Stand Out works … better than ever! ... to academic study. From the lowest level (Basic) to the highest (Level 5), Stand Out prepares students for the academic world: l Critical Thinking Skills l Numeracy/Math l Listening/Note Taking l Making Presentations l Vocabulary Enrichment/ Dictionary Practice l Goal Setting/Study Habits a choice of two academic workbooks! The Reading & Writing The Grammar Challenge Challenge workbooks workbooks offer clear students can’t provide a complete course and concise grammar get enough that teaches reading skills, explanation boxes, strategies and the writing along with a wide variety process for both school of supplementary activities. and the workplace. ... to use 21st century technology skills. A complete six-level computer literacy course A complete six-level internet literacy course grammar! Basic LeveL 2 LeveL 4 For the student Text Grammar Challenge Wkbk. Reading & Writing Challenge Wkbk. Audio CD Lifeskills Video on DVD Bundle including all student components (a 65% savings) For the student Text Grammar Challenge Wkbk. Reading & Writing Challenge Wkbk. Audio CD Lifeskills Video on DVD Bundle including all student components (a 65% savings) For the student Text Grammar Challenge Wkbk. Reading & Writing Challenge Wkbk. Audio CD Lifeskills Video on DVD Bundle including all student components (a 65% savings) For the teacher Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD) Online Lesson Planner Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM Technology Tool Kit 978-1-4240-0254-2 978-1-4240-1600-6 978-1-4130-0720-6 978-1-4240-0964-0 978-1-4240-9569-8 978-1-4240-4152-7 978-1-4240-1927-4 978-1-111-03314-9 978-1-4240-0999-2 978-1-4240-1853-6 978-1-4240-6558-5 For the teacher Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD) Online Lesson Planner Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM Technology Tool Kit 978-1-4240-0258-0 978-1-4240-0991-6 978-1-4130-0722-0 978-1-4240-0968-8 978-1-4240-9568-1 978-1-4240-4155-8 978-1-4240-1934-2 978-1-111-03312-5 978-1-4240-0989-3 978-1-4240-1855-0 978-1-4240-6560-8 For the teacher Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD) Online Lesson Planner Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM Technology Tool Kit LeveL 1 LeveL 3 LeveL 5 For the student Text Grammar Challenge Wkbk. Reading & Writing Challenge Wkbk. Audio CD Lifeskills Video on DVD Bundle including all student components (a 65% savings) For the student Text Grammar Challenge Wkbk. Reading & Writing Challenge Wkbk. Audio CD Lifeskills Video on DVD Bundle including all student components (a 65% savings) For the student Text Grammar Challenge Wkbk. Reading & Writing Challenge Wkbk. Audio CD Lifeskills Video on DVD Bundle including all student components (a 65% savings) For the teacher Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD) Online Lesson Planner Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM Technology Tool Kit 978-1-4240-0256-6 978-1-4240-0987-9 978-1-4130-0721-3 978-1-4240-0966-4 978-1-4240-9567-4 978-1-4240-4153-4 978-1-4240-1929-8 978-1-111-03313-2 978-1-4240-0974-9 978-1-4240-1854-3 978-1-4240-6559-2 For the teacher Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD) Online Lesson Planner Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM Technology Tool Kit 978-1-4240-0260-3 978-1-4240-0993-0 978-1-4130-0723-7 978-1-4240-0970-1 978-1-4240-9570-4 978-1-4240-4156-5 978-1-4240-1935-9 978-1-111-03311-8 978-1-4240-0994-7 978-1-4240-0992-3 978-1-4240-6561-5 978-1-4240-0262-7 978-1-4240-0996-1 978-1-4130-0724-4 978-1-4240-0972-5 978-1-4240-9571-1 The leading adult series for transitioning your students to career or academic pathways! 978-1-4240-4157-2 978-1-4240-1936-6 978-1-111-03310-1 978-1-4240-0997-8 978-1-4240-1856-7 978-1-4240-6562-2 978-1-4240-1781-2 978-1-4240-1784-3 Here’s how Stand Out transitions students… Rob Jenkins ... to the workplace. Ensures Transitions Benchmark Gains on standardized tests. students to further academic study or the workplace. Offers support for teaching in the Multi-Level classroom. 978-1-4240-6899-9 978-1-4240-1788-1 978-1-4240-9572-8 Work skills/SCANS competencies are taught in every unit of the Stand Out student books at all six levels. Specific units go into greater depth on workplace topics. 978-1-4240-4158-9 For the teacher Lesson Planner (contains Activity Bank CD-ROM & Audio CD) Online Lesson Planner Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Classroom Presentation Tool CD-ROM Technology Tool Kit 978-1-4240-1789-8 978-1-4240-6563-9 aLL LeveLs Placement Test Package 978-1-4130-1498-3 978-1-4240-1937-3 978-1-111-03309-5 978-1-4240-1783-6 09/01/11 Learn more and view a guided tour at Transitions The most effective thing Stand Out does is teach students how to learn. Team Projects at the end of each Stand Out cost/Bundle Options All Stand Out components can be bundled for discounts up to 65%. To maximize discounts, contact your local Heinle representative for a complete pricing guide and consultation. unit provide students with real opportunities Learn more and view a guided tour at to create outcome projects with colleagues. For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate formats, please visit (search by ISBN, author, title, or keyword). For more information, visit us at, contact your Heinle representative, or call 877-633-3375. To place an order, call 800-354-9706. 11SORevisionBro8pg.indd 1-4 Understanding the way the world learns English 8/16/11 4:12 PM Here’s how Stand Out ensures benchmark gains: Student confidence and effective learning come from knowing what is expected (curriculum), what they have accomplished (assessment), Multi-level ancillaries, activities, and learner-centered classroom management suggestions addressing different and what they need to do next (practical activities)! Activity Bank learning styles and proficiency levels are essential to Curriculum Benchmark Gains Staci Johnson meet the needs of each and every student. The Activity Bank CD-ROM The Stand Out curriculum not (included with each Lesson Planner) only teaches the essential skills is a FREE customizable and of listening, speaking, reading, Multi-Level writing, and grammar but also the necessary life skills and competencies required by standardized tests (CASAS, EFF, SCANS, EL CIVICS, state-specific Here’s how Stand Out helps address the needs of the multi-level classroom: standards). Here are just two examples of how programs using Stand Out surpassed state benchmarks: Lesson Planner Rob Jenkins reproducible practice workbook. Over 2,400 (400+ per level) worksheets provide three levels of multi-level classroom use or homework (A=Low, B=Middle, C=High) enabling teachers to easily organize activities. Series Components For the student Each level has over 60 lesson plans using the successful WIPPEA lesson plan format. Each lesson plan provides pacing guides, step-by-step instruction, pronunciation Assessment practice, and an abundance of creative teaching Regular and continuing assessment is critical to student success, and Stand Out provides this throughout in the Learner Logs (self-assessment), Review Lessons, standardized test scores (CASAS). Team Projects (portfolio assessment), and Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®. Audio CDs Challenge Workbooks Grammar Challenge Workbooks Lifeskills Video Program on DVD Student Website create customized standard- For the Teacher specific quizzes, tests, and practice sheets to diagnose, practice, and re-test multiple times. Results from the Vista Reading & Writing suggestions for every classroom situation. Users of Stand Out, Second Edition, reported outstanding results in Student Books Adult School in Vista, CA Lesson Planners Assessment CD-ROMs with ExamView® (follows the WIPPEA format) and Audio CDs Online Lesson Planners Placement Test Guided Tour CD-ROM Instructor Website Activity Bank CD-ROMs and DVD Program Audio CDs Technology Tool Kit The Stand Out Lifeskills Video Program has 48 short Lifeskills Video Program on DVD dramatic episodes at six levels, putting skills taught in the student books into action. Additional “My Results from the McKinley Community School for Adults in Honolulu, HI Story” segments feature real-life interviews with students and professionals from around the world. Classroom Presentation Tools Team Projects Free practice worksheets for students and a lesson plan for teachers are available for each unit. Each unit in the Stand Out student book finishes with a team project. Designed to synthesize everything students have The teacher’s Technology Took Kit for each level includes: l learned in the unit, the team projects allow for differing role responsibilities and ability levels. 11SORevisionBro8pg.indd 5-8 Guided Tour CD-ROM l Lifeskills Video on DVD l Classroom Presentation Tool l Activity Bank CD-ROM and Audio CD l multi-level worksheets) Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView®and Audio CD (includes customizable l Heinle Picture Dictionary Interactive CD-ROM 8/16/11 4:12 PM