Tourism Visitation, Immigration and Business Development Statistics 01 April – 30 June 2014 Tourism Visitation April 2014 ARRIVING PASSENGER STATISTICS Total Visitors arriving 2473 Total RPT passengers arriving 2820 ORIGIN STATISTICS Visitors by Port of Departure BRISBANE SYDNEY AUCKLAND OTHER Total 986 1030 412 45 2473 Visitors by Country of Origin OTHER Australia 40% 42% 17% 2% 26 2021 1.1% 81.7% New Zealand USA 406 5 16.4% 0.2% Germany Great Britain 4 11 0.2% 0.4% Total Australian visitors by State of Origin NSW QLD VIC 2473 814 757 210 40% 37% 10% SA 55 3% WA 79 4% 32 60 14 2021 2% 3% 1% TAS ACT Other Total Visitor Numbers in comparison to previous year MONTH 12/13 Jul 1216 Aug 1353 Sept 2143 Oct 2280 Nov 2161 Dec 2071 Jan 1834 Feb 1917 Mar 2694 Apr 2473 May 1652 Jun Comparison FY to date 13/14 1296 1659 2278 2391 2526 2178 1834 1917 2694 2473 % Diff 7% 23% 6% 5% 17% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1453 20142 21246 5% 88% Total non visitors arriving 393 Total RPT Airline Capacity 3192 ACCOMMODATION STATISTICS Visitors in Private Accommodation Visitors in Public Accommodation 10% 90% All Visitors average Bednights 236 2237 2473 7 Visitors by Accommodation Type S/C Apartments Cottages/Houses Hotels Not indicated 1211 275 743 8 54% 12% 33% 0% Total Visitors by Accommodation Star rating 2 1/2 Star 2237 34 2% 3 Star 564 25% 3 1/2 Star 924 41% 4 Star 4 1/2 Star 5 Star Unrated 314 25 368 14% 0% 1% 16% 8 0% Not indicated Total 2237 41% 59% Total 1024 1449 2473 5% 2% 4% 7% 20% 30% 24% 8% Total 121 51 96 177 502 739 597 190 2473 DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS Visitors by Gender Demographic Male Female Visitors by Age Demographic Under18 18 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 70 to 79 Over 80 May 2014 ARRIVING PASSENGER STATISTICS Total Visitors arriving 1806 Total RPT passengers arriving 2128 ORIGIN STATISTICS Visitors by Port of Departure BRISBANE SYDNEY AUCKLAND OTHER Total 656 637 513 0 1806 Visitors by Country of Origin OTHER Australia New Zealand USA Germany Great Britain Total Australian visitors by State of Origin NSW QLD VIC 36% 35% 28% 0% 12 1277 0.7% 70.7% 513 3 0 1 28.4% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 1806 452 469 170 35% 37% 13% SA 53 4% WA 54 4% 34 24 21 1277 3% 2% 2% TAS ACT Other Total Visitor Numbers in comparison to previous year MONTH 12/13 Jul 1216 Aug 1353 Sept 2143 Oct 2280 Nov 2161 Dec 2071 Jan 1834 Feb 1917 Mar 2694 Apr 2473 May 1652 Jun Comparison FY to date 13/14 1296 1659 2278 2391 2526 2178 1834 1917 2694 2473 1806 % Diff 7% 23% 6% 5% 17% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 9% 23052 6% 1453 21794 58% Total non visitors arriving 322 Total RPT Airline Capacity 3648 ACCOMMODATION STATISTICS Visitors in Private Accommodation Visitors in Public Accommodation All Visitors average Bednights Visitors by Accommodation Type S/C Apartments Cottages/Houses Hotels Not indicated Total Visitors by Accommodation Star rating 2 1/2 Star 112 1694 1806 7 6% 94% 953 182 556 3 56% 11% 33% 0% 1694 40 2% 3 Star 650 38% 3 1/2 Star 424 25% 4 Star 4 1/2 Star 5 Star Unrated 212 0 27 338 13% 0% 2% 20% 3 0% Not indicated Total 1694 42% 58% Total 765 1041 1806 1% 2% 3% 6% 17% 37% 27% 8% Total 15 41 56 103 305 660 482 144 1806 DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS Visitors by Gender Demographic Male Female Visitors by Age Demographic Under18 18 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 70 to 79 Over 80 June 2014 ARRIVING PASSENGER STATISTICS Total Visitors arriving 1721 Total RPT passengers arriving 1983 ORIGIN STATISTICS Visitors by Port of Departure BRISBANE SYDNEY AUCKLAND OTHER Total 531 716 405 69 1721 Visitors by Country of Origin OTHER Australia New Zealand USA Germany Great Britain Total Australian visitors by State of Origin NSW QLD VIC 31% 42% 24% 4% 77 1239 4.5% 72.0% 400 2 0 3 23.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 1721 532 407 172 43% 33% 14% SA 49 4% WA 20 2% 17 37 5 1239 1% 3% 0% TAS ACT Other Total Visitor Numbers in comparison to previous year MONTH 12/13 Jul 1216 Aug 1353 Sept 2143 Oct 2280 Nov 2161 Dec 2071 Jan 1834 Feb 1937 Mar 2235 Apr 2349 May 1652 Jun Comparison FY to date 13/14 1296 1659 2278 2391 2526 2178 1834 1917 2694 2473 1806 % Diff 7% 23% 6% 5% 17% 5% 0% -1% 21% 5% 9% 1453 1721 18% 22684 24773 9% 59% Total non visitors arriving 369 Total RPT Airline Capacity 3344 ACCOMMODATION STATISTICS Visitors in Private Accommodation Visitors in Public Accommodation All Visitors average Bednights Visitors by Accommodation Type S/C Apartments Cottages/Houses Hotels Not indicated Total Visitors by Accommodation Star rating 2 1/2 Star 139 1582 1721 7 8% 92% 812 212 557 1 51% 13% 35% 0% 1582 28 2% 3 Star 590 37% 3 1/2 Star 460 29% 4 Star 4 1/2 Star 5 Star Unrated 185 0 18 300 12% 0% 1% 19% 1 0% Not indicated Total 1582 42% 58% Total 729 992 1721 4% 3% 4% 8% 18% 31% 25% 7% Total 64 52 61 137 304 536 438 129 1721 DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS Visitors by Gender Demographic Male Female Visitors by Age Demographic Under18 18 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 70 to 79 Over 80 13/14 Ju n Ap r M ar Fe b Ja n De c No v Oc t Se pt Au g Ju l M ay 12/13 Visitor Numbers in comparison to previous year 3000 2750 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 Immigration 01 April – 30 June 2014 NEW UNRESTRICTED ENTRY PERMITS (AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND CITIZENS WHO DID NOT HOLD PERMITS UNDER THE PREVIOUS IMMIGRATION SYSTEM) Australian 7 New Zealand 7 Total 14 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND CITIZENS - APPLICATION FOR NORFOLK ISLAND RESIDENCY STATUS Citizens Applied Approved Refused Being Processing Time Held Permit Processed (Average Days) under previous NI Immigration System Australian 0 0 0 0 0 0 New Zealand 7 0 6 1 9 1 Total 7 0 6 1 9 1 FOREIGN NATIONALS - APPLICATION FOR NORFOLK ISLAND RESIDENCY STATUS Applied Approved Refused Being Processing Time Processed (Average Days) 0 0 0 0 0 FOREIGN NATIONALS – PERMITS ISSUED Temporary General Visitors Entry Entry (Extension) 8 1 2 PERSONS LIVING ON ISLAND – AS AT WEEK ENDING : 27/09/2013 31/12/2013 Temporary Entry Permit 74 73 General Entry Permit 35 34 Unrestricted Entry Permit 212 185 Residents 1299 1512 Total 1620 *1804 27/03/2014 77 42 228 1336 1683 Visitors 567 906 676 Total (including visitors) 2187 2710 2359 *Traditional for family members to return to the island over the Christmas period. 30/06/2014 79 40 200 1284 1603 401 2004 Held no Permit under previous NI Immigration System 0 6 6 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1850 1800 1750 1700 1650 1600 1550 1500 27-09-2013 31-12-2013 27-03-2014 30-06-2014 27/09/2013 31-12-2013 27-03-2014 30-06-2014 Living on Island (excludes visitors) TEP Business Development 01 April – 30 June 2014 NORFOLK BUSINESS NUMBER (NBN) STATISTICS Total New NBN’s 17 Total Closed NBN’s Total Reactivated NBN’s 7 Total Suspended NBN’s 4 9 FOR NORFOLK ISLAN GEP UEP Resident