Marc Van de Velde

XL Global Asset Protection Services (XL GAPS)

Centre of Excellence

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I MAKE YOUR WORLD GO XL Global Asset Protection Services LLC

Renewable energy in Europe

 Why renewable Energy

 Total electricity Europe in 2011: 3165 TWh

 Renewable energy in TWh (approx 22%)

Hydro: 390






+/- 108

© European Union, 1995-2011 http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/Electricity_production_and_supply_statistics (Link checked 2012-11-02)

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Solar energy - heating

 Solar hot water

 Green houses – agricultural

 Parabolic trough collector systems

Parabolic mirrors concentrate light onto a tube filled with a heat transfer fluid (HTF)

HFT heats water to steam that drives a turbine that generates electricity solar hot water

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Solar energy - electricity

 Photovoltaic (PV)

Multi crystalline, thin film

 Concentrator PV systems (CPV)

 Optical system such as mirrors and lenses to concentrate the light onto the cells and increase efficiency

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Photovoltaic (PV) effect

photovoltaic = photo (= light) + Volt sunlight anti reflective coating front contact specially treated semi-conductor material back contact photons source: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2002/solarcells/

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PV history

 1880 – first Selenium based cell constructed

 1954 – first Silicon based solar cell

 1958 – first commercial use in a satellite

 1970’s – early 1980’s: use in remote areas

 From mid 1990’s – shifts developments from USA to Japan and Europe

Image Source: Courtesy of DOE/NREL

 1990’s - incentive programs in Japan

 2000’s - incentives programs started in various countries

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Photovoltaic (PV) - types

stand-off system roof integrated system building integrated

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Photovoltaic (PV) - types

Ground – mounted systems

 Fixed

 With tracking

 Single axis

 Dual axis

 Higher yield

 But higher cost for: o Production o Maintenance o Repair

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Main system components

solar panel array cables and connectors junction boxes with fuses, over current protection solar panel array

DC side circuit breaker inverter

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AC system side to meter users, public utility

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Photovoltaic (PV) panels – standards

 Life expectancy of a system is 20 years or more

 End user wants a good and reliable panel !!


 Performance capability under prolonged exposure to standard climates

Electrical, diagnostic, performance, thermal, UV, temperature cycles, humidity

 Mechanical - hail, wind, snow

 Bypass diode tests

 Qualification standards

EN / IEC 61215 (2005) – crystalline PV modules

EN / IEC 61646 (2008)

– thin film PV modules

 EN / IEC 61208 (2007) – concentrator modules (CPV)

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Photovoltaic (PV) panels - standards

 Safety standard

 IEC 61730 – 2004 (EN 61730 – 2007)

 Part 1 – construction requirements

Design characteristics such as wall thickness of junction boxes, minimum distance of conductive parts form the edges, e.g


 Materials used (UV stability, temperature parameters,…)

 Part 2 – testing requirements

Tests carried out on preconditioned modules and components

 Application class A – Safety Class II

 General inspection test, electric shock hazard (7 tests), fire hazard (5 tests) mechanical stress (2 tests), component (3 test)

 USA - ANSI/UL 1703

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Panel combustibility

 Testing requirements differ between standards.

 IEC 61730 – 2: MST-23 - fire test specification to USA – ANSI / UL 790

 EN 61730 – 2: MST-23 – Note indicates European fire test is under consideration

 Europe: EN 13501-5 – External fire exposures to roofs

Actual tests in ENV 1187

– 4 test methods.

 classification B roof (t1), (t2), (t3), (t4)

 ANSI/UL 1703

– refers to ANSI/UL 790, additional requirements than IEC 61730

 ANSI/UL 790 and ASTM E108 : fire tests of roof coverings

 Relevant tests are “spread of flame” (gas burner) and “flying brand”

 Class A, B, C

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Other standards

 Factory Mutual Approval Standards

• FM 4478 (2012) – Rigid photovoltaic modules

• FM 4476 (2011) – Flexible photovoltaic modules

 Evaluate the entire assembly as a whole for:

• fire hazard (ASTM E108 Class A, B, C with maximum roof slope),

• wind uplift

• hail

• seismic exposure (rigid panels)

• heat aging effects on the substrate (flexible panels)

 Does not evaluate any other electrical components

Referenced standards address mainly performance, not reliability

Third party certification is important

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DC cabling

 Cabling standardization long time neglected

 Older installations may have less suitable cables installed

 Cables should be:

 UV and Ozone resistant

 Weather and moisture resistant,

 Temperature resistant

 Flame retardant (IEC 60332-1-2) no halogen (EN 50267-2-2)

 Acid and alkaline resistant (EN 60811-2-1)

 Special cables:

 Rodent / termite protection: on the market such as steel armored cable (V4A)

 Resistance against oil and grease

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DC cabling

Not yet an official IEC / EN standard


• Requirements for cables for use in photovoltaic systems

• TÜV specification: 2Pfg 1169/08.2007 OR VDE E PV 01:2008-02

 In the USA - NEC – NFPA 70 (2011) – Article 690 – 31

• USE-2 wire (TYLZ) (UL 854) OR

PV wire (ZKLA)

– UL 4703 (2005)

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Cable connectors

 Prefabricated or field assembled

 UV resistance, moisture ingress, temperature

 Contact resistance

 Low plug in, high pull out force; interlocking system

 Force required to rip connector from cable

 NO IEC standard at present

 EN 50521 – 2008 Connectors for photovoltaic systems – safety)


 UL 746C – Safety of polymeric Materials

 UL 1977 – Component connectors

 UL 1703 – flat plate photovoltaic modules

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Terminal, junction, and connector boxes

 UV resistance, moisture ingress, condensation, temperature, flame retardant

 EN 50548 – 2011 – Junction boxes for photovoltaic modules

 Germany: DIN V VDE V0126-5 (valid till 2014-02)

 EN 61439-1 and 2 (2009)

– Low voltage power switch and control gear

(replacement for EN 60439-1)

 USA: UL 1741

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Power inverters

 Convert DC produced by panels to AC from small string inverters to large central inverters

 IEC/EN 62109 parts 1 and 2

– Safety of power converters in photovoltaic systems

 USA: UL 1741

 Use correct inverter for intended purpose / location (indoor versus outdoor)

 Several issues related to inverters

 Newer designs better and higher expected lifetime

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Lightning and overvoltage protection

 External protection system

 Collecting direct lightning strikes

 Collecting and distributing the current to earth

 Internal lightning / overvoltage protection

 When Required?

 Legislation can vary from country to country

 Occupancy of the building.

 Insurance company requirements

 In Europe: EN 62305 – Protection against lightning

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Lightning and overvoltage protection

 Building with lightning protection system source VdS: VdS 3145: 2011-07 Photovoltaikanlagen – page 15

Minimum distance between DC cables and lightning protection system not observed

 Building without lightning protection system

 Complicated topic – use specialized company !! office building Frankfurt, Germany http://vds.de/fileadmin/vds_publikationen/vds_3145_web.pdf

(link checked 2012-11-02)

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Proof of stability (statics)

 Difference between “system” and “building” statics

 System statics : stability of securing elements and panels

Offered by a large number of manufacturers and tested by certification

 Building Statics :

 Needs original data from drawings, architect, expert

 In Europe EUROCODE 1 (EC 1)

 EN 1991-1-x + national annexes

 National standards to are still being used, eg. Germany DIN 1055

Source: Gesamtverbandes der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV)

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Other considerations

 Avoid installation of PV systems on combustible roofs

 Configure panels and control boxes in such a way that they are accessible to service and emergency personnel

 Maintain adequate distance between PV panels and fire walls

 Ensure that panels do not interfere with smoke and heat vents

 Maintain a minimum distance between panels/cables and plastic skylights / light bands

 Put cables in metal conduit or metal cable trays

 Route cables on the outside of the building

 Centralize inverters in a fire cutoff room with as a minimum fire detection

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Loss history – German insurers (2004-2007)

Loss cause









Number of incidents (%)









Damage cost: natural elements: 40%

Damage cost (%)









Data Source: GDV Publication Renewable March 2010 (Page 166) http://www.gdv.de/2010/03/7-auflage-der-broschuere-erneuerbare-energien-neu-englische-version/renewable_energies_2010 / (link checked 2012-11-02)

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Potential loss causes - storm

 Ballast on horizontal roofs.

 Missing supports

 Roof damage

 Damaged membranes/ roof coverings

 Installation over roof tops, over or in rain gulley Source VdS: VdS 3145: 2011-07 Photovoltaikanlagen – page 10

 Large ground mounted systems with or without tracking image source: courtesy of DOE/NREL http://vds.de/fileadmin/vds_publikationen/vds_3145_web.pdf

(Link checked 2012-11-02)

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Potential loss causes – snow - hail

 2005/2006 relative large number of snow related losses

• Missing or wrong type of roof hooks

• Supporting frames not able to withstand load

• Wrong type of PV panels not suitable for expected snow loads

 Above can be avoided through proper installation and material choice

 Other potential issues:

“avalanches” on roofs with building integrated panels and frameless panels

Stand off panels: localized snow accumulation – roof deck issues

 Hail damage: limited as long as panels are built to qualification standards EN/

IEC 61215 or EN/IEC 61646.

 Cautions required for areas with more than average exposure

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Potential loss causes – various

Theft / vandalism

Storage of panels on construction sites

 Vegetation /forest fires

 Areas subject to flood

 The further away from occupied areas, the bigger the potential

 Areas subject to subsidence

 Need for physical and or electronic surveillance systems

 Cable damage due to rodents (such as mice, rats, ferrets…)

 Aggressive chemicals, vapors (e.g. ammonia)

 Panel contamination and shading image source: courtesy of DOE/NREL

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Firefighter safety – electrical shock

PV systems are dangerous for fire departments !!

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Firefighter safety

 Traditional: fire – fire department arrives – cut off power - intervention

 Issue with PV: when light – electricity is produced – can be up to 1000 V DC

 Disconnect means at the inverter level

 System can not be de-energized on the DC level

 Damaged electrical cables or panels – potential of electrical shock

 Proposed solutions: cover the panels with: foam

– tarpaulins - paint

 Does not work or not practical to implement

 De-energize up to a level that is safe

 Several solutions on the market

 Remove power from the array to the inverter

 Remove power at the module level

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Firefighter perspective

 Electric shock

 Walking on roof

 Cutting holes in roof to enter or as smoke and heat vents

 Falling glass, panels

 Slipping

 Panels come loose from roof and fall

 Panels get damaged by falling trees or other objects

Discussions between intervention team and property owner/operator !!!

The risk can be managed !!

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Short summary

 Use the latest codes, standards, guidelines

 Use quality, certified components

 Use qualified, certified installers

Initial acceptance of installation (EN 62466)

Service contract / supervision of system

 Regular maintenance, inspection by qualified

 Appears easy to install

 “Plug and play” mentality

 Lack of know-how

 Several disciplines involved personnel

System statics and roof statics

 Natural hazards: wind, storm, ice, snow, hail

 Lightning and surge protection

 Fire safety issues: roof construction, components, routing of cables …

Potential firefighter issues

Potential insurance type issues

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DOE/NREL link: http://www.nrel.gov/data/pix/

Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

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 XL Group plc, through its subsidiaries, is a global insurance and reinsurance company providing property, casualty and specialty products to industrial, commercial and professional firms, insurance companies and other enterprises throughout the world.

 XL Group plc’s insurance companies offer property, casualty, professional and specialty insurance products globally.

Businesses that are moving the world forward choose XL as their partner. To learn more, visit xlgroup.com/insurance .

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 We are the organization clients look to for answers to their most complex risks and to help move their world forward. To learn more, visit xlgroup.com

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