Dual Career Netzwerk Nordbayern – Informationen für

Information for international researchers and their partners
Whom to contact in the member institutions of the DCNN if you are researcher coming from
abroad and need assistance
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
http://www.uni- erlangen.de/internationales/aus-demausland/gastwissenschaftler/index.shtml
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
http://www.ohm- hochschule.de/seitenbaum/home/international-office/page.html
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Ansbach
http://www.hs- ansbach.de/hochschule/international_office.html
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Aschaffenburg
http://www.h-ab.de/ueber-die- hochschule/organisation/verwaltung/international-office/
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg
http://www.hs- coburg.de/international.html
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
https://www.hs- regensburg.de/international.html
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden http://www.oth-aw.de/international/
Evangelische Fachhochschule Nürnberg http://www.evhn.de/int.html
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Katholische Universität Eichstädt-Ingolstadt
Universität Bayreuth http://www.international-office.uni-bayreuth.de
Universität Regensburg http://www.uni-regensburg.de/ur-international/welcome-center/
Web resources that will help you find information regarding various topics (in English)
Please notice that the information provided on the websites is not legally binding.
On this website you will find useful information on a broad variety of topics e.g. Moving to
Germany, Life in Germany, Finance, Employment, Education, Housing, Leisure
How to Germany
Basic facts as well as everything you need to know when moving to Germany
Offers a quick-check to assess the options of living and working in Germany, information on
different aspect regarding life and work in Germany
Work in Bavaria
Information on Bavaria, live (living, money and banks, insurance, mobility, emergency situations
etc.), work (job search, application, freelancers and entrepreneurs, employment and residence
law etc.)
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
Welcome to Germany (Residence, education, work and career, health and preventive
healthcare etc.)
Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV)
Applying for work in Germany, recognition of qualifications, job application etc.
Information for researchers who want to carry out a research project in Germany
(accommodation, careers in research, daily life, funding database, insurance schemes,
research stay with a family, social security, taxation, visa and entry, working)
Research in Germany
Information on the research landscape, research funding, research areas for junior as well
as senior researchers.
Legal Guide to Germany – Expat’s Concise Guide to overcome officialdom in Germany
“The project “The Legal Guide to Germany" is the expat's concise guide to overcome
officialdom in Germany. It helps citizens of other countries, either living in or (soon) coming
to Germany, in gaining a reliable orientation toward their every day legal rights and
responsibilities in Germany. It's all about a lawyer telling inside stories on everyday legal
questions. In other words, it's an 24 hours / 7 days a week integration course for those who
are not satisfied with "standard" or "minimum".
This portal offers products and services in four areas:
a platform for legal content for some in depth study,
eLiterature for professional needs, as well as Checklists for different needs,
a business directory to help expats find professionals willing to serve them,
a newsletter on topics of concern of the expat in Germany for any subscribed person.
Please notice that not all information offered is available free of charge.
Recognition of qualifications
Links concerning salaries (for orientation only)
Salaries in various jobs (for Bavaria, only available in German)
Salaries for academic job beginners
Salaries in public service
Income tax and social security contribution s
Ausbildungsring Ausländischer Unternehmer e.V.
Offers free of charge expert advice on being self-employed in Germany for migrants (in English).
Located in Nuremberg.
Contact: Rainer Aliochin, Senior Consultant, Tel.: 0911 23986689, Mail ali@aauev.de
IFB (Institut für Freie Berufe)
Offers free of charge initial consultation in English. In case the initial consultation is positive and you
would like to proceed becoming self-employed the IFB offers the possibility to apply for funding. Up to
70% of the costs for the so called „Vorgründerberatung“ (consultation in preparation of selfemployment) will be covered.
Contact: Irene Hohlheimer, phone 0911/2356527, Mail: irene.hohlheimer@ ifb.uni-erlangen.de
 Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
National Agency for Women Start-ups Activities and Services
 Nexus II e.V. Büro für Existenzgründung
Offers a free of charge initial consultation, seminars and workshops
 Bildungszentrum Nürnberg
Offers training-courses. (Program)
Social networks for women new to the region of Nuremberg
HEN Haus
International womens group in Franconia
International Schools
Franconian International School e. V., international private school located in Erlangen
International School Mainfranken, international private school in Unterspiesheim, approx. 15
km south of Schweinfurt
International School Regensburg, internationale private school, has the status of a candidate
school for the Primary Years Programme (PYP) of the IB.
International School Bayreuth gGmbH, bilingual basic primary school in Bayreuth
Swiss International School, private full-time-school with continuous bilingual education.
Located in Ingolstadt and Regensburg