PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 1 of 8 Electric Charge and Electrostatic Force Contemporary vision: all forces of nature can be viewed as interaction between "charges", specific fundamental properties of matter. Electrostatic force: • By rubbing amber against fur, one can discover that both amber and fur acquire some new properties that cause them attract each other. The new property that is responsible for this force is called electric charge q. • What is interesting is that if one splits this way charged amber piece apart, the smaller pieces repel each other. • Both facts can be explained if one assumes that • there are two kinds of charges: positive and negative we chose to call them positive and negative; we could chose "sour" and "sweet", "left" and "right", "day-like" and "night-like" and this would do just as well • same-kind charges repel each other • opposite kinds attract each other A. Korytov PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 2 of 8 Electric Charge and Electrostatic Force SI Units for charge: • C, Coulomb we will discuss later how this unit was chosen--it was derived from units of current • 1 C is a very large charge (just try to hold two 1 C charges in your hands!) More on electric charges: • total electric charge is conserved, i.e. the net charge in any closed system never changes • Milliken: there is a smallest unit of charge e ≈ 1.6⋅⋅10-19 C Coulomb's Law for point-like charges: q1 q2 R • the force is directed along the line connecting the charges • two point charges repel or attract each other (same sign charges repel, opposite sign--attract) • the magnitude of the force is as follows: r q1 ⋅ q2 q1 ⋅ q 2 1 ⋅ F = k = R 2 4πε 0 R2 k ≈ 8.99x109 N⋅⋅m2/C2 ≈ 9x109 N⋅⋅m2/C2 k = 1/(4πε πε 0), where ε 0 ≈ 8.85x10-12 C2/(N⋅⋅m2) A. Korytov PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 3 of 8 Other "Charges" and Forces in Nature - I Gravitational force: responsible for attraction of planets to the Sun, for an apple falling down, etc., etc. F= m1 ⋅ m2 G 2 R • Here masses m1 and m2 are gravitational "charges". • There is only one kind of gravitational charges--one may want to call them "positive" (any other name would be as good). • As far as we know mass does not quantize, i.e. there is no smallest quantum of mass • Mass is not conserved, it can be converted into energy: E=mc2 • Gravitational force is very weak, incomprehensibly weaker than electrostatic force (in the world of elementary particles): Take example of two electrons: • electrons have mass me ≈ 9.1⋅⋅10-31 kg and charge qe = -e ≈ -1.6⋅⋅10-19 C • G = 6.67x10-11 Nm2/kg2, k = 9x109 Nm2/C2 me ⋅ me G R2 qe ⋅ qe e2 FE = k= 2k R2 R m2 FG / FE = 2 ⋅ G / k ≈ 2 ⋅ 10 − 43 e -43 10 : Incomprehensibly small number!!!! FG = → 1 sec and age of Universe: 1 s / (15⋅⋅109 years × 3⋅⋅107 s/year ) ≈ 10-18 → (smallest distance we can resolve) / (observable universe) ~ (10-16 m)/(1022 m) A. Korytov PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 4 of 8 Other "Charges" and Forces in Nature - II Strong force: responsible for holding protons and neutrons inside an atom nucleus (protons repel each other, while gravitational force is too week to hold them together). • There is six kinds of strong force charges--we chose to call them "green", "red", "blue", "anti-green", "anti-red", "anti-blue") • For example: protons, although color-neutral themselves, consist of three quarks that carry these charges: proton anti-proton π-meson What about magnetic force?: • Once thought to be one of the fundamental forces. • Now we know it is due to the same electric charges set in motion A. Korytov PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 5 of 8 Electrostatic Force is a Vector Electrostatic Force is a vector (as any other force). Q1 R1 F2 q R2 Q2 F3 F1 R3 Q3 Here are a few tips how to draw the vector forces (accurate drawing is the key to handling vector forces): • remember that forces act on charges • to figure out the force acting on charge q in presence of other charges, one needs to jump on charge q and count all charges around (three in the example above: Q1, Q2, Q3) • Each of these external charges will exert a force on charge q according to the Coulomb 's Law and you draw all three vectors of the forces Fi, experienced by the charge q a) starting from the point corresponding to charge q; b) along the line connecting q and Qi; c) in direction of attraction/repulsion according to signs of charges q and QI; d) and with magnitude calculated according to Coulomb's Law: Fi = qQ i k 2 Ri • The net force acting on charge q is the vector sum of all these three forces: F = F1 + F2 +F3 A. Korytov PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 6 of 8 Vectors & Vector Addition Graphical Addition of Vectors: C=A+B y-axis C B A x-axis Breaking a Vectors into x- and y-components: y-axis Ay =A sin θ A θ Ax =A cos θ x-axis To add vectors you add the components of the vectors as follows: r A = Axiˆ + Ay ˆj + Az kˆ r B = Bxiˆ + By ˆj + Bz kˆ r r r C = A + B = ( Ax + Bx )iˆ + ( Ay + By ) ˆj + ( Az + Bz )kˆ A. Korytov PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 7 of 8 Useful Approximations For any small ε (|εε|<<1), the following expressions can be approximated as: (1 + ε ) p ≈ 1 + pε eε ≈ 1 + ε sin ε ≈ ε tan ε ≈ ε ε2 cos ε ≈ 1 − 2 A. Korytov PHY 2049 Lecture Notes Chapter 22: Page 8 of 8 Electric Dipole -Q +Q d • An electric dipole is two equal and opposite point charges separated by a distance d. It is an electrically neutral system. • The "dipole moment" p is defined to be the charge Q times the separation d, i.e., p = Qd. Example Problems: 1. A dipole with charge Q and separation d is located on the y-axis with its midpoint at the origin. A charge q is on the x-axis a distance x from the midpoint of the dipole. What is the electric force on q due to the dipole (assume x >>d)? +Q q d F ≈ x -Q (Qd ) q k 3 x 2. Same, but with the dipole oriented along x-axis. +Q -Q q F ≈2 x d (Qd ) q k 3 x 3. Find the force between two dipoles oriented as shown: +Q -Q +Q -Q x d d (Qd ) 2 F ≈6 k 4 x Note that despite the fact that both dipoles are neutral, there remains a residual week force between them (~1/x4). Does it contradict to Coulomb's Law? No, the law is formulated for point-like charges, while dipoles are clearly not point-like and have internal structure. This problem is intended to help understand how neutral atoms can attract each other to make molecules and form solid objects. A. Korytov