SPICE Days 2009

22 – 24 June, 2009
SpOrt Stuttgart
in cooperation with:
Table of Contents
Georg Simon Ohm University
of Applied Sciences
Nuremberg, Germany
16 – 18 September, 2009
· Josef Nassauer
Do samma
Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Germany
· Jeff Offutt
George Mason University, USA
· Vipul Kocher
PureTesting, India
© Petra Wanzki - Fotolia.com
· Peter Liggesmeyer
Data & Facts
Program Committee
Keynote Speakers
Tutorial Speakers
Exhibition Map
University of Kaiserslautern / Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Partner Country
Main Sponsor
Important Numbers:
Fire Department 112
Contact: Constanze Zemlin
Mobile: +49 (0) 170 5269035
Phone.: +49 331 231810-0
e-mail: info@spice-days.com
Greeting from
Hans-Jürgen Kugler
Conference Chair
In my research and my consulting work I often hear “Do really I have to
ensure my developers work according to SPICE?”, “Who pays for all the
extra effort?”, “What do I gain?”, “I do not want to limit the innovative ability
of my developers!”, or simply “What is SPICE?”
Greeting from
Dr. Reha Tözün
Stuttgart Region
Economic Development Corporation
If you are looking for answers to these or similar questions from those who
have experienced the effects of transforming development organisations
and supply relationships in accordance with SPICE, the International SPICE Days 2009 are the
place to be. The International SPICE Days are the premier event for exchanging experience,
learning about what lies ahead, and – last but not least – networking in a professional but
relaxed atmosphere.
We, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, are the central
contact for investors and companies in the City of Stuttgart and the five
neighbouring counties. As a public agency, we raise awareness of the qualities that our region has to offer – e.g. as an excellent business location for
high-technology sectors – and support companies setting up here.
I would like to express our pleasure to host this year’s SPICE Days and its international participants in Stuttgart. The SPICE Days as an international platform drive the essential life-longlearning and qualification efforts for software specialists from different sectors. It is a valuable
contribution to our efforts to stimulate dialogue within and across sectoral networks.
Stuttgart region is renown for automotive industry, and this is not only because it is here that the
first motor vehicle was patented by Gottlieb Daimler. Today, Stuttgart has an outstanding automotive cluster, where intensive R&D activities are carried out by OEMs, suppliers and through
a dense fabric of academic and research institutions. What is less known about Stuttgart is its
burgeoning software cluster, which has been on a steady growth path. Combining their skills in
software technologies with the specialized know-how available in diverse sectors in the region,
software enterprises of Stuttgart deliver outstanding results. I and my colleagues are by all
means ready to assist you in finding answers to all your questions about Stuttgart region as a
business location and the services we offer at this year’s Spice Days.
SPICE, or better ISO 15504, has shown its value through application in many different domains,
from automotive to telecommunication. The rapid development of software and software-determined systems is characterised by increasing specialisation in new application domains bringing new requirements, demanding industrialisation to master complexity and achieve efficiency,
and expanding globalisation of the software ecosystem both in development cooperation and
product and service deployment. Can SPICE keep up the pace and help businesses and users to
turn some of the inherent risks of the software revolution into chances of success?
Your contribution is invited to allow the International SPICE Days 2009 to answer this question.
Come and join us in Stuttgart.
Dr. Reha Tözün
Hans-Jürgen Kugler
Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation
Data & Facts
SPICE Days in Stuttgart
Baden-Württemberg is the birthplace of the car and the
automotive industry. The automotive industry is traditionally a fairly focused grouping of manufacturers and
suppliers. The advent of electronics and software in and
around the car is changing the industry significantly. In
times of change it is important to keep a “community
spirit” of all those involved – for the benefit of the whole
industry. This is the motto of the International SPICE
Days strengthen the community to foster progress.
Stuttgart as the capital of Baden-Württemberg is historically the right place to be for this. The Royal Württemberg Automobile Club was founded here, the oldest
still functioning automotive community association.
Sport, Bildungs- und Dienstleistungszentrum GbR
Fritz-Walter-Weg 19. 70372 Stuttgart. Germany
The decisive meeting to engage with ISO 15504 in the
form of Automotive SPICE™ also took place in Stuttgart.
Today the automotive industry can claim to have initiated the most widespread use of ISO 15504 derived process assessments of any software intensive industry.
With a conference location in Stuttgart, it is only natural that the International SPICE Days should focus on
the lessons learned from this industry-wide adoption
and what the plans for the future are. Moving from improvement of single organisations to attempting to improve a whole value creation network is an undertaking
many other industries may be able to draw benefit from.
How to get there
After Leaving B14 at the gateway Bad Cannstatt/
Benzstraße, drive toward the Mercedes-Benz Arena
- pass the parking garage located to your left. After
about 300 meters, turn left into Martin-Schrenk-Weg.
At the right you can see SpOrt Stuttgart.
Registration and Information Desk
Parking will available for Spice Days participants
directly at the SpOrt Entrance (Fritz-Walther-Weg).
Sport, Bildungs- und Dienstleistungszentrum GbR
Next to the entrance.
Monday, June 22
09:00 – 18:30
Tuesday, June 23
08:00 – 18:30
Wednesday, June 24
09:00 – 17:00
Wardrobe is located next to the registration desk
and will be available during the opening hours of the
registration (see above).
Wireless Access
Wireless Internet connectivity will be provided. You
must supply your own wireless laptop or computer to
use this service. For further information, please visit
the registration desk.
From Heilbronn
A81, EXIT Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen - B10 in direction
Esslingen/Ulm - B14 in direction Waiblingen, EXIT Bad
From München/Ulm
A8, EXIT Wendlingen - B10 in direction Esslingen/Ulm
- B14 in direction Waiblingen, EXIT Bad Cannstatt/Untertürkheim
From Karlsruhe/Pforzheim and Bodensee/Sindelfingen
A8, EXIT Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Follow the signs to Stuttgart centre. - B14 in direction Waiblingen, EXIT Bad
Arrival by commuter railway system (S-Bahn)
From main station Stuttgart take railway S1 in direction
Plochingen. Leave the railway at station MercedesBenz Arena. From there you have to walk only a few
minutes to SpOrt Stuttgart.
Take Bus line 51 in direction Mercedes-Benz Welt. The
bus leaves at Bad Cannstatt station. Get off at the station called Fritz-Walter-Weg. From there you have to
walk only a few minutes.
Take the bus line A or the railway from airport Stuttgart
to the main station. Then take railway S1 in direction
Plochingen. Leave the railway at station NeckarPark/
Mercedes-Benz Arena. From there you have to walk
only a few minutes to SpOrt Stuttgart.
Social Event
Participants of the International SPICE Days 2009 are
invited to take advantage of the following special rates
for accommodation. For information and booking,
please contact:
Windrose Fernreisen GmbH
Constanze Zemlin
Phone: +49 30 201721-37
Fax: +49 30 201721-81
Hilton Garden Inn Stuttgart Neckarpark****
Ideally located in walking distance to the
conference venue (approx. 900 m / 6 min)
Mercedesstraße 75
D – 70372 Stuttgart
Single Room € 149,00 per night
Double Room €166,00 per night
SOCIAL EVENT – Twilight Dinner Cruise
GHOTEL hotel & living Stuttgart***
Located 2,2 km from the conference venue
Wildunger Straße 5
D – 70372 Stuttgart
Single Room € 89,00 per night
Double Room € 89,00 per night
Meeting point: 23 June - 18:30 at reception
Bus shuttles will bring you to Stuttgart Wilhelma boat
landing place. Busses will return to SpOrt Stuttgart at
approx. 23:00.
Stuttgart Tourist Information
Königstraße 1a
70173 Stuttgart
Phone.: +49 (711) 2228 - 0
+49 (711) 2228 – 253
Breakfast included
MERCURE Hotel Bad Cannstadt***
Opening hours
Mon.- Fri.:
09:00 – 20:00
09:00 – 18:00
Sun. & holidays: 11:00 – 18:00
Located 3,5 km from the conference venue
Teinacher Strasse 20
D – 70372 Stuttgart
Single Room € 90,00 per night
Double Room €110,00 per night
Breakfast included
Breakfast included
„Stuttgart - this year’s conference venue is a magnificent location on the banks of the River Neckar and at
the heart of one of Germany‘s main winegrowing region. It’s already a tradition that we discover the Spice
Days region from the river side of life and so we will
proceed this year. On a 4 hours boat trip on the Neckar
River we will pass the Stuttgart city region as well as
the beautiful green surroundings.
While having a „chat“ on board with your colleagues,
typical food and regional wines will be served. After
sitting all day long on the conference rooms you will
surely be happy to shake hands and feet on the dance
floor. Come on - join us for the Social Event 2009!“
Program Committee
Program Committee
The SPICE Days Program Committee, which is made up of experts from economy and science, supports the
conference actively with the distribution of the Call for Papers to make the conference known in their community and among their partners. They review the contributions and help to select a high-quality program.
Conference Chairs:
Sergiy Ryapolov
SynSpace AG
Hans-Jürgen Kugler
Klaus Dehmel
Ludger Meyer
Lero – The Irish Software Engineering
Research Centre, Ireland
Clenio F. Salviano
Delphi Deutschland GmbH
Siemens AG
Centro de Tecnologia da Informação
Renato Archer (CTI), Brasil
Jörg Zimmer
Lars Dittmann
Jan Morenzin
Jean-Martin Simon
Daimler AG
Volkswagen AG
Gebhard Loew
Markus Müller
Sasabe Susumu
Mathematische Dienste Loew
Kugler Maag Cie GmbH
Peter Bölter
Albert Kreitmeyr
Thomas Peisl
Garcia Suz
intacs e.V.
Audi AG
Hochschule München
Bernd Hindel
Richard Messnarz
Kevin Ryan
Bhaskar Vanamali
Method Park Software AG
Lero – The Irish Software Engineering
Research Centre
Kugler Maag Cie GmbH
Vice Chairs:
Program Committee:
Pierre Metz
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Keynotes on 23 June 2009
Dr.-Ing. Alfons Weißbrich (Volkswagen AG), Chairman
of both the quality management committee of VDA and
the advisory board of the VDA QMC
Dr.-Ing. Alfons Weißbrich of Volkswagen AG will give
the opening keynote of the International SPICE Days
on 23 June 2009 in Stuttgart. After starting his career
at Volkswagen AG in 1982 Dr. Weißbrich held different
executive positions in the automotive industry at Volkswagen AG and Webasto AG for more than 20 years.
In 1990 Dr. Weißbrich joined Webasto AG where he
started as the head of roof systems development. He
became Director of Group Research and Development and Customer General Manager in 1995. Back to
Volkwagen AG in 2002 he was first assigned Director
of Quality Assurance Purchasing within Group Quality Assurance and from 2005 to 2008 Director of Group
Quality Management.
Since 2007 he is the chairman of both the quality management committee of VDA and the advisory board
of the VDA QMC (i.e. „Verband der Automobilindutrie“,
Automotive Industry Association).
Prof. Dave Thomas (Bedarra Research Labs), Founder/
The second keynote will be given by Prof. Dave Thomas
will give a glimpse of the Future of Embedded Software
Development. He will pose the question if and how the
SPICE community prepares itself for this. Be prepared
to be challenged.
Breadth of Business Experience...
Dave Thomas has a wide spectrum of experience in
the software industry as an engineer, consultant, architect, executive and investor. He is the Founder and
Chairman of Bedarra Research Labs – a company specializing in emerging software technologies and applications. Bedarra provides virtual CTO and CEO, as well
as directors, advisors and business mentors to support
new initiatives. He is also the Managing Director of Object Mentor – a company specializing in the training
and deployment of Agile and Object-Oriented Software
Development methodologies.
Proven Track-Record of Success...
Dave has repeatedly demonstrated how to deliver
quality software on time and on budget. He is best
known as the founder and past CEO of Object Technology International Inc. (formerly OTI, now IBM OTI
Labs) where he led the commercial introduction of
object and component technology. The company is often cited as the ideal model of a software technology
company and was a pioneer in Agile Product Development with a process called Just-In-Time Software.
Throughout his career, he has worked with major
global corporations as well as startups on business
and technical strategy, development organization and
process, as well as competitive analysis and strategy.
Visionary Thinker...
Dave has a unique ability to translate research breakthroughs into competitive products. He was the principal visionary and architect for IBM VisualAge Smalltalk and Java tools and virtual machines including the
popular open-source, multi-language Eclipse.org IDE.
OTI pioneered the use of virtual machines in embedded
systems with Tektronix shipping the first commercial
products in 1988. He was instrumental in establishing
IBM’s Pervasive Computing efforts.
Industry-Recognized Expert...
He is a popular, humorous, albeit opinionated keynote
speaker with a unique breadth of business experience
and technical depth. He is widely published in software
engineering literature. Dave remains active in various
roles within the technical community including ECOOP,
AOSD, JAOO, Agile Development Conference, OOPSLA
Onward, ENASE and Dynamic Language Symposium.
He is an adjunct research professor at Carleton University and the University of Queensland as well as a
founding director of the Agile Alliance, an ACM Distinguished Engineer, President of AITO and an advisor for
IEEE Software. He also writes an expert column in the
Journal of Object Technology.
Inspiring experience using Automotive SPICE will be
shared with you in our two Special Keynotes at noon
given by SZE Chen Tat of Continental Automotive, Singapore, and Jerzy Kowalczuk of Delphi Electronics &
Safety, USA. Hear first hand accounts of grappling with
higher level of SPICE and of meeting the challenges of
global business.
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Keynotes on 23 June 2009
Chen Tat Sze (Continental Automotive Singapore
Pte Ltd.), Head of Quality & Process
SZE Chen Tat is Head of Quality & Process at Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd. Together with his
team, he has moved Continental Automotive Singapore
from a Level 2 to Level 4 CMMI & SPICE organization.
SZE Chen Tat holds a Masters in Business Administration as well as a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons).
Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd has been
doing process improvement successfully for many
years. This Presentation aims to share the experiences
of the organization in their improvement journey to
CMMI Level 4 and SPICE Level 4. It will also discuss the
how SPICE is implemented in combination with other
models and how SPICE supports industrialisation and
globalisation for the organization.
Jerzy Kowalczuk (Delphi Electronics & Safety), Manager of Systems/Software Process Improvement and
Quality Assurance
Jerzy Kowalczuk is a manager of Systems/Software
Process Improvement and Quality Assurance at Delphi
Electronics & Safety in Kokomo, Indiana (USA).
Jerzy has over 30 years of combined experience in engineering and research within the automotive industry.
He has participated and led the development of many
Embedded Automotive Systems & SW projects. His
experience includes both technical and managerial
roles for automotive Safety, Control and Security, and
Entertainment & Communication with major emphasis
on Powertrain. Recently, Jerzy has worked closely
with engineering and management staff at global sites
to rollout the Common SPiCE Compliant Process and
helped to build the Functional Safety capability. He has
worked for both General Motors and Delphi Automotives and has held numerous leading roles in both Europe and the Americas.
Approaching the monumental task of improving and
modifying a company‘s processes is in most cases time
consuming and overwhelming. This presentation discusses the complexity of that venture and provides a
realistic road map to overall process improvement.
The goal of the presentation is to address the aspects
of process improvement, with focus on compliance to
the industry standards, that each global company faces
during this challenging time of restructuring and adaptation to the current market environment. The focus is
on the high level aspects of the SPiCE process and how
SPiCE aids in cohesiveness and exceeding customer
expectations while meeting global business objectives.
This presentation showcases the experience of a global
corporation, but provides meaningful insight to smaller
companies and highlights the benefits of this process.
Keynotes on 24 June 2009
The second day will open with a focus on functional
safety. Christoph Jung will explore the implications for
products. Are there differences? Come and find out!
Prof. Mike Hinchey will conclude with another look
ahead into the future. He will tie product and process
view, new development and wide scale integration together, since in his view the future belongs to Evolving
Critical Systems.
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Jung
Born in 1962, Christoph Jung studied mechanical engineering at the TU Munich and started his career at
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG within different international
research projects (PROMETHEUS, MOTIV, …).
This was followed by responsibilities as project manager for the serial development of the Stadtlastwagen
2000 and driver assistance systems Active Cruise Control ACC and Lane Departure Warning and further predevelopment projects.
Christoph Jung joined BMW AG in 2000 and was responsible for definition, introduction and operation of
the functional safety process as Manager of the Functional Safety Central Team from 2001 to 2008. In 2004 he
became chairman of the VDA Standardisation Committee NA 052-01-03 AK16: tion of ISO 26262: Road vehicles – Functional safety Part 1-9. Functional Safety and
was appointed as convenor of ISO TC22 SC3 WG16:
Functional Safety since 2005. ISO TC22 SC3 WG16 is
responsible for the preparation and finalisation.
Keynote Speakers
Tutorial Speakers
Tutorial Speaker I
Tutorial Speaker II
Prof. Mike Hinchey (Lero – the Irish Software
Engineering Research Centre), Co-Director
Peter Bölter, intacs e.V. & SQS AG
SPICE Crash Course
Mike Hinchey is Co-Director of Lero – the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre and Professor of
Software Engineering at the University of Limerick.
Prior to joining Lero, Dr. Hinchey was Director of the
NASA Software Engineering Laboratory and continues
to serve as a NASA expert.
SPICE (= Software Process Improvement dEtermination)
is used in the market as a synonym for ISO15504, the
international standard for Software Process Improvement. In simple words the tutorial contains these topics:
Dr. Pierre Metz, SynSpace GmbH, Germany
Process specific Interpretations for the Generic Practices of Capability Levels 2 and 3
For both process practictioners and assessors it is necessary to interpret the Generic Practices of Capability
Level 2 and 3 specifically for each process. However,
there has been a lot of controversy, open and recurring questions on how to understand these indicators
in practice.
Foto: © Jochen K - Fotolia.com
Keynotes on 24 June 2009
Hinchey holds a B.Sc. in Computer Systems from University of Limerick, an M.Sc. in Computation from University of Oxford and a PhD in Computer Science from
University of Cambridge. The author/editor of several
books on various aspects of Software Engineering, at
various times Hinchey previously held positions as Professor in Australia, UK, Sweden and USA.
SPICE was developed to allow comparison of assessment results and to support tailoring of assessment
content to different scopes, i.e. different sizes of companies or different focus like supplier assessment or
project assessment etc.
This tutorial gives an overview of SPICE for managers
or software and system developers. It is accepted as a
fresh up for assessors who have not passed the exam
or to fulfil the assessor certification criteria for trained
assessors (training older than 1 year, training provider
not accredited etc.). This tutorial is not a full training for
assessor qualification!
He is currently Chair of the IFIP Technical Assembly
and Chair of IFIP Technical Committee 1 (Foundations
of Computer Science) as well as Editor-in-Chief of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: a
NASA Journal (Springer).
What should be part of an assessment
How to perform an assessment
Examples of Assessment Models (ISO15504-5, automotiveSPICE®)
The aim of this tutorial is to offer comprehensive process-specific interpetations and guidance for Capability Level 2 and 3 that have been collected in the domains
automotive, aerospace, medical devices.
All Generic Practice interpretations are presented twofold, i.e. from the two different perspectives “Practical
hints for process implementers” and “Rating guidance
& pitfalls for assessors” allowing both types of audiences to benefit from the tutorial. The tutorial takes an
interactive approach, i.e. it motivates active discussions and contributions on industry examples and even
rating best practices from the participants thereby
eliciting fruitful information for everybody.
Tutorial Speakers
Tutorial Speakers
Tutorial Speaker III
Tutorial Speaker IV
Tutorial Speaker V
Tutorial Speakers VI
Fred Kaminski (l), Collossus Consulting, Germany
& Alexander Auerbach (r), netCMM GmbH, Germany
Demonstration of real traceability
Chen Tat Sze, Continental Automotive
Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore
Building a High Maturity Organisation
Dr. Janos Ivanyos, Memolux Ltd, Hungary
Implementing ISO/IEC 15504 for IT Management and Internal Financial Control Processes
The tutorial presents a real-life example from the automotive domain on how to establish traceability in
the development processes. The processes ENG2 to
ENG10 are covered.
“Understand the past, Control and improve the present
and Predict the future.” - To be able to do so quantitatively, is the basis for factual management and systematic process improvement.
Foundation of the demonstrated solution is the method
of component-based modelling. This tool-supported
approach incorporates modern software engineering techniques like code-generation, componentorientation and modelling. It will be shown that these
techniques allow establishing full traceability over the
whole lifetime of a software system without overhead.
Besides the core topic traceability the following topics
are also covered:
This workshop aims to share with participants the
implementation experiences of Continental Automotive
Singapore Pte Ltd in high maturity practices of SPICE.
It will also share concepts and strategies for building effective process performance models to achieve
quantitativeprocess objectives and ultimately to support the business goals.
Major governance scandals, independently from the
recent global financial and economic crisis, call the
attention that not only the basic business operations
need to be assessed, audited or certified to the conformance with specific standards like ISO/IEC 15504, but
also all corporate governance related processes. The
Satyam case shows that even those big IT companies,
which are committed to quality and process improvement issues, can fail to avoid financial crimes of executive management.
“Interest Group Automotive Eclipse” (currently members
from Bosch, Eclipse Foundation, Itemis, KUGLER MAAG
CIE, and other members of the Eclipse Community)
Towards an Automotive Tool Platform Based on Eclipse
Automotive SPICE assessment findings often reflect
critically on practices deployed to handle requirements,
to scale testing, and dealing with traceability up- and
downstream. The complexity of the processes would
be reduced by an integrated tool platform dedicated to
automotive needs. Eclipse has become a de-facto standard for tool environments in other industries. Eclipse
is not just a tool suite, but the basis of an ecosystem.
The workshop will present Eclipse, the Interest Group
Automotive Eclipse, its objectives and status and invite
participants to join the initiative:
• Change management and impact analysis
• Functional testing and functional safety
• Off-shore testing
• Reliability of software documentation
ISO/IEC 15504 assessors and consultants have the responsibility to call the attention of their clients (both
internally and externally) that their knowledge and experiences gained from their software related core business domains are reusable for improving governance
capabilities. This tutorial will cover issues of how the
mostly referred COBIT and COSO frameworks can be
applied as conformant process reference models and
how the ISO/IEC 15504 capability measurement methodology supports management to evaluate effectiveness of IT and financial control systems.
rationale and goals of the Interest Group , introduction
to Eclipse, Eclipse in systems engineering (this includes,
several contributions on development and testing),
ecosystems - new directions in supply network organisation, status and roadmap for an automotive Eclipse
What challenges would derive from a wide-spread
adoption of Eclipse, especially for the development processes. Would Eclipse and Automotive SPICE be synergetic or hinder each other? What needs to be done to
ensure a positive outcome?
Monday, June 22, Day 1
Tuesday, June 23, Day 2
9:00 Tutorial/Workshop Registration
Tutorial I
9:30 I
SPICE Crash Course
Peter Bölter
intacs, SQS, Germany
8:00 Conference Registration
Tutorial II
Tutorial III
Process specific Interpretations for the
Generic Practices of Capability Levels 2
and 3
Pierre Metz
SynSpace, Germany
Demonstration of real traceability
(SPICE Process Group ENG 2 – 10)
Fred Kaminski
Collossus Consulting, Germany
Alexander Auerbach
netCCM, Germany
Process specific Interpretations for the
Generic Practices of Capability Levels 2
and 3
Pierre Metz
SynSpace, Germany
Demonstration of real traceability
(SPICE Process Group ENG 2 – 10)
Fred Kaminski
Collossus Consulting, Germany
Alexander Auerbach
netCCM, Germany
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 I
ISPICE Crash Course
Peter Bölter
intacs, SQS, Germany
13:00 Lunch Break
12:00 – 14:00 public examinations
14:30 IV
Building a High Maturity
Chen Tat Sze
Continental Automotive,
Implementing ISO/IEC 15504 for IT Management and Internal Financial Control
Janos Ivanyos
Memolux, Hungary
Towards an Automotive Tool Platform
Based on Eclipse
Various Speakers
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 IV
Building a High Maturity
17:30 Organisation
Chen Tat Sze
Continental Automotive,
9:00 Opening Keynote
Spicy Cars - Is AutoSPICE important for automotive industry?
Dr. Ing. Alfons Weißbrich, Volkswagen AG, Germany
10:00 Coffee Break
Session 1 – Industrialisation
Session 2 – Specialisation
Session 3 – Globalisation
10:30 A1
Software Process Improvement
activities in VDA
Jan Morenzin
VDA-QMC, Germany
Enterprise SPICE
Ernest Wallmüller
Qualität & Informatik, Switzerland
From SPICE to Organizational Maturity A Continuous Development Process
Lothar Hermann
Brose, Germany
11:10 A2
Knowledge Services for the
SPICE Community
Richard Messnarz
EuroSPI, ISCN, Ireland
VDA: Mapping CMMI -> Automotive
Albrecht Wlokka
Bosch, Germany
Cost Benefit Analysis of the Quality
Measurement System of EB tresos®
Susanne Hartkopf
EB Automotive, Germany
11:50 A3
News from SPICE and intacs
Peter Bölter
intacs, SQS, Germany
COMPETISOFT: Using ISO/IEC 15504 and
ISO/IEC 12207 to process improvement in
small companies
Francisco J. Pino
University of Cauca, Colombia
Profitable engineering in tough times SPICE increases efficiency
Thomas Wunderlich
Vector Consulting Services, Germany
12:30 Lunch Break
Implementing ISO/IEC 15504 for IT Management and Internal Financial Control
Janos Ivanyos
Memolux, Hungary
Towards an Automotive Tool Platform
Based on Eclipse
Various Speakers
14:00 Level 4 Implementation Experiences and Lessons Learnt
Chen Tat Sze, Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore
Comeback for more SPICE
Jerzy Kowalczuk, Delphi Electronics & Safety, USA
Tuesday, June 23, Day 2
Session 1 – Industrialisation
15:00 A4
The Future of SPICE
SPICE User Group
Wednesday, June 24, Day 3
Session 2 – Specialisation
Session 3 – Globalisation
Product Quality for SPICE
Joachim von Linde
SynSpace, Switzerland
Automotive SPICE supports putting
passenger cars into operation
Christian Knüvener
MB-technology, Germany
15:40 Coffee Break
16:15 Paneldiscussion - Future of SPICE and its Community Support
17:15 Future of Embedded Software Development
Prof. Dave Thomas, Bedarra Research Labs, Canada
18:00 Break
9:00 Keynote
The Implications of Functional Safety for Product and Process
Dipl. Ing. Christoph Jung, BMW AG, Germany
9:45 Moderated discussion after keynote
10:00 Coffee Break
Challenges in implementing ISO 26262
and Automotive SPICE in parallel
Stefan Kriso
Bosch, Germany
11:50 A7
Automotive SPICE - experiences
from practice
Frank Cornelius
Daimler AG, Germany
A process reference model
applied in maritime and energy
Hartmut Gierszal
DNV IT Global Services, Germany
A reference model for SPICE in
Matthias Hölzer-Klüpfel
Method Park, Germany
Session 5 – Specialisation
Session 6 – Embedded Eclipse
14:00 A8
Joint Assessment win/win for OEM and Supplier
Albert Kreitmeyr
Audi, Germany
Process Improvement Through Frequent
Andreas Schliep
Open-DO and OSEE: agile methods for
producing high-integrity software
Nicolas Setton
AdaCore, France
14:30 A9
Assessment of a modelbased
Dietmar Kant
Volkswagen, Germany
SInnovation Process Design: A Change
Management and Innovation Dimension
Jürgen Schmied, Veronika Reger
University of Applied Sciences München,
Anywhere.24, Germany
Open Collaboration in Engineering
Processes: How are Sales and
Purchasing affected?
Janet Campbell
Eclipse Foundation, USA
Session 4 – Industrialisation
Wednesday, June 24, Day 3
10:30 A5
HIS Overview
Jörg Zimmer, Jürgen Etzkorn,
Albert Kreitmeyr,
Dr. Thomas Kutritz
HIS WG Assessment, Germany
“Problems” with
implementing the problem
resolution management process
(SUP.9) using Automotive SPICE
Thomas Kömmerling
MB-technology, Germany
12:30 Lunch Break
18:30 Social Event (ends approx. 23:00)
Session 4 – Industrialisation
11:10 A6
BMW experiences with
process assessments, process
definitions and process benefits
Jürgen Etzkorn
BMW AG, Germany
Session 5 – Specialisation
Session 6 – Process meets Product
Integrated test strategies:
Requirements from BMW
assessor‘s point of view
Bernhard Bielmeier
BMW, Germany
Optimization if Assessments for Automotive SPICE and Functional Safety
Erwin Petry
15:00 Keynote
Evolving Critical Systems
Prof. Mike Hinchey, Lero, Ireland
15:45 Closing - Transfer industry Experience
Exhibition Map
Bistro Tables
Rest Rooms
first floor
Rest Rooms
ground floor
Lecture Room
intacs e.V.
I.S.C.N. Ltd / Memolux
Dpunkt/Projekt Magazin
DNV IT Global Service GmbH
DNV IT Global Services GmbH
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
Listen to the break-out session (10 min.): „Automotive SPICE
compliant supplier monitoring in the automotive branch – a
practical report“ at our booth (daily 10.00 am and 13.30 pm)
and take part in our sweepstake for a half-day workshop „risk
management“ tailored to your individual requirements.
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
• Integrated Quality and Process Management – multi model
approach, DNV OnBoard ®, Safety Management Center
SMC ™, Instant Maturity ®
At the booth: Ralf-Peter Frick
(registered SPICE Principal Assessor)
Lecture Room
Lecture Room
Kugler Maag CIE GmbH
netCCM GmbH
Collossus Consulting
Method Park Software AG
SynSpace GmbH
14 Wirtschaftsförderung
15 Region Stuttgart
16 Vector Consulting Services GmbH
2. My company does:
ACTANO is a provider of full solutions for the sustainable optimization of the product development process. We provide
support to implement, optimize and certify quality standards
such as SPICE, Automotive SPICE, CMMI, Six Sigma, ISO900x,
QS9000, QFD, IEC 62061, IEC 61508, AEC-Q, JEDEC, and more.
3. Who am I? What do I do?
Our expert Ralf-Peter Frick (registered SPICE Principal
Assessor) will share his holisitic and long-lasting experience within process and project management with
our visitors at the booth.
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
A) Profit from our expertise in:
• risk management
• supplier management
• project & process management
B) Win a half-day workshop about risk management
C) Listen to the breakout session and discuss with our experts
At the booth: Florian M. Muth (photo),
Business Unit Manager
Mike Pauli, Business Unit Manager
2. My company does:
DNV IT Global Services Enhancing Trust and Confidence in IT
DNV IT Global Services (DNV ITGS) helps organisations
• improving the efficiency of their IT-related processes and
systems, assuring the safety and integrity of business
critical operations, and maximising returns on IT investment
in support of business goals.
Being part of the autonomous DNV foundation with over 8000
employees in 100 countries, we offer you independence and
3. Who am I? What do I do? What am I looking forward to?
� • Florian M. Muth, Business Unit Manager
� • Mike Pauli, Business Unit Manager
We are looking forward to meet you as an expert in the field
of quality and safety.
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
DNV’s experience: 1. integrating quality approaches like ISO
TS 16949, Automotive SPICE ®, CMMI DEV, CMMI ACQ, SixSigma, Lean, Total Quality 2. Safety Management projects
based on IEC 61508 and ISO CD 26262 3. peforming process
improvement with OEMs and global tier-1 suppliers, but also
with small suppliers
I.S.C.N. Ltd
Collossus Consulting
netCCM GmbH
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
• New assessment portal including learning
organisation functionality. Beside team assessment
functions the new release of Capability Adviser
supports online multimedia lectures and tutoring.
• New assessment models:
· Integrated Automotive / Safety SPICE®
· COSO/COBIT based Finance SPICE®
Dr Janos Ivanoys:
• Director of Memolux
• iNTACS work group leader for COSO/COBIT based
Finance SPICE
• Coordinator of EU projects concerning Finance SPICE
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
Collossus Consulting is progressively focussing on software quality aspects in the automotive field.
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
netCCM shows for the first time its new netCCM Studio
Professional 2.1. This solution allows tracing requirements in arbitrary software development processes
without overhead. Information is automatically gathered from developers and used for automation and
documentation. This simplifies achieving SPICE levels
in the ENG process group.
At the booth: Dr. Richard Messnarz,
Executive Director
2. My / our company is / does:
ISCN (Dr Richard Messnarz, www.iscn.com):
• Automotive SPICE® assessments and training
(partner of VDA-QMC)
• Assessment portals
• Consulting
At the booth: Dr. Janos Ivanoys,
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
• involvement in task forces exchanging practical SPICE
implementation know-how (www.soqrates.de)
• new methods
• winning a bottle of high quality whiskey
2. My company does:
The company is highly engaged in software quality assurance on the project level, which includes the implementation, the improvement and the definition of development processes according to Automotive SPICE.
Apart from this Collossus Consulting employees are
very experienced in accompanying and leading customer assessments.
3. Who am I? What do I do?
Fred Kaminski
What do I do: Focussing on implmentation and improvement of automotive software quality
What am I looking forward to: ...find some new project
which could profit from my experience in practice!
Memolux (Dr Janos Ivanyos, www.memolux.hu):
• COSO/COBIT based ISO 15504 Finance SPICE
3. Who am I?
Dr Richard Messnarz:
• Principal ISO 15504 Automotive SPICE® assessor
• General chair EuroSPI2 (www.eurospi.net)
• Vice president of ECQA (http://www.ecqa.org)
• Editor/author of books (publishers: Springer,
Wiley, IEEE, D-Punkt in SPI)
At the booth: Fred Kaminski,
managing director
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
a) Have a nice contact to a well growing company
b) Find out the difference between us and other
process consultant
c) Benefit from discussions with us about the future
of quality assurance in the automotive field
At the booth: Alexander Auerbach,
Co-founder and managing director
2. My company does:
netCCM is a spin-off of the Humboldt-Universität zu
Berlin. Our focus is developing tools for componentbased modelling. This method allows ensuring consistency and predictability in professional software development processes with the support of our tools.
3. Who am I? What do I do?
I am co-founder and managing director with a focus
on research and development. I am looking forward to
present and discuss our approach. I also hope to provide solutions for common issues in development processes of SPICE Days visitors.
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
We present our solutions in detail and can directly answer all technical questions. Additionally we prepared
a special offer for interested decision makers.
Method Park Software AG
At the booth: Ronald Zehmeister,
Account Manager
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
Integrated Process and Product Lifecycle Management
with Stages. Stages enables PLM systems and project
management systems to incorporate tailor-made processes.
2. My company does:
Method Park develops software in the field of safetycritical systems in medical engineering applications, for
the automation and automotive industry. We are your
proven partner for consulting, coaching, training, engineering services and products when it comes to software development processes. The software product,
„Stages“ offers you support in achieving the practical
implementation of your development processes. With
Stages the fulfillment of given quality standards and
process models is assured. Stages facilitates distributed, global collaboration beyond company boundaries.
3. Who am I? What do I do? What am I looking forward to?
I am Ronald Zehmeister / Account Manager Method
Park Software AG. I am looking forward to meet interesting people in the SPICE
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
• Be more efficient without sacrificing quality.
• Provide processes for people.
• See how processes drive your Project Management
and Product Lifecycle Management.
Vector Consulting Services
At the booth: Thomas Wunderlich,
Senior Consultant (photo)
Dr. Rolf Ebert, Senior Consultant
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
Our competences include ISO 15504-SPICE, AutomotiveSPICE, CMMI, Six Sigma, Functional safety (IEC 61508,
ISO 26262, etc.), security and efficiency improvement. Our
innovative Vector Efficiency Check is readily available
to highlight your own specific improvement potentials.
2. Our company does:
Vector Consulting Services is the preferred supplier for
improving technical product development. We support
our customers with powerful consulting solutions that
cover the entire product life-cycle and its related processes and tools. Objective-driven consulting together with a
pragmatic implementation have made us the esteemed
partner of our clients in a variety of industry segments.
3. Who are we? What are we looking forward to?
As senior consultants with broad industry experience
we are happy to address your challenges.
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
• Objective-driven solutions tailored to your specific
needs such as SPICE for Systems, Software and
Hardware, CMMI for Development an Acquisition
and fast-pace efficiency improvement.
• Professional consulting, innovative approaches and
excellent quality.
• Consultants with broad industrial exposure and
At the booth: Hans-Jürgen Kugler,
Principal and Chief Scientist
Bertram Janositz, Manager Sales (photo)
1. Our product innovations / fair highlights are:
We are your first port of call for System, Software, and
Service performance improvement - worldwide.
2. Our company does:
Setting the standard in process improvement - for the
measurable benefit of your company, its customers,
and the industry. We are Co-founder of iNTACS, Member of VDA-QMC AK13, Partner of SEI, Sponsor of SEIEurope.
3. Who are we? What are we looking forward to?
Bertram Janositz, Manager Sales, keen to listen to your
problems and guide you to an adequate solution.
Prof. Hans-Jürgen Kugler, Principal and Co-Founder,
eager to share with you on how to turn problems and
risks into chances and successes.
4. Three reasons to visit our booth:
• Asking about how to implement lean, predictable,and
sustainable improvements.
• Getting to talk to someone who can provide advice
and real support.
• Learning about do’s and don’ts when taking the next
steps back home.
International Software Quality
Institute (iSQI GmbH)
At the booth: Malte Ullmann,
Department Head of Certifications
The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI
GmbH), develops internationally accepted certification
standards for advanced vocational training in the area
of software quality. In order to optimize and safeguard
the skills and abilities of software professionals, iSQI
certifies IT personnel in more than 40 countries. The advantages of personnel certification are primarily the secure, comparable qualification of professionals across
national boundaries and language barriers. The iSQI
certification program includes standards such as:
ISTQB® Certified Tester, Foundation Level
ISTQB® Certified Tester, Advanced Level
iSQI® Certified Professional for Project Management
iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture
IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
iNTACS™ certified ISO/IEC 15504 Provisional Assessor
iNTACS™ certified ISO/IEC 15504 Competent Assessor
TTCN-3® Certificate
Certified Innovation Manager
iNTCCM® Certified Professional for Configuration
QAMP® Quality Assurance Management Professional
iNTCSM® – International Certified Professional for
IT-Security Management
ISSECO® – International Certified Professional for Secure
Software Engineering
T.I.S.P.© – TeleTrusT Information Security Professional
V-Modell® XT www.isqi.org
SynSpace GmbH
At the booth: Michael Christian Landwehr,
Senior Account Manager
At the booth: Dr. Jan Morenzin, Projektleitung
Automotive SPICE®, Chi-Man Tran
Agosense GmbH
Axivion GmbH
SynSpace is an international consulting company specialised in the improvement of processes for the development of software, hardware and systems. Today,
SynSpace is familiar with the highest development
standards in the sectors Automotive, Financial Services
and Medical. Within these sectors, SynSpace belongs
to the leading companies in Europe.
The Quality Management Center (QMC) has existed for
the benefit of German automotive OEM’s and their suppliers since August 1997. Under the leadership of Mr
Heinz-Günter Plegniere, the QMC operates within the
section of the German Automotive Industry Association
(VDA) run by Dr Thomas Schlick.
The roles and responsibilities undertaken by the QMC are
varied and the questions surrounding quality management in the automotive industry occupy us on daily basis.
agosense is an independent software vendor offering a
service oriented platform for development process integration. This enables process-controlled exchange of
company- and/or development data between different
disciplines and applications – also beyond company
boundaries - within the product lifecycle management
space.Typical customers are companies developing
and distributing software-based products or products
with a high degree of embedded software and that are
driven by collaboration and networking with different
business partners – i.e. customers, suppliers, development partners, etc. Usually these companies operate
their development activities in an heterogeneous application landscape and try to optimize their development
The solution contains amongst others:
Axivion develops and markets a solution that enables
software development teams to sustain the maintainability and changeability of their software applications.
The main cause for problems during the evolution and
maintenance of software is software erosion. Software
erosion is the constant decay of the internal structure
of a software system which occurs in all phases of software development and maintenance. The holistic solution of Axivion stops software erosion.
In collaboration with our customers, SynSpace accomplishes an increase of the capability of the organisation taking into consideration constraints of cost,
milestones, risks and specific safety requirements. Our
guarantee of success is founded in 17 years of experience in successful method development and optimisation projects with the quality models ISO IEC 15504
(SPiCE), ISO IEC 61508 (Safety) and CMMI.
The spectrum ranges from developing systems and
methods to shaping the future of quality management
systems in the automotive industry.
These developments, as well as the direction of QMC,
are steered by the top-level committee regarding quality
matters in the German automotive industry: the QM Commission, chaired by Dr Weissbrich from Volkswagen AG.
The QM Commission is formed by VDA members and
consists of the Quality Management Directors of all the
automotive OEM’s, an equal number of suppliers, and
the VDA, represented by one of its Executive Directors.
• A scalable integration platform based on modern
and industry proven technology
• An open architecture using industry standards for
optimal investment protection
• Highest flexibility and fast adoption for modeling
process based integrations
• Robust Functionality for agile realization of integration‘ requirements
• A high degree of data security and optimized performance.
Region Economic Development
Corporation (WRS)
At the booth: Dr. Reha Tözün,CARS-IT Initiative,
Projektmanager / Project Manager
The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS) is the central contact for investors and companies in the City of Stuttgart and the five neighbouring
counties. WRS aims to raise awareness on locational
qualities of Stuttgart and supports sectoral networks in
the region with numerous projects and offerings.
Research Institute of Automotive Engineering
and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS)
Institute of Software Technology at
University of Stuttgart
The Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and
Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS) is a public-law foundation and was founded in 1930.
ISTE/ps conducts research in the field of data race detection by static analysis, and develops analysis tools to
identify statements in the source code of a concurrent
program (multi-threaded or interrupt-driven) that can
cause data races at run time. Data races are situations
in which one thread manipulates memory that is used
by another thread in parallel. That other thread can
thus see an inconsistent global state in memory and
consequently serious errors can result. Static analysis
is able to identify all positions in the source code where
these errors might occur, and thus provides strong protection against them.
The SQS Group, (SQS) is the largest independent provider of software testing and quality management services in the world. This position and its expertise stem
from more than 27 years of successful consultancy
operation. The company’s main competitive advantage
is its strong methodology, based on decades of project
experience. Over this period of time, the company has
also developed extensive specialist knowledge in many
vertical markets. With more than 5,000 successfully
completed projects under its belt, SQS has a strong customer base, including half of the DAX 30 companies,
30 percent of the STOXX-50 companies and 36 FTSE100-companies. Among the clients, there are names
like Barclays, BP, Credit Suisse, Daimler, Deutsche
Bank, Deutsche Post, Dresdner Bank, Eurobet, Eurogate, MessageLabs, Phoenics, T-Mobile, T-Systems, or
Zurich Group.
INTACS is a membership organization focussed on setting up qualification standards for SPICE based process
assessors. This includes the qualification syllabus, Exam
questionnaires and representation of process assessors
on the ISO level as well as defining the processes, procedures and quality criteria for operating the scheme.
INTACS is a not-for-profit organization. The executive
board is led by its president Peter Bölter, Ludger Meyer
(Siemens), Klaus Dehmel (Delphi), Gerd Grest (Draeger
Medical) and Prof. Dehua Ju (ASTI China).
The INTACS qualification scheme is fully compliant to
ISO 15504 (formerly known as SPICE). The accreditation
and certification rules follow strictly the requirements
of ISO 17024. These standards are widely used in many
business sectors all over the world. Currently one of
the main fields of intacs application is the automotive
The scheme is implemented by accredited professional training organizations and services are carried
out in more than 20 countries all over the world. Training
applicants can ask for independent certification by
accredited certification bodies.
We have established general partnerships with
VDA-QMC (Association of Car Manufacturers, Quality
Management Centre) and iSQI (International Software
Quality Institute).
Development, maintenance and roll out of the qualification scheme is managed by the advisory board.
Working Parties are organized to prepare the needed
content. All work is provided on voluntary basis.
It is one of the best-known German research institutes
and partner of the international automotive and supplier industry.
Highly qualified and motivated staff provides research
and development projects in the fields of propulsion,
automotive engineering and automotive mechatronics. Numerous highly specialized test benches and
facilities and self-developed measurement, testing and
simulation procedures are used to solve complex and
challenging research tasks. Long-time experience in
the development and application of development tools
are an additional component of our services. Total confidentiality while working on projects is, of course, guaranteed.
An agreement of cooperation agreement between the
FKFS and the Institut für Verbrennungsmotoren und
Kraftfahrwesen IVK defines the general conditions of
the cooperation with the University of Stuttgart.
Deadline achieved, Quality Improved.
Customer Satisfied
Stages – web-based management solution for
optimizing of product development processes.
07.05.2009 14:00:49
More efficient, standard-compliant processes
Method Park Software AG
Wetterkreuz 19 a
91058 Erlangen
Higher product quality
Tel. +49 9131 - 972 06-0
Processes for People
3 of 5 top automotive suppliers worldwide rely on our solution.
Anz Spice Days.indd 1
More informaton:
International Software Consulting Network
Since 15 years ISCN moderates European task forces and networks for process improvement and systems
engineering. Since 15 years the knowledge of the task forces is collected, analysed and archived in teamworking
and knowledge management portals which created a unique European knowledge base for the industry. Your
company can also benefit from collaboration with ISCN and from the access to this vast pool of knowledge.
By connecting experts, task forces and knowledge we have established a
comprehensive service portfolio based on European and international
standards. We can offer:
Object Driven
Automotive SPICE® Competent
Assessor Course 08/2008
You set the targets. We ensure you meet them.
Vector Consulting Services is the preferred partner for improving technical product
development. We support our customers with powerful consulting solutions that
cover the entire product life-cycle and its related processes and tools.
> Efficiency Improvement
Get connected to task forces of leading companies and have access to a
pool of certifications and courses
> Functional Safety
> Engineering Methodology
> Project and Product Management
iNTACSTM- accredited trainings (we are an Automotive SPICE® training
partner of VDA-QMC)
Assessement portals for ISO 15504, Automotive SPICE®, Safety SPICE and
Pool of competent and principal assessors and assessement teams coached
by Dr Richard Messnarz (assessor since 1991)
Consulting and development experiences in fields such as quality management, test management, system & software requirements analysis and functional design and re-use and platform concepts
Coordinator of the EuroSPI2-Initiative (European System and Software Process
Improvement and Innovation - www.eurospi.net)
Moderator of the SOQRATES-Initiative where 23 leading German companies
share knowledge
Moderator of the S2QI-Intiative where 10 leading Austrian companies are
Coordinator and technology director of the European Certificates Association
Accredited trainings:
> Organizational Change Management
Objective-driven consulting together with a pragmatic implementation have made us
the esteemed partner of our clients.
Certified Innovation Manager
Certified EU Project Manager
Certified Internal Financial Control Assessor (COSO SPICE)
Certified IT-Security Manager
Certified SPI-Manager (starting September 2009) etc.
ct us
More information: www.vector-consulting.de
I.S.C.N. Ges.m.b.H.
Schieszstattgasse 4/24, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Vector Consulting Services
Your Partner for Achieving Engineering Excellence
PCO_Company_Profile_Spice_Days_2009_180x180mm.indd 1
EuroSPI2 2008 Conference
Assessment and Consulting: Dr. Richard Messnarz
Capability Adviser: Dipl.-Ing. Damjan Ekert
30.03.2009 16:05:49
Bray, Ireland
EuroSPI2: Adrienne Clarke, BA
German-speaking courses: Sonja Koinig, BA skoinig@iscn.at
Please mark your chosen package.
The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI GmbH), develops internationally
accepted certification standards for advanced vocational training in the area of
software quality. In order to optimize and safeguard the skills and abilities of software
professionals, iSQI certifies IT personnel in more than 40 countries. The advantages of
personnel certification are primarily the secure, comparable qualification of professionals across national boundaries and language barriers.
iSQI’s Education Campaign “MAKE FiT” 2009 Education instead of crisis! True to the motto “MAKE FiT” iSQI champions the
further education of professionals from the IT industry and thus takes the initiative for a successful 2009.
We grant an education loan without repayment. For many years now iSQI has stood for high-quality advancement of skilled
personnel. The institute is certified according to ISO 9001:2008, its certification processes are audited to be in accordance
with ISO 17024. We want to use our long-time experience to help as many employees as possible to get through the crisis
unscathed. Hence we will actively participate in the costs of our clients’ further education. Have a look on the following
ticket prices! Please send this form bak to iSQI by fax: +49 9131 91910-10 or e-mail: info@spice-days.com
All prices plus VAT
790 € 250 €
The FULL CONFERENCE registration fee includes admission to all conference sessions (Tuesday-Wednesday)
and tutorials (Monday), admission to the exhibition (Tuesday-Wednesday), conference proceedings, light refreshments
during breaks, lunches, admission to the SOCIAL EVENT on Tuesday. You may change between sessions as you like.
The iSQI certification program includes standards such as
- ISTQB® Certified Tester, Foundation Level
- ISTQB® Certified Tester, Advanced Level
- iSQI® Certified Professional for Project Management
- iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture
- IREB® Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering
- iNTACS™ certified ISO/IEC 15504 Provisional Assessor
- iNTACS™ certified ISO/IEC 15504 Competent Assessor
- TTCN-3® Certificate
- Certified Innovation Manager
- iNTCCM® Certified Professional for Configuration Management
- QAMP® Quality Assurance Management Professional
- iNTCSM® – International Certified Professional for IT-Security Management
- ISSECO® – International Certified Professional for Secure Software Engineering
- T.I.S.P.© – TeleTrusT Information Security Professional
- V-Modell® XT
590 € 180 €
The CONFERENCE registration fee includes admission to all conference sessions (Tuesday-Wednesday), admission
to the exhibition (Tuesday-Wednesday), conference proceedings, light refreshments during breaks, lunches, admission
to the SOCIAL EVENT on Tuesday. You may change between sessions as you like.
350 €
99 €
The ONE DAY registration fee includes: either admission to the selected tutorials (Monday) and tutorial proceedings
or to the sessions and exhibition (Tuesday or Wednesday), light refreshments during breaks and lunch.
22 June (Monday)
or 23 June (Tuesday)
or 24 June (Wednesday)
100 €
70 €
You may bring another person to the SOCIAL EVENT or may book a SOCIAL EVENT TICKET in addition to your ONE DAY TICKET.
City, State, ZIP code
iSQI . Breite Straße 2d . 14467 Potsdam . Germany
Phone +49 331 231810-0 . Fax +49 331 231810-10 . info@isqi.org
Sport, Bildungs- und Dienstleistungszentrum GbR
Fritz-Walter-Weg 19 . 70372 Stuttgart . Germany
supported by: