7E Learning Cycle in Science (Instructional Design Model recommended by the NSTA) Phase Elicit extract or draw attention to prior understandings and knowledge new knowledge is built on existing knowledge assists in transferring knowledge focus student thinking on content provide conversation opportunities for all students, not a select few K of the KWL Chart (K= Know) Think-Pair-Share Draw-What-You-Know Doing Good Science in Middle School Students ask open-ended questions* Students develop and use models * Think-Pair-Share to provide conversation opportunities as response to question prompts Demonstration by teacher with written observations by students Lesson hook Foldables for creating visual representations of content and/or vocabulary Menu Choice Boards – students select optional learning activities Student created skits to explain or represent knowledge One-to-one technologies (ie: graphing calculators, interactive white boards, interactive Websites) Graphic Organizers Inquiry-Based Learning Stations: discovery, student-centered Students plan and carry out investigations * Students analyze and interpret data * Students make predictions from demonstrations. Question prompts by the teacher Data collection during lab activities and in science experiments Cooperative group learning activities Jigsaw groups where student become group experts and then travel to other groups to share their specific components Student created graphs Doing Good Science in Middle School Research-Based Strategies (#5) Engage Explore observations, record data, isolate variables, design experiments, create graphs, interpret results, organize findings accompanied by teacher’s check for students’ understanding Research Examples/Suggestions for Classroom Instruction Description * Next Generation: Scientific and Engineering Practices Expanding the 5E Model GaDOE Instructional Framework for SBC * Next Generation: Scientific and Engineering Practices written or verbal communications summaries of results justifications Explain transfer of learning transfer one concept to another transfer subject to subject application to a new context Elaborate/ Extend Evaluate formative summative informal formal Research-Based Strategies by Ruby Payne Doing Good Science in Middle School Expanding the 5E Model GaDOE Instructional Framework for SBC Students construct explanations and design solutions * Engage in arguments from evidence * Obtain, evaluate and communicate information * Expository Writing (ie: What happened during the lab? Why did this happen? Will the results always be the same? Peer-to-Peer verbal review and clarification Oral presentation of lab results Oral presentation of project Log Book Journal writings and reflections Science Projects with abstracts and summaries Assessments which include questions related to labs and require application of new knowledge Science Olympiad Events Students design a product which applies findings to authentic situations Students create performance tasks Students design real-life solutions to existing problems based on new knowledge Book study on nonfiction books related to the specific content area Invent America® Student converse during learning activities for student and teacher commentary/feedback. Ticket-Out-The-Door Rubrics Self-Assessment CCGPS Literacy Standards * Next Generation: Scientific and Engineering Practices Expanding the 5E Model Doing Good Science in Middle School