Please notice the information on page 4 MAX DELBRÜCKGENTERFOR MOLECULARMEDICINE(MDC).BERLIN.BUCH MDGGuidelinesfor ExternalGompanies 1. Purposeand Objective for the employment of external TheseGuidelines describethe particularrequirements grounds (contractors) MDC. of the on the companies and personalinjury,damageto equipment of accidents Theirpurposeis the prevention damage. andenvironmental 2. Applicability by the Upon the acceptanceof an order,these Guidelineswill be acknowledged as an integralpart of the contractand, therefore,as Contractorand all Subcontractors binding. in whichall risksto thetechnicalcrewwill willperforma riskassessment, TheContractor be analysedby the Contractor,defectscorrected,protectivemeasuresdeterminedand to statutoryregulations. willbe assuredaccording the execution of the assignment 3. GeneralDirections externalcompanies. of the commissioned TheMDCassumesthe generalcompetence for the servicesto be performed, suchas,for Thatmeansthatall the legalrequirements example,job protectionlaws, accidentpreventionregulationsand environmental protection and the safetymeasuresstipulated laws,will be familiarto the Contractor thereinwillbe adheredto. Thisconcernsin particular: . Employment withvalidcertificates of competency of trainedpersonnel . Employment and resources and appropriate use of the of the properequipment same o Useof the necessaryor prescribedprotectiveclothing o Properhandlingof hazardous substances . Properdisposalof refuse and codeof practicearisingfrom therefore,onlythe requirements In theseGuidelines, of the MDCwillbe described. the specialactivities delegated to workon the MDC'sproperty will ensurethat all employees The Contractor areawareof andobservetheseGuidelines. Violationsagainstthese and the followingdirectionsmay result in the temporary financialexpenditure will be of the works and a work ban. Consequent suspension chargedto thefirmresponsible. 4. GeneralCodeof Practice Employers/Gontractors willbe designated by the MDCof an order,the externalcompanies Withthe placement - as employees of the for the completion of an assignment whereit is required co-ordinating theirtasks. appropriate department a contact,reachable duringworking Likewise theexternalcompanymustnominate (nota Subcontractor) of the Contractor. hours,andhisdeputy,who mustbe employees 2 as wellas ongoingissuesconcerning Any issuesarisingwithregardto theseGuidelines, protection, prevention maybe andenvironmental healthandsafety,fire occupational andthe MDCSafetyGroup. nominated employee withthe Contractor's clarified duringworkin the laboratory hazardto MDCemployees Shouldtherebe an exceptional laboratories, thenthe workbe carriedout in 52 or radionuclide areaor shouldextensive SafetyGroupis to be notifiedin sufficienttime beforehand. Loggingin and out; Presenceon MDCProperty of workand log will log in dailybeforethe commencement employees The Contractor's appropriate employee of the MDC. work with the out after completionof the day's provided of the firms for tasks in the for the employees Accesscardsand keys can be personally issuedand may and areas.The accesscardsand keysare MDC'sbuildings notbe passedon to anotherperson. by e-mail,fax or letterto the IKFMSection A requestfor keysis to be sent informally not lessthantwo daysbeforehand department of the authorising withthe endorsement so thatthe keysandcardscanbe provided. no otherlocksmay be installed. Wheneverareasin MDC buildingsare madeavailable, are fromthe firm'spointof view,thenthesealterations be necessary Shouldalterations to be agreedwiththe IKFMSectionof the MDC. of and visitorsto of the key systemapplyas for employees Forthe rest,the stipulations theMDC. TradeSecrets papers,copies,etc.maynotbe takenfromthe operating floorsor drawings, Documents, personswithoutpermission of the to unauthorised or madeaccessible offices,duplicated MDC. areforbidden. Photography andfilmingwithoutauthorisation Procedurein Caseof Fire,Accidentor OtherIncident 1. The employeesof externalcompaniesare obligedto observeand adhereto the on "Rules of Conduct in Case of "EvacuationAlarm" as well as the directions (see Fire" Attachment). withthe escaperoutesand work,you mustbecomeacquainted 2. Beforecommencing thefiresafetydevicesin eachbuilding. accidentis thataccording to the to be followedif thereis an industrial 3. The procedure guidelines in the MDC pamphlet,"Rules of Conductin Case of Accidents"(see Attachment). 4. A list of "lmportant EmergencyTelephoneNumbers" has been postedin all areasnearthetelephone. laboratories andtechnical 5. Wheretechnicalequipmenthas been damaged(e.9.damageto electricalwiring, gas- or water-leakage), the appropriateemergencymeasuresare to be taken is to be of the relevanttechnicaldepartment immediately. In addition,the supervisor informed immediately. risksor uncertainty, the workis to be in safety-relevant incidents, 6. As a basicprinciple the employerand the Emergency superiors, stoppedat once,and the Contractor's Servicesare to be notifiedpromptly(phone:0171-74070 51),as well as the MDC SafetyGroup. General Gode of Practice 1. Escape and emergencyroutes may not be blockedor confineddue to the works. Emergencyexits are to be kept clear. 2. Tasks requiringtechnical facilities (e.9. electricity,water, gas, ventilation)to be disconnectedare to be agreed in sufficienttime beforehandwith the MDC TFM Managementor ConstructionDepartment.The laboratoryareas concernedare to be advisedin sufficienttime via the respectiveemployeeof the MDC, so that the latteris information to thework-groups, ableto passontherelevant 3 intothe 3. Forall taskswhereimpurities, suchas dust,smokeor steam,are introduced is to be filled out beforehand. This of fire-detectors air, a requestfor the deactivation must be approvedby the DepartmentHead of TFM Managementor of TFM of the MDC EmergencyServices,so that the or by a representative Construction in the workingarea for the automaticfire-alarmsystemcan be smoke-detectors (Building84.1).The detectors are availableat Reception turnedoff. Request-forms to be deactivatedmust be agreedwith Receptionand each is to be providedwith a protectivecover in situ, in order to preventits becomingfouled up. lf this is alertingthe BerlinFireServicewill be invoiced the costsof wrongfully contravened, to thefirmresponsible. in Building84 is to be advised,so thatthe Aftercompletion of the tasks,Reception withoutdelay. fire-detectors can be reactivated department of the MDCis to be obtained of the respective 4. In addition, the agreement permission for welding and thermalcutting slip by submissionof the beforehand a fire-watchis to be organised. works;if necessary, 5 . Smokingis prohibitedin all MDC buildings.Eatingand drinkingin the laboratory areasis not permitted. cleanedafterthe completion of work. 6. Theworkingareais to be thoroughly materialsincidental to 7. The regularand properdisposalof the refuseand recyclable The MDC'srefuseand recycling of the Contractor. the worksis the responsibility areto be agreedwiththe MDC. are notto be usedfor this.Exceptions containers duringthe normalworkingdayand 8. Alltasksareto be carriedout as far as is possible suchthat they will affectroutineactivityas littleas possible. are to be undertaken in Building84.1 areto be notifiedof works Serviceand Reception The Emergency takingplaceoutsideof thesetimes(after3:30p.m.or at weekends). L Wheretasksare to be carriedout by one employeeof the externalcompanyalone, areto be observed(seeAttachment). the MDC"WorkingAlone" Instructions Rulesof Gonductin SafetyAreas and radiationprotection 1. The currentList of SafetyAreas at MDC(S2 laboratories areattached. Theseareasmayonlybe employees areas)andthe listof authorised entered in accordancewith a written "Clearance Report" (see Attachment), personresponsible for eacharea.The scientific working issuedby the respective groupsaffectedare to be notifiedin goodtime,i.e. at leastone day beforehand, the tasksto be carriedout. concerning 2. Beforeworkingin theseSafetyAreas,the externalcompany'semployeesare to be instructedby the Contractor(and this must be recorded),usingthe instruction manual,"Rules of Gonductin SafetyAreasof the MDC",whichcan takeplace jointlywiththe MDCSafetyGroupfor moreextensive works. specifiedprotective are obligedto wearthe previously employees 3 . The Contractor's is responsible for conduct.The Contractor clothingand to observethe prescribed clothingappropriate to eachsituation. hisemployees withthe protective equipping in theseareasmayonlybe or apparatuses and repairsto equipment 4. Maintenance "ClearanceReport"by the commencedafter the provisionof a device-specific personsresponsible for the area. in the freelyaccessible may As well, works only be carriedout by the Contractor 5. with the Group or Project Leaderor the Safety laboratory areas in consultation 51 potentially which, here, infectious Group. lnstrumentsand workstations,at materialsare worked oh, are providedwith the warning sign "Biohazard" ("Biogefährdund').The immediate workingareamustbe clearedby the laboratory personnel andthis is to be confirmed dangerous spotsremoved, by and potentially Report". a "Clearance Report"will remainas verification with the 6 . The originalof the issued"Clearance particularteam. The externalcompanywill receivea copy for its recordsafter countersigning. 4 Liability The externalcompaniesare obligedto secureproperlyany propertyor assetsbroughtin by them. The MDCwill acceptno liabilityfor the loss or damageto materials,tools,vehicles, of its agentsor of its employees. equipment or otherassetsof the externalcompany, Theexternalcompanies will be liablefor the servicesrenderedandfacilitiesimmediately priorto inspection. They will be liablefor all damagescausedby this and by their in accordance withlegalregulations. employees, Theywill be liablein particularfor damageresultingfrom theirfailureto complywith instructions andtheseGuidelines. MDC assumesthat the externalcompanieswill possessindemnityinsurancewith sufficientcover. OtherApplicableDocuments- Attachments o "EvacuationAlarm" lnstructions o "Rule of Gonductin Gaseof Fire" lnstructions . "Rulesof Conductin Caseof Accidents" Instructions . "lmportantEmergencyTelephoneNumbers",CurrentList . "WorkingAlone" lnstructions . Current"List of SafetyAreasat MDC"andthe employees responsible for these (RadiationProtectionOfficer,52 ProjectLeaderor Contact) o "ClearanceReport"Form o "Rulesof Gonductin SafetyAreasof the MDC"lnstructions Comelia Admin. r.rcr.-wFlF/t{.tsErrlfi I aI WissenschäftlicherVorstanJ MDC The policy of external companies as well as all additional information are respectively applied to the current version ! Please update the documents attached in regular gaps. The information referring to modifications will be published on the Web-site Reference to point Other Applicable Documents: In case of need the current "list of Safety Areas at the MDC" along with the responsible employees can be accessed by contacting the department in charge or the group “Safety" of the MDC. Evakuierungsalarm Evacuation Alarm Auf- und abschwellender Dauertonu. rote oder blaue Alarmsignal: Evacuation Atarm: Blitzleuchten> OEBAUDEbzw.ETAGEVERLASSEN Oscillating continuous soundand redor blueflashinglightspleaseleavebuildingor floor = Feueralarm, rote Blitzleuchten flashingred lights= fire alarm = Etagenalarm blaueBlitzleuchten bzw.Hausalarm flashingblue lights= flooralarm blaue Blitzleuchtenohne akustischesSignal = lnformationüber Gefahrensituationin einem anderen Bereich flashingblue lightswithoutacousticsignal= flooralarm in anotherfloor manuelle Alarmaustösung. To activateprocedure: Stef fplatz: Assembly: Drucktasterin Fluren(rot = Feueralarm, blau = Etagenalarm) pressbuttonin passages (red= firealarm,blue= flooralarm/building alarm) vor dem Gebäude(Rasenfläche/Anger vor H 841 "blauerBär") In frontof the building,lawn H.84,"bluebear" Entwarnungssignal: All-clear signal gleichmäßiger Dauertonoder mündlicheAufforderung bzw. Beauftragten durch Feueruvehr continuous evensoundor invitation WichtigeRufnummer PhoneNumbers lmportant Feuerwehr/ RettungsdienstMachschutz 112oder 3333 Emergency Doctor/MDC.Station FireBrigade/ RettungsstelleHELIOS-Klinikum Emergency Ward 0-940153333 BetriebsarztDr.Christ Doctor MDC 0-9416667(8.00-16.00) SicherheitsingenieurMDG,Hr. Kirsch ChiefSafety Officer 2563 oder 2538 oder 66-3150-1-App.Nr. PolizeiwacheBerlin-Weißensee/BerlinerAllee 0-4664-119700 1701 PoliceStation GruppeSicherheit MDC August2007 VERHALTENIM BRANDFALL Ruleof conductin caseof fire RUHEBEW AHREN remaincalm 1. M EN S C H E NR E T T E N Savehumanlife BrennendePersonen mit Deckenoder durch Wälzen auf dem Boden löschen. Extinguish burningclothesby coveringor rollingon the floor. 2. FEUERALARMAUSLöSEN, FEUERMELDEN Activateevacuationprocedureand report the fire Tel. 'l12 oder3333 und rote Drucktasterin den Fluren T e l . 11 2 o r 3 3 3 3a n d p u sha l a rmin the floor s Wo brennt es? Was brennt? Sind Menschenverletztoder in Gefahr? Where is the fire? What is burning? Are peoplehurtor in danger? 3. BEI BRANDAN ELEKTRISCHEN ANLAGEN: vor LABOR:NOT/AUSbetätigen In case of fire in electricalinstallations:switchoff the power Lab: NOT/AUS 4. BRANDBEKAMPFEN Firefighting Feuerlöscher,Löschdecken,Notduschenbenutzen Use extinguisher,fire blanket,safetyshower 5. TÜRENUND FENSTERSCHLIESSEN Closeall doorsand windows 6. Gefahrenbereicheverlassen,Behindertenhelfen,Sammelplatzaufsuchen. Sammelpla|z: vor dem Gebäude(Rasenfläche/Anger vor H.84/"blauerBär") persons,go to the meetingplace. Leavethe dangerarea,help handicapped The meetingplaceis in frontof the building,lawn H.84,"bluebear" 7. FÜR FEUERWEHRFREIHALTEN ANGRIFFSWEGE Keepthe accessfor the fire brigadefree 8. F EU E R WE H R E IN WE IS E N Directthe fire brigade 9. ANORDNUNGENDER EINSATZLEITUNG BEFOLGEN Complywith ordersof the group leader GruppeSicherheitMDC August2005 Gruppe Sicherheit Stand: 02/09 Wichtige Rufnummern in Notfällen Emergency Phone Numbers Feuerwehr + Notarzt Fire Brigade + Emergency Doctor Amts-Apparat official Phone Handy Kein Amts-Apparat No official Phone über Pförtner/Wachschutz via Porter MDC Berlin-Buch 0 - 112 112 112 oder 3333 Bereitschaftsdienst MDC (Strom, Wasser, Gas) Emergency Service for electricity, water, gas 3339 ( 6.30 – 17.30 Uhr) 2100 (17.30 - 6.30 Uhr) Havariedienst – Gefahrstoffe (Eonova) Emergency Service for dangerous chemicals 2378 (8.00- 16.00 Uhr) 66-3080-1-App.Nr. Polizeiwache Berlin-Weißensee/Berliner Allee Police Station 0- 4664-119700/701 Gruppenleiter Group Leader ............................................. .............../...................... (priv.) Projektleiter Project Leader ............................................. .............../...................... (priv.) Strahlenschutzbeauftragter Safety Officer for Radiation Protection ............................................. ........................ Sicherheitsbeauftragter der Gruppe Group Safety Officer ............................................. ........................ Ersthelfer der Gruppe Group First Aid Helper ............................................. ........................ Arzt am MDC MDC- Doctor 66-3110-1-App.Nr…….. Betriebsarzt MDC-Doctor Herr Dr. Christ Notruf bei Vergiftungen Emergency in case of Poisoning 0- 941 6667 (8.00 - 16.00 Uhr) 0- 3068 6788 Notruf bei Strahlenunfällen Emergency in case of Radiation Accidents Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin 0- 8445-2171 0- 8445-3992 (nach 16.00 Uhr) Büro Office Frau Klotsche 2538 Arbeitssicherheit und Strahlenschutz Occupational Safety and Radiation Protection Herr F.-P. Kirsch 2563/ 66-3150-1-App.Nr. Biologische Sicherheit Biological Safety Frau Dr. Dietl 3797/ 66-3140-1-App.Nr. Gruppe Sicherheit MDC Safety Group MDC Machen Sie präzise Angaben: Was ist passiert, wo ist es passiert (Haus-Nr.), wer ist verletzt ? Give precise information: What has happened, where did it happen (house nr.), who is hurt ? Besteht Lebensgefahr? Danger of life? GruppeSicherheit MDC Verhaltenbei Unfällen Rules of conductin case of accidents I Schwere Unfälle: Serlous accidents NOTARZTsofortrufenüberTel.-Nr.: 112 oder 3333 Call an EMERGENCY DACTOR immediately Informieren Sie kurzund präzise: Give concise information - Wir brauchen dringend einenArzt! We urgently need a doctor! - Wo ist der Unfallpassiert(HausundRaum-Nummer)? Where did the accident happen (buildingand room number)? ERSTHELFERalarmieren(siehe ListederErsthetfer) (seethelistof FirstHelpers) F/RSIHELPER Contact r Leichte unfälle: Lessserlousaccidents - Ersthelferalarmieren FirstHelper Contact - Erste-Hilfe-Raum (gegenüber vomPersonenaufzug) FirstAid Room (across from the elevator) - Durchsanosarzt (D-Arzt) aufsuchen bei Krankschreibung längerals3 Tage (2.8.Rettungsstelle in Berlin-Buch) Contacta doctor("Durchqanqsazt") authorizedby the EmployersLiabilitylnsurance Association for occupational accidentsif the sicknotels longerthan3 days (e.9.EmergencyStationin Berlin-Buch) - Geben Sie dem Arzt die zuständigeBerufsqenossenschaftan Givethe doctorthe nameof the responsible EmployersLiabilitylnsuranceAssociation ("Berufsqenossenschaft") ),,UNFALLKASSE I BERLTN" U n f a l l me l d u n g : Reportingaccidents Arbeits-und Wegeunfällesind grundsätzlichmeldepflichtig! (unabhängig davon,ob ein Azt aufgesuchtwurdeoder nicht) Unfallmeldung an: Gruppenleiter, Ersthelfer undGruppeSicherheit. Allaccidentsmustbe reportedas soonas possö/eto: head,firsthelperand SafetyGroup. Berlin,September2007 Date: 13.11.2004/K. SAFETY PROCEDURES MAX DELBRÜCK CENTER FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE Working Alone Safety Group Group: ………………………….. APPLICABLE FOR • • • • Employees working alone outside of the core work time or at night Employees working alone on weekends or public holidays Employees who have no eye or ear contact with other people Employees carrying out work in which after an accident, he/she would be unable to seek help by themselves or in which the injuries could be so severe, that help would not arrive in time (§ 36 GUV 0.1). HAZARDS FOR PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT Increased health risk, caused by certain work procedures, activities, materials used or the working environment, e.g. - Mechanical (dangerously sharp or pointed tools), electrical (working under voltage in accordance with BGV A2, GUV 22.1, UVV "Elektrische Anlagen und Betriebsmittel") - Biological (contamination with infectious material) and chemical (toxic gases, liquids or solid matters T+, highly flammable substances F+, potentially explosive substances E) - Thermal hazards (autoclaves, cold burns with liquid N2) - Radiation energy (contamination and incorporation of radionuclides) - Environmental influences (risk of suffocation) - Physiological or psychological factors (e.g. epilepsy) PROTECTIVE MEASURES AND HANDLING GUIDELINES - - Before work is carried out alone the group leader must carry out a hazard analysis. Hazardous work tasks may only be assigned to suitable personnel, who are acquainted with the potential hazards and have received documented training (§36 VBG 1). Not suitable are: persons subject to seizures, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, temporary or permanent mental disorders, persons with addictions. Make certain that in case of an accident or a critical situation the person working alone will receive help in time! The group leader must provide necessary surveillance measures, e.g. eye contact with other persons, control rounds, telephone, mobile phone, if necessary an alarm (§27 Arbeitsstättenverordnung/Workplace Ordinance). When working alone, the following work activities are strictly forbidden: • Open fire in areas with a fire or explosion hazard. Open fire on a sealed hollow body. Pressure test or test for leaks on container or autoclaves. Handling of very toxic substances (T+). • Handling liquid nitrogen (not more than 500 ml, do not draw liquid nitrogen from a storage tank) • Working in small enclosed spaces EMERGENCY PROTOCOL - Stop working immediately Activate the alarm 3333, 3339 Report incident to: Campus Security Service: Staff on Call for Emergencies: 2100 2538 Safety Group : - Inform the responsible group leader FIRST AID In case of serious accidents notify the emergency doctor at once. Call Campus Security (Phone: 3333 or 112 or 110) and ask for a “Notarzt”. For minor accidents seek medical help at the Emergency Center in the Berlin-Buch Hospital, Section 7, Hobrechtsfelder Chaussee. All accidents must be reported (group leader and Safety Group, Phone: 2538). Date: Group: 04/2002 SAFETY PROCEDURES Rules of Conduct in Safety Areas of the MDC ............................................. MAX DELBRÜCK CENTER FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE Safety Group APPLICABLE FOR Cleaning, maintenance and repair operations in S2 Genetic Engineering and Radionuclide Laboratories by MDC technicians and employees of external companies HAZARDS FOR PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT Health hazard by inhalation, ingestion and skin contact with: infectious biological materials, radioactive materials and from ionising radiation. PROTECTIVE MEASURES AND HANDLING - Before entering the laboratory, and particularly before working on equipment, technical facilities, etc., a written “Clearance Report” from the responsible Laboratory Supervisor (Project Leader or Radiation Protection Officer) is required or a member of the Safety Group must be present. - On entering a Safety Area, a fresh coverall and, if necessary, a disposable coverall, is to be worn at all times. This is to be taken off before leaving the Area – then the hands are to be disinfected (S2 Gene Laboratory) or tested for contamination (Radionuclide Laboratory). - If a potentially contaminated section of a piece of equipment is to be opened, the Safety Group is to be informed beforehand in order to determine the requisite protective measures for this. - In cases of spillage, puddles or similar, the affected surfaces are to be identified and securely closed off to entry. After this, fetch help, i.e. the Safety Group and/or the Technical Emergency Service is to be notified on tel. 3339 or 2100. EMERGENCY PROTOCOL In cases of damage, i.e. burst pipes, flooding or similar, overshoes, protective gloves and protective coveralls, and, if necessary, safety goggles are to be put on before entering a Safety Area. You will find the protective clothing in the First Aid Room in Building 31.1, ground floor, by the passenger lift. The Technical Emergency Service and the Safety Group are to be notified immediately on tel. 3339 or 2100. ACCIDENT PROCEDURE, FIRST AID After a serious accident, contact the Emergency Doctor straight away via the Campus Security Service (phone: 3333). After a less serious accident, notify the Safety Group and First Aider via Reception in Building 31 (phone: 3339). MAINTENANCE, WASTE DISPOSAL Do not remove refuse, contaminated equipment parts or apparatuses from a Safety Area until a Clearance Report has been made by the Safety Group. Contaminated protective clothing and tools must remain behind in the Safety Area until cleared. Date: Group Leader’s Signature: MDC MAX DELBRÜCK CENTRE FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, BERLIN-BUCH Clearance Report for maintenance, repair or transport operations in Radiation Protection Areas and S1/S2 Gene Laboratories Notice is hereby given that the following • Equipment: .........................................Type: .................................. No.: ...................... ...................................................................................................................................... • Technical Installations: ................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... in Building: .......... Room: ............... Isotope Lab is/are free of exterior radioactive Remarks: S1 Gene Lab biological S2 Gene Lab contamination. ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... Berlin, dated: ............................, Acknowledged: ..................................... ..................................... Radiation Protection Officer Project/Group Leader ................................... / ..................................... / ................... Company Name / Service Technician The signed form is to be filed by the respective team as verification. The technician is to be given a copy. / Date