Selecting temperature sensors for explosive (Ex) atmospheres 24.11.2015 1(5) Selecting temperature sensors for potentially explosive (Ex) atmospheres SKS Automaatio Oy's product range meets various temperature measurement needs in potentially explosive atmospheres. The company's range covers temperature measuring sensors, temperature transmitters, barriers, cables, cable glands, displays, alarm devices, enclosures and lights. SKS Automaatio Oy is a part of the SKS Group. The SKS Group has been granted an ATEX Quality Assurance Notification (VTT 02 ATEX Q001) as required under EU directive 94/9/EC. The notification, issued by VTT Expert Services Ltd, gives the right to manufacture Ex e and Ex t temperature sensors and to assemble Ex d temperature sensors for use in explosive atmospheres. The SKS Group's sensor manufacturing operations have been assessed in an IECEx Quality Assessment Report (FI/VTT/QAR14.0001/01) as required by the EN ISO/IEC 80079-34 standard. The auditing organization was VTT Expert Services Ltd. The report gives the right to manufacture Ex e, Ex t and Ex d temperature sensors for use in explosive atmospheres and to apply for IECEx approval for them. You can choose from three Ex types of protection when selecting SKS Sensors® temperature sensors manufactured by the SKS Group: Ex i or I.S. - ”i” or ”I.S.” provides ”intrinsic safety”. - Designed for Ex zones 0, 1, 2, 20, 21 or 22. - The sensor is a standard-type RTD or TC temperature sensor (no ATEX/IECEx requirements). - The connection hood is a standard-type, IP 65-protected hood, with a protective earth connection screw (no ATEX/IECEx requirements). - The whole circuit must be designed as an intrinsically safe Ex i circuit (cable length, ATEX/IECEx transmitters, ATEX/IECEx barriers). - More details on page 2 Ex d, Ex t - ”d” stands for ”flameproof”, for Ex gas zones 1 or 2 (Ex d). - ”t” stands for ”protection by enclosure”, for Ex dust zones 21 or 22 (Ex tb). - The sensor is ATEX and/or IECEx-certified, and consists of a Pt100 or TC sensor element specially adapted for Ex d-construction, an Ex d-grade connection head, and possibly a temperature transmitter (types PR5331A/D, PR5335A/D, PR5337A/D or PR5350A/B). The enclosure is dust-protected (Ex t). - The measuring circuit can be cabled to a safe area and to a standard device (no Ex requirements). - More details on page 3 Ex e, Ex t - ”e” provides ”increased safety”, for Ex gas zones 1 or 2 (Ex e). - ”t” stands for ”protection by enclosure”, for Ex dust zones 21 or 22 (Ex tb, former Ex tD A21). - The sensor is an ATEX and/or IECEx-certified, Ex e-type, Pt100 or TC sensor, which can also be used for dust areas, thanks to its dust-protected Ex t enclosure. - The measuring circuit can be cabled to a safe area and to a standard device (no Ex requirements). - Our currently certified types are cable sensors, without a connection head. - Our sensors can be manufactured with Ex e-grade connection heads, which makes them new types that must be individually certified. - More details on page 4 Selecting temperature sensors for explosive (Ex) atmospheres 24.11.2015 2(5) Ex i (I.S.)-type SKS Sensors® temperature sensors The standard types of SKS Sensors® temperature sensors made in Finland are either RTD (mainly Pt100) or TC (e.g. K, J or S type) sensors. Both are considered to be simple electrical devices that can be installed in potentially explosive atmospheres, without Ex approvals or Ex markings. When installed in an Ex i circuit the sensor itself has no ATEX/IECEx approval requirements, as long as it is IP65 ingress-protected and equipped with a separate ground terminal. The whole circuit is intrinsically safe (I.S.) only when the sensor's outgoing measuring circuit is connected to an I.S.-approved device outside the Ex area. The I.S.approved device can be an Ex temperature transmitter of, for example, PR Electronics Inc. (see figure below). In addition, the cable length must also be engineered so as not to exceed the electrical data given in the certificate and data label of the circuit-supplying device. Ex II (1) GD 3- or 4-wire Ex Ex II 1 GD Ex ia IIC T4…T6 Ga Ex ia IIIC Da [Ex ia] IIC PR 5131B R/I SKS Pt100 IP 65 non-Ex 2-wire PR 5333D R/I 2-wireoutput mA Ex II (1) GD PR 5116B I/I SKS Pt100 IP 65 [Ex ia] IIC supply mA or V relay output Ex non-Ex Figure: Two examples of Pt100 temperature sensor solutions: - Upper part of the figure: the sensor is wired directly to an ATEX-approved, associated electrical apparatus in a safe (non-Ex) area. - Lower part of the figure: the sensor is connected to an ATEX-approved, I.S. 2-wire transmitter installed in a connection head, in which the transmitter's mA output signal is wired to an ATEX-approved, associated electrical apparatus in a safe (non-Ex) area. Selecting temperature sensors for explosive (Ex) atmospheres 24.11.2015 3(5) Ex d / Ex t-type SKS Sensors® temperature sensors Temperature sensors manufactured by the SKS Group can be assembled with an Ex dapproved connection head. The sensor element part is a replaceable RTD or TC probe specially adapted for Ex d-construction (a standard element is not fit to be used in Ex dconstruction), while the connection head is Ex d-classified and equipped with cage clamp terminals or a 2-wire temperature transmitter (the approved transmitter types are PR5331A, PR5335A, PR5337A, PR5350A, PR5331D, PR5335D, PR5337D and PR5350B). This assembly is ATEX Ex d-approved by product certificate (VTT 12 ATEX 055X) where X means that the cable gland can be chosen according to the temperature class. Device installed in an Ex d enclosure has no ATEX/IECEx requirements, and therefore the transmitter can be a standard-type temperature transmitter for a safe area (see figure below). Ex II 2 GD Ex d IIC T5/T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80/T95 Db non-Ex device PR 5331A 2-wire mA PR 5116A SKS W-…Exd or SKS T-…Exd supply mA, V or/and relay output Ex non-Ex +PR transmitter A measuring circuit extending outside the Ex d enclosure has no ATEX/IECEx requirements for the next device outside the Ex area. The signal can be wired to a standard-type signal converter in the safe area (see figure above) or to a temperature transmitter (see figure below). non-Ex device Ex II 2 GD Ex d IIC T5/T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80/T95 Db 2-, 3- or 4-wire SKS W-…Exd or SKS T-…Exd Ex PR 5131A R/I non-Ex ATEX/IECEx-approved, Ex d-type sensor Approval data SKS W-…Exd or SKS T-…Exd VTT 12 ATEX 055X Issue1 - RTD or TC sensor element adapted for Ex d-construction - inside enclosure: terminals or temperature transmitter (PR5331A/D, PR5335A/D, PR5337A/D or PR5350A/B) - installation and connection according to datasheet Ex II 2 G Ex d IIC T5/T6 Gb, Ex II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80/T95°C Db 2-wire output mA Selecting temperature sensors for explosive (Ex) atmospheres 24.11.2015 4(5) Ex e / Ex t-type SKS Sensors® temperature sensors The SKS Group also produces Ex e-type temperature sensors, which are ATEX and/or IECExcertified. An Ex e-approved sensor's measuring circuit has no ATEX/IECEx requirements for the next device outside the Ex area. The signal can be wired to a standard-type temperature transmitter in a safe area, for example (see figure below). Ex II 2 GD Ex e IIC T6…T3 Gb, Ex tb IIIC T60..T200°C Db 2- or 4-wire PR 5131A R/I non-Ex device SKS Pt100-EX Ex 2-wire output, mA non-Ex Ex e-type sensors and their product certificate data are presented on the next page. Visit Selecting temperature sensors for explosive (Ex) atmospheres 24.11.2015 5(5) Ex e / Ex t-type SKS Sensors® temperature sensors Ex e-type sensors Approval data 1059616, WT-BAJONETTI-6/XXX-YYYY/TDT-4J-KLA-EX VTT 14 ATEX 005X IECEx VTT 14.0003X - Pt100 bayonet sensor, 4-wire, 6 mm diameter - produced on request - approval permits only dimensions XXX and YYYY to be altered 1059620, 2xWT-BAJONETTI-8/XXX-YYYY/TDT-4J-KLA-EX - 2xPt100 bayonet sensor, 4-wire, 8 mm diameter - produced on request - approval permits only dimensions XXX and YYYY to be altered 1061957, WT-KAAPELI-6/XXX-YYYY/TDT-4J-KLA-EX - Pt100 cable sensor, 4-wire, 6 mm diameter - produced on request - approval permits only dimensions XXX and YYYY to be altered Ex II 2 G Ex e IIC T6…T3 Gb Ex II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T60°C…T200°C Db VTT 14 ATEX 005X IECEx VTT 14.0003X (X = temperature limits) Ex II 2 G Ex e IIC T6…T3 Gb Ex II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T60°C…T200°C Db VTT 14 ATEX 004X IECEx VTT 14.0002X (X = temperature limits) Ex II 2 G Ex e IIC T6…T3 Gb Ex II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T60°C…T200°C Db 1061958, WT-KAAPELI-6/XXX-YYYY/SDS-2J-KLA-EX VTT 07 ATEX 012X - Pt100 cable sensor, 2-wire, 6 mm diameter - produced on request - approval permits only dimensions XXX and YYYY to be altered Ex II 2 GD Ex e II T1-T6 Ex tD A21 IP66 T60°C Tamb(max) +180°C 1061961, 2xWT-KAAPELI-6/XXX-YYYY/TDT-4J-KLA-EX VTT 14 ATEX 004X IECEx VTT 14.0002X - 2xPt100 cable sensor, 4-wire, 6 mm diameter - produced on request - approval permits only dimensions XXX and YYYY to be altered (X = temperature limits) (X = temp., voltage) (X = temperature limits) Ex II 2 G Ex e IIC T6…T3 Gb Ex II 2 D Ex tb IIIC T60°C…T200°C Db 1068685, WT-MI-302-6/XXXXX-200/FEP-4J-KLA-EX VTT 07 ATEX 013X - MI sheath structured Pt100-element, 4-wire, 6 mm diameter - produced on request - approval permits only dimension XXXXX to be altered Ex II 2 GD Ex e II T1-T6 Ex tD A21 IP66 T60°C Tamb: -40…+125/550°C 1125387, WT-MI-302-3/1000-200/FEP-4J-KLA-EX VTT 07 ATEX 014X + SUPPLEMENT 1 - MI sheath structured Pt100-element, 4-wire, 3 mm diameter - sensor part length 1 m - approval permits no values to be altered Ex II 2 GD Ex e II T1-T6 Ex tD A21 IP66 T60°C Tamb: -40…+125/550°C 1073428, WT-MI-302-6/1000-200/FEP-4J-KLA-EX VTT 07 ATEX 014X - MI sheath structured Pt100-element, 4-wire, 6 mm diameter - stocked, sensor part length 1 m - approval permits no values to be altered Ex II 2 GD Ex e II T1-T6 Ex tD A21 IP66 T60°C Tamb: -40…+125/550°C 1072372, WT-MI-302-6/2000-200/FEP-4J-KLA-EX VTT 07 ATEX 015X - MI sheath structured Pt100-element, 4-wire, 6 mm diameter - produced on request, sensor part length 2 m - approval permits no values to be altered Ex II 2 GD Ex e II T1-T6 Ex tD A21 IP66 T60°C Tamb: -40…+125/550°C (X = temp., voltage) (X = temp., voltage) (X = temp., voltage)