Fall 2007 - Phillips Theological Seminary

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Happy First Century PTS!
ommencement exercises held
the weekend of May 11-12, 2007
kicked off the Seminary’s year-long
celebration of its centennial.
A highlight of the weekend was the
unveiling of the mural depicting select
buildings and leaders in the
Seminary’s history. Commissioned by
trustee Ruth Ann Fate, and created by
artist Simone McGhee, the wall-sized
mural hangs in the Seminary’s Martin
and Ruth Ann Fate Board Room.
Following the unveiling, an evening
dinner recognized former deans and
presidents. Other notable recognitions
included distinguished service awards
for Don Lanier, retired director of
publications, and Roy Griggs
(posthumously), director of church
relations. Additionally, Andy Rooney
(a.k.a. Joe Bessler-Northcutt)
reflected on “This Seminary’s Life,”
while President Bill Tabbernee
announced that Chester and Debbie
Cadieux had created a new
endowment - the Robert Travis
Peake Endowed Chair in Theology.
The first holder of that chair is Dr.
Joseph Bessler-Northcutt (see article
on page 3).
Saturday’s commencement exercises
featured an address by former faculty
member Dr. Eugene Boring. The
Seminary conferred earned degrees
on 36 graduates and presented three
persons with honorary doctorates.
Honorary degree recipients included
community leader Ms. Lena Bennett;
Oklahoma’s Disciples of Christ
Regional Pastor and PTS trustee the
Rev. Tom Jewell; and PTS doctor of
ministry graduate and current
General Minister and President of the
Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ), the Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins.
After the graduation service, all
participants assembled on the steps
of the First Christian Church, located
in downtown Tulsa, for a photograph
that we hope will be featured in the
Seminary’s bicentennial celebration.
hillips Theological Seminary, then
called the College of the Bible, opened
its doors for the first time on
September 17, 2007. The doors on
that occasion were more symbolic
than functional as the classrooms had
not yet been completed. The first class
of students sat on planks mounted on
nail kegs and professors competed
with the sound of hammers and saws.
Now, exactly 100 years later,
professors teach and students learn
in a new state-of-the-art campus in
Tulsa - continuing the tradition of
excellence in theological education
and ministerial formation started
back in Enid, Oklahoma, a century
Three emphases in particular have
characterized the Seminary and its
graduates from the very beginning:
• an uncompromising commitment
to the highest standards of
academic scholarship;
• a visionary passion for ecumenical
and interfaith engagement;
• a relentless pursuit of peace and
justice issues for the sake of all
We celebrate and continue to
emphasize each of these three
aspects of our heritage.
On behalf of the whole seminary
community, I thank all who through
their prayers and generous gifts have
supported the Seminary over the
years. I especially thank all the
donors listed in this issue of
Seminary News. Your financial
assistance ensures a bright future for
PTS as we start our second century
of educating gifted men and women
to be effective ministers and lay
William Tabbernee
President and Stephen J. England
Distinguished Professor of the
History of Christianity
Thompson Endowment Funds Created
wo new endowments have
been established at PTS in honor
of Matthew A. Thompson, 2007
Master of Divinity graduate.
“Matthew was very involved in the
student community,” said Connie
Inglish, stewardship director. “He
was moderator of the student
senate for two years and he really
enjoyed providing leadership with
other students and wanted to
encourage others to lead in his
absence. Although our campus is a
commuter campus with many
nontraditional students, we have
formed a very active student
community. Matthew wanted a
scholarship that would encourage
more students to provide leadership in
the campus community,” added
Created by Thompson’s aunt, Marie
Miles, the Matthew A. Thompson
Fellowship for Student Leaders is a
permanently restricted endowed
fellowship. An initial gift of $200,000
was matched by an equal gift from the
Chester and Debbie Cadieux Trust,
which was established to match new
gifts made to the permanent
endowment. The fellowship will
provide financial assistance to selected
full-time students recognized for their
leadership within PTS. The first award
will be made for fall 2008, after a
competitive selection process.
The second endowment, the Matthew
A. Thompson Library Technology
Endowment Fund, is a permanently
restricted endowment established to
fund the continual improvement of
technology for the library through the
purchase of new equipment and the
maintenance and/or replacement of
existing technological equipment.
“I worked in the library for two-and-ahalf years,” said Thompson. “The
technology was out-of-date and the
funding wasn’t available to upgrade the
equipment. The endowment was
created to rectify that situation. This
gift means that there will be extra
money above and beyond the budget
to spend for upgrading library
technology. My personal goal is for
PTS to have the most technologicallyadvanced library in town.”
An initial gift of $100,000 from Marie
Miles in honor of Thompson
established the fund. This gift is also
matched from the Cadieux Trust.
“We are absolutely delighted with the
generosity of Mrs. Miles,” said
President Bill Tabbernee. “The two gifts
made in honor of Matthew will benefit
students of PTS for generations to
come through scholarships and
additional library resources.”
“I have really enjoyed my time at PTS,”
said Thompson. “I’m very thankful for
the generosity of my Aunt Marie. We
are excited to leave a legacy both for
students and for technological
improvements at PTS.”
Phillips Theological Seminary
901 North Mingo Road
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116-5612
(ISSN 1534-9330)
Phillips Theological Seminary does not
discriminate on the basis of gender, race,
color, handicap, age, national and ethnic origin
or theological perspective in administration of
its educational policies, admissions policies,
scholarship and loan programs.
Karla Jodoin, editor
E-mail: Karla.Jodoin@ptstulsa.edu
Seminary News is published two times annually
by Phillips Theological Seminary
901 North Mingo Road, Tulsa, OK 74116-5612
Phone: 918-610-8303, Fax: 918-610-8404
10/2007 • 8,500
Cadieuxs Endow
Chair Honoring
Bob Peake
Fred Craddock and Barbara Brown
Taylor “Preached Their Hearts Out”
at Stacey Pastors’ Workshop
premiere event at the
Centennial Kickoff Dinner on May
11th was the announcement of the
Robert Travis Peake Endowed Chair
in Theology, an academic chair in
honor of the Rev. Dr. Robert Travis
Peake, the founding and emeritus
pastor of Harvard Avenue Christian
Church in Tulsa.
The first holder of the chair, Dr. Joe
Bessler-Northcutt, was completely
surprised. Said Bessler-Northcutt:
“This is a wonderful honor and also
quite humbling to have my name and
work linked to the ministry of Bob
and Harriet Peake.”
Sponsored by Debbie and Chester
Cadieux, the Peake Chair is the third
one endowed by the Cadieux family.
Others include the William
Tabbernee Chair in the History of
Religions and the Johnnie Eargle
Cadieux Chair in Hebrew Bible.
In May 2007, Herman and LaDonna
Meinders pledged 50 percent toward
an endowed chair, the LaDonna
Kramer Meinders Chair in New
Testament. The remainder of the
Meinders chair is funded by a trust
established by Chester and Debbie
Cadieux, which matches all new gifts
made to the permanent endowment.
Dr. Dennis Smith, Professor of New
Testament, is the first holder of the
Meinders chair.
reaching Your
Heart Out,” featuring
Fred B. Craddock and
Barbara Brown Taylor,
was a huge success for
PTS. Held September
13-15 at First Christian
Church in Tulsa, the event attracted
over 430 participants
from 35 U.S. states and
as far away as Guyana,
South America.
Workshops focused both
on the tasks of preaching
and on the preacher per
se. Dr. Craddock is the
Bandy Distinguished Professor of
Preaching and New Testament,
Emeritus, in the Candler School of
Theology at Emory University. Dr.
Taylor teaches religion at Piedmont
College in Georgia, where she holds
the Harry R. Butman Chair in Religion
and Philosophy.
Each speaker led workshop/lecture
sessions and then gave a sermon
during the evening in a service open
to the public. Participants gave
standing ovations to each speaker - as
well as to a Seminary announcement.
President Bill Tabbernee told the
audience that PTS will soon begin a
capital campaign for endowments,
with one of the new endowments
being the Fred B. Craddock Chair in
In addition to experiencing the
excellent workshops and ministry,
attendees were treated to an
extraordinary personal moment when
Craddock introduced Taylor. He
spoke of having a jar on his back
porch into which he puts words nouns and verbs. He said that
someday he will have to give that jar
away and that he cannot think of
William Tabbernee, Barbara Brown Taylor,
Fred Craddock and Norma Jean Stacey
Robinson (left to right)
anyone he would rather have that jar,
who would appreciate it more or
utilize it better, than Barbara Brown
“We knew from the outset that we
had something special,” said President
Tabbernee. “Our centennial
committee came up with the idea and
then asked me to use my contacts and
invite Fred and Barbara. I am thrilled
that they said ‘yes’ and that the
participants are so pleased with the
The Stacey Pastors’ Workshop, the
brainchild of the Rev. Dr. Norman
Stacey, Sr., began in 1991. Conducted
under the auspices of PTS, the
purpose of this workshop is “to help
seminary students and pastors deal
with the everyday challenges and
problems that exist in every
congregational situation.”
PTS Luncheon at
Disciples of Christ
General Assembly
capacity crowd of over 250
alumni and friends attended the PTS
luncheon held in late July at the
Disciples of Christ General Assembly
in Fort Worth, Texas.
After watching a video featuring six
students testifying about their PTS
experience, the gathering heard
President Bill Tabbernee speak about
three key, enduring commitments that
are part of the Phillips DNA:
intellectual rigor, passion for unity of
the church, and an unrelenting
commitment to justice (see the
President’s Column on page 2).
PTS was well-represented throughout
the assembly. Faculty, staff, trustees,
and current students who participated
in assembly programs include Connie
Ess, Linda Ford, Belva Brown Jordan,
Tom Jewell, Rick Lowery, Pam
McGrath, Kay Bessler Northcutt
(Association of Disciples Musicians),
Don Pittman, Dennis Smith, and Scott
Copies of the student video are
available for use in congregations;
contact Gary Peluso-Verdend at
918.270.6478 or
gary.peluso@ptstulsa.edu for a copy.
Student Achievement Awards
wards Day at the Seminary was held on May 8, 2007. Congratulations to all
of the recipients!
Baptist Outstanding Student Award
Veronica Elaine Banks
Chalice Press Awards of the Christian Board of Publication
Rebecca Lynne Highfield
Gina Lee Jackson
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Awards
Outstanding Graduate:
Pamela Jean McGrath
Senior Honor:
Brenda Kay Fletchall
Middler Honor:
Martha Jane Jolly
Junior Honor:
Betty Katherin Weaver
Community Life Award
Matthew Aaron Thompson
R.G. and Della Mae Ericson Preaching Award
Ulysses Calvin Washington
Interpretation Awards
Emily Sue Bowen
Karen Terese Clewell
Conni Lynn Ess
Scott Robert Taylor
Ulysses Calvin Washington
Trudy and Howard Plowman Book Award
Judy Aaron
Presbyterian Outstanding Student Award
Maureen Elizabeth Olson
Professors’ Book Awards
Joseph Bessler-Northcutt:
Scott Robert Taylor
Ellen J. Blue:
Steve Craig Blackshear
Melissa Ann Thomas
Mady Fraser:
Thaddius Harcord Cooper
John M. Imbler:
Donna Kay Gilchrist
W. Anne Joh:
Lisa Ann Dellinger
Richard H. Lowery:
Clint Wade Collins
Kay Bessler Northcutt:
Jacalyn S. Carter
Georgann Peck
Connie Jo Wacht
Don A. Pittman:
Steve Craig Blackshear
Nancy Claire Pittman:
Adrian E. Pollard
Sue L. Miers
Dennis E. Smith:
Barbara Ann Schwartz Brus
Conni Lynn Ess
John L. Thomas, Jr.:
Scott Robert Taylor
Sojourner Award
Barry Andrew Loving
Joe Strange Book Award
Rita Lynn Allen
United Church of Christ Outstanding Student Award
Christopher Thomas Moore
United Methodist Alumni Awards
Pamela Pawley Cottrill
Outstanding Graduate:
Senior Honor:
Mark Travis Whitley
Middler Honor:
Nancy Joan Van Antwerp
Nancy Jean McCullough
Junior Honor:
The Charles and Jean Whitmer Evangelistic Preaching Award
Donna Kay Gilchrist
Wylie Preaching Award
Judy Aaron
he following annual report
acknowledges the gifts and pledge
payments made between July 1, 2006
and June 30, 2007. In this report we
have combined all cash and pledge
payments made by donors this fiscal
year to any of the Seminary’s
campaigns: Annual Operations;
Academic Programs, including
Crossroads Archeological Projects;
Endowments; and “Pursuing the
We at the Seminary are very grateful
for the over 1,100 individuals,
congregations, corporations, trusts, and
foundations that invested in the
educational ministry of Phillips
Theological Seminary during our
2006/7 fiscal year. Every single dollar
from every single one of you is
important in order that we can fulfill
the mission entrusted to us by our
supporting churches: to provide a
competent, educated ministry that can
help the church minister effectively in
human life and society.
Please note the variety of ways that
persons, congregations, and
organizations underwrite the ministries
of PTS: checks written directly to us;
for Disciples, a portion of tithes and
offerings that are channeled to the
Seminary through partnerships with
the Church Finance Council (which
administers the Disciples Mission
Fund) and with the regions in our
comity area; contributions directed
through church foundations and
through family foundations; gifts in
kind; stocks, bonds, real estate,
insurance policies and other
investments; corporate matching gifts
programs; foundation grants; charitable
annuities and bequests. Driving each of
these vehicles is you or one of your
We have done our very best to ensure
that this report is accurate. If you
notice any error or omission, please let
me know at gary.peluso@ptstulsa.edu
or at 918.270.6478.
Those donors marked with a † indicate
that we received a notice of that
person’s death some time before this
donor report went to press.
Thank you for your partnership and
your commitment to the mission of
Gary Peluso-Verdend
Vice President of Stewardship
PRESIDENT’S CABINET - ($100,000 +)
Sidney M. Bedford, Jr.
Chester and Debbie Cadieux
Estate of Willia I. Adams
Ann Mathies Maxwell
Lucretia and Carl McCoy
Marie Miles
PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ($25,000-$99,999)
Bob and Charlotte Allen
Christ United Methodist Church, Tulsa, OK
The Mary K. Chapman Foundation
Estate of Lloyd Corbin
Estate of Sue Paxton
Ruth Ann Fate
Inez C. Pletcher Irrevocable Trust Agreement
Donna and Dave Killen
Dick and Norma Small
Le Conte Trust
Oxley Foundation
PRESIDENT’S COLLEGIUM ($10,000-$24,999)
Mary Jane and Steve Buck
Christian Church Foundation, Indianapolis, IN
Frances Caldwell Ervin
Estate of Alice Hays Sibel
Fate Charitable Trust
Burt Holmes
Estate of Mary Frances Hurst
Corinne Hutchison
Lynn and Sue Jenkins
Mary Etta Browning Memorial Trust
J. B. McCroskey
James and Mary McFarland
Lynn and Paula Moore
Mike and Leslie Moore
Denise Olmsted
Berneita Semones
Jim and Joanne Spainhower
William and Sandra Tabbernee
Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation
Afton Travis
University Congregational Church, Wichita, KS
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Richard and Marilyn Engle
First Christian Church, Chandler, OK
First Christian Church, Colorado Springs, CO
First Christian Church, Edmond, OK
First Christian Church, Guthrie, OK
First Christian Church, Independence, MO
Marcia and Gale Hagee
Adrian and Carole Hale
Mary Howard
Humboldt Christian Church, Humboldt, NE
John and Toni Imbler
Clyde R. Jones †
Greg and Susan Martens
Ross and Claire Meredith
Dode Bryan Miller
Oklahoma Disciples Foundation
Jim and Von Prichard
QuikTrip Corporation, Tulsa
Doug and Joan Scott
Shelton Memorial Christian Church, Ulysses, KS
Dick and Jeannette Sias
Bruce and Dorothy Smith
World Publishing Co.
PRESIDENT’S CLASS - ($2,500-$4,999)
Terry and Pam Carter
Christian Church (DOC) in Oklahoma,
Oklahoma City, OK
Christian Church in Mid-America,
Jefferson City, MO
Greg and Connie Entwistle
Evergreen Christian Church, Evergreen, CO
Paul and Ruth Few
First Christian Church, Bartlesville, OK
First Christian Church, Cushing, OK
First Christian Church, Fort Smith, AR
First Christian Church, Hominy, OK
First Christian Church, Midwest City, OK
First Christian Church, Mountain Home, AR
First Christian Church, Rogers, AR
First Christian Church, Stillwater, OK
First Christian Church, Woodward, OK
Harvard Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
Helmerick and Payne, Inc.
Oliver and Meredith Howard
Mary Inglish
Fred and Katherine Jordan
Anne Harris LaRew
LDF Sales & Distributing, Inc.
Vernon and Yvonne Leake
Kyle Maxwell and Debra Powell-Maxwell
Melba Mayall
Sam and Mildred Moore
James Allen and Jean Nichols
Oak Grove Christian Church, Kansas City, KS
Gary and Cheri Peluso-Verdend
Debra Powell-Maxwell and Kyle Maxwell
Betty Simonson
Daryl and Carol Southard
Southern Hills Christian Church, Edmond, OK
Russ and Donna Vanderslice
Dan and Nancy Woods
CHAIRMAN’S CLUB - ($1,000-$2,499)
Bank of Oklahoma
Charles and Marcia Bonwell
John Henry Cain
Christian Church in Kansas, Topeka, KS
Christian Church in Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Roger, Ann, and Stacy Cole and the Valentine
Charitable Trust
East Side Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
Scott † and Mona Baird
Roland Bandy
Charlie and Wendy Bayer
Bernice Bayless †
W.R. and Pauletta Beaty
Mary Ruth Bedford
Joe Bessler-Northcutt and Kay Bessler Northcutt
Robert and Maurine Blackwell
Boston Avenue United Methodist Church,
Maranatha Class
David and Loretta Brewer
Ann Noble Brown and David Brown
Larry and Diana Brown
Mary Busenburg
Central Christian Church, Enid, OK
Central Christian Church, Fairview, OK
Henry Etta Chaney
Duane and Susie Cummins
Lew and Dorothy Davis
Disciples Christian Church, Bartlesville, OK
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
Bob and Harriette Elliott
Arla Elston
Estate of Verna M. Allen
Dena Fate
First Christian Church Mission, Altus, OK
First Christian Church, Atchison, KS
First Christian Church, Casper, WY
First Christian Church, Chaffee, MO
First Christian Church, Cherokee, OK
First Christian Church, Claremore, OK
First Christian Church, Elk City, OK
First Christian Church, Geary, OK
First Christian Church, Great Bend, KS
First Christian Church, Luther, OK
First Christian Church, Neosho, MO
First Christian Church, Norman, OK
First Christian Church, Pawhuska, OK
First Christian Church, Perry, OK
First Christian Church, Shawnee, OK
First Christian Church, Sulphur, OK
First Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
Forest Park Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
Richard † and Peggy Fox
Gene and Bonnie Frazier
R.J. and Anne Fritts
Garnet Anne Gunter Starkey Testamentary Trust
Jay and Mary Lou Gibson
Wanna Goss
Joe and Ellen Graham
Great Plains Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Carol and Jim Hampton
Charles and Mary Ann Hargrove
Harvey Park Christian Church, Denver, CO
Brett and Melissa Hash
Kathryn Hayes Sparks and Lee Sparks
Bonnie Hefner
Hillside Christian Church, Wichita, KS
Eleanor Hubbell
Toni and John Imbler
Connie and Bill Inglish
Edward Jorden †
Dan and Bea Joyce
Ralph and Jean Keller
Loren and Judy Krase
Otha W. Lanier †
Donald and Alice Jane Lanier
Leaders Life Insurance Company
Margaret Lee and Brandon Scott
Rick Lowery and Sharon Watkins
Patricia and Bob Lucy
Bonnie Lynch
Richard and Martha Markland
Tom and Pat Maxwell
Barbara McBride-Smith and Dennis Smith
Bernie and Joyce McNickle
LaDonna and Herman Meinders and the
Meinders Foundation
Dorothy Messenger
Morrison Christian Church, Morrison, OK
Richard and Clarice Morrison
Doran F. Myers
Tom and Barbara Naugle
George and Shirley Neal
Betty Newman
Richard and Janet Newman
Bill and Claudine Nichols
Gerald and Mary Nield
Ray and Anna Nixon
Kay Bessler Northcutt and Joe Bessler-Northcutt
Ron and Kaye Nofziger
John and Margot Novikoff
Paul L. and Helen Sisk Charitable Trust
Bob and Harriet Peake
Don and Nancy Pittman
Nancy and Don Pittman
Beth P. Pratt †
Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Bill and Donna Ramsey
Don and Sally Roberts
Brian and Carol Robinson
George and Arthea Saller
John and Herwanna Sayre
Brandon Scott and Margaret Lee
Floydette Seal
Jo Ann Seamans
Roger and Suzanne Shiflet
Charlotte Shoemaker
Richard and Sandra Skinner
Dennis Smith and Barbara McBride Smith
Terry and Kathy Snider
Robert and Nell Sonnenfeld
South Broadway Christian Church, Denver, CO
Ken and Betty Southard
Lee Sparks and Kathryn Hayes Sparks
Jim and Joanne Spiller
Stanfield & O’Dell, P.C.
Al and Mary Starshak
Karen and Bill Tankersley
Richard and Virginia Taylor
The Holmes Organisation
The Williams Companies, Inc.
John Thomas, Jr.
Bob and Jill Thomas
Jerry and Doris Thompson
Opio and Linda Toure
Gene and Carol Tucker
Wendell and Lou Tull
James Waggoner
Ginny and Jerry Walker
Sharon Watkins and Rick Lowery
Connie and Don Wertz
Ellen Jayne Wheeler
Clayton and Jean Worden
Yale Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
DEAN’S COHORTS - ($500-$999)
Sharon Adcock
Ames Christian Church, Ames, OK
Bryant and Kathy Badger
Ray and Janada Batchelor
Mary E. Bateman
Maynard Blackwood
Ellen Blue and Jim Wilson
Duane Brothers
Eldred and Reba Cabanaw
Joe and Patty Cappy
Central Rocky Mountain Region, Christian Church
Christian Church, Greater Kansas City
Jeanette Cole
Community Christian Church, Manchester, MO
Countryside Christian Church, Mission, KS
Glenn and Marjorie Cowperthwaite
Steve Cranford and Myrna Jones
Sheri and Bob Curry
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Eugene and Betty Curtis
Berta Jean Detamore
Kent and Jan Dorsey
Leonard and Patricia Eaton
Marvin Eckfeldt
Paul and Esther Ehly
Estate of Violet Elston
First Christian Church, Alva, OK
First Christian Church, Calumet, OK
First Christian Church, Chickasha, OK
First Christian Church, Duncan, OK
First Christian Church, Haysville, KS
First Christian Church, Holton, KS
First Christian Church, Kingfisher, OK
First Christian Church, Ponca City, OK
First Christian Church, Stroud, OK
First Christian Church, Tahlequah, OK
Brenda and Mike Fletchall
Rebecca Frankford
Bob and Patty Gartman
Jimmie and Connie Gentle
Mary Lynn and Rob Gilbert
Gordon and Maret Grant
Loren † and LaVerna Grant
George and Joanne Hauger
Don Hayden
Heart of the Rockies Christian Church,
Fort Collins, CO
Sally and John Houck
Bill and Cynthia Howland
Clarke and June Imbler
Dan and Shelle Jensen
Myrna Jones and Steve Cranford
Robert and Mary Langston
Oris and Harriett Lansford
Muriel and Robert Leach
Lois Lougee and Bob Weitzeil
James and Jenith Mashek
William and Beth Masters
Lemuel and Naomi McElyea
Merriam Christian Church, Merriam, KS
Saundra Michael-Bowers
Joe and Ann Miraglio
Miraglio’s Inc. Auto & Eq. Center
Dick and Jan Norman
Northeast Area, Christian Church in Oklahoma
Park Place Christian Church, Hutchinson, KS
Durward Penry
Jerry and Donna Porter
Bill and Becky Queen
Dale Reynolds
Thomas H. Rinehart
Riverside Christian Church, Wichita, KS
Sara and Paul Smith
Spring Creek Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, OK
Roger and Virginia Stark
Irma and Floyd Stierwalt
Ray Stockham
Rhodes and Lois Thompson
Trinity United Christian Church, Cheney, KS
Harold and Christine Van Cleave
Jack and Elaine Warner
John Warren
Bob Weitzeil and Lois Lougee
Frank and Sandra Westbrook
Susan White
Eldon and Nedra Will
James Willison
George and Ilene Wine
Jim Wilson and Ellen Blue
Wyatt Park Christian Church, Saint Joseph, MO
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
DEAN’S CONVOCATION - ($250-$499)
Todd and Kim Adams
Lloyd and June Alexander
Roger and Lela Aydelott
Ray and Linda Belford
Merilee and Lyle Berry
Bethany Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
Brian and Jennifer Black
Jerry Black
Gene and Karen Boring
Robert and Wilma Brown
Pat Cameron and Geneva Hershberger
Jim Caton
Thelma Chambers-Young and George Young
Julia and Benny Chastain
Christian & Congregational Church, Eureka, KS
Wes and Marilyn Collier
Lynn and Marlene Cooper
Robert and Lois Corbin
Jennie Lou and Sidney Crow
Crown Heights Christian Church CWF,
Oklahoma City
Alvin and Jean Daetwiler
Dan and Chris Danford
Dean Foods Company, West Region
Della Dove
A. E. and Dodie Drechsler
Dick and Sue Duckworth
Craig and Alyne Eiland
Geneva Hershberger and Pat Cameron
Richard and Carolyne Fearnow
First Christian Church, Bonner Springs, KS
First Christian Church, Girard, KS
First Christian Church, Hennessey, OK
First Christian Church, Hooker, OK
First Christian Church, Lincoln, NE
First Christian Church, Lindsay, OK
First Christian Church, McPherson, KS
First Christian-Presbyterian Church of Pryor, Inc.
First State Investment Advisors, Inc., Tulsa, OK
Linda Ford
Jone and Roland Friesen
Paul and Karen Fritts
Rhonda and Jerry Glenn
Susan and Michael Gray
Roy† and Nita Griggs
Emmett and Orchid Haas
Forrest † and Eleanor † Haggard
Hannibal High School Class of 1952
David and Julie Hockensmith
Paul and Mary Holleman
Orval and Margaret Holt
Edith Hurliman
Lynn and Anne Klocksiem
Eleanor and James Kuss
Guy and Vicky Langston
Raymond and Martha Lankford
Archie and Brenda Lawrence
Linda Lawson
Carlene Leonard
Truce Lewellyn
David and Sharon Livingston
Jane and Dan Mar
Peggy McClanahan and Michael Montgomery
Chad and Ronda McMullin
Merle and Suzanne Medcalf
Deborah and David Meinke
John and Margaret Meyer
Michael Montgomery and Peggy McClanahan
John and Cheryl Moore
Harold and Ruth Moss
Mountair Christian Church, Denver, CO
Richard and Jackie Neel
Marvin and Kaye Nelson
Fieldon Parham
Pennsylvania Avenue Christian Church,
Oklahoma City, OK
Raleigh Peterson
Chryl and Larry Poffenberger
Calvin and Marilyn Porter
PTS Student Senate
Myrna Ranney
Ron and Debbie Savage
Georgene Sewell
John and Nancy Shaw
Jody and Pat Smith
John and Geri Smith
Gene and Sallie Spillman
Paul and Janet Stevens
Gary and Lesley Thomas
Billie Jean and Charles Threlkeld
Barbara and John Turner
Tom and Sharon Van Dyke
Susan Voigt
LaMoine and Vera Waldron
Gerald and Delores Waters
Keith and Billie Lee Watkins
West Side Christian Church, Topeka, KS
Susanna and Henry Will
Sandy and Susan Wylie
George Young and Thelma Chambers-Young
Jimmie and Karen Younger
Bennie and Karen Yount
DEAN’S COMPANY - ($100-$249)
Dwain and Virginia Acker
Lea and Mildred Acuff
Kevin and Cathy Adams
Margaret Albin
All Souls Unitarian Church, Tulsa, OK
Randy and Dana Allman
Gladeen Allred and Jim Struthers
James and Martha Altfilish
James and Barbara Anderson
Anheuser Busch of Tulsa
Robin and Loretta Aplet
Cheryll Armstrong-Kaukis and Karl Kaukis
Bonnie Ashing and Ron Robinson
Linda Ashlock
Noble Atkins
Karen Ault
Richard and Dana Ayers
David and Joy Baker
Steven Balman
Ralph and Margaret Baringer
Dalton and Krysteen Barnes
Rush and Genevieve Barnett
Waldo and Jo Ann Barron
Mike and Sharon Bartlett
Beverley Baxter and Doyle Dobbins
Kate and Mike Beatty
James and Audrey Beck
Robert and Winifred Bell
Marty Belsky and Kathleen Waits
Catherine Bennett
Nancy Bennett
Bethany Christian Church CWF, Tulsa, OK
James Bilello
Sara and Frank Blodgett
Laura Bottoms
Katherine Bower
Bill and Dorothy Bowles
Gary and Lovilla Bowser
Elizabeth Box Price and John Price
Renee and Steve Bridwell
Bill and Janet Briley
Ferne Briscoe
Ray and Pam Bristol
Roy and Jerri Browning
Barbara Bryan
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
David and Mary Lou Bryan
Freda Bureman
Sanford and Alice Bushman
James Bussell
Marvis and Carol Bustin
Gary Byrkit and Ann Guzman
William and Dianthe Cable
Kenneth and Jan Calabrese
George and Gail Campbell
Tom and Karla Campbell
David and Carole Carter
Howard and Nadia Cavner
Christian Church (DOC), Great River Region
John Claster
Nina Coffer
Scott Coffman
Donald and Vickie Collins
Doris Collins-Moore
David Cone
Staci Copenhaver
Nancy and Terrell Covington
Leigh Cox
Ed and Suzy Crockett
Darrell Crouter
Roger and Barbara Davidson
Don and Grace Dean
Jerry and Nola Deffenbaugh
Harold and Christine Deichman
Disciples Christian Church, Owasso, OK
Thomas P. Dixon
Zula B. Dobbins †
Doyle Dobbins and Beverley Baxter
Jack Dobbins
Rex and Allene Donley
Betty Doss
Harriet Downing
Joanna Duck and Earl Tuers
Gregory and Marcia Duncan
East Side Christian Church CWF, Tulsa, OK
Robert Elliott, Jr.
Elberta Evans
Glenn and Mary Jane Evans
James and Sue Farley
Steven and Allison Fate
Will and Martha Feland
Fellowship Congregational Church, Tulsa, OK
J. L. and Pam Ferguson
First Christian Church CWF, Frederick, OK
First Christian Church CWF, Seminole, OK
First Christian Church of Santa Barbara, CA
First Christian Church, Erie, KS
First Christian Church, Aurora, MO
First Christian Church, Burlington, CO
First Christian Church, Grand Junction, CO
First Christian Church, Manzanola, CO
First Christian Church, Mount Vernon, MO
First Christian Church, Nowata, OK
First Christian Church, Pauls Valley, OK
First Christian Church, Sheridan, WY
First Presbyterian Church, Fort Scott, KS
Sam Fisher
Kenneth and Sarah Forshee
Mady Fraser and Barney McLaughlin
Michael and Sharon Frazier
Dan and Beth Ann French
Lyle and Lillian Fry
Jim and Charlotte Gadberry
Debra and Fred Garfinkel
Mary Garrison
Larrie and Linda Gaylord
Elizabeth Geer
Beth Gerardy
Debbie and Phil Gerkin
Don and Saramay Gibson
Mark Gillett and Julie Jordan Gillett
Jo Ann and Bill Gilpin
Neil and Bendy Gilpin
Clark and Nancy Gilpin
Rodney and Eileen Glasscock
Shari and Lynn Goodwin
Clem and Nancy Graham
James and Nancy Graham
Vonnie and Jan Graham
Drucilla Graves
Eric and Beth Green
Geraldine Gregory
Diana Grigg
Ben and Virginia Grimes
Richard and Emily Guentert
Ann Guzman and Gary Byrkit
Frieda Hall
Kim and Mark Hames
Del Hamm
Cathy and Don Hamrick
Hank and Nancy Harbaugh
Linda and Ralph Harker
Larry and Willa Harrelson
Joseph and Nancy Harris
William Harris
Sally Harry
Harold and Martha Hatt
Brenton and Lee Haworth
Glenn and Kathleen Helme
Robert and Barbara Henthorne
Twilla Herrick
Rebecca and Mark Highfield
Catherine Hill
Tom and Carol Hobby
Steven and Stephanie Holland
Lawrence Hon
Robert Hooks
Hop and Jo Ann Hopkins
Mary Howland Hurt
Bill and Ann Howland
Karen Hoyt
Roland and Kitty Huff
Boyd A. Hughes
Skip and Shirley Hughes
Bill and Anita Imhoff
Jim and Judy Jarvis
Tom and Kay Jewell
Watson and Kathryn Johnson
Charles Johnston and Kelly Kirby
Roy and Virginia Johnston
Martha Jolly
Billy and Joan Jones
Paxton and Janie Jones
Ann Jordan
Julie Jordan Gillett and Mark Gillett
Marjorie and Edwin Kadlub
Kansas/Oklahoma Conference--UCC, Wichita, KS
Karl Kaukis and Cheryll Armstrong-Kaukis
Phil and Marilyn Keeter
Reba Keller
Elizabeth Kelly and Raymond Person
Barbee M. Kerr
Lou Kerr
Ima Jean Kidd
Amy Kilmer
Charles and Virginia Kincaid
Kelly Kirby and Charles Johnston
Ann Kircher
Earl and Anna Kragnes
Paul and Becky Krueger
Sandra Langenkamp
Harold and Jean Lawson
Norma Leffler
Alan and Vicki Lewis
Raymond and Judith Lindley
Doug Lipman and Pam McGrath
James Lorensen
Tracy and Michelle Loyd
Bill and Marilyn Major
Gene and Diane Martin
William Mattson
Bruce and Connie Maxwell
Darrell and Jeannette May
Cindy and Mike Mayes
Gary and Cynde McAllister
Barney McLaughlin and Mady Fraser
Jean and Sally McCoy
Pam McGrath and Doug Lipman
Joyce McGuire
Alan and Deborah McIntyre
Carole and Earl Minter
Gary and Nancy Mitchell
Randy and Helen Mitchell
Edward and Marjorie Monnet
Craig and Ruth Moore
Robert and Suzanne Morgan
Donald and Carol Ann Moseley
Clyde and Jackie Mosher
Kate Moyer and Doug Smith
North Heights Christian Church, Wichita, KS
Northwest Christian Church, Oklahoma City, OK
Dale Nossaman
Thomas and Glenda Nulf
Jack O’Donnell and Amy Rogers
Jann and Kim Osborn
W.R. and J.E. Osmus
Emlyn Ott and Robert Ward
Carl and Kathy Ownbey
Barbara Parrish
Mary and Ed Paulsen
Tom and Maurine Peake
Mary Lou Pendleton
Raymond Person and Elizabeth Kelly
Donald Phillips
Holly Phillips
Kieth and Sue Phillips
Mary Phillips and Rick Sayre
Heber Pitman
Doug and Susan Plank
Howard and Trudy Plowman
John Price and Elizabeth Box Price
Esther Price
Keith and Helen Purscell
Leadore and Elsie Randall
Willa Mae Ray
Jim and Lucy Reed
Dave and Barbara Reese
Lynden and Peggy Reid
Conchita Reyes
Don Reynolds
Wayne and Vickie Riggs
Mack and Sandy Roark
Gina Robertson
Ron Robinson and Bonnie Ashing
Amy Rogers and Jack O’Donnell
Rogers Heights Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
E. Joan Rollins
Robert and Kathryn Rose
Robert N. Russell
Lawrence and Patricia Sager
Samuel C. Taylor Foundation
J. D. Savage
Rick Sayre and Mary Phillips
Scott and Theresa Schurle
Lloyd and Lois Schwarz
Maggie Scovil
Doris Seefeldt
Georgia and Thomas Señor
Roberta Shaffer
Linda Sherry
Joe and Ann Shirley
Chuck and Penny Shorow
Cecil and Eleanor Simonton
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
David Smiley and Mary Ann Vasconcellos
Doug Smith and Kate Moyer
Ernest and Louise Smith
Gary and Patricia Smith
Norval and Nedra Smith
William and Kim Smith
Ruth Spurgeon
Milo Steffen
Julian Stetnish
Jim Struthers and Gladeen Allred
Verlin and Martha Stump
Paul Sturgeon
Bert and Pauline Sutton
Hal and Peggy Swaney
Lois Tague
Jim and Helen Taylor
Neal and Mary Testerman
The Kerr Foundation, Inc.
The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
Larry and Vickie Thomas
Nancy Thomas
Charles and Betty Thompson
Lewis and Ruth Thompson
Mac and Edith Thompson
Bruce and Ruth Tilsley
Mildred Tindall
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bixby, OK
Jerry Truex
Earl Tuers and Joanna Duck
Fred and Phyllis Turner
Nancy Urban
Mary Ann Vasconcellos and David Smiley
Frances and Lemuel Vaught
Village Christian Church, Colorado Springs, CO
Ambrose and Beverly Virgo
Dennis Voth
Connie and Bill Wacht
Paul and Alice Walker
Kenny Wantland
Robert Ward and Emlyn Ott
Kathleen Waits and Marty Belsky
Mary L. Ward
Janet Watson
Gary and Jane Weeks
Donna Wells
West Point Christian Church, Yukon, OK
Richard and Karolann Whetsell
Paul and Equella Whitfield
Charles and Jean Whitmer
Leon and Linda Whitney
Gary and Evelyn Wilburn
Lloyd and Betty Wilkerson
Raymond and Lois Williams
Warren and Nancy Wirth
John and Marsha Wolfersberger
John and Carolyn Woodard
Woodlands Christian Church, Ponca City, OK
Mary Woodman
Yale Avenue Christian Church CWF, Tulsa, OK
Michael and Suanne Yarbrough
Ruthena Yoder
Rick and Becky Young
Fred and Marilyn Aaron
Donna and Larry Abert
Larry and Nancy Adkisson
Chinyere and Oji Agbai
Sallie and Carl Alberts
Joseph and Phyllis Albright
Mary Allen
Archie Andre
Leslie and Lucille Andrews
Donald and Barbara Angle
Ed and Joyce Arbogast
Kevin and Shannon Arensman
Ross and Joyce Arnold
Pam and Paul Ashby
Leroy and Mary Ashworth
William and Mary Backstrom
William Baird Jr.
John Baker
Phil and Diana Ball
Ralph and Kay Barclay
Doug and Lee Ann Barnes
Marty and Mandy Barnes
Howard and Billie Barnett
Barry Christian Church CWF, Kansas City, MO
Donald and Barbara Baugh
Donald and Arla May Beal
James and Mary Bearden
Paul and Bobbie Bessler
Edna Bevins
Leo Blakley and Betty Jo Boggs
Joel and Jan Blomgren
Betty Jo Boggs and Leo Blakley
Kenneth Bonham
Jerry and Sheri Book
Wesley Bourdette
Bill and Jan Boyle
Judy Bradford
William and Lou Bradley
Cal and Loma Brannon
Charles and Juanita Bretz
Janet Brittain
Michael and Tina Britton
Helen Brook
Bruce and Tracy Brotherton
Susan and Robert Brown
Twila J. Brown
Leonard and Ruth Brummett
Don Burn
Jay and Betty Burns
Ruth Bussell
Charles Callaway
Robert Callis
Myers and Eva Marie Campbell
Phil and Teresa Campbell
Gareth and Martha Cannon
John and Shirley Canole
William Carlson
Margaret Carpenter
Bill and Cynthia Carr
Richard and Cumalene Carroll
Park and Arleta Carter
Garland Ceradsky and Donna Murphy-Ceradsky
Mike and Leanne Chaffin
Phyllis Chapman
June Chewning
Everisto and Loreen Chikanga
Truman and Anne Christian
Dennis and Cathy Clark
Arlyn and Wilma Clary
Anne Clement
Jill and David Clupper
Gay and Mike Cocheres
Darin Corder
Helen Corlett
Claude † and Jane Coy
Katherine Coyle
Tom and Pat Crockett
Lois and Daniel Crowley
Linda and Robert Crump-Bertram
Catherine Cullumber
A. C. Cuppy
Richard Daetwiler
John and Jean Dale
Robert and Barbara Dally
Gary and Sharon Dammrose
Dauna and Bill Davis
Reuben and Candy Davis
Stacy Davis
Charles Dawson
Michael and Peggy Dixon
Kirk and Carolyn Doering
Jack and Mrs. Dolezal
Douglas and Mae Donovan
Joseph Preston Dulany and Mary Davis Dulaney
Orin and Julieta Dyer
Donald Early
Margaret Eblen
Tanja Edwards
Charles Ellis
Peggye Enlow
Marsha and Clayton Evans
William Evans
Marvin and Sherri Ewertt
Joyce Farhat
Ruby Farish
Floyd and Janet Field
First Christian Church CWF, Salina, KS
First Christian Church, Jenks, OK
First Christian Church, Little Rock, AR
First Christian Church, Seminole, OK
Melinda and Toney Foster
Karen and Bob Frank-Plumlee
Stuart and Betty Fraser
Lois Frogge
Richard Gable
Nancy Gage
Les and Margery Galbraith
JJ Galloway
Dick and Tish Galusha
Carl and Susan Gebhardt
John Gladson
Bob and Mindy Gleason
Mark and Reagan Glover
Darryl and Janice Godinez
David and Lois Goin
Douglas and Marcy Goodwin
Mary and Allen Goodwin
John and Kirby Gould
Evelyn Gravitt
Raymond and Nancy Griffin
Owen and Twila Guy
Patricia Haggard
Robert and Kathryn Hall
Larry and Jonna Hansmeier
Stephanie and Kenneth Harmon
Millie Harper
R.G. Hauptfleisch
Maydeen and Duane Hawkins
Rex and Evelyn Heavin
Lorraine Hefti
Tracy Heilman and Mike Mulberry
Lewis and Helen Heimbach
Mike and Jane Hellwege
Roy and Martha Helms
Carole Hemler
Hugh and Norma Henderson
John and Ramona Henderson
Eugene and Mary Herr
Bill and Pat Hicks
James and Joan Hirnisey
Karl and Mary Hirsch
Gil and Judy Hogue
Eugene and Belva Holman
Marvin Hormann
Jay Hoyt
Mary Alice Hudson
Leon and Norma Hughes
Gwen Humphrey
Georgia Hurst
Don and Judy Hutchison
Betty and Lowell Jackson
Lora Jackson
Ruthie Jacobs
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Dorothy Jameson
Tommy Jaworsky
Patricia and Gerald Jenison
David and Verla Jerde
Charles and Ava Johnson
Donald and Tary Johnson
John and Janice Lee Johnson
Susie and Larry Johnston
Jean Jolly
Billie Jones
Donald and Emily Jones
Montie and Galeda Jones
Morna Jordan
Maurine Keith
Melvin and Jacquelin Kelly
Kerr-McGee Corporation
Jack and Jane Kersenbrock
Julie Ketcher
Juanita Kidd
Nancy Killough
Jeff and Linda Knighton
Ed and Mary Ruth Kolbe
Wallace Kuoni
Robert Kuster
Norma Lansberry
Carol and Richard Lawson
Ruth and Emery Leathers
Greta Lee
Ruth Leebron
Roy and Gwen Lewis
Nina and Steven Livesey
Bill and Laurie Long
Allison and David Longman
Harvey and May Sweet Lord
John and Kaye Love
Carol and Darrell Low
Joyce and Wilbur Lucore
George and Norma Lupton
Mark and Cindy Lyon
Jack and Bobbie Jean Lyons
Lance Maloney and Sondra Tilsley
Darrel and Jane Manson
Fred and Linda Marsh
Betty Martin
Robyn and Skip Martinez
Dan and Michelle Mayes
Lillian McCall
Irma McCaskill
Harold and Virginia McClain
Donald McCreary
Katherine McCutchen
Dean and Leda McDaniel
Robert and Sue McGaw
Robin and Eric McGonigle
Mick and Marjorie McHarg
Shelby McKeever
John and Norma McKinney
Stu and Mary McLean
Hatton McMahan
Lewis McPherren
Evlyn McQuinn
Maxine McReynolds
Nelle Mengers
Dale and Betty Miller
Mary Moelling
Kenneth and Jimmy Mohler
Branson and Betty Moore
Eugene and Rena Moore
Barbara and Leland Moser
Mike Mulberry and Tracy Heilman
Donna Murphy-Ceradsky and Garland Ceradsky
Juli and Nathan Nelson
Romney and Stoner Nesbitt
Jack and Joanne Newman
Rita Newton
Thomas and Marlene Norman
Northeast Active Timers
Michael and Ali Oberlender
Karrie Oertli and Dennis Pendleton
Donna O’Keefe
Darel and Shirley Olliff
Paul and Jeanene Overholt
Robert and Elizabeth Paddack
Kenneth and Shirley Pamplin
Coy and Fay Parsley
Dennis Pendleton and Karrie Oertli
Richard and Velma Perry
Ray and Gwen Perschbacher
Les and Deanna Peterson
Nolan and Barbara Pierce
Pine Valley Christian Church, Wichita, KS
Delbert and Nell Pool
Mona Poteet
Gilbert Pralle
June Prewitt
Mark and Mary Kay Pumphrey
Martha Railsback
James and Sarah Rainwater
Howard and Ruth Reather
Bill and Ginny Reece
Betty Reed
George and Lorie Richardson
Steven and LaBeth Riggs
Dolores Ritter
Helen Roach
Stanley and Annelle Rogers
Martha Roper
John and Judy Satterfield
Wayne and Elaine Schooley
Bob and Betty Schreiner
Clark and Shelby Shackelford
Sandy Shapoval
Polly Sharp
Judy and Jeral Shipman
Sheldon and Miriam Shirts
Sue and Tom Short
William and Donna Shoun
George and Pauline Shuck
Donald and Peggy Siler
Albert Sims and Edna Strimple
Frank and Anne Sisson
Bill and Sally Sitler
Donald and Judy Smith
George and Mary Smith
Harry and Sonya Smith
Ken and Cleta Smith
Verlyn and Sammie Snell
Ed and Joyce Snider
Doris Sorensen
William and Joy Sparks
Bill and Lucy Spear
John and Jo-Anne Stevenson
David and Veralee Stewart
Joe and Mary Carroll Stewart
Tom and Joanne Stockton
Tom Stout
Edna Strimple and Albert Sims
Mickey and Jill Sullivan
Courtney and Lois Swander
Loren and Jeanne Swanson
Scott and Patty Taylor
Nancy Taylor Woods and Tom Woods
The McDaniel Company
Harvey and Sybel Thomas
Matthew Thompson
Sondra Tilsley and Lance Maloney
Sonja and Michael Tobey
Tulsa Area United Way
Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry
Gene Tunnell
Norwood Tye
Edythe Underwood
Daniel and Stephanie U’Ren
Lew and Sherri Van Der Wege
Sonya Vann
Ewel and Mary Vaughan
Bill and Billie Walker
Marci and Billy Ward
Martha Washington
Kathy Weaver
Edwin Wedel
Michael and Michelle Weeks
John and Ruth Weston
Steve and Debbie Whitfill
Veneta Whitmer
Fannie Whitworth
Jim and Sally Willis
Eugene and Christine Wilson
Hugh and Barbara Wilson
William and Donna Wise
Betty Wolfe
Tom Woods and Nancy Taylor Woods
Mary Workman
Marlene Yanik
Carlyle and Beverly Yates
I. N. and Marilyn Yoon
Robert and Gretchen Young
Katharyn Youngblood
New Endowments
Endowed funds for operations and scholarships
established this year have increased our capacity
to fund daily operations and scholarships from
enduring sources. Donors created the following
new endowments in the past fiscal year:
Robert and Charlotte Allen Endowed Scholarship
Gary Cox Memorial Scholarship
Roy L. Griggs Memorial Scholarship
McCasland Foundation Endowed Scholarship
LaDonna Kramer Meinders Endowed Chair in
New Testament
Robert Travis Peake Endowed Chair in Theology
Delia Pierson Endowed Scholarship
Robert D. Pierson Endowed Scholarship
Opal E. Scott Scholarship
Matthew A. Thompson Fellowship for Student
Matthew A. Thompson Library Technology
Chester and Debbie Cadieux have created a trust from
which they are matching all new gifts to the
permanently restricted endowment (not including
previously made pledges). The match took effect on
January 1, 2006. Qualifying gifts may be made
either to a new fund or to an existing fund. This
means that a donor gift of at least $12,500 could,
with a match from the Cadieux trust, establish a
new named endowment fund for either operations
or scholarships.
Tributes and Memorials
We at PTS appreciate the opportunity to receive
gifts given in honor of an admired or beloved
person in the lives of our donors. Such gifts can
be designated either to the Annual Fund or to one
of the endowment funds. We are grateful for those
persons and organizations that saw fit to honor
someone with a gift to the Seminary, for those
persons who asked loved ones and colleagues to
strengthen the seminary as a way of honoring or
remembering them, and for you who were
inspired to give. Thank you.
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Wanda Adams
Todd Adams
Bethany Albrecht
Myrna Ranney
Jay and Donna Baldwin
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Kay Bessler Northcutt
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Kay Bessler Northcutt and Joe Bessler-Northcutt
Warren Wirth
Eugene Boring
Thomas Hobby
Chester Cadieux
Robert Thomas
Leon Whitney
Margaret Carpenter
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Carole Carter
David Carter
Clint Collins
Donald Collins
Paul Sturgeon
Dorothy Cook
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Rob Crawford
Norma Leffler
Sheri and Bob Curry
Cathy Hamrick
Lew Davis
Ruthena Yoder
Christy Dew
Myrna Ranney
Debra Garfinkel
Myrna Ranney
Earl Gibbs
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
J. Alan and Mary Lou Gibson
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Nita Griggs
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Roy Griggs
Helen Corlett
Kim Hames
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Linda Harker
Afton Travis
Charles Hattendorf
Harold Lawson
Charles Hattendorf & staff at OKC DOC Ctr.
First Christian Church, Chickasha, OK
Rebecca Highfield
Kate Beatty
Ed Crockett
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Bill Howland
Millie Harper
June Chewning
Bill and Ann Howland
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
W. K. Mohler
Clarke and June Imbler
Toni Imbler
John and Toni Imbler
Sally Houck
Clarke and June Imbler
Connie Inglish
Woodlands Christian Church, Ponca City, OK
Gina Jackson
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Tom Jewell
First Christian Church, Chickasha, OK
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Joe Jones
David Baker
Joe and Sarah Jones
James Caton
Ed Jorden
David Baker
Guy Langston and David Wilson
Judy Bradford
Don Lanier
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Hank and Cathy Leonard
Carlene Leonard
Rick Lowery
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Pat Lucy
Robert Lucy
Lydia Ruth Mackey
Doris Seefeldt
Pam McGrath
D. M. Hellwege
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Dorothy Messenger
Karl Hirsch
Glen Miles
Dan Jensen
Lynn Moore
John Claster
Doran F. Myers
Craig Moore
Doran F. and M. Jean Myers
Watson P. Johnson
Wayne and Joan Neal
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Richard and Mark Newman
Betty Newman
Rita Newton
James Caton
Odyssey Christian Church
Steve and Mary Jane Buck
Janet Parachin
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Jennifer Pasco
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Gary Peluso-Verdend
James Waggoner
Phillips University
Susie Johnston
PTS Centennial
Paul Bessler
F. E. Rector
Robert Sonnenfeld
Norma Jean Stacey Robinson
Brian Robinson
Bob and Susan Rorschach
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
LeAnn Sapp
Gladeen Allred
Richard Skinner
Edwin Seal
Floydette Seal
Sheldon and Miriam Shirts
David Baker
Bill Tabbernee
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Richard L. Taylor
Virginia Taylor
Scott Taylor
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Matthew A. Thompson
Marie Miles
Sondra L. Tilsley
Bruce Tilsley
Barbara and John B. Turner
John Woodard
Marlene Urban-Funk
Nancy Urban
Connie Wacht
Loren and Judy Krase
Sharon Watkins
First Christian Church, Chickasha, OK
Kathy Weaver
Carroll Smith
Laura Whitaker
Myrna Ranney
George and Ilene Wine
John Imbler
Carlyle Yates
Harold Lawson
John and Carolyn Young
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Richard Ziglar
Jean McCoy
Northeast Active Timers
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Jay Gibson
Henry Wayne Abert
Donna Abert
Scott Baird
Mona Baird
Harriet Downing
Donna O’Keefe
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Russell L. Bennett
Nancy Bennett
Sheri Curry
Betty Blakely
Leo Blakley
C. William Bryan
Eugene Boring
Thomas Hobby
Village Christian Church, Colorado Springs, CO
Ralph Bureman
Freda Bureman
Howard H. Bussell
James Bussell
Keith P. Canfield
Ellen Blue
Patricia Haggard
Jay Colburn
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Kiev Cooper
Chad McMullin
Gary Cox
Mary Bateman
Leigh Cox
Barbee Kerr
John Love
Members of University Congregational Church,
Wichita, KS
Frank Sisson
Warren Crawford
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Zula Belle Dobbins
H. J. Dobbins
First Christian Church, Tahlequah, OK
Stephen England
Mary Hudson
Clyde H. Evans
Elberta Evans
Richard H. Fox
Peggy Fox
Carlton D. Garrison
Mary Garrison
Roy Griggs
Sallie Alberts
Lloyd Alexander
William Baird
Howard Barnett
Ellen Blue
William Cable
John Henry Cain
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Margaret Carpenter
Richard Carroll
Christian Church in Kansas, Topeka, KS
Dennis Clark
Thomas Crockett
Don Dean
Tanja Edwards
Robert Elliott
First Christian Church, Tulsa, OK
Jay Gibson
Jo Ann Gilpin
John Gould
Ben Grimes
Hannibal High School Class of 1952
Harold Hatt
Hugh Henderson
David Hockensmith
Burt Holmes
Mary Howard
John and Toni Imbler
Lynn Jenkins
Myrna Jones
Melvin Kelly
Kelly Kirby
Loren and Judy Krase
Donald Lanier
Anne LaRew
Alan Lewis
Eldon Moelling
Lynn Moore
Jack Newman
Richard Newman
Richard Norman
Northeast Area, Christian Church in Oklahoma
Thomas Nulf
Gary Peluso-Verdend
Delbert Pool
Myrna Ranney
Martha Roper
Margaret Scovil
Ernest Smith
Doris Sorensen
Daryl Southard
James Spainhower
John Stevenson
Karen Tankersley
The Mary K. Chapman Foundation
Wendell Tull
Barbara Turner
Susan Voigt
Virginia Walker
John-Kelly Warren
I. N. Yoon
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Harry Hembree
Ruthena Yoder
Margaret Holleman
Mary Busenburg
Carl and Margaret Holliman
Mary Busenburg
Shirley Ann Peake Hormann
Marvin Hormann
Tod V. Hubbell, Jr.
Eleanor M. Hubbell
Joyce E. Lucore
Mary Frances Hurst
Robert Callis
Norman Jacobs
Ralph Baringer
John Weston
Clyde Jones
Harold Hatt
Kathy Jordan
Martha Railsback
Robert (Bob) Jordan
Morna Jordan
Maurine Keith
Emmett Tunnell
First Christian Church, Great Bend, KS
Aigi and Kiyo Kamikawa
Harold Moss
Celia R. Kemeny
Nina Livesey
Aaron Dee Kircher
Ann Kircher
Otha Lanier
Ellen Blue
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Kate Larsen
Sondra Tilsley
Rabbi Joseph Levenson
Ruth Leebron
Lovell L. Lewis
Archie Lawrence
Charles Livingston
David Livingston
Gordon and Marilyn Marker
Mary Busenburg
Hannah Mattson
William Mattson
Ann McKeever
Shelby McKeever
C.E. and Mary McKim
Richard Duckworth
Margaret Miller
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
Norma Morrison
John Gladson
M. Jean Myers
Joyce Farhat
Samuel C. Taylor Foundation
Jess Nofsinger
Della Dove
Elizabeth J. Norman
Richard Norman
Mary Gale Ownbey
Carl Ownbey
Sue Paxton
Frieda Hall
O. Edmund Pendleton
Mary Pendleton
Olive M. Peterson
Raleigh Peterson
Robert Hamons Pierce
Nolan Pierce
Reese and Mary Porter
Calvin Porter
Vance Poteet
Mona Poteet
Marilee Pralle
Gilbert Pralle
Barbara Cole Price
Jeanette Cole
William R. Reed
Betty Reed
Christine Roller
Lynn and Sue Jenkins
Opal E. Scott
Douglas Scott
Ema Schoming
First Christian Church, McPherson, KS
Glenn Shoemaker
Charlotte Shoemaker
Ernest Sewell
Georgene Sewell
Eugene Raymond Spillman
First Christian Church, Elk City, OK
Pat Sutter
Thomas Eiland
Robert W. Tindall
Mildred Tindall
Dan Travis
Afton Travis
Wilma M. Tye
Norwood Tye
Dick Whetsell
Richard Whetsell
Robert L. Wine
Toni Imbler
George and Ilene Wine
Leonard E. Wolfe
Betty Wolfe
Generation to Generation
Generation to Generation is comprised of those
persons who have informed the Seminary that
they have arranged for a planned or deferred gift
to PTS. Such gifts are vital to our long-term
financial stability and represent a wonderful way
of supporting leadership education for ministry
into the coming generations. We thank the
following persons who have arranged planned or
deferred gifts and have informed us of their
Bob and Charlotte Allen
Karen Ault
Sidney Bedford
Joseph Bessler-Northcutt and Kay Bessler Northcutt
John and Helen Bloss
Phyllis Brownlee
David and Mary Lou Bryan
John Henry Cain
William Carlson
Margaret E. Carpenter
Gail Davidson
Gladys Eaton
Arla Elston
Frances Ervin
Elberta Evans
Paul and Ruth Few
Gene and Bonnie Frazier
Norma Fugit
Fran Gasche-Cain
Richard and Emily Guentert
Lois Hawkins
Roland and Kitty Huff
Clarke and June Imbler
John and Toni Imbler
Mickey Johnson
Ima Jean Kidd
Donna and Dave Killen
Charles Lindberg
Alan and Dana Lobaugh
Richard and Martha Markland
Ann Mathies Maxwell
Kyle Maxwell and Debra Powell-Maxwell
Mac and Emma Louise McEver
James and Mary McFarland
Bernie and Joyce McNickle
LaDonna and Herman Meinders
Saundra Michael-Bowers
Gordon and Pauline Miller
Mary K. Moelling
Elburn Moore
Bill and Claudine Nichols
James Allen and Jean Nichols
Ron and Kaye Nofziger
Thea Otterson
Bob and Harriet Peake
Mary Lou Pendleton
Jerry W. Pittman
Jim and Von Prichard
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Barbara Reinhardt
Conchita Reyes
Don and Sally Roberts
Gertrude Rush
John and Herwanna Sayre
Esther Semones
Betty Simonson
Dick and Norma Small
Jack and Donna Smith
Daryl and Carol Southard
Lee Sparks and Kathryn Hayes Sparks
Julian Stetnish
Rhodes and Lois Thompson
Afton Travis
Virginia Unruh
Betty Walker
Jerry and Ginny Walker
Donna Wells
Bill and Mavis Wiseman
Barbara Woods
Clayton and Jean Worden
Richard and Peggy Ziglar
We are very grateful to have received the following
estate gifts, the fruit of donors’ good plans, during
this past year:
Willia I. Adams
L. D. Alexander
Verna M. Allen
Lloyd Corbin
Violet Elston
Mary Frances Hurst
Norma Jean (Stacey) Klein
Elsie Le Conte
Inez Pletcher
Alice Hays Sibel
Sue Paxton
Gifts In Kind
In addition to financial gifts, the Seminary also
receives tangible gifts of other sorts. Professionals
donate their time and skills. Trustees and others
traveling to campus return their travel
reimbursements. Donors sponsor dinners. Retiring
clergy donate books. This year, we are particularly
grateful to: alumnus Kurt Gwartney, who twice
edited the video of student testimonies that we
showed to well over 500 people this year; to
Nancy Bennett, who donated the library of her
late husband, the Rev. Russell Bennett; and to
D.Min. alumnus and former trustee the Rev. Dr.
Jim Reed, who donated his grandfather’s American
edition of Wesley’s Works. Thank you.
Nancy Bennett
Joe Bessler-Northcutt
Duane Bidwell
Elizabeth Box Price
George Carver
Leigh Cox
Charles Johnson
Christian Church of the Covenant, Enid, OK
Deborah Kerr
Kurt Gwartney
Harriet Larsen
Steve MacArthur
Thressa Northcutt
Janet Parachin
Cheri Peluso-Verdend
Jim Reed
Mary Smith
Sara Smith
Yale Avenue Presbyterian Church
Upcoming Centennial Events
inisters’ Week 2008
Crisis and Community: Issues of
Race and Religion in North America
Examining crises in the anchor
institutions of family, church, and
school, the 2008 Ministers’ Week
conference aims to engender hope
through proposals for creative and
collaborative social change. Focusing
on interrelated challenges within the
African American and Anglo American
communities, the distinguished
lecturers, workshop leaders, and
preachers for this special event will
help us envision and engage more
effectively in the renewal of our
neighborhoods, our nation, and our
Our special guest for Ministers’ Week
is the Reverend Dr. Robert M.
Franklin. Recently installed as the 10th
president of Morehouse College, a
historically black college and
university, he is a scholar-preacher,
author and minister. Previously, he
served as a Presidential Distinguished
Professor of Social Ethics at Emory
University, as a Senior Fellow at the
Center for the Study of Law and
Religion at the Emory University
School of Law, and as president of the
Interdenominational Theological
Center in Atlanta, Ga.
In a recent work, Crisis in the Village:
Restoring Hope in African American
Communities, Franklin reflects on a
constellation of topics that includes
religion, race, and global health.
Through the generous sponsorship of
the YWCA, we will also be pleased to
welcome Dr. Paul Finkelman, currently
serving as the President William
McKinley Distinguished Professor of
Law and Public Policy and Senior
Fellow in the Government Law Center
at Albany Law School in Albany, NY.
Finkelman is also a former member of
The University of Tulsa College of Law
school faculty.
Finkelman has published over 20
books and more than 100 scholarly
articles. His areas of expertise include
slavery, racial issues, civil rights, civil
liberties, the Constitution,
Constitutional Law, and baseball.
Scheduled for January 22-24, 2008,
cost for this enriching three-day event
is $100 per person. To register contact
Connie Inglish or Melanie Krase at
918.610.8303. Registration deadline is
January 11, 2008.
Fred Craddock Will Preach at
the 2008 Commencement
On Saturday, May 17, 2008, we will
close our centennial year by celebrating
with our graduates and hearing Dr.
Fred Craddock preach. Commencement will begin at 11 a.m. at First
Christian Church, Tulsa. A reception
following commencement will provide
time to congratulate graduates and
greet Dr. Craddock. Mark your
calendars now to attend!
Cartoonist Assists in Scholarship Drive
oug Marlette,
formerly the editorial
cartoonist for the Tulsa
World, headlined a
successful scholarship
benefit dinner for PTS
on March 29th.
“Cartoons That Tickle
and Provoke: An Evening with Doug
Marlette” drew more than 300 people
to the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa.
“Our committee did a great job selling
tables and tickets. So many people
wanted to help out the Seminary and
to hear Doug,” said stewardship
director Ginny Walker, who worked
closely with the benefit committee.
The event, sponsored by the Tulsa
World and chaired by Chester and
Debbie Cadieux, netted over $80,000
for scholarships.
Attendees were enthusiastic
participants in the event. As Marlette
showed his political and Kudzu
cartoons, folks alternately cheered,
laughed, groaned, clapped, booed,
and winced. Marlette concluded his
presentation by discussing the
background of his last novel, Magic
Time. Attendees returned home with
signed copies of the book.
“I first knew Doug as the author of
Kudzu. He was the guy who poked
fun at preachers and Protestant
congregations through his character,
the Rev. Will B. Dunn,” said vice
president of stewardship Gary PelusoVerdend. “Then, when Doug came to
the Tulsa World, I found out how
much of his outlook on life was
shaped by growing up during the civil
rights struggle in the South. I was
thrilled when he agreed to headline a
benefit for PTS. He makes us laugh
and he makes us think.”
At the conclusion of the event, when
Peluso-Verdend asked the attendees
whether they had been tickled and/or
provoked during the evening, the
answer was a resounding “Yes!”
The PTS community was deeply
saddened by Doug’s untimely death in a
car accident on July 10, 2007.
Meet Four New
Dr. Duane R. Bidwell
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology,
Care, and Counseling and Director of
Presbyterian Ministerial Formation
With your fresh eyes,
please tell our readers
something about PTS
that they might not
know but you think
they should.
Two things come to
mind. First, the faculty
and staff at Phillips have
genuine respect and admiration for students. The
mutuality is extraordinary; students are partners
in learning, research, and ministry from the
moment they step on campus. Second, I’m
impressed by the amount of interdisciplinary
conversation that occurs among Phillips faculty.
There’s a real commitment to working together
across disciplines to improve not only scholarship
and the formation of pastoral leaders but also the
formation of cultural leaders. Together, these
dimensions of life at Phillips help create a vibrant
intellectual community that has a sense of shared
vocation in service to the church, the community,
and the academy.
Characterize your teaching style or describe a
commitment that shapes your teaching.
My teaching is relational and interactive; I seek to
create conditions for the sorts of intellectual and
pastoral changes that students and congregations
consider significant. To that end, I tell students
that I’m less a “teacher” than a facilitator of their
learning who also happens to set some goals for
them. This means my teaching focuses less on
recall and comprehension than on application,
analysis, and synthesis. Students need to master
basic material and appropriate the history and
resources of pastoral theology. But I also expect
them to connect what we’re learning with their
own interests and experiences so that they can
engage in creative practices of care and - with
growing consistency - think critically about course
material and human experiences.
Tell us something about a scholarly project
that is occupying your attention.
In terms of scholarship, I am focused on two
projects right now. The first, Nurturing Hope in
Children, provides a theological foundation and
practices of care for parents, congregations and
pastors who seek to nurture authentic Christian
hope in younger generations. The second,
Empowering Couples: A Narrative Approach
to Spiritual Care, correlates the wisdom of
Christianity’s desert tradition with contemporary
research on successful marriages. The goals are to
help clergy, pastoral counselors, and other
providers of spiritual care offer “empowering
guidance” to couples so that they can work as a
team to seek liberation from issues that create
difficulties in their relationships.
Name a hope you have for the students at
In the midst of each busy semester, I hope that
PTS students remember to care for themselves as
embodied creatures - that they honor their bodies
with rest, exercise and good food as much as they
honor their minds and spirits.
Which book have you read recently that you
would commend highly to our readers?
Sexualized violence is always present in our
communities, and most of us are uncomfortable
discussing it, let alone discussing it in the context
of faith. For that reason, I recommend: Kristen J.
Leslie’s, When Violence Is No Stranger:
Pastoral Counseling with Survivors of
Acquaintance Rape. Minneapolis: Fortress Press,
The Rev. Belva Brown Jordan
Associate Dean for Admissions and
Student Services
The PTS community is
very excited by your
arrival at PTS and
marvel that you left
Harvard for here.
What attracted you to
PTS from Harvard?
Responding positively to
the call to join the
Phillips community came after much prayer and
examination. The things that attracted me most
in making the decision to move are: 1) the
possibility of living where the winters are shorter;
2) the reality that I will be closer to family (I have
a brother and sister, nieces and nephews in
Dallas/Fort Worth area); and 3) the opportunity
to give back to the Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ), the denomination in which I have been
nurtured all my life, through service and ministry
in a Disciples-affiliated seminary. Each one, a
dream come true!
When you consider the whole subject of
helping people to respond to God’s calling,
what do you see as the role of the admissions
The admissions office can be a key participant in
the discernment process as people seek clarity and
direction in responding to God’s calling. From
that first contact through our recruiter to the
letter of acceptance we can be listeners and
companions along the way. We can articulate the
right questions, share information about
resources, and affirm their decisions for ministry,
whether they come to Phillips or go somewhere
else for preparation. Of course, our hope is
always that we will be the best fit for a
prospective student.
Your role includes overseeing both
admissions and student services. The latter
includes the issue of student retention. One
factor in retention is the continuing support
of a student’s primary communities, such as
her or his home congregation. How might
congregations demonstrate their support for
their Priscillas and Timothys?
Home congregations and communities of support
can be present with seminarians through prayer,
financial assistance, and showing an active
interest in their ministerial development and
Tell our readers about a worthy admissions
challenge to which you plan to give your
attention and energy.
As Phillips Theological Seminary contemplates its
present and future life, I would like to give
attention to helping create a community that is
more attractive to younger students, to
international students, and to an increased
mixture of racial/ethnic students. In light of this
goal, one clear challenge is the development of a
viable housing option for students.
Dr. Sandra Coston Kunz
Assistant Professor of Educational
With your fresh eyes,
please tell our readers
something about PTS
that they might not
know but you think
they should.
The collection of books
in Phillips’ library on
Christian education is
truly outstanding. My predecessors in this position
and the librarians used much wisdom over many
decades to collect works that have shaped the field
academically and offer excellent practical help.
Characterize your teaching style or describe a
commitment that shapes your teaching.
A commitment to teaching our students how to
teach, especially teaching them how to teach
others how to teach, shapes my own teaching
content and style. Three emphases are: 1)
teaching meditation practices that support
spiritual discernment – and teaching students
how to teach them to others, 2) teaching students
how to use drama in Christian education,
Leaders at PTS
3) teaching students to train and support teachers
in congregations, particularly Sunday School
teachers. In all three, I want to give them not only
biological and theological theory, but practical
Tell us something about a scholarly project
that is occupying your attention.
foundation for their preaching and teaching, as
well as their own faith and understanding.
Which book have you read recently that you
would commend highly to our readers?
A huge project is turning my dissertation into a
book on biological and theological foundations for
teaching Christian spiritual discernment. A
shorter project is an article on the worldwide
legacy of Christian education methods developed
among the Cherokee.
My research focus right now is on my
dissertation: “Intersections of Time: Readings
of Simultaneity in Judges.” The basic idea is
that storytelling happens in linear, seemingly
chronological fashion even when describing
concurrent events. How does the 21st-century
English-language reader recognize these moments
of simultaneity in biblical Hebrew? How does
adopting a convention of simultaneity resolve
textual ‘problems’ that previous scholarship such
as source criticism has addressed in other ways?
Name a hope you have for the students at
Name a hope you have for the students at
I hope they’ll learn how to teach in ways that are
coherent and effective both biblically and
My personal hope for PTS students is that they
will discover a new passion for the Hebrew Bible.
Then they can build upon a richer biblical
Tell us something about a scholarly project
that is occupying your attention.
Which book have you read recently that you
would commend highly to our readers?
I’d recommend Nancey Murphy’s Bodies and
Souls, or Spirited Bodies? It provides a
biblically-coherent background for approaching
current debates in philosophy, theology, and
neuroscience on whether or not human beings are
purely physical beings. I believe these issues are
crucial for Christian educators and have immense
implications for how to teach Christian spiritual
The Rev. Susanna Southard
Instructor in Hebrew Bible
With your fresh eyes,
please tell our readers
something about PTS
that they might not
know but you think
they should.
People may realize just
how collegial, friendly,
and mutually supportive
the PTS faculty can be; however, they may not
fully appreciate what a rare treat that is in an
academic institution. I celebrate the pervasive
warmth and hospitality I have found here.
Characterize your teaching style or describe a
commitment that shapes your teaching.
Teaching adult learners calls for an appreciation
of the knowledge and expertise they bring to the
classroom, whether their previous training and
life experience are directly related to the course
content or not. I bring a particular set of skills
and body of information to the teaching-learning
relationship. Together we can stretch our minds
and grow in new directions.
For those who have been trained in traditional,
historical critical methods of biblical criticism, I
highly recommend The Bible after Babel:
Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age by
John J. Collins. It explores the dynamics of newer
interpretive methods and offers a reciprocal
critique between historical criticism and
postmodernism. Collins clearly writes from a
traditional perspective, as any postmodernist
would recognize. He provides an entry point for
those who are mystified or frustrated by
nontraditional approaches to biblical texts. For
the rest of us, this book offers a reminder to
appreciate where the struggle lies.
Faculty Activities
Don A. Pittman, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean, and the William Tabbernee
Professor of the History of Religions
Dean Pittman visited six seminaries in the People’s Republic of China this past June. He was one of
three persons on the trip arranged by Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ) and the United Church of Christ. The purpose was to study theological education and
develop relationships with congregations and educational institutions affiliated with the Three-Self
Patriotic Movement of the Chinese Protestant Churches.
Pittman also led a program on interfaith dialogue at the Disciples’ General Assembly in July.
Pittman, Dennis Smith, and Rick Lowery – who are all members of the Association of Disciples for
Theological Discussion (ATDT) – led special issue forums at the Assembly.
Nancy Pittman, Assistant Professor of the Practice of Ministry and Director of the Doctor of
Ministry program
In March 2007, Nancy Pittman keynoted the Christian Youth Fellowship Mid-Winter Retreat of
the Christian Church in Kansas. During the last few months, she has also preached an ecumenical
week of renewal in Hunter, Okla.; preached in the Distinguished Pulpit series of Mayflower
Church in Oklahoma City and at various ordination services; and published several sermons in
Proclaim - a lectionary resource journal.
Duane R. Bidwell, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, Care, and Counseling and
Director of Presbyterian Ministerial Formation
Bidwell served as professional-in-residence at the Texas Medical Center in Houston, where he
taught a week of workshops to clinical pastoral education staff, residents, interns, volunteers, and
local clergy. The topic was “Nurturing Hope: Identity, Agency, and Eschatology.” He also
published a review of Religious Theories of Personality: East Meets West by Richard Olson
(Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press, 2002) in the Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health 9:2
(2007): 89-91. This past summer, Bidwell was named assistant managing editor of the Journal of
Pastoral Theology.
Ellen Blue, Associate Professor of the History of Christianity and United Methodist Studies
and Director of United Methodist Student Formation
In June, Blue attended a conference on Global Methodism at Drew University. It was sponsored by
The United Methodist Church’s General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for professors
who teach United Methodist courses.
Take Advantage of the
IRA Rollover Provision
ntil the end of calendar year
2007, if you are at least 70 1⁄2, you
can use the IRA Rollover provision
to make gifts by transferring IRA
dollars to charities (up to
$100,000). Unless Congress decides
otherwise very soon, this provision
expires on December 31, 2007.
Making this gift is very easy! Simply
instruct your financial institution to
make out checks to the charities of
your choice. A gift of at least
$12,500 could fund a new named
scholarship (with the addition of a match
from a trust set up by Debbie and
Chester Cadieux). Gifts of lesser amounts
could be added to an existing scholarship
or given to the Annual Fund.
Please contact Ginny Walker at
918.270.6417 or
virginia.walker@ptstulsa.edu if you decide
to make an IRA Rollover gift to PTS.
Do You
Have a Will?
f you are writing your will or
are planning to update your
existing will soon, remember
philanthropy in your plans. An
easy way to include philanthropy
is to name a percentage of your
estate in your will.
Generation to Generation members
were honored at the annual donor
appreciation dinner in August.
Generation to Generation recognizes
donors who have made provisions for
PTS through deferred or estate gifts.
For example, “I give to Phillips
Theological Seminary,
headquartered in Tulsa, Okla.,
the sum of (or percentage of) to
be used as a permanent
endowment, the income only from
which shall be used for its general
purposes (or describe the specific
purpose, if desired).”
Please contact Ginny Walker
(918.270.6417) for more information.
901 North Mingo Road • Tulsa, OK 74116
Phone: 918-610-8303 • Fax: 918-610-8404
Email: Karla.Jodoin@ptstulsa.edu
Website: www.ptstulsa.edu