Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory: Equipment and instrumentation overview Inorganic chemistry has a rich and distinguished history starting from the ancient times involving the smelting of copper, production of bronze weapons, golden jewelry, and clays in building materials. The various stages in human history track the progress in inorganic chemistry: the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and the Atomic Age. The development of modern inorganic chemistry has many far reaching consequences that can be found in most aspects of daily life, from pigments in paint, automobiles, catalysts for production of fuel and other chemicals, batteries, LCDs, cell phones, computers, medicines/anti-tumor agents, etc.. The primary purpose of a chemistry laboratory is to acquaint an experimenter with the various techniques and manipulations to prepare both known and new materials. Some techniques needed to synthesize and characterize inorganic compounds will be familiar to you (e.g. weighing, stirring, preparing solutions, collection of IR and UV-Vis spectra, etc.), whereas other techniques may be new to you (e.g. magnetic susceptibility, glassblowing, air sensitive techniques, etc.) In first day of the inorganic lab you will become familiar with the laboratory spaces and some of the equipment and instrumentation that will be utilized throughout the semester. A few basic experiments will illustrate the use of the equipment and instrumentation. 1. Syllabus, laboratory safety, locker distribution and check-in, 2. Instrumentation overview, read instructions for operation of instruments a. Top-loading and analytical balances and cleaning procedures b. UV-visible spectroscopy - Beer’s Law experiment on [Co(H2O)6](NO3)2 i. Accurately prepare a 10 mL aqueous solution of [Co(H2O)6](NO3)2 at an assigned concentration. ii. Measure the UV-Vis spectrum in the range 290-700 nm. 1. Determine λmax and absorbance of each peak 2. Print and retain spectrum 3. Enter data on shared data sheet c. Conductivity, Hanna Instruments HI9093 conductivity meters i. Accurately prepare a solution of KCl at an assigned concentration 1. Use an appropriately sized beaker to contain the solution and sufficiently cover probe and measure the specific conductance d. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy i. Collect IR spectra of NaNO3 and [Co(H2O)6](NO3)2 ii. Assign and label major peaks, print and retain printout Perform calculations and record data in lab notebook. Obtain absorbance and conductivity data from other students from the master data table prior to leaving the lab. Retain the spectra and data for use in the first laboratory report. At the beginning of lab next week turn in the following: Prepare two Beer’s Law plots of absorbance vs. concentration (M) (all data points) for each peak. Include slopes and R2 of the trendlines. Determine the molar absorptivity (extinction coefficient, ε) from the slope of the line in the Beer’s Lab plot for the peak near 511 nm. Prepare a table containing molar absorptivities for each peak from your individual spectrum, ensuring correct units and significant figures. Calculate the percent difference for your measured ε value and the ε value obtained from the slope-line using all data Graph specific conductance vs. concentration for the KCl solutions using all lab data points. Calculate the molar conductivity for each sample of KCl and the average molar conductivity. Briefly comment on the obtained versus expected value of molar conductance for KCl solutions.