CAMELOT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAMPUS INSTRUCTIONAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015 – 2016 Mission Statement We challenge and encourage each student to achieve and demonstrate academic excellence, technical skills, and responsible citizenship. Board Goals 1. NEISD will prepare our students for college and workforce readiness by challenging them to maximize their knowledge, technological skills, and potential for learning through both academic achievement and personal excellence. 2. NEISD will provide and maintain safe, supportive, and equitable learning environments for our students. 3. NEISD campuses will serve as centers for community involvement. 4. NEISD will develop and promote positive relationships through communication, involvement, and partnerships with our community. 5. NEISD will emphasize character development and civic responsibility. 6. NEISD will continue to use best practices in its efficient and effective management of District resources. 7. NEISD will recruit and retain exemplary employees committed to student excellence, best practices, and professional growth. 8. NEISD will foster a culture of health and wellness among our students, staff, and community. Transformation Goal Participate in a district transformation process by ensuring the development of the ten identified specific results to be implemented and evaluated throughout the 2015-2016 school year. Ongoing monitoring of Campus Instructional Improvement Plan will be completed by all responsible persons a minimum of four times annually to determine if strategies are resulting in intended improvement of student performance. Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Responsible Target Areas Performance Objectives / Strategies Evaluation Indicators Timeline Goals Person(s) 1, 6 Reading Improve Reading Instruction by consistently implementing the following: Grade 3-5 passing rate August Classroom will increase by 10% 2015 - Teachers, Implement guided reading groups at least three days per week on the (overall and by sub June 2016 Administrators, students’ instructional levels. pop) from the previous Title I Reading Each classroom will maintain a classroom library with leveled books. year. Coach, IIT Students will read daily during SSR, Daily 5 and throughout the day. Grades k-5- will be Benchmarking students throughout the year to assess progress Extended planning/PLC sessions with Instructional Coaches throughout independent level Kinder -level C the year. Teachers will plan for 1 hour after school each week with the First -level I Reading Coach. Second- level M Campus wide morning reading intervention time Third -level P Each classroom will have a Word Wall and have interactive lessons during Fourth-level S the word block Fifth-level U K-3 classes will implement Fountas & Pinnell phonics lessons K-5 teachers will K-3 classes will use Month-By-Month Phonics Lessons. 4th-5th will use benchmark all students Words their Way. at least 3 times a year, K-5 teachers will implement Daily Five. and more often when a student masters a level (keep current data). Grades k-2 I-Station. A minimum of 1% increase in students meeting the Final Recommended Standard in two or more subjects in all eligible student groups. NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Cost / Resources Books for classroom libraries $3,500 Benchmarking kits $2,000 Page 1 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Performance Objectives / Strategies Goals 1, 6 Math Improve Math instruction for all students including African American and Special Ed. Students by consistently implementing the following: Small group instruction to target student needs. Extended planning with Instructional Coaches. MAP/Intervention Teachers will model vocabulary and students held accountable for using it. Math Word Wall and use of anchor charts in each classroom. Problem Solving in every class. Math Journals will show evidence of Problem Solving, Academic Vocabulary, Reading/Writing integrated as Appropriate, teacher response on a regular basis All teachers on each grade level will attend Math Unit Trainings. Each grade level will incorporate priority strategies. Number Talks 3 to 5 times a week. Math workstations in each classroom. Weekly planning sessions will be held with the Math Coach each week. Hands on and authentic learning experiences. Data digs 1, 2, 6 Accelerated To increase academic performance of at-risk students, including Special Instruction Education, targeted small group intervention will be provided through the SCE-ED Program. Students will participate in the SCE-ED program during Math and school. Reading NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Responsible Person(s) Overall passing rate will August Classroom and increase 10% in each 2015 - SPED teachers sub pop. June 2016 Administrators, Title I Math Coach Cost / Resources $2,000 for intervention materials and manipulatives A minimum of 65% of the identified at-risk students will meet or exceed Level II of the STAAR assessment. SCE funds not to exceed $9000 Evaluation Indicators Timeline January Administrator 2016 – Math May 2016 Instructional Coach Reading Instructional Coach SCEED tutor Page 2 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Performance Objectives / Strategies Goals 1, 6 Professional Improve STAAR Math scores by implementing professional development Development with Chris Confer and as a result: increase in student engagement Plan Increase in student use of math vocabulary Teachers will: Improve their instruction, planning and understanding of math Get valuable feedback from the consultant 1, 6 1, 6 Collaborative planning with Instructional Coaches during extended planning sessions throughout the year. Writing Improve writing instruction and student achievement by implementing (IR – All the following: Students, Incorporating writing across all curriculums Hispanic, All students will be given the opportunities to write narrative texts and Economically expository texts Disadvantaged Teacher modeling/mentor texts Student/Teacher Conferencing Author’s Chair During PLC time teachers will share student writing samples with grade level teachers. Student writing will be evaluated a minimum of once a month using a writing checklist which includes TEKs taught during the nine week period. Improve Science instruction by implementing the following: Science Each grade level will have collaborative/extended planning with the Science Coach before each unit of study begins 3D/2D Instruction SE Model Minimum of two hands on experiences per week Science note booking/journaling in each grade level to record, organize, and reflect their understanding and knowledge of learned skills. Teachers will attend Scope Meetings Each grade level will have regular Science Lab experiences at least once a week. Science anchor charts posted in classroom NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Responsible Cost / Person(s) Resources Passing rate on STAAR August Classroom $10,000 will increase by 10% 2015 - Teachers, from 2014 in each sub June 2016 Administrators, pop. Including African Title I Reading American students. Coach, IIT Evaluation Indicators Timeline A minimum of 65% of all student groups will meet the Level II standard on STAAR. August Classroom and N/A 2015 - SPED Teachers, June 2016 Administrators, Title I Reading Coach, IIT ESL students will increase one proficiency level on TELPAS. Passing rate on STAAR August Classroom and will increase by 10% in 2015 - SPED Teachers, each sub pop. June 2016 Administrators, Title I Science Coach $3,000 for Notebooks and Science Materials Page 3 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Performance Objectives / Strategies Evaluation Indicators Goals 1, 2, 5, Attendance Improve students’ attendance by implementing the following: Increase attendance to 8 97%. School wide attendance Celebrations each 9 weeks Perfect Attendance Incentives such as Spirit Sticks and coupons. Attendance percentages shared on announcements every week Formal process for tracking attendance Home visits/phone calls home when students are absent Weekly class attendance will be read on the announcements at the end of each week. 1, 2, 5, Discipline Reduce student office referrals by implementing the following: Decrease the number 8 of office referrals by Leader in Me/7 Habits 10% from previous Morning meetings school year. Class Mission statement 3:1 positive/negative interaction checks Lighthouse/LIM meeting once a month CHAMPS review at BOY School wide expectations posted and reviewed in all school areas Counselor Involvement School wide Implementation of LIM Clubs Spirit Sticks for good conduct. Staff professional development on discipline provided by a district behavioral specialist. Caught Being a Leader will be read over the announcements for positive behavior. Students will earn a spirit stick. 2, 5, 8 Guidance Provide and support a safe learning environment by: Decrease the incidents of bullying and conflicts Classroom teachers explicitly teach the 7 Habits Counselor conducts monthly guidance lessons on subjects such as bully amongst students by 10% as indicated on prevention/awareness, the 7 Habits, self-esteem, and goal setting. Counselor will hold small group guidance time for select students to meet office referrals. their social/emotional needs. Counselor will hold one-one-one/individual guidance as needed and on a scheduled basis to meet the needs of students. Conduct a bullying assembly NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Responsible Cost / Person(s) Resources August Certified Staff $500 for Spirit 2015 Sticks and June 2016 incentives Timeline August Certified and $2,600 for LIM 2015 - classified staff, Consultant June 2016 counselor, and Materials Administration August Certified staff, n/a 2015 - counselor, June 2016 administration Page 4 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Performance Objectives / Strategies Goals 1, 2, 5, Special Improve quality of Special Education services by implementing the 8 Education following: Each Special Ed teacher will progress monitor each student SPED teacher will attend Scope Meetings/Unit Trainings and Extended Planning with their respective grade levels SPED teacher will plan each week with grade level 1, 5, 6, Specials 8 8 Health/ Fitness 1, 5, 8 Student Involvement Responsible Cost / Person(s) Resources Increase the number of August SPED Teachers, n/a SPED students passing 2015 - Administration STAAR by 10% in each June 2016 subject and in each sub pop. 100% of teachers will have Progress Monitoring Data on their caseload students. Improve the quality of instruction given during Specials by implementing 10% Decrease in office August Specials N/A the following: referrals given during 2015 - Teachers, Specials. 10% Increase June 2016 Administration CHAMPs posted, reviewed, and monitored on a daily basis in the number of Grade Level Objectives posted in Specials rooms students who Lesson plans submitted to Administration weekly participate in PTA Activities/lessons differentiated between each grade level Activities: PTA Performances, NEISD Track/Field Day, campus field day, PE Performances, NEISD Showcase, Go Kids Challenge, etc. all planned and organized in advance Track/Field Day, PE and discussed with administration. Showcase and Go Weekly team meetings Kids Challenge. Increase the opportunities for physical activity and increase the fitness 10% increase in the August PE Teacher, and health level of our students by: number of students 2015 - Classroom who pass the June 2016 teachers, Offering incentives to earn additional recess/activity time Administration Ensuring at least 50% of all PE activities each week will involve rigorous FitnessGram. physical activity Assessing students using the Fitnessgram Program Improve student involvement in school activities by implementing the 10% Increase in the August Certified Staff, n/a following: number of students 2015 - Counselor, involved in clubs and June 2016 Administration Leader In Me, PALs, Junior Achievement, Career Day, Hardy Oak and school wide roles. Students Reagan partnership, and Ft. Sam partnership. Clubs provided such as SAY Si, Girlstart, Robotics/funded by Rackspace, student Lighthouse, Student Council, Leadership Academy and campus leadership jobs. Goal Setting NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Evaluation Indicators Timeline Page 5 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Performance Objectives / Strategies Goals 1, 3, 4 Community Continue working with Rackspace as a community partner by: Partnership Meeting regularly with Rackspace to discuss campus needs Continue collaborating with Rackspace on such programs as SAY Si , Girl Start, Robotics and the Summer Literacy Academy Responsible Cost / Person(s) Resources Campus team will meet August Certified Staff n/a with Rackspace 2015 - and Rackspace representative a June 2016 Representative minimum of four times to plan collaborative events. 1 Gifted and Increase the number of underrepresented populations in G/T, by providing There will be a 2% August Principal, G/T n/a Talented increase in 2015 - Teacher, classroom teachers with staff development focusing on more depth and underrepresented June 2016 Classroom complexity for students who stand out above their peers academically. students in the G/T Teachers, G/T This will better prepare students to do the thinking required when taking program. Coordinator G/T tests. 1 - 8 Title IA needs assessment will be given to the CIC to identify campus needs. 100% implementation August CIC n/a Component 1 Evaluation of findings will take place during CIC meetings. plan will be based on 2015 Needs findings of the CIC June 2016 Implementation of changes will begin. Assessment needs assessment. 1, 6, 7 Title ITo address the needs of all special population students, including but not 100% of Lesson plans August Certified staff, n/a Component 2: limited to: will indicate these 2015 - Administration, Reform research based June 2016 Title I Coaches, Promoted/retained students Strategies strategies are in place. IIT McKinney students Economically disadvantaged students English Language Learners All At-Risk students. Implement, research based accelerated education programs including – SCE-ED, RAP, MAP, and LLI Kits NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Evaluation Indicators Timeline Page 6 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Goals 1, 2, 5, Title I6, 7, 8 Component 3:Staff Development in the Area of At Risk Students 1, 6 7 Responsible Cost / Person(s) Resources n/a Campus based professional development will be data driven and focus on 100% of walk-throughs August Classroom will indicate strategies 2015 Teachers, collaboratively decided goals based on campus improvement plan to learned during June 2016 Administrators, improve instruction. professional Title I Coaches, Staff development will target core subject areas of concern and address development being IIT, Counselor positive behavior supports in the classroom. Teachers will be given opportunities throughout the year for extended used effectively. Performance Objectives / Strategies Evaluation Indicators Timeline planning sessions and to meet with Instructional Coaches and District 100% of at risk students Specialists. will have data driven Document Interventions in COMPASS quarterly intervention as Provide Research Based Intervention with progress monitoring determined by the RTI Implement data driven instruction committee and Tutoring documented/monitore Assign an RTI Administrator to each grade level to meet d in Compass. monthly/regularly as needed, with their grade levels Title 1Provide quality staff development to maintain a highly qualified staff by 100% of Teacher choice August Classroom $3,000 for Component 4 requiring all teachers to earn a minimum of 12 hours of staff hours will be 2015 - Teachers, books, Professional development during the summer or outside of the school hours. Monitored. 100% of June 2016 Administrators, materials and Development certified staff will Title I Coaches, trainer Improve teacher quality by implementing the following professional for all Staff meet/exceed the IIT, Certified associated development : minimum 12 hours of Staff, Counselor, with Best Practice meetings PD requires by District. Administration professional Vertical meetings development Optional book studies Implementation training in August Data Analysis/Small Group intervention planning on a regular basis with administration and coaches 100% support for new August Administrators, n/a Title 1Administration will effectively screen, recruit and retain 90% of highly Component 5 qualified teachers who want to work with at-risk, ELL, and students with teachers and/or new to 2015 - Instructional a grade level. June 2016 Coaches Highly disabilities. Qualified Provide new teacher support through mentors and instructional coaches. teachers (new to campus/ or to a grade level) Administration will adhere to the district hiring practices. NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Page 7 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Goals 1 - 8 Title I – Component 6: Increase Parental Involvement 1-5 Performance Objectives / Strategies Responsible Cost / Person(s) Resources Increase Parental August Family $1,000 for Involvement at school 2015 - Specialist, cost functions by 10%. June 2016 Certified Staff, Counselor, Administration Evaluation Indicators Timeline Improve Parental Involvement by implementing the following: Parent Volunteers Fall/Spring Conferences Teacher websites updated on a regular basis Grade level newsletters sent home on a weekly basis Parent Academy Open House/Meet the Teacher Family Fun Night four times a year Knighting Ceremony each nine week Parent Link Phone Calls Monthly Calendar of Events sent home Invite parents to school events such as book fairs, assemblies, career day, or having lunch with child Grade levels will host one event for parent involvement such as a wax museum, Reading Cafe, student presentations, etc. Title I – A parent orientation will be provided for incoming kindergarten students’ Increase Kinder Component 7: parents. attendance rate by Transition Topics will include the importance of attendance and career readiness as 10%. From Early Attendance at Kinder early as kindergarten. Childhood to Kinder Round Up held in Spring orientation will Elementary Provide opportunities throughout the year in an effort to increase increase by 10% School attendance, build vocabulary, and expose students to outside school Program experiences NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT August Kindergarten n/a 2015 - Teachers, June 2016 Administration, Family Specialist, Title I Coaches, IIT Page 8 Campus Instructional Improvement Plan Board Target Areas Performance Objectives / Strategies Evaluation Indicators Goals 1 ,2, 5, Title I – Teachers will assess student progress using; 100% of student 6, Component 8: Daily grades assessments will be Assessments Benchmark tests entered into GradeSpeed for parent Tracking priority strategies to view. Individual student goal setting RTI Meetings will be set for students of concern 6 Teachers will maintain guided reading binders containing running records, benchmark reading levels, and plans. Didax RAP Progress Monitoring Coaches will facilitate an assessment wall. Weekly meetings with coaches will provide discussions concerning ongoing assessments. Use Compass to track academic progress. 1,1,2,6 Title I – Provide support to struggling students by implementing the following: 100% of students will 2, 6 Component 9: After school tutoring will be provided 1 hour a week for struggling be promoted to the Extra next grade level. students. Assistance for Extended tutoring offered by teachers and hired tutors will be Struggling supported with Target TEKS funds Students School wide intervention time will be honored daily. Small group, differentiated instruction provided daily. 81-6,8 Title I – Provide nonacademic services to students and parents by implementing 100% of students will Component the following: be knowledgeable in 10: Integration Nutrition will be incorporated as part of the grade level curriculum and what is good nutrition. of Federal, PE program. State, and Character development will be taught through the Leader in Me/7 Habits. 100% of families in Local Services The family specialist will communicate information about housing, food, need will be knowledgeable in education, and job training. outside resources to address their needs. NORTH EAST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Responsible Cost / Person(s) Resources August Certified Staff, n/a 2015 -June Administration, 2016 Title I Coaches, IIT Timeline August Certified Staff, $7,500 Project 2015 - Counselor, Target TEKS June 2016 Administration, tutors Title I Coaches, IIT August Certified Staff, n/a 2015 - Family June 2016 Specialist, Counselor, Administration Page 9