B711 - Evidence of Government Use for the Import of Schedule 13

Evidence of Government Use for the Import of
Schedule 13 Weapons
1. Parties
Contact name:
Australian Importer:
Importer’s Street Address:
Importer’s Postal Address ( if different to street address):
Contact number (business hours):
Contact number (after Hours):
Facsimile Number:
Email address:
Contact name:
End User/Owner:
End User/Owner Postal Address:
Contact number (after hours):
Contact number (business hours):
Facsimile Number:
Purchase Order number:
Contract number:
Email address:
Importers Reference:
2. Detailed Description of Goods
Please attach pictures and technical specifications that accurately describe the goods – this will assist in the assessment of the application.
Attach extra page if more space is required.
Detailed Description of Goods
Serial Number
3. Purpose for which goods are being imported
4. Undertaking
I or
(name of end user/project manager/equivalent)
undertake that the
(name of government or other applicable end use authority)
depicted in Section 2 of this form, which are to be imported by
(Project name and number)
requires the goods, and the specified quantity of these goods,
(name of importing company / individual)
for the purposes outlined in Section 3 of this form.
I undertake to advise the Department of Immigration and Border Protection of any changes to the details provided in this Assurance.
Signature:Date: //
(Signature of Project Manager or equivalent of End User / Owner)
Print Name:
(Name and Title of signatory in capitals include Department stamp)
(B711 NOV 2015)
5. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection Use Only
Clearing Officer (Please print name):
Verification Date:
6. Additional Information:
This form is required to be completed by an official Government end user when:
When is this form
The goods are subject to import control under Regulation 4H and listed in Schedule 13 (Part 2) of the
Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956; and
Permission to import is being applied for under the OFFICIAL PURPOSES TEST or the SPECIFIED PURPOSES TEST; and
The end user is the government of the Commonwealth, or the Government of a State or Territory or
an overseas country;
This form must be completed by the relevant Government official when goods are being imported for the
government of the Commonwealth, or the Government of a State or Territory or an overseas country under the
official or specified purposes test.
Who must complete
this form?
This form cannot be completed by the importer.
Note: Form details will be verified by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to ensure the form was
completed by the relevant Government official and the goods subject to import approval and their quantity matches
the goods and quantity required by the official Government user. Any inconsistencies identified on verification
may be subject to investigation and subsequent legal action. Making a false or misleading statement to
a Department of Immigration and Border Protection officer is an offence under Section 234(1)(d) of the
Customs Act 1901 and carries a maximum penalty of $11,000.
Applications must be lodged prior to importation and goods cannot be imported until permission to import has been
Applications take approximately four weeks for processing once all relevant information is received.
If your application does not include all the required documentation, processing time may be longer.
Send Application
Forward This Form - Along with your B710 Form and Other Documents By mail to:
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Restricted Goods Policy
PO Box 25
Belconnen ACT 2616
By email to:
Relevant forms and fact sheets
Other relevant forms and fact sheets can be found on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website at www.border.gov.au.
Further information
For further information regarding the importation of weapons, or to check the progress of your application, please email FWP@border.gov.au or
contact the Department.
(B711 NOV 2015)