Understanding NATA`s ISO/IEC 17025 Requirements

Understanding NATA’s
ISO/IEC 17025 Requirements
NATA’s Understanding NATA’s ISO/IEC 17025 Requirements course is
designed to meet current industry demand and expectations to understand
ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and
calibration laboratories. It examines the purpose and application of these
requirements and assist learners to contribute to the implementation of the
requirements in their laboratory.
ISO/IEC 17025 is an international quality management system standard
specifically for laboratories. It outlines the controls required to manage risks
that may have an impact on the validity of examination results, and tools to
help the laboratory to improve its operations and customer satisfaction. The
standard’s requirements are designed to apply to all types of laboratories and
testing facilities.
All levels of staff including quality managers, quality officers, frontline
managers and staff involved with systems audits, second party and/or third
party audits. Although not a prerequisite, it is advantageous for learners to
have some previous exposure to ISO/IEC 17025 and/or auditing.
Upon successful completion of the course, learners will be able to:
• Identify and understand the management requirements of ISO/IEC 17025
• Identify and understand the technical requirements of ISO/IEC 17025
• Apply the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 to laboratory systems
Learners will complete an assessment task at the end of the workshop. This
is a 30 minute open book assessment covering general knowledge of ISO/
IEC 17025 and its application to laboratory situations. The assessment is an
optional component of the course.
If completed successfully, participants will receive an Exemplar Global
Certificate of Successful Completion. A NATA Certificate of Attendance will be
issued to those participants who do not wish to undertake the assessment
It should be noted that completion of this one day course can be considered
Day One of our five day Laboratory Assessor / Lead Assessor training course,
requiring participants to only complete the remaining four days of that course.
March 2015
Advisory Services
Learning Objectives
What is ISO/IEC 17025?
Management Requirements
4.1 Organisation
4.2 Management System
4.3 Document Control
4.4 Review of Requests, Tenders and Contracts
4.5 Subcontracting of Tests and Calibrations
4.6 Purchasing Services and Supplies
4.7 Service to the customer
4.8 Complaints
4.9 Control of nonconforming work
4.10 Improvement
4.11 Corrective action
4.12 Preventive Action
4.13 Control of Records
4.14 Internal Audits
4.15 Management Reviews
Technical Requirements
5.1 General
5.2 Personnel
5.3 Accommodation and Environmental Conditions
5.4 Test and Calibration Methods & Method Validation
5.5 Equipment
5.6 Measurement Traceability
5.7 Sampling
5.8 Handling of test and calibration items
5.9 Assuring the quality of test and calibration results
5.10 Reporting the results
Certification covers an extensive process and is only granted to providers who
offer courses that are high quality, academically rigorous and have practical
and professional relevance in the workplace. NATA has secured Exemplar Global
(formerly known as RABSQA) certification for this course, which aligns with the
internationally recognised standard ISO 29990:2010 Learning services for nonformal education and training - Basic requirements for service providers.
NATA holds a unique industry position, bringing 60 years of auditing and standards
experience to inform and support our course content, along with the ability to tap
into the skills, knowledge and currency of NATA’s senior technical and operational
managers. Combined with Exemplar Global certification, our clients can be confident
that our training will assist individuals to maintain their professional industry status.
This course is certified by
PHONE: 1800 621 666
EMAIL: trainingservices@nata.com.au
Advisory Services