September 2013 Newsletter one

Reaching Out
From the Rev. Richard Mallory, Associate for Pastoral Care
Introducing myself to All Saints of the Desert
When I went off to Union Theological Seminary in the fall of 1965, I had no idea of what I was getting myself into. I had no
intention of working in a parish. I was on fire for Old Testament studies and a possible career in teaching that extraordinary
opus of legend, myth, history and drama. In spite of such a deep connection that I felt for OT, an even deeper connection
emerged after my first year in something called Clinical Pastoral Education. In working as a chaplain under very fine supervision and oversight, I discovered the world of feelings and communication at a level I did not know existed. I returned to Union
after that summer and began to migrate towards the psychiatry and religion department as a primary focus. I also began to
migrate away from my Baptist roots and towards a dynamic Episcopal parish on the edge of Harlem that was home to people
from Columbia, Union, and Morningside Heights as well as the immediate Harlem community. And though I had not intended
to seek ordination upon beginning seminary, it almost seemed as if there was no other way to go.
I began seminary as a
Baptist and graduated as an Episcopalian and in the three months following graduation,
I got married, got ordained and
began a three year residency in a demanding and rigorous program of pastoral counseling training and in depth psychotherapy
at the Blanton Peale Institute in New York.
Over the thirty-seven years of maintaining a counseling practice in Manhattan and Greenwich and Stamford, Connecticut, I
found myself specializing in areas of addiction, couples’ work and working with people with
histories of abuse and trauma.
New York was a marvelous location to continue learning and studying in my chosen field.
Following my wife’s death from breast cancer in 1994 (and a horrendous prolonged time of grief, misery and anger), another
opportunity came along that seemed so beckoning. I began work as an interim rector at a
parish in Connecticut. This
was followed by two other such experiences and also a stint as a priest-in-charge at a congregation whose priest had to leave
to find his own recovery from alcoholism. I loved the work. I loved working in community and guiding and influencing that made
a positive difference.
Though my move to Arizona more than five years ago was to work in the counseling field, I found that where I was working was
not a healthy place and I would have to leave. After that door slammed shut and before the door opened that would permit me
to be the Vicar at St. Thomas in Clarkdale for three years,
I found new life and possibility that was to me the undergirding by the Holy Spirit leading me into newness and joy.
I am deeply excited and happy as I begin this new work at All Saints of the Desert. I expect
this to be a time of mutual blessing, discovery and rich journeying
I hope as many of you as possible will come to a new Bible study that will have its first
meeting on September 24 in the library from 9:15 to 10:45. We will be using a study
guide published by the Bible Workbench that selects one of the texts read on the following
Sunday in church. It uses an eliciting approach that invites imagination and a detective-like
questioning of participants. As the guidelines state, no one is ever wrong and one can
change one’s mind at anytime!
Included in each week’s study guide are scholarly articles
getting at current understanding as well as poetry and narrative from non-biblical sources that
parallel themes in the text. Come and enjoy!
Until further notice we have suspended weekly 9am morning prayer services
I know it seems like summer, but for the kids, the school year is in full swing. That means we are back to
Sunday School and youth group, too. We have Youth Group every Sunday at 8:30 until 9:30 and then
our youth attend the 10 A.M. service with their families. Sunday School runs from 10 A.M. until the sign
of peace at the service. This allows the little ones to go to Communion with their families. We are looking for new members. Please let your friends and family know that ASOD has a place for our kids.
Thank you. Carol Ann Wills
All Saints of the Desert’s KERRY JO HANSTEIN will be installed as President of the Women’s Ministries
Board on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the 54th Annual Women’s Ministries Convention to be held at Trinity Cathedral,
The day will begin at 8:30am with registration. The registration fee is $12. if paid in advance ($15 at the door) and includes a continental breakfast and lunch.
The day’s speaker will be The Rev. Laura Adelia, priest in charge at St. Peter’s, Casa Grande. In addition to her parish
responsibilities, she is a Lt. Col. in the California National Guard, serving as Chaplain with the 129th Air Rescue Wing at
Moffett Airfield in the Bay Area. She is also Adjunct Faculty of Religious Studies and History at Mesa Community College and author of the blog “Ministry at the Edge of the Earth”, which will be her topic at the October 5 meeting.
Let’s have a large group of All Saints’ parishioners (men as well as women! ) to support Kerry Jo as she begins her
three-year term in what is a very demanding position.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS and call Connie Castillo (623-933-1570) for registration information.
pooling will be arranged.
The altar guild will resume its monthly meeting schedule beginning Tuesday, September 17 at 1:30pm in the Parish
Library. The main business will be reorganizing following the summer vacation and initial planning for the coming
church year.
Anyone interested in the altar guild ministry is welcome to attend. For information, speak with
Castillo (623-933-1570), Fr. Bob or any altar guild member.
directress Connie
I have, on occasion, had parishioners indicate to me that in their former churches there were no Vergers and they wondered what
a Verger is and where did this tradition begin.
Well, here is a short history lesson on Vergers.
Way back in the fifteenth century in England it was discovered there was a need for some way to make way for religious processions as they moved from one location to another through the dirty litter-ridden streets of
London. Back then, movement of this
type was quite common. Thus the Verger with his Verge was born. The Verger led the procession carrying his Verge (a big stick
or club). He used his Verge to shoo animals and drunken citizens out of the way as the procession made its way from one location
to another.
As time moved on the Vergers job changed somewhat. As people began to attend church in one location sitting in pews, the
Verger still led the procession, but now his job was to move around the seated parishioners and tap them on the head with the
Verge if they fell asleep during the sermon. Since all churches had graveyards around their churches, another job of the Verger
was to dig the graves in the church yard as needed.
Today the Verger still leads the procession carrying the Verge but his (or her) primary job is like a “Master of Ceremonies” during
the service. The Verger is responsible for making sure everything is in its place and everyone knows what they are to do during
the service including the Lectors, Ushers, Acolytes, and yes, even the Priests.
There you have it. Just be sure you don’t fall asleep during the Sermon.
Marv. Smith, Head Verger.
LABOR DAY POTLUCK Our last potluck of the summer will be on Sunday,
September 1, in Reaves Hall at 11:00am Right after the 10am service.
Hope to see everyone there!
This Fall the Sunday Lecture Series will present Professor Ehrmans’ New Testament; a historical and carefully reasoned understanding of the New Testament and the individuals and
communities who created
its texts. Class will begin Sunday, September 22, in the Library: 9:00 – 10:00 am and will repeat
The Tuesday Lecture Series was held weekly from 11:00 to 12:30 am using material by Philip Cary, Professor of Philosophy, Eastern University. His presentation, The History of Christian Theology (36 Lectures) reveals the enduring
power of the Christian tradition – as both an intellectual discipline and a spiritual path. The lectures were outstanding,
and were greatly appreciated by all attending. [The first twenty-four Lectures were completed through April of this year.
We plan to complete the remaining 12
lectures beginning, Tuesday, September 24, 11:00 am - 12:30 am in the
Library and will repeat weekly.
NEW BIBLE STUDY WITH THE REV. RICHARD MALLORY: A new bible study will have its first meeting on Tuesday,
September 24th in the library from 9:15 to 10:45. We will be using a study guide published by the Bible Workbench
that selects one of the texts read on the following Sunday in church. Included in each week’s study guide are scholarly
articles getting at current understanding as well as poetry and
narrative from non-biblical sources that parallel
themes in the text. Come and enjoy!!
D-BACKS FAITH & FAMILY NIGHT: The Arizona Diamondbacks invite all members of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, along with their family and friends, to an exciting game of baseball as the
D-backs take on the Nationals, Friday, September 27th.
Game time is 6:40pm.
Prices are:
Infield Reserve – Section 320 - $12 Baseline Reserve – Section 135 - $25
Club Reserve – Section 218 - $32
Bishop Kirk and Laura Smith will be joining each seating section for a portion of the game.
To purchase tickets pick up a order form in the Church Narthex, or print the PDF at
Questions? Call Johanna Kasdorf @ 602 462 4113
FAITH CONVERSATIONS WITH THE RECTOR: If you are interested learning more about the Episcopal Church and want to deepen your faith, please join us in Fr. Bob's office on Sundays from 9am
to 9:45am starting Sept. 22 and continuing Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20th.
All are Welcome!
Taizé Service
Second Sunday of the month at 5pm in the Chapel
(September 8th)
The result of an ecumenical movement which was begun in France in the early 1940's,
the Taizé service is contemplative and characterized by Bible texts, prayer, and silent meditation.
Anne Burton
Eto Mulcahy
Barbara Baker
Robert J. Johnson
Joe Pastori
Allen Holmes
Ryan Cotter
LaCinda Hanson
Brian Metzler
Travis Selinsky
Cindy Epp
Bill Ott
Dianne Heymann
Matt Chilese
Brandon Selinsky
Therese Painton
Sarah Queen
Cal Darrow
Stephen Brown
Jackie Unger
Kyle Selinsky
Dennis Popik
Kyle Taylor
Henri Hartman
Neil Santos
Jacob Sauget
Fritz Randolph
Betty Courtney
Marcy Collier
Alex Cotter
Mary Bonnie Cole
Nathan Coriz
Doug Baker
Aubrey Mitchell
David Whipple
Thomas Borseth
Steve Porak
Jeff Chudy
Jacob Koffel
Cassie Mulkey
Devin Scott
Josh Nofziger
Tom & Carole Paxinos
Matt Grassl
Brady Curran
Tracie O'Gorman
Linda Seay
Ann Mitchell
Ed Riesmeyer
Don Stover
Cory Kelsey
Catherine Fusco
Elizabeth Johnstone
Nancy Sorensen
Mildred DeWolf
Barbara Pachiolli
Sally Williams
Jim Heath
Jo Anne
Rosie Mansfeld
Jene Pierson
Shoaff, Paige
Michele Painton
Deana Hermann
Moller, Conrad
Ruth Rich
Joan McCurdy
Janice Bremman
Balzer, Vivian
Ditto, Quillian
Van Treeck, Robert
Bayus, Jean
Shirck, Robert
Fackelman, Shirley
Protect your health by participating in the Life Line Screening that will be at All Saints of the Desert Episcopal
Church on Friday, October 4, 2013.
Register today for the Stroke, Vascular & Heart Rhythm
package, which includes four screenings: carotid artery,
abdominal aortic aneurysm,
peripheral arterial disease and atrial fibrillation.
In order to register for this event and to receive a
$10 discount off any package priced above $129,
please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit
The Blessing of the Animals will
be held Saturday,
5th at 5pm in the church patio.
Mark your calendars!
2 Timothy 1:7
For God gave us a
spirit not of fear but of
power and love and
All Saints of the Desert
Episcopal Church
9502 W. Hutton Drive
Sun City AZ 85351
623 974 8404
For a copy of this month’s treasurer report
please contact Diane Lesser in the church
623 974 8404
To submit newsletter items
or questions please contact
Communications Director
Mark Kiah
Happy Birthday Everyone!
September Birthdays
Major, Susan
Kelsey, Kate
Gleason-Ritter, Virginia
Marshall, Barb
Hedges, Olivia
Peterson, Miriam
Riesmeyer, Linda
Miller, Karen L.
Kane, Marie
Berve, Marjorie
Bauman, Barbara
Olivera, Andrea
Wheelock, Sharon
Baker, Dave
Morgan, George
Flynn, Dorothy
Van Raam, Carol
Koeppen, Carolyn
Brown, William
Pierce, Tim
Arthur, Douglas
623-974-8404 or email
Fretz, Winona
Hurst, Shirley