PROJECT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01700-PAGE 1 PART 1.00 – GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other General Requirement Sections, apply to the work specified in this Section. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS: A. Definitions: “Closeout” is hereby defined to include the General Requirements near the end of the Contract Time, in preparation for final acceptance, final payment, normal termination of the Contract, occupancy by the Owner and similar actions evidencing completion of the work. Specific requirements for individual units of work are specified in the Sections of Division 2 through 16. Special requirements for mechanical and electrical work are specified in Divisions 15 and 16. The time of closeout is recognized to be directly related to “Substantial Completion”, and therefore may be either a single time period for the entire work or a series of time periods for individual parts of the work which have been certified as substantially complete at different dates. That time variation (if any) shall be applicable to other provisions of this Section, regardless of whether resulting from “phased completion” originally specified by the contract documents or subsequently agreed upon by the Owner and Contractor. B. Refer to Section 01150: Cost Reporting and Payments, for final payment requirements and related provisions. C. Refer to Section 01300: Shop Drawings and Samples, for general submittal requirements. 1.03 PREREQUISITES FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: Prior to requesting Engineer’s inspection for certification of substantial completion, as required by the General Conditions (for either the entire work or portions thereof), complete the following and list known exceptions in request: A. Submit last progress-payment request, with sworn statement showing 100 percent completion of the work as specified in Section 01150: Cost Reporting and Payments. B. Submit statement showing final accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. C. Advise Owner of pending insurance change-over requirements. D. Complete the final cleaning in accordance with Section 01710: Cleaning. E. Engineer’s preparation of the Substantial Completion Punchlist is not to be used by Contractor as a checklist for work remaining to be completed. Contractor shall provide a list of known items remaining to be completed prior to requesting a substantial completion review. Premature requests for substantial completion review which result in excessive punchlist items will result in additional professional fees which shall be withheld from the Final Contract Price. 1.04 PREREQUISITES FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Prior to requesting Engineer’s final inspection for certification of final acceptance and final payment, as required by the General Conditions, complete the following list of known exceptions (if any) in request: A. Submit final payment request with final releases and reports not previously submitted and accepted, as specified in Section 01150: Cost Reporting and Payments. Include certificates of insurance for products and completed operations. B. Submit updated final statement, accounting for additional changes to the Contract Sum. C. Submit certified copy of the final punch-list of itemized work to be completed or corrected, stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance, endorsed and dated by the Engineer. D. Submit special guarantees, warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications, releases, consents, and similar documents. E. Obtain and submit occupancy permits, operating certificates, final inspection/test certificates, and similar releases enabling Owner’s full and unrestricted use of the work and access to services and utilities. PROJECT # 2013-015.02 Y:\Jobfiles\2013-015_Extraco-Water\2013-015.02_Low-Roof\04_Specifications\53_2013-015.02_01700.docx PROJECT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01700-PAGE 2 F. Submit record documents, maintenance manuals, final project photographs, damage or settlement survey, property survey, and similar final record information. G. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stocks of materials, and similar physical items to Owner. H. Complete start-up testing of systems, and instructions of Owner’s operating/maintenance personnel. I. Discontinue (or change over) and remove from the project site temporary facilities and services, along with construction tools and facilities, mock-ups, and similar elements. J. Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes. K. Submit asbestos certification letter and project compliance certificate. L. Submit consent of surety for final payment certification. M. Submit list, with contact information, of all subcontractors and suppliers who provided materials and/or labor for the project. N. Submit schedule of final finish selections, including supplier, manufacturer (name and address), and identifying information for each finish selection. 1.05 RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS: Specific requirements for record documents are indicated in Section 01720: Project Record Documents of these specifications. The general requirements are indicated in General Conditions. The general submittal requirements are indicated in Section 01300: Shop Drawings and Samples. 1.06 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION MANUAL SUBMITTALS: Specific requirements for maintenance and/or operation manuals are indicated in Divisions 2 through 16 of these specifications. The general submittal requirements are indicated in Section 01300: Shop Drawing and Samples. Organize maintenance and operating manual information into suitable sets of manageable size, and bind into individual binders properly identified and indexed (thumb-tabbed); examples: Elevators, Food Serving Equipment, Finish Floor Maintenance, Lawn and Paint Maintenance, Roof Maintenance. Include emergency instructions, spare parts listing, warranties, guarantees, wiring diagrams, recommended “turn-around” cycles, inspection procedures, shop drawings, and similar applicable information. Bind each manual of each set and mark identification on both the front and spine of each binder. All information shall also be provided in a bookmarked electronic PDF file. 1.07 SDS SUBMITTALS: Contractor shall collect and assemble safety data sheets for all materials used in the project and submit in tabbed 3-ring binders (CSI formatting) and a bookmarked electronic PDF file prior to application for Final Payment. PART 2.00 – PRODUCTS NOT APPLICABLE PART 3.00 – EXECUTION 3.01 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES: General Operating/Maintenance Instructions: Arrange for each installer of work requiring continuing maintenance (by the Owner) or operation, to meet with the Owner’s personnel, at the project-site, to provide basic instructions needed for proper operation and maintenance of the entire work. Include instructions by manufacturer’s representatives where installers are not expert in the required procedures. Review maintenance manuals, record documentation, tools, spare parts and materials, lubricants, fuels, identification system, control sequences, hazards, cleaning and similar procedures and facilities. For operational equipment, demonstrate start-up, shut-down, emergency operations, noise and vibration adjustments, safety, economy/efficiency adjustments, and similar operations. Review maintenance and operations in relation with applicable guarantees, warranties, agreements to maintain, bonds and similar continuing commitments. PROJECT # 2013-015.02 Y:\Jobfiles\2013-015_Extraco-Water\2013-015.02_Low-Roof\04_Specifications\53_2013-015.02_01700.docx PROJECT CLOSEOUT 3.02 SECTION 01700-PAGE 3 FINAL CLEANING: Special cleaning for specific units of work is specified in the Sections of Division 2 through 16. General cleaning during the progress of the work is specified in the General and Supplemental Conditions. Final cleaning of the work, at the time indicated, consisting of cleaning each surface or unit of work to the normal “clean” condition is specified in Section 01710: Cleaning. 3.03 CONTINUING INSPECTIONS: Except as otherwise required by special guarantees, warranties, agreement to maintain, workmanship bonds, and similar continuing commitments, comply with the Owner’s request to participate in inspections at the end of each time period of such continuing commitments. Participate in the general inspection(s) of the work approximately one year beyond the date(s) of substantial completion. END OF SECTION PROJECT # 2013-015.02 Y:\Jobfiles\2013-015_Extraco-Water\2013-015.02_Low-Roof\04_Specifications\53_2013-015.02_01700.docx