Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 51, 949 (2006) Enhancing the Selectivity of Amperometric Nitric Oxide Sensor over Ammonia and Nitrite by Modifying Gas-Permeable Membrane with Teflon AF® by Wansik Cha and Mark E. Meyerhoff* Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, 930 N. University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1055 Keywords: Nitric oxide; Amperometric gas sensor; Selectivity; Gas permeable membrane A planar amperometric nitric oxide (NO(g)) sensor based on a platinized platinum (pPt) working electrode (as anode) is one of the most sensitive NO detection methods reported to date with sub-nmol L1 detection limits. The use of an outer gas permeable membrane (porous polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane) in this sensor design has been shown to impart superior NO selectivity over common interfering species present in biological samples, such as nitrite and ascorbate. Recently, however, it has been recognized that ammonia (NH3(g)) present in biological samples, e.g., cell culture medium or blood, can interfere with NO detection using this sensor configuration owing to the concomitant oxidation capability of ammonia at the surface of the inner platinized platinum electrode. Herein, the selectivity of such an amperometric NO sensor is investigated in detail over both ammonia and nitrite and these results are compared to experimental data obtained with other types of amperometric NO sensors (including commercial WPI, Inc. device). Further, it is demonstrated that the NO selectivity of the planar-type NO sensor can be enhanced significantly by treating the porous PTFE gas permeable outer membrane with a Teflon AF® solution. By filling the pores of the outer membrane with Teflon AF®, the flux of ammonia and nitrite to the internal working electrode is greatly reduced, while maintaining good permeability toward NO (g). Oznaczanie tlenku azotu (NO(g)) przy u¿yciu planarnego amperometrycznego sensora wykorzystuj¹cego elektrodê pracuj¹c¹ z platynowanej platyny jest jedn¹ z najczulszych metod oznaczania tego analitu, z granic¹ detekcji poni¿ej nanomola, opracowanych do tej pory. Zastosowanie membrany przepuszczalnej dla gazów (membrana z porowatego poli(tetrafluoroetylenu) (PTFE)) do konstrukcji tego sensora, pozwoli³o uzyskaæ wysok¹ selektywnoæ na tlenek azotu, jednoczenie dyskryminuj¹c czêsto obecne w próbkach biologicznych interferenty, takie jak: azotany(III) i askorbiniany. Jednak¿e ostatnio dowiedziono, ¿e amoniak * Corresponding author. E-mail:; Fax: +1-734-647-4865 950 W. Cha and E. Meyerhoff (NH3(g)) obecny w próbkach biologicznych, np. roztworze do hodowli komórek czy krwi, mo¿e zak³ócaæ oznaczanie NO przy tej konfiguracji sensora, w zwi¹zku z równoleg³ym utlenianiem amoniaku na powierzchni wewnêtrznej elektrody z platynowanej platyny. W pracy przedstawiono badania nad selektywnoci¹ amperometrycznego sensora NO w obecnoci zarówno amoniaku, jaki i azotanów(III). Wyniki te zosta³y porównane z wynikami otrzymanymi dla innych typów amperometrycznych sensorów NO (miêdzy innymi handlowo dostêpnego urz¹dzenia WPI, Inc.). Ponadto pokazano, ¿e selektywnoæ planarnego sensora NO mo¿e byæ znacznie poprawiona poprzez poddanie dzia³aniu roztworem teflonu AF® zewnêtrznej membrany wykonanej z porowatego PTFE. Po wype³nieniu porów membrany Teflonem AF®, przep³yw amoniaku i azotanów (III) do elektrody pracuj¹cej zosta³ znacznie zredukowany, podczas gdy przepuszczalnoæ dla NO pozosta³a na dobrym poziomie. Nitric oxide (NO) is an endogenous radical species that has been implicated in a variety of physiological processes, including vascular smooth muscle relaxation, inhibition of platelet activation/adhesion, and neurotransmission [13]. Since NO was identified as the endothelial-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) [4], a great deal of effort over the past 20 years has been devoted to understanding its role in biological systems. As a consequence, various NO detection techniques and procedures have been developed; bioassays, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, spectrophotometric assays using Griess reagent (to detect NOs oxidative product, nitrite) or hemoglobin, and a gas phase chemiluminescence reaction of NO with ozone [5, 6]. However, the measurement of NO in biological samples is difficult owing to its high reactivity and its resulting short half-life [7]. Indeed, NO disappears rapidly in vivo or in vitro by reacting with hemoglobin, thiols, superoxide as well as oxygen in biological samples to produce methemoglobin, S-nitrosothiols, peroxynitrite and nitrite, nitrate or other nitrogen oxides, respectively [8]. Thus, simple and direct techniques that can measure very low levels of NO in the presence of a complex biological matrix are preferred. Toward this goal, electrochemical NO measurements, particularly using amperometric NO sensors, have emerged as very useful tools for the direct and real-time analysis of NO in vivo or in vitro without the need for any sample pretreatment [913]. In these devices, NO diffuses through some type of outer coating or membrane and is oxidized at the surface of an inner working electrode. Miniaturized- or micro-electrochemical versions of such probes can be positioned in proximity to the NO source and provide a means to estimate the local surface levels of NO [12, 13]. Depending on the probe shape, amperometric NO sensors can even be inserted directly into tissues or blood vessels (via needle-type probes) [10, 11] or further modified to detect NO-relevant molecules (e.g., S-nitrosothiols, using planar-type probes) using immobilized catalytic species [14, 15]. To date, such NO sensors have been developed to possess extremely high sensitivity, with the capability to quantitate Enhancing the selectivity of amperometric nitric oxide sensor over ammonia and nitrite 951 sub-nmol L1 levels of NO. Further, selectivity over other electroactive species is typically achieved by adding outer polymer layers (e.g., gas permeable membrane (GPM) or Nafion®) to retard the flux of nitrite and ascorbate, two key potential interferents capable of oxidizing at the same electrode potential used for detecting NO, to the surface of the inner electrode (carbon fiber or Pt). Recently, we have found that ammonia (NH3(g)) is one additional possible interferent species, particularly for the planar-type NO sensors fabricated with an inner platinized Pt (pPt) working electrode and an outer porous PTFE-GPM. At neutral pH, about 1% of the total ammonia (NH3/NH4+) present in a given sample exists in the form of the dissolved non-ionic solute, i.e., NH3(aq) (pKa 9.25). Indeed, the oxidation of ammonia by metal catalysts, including pPt, has been explored elsewhere and the reaction products identified include N2, N2O and NO, depending on the potential applied [16, 17]. Figure 1. Schematic of p-pPt electrode based amperometric NO sensor examined in detail in this work. The outer PTFE gas permeable membrane can be further impregnated with varying amounts of Teflon AF® to enhance NO selectivity 952 W. Cha and E. Meyerhoff Herein, we investigate and compare the selectivity of various amperometric NO sensors (including planar NO sensors equipped with PTFE-GPM, commercial NO probes, and carbon fiber-based electrodes reported in the literature) with respect to ammonia as well as nitrite. Despite the previously reported high selectivity of NO sensors, the presence of potential interfering molecules at µM-levels in biological samples can still influence the amperometric current measured for detecting very low nmol L1-levels of NO. Therefore, a quantitative estimate of the selectivity of given NO sensors for potential interfering agents is necessary for selection of the best NO sensor for a given application. Further, for the planar-type NO sensor, it is demonstrated that enhanced NO selectivity can be achieved simply by modifying the porous PTFE GPM with Teflon AF®, a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and 2,2-bis(trifluoroethylene)-4,5-difluoro-1,3-dioxole (Fig. 1). EXPERIMENTAL Materials Ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, sodium nitrite and sodium L-ascorbate were purchased from SigmaAldrich (St. Louis, MO) and used as received. Nickel(II)-tetramethoxyhydroxyphenylporphyrin (Ni-TMHPP) was synthesized as described in literature [18]. Microporous poly(tetrafluoro-ethylene) (PTFE) membranes (Tetratex®, pore size 0.07 µm, thickness ~18 µm) were obtained from Donalson Company, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN). Nitric oxide, nitrogen and argon gases were purchased from Cryogenic Gases (Detroit, MI). Various phosphate buffers including phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) were prepared as needed in the laboratory. A nitric oxide stock solution (~ 2 mmol L1) was prepared by bubbling pure NO gas through oxygen-free PBS solution obtained with prior Ar(g) purging. All buffer chemicals were of analytical grade or better and used as received from various suppliers. All solutions were prepared with 18 MW cm1 deionized distilled water by using MilliQ filter (Millipore Corp., Billerica, Mass.). Fabrication of various NO sensors and amperometric detection The planar amperometric NO sensors assembled with a platinized Pt (pPt) working electrode and a PTFEGPM were fabricated by the method reported previously [15, 19], and denoted by the p-pPt based sensor. Briefly, a planar pPt (p-pPt) disk (250-µm O.D.) sealed in a glass wall tubing and a Ag/AgCl wire as the reference/counter electrode were employed to create the electrochemical cell. These two electrodes were incorporated behind a PTFEGPM as illustrated in Figure 1. To enhance NO selectivity primarily against ammonia, the PTFEGPM (0.12 cm2) was coated with 0.5 µL of Teflon AF® solution (1%, used as received, Dupont Fluoroproducts, Wilmington, DE) and then dried before sensor fabrication. To examine the influence of the amount of the coated Teflon AF® on selectivity, the coating procedure was repeated up to 4 times (e.g., 2-µL Teflon AF® coated) as required. All sensor polarization, calibration and subsequent amperometric measurements were carried out at +0.75 V (vs Ag/AgCl) constant applied potential as described in our previous work [19]. Another planar NO sensor that employed a glassy carbon (GC) working electrode (p-GC sensor) instead of the inner pPt electrode was also prepared and used for NO detection in the same manner as Enhancing the selectivity of amperometric nitric oxide sensor over ammonia and nitrite 953 described above for the p-pPt based sensor. The GC working electrode (1-mm diameter) sealed in PEEK was purchased from ESA Inc. (EE040, Cypress Systems, Lawrence, KS), and used without any catalytic layer after the following electrode surface regeneration procedure; fine polishing with 0.1-µm alumina powder, cleaning with ultra-sonication and washing with DI water. Two different commercial NO sensors (ISO sensor) were purchased from World Precision Instruments (WPI) Inc. (ISONOPF200, Sarasota, FL) with about a year interval; the old- and new-ISO sensor were obtained in 2005 and 2006, respectively and separately tested over 3-month periods as received. All sensors were used after overnight polarization at the indicated applied potentials (+0.75 V or +0.86 V vs Ag/AgCl). Due to the presence of the integrated reference electrode (Ag/AgCl), the amperometric output for these commercial sensors was also collected in a two-electrode configuration only. A bare carbon fiber (CF) was also used to construct an NO electrode (b-CF sensor), and this device served as the control sensor for a widely used nickel(II) porphyrin-modified carbon fiber based NO sensor (NiP-CF sensor), originally described by Malinski et al. [20]. The sensors were prepared with an exposed electrode tip length of ~2 mm. Pyrolytic graphite carbon fibers (7-µm in diameter, WPI Inc., Sarasota, FL) were used for the CF electrode fabrication as reported elsewhere [21, 22]. The fibers were electrochemically activated before use by cycling an applied potential between 1.2 and +1.8 V (vs Ag/AgCl) at 100 mV s1 scanning rate. The NiP-CF sensors were prepared as described elsewhere, and employed an outer Nafion® coating to enhance selectivity over nitrite and other anions [20]. Briefly, a porphyrinic catalytic layer was created on the activated CF electrode via electro-polymerization of Ni-TMHPP (50 mmol L1) in a N2-purged 0.1 mol L1 NaOH solution by cycling the applied potential between 0.2 and +1.2 V (vs Ag/AgCl) at a 100 mV s1 scan rate. An outer Nafion® layer was created by dip coating the electrode five times for 5 s per layer in 1.25% (wt%) Nafion® solution and the sensors were then dried for 5 min. All amperometric currents for these CF based sensors were measured using a two-electrode configuration with a Ag/AgCl (3 mol L1 NaCl) reference electrode (MF2052, BAS Inc., West Lafayette, IN). Stock solutions of each analyte tested (NO, NH4+/NH3, nitrite and ascorbate) were prepared fresh daily. Amperometric current was monitored at room temperature as a function of time using a highly sensitive ammeter module (Chemical Microsensor I, Diamond General Development Co., Ann Arbor, MI). Sensor response to NO and interferent species was typically determined using 50 mL of PBS (pH 7.3) solution that was well stirred (magnetically) under ambient condition, which was repeatedly spiked with small volumes of concentrated stock solutions containing the test species to change their bulk concentration in the buffer solution. Amperometric selectivity coefficient calculation To quantitatively express the amperometric selectivity of the various NO sensors examined, a previously reported methodology was adopted [23]. For any amperometric device, the total current (It) can be described by the linear combination of two terms proportional to the concentration (C) of the target analyte (i, i.e., NO in this study) and the interfering species (j, ammonia or nitrite) as shown in equation 1. Then, the constant B denotes the true amperometric sensitivity of the given sensor toward the analyte (NO). Q ,W %&L ¦N M DPS L M &M (1) Further, the amperometric selectivity coefficient (kNO,j) can be experimentally obtained via use of the separate solution method; current levels were recorded separately for test solutions containing the analyte and the interfering species. Based on the ratio of amperometric sensitivity (DI/C) obtained for each species, the selectivity coefficient was calculated by equation 2. 954 W. Cha and E. Meyerhoff ki,jamp = (DIj/Cj)/(DIi/Ci) (2) where DIj = Ij Ib and DIi = Ii Ib; Ii the current recorded for the analyte; Ij the current recorded for the interfering species; Ib the basal current recorded for the blank solution. Typically, two or more identical sensors of each type were tested. For an individual NO sensor, the average values of amperometric sensitivity (DI/C) and selectivity coefficients were obtained from the multiple measurements (n > 3) for each species (NO, NH3 and nitrite). All selectivity coefficients obtained for the same type of probes were finally averaged and reported (see Tab. 1 below). For convenience, the amperometric selectivity coefficient was subsequently transformed into logarithmic form, i.e., log(kNO,j). The ammonia (NH3) levels in test solutions were approximated to be 1% of the given levels of total NH4Cl added owing to the two orders of magnitude difference in buffer solution pH (7.3) and pKa of ammonia (9.25). Table 1. Selectivity coefficients over ammonia and nitrite, sensitivity, limit of detection, and response time for various types of amperometric NO sensors examined in this work >@ D 6HQVRU 6HOHFWLYH $39 W\SH PHPEUDQH YV$J$J&O SRURXV37)( 6HOHFWLYLW\FRHII 1+&O G 1+ ORJN12[ ± 12 E 6HQVLWLYLW\ /2' S$ QPRO ± QPRO/ ± / F 57 V ± ± ± a ± ± ± a ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± SS3W H 7HIORQ$) S*& ,62 SRURXV37)( J I ,62 XQNQRZQ K ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± J I E&) XQNQRZQ QRQH K 1L3&) 1DILRQ Applied potential during measurement. Limit of detection. c Response time for NO. d Calculated by assuming that the amount of NH3(aq) is 1% of total NH4+/NH3 at pH 7.3. e Porous PTFEGPM (0.12 cm2) coated with 2.0 mL of 1% Teflon AF® solution. f ISO NO sensors purchased in different year. g Possibly multiple layers of selective membranes including Nafion coating [21, 31]. h Reported LOD by manufacturer. a b Two other parameters that were used to compare each sensors performance were the response time and detection limit. The response time (RT) was calculated as the time required to reach 95% of the final steady-state response current when the NO concentration change from 10 to 120 nmol L1 was tested; the limit of detection (LOD) of each sensor was estimated to the lowest NO concentration where the observed amperometric signal/noise > 3. Enhancing the selectivity of amperometric nitric oxide sensor over ammonia and nitrite 955 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Enhanced NO selectivity of platinized-Pt-electrode based planar gas sensor with Teflon AF® treatment on PTFEGPM As shown in Figure 2, the addition of ammonium chloride to the test buffer solution (PBS, pH 7.3) leads to an elevation in the amperometric current levels of a planar NO sensor (platinized Pt (pPt) working electrode and reference electrode behind microporous PTFEGPM (Fig. 1). The calculated logarithm of the amperometric selectivity coefficient of this conventional planar-pPt (p-pPt) based gas sensor is 3.1 for ammonium chloride or 1.1 for ammonia (log(kNO,j), j = NH4Cl(aq) or NH3(aq), respectively (Tab. 1). These values are calculated based on the amperometric responses shown in Figure 2a and the nearly two orders of magnitude difference in the pKa value of ammonia (9.25) and the test buffer pH value (7.3). At a higher pH of the test solution, a larger amperometric current change is observed since the equilibrium shifts to increase the amount of dissolved free ammonia gas, NH3(aq) (data not shown). 1 80 80 nmol nmol LL1 40 nmol L1 40 nmol L1 20mmol mmol L 120 1 1 1 nmolLL1 NO added to 1010nmol 1.1 mmol L1 80mmol mmol LL111.1 mmol L 80 1 Figure 2. Amperometric response of p-pPt electrode based NO sensor (Fig. 1) toward increasing NO and NH4Cl concentrations (a) before and (b) after the modification of the microporous PTFEGPM with Teflon AF® It is thought that NH3(aq) present in equilibrium with ammonium ion can effectively diffuse through porous GPM as NH3(g) and oxidize on the pPt electrode. In fact, it has been shown previously that the oxidation of ammonia on such catalytic surfaces can 956 W. Cha and E. Meyerhoff initiate at voltages as low as +0.52 V (vs NHE) with the reaction products including nitrogen at lower potentials and nitrogen oxides (N2O or NO) at higher oxidative potentials [16, 17]. Since, the potential applied to the inner pPt working electrode of the gas sensor configuration is +0.75 V vs Ag/AgCl, it is likely that some nitrogen oxide species are produced at the pPt surface during the amperometric response to ammonia. Therefore, when using the pPt electrode as in inner working electrode for the construction of an NO sensor, interference from ammonia can surely occur. Indeed, the p-pPt based NO sensor displays high background current levels when inserted within cell culture medium or blood, to directly detect NO (data not shown). The presence of ammonia is strongly suspected from the observation that by first purging N2 through a culture medium, and collecting this gas phase in DI water, the pH of the DI water increases substantially. In fact, the spontaneous degradation of labile L-glutamine, an essential nutrient in cell culture, often accounts for the build-up of ammonia in culture media [24, 25]. Further, the level of ammonia in normal blood samples is known to be within the 10~30 µmol L1 range (total of NH3/NH4+) [26]. Hence, to minimize the ammonia interference for NO measurements in such biological matrixes, various methods were explored in preliminary studies to reduce this interference, including varying the pH of the internal solution of the NO sensor (from 30 mmol L1 NaCl/0.3 mmol L1 HCl solution that was originally reported [19]) and applying a less positive potential to the platinized Pt electrode. Neither of these approaches was successful (data not shown). Indeed, lowering the applied potential to the inner working electrode was found to cause a significant deterioration in the NO selectivity owing to a more reduced sensitivity toward NO relative to ammonia. An approach to enhance selectivity of the NO sensor that was found to be quite effective is to modify the nature of the porous PTFEGPM using a solution of Teflon AF® (an amorphous fluoro-copolymer with large free volume and high gas permeability [27]). As shown in Figure 2b, when the same sensor configuration is prepared using the PTFEGPM that has been impregnated with the Teflon AF® (Fig. 1), NO selectivity is dramatically changed. After the membrane modification, the logarithm of the selectivity coefficient of the p-pPt based sensor improves to 6.2 for ammonium ion at pH 7.3 (4.2 for NH3(aq)), which is about a thousand-fold improvement compared to the conventional p-pPt based sensor (data shown in Fig. 2a). Further, the influence of varying amounts of Teflon AF® coated into the PTFEGPM was further investigated for two interfering agents, ammonia and nitrite. As shown in Figure 3, although the thicker coating appears better for the selectivity enhancement, the calculated selectivity coefficient exhibits the greatest change after the first layer of coating (0.5 µL of 1% Teflon AF® solution over 0.12 cm2 of PTFEGPM) for both species. It should be noted that even without the GPM modification, the NO selectivity over nitrite is excellent, manifesting the effectiveness of microporous PTFEGPM as a gas selective membrane. However, the existence of nitrite interference at high concen- Enhancing the selectivity of amperometric nitric oxide sensor over ammonia and nitrite 957 tration (~ mmol L1-levels, data not shown) is likely due to the detection of trace non-ionic products (N2O3, NO2 or even NO) created in solution equilibrium, rather than nitrite ion itself. Indeed, HNO2, the conjugate acid of nitrite (pKa 3.3) is known to be in equilibrium with N2O3, which can further disproportionate into NO and NO2 [8]. In comparison, the measured logarithm of the selectivity coefficient against ascorbate, another ionic species, is 6.5 for the unmodified p-pPt based sensor and even less (< 7.0) for the Teflon AF®-modified NO sensor. Figure 3. Change of NO selectivity coefficient of p-pPt electrode based NO sensor for ammonia (as total of NH3 and NH4+) and nitrite as function of varying amounts of Teflon AF® coated on microporous PTFEGPM It should be noted that after the gas permeable membrane is modified with Teflon AF® the resulting sensors exhibit relatively little change in their sensitivity for detecting NO (Tab. 1). Although it is thought that the porous structure of PTFEGPM is partially or fully filled with the Teflon AF® matrix, depending on the amount used during modification, NO retains significant permeability through the membrane presumably due to its favorable partition coefficient into the hydrophobic fluoropolymer matrix. Indeed, the hydrophobic nature of NO is well known; NO is approximately nine-times more soluble in organic media than water [28]. Thus, the difference in partitioning capability of gaseous species, e.g., NO vs ammonia, within the hydrophobic polymer phase that fills the pores of the PTFE membrane, likely results in changing the gas flux of ammonia much more so than NO, and this yields the observed improvement in NO selectivity over ammonia. 958 W. Cha and E. Meyerhoff Comparison of selectivity and other performance parameters of various amperometric NO sensors To examine and compare the extent of ammonia/nitrite interference with other types of amperometric NO sensors (in addition to the p-pPt electrode based device developed in this laboratory [19]), various types of NO sensors were fabricated and/or purchased, and then tested. These studies focused primarily on two other designs widely used in previous literature reports to measure NO in biological matrixes; the commercial ISO NO sensor by WPI, Inc. [29], and a carbon fiber electrode based sensor that employs an electropolymerized nickel porphyrin catalytic layer along with an outer Nafion® coating (as originally reported by Malinski et al. [20]). The selectivity coefficients for all sensors tested are summarized in Table 1. For p-pPt electrode based sensor, the enhanced selectivity with the membrane modification yields a somewhat elongated response time, about two-fold longer, than the unmodified sensor, but an insignificant sensitivity change as describe above. Interestingly, a planar GC (p-GC) electrode based sensor exhibits the lowest NO selectivity against ammonia among all the sensor configurations examined, but comparable selectivity vs nitrite. The overall results of the p-GC electrode based sensor (no catalytic layer) are in contrast with those of p-pPt electrode based sensor; higher limit of NO detection and low sensitivity, which supports the catalytic effect of the platinized Pt electrode. In general, selectivity coefficients for the gas sensor prepared with the p-GC electrode as the inner working electrode appear similar or poorer than those of p-pPt sensors (Tab. 1). However, the carbon fiber (CF) electrode based NO sensors (ISO and b-CF sensors) tend to exhibit less ammonia interference than the unmodified p-pPt or p-GC electrode based sensors. This may reflect the intrinsic slower ammonia oxidation kinetics on carbon fiber (pyrolytic graphite) than on the other working electrodes. Even though the CF electrode based NO probes are claimed to exhibit high selectivity by using polymeric coatings that help discriminate against electroactive ionic species such as nitrite or ascorbate [20, 21], as shown in Figure 4, they still respond to such interfering ions at elevated concentrations. It is unlikely that interfering species exist in vivo at such high levels, e.g., nitrite plasma level, 0.1~0.5 µmol L1 [30]; however, the local build-up of such species, particularly for in vitro measurements, is still possible and may interfere with the NO sensor depending on its selectivity. Hence, it should be noted that when low-nmol L1 levels of NO are directly monitored within biological samples, the concentration fluctuation of interfering species in sample medium should be minimized or taken into account via a predictive test, based on the known selectivity and sensitivity of the given NO sensors. As illustrated in Table 1 for the commercial NO (ISO) sensors, the selectivity over ammonia and nitrite has been found to improve in the newer model, now com- Enhancing the selectivity of amperometric nitric oxide sensor over ammonia and nitrite 959 parable to that obtained with the Teflon AF®-modified p-pPt electrode based sensor. Such improvement is likely due to the application of multiple selective layers over the surface of this sensor, including a Nafion® coating and a hydrophobic layer as described elsewhere [21, 31]. Of course, as a commercial product, the exact membrane composition used is not reported by the manufacturer. NaNO2 100 mmol L1 NaNO2 260 mmol L1 Figure 4. Amperometric responses of (a) commercial old-ISO NO sensor purchased in 2005 and (b) NiP-CF electrode based sensor with increasing nitrite concentration in PBS (pH 7.3). The applied potentials for both sensors are same at +0.75 V (vs Ag/AgCl) Further, the variation in response times of the NO sensors listed in Table 1 can be explained by the differences in the dimensions of the selective membranes. Primarily, thinner membrane structures obtained from coating processes with polymer solution (for CF electrode, and presumably for ISO sensors [21]) are likely to result in a much faster sensor response time than the PTFE-GPM (~18-µm thickness) physically held on the working electrodes. Moreover, NO transport for p-pPt sensors and ISO sensors is probably retarded due to the multiple layered structures including an additional hydrophobic selective membrane (i.e., Teflon AF® coating and an unknown hydrophobic membrane, respectively; also see above). Hence, further optimization of response time can be envisioned by minimizing the number of layers and thickness of the layers; for example, via direct coating of Teflon AF® layer on a working electrode. However, using such an approach to improve sensor performance will require that the NO sensors be designed to maintain electrical contacts between the working and reference/counter electrodes after the application of such a hydrophobic selective coating, since in general such coatings are electrically non-conducting (high resistance). 960 W. Cha and E. Meyerhoff CONCLUSION In summary, the selectivity of various amperometric NO sensors over ammonia and nitrite was examined quantitatively by determining the selectivity coefficients and correlating the selectivity observed with other sensor performance parameters such as response time and limit of detection. A Teflon AF® coating on a microporous PTFEGPM significantly reduces the ammonia interference observed for a new p-pPt electrode based NO sensor without loss of sensor sensitivity. 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