) = 0. BDFC(I,0) = 0. IFSUM(I) = 0. MFSUM(I) = 0. RDFSUM(I) =0.0 BDFSUMd^ = 0. RBP(I) = RB'''RF(I,0) IF(WAVE2 .EQ. 1) THEN BF(1,0) = BLUER l-'^BCO + PLTN BF(2,0) = BLUEPl^'^BCO + PLTN BF(3,0) = BLUEP2'-BC0 ELSE IFCWAVE2 EQ. 2) THEN BF(1,0) = BLUER r'^BCO BF(2,0) = BLUEP2---BC0 + PLTN BF(3,0) = BLUEP2---BC0 + PLTN END IF . NOC = INCRE = 1 DO 9999 IT = 1,500, INCRE CLOCK = IT DO 30 I A = 1,N0A BREAKP(IA) = 0. BREAKT(IA) = 0. IFC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT-1) MFC(IA,IT) = MFC(IA,IT-1) RDFC(IA,IT) = RDFC(IA,IT-1) IMDC(IA,IT) = IMDC(IA,IT-1) BDFC(IA,IT) = BDFC(IA,IT-1) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT-1) BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT-1) WHOLD = WHERE (I A, IT- 1) CALL DETETl (WAYE2 lA, IT, INCRE, WHOLD, VID) IF(WID .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 IDARC(IA,IT) = WID BRDIST = 9999. SP(IA,IT) = SPEED(WID^ TS = (SPEED(WID)/60)-'aNCRE WHERE(IA,TT) = WHOLD + TS , C---IS THERE INDIRECT FIRE ? OR MINEFIELD ? OR DIRECT FIRE ? CALL IDFNDl ( I A, CLOCK, PO IF, I FANS) CALL MFFNDl ( PMARC ,SMARC WID, MEANS) CALL DRFNDl (WAVE2 I A, WHOLD, RANGE BRDIST, DFANS) , , , IFA(IA,IT) = IFANS ^^FA(IA,IT) = MEANS DFA(IA,IT) = DFANS 92 IF(IFANS.EQ. .AND. MFANS. EQ. .AND. C-- -COMPUTE THE CASUALTY OF INDIRECT-FIRE IFdFANS DFANS. EQ. 0) GO TO 30 ! THEN CALL IDFIRl (IA,IT,RF,REDAVE,POIF,IFCAS) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - IFCAS IFSUM(IA) = IFCAS + IFSUM(IA) IFC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT) + IFCAS .EQ. 1) END IF C-- -COMPUTE THE CASUALTY BY MINE -FIELD MFANS. EQ. 2) THEN .OR. IFCMFANS.EQ. 1 ! CALL MFILDl ( lA, IT, MFANS INCRE,NA,WID, TIME, RF.MFCAS) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - MFCAS MFSUM(IA) = MFCAS + MFSUM(IA) MFC(IA,IT) = MFC(IA,IT) + MFCAS , END IF C-.. COMPUTE THE CASUALTY BY DIRECT-FIRE IF(DFANS .EQ. 1 .OR. DFANS EQ. 2) THEN IF( RF(IA,IT) .LT. BF(IA,IT) .AND. lUSED .EQ. 1 .AND. RF(IA,0) .GT. 0.0 1 THEN ) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) + RRESER lUSED = 1 END IF CALL DRFIRl (DFANS ,DFA,BRDIST, lA, IT, RF,BF,AR,RDFCAS ,BDFCAS, PLTN, RANGE, NNN) 1 ! . RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - RDFCAS BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT) - BDFCAS RDFSUM(IA) = RDFCAS + RDFSUM(IA) BDFSUM(IA) = BDFCAS + BDFSUM(IA) RDFCCIA,IT) = RDFC(IA,IT) + RDFCAS BDFC(IA,IT) = BDFC(IA,IT) + BDFCAS END IF IF(RF(IA,0) .GT. CALL BREAKl END IF .AND. RF(IA,IT) LE. RBP(IA)) THEN lA, IT,NOC ,WHOLD,RF,BF,RRESER,BREAKP,BREAKT) 0. ( . C---CO.MPUTE THE REDUCED SPEED DUE TO THE INDIRECT FIRE OR MINEFIELD OR UNDER THE DIRECT FIRE BASED ON THE RANGE OF TWO FORCES C ! CALL RSPEDl ( lA, IT, NA, SPEED, TIME, DIST,WID, RANGE, AR,RF, I FANS, 1 MFANS, DFANS, OSPEED) SP(IA,IT) = SPEED(WID) TS = (SPEED(WID)/60)^-INCRE WHERE(IA,IT) = WHOLD + TS IMDC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT) + MFC(IA,IT) + RDFC(IA,IT) 30 CONTINUE IF(WAVE2 .EQ. 1) THEN IF(NEQ12 .NE. 0) GO TO 9999 93 BF(1,IT) = MIN( BF(1,IT),BF(2,IT) ) BF(2,IT) = MIN( BF(1,IT),BF(2,IT) ) BF(3,IT) = BF(3,IT) IF(DFA(1,IT) .EQ. 2 .AND. DFA(2,IT) EQ. 2 .AND. RF(1,IT) .GT. 0. .AND. RF(2,IT) GT. 0.) THEN BF(1,IT) = (RF(1,IT) / (RF(1,IT)+RF(2,IT))) * BF(1,IT) BF(2,IT) = (RF(1,IT) / (RF( 1 ITj+RF( 2, IT) ) ) BF(2,IT) BF(3,IT) = BF(3,IT) KEQ12 = IT . 1 . •>'' , E.ND IF ELSE IF(WAVE2 EQ. 2) THEN IF(NTQ23 .NE. 0) GO TO 9999 BF(1,IT) = BF(1,IT) BF(2,IT) = MIN( BF(2,IT),BF(3,IT) ) BF(3,IT) = MIN( BF(2,IT),BF(3,IT) ) IF(DFA(1,IT) .EQ. 2 .AND. DFA(2,IT) EQ. 2 .AND. RF(1,IT) .GT. 0. .AND. 1 RF(2,IT) GT. 0.) THEN BF(1,IT) = BFCl.IT) BF(2,IT) = (RF(2,IT) / (RF(2 IT)+RF(3 IT) ) ) * BF(2,IT) BF(3,IT) = (RF(3,IT) / (RF( 2 IT)+RF( 3, IT) ) ) '^ BF(3,IT) NEQ23 = IT END IF END IF . . . , , , CONTINUE 9999 CALL 999 PRINTl 1 ( RBN.BCO ,BLUEP1 ,BLUEP2 ,RRESER,PLTN,NA, WAVE2 IFSUM MFSU.M RDFSUM BDFSUM TRCAS,TBCAS,TRSUR,TBSUR) , , 1 TEND = IT RETURN END - , , 1 ^. -'•- III~1. .ju j:. ^. J. ^V -*' -^ ^' -I- •^' >>' «'' -^' -J' -J' ^' •J' >*' -A--*--^- SUBROUTINE FOR LOCATING THE ARC THE RED FORCES ARE ATTACKING. SUBROUTINE INTEGER REAL DATA DATA DATA DATA DETETl (WAVE2 lA, IT, INCRE ,WHOLD,WID) , INCRE,WID,WAVE2 A1(4),A21(8),A22(8),A3(6),WH0LD Al A21 A22 A3 /2. 75,6. 35,9. 35,10. 25/ /I. 15,3.3,4. 7,5.45,6.4,7. 1,8.55,9.45/ /I. 15 , 3. 3 ,4. 7 , 6. 15 6. 8 7. 45 7. 45 , 7. 45/ /4. 5,6. 6,8. 85,12.35,12.95,13.55/ , , , IF(IA .EQ. 1) THEN IFCWHOLD .LE. Al(l)) THEN WID = 5 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.Al(l) .AND. WHOLD. LE. Al( 2) WID = 15 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.AK 2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A1C3) WID = 33 GO TO 1390 94 ) THEN ) THEN .AND. WHOLD. LE. Al(4) ) THEN ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. Al(3) WID = 35 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD GT. Al(4)) THEN IT-1 WRITE(26,1380) F0R.MAT(1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE/Zl TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N//1 BATTLE END 1/5X,' (BATTLE TIME ==> ',14,' MINUTE)') GO TO 1399 END IF ELSE IF(IA .EQ. 2) THEN GO TO (1311,1312) WAVE2 IF(WHOLD .LE. A21(l)) THEN WID = 4 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD.GT. A21(l) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21(2) ) THEN WID = 7 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD.GT. A21(2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21(3)) THEN WID = 19 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A21(3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21(4) ) THEN WID = 24 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD.GT. A21(4) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 5) ) THEN WID = 29 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD.GT. A21(5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21(6) ) THEN WID = 32 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A21(6) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 7) ) THEN WID = 34 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD.GT. A21(7) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 8) ) THEN WID = 35 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD GT. A21(8)) THEN WRITE(26,1381) IT-1 F0RMAT(1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE//21 TOOK BLUE P0SITI0N#1 BATTLE ', I'END !' ,/5X,'( BATTLE TIME ===> ',14,' MINUTE)') GO TO 1399 END IF IF( WHOLD .I.E. A22(l)) THEN WID = 4 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A22(l) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(2) ) THEN WID = 7 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A22(2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(3) ) THEN WID = 19 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WH0LD.GT.A22(3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(4)) THEN WID = 25 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD.GT. A22(4) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(5) ) THEN WID = 30 GO TO 1390 . 1380 1311 : . 1381 1312 : 95 !' ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A22(5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(6) ) THEN WID = 39 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD GT. A22(6)) THEN WRITE(26,1382) IT-1 F0RMAT(1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE//22 TOOK BWE POSITIOW/2 BATTLE ', ',14,' MINUTE)') I'END !' ,/5X,'( BATTLE TIME GO TO 1399 END IF ELSE IF(IA .EQ. 3) THEN IF(WHOLD .LE. A3(l)) THEN WID = 2 GO TO 1390 .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3(2) ) THEN ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT. A3(l) WID = 11 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3( 2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3(3)) THEN WID = 13 GO TO 1390 .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C4) ) THEN ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3( 3) WID = 23 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C4) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C5) ) THEN WID = 42 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C6) ) THEN WID = 43 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD GT. A3C6)) THEN WRITEC26,1383) IT-1 BATTLE', F0RMATC1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE.^f3 TOOK BLUE POSITIOW/2 1' END ,/5X, 'CBATTLE TIME ===> ',14,' MINUTE)') GO TO 1399 END IF END IF RETURN WID = C RETURN END . 1382 => : . 1383 : ! ' 1390 1399 ^- III -2. SUEROITINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE INDIRECT-FIRE SUBROUTINE IDFNDl C lA, CLOCK, POIF, IFANS) INTEGER POIF, IFANS CLOCK, STIF,FTIF REAL DATA STIF,FTIF /5. 0,15.0/ IF(CLOCK .GE. STIF .AND. IFCIA .EQ. 2) THEN IFANS = 1 GO TO 1444 ELSE IFANS = GO TO 1444 END IF ELSE CLOCK 96 . LT. FTIF) THEN ! I FANS = END IF RETURN END 1444 * III -3. SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE MINE-FIELD ! SUBROUTINE MFFNDl (PMARC,SMARC,WID, MEANS) INTEGER MFANS,WID,PMARC(5),SMARC(3) DO 1510 I = 1,5 IF(WID .EQ. PMARC(I)) THEN MEANS = 1 GO TO 1599 END IF CONTINUE DO 1520 J = 1,3 IF(WID .EQ. SMARC(J)) THEN MFANS = 2 GO TO 1599 END IF CONTINUE MFANS = RETURN END 1510 1511 1520 1521 1599 * I II -4. SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE DIRECT-FIRE tj^ *u .'- .'- -•- J- J- .*- ».'- y- .'- »- y- .'- .'- .'- J- .'- .'- y- y- *• ••- y- y- y- -•- ^•- y- y- y- y- y- y . y- y- y- y- y- SUBROUTINE 1 ! j- y- y- y- y . y- y- y * y- y , y - y- y- y- y- y- y-y ^ VrV' *'r Vr ^r Vr V' *V DRFNDl (VAVE2 IA,WHOLD,RANGE ,BRDIST,DFANS) , INTEGER REAL IA,DFANS,WAVE2 WHOLD,PATH( 3), RANGE, BRDI ST, AMBUSH DATA AMBUSH /4. 0/ PATH(l) = 10. 25 PATH(2) = 9.45 IF(VAVE2 .EQ. PATH(3) = 13. 55 IF(WHOLD .GE. WHOLD LT. . 2) PATH(2) = 7.45 AMBUSH-RANGE/2. AMBUSH .AND. AND. . THEN DFANS = 1 BRDIST = AMBUSH - WHOLD GO TO 1699 ELSE IF( WHOLD GE. PATH( lA) -RANGE .AND. 1 WHOLD .LT. PATH(IA) THEN ) DFANS = 2 BRDIST = PATH(IA) - WHOLD GO TO 1699 END IF DFANS = 1699 RETURN END 1 lA .EQ. 2 ) . y-y- y- y- y- y- - •; y- y • y- y- y- y- y- y- y- jl. y- y- y- -•- y- y- y- y- y- y- y- y- y * y- y- y- y- y- y^ y- y- y- y- y- y^. y^ y^. y- y- y^ y- y^ y. 97 ^ y^ y- y . y^ y . y^ y . y^ y- y^ y- y. y^ y^ * III-5. SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY INDIRECT-FIRE SUBROUTINE IDFIR1( lA IT,RF ,REDAVE ,POIF, IFCAS) INTEGER NROUND I A IT REDAVE( 3 ) POIF REAL LETHAL ROWSP COLSP MUX MUY RHOX RHOY RATIO PKILL REAL RF(3,0: 1001), IFCAS , , , , NROUND LETHAL MUX, MUY RHOX, RHOY DATA DATA DATA , , , / 18 , , , , 7 , , , , 8 . /15. ,10. /15. ,10. / IF(REDAVE(POIF) EQ. 1) THEN ROWSP =12. COLSP = 12. GO TO 1669 ELSE IF(REDAVE(POIF) EQ. 2) THEN ROWSP = 10. COLSP = 10. GO TO 1669 ELSE IF(REDAVE(POIF) EQ. 3) THEN ROWSP = 8. COLSP = 8. GO TO 1669 END IF PRINT '•% IT,IA,RF(IA,IT) RATIO = (NROUND--- LETHAL) / (ROWSP*COLSP*RF( lA, IT) PHI = 3. 141592654 . . . 1669 A = ) LETHAL-'^NROUND ) / ( 2---PH 1 1 ) ''•^ 5 PKILL = RATIO (A'--A/((A-'>A+RH0X--'^^'-2)'>(A'''A+RH0Y*'''2))*'^5) 1 EXP( - 5--n ( MUX^'"-"-2 ) / ( A----A+RH0X'--^>2 ) + ( MUY''^'"'2 ) / ( A'^A+RH0Y'''->2 ) IFCAS = PKILL '• RF(IA,IT) ( ( . '"^ •'•^ . RETURN END Vr;VVrVfVfV^V.-^>^V-,VVrVrVrVr-/r•)VVrVrV?VrVrV.-VrVrVrVr^V:VVrVrVrV-VrVcV>-V^Vr^VVrVr^VVrVfVfV^ '"^ -,V -V III-6. !': -.V -.',- -,V -.V -,'.- SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY MINEFIELDS Vf -.'r Vr Vr -.',- -.',- V.- -.'r -,V -,',- •/,- -A- -.V -,V ',- Vr Vf -V V,- -,',- •,': •>'.- Vr -,V -.VVr V: -,'r -,V -,': -,',- Vf Vr ic Vr ;> ?V •;V >'.- -.V -.',- Vr Vr -,V -.'.- -A- --'r VrVr ;> iV iV iV ^V iV Vr -V SUBROUTINE MFILD1( lA, IT,MFANS INCRE ,NA,WID,TIME ,RF,MFCAS) , INTEGER REAL MFANS INCRE NA NORM NOSM WID T1ME(NA),RF(3,0: 1001) ,PCOEF,SCOEF,MFCAS,TPM,TSM DATA DATA DATA NOPM ,NOSM TPM ,TSM PCOEF,SCOEF , , , , , /300,200/ /20. 0,15.0/ /. 00020 ,. 00015/ IF( MFANS .EQ. 1) THEN MFCAS = (PCOEF''--RF(IA,IT)'VNOPM'>(TPM/60. )) ELSE IF(MFANS EQ. 2) THEN / (TIME(WID)/INCRE) / (TIME(WID)/INCRE) . MFCAS = (SCOEF*RF(IA,IT)*NOSM^''(TSM/60. END IF RETURN END * I II -7. )) SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY DIRECT FIRE SUBROUTINE DRFIR1(DFANS ,DFA,BRDIST, lA, IT,RF,BF,AR,RDFCAS,BDFCAS 98 ) PLTN, RANGE, NNN) 1 INTEGER REAL REAL DFANS,DFA(3,1000),PLTN DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA PLBP AOMEGA,BOMEGA AC,BC AM,BM MU RF(3,0: 1001) ,BF( 3 0: 1001) ,PLBP ,FBF( 0: 1001) BRDI ST RANGE RED BLU RDFCAS BDFCAS AR BR MU PL , , , , , , , , , , /lO.O/ /O. 50,1. 00/ 70.0490,0.0250/ /O. 23,0.00010/ /l.O/ IF(NNN GT. 0) GO TO 1810 PL = PLTN 1810 FBF(IT) = PL C---FIND ENGAGED FORCES OF BOTH SIDES ON DIRECT FIRE BATTLE RED = RF(IA,IT) BLU = BF(IA,IT) . BLUE FORCE AMBUSHES THE RED FORCE IF(DFANS .EQ. 1) THEN AR = AM '> (1 -BRDI ST/RANGE )'"">MU (1 -BRDI ST/RANGE )''^''--MU BR = BM BLU = FBF(IT) IF(BLU LT. PLBP) THEN RDFCAS = 0. BLU = 0.0 ELSE RDFCAS = AR '^ BLU END IF BDFCAS = BR '^ BLU RED FBF(IT^ = BLU - BDFCAS PL = FBF(IT) NNN = NNN + 1 GO TO 1900 C---CASE-^/l (MIXED LAW) : ! ! '"^ . ''^ C---CASE-#2 CHEMBOLT EQUTION) ELSE IF(DFANS EQ. 2) THEN IF(RED .LE. 0. .OR. BLU LE. 0.) THEN BDFCAS = 0. RDFCAS = 0. GO TO 1900 END IF AR = AC * (1 -BRDI ST/RANGE )**MU BR = BC * (1-BRDIST/RANGE)*--'^MU RDFCAS = AR'H(RED/BLU)*'K1.0-B0MEGA))*BLU BDFCAS = BR'V((BLU/RED)**(1.0-A0MEGA))*RED END IF 1900 RETURN END ! . . * III-8. * SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING THE ADJUSTED SPEED BASED ON THE NUMBER OF RED UNITS (BATTALIONS) ON EACH AVENUE. SUBROUTINE INTEGER ASPED1(WAVE2, I , IR,SPEED, ADSP) WAVE2,IR,A0A1(4) ,A0A2(8) ,A0A3(6) ,A0A21(8) ,A0A22(8) 99 REAL SPEED(44),ADSP(44) DATA DATA DATA DATA AOAl A0A21 A0A22 A0A3 75,15,33,35/ 74,7,19,24,29,32,34,35/ /4, 7, 19, 25, 30, 39, 39, 39/ /2, 11, 13,23,42,43/ DO 2009 K = 1,8 A0A2(K) = A0A21(K) IF(WAVE2 EQ. 2) A0A2(K) ^ A0A22(K) 2009 . GO TO (201,202,203,204) IR ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2011 J = 1,8 IF(I .EQ. A0A2(J)) ADSP(I) = 0.9*SPEED(I) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2012 J = 1,6 IF(I .EQ. ACA3(J)) ADSP(I) = 0.9^-SPEED(I) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2013 J = 1,3 ADSP(I) = 0. 8''^SPEED( I) IF(I .EQ. A0A2(J)) 201 202 2011 203 2012 204 2013 RETURN END 2010 )VVrVf';ViVVrVrV.-V.-VrVrVrVf:VVrVrVrVriVVrVrVrVriViVVfVrVrVrVr^ViVVrVf^VVfVrVrV.-'>VV.-VfVfvVVrVrV.^ •> I II -9. SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING THE REDUCED SPEED BASED ON EACH WEAPON TYPE. SUBROUTINE 1 RSPED1( lA, IT, NA, SPEED, TIME ,DIST,WID, RANGE, AR,RF, IFANS,MFANS,DFANS,OSPEED) INTEGER REAL REAL NA ,VID IFANS MEANS ,DFANS DATA DATA MINSPD ACO,AMO , , AR,DIST(NA),SPEED(NA),TIME(NA),MINSPD,RF(3,0: 1001) OSPEED(NA) /O. 5/ /O. 06,0. 20/ IFdFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)*60. /(TIME(WID)+10. END IF IF(MFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)^'60./(TIME(VID)+20. ) END IF IF( MEANS .EQ. 2) THEN SPEED(VID) = DIST(WID)*60./(TIME(WID) + 15. ) END IF IF(DFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(VID) = SPEED(WID) * (1-AR/AMO) + MINSPD IF(SPEED(WID) .GT. OSPEED(WID)) SPEED(WID) = OSPEED(WID) END IF IF(DFANS .EQ. 2) THEN 100 IF(RF(IA,IT) .EQ. 0. ) THEN SPEED(WID) = 0. ELSE SPEED(WID) = SPEED(WID) * (1-AR/ACO) + MINSPD IF(SPEED(WID) .GT. OSPEED(WID)) SPEED(WID) = OSPEED(VvID) END IF END IF RETURN END * III -10. * SUBROUTINE TO FIND THE TIME AND LOCATION WHEN RED FORCE REACH BREAK-POINT ! SUBROUTINE BREAKl ( lA, IT,NOC,WHOLD,RF,BF,RRESER,BREAKP,BREAKT) INTEGER RRESER REAL BREAKP(3),BREAKT(3),WH0LD,RF(3,0: 1001) ,BF(3,0: 1001) RF(IA,IT) = 0. BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT-1) IF(NOC .EQ. 0) THEN RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT-1) + RRESER BREAKP(IA) = VHOLD BREAKT(IA) = IT END IF NOC = NOC + 1 RETURN END C nil * III -11. •^ SUBROUTINE TO PRINT THE CASUALTIES AND SURVIVORS FOR BOTH SIDES IN BATTLE 1 TYPE. PRINTl (RBN,BC0,BLUEP1 ,BLUEP2 RRESER, PLTN.NA, WAVE2 IFSUM MFSUM RDFSUM BDFSUM TRCAS,TBCAS,TRSUR,TBSUR) SUBROUTINE , 1 , 1 INTEGER REAL REAL REAL , , RBN BCO BLUEP 1 BLUEP2 NA RRESER PLTN WAVE2 IFSUM(3),MFSUM(3),RDFSUM(3),BDFSUM(3) TIFSUM,TMFSUM,TRDF,TBDF TRCAS,TRSUR,TBCAS,TBSUR , , , , TIFSUM = 0. TMFSUM = 0.0 TRDF = 0.0 TBDF = 0. TRCAS TBCAS TRSUR TBSUR , = 0. = 0.0 = 0. = 0. DO 101 lA TIFSUM TMFSUM TRDF = = 1,3 = IFSUM(IA) + TIFSUM = MFSUM(IA) + TMFSUM RDFSUM(IA) + TRDF 101 , , , TBDF = BDFSUM(IA) + TBDF CONTINUE + RRESER TRF = RBN^'^S. + PLTN TBF = BC0-'-3. TRCAS = TIFSUM + TMFSUM + TRDF TRSUR = TRF - TRCAS TBCAS = TBDF TBSUR = TBF - TBCAS IF(WAVE2 .EQ. 1) THEN BFCASl = BDFSUM(l) 4 BDFSUM(2) BFCAS2 = BDFSUMO) BFSURl = BLUER I'^BCO + PLTN - BFCASl BFSUR2 = BLUEP2--^BC0 - BFCAS2 ELSE IF(WAVE2 EQ. 2) THEN BFCASl = BDFSUM(l) BFCAS2 = BDFSUM(2) + BDFSUMO) BFSURl = BLUEFl'-^BCO - BFCASl BFSUR2 = BLUEP2-'--BC0 + PLTN - BFCAS2 END IF 101 . • TRCAS TRSUR TBCAS TESUR = = = = TIFSUM -^ TMFSUM + TRDF TRF - TRCAS TBDF TBF - TBCAS [ RETURN END VrVfVr'iVVe'iVVrTVVrVrVriVVrVrVfVriViVVrVrVrVT^VVrVrVriVVr'sVVrVrVrVTiViVVrVrVrVr-.ViV'A'VriVVfVr'j'r'jViV SUBROUTINE TO EXECUTE THE "BATTLE2" TYPE BATTLE. IV. ^V^V^•r^V^lr-r^' rVrVfjViViV V.-Vf/'rV.-s'r-V'A'^V'j'r'jV'jV-VVr-V'jVVr'jVV.-VriViV'jV: THIS PROGRAM DEAL WITH THE BATTLE CASE THAT HAS 3 AVENUES OF APPROACH FOR RED FORCES INITIALLY, BUT ATTACK TO BLUE WITH 4 AVENUES OF APPROACH FINALLY. RED FORCES ON AVENUE-2 DIVIDE EQUALLY (I.E. AND ATTACK TO BOTH BLUE POSITIONS NODE 27 AND NODE 28). , : BATLE2 (TRCAS TBSUR, TEND, TBCAS IB IR REDAVE POIF SMAVE BLUEPl BLUEP2 SMARC 1 ARC, TAIL, HEAD, TIME, DIST, WIDTH, SPEED, OSPEED) INTEGER NA, NN, NOA, NOP, RBN, RRESER, BCO, PLTN PARAMETER (.\A=44, NN=28, N0A=3 N0P=2 PLTN=40) PARAMETER (RBN=500, RRESER=150, BCO=170) INTEGER REDAVE(NOA) ,SMAVE(NOA) ,PMAVE(NOA) INTEGER ARC(NA) ,TAIL(NA) ,HEAD(NA) INTEGER PMARC(5),SMARC(3),IDARC(4,0: 1001) INTEGER IFA(4, 1000), MFA(4, 1000), DFA(4, 1000) INTEGER POIF, BLUER 1,BLUEP2,ANS1,ANS2,ANS3,ANS4 INTEGER INPUT, OUTPUT, TP1,TP2,DIF,DPMF,DSMF,INCRE,WID INTEGER IFANS ,MFANS ,DFANS ,TEND REAL DIST(NA),WIDTH(NA),TIME(NA),SPEED(NA),OSPEED(NA) REAL BREAKP(4),BREAKT(4),RBP(4) REAL RF(4,0: 1001) ,BF( 4 ,0: 1001) ,WHERE(4,0: 1001) ,SP(4 ,0: 1001) REAL IFC(4,0: 1001) ,MFC( 4,0: 1001) ,RDFC(4 0: 1001), IMDC(4,0: 1001), BDFC(4,0: 1001) 1 REAL IFSUM(4) ,MFSUM(4) ,RDFSUM(4) ,BDFSUM(4) REAL IFCAS MFCAS DFCAS BLEFTl BLEFT2 WHOLD SUBROUTINE , 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , 102 , , , CLOCK RANGE BRDI ST AR RB REAL DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA , , , DIF,DPMF,DSMF PMAVE PMARC RANGE , /10,20,15/ /1, 3,1/ /15 19 23 ,25 , 32/ , , /I. 1/ /O. 0/ RB ANSI = IR NNN = lUSED = NEQ12 = NEQ34 = DO 5 I = 1,4 IFSUM(I) = 0. MFSUM(I) =0.0 RDFSUM(I) = 0. BDFSUM(I) = 0. CONTINUE 5 C-- -DEFINE INITIAL FORCE LEVEL AND LOCATION RF(1,0) = REDAVE(1)''^RBN RF(2,0) = (REDAVE(2)-'>RBN)/2 RF(3,0) = (REDAVE(2)''^RBN)/2 RF(4,0) = REDAVE(3)*RBN DO 28 I = 1,4 WHERE(I,0) = 0. IFC(I,0) = 0. MFC(I,0) = 0. RDFC(I,0) = 0. IMDC(I,0) = 0. BDFC(I,0) = 0. 28 RBP(I) = RB'>RF(I,0) BF(1,0) = BLUER l'"^BCO + PLTN/2 BF(2,0) = BLUEPl-'^BCO + PLTN/2 BF(3,0) = BLUEP2--'^BC0 + PLTN/2 BF(4,0) = BLUEP2--'-BC0 + PLTN/2 NOC = INCRE = 1 DO 9999 IT = 1,500, INCRE CLOCK = IT DO 30 lA = 1,4 BREAKP(IA) =0.0 BREAKT(IA) = 0.0 IFC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT-1) MFC(IA,IT) = MFC(IA,IT-1) RDFC(IA,IT) = RDFC(IA,IT-1) IMDC(IA,IT) = IMDC(IA,IT-1) BDFC(IA,IT) = BDFC(IA,IT-1) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT-1) BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT-1) raOLD = V,TIERE(IA,IT-1) CALL DETET2( lA IT INCRE ,VTiOLD ,WID) IF(WID .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 , , 103 ! IDARC(IA,IT) = WID BRDIST = 9999. SP(IA,IT) = SPEED(WID) TS = (SPEED(WID)/60V'-INCRE WHERE(IA,IT) = WHOLD + TS C---IS THERE INDIRECT FIRE ? OR MINEFIELD ? OR DIRECT FIRE CALL IDFND2 ( IA,CLOCK,POIF, IFANS) CALL MFFND2 ( PMARC SMARC ,WID,MFANS) CALL DRFND2 ( I A, WHOLD, RANGE, BRDIST, DFANS) ? , IFA(IA,IT) = IFANS MFA(IA,IT) = MFANS DFA(IA,IT) = DFANS IF( IFANS. EQ.O .AND. MFANS. EQ. .AND. DFANS. EQ.O) GOTO 30 C-- -COMPUTE THE CASUALTY OF I.NDIRECT-FIRE IF( IFANS .EQ. 1) THEN CALL IDFIR2 ( lA, IT,RF,REDAVE ,POIF, IFCAS) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - IFCAS IFSUM(IA) = IFCAS + IFSUM(IA) IFC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT) + IFCAS END IF ! C-. -COMPUTE THE CASUALTY BY MINE -FIELD MFANS. EQ. 2) THEN IF(MFANS.EQ. 1 .OR. CALL MFILD2 ( lA, IT, MFANS INCRE,NA, WID, TIME, RF,MFCAS) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - MFCAS MFSUM(IA) = MFCAS + MFSUM( lA) MFC(IA,IT) = MFC(IA,IT) + MFCAS ! , END IF C-- -COMPUTE THE CASUALTY BY DIRECT-FIRE ! IF(DFANS .EQ. 1 .OR. DFANS EQ. 2) THEN .AND. IF( RF(IA,IT) .LT. EF(IA,IT) .A.ND. lUSED .EQ. THEN RF(IA,0) .GT. 0.0 ) RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) + RRESER lUSLD = 1 END IF CALL DRFIR2 (DFANS ,DFA, BRDIST, lA, IT, RF ,BF,AR,RDFCAS,BDFCAS, PLTN, RANGE, NNN,ACO,AMO) . 1 1 1 RF(IA,IT) = RF(IA,IT) - RDFCAS BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT) - BDFCAS RDFSUM(IA) = RDFCAS + RDFSUM(IA) BDFSUM(IA) = BDFCAS + BDFSUM(IA) RDFC(IA,IT) = RDFC(IA,IT) + RDFCAS BDFC(IA,IT) = BDFCaA,IT) + BDFCAS END IF IF(RF(IA,0) .GT. CALL BREAK2 END IF RF(IA,IT) LE. RBP(IA)) THEN .AND. lA, IT,NOC ,VvT10LD,RF,BF,RRESER,BREAKP,BREAKT) 0. ( . 104 » C-- -COMPUTE THE REDUCED SPEED DUE TO THE INDIRECT FIRE OR MINEFIELD OR C UNDER THE DIRECT FIRE BASED ON THE RANGE OF TWO FORCES ! CALL RSPED2 ( 1 lA, IT, NA, SPEED, TIME ,DIST,WID, RANGE, AR,RF, I FANS, MEANS, DFANS,OSPEED,ACO,AMO) SP(IA,IT) = SPEED(WID) TS = (SPEED(WID)/60)*INCRE WHERE(IA,IT) = WHOLD + TS IMDC(IA,IT) = IFC(IA,IT) + MFC(IA,IT) + RDFC(IA,IT) CONTINUE 30 36 37 IF(NEQ12 .KE. 0) GO TO 36 BF(1,IT) = MIN( BF(1,IT),BF(2,IT) ) BF(2,IT) = MIN( BF(1,IT),BF(2,IT) ) IF(NEQ34 NE. 0) GO TO 37 BF(3,IT) = MIN( BF(3,IT),BF(4,IT) ) BF(4,IT) = MIN( BF(3,IT),BF(4,IT) ) IF(NEQ12 NE. 0) GO TO 38 DFA(2,IT) EQ. 2 .AND. IF(DFA(1,IT) .EQ. 2 .AND. .AND. RF(2,IT) GT. 0.) THEN 1 RF(1,IT) .GT. 0. BF(1,IT) = (RF(1,IT) / (RF(1,IT)+RF(2,IT))) * BF(2,IT) = (RF(2,IT) / (RF(1 IT)+RF( 2 IT) ) ) * NEQ12 = IT END IF IF(NEQ34 NE. 0) GO TO 9999 IF(DFA(3,IT) .EQ. 2 .AND. DFA(4,IT) EQ. 2 .AND. 1 RF(3,IT) .GT. 0. .AND. RF(4,IT) GT. 0.) THEN BF(3,IT) = (RF(3,IT) / (RF( 3 IT)+RF(4, IT) ) ) * EF(4,IT) = (RF(4,IT) / (RF( 3 IT)+RF( 4 IT) ) ) '> NEQ34 = IT END IF . . . . , 38 , BF(1,IT) BF(2,IT) , BF(3,IT) BF(4,IT) . . . , , CONTINUE 9999 CALL 999 PRINT2 1 1 TEND = IT RETURN END * IV- 1. - RBN,BCO, BLUER 1 ,BLUEP2 ,RRESER,PLTN,NA, IFSUM,MFSUM,RDFSUM,BDFSUM, TRCAS,TBCAS,TRSUR,TBSUR) ( 1 SUBROUTINE FOR LOCATING THE ARC THE RED FORCES ARE ATTACKING. SUBROUTINE INTEGER REAL DATA DATA DATA DATA DETET2 ( lA, IT, INCRE, WHOLD, WID) INCRE, WID Al(4),A21(8),A22(6),A3(6),WHOLD Al A21 A22 A3 /2. 75,6. 35,9.35,10. 25/ /I. 15,3.3,4. 7,5.45,6.4,7. 1,8.55,9.45/ /I. 15 , 3. 3,4. 7 ,6. 15 ,6. 8, 7. 45/ /4. 5,6. 6,8. 85,12. 35,12. 95,13.55/ 105 3011 GO TO (3011,3012,3013,3014) lA IF(WHOLD .LE. Al(l)) THEN WID = 5 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. Al(l) .AND. WHOLD. LE. Al(2) ) THEN WID = 15 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. Al(2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. Al( 3) ) THEN WID = 33 GO TO 1390 .AND. WHOLD. LE. Al(4) ) THEN ELSE IFCWHOLD.GT. Al(3) WID = 35 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF( WHOLD GT. Al(4)) THEN IT-1 WRITE(26,1380) F0RMAT(1X,'RED FORCE IN AVEZ/l TOOK BLL^ POSITIOW/l BATTLE END ',14,' MINUTE)') 1/5X,' (BATTLE TIME GO TO 1399 END IF IF( WHOLD LE. A21(l)) THEN WID = 4 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A21(l) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 2) ) THEN WID = 7 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A21(2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 3) ) THEN WID = 19 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A:1(3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21(4) ) THEN WID = 24 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD.GT. A21(4) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 5) ) THEN WID = 29 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A21(5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21(6) ) THEN WID = 32 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A.?l(6) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 7) ) THEN WID = 34 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD.GT. A21( 7) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A21( 8) ) THEN WID = 35 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD GT. A21(8)) THEN WRITE(26,1381) IT-1 BATTLE ', F0R>L^T(1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE^^21 TOOK BLUE P0SITI0W;1 ',14,' MINUTE)') I'END !' ,/5X,'( BATTLE TIME GO TO 1399 END IF IF(WHCLD LE. A22(l)) THEN WID = 4 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A22(l) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(2) ) THEN WID = 7 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD. GT. A22(2) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22( 3) ) THEN . 1380 3012 => : . . 1381 3013 => . 106 : !' WID = 19 GO TO 1390 ELSE IF(WHOLD.GT. A22(3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(4) ) THEN WID = 25 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT. A22(4) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(5) ) THEN WID = 30 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A22( 5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A22(6) ) THEN WID = 39 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCraOLD GT. A22(6)) THEN IT-1 WRITE(26,1382) BATTLE 1382 F0RMAT(1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE#22 TOOK BLUE POSITIOW/2 1 'END !' ,/5X,' (BATTLE TIME ',14,' MINUTE)') GO TO 1399 END IF 3014 IFCWHOLD LE. A3(l)) THEN WID = 2 GO TO 1390 .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3(2) ) THEN ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3(1) WID = 11 GO TO 1390 .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C 3) ) THEN ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C 2) WID = 13 . => : . GO TO 139^ ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C 3) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3(4) ) THEN WID = 23 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C 4) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C5) ) THEN WID = 42 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD. GT.A3C 5) .AND. WHOLD. LE. A3C 6) ) THEN WID = 43 GO TO 1390 ELSE IFCWHOLD GT. A3C6)) THEN IT-1 WRITEC26,1383) BATTLE', 1383 F0RMATC1X,'RED FORCE IN AVE,-'/3 TOOK BLUE POSITIOW/2 1' END ,/5X,'CBATTLE TIME ==> ',14,' MINUTE)') GO TO 1399 END IF 1390 RETURN 1399 WID = RETURN END . : ' ! * IV-2. SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE INDIRECT-FIRE ! SUBROUTINE IDFND2 C IA,CLOCK,POIF,IFANS) INTEGER POIF.IFANS REAL CLOCK, STIF,FTIF DATA STIF,FTIF /5. 0,15.0/ IFCCLOCK .GE. STIF .AND. IFCPOIF .EQ. 2) THEN IFCIA. EQ. 2 .OR. CLOCK . LT. lA.EQ. 3) THEN 107 FTIF) THEN ' IFANS = 1 GO TO 1444 ELSE IFANS = GO TO 1444 END IF ELSE IFCPOIF .EQ. 3) THEN IF(IA .EQ. 4) THEN IFANS = 1 GO TO 1444 ELSE IFANS = GO TO 1444 END IF END IF ELSE IFANS = END IF RETURN END 1444 •-^ IV-3. SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE MINE-FIELD ! SUBROUTINE MFFND2 ( PMARC SMARC ,WID,MFANS) INTEGER MFANS WID PMARC( 5 ) SMARC( 3 , , , , DO 1510 I = 1,5 IF(WID .EQ. PMARC(I)) THEN MFANS = 1 GO TO 1599 END IF j CONTINUE DO 1520 J = 1,3 IF(WID .EQ. SMARC(J)) THEN MFANS = 2 GO TO 1599 END IF CONTINUE MFANS = RETURN END 1510 1511 1520 1521 1599 * IV-4. SUBROUTINE FOR IDENTIFYING THE DIRECT-FIRE SUBROUTINE 1 1 DRFND2 ( lA ,WHOLD,RANGE ,BRDIST,DFANS) INTEGER REAL IC,IA,DFANS WHOLD,PATH( 4), RANGE, BRDI ST, AMBUSH DATA DATA PATH AMBUSH / 10. . (lA.EQ. 2. 25 ,9. 45 , 7. 45 , 13. 55/ /4. 0/ IF(WHOLD .GE. WHOLD LT. AMBUSH-RANGE/ 2. AMBUSH .OR. DFANS = ! .AND. AND. . THEN lA.EQ. 3)) 1 108 BRDIST = AMBUSH - WHOLD GO TO 1699 ELSE IF( WHOLD GE. PATH( lA) -RANGE .AND. WHOLD .LT. PATH(IA) THEN 1 ) DFANS = 2 BRDIST = PATH(IA) - WHOLD GO TO 1699 END IF 1600 CONTINUE DFANS = 1699 RETURN END . * IV-5. SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY INDIRECT-FIRE SUBROUTINE IDFIR2 ( lA, IT,RF,REDAVE ,POIF, IFCAS) INTEGER NR0UND,IA,IT,REDAVE(3),P0IF REAL LETHAL, ROWSP,COLSP, MUX, MUY,RHOX,RHOY, RATIO, PKILL REAL RF( 4,0: 1001), IFCAS NROUND LETHAL MUX,MUY RHOX,RHOY DATA DATA DATA /18,70. 8/ , IF(REDAVE(POIF) EQ. ROWSP =12. COLSP = 12. GO TO 1669 ELSE IF(REDAVE(POIF) ROWSP =10. COLSP = 10. GO TO 1669 ELSE IF(REDAVE(POIF) ROWSP = 8. COLSP = 8. GO TO 1669 END IF . /15. ,10. /15. ,10. THEN 1) . . EQ. 2) THEN EQ. 3) THEN RATIO = (NROUND'^ LETHAL) PHI = 3. 141592654 1669 A = ( ( LETHAL'>NROUND) / ( PKILL = RAT 1 EXP( 1 - -> . 5--n ( A--'( A/ ( / (ROWSP'''COLSP*RF( lA, IT) / 2''^PHI ( MUX-->-'^2 ) )*-•>. 5 A^> A+RHOX-'"> 2 ) / IFCAS = PKILL * RF(IA,IT) ( ) •> ( A''^A+RH0X*''^2 / ) A -^ A+RHO Y''"'" 2 ) ) '^'^ 5 ) '^ + ( MUY''^''^2 ) / ( A''^A+RH0Y*''^2 ) ) 2. RETURN END * IV-6. SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY MINEFIELDS SUBROUTINE MFILD2 ( lA, IT, MEANS INCRE,NA,WID, TIME, RF,MFCAS) , INTEGER REAL MFANS,INCRE,NA,NOPM,NOSM,WID TIME(NA),RF(4,0: 1001) ,PCOEF,SCOEF,MFCAS,TPM, IBM DATA DATA NORM ,NOSM TPM ,TSM /300,200/ /20. 0,15.0/ 109 ) DATA PCOEF,SCOEF /. 00020 00015/ ,. IF(MFANS .EQ. 1) THEN MFCAS = (PCOEF''--RF(IA,IT)'^NOPM''^(TPM/60. ELSE IF(MFANS EQ. 2) THEN MFCAS = (SCOEF'>RF(IA,IT)*NOSM->(TSM/60. END IF RETURN END )) / (TIME(WID)/INCRE) )) / (TIME(WID)/INCRE) . * IV- 7. 1 SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING CASUALTIES BY DIRECT FIRE SUBROUTINE DRFIR2 (DFANS ,DFA,BRDIST, lA, IT,RF,BF,AR,RDFCAS,BDFCAS, PLTN, RANGE, NNN,ACO,AMO) INTEGER DFANS, DFA( 4, 1000), PLTN RF(4,0: 100n,BF(4,0: 1001) ,PLBP ,FBF(0: 1001) REAL BRDIST,RANGE,RED,BLU,RDFCAS,BDFCAS,AR,BR,MU,PL REAL DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA PLBP AOMEGA.BOMEGA AC, EC AM,BM MU / 0. 0/ /O. 50,1.00/ /O. 0380 ,0. 0160/ /O. 23 , 0. 00010/ /l-O/ ACO = AC AMO = AM IF(NNN .GT. 0) GO TO 1810 PL = PLTN 1810 FBF(IT) = PL C---FIND ENGAGED FORCES OF BOTH SIDES ON DIRECT FIRE BATTLE RED = RF(IA,IT) BLU = BF(IA,IT) 1 C---CASE-r'a (MIXED LAV) IF( DFANS .EQ. : BLUE FORCE AMBUSHES THE RED FORCE 1) THEN (1. 0-BRDIST/R.ANGEl'"'^MU AR = AM BR = BM '• ( 1. 0-BRDIST/RA.NGE)->'''MU BLU = FBF(IT) IF(BLU .LT. PLBP) THEN RDFCAS = 0. BLU = 0. ELSE RDFCAS = AR BLU END IF BDFCAS = BR * BLU '^ RED FBF(IT) = BLU - BDFCAS PL = FBF(IT) NNN = NNN + 1 GO TO 1900 -'•- •>'' C---CASE-#2 (HEMBOLT EQLTION) ELSE IF(DFANS EQ. 2) THEN IF(RED LE. 0. .OR. BLU BDFCAS = 0. RDFCAS = 0. GO TO 1900 ! . . . LE. 110 0.) TliEN ! ! END IF AR = AC * (1. 0-BRD I ST/RANGE )'"'--^MU BR = BC * (1. 0-BRDIST/RANGE)'"^'VMU RDFCAS = AR^>((RED/BLU)^'---"-(1.0-BOMEGA))'''BLU BDFCAS = BR"((BLU/RED)-''"-(l. 0-AOMEGA))'-RED END IF RETURN END 1900 * IV-8. * SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING THE ADJUSTED SPEED BASED ON THE NUMBER OF RED UNITS (BATTALIONS) ON ONE AVENUE. SUBROUTINE ( I , IR,SPEED,ADSP) INTEGER REAL IR,A0A1(4) ,AOA2(3) ,A0A3(6) SPEED(44),ADSP(44) DATA DATA DATA AOAl A0A2 A0A3 75,15,33,35/ /4,7,19/ /2 11 13,23,42,43/ , , GO TO (201,202,203,204) IR ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2011 J = 1,3 ADSP(I) = IF(I .EQ. A0A2(J)) GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2012 J = 1,6 1F(I .EQ. A0A3(J)) ADSP(I) = GO TO 2010 ADSP(I) = SPEED(I) DO 2013 J = 1,3 IF(I .EQ. A0A2(J)) ADSP(I) = 201 202 2011 203 2012 204 2013 0. 9''-SPEED( I) 0. 9-'^SPEED( I) 0. 8^'-SPEED( I) RETURN END 2010 '••- ASPED2 IV-9. * SUBROUTINE FOR COMPUTING THE REDUCED SPEED BASED ON EACH WEAPON TYPE. SUBROUTINE RSPED2 1 ( lA, IT, NA, SPEED, TIME, DIST,WID, RANGE, AR,RF, IFANS, MEANS, DFANS,OSPEED,ACO,AMO) INTEGER REAL REAL NA,VID,IFANS,MFANS,DFANS AR,DIST(NA),SPEED(NA),TIME(NA),MINSPD,RF(4,0: 1001) OSPEED(NA) DATA MINSPD /O. 500/ IFdFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)*60./(TIME(WID)+10. END IF IF(MFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)''--60./(TIME(VID)+20. 111 ) END IF IF(MFANS .EQ. 2) THEN SPEED(WID) = DIST(WID)''^60. /(TIME(WID) + 15. ) END IF IF(DFANS .EQ. 1) THEN SPEED(WID) = SP£ED(WID) * (1. 0-AR/AMO) + MINSPD IF(SPEED(WID) .GT. OSPEED(WID)) SPEED(WID) = OSPEED(WID) END IF IF(DFANS .EQ. 2) THEN IF(RF(IA,IT) .EQ. 0. ) THEN SPEED(WID) = 0. ELSE SPEED(WID) = SPEED(WID) * (1.0-AR/ACO) + MINSPD IF(SPEED(WID) .GT. OSPEED(WID)) SPEED(VID) = OSPEED(WID) END IF END IF RETURN END '> IV- 10. SUBROUTINE TO FIND THE TIME AND LOCATION WHEN RED FORCE REACH BREAK-POINT ! SUBROUTINE BREAK2 ( lA, IT,NOC ,WHOLD,RF,BF,RRESER,BREAKP,BREAKT) INTEGER RRESER REAL BREAKP(4),BREAKT(4),WH0LD,RF(4,0: 1001),BF(4,0: 1001) RF(IA,IT) = 0. BF(IA,IT) = BF(IA,IT-1) IF(N0C .EQ. 0) THEN RF(IA,1T) = RF(IA.IT-l) + RRESER BREAKP(IA) = WHOLD BREAKT(IA) = IT END IF NOC = NOC + 1 RETURN END C nil '' IV- 11. • SUBROUTINE TO PRINT THE CASUALTIES AND SURVIVORS FOR BOTH SIDES IN BATTLE2 TYPE. iV Vr iV sV iV -,V Vf Vr vV Vr v.- Vr Vr Vr Vr Vr vV Vr Vc Vr Vr Vr ^V V,- Vc v.- V,- V,- v.- v.- Vr v.- SUBROUTINE 1 -.V , , , 1 INTEGER REAL REAL REAL Vc Vr Vr V: Vr V,- PRINT2 (RBN BCO BLUER 1 ,BLUEP2 RRESER, PLTN,NA, IFSUM MFSUM RDFSUM BDFSUM TRCAS,TBCAS,TRSUR,TESUR) , RBN,BC0,BLUEP1,BLUEP2,NA, RRESER, PLTN IFSUM( 4 ) MFSUM( 4 ) RDFSUM( 4 ) BDFSUM( 4) , , , TIFSUM,TMFSUM,TRDF,TBDF TRCAS,TRSUR,TBCAS.TBSUR TIFSUM = 0. TMFSUM = 0. TRDF = 0.0 TBDF = 0. TRCAS = , , C. 112 TBCAS = 0. TRSUR = 0.0 TBSUR = 0.0 DO 101 lA = 1,4 TIFSUM = IFSUM(IA) + TIFSUM TMFSUM = MFSUM(IA) + TMFSUM TRDF = RDFSUM(IA) + TRDF TBDF = BDFSUM(IA) + TBDF CONTINUE + RRESER TRF = RBN*3. + PLTN TBF = BC0'>3. BFCASl = BDFSUM(l) + BDFSUM(2) BFCAS2 = BDFSUMO) + BDFSUM(4) BFSURl = BLUEFl^'^BCO - BFCASl BFSUR2 = BLUEP2'>BC0 - BFCAS2 101 TRCAS TRSUR TBCAS TBSUR = = = = TIFSUM + TMFSUM + TRDF TRF - TRCAS TBDF TBF - TBCAS RETURN END * V. SUBROUTINE TO COMPUTE THE WEIGHTED UTILITY VALUES OF BLUE SURVIVOR FOR EACH UTILITY FUNCTIONS ! SUBROUTINE UTIL (MR,MB IB ,VALUE ,LIN,SQU,ROO) INTEGER REAL REAL MR, MB DATA DATA WGT ALIN , VALUE(4),UL(4),US(4),UR(4) LIN,SQU,R00,ALIN,WGT(4) /O. 05,0. 70,0. 05,0. 20/ /340. 0/ TEMPI = 0. TEMP2 = 0. TEMPS = 0. C---UTILITY VALUES FOR THE BLUE SURVIVORS DO 2301 K = 1,4 UL(K)=(9. /55. )'>VALUE(K) + 10. IF(VALUE(K) .LE. ALIN) UL(K)=(9. /55. )*VALUE(K) US(K)=(1. /3025. )'WALUE(K)**2. UR(K)=(4. 264014327)'WALUE(K)**0. 5 ! 2301 TEMPI = WGT(K)''fUL(K) + TEMPI TEMP2 = WGT(K)''^US(K) + TEMP2 TEMPS = WGT(K)'>UR(K) + TEMPS CONTINUE LIN = TEMPI SQU = TEMP2 ROO = TEMPS RETURN END 113 APPENDIX This is E. EXEC FOR ADVANCED MODEL a execution code of Fortran-77 for the advanced FILEDEF 12 DISK THESIS DATA EXEC WF77 ADVAN (NOEXT NOWAR 114 model in Appendix D. K LIST OF 1. Craig. Dean REFERENCES "A Model for ihe Planning of Maneuver Unit and Engineer Asset E., Placement", M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, Sep- tember 1985. 2. R.. "The Extension of Unit Allocation and Countermobility in the Airland Rearch Model", M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate McLaughlin, Joseph Planning Algorithm School, Monterey, California, 3. March 1986. Choi, Seok Chul. "Determination of iWetwork Attributes from A High Resolution Terrain Data Base", .VI.S. Naval Thesis, Postgraduate School, Monterey, Cahfornia. September 19S7. 4. Engineering Design Handbook. "Army Weapon Systems Analysis. Part Two". Army 5. Material Development and Readiness Taylor, James G., " Command, October US 1979. Lanchcster-Type Models of Warfare, Volume IF, Naval Post- graduate School. Monterey. California, 1980. 6. 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Engineering Design Handbook, "Army Weapon Systems Analysis, Part One", Army Material Development and Readiness 117 Command, October 1979. US INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Technical Information Center 2 Cameron Station 22304-6145 Alexandria. VA 2. 3. Librar}-. Code 0142 Naval Postcraduate School Monterey. CA 93943-5002 Department Chairman. Code 55 Department of Operations Research Naval Postgraduate School Monterey. 4. 2 CA 1 93943-5000 Professor Samuel H. Parry. Code 55Py Department of Operations Research 3 Naval Postcraduate School Monterey. CA 93943-5U()() 5. LTC Bard Mansager. Code 55Ma Department of Operations Research Naval Postcraduate School Monterey. 6. CA 1 93943-5000 Deputy Undersecretary of the Army 2 Operations Research Room 2E261. Pentason Washmgton. D.C. 20310 for 7. Director Attn: Mr. E. B. Vandiver 111 U.S. Armv Concepts Analvsis 1 Aeencv Bethesda.'MD 20814 8. 9. Bell Hall Library U.S. Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027 1 _- - ~'^'-- Director Requirements 1 & Programs Director, Headquarters TRAC Attn: ATRC-RP (COL. Brinkley) Fort Monroe, VA 23651-5143 10. Director 1 TRAC-FLVN Attn: ATRC-F (Dr. LaRocque) Fort Leavenworth. KS 66027-5200 118 11. Director TR.AC-WSMR Attn: ATRC-W (Dr. Collier) White Sands Missile Range, 12. NM 88002-5502 Director Research Directorate ATRC-RD (Hue McCoy) White Sands Missile Range, Attn: NM 13. 88002-5502 Commander U.S. Armv TR.A.DOC Analysis Command Attn: ATRC-ZD (Mr. Bauman) Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-5200 14. Systems Analysis Department ROK Army Headquarters Vonssan-Gu Yonssan-Dong CPO Box #2 Seoul. 140-799 Repubhc of Korea 15. Hveon Soo Lee, SMC ^'2337 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 16. Choi. Mun SMC ^1840 Soo Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 17. Park. Hun Keun SMC t.2997 Naval Postsraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 18. ^'u. Moo Bone SMC?? 1845 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 19. Yeone SimGok-1-Dong 585, 10 BuCheon Citv, Nam-Gu Lee, Jae 6 KyungGi-Do', 422-011 Republic of Korea (Seoul) 20. Lee, Chong Ho NamMun-1-Ri, 3-Ban YangYang-Eup. YangYang-Gun KangWon-Do, 210-21 Republic of Korea (Seoul) 119 21. Song. Won Chong Chul Sang Dae Burak. SangDac-Ri PoDu-Moeyn. KoMcong-Kun. Cheon-Nam. 543-21 Republic of Korea (Seoul) 120 DTTDLE"; • Thesis Th^ ^38635 L3J c.l / Lee Airland etric con^K ^"^iysis of / Thesis L38635 c.l Lee Parametric analysis of airland combat model in high resolution. ui'.AinVATE SCFOOT,