Solutions for earth leakage protection and circuit breakers with automatic reclosing system Technology for energy efficiency How to enhance electrical quality and continuity for your infrastructures or services by ensuring electrical protection Nowadays, our industrial production processes and the myriad of services for individuals normally entail a constant demand for electrical energy. Electrical service continuity ensures high energy management efficiency in our companies and quality of life for individuals in their homes or places of entertainment. When dealing with electrical protection, one of the most frequently used solutions for protection devices is to cut off the electric supply from affected areas when an insulation fault is detected. Therefore, we are faced with a critical electric supply continuity point, given that services and production processes are interrupted to protect people against electrocution, or property against fire hazards or other damage. Clearly, this is the correct decision. Safety comes first, even though we cannot leave our installations without electric service indefinitely, especially infrastructures, production processes or services with low or zero maintenance. These types of applications make it necessary to use intelligent automatic reclosing protection devices. This implies devices that guarantee protection that activated only when the problem is real, and that have the capacity to reestablish the electric supply under the reclosing conditions required by the application, which can be activated or programmed according to our criteria. A New Generation Protection systems with automatic reclosing systems Optimisation of sizes and currents and, therefore, of the installation's costs Operates perfectly with maximum currents, and adapts to the ranges of the earth leakage transformer Programmable intelligent protection, display for viewing leakage current Earth leakage relays Ultra-immunized against unwanted tripping Communications Modbus/RS-485 Preventive maintenance prealarm relay Personalised features for the automatic reclosing system, methods and time sequences External indicator of the protection and reclosing systems status CIRCUTOR offers a wide range of solutions to cater for different types of applications Protection Reclosing system Earth leakage Earth leakage RCCB reclosing system (I n ≤ 63 A) Programmable earth leakage relay with integrated toroidal + contactor Programmable earth leakage relay + differential transformer + contactor Programmable earth leakage relay + integrated toroidal + rearmable circuit breaker (I n ≤ 80 A) Earth leakage and circuit breaker Earth leakage / circuit breaker * Earth leakage relay + earth leakage transformer + rearmable circuit breaker Programmable earth leakage relay + earth leakage transformer + rearmable circuit breaker Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Automatic rearmable circuit breaker (I n ≤ 63 A) Programmable relay + rearmable circuit breaker *The different programmable earth leakage relays allows to disable the reclosing system with a circuit breaker Comparison table. Protections with reclosing systems Design of models with special features depending on especific needs, for example: preventive maintenance, control and telemanagement of electrical installations. A complete range of products for earth leakage protection and installation circuit breakers, capable of covering the needs of each installation. Protection Earth leakage Earth Leakage and/or Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Reclosing system Earth leakage Earth Leakage and/or Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Associated circuit breaker for protection purposes Switch Earth leakage Contactor Motorized circuit breaker MT / REC Max MP / MT-FDE Classification of models based on need, installation and features of the model. REC 2 / C RGU-10 / C RAL WRU-10 RAL CBS4 / C RA / CBS4 / C RAL RGU-10 / C MT WRU-10 MT WRGU-10MTT RRM REC MAX P █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ Only REC2C █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ Customer need Continuity of service Status outputs Control, telemanagement, telecontrol █ █ █ █ █ █ LCD Display █ █ █ █ █ █ RS-485 communications █ █ █ █ Installation Single-phase Three-phase (4 wires) Three-phase Used with external earth leakage transformers WGC 28 Ø 35 Ø Built-in earth leakage transf 28 Ø ≤63 A Any, Acc. to transf. ≤80 A Any, Acc. to transf. Any, Acc. to transf. ≤80 A ≤63 A Any, Acc. to transf. ≤63 A Attached to DIN rail Box Size in DIN modules 5/7 3 3 3 3 3 1 4.6 / 7.6 TYPE A (IAW standard) Use as selective protection System configurable in time and current Nominal current Protection features Type A earth leakage protection (ultra-immunized) Used for instantaneous protection t A Pre-alarm output Standard IEC 61008-1 IEC 60947-2 Annex M, IEC 62020 IEC 60898 Reclosing system features Number of reclosing, N 3 6 Time between reclosings, T 10, 20, 30, 60, 120 and 600 s Energy meter reclosing reset time 300 s Programmable N T 3 minutes 30 minutes Earth leakage protection with automatic reclosing system 2/4 poles range, up to 63 A RCCB self-reclosing REC2 / REC2C - 2 poles n x5 40 A 63 A IΔn 30 mA 300 mA Key TEST Opt. output REC2 is a 2 or 4-pole RCCB associated to a compact motor and control set that enables the automatic and safe reclosing of the installation, provided that the leakage is not permanent. The RCCB is reclosed automatically, in accordance with the work mode selected: yyTime sequence mode: After a switch trips, REC2 will make 6 reclosing attempts, with a timer set at 10, 20, 30, 60, 120 and 600 s. If the group can not be reclosed, it will be locked in a trip status until it is reset manually. yyInsulation monitoring mode (30 mA): After the switch trips, REC2 repeats the previous sequence, but it measures the presence of leakage current in the installation before rearming the system. Applications yyDomestic yySupermarkets yyShops yyRefrigerating chambers yyIndustry yyGreenhouses REC2 / REC2C - 4 poles x7 ln 40 A 63 A IΔn 30 mA 300 mA Key TEST Opt. output LEDs are found on the front panel of the control module, they indicate the operational status: yyManual or automatic reclosing yyReclosing mode selected yyReclosing status yyLock status The REC2C model has an external NC output at the bottom to indicate when reclosing is not possible: yyTripped unit: status that allows reclosing. yyBlocked by reclosing systems: unit tripped for more than 15 minutes. Reclosing not allowed yyUnit without voltage: indicates that the tripped unit will not reclose after a trip There is a sliding window to activate or deactivate the automatic reclosing of the RCCB. Earth leakage protection with automatic reclosing system Infrastructures, services, industrial range Ultra-immunized self-reclosing earth leakage relays RGU-10 / C RAL WRU-10 CBS-4 / C RA / RAL Toroidal included Ø 28 mm x4 Contactor N T t A x3 Contactor Opt. LCD RS DISPLAY 485 N T x3 t A LCD DISPLAY Contactor In 6 to 80 A N T x3 CBS-4 Toroidal / oval WGC t A x4 Opt. LCD RS 485 DISPLAY RGU-10 series Available in: Ø 25 mm, Ø 35 mm, Ø 55 mm, Ø 80 mm, Ø 115 mm, Ø 140 mm, Ø 180 mm, * 220x105 mm, 350x150 mm, 500x200 mm. * on request Applications yyPublic street lighting yyTelecommunications centers yyIn general any infrastructure or service that requires a constant electric supply when maintenance issues are complicated or there is no easy access. Earth leakage protection and circuit breaker with self-reclosing system Range of services, industrial Ultra-immunized self-reclosing earth leakage relays RGU-10 / C MT WRU-10 MT WRGU-10MTT Toroidal included Ø 28 mm N T t A LCD DISPLAY x3 Opt. RS 485 N T t A LCD DISPLAY x3 In 6 to 80 A In 6 to 63 A t A LCD DISPLAY With the Certificate of: Technical Qualification of Telefónica España and Telefónica Móviles España (Spain) Associated motorized circuit breaker Series MT REC Max MP 2 Poles x2 outputs x2 inputs x4.5 4 Poles IΔn 6 to 63 A x6.5 2 Poles IΔn 6 to 63 A x5.5 Series MT FDE 3 Poles 4 Poles IΔn 6 to 63 A x7.5 IΔn 6 to 63 A IΔn 80 to 250 A 81 x 130 x 185 mm 4 Poles 108 x 130 x 185 mm * Other models from 400 A to 630 A. Applications yyOffices yyShopping malls yyIndustrial farms yyIn general, any process or that service requires a constant electric supply when maintenance issues are complicated or there is no easy access. Circuit Breaker Protection with automatic reclosing system Infrastructures, services, industrial range Relays with automatic reclosing REC Max P 2 Poles x4.5 RRM 4 Poles In 6 to 63 A x6.5 Applications yyShopping malls yyOffices yyLivestock operations yyIn general, any process or service that requires a constant electric supply when maintenance issues are complicated or there is no easy access. In 6 to 63 A N T x1 In 6 to 250 A Opt. RS 485 Application for public lighting The use of earth leakage protection devices with automatic reclosing was already established in Low Voltage Directive ITC-BT-09, which refers to external lighting installations in the section on protection, measurement and control panels (in Spain). The same section also refers to the trip threshold regulation in relation to the earthing resistance measurement during the commissioning of an electric installation service. Disconnection threshold of the earth leakage protection 300 mA 500 mA 1A Ohm Value of the earthing resistance less than: Ethernet 30 Ω 5Ω 1Ω TCP2RS+ RS-485 Our units can be linked to circuit breakers/rearms that are used for the lighting drive system. In turn, these elements are usually governed by timer or photoelectric switches. Circuit breaker Astronomical Clock RGU-10 C RAL Contactor CBS-4 C RA CBS-4 C RAL WGC REC2C WRU-10 WGC WGC WGC WGC Application in industries and offices The dual function of earth leakage protection devices as automatic reclosing elements enables them to be used in earth leakage protection and circuit breaker applications, given that they can be associated to automatic motorised switches. Possible applications of these units in low or zero supervision installations or infrastructures are, among others: yyTelecommunications stations, signalling and control boxes yy Water and gas distributors, pumping blocks yy Photovoltaic installations, panels yy Computer systems, UPS yy Food preservation • Supermarkets, frozen food companies, refrigerating chambers • Hotels, restaurants, catering • Climate controls, heat pumps, air-conditioning yy 24-hour services: ATMs, banks, video stores yy Exterior building lighting, stores and illuminated indicators yy Municipal infrastructures, traffic lights, public lighting yyAutomation, home automation, alarms, garage doors, irrigation systems. Ethernet EDS RS-485 CBS-4 C WGC Circuit breaker RGU-10 C WGC WGC WGC WGC Power Line 2 Lighting Line Air-conditioning Line Power Line 1 MT-FDE MT REC Max MP REC Max P RGU-10C MT WGC WGC WRU-10 MT REC Max P Management and monitoring software With PowerStudio Scada you can: yy Guarantee the accurate energy supervision of your installation yyAchieve the preventive maintenance of all lines and installations The RGU-10 C and CBS-4 C (RAL /MT) series use the standardised Modbus/RTU (RS-485) or Modbus/TCP (Ethernet) protocols, which can be queried from any other market application. h t t p : // p o w e r s t u d i o . c i r c u t o r. c o m Designed by: Image and Communications Department - CIRCUTOR, SA Solutions for earth leakage protection and circuit breakers with automatic reclosing system AXIS & Stuifmeel BV Coenecoop 618-620 2741 PV Waddinxveen Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 182 64 70 70 Official Circutor distributor for the Netherlands Code: C2P253-01