Jn the nlam. ol AttAH Eh" flbot Qraciouo €,h. <ffloat nflerctlul <lDtrooc Tlelp 9De .9oticrF J^> x! /r{' BIOSYNTHESIS OF PROTEOLYTrc ENZYMES BY PENICILLIUM EXPANSUM USltrG RICE l-ll.JSK AS A CARBON SOURCE ! .tt,' IlY t ll I , ,,IOIIAI'',,ED ut -!h:i :",.: -' * iili,,'- t4 D Hor a.&. . INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY 1 UNIVERSITY OF SINDH JAMSHORO SINDH PAKISTAN MAY 1989 ,,y/ cEfi'lcrc. q-4lt d tbt F. t[!!..t b l|ldl q/c hjt rrhd r- @t at ost !.r.G6b d ll. t tt . lLa'!th.4r .a F.t ovtr! .q'- hl bctUla tu rdla sia U ... o.!to -tot b.r &dE { *ctlst 6 .d tbi t5t. r6t !r dtalrt .rit dtrHsi .rd !{,. dt*t tta !. E{V .a tlrat ttt6 b t ry,tcsrt aEn .t tb &.!{ oC Doatc d ltif..ofr. oC Sr.d fc .-**- *"#ffi rdc rba q|. odrabt ht H,1,ii?."iill;,'.. Blosn THE:rIs cF F: TEar,lr1: i):zYlvars lrY PENICI]-LTI]N ETPANSUI: usl c RICn !lus( is a caRBoN slrLRcE. d tnesls lE Elbnlited lo fiE UI{IVf,RSITY OF SINN ln tlE fdf rent fd tne Ccg€e ol mcToR oF PHrl,osogtY ( In ?io-chebrstry ) Bro-{h6nioby ncsealch Laboratdtes Institlt€ of chehlstly !IDICllI0t{ f@ tlEl! loc .td .Jt ctld. ACXIIO'JLEDC!IIENTS 4SEEge4qg t r1.h to ex!qr.. w d€6! !.re ol slati,in t b &o4..!.r l3.b! rh@,Et!.r rho* e+cvl.r6 ltd Srtdr@'I h.[ b.6 .bt t -!!t dn I hlE 3r4i 91o.6 t! ihddna e,!lttEEluilit! lnb't "DI&td .ra\.rr.,t **,rt*t,&rtltrt of ch.d.'E lG sorrdtts tlE d..-tt taclltll.. rd txI. rUdy. I .! do tlEtrttul +a !b. l:Lllh f,.h. !b@ !G bk b.n co-.!.Ett6 .!d Gl6b:. rl8&3t1@, lqtl6 .!.t1gn4 b h, $6dad z.nt !1, !st.t !t ltot -d' t pdiMt ot tlteo!1do6J',gEh rbdr! LEtif lrnicrtty e4!fE, icr rlEb !.oqld!a tlt !.M $. t 6tr out ili. nl[bl .rh.t'. t .! tl€rEd to .D tb st tl eobe. ln lilkcula rho* of.tlina c@t !t'4lul s|l!.!tl,@ .d urdr h€rdft a-&rg.,b!E t c@ t &|@ of &lrpt&tld tltrclghout tlr't. rct. I t l. I!5i I.ll&i tll1s optdbsiB i6 tt6ik w llrdi<L,16@ at tt ao!d!, cata.l LthErJ' at ll erba!.tn.dts! couGrEs tc udt ufdSe€b!. co{!€6tt@ tlEoqh.ut tlE co@& ol aidt. ll|t. r@r ,od<l tut haE b.6 Fsibl€ dttrdrt Est h gtut stca fld lrDiEslty ot Sind 6rd IllAS,In tb13 rgEd I o tlllrtul t ar:btr.tlatidr U.rEEtty of Sljrl,PutlcuLl\f }n, l'rzlEldl brq :rktd&t ttt &-vto. clE*.tldr lrriErltt .t Slrd. slJrrtRl 1!. fdt !s.rt it ft tnt tlF6t! 6. @l.d out !D tlt D.gubrt of Bto6b€d6tsJ' t$ttiut! of Cb€dEtlt' Ui1d.itv ot Shdh' J.o.h.co' t. Do..lbtltty .t uri!!4tls of rtc€ huEl ( s ag.lcult@r rdt ) ln ttr btooruE.i! ol Fot olytic dryc !y !44!!Ug P.l.tstsn io .rDl@ !rPg4& Fto tlE .\dr rt 6. obFerl tht dE t sGtt:' .ceDt *. .f &!g[g!! !99!94, t]. proto*. lFodsd jn trr !ic. h{!t ditlE re. 55 to 7Oo F hlshG trr.! t!o- ln tn ddt! oeuurdl. s6t by cdr.h&3 6tlE cdlb &lM.. th. !1,c. hud. ln lX odl6t€i1@ .lDu1d b. .d.qEt V utlllrd td dzyf, e..dErrd br &e!gj!:Ut !aE!g!. n .rtct ot grdtl! cddittdD @ 6rt- plod6ito.nd ch.ntstailo r4 al& rtrdt.d. It Ea otreld trli est.t tr lEotslyttc acttrrb s! @6.trd tn tlE .iantfiobt ttll .leltt d r1t5 cuLt@o b!ot6.rd leg! !.Ft4d ale6l.t d riut rF.t:rB, [o cr.ottlna acttttty E. foed b t!. cdts. baotb c ry4lt . Foc rcot o\rtlc sry-. ryntb.l4d tr !9!q8Jdl! gE43a |s le.olEit .rd dE ctatr.d .r @ acrd&, t o n{ba1 ad @ ltt lte @ bast.l fI Fn.ltlilty. lstlE 6dd6@ of *pa$t3 tdoitty ot llrt DEot€a$r r! corft4d by fncito uEouah S.r ttltla!1d 6 S.Dh.iE: a-jOO r,b. arn ld .&h.ng. chlct glDrv o mrr s.ptEdd r-50 !d lubE qcnt !fid, 6f tl]€t! borag$ttt dd .cUted !.rEFirs .Lir h.at Et btUty, .ctlEtto 65 pll opflG,t 4.nt4 oDttB .!d 1rlhibttl6 ty ttE su!.taF.! lEdllt 4d. ABBREVIAlIOIIS |lBiEllllttois: Hb - Ir.6Bl.!rt BAll -B.ntq1-La!altls!-ntb€n$1d. E!'JJ - lirvld dl4lF t t I.'f - Dtt .'F.'Fr nrEo tE4bt t!t,.c.r l.F.c3 - I-t4q1{-1tslF clllco-+lvr bt !r - [-1 (f1-L-dE!Vld!anrs ch:@trvl DJ.T - D1utidtl6lt S.!.S - PJI.si - Prtd-toEd rrlf ql fl6!d€ .cdL .e!rl &atdr. 1 Sodlr d.d..tl .nllht -sl - SuUMrtl P,cJ{.B - P-.lrle !.earbd.dt E.G.!.^ - P,uvrd slrlor brs( B{rrur&l .tlE) I,I,r,l t E! @tlo -:'I r:t] Ts c0Itltts ,f,tsttDcEirts sljti|nt .o ttltodrllm 1 s66.. rd .rtlstct tlc. tlotG{ alat rttod a6 Srbrhat fd !fot-* .ctlvlty l6 &ffit tlo Dtl'.d! ot qot-c 20 S€d-&U6 !G6t t16 20 $hcA.rt t.!etrt16 21 !. .tlet d .ntt&dnt.1 &ctd' o Fod-.. lrhuqd. t,4J.1 T1- tcld oa t6{btto 1.4.r, ErlGt.t llttid F.6 a{- F.il|!t.a 1.4J., tqc.t6 o ta. FliiDtto .a t !t6.. 't.4J.4 3tf-t d *H.. 6 @ Fdlrtto 1Jr.4 Eatct d drb:r.ut ht Gt 1.4'4.J E r.4.+, E 22 6a t-t.t 6 cdn6 Eu. ltcl ot narloca 4sq qEr4gqa .f r.!.r-t 2l R6otE ,o otr rE altUlc rerrt IsL€6 ot .tb&.lluL.! ,1 colb crE.dt sElqy 1 ,5.t 9erlct1116 kodEt. of Penl,ctllth erD.BE 1,6.1 1.6.1 1 er!.tu .1 !nzro.6 .6,1 2 nrt TE$ODS fbl. Rl@ U 9 ld]c cadd .d lntlblottc. IIIT'RI]TL5 TID ,6 ,9 40 {o lrult C'!3.ri@ chotet 22J 2 2.' ! $ E@! 4r kaFEtte of t@ul6 L1 lio.yntn€eb o! 4,1 !€ote4.rr}m Erf*t ol trclb.itd dE Frt.d d Fotaa ryntt!.sr. ;lf*t ol .tlil.qt €bo sollcs 6 ttE qitrbst' or ?rb.@UutE Fota& d.rr. 9ffGi ot !lc. lut ftrc pod6 c*.rtEt16 o 42 42 !aore*.r r\..r! 2?.5 Ef:et of trltld di 6 lcoiae.rDn|d. 4t 2,2.7 Eff.ct o! t @aatE. d !cot4, tyntbEt. 2.2,4 9ff.ct ol dlff66t nlbo3ln d iL '@. FodEtto ot ut@Llub taot.* et- 2 2.9 t:t!.ct16 of tnbreUul$ Fotas fM l4qllllg :ggpg! ns".u" *ota* $ey Dt5.d 2 2.11 tet rrilttd of !6ot tD P!.lIrlJEy .iudt€s d A! eud. drnd 2,2.12 2 45 I|, I+, 2,12,1 2,2,12,2 4f tllet of 6zyo .@ab.tl@ L, 22,12,1 Ellei ol .rnabat€ cd.rbatlo f..i 16 o Fot-s .otlrrt' Eftet oJ t€q-lnN d Fot4- .cttrtit E of dr Ift&t of b.ai t€tedt 2 2.12:7 Eelat ot Eto6 ereDt d F.teP.!i1a1 lEiJloatld of qb@llura r'A Id - €&h!ra. crEdio8Eltry 2,2.t4 ctE ct .lstlc. of tb !.ftl 1 lG!ald 6srr 22.14.1 5o ,o dlRtctstlc F.rcr!.. or h@€.|.@ 6.rD to nrSJLlS NO ,1 DrSCitSSilOl Ef!6t .( @bd .o6.s d E d& .nd Fotda r'I"tyltlE t' 51 5 !tl6t of !t . trdl cdF4tt tl6 d Fota- {itr4l. t.t 'A c1'6#te!rt16g ot a!.rtx tnd ,eod6i16 .tr dtr.e1llultr lcotGt dfct 4' btt !r gl d| 44* bt.rynth.t. Efict ot t a4!r. trt6i t.7 on ot ntbospn lcotd- bt..adrsrr e@. on Fot .F ltoertbds @ Alltreiid .ril .b.iot*laiId ot drtc fft ct o! Eao€ !4s6t6 @ !6ot oltUc stJviiy of D.ntqtlu,e tu COXCL0$oXS APPETDIT '.0 -t n 61 6l & 90 v rrl 9' rv * 96 vt 9l 9€ DrltxsglEEs 1@ IXTRODUC'IO' -1- 1-O lltl?CDtfflcrl. !!. old6t 6?ta ot qdn ,!!L 6F-d oet!'d b -ns .d lad sh .s FFr!'t!yD.h, FFtr atd etltFb 6'E|d rhrcrt }vdElt& t@4. lcobt$ lrto .i@1e.d!oa1i! ll.r'. !.!+d€'p.!tld.. .nd aole .oL.la. tn B@ 44! tlr4 E !.t Gdrct dny' b . .r4!. atd t[! t tl! d*ba of 6rys.. hot olttlc 6zy@ !.tdg, to nicb4-4 ol I tqdlo1vt!. .6ddttl. to tlt d.lrJtdtrd 6"y- C-r..r-(t ). 6?r- ct F Ftftan y*r.ap c1a6.gybs t,*oy(2) .o6 &dd t' lddtrarl 1.1'-rq(J) FoF..d ! !.rd fd Fot{..B ..!.cl,aut tlE.. ol dreou.l di8t! a6.Edlta to tLlt oFtt@ F.t oItti. &ittitt .l|d .t aotdl,DalEd .!d alhltt C{ , F@ tEt E , str q... tL .tbllD ntlp .i Fotaa(E.C. r.a2.r) duEd ilt l Fot ro (E.cJ.4 22,17) ,tr5 dllf€qt !"r' sqt'r\:d LJ luR st dtlc &!b4.1 IlE. inl'oh rr6-ptro sctlvtt ln t! 9$ @4.2.0 to .!d 4lct! &tir.t d * -. clslr tua.1 @trtr att F4!1c rlt! FFtr dxt tryp.tn tn tlot orytk aotl,m.c| q! otlE h.hd tb albua 5.0 4. cla.s ..-.**o *o**. Fotag€. bc I opi!6 Fnc. 9.0 to ll.O.!n @ l4|gdl dd hactcLl Glgln. ltEe Frdbb yrtn tt9!t! .!d crvlotyD.l! h tldr rvdrolytlc cb.tuiclsu.t. Dr $btlud! loE dd s{bttltthccllbcE .!d trr rcot6r. hrlrr (qltr !g 4oud ?.0 d olasdfi.d A. @t!.1. 11.1 S!|!e! ad cLtutclat!... lrjl tlE tlf+ !d!e! laE fd t! Icodutt4 anD. of .d!1 by tr lrftld ,rh 4 pl&t , .4lrl! oa h0"dt.Ititc attD3. !t ed ddo€6tdtFilttt@l 6 u oi tLnt 3@. l! c@€!1 !!66e. t. lub.tttut q&ln'sl!.r ftd UD rorrdb6 .bdb..t! tn hndrl'! .nd .t Sodiqy,rl1lch €@ 6ct!t!ty ot applt .td hm ..6.. ol d tlos f.G3 Fot4F betllttd!1t E d tn t Ect Fd/slrcat lc ltboa . !, &@gguLEglg4. of a4E Fo.nttr6 tla 6drv Dl6t .oraq. c. Sc..d! flEbttdo It 4dt ot tL Fotdo fld lrai dr'. 1b ,cdt-a ol dgf6t d6o!..1 5o|ft.. e 81b b DbFlta.s ol lllrt .nd pfi oDil! .td U.t: clA.EtjG .brdL. ol Dbr.el r 2.at r rba.3. tb. .oG...td adul d uat d ln tall 4.rd 5 !.tFotrrv. -r:.- : -; !!et-G. Dlarftl a-t . r,ADicF/. tb &idr., Irtls.t €dr lburr -gE!l4r- !s!l&-Edr!n: $cctrrd4r dtEF.rcr !.d.rvld wd!@l. t stdaEiohL siltG{Lrh- 6 r.ll-d. ? !ur&t@ -ld I Mfltr@ !|b!-Esl=!$ Lol,llE tltrFst ol{/ticE 12 b.l1lq -a.ca . lr,t{ 1' , S.DtqG.. 3lr-SE Dt lE4 GdL E .dd! a.are.a $,n .t6 19,r0 Ae.doEr prot olytlq Bactll€ l1cr.'lfo.!is str.Ptoi\yc.€ ftadta. str.ptonyc.s g.ts.E St!.ptowc.a EEedi. i -t rlt t t I I t t E E I x !a ;r 3q 3e. E""." I ir !g i t , t .E S rt raEl .t i o I rt i;*:$' F 9It "i. Fi t! i 3 c. li E i,3fl !"-"-:"il r 1:iE" lil ii'g!i riiii iris .' . 9t E € * all9-t. i33R"'fs ".- { 6 t 7 Z. 3 tt,5! r 1l r !€'1sr{ I.s ri 9f !I e9 I ! il €l E ta rr!-i bt 6 ! r t9l 3 { I:r Bl:ii€ rri fi .? 8. E !t c € s . s3 " e tt.5 ! Et d: 'lr 5 t 3 Ii: x .9t i:IB Blr tHc tilF t! I IEE !s B' FF 8'- { tfr|E q ? i It iE . t!t -ll 9F I s r 1 r A A 5 s r lsllg 3 a a dl8 I 5 8 c E gSEEiF:gIiE FiFFI tsEt E E gr ; tilEt lg€$ c t h'tr E tz lF, t;l I r' till t5 EE tt t9 t5 ld.lF ts ; rc I E EIg FE '8 Ff ib t 7 ;}E "N t a F fr 8i" ll t9 t8 !{ ct i F !a *- 8. b lb e tsa it 6 s 8 vs s oe 66 B -a 5r.- EC 6 E' t Ets! 1B95:PBIS 9! x9it Ii dElicgSE Ea F tf, B f s , c!88..S33' a F, t $ 3 $rilEslE F I9 E. 5c.'B $B?r; lsq 3 Yt F E *s E' s8 g{. ta 4 + I;lo,! td rE,o!" ii;i sr !i{ii5 3;3tt t6 htt I E ' t2 r : :,t s3l d FgIT 8 g i tl FI ql t 1-n"n I t9 'i 8 !t tt a9 ? s 6 ttttB J ;l Ht 14 4' 1 !l r{' ?l lt I xJt ^ f ig $l"r !ifil I *3!iill ,9 "9.?. iigi$r€, 3C5Bt5,g.: !€ € 6- !t! ' ttE 0 t 3d 6i56 R R3 8 8 q R p I g ^ai fr9o :t FA 3 a i t !)€ l: rt- cE B :8 .ortl .?l3l rl dl ll dk El;l iEt dl"l f,lEl $El 4{ Jh sl tt tl tl EI q $ i d : 3l oi >? 6 !l<i B "-..:et5 \6 fE 5iif, i t --_€Jiai€ ij 8"8 6_8 Hi4B'e * ' J 3I RS i. : I a I 8 ;as Bt. A€ 6p T T s B d.^3") t E i5 t dT a .?& grll 1 8lc E€ 8l E Hi $" fl ..:, E E $El st8 EF !lgl EFI FliE n P gl c I ! !! ed d&8. i E.ulr gI:lr 3 I FE r$ i E *s F?r?i iei!;il aBliiiq i Y .6 s! *E$ {: t EE R I R ? 6 3 a t{ i g E6 EE .9 n E a ti!t Its !l Il gt !! t r{ ! rl t :lEl a sl?l t 5 !t !lrl,rt?"I :E|:: !Flffi , t I't E! li "tE; E3ttn3 "r$ i , !t" !.i"t; si ittii r; t!.tii !!ilE ci!E:E! €i :i:;; I:d-''t -t9rt-9 3? i:;!i : ei;fii isrliir i3 EAgF: f, t{E$; !egg!tl _ 3 3 i 3 t:r . .i, R9 {t x a a g I .i It E : #, t{ $ b I qt ;* q l.l 13 t "r€ ! r ;l !l l3 tsB c rf, rl !i !i tri fl ! rrEl da,gl$i ll9rl J8 ;! r !t l! -!t 1E -!t 1t 3:t ,!94 I '|,:l tsEII9 3Ft: 6l $ $ 5 F ! is"tFE' 3€i 3tt5:3JE H 9BF,*3S!e &; 5 u tF !t ,c t+ iq-F 9.6.! rl 8f! ef:g gEI*;ig !.?i..t e:l FEd 3 sr tt*d.tt Jets3!Ct dit3t8t. . :q a.uT I 3tor. e 6 R . t $ tt 35* ..b r{ :t Il tt 6t 6t in .rt J,3 ! .r t3i -u -s 3sh !& ;IE tl rd . t " 3l ri tlatl !fl lal s 5 t {l 9p E5 ge9 J t rg .i EE * i 6B .. t8t 3t F9" !dt9 t3.d OFF€ E rE: ' B.t.t 3"c .P5 .tt E"rE *9S 6,!t.6Bi I I z F is 3 r* rE 6 5 8 z : r: I {I 3l at &L -3 a gB Et !ts !: 1E *E :E dE ! :H. 5 3 ! :t 6 €8 f3 t3 3E t -t -?s 318 B r i,,' 53gt I "it"i3 jifiE s"-i { n t:!lE rle?. ? t r!i. natfS e€s ' tt t €5:5E3; iIFCE€ lliB:ar 9€.9: t , a [. 3A q t& "J 988 e€€dd .. B e x i iF !{ic 3 't, l 'i I .l i3 :E . tt 3 Fh3 l E e !T 'E I -14> 1"-Ee!€g!:-c!er-Eg!gl Tb. atyDilc rcttvrtv t. ..thrt ln substrr.t odettf.tld 6 tho F6&s! ot bv d t'y D.lElDg u! d'.M& n.lulns tn ltoduct c@o4!'!tt@ rtth ttd qdd tlF u.. of rDfc.Pfl.t inde , ti'e raot olytrc .cttvttJ 1. datlmil Dthod ot tt c1@. ..sv' _ of tlF tubl_ itity rn tlF ebEtiat castn .ttultad tlt! !s!t in plat t !*t d of tne epdt€d etlr.ds ,tF.. ob.t! t c*4tt.tt@ t. !.tig d.G!.d nt tlE .ctid ol trot.e' |%\-'. ln g€|rs1 trF pdodEt! 1t.k. loiF tEot tn6'!.pttrd.r .tn .ds dich .p!-r .. . r!!:lt ol laot olvttc a.ttd d 'dlnttd .FctoprEt@td@rU. O@ rpF{ch l. to 6e. u!18..t!d Fot'id 'rtd .cid .t*{lq hlsh bLcd.r retgh.t !.ptld.! llb.r.t d .r . edlt of .tzvE Gctl@ .s tp.hted di.nd tn aDldb.ne lr.\ or ah..ura.nateL r! Fad.t 2AO m\''l. n.t. of prot olvtto acuvrtt I! betDg isolubl. In ttcblco66.tt. .rso d.l,emlFd by coloEltS acld r..a.tt..sh.! Folrn I BI@urro,, [btvd!.ti\'"/ 4d n@..{EIm\ rr'l t tt€ly ,lth tn rrcttd F.drct . racito tn c.rt ID caa. dosot 51nc. ! croorrto(Z), 'thlch Ect qEnt! - colo6 Ini.Ett ol tb. foUd lirlctly to oB oedt.atld of adD .ct& .rd p.pttd..' t E.f@ .trnd.rd cEt. @ .1Ev! E.*d.d rd trr d.tarlEtlo of rr.d*t!\- / . _1?- rn"-(6) "na rarr r crertau(z) dtl!.d lodtrl.rl by xdtrr(8?) , Lo,Er .t .r(3,) aid p.llf .d Aaro(4) ee c*oorvory u..d fo! th. mN.FDt of trl.hlo.dc€tlc actd &lubl. Drodkt! ln 6!t tn qe. tl6 Dot[tMtty lordd by th. Fot@!. actl6. ldda tn crJdtlc .@ntEtton acttettt i. a.ff** mt d ds .a -tar- dzyd EtEool, tb. crud. p&paEtto of 62}f d lD 6.. of certrln (4r) lnhlbltd! lfeEmt ID th. t€5t shrl.. ln .dditld to tlEt tlE lFct!6r,hot@tric t db&ss rrrlvd Fy not .hoe ttF .Ect rea3E€ of tlf, trlchlooc.tlc actd &lubl. no 9lot tn nltrozen lnd th. .o1@ d.v.losFnt ,lt} Fol1n rc.sut\" / ...rg*d Ddld .rd by lts react d only rlth ar@tt. .ol& actd. Fptld.. ..d Uru. lt could noi b. Ch.n' ara . d.q. nlt!c8h. Bluet rectlon €n be. good -/ on & cl@lt u th. glowd! uEt It tut ottta aolm !ctd! .nd ot tl!. elubl. @ F.t lI&u elt rt.n but tt.le 8t$. nl6. {hl.h.!. tut .tr141t ln reldtld dt! ur M Dlot l@. nltlogln Drant ln flltEt \'"/. Fl@.!cm d nu.dolE l.b.l.d q6ln I! .l& aploy.d ...a !tb!tl.t t* bt D.ltt or col@ A to .dtdt F.dE.<rrby 6p.ct&Dl'otdttr Fm!.d Dh.- hllb pr.s. d.EroFd to ..ttBt Dcoto$ .cttvlty !y upto .t 4Ot .lu-itua -(Zf 'm'ae_Sg) ch.diotrptv FtlEd lt. h..n J..t@I. qantitt.. of kyp.r! & chuDtrtE ln -ta- .cttvlt' -al1r tt tlE apFnft. of dtYF a.tldt . mra pha.. colw(9o). ri FDtt.L. *p.!trl d 1.1 $b.b.t fs taoti! !9!1Y!i! L 6zy!. recud irle ohoto. ol t{tt bl. !ub!t!t t. Elt lrrtlttlc D.pttd.. a. tlll r. Fot lt hn bo osd.. .uD.b.t ! i. tlf, q.E.mn! of !.ot olyt'to .rttn &tivltv. A11 1d dltt61. TIE F16tnr *rdrt ltittat-r. .r!.h.i.! .. E. .dttrG .id 416tI6 ld th. d.o.trttd of kn@ Fot olytlc .ctivtiy rhd c o.&tt' h..@al' Dlt dblb.ia ac o!ud./Fbd' Fot "lyllc .o!!'rgl Tl* .t llllw of ttc tu!.tr.t ed.r $ey cddlll@ I. tt!. Fts, td .d .@oll d FG.d clettettr .! . .ubstlat l@ Dlot.r. Fd tEt @ 1L.ffct of dl d tlF !u!!t rt I. My eltict ,$d lr U, dt r.ngt 2.O ' in €4 of h..e8lobtn ,ht.h os oa.lt b. to t.O.!d 4.0 t 10.0 rt'1L tt s not !. qd t! . dn tn thlr th. dl !.ns. 5,0 t 8.0 !.0.6 tt it nt6.. .nd retpltlt 6!s.1(n). sdE tlr dhtrtlo d h@slob& tu rryorld rrts tr .ddlild of Ed lut tllt cs Ats ile t d.1{dlng F.ult. iltlt .d irutr.l p.ot6r. xhlch d retrEt sf.ly uod ln th. /{ r.rg! urd h u. Ct d br l!{(9). stllsly 6rtr !. 2!0 to rr,0 .rd 6.u to 11.o but ans. 4.0 to 6n dE t or Fcttthtto lt ou oa not tt e-tr b tht! %'j2. .&\" *' lrlt dttlo -ttritt otr tb qt rba t .t t .art!.t tblt obstr.t. wtld ttr -r e-t ocrltltld! ry ntv tb a!.t.t to .$.titt dr lo tb lnGg ol |! 011L D.!tid. ldrib ltd dltr.ttv of rb.E t o.todtrd r! dlrta-t 6tD -rd qrE \-'. tb Ftldt, d t !t rrt 4 itlttc ..caiuir to rn UE tr. ih.t.it .1, J#"ew a'b a 1.4 t.e.rirtlon TIE @thods ol ?rot@!o Fod6t3@! fdentltlon Gth6& u..d r.. protalc ln prtnclpal to Ubse xhtch 6!. th! ftrst .tep io 1. ao.d yleld, u6€d p.od@tton 6!. sttrlllr ld oth.r f€h.ltatlon product! 6e1ect . tle .tral' td desl!.it h.y6 t th. $let d stFrn Gy b. t p.oeed by 96. ,.u1te condrud6(e4'95) and the 6ub.t'ate .ctivatr.o($) . Sbtu&li.ously UF organls t3 nBtltatned as . pu3 Etrain bder contloll.d condltton!, In order to optlalz ploducttd ol d.!i.€d .r.the, tn! psEEterr *h as ttre pedod, pfi, t.[p€rat@e tnJlunco €nzy* stDthests and olsbor6tton,undd study .dcrudes that th. opttru condltlmB my Ery mere dre txo t.e seit-salId orgFntsn to olgFnts l.! th. .yith..lE ol Et r.d. pe.€rtly ued for nl.!6bt.1 ploductlN 6nd subne.EEd liquld cultue ieclDlq@ . 1,4.1 Serl-s1td fehhlatld, In s.nl-solld t€'nfrbiio prote..€ ale !U4l!6 rhen produc€d by curtse ftdlu ml6te.ed to ^e.Cllu &y sb6trnce 'Cd 1rcub.ted at ,0-40Co. Hrebe! yle1d of p.otoolytlc .nzrn€ obt6ln.d ql-solld femcntitld c@pa!€d iE !y io 6ubMg.d cult@6 aF report d ln tttratue (93), rr'e atrreren@..f s61-Eoltd.nd d*r3!d cultife rEs 5r -.21- 6!. ldre not b€er Etudt.d tn det3tl Eo f6r,but tl€6e dtffe.rceB ItDortal|t . .nd r.! lEt€no. tlE a!t@ Eiltd tn nt-sltd f.frtatld l! lree flon @tra rats and ool.i@d to 5q6 dly 6ubEt nc..otbe! dttfah.e i! tlBt nycelir in se.t€ttd f€ffit iid t. .rp€.d to atmspherlc a !h .nd ls alld€il to Ard adlltsn d tn It! Dtudf fdt csdtt!@ tlEt arloBd@loFeni ot lpores .rd fnttt.3 bodl6 toagdte .xtmt tlDD UD 6utoerrrd ploductld ot €lloE fffit ttd, th€ tbltd .nrymE at a ttn€ cbt l.!.d d€ Ir E..t€l1d tffitltt@ dtffsc. b ott tll fld gtnglr lusE l. tl$ dtd4.d f.Fr|t.ttd. FG ldt rc. 4tE{8!:!E 9I1!!g itE b6i s! u€d a. . @ton Eo|e. hdd ..t1€11d f..dDbttd '4{ny1ag6, plor@Be snd adDopee!1d..ellEoduccn W ih€F rs tli pEdEtIo .f !!ot.a!. lnd antlop.pttdas. !. .lDst ab4nt ln aDrdsld tc@nt tld cddltt{ f.ftnt5tld ls dtsdcnt aeoE by tnB girlln.IldeE! trF 3dl-!ol!d ln rFl€p.ci tlDt ln tl.t. p@es. dec@S!.Ir. En rot uttliz ddls tng!.dtotB cdpl.t ly dutna gtqtlt dD to cl€'|ae h .rn arb.hyilEt ..dntEtto 'l oE4tho1.!. th€ Iemmt ttm Is n6. arootlt "ho +^\. o! tr ddt6. lldlt hhtdlb o, tlF edrq 1. -tnbtFd . 1 .42 Sqbndg€d f€lMtrtidi th. htsbd yl.ld of dryd rtr d*tt6 tr @e ot ohedd t @nt€i!o, mdlh c@l6t€ of la-1t (x/!) eblt rc.! 1tr. €.bohyd!.r.. (alEGe, mr.@., Coh .yrup, .t Fh,stlrh hydbly&t ,dlllit cee6l p.odsls and ,li€t b..n) , Nltros@oG Ftdt.! (aMru etq.om.t€9 llq@,dt6t11r.s.r6lubl., ysst.xk6.t!6ol.t1r! €3.tn,.nd tl3h prot rn) ard EIDdl6 r dop.nd. upon tlE b!16r..d rnlBSlnt!-6f, *ct fotul.ttos t r th. prrpo* d*1ot aE k pi cdfid6tl.1. HNE tn ddl6 r.eortedlaF roud .utbbl. tlost of fd .t by uE thc.aF. Trt. dtlicMt BrutactceE ftu ttF tnSrdlat! p!.d*rro of a 6.rcry of .nzres\*,. the thl .@rai.l hyd&lytlc hzyrcs are subEtldt t.dEtble and thelr proddtld ts .tlnl.t d by tn addttlon of eb.tste b tlE Uqutd 1.4., the .ffet oldrr@rent I lacto.s d prot !e 6'ith.s1!r lrE l;L Trre Dello.l ol tnc,rrtlot It ts gfr.Flly .cc.Dbbl. that .xt&c.Uut,. .nrytu. aE tomd by nlcioorsants 1. rater pha6.6 of S.oetn . For i.Et nc. th. Baculu! !9c.tarm(1@) uder :ep6.t.d cddrtt@ p.odu.. Depudae ac vty .nir It ,6s obered tiEt dynth€8ls of €nz.yde $der trrst hatf 6f l.lrlthntc ph.& .o*esp.nd! rttn the groxth 6hd then rrcFa6ed r.p1dly 5t lt of gtltl.narytdE4 . T'i. out of tlrle. rntnop€ptld,qa .vntneolzad bt BactlluE Eubttltr !n l€lttlEtc pha@ uttl uF hzvmeE aB shile the ocitvlty of -2ttllld @ ls dlsplayed ln st tr.o.v d.*!s). Ii l& r€pdbd &dt!.r at difl.si th;t t.rl€ actd a.ed pcotds.. tn lbrasl. "er. glottl| dE&. ay dlfl* in th.ir ch.del et'r G ob€tud rld *E!! Dtt opttd lnd h@t .tabtlttl,.E(1v ) . la .tt o" c tnd.fG E& to cl$tfy tll. lasstbl. dlfiefu.g t! .rbbgFph.tc patts of p!6te*., sql.s th€ t Ld rt lTtlid 5tn bdG of cdilot1e ft@ cultN brot!! .nd r!4l9ttrted sith d( ?cz 3ol.r.li,h 3@116 sulpirt€LTL 9Erf!€tt6 E! erlql.drt .iltD olE@toaEDby ualna s.p.hsdd- G25 .t*sd ilEt 1?th hoE sopl€ lrd .hd. iro l..tl tt Ii $s sF?s.phadd c-50. A d B €n.t ,6tI ho6 -+& .h* dny 8tngt. t€k B. ttti! -r .rplrrrd tEt lcota$ ols eaulat d h nh. @d16 at T?t$ lroE d€aas.d.t tn. .r*l of acilc uEi F.te* r Er tbth lu8se*rt|a .trrEba tr|. .oE. of Fordrr\'-,. d6dtl, n !I|A t-1014 d&lstil ty !Eot6* .-- B (ro2) t BrE 6:id' .cld Fot€@ .ftc uEa &d fra &F F.Derlaly |dtlle V.!tIclI11@ .bh1t.a ptods. alk dr c6tr.1 ts a4F plodsit@ by a 1ls prota.G ,"r* ,r* -j3'). n of +J, ..3€rtl-1 !€6-t s ld lllrtn .nd .tsln. fh. dl of tll. a€dls docs-! dutra -24_ btcqrthe& ot cct ln 6.y@ dr t tl* f.!6t!tto ot dlani. lctib ftu tb. br..lgl6 ot !tuas, tl6efoF tls utiUati@ .t Ftassiu nttrat and oth.r Fd1@.lkrt1F ,ttEgd .06.! d E9dtd to D. a.d 6nd tb. dl t! lrli colt d by to: L€aO Ut cira &d!a 'Vrt!o:ld. d rvibcrlldl'c .ctd 6f trE a$qt cd6iEtro(10!), ror rst @ tl irnttd fr .:l$r. d ur Faiu n@ 4., io 2.0 dst!|a pEt€s by tspe!3tlls ntg+ 1E ds t o4ato lctil fontLd' d.cF*. th. (td). F.ta.a blosynth.4!. (t*) *-.**r"o orn "oo*.".t' trE rdtral Cl ol tlE EdrE h.d ! tEotddr eft ct d Fota* lvntlF.I. E fi&! tgllll-u :Jadl {d trr r:t'! d"t* qn1rr.& Es .tbere.d tn fl.sk6 ull rEd b.a odJEt€d to 5.0 plte to s{.!t1l,atl,6 a.d t}. 4rr$Esis or Dlot .4 decltrFd 14i(16) .aJ*t a .t e .t hfuha fl E1a. . Hoffi !!!! 5.0-?.o ldtrally s.G !r!h yL1d or Fot-- 13,1.1 Eff.ci ot t Epstd d in lfod@iid of !!ots..t a alrlif,.d p&fo6d effedt of lb. t rp@tle d tb. gett]} Df !t@ d th. F.datlo ot E rB de!.od! m tb FtR cgElts. !6 lFt s. tlF prdstlo nl!6t at jrd6tral 6t Fot !{ 6, rl€& ty Dw bct d! .rd aD 6ptilu tr@@i@ t! Fp@ted !€ld ' go and .sh &1& .F kEE D!.DhlUle tn FtlE*. -d!u p!.drito 1@1 -6- For.le .t t-tco br P.nrcurlu D$!(16), trr:sg!::, *rt"r(1@), r*- o-lrJl@) g*g' dglsr(to) * u '.0-t "na ot r4..tlsry r 25c6 aad ,h.!a3 tneGlhruc .trd! b.G a o9i1@ lcad€itd t D.&tG !n trs E s. 6t .t, t 5to rd lEh hio t qebn Fd|g trr tr* ot cqlt !rEtro(r@), ptotar uroryotuars iy Prr|flrir glglt !-1014 E. !€FFt it to b. dt@ rtEn crnt@ E! 3!or' .t 50C". 13.rr4 Em6t ol .lEi.tus @ dzld !aod@t16! 9a',1!a ol criltE. Grtt[ dtntatu u. bmg6.1b tg Epld tLtsldsld .td dljrg 6f Edtu cotd.trt€. rU& tt @lr€1r tf, ie'!.Et4 .dl &tubtli? ot s.!.! (!ucb It 6@ttsrs .h.ktt8 !8... pl.detrd ard by !s .ryEay'obd dldld.) rt of tlE .ultu.. fd 9lotag. (r0a-111) lt1cs6c.6 4. t. obr&rta, .! lepdt d !y !d rdtE rtattgrry .. c1I a lileditnttt .r.Lar ol t.tt c!tn!.. fdll.d to {rtlt rI4 tn 6ryE !t sisnrtlqnl1d1. fid€c! 4!!g4E!4r t!od@! hlghe Fot .Ee yt.ld h botlr lttut1d. 0n t}! otl|a (112) ochra.€c h.nd Pqftflub !$edt x -1o14\'-l .'d $EE!!!!!!!E_ 9p.'' '"rt'w -'rFodatl6 of Fot6e at rri.@ cdna. cddlitd. 1 n.4 Eaf..t o! Nblhta: 1.4,4.1 Effe! 6f €rt n @..! C$bohtdrat 6 a. mEt lrDortant cl.s ot 6rb@c€ou. nubtht !o! t.t@t!t16 F6.r@. u.d !n ildeds.lrd, .ltrroudr .d b..tsL1 arn oDE .p€c1.6 .16 utllt4 .rt& ..t<1., hy&edbd! codpohd..6. c.!bd !dc.. R.qutr.@t of c.lbon blr dlfl@nt sp.cie6 of olcrcorsantln Ery td c2 m1@t.r ( lc.tic acrdj €uEnot) to .oplq mred.! (poryscchltd.6, le.t tn!) ud .m Mttc rR utt112.d E.furly\'-l . Th. urdt4tl6 ot lrdu.t tat brs!.duct6 6! agrtcultlEr sat. rhich 1. rot oth@tse u.€fu1ly pr€@ar @cblel In tlE laodatld of fffitattE .u€6,tll. .Inple cd4o6d. c.-"od' Th. us. or could b€ product!, !au!d uEn i.tE tr€ 6l ddt4E \ r"//. drflent tF..r @nohydla+r.ldts1n t6 leFrt€d rD t,|. FodEtl@ of tne Drot€olytic €r4,tu. by tlr. itcledganttu. ad tn t *€ a 3!od r&ld.6t D!6t?'*! srroE6r- by @ !t!:!g! rn a culr4 d€dtr dpplffit€drtur !6 potlto st lch ,r*.oyb..n @r.nd 1d r.rry !.D.r.t !t 1.Eortdhy .f Drot lbtA\'"'/ hd XlEn .t61\"// dtun.L4t d hrsh.! yt.ldB 6.. Fld*trd !y rn-d !tg!E rh6 dlt|N r€dlE 6. ruler.ftlr.il dih lf odEt€.D ltqu.td!s {ttn t( s1lft4 a6. €lbd .o@.. ig::g!!!]g 9:Ig9 lhor.d st@ prote& plodetrd rh.n crdrw mdtqrrd 4D91.6t d _27_ rrth rtei bEn (tt4). otrotb *. *t-r r€poltcd by Abd€l-Fattlh epplffit d .t FoaEtld of !&tee h.! .1(115){hn basl au1t6. n dluo l. ti+n .uga! 6o mfaa4. lnst€d Eff.ct of nttroaa .oac€t tt. !€qdldai of ntt4o nicr.-or@ni.c ts wlsttl. .nd as cdn gt@ a ntd.iat fd tne ertn of {.rI tn ,t6t.v.r b' lllt ortaln of rlt!6ss E@e' t€E i1n.a.s t 'e bio!v.th€.i! of a pglttolt! !!od@t .@tit b€ udc in4a.€ ot dlffeqt ni6oa.n 3dN.! t. Godided td .nzyre produ.ttd rhlI. alllMlm saltr oe f.uDd an .tc.llerf nitr'ss I'nl\ .oec td trl. sldtn or tt.r orsant#'"". tn ss6l to uttltz. botn rn"rs.ntc( nlt€t.€'rml6 d a$d16 E.lt.) a.. caDabl. 6nd orcsrlo ( ariro a.tds,popttdeE, rtlt€in hvdlo1tst coorr.d ce..l.6d rtlk rhq) nltiosd li)lfte. Varlow niteg€n .dcer ced gldtll of fqgt fd trE rrodEtro r6Dorted dF rd .11 ntdo rn ut bv or Dsotas !' rr 3ovbdn'ft3h !ol' g,o,tr,(105). duforat tdk*' ln tb' /rra\ sh a. ChopE 't ar\"-/, tlEt the dlflereni i.olat s ot $PgEqLE I!g:! Ep6ct€ obtrt!*l frd dtff.rdt .dccs ha€ dtffa.nt EqutEmt of nltlosn ..@€t tn prct66e blo€ynt6€t.'f@ tctaF. lslate q .nit Ar( kolttttl tM d.@.ed Enbuca otflctnalld ca.!!n.nd cltru. n€di, fDtt. F!!.ctrFly) -2eDroduc.. rrld !6oast!6 6f Fot{.. tre .tun18 nltEt tE t!.d .. . nitr.ao d's rtw .. r&r'i. t (rFl,i.d fld !5gg dd.:Hdl) Foduo.! opillu !fota!. 6ryE {tEn asprEEtn. 15 qd .. . nltroC.! o, anUnn .t a1(117) haw r.Do't.d rrlt hlC!.! Fdstrd yl.ld ot C.nt. futu |16 -dlr Fottr s. ..hlcatt .i6dlrttt {d .upp1dt3l f,lt! €*tn !s!ad ol e*h hvdtolt.t .! . nttos-t &@.. 1t!. lndsild .ff.ct 6f tlt dmtc.d F.t tn ot .a! $tt!int-t* ctu €t .r\' '"/ b uF F.dEtld nrdulan.nd oa dt !c.rlul4 Fot6t tt ss !.pdt d tlEt t{o to t}E& ro.ra Erater tn t0' tt lgggEl: rnomt or .rEa..Uul!r .ctdlc,rqrt-1'ri.lb1t6 Fota&. B qDllr.dad |tn cultd idt6 n! !.f e8a 4Ep16.nt€d ,tth h6i lflctt{t rhlt . th. cdFantlE .b.tl.6 ot tE of *tE .rn ,!t ..110L! Fot64 dqby d .ga rhlt I! !1&. .l Dlra.apn .oE . tn tlr. F.dtilo tt &.i.|!. qltndld9@ !.Ddt d atd.l falt h.t.l(115) !uss!!t.il mdM lcodq.tl@ rn o@ ot.d..i..! 1tq6 ,h.r 6.d .! n.ttr€ad !trd. ln co.Fd@ Itd!-t rtr.t ..d Da64 .1a€ rlt ye.t dt!.ct . r..hi6to .r ar(1'e) hv. 6,F- o. ."r*"p,1ftilo**.- Fota* t' adaanLtr rhpontt f,-toi4 ty ualng dtftc.rt d€anlo .1ir6ss or lndc.nto .td .Mc.. .{rt!t:tdnt.d iltl| rtFt t6n dltc. r.<Itu .td thg'obld.n tL! .'dls arts ru4It rNH4tFo4' (xrl4)z!?oa 'd Etp, r! tlF !.rtF dt o.l t 1,q( t@*..8 tlF 4ntt6d! of 'ot'l !tot6*'rb$' tL o!.tlttttat oi €.dlr nltnt d@-d ilt rynudtt ot tlt d' otr tl! ots h'td Gsrnro ( gorvlct'td" test qt!t't'ct) nlth'd .6!@ r.d D.l!'|lflant ?ff.st d Ot rytll|t'rt ol Fot'*' Sl_dtDlt th€ sbraty d !1o6vntrl..t! of Drot .!.6 bv s!r@' @g !'!'o1" 3f@ und'! ac.. ( c!E!' 'td rda'!lrc)' t4tF t'd uEt tn 'D o!.! Fpld. .nit lvBtn rd tt b.ttd nltttlo tdo" tLn tndgttl' d1ff6i .rt os- nlhorpn "t -.(120). -to- 1.5 PEIJi6i!6 of Ntd4. 1.5.1 n6!!qr-e!-l!ts!99llg!3!-!!91!9!ei F.m.nt d b!ot$ ." o@91d aqu'ouE ntxts' 6l otlltrsrubl' trit aid M odw+lttr' ln.orulrc €:ir.c.llula! lcodwtt 'cohvdtlbL tre s!a6t'd fd to Eleult! o'11rn!! ftd Pa!tt.l.! .. .ub.ht tlEtt dlff@c" In t'!t! 6t dv5t41td crdtel st4 iltffGitrb 'tc' rao!4ii.. dh 6. !14, d6.Itt'&1ul'l1ttt' or 6't b lq' Fi&r'c ant d.GtE @ uF f4tEe! $toh a1ldt 4Fttlto $lqtld t ..d tr uslna @ filt!.t16 aid c'itir'stu-(9) ' Dlft.i.lt E.!6FtId !f@'!-tE!"d {t€p.!4na upon th. Daod@ts W drfr'rht r@t<'!' deltrtd' !o! Intbnc€ tn tn€ '€D'raiid of rot6!6 trd l6thr d.tclto$rl's f6s1t ''' l(4!Pd4!1I' d!!:' E!9!q!UE !!:g9, EP!:AU!' lqutslo '44!!@ -l*ierl 'P!'Eelll'!-r clqrng!' E494rrgi g4p6essg'' pacc oDF.! E4'ull-r {l'qcd!g,| turgt4)r -o!p"."r:r* r,',qg'('4"16) "d lnd P9!!9!111! trrouCr ntttn .tr"---(rzz) wcelt fM fMt d blotn !v tl1t'tto !v@1la ftd tc1 lilie F!et, flor.la rx.r nort- "t "l(1t2) *FEt'<t mtt4 uE@8tr ' cu1t8. both dtatnlng !l.lt 'lotttq atd !G6t'o1vtt' s.d.ck oi "t(121) @d oetri. -5r2 r,t, th. 1.E6!€d b!ou! of -r1- P.nlctlllu Jsthrsl1r to ficl trt' ttF filb'tt@ F@'86 fe l,}r s.Fdtld oI {c.11r, uEoulh &!.ntd frd ,Br brotb urough by dtrtflaatt@ ai .r i1(11 llltd 4ooo pr.B6. frllttto F@rtr I9gq!&!q4c'1ta bv BucrlA /o\ t g td , d!ut'3\'/ ' )rsokied Fotes. e..dwti@ on flN'l' loudd th' 6tn'! h'nd tdf'r E!!crlr+]! Iqry!q+! rrd cdtE bv .}!.1tb thlo!6h c'ntrlfugallon !t 10oof fo! 20 'ttut" 614 !fl1tp6r' ttlt'r' fo11o{ed bv tlltratton @lns 1'o dtfa'nt !6e broth by !cp6!.ttna ,nd €eh as o.Eu .nd 0.4th. plod@r s.f.dl dthod. .t' @d t6 obtaln t$e e'k'cellul'! tn a c@c€ntaied fon pr.stnt !t t'tte llquld pr€:' 'I 3eh as plectptbtion' e6p@ttdn s'd prcctp.lt€tl.n d.th.d tt 6'sttv 1n6 cult@' rcd6' ultrsftlt'at16' Ho*thr s' enplov€d fo' eatEc'llubr t[ot'45! ts'lalld l12r,l |un !vcroPr!'! ; stntrtcitv. For tr't'nc' p'_tas'E frob Pentctll dL '. pellculru Janl4bel]u(2u)']!9.*-rr* -'*lt4(t') !gi!9-!(t) re' ol 5o-3oi{ adonlu and !!4bE4! +r'' addttron prectDltlted rrob c€1r rree cult@ ttoih bv 6urphtt€ 6nd prot€Baes ftd Psl"lr-lq arcc 2/r56(12t) 6nd !:!9l9roqE9_' iglg,rrdlu lie!-cor'{t ,.F ltatpit tld ft*'11 ite cult@ $i*u. r.s l.ft td one d_lPoil {-rola\ c'r'vr'ra' \''_' broth uslDs cold etbnol 'nd hou at Aco' Th' precittbtes obt'I!'d te' tlp '' 4FEt il by .6tdfua!tt6, trE ooll*t d F..tptt t ! dt..o1r€d t lpDiopd.t bdfa6 !r. dt.ty..d .g!ir.t eG hufte .t n!!ht . slood c@sul6ilDg Droi.ad trod i- 4*r.s €s lcerprt t€d tt!. qoe€ts b1E of cult|E b.f@ tEuE pultt@itd, th. 9€t !.dwtton tn o€rt courd b. chl€!.d ueina tr.. 4Co td oE! c.tt &6 culiE€ brotn ot rltrr .6ton (r4). tcotn e &ds.d t Iru btd. ult .ttltdtl@ prca*!. .c. rn!ta*. curte€ bloth of Srb$tfacnu gg1!Igls!!g usolran. Diono tlrbau@ sy.ti adt coc.hd Fts.n. Ur_10 uErng tJ6 antcd TC -s I. dlalyr.d oE ,ight i!.trst P.€clplbttd xlth tnorglnlc ert! o. u.rr8 orSsr. &r@t. uttiattltiattd t€clbrq@! FlEll, dir. od.@.<t ,rth ,6et€t! and ,hcttdttd .r ad ,tti tt.tt d Nc.s tc 6?- DEttlo{d, PElfl€tld ot dllnlc Dl.@r.! & cftlr, .chLrtd b, @rrS @ d t}l o6nblBtlo of tlE torrdrrrs .lEdto8r.ph1. !.ubi|! .uch .! (A) C.1 f!ltEu@, (B) t@ .rctj.,. .nd (c) Aaqdk chfoFros.dv d.p.,runa ulon tl, EtR .nd .t4 ot tll FodEt _l@ul.r. h gd drdto8Rph, irE GsaDt .ub!t E . @ er.ht€d m flr dilfdenccs tn b66ts 6r th.t! ..}*ut.? .!rc ty Disstn€ th6 doh thlough I col@ contrlntnA sioller s.t !€tttcte6 ot apFopalate BtEe & uEt tt r6.Ae Dl.cule.E eldt d 116 set befoF tl,c m1r.! &r.cule.. heE6nily tlEee tyDos ot s.t! a.e @d In Sel ch!@!og!aphl, seh .! ..!hro@ (!3!o$), .epb6d€, (co.. tr*ed d.xrEn) .nd Bres€1 (pory€clyt_ a'ld.), TrE r$1att6 or tho p.orltn botcd.s slna ft of the eel! ts tuc.Bsfutty a.h1.Ed abov€ For Instan.. uF err6cetlu1.. lfores€s of lurftert 20ttl, t_Fowh Aer by 3.1 cb.mtos!.p1,Jl sodl6 bdat€ buf€r of SEpbJ, ana rcport66(12?). phr.rltr@ cJglll{,ee slng !eFd.: pH chldt C_?, .ollb, €qrdrtblEi.d rttll s,5, contatnlns rroid ilacl lnd o.o2* s.dt6 ur. &acrton. xe.. etut.d rrtn th. se luffFg4) IBI Ion dcharc ch.ffir.caolsr a21d. and ' I4 ton exchqnse bo6d to goups ol chlomtognlhJ th6 blologtet mcr6Doteule. a!. the oppo.it€ ch.l8e ol t6 dchrn3. mtrk. tnd th. seDaEtton ot bowns!b6t!rc.. ts .6hieed ,h6, tn6 .tntl* .ha.a6s {tth ozyre p@lft€rlo, strona tortc .oncentElton an aDprop.tat pt 4.. rcc@d.d to Frnt€t, 8nd on ttie ton acLrvtty or *clEnse! t,},€ hlAh dDd and .r&Eolyre! .l uE sr. erced . For $ttsf6ctdy al6. 1dl.tc stlhgth ot .r@t cha.s. bofl! or he .lryrrc ,.ot€tn thi6 iould allo retrh rh. gotubtllty en4m\''ol. td rDsbnc. tJF ?@o and tord pulrtotl@ of tJ! qt!...uul.r Drot.!. of C.ptatolDdl@ .!*t.B h! rpct 6t.r'- i ulne DEIE uE Daift@tl@ ot p&teo r (o . by 5.t rr seCEdd 4-50 f6rto&d bt sDhlder C-rOO, ,r,.- cdblDtto of trE t{ d!.rr.t!!.nd 3d tlltsitd 5.0 .nd 1.5 f61d rn rt tulrp€cttEly. st IlEt, Ds.ies rr "t &@9:!9gr 9qe!49Sff !.tna DEA! sepad., t-50 *ttn na! nacl and 31n3!. srdg t oJ6fi) cmhtrattd sladta! rn o.eh dblrrD€ bdta of dr 7.o .l t6 d.lE gE. d cormEt tly .Eit.bl. bn .f tlm (a) 6t1u1o- t@ .rctb,ae ..d (b) oqt eEh rd aor.nsa rF iod nfr 6dtrbl. fd tlt putflcetro ot azycE(126). td qohnse dtftst clFle gtdD€ or dnldlc d cletel elffi a!. .tta.h.d itib c.-tutoe bv/rdctrd ud+ corroried oodttt.n. of ddt€tret|d .tn td lftt (t..6 trEn r !€9/s) e o'@h b.@lE ID @1ru1@ (, rdsh l€El Ey &!16!r. us @u!:.oe xd 6r J tr'. ld tftt atlds and.lutt6 of polt6r&o&tcs in nlld c..dlil@. In c.llul@ lon elchisF .y.t6 r@t€rE (n-{Hl+) .E absb€d d to or{.tlul@ 6trd1c brndtne €:clanse. ( oeu'tlo*-4oo-) !t I tt .Dov. uE ro&r6btc por.t (,h.e plot.in har. legltrF crE!a.).p.ot rD (R-4OO-) .r.b@h.d c.Udo* .ntd16 etEDs.r. on t Dm, - 16 4.hisr rrr.. e Fi4 l@tuble DortE l9c@ It Fbt bst rynthetl. Id dcrEn3. r..tN (poly.qr.!d. .ynthslzld ,ltr tb€ cdblFtld of ltyde ed rlwlbqr.rb .6 portfttbcryllc tb cdniaitor l€a 6t vtwlba'd.ra Ftb6yuc acrd) rttn fr SFta @laclb d*lop.d irnl btoto3t€1 Th€ .*h.! dd. cffi!.uy 'tE aGtLbl. l@ tlF b..t E&lutld 6l iL &l.cul6. do.t -OH Unked hlEh potrid! | -g),, -aO- 6 ||'. @ contqtn anidl,c a'|d @ttonlc Eroup! dblr dcr.nlp rttr blml*rd.l *'. (C) Eftnlty ohloetos$Fhyr c.l liltFtlo 6 Id achru. crEdbsnpl!, lr t. wr Fobd. to! ..!oEtld .! bloloAtcal Femt.od6s, *h !! ,mt6tn,ro1y*eh.dd.! .ttd tuletc 6otrt!. Ho,€q itE to ngtislbl. d.rtt t!@ tn udt dvstce ch.trt@l prcp.ltte€, ihe.. EtlbdE pulit€tld:*ttl hydlolysla 16 r@t", ar ombelg@ and trk6 nuch r!re tD tlF .4u1t d6 to d.[tEtt@, o1o6gF, drvnilc et , ! 6st.i._nbL .eut of .cdvrly d6t!S l.ot.t]d prd.t@ To ov€!3om tlts rttlftculty o @...Is,6D.! rfftnity chmt gF*V tr deEloFd tb G6t ya.. f6! uE l|Etttotto of btologtel Gdrh16u1€! on tlE b!Ei. ot tn 1r drEcie.tsu,o plopett.. to b&n dtn otlr! Dteul.. sFciftdUy anr tlEltbly L, t6rnS a ->t spdi!!. dl.&cbbl. duE .ub€trre. d lrtdttltd. !@h .. dztlra !ub6b!t d.nryE trlh.tbltd oo.dq.. d otbc tul.qil.B tdn.64u rhicn co.p1q e !6ci .!.clr[y dth @t!tn rl.cdG. Fd tDat r acttct d !Ft64 of torln. ht tr .Dd Ebbli 6t ltt l rel. putfl.d .nd ,lf1nliy crrdbg!.tv by MroFhobt! trtddr@ tlt 6tctr iq. usrrS drlvtl.d.ee cLl6 a*t --rn sCE&s(1!). srrrrsrr.cla lcoerlu l'@ r.belruE EjEOI ad !qa!E !Det.€ t@ ?6ulcit .raodt e4plv uer!|l rrk Dtrt@ ,rA aril l s.4 C@ by .ffblty (1v,1?\ l-E.Crr@ e4.ctiEly fi@ntbt fi@ghlty ol . btoDolt@,. r*drt FF-td to ..t b1t!h.<t pEl @tlon & d@n.trat d by a .hgr. b.r(r m 6!r.c t .lntqEs of .sFFtrd .rp1ot€<l .rah 6. Sl|5 .1@tr.drdr.rs, urt drbttwAttd, tg@t*trtc l@d.!,thln Lta rrn p.F! clEdt r!.dry $toh rdrlo+rr tn tl6eE.. tbt laot tn 1! !!e tln rtrp6rtr.s.nt r! a: .ccprrd drt dd. F@ rEt.d trE rr-s.n!t' or Fdo'€ or !9!9:!!!!s rr,u,rnorr-(26), a.r P..louur !ggt!\"/ and @!rtd!g!I!r rut!!nr!4@r"/ I!r. odrtd by rhdlng..lrut. t ttd ulrra ${,.t.dboprsGEt., tn d.t!.rpi.i uF t:!&lr.!!.l! !.qerdu prot-e F!.rtt6rrd Fdd., iodt6 .t 'r(,i) dtuoct t d flE lpotB 6 d.ddtn3 F!.r ohldtodhdv sws.6t1ns hFrti.r r .h 'w tctlr lbFd hr d6..t! iu.1ya!r lnd td -r' ex.h.nsE chlomto3Epw rllileu u! "yntrr.u" to .cht€vo the ftnal honoaenlty of th. p.oduc!. hmsenrly o?sr.Clnocec6 6E@ poptra"6(1',4),"" dorchstFted llys crir@t e€thy. lE*ty"ln(rrr) aB Btnsl€ spot by uBtns ",d thln Penlcllliu by expamui llnt . tll.m6phiti. fuaE ard . Bft p!op@..t 1t.k ln 1409, bolongs to the ktn3dd of TlEttophvt3, .las fusi Irp.rf*Lr o d rh*edln6e\"'/, lt tsd Dtlnt p.Lhoscn rbgs, los€. &!tt 1n tlanEr! ad sto6s€(lr6). penicrtl u gllEnu t. and so-9d applo dlstltbuted rn a *Ide Eng. ot $tl oa dtfferot rtur€ rhoush out ti'e rorldr ert ndtng trd luIace .nd depth dd to 42 rnche6,3..tt. esron to +^he subt oplcs an.l Thde are naeroa fbn Eea 1ere1 to hlah €lpt.. 6o!(1',?- 1'9), tsldts ilEt tt t. i$lat€d l!0r s!$ l.El ,$1i s!3h,s11ne b€ch,the root reston 6f ash, c1orers, $a mtetdanpttsy, nests ard tdtlEs of fr.€ ltytns blrds,stded 6ppl..,grains of {bst, cdn b.rly,.asto. b.ar, to6to, pod. of :rolnd nurs, stored Feai, net lroducb, exFngh frozen rrutt, eke doad and forc Fttdly ardtng flurt adult .Aar and Capek agalr att€intns a d16@ter of 6.5 cn tn A-14 qutcEy tlEoush cold iuicoB(117). coloDies on 6!oD at 2tco, The colonle6 are Sser€rty yhtte at !rr* tes, dlt 4rract d,y. Hho nu!.hadrlg yelld to ble AE.nr Dd. c€l.ndtn. srea or *a. gre. xlth rrpenlng of th€ c6ndra. colontog s.n stno.Ely nouldy,llke ol rottd appr" or ardt& r!urty(14o), Tl;" s"o*th tnblbit€d tn vlt o by dpeclos and a net or c@hllodlelr an anttbtoNtc rct roltte of ClEeton1u bollre 6btatned troh potclUtd pgMl9g9ls .nd -9pcntquu roo(1 1.6.1 Product€ 17) ot P.ntcllltw ednlu! f6!cll1t6 dp.@ t! ted rrdelv rrv dtrl46t Y6**t rt tlt dtlcild o! btosyntlE.tg ot hydlolvtrc 6t aE oi toxlc/ .nttbtotlo tl'e nlo6y.tn 816 p.oroFctr'..(1t' 6r+crr.rerc(151 Ari.!rh. rdt r 1n and th. dganlc copo'tna Etwe. ot hydrorytio .na,ft. sEh .! '4+ovr...(141 '142), 146), tn* ta..(rr?'14s),,r"*(t*), rr*prllsl, ), erruorytt arym(t?), p +r*o"ra.*(151), pho.Dhat!&(154) lnd p6rydrta.tcoE*.(1'3) reportea uy ertour P.'tdlrtr @9!!g o Et@1 .rd .tnth.tt. n€dlt 6dd @ dl-&ltd .ultc cordtt.tdr. Fe tn.t @ ..,- aw] e by u.lDg subclsed btoElntlF6is ny P€nlot11i6 6:pan$ Btlatn r-1045 (tRiL 54r) usrns cd ste.! l&E .rn gtsoe Fdts wde etnFA,.d cdrt@ cornrtr@ h"E ben lit nt"d ln urlt d stat€(141). 1.6.1,2 Tdtc com6d. .nd anilblollcBt ;c€iyrct\r@brD{1t9),2,1 !uty1.B s1r@r(l60),p.turrnG6r-15',) ana crtrrnrn(1&) @e .1& rynth.dr.n by P.ntctlltu elplnEu ullna app:,. .y.! .rtc.., .!pl. lut@ rtt! rtffil b.oth(r@6t r.dtrr lotlto datbe nroth ltd .rt .ct .t!t s@o&) oF Et'm1 .rn 6dt!1.L1 !.dt. r'ATENIA!5 TIID IIETHODS -40_ ?4c--.848$!E-!glq@!gr ?,!_-!c4:s Ir Drcdi ddt rlc. r[rk ot Id-P.k 6 colr.ct Dll!!lc! L!!kE 6,.trd,P.*t.t ! c. u!.d tlEouah out oFrrel .iusl. of rt6 bult E. @t.d d froi ric. nttl lrllaF th1. .t!dJ. \16' oul by !€portal mtLd! '166) It .o.l.t6 ot h.rta!1u16i eUuloo .tit tlt^b .loia rttt! tlabt. c@ponotr llke 63Fnlo nltro8E!, d.s.l! etl Itdd.. 3J,€-sE4s:P€ntc11lt6 g3!g!' ltnl C-t(l ,9|61 Es obi.ln rl of ttloroblolog, Uniw.ltty .f cla.a., UJ. Th. 2?to and d asa! st!nt!, .dt tnins ?l b.to.s.! , orgF lta trd tr D.Fltdit .ls sa tutntlln d !t F t F !r'd A d.ttro- RmEd .!ra sry ultE -nth6, 2.1.f Ch.rl@1st All .heotdl. u..d sF o! .dlyttel gad. rluut f6tll* 2,2, iE$oDst 2r,1 k?6frtl6 of in@dE Th6 .p@. @e e!.p.d ty Gtns lodp and ghtle ltF|.in8 of tlF tub.! tr{ tlE rto.k colt@ F$rctted rit$ !t€!11. dlltilld rate. re!. cotrtfqed fd ]o rtrutr. .t dtotiUed on splttntc ootlttuas ( Hea.E J-150O fi.C.mrv ) lz,(DOrDr. iats.nd Th. allq@ts th€ tlr. !F.e reslds E! EsEFnded .orcot@ttd of inocutu 6! Gtnt tn 2,2.2 Biodnth..lg of Boi@.. In tn st€ltt. d jO i 106 hrw.! '1 ot b.$1 Edrr(167)-r.or* "t r, e.o (reFdrt r) cdt tF tns 0.t a or rtc. husk fiF pdd.! (40 mEh) sE t!r.n !,2, !! cont@l Frrqy fr.*! ,!tn colto pluss.d r@1 .rd 6ut@bEd at lJ xrlcj2 fe 20.r^*.., Clso& .olution of a lodn 6tr..gth autdtav€d s.prlatlty E. rdd.d .dtl| 6t riur.d ptp.!t€.. TIF flasts sE t.aulrt€d,Irn 0., d., rdurr contalnt.s 50 r 106 Bpee./ol arn incrbotd (cltt.nranp) ai 220 rd6 tnclbat€d rn !. oo6t..l .lErria o,lrtol .ev tr-1 61 21co, Th. coEa of blosynut.El. of ptot€olyuc .n.vhe @6 fol1d.d by r.tuahs co.lel flGt. atta b€nt, fo@ ho6.lrt€Mlr TIE cultw tcoth ,r! *paEt€<l xyceltutcshld fld iyc.I16 !y ttltrtld irE6,reh ,rEttur,to-l fttt ! !.0d, ,ltn dlE rlcd Ere to rtuE &lur,t. s,ym.d a2rej.ct€d dE to p@r htta..1luLat p!6tea36 6'!"iiv' rhere as 'ult@ blol.rl ,ss studted fd €ttFtto! of 4t!6.eUu16r p.ot6se, 2.2. lff€ct ol The tlft E. optlom 3rdth 6f ircuhotlo 'aE leub€t-Ion tt@ edlo<t 9n ch€ck d aa stnd.t€d by deslb.d tn t$€ ectlon 2.2.2, .i dtffe.eni tlre The Ensi4 tror 24 tlE stand.rd 4tnod D.otelvttc acttvtw 16 to 120 l6,6tM acttvtty ras obt trod tr tlE D.ltod 6f r'3 houa gror.th ar !h.m tn 22.4 Elf€ct of dlffddt Ebd orotae enzret The and effect of srEoe ilth sJntr€EI3 s. and cornEteep 'tubut Bouced o the lwtlElls of extecelluld Uquo. r nd16s!€.,ratftno4, €Eros6, F1tos 11.6 busk ftDo pdd.!( 40 studled. Ctucoa, se.ose, m1to6e and 6epaEt€1y aDd added DtagF.D dsh) d plor2oe latftnoer@ .terltt..d agept!€uy th. cuttue Fdih b.fore !tuu16tt@ . Ihe t.@ulat d fl6Etrs *e. t..ub6ted tn c.oted zj'cofor 5 days ond r6.ur!s are 2.2.t lffeql6t rtc€ hGk tIF dbtt t *Etlns l*ubatd at lhoh rn-Iabt+6, ndd c.nc€ntrattoD ot rhe -rrect of rrce h)Ek ftne po{der (ao resh) rn rh. cdcatlatron Ersr.€ f.oo o2t ro 2.os p€r too nr cdr@ mdta ar a @bs ssc€ d pfoia6e synihe.tE h. Et!dt.d. The ln@urat€d lfast. rd€ r*lbated rc 4> 4S ho6! .t z?Co .s d.&rib.d t, sttd 2r.2. Th E&rt. 6F dft ,, 2.2.6 lffe.t ot rdull rg d Eolio su@r5, ara optlu di of F6t€E rj,iflE.f. sr stdl.<t by nrnt hfr|a oultu€ edta at dltfe.nt gI, E.atnS Iron lr, t! gror Th. asbr.rt tt E. .djqtld rtth lf,1 d r.B srrd our b.td. 6t!!lUaild, !t ott Th. ltrurltld b' .t€lnad Btl|d a. .icslb.d ln etl6 .nd lE,rbrUd 2.2.2t n mrlM dyrtlElls of petqe n6 obslElt.t llt Etu.! of about 6.0.€ 2-2.7 Effet ?ne oa .ultlft edta .ontatning dce hultt .xpatur.pc€ !GD*to,5a 5o r t€r!.8n4! Ersl.s f6 to 55 co E. ob*Ed to b€ @ 25 n@ lhcd.t€6 srtr p.nrotltl@ to6 !pd.s/i1 rcre td 4s rEubt <t.r diar€qt hoE., rrF prot6* EDt 6t. a! rrco as.hM i, llsFr, 2.2-A Eftet of dtffeht nlborh .@. d tr€ m6dEtrd .f, .rErdrrrrs tt6ts* slEr rn er.c. or (mt4)2 Sot ln Ui r.mnd r.'ffit tio Ddlu. tg,IO_ $ uF lim .@.nbatld .! a rlt oa6n loee q. studtod .ccddin6 to tlr .t n.t t.l EtlD.t.! d€lelb.d tn Git@ 2.2.2r Th. $€u1ts lXO3 and laXoJ .E FldE€d tr a.!16 ?. 2.2.9 kbaotton o! Ip'tF4tlular Eotad frd Palcllltu .r'tjo I bdn retst't ol t!.e, tb1.d q'ell! s. 8loutd ln E roull rctat tn F.rmc. 6l sl.B Frde ,ItI lc. cold lrb.dEt burr+ dr ?r, TlF dto.t Gt @ntrlfusF{t rt 12,0m Fot6e .ctlrtty !p[ le accdding to 2.2,10 h6t@s asa ct Itote.se .t ! ntdtd end th. &4.@bnt eB t!.t€d to! Drot6t .*t -tlbd a. -polt€rl lodr .ctivlty tn tl.. cu1tG. tr.th snpl.. Er d.tdnrmd or petjE,,ra by tL rut"r(&) t odbrdtie,tih Lh.! of L@r et r1(3'). ro 1.0 dl ot cult@ blotrr, ,.0 nr of tr.-+tct ll'id dt 7, of ca&tn &lutld (0.1t a'd rrcubat€d ai bco ?o 2.0 actd 15 otnut r& pH 2.5) {e d .t lrbE lsctld drt6., 6d,C.d ard k€pt td 20 .ddcd 2,0 !L of 1tg ard blchtdEc.trc dhut . ai rod t np€!at6., Th. p!..tprtrt€ F. rtuval tt cffttflgdtr@.t 4oooa tq to d.ute.. In an 1.0 d 6r&@t ol th. abo€ of o.tx.od1u hJ'dtdld. add€dr Tho .U6tt11€d !d 1,0 !r of qt Fo:r1,r t6tal bttn E. tlFn cd. npi. Et., A rtueai.d or.!@t!rt,4,0 it trEtur !-S€nt 1O,O tr! by ( 1!r V/V) r4 ldiU|€ 4.0 dt ii6!b1€ bl* c.1@ de!.to!€d s€.lot rotEd afte 5,INt. at FotB.. .cttvtty sli s. th€ rit Et d l rla of ty&!In. deflt€d .E tlE .tu6t ot drv- ttri add tl!. 6tlndad drdiitd of .!E!y, 2.2.11 !.t€rddtt6 of dot3inl P.ot tn cdteni of the botn 6nd twc.lia1 by t E EUhod of Ldry €t al'-".rttl bdlF .€u albrln .6 6 .tatrdald. 2,2.12 lt.IltrldF siudl.a on tn. cnd. d,re: p.ot€& act&lty E€ fo1ldrd .t dltf4qt ttr p.dod! tt Tlf, t dtEct Es detlidrd tlng 1.0 trr of cultwe brotlr, 1.o ticl butf.! dt ?,5) .r a tub.tlat tapt r ur qctt@ .triEr rt rt and of 0r1X c.etn (dt.&1e€d tn l.o !I of Tlldlcl lultc Cl 7,5 R.adtE a!. .hft In ,'Co. Ii ya! ob#!!d ilEt th. r6te of Rcttd ko6a. TrE p.ot€& .ctltrv rach.d pLt@u q,to remlred c@Btentr tn.r€toE ln $b4quert petod E. s.l.ct d 6e 2.2.122 h.@ trt& 90 up to @ h.6. .tNt . .rd then tu1y dDelmts, tlr ,@ctt6 td pf.tB.. aottvtty d.teDiflttor. EIf6t ot 6 T1'. 9roted !ctt?!ty E. aftnstftt 6t tlF dzrft lanAlng fft! 0,25 to Z,O trI d try ultns cultq. dttt &t co@nbatta! blotn {ttl! 1.0 Dl of -t$ o.l,( @srn as Ii s. ,ith r !ub6b!te. T1t {.urts a !c!4nt .tec!..Eln8 In dde ln rta€. tb als-' tlEt i,r* Ete ol toctid ob!.F!d dzym ooitnt <l ltlortpt 1.0il and Gs lesar th4 Dro+€s actlvltv sB r a,43t--34tcs!d-s&!tsci!-!@s!Ee!&4r tb. .ff@t oi 4!.b.t c6 folldrd r'y ustra c@hti€tt@ d u. Et ot Fot ory3r. qeln .5 a lub5tFt ot dtffd.ttt cdEttt ttort 6.slns t!@ o.ot to 4.q6. ah. acttvrtq st.ttlFL<l ir ett@ 22.10. T1E bv u!. dtlr.d r€P@r,<t fsdt. 5n €l'd lb Ft&5. ri n: obsEd to llE i..ult€ ttEt th. opttou actrrlw @cG. concntr.ttd.nd !h6 ttotas.oildtv E! d@..d.t hiah* 4bdcat c@..!!ltd, c6uld t d@ to OE .fiei of 6?m _ob.E!t ai O,1X (1$.r6D) . 22-12.4 .ctlvltr. tftet o! Dlt on fttea TtE-.af6t ot r,s { plot 64.ct&!ty tor.rds H..tucrobh.nd caetn d6 doted@d at dl Fngln! fid alrclDal]cl butlo, Th. rolurts !i Es .b..rtd .t tr ldl.n ob.ev€d 5,o tld 2.0 to 11.0 !.rna a .r. Fts-7 6tudl blfte .nd .horn !n !ta-7 uei oDttru Fota4 etrtvrty Fs teidc tlrtugl.btn {hu. tltE d oDtIE @!r s. u&il .r a dLetl t tt .z.rt 7.o..n 95 . orEt€it ItF plot4e .ctlvtty ot cult@ taotb a''Dl.s*F dldt.d a! to t@6. Tl!. F@1& @ lrbh in dtffd t rDqlbds ttalnA fr- FIa-a.Dd in oDtlfl +rrDeat|@ of pFtd& acttvitJ E. tut d 6trd 25 55c6 fitu lcota4 acttvttt eop!.d .taqt1v. 22-12-6!ff€ct of hat tEUott crud€ cdtE. lroth dID]€ hs tr.ircubt d fd 10 trtlut c !t El@ t !per.iE.! En3frg fld to to 9&o. And uF F.!.ortt!. .ottr!t!6. of €nztm tn .ultr lfotn reF e.ttt td .ft t lod teop€Ftu. a. lepeted @Uer Ir 4ottd 2.2J0 .rG cooltng anil +J'. .t re&lts c.rplfd tn Fta'-g. 2.2-12t E r.ol of Elou r@t. d E.t €4 actlvttt! th. rebtt€ actrdibs of tne DEotas i.F d.td.rned tr F.@c€ of 6!toq RA6t .f trl, @Mtc.tr@. ft. F.lttr aF tabulat d .6 _44_ 22.1t P.*lal dlltatto of dtrlc.Uqld sot€*r P..ttal putltottd of labta* s. 6ai.d oui by fEcttdiio rlth .@tde, 3.r ohlodt.8Ffiy .nd td @llna. clEcto8ladv. of co!.Idceton. @. sdtt d 2,5 lord t t0 d oulta. t(.tir.rd tbts dtrrlal e. Lfi for o€r nlsht tn !.fll8eratd bd odtrtlw.d. TL collect d F.ctttta!.! r.!e iLtB.oltql tn 1o nn h1!-r€l bujtd Ectlvtty of i DH FirElt Fot€ae E. olend) ?,5 ( In {h1ch tlF Mxtns 6nd dt.1y4d to! 24 hoc. aFln.t tlE sF butfe, 22.1t.1 C.l clldtohollt \e lu.ly8.rl 6!plc aE th.n rpplt.d to +n. S.thadd (trt r lo)cn enurubeEt d .1ut!d rttn .qqr.i^'64 o 'rm Na(L, B tld !.t€ or 26 !l D.r Ftt m 16 shorn t! oolm rttlj t!r.-Jc1 burf* di 7.5. rt. cole -! : 0.111Tttan|c] !!ftd $l ?.'Lqt rN cou.ct€d FnErly G-100 hor.!d tlF ancttdtol4,0 and oh.o*ed Flg-10. Th. fd .ctlvtty! T}!. typtc.r euird leot .s-I acttvtit Dl Ech .lutts rao ilet ct€at fEotlos , to 9, lh@ .s uE -&r .ctlrl{4 &ctd,ntutr.1-II lrd rD611r Fote- E. lorld tn ftutto. 1o t6 ,o, l.iiE fEctld of 1n actd, @tr.l-Il .rd .ltaliB !cot6*s, ur ras p@1.d aid dr!ly!.d. TrD EtE@toaEglEd @nt it of tub.s 10 to )o dr.rrd.of !@r.d fFcttda sd.ul,Jet d IflE g.plr&r l-50 co1@ toc fctxe @t d Etto udd -t19- dl .rd tdlc gldrat cd*6!.itd! 0.2l| usrlS 4 O'll T!t!{lCI b|!t!d 'dt'I l6cl elutloi. a;-!.:33q-s!SEt93ser: jes!!!q! tll aboE pooLd .dr s€prEd.: r-50 col6n(2.t * dl.ly..d *tPl. Fr tE a!'Dlt.d to Etl 14 otr) €qdltb.Ft d _ *tin Td.Jcr butt4 dl 7.o:oE 6rle G. .tqt d rt0r dl-ar.drent udns Tti.'l€l oJt brftd coDt€lng o,zx ard t.O r6cl !.nrtns trd 7.0 t 9.0 tl .t s floi Ft' of 'o n\/h@ rl fcctloE rer @rl$t!d cMllt. The !Ectt@. Eldtn€ t.r!' db6..!.rc. at 23o m @e.E6t.d rd.ctiUct tutlal 4d.llt1tc FotaF rctlvttloE o6.hfr !n Flg-11. Th. elzrm|lellv actis tt..ttoN of att6lt* trotas fld !!ot€E* fton 26 t 2 to 16' .ctdtc 41 p.ot6!. ftd fEcilda i@ lool.d . T1)e 17 to otr 25 ard .11 n6t"1 lalfioitd 9' '* ar lhdn in Tne pool.d f€ctt@! Ere aBtted t' stdv tLrt ch'$otet!tt"'i dlltffit Es 6lDror.tdt lv 20 told dut . rocEv ol ,n 1abL- pdmt*s of AH' t !p.rats., h..t.bbuttv.nd eft€ct ot dlffe4nt th. F.!6$tt6 of col{it .ia stPl.. .llrtoitd r! llt rldd Iv atd v, aF d€*rtb'd - 50' 22,14 ch.@cietEttcs of tn. @tft.d d,rEr 22.14.1 H@itv: lEctl@ of.ctdlc, mutE1and.lta1l* !aote*! e; P6l6d crEk€d d tl'Iok .tlte t.}lln 16vq se1 G-6o crEo6 s.!ht. fd hoeent uy(15),1!4). o-- pbt€. ( -. re!.rdlr -yi ) r.R E. Et on hou ai l1co In hot o@ .rxt .pott d {Ith 10 d lor rrl ol 6oh coUacllon ty Elns but r6lac€ttc.cld- btrr (4r1!t v^) as. sl€nt. A&.! rLEloplngr plate6 |@ aFry€d ,Itlr rlnhydrt., 6llldl. 6pot !nd]4tt.a tht .U !oLd factidE @ l@C.|t@ Fot tE. r6trE tms.dE ol tl|r fFctl@ Fr corttrEd tV sD€r Fl .l@trolh@sts ( *. lpr.ndrr-v ) cln3/t6nuFoM bufte! Ey.t r !! (17) ..po!ted bJ D.vl.\ '/ and rbd. & Rt.tdo.d : Ih€ !.6uli! as lhffi tn 2.214.2 chu6cie!&i,tc d@dtt ! of hoe6l|@ de!! ltl fEctt@ cf actdlc, tuEll I & II,6!d alblle pbtaF! |6 !t'ni.d l@ dr optlE, t€4.nbN optid, rEt .td .otlEUd eff4t of @lN rg.nt .nry@ !t uE Et3nddn 6tJrod. |u. 6tab111t'. 'rh. lnhabtito studfed .! d.@tb.n tn *tr,o d tN -4L. or 2,2,12, RESItLTS l!D DtSCUSSI0T -tlr,9_Eg4!l@.![!G@: th. s of F.nictUtr lrF'ro tu!! fG tE Fodalto ol cofficit11t tiDoltant rlodmi! lE! . ld..@d 6ttd1t oE uE F.t hlf qtsy' Itr -ln !@pd of od! .hrdJ E. f@r*d o i.rr d.tosI ot lsltcdbrl s.t .dr ar !16 htt tlrloh dnd !. 4ariltt utilt*d 4 . @td and .E6| loE€ fd th Fodatto .ubst!ee!, In tht. dl.fecitqr, tt of b! ot.md en V-. .rd ollFr cIFl4I rn p!.l!@rry hBsilsaitd tlEt UE raodutlo ot hy&oryuo ddd. l! 3!|g!r .d Fota& tn Frttcur.r n! .a ft.t El rEqtlrrr thn ooE dty-.. It E. trgt @, t* opttlraiio.f Fot6s btoqDu'.ltr hB strdt.tl tD.Lt rl, DF patfi€t!6 .id.tf.ct€rtEtt.n .f trot6e! r4 t6tlE c.!!t€d out ftd !E!!g! .t!.t! cxltl6tl/lte'atc. sEr€y !€gl.d ort !@h ty!. ol Et 6 F!t6* ta.dEtro tv !g49!l]!5 €f!!gla! udd trE rqrtF-t ol alo|.th cdn1tld ri. Ft b.a d@ e tre cult@ bcotlt ol t1.ntcil1tw @ ltdyntb.l! d Fot6* tr EE!q!l!!! !4gs! s! .bnr.d t' sll. !t6 hr* .Id .dl .lda rtln Ui iuff.ralt c4bd .oe.. .td tt Es .b€*at tlEt tlE proflle ol prot .F .oitvity E6 brda .i ilE tF ttrc petod ot 4a ho@3 ot lFu!.ilon ln @.. ot !io. h{k rh.n @€at a1d a'n .wplfrt d ,1t! ot e 6bon .oi,ru. a. d!@ In Dt !tul .tlcd .dP:"i'"t l$ t; "d93 s $ 3 E a .F 5E s A I €F lr*5 d I bot6- eilvtty ,i&/dl raoat i[3= E] .;zEFI iq B' -P; 8'9" iirl 3s$i ; tfl1E 4 g BI E3 5 ,5l iE."$ H:E 3 a f, 3 &81 I -95 iP " E:! if: 2A E ! S -1S E X€ F I E{r tc 3 nE #tB Irs F t5 !: u i: ox:-co = NN u6&ht o! ryc.ltr dg5o;r bloUr 3B SeaESf;ERRF Qq e q q q.i q q a a Fa I t s ts Ps 3 3 cc:E€$f;gRg E a r eq R.. Q c,:4 3 Q : E F8 E $ 3 8R e I3 RR I3 3 9e 3 n S tsR E - S.A o E F € 5 o. Hd ss a: e FP F 3 e 3 € 3 6n I g o o I A- PR S R g g: E 6 N R : R ^ 3g s e R sP R a 5 I € . - F S. Ao. 3:9:3 s8 F 3 - R o S et i 9C lt.Et c !l g t 9l ! EI 3 l{EiEi: -Ze-de.6 -! ?t 3e 3E *8 s -d a I I g; t I t I I t B d3: E !': 3 tX 3E 3E 3d ' I * Fe F * 5q{:o.9 85854P I 3 R Re 8 8 { I qq Q c ^-384e 88 39 P3 Qqrq?o. t I 3R€.R: 2 -c I 9$ep 4{.:rcq .E { PSr833 t Y 5 in !r! toz -+ts t99991 I6,'r6it 6atpgr ! tr'a ? I ? ,t6 sg e I tt & .F -rrth. yt.ld o! prolee ltoEyntie.tB s. tll.rsa tI- lalod of trub.ttd xtEn by 13,/16.t 96 hoE. !14 hrlk F. aDpr.dta.d rlth 6rut6t llqs tn lrl Etlo' .u6lEsttig tht! arb.t ate.dbltltlo colli h. dt oa tlr. !{6d! tl{t Drqt&s t}. tua.lely nutd€rt6 t c t}F btosynt}F.l. of Fot€e @.r ln du. colEe of tlF ald tE dsltntnt ln otlE €4. of lubsb.t€ cordlttd, $!rr.r E6nt @rng dtff@rt .8dcu1t@1 h6t -dta ,.r. !.Ddted !y lbftz and Aadea Ir tt! blo.FtlF.t. ol Foieas. ty 3lotUE IlE aaiis o! Dr!*.,F$!no..rdlt . @bo e@. Feds8 good Sporttl t' @F!c .ttd g1@s uad .. ol ry@lla ttd lod !o erb€ell|nc Drot64 iorFtt@. {h.re as In th. c!& of !L. hul.rd oob.t.ep llqwl 1.4 aldtn lr rye !'.nd @ 4t!.c.llurar !.ot6\.ttc aottvttt .! .h@ tn D!.sbF1 .!d t brcl @ otsrd, Irh obemtl@ .r mddlint rttlr th€ !.p@t. ol d4G rynt}!..!. by nl@-@gfilN. ld l4tad rruf a,a crrpuu(i73) corctud€tt thli th. p@rry €n.!sJ @bo $64.! Ed ln tlE s .ur ot g..ubttu., {Dtlrd4d r-h ldac r@t of 61ytbn tne .4bd .o|G.. !€q!t!.d fd .F&r pcldr. Aboui €6X tnltbltt@ E. not d ln tlB €rlrelmni.,h.n a1*oa.' .@!@, Dlto4r 6ffln6 .!n mL.r. ,ft E d .. r @hd lo@.t ln ,L6 of .ic. hult tc tlE 4A hoc! 6t ttD pertod. gt.llu ttlrtbttdy -56' *.uLt! b !f.!.d ol -Itoe'.eoc ad alws 16 Fpcttd to !€ e4.*r 2r,@16 arn 5.c4 n p€.ilEly to! t!. .tnttD.t. of laote* !t XldddoE !. SF. aAAFt d !n rCC-r15\'*'. ol.Uff€!.nt stntD rmc 4df!F'. ilc@ ,2 Efr6t ot lte rhlEtlrr€ i,lr rHDLtdt.ft6t t' Erto, hula cffibrud d 6te{ th. .flet of rt@ ln8t pede ftd 0,25 1o 2.0 &hoo sldtrs ai ryruE4r! .d 2?ro ar<t td 4s qr61ta1 (4o htlF.r.t d8h) rn u. @rceniaild !€4lrs iL oultw mdla a.. elbd 3oe. Er ltual&d by hocs. Flon Pl,s-1 G.. t! c.. b. odlurled tht !c.ie.4 -rt@ .t 1 .d lrt 1,t es!.citsrt dtlfr ot oE EldEtIo ts rt cttrd . ltqcb€d - cffitattd. srarE obsEu@ 'R !r!dt. br Hefi..d a.d@(12) dd "*.i, ""tf) tn ca oI tlr FedEflo of Foter by B..ubtt1t. ad tftrc psltls [de b€lqlt tn dlfleMt cmdt!.tlm .! d(1DL!d- tht 6! 6oytEn ldt *Rt t'fu !o . ebd €oe.. FoEcfd hish coofrrErt@ of .s!.n 6.E@ rn tr!6 oults dceea. t'h. plodbtrd of hryG, rrdi@ llE cdlg ot Wc.Ull SMt! .dt arryD ForhDttd lt !.nrolrru .rEtr atrt lt 4tl4rt tld F6fl1. d o -dr! p@rod! !nd-t@t 5 .n (trffd'lt eb6 &lrsr !t hislnr $d 24 to izo hd! i. 2?Co .lrd.n tn tc rlbt -5. 1.!E tlEt th. !a.d6tld of Fot€a4 @c!*l it. h&t .t l.rt F t' . - o hotd- *tldt{ 4l dl tcotl 368 t N !l t \r,-\ z c .Pl \., tu \ B E. \i\i \\ c I an ! B+ ll !r{ it- )O // I // FO /t F -. ,!,// Fi 5 ra 568 o.&hi ot ry!.14 !a/ro ; d !6ot! &rts/ 11 attc 43 hoEs d Bdlr dt i.lia dnt lld haL'faut I*ubatld de.s.d DcodEtld ot d4d. g@E u. ry.611.1 sot ft ?6 ,a! oberEd olttDl .t 96 lDEs ard tlE li d61lrcd lt'!!Pilv. nt otiltQ ddL cdtrlrlis !t@ hult s{Ftstqt tttll .@.t rDrntrlt d ld FodEtIo, a! 96 €p 1lq@ tt 1tt etto' ho6! ald u!a! enuctlc Fodctld Es foqd to t decgBrlr8 ir ddc rltl. .ontlr@.Vc.1tar adtl|. ndl C t ! oibr @b6 .o@.! .Un&d & fu r@ foqd Euttlbl !d tlr. prodEtl@ ot reteaa' arthou8h *ay ElE s!.<l wdu.r yi.ld. Ch,,F h Cr od uF edrE dE&a bto.ADOEdE o! tEot .! ![.dEtto Es Ft d t@.frt rrd tlE !I@ hult 6a & r@ eldto It! . as a €to e|@r rntl. 1r otlE aF. tt tu .h@ ln T.r,L-6. - ltott€d Fodrcild ol laot .F !y P.ntotlltE .r!an.u 6d.r th. llce hu* 6b@ .os6 .tt€r coqld !. dt tbut d t d @ .11 43 hoE. ttr p€rlbillil! trF F!a.d ststns tr6 uE ryst !. a, r d6a. rr tl !co! .. b, I ltolont iDtnafid. o' In t6ru6 In trc plEs l.B ds to elbo corcentEti@, dr lhi@ ol @rbo s@e. e, Catabottc rD!.$lo. i19_ strtlu ftrdlnas lera ct ar €ngaplt (1d) .td d' td !t!t d rhn €i 61 (1c)age"!t d nEbttto tn Cl' ut 6s ot ld F.rn-ttd Fot-r ty.]!.qgg aid t'lcrrc@d {tdd itst ba. suppl@t d dtrr (175) al|Eq .!*t tlrpt@ reEt .rb.ct s.Fotrsry. stdu*It rttr&d od !.Do!t d Atd ae.re p.otet Fodstld tD d4 of lfolons trcubaito ol !alE!gr, th. 1d proJtl. ot tb. bto.ynth..ls a. lerct6d fd crtoa .nrytur .@h a.4{ry1a4' Fotd..r !..F.ri€ S!499!f sler€E !.rrch.rnr6rrs /im\ A' \'T'm orrd.F ltd t.sllt.s*8 (1u q, "re),l:!@g rr.cc.tt d to b. trE E ult 'tr by tlE (rD) Etahollo ",n EIRt'icr une dlc8. cdx|lilo. of tFd.tlcr. @ !t .ttei of ln1ltal dl d +rt btoryntlDgt. lnd o lnlttaL ot lFot€olvtlc ottm tl&, udd dttr.Fni lt dlulrs f.otr ,.t to 9,0 .n<t tt n. obsrd f&r Ftax U!! u. sroKtn by Pcdlciull.F 94!!!Ig h. .i&[.d b6t h ,r.d*tt@ of lEota* .rd ry6u! xd -t!u !i dt 5.o sld 3.0 r4at3nrr. L otrE ct!.ii.s ol tfi' tlt 6tl*.td !to.tl| ot tlcedsaDr- FF Id4 tlsn tb.ptbl F.dstlo.i 4a bds. TL- Edt E! fdd t b. !n coltlt ni rltn oE orl6.etid .tdtit !t ft*u!! Etd fiBo! !l).llI.G ard &t€d opttG:. Fodstld ol F.ts4.t wc.1h rt pll 6.0 6ft6 72 ho@.. rdt l O@) u!r's di5.0 end F F I Fr t x o - r l|.rdi! .t t .1& 1/!0 .! troul 85C - o Mr aoittrit |{ /d dr { .n6 1 \ tx I r;l \) 8"r I go ttI tEo E 5 \+3 \/ \< /\ /,/ i/ -61 r.5 tfl&t of t dt t6 d Est€Es lt@surE&t Elf6t of t T.r.i@ d 6tyF Fodctld bY P.nto1llt- 4D.ds srdtis at tr. te@.!6iG. lanaits !M 2t t ,to ud.s ! @b6 ..@. l@ FotqF 6nd 1* !1.. hbl a. E. .ndl.d. ItE lDuli ot ttt qtFc't1uls 4€ rE@. tt€ oyc.lIa Bh., ro dlt€ot dlatld.h19 b.t|6n trt ct !s.€ obq!€d fld tlE FrA_r. b@ FE_ s*h a@lts In *lle cas' of dtlaoollqtd !rotea.. lrod@ttd could b. .:Det€d &t to dEt4tt@ of cell tubcn . at hisha t€.D@t@ 6!d tlle FE dcetld of tr6t dE. t! obvtoE ftd tn raoft!. of 8F'| 6rrdrng FlattGrt hlgho Fot6r utn nl@birl sd$. Siolrc ob..mtld o! htahd Fod*tlo ot rEoteE. .! ,rco .nd Erl'' ryalt.l 6* !t 2t-Jco Iq. rlrct d by s.ert1 .rrd B.b.r(102) !19!l!!.11& lr.llrDls and Bark!,(lat) rc+'a t@o .fi !7,ro fd ,rtM FsdEitd ol ryc.Ual Fs and Fote- Eedttnly rD B..r,bull.. tne M3@ of @h ssultg !y trE.bM autl6. ,a. not t,6 Efl€ot o! nltlora.o@.! 6 blotde lto@tn€glrt TIE efaet ot lds.rtc nlt ogh $lN d t,l. bdo.yntJlll! ol Pklotlltu stpar& Er.tudted r{.tbs (tat4)2 so4 llll4 NoJ' rNOr.id llal{o, tr 0.25* c@o6!!allon 6d6 tn6.t€n.latd n&tdEe hzrm by condttld of gdtn $ FDdtit drUe. t'.ota@ ,ald*trd .. lhd E l[. r-r t tCt oC wdt! a83q , o - o d..!. '/50 d rrds &ttratY !C sl lfout Baa 8E I t i. t /t sl+ I !t? { 'i // IB lgi lt |l It @ I -6'- Btact d !ltrq!. .dts. o t'' Bo@intdt d Flt'oltil- €nry- b' 8!194!1gI {a has. .t rlttl.r xtboer o!e. gtlgtr! !.n o odltnt *. !'!'r'{ 't tffd d{ 6.0' tnttlr1 ||tltr !l rf, {'tdt! ot 43llr I3.td! botb ltot" 4ttttt' 6ity'i1 it6 h* + 6,0 6,q4 ?O I itr. ht + |[l1q 5.0 6S ,s 90 6.0 6,4 7, 1ol (Il{)e4 &, nb. hlrt x.rD, + -,64- TabtFT, es obgftit to b€ .ttnulaidy h €F.t N.[5 by lFfr4 ln c!@!ts to tlE 6bd . o' u- otl,* hdld ttr, io. lrd Lo, KxO, u€d ar (1014)2so4 s.E * dd lt( r..! F6ta- pcodhud REFcUEly. prodstid of lrotde rn lat€. e@ obr141y ch.fte tn +ne !}l.iins S oordd lE 6qA.Et€.1 tntllal !g @E d d6 to th... Eli!' tl'. qltial !r tlp lroalEtlo of Fot*r. I'E- .!gE!.ttd. .!r oo&re r F c@@so 4!.fl68'1.7 PEltlc€tio dd ot Eotct4ita a. !.Efitf ,ttn tlr re6!],t . ol drw. Cl!@t€laplllo Ftt n ot DEl'rdttm ot F.nlollltu drans! Fot€s uriE! and 11 tum S.prEd.! C-10O dxt F.Fc$61y ad oE DrDlfleito redEy ls 8lrd tr tb pEtflqtto fEct16. coU.ct sFFt IEll Serh.&r A-r0 ts Cu.r tn F1!-1O patt€m d flotr ?.b1ts9. lhfi in Ftr10, 1t {8.!..roal tllt tb. I to 9 posr'ndtr.l ploiAe.otlrlty' or ldalttlt f?d otlq tl&. lcotee FL of *lilto' Fubd-tl .rn a cUc Fot ass colr@t d fd 10 f!.ctid. Gr. Fol€d hd ErFD3Ftdt d to rO DE$ tn tld, ItF* hts! s.ft!d.t l-50 ia .rchana. chloEi.sr.d'y .nd aordrc, ubal-ll ard .lle:H laot6p actlvltl. rcts eFEt€.t r. d|ff tn r&r11. ltr6 ur bloqDtlEi. of totd fdt rFota*. 1.. .E actdlc.tro muhll .td d dbll@ E. c@ltd€d. goeg@tty of .lL f&cttd6 ,aE corfl@d bt shorlng lllls1. lldl a PFiaF ettrlt !f.r IF F F 3 6 I d t t F tr E 'F F I o I t3 ff t hoi.... .otrtttt r!/d 8E8 I tr E T s \ I E s B 3 F E o h F rqgEF P!ot-- cltvlt' !y'd !E i{ t I t t4 I I ; i I s I o / IE F I hot-- .drdt ry'tl 85 as83 E a F -o I / o' o ts r lt E , c u E ,/ o Pet-r Gurrq| !.//d F c a x 3 8 \ P !?, I a "l q u IF E It t8 tz IE .l \ \ IT F irt IF EF iE a 9s I e" i rB t:; ;2t is Ed il u it E la IE $r EE gF " ;3H F ell Pl!t.a- stlrrtt ,!/ il 05; t! F A!sb.no. .l lr r i,El: a. 20it 9 E r! 9 I ile.'r gF \ 3r' '-"-\ .E 'El' !T = ig i-r r;i----ANtl' I\I d5' sa ir?\-' {,r- tl tg Itp x tE, ,tB NIF sli rE IE a *!t-.. ..tleltr .E/dr .l 2e ^tEai@ ooo E F FIE -tit I 9 E! g ;l'"elr pFr I Eie I $ESS B rc*t3E t3> ir8 ET .E 5E .3 t. 3g =6 PIE ctE FII g E " E F. E rn6 ri:---.. ',. -.^-)o..,'o ,4:i,---) i^'r{..--..--, '5;l'--:'-' 'l-F-:- T C t I Eota- .odrrtr 4/rr. Era -rt_ &!l!-:-91 Pclti{tt@ or Fot .F fr{ o'dta. tcoib d Elgggl!-r gll!!3! slcltl etltib PtEutqtro tord 28 & 79.O lH s'd'da ,6 t&rd r(b N 4,@ ?,2 79.t9 tost u,24 11.r1 t 276 9,rn 1,9 720 9.1t 2,9' ,1,4' 128o 16.26 ,24 za.ta &a 1021 t,v tsJ6 2r@ 6,6 19,15 72t ffi 'aJ2 ,.n 19.57 'l9.zl u;t7 't2.6 61,rt r3'| a.6 2t2 4a.o t.l.o p€it h of cllril. p.otqa.id ech fE tto elut d fM a.l-ltlt tto ari ic€ErEF .l!@iogFdv. Fd d.t lls e Ap!.rxlk-Vl. LaFlr .td. !(ot6sr la6lt actdlo prole*i Ln-t. mubar -! Foi.!4 16ft-4r @utF1-II lcot*s .td lat*.'r athltd p&te4, ElwlrA tlF .I1tca-a.l gEe=! .hdils th. ovDo\EoryLnld.-a.1 €lctror*l@lr. !.ttGn or &s&lllg ed. l6ot6- 4rr rErt6 .lr.t it flq !.llrri ua lrr t+ €&lEn€. olro-toaEDtv. fa .rot tk ro ApF.dl&vII. LFlr snd. FotsBt r.F.er &tdtc Fota-t taFrr eutil-r Fot .Er r!B4t Fut .r-![ F.t .e atd Le-rr .tl.!6 raot-r @E Qd Protease t' t6 a q B c a l9 t9 [: l9 l6 ta ,/n actlvlty rs/i1 [: P&t-* strvlb ,r/d Edr .zo 3c I ,t tg tE tc [r! t8 Eqo E L E i..- .arndb cl/a od t R E a a ti t rt t, F b E B E 9l -l e IE P!ote!. r.tt'Itt,r,s/.1 b :l c a a c \ I I ,rI c It o B t l! t! |l ,/ / / ii/ //i / /// /,/"i c) il r 3 lr - ''' El r r{ 4E dE ffr -.E e r{ tl e- ;t tllt B a!I; !T ! // ; I'i rt t8 n t6l o '- !! +€ Dptrtl^r4.N G-4.{a I e r i I < $ /",( t ll F 5i it t :t5 HIH at !E :'r t! R rl tt !t l8 o o ullr /"/ :,t 22 t, l: I I bt e t{; I -.3 \t oo tFl+l.tro --4orr il E' tt|a r g $rla & pq.d{ e .tlns.r stF s ,ocos ''JIIEt6* (gg_'(.or)"* Ft|6 r+plle sa @rB .s dot pc .IIq€t 14t .&r lrrE lord eJ d$ ItE ltB p.Fre.3t 1r trr-tlJ urtlrl.bp s}lu!4to.4 e.u pc !BIF1r !E!& ntltplu.d Jo .s34!:J {ttE|lu puE ll-re4n€u j-tE:lrE r.IDIo. p.lJtand @ ll4te.{, lat F 4{JJ. aqJ ' '(F r) 4'(z!' qtI. *r1do oslE.d!4 .l€.I!q 6Fro q4lr p4rdqo .9t-lIJ EF r. rruEr ato ur ur4tr 3.r4e{.dr.4 }ud.rJlp rlFin poIFl. 6d.o1ord erls{tE !& II-I.qFq tI-IiqrE r4ptor p.tJlrd ,rp ..llr Boe {I (a!)eltrqz(r ro xq pd+u.afl4.p v.r$ ffiF; .i r€Elod {IIE(IB s r]@ ?!4|a1€F. q r.rtEd Jp pdE €s6 q, -.c+orrr I.:4n F qr.rd a$ q4F @*u..-Eo4o:d.F$ pq. p6lJr&d &, EIllro [.].|1 !t.@.JJt9.lNtt irt$.rhr ,Z€u uI !eq! o+ 0.2 o? Bs {d o.o! puB '0't 1. B6I1gt4.. @r+do..e4 D.&q. e&u. a.r+ord.Fj. @.rr.d!o. ur .uIIqIE ,t rrsfi.rcrsll.€did E.O! puE.<rz .E.Z r6.a Hd g./ .rr+ ?. r.s..tord II-IrrtB t-I.j+n@ ,ottloE Jo r.tlt^Iio! tuI$ro ,+6IruI q lxoqr r..Elord soJ pelJT.nd Jo arDprd $r al' 'qE zl,'Ert 'rl.6sqcor+*I. I.t SG p1$ trrdEEotaorq. siRr urr+,uls ? pr t rl.tc q qo|r 3F $&@ ulalod F Dllot{ qots $, !(riq s $ql1l{ Xl4lls€dtlo, . trlf, B@T IEt{ x^E.q otPI.E Jo {4I^I1.. .'i} qlB pqtqlrllrl 1Bq4 et ,SCS 6q puE Ot 4ue+oEJs. puE + 3t .*a At er qcn" !X p4oJ dor r..Es4ojd .uII6iIB "Iq"r puB r*J p*r..qo , 'Hd 1€qn.d "re 1t uotls+.rd$1!I 6Iqi sfddns vhor.( ao, "i*iEiEE EaffiF;Ea ) puE (zr) 6i'liF 6hrtffi6v- ' ( ge - ,,e ,otr StF fiiFEi:Ev ro .sE +oit rE 4n.u p.rrrrd uo prlertd ** @ItBlsqo sltuls ,€!&uo l@IrDd.p tE+d ,llfdtrE r€qqEt ut qat' Ee t6.z€ 01 ih ft.(re & e4 4rl€:Fs pqTqrq'rr ur jll^rr.€ *E4ord rrq@ .q+ r.idH .arretJ1t6r. AI^ti.E ur .auR{. Ar. Fqs 1@ prp I@aB&$.&Z pqe GFllJo .xtt a+!.aE tuIdp* sR *rn +?ut p.B +zof, ' +?u2 !r?Ea Jo .ar.&rd q p.leBul|! pu. +tv pu. {"t{ sE q6e @r aqd l^*q r{4lr p.tlqlti4 .a s.FI^Ifr s-.d+o.!t IM lrr?n{ tEB qlnr.r .ql F.r, F$@qo 14 +r . I pje (L 01 Ot sarqel q, P3lucEdd qrnBar .(l+ pu: p.IPnf.b .€.e4ord tdtFu 6pn& puE dTtEqt? rII,I_IEr$au 6tlEr+u.*. ,E uI qu€e! g|olr$ Jo 1..Jj. .q, rr9r.. P.IJI@ @ EuE 6 GtrTr.ruad F .q@ '.:s$o tue+rFEr ..-;6 .@ 'Ct4!tir.d!o. o4 at4.rElloo u, .ftuE .sl!:dor+ s4 .6610*r rr{eitnau 4*fi Epr.ao4 !&url..rr..r .ux)9 otdr .1qE4E B !@ .rrqr! tHt .s q.Tqt ong !{. or5 'oaoE ;iiiFEi ro .€E 4 d {4tqrs r.r. It-rr,]@ .r-rrr+na ..rDr.B to'zt Go'enl oe,lgt lt'94, &'tzt tl'att ,e tt ot'99 lo6 tpg d'!4 dolpl (49'15) L',&t zl'62, a'ez o,.9rz zlEa, ta'gzl t6 6,6 fe, at'2, (8e',3) (€o'B) @t (-Erqr,$) * tra leoo ?ta"c tr!( 62, fo'r tP4 001 ePtord E trqreFc di@-i;@ JD qrorc u4Br. El4.r4q.@o 6I' llr T4* EE1,rd .Fe b at ?F&lf 6?4 !1.19) 91,'s (l,dltl te?,t 6'z ( rpc t@.n-dF€tf? rP1 (s 19, tr'4 LCU 4.6. w'ot, Ite tl5 tt'6 *t P]|C rl.Frr t^o.D.p lrlto8 "f*) "" Iofv aa aL'91 a1jfi, zrlrlc Fg +sz u'4. u'tat E,o, ?o,rt lllg '6'92 zl'az 4s) o! r 4Fr1ot @}}.4ltd& e o, 6re 1l slltr Dt4.E i4 6D+.qt4t 0.4..4 rd .4tbas -oT4 Jols4urt .{r 'q .;iFG'. -ffiE ro Ar 11 . -t 4od orpToi lqrrsnt tfisFrir q ryr.ts ete Jr pJitr .t4l rqto$ rE @tF.qD..F. u..p ?6F!TiET -9- (ot'E ) *'z 09'i6 fi'?t|. tsr6 it'5, F! Iora-d..rat-z €9't! 99'a! 949 lAat l8co, ((a96) te6 5r'9 (!8.ee) L6'' lct6 (t,.9, 6'at e&. t& 6'ZZ 9'lrt a9'Lt I'Ot ta'tr IFE tt F€ pt *!a rN Da st lixl gItE "(f*) ,* lofr eooc zr.ttz q:l 1a!. @t 'eq o st od: 1l .dlr-F atloa a4 luti,r.tr.4 Iq Far.+ r.s tltr.ri.r mls to Lo.tr. eusu4 .ql .-EEa -li@ Jp rrt Ba -!.ood l-rtqr|l n 's-Gt .4 tE -lE @ rrtlrr+!-lo |arrt qt qEd-. mla Jp '|.iIP 4t-Ert -F- (n'2, 0'a6 !g'rot at'€6t G9'tt) 96'92 rsg o.Bz 0.€62 br'Z) E'' LI 91'La 6',Ler Elt a'wr et'elt ot'gLz E',6t (tr,'o€) tt'w Ltt'29 to6 t+E @ "(ton) "" !ol8v ?oo ztlrtl t'501 br'e, ,pa .roq s &J @I4o@r.4 tur.lElll.Gr Iq l.F6+ e*.rd.tFr turrs .ffiffi tt{.4rN sof,Dftdoq njflr.Iuqd- Jp Jo oJoa q*, 4. MllI! 1..JJ..adull 4T.Ii.. -&4ord slu.aer @!iq to lo.rJ. a4tulrdr3lIE.u ?(ton) an ro6 sms F5 Lr Fg atq f6 25.O2 e'tn, u'la 51'&Z er'6.t, 6't€ (','s9) 00'0rr (oo'09) 54, g9 ('''tt, u'tct u'tat zt'49, zr'& 6'€ zr'e torlv a'oz o! u'@ tt'lot <t't 6€'61 35'18 (zo'?) ztroc ?tgrt F' z6n nrl ?Irc (Drarqrqur) 'oa!6 1| rrrdr. nll$!t@s ro I+IrI4e -6$rd ]rtrqlr .r.srdqoq t' qt &tEF rlll!.! or+.4,eb c.p ut rt!d4 -ota J! tsJo. {i-Fi _€a- . (Fr'(o! ) 4f, . drl4.lc ! rE pdtJiFftt { DtndF ..3r4oi ntlqlr p .!!t r dutt|4J -.F ,o tl. q € '(,p! .ft .Ipl.i @ {rFl' qtFst .el|or aE/t & '4 f*4cil {4 r$II 4I!.DJ@ Et * oBFrqqo 6et+ !n, .irl$I;.9 l.qsdar rtrDr 1DIu.. . tupeJ -&o Jo rtl. {E i .at Bt .!D.t E- qrr l*r sl.l.lr .E @t lrl$ &t q 4q1 4 @ .Fie. @T14 .tli.rclrt.o1ft.e u4iu!'b -q| J. .cs.d -Z pln ut !.4@ .r rsEll rts -66- c0NcLUSt0NS ' 90_ Th. foltdrng corclGtd! @. b€ tl6m 1. Pdtotl1t[ dp.Be.Ee .lm.t TrE laodetto .t Fot€6.. 4ty6 55- ?ooz hlel'e d.tce hult b€dls, ffie. ri@llr 2. tlo tnlr .hdv' tn c.4.d&n to otlE erbd u€d tn ntc&bL1 Drod6ta. Th. .ult@e oondttt@ Dll by of uE cdtEe ,.re studted 6nd bs cdlud.d Oet 4dta haft. lfofo@d.tfe! @ t)ts lntttal otJs ryrtttslg. i. Alt6r pEific6tlon a, lD to6 mztc6 eF fo6d ha! Irblle t G €rw. 5, It &s i! mr cd.lud€d tlEt foE !!ot@&! of ep6Ft€ tdentliy fta .rntl'.Br&tl by PontcrUt@ €-M!gg qde .tecrtio.t condttioirot sldtn"^nd 6utB1 -n p!ot6e, sE h1gnd h etlrtty tlu tIF oUE3. €tll coefud€d Ult .U f@ !r6ta@s rE !t rtut tmE adt actlEted dtn tre-gl Ae\r! 6t actlv. ce'b. ca2+, z!2+, c62+ and d rlth rEW !.d cylt tr. 6ugd!*tn! . @t!l d.!€rd.nt .nrym, IP!aN!EI( Al5& -! lCIEUlr Bral Gd16 e. u..t td tn rrd.trr ot F.nlotlt!,D .rFio.rd ttF fdltio .f Fotc- rtt ! drt altcba cr!d61 ooi|odttd oart.&tb6 tn ltr.d.n! !e 116! ot .ot{tlo u !.pdt d rV Elslat et .1 ( J6? ), GI|.d ro,oa r ({t4)2 $4' zJc r h-r. &td 2.q, n2ro43to fouo.rbs t.oa r 1894.7120' arcf ([r4)F.(so4)2. 1rf2ot o.2s ' | 4fr4.fr2o' 02 4 | rrso4Jr2o o.r{ ad t d4r' lv&@bl(frn o.t{ . !E tr .f u. di|r E ' b tr.Ftr! onE 6q1q -dr., Ur E !6..de E c.d ..c.rt Ln Dlao. o! d@o@, Ur. 6t.lE! .olEqr on .!$cl mE .iD.rtiut d .. 6tlr..t Ir T.bL_6 . -92APPE]{DIX . II hot€- 6ssv dtla<t. Plotae acilvity tn tlE cdt@. btotl s!t1.. {! dot@rFd bv il! /{!\ ftth.d of P€nF! a.d I6t n\^/ tn 6nbtEtt6 rrlth tht ot ldrv.t.l'--'. aall To 1,0 !n ot cultE. bloth, t.0 nl or t ldlcl bdfd 1.0 rL of @etn Eolutld To (0.$ rn dl 7.5) q. 2.0 01 ol ab@ acld Ma added 6trd k.pi ?., lnd .dd€d .nd tncqbst d ai eclro dnlE,2.0 r1 ot ltt trchlcE@tlc fd 20 d,nut B at lod t ,!pcEt@, th€ plelptt t€ m3 F&Gd by o€nbuuAAttd at 4ooOB !@ 10 In Dfi drut ., a r.0 !t al&u.t ol trs lboE cdtl1llsrt d ltpaDAt !r,4,0.1 of oJtr sodtd hrddid. rtd 1.0,1 ot aorr! ctel qstht (rrr ,/,) * added. T1E dt.t11l.d t l,1 61w ct€!, A iaE thn Fd. urto d d h, addlns {,o il d.dl. b16 .o1o@ decloFd r!! d6t litn.d.ft{ nE prot@a acilrtb ullt ItbeEt€rt 1O.o ,t4 of tr.ostr. Ene defrdd .r 5 ninut s UE arBat of .n4r .t€rtbld c.odttl@ .d a.st. +,bt -9t- III IPPEIJDIX A. of filll cl6tttrr actlvltr AB*t ot nL* croturs Bdtdc. dthod' -" 6s I .ctlrtt $. cat€d b 100 .cdiltil ..pr6dEd beld. IIlk sub.trat *qr E.De{d (orold) out by dlsddrla 12.04 .kitr nilk r1,0.0tt cacr2 lolltid by.UErrB f,ltrt gsr...d, of drk .!bst dt. m6 adJEt€d by tlF addtil@ of Eodlq hydrdldo h/dr6hldtc 6cld 10.0 n1 aE [llk D.! r€qult@ni fo! aElqy. subEtEte 6B and,@ l*ubat€d €t tco for lo 1,0 d of ihe enuyre .arpl. €t n ttr €oh of tle tr6 ieli Drnut E b.ld ras a.tdeit to ooh addtnA ApForldt€ clottlrA gla6s pr@6 ru !.d tn @d! tub. clots a! tntn 1lE f m by toUorcd ard ?r. €!d trc.nzyr slDrc. ti.t tu!. ritn of ore obut€. tuch lub3 Ms lnEt€tt t 01! tlE s.yE tt l@ltlDg FI.t rE. Ft€d by tubes and a an trt€rcl 6ub.ir€b r ett d,€dd .pp4nE. ot lttt litttJl€ U6 gbE &d 6gBt6! or hU ot U€ tlbe . udt of r.tlk olotttng .ctr{!y hs d6fted a. fio aMt of €nzy* ihlch JBt stq.ied the c1.Ntr4 of 1o,o d nltr at ]'co t -9\APPE]IDII - IV !tsckttr ot coflm and EDDltcatld ol s61€Er 3,0c of sephld* C-1oO (stBE ch.ni€1s, p@ .lb 4O-l20 di6n.te.'{ttn b.d rcl@ 1Eo !r/B dly Eidrt) E. slEFd.d rD rn & es..6 of dl3it11€d mt ! to s1l fo!, day..t !o@ t mp@!t@, r col@ of ( 2.5cn 6rolt.n S.plE&r (o.1r,r pH 7.5) r roc!) E. @tdly llctdt ytth a dc6atar.t@y of e€1 C-100 abd fe E. €qulttbdt€d ittb llta-ltrl bulf6 owr ntshr. Aool,t€tt@ of em16! Th. protetn p6t!it!t.E fomd acetone tn cult@e broth buff€! pH 7.t. Ihe by tne addlitd of 166 oold v€!. cou.ot€it .nd dlB.olv€d In cool.rt t{eHCl erpl. r.E folld€d t'J dlreqsni dldyst! t@ 24 ho@s 6grln.t th6 ico cool,eat Tlt&Hcl brtrf.., ln dd* to ni@ .Ffld mrsubs/t@., Th€ !t dtdy!.d *npt. f,a6 th6 appri€d col@ raa !6 ytth th. eG brtrte cdtrtnt e . limu A!..ii.ni of sodl{ chtqtde lolutld (o.oori - o,t!) a]d 4.0 colroct€d d tb oolm, FeF!.d EnErly by adJELtIg tlE fld Ft LEottd bs alqyod f@ neutEl,altaUB tlt€ prot€In c6rc6trat16 of .11 tlF n1 oJ 2s and act.uc t..ti6. flacrt@,.F nv h@. [6.h ,rotr.o acttrttt ., G! rdrt 6 tttachi-2?O -95bE .!.otroprEtoEtc at 2c) d, rh crlc on Fobtn {n 4ttD a.ildt' td plott <t Es. ldoitd !s drd tn tl!F10. l\b etlrr DailG doublE rw +!! .5t ir.d . P@lt6 I to tFoilo ro.t - 9 odsrds tut..l Fot-.. .otttitr,rh.F a. D@trdF2 l{ lEotld lo. lGrO dEL.t eldtc'tutt 1 .!n .rbur troiee rcttttl&.. tlr petlo - 2 s t16 ru.It-d dr clEdt eEdrd 6 Id - httraF olsdt s6Cr Ertr 6[E s.tEdd r-'OF@cd!{ to cu.ilrrslpgtdl t'9 n trerrtdt t .ll\'*'-, Itrllls.t al\ '-- / . xoid€ .t ar(i9o). -96- I@-ercluprc ctE@ioEalhv: 4.0a bd bl@ ol ! s.plEd€! - l, nl/s &v 25 Eodlw hydldide re.hlnB ytth DE rd I hnE. t-50 (snsD crEd61! ,€1erh!) ms esrend.d and trft tRt d in all.r.d to srelL fo! o€! nlelt tn a, En rttt o.tt iata ttll up Eshirg6 {er€ Eutr.l. rh dr.mt t ,40-lzo see. or O.ii Hcl to11d€d by Ihe E€t s@p*Etd erc.E. of O.1 hs Td*rcr bu{td dt ?.0. I colw of ( 2.5 r lo cr) s. @efuruFcr€d rrut da@t€d €tE!, of dtoU.n DE{E &dEdet !-50 . thd co1@ ,as equtttbftt€d oler nteht Httb 0,1H TrieHCt A packod butfe !H ?.0. poritd -2 col'm: tr k. thd .!ut€d 'the eruttdr @.Bubs€q@nily @D1.d aladtent rsina 1de! mlnt€in€d dlalys€d dnpt. O.2tl li.Cr. ,,0 DI tr.cil@s |ee fld late of ,o nvhou. and allaltne prota.. acttvtlte. . tn€ fEctt@ s. Md at 260 m @t A Hitacn1 Th€ 4t 'tin to pB ex.rE.Se rtttr llteHcl of p8 ?.o.nd Lpp* IlteHcr ot p8 9,o t)te Photoct€!. uEoqSh Each -ruU,6U.ct€d by adJqttng tEctt@ ros esntmd for aotdt ,r.ut!al The p.ot tn plotetn .nd €nzJe act1dtl6. cd.htarro of tlE att -220 doubL b€e 6poctce se ptott d E!6€a fEcttohs -97llFnDq - Vt &$-lcE-SErccieg3E{! ,o,os o! stltcs sol r.ta . c€l Eu.pedtot €! HO (r.['.rt) 6. .sFnddl ln .pr@d.a d the gtBto tlE ldyd trrlcto€s of 0.5 r. ltE pl.t .E! ot n at l16ot6 60 rldrt€.lE @ cude .rd €ch fEctt@ rith But nr .pplt apDtyttg d ot tlE lil dttitU'd tltb atPU€td ait$tlltg !6ttEt3d !t lEttng rt e tlp arpl..2qrd to91. ol pl.t , lh. DUt s Glt d.€loFd mrr aceilc qctt natf (4nr5 r/v). lft! ipdL6 t@6 50 dryha nf, plat !' tr!. vtEsltz.d riti fre*try !!€F!6d 0.4{ olthvdlln tn ac.tde. ItB colow ot th. aDot EF d.€lo!.d by rddn€ tlE pr.b. .t lo'Co fd -98' A?PEiDN -V SDS 6! .1.c trophoR.i. t tlE tro 1ay€rE of ir .lf*6tirl&B hrttr of dllf.Mi !g 5.d !.6. 61e {€E r.qdtsr Eyster. Fepa!..t End a1ld€d f@ 6.3 ,66 ge16 th. 4$lvtra dl a.a *. tttat DolyErtattd. sldlaly *E alrd6i !o potyt lts @ ttE ns to Hare. and ger of t D Et oklne 3rl tl ol ft.t s€l u.lrla 7.tX .6yf- th dtlr.dr r€Ddt <l by D.ds(170){d (.ai \ Rlck"ood' /. It tr9is43!s-d-E :-r9:!!'!!$ (a) Acwl.dde-Bt*cErlold. srutt6($r oil: ,o.6s adylgold€ (8DH), 0,3s Bleclylanlil6(Btl) dtdol€d ln lftJDl (b) R.&rvrM E€l butfe! ,6.6s 1Yt6 dt€tlUed Etd . and 43 Th.ls nr ol 1I HcI .E nlled.nd hlolaht to 1oO {ith !u.lfe! &lutlon us t !6 .t@al at (c) 5t ckl.e ger buttd 6.09 6tar (TlreHo dr a.3 )r .ter ( o-5r{ T.r*tft !fl 6.s) ot TltE ias dlgsolred ln 40 n1 4Co, : itlsttU.d 6t€r and th. pH of tlF .olltld,aa 6d. to pr 5.6 by tltailDs rltlr 1M1.]h. &tuttd ra6 dtlutd to t@ d rltn dtsttrl.d str af.Ig.ratore at 4Co. .1r* &1utt6 m..toFd ln -q(d) n.!e6lr bufl€! Etock ( o.2t\ f!l! ,.Ole Trtsr 14.4s slt€iN {1or tlt.tlll€d a.l r* sDs Et€. the and 1.9Alt cltElt' tli 6'll and 1.Oa sDs ve!6 I dlel{d ln 1 lttr' &luttd sB .td€d at 4co. 6o1ulls: 1.Og sodlu dod&v1 .olprrt 66.ttsslEd tn l0o 't dltttu'd ht€r' g!r$-44e!ts-!sresf$$s! F 6ulr*6t F. dls6olcd ln 10O n1 dttUll€d ,61€r. TtrlE 4lutim EE p!!pa!.d &..hlv ech ttd. 1.tS of amnl@ r ! -F61 buffe dl 6.s (ttEct!,s s.l ldfe) trFgDt@thBlr4{fi sdo*/zx dtcEol .nd 1.('{ l cdtttrnrta rt sDs. --E!g!4!r-!el4!e! o.1g of ac.tl c.@6.i. nx* ll'o E. dt.601Ed tn llat€ttlLtbtd:dlaclal .crd (,ttP a/r), (1) D.d.Int s &lutto! )O 2- d En!rc14!d 1('i1&.ito.cld c. dilut d to 1oo ol rdt,ll PFsr.tld of aet tub€.t ,F tru.d rtttt 7.t( F&lvlna 'rd €tlctlng .c!vla.t& sF1 bv Eltl. tlr 69dt€d s1@ '! 8tF b'ld' cra.6 lub€ ( 0.5 x 14.D) Holktr8 F&lvlng anit .tlctlDg A€llt s.r 7.# acryleid+!!scryb!nd€ ()or 0.3) Stsclllrg Ee!, R.Eolvrba bltta ltat g.t buft* ,.o ,,7' 6t@k 1 o.l o.2 106 sDs .t{ .Mth 1,O D.!€ulp}Et '11.' '16.9 o.015 TtlttD nF lublns tub.. rtth 6bo€ rdLln8 .t m .rd E€ clod<t bt pour,rvloe .rd g€lE by avoliu!8 .l! bubbl.! atd at1@d to rc fl1led poltmrts at @ 2qn iBcLrns dy. (o.ct( and SOri ErMCfrl Drs of sr@l€ butf.! r6F ntr6d, The ampl. tn Ftc)' 5qn a41. ltot ln E. deEtqld h€.tbs at loocofd 2 ithutes bef@ bet g appltdl i, tlE gpl.50td ot d€Eicrd 44L B6 a?pli.d d +lE !6fa@ of s.l {t Dut iltsiEbtna t}|. buffer 1aye. Pda 90 dr.ut.! mt .Lp!1ted, suF9ly adJqt tt at 5.A .|a6t r.r tub. f@ bv 4. D.clorglrt 6t ttF !.1! td d h@. ttr (lototto r/r). to't - et t! btn.t !fte .t€cho!hd..I. E tt lrd tltlr s.1. cooGdl. bl{ l'60 r@ uq.'aLtmd b rbtt dltfltcl^o.ttc r.Id REFEREf,CES NEFEREiCES: 1. XolwlltE. cottt ot t'. lnt@Eilc.l lhtcr of Bt@rFd.try , En.r* I:.|FrcLt@, l@d.crc DFs ( Xd to!*, lordd) F tt-156 (1934). 2. L&@v, Proces€ Broch.n. ,. rl.xJosartyr P.J.crlffir lhd l.tl,J.Vo.t P!oc..! BI@IM. 9!27(1tf4) 4. G.l6rlar 5, 5. ?, 1.3@i (.1@ .td 3. Y.K@4t n.G.tt -.11,1? (19?1) tr@it l S.Oldl1y dxl C,ooa1.rt 1j4.. 2o5 (1*t) tJo.Er E!r, FEas lgtte6 Jtt@ld,:3' t6t (1961) x.E&lksq.dr B.&tc6l EE,r,Bt@lE, 1?!,6t l19e) t{J,Pr&\tt ltn 6J.co.rblr JG.lrclbror. !&' 2rn (19d1) f,.laEt l.YadiL.rd l.ti.nr Agrio,llol.Cra 2a, 216 (19dt\ 9. tlI.rokcz*d€lBt |tJl.o?d.k.nd l.PolMlttt E6J31@h€n 72, 557 (1eat) 10. R.ldskvlsrr 11. !Ji@y 12. '1t. J.rede ei a1, Bl@h.d ],.Rsy ei a1 r 1t!. JJtlr.t .t alr Elot chool er@N,. 1!r 12t 15. s.r.r6aairr !r'd P.J.cltffrDr &9t.r{t@bto1,_jl!i, 135 (19a1) and Act€ ,Ch.tr !S@^. 3L 1121 (1963) B.s.{t1dlr stot olhor.liee. 13. l?9 (t9tu} .t Brdphq!.Act ,_4, Blelrr .t Dl@hr.. r.t , 7r Gyr) 1?9, 329 (19n) (19F9, -101- 16, &.t{dtlEE.t.tr rtdr.Bl@iE9ro*v.. 1?. l.ltar.hdrt.!td tl.tdgtLt rmJi-t. Agtc.crtFoo.J.Fr Abgt6oi FIOO 16. ?U 21 , ( (1956) anit X.Eb.t€, J.l!o!.clE!. (196r) 19, I.tidtlE.Dd iJs@ttr 20. 5? (1965) r.fidthaE, tl.T6utuklt ?,obt x.tnN 2\O, 132, Jll'dst 8.lch&rn- At b.Bt@l-.Bldvs. 126' 620 (1969) .nd F.tocnd.t Aalt..Blol.ctn. :zgr paa (195a) !d_:9, r (1e6t) K.rio.tlrar T.ota and t1.Tr@Ut Bl@tst.BlothvA rot ,lltrl€2(195?) 22. l.t(lEGtor 2t. n.fitubrDi.r 1.I@s aid Trtdrot!&r rDplJ|t6ltol. 24. g,ltaEhiroto, E, J,Bro.h.!iq1' 160 Y&FtorT.Is., (1967) 4' .nd LYokot$rdl lpDl'll1@blo1. 5& (1en\ Br6l6r.ht::' 25, s.Ebtr D.V.W.!E ant c.^tao6btFdt 26. l.sof.m ltd R.sbrr B1@Lr.Bt.prvsrct!. !grt4, 27. rrld&t xo. 12?,215 (!{1@!to1, Ab"tr. 26. N.s.Ye.dov.t al, Prlkl.BbkhtlJ{1bobbr.9, 654 (192) 29. n.Rq1a.ut@En!.n ard \. c.zoE@ t1. ,m(191t, 442 (1C16) (1964) ?.7411 1972) u,s.r{.@L r can.J.ltt@blo1, z, 2a1(19f) .t !t, Bl(.,jFn.t 2t lktllClt) HJ,tdt*r J.R.3rlm6 qnd c.u.stin r J.'at!y *L.27,52a (1974) P. YJdz.t lt.colt {.t4*t r,t dd..Dil TrtllEl &rtcptol.chh. 4, tt, 216 (1964) lt.o.omnt l.F.Abdul-fatt€h .nd s,S.lFtroukt J.C.tttclo!1o1. t2, 1t1 (1969) a. K.Nak6'{Ehr' rJr6h.r! 5, 125) (1919) .nd I'r1 (1960) t . T.olo 6r'd x.t dth... r J.rsrt..ch.!.s@,J.Fn !?, X7 (19r) 16. N.s.PaLEl lnboblolorL , :9, 10@ (1969) 37. F,Iashrda et a1f Aerr.ALol.Cl.. 4, ,\1 &rr, (1*t) aa. FrYaEbld. .t .1r Bl@tE .i Btcdn.. rcb. l2r ,60 (t96t) s.raw .t .r,, asdcptdr,ch.:9, 6a4 (192) t. 40. !.st€@r St*h.rlol so..TnFc!t@, L:,23t (19&t) 41. sJ..e arit f.oh.st rsrlolroltha. :' €29 & 3N (191) \2. fi.s€klfr, iadclBtot.ch... Ji96 42ot \19t2, 4t. JJ.s.!dlF6r !ppl. &6.b1o1. j':i,]g (lt2) A\. ti,z.stenb*a, J.D.by.S.t.:!, 1'9 t15. fi.R.rhni Pli,D Tt ds (1915) (1971) !nlM!t!r of skrtrFlydc sr!!ao, u.R. 46. c.A.sdkutt.nd r.J.B.bul, J.B.atcrorr 12,1407 (196€) 47. Ir.rrrD, J.Ju and s.IEBklr fiErxoDs m E zrxoLoc] (G.E.F.d@ .rxt L.r,@nd Ed..l v61. iq p446 A6d.trt. p!6!s Nq 4€. lolk (190) E,R.rEI1., J.o.ti@ .Dd S.E.l.lErdtmllt t R.v.L.t{tu lllcbblol. 27, 1@ (19€l' -tt5tlg. J.rtn(lmb !.:1, 710 G96?) c.D. J.It@!!.l. !1' arr ASlrc.Bror.Cn ,o. "t Bt,tara.rn cJ.ti.eltiFt 51. H.L,lrors ,2. $J.t ra r C.riJrllclitd.nd J!.i.EF t AFIJi@tro1,?Z'906(1t!) ,r. n. . .!cyr T,c.Ena.lhldi .nd J,t{.Upadhy€y, ttycoFth.ro8r.'4't7(198i) 54. T.sat h, T.Beppu tt. r.!amb.!t and s,P,J.h1.o1.r c.h.J.nlooblol,:q, 1463 (1934) t6. c,J.BFdyt Br@h.r.J.39, 6rl (1t61) ,7. r!.s€leti l.llDt ,s. s,r.alrri l|.ra6s .rd s,sultrr ht.Jllr,rid.n.r.:!1, 2t6 (r9o) 19, I.I1LF.i 727 (r96t) ad c.s.t|lslttftr Bl@t'... st aftdv€. tot , 14,4r9(Elo, and and LArtnr l6rtuAtor.chetr. !1, 29, (1977) P.Pr@l4ltt, J.P1.nt.P1vdor.:ll!, 1r, c.siclEffcld, (19€4) C.s.hl!tFe.*t t.zEtgr c.cdatert E,E6ottol c.Iapis and s.o'ndUyr atot@!m1,L.!t. Z' 559 (1965) 60. n. l6hlrat3r J.Btoob6.9:, 61. J.n.l1r A.Pln.ky 62. u.lha! Daboir s.A.alt 6r. gr. s.sht@ P.raliigr PJ.Ld.l 65. xI.LyE ard tl.A.c Sadforit C.n.J.at@lE!.c.11 3101.62' 1o9r(19€t) 66. 6?, L.Tudemn and t.J.Pr@kopt 9E.J$@h€o. and E rl 1169 (19a4) s.Cro..Ent c.r..1Jlcr,32, ,92 end a.n.r6drr J.Pbh,Pb.lhlr. 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A.F.Ibde1-i!tt€h' 17,12' 115, (1*) s.choFa s.r.a!d.l-rd6 and sJJr{aEl lattcJl.tt€tl lid P.tlchtlr Fou. tli@blol.:9'1r? G9q,) 117. JOrSul1t6 ard c.x.lhtll1sr J.cJrdobtol. 4Lrt9 (lgall 116. P?,c!Il and v.l.$odtt rolta l@blol' ?g'76 (1931) 11g. H.Halhletot l'ri.a€ ond T'Yototsdtt a!p1't{ictubbr?!'946(1t12) 12o. n.s.th.nt tlJ.arht"'& ltJ.D.chusht't, P't'Jitocha'!3'63(t979) 121. O,P.St!d .d lt.D'srldr ndn6t.Br@hn. '122. ||.1i.! |brbtr s.l.J.s.t,Id.R...:9' iz'2o9 (1900) 19L (1937) canJ.!torq{9, €5 (lylo) 121. J.sod.k 6rd T.lto!*ni 124, J.D.yr sJ@rel.tt D'c..clo and a't4cPh'r'dl JJto:LhtD'3!1'19?(1966) 1zr, K.odat H.Tdl.htd and s'tlGor asdc'Btol'ch'Df0' 651 G96) 126. J.E.L&.r.id J.r'Ih1b.ot r..h.B!G'tt'p!'dv!' 139' Aa (196?) 12?. l3!.rllmrt.nd t.J.$tl,tt'crlldtosddrro ll'th'dll Pdb_u'lF clE Ftr ard fi,rU, londo 6.1t.* rdt p-93 (1935) ' 124. c.Dwk r olt€d tn i P!b.rp.l oa ttd'crDologJi' Ed' !t lrlrt@n' Slr.t 0n1r. PE3!r Pl''l (l9ar) '129. 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J.F |...'t$ n &d c.&ubctr c.n.JJt@btq1. &eo l1glil 10. r.sJrlrtqr rD&'Jid.r4, o (i96O) 16, Rtr.fu .!d r.L-Sdr rpA, tlE UC.&',Ci 6#1) itf . t.JJ@rirs. r rnryd, ?1,5? (l9ra) d t'E.t'I., ig- 16 (a9t) ls. tJrlct drdittr 8.stio .nd c,&.u{t',Fr !$ll!. !a' r8, (l9e) ieg. S.brtd6r t.golD &' 1t (1stt, t9. .rn aJ,lrd|orlt Eloot|tdd rt Ar.'l!'lt6 lJoli!. .rd LlhHr A!. ttr..tF. E, i47 ('lylr, &t!