Protecting MOSFETs Against Overcurrent Events By Todd Kazmirski, President, IsoSense, Cave Creek, Ariz. While response time is a key metric of overcurrent protection effectiveness, it must be translated into peak MOSFET current and power loss to provide a true measure of robustness. P rotecting power transistors against overcurrent failure has always been a challenging issue in power circuit design. In order to protect against even the most potentially destructive overcurrent events, it is critical to quickly initiate a shutdown of a power transistor. While fast response time in overcurrent protection circuits is generally considered optimal, the implications on reliability are neither broadly understood nor readily quantified within the power electronics design industry. For example, most designers would agree a protection circuit that has a response time of 3 µs instead of 5 µs improves the protection quality. But, the improvement is difficult to quantify in an objective measure of design margin or in terms of any characteristic besides response time. td On-OCD On-OCL Avalanche Turn Tu rn On Transistor Current On tf tl Turn Off tr slowing the response time. As always, size and cost are also important considerations. A sensing technique with marginal performance is often substituted to provide a faster solution to meet cost and size constraints, and provide the correct perceived value for the application. The issue of response time for power MOSFET protection is particularly relevant in many power supply applications and can be addressed in various ways. One technique proposed here achieves fast response time while meeting cost and size constraints. To study the MOSFET losses during an overcurrent event, a simple model for a current waveform can be applied. This model provides a straightforward means to determine the impact of response time on MOSFET loss components and, in turn, the ability to characterize the benefits of faster response time in design margin terms of transistor losses and peak operating current. The protection technique proposed here is included in a test circuit. The circuit has a MOSFET switching into a short circuit producing fast-rising overcurrent events. The protection scheme uses a small, integrated, overcurrent detector (OCD) to provide a fast-acting, noise-immune overcurrent signal. This signal ensures fast MOSFET shutdown and robust protection. The circuit, which allows the protection response time to be varied, will be used to examine transistor waveforms for different response times. Many of the concepts relating to the protection of power MOSFETs can be applied to other power transistor types such as IGBTs. Understanding overcurrent protection in general provides designers with a tool to quantify the margin in their protection schemes, and in the end improves design reliability for all power transistor applications. Shutdown Initiated Overcurrent Detected Overcurrent Over current Limit t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 Time Fig. 1. The model for an overcurrent event waveform defines six distinct periods of the waveform. Even when fast response time becomes the design focus of the protection scheme, the objective is not easy to meet. When an analog current-sensing technique is employed, the signal must be converted into a digital overcurrent signal. While this is straightforward, the conversion can easily be corrupted by noise in a power-switching environment. Filtering solves this problem but has a negative impact of Power Electronics Technology January 2006 Waveform Model The model for an overcurrent waveform is shown in Fig. 1. This waveform is divided into six periods based on the state of operation of the MOSFET, the drain current 14 PROTECTING MOSFETS Equations for a l l s i x p er i o d s Drain-to-source voltage ramps down were developed Turn On MOSFET transitioning from off state from Vt to It ¥ RDS ( ON ON ) .Drain current using this same through linear region to saturation region. (t0 < t < t1) ramps up from zero to It . process. This set of equations was MOSFET operating in saturation region. On Current rising at a fixed rate. Voltage then added to a Drain current hits limit at end of period, but equal to ID(t) x RDS(ON). (t1 < t < t2) overcurrent not detected. spreadsheet.[1] To fully specify MOSFET operating in saturation region. On-OCL Current rising at a fixed rate. Voltage Current over limit throughout period, but t h e equations, equal to ID(t) x RDS(ON). (t2 < t < t3) overcurrent not detected until end of period. values for t i , k i , I ti a n d Vti m u s t MOSFET operating in saturation region, but logic and gate-drive transitioning to b e specified On-OCD Current rising at a fixed rate. Voltage start discharging Miller capacitance at end o r calculated. equal to I (t) x R . (t3 < t < t4) D DS(ON) of period. Current over limit and detected Specification is throughout period. based on either circuit operating Turn Off MOSFET transitioning from saturation Voltage rises at a fixed rate to VBRdss. conditions— region through linear region to Avalanche. Current stays fixed at It . (t4 < t < t5) operating voltage Avalanche and worst-case Voltage stays fixed at VBRdss. Current MOSFET in Avalanche. ramps down to zero at a fixed rate. current rise rates— (t5 < t < t6) or component Table 1. Overcurrent waveform periods and the simplifying assumptions used in the spreadsheet model. specifications— relative to the current limit threshold and the output state MOSFET switching times, MOSFET on-state resistance of the protection circuit. Table 1 describes current, voltage and current detector response time. For this simulation, and protection circuit assumptions for each period. These data sheet parameters for an IRFZ48V MOSFET were used. simplifying assumptions make it straightforward to write Circuit operating and MOSFET data specifications used for equations for voltage, current and power, and integrate the the simulation are shown in Table 2. power equation to determine the energy dissipated in the MOSFET. The series of equations developed for the On Simulation period is as follows: Fig. 2 presents the current waveforms for three different detector response times (1 µs, 3 µs and 5 µs). Several t1 £ t £ t 2 observations can be made based on these waveforms. First, I2 (t) = I t1 + k 2 ¥ (t - t1 ) the portion of the waveform that occurs before the current exceeds the set limit is the same for all three response times. V2 (t) = I2 (t) ¥ R DS(ON) = (I t1 + k 2 ¥ (t - t1 )) ¥ R DS(ON ON ) This is to be expected and leads to the conclusion that P2 (t) = I2 (t) ¥ V2 (t) = R DS(ON) ¥[(I2t1 - 2 ¥ I t1 ¥ k 2 ¥ the transistor losses in the Turn On and On periods are independent of response time. t1 + k 22 ¥ t12 ) + (2 ¥ I t1 ¥ k 2 - 2 ¥ k 22 ¥ t1 ) ¥ t + k 22 ¥ t 2 ] Second, the On-OCL period is the first period impacted t 2 2 2 by the response time. The end of this period is defined by the E (t) = P (t) ¥ dt = R (I - 2 ¥ I ¥ k ¥ t + k ¥ t ) ¥ Period Description Voltage and Current Assumptions 0 1 1 4 2 Ú 2 [ DS(ON ) t1 t1 2 1 2 1 t1 (t - t1 ) + (2 ¥ I t1 ¥ k 2 - 2 ¥ k 22 ¥ t1 ) (t 2 - t12 t 3 - t13 + k 22 2 3 ) ( 500 )] Current (A) P2 AVG = E 2 (t 2 ) ¥ f where I t1 equals the current at the end of the Turn On period; k2 equals the rate of current rise; RDS(ON) equals MOSFET on-resistance at the junction operating temperature; P2AVG equals the average power dissipation contributed by On period energy losses in a repetitive pulse-by-pulse, currentlimit mode; and f equals the frequency of the pulse-by-pulse current limit. Although these equations are long, they are simple to solve. Moreover, it’s easy to define the time ending the ith period, ti, based on setting current rise rates, ki, circuit operating voltages and currents, and component data sheet parameters. Power Electronics Technology January 2006 1 �s delay 400 3 �s delay 5 �s delay 300 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (�s) 6 7 8 Fig. 2. The simulation current waveforms for protection response times of 1 µs, 3 µs and 5 µs reveal a dramatic increase in current for slower response times. 16 PROTECTING MOSFETS current at the beginning of the Avalanche period to the current It = 10 A Turn On at which the avalanche energy tr = 0.2 µs Vt = 15.6 V (t0 < t < t1) was specified. In this case, the higher current inherited from On k2 (current rise rate) = 75 A/µs RDS(ON) = 24 m at TJ = 150°C the On-OCL period will increase (t1 < t < t2) Is (current limit threshold) = 75 A the avalanche energy dramatically On-OCL k3 (current rise rate) = 75 A/µs as well as the duration of the RDS(ON) = 24 m at TJ = 150°C Avalanche period. (t2 < t < t3) td = 1 µs to 5 µs A final observation is that the On-OCD k4 (current rise rate) = 0 peak current increases significantly RDS(ON) = 24 m at TJ = 150°C (t3 < t < t4) tl = 0.4 µs for increasing response times. t f = 0 . 2 ms The simulation provides a peak Turn Off current of 300 A and 450 A for Vt = VBRdss = 68 V (t4 < t < t5) response times of 3 µs and 5 µs, Avalanche EA = 0.5 mJ at 75 A; Model scales respectively. Both of these values Vt = VBRdss = 68 V energy based on the square of current. (t5 < t < t6) exceed the IRFZ48V’s absolute maximum pulsed drain current Table 2. Spreadsheet model input parameters. rating of 290 A.[2] So, in this case, first knee in the waveform where it transitions to horizontal. a 3-µs response time would not be adequate to ensure the This knee is the point at which the overcurrent condition is MOSFET was operating in its safe operating area. detected. Slower response times cause higher currents and a This same model is used to calculate the MOSFET longer time duration in this period. With the MOSFET on, energy loss. Fig. 3 shows the energy loss for each period of energy loss is proportional to the square of current and time, the waveform with different detector response times. The so energy loss in this period will dramatically increase with plots show a dramatic increase in total energy loss, 3.7 mJ to slower response time. 14.1 mJ, as response time is increased from 1 µs to 3 µs. Another concern is that the On-OCD and Turn Off This increase is driven primarily by losses generated in periods also experience higher currents based on the inherited the On-OCL and Avalanche periods. This fact becomes more current from the On-OCL period. But their durations remain evident when each component loss is normalized to the unchanged. Therefore, their losses will increase due to higher total for each response time. Fig. 4 presents the normalized current, but will not include an addition from a larger time components of energy loss. While Turn T Off loss makes a component. The On-OCD loss will increase proportionally significant contribution for fast response times, it is a smaller to the square of current, and the Turn Off loss will increase driver for longer response times. Losses generated in the in direct proportion to current. Turn On, On and On-OCD periods remain small contributors Furthermore, the model calculates avalanche energy based to loss, regardless of response time. upon a model input of energy at a lower current level. The energy is then scaled based on the square of the ratio of the Period Circuit Operating Input Parameters IRFZ48V Input Parameters 1 0 5 6 35 T Total Avalanche On-OCL Turn Off On-OCD On Turn On 30 MOSFET Energy Loss (mJ) MOSFET Energy Loss Normalized 60 25 20 15 10 Avalanche 50 On-OCL Turn Off 40 On-OCD On 30 Turn On 20 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Detector Response Time (�s) 1 5 3 4 5 Detector Response Time (�s) Fig. 3. A comparison of the MOSFET energy loss components generated for protection response times of 1 µs to 5 µs shows a dramatic increase in energy for slower response times. Power Electronics Technology January 2006 2 Fig 4. A comparison of the MOSFET normalized energy loss components generated for 1-µs to 5-µs protection response times shows Avalanche and On-OCL period losses dominating for slow response times. 18 CKE-HV PELS 905 11/7/05 11:34 AM Page 1 EXACTING SURGE PROTECTION ADVANCED HIGH VOLTAGE CAPABILITIES MOVS High Energy & Surface Mount DIODES CKE manufactures a wide range of metal oxide varistors (MOVs) for your unique requirements. From low voltage radial lead styles to high energy packages, we build to OEM specs or provide direct replacements. � 1 kV to 300 kV � Fast Recovery down to 35nS � Average Forward Current up to 10 Amps CKE also offers: � Selenium Surge Suppressors � Silicon Rectifiers � Custom Assemblies � Silicon Carbide Varistors HVCA diodes are ideal for use in high voltage power supplies, medical equipment, instrumentation, satellites, control systems, voltage multipliers and military applications. Typical recovery times of 75ns or faster. CKE HVCA e-mail: � e-mail: � P.O. Box 848, Farmington, NJ 07727 (732) 938-4499 (732) 938-4451 FAX Lucernemines, PA 15754 (724) 479-3533 � (724) 479-3537 FAX peak for the circuit, 75 A. The avalanche energy rose by a factor of 10 during the overcurrent event, with a response time of approximately 2 µs. If this was an application where the MOSFET was normally operated in an avalanche mode with a higher level of energy, it would be quickly driven past the device’s repetitive avalanche rating during a repetitive overcurrent event. Finally, the model is used to develop average power loss as a function of response time for hard or repetitive overcurrent events. Average power is calculated by multiplying the energy loss by the frequency of the pulse-by-pulse current limit. Fig. 5 shows average power loss versus response time for three frequencies. Two conclusions can be drawn from this figure. First, regardless of frequency, average power loss increases significantly with slower response time. This loss may be 80 Average Power Loss (W) 10 kHz 1 kHz 60 100 Hz 40 20 0 1 2 4 3 Detector Response Time (�s) 5 Fig 5. A comparison of MOSFET average power loss for protection response times of 1 µs to 5 µs and frequencies of 100 Hz to 10 kHz shows a dramatic increase in power for elevated frequencies as well as a problem operating with moderate response time and at 10 kHz. SE555 Astable clock A note of caution on the avalanche energy. For response times of less than 4.5 µs, the value from the simulation appears to be below the data sheet limit of 15 mJ for repetitive avalanche rating. However, the limit should be calculated using the transient thermal impedance of the MOSFET, avalanche duration and the avalanche duty cycle in order to ensure safe operation.[3] Second, this simulation used a small value for avalanche energy, 0.5 mJ, at the normal operating Clock 15 V 74AC74 D Flip Flop TC427 FET Driver IsoSense TD-75 6-inch current loop for scope probe 4700 �FF 18 Vdc Vd 10 �F + – IRFZ48 V Fig. 6. Test circuit block-schematic diagram using fast-acting OCD and simple logic for overcurrent protection. 19 Power Electronics Technology January 2006 PROTECTING MOSFETS For the case of a 10-kHz frequency, a response time of 2 µs generates nearly 80 W of loss. Assuming a heatsink operating temperature of 80°C and a thermal resistance from junction to heatsink of 1.5°C/W, the junction temperature would approach 200°C. In this case, a secondary level of shutdown such as a pulse count routine would be required to provide adequate protection.[4] Test Circuit To demonstrate the effectiveness of fast overcurrent protection and the impact of response time on power dissipation, a test circuit was built. A simplified schematic for this circuit is shown in Fig. 6. In the power section of the circuit, a TD-75 OCD is connected in series with the drain of an IRFZ48V MOSFET. This series combination is connected across an adjustable dc power supply. The TD-75 is a Hall-effect-based current detector whose output goes low when a 75-A threshold is exceeded. It has a fast response time, and its output is isolated from the sensed current so that it can be placed in the drain section of the circuit without providing further isolation. A 4700µF aluminum electrolytic capacitor and a 10-µF metalized polyester capacitor are placed across the power supply connection to minimize the circuit impedance. To achieve desired current rise times, the dc voltage is adjusted. For this circuit, an input voltage of 18 V provided an initial current rise rate of 75 A/µs. The control, protection and gate-drive logic sections of the circuit are composed of an SE555 timer driving the clock input to a 74AC74 D flip flop, which drives a TC427 gate-driver IC. The data input to the flip flop is pulled high so that whenever the IC is clocked, the gate of the MOSFET will be driven to 15 V. Protection is provided by connecting the output of the TD-75 to the reset input of the flip flop. When the TD-75 detects an overcurrent event, its output resets the flip flop, which forces the TC427 to force the IRFZ48V gate low for the remainder of the clock cycle. In order to adjust the protection response time, an adjustable delay was added to the output of the OCD. A microcontroller is also used in the circuit to provide overall circuit supervision and control. A photograph of the test circuit is shown in Fig. 7. The heatsink is a 3-in. 2.5-in. 0.25-in. piece of aluminum, and it is used to provide electrical connection to the drain of the MOSFET as well as heat dissipation. A 6-in. current loop is included to provide a probe point tD (µs) VIN (V) IIN (A) PIN (W) to display current on the 1.1 17.81 0.306 5.45 oscilloscope. Fig. 7. Test circuit showing MOSFET, heatsink, OCD and associated control logic. higher than normal operating losses, potentially driving operating temperatures past their design points. Minimizing the protection response time minimizes the average power loss in a repetitive overcurrent mode of operation. A second conclusion is that even relatively moderate frequencies—5 kHz to 10 kHz—generate losses that will drive the MOSFET junction temperature past absolute maximum ratings, with response times of 2 µs and above. Test Results This circuit was run at a 1-kHz frequency with three different response times. The first was 1.1 µs, which is the response Power Electronics Technology January 2006 20 2.0 17.73 0.500 8.87 3.0 17.62 0.778 13.71 Table 3. Test circuit input measurements demonstrating dramatic increase in input power with slower response time, consistent with spreadsheet model. PROTECTING MOSFETS Even with this decrease in the rise rate of current, the peak current is coming dangerously close to the absolute maximum peak pulse current rating. A stiffer power source, or a slower response time, would force the pulse current past the absolute maximum rating for the IRFZ48V. For direct comparison of the three response times, Fig. 9 shows the corresponding current waveforms on the same plot. As expected from the simulation, the current waveforms have an identical form prior to overcurrent shutdown. Slower response times impact the later portions of the waveform. PETech References 1. “IsoSense Over Current Simulation Spreadsheet,” www. 2. “Current Rating of Power Semiconductors,” International Rectifier Application Note AN-949, p. 5, technical-info/appnotes/an-949.pdf. 3. “Murray, A.; McDonald, T.; Davis, H.; Cao, J.; Spring, K. “Extremely Rugged MOSFET Technology with Ultra-low RDS(ON) Specified for a Broad Range of EAR Conditions,” pp. 4-7, Presented at PCIM 2000, whitepaper/pcim2000.pdf. 4. Kazmirski, T. “Fast Acting Over Current Power Circuit Protection Scheme,” Presented at Power Systems World 2005, Fig. 8. Test circuit waveforms with 3-µs response time created by adding delay to the output of the OCD. (Trace 1 = VGS , Trace 2 = OCD out, Trace 3 = VDS and Trace 4 = ID .) “Hi-Rel” Transformers & Power Supplies UL/CSA/CE Standards & Medical UL2601 Fig. 9. Comparison of test circuit current waveforms for response times of 1 µs, 2 µs and 3 µs shows substantial increases in peak current in the MOSFET. (Trailing edge of waveforms based on protection response time. (Trace 1= 1 µs, Trace 2 = 2 µs and Trace 3 = 3 µs.) time of the TD-75 used in the circuit. The two remaining runs were made with delays added to provide response times of 2 µs and 3 µs. Table 3 shows power input measurements for the three cases. It shows a dramatic increase in input power when response time is slowed. While not all of this power is dissipated in the MOSFET, it does show general agreement with the results provided by the simulation. Waveforms for the 3-µs case are shown in Fig. 8. The peak current for the 3-µs case hit a peak of 260 A. This is 77 A higher than the 1.1-µs case, but lower than expected based on the initial current rise rate of 75 A/µs. The rise rate decreases over the pulse duration. This is related to the increasing drop across the MOSFET at higher currents and the sag in the dc power supply during the duration of the current pulse. 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