spring 2009 forest, virginia notes on the State of Poplar Forest c o n v e r s at i o n s w i t h t h o m a s j e ff e r s o n Features artist, scientist and inventor, Charles Willson Peale Join the conversation at Poplar Forest on May 2, 2009 Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Gift of Mrs. Sarah Harrison (The Joseph Harrison, Jr. Collection) as Thomas Jefferson hosts long-time friend Charles Willson Peale. Jefferson and Peale shared an interest in many topics. Both were patriots, archaeologists, scientists, and inventors and were endlessly fascinated with agricultural innovations, science and natural history. A self-portrait by Peale depicts his natural history museum. “... I am induced to think that even in the important station to which our Nation has called you... you may still find leisure to devote some attention to the minutiae of public good, in objects which promise the economy, the convenience and comforts of Life.” Charles Willson Peale to Thomas Jefferson March 8, 1801 Jefferson and Peale will delight audiences with two performances this year. Jefferson’s relentless curiosity was closely matched by Peale. Many of the specimens Jefferson received from the Lewis and Clark exhibition were exhibited in Peale’s natural history museum in Philadelphia, considered the first museum in America. In 1801, as Jefferson began his first term as President, Peale conducted the first scientific exploration in the United States, unearthing the bones of a mastodon. The two men shared an interest too, in public education, particularly Jefferson’s University of Virginia and Peale’s museum of natural history and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Peale is perhaps best known as an artist, having painted many of the Founding Fathers. Nearly 1,000 paintings are credited to Peale. On May 2 Bill Barker of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation will reprise his role as Thomas Jefferson. Charles Willson Peale will be portrayed by actor and historical interpreter Christian Johnson. New this year, guests will have the opportunity to attend either a matinee (2:15, reception at 1:30) or evening performance (8:00, reception at 7:00). Advance ticket purchase is recommended by calling the Museum Shop (434) 534-8120. vision L i f e , L i b e rty and the pursuit of h a pp i n e s s This special year, we celebrate the first chance to see the fully restored exterior of Jefferson’s architectural creation... and the enticing opportunity to step into a new dimension of Jefferson’s ideas about his ideal personal space— his landscape. It seems especially fitting that we stand at this threshold this year, the 200th anniversary of Jefferson’s own threshold as he stepped from the presidency into private life and began his sojourns at his new retreat. I hope everyone who has contributed to Poplar Forest’s preservation will journey back this year to celebrate the restoration milestone achieved this spring. “As Poplar Forest is reshaped before our eyes back to the way Jefferson wanted it to be it calls up his great ghost in ever more palpable form…making the restoration the most moving event, for me, in recent architectural history.” Vincent J. Scully, Jr. Stirling Professor Emeritus, Yale University 2 Every one of Poplar Forest’s supporters can be very proud of what they have achieved— a state-of-the-art restoration that brings back into sharp focus Jefferson’s vision for the architecture of his retreat. When Jefferson arrived in 1809 for his first stay in his new house, only its outer walls and roof were finished. With the exterior restored this spring, we can relate to his experience as we now turn to bringing alive his vision for the interior. We aspire to follow the same sequence of work restoring the interior as Jefferson did creating it, starting with the paneled and glazed doors. Along with starting interior restoration and continuing to acquire the core land, our next-step goals bring us the opportunity to restore the other dimension of his retreat vision— his landscape. We are poised to embark on the first phase of landscape restoration, once funding is secured. The first project will illuminate Jefferson’s blending of manmade and natural features— restoring the symmetry of the allee of trees balancing the brick wing of offices. This fall, for the first time, visitors will feel the scale of the 61-acre space that Jefferson sculpted into his retreat environment, as we reconstruct its boundary fence. “Opening” this landscape for visitors to experience sets the stage for beginning to restore this vibrant but unseen dimension of Jefferson’s vision. Lynn A. Beebe President Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest 2009 calendar of events April 1 Opening Day: Unveiling the Completed Exterior Restoration 1:45 pm – Join Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Delegate Lacey Putney and Thomas Jefferson and be the first to see the unveiled wing of offices. Events will include a performance of “Jefferson: A Vision for America” by the Jefferson Forest High School Symphonic Band. April 25 500th Anniversary Palladio Symposium at Lynchburg College 9 am Lectures at Lynchburg College followed by guided tours of Poplar Forest. May 2 Conversations with Thomas Jefferson Two performances in 2009! Thomas Jefferson hosts long-time friend, artist and naturalist Charles Willson Peale. Purchase tickets in advance. May 9 Point to Point Races, Bedford County Hunt Benefiting Poplar Forest. Call (540) 297-3419 for information. May 16 Architectural Restoration Talk and Tour – 3 pm May 24-June 6 Architectural Restoration Field School June 7-July 10 Summer Field School in Historical Archaeology July 4 Independence Day Celebration – 11 am to 4 pm Featuring music, dance, living history interpreters, historic craft demonstrations, storytelling, interactive children’s games and much more. Festivities followed by Poplar Forest’s signature July 4th event: a fife and drum procession, followed by the stirring reading of the Declaration of Independence from Jefferson’s porch. July 13-17 Children’s Summer History Camp October 3 Archaeology Open House Tours at 11:15 am, 12:15, 1:15 and 2:15 pm. October 3 Jefferson’s Retirement Party: A Concert with the Richmond Symphony Toast Jefferson’s lifetime of public service! Advance ticket purchase recommended. November 21 Inaugural Thomas Jefferson Wine Festival – 12 pm to 5 pm Celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s passion for wine, featuring Virginia wineries. Call (434) 534-8120 for tickets or (434) 525-1806 for more information. All events subject to change. Visit www.poplarforest.org for additional events and updates. 3 r e sto r ation and rescue goal for first phase of l a n d s c a p e r e s t o r at i o n unveiled Archaeology has pinpointed the focus for the new frontier at Poplar Forest. This exciting new goal will begin to illuminate Jefferson’s unique integration of manmade and natural features in his vision for his ideal getaway. The just-announced plan for the first phase of landscape restoration calls for beginning with one of the most important features of Jefferson’s “architectural” composition— the west allee of paper mulberry trees— to be followed by the geometrically arranged “tree clumps” and oval beds in front of the house. “We are excited to announce the blueprint for this longawaited opportunity to restore Jefferson’s landscape. We are ready now to seek the funds to bring back the first features of the ornamental grounds at Poplar Forest.” The Corporation for Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Judith Greer Schulz Originally, Jefferson had planted an allee of trees on both sides of the house. He subsequently replaced the east allee with the brick wing. The allee that stretched between the house and the west mound is the most explicit illustration of Jefferson’s intentionally blurring the line between landscape and architecture— using trees to mimic wings. With the “wing of offices” on the east side of the octagon now reconstructed/restored, bringing back its counterpart­ the west allee of trees— will restore the symmetry of Jefferson’s unique rendition of the five-part Palladian villa. In restoring Jefferson’s design, the trees and the wing will once again balance each other in connecting the octagon to the flanking mounds. This diagram shows how Jefferson’s design for Poplar Forest reinterprets the design of a Palladian villa. 4 The Corporation for Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Garden note on Poplar Forest 1811-1820, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Excavations in the early 1990’s (before house restoration began) revealed the planting stains and holes for the northwest tree clump and oval bed. Based on the data recovered from these excavations, the archaeologists determined that the clumps were 25 feet in diameter and the oval beds measure 5 feet wide by 20 feet long. Jefferson’s planting memorandum for 1812 indicates that he had the allee of paper mulberry trees and the tree clumps planted in November of that year. Research indicates that within the 61-acre “curtilage” space that Jefferson carved from his farm, he organized the features necessary to a villa retreat: kitchen gardens, ornamental plantings, orchards and support buildings. At the heart of the curtilage was the octagonal house within a 10-acre core of ornamental plantings— reflecting Jefferson’s experimental nature and a familiarity with landscape design, developed from a lifetime of study and travel. Also targeted in the first phase of landscape restoration are the “tree clumps” and oval flower beds at the front of the house that were part of that ornamental “core” of the curtilage. of the central oval bed. As part of this project, archaeologists will further research the origins of the boxwoods in front of the house. In letters, Jefferson remarked on the effective use of “tree clumps”— or tight groupings of trees— in English landscapes, and planted them himself at Poplar Forest, Monticello, and the White House. At Poplar Forest his papers indicate the planting of two raised oval planting beds – aligned with the walls at the front “corners” of the house and a center one facing the front door of the house. An existing chestnut rose growing in the middle of the boxwood maze may be a descendant Part of the archaeological excavation needed for these plantings at the front of the house and for the allee has already been done. The first phase of landscape restoration will incorporate both the remaining archaeological excavation needed to pinpoint details of the targeted landscape features, and the reproduction of Jefferson’s landscape via planting of the documented trees and plants. “Landscape restoration will reveal a new dimension of Jefferson’s villa retreat and clarify his vision for this personal space,” said board chairman Judith Greer Schulz. “Funding for the landscape restoration is a major priority beginning in 2010. It presents new opportunities for donors to make a visible difference in restoration progress at Poplar Forest.” 5 a n n i v e rsary c e l e b r at e 200 years a t p o pl a r f o r e s t 2009 marks the 200th year since Jefferson retired from the Presidency. In November of 1809, Jefferson began sojourning to his retreat home. This spring, for the first time in 160 years, it will be possible to see the exterior of the house as it looked on Jefferson’s last visit in 1823, when he was 80 years old. By fall visitors will be able to experience the size and scope of Jefferson’s landscape as we reconstruct the boundary fence for the 61-acre curtilage. Explore your own “pursuit of happiness.” Make plans now to visit Poplar Forest during this anniversary year. New this Year Experience the Curtilage In May, the public will be invited to join with staff and volunteers to kick off reconstruction of Jefferson’s curtilage fence, a snake fence surrounding the retreat’s 61-acre core. Mid-summer visitors will see construction in full swing. By fall it will be possible to see and feel the size of the space Jefferson organized as his villa retreat. Handheld tours introduced In addition to guided tours of Jefferson’s house, beginning this fall visitors will be able to walk through the pre-restoration grounds with handheld audio/visual “tour guides” and learn what we know so far from Jefferson’s papers and archaeology about the ornamental landscape, the plantation, and the people of the enslaved community. 6 The Corporation for Jefferson’s Poplar Forest The “Wing of Offices” unveiled The exterior of the distinctive 100-foot east wing of service rooms, which Jefferson called the “Wing of Offices,” will be complete. Visitors will be able to stroll on the wing’s innovative flat roof, as Jefferson did. The curtilage fence, believed to have been a Virginia rail (or snake) fence, will give visitors an idea of the full size and scope of Jefferson’s villa retreat design. Jefferson’s Retirement Party In October, toast Mr. Jefferson and his retirement from a lifetime of public service and enjoy a concert with the Richmond Symphony. The Thomas Jefferson Wine Festival In November, kick off the holidays and celebrate Jefferson’s passion for wine. The first-annual event will feature local and regional wineries, historic crafters and vendors, and a visit from Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest B o a r d of D i r e ct o r s Judith Greer Schulz Lynchburg, Virginia, Chairwoman FRIENDS of J EFFERSON ’ S Robert C. Clark Annapolis, Maryland, Vice Chairman Peter O. Ward, Jr. Lynchburg, Virginia, Treasurer Madeline E. Miller Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Secretary You can make possible restoration, archaeology, and education at Poplar Forest by becoming a Friend of Poplar Forest. Gifts at all levels are welcome. Give every year and make a difference every day. Presiden t ’s So ciety from $ 5 , 0 0 0 S e cre tary of Stat e’s S o c i ety from $ 2 , 5 0 0 1806 So cie ty from $ 1, 8 0 6 Governor’s So ciety from $ 1, 0 0 0 Bahman Batmanghelidj Middleburg, Virginia orran L. brown Richmond, Virginia S. Allen Chambers, Jr. Washington, D.C. Melanie Christian Lynchburg, Virginia Douglas Cruickshanks, Jr. Nashville, Tennessee Beverly E. Dalton Altavista, Virginia Asso ciat es of the Mini ste r to F ra nc e from $ 5 0 0 Sally B. Gladden Afton, Virginia Burgess’s Asso ciate s from $ 2 5 0 Elizabeth H. Haskell Martinsville, Virginia s cho lars asso ciate s from $ 5 0 F riends of Po plar Fo r e st all gift levels Visit www.poplarforest.org/development to learn more. Friends who include a provision for Poplar Forest in their estate plans are recognized as members of the Thomas Jefferson Circle. Contact the Poplar Forest Development Office at development@poplarforest.org or (434) 534-8126. T h o m a s J e ff e r s o n Inspiration for Living Lives of Curiosity and Creativity The mission of the private, non-profit Corporation for Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest is to preserve Thomas Jefferson’s retreat and enable it to serve future generations as an innovative educational catalyst inspiring insight into the past, present and future. Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, a National Historic Landmark, is open for tours 10am to 4 pm Wednesday through Monday, April through November (except for Thanksgiving Day). Group tours are available year-round by appointment. Christian S. Hutter III Lynchburg, Virginia Robert B. Lambeth, Jr. Bedford, Virginia Barbara B. Lemon Roanoke, Virginia George P. Ramsey, Jr Lynchburg, Virginia Lisa Morris Simon Houston, Texas Harry J. Warthen III Richmond, Virginia Update your information Poplar Forest will launch email updates in 2009 and we would like to stay in touch with you! Please send us your email address to receive news and information. Contact: development@poplarforest.org Feedback Newsletter Editor Anna Bentson, Director of Public Relations and Marketing (434) 534-8116 anna@poplarforest.org 7 f r i e n ds of popl ar fo rest Dear Friends of Poplar Forest, We celebrate this anniversary year with thanks to each of you who contributed to Poplar Forest from January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008. Your gifts will become visible in 2009 as the “wing of offices” is unveiled, opening the landscape begins, the curtilage fence is erected, archaeologists continue to probe the possible nursery site, a newly-designed website is launched, and expanded educational programs illuminate the life and mind of Thomas Jefferson. Your generosity is rescuing and sustaining this National Historic Landmark for thousands of visitors each year, and for generations to come. Thank you so very much. Judith G. Schulz Chairman of the Board president’s s o c i e ty from $5,000 Automated Conveyor Systems, Inc. Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Power Generation Group Bank of the James Mr. and Mrs. Bahman Batmanghelidj Estate of Ms. Virginia B. Berger Mr. William E. Betts, Jr. Ellen and Orran Brown Carter Machinery Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Christian, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clark Estate of Mrs. Anne Colgin Mr. and Mrs. A. Douglas Dalton, Jr. Mr. Remmel T. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Emil James and Karen Everett Mr. and Mrs. John M. Flippin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Gladden, Jr. N.B. Handy Company Mr. and Mrs. N. VanMeter Hendricks, III Institute of Museum and Library Services JDH Family Foundation Directed by Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Harvey Minnie and Bernard Lane Foundation of Altavista Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Leggett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lemon Louise Monroe Williams Charitable Trust Lynchburg Ready Mix Concrete Company, Inc. Mars Foundation Ms. Jacqueline B. Mars Tom and Linda Mitchell Robert Haywood Morrison Foundation Ms. Katherine Neville and Dr. Karl Pribram Jon and Sonja Hoel Perkins 8 Mr. and Mrs. George P. Ramsey, Jr. Ray Griffin Foundation Directed by James and Amy Ray Richard S. Reynolds Foundation The Reverend and Mrs. Stephen J. Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shenigo Miss Emmy Lou Thomson Tourism Cares for Tomorrow Mrs. J. Allen Tyler Mr. Harry J. Warthen, III Mrs. James L. Wiley Dr. E. Allen Womack, Jr.+ Mrs. Anne R. Worrell ZC Sterling One Anonymous Contributor s e c r e t a r y of s tat e ’ s s o c i e ty $2,500 - $4,999 Appalachian Power Camp-Younts Foundation Shirley C. Caskie The Community Foundation in Jacksonville Directed by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bryan, IV Hamilton Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christian S. Hutter, III Teri and Tom Keith The Greater Lynchburg Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. T. Perrow Mr. Hans-Ullrich Scharnberg Paul and Wendy Tackett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thieblot The Trust Company of Virginia One Anonymous Contributor 1 8 0 6 SOCIETY $1,806 - $2,499 Mrs. Margaret B. Burruss Mr. and Mrs. S. Allen Chambers, Jr. Don M. Giles Mr. and Mrs. William E. and Lella C. McBratney, Jr. Mrs. Martha H. Parker Mr. and Mrs. John L. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart Snoddy, Jr. Mrs. George T. Stewart, III Mr. and Mrs. Cranston Williams, Jr. Mary Denny Wray Trula and John Wright governor’s s o c i e ty $1,000 - $1,805 Mr. Preston H. Andrews Ms. Virginia A. Arnold Dr. and Mrs. B.R. Ashby Bedford County Hunt Club Ms. Lynn A. Beebe Zinkie Benton Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brockenbrough, III L.S. and J.S. Bryan Fund of The Community Foundation Dr. Carole D. Chazin The Chilton Foundation, Directed by Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Chilton, Jr. James A. Clodfelter Dr. and Mrs. Clagett Collins Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cruickshanks, Jr. Mr. Jay Dalgliesh Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Daniel Mr. Emile F. De Keyser Henry and Cathie Desmarais Mr. and Mrs. Gene B. Dixon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Favrot, Jr. Florence B. Fowlkes Mr. Stephen Franks Mrs. Carter Glass, III Mr. William Guerrant Mimi and Peter Hass Fund Hagan Family Fund Mrs. Mayo C. Harlow Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haskell Richard and Cheryl Hiner Mildren V. Horn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hughes Mrs. Barbara Worrell Jessup George and Louise Kegley Mrs. Margaret H. Kelley Judy Wilburn Knoell Mr. and Mrs. William J. Krochalis Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lambeth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lanford The Stan and Elise Lanford Family Fund of the Foundation for the Roanoke Valley Mr. and Mrs. Chiswell D. Langhorne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Logan, III Raymond and Janice Nelson Charles and Karin Nifong Thomas and Ellen Nygaard Nicholas A. Pappas Mrs. Chiswell D.L. Perkins of The Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. T. Joseph Pond Gayle and Randy Randol Ms. Elizabeth Revette Richard T. Sadler Elliot and Rosel Schewel William Hughes Seewald F. C. Seibold, Jr. Ms. Lisa Simon Marvin and Joy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gustav H. Stalling, III StellarOne Corporation Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Taylor, III We have taken great care to present an accurate and complete list of our patrons. If an omission or other error has occurred, we express our sincere regret and ask that it be brought to our attention. Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Lee A. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Thompson Peter and Jessica Ward Velda A.Warner Margaret S. Whitaker Whitney and Anne Stone Foundation Directed by Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Wood, II Ms. Isabella G. Witt One Anonymous Contributor a s s o c i a t e s of the m i n i s t e r to f r a n c e $500 - $999 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Amacher William L. Beiswanger Mr. and Mrs. FitzGerald Bemiss Richard and Barbara Binder Mr. and Mrs. David S. Black George and Barbara Bonnett Buford Family Fund of the Community Foundation Colonial Dames of America Lynchburg Committee Emily and John Craddock Alice L. Cumbia Daughters of the American Revolution Blue Ridge Chapter Jimmy and Trudy Davidson James P. Douglass The Fontaine Family Charitable Fund Directed by Richard B. Fontaine The Harry Frazier, III Family of The Community Foundation Ms. Anne F. Henderson Michael Hildreth Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hodges, III Evelyn F. James Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kelsey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, III John Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Johnson Mrs. Robert P. Kilpatrick Ms. Andrea Koepke Diane M. Kotras John and Catherine Lastavica Reid Leggett Levenson G. Leslie, Jr. Mrs. Caroline Y. Linderman Richard and Mary Long Lowe, Brockenbrough & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lundell Charles T. Matheson Ms. Sarah P. McBratney McGuire Family Fund of The Community Foundation Caroline and Marshall Morton Family Fund of The Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moseley Barbara A. Moser John and Susan Mullin of The Community Foundation Mr. Mike Nelson Mr. Gregory K. Oyler Mary Parsley Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Pauley Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin Anne and Josiah Rowe Scott Sather Herman R. and Winnifred Schenkel Marc and Margaret Schewel Mr. and Mrs. Niklas Schrenck-Von-Notzing Mr. and Mrs. Blair M. Schrum Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Seilheimer, Jr. Scott and Virginia Shackelford Nancy Spillane Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Watts, II Mr. and Mrs. T. Ashby Watts, III Jane and Bob Whisnant Nancy and Jeff Wilson Marshall and Lind Wright burgess’s a s s o c i at e s $250 - $499 Aerofin Corporation Burgess and Karen Allen Areva Ayco Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William I. Bacchus Colonel and Mrs.William D. Badgett Charles and Christina Bascom Richard W. Bild and Karen Lee Robinson Mary Pat Black Barbara A. Bluck Dane and Karen Blythe Stephen and Cindy Breed Drs. Teresa and Robert Brennan Ms. Mary L. H. Bro Robert M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph H. Bunzl June and Caldwell Butler Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Bushman June and Caldwell Butler Chapman Famiy Foundation Directed by Ms. Katharine Chapman Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Chapman John and Cheryl Clark Penelope and Thomas Henry Clarke Dan and Kourtney Coleman Mr. and Mrs. John Cusick Daughters of the American Revolution General James Breckinridge Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Darby Teresa Davidson Carolyn Davis Mrs. Overton D. Dennis, Jr. Powell and Marge Dillard Dodson Brothers Exterminating Company, Inc. Jane and George Dooley Mr. and Mrs. John D. Doyle, Jr. Norma B. Dugger Mrs. Edward C. Eisenhart James P. and Lorraine D. Ellerson Mrs. James S. Evans Lynne Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. George Leah Settle Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Giles III Robert M. and Salle Ann Gill Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Griggs Ken and Linda Grimes Beth and Bob Guers Frank G. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hamilton, Jr. Barbara Handy Mr. and Mrs. John D. Harkness Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harlan Joe and Yvonne Head Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hedge, Jr. Mr. Michael F. Hersh Brigadier General (R) and Mrs. C. J. Hindman Mr. Donald M. Holland Mrs. Yuille Holt, Jr. Bev and Barry Hunter Dr. and Mrs. James G. Hunter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Hutter, Sr. Mr. Bahman Irvani Robert H. Jiranek The Honorable Robert P. Johnston David and Ann Koch KVA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Lamorta Frosty Landon Holly Leicht Mr. and Mrs. W. Tucker Lemon Jane Evins Leonard Mr. and Mrs. George C. Longest Emory and Virginia Lucy Dr. and Mrs. James L. Lynde Jerry and Dorothy Malone Forbes Maner Mr. and Mrs. Travis C. McDonald, Jr. Carol A. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Travis C. McDonald, Jr. Carruth and Mary McGehee Mr. and Mrs. William Ross McNabb Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller Mrs. J. E. Miller Brooke Miner Mr. and Mrs. Percy Montague, III The Honorable and Mrs. Norman K. Moon Dr. and Mrs. James F. Mooney, III Gerald Morgan, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Muse Mr. and Mrs. John K. Newton Dwight and Bobbi Oldham James L. Oliver Emma Read Oppenhimer Dale Parsons Dean S. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen Perrow Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory Porter Irene and Daniel P. Randolph, ESQ Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richardson, Jr. Joel and Bob Richert David R. Ritter Mr. and Mrs. Carrell C. Rowles Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Sackett Patricia P. Salamone Elizabeth and Tony Salgado Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Saunders Barbara C. Schwartz Bill and Becky Semones Mr. and Mrs. John S. Shannon Mr. Robert C. Shekell Virginia A. Sirc Cameron O. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bland Smith Mr. and Mrs. John H. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Antal Solyom Barbara Berry Somers Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sonnemaker Jaclyn A. Spear Mr. and Mrs. C. Vernon Spratley, III Dennis and Connie Straub Mrs. W. B. Dixon Stroud Al and Sue Stutz Cindy B. Sudduth Doris and Frank Sutton Mr. and Mrs. E. Starke Sydnor Mr. and Mrs. William C. Taylor, III Dr. and Mrs. Francis B. Teague, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter Thompson, Jr. Ed R.Towns John M. Volkhardt Mr. and Mrs. Randolph D. Wade Charles and Elizabeth Walker Dr. and Mrs. White McKenzie Wallenborn Mrs. James O. Watts, III Frances Watts Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wayland Samuel H. Williams, Jr. Eleanor W. Winsor Dr. and Mrs. Joe H. Woody Douglas W. Wright Studie and Zach Young One Anonymous Contributor scholar’s a s s o c i at e s $50 - $249 John, Pam and Matthew Aadland Linda Payne Aaron Mr. and Mrs. F. William Abbate Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calvert Abeles Bradley S. and Cynthia S. Abramson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ackerly, III Mr. John B. Adams, Jr. Margaret Adams Gail Ann Adams Shirley Agan Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie, Jr. Milt Alberstadt, Jr. 9 f r i e n ds of popl ar fo rest Jacob D. Albert Ann R. Aldrich Lt. Col and Mrs. Fredrick Aldridge Drury B. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William S. Alldredge Mr. John G. Alston, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Ammons Herb and Terri Anastor Elizabeth B. and Richard G. Anderson Barbara and Charles Angstadt Mrs. David F. Anthony Hugh T. Antrim Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Appell Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Aquino Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Archer Dr. and Mrs. John B. Arnold Nela and Ron Ashley Mr. Norman D. Askins Kathleen M. Astroth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Austin, Jr. Mr. Tommy Aycock Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Babinsky William B. Baker Mary Fran and Don Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Barber Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bare Betty F. Barnett Helen C. and Glynn D. Barranger Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Barricklow Emily L. Barry Joshiah and Sam Adams Bartlett Mrs. Virginia K. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Baskin, III James and Denise Bauer Martha Page Beach Joanne L. Bear Mona W. Beard Tina M. Beatty Harmon and Mary Beauchamp Sally Beaudette Florence M. Beazley Mr. Robert B. Beck Elizabeth-Reid Cash Becker Mr. Peter Becker Walter Robert Beckett Ms. Mary Ruth Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Bellamy Glenn and Debbie Berger Dr. Andrew H. Berry, D.O. Mr. David Berry Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Berry David and Mary Bice Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bidwell Edith S. Bingham Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Wales Blair Andy Blair Mr. and Mrs. Travis N. Blalock George and Judy Bloeser Sarah S. Boasberg Joseph and Patricia Bodenstedt Bernie and Donna Boelema The Boisen Family Mary Douglass Boldrick Aurelia G. Bolton Captain and Mrs. R. E. Bonwell, Jr. Robert F. Bost III and Wanda S. Bost Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bowie W. B. Bowles Miss Jefferson Bowman John and Linda Boyd Dr. Sandra Boyes Mr. and Mrs. Merlin W. Bradley Martha W. Brame Elizabeth R. Bramwell Allan and Rita Brandtner Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bransfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Breen Dennis and Barbara Bressert Nancy S. Brice Joseph Briley Mr. Scott Brochhausen Mrs. George M. Brooke, Jr. Jim and Betty Brown 10 James B. Brown Linda Yeatts Brown Mrs. Margaret M. Brown Michael Lance Brown Mr. Preston Brown, III Mr. Ken Bruce Elizabeth J. Brunson Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brunson Deborah Alford Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bryant Mr. Richard C. Buggeln Melissa K. Buhler Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Burdett Charles and Sally Burkman Mary Ann and Paul Burnam Ms. Hanna Burruss and H. L. Whaley Brian and Lori Burton Randolph and Karen Cabell Stephen and Ann Cagle Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Cain P. Duncan Callicott L. B. Cambias H. Donald Campbell Edward C. Campeau Brigadier General (Ret.) and Mrs. Jack L. Capps Burrus Carnahan Dolores Ann Carney Mr. and Mrs. Adam Carpenter Howard A. Carpenter Peter Carpenter and Maureen Hart Larry E. Carroll Tony and Christy Carroll Kimberly E. Carswell and David M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. B. Noland Carter, II Bessie B. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hill Carter Grace Carter Jack and Page Carter Charles and Shirley Cash Marjorie and Gilbert Center Mr. and Mrs. Carlile M. Chambers Deborah Charles Grace Chase Mrs. Hugh H. Chatham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cheek Ed and Shirley Cheramy Robert M. Chilton Robert W. Chope Mr. D. Kent Chrisman Marc and Beth Christiansen Randolph and Lucy Church Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne Mrs. Elizabeth F. Clark Donna and Gary Clark The Reverend and Mrs. Richard K. Clarke John and Jonna Clarkson Patricia W. Clough Dr. and Mrs. Dean Clower Gene and Rebecca Coakley Mr. and Mrs. James Cobbs William W. Cobbs Lorraine S. Coe Mary Collier Dr. and Mrs. Robert Collins Kathy Lou Colmorgen Martha D. Conde Tom Susan Conner George and Dianne Conwell Robert and Lucy Cook Lawrence Coolidge Mrs. Susan Jones Cooper Mr. William E. Cornelius The Cottage Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Coulter Brent and Pamela Cousino Carol T. Cover Drs. Matthew R. Craig and Jennifer M. King Walter W. Craigie Caroline E. Creel Mrs. Shirley K. Crehore Mr. and Mrs. and Richard B. Cress Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Cross Doris and Robert Crutchfield Janet and Richard Cunningham Mr. Russell Curro Anne and Nick Daffern Mrs. F. Wilson Daily Stanley M. Dalrymple Joe and Joy Davidson Mr. and Mrs. William S. Davidson Lt. Col Ed R. Davies USMCR Bill and Ann Davis Rear Admiral and Mrs. Cabell S. Davis, Jr. Hornor and Freddy Davis Philip E. and Laura V. Davis Jane and William Davis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Day Donald and Joan Dearborn Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. DeGroot Anne S. DeJarnette Mr. Rowland Denman Mrs. Jane S. Depew Mr. Robert J. Dersch Mrs. John W. Devine, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Albert R. Devlin Stephen and Cynthia DiCarlo Mr. and Mrs. Jeff E. Dickens Wilson and Anne Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Disharoon Mr. Walter M. Dixon, Jr. Jeff Dizon Melinda and Alfred Donovan Dr. Quay Dortch John and Sandy Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Basil C. Doumas Dr. Arthur Channing Downs Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Doyle Mrs. Campbell Drake Noel Draper Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Duckwall Elizabeth L. Dudley Susan and Wayne Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Duke Ms. Susan A. Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dunn, Jr. Mr. Ken Dutton Bruce and Nancy Duval Lester and Nancy Dyson Michael T. Eberhart Ann and Gordon Echols Lisa A. F. Ecklund Mr. Charles Edwards Mr. J. Dewayne Edwards Marvin and Martha Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Eisenhard Mr. Norman R. Eisenmann Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eliason Frank and Lucy Ellett Mrs. Edith M. Elliott Elisabeth H. Engelbach Theodore Engelder Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Englander Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ennis, Sr. Tom and Cathy Eppes Mrs. June Evans Lathan M. Ewers, Jr. Robert H. Exner Charles A. Fagan, III Cdr. and Mrs. Victor Failmezger David M. Fairman Monique C. Farag The Honorable and Mrs. James S. Farmer Gloria and J. Preston Farrar Michael W. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. L. Fauntleroy Mark and Gaile Ferguson Paul E. and Jewell C. Field Katherine Guerrant Fields Dave and Kathy Firth Alice and Jim Fisher Paul and Libby Fitzgerald Emma and Richard Flynn Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ford Janie and Norris Ford Barry and Jane Fornoff G. Logan Forsyth Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Kate V. Forsyth Phil and Jan Fowler Mr. Larry A. Fox Dr. and Mrs. Parham R. Fox Mrs. Helen Foyle Mr. and Mrs. Vance Fraley Fred and Phylis Fralick Richard Lee Francis Gordon and Judy Frank Drs. Sidney N. and Mary P. Franklin Miss Susan E. Freas Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Frederickson Alison G. Freehling Jim and Donna Frost Mrs. Mary Frances Galbreath Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Gallivan, III Mr. Vincent P. Gambal Jack L. Gardin Betsey Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garland Mrs. Alice W. Garlock Mr. and Mrs. William E. Garner Robert A. Gay Mr. Thomas Gentry Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. George Jack and Mary Ann Gibbsons Leah Settle Gibbs Dr. Lucy Hodnette Gibbs Ronald and Maureen Giese Ms. Leigh H. Giles John W. Gill Jane Elizabeth Gilliam Frank W. Gisiner and Judy C. Gisiner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gleason Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Glenn Mr. Fred P. Glennie Roger A. Godin Donna and George Goehner Mr. and Mrs. R. Gene Goley Wayne Goodall Pat and Tom Goodenow R. S. Goodwin, IV Marjorie Gordon Joe and Ann Gorrell Marc and Susan Gottridge Amanda Gough Richard Grant Mr. and Mrs. R. Palmer Green Mr. and Mrs. Kossen Gregory Colonel and Mrs. Wilbur T. Gregory, Jr. Richard Wells Gresham, AIA Mr. Paul C. and Mrs. Tauna Y. Griffith Gene and Julie Griggs Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Grimsley Mrs. Helen Groves Frank and Susan Guenther Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Guillossou Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe B. Guy, Sr. Carl S. Hacker Kathryn and Michael Haggans Mr. John R. Hailman Judge and Mrs. Samuel M. Hairston Kevin M. Hale Betty Taylor Hall Tom and Janie Hall Dr. and Mrs. John Halpin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Halstead Stephen and Cathy Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Halstead Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hamrick Harold J. Hansen Marleen and Vagn Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Rebecca Hanson Frank Harmon Edwin L. and Lucy D. Harper Donald K. Harrington, Jr. Dale and Ted Harris Dr. Robert C. Harris Dr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Harris, Jr. Leon Harrison Cora W. Harvey Iris and Tom Harvie Jerry and Kay Hasson Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Hastings Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hay Mitch and Jenna Haynie David J. and Joan M. Healy Robert and Nita Hempfling Achsah E. Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Stanleigh A. Henelt Nathalie Ward Heppner Dianne W. Hewitt Lynn Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hickman Carl L. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. C. Roger Hill Charles and Sylverlyn Hill Dr. and Mrs. Elbert R. Hill Ms. Lois A. Hindhede Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hite, Jr. Fred and Mary Buford Hitz Barbara J. Hodge Mr. David B. Hoffberger Ms. Helen L. Holt Melanie R. Homer Robert and Marilyn Hood Ron M. Kagawa and Jill E. Yutan Claire Kalpakjian Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Kappes Evelyn J. Kealey Nancy Kearney Anne B. Keiser Helen H. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keith Mr. Paton H. Kelley Mr. Phillip C. Kelley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Kelly William E. and Marguerite P. Kelly Frances and Al Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O. Kern William A. Kern, Jr. M.D. and Kathryn E. Kern M.D. Stena Kettl Mrs. Thomas P. Kidd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kimball Mr. Harold D. and Carol Eustis Kimball Jim and Joan King Edmund T. Knott Kristopher H. Koechling “A morsel of genuine history, a thing so rare as to be always valuable.” Thomas Jefferson, age 75, to Charles Willson Peale September 8, 1817 Mrs. Joseph C. Hoopes, Jr. Mr. and Ms. William H. Hosick Miss Elizabeth Garnett Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hotchkiss, III Stan Houle Larry and Vicki Howard Colonel and Mrs. Robert W. Howland Jim and Dee Hoye Dan and Lisa Hrinko Jeffrey and Laura Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Rolf O. Hubbe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Huber Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Huprich Dr. and Mrs. George A. Hurt Henry and Margaret Hurt Eleanor Zurn Hutt Mr. and Mrs. Beverly S. Hutter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christian S. Hutter, IV Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hutter Dianne F. Hylton Larry and Beatrice Iceman John Peters Irelan Mr. and Mrs. John Izard Susan and Chris Jackson Karen E. Jackson Kenneth and Deborah Miller Jackson David and Lucile James Bullett James Nancy T. James Dr. Sara N. James Mary Evelyn Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Peyton G. Jefferson, Jr. Bettina Lindsay Jenney William D. Jobe and Carolyn D. Geise Dr. Dearing Ward Johns and Mr. Harry N. Lewis Carl and Theresa Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lowell John Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philemon W. Johnson Richard and Laurel Johnson Linda B. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones James G. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Jones, Jr. Robley Shelton Jones and Jacqueline Scholle McCabe Hazel C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Jonusas Dan and Lou Jordan Thomas J. Jordan Darwin and Sheila Koester Sara and Geoffrey Kovacik Wayne and Nancy Koyanik Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lamonde Nila and Landon B. Lane, Jr. Christian and Jean Lange David and Sandra Lange John C. Langhorne George H. Lanier Mr. Mark F. Lape Jane and Larry Larkin Barbara Laughon Mr. Erik D. Laurila Michael and Pamela Lavery Ms. Lillian B. Law Mr. and Mrs. Robert det Lawrence Frederick Lee Lawson Harold and Anita Layton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Leon H. Lee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Lee, III Robert and Dee Leggett Ms. Jo R. Leimenstoll Dr. and Mrs. David H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lewis Mary Frances Lewis Anne Lewis Leyden Terrie Liberman and Martin Schweig Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lightle Mrs. Jean S. Lindsay Mary Lindsay Rebecca J. Lindsay Mr. Louis M. Linxwiler, Jr. Ms. Margie Lippard Lloyd and Elizabeth Lipscomb Mary W. Litchfield Janice Litschert Harry A. Livesay, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fielding L. Logan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Lorence Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loveless Roye L. Lowry Agnes Lowry-Campbell Kirk and Sarah Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowe Lunsford, III Yvonne R. Lyda Anne L. Lynch James and Marilyn Lynch Lynchburg Bird Club 11 f r i e n ds of popl ar fo rest Dr. and Mrs. James L. Lynde Steve and Sally Lytle Lohrie G. MacDonald The Reverend and Mrs. Robert B. Macfarlane Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Mackall, Jr. Louis Mackall Kathy MacKnight John, Linda and Rebecca MacLeman John and Peggy Magenbauer Thomas Mahoney and Ms. Kathleen Meriwether Allen and Karen Majewski Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Scott Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Marcy Bruce D. and Judith A. Marsh David B. Marsh Alise Martinez Esther Mason Mr. and Mrs. R. Vince Matthews Jay and Susan Maveety Michael and Joan Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. May Harry Mayles Mr. Bill Maynard Walker Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCallum, Jr. Langhorne L. McCarthy Paul N. McCarthy and Stella M. Tsai Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCollum Janet and Donald McCracken Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McCutcheon Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McDaniel Ms. Leigh Ann McDougal David and Carol McFarland Mr. Carden C. McGehee, Jr. Sandy and Anne McKenna John and Patrice McKinney Donald L. McLaughlin Dr. and Mrs. Alexander C. McLeod Joan R. McMillen Mr. and Mrs. Rieman McNamara, Jr. Charles and Janice McNeal Dan and Lee Ann McVane Mr. and Mrs. A. Craddock McWane Mrs. Edwin B. Meade, Jr. Mr. William J. Memmer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Meredith Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. J. Sam Meyer Thomas Meyer R. Larson Mick Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Miller Boyd and Juanita L. Miller Mr. W.R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Minot Linn and Susan Moedinger Fran and Karl Mohr Mike and Jackie Momenee Mr. Robert L. Montague, III Andrew T. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore Mr. William P. Moore, Jr. Christi and Fredric Moritz Richard and Susan Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Morrison Ms. Ruth F. Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Morton The Honorable and Mrs. J. Leyburn Mosby, Jr. Murphy Moss and Mary Ann Coffey Sharon and John Motte, IV Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Muceus Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mullen, Jr. Everard and Ann Munsey Robert and Elizabeth Mustain Donna J. Myer F. Timothy Nagler E. Neid Mr. and Mrs. Jay Newkirk Mr. Richard E. Nicholas Dr. Steven Nichols Elroy Nieweg Dorothy and Richard Niles Ann Nimmer 12 Mr. and Mrs. John Oberlies, Jr. Anne Gilliam and Timothy P. O’Brien Jack and Mary Ann O’Donnell Karl and Laura Olsen Rebecca and Arne Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Olson, Jr. Beale and Linn Ong Joan Orso Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Padgett Robert W. Parke Doris Parker Elizabeth Mary Parker Mrs. Helen B. Palmer Robert W. Parke Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Parker James Dudley Parrish, Jr. Rob Pauley Ruth and Joe Payne Janet Pease Ms. Kathryn A. Pedon Arvil L. Pennington John. L. Pennington Penn-Jersey Building Materials, Inc. Rebecca and Ralph Pernice Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Peters Mr. and Mrs. John R. Peters John and Mary Petersen David and Kay Peterson Ronald and Carol Peterson Nancy P. Petty Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Pettyjohn John and Trudy Phillips Andrew and Barbara Piekutowski Alycon T. Pierce, C.G. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pinckney, II Warren and Mary Plaster Ed and Nancy Pollock Ethel and Norman Pollock Mary Porter Drs. Dorothy and Clifton Potter Mrs. W. Jeff Powell Abigail Power Steve Preston John and Celeste Price Mr. Richard and Dr. Kathryn Pumphrey Ethelyn H. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Keesee H. Purcell B.P. Quaintance Michael H. Quick Shirlee and Jim Raines Kathryn E. Rapier Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rebisz Helen Harper-Rebok Mr. Cecil R. Register Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reid Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Rethmeier James E. Rich Mr. and Mrs. John F. Richards Dr. and Mrs. Luther W. Richardson, Jr. James Riddle Roger L. Rittinger Allen W. Roberts Mrs. William M. Roberts, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mott Robertson, Jr. Jeff Robertson Mr. Francis D. Roche Fred and Kay Roedel Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Rogers Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rogers Jeanette and Paul Rommelmann James W. Rook and Susan Ackerman Mrs. Ralph G. Roop Gary and Colleen Rosborough Michael F. Rosenthal and Marleen F. Roggow Jon Ross and Mary Young Mr. William L. S. Ross Michael T. Rothe Carole and Dick Royer Michael P. Rucker Mrs. Richard S. Ruggles John and Joan Ruppenthal Howard and Sharon Russell Richard Rutherford Beverly C. Ryan John F. Ryan J. Donald and Nancy Sams Eleanor G. Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson Judith Hancock Sandoval Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Sather Mr. and Mrs. Norman Satterthwaite Mrs. Sarah Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schaefer Karl J. Schipper Carl and Helen Schlaich Frank and Susan Schmaltz Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schmidt Ted Schneiderman R. R. Schoettker Mrs. Robert T. Schomer Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Schooley Mr. and Mrs. John H. Schoultz Curt and Lisa Schum Mr. and Mrs. Hans F. Schwartz Ms. Caroline Schweiter Mrs. Frederic W. Scott Isaac S. Scott Mr. and Mrs. R. Strother Scott William C. and Mary Anne Seaton Mrs. Celine Segda Brenda Serniak Mr. and Ms. Virginius R. Shackelford, III Jan E. Shaffer Thomas S. Shiner Eva Lee H. Shober Nancy K. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Simpson, Jr. John and Sandy Sims Jerome and Mary Jo Skala Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Skidmore Creighton Wesley Sloan Aaron and Ritsuko Small Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Smeltzer Mr. Donald N. Smith and Mr. Sid K. Spear Mr. and Mrs. G W. Smith, Jr. Frank L. and Lark G. Smith Jann Smith Steve and Debbie Smith Nigel and Linda Smyth General and Mrs. George M. Snead, Jr. Major General and Mrs. Charles R. Sniffin Mr. and Mrs. William D. Snyder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spain, Jr. Bob Spatz Christopher and Dorothy G. Spencer Dawn Spencer and Tom Zirkelbach David Spiker Bob and Carol Spore Maryann and Homer Springer St. Paul’s Church Cliff and Fritzie Statler Roger and Linda Steele Mr. and Mrs. David R. Stephenson, III Robert A. M. Stern Architects, LLP Mrs. Anne R. Stevens Jack D. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Preston Stevens, Jr. Dr. Edward J. Stoll Mrs. William Storey Francis Straus “I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man’s milk and restorative cordial.” Thomas Jefferson, age 69, to Benjamin Rush August 17, 1811 Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest A. Norman Sturdivant Peter and Judy Suhmann Mr. Claude T. Sullivan K. O. Summerville Mike and Debbie Sumner Mr. Jill A. Swab Mr. Steven Sykes Ann R. Symroski Ms. Jewel Tabor and Mr. David H. Scanlon Metta Tanikawa and Steve Kinder Richard and Joie Tankard Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Taylor Mr. John C. R. Taylor, III and Mr. Peter Flagg Maxso Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Thayer, III Mr. and Mrs. James G. Thayer John M. Thistlethwaite Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F. Thomas Ellen Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Addison B. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. W. Clay Thomson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Timmons, Jr. J. Richard Toler Deborah L. Tolley Edward T. Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Trent Mrs. Linda T. Troutman Katherine R. Turner Remus S. and Mary Eppes Turner Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.Turner Karen A. Ulfers Arthur and Virginia Urbanik Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Valentine Mr. and Mrs. William K. Van Allen Sandra and Gerrit van Burk Mr. and Mrs. Truman J. Vannatta Joseph H. J. and Edith S.Vernon Ellen M. Vest Mr. and Mrs. John M. Volkhardt Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Walker, Jr. Carol Wallace Mr. and Mrs. David B. Wallace Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wallenborn, Jr. Ms. J. Marie Waller Dr. James M. Walter, Jr. and Ms. Michelle A. Portman Mr. Joseph Wang Paul and Sally Wangsness Betty Byrne Ware Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Watts Mr. and Mrs. James O. Watts, IV Douglas R. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Webb Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Webster John W. Weil Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Weis Professor Camille Wells Bill and Phebe Wescott Sergeant Edgar V. Wheeler Natalie H. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Wheiler The Honorable Paul and Sandra Whitehead, Jr. Clara L. Whitlock Christopher and Barbara B. Whorton Marilyn J. Wiebke Ann and Billy Wilkinson William and Janet Willersdorf James and Becky Williams John and Jo Williams Mrs. Mary Ballou Williams Dr. and Mrs. Mason W. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Williamson Jeffrey R. Willis Mr. Wayne L. Wills Judy Ann Wilson Frank C. Wirth Edward R. Witt, Jr. and Elizabeth C. Witt Bert and Ginny Wommack Lt. Col. Emery G. Wood Colonel and Mrs. Clement L. Woodward Richard and Luann Woodward Joyce and Bill Wooldridge Donald E. Worrell, Jr. Drs. Thomas E. and E. Muriel J. Wright Mary Yahnker and Leigh Bragg Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Zahor Frank and Jack Zehmer Vasyl Zuk and Gloria Capik Four Anonymous Contributors f r i e n d s of p o pl a r f o r e s t Ashley M. Abruzzo Amelia A. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bart Agioni Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Alcorn Mr. Harold J. Allen Al and Kay Alsing Marilyn M. Amburn The Reverend Robert L. Anderson Virginia Lee R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Annis Gregory and Edna Armstrong Ellen Ashwell Dr. Phyllis C. Ashworth Kenneth H. Austin Linda J. Bailey Mr. Louis D. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Q. Bakke James and Carol Barnacle Mrs. Robert Q. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Barres Lydia W. Bartholomew Mr. Danny L. Bartlett Mr. Richard Bartoes Mrs. Ercil F. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Hans F. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bellamy M. Jean Berns Drs. John and Donna Blackburn Mr. Larry R. Bly Mr. James W. Boehling Charles H. Boggs, Jr. Mary Douglass Boldrick Michael A. Bonnet Lowell and Susan P. Boothe Bob and Wanda Bost Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bowen, Jr. Mrs. Peggy Bowen Kevin and Kelly Bowman Dr. Sandra R. Boyes Ms. Joan Branin John M. and Sue E. Braund Dr. and Mrs. O. Christian Bredrup, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James B. Brown Linda Y. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brunson Barry L. Bryson Wyatt L. Buckingham Amoret and Sills Bunn Mr. and Mrs. John E. Butler Stephen and Ann Cagle Mr. T. Stephen Cain Dianne Bailey Caldwell Mr. Edward C. Campeau Ms. Lorraine A. Caris Mr. Howard A. Carpenter Mr. James J. Carrington Joe and Linda Carroll Mr. John Chapman Chester Mr. and Mrs. Donald Christian Ms. Carol J. Clark Eleanor M. Clark Mrs. Elizabeth F. Clark Joseph and Linda Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Clement Mr. and Mrs. Gene W. Coakley Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Coffing Mr. Marc S. Cohen Pamela L. Coleburn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Conner George and Dianne Conwell Mr. Carroll M. Cooper Mary Jane W. Cooper Ms. Marie L. Coppinger Mr. Peter N. Corl Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Costo, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Cotten Mr. Donald W. Crane Melvin L. Crowder Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Culverhouse Doris B. Daneker Ms. Teresa W. Darden Barb Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William J. DeButts, Jr. Mr. Rowland Denman Larry and Carleen Dennis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dent, Jr. Michael and Lois Desparte Irene A. Doberstein Mr. and Mrs. Morton H. Dorenfeld Richard S. Doring Mr. Philip Downs Mr. and Mrs. Barron DuBois Robert and Ann Duke William and Phylis Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oliver Duvall Mr. and Mrs. William F. Early Mr. Terry R. Eastman and Ms. Victoria L. Diaz Lisa A. F. Ecklund Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eliason Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ennis, Sr. John and Barbara Erdmann Rebecca Evans Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fees Anne V. Kane Judith L. Fichter Libby and Paul Fitzgerald Ms. Kimberly P. Fledderman Esther Franklin Bob A. Freeman Steven and Karla Gainey Charlotte M. Galbraith Mr. Robert T. Gant and Ms. Alma J. Connors William and Mary Jane Garden Jack Gardin Richard D. Gardner Ms. M. Jeannine Gaskell Don and Elaine Gentry Dennis H. Gibbs Mr. Robert L. Givens, Jr. Captain W. J. Gladwin, Jr. USNR Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Gordon Ms. Betty F. Gore Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Grahame, Jr. Mr. Paul C. and Mrs. Tauna Y. Griffith Al and Betsy Gumpert Joan Y. Haas Thomas Hagen Mr. and Mrs. Olle E. Haggstrom Mr. and Mrs. C. Christopher Hagy Bob and Susan Hamilton Marleen Berry Hansen Mr. Craig Harris Mr. Kelly L. Harris Dr. Robert C. Harris Ms. Patricia B Hartinger Dr. Ronald L. Hatzenbuehler Mr. Robert and Mrs. Edith Hecht Dr. Robert E. Henderson Ms. Kathryn S. Hensley Susan Holt Herbolsheimer Shay and Ray Herman Ivan and Linda Hess Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hickman Mr. Alexander S. Hill Mr. Thomas J. Hogan Calvin E. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Hollingsworth Kevin Holloway and Vanessa Cieslak Mrs. Glynis Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Horner, III Mr. James J. Hostnik Joe and Frances Howard 13 f r i e n ds of popl ar fo rest David F. and Barbara S. Howell Mrs. George C. Howell Randall C. Hudgins Linda and John Hudson Mr. and Mrs. R. Hart Hudson Professor Thomas P. Hughes Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Huiner Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hunt, Jr. Larry and Beatrice Iceman Elsie Illg Ms. Vanessa Ingles Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Jackson, Jr. Mr. Steven D. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman D. Jackson, Jr. Elizabeth Jefferson Mary Evelyn Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwin Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lowell John Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton D. Jones Mr. Robert O. Jones Roger Kapeluck and Virginia Pilstl Dr. William J. Kelch Paton and Anne H. Kelley Donald Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. James S. Kiel, Jr. James A. King, Jr. Gladys S. King Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Kinser Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Kirby Julie and Michael Kohr Ms. Nora Kravec and Charles Cyr Mr. William G. Lancellotti, Jr. David and Sandra Lange Selma L. Lapedes Ms. Jackie Lauricella Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence, IV Mr. David A. Lea Ray E. and Phyllis J. Lear Mr. Jeffrey F. Lee Susan and Arthur Lefkowitz Harold LeGrande Mrs. Ethelyn W. Leighton Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lewis, III Mrs. Jody Liles Nancy and Charles Linn Mary W. Litchfield Dr. and Mrs. A.B. Lokka Mrs. Agnes Lowry-Campbell Walter and Janet Loy Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lugar Ms. Mollie L. MacDonald Steve T. Mackey Doug and Jennifer Mackintosh Russell and Shirley MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. Michael Majerle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Masincup Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Mastin Mr. and Mrs. Dallis Mayo Ms. L. A. McCallick Lee W. and Marlene A. McCombs Ms. Carolynn McIntyre Glenn and Shonna McIver Ms. Mildred B. Medford Mr. and Mrs. H. Llewellyn Merritt Jean M. Mihalyka Erik and Sally Mikkelsen Patricia Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ray Minando Marveen Minish Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mitchell Lois J. Mitchell Shannon Mitchell Barbara Mogelof Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Moore William B. and Sheila L. Moore Bob Mooty Virginia Myers Morgan Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Moyer, Jr. Ann Nidey Andrea Nofziger-Meadows Gail Norkett Betty S. Norwine Roberta Odell Marcia and Roger Oetting David and Dianne O’Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. O’Kane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Pace Mr. and Mrs. George U. Page Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Parker Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pautler Majorie and Jeffrey Pechet Ms. Patricia M. Pekarek Eric S. Petersen and Kathy Rhodes Andrew and Barbara Piekutowski Mr. Chris E. Pikrallidas Mr. Robert J. Pratt Ms. Anita Priddy Elaine Rankin Sue Hall Rasmussen Mike and Sue Reeves Bernice and Daniel Reinharth Donald and Irene Reiss Joseph and Bessie Richards Mr. and Mrs. Steve Robb Kenneth M. Robbins Len Rogers Mrs. Hubert C. Roop, Jr. and Mrs. Warren Tuck Mary E. Calobrisi-Ross and Darren Dwayne Ross Mason and Barbara Rowe David A. Scheinman Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schmidt Audrey J. Serniak Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Shawver Mrs. Jane H. Shea David A. Sheley Mr. and Mrs. E. Cecil Shelton Mary E. Sims Kathleen and Grady Smith Richard and Louise Smith E. H. Southard Mrs. Josephine T. Spencer Richard and Nancy A. Stafford Mr. James E. Steckel Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stokes Mr. and Mrs. G. R. C. Stuart Christopher and Heidi Stufflet John Styron Marsha Summerson Jay, Jody and Logan Sutton Dr. and Mrs. James J. Tattersall Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Taylor Richard and Janet Taylor John and Polly Tilford Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Touchette Mr. and Mrs. Ron Travis Naomi D. Trenary Jim and Sonia Vacha Mr. Ronald W. and Vermeillia Vaughan Diana Versenyi Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Volatile Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Wall Mrs. Drusilla J. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Watson Ronald and Lois Webb Adam Weilbaecher Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Werner Margaret K. West Richard and Virginia Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Whitaker Mr. Louis S. Whitaker Doug and Brooke White Serena White Robert E. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Whittaker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Whittle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Williams Larry and Wanda Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Wisman Mr. and Mrs. Giles E. Wood Ms. Judith V. Wood and Mr. Alex Nagy Janice E. Woodard Catherine and John Wranek Mr. Gary E. Wright Clifford E.Young Carl A. Zellner Theodore W. Ziegler Frederick and Jeanee Ziese One Anonymous Contributor Gifts Were Received in Honor of the Following: Robert Beck Mr. S. Allen Chambers Norma Dugger George, Lawrence and Louise Forsyth Mike and Elizabeth Harrington Mr. Christian S. Hutter III Master Christian Hutter V Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Kelley Prof and Mrs. Robert Kiely Clara Lambeth Mary Elizabeth and Richard Long Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McCarthy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Travis McDonald Ms. Madeline E. Miller Ms. Louise O’Connor Ms. Sandra Peters Mrs. Gail Pond Mrs. Rosel Schewel Mrs. Rachel Shenigo Frank Otey Smith Joseph Bland Sturdivant Master Henry Wotowiczl “When any original act of charity or of gratitude... is presented either to our sight or imagination, we are deeply impressed with its beauty, and feel a strong desire in ourselves of doing charitable and grateful acts also” 14 Thomas Jefferson, age 29, to Robert Skipwith August 3, 1771 Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Gifts Were Received in Memory of the Following: Robert Q. Barr Robert C. Bainbridge, IV Sidney Bedford, Jr. Mr. Lloyd P. Blackwell Mr. Louis Booth Mr. William Boardman Bowles, IV Norma Brawley Cecilia Shepherd Cambias Lester E. Campbell, Jr. Walker Raymond Cash, Jr. Robert Chase Mrs. Andrew H. Christian Everett K. Cooper, Jr. Rachel and Jack Dieker Hugh and Amelia Foster Robert A. Foyle Elene Essary Gill Mr. Frank Goodman Dr. Phillip W. Handy Mr. Calvin Harris George Bernard Hawkins Paul M. Hawkins Ann Pearson Hicks Mrs. Peter Hutter Elizabeth “Duffy” Hutter Barbara and Maury Jackson Nelson James George G. Keith Mr. Thomas S. Langowski Patricia Leggett Col Robert Marshall Jeanice Midgett Boyd Miller James Earl Miller Mr. Philip M. Minor Harold Monroe Victoria W. Pauley James Leo Roueche, Jr. Dolores Schulke Mr. and Mrs. Albert Charles Scott, Jr. Frank O. Smith Lehman Spry Mr. George T. Stewart, III Mrs. Martha B. Stoll Stephen A. H. Taylour Eliza M. Thomas Larry Thomas Elizabeth Landes Wagner Clara E. “Bessie” (Lee) Walker Mrs. Frances Watts Mr. James O. Watts, III Matthew Wolozin Dr. E. Allen Womack, Jr. “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence We gratefully acknowledge those below whose gifts of goods and/or services helped Poplar Forest fulfill our mission in 2007: Allied Waste Services American Legion Post #16 Color Guard Archaeological Society of Virginia Architect of the Capitol Alan Dordick Studios Walter Bass Bill Barker Joshua Bell The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Ann Conway and family Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University Allan Pell Crawford Nancy Carter Crump Daughters of the American Revolution, Blue Ridge Chapter David Duncan Mary East Kelsey and Luke Fastabend Florida Center for Instructional Technology Florida State Photo Archive GNU Free Documentation License Dave Hall Cheryl Hannam Reverend Janet Hawkins Richard Hawkins Dr. Barbara Heath Mrs. N. VanMeter Hendricks Jack Henley Mary Beth Hoffman Hurt and Proffitt, Inc. Estate of Mrs. Edwin C. Hutter Diane Johnson Jones Memorial Library Kidd’s Services John Kukla The Leya String Quartet Library of Congress Lynchburg Amateur Radio Club Mail America Nancy Marion Massachusetts Historical Society Sheryl K. Mays McDonald Media, Inc. and Sage Moon Gallery Gail Mcintosh Georgia Lee Meadows Mesick Cohen Wilson Baker Architects The Montpelier Foundation National Archives and Records Administration Thomas Jefferson’s Spirit of New London batteau from The New London Museum The Octagon, Museum of The American Architectural Foundation Edmund Potter Aletha St. Romain Carrell C. Rowles Les Schofer Judith Schulz Susan Sihlanick Jackson Smith Greg Starbuck Sweet Briar College Jeff Taylor Thomas Jefferson Foundation/Monticello Jack Thompson Trees Virginia Trish Duncan/Francis Land House The Trust Company of Virginia University of Virginia Library, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library Harry J. Warthen III Jenny West, Norvell-Otey House Wood Wilson +denotes individual is deceased We have taken great care to present an accurate and complete listing of all of our supporters from January 1 – December 31, 2008. If an omission or other error has occurred, we express our sincere regret and ask that it be brought to our attention. 15 g e n e rosity new website unveiled A snapshot of the new homepage. visits,” said Lynn Beebe, President. “It also means that for the first time we can begin to offer new ways to experience everything that is happening here, through features like podcasts. We are deeply grateful to English Construction for making possible this far-reaching project.” a n at i o n a l h i s t o r i c l a n d m a r k P.O. Box 419 1008 Poplar Forest Drive Forest, Virginia 24551 www.poplarforest.org The Corporation for Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Mailed from Zip code 24551 Permit No. 263 THOMAS J EFFERSON ’ S Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID The fresh new look and structure of the website will feature new, multimedia, interactive presentations. “In a world where the Internet is the single most vital communication tool, the new website will engage people more dynamically in discovering Jefferson’s legacy at his retreat and will inspire more in-person Cortina Productions In April, a completely new, redesigned website at www.poplarforest.org will effectively take a worldclass site to a worldwide audience. The dynamic new design was made possible by the generosity of English Construction Company, Inc. in celebration of its 100th anniversary this year. Poplar Forest is working with Cortina Productions, a firm that specializes in arts and humanities online experiences. Cortina has created awardwinning sites for institutions such as the Library of Congress, National Geographic Society, and the Lewis and Clark National Bicentennial.