Lab 1 - Mac OS X Personal Web Sharing

Lab #1: Prelab Reading
Getting Acquainted
When you are finished with this tutorial, please keep it
for future reference when doing class assignments.
Learning Objectives:
• Familiarization with course website
• Familiarization with course software
Welcome to the Oceanography class. This course is designed to give you the best possible
exposure to oceanography and how the oceans affect the other earth "systems." It is also strongly
focused on how the science of oceanography affects our global nations and societies. I hope you
have a rich and rewarding learning experience.
The purpose of this lab activity is to familiarize you with the Oceanography class resources that
you will use during the quarter. You will get the best start in the class, and save your self a great
deal of time if you pay particular attention to this sequence of activities.
1) Class web site familiarization
Open up the browser and link to the class web page. You can get to the class web site by linking
to and clicking the "UCSB Courses" line at the left of the
page. Select your current class by clicking on the appropriate link. If you on your personal
computer, bookmark this page, for future reference.
1. __ Click on the "Getting Started in Oceanography" link on the class index page. Perform
the operations that are suggested in this tutorial. When you are finished, be sure that you
a. __ signed up for the class listserve
b. __ printed yourself a barcode sheet
2. __ Use the class web site's contents list (to the left of each web page) and click on
Course Syllabus. This is where you get an extra copy if you need one.
3. __ Use the class web site's contents list (to the left of each web page) and click on
Content Outline.
a. __ click on each of the 4 content "themes" and skim the content areas that will be
covered in this class. This is one of your important guides to the content
objectives of this course.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
4. __ Click on the "Weekly Assignments" link in the web site contents list. Answer the
following questions (jot down your answers next to each item below):
a. __ When is each weekly lecture reading due?
b. __ When is each weekly thought question assignment due?
c. __ When is each weekly prelab homework assignment due?
d. __ What do I read to find the material that will help me answer the prelab
homework assignments?
e. __ When is the first written assignment due?
f. __ Where do I go to get the links for the first online reading assignment? Click on
the link to the first reading assignment and skim it.
g. __ What date is it? Click on the calendar icon and find out (on the "weekly
Assignments" page).
5. __ Click on the PSB Lab schedule item in the site contents list. Notice that your lab
meeting time is listed, TA and Prof email addresses are listed, and TA and Prof office
hours are listed.
6. __ Click on the Lecture Figures item in the contents list. This page contains links to
some of the figures used in the lectures. You can print these, if you want, and use them to
help you take notes in class. Or, you can use them to remind you of what was covered in
class during lecture. These are NOT a substitute for attending lecture.
7. __ Click on the Questions of the Day item in the contents list. Click a few of the links.
The Questions of the Day links are the same ones in the lecture helper. These are short
activities used during the lecture period. Use them later to review critical course
concepts. Bring the lecture helper to class, with your bar codes.
8. __ Click on the Posted Readings link in the contents list. Here you will find links to
readings that you will need for your assignments.
9. __ Click on the Writing Assignments link in the contents list. This page links you to
critical information regarding your writing assignments.
a. __ scroll down the page and click on the Capturing Images in various
situations link. Skim this page and note its existence for later use. You will need
10. __ Click on the Facts, Units, Conversions link in the contents list. A series of links will
be shown. The "Encyclopedia of miscellaneous facts" link contains the answers to the
next homework assignment. Clicking this link will download a file that will display in
your pdf viewer. If this material is not in your lab book, you should print it on your
personal computer (do not use the oceanography lab printer for this). This has all of the
answers for the next prelab homework assignment.
a. __ Click on the other links to factual information and remember it for later use in
working homework assignments.
11. __ Click on the Tech Support link in the contents list. Notice the kinds of information
that is linked.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
12. __ Click on the Downloads link in the contents list. This has links to Worldwatcher
(which you may use in future lab work) and Quicktime, which you will need to install on
your home computer if it is not already installed.
13. __ Click on the Frequently Answered Questions link in the contents list. Do you have
any questions that match the ones listed? If so, click a link and get an answer.
14. __ Notice the Resources heading in the contents list.
a. Click each of the links in this section of the contents list. Notice the listings for
sites that contain earth data, links to science magazines, and sites that you will
find extremely useful in conducting your classwork. When searching for this
kind of content, these links should be your starting point. Google may be
helpful when you can't find data, but the links on these pages have been chosen
particularly for this class and you won't have to guess about what is useful.
b. The Science content links item will link you to a few sites expressing dissent
about certain environmental issues.
15. Notice the News heading in the contents list. Click this link and explore some of the news
items that are listed. The "Environmental News Network" display links to up to date
information on a broad range of environmental topics. Scroll down and see the listings to
topical news that I have entered. This list will change as news develops.
a. Click on the Science News Sources link and note the range of resources available
to you.
2) Academic Honesty
Honesty is highly valued in this course. Here is a list of some activities that are considered to be
1. Copying homework answers from someone else
2. Cutting and pasting from internet sources without referencing them
3. Submitting, for grade, any work that is not your own
4. Important note: cutting text from web pages and performing minor rewording is cheating.
Don't make this mistake! Take notes, then write from your notes.
Do this:
1. Click on the "Writing Assignments" item in the contents list.
2. Notice that this is where you find information about your writing assignments
3. Find and click on the "Writing With Integrity" link.
4. Read the guidelines for academic honesty and how to avoid the appearance of cheating in
your assignments.
You have now completed the tour of the course web site. You should have accomplished:
1. printing a bar code sheet
2. signed up for the class listserve
3. know where to find important resources on the class web site, especially including:
a. weekly reading for lecture, and prelab readings
b. weekly thought questions
c. weekly homework assignments
d. earth data sources and science news sources
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
EarthEd: Your Software Toolkit
Important information about how to use the software is contained here. Additional
information is on the class web pages. Please keep this tutorial handy, as a reference for
important software features as the course progresses.
This class uses online software tools extensively, to allow the professor and teaching assistants to
spend their time assisting you to understand difficult concepts instead of doing tedious
homework grading. It is also intended to help you interact with each other and the professor
more easily, in a large class environment. Most importantly, it allows you to gain access to data
and data display resources that are simply unavailable any other way.
All of the products of your work, homework grades, writing assignments, and graphics figures,
are stored in a personal storage area on the class web server. This area is keyed to your name and
perm number. This way, you can access these resources from any computer, as long as you are
connected to the Internet.
During the first week of class, you will be given the “EarthEd” CDROM. It contains software
that you will need to complete the class activities. All homework assignments, writing activities,
and online class activities will use EarthEd.
The EarthEd software has been tested carefully on many PC’s and Macintosh computers.
However, bugs are inevitable. If your computer will not run the software, you can use it in the
Microcomputer labs in Phelps Hall.
Logging On in the Lab:
When you enter the lab, the computers will have the “EarthEd” icon on the screen. Double click
it to launch and log in.
Getting Started Tutorial:
It is tempting to skim the instructions in the following tutorial.
The pitfall in this is that you will miss time-saving tips and
features that you will need later on. You may even miss out on
learning techniques that you will need to complete your
assignments. So, please be attentive to the details.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
Basic computer terminology used in this lab manual: Macintosh and PC's work a bit differently, so you
should at least skim the definitions below, even if you are familiar with your computer.
• Move the mouse around on the mouse pad next to the computer. Notice the “cursor” moving on the screen.
It will be in the form of an arrow. When you press the mouse button, then quickly release it, you are
Close Box
• If you click in the “Close Box” on a window (upper left-hand corner), it will close. PC Users Caution: On
the PC, clicking the upper right hand box quits the application, but on the Mac, the window is just closed
and the application still takes up computer memory. To fully quit a Macintosh application, select Quit from
the File menu, or press the -Q keys simultaneously.
Title Bar:
• The “Title Bar” shows the name of the folder or file. Some windows have a larger title bar with a title
showing. You can move the window around by dragging on the title bar (see “dragging” in next
• If you move the mouse over a spot on the screen and click the mouse button and hold it down, when you
move the mouse (still holding down the mouse button), you are dragging. You will hear more about
dragging, as it is a common operation on the Macintosh. You can move a window around on the screen by
dragging it by the title bar.
Click here to
begin the
Use this only
at your own
Figure 1. EarthEd Online startup screen. Click the “Go, I am connected to the Internet” button to begin the login
Steps for accessing EarthEd Online in the Oceanography Lab:
1. Double click on the EarthEd icon on the screen. Wait until the application starts. Figure 1
shows the screen that should appear.
2. Click the "Go, I am connected to the Internet” button, when it appears.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
3. The screen of Figure 2 should appear. Click on your class in the classes list, and then click on
the "Choose" button.
4. After a brief wait, you should then get a list of sections for your class. Click on your section.
The screen of Figure 4 will appear.
5. Enter your first and last name (first name first) and your 7 digit PERM number.
Accessing EarthEd Online outside the Oceanography Lab:
1. Insert CD in the Macintosh or PC CDROM drive of your computer.
2. Mac users: the CD window will open when the CD mounts. Double click on “EarthEd Installer” to
begin the installation. PC users: double click on the “My Computer” icon on the screen. When the
window opens, double click on the “EarthEd” icon. When the window updates, scroll the window and
find the “EarthEd Installer” icon. Double click on it to launch the installer. Follow the instructions.
3. The installer copies files to your hard drive and puts a shortcut icon on your desktop. You can then
launch “EarthEd” by double clicking on the desktop “EarthEd” icon.
4. Be sure to periodically check for online updates. This will keep your software up to date and
eliminate possible bugs that may be fixed from time to time.
5. Advice for PC users: Get a copy of Norton SystemWorks and install it on your computer. This
software can solve many mysterious crash problems.
1. Click on
the line
to your class.
2. Click the
The selected
class will
appear here.
Figure 2.
If the screen
"hangs" and
you can't get
anything to
happen, click
here. But, wait
at least 15
seconds. Be
Watch this box
for network
After you select your class, and click the “Choose Class” button, a list of sections will appear after a
short wait. Click on the line corresponding to your section.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
Click here to display the
class index page on the
1. Enter name and Perm
number in these boxes.
If you type the wrong
password, click “Clr”
before entering a new
2. Click the "Log On"
Class notices. Please pay
attention to these!
Figure 3. This is the screen where you enter your name, perm number, and password. Your password may be
changed at any time. After the first logon is successful, you will be asked to enter some basic contact
information and specify a nickname that will be used for online chat sessions and forum postings.
6. Click on "Log On." The system looks for your name in the section list. The list is the section
you signed up for when you registered for the class. If you added this course late, your name
will not be there. Ask the TA to "force" a mailbox for you. If you are not in the lab, email the
professor your name and perm number.
Figure 4. When you click "OK," the system will check
to see if you are on the class list, then create your mail
system. Check your PERM carefully. If you press
"Cancel," you will get a chance to correct your entries.
Figure 5. When you get this screen, you are logged into the system and are in the Community Center. Here you can
live chat with anybody who is logged onto EarthEd, and access other software tools that you will need in
the class. This screen is a work in progress.
7. Note about changing sections: changing sections can be disruptive if you are in an Earth
Summit group. If you must change sections, do it the first week of the course. FYI: pre-lab
homework due times are set to your section start time. So, if you change the section you are
attending, ask the TA or Prof to change you section in the system. You must also ask the TA
to change your Earth Summit group to one in your new section. The EarthEd system is
separate and will not know if you change sections using RBT.
8. After you are in the Community Center, you can chat with other logged on students or go to
other “rooms.” The Community Center is a work in progress and may change during the
quarter, so watch for updates.
9. Notice the Guide window at the upper left of your screen. Read and click through the tutorial.
After you do the tutorial, click on “Index” on the Guide window, and become familiar with
other guide topics that will help you master the software
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
Enter Group
“room” or
choose group.
Enter your
chat messages
here. Be
Only rarely
should you
send messages
to AllUsers.
Enter your
writing, BBS
and grade
Choose who
you want to
chat with using
this popup
Show help
Live chat
appear here
Click if the
The Online Guide
if the online Guide window is not showing, click on a button labeled “Help,” or “?.” It will
provide you with detailed instructions on how to access the features of the screen that you are
viewing. It is important to use this both to learn the software, and to find advanced features that
you will need later.
The next figure shows two views of the Guide window. The one on the left is most often the one
you will see when you first enter a particular screen. It is usually set to an introductory tutorial.
Read the text, then click on the “Next” button to advance through the tutorial. Notice the flashing
arrow that points to important features on the screen. Follow the instructions carefully, as each
step may require a specific action that changes the screen display for the next step. If you click
on the “Index” button, you will get the screen shown at the right. Click on a subject, then a topic
in the field below. You should then see a display of step 1 of tutorial for the selected topic.
The online Guide is the best tool for mastering EarthEd software. It
provides step by step tutorials that show you important features and
operations. On each screen, look for a button with “Help” or “?” on
it. This will show the Guide.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
Guide window: the Guide window pops up every time you enter a new EarthEd module. Use it to learn how to
access the features of each module. This will take a bit of attention, but will be worth your time in the long run.
Your Online “Office”
You can enter your “Office” from the Community screen by clicking on the door handle of the
“My Office” door. The mouse pointer turns to a hand when you are over the place to click on.
Refer to the screen of Figure 6. Notice the button that returns you to the Community Center. If
you want to change your password or nickname, you also do it from here.
Click on the
tabs to access
software tools.
Return to
nickname, etc.
Class messages
and notices.
browser and
connect to
class web
Go to Plate
browser and
connect to
Earth science
news and info.
Figure 6. This screen is your “Office.” Here you can access the various software modules that you will need
to do your coursework. Notice the button that will take you to the “Our Dynamic Planet” plate tectonics
software. You can also connect to a number of Earth science news web sites.
Entering your Homework answers:
Except for the first lab section, you will be expected to enter your homework answers into
EarthEd before your section. For the first prelab homework only, you will enter your answers
while you are doing this tutorial, in the lab. If you do not finish in the time allotted, you can
finish at your personal computer. See "Grade Policies" to see how homework grades are counted.
Homework will not be discussed in your lab section. Read the Pre-Lab assignment to get
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
answers to your homework problems. See the class web pages for information on how to get
help from the Professor or TA with your homework.
list display
and due
Early or late
by how
status. Don't
click if it
says "Wait"
or "Loading."
Click here
after you
select the
assignment in
the list.
Figure 7.
Online activity selection screen. First click on the line corresponding to the activity you want, then
click the "Do Homework" button. Notice that the boxes on the right display the current date and time,
and the homework due date and time, including whether the activity is early or late.
When you get to the screen of Figure 7, select the line corresponding to "Prelab HW 1", then
click "Do Assignment" button. You will get to the homework screen shown in Figure 8. This
screen will vary, depending on whether the problem requires a numeric answer, multiple choice,
The question
Your entered
Status of last
time you were
For numeric
T,T,T means
the number
was correct,
the units are
correct, and
the significant
figures are
Click on a
unit to get a
Figure 8.
1 - 10
Numeric entry screen. To enter an answer, click on "Enter Answer." An answer entry box will appear.
You cannot enter answers directly into the boxes labeled "Your Answer."
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
etc. To enter an answer, click on the "Enter Answer" button. This screen requires a number, and
exponent, and correct units to be entered. The list of recognized units is shown. Click on one of
the units in the list to get a definition and conversion factors.
The automatic homework entry stores your grade and your answers in your
records file. You will be able to improve your grade by entering revised
homework answers. Be sure to look at the homework grading policies to
see how late homework assignments are graded. It is definitely worth your
while to work all assignments, even if you are late.
Click on the
corresponding line to
make a
Click here to
grade your
Careful, you
start losing
points after
too many
Your answer.
Figure 9.
Screen for multiple choice answers. The choices are in the text field on the lower right. You may have
to scroll the field to see all choices. Some questions ask you to choose multiple choices. When this is
the case, a "Clear" button will allow you to erase all previous choices.
After grading the problems, use the “Grade and Answers Status” field to determine which ones
are correct. Each problem has a line indicating which portions of the problem are correct ("T")
or incorrect ("F"). For numeric entry problems, the first item is for the numeric answer, the
second is for the units, and the third is for the significant figures. Click on a line in the
“Status:” field and the corresponding problem will appear. Your previous answer is
automatically entered for you. Your updated answers are saved when you click the "Grade
Homework" button.
Bulletin Board and Chat Forums:
This tool is very useful for communicating conveniently with your classmates and group
members. It allows you to read and reply to messages that others have posted and to chat “live”
with other students or the teachers, who may be online at the same time as you. Even better, you
can link figures to your messages. The figures come from your personal graphics storage area
and an online graphics library that is accessible to the entire class.
Message postings are grouped into "Discussion Forums". Your lab section is a forum, your Earth
Summit group will have its own forum to post messages and graphics links, and you can post
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
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and/or read messages put up for the entire class to read. The “Frequently Asked Questions”
forum will provide important guidance on assignments and software use.
Use the Help Guide to learn this software. You will need to learn how to
access and display forum messages, create your own messages with
linked graphics, and edit graphic images. The graphics editor is available
in the “Writer” screen too. Click the “?” button to show the Guide.
Using the Forums Effectively (Forums are accessed using the "Mail/BBS/Chat"
If you can physically meet with your Earth Summit group, by all means, do so. However, it may
be inconvenient to be at the same place at the same time, especially at late hours. So, the Forum
and live chat system can be very helpful resource. For example, if you are outlining an online
presentation or group project, you can post project elements to the bulletin board and other group
members can add new material by posting new messages that add to the original.
A thread is basically a topic for discussion. The thread listing is the most useful for following a
particular discussion topic. The top-level message (New Topic Button) is the source or “root”
thread. All replies to this message are the thread. Click the “List By Thread” checkbox to get a
listing of all of the main topics. Notice that each of the message lines in the message header list
is preceded by something like “-(2)” or “+(3).” The “-(2)” indicates that there are two replies to
that message. The headers for the two replies should follow and be indented. If you click on the
“-(2),” the replies will disappear. The “+(3)” indicates that there are three replies that are not
shown. You can display the headers for these replies by clicking on the “+(3)” part of the
message header. Experiment with this and you will see how it works.
Select message
to display
Message list
Text of selected
Select forum
Reply to
message or
create new
Open graphics
Open live chat
Network status
Figure 10. BBS messaging screen.
Keeping track of Unread Messages
The system does not keep track of which messages you have, or have not read. Messages are
organized by date, by default. So, you can see which messages have come in since you last
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Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
logged on by keeping track of the date and time of your last logon. It is easiest to keep track of
unread messages when you use your own computer and you are the exclusive user. All messages
since the last access of the forum are listed in bold. In “Thread” view, all messages with a new
response somewhere in the thread are shown in bold.
You can link graphics to a message and view linked graphics from other students’ messages. The
screen below shows the graphics panel with a figure linked to a message.
Close graphics
display panel
Open graphics
edit tools
Link selected
message text to
Popup menu of
figures in your
personal graphics
Popup menu of
figures in the
class graphics
1. Select subject
from “Subjects”
2. Select graphic
from “Lib Figs”
Figure 11. BBS messages with linked figure showing. You can draw your own figures or link existing figures from
your personal or the class graphics libraries. A linked figure appears in blue and underlined. To display a linked
figure, simply click on the link and wait for the figure to appear in a few seconds. Watch the status field to check
progress of the download.
Figure 12. The live chat panel allows you to send messages to
people who are online at the same time as you are. It can be
very useful in combination with the BBS message posting
system when composing in-class presentations or during online
conversations with your TA or professor. You are automatically
connected to the “AllUsers” group when you open the BBS
screen. This means you get all messages that someone sends to
everybody. The popup menu at the upper left allows you to
choose a different group.
Forum Etiquette
The purpose of the forums is to encourage you to become part of a community of learners who
help each other master the subject matter of this course. Here are a few guidelines that will
support this goal.
 This is a shared resource. Be considerate of others.
 Do not post answers to homework assignments. This will be considered cheating.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
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 Use language that is courteous and respectful
Just like email and other online chat systems, this forum provides little privacy. The use of your
nickname allows you to keep your identity private from other students, if you so desire. But,
don’t say anything that you wouldn’t say in public or that would harm you or others.
Caution: Once your message is posted, you cannot retrieve it for editing.
Also, short messages are preferable because the size of the message
field is limited. Be careful: if the entire text content appears to be selected
(turns black). Click in the field to deselect. If you press a key when all of
your message text is selected, all of your text will be erased.
Forum Activity #1:
Here is an easy introductory activity to get you started with the BBS system:
1. Make sure you are at the Mail/BBS/Chat screen.
2. Select the Section forum. This will be listed as "Section 1" (if you are in section 1). Wait
for the forum listings to download.
3. Click on the "New Topic" button.
4. Enter your nickname in the "Subject field". If your name is "Bill", you could enter "Bill's
Introduction", for example.
5. Now type in a message that introduces yourself. I want you to do this by selecting 5
nouns that describe you. This is harder than it seems at first thought. For example, you
might use the noun: "athlete", then say how you are interested in surfing, tennis, and bike
riding. Or "student", explaining that your life is totally dominated by school. Whatever,
it's up to you how you want to introduce yourself. Remember, 5 nouns. What are your
personal defining nouns?
6. When you have entered your message into the text field, click "Send". This posts the
7. Click on your "Section #" in the forum list to update the message list.
8. The next step is to comment on at least two messages posted by other students. To do
this, click on a message header line in the "Message List" field, read the posting, then
click on the "Reply" button. Enter your reply in the "Message" field and click the "Send"
button when you're done. If there are no messages to reply to yet, wait a few minutes or
return later to complete this part of the activity. Be mindful of the etiquette discussed
above, please.
Editing Your Graphics
The effective use of graphic images requires careful thought. You should plan on editing your
graphics to point out important features. It is good form to be economical with the number of
graphics you use in a presentation. This means that you may want to combine graphic images.
The graphics tool allows you to perform these operations.
The screen shown in Figure 13 was created by loading multiple images into the graphics editor
and sizing and positioning them on the screen. You can load up to four graphic images on the
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Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
screen. Resize them by moving the mouse over the lower right hand corner of the image. When it
turns to a cross, drag the mouse and the image will resize. Just drag the image to position it on
the screen. Note that the first images ou load appear beneath those loaded later. If an image has a
white region and you can't find the corner, load a colored image first and position it under the
lower right corner of an image that was loaded later, to find the corner. Then resize the image.
Click on a
drawing tool to
activate it.
Move the mouse
over a button
and wait a bit
and a “ToolTip”
help field will
pop up.
Drag image at
lower right
corner to resize.
Upload image to
your personal
storage on class
Figure 13. Graphics edit panel. This panel allows you to compose, edit, and upload graphics to the class server. You
will see this panel in several tool screens (Writer and Upload Manager) and it will work pretty much identical. This
is a very BASIC graphics editor intended only for creating simple drawings and annotation figures.
"How to" summary:
List messages headers for a particular forum: Click on the forum list at the upper right. The
list of messages will appear.
Read a forum message: Just click on the message header in the message list. The message will
appear in the message box.
Reply to a forum message: Select the message you want to reply to, so that the message is
displayed in the message box (lower left). Click the reply button. Type your message. Click the
“Send” button.
Send a new forum message: Do the same thing you do for “Reply,” but click the “New Topic”
View a graphic linked to a forum message: When a message is displayed, text with a link will
show up as blue with a line under it. Just click on it and wait while the image downloads and
displays in the graphics panel. Watch the status field to get download in progress information.
Link a graphic to a forum message: First, compose your reply or new message. Select the text
you want to link. It should be a word or two. Then open the graphics panel (click on the “Edit
Fig” tab on the right of the screen. Display the graphic you want to link. When it is showing,
click the link button and the text in your message should turn blue and underlined. Then close the
graphics panel and you can send the message.
Edit or draw a graphic and link it to a forum message: This is the same as linking a graphic,
except when you edit the image, you need to store it to your online library it before you can link
it. If you display a figure, then edit it, then upload it (the system will prompt you to type in a
unique name in the graphic name field), then you can link to it. The system will not let you overwrite an existing graphic.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
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Stop those annoying beeps: When you get to the Mail/BBS/Chat screen, you are automatically
connected to the chat server. You can disconnect by opening the chat window and clicking on
the “Kill Chat” button. A beep occurs every time someone sends a live message, but you can
ignore them, or avoid opening the chat panel when entering the BBS screen.
Fix a mistake you made in the graphics editor: The editor has a simple “Undo” feature, but it
is not powerful. You can only undo the most recent operation, so be careful if you have put in a
lot of work on a figure. If you are creating a very complex figure, requiring lots of effort, make
the figure in a more powerful graphics program and import it using the "Image Manager", which
will be discussed later.
Show a figure or drawing to another student: Link it to a forum message.
Image Edit and Annotation Activity #1:
Begin this activity at the "Mail/BBS/Chat screen. Click to another module (Grades, for
example), then back to "Mail/BBS/Chat".
Step 1: Click on the "Index" button on the online Guide window
(upper left part of screen). Select the "Using Graphics" line of the
"Subjects" field, as shown in the figure to the left. Do each of the
4 tutorials listed in the "Topics" field, for using the graphics
Step 2: Make a figure like the one shown in the next image (figure
13c). Load the images for this from the "Lib Figures" popup
menu, under the "Speed_Wr" item. You should be able to do the
necessary operations after completing the online Guide tutorial of
step 1.
Figure 13b. Guide window
for Step 1 activity.
Step 3: Click on the "flatten image" button (button label will
appear when you hold the mouse over a button). The "flatten
image" button opens the image edit panel. It also prevents you from further changes in the
position or size of the individual images you loaded, so be sure they are arranged the way you
want. Now draw an arrow to any location on the image, and create a text box and label it: "My
Image Location".
Step 4: Now save the image to your
personal graphics library. By now, you've
done the tutorial so you should know how to
do this. The button has a floppy disc icon on
Figure 13c. Image editor screen, for activity #1.
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Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
Image Edit and Annotation Activity #2:
Close, and re-open the image editor (by clicking on the "Edit Fig" tab) to clear the image edit
1. Click on the "flatten image" button to open the editing tools. Now use the editing tools to
create a self-portrait. Don't obsess about making it accurate. The idea is that you become
familiar with how to make simple drawings using this tool.
2. When you are finished, click the "Save Graphic to your Image Library" button. You
should name it "mySelfProtrait".
3. Close the Edit Fig panel and display your "Section #" forum. Click on the message you
created to introduce yourself, to get it displayed.
4. Click the "Reply" button and enter text: This is my self-portrait (or something like it).
5. Select a couple of words of your text and link your picture to that selected text. If you
have forgotten how to do this, go back to the tutorial using the Guide window or read it in
the "How To" paragraph above.
6. Close the "Edit Fig" panel by clicking on the "Edit Fig" tab. Be careful! If you see all of
your text selected. Click in the message field first thing, to get it deselected. If this
happens, and you press a key before you do deselect the text, your message will be
7. Click the "Send" button to post your message with its linked picture. Click on the Section
forum in the Forum list to get your posting listed in the message list.
8. Display your posting by clicking on the message line for your posting, and then click on
the underlined text that is your link to the image, and verify that it gets displayed.
Now you are finished with several important EarthEd operations. You can edit and link figures,
and can post and receive messages and information on the class bulletin board discussion system.
Choose paper
from this
Choose paper
from this
popup menu
Choose the
heading you
uare working
on from this
popup menu.
will appear.
for selected
appear here.
Type the text
that goes
under this
heading here.
Move mouse
over a button
to get a
Figure 14. Writing screen. This is the tool you will use to complete your writing assignments.
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
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The following portions of this tutorial address the online writing and image upload operations.
All of your writing assignments will be done with the writing tool. This tool will make it much
easier for you to create your writing assignments without the hassle of getting printouts,
formatting, figuring out what to do with figures, etc. Figures are linked from your personal
graphics library, or the class graphics library. You can edit, notate, or create your own figures
using the same graphics editor used with the forum tool. Your paper is “handed in” at the click of
a button and you can hand in as many updates as you want, until the paper is due. The TA who
grades your paper will make comments and return it to you with another click, and you will be
able to read it and improve your next paper.
About using the writer: The writer saves your work every five minutes, so if
your computer crashes, you can recover your work. The writer does not allow
you to paste text from outside sources. This means you cannot paste text from
web pages. Of course, you would not want to do this anyway, since it is cheating
(unless your reference it). You can cut and paste within the writer, to move text
around, though. The writer is an evolving tool, so be sure to check the class web
site for notices of changes and added features or behaviors.
The writer screen organizes your paper for you, according to the headings that have been
specified in the writing assignment. First you select the assignment and wait while the
assignment description is downloaded to your computer. Then you can select each heading
required for the paper. A short description will appear to guide you for each heading. Be sure
that you enter text for each heading, as the headings define the assignment. Do not enter the
heading name. It is automatically inserted when your paper is printed. Save your work often and
save backups regularly.
Be careful, because if you save a flawed paper, it will over-write the
previous version. So, use the backup capability wisely. Before clicking
the “Backup” button, carefully step through each heading, checking the
text for accuracy. If this happens, don't despair! Use the "disaster
recovery" feature to recover versions from your last hour's work.
Graphics are linked the same as in the BBS/forum tool. You can make a printout of the text by
clicking on the “Print” button. Use the printout to help you proofread your paper.
The writing tool is easy to use. Be sure to move the cursor over each of the buttons so, after a
short delay, the button label will appear.
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Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
Writing Activity #1:
Go to the Writing screen.
1. Do the "Overview" tutorial using the online Guide.
2. Click the "Index" and do the other tutorials. If time is short, note the subjects of the
tutorials so that you can remember to use this as a resource to figure out how to use the
writer most effectively when you need it for your future assignments.
3. Load the "FirstWriting" assignment. The instructions will appear for each heading. There
will be two headings. Follow the instructions. It's ok to be brief.
4. When you are completed, be sure to save your writing to your personal storage area.
5. After you have saved your writing, click on the "Disaster Recovery" button. If you have
spent more than 5 minutes on this assignment, you should see at least one version of your
writing that has been automatically saved. In case of computer crash or mistake, you can
recover any of the previous. Load a previous version to see how this works.
Managing your Personal Graphics Library
Your images are all stored in your personal graphics library on the class server. This means that
you can access and display your images from any computer that is connected to the web, and that
has EarthEd installed. To manage your online graphics library, you will need to click the “Image
Mgr” tab when in your “Office.” The instructions are very self-explanatory, so be sure to read
the screen text.
Capturing Images:
You can capture any image if you can get displayed on your computer screen. In an Internet
browser, typically you click the right mouse button (PC) or hold down the control key and hold
down the mouse button (Macintosh) (until a popup menu appears) and Select the "Copy" or
"Copy Image to Clipboard" or "Copy Image" choice. The choice will depend on which browser
you use. Once the image is copied to the clipboard, you can use the Image Manager module in
EarthEd to upload it to your personal graphics library. Some images displayed in a web browser
cannot be captured this way, but all is not lost if it doesn’t work. Read on.
PC Users: Most PC's have a "Print Screen" or "Prt Scr" key. This copies your entire screen to
the clipboard. You need to run the ImageManager module of EarthEd-Online and check the
Import from Clipboard checkbox. The allows you to upload the screen image. But first you need
to use the crop and magnify controls (in the Image Manager) to select only the part of the screen
image that you want. This is not hard.
Mac OS-9 Users: When you get the image displayed on your screen, hold down Apple and Shift
keys, then press the "4" key. The cursor will change to a cross. Drag over the portion of the
image you want to save. It will be stored on your desktop and called "Picture #." The # will be 1,
2, 3, an incrementing number for each picture. You can view and crop it in the Image Manager.
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Click here to view and delete
images in your image library. You
cannot delete images that have been
linked to a paper or BBS posting.
Access information about capturing
and uploading images.
Upload images to your image
library. Read on-screen instructions
Return to the program that called
“Image Mgr.”
Figure 15. Image Manager screen. You can upload, delete, and view images in your personal graphics storage area
on the class server.
Mac OSX Users: Use the “Grab” program. It is easy to use. The Help function gives more
details. Save the image to the desktop so that it is easy to find using ImageManager.
Once the image file is captured, you can upload it using “Image Mgr.” The system will not let
you delete a file on your personal storage area if you have linked it to a message or a writing
assignment. If you want to upload a file from your hard drive, you click the select from hard
drive button, which puts up a file dialog box. You then search around your file system until you
find the graphic file you want. Then click “Display Selected Graphic” to show it. Once it is
shown (this happens automatically), you can upload it by clicking the icon on the lower right of
the graphics panel (see Figure 12).
Image Capture activity #1:
This tutorial will show you how to capture images from a web browser and upload it to your
online graphics library.
1. Open the web browser to the class web page. You should also be logged into EarthEd.
2. Click the Earth Data link.
3. Scroll down to find the "Lamont Data direct links" item. Click on the "Wind Monthly"
link. Or, if you prefer, choose one of the other data types from the Lamont Data
4. When the image appears, copy it to the clipboard. If you don't know how, read this text a
few paragraphs back to refresh your memory.
5. Now click on the "Image Mgr" tab to get to the Image Manager.
6. Click the "Upload Images to Lib" button.
7. Click the "Save clipboard image to my local…." checkbox.
8. A "myClipboardimage" line will appear in the image list. Click on it. Your captured
image should appear.
9. Click the "Upload" button.
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Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
10. When you get to the next screen, read the on-screen instructions carefully. Resize the
image using the slider at the right, and crop the image. Cropping means to select only a
portion of the imag.
11. Complete the upload of your image. Follow the screen instructions.
12. When you image has successfully uploaded, click the "Manage Server Lib" button. Read
the on-screen instructions. Experiment with its features. You can use this to delete junk
images and see what images you have in your online image library.
Select the location you want to look
for images. Use the "Copy from
Clipboard" checkbox if your image
is in the clipboard.
Browse file system to get an image
from an arbitrary location on your
A list of images that can be
uploaded, at the selected location, is
displayed here. Click on a line to
select and view the image. If you
want to upload it, click the
“Upload” button.
Figure 16: This shows the Image Manager screen if you choose “Upload Images to Lib” (see Fig. 15). Note that the
images must be in one of the common image formats to be recognized. BMP, GIF, JPG, PICT are all recognized.
See the course website "frequently asked questions" for the latest
instructions on how to get images into your personal graphics
Do you want to use your own computer?
If you have a PC or Macintosh connected to the Internet by permanent connection or through the
phone, you should be able to run the "EarthEd" software at home. If your computer is relatively
new, there is most likely no problem, but if it is an old one, you may not be able to run it.
PC requirements: Windows 95 or 98, Me, or XP, with at least 128 Mb of memory, and a
CDROM drive. The program was extensively tested on Windows 98 and WindowsXP. A
CDROM drive is mandatory. You must have a screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels. You
can change this by moving the mouse over the screen and click the right mouse button. When the
popup menu comes up, select “Properties.” Then click the “Settings” tab at the top. There should
be a “Screen Area” slider on the window. Slide it to the right to see what screen resolution you
have. While you’re at it, make sure the popup menu to select color is at least High Color (16 bit).
Macintosh: System 9.2 or higher, 128 Mb of memory, and a CDROM drive. You can set the
screen resolution by accessing “Monitors” from the control panels menu. Click on the Apple
Lab Section #1: Getting Acquainted
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icon at the upper left corner, move the mouse down to “Control Panels,” then when the list
comes up, select “Monitors.” Select the resolution (at least 800 x 600) and color depth from the
list boxes in the window. Make sure you have at least thousands of colors selected from “Color
EarthEd runs in "Classic" mode under OSX.
Updates: Every time you log onto EarthEd-Online, it checks for updates to the software.
Download these updates. They are installed automatically, so you don’t need to do anything
special. But, they most likely add new functionality or fix important bugs.
Quick computer literacy checklist:
Do you know?
1. Difference between memory and disc space?
2. How to copy a file from one location to another?
3. How to find a file on your computer's hard drive using its search capability?
4. How to copy a file from a zip or floppy disc to your computer's hard drive?
5. How to figure out the CDROM drive letter on your PC?
6. How to set your monitor's color depth?
7. How to set your monitor's dimensions?
If you didn't answer "Yes" to all of the above, I suggest you buy a hamburger for a computer
geek friend and get her over to your place and explain how to do these operations. You will need
these skills to install and run the software in this class, on your own computer. If this is not
possible, it may save you time to come into the open access lab hours to do your work. Computer
software can be frustrating to set up on your own, unless you have done similar operations
before. Better yet, get your computer geek friend to get the software working for you.
Other operations to try:
Calculate your current course grade. Click on the "Grades" tab. The grades will not
accurately reflect your full course grade until a significant number of assignments have
been entered, but you should check this to see how you are doing in the course.
Congratulations ! You have completed this
tutorial and have a great starting knowledge
of how to use the course software resources!
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